#;;v: runaway [ffvii]
nerdynanny · 1 year
@cryogenicmuses gets a starter from SHIVA
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"A monster? At night? Nah-- things are pretty quiet here in Wall Market. Well-- as quiet as they can be. Nothin you big boys need to worry about, at least." He sounded strained almost-- normally Shiva could handle himself perfectly fine with guests asking questions at the parlor.
But he was about to have a heart attack when he saw someone from SOLDIER down here. A First, no less.
And on a day when his hair just had to act up.
"You must do a lot of lifting-- with that big sword. Need a bit of a uh-- freshening up? I'd be happy to work on your hands if you're interested. I mean like-- it's not often I get to work on hands that aren't some sort of pampered."
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nerdynanny · 1 year
@poeticphoenix gets a starter from SHIVA
"Not used to seeing SOLDIER come round here but-- your Gil is fine. Madame says so long as you don't cause trouble, you're welcome patrons. Though I should note we don't offer corporate discounts, as we're an independent business." The brunet gave a small bow, politely welcoming the patron to the massage parlor.
"However-- you are one of my top three-- so I might be willing to work out a discount or two if you're interested. Would you like to look at our service menu? Our hand massages are available to all sorts of income levels." Shiva wore a sharp suit paired, instead of with a vest, with a corset that kept his waist nice and cinched. It was the look a lot of the patrons enjoyed-- he was a non-threatening sort of masculine. They'd even started getting women interested in hand massages for his talents.
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"The Madame is away this evening-- however, I am her loyal disciple. You are in excellent hands. My name is Shiva-- a little corny, I know. But my parents named me after a goddess for a reason."
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nerdynanny · 1 year
random hcs: shiva [ffvii au]
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Shiva is primarily a materia user-- dealing damage via magic and focusing on being support rather than a heavy hitter. He stores materia in a myriad of ways-- bracers on his wrists and a rapier-- for when he feels fancy.
Upon his transformation he becomes far more fleet footed and focuses on melee combat rather than meddling with magic. Depending on claws and physical prowess over his magical might. It should be noted that Shiva can lose himself to his emotions if he dwells in his werewolf form for longer than a few hours.
The transformation triggers a swap of his MP and HP bars. Human Shiva has low HP but high MP. Were Shiva is the opposite-- boasting a hefty HP bar with minimal MP.
He isn't the sort to join a party-- and as an NPC he offers escort missions in exchange for quite a lot of Gil. For one reason or another he doesn't seem to struggle much financially-- then again, the public doesn't know his secret.
How he performs in drag at the Honeybee Inn as the Vivacious Violet. It's where most of his money comes from, as he is indebted to Madame M for taking him off the streets and nurturing his natural talents
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nerdynanny · 1 year
"I work two jobs and neither of them are made to GET me anywhere. Sometimes I wonder if running off would be better. Sure as shit would be a lot safer-- I mean with AVALANCHE around and all that." Shiva muttered. It was rare, these moments where he was able to get out to a bar on the plates. But he dressed like he belonged and they assumed he did.
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As long as he kept his emotions in check-- he'd be fine. He looked different enough now than when he'd been a pet project of Shinra's Science Division. Subsequently coming under the purview of Hojo when his tenure rolled around. He bore the scars from his time there-- but in his base form he looked the same as any other human in Midgar.
Yet he was the last of his kind. A relic. A remnant of a people conquered and turned into lab rats.
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