#v: Killer Queen
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stingslikeabee · 2 months ago
@sierra6x . from here
There was a considerable amount of the mirth that got replaced by fondness when Six did not poke her in return but rather acknowledged the time spent away. It wasn't as if Melissa didn't know that his life was hardly a 9-to-5 routine - well, neither was the schedule of a bartender running her own little shady gig, but even then her lifestyle lacked the lethality of his.
Even with the weeks (months? How long had it been, after all?) that had elapsed since the agent's last visit, Melissa still remembered enough to tell he had gone through hell (and survived) once more. The fresh cuts and vivid bruises were not hidden through make-up or any other means; besides, the Killer Queen's usual clientele did not look twice at anyone battered or roughened up - as long as fighting happened outside, even the owner turned a blind eye to it.
Looking at the man over the counter, the brunette casually made her way over to him, choosing to park herself at his side rather than behind it. It was not time for business anyway, and Six had never really been lumped among the others that frequented the place. Instead of adopting the agent's angle, however, Melissa sat with her back to the furniture, canting her head to look at him while both hands crossed over the lap.
"Me? Behaving? You've been gone a while, sure, but not that long," the girl winked with humor, chuckling herself before shaking her head, as if the joke had been a bad one. It wasn't as if the brunette had gone out of her way to look for trouble, but that stuff had a way of finding Melissa when she stood up for her girls or just couldn't keep the mouth shut during certain interactions. The barmaid had been lucky to not get herself in scalding water that required professional help while Six had been away on his own things - he didn't come to her for overtime, after all.
Even heroes needed unwinding.
"But I did not get it dirty or anything - just keeping it warm for you," Melissa shrugged, obviously referencing the jacket before reaching for him and placing a hand atop the nearest arm - pure, hard and unflinching muscle like the rest of the guy, which was both impressive and upsetting. Just how dangerous was his existence for him to keep his body like a machine?
CIA, special ops, foreign spy - Melissa rotated many options in her mind, but never really asked; it didn't matter anyway.
"I missed you, Six. Tell me what I can get you while I enjoy being stylish for some extra minutes," another smirk followed - the barmaid was obviously enjoying that running joke, "You'll take your girl home tonight, I promise."
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stingslikeabee · 2 years ago
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stingslikeabee · 1 year ago
@desiccation . from here
Melissa was confident she had the right address, the time and the person - given everything Lydia had told her, these were the most objective details she would get. The girl that worked shifts at her place was in a tight situation for money, so she picked up some other part-time jobs - at that bar, apparently. Where customers did not behave as nicely as Melissa's (even if that was very removed from what would pass as normal behavior in most establishments) and sought to drug the pretty, female servers.
Now - even if the reach was limited and her own position among the informants and tipsters of the town did not rank as high as her predecessor's, Melissa couldn't just sit down and watch her girls get hurt. There was a reason for remodeling and striving for what little change she could bring to that part of the town - or the business, for the same matter. And if people thought that women were easy prey, well... She was about to teach them a lesson.
Or so that was the idea, even if her target for the evening seemed less than inclined to make conversation with a girl who was obviously trying to get his attention. That was... Unexpected. Lydia was confident that the type who got her in trouble had some friends or companions, but this man was alone now. Well, it had to be him - the eyepatch was there! What were the odds of having another man with a covered eye at the same questionable bar?
(Very high, as Melissa would find out - but only much later.)
"Oh, I'm not looking for a regular, just genuine feedback. No fighting is a good sign compared to the other joints," Melissa nodded and flashed a sweet, warm smile. She was aware that the chosen attire for the night made her stand out a bit - more cleavage than usual, the shorts hugging her legs to leave little for imagination, the boots offering just enough boost for her height to go a bit above average. Claiming the stool next to him was easy enough since it was empty - the real fight would be getting the attention of the bartender, but maybe the old trick of folding over the counter and offering a nice view of her chest would work.
"So, Mr. Not a Regular, what are you having? I'll follow you lead," the woman responded, clearly not intimidated by his seemingly cold reaction to being approached. Melissa moved over the bar next, keen on attracting the overworked bartender over to their side, "If I manage to get that guy's attention, that is. Poor man could use a hand."
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goryhorroor · 1 year ago
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day 31 of horror: 30 new horror movies i watched in october
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npookie0 · 4 months ago
hai hai yk who i am, make that KC x drag queen reader that you totally definitely not didnt ask for in the server
Gasp! Killers and a Drag Queen?
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The reader is a man btw <3 . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Ronin - The Butcher
When he found about you doing drag:
It wasn't a challenge to find out about your little artistic side. Ronin' first visit to your house was how he found you out. The wigs, mannequins with unfinished outfits, your vanity table that looked like a whole war happened on it with how messy it was. Ronin stopped in his tracks to look around your bedroom, you turned around to look at him. "Why did you-" You paused. "Oh. Yeah, I'm a drag queen." You weren't ashamed of it, at least you weren't a edgy serial killer. "Damn, never thought I would see a whole altar of RuPaul." He chuckled when he noticed the posters and even a framed picture of you and said queen. "What can I say, Mama Ru is my biggest inspiration, also Gottmik, but we never met." You clicked you tongue. "So, do you like it?" "Baby, you're an artiste, what is there not to like?" The Butcher's words made you chuckle and roll your eyes.
His reaction for your looks:
Every time your edge-lord boyfriend gets to see your drag queen persona his eyes have that glimmer of interest in them. He watched your movements and ways of speaking change like it's the most interesting thing for him. Whenever your dragpersona has a more creative or complicated outfit Ronin seems eve more amazed. "And you find this comfortable?" He titled his head to the side as you were putting on the last accessories. "Baby, it's not about comfort, I have to destroy those bitches with how good I look." You shot him a confident grin. "Oh, I love this side of you. That blood thirst in your eyes, it's beautiful." He stood in front of you while you were sitting in front of your mirror and stole a kiss from your lips. "You idiot, you have lipstick on you now." You rolled your eyes and checked to see if he messed up your make up, luckily for him he didn't or you would be a widow before your wedding. "Nah, I don't care. You could say that you marked me." He joked and moved a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. "And those wigs aren't heavy?" He raised his eyebrow. You were almost amazed by how interested Ronin was in this topic. Maybe one day you'll persuade him into being your model? Who knows. "This one isn't, but the one for my cake look is heavy as fuck." You murmured. When you have a show:
You can't decide whether he wants to piss you off or just wants to show how proud he is, but with every split, dance move or dead drop you can hear a lot "Yas, queen!" and you don't even need to check who that is to be sure that it's him. He's almost too interactive, he touches you whenever you are close to him, shouts "slay" "go girl" and similar things when you just enter the stage like some teenage girl on her favourite's artist concert.
When he can't be on the show in person but he knows that there is a stream happening he calls the whole server for a watch party, it's now a very important server occasion to watch you perform. When you're stressed:
Ronin is your biggest supporter so when drag stresses you out he's there for you, cradling you in his arms. "I fucking hate it." You whispered against his shoulder. "Am I myself or am I a drag queen who makes a fool out of herself?" Questions like these weren't new. Sometimes media or people made you feel torn between who you really were. Is that confident persona really you? Are you really a man? "You're the only person who can decide that darlin', but in my eyes you're perfect in both ways." He whispered against your hair and kissed you on the temple. "Praise me more." You chuckled and tighten your hold around him. "Why? To feed your ego, nah. We both know how perfect you are babe."
But when it's someone else bothering you, be it a media reporter or a homophobic asshole, they're gone. No one will stress his boyfriend to the extend that he's wondering if drag is for him. You can expect a picture on #killer_shit and a message for you. <@goreboy>: Look a pretty kill just for you Y/N. And somehow his method of lifting your mood worked, maybe you're just crazy? Who knows. You didn't really care anyway, at least you aren't normal.
Angel - The Heartsick Angel
When she found about you doing drag:
Angel found out about your artistic ways when you both were scheduled for the same photoshoot for a fashion magazine. At first it was a little uncomfortable, but then you two relaxed. On your way back to home you had a long conversation about how the drag industry was treating you, you showed her your looks and she was amazed. Angel sometimes invited you as her channel guest and somehow her fans fell in love with you just as much as Maria loved you.
Her reaction to your looks:
You really can pull off the angel theme." You heard a sweet laugh come from behind you. You were in the middle of putting on your new drag look, this time the show's theme was "Holy or Unholy" and as a tribute you decided to go for that angelic theme. "I'm glad to hear that from my inspiration." You smiled and turned to look at her. "Want to finish my make up?" You saw her eyes light up in excitement. Your make ups were more creative and complicated than what she did for her channel, so she would always use any occasion to let her creativity out.
When you have a performance:
When Angel has time to be there, she shows great support, you can see how happy she is. Sometimes she will record your performances to post them on her story or watch them alone back home.
When she can't show up, she will promote your performance and her fans will show up. Maria de la Rosa said to go there, so why wouldn't they listen?
When you're stressed out:
Angel can understand you, there's so much pressure from the press, your fans and other drag queens on you to do well that sometimes it devours you completely. Angel will cuddle with you in silence in these moments, just to let your mind rest for once, without chaos or shiny lights. She will whisper praise and small I love you's here and there.
When it's someone else making you feel that way, you can consider them gone. No one in their right mind will hurt Angel's partner, unless they have a dead wish.
V - for Vengeance
When he finds out about you doing drag:
V found out while he did some research on you, it was actually the first thing he found after getting your legal name out of you. "So you're an artist?" He asked while you both took care of his animals. "Yeah you could say so." You chuckled nervously. "is it weird?" You asked and looked away. "No." His reply was simple. You looked at him in surprise. "There's nothing weird in you finding a way to be creative and express yourself. I think it' beautiful." He smiled softly. V was a huge support, he asked a lot about your looks, sometimes bought you materials or make up products when he knew that you wanted one but you wanted to save money. "it's a gift." He said after you tried to refuse taking the new make up pallet. 'It's an expensive gift, how can I accept it?" You sighed. "I love you V, but I feel like a gold digger." You watched him shake his head in disagreement. "I bought it for you on my own whim, it's not a problem for me to gift you with something you need my love." Your heart melts with every word and soft smile from V. "How am I supposed to win against you?' You groaned and kissed him on the cheek as a "thank you".
His reaction for a new look:
V watched in awe as you put on your new dress, the same dress you worked on for weeks. The man find it fascinating, seeing this artistic side to you, the determination in your eyes, proud smile when you finished your look. "So how do I look?" Your voice brought V back to earth. Now you were standing in front of him in a look that was supposed to resemble a lioness, the theme was "Animal Queerdom" and poor V only understood that the drag looks were supposed to be themed by animals. "You look absolutely beautiful my love. I can see your hard work in every detail." His words made you smile. "Thank you V."
When you have a show:
Of course he is there to watch. Maybe he is not as energetic as other people who came there to witness the show, but he still has a lot of fun. Watching all the artists and seeing the effects of their hard work was always something V enjoyed, and watching a drag show was no different. He knew how long and hard you worked so he could appreciate the work.
When you're stressed out:
V is your biggest supporter, he''s there encouraging you and making sure that you know how proud he is. He will acknowledge your worries and he will not push his opinion, no matter how positive onto you, it's best to let you pour out all your negative thoughts.
V won't kill people who happened to hurt your feelings, unless they really do deserve to be the next meal for his animals. "Their pathetic comments aren't something worth paying attention to my love. You're a vision, the sun amongst the stars. You're so much more than what media says you are." He rub the back of your hand and smiled at you gently. "Why are you so sweet V." You sniffle and hug him.
Misaki - The assassin
When they discovered our drag persona:
Misaki knew about you doing drag ever since your turn your camera on. In your background there were a lot of different things that called you out on it. "You're a drag queen?" They asked, their face curious and excited. Yeah! Although I'm just e beginner." You replied. "That's so cool! Slay queen!" Ever since that day you knew that they wouldn't shut up about you doing drag.
Their reaction for your look:
"Well, how do I look?" Misaki looked at her screen when your camera was turned on and their jaw dropped. "You're just a beginner?! Hell no! You have better skills than I will ever have!" You chuckled at their words. "Ah thanks, I'm not that good though." He blushed a little. Misaki was really in awe with all of the looks, how you could completely change yourself was a shocker for them every time.
Misaki on your shows:
When they visited USA for the first time for that super dangerous assassination they promised to themselves that they will go for every drag show that will feature you just to watch you in the spotlight. "You go girl!' You could hear their voice and it was really hard not to wave back at them instead of continuing the show. You appreciated their support even if sometimes it wall a tad bit annoying to hear their shouting with every split.
When you're stressed out:
They will try their best to support you, be it through the voice call on in real life. Misaki will try to keep your mind off of the doubtful thought and encourage you to take a short break if it's too much to handle. "Babe, you're a beginner. It's normal to stress out. Try to take a short break and focus on yourself." Their voice was calm and gentle, a contrast to their full of energy and happy-go-lucky personality. "Yeah, maybe you're right." You sighed. "I'll take a small break."
it's the same situation when it's people who are the reason for your stress. Although Misaki is ready to fight whoever tries to destroy your confidence.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
They call me mother ;p
i love Drag Race >w< Bye bye hos - N <3
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stingslikeabee · 2 years ago
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artbysarf · 9 months ago
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Finally drew a mermaid for MerMay! It's a super old OC of mine, Nolmaré! She's an orca mermaid living in the Caribbean during the tail end of the Golden Age of Piracy.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year ago
gaze is fixated on the whiskey in front of him, fingers wrapped around the cool glass. it’s funny — arthur hasn’t paid for a single drink in this place ever since melissa’s reaction at their first meeting. not that he’s complaining. after all, he hadn’t needed an apology in the first place, but who the hell would he be to turn down free drinks? 
head turns when she sits down next to him, blue eyes looking her up and down. it always seems that melissa makes it her business to track him down whenever he dares to venture into her bar. it’s rather … endearing, and arthur has indeed grown to look forward to her company. however, given his self-deprecating nature, there is admittedly a small part of arthur that worries he is somehow inconveniencing her with these little trips. that she’s viewing him as a charity case or some bullshit like that. still, it doesn’t do to dwell on those kinds of things. instead, he pushes those thoughts away. now isn’t the time for that ; he can think about that later. right now, he wants to give his undivided attention to melissa. 
he takes a long swig of his drink, the whiskey burning all the way down.  arthur then shifts in his seat, turning so that he is properly facing the woman sat next to him. “ tell me somethin’, darlin’ : do you pay this much attention to every old bastard that comes in here, or am i just special? ”  he teases in greeting, lips twitching with amusement.   “ gotta admit, i think you might break my heart if it’s the former. ”
unscripted asks . always accepting
There were very few things in life that Melissa regretted - not even living apart from her sisters qualified (the only family she had left), since it had allowed the three of them to escape the reach of the asshole they had for a father. But recently, the way she had reacted to Arthur was decidedly in the pile of things that had came back to haunt the woman, thanks to an unfiltered temper and hasty judgement.
Holding a son accountable for the sins of his father was not smart - and believing Arthur to be in league with the man he worked for was just wrong; turned out he was just making ends meet, like many others. His boss could be Melissa's competitor for the questionable clientele around, but Arthur himself was her ally. The brunette didn't have many of those around - and she should have known better before lashing out.
One could hope that free drinks would buy his forgiveness (and ease her conscience for a while).
And now he dropped for visits more often, she had to admit that it was... Nice. Arthur was definitely better, more polite and just overall a decent person when most individuals surrounding them had long rap sheets, Interpol notices or just really deserved karma to hit them on the face.
Despite being on duty herself, the barmaid had dragged a longneck with her. Melissa's fingers played with the top of the bottle, making random patterns over the condensation with a finger and chuckling when Arthur questioned her about the true motive that had her keeping him company instead of working behind the counter and speaking to the clientele.
"Paying attention to the old bastards is what I do - would make me a poor informant and tipster otherwise," the woman replied with a grin, shifting over the stool to face Arthur properly. Bending her right arm over the counter and opening a hand to rest her head upon, the barmaid looked at her companion for a moment, returning the interested gaze with warmth erupting in ambar-colored irises.
"You're not old, though. Don't sell yourself short," Melissa's left hand poked him in the middle of the chest, as if keen to drive that point home. Smiling, the barmaid allowed the free limb to fall down, resting over her legs, "And more importantly: you're not a bastard. It's not a surprise anyone would prefer you over everybody else, sweetheart. Myself included."
At that, the woman suddenly blinked, as if realizing something important. Dropping her more relaxed angle and leaving the bottle unattended for a moment, the barmaid instead inched forward, closing the distance as if she wished to share a secret with Arthur while holding the weight of her torso by pressing down with both palms over her thighs.
"Unless you're telling me I'm not good company? Or not pretty enough to be worthy your time?" a mock gasp followed, but the illusion of the girl being hurt was reduced by the smirking lips, amused eyes and the fact that Arthur had quite literally complimented her a moment ago. "Don't you go breaking my heart with the truth now, sir. I might have to start charging you if you do."
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blackwolfstabs · 8 months ago
This one might be my last Sam carpenter then I’ll move on to Joey (once I watch Abigail)
Ok how would Sam react if somehow she meets (Jenna ortega’s other characters like Vada, Wednesday, and Phoebe) It’s similar to how Spider-Man meets his other crossovers even though those are all different actors but you get my picture?
haha no worries!
hmmm I really think it would depend on which character. because Sam is a complex character, I feel that just looks alone would draw her in to a certain degree but it wouldn’t be enough for her to see them in her corner. does that make sense? like for example:
WEDNESDAY: Sam would get along very well with Wednesday. the love for all-things-dark that Wednesday has would make her feel better and more “normal” with her own dark side. Because of Wednesday, Sam is able to embrace the beauty of her own darkness without feeling like it has to be linked to her serial-killer bloodline, and because of Sam, Wednesday would feel more confident in having compassion and “human” emotions while maintaining a dark reputation.
VADA: Sam sees a lot of herself in Vada, due to her impulsive, reckless, and act-naturally behavior during a time of struggle, trauma, and anxiety. however, she also sees Tara in Vada for the same reasons except with more emotional outbursts and carelessness for the consequences of her actions. Sam would consider Vada as someone she feels she needs to protect and acts as a mentor to her. Tara and Vada get along great so they're around each other a lot.
PHOEBE: by the first look, Sam can clearly see the mask that Phoebe hides behind—with the attitude, punk-rock style, and savage nature. it bothers her a lot, even annoys her, and she’d confront Phoebe about it immediately. hearing her backstory would make Sam ease up on her judgment though. she is also brought back to the same feeling of guilt and regret that she felt when she swore she was the reason Tara’s biological father (her stepfather) left. I don’t see Sam and Phoebe getting very close to each other though, more like a first-and-last encounter.
hope this satisfies! 😁 and ty for asking!
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stingslikeabee · 2 months ago
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Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone / This is How You Lose the Time War
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sillybunnoyd · 1 year ago
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Guys this song fits yippee
“There was this girl who was broken by the world”
“The prom queen has killed for her crown”
“A beautiful and broken mess”
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pop-punklouis · 8 months ago
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silvcrignis · 2 years ago
When The Queen Gets Checked || Keira || Open
F u c k... This was BAD.
Normally she got RID of the pallets when they were used, it wasn’t HARD. She had control of FIRE after all but tonight had been a SHIT trial, being paired up with an IDIOT who refused to actually work WELL with her... That stupid yellow clad FUCK was going to GET it later... Hardly the point. Tonight she’d had to SCRAMBLE, keeping it together because like HELL she was going to lose to a gaggle of sweaty terrified GOOFIES. Of course she had IMMEDIATELY removed the splinter when it had first pierced her skin which had SLOWED the natural poisoning effect wood had on VAMPIRES but she could hardly bunker off mid-trial to BLEED herself! No one would EVER be privy to any sort of weakness from her. NOT the Suvivours, & DAMN well not the other Killers!
Now however she had managed to come out on TOP of that trial as DIFFICULT that had been & she had IMMEDIATELY flitted off, probably confusing the Trickster who had LIKELY expected a face full of CLAW from the ENRAGED ruler of Hell but that could WAIT.
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Now RAZOUR edged teeth had SLICED into where the SPLINTER had pierced, the skin around that point an ALARMING shade of BLACK now, the clearest indicator of now LETHAL blood that could NOT stay in her system any longer. She had managed to PAINSTAKINGLY draw it all out of her, the iron scented venom now smeared across the floor, panting HEAVILY as her now glimmering orange eyes SHOT towards the noise of someone APPROACHING.
"I'm PROPERLY not in the mood for ANYMORE shite tonight so if you come in here it BETTER be QUICK!" she snarled, her fangs beared.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year ago
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Gallant, V. E. Schwab
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reitsportportal · 3 months ago
Die Stockholm Hearts springen zum Sieg im GCL Super Cup - Final von Riyadh 2024
Julien Epaillard und Donatello d’Auge von den Stockholm Hearts Sechs Teams kämpften in der zweiten Runde um den Sieg und die Stockholm Hearts triumphierten In der Entscheidung starteten die Teams in der umgekehrten Reihenfolge ihre Platzierung in der ersten Runde. Der Parcours führte über 12 Hindernisse mit insgesamt 15 Sprüngen mit einer Höhe von 1,60m. Die erlaubte Zeit betrug 82 Sekunden. Die…
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animusrox · 1 year ago
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TOP 10
Past Lives
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Poor Things
The Holdovers
The Iron Claw
Killers of the Flower Moon
MY LETTERBOXD Grade A 11.    The Killer 12.    Beau Is Afraid 13.    Dream Scenario 14.    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 15.    Godzilla Minus One 16.    American Fiction 17.    They Cloned Tyrone 18.     Evil Dead Rise 19.    Eileen 20.    The Artifice Girl 21.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 22.    Talk to Me 23.    Reality 24.    Leave the World Behind 25.    A Thousand and One 26.    Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One 27.    Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. 28.    Theater Camp 29.   Carmen 30.    Merry Little Batman 31.    Priscilla 32.    Society of the Snow 33.    Infinity Pool 34.    Enys Men 35.    Sanctuary 36.    Rye Lane 37.    Skinamarink 38.    Monster 39.    Anatomy of a Fall 40.    Landscape with Invisible Hand 41.    Reptile 42.    Sisu 43.    Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game 44.    No One Will Save You 45.    Tetris 46.    May December 47.    The Zone of Interest 48.    V/H/S/85 49.    Dumb Money 50.    El Conde 51.    Arnold 52.    Maestro 53.    Napoleon 54.    20 Days in Mariupol 55.    Influencer 56.    The Creator 57.    Origin 58.    Thanksgiving 59.    Next Goal Wins 60.    The Boy and the Heron 61.    Bottoms 62.    Wonka
[Press Keep Reading For The Full Graded List]
Grade B
63.   God Is a Bullet 64.    No Hard Feelings 65.    Joy Ride 66.    Fair Play 67.     Cocaine Bear 68.    NYAD 69.    Asteroid City 70.    Nowhere 71.    The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster 72.    Divinity 73.    The Equalizer 3 74.    The Last Voyage of the Demeter 75.    Venus 76.    Butcher’s Crossing 77.    Somewhere in Queens 78.    The Persian Version 79.    Boston Strangler 80.    Polite Society 81.    Miguel Wants to Fight 82.    The Color Purple 83.    The Royal Hotel 84.    Saw X 85.    All of Us Strangers 86.    Fallen Leaves 87.    Ferrari 88.    Elemental 89.    Peter Pan & Wendy 90.    Renfield 91.    Cat Person 92.    Scream VI 93.    The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes 94.    BS High 95.    Blue Beetle 96.    Huesera: The Bone Woman 97.    When Evil Lurks 98.    Dark Harvest 99.    A Good Person 100.    Final Cut 101.    Knock at the Cabin 102.    Quiz Lady 103.    Leo 104.    Air 105.    The Super Mario Bros. Movie 106.    Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham 107.    John Wick: Chapter 4 108.    Beaten to Death 109.    The Wrath of Becky 110.    Passages 111.    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 112.    Gran Turismo 113.    65 114.    Sick 115.    Sister Death 116.    The Blackening 117.    Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain 118.    Flamin’ Hot 119.    Nimona 120.    Cobweb 121.    Totally Killer 122.    What’s Love Got to Do with It? 123.     Sharper 124.    Unseen 125.    Dunki 126.    Bird Box Barcelona 127.    The Marvels 128.    Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Grade C
129.   Wildflower 130.    Freelance 131.    M3GAN 132.    Strays 133.    Sympathy for the Devil 134.    Creed III 135.    Chevalier 136.    The Marsh King’s Daughter 137.    A Haunting in Venice 138.    The Little Mermaid 139.    Silent Night 140.    Master Gardener 141.    The Flash 142.    Fast X 143.    The Pope’s Exorcist 144.    Saltburn 145.    Kandahar 146.    Stand 147.    Plane 148.   Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 149.    Fingernails 150.    Quicksand 151.    Fool’s Paradise 152.    Migration 153.    Rustin 154.    The Covenant 155.    Good Burger 2 156.    The Pod Generation 157.    Alice, Darling 158.    Insidious: The Red Door 159.    Missing 160.    Shotgun Wedding 161.    You Hurt My Feelings 162.    The Boogeyman 163.    Showing Up 164.    Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 165.    Champions 166.    Consecration 167.    The Nun II 168.    Biosphere 169.    House Party 170.    The Exorcist: Believer 171.    Big George Foreman 172.    Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 173.    Children of the Corn 174.    The Beanie Bubble 175.    Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Grade F
176.    Anyone But You 177.    Marlowe 178.    Paint 179.    Extraction 2 180.    It Lives Inside 181.    Deliver Us 182.    Trolls Band Together 183.    Finestkind 184.    Corner Office 185.    Wish 186.    Prisoner’s Daughter 187.    Pain Hustlers 188.    Foe 189.    The Mother 190.    Old Dads 191.    Ghosted 192.    Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken 193.    Haunted Mansion 194.    Mafia Mamma 195.    Five Nights at Freddy’s 196.    The Machine 197.    Justice League: Warworld 198.    We Have a Ghost 199.    What Comes Around 200.    Legion of Super-Heroes 201.    The Boys in the Boat 202.    Attachment 203.    Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre 204.    About My Father 205.    You People 206.    Meg 2: The Trench 207.    Pathaan 208.    Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire 209.    Assassin 210.    Dalíland 211.    Vacation Friends 2
Bottom 10
212.    Sound of Freedom 213.    Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 214.    When You Finish Saving The World 215.    Heart of Stone 216.    Family Switch 217.    Expend4bles 218.    Sweetwater 219.    Hypnotic 220.    80 for Brady 221.    Spinning Gold
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