#number one is seph obvi like this man would not be able to SPEAK in the presence of sephiroth
nerdynanny · 1 year
@cryogenicmuses gets a starter from SHIVA
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"A monster? At night? Nah-- things are pretty quiet here in Wall Market. Well-- as quiet as they can be. Nothin you big boys need to worry about, at least." He sounded strained almost-- normally Shiva could handle himself perfectly fine with guests asking questions at the parlor.
But he was about to have a heart attack when he saw someone from SOLDIER down here. A First, no less.
And on a day when his hair just had to act up.
"You must do a lot of lifting-- with that big sword. Need a bit of a uh-- freshening up? I'd be happy to work on your hands if you're interested. I mean like-- it's not often I get to work on hands that aren't some sort of pampered."
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