#;;ooc;; Sorry I'm not using icons
piningpercussionist · 24 days
how many (distinctly different) asks can i put in before they get annoying?
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(ooc: just putting this in the body of the post to be sure you see it, but. This is very much just the Kim answer! I am still behind on asks because of Life Stuff and have a bunch left to get to sometime, but yall are always free to send me literally as many as you guys want. If I get repeats I'll bundle em or delete 'em- responses still just might be a while. And ty for the asks!)
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feyarchived · 7 months
someone: hey shelley, is there a reason you dislike the n.everland o.uat arc so much, or is it just because it's so fucking dark
me: welllllllll, if the shoe fits
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fastfists · 21 days
Silly story for today, but my wifu sent me the actual SEGA mandates and the one that made me laugh my ass off was this one rule. APPARENTLY male characters are not allowed to EVER wear pants or have outfits that include pants and female character MUST wear pants or something that cover up their lower half. Also apparently they're only allowed outfit changes for special events; ie extreme weather conditions or special events.
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lcngdays-archive · 1 year
Okay! So, i wanted to clear something up I realized wasn't very clear on the last poll. So! Here is another one!
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doublebattled · 2 years
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i should find a fc for hilda but like 1. i'm so goddamn picky and 2. god. making icons
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nearly five hour video on sherri papini by dreading on youtube? don’t mind if i do while possibly doing character banners.
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spkyscry-aa · 1 year
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So many lost icons...
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 years
"Hey there, Mister Buck... I just wanna check in. I know shit's rough these days. How ya doin, big guy? You ok?"
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There was something about sleep depravation that could turn Bucky into the biggest idiot in the room. An excellent example of that was that there was a pause as Bucky frowned at Milo, and it was sheer luck that meant he didn't voice the thought of 'how do you know?!'
Maybe Milo's powers didn't work like that, but Bucky didn't know one way or the other and he was better off not asking questions that could be stupid.
"M'great, kid," he said dryly, possibly being sarcastic but he'd never tell either way. That was his secret and he was taking it to his next grave. "You ain't gettin' into trouble, right?"
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mrsnancywheeler · 10 months
midnight rain // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: finnick had pulled the plug on your relationship long ago, when he could no longer keep from you what he'd been forced into. but after you've returned victorious from your games, he knows you need him as the nightmares come for you each time you close your eyes.
chapter two
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warnings: descriptions of gore, violence, character death, hurt/comfort, allusions to trafficking, secrets, inaccurate timeline, finnick might be ooc idk I'm not good at telling lmao, part one ??, unedited, ANGST, fluff, no use of y/n, pet names like angel and my love, the title will make more sense when I get all my ideas out in the possible next part, so long, I'm so sorry
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Waking up in his arms is what saved you, every night when you were thrown back into that arena shivering in the cold, the warmth of him wrapped around you would guide you back to safety.
Did you even have that? Comments made in passing by former victors and my Finnick’s attitude made your stomach turn. What truly lay ahead for you post the games? You couldn't focus on that yet though, right now you'd just have the muster up the courage to finish up the grand Victory Tour. Your reward for losing your humanity, for the blood staining your hands.
Finnick grumbled into your shoulder as he began waking from his own so-called rest, which you could only imagine became more torturous as time went on. Or not, maybe you'd become more numb to it as the present forced itself onto you rather than the ghosts of the past. Sunlight streamed down on his bronze skin, he nearly shimmered. It was as if the gods knew he deserved to be blessed with something for all the tribulations he faced.
“I'm supposed to be the one watching you sleep." His saccharine voice filled your senses like honey, the sound of sleep adding a rasp, in the mornings he was like honey and toast.
“Sorry I couldn't resist your charms and I didn't want to disturb your rest, golden boy." You smiled as he raised his eyebrows at you.
“Your rest is much more important, it's your Victory Tour. You've got people to face and impress, be the Capitol’s Princess." He said it with a smile you could melt for, but behind his tone you could sense bitterness. Unsaid words he wasn't ready to reveal to you, something that had broken you apart one, and then led him back to you, into his warmth.
“Finnick-" It was a hidden tone that terrified you. What had he been keeping locked behind those honey-dripping, sweet-talking lips for so long? When would he hand you the golden encrusted key to his secrets?
“Come on you need to get dressed, angel. You have impressions to make.” He didn't want to talk about it, he knew when you were trying to pry and wasn't ready to reveal what he kept hidden. You did need to get ready though, today was District 7, the allies you'd had to betray. Just the thought of it made you want to retreat further into the warmth of the bed, the blankets, of his arms but he was unwrapping himself from you without another word.
Maybe if he couldn't tell you were trying to make him reveal things he would be slower and gentler about preparing you for what lay ahead, but he didn't want to stare into your pleading eyes and spill his secrets. Which is why he'd torn himself from your love in the first place.
"Stay on the script, you did what you had to do to survive. Charm, but it's not the families you're doing it for, it's them.” Them, the Capitol, eagerly awaiting your filmed performance. You nodded as Finnick wrapped his robe around himself. He made no eye contact as he left the train car and you felt yourself running cold. You were alone again, with your thoughts, soon your Capitol assigned team of designers would be here to dress you up like a paper doll.
You were frail and delicate, but lethal when it came down to it. Your tears were iconic for fragile femininity, but manipulation to win against those with stronger senses. An image you still needed to abide by, even if you'd rather lay down and fall into your head for eternity, punishing yourself for it all.
There he stood, face firm as he readied the hatchet to slice straight through your brain.
“Birch, you don't really want me dead. We don't have to turn on each other, we can talk about it." You reasoned, tears brimming your eyelids.
“Why? Like how you were planning to talk to him about it too?" Birch nodded to the lifeless body nearby.
“He attacked me!" You defended, that would be the argument. The sweet tribute who had such a big heart, but did what she needed to survive.
“Because he knew you were trying to use him, sorry we couldn't all fall for your charms. All of us have homes, families to go back to. Of course I don't want you dead, but they need me.” He was pleading too and if you looked hard enough you could swear he was about to cry. Before you could say another word the hatchet flew from his hand and you dodged it just in time. Birch began sprinting towards you. If he got his arms around you there was no doubt he could snap your neck in a split second. His strength was one of the reasons he was such a good pick to ally with.
You were unsteady on your feet as you ran away, fumbling for something to throw, to block his advances. The hatchet had lodged itself into the ground not far from you, he knew you were going for it and the adrenaline was speeding him up. You grabbed it, stumbling forward as soons as it was within your grasp, turning forward. He was so close and paused a second. You'd be more dangerous close by then at a distance now, he'd helped you practice throwing different weapons in training which you were decent at. Decent enough to be a threat, decent enough that he regretted it, decent enough that you regretted it too, using his kindness to win against him.
But this was all too slow, he needed to either win or lose. So he gave up on the reason and barreled forward. You barely had enough time to think as you pounded forward as well, slicing into him, not deep enough to kill, but enough to injure, for him to stumble back a second. You didn't have time to take a second and thrusted the hatchet straight into his chest, definitely deep enough to kill. The sight of the blood trickling down his bottom lip as he fell backward blurred your vision. She was still left, you didn't have time to feel guilty yet you did.
“Mom, Laurel-” He choked out before he went completely stiff and the cannon rang out. Flashes of his mom and his little, 10 year old sister, shivering and shaking by her mother and his image stared with cold eyes at you. Giving your grand speech about his bravery and next thing you knew you were screaming.
“Hey, hey it's okay. You're not there, you're right here. I've got you." Warm hands shook your shoulders as you woke with sobs wracking through your body.
That's the problem you thought your mind was racing awake, he had people to take care of you had selfishly picked your family over his, over all of there's.
“I know, I know, I've got you." Finnick enveloped you within his arms as you let your tears streak down his shoulder.
“How am I supposed to look at them, Finnick? How am I supposed to congratulate them for their child’s bravery when I took their babies away from them?” Your voice was creaky and louder than you'd expected.
He pulled you off his shoulder, facing you, his sea green eyes pouring into yours. “With a smile, this isn't about them, or for them. This is for Snow, you're still playing the game. I can't tell you it gets better, but you have to remember he's watching and you need to follow his rules." You nodded robotically, the old Finnick would have comforted you more. But, this Finnick was still recovering too and he was doing his job as a mentor. Keeping you safe from the vultures and their outrage if you didn't play the Capitol’s Princess good enough.
“Can you stay?" You whispered, even though he always did.
“Of course, angel." He pressed his warm lips to your forehead, engulfing you within his arms. You lay with him knowing if you fell back asleep with images of her family would echo within your soul, haunting your dreams. Finnick would ground you back, his comfort would stop you from screaming in the real world, keep your protected, but not the flashes of what you'd done. “You need to sleep, you have to do it all again tomorrow."
“I know." You wiped down a stray tear streaking down your face. He looked serene in the moonlight glow even if his eyes spoke a different tale. One of worry, one wondering how much longer until the waterfall poured himself out to you. “Finnick, I know things aren't the same between us, they haven't been, and I don't know if you even want them to be. But please, please don't ever leave me. I need you, to keep me from just floating completely away. To remind me why I won."
Your choppy voice broke his heart even more, he didn't know how much longer he could do this to you. He wanted to be as he had been for you, but the chains bore too heavy right now. There was too much on your plate to add more brutality to it.
“I would never even consider it, angel. I felt selfish for it, but you keep me grounded too. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you." His voice was softer than usual, wasn't as teasing, it was so pure, so lost.
“You're not selfish, Finnick. I know you've always just wanted to keep me safe, even if I don't know from what and you can tell me in your own time. I'll wait for you to come back to me."
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You were so sweet, so in need of his protection. He couldn't let them do to you as they did to him, but there was nothing he could do to protect you except keep it away as long as possible.
“You need to try and rest, sweet girl." You hummed in response, knowing that wouldn't happen.
“Just you and me then." Her voice was always so rich, accented and friendly but strong. It was like dark chocolate, with a hint of caramel and raspberries. But now, it was exhausted. You'd trusted her more then anyone else, related to her even if your tactics were different. Even when the men had tried to split up as if it was District against District. Really they'd just been trying to get the two “weaker" girls out of the way so they could fight it out amongst themselves. Marlowe had been much too smart for that though. She'd fled from Birch the moment she sensed his demeanor change.
You'd both silently hoped the other would be dead, so that it wouldn't come to this. You and Marlowe fighting for your lives, your families, all as a silly little dance, a pageant for the rich.
“Just you and me." You repeated back, voice so soft it could be caught in the wind and drift away, feathery.
“I'd say we should just split up and wait to see who dies out first, but we both know you're much more popular than I am." She smirked with sadness twinging her features.
“They like you, Marlowe. You're fierce."
She laughed harshly, “So are you, but you've balanced it out. Anyways I'm sure if we did do that they'd send something out for us. It's all for the show, isn't it?" Marlowe wouldn't cry but you could feel the exasperation, the anger, the tears that would never spill in her wavering voice. “Isn't it?" She shouted into the sky. You could tell she was giving up in a sense, not scared of angering the Capitol. But that didn't mean she wasn't still a threat, if anything her wrath made her more of a danger in the moment. So as she started into the sky you made a run for it, grabbing the spear left by Conway. Oh, Conway.
There was no time to dwell on Conway or Birch. Right now you need to focus on your plan, gaining the upper hand. You needed to be in the water. Which wouldn't be hard, this was a marshland after all. Spear in hand you ran as fast as you could, enough distance would give you enough time to think of a more solid plan. Marlowe shouted your name, but you ran until your legs tumbled into the warm water, sweat ran down your face as the mugginess clung to your skin. You whipped around to where her footsteps headed towards you, gripping for dear life onto that spear.
“Was this your plan all along? That's what Birch always said, you'd play the part of a darling, of a ready to cry her heart out sweetheart just to stab us all in the back, especially with that training score.” She shook her head, dismayed. " But I get it, I really do. This is what they do, pin us against each other. If you wanted me to die you would have thrown that at me, but you haven't. But I can still win this thing.” The tears were burbling up again and before you could throw the spear into her she'd tackled you from the side.
Your lungs filled with the muddy water and you gasped for air that wasn't there. How ironic it would be, you ran for the water to have the upper hand and it would be the end of you. Your grasp had loosened on the spear and you desperately tried to find it in the water. Your arms failed, you kicked forward, but Marlowe was just as strong as Birch would have been. For a second you were able to lift your face out of the water and take a gasp of air before her hands plunger you back into uncomfortably warm water.
You saw images of Finnick, how disappointed he would be in you. How heart wrenchingly broken he would be to know he pushed you away to ‘protect you’ and there you were dead in the dirty marsh water. You wanted him back desperately, for him to trust you again, let you back within the walls of his mind. Suddenly your hands finally wrapped around the spear you'd been desperately searching for. With all the energy you had left in you, eyes searching through the murky water you aimed as much as you could.
Suddenly her rough fingers holding you down loosened and you forced yourself up, gasping for air. Hands still on the handle of the spear and you felt the warmth of a thicker liquid falling down on you. Straight from her neck, you'd gone straight through her throat. The cannon rang out, a voice proclaimed you the victor of the annual Hunger Games, but all you could do was bawl. Mumbled apologies, she didn't deserve this, nobody did.
Pictures of her mother and father glaring into you for taking away their only baby as you announced your loyalty to the righteousness of Panem. You weren't screaming yourself awake.
Finnick hasn't fallen back to sleep, but your sniffles and the feeling of your hot tears on his arms made him glad he hadn't. That he could be here for you when you woke up once again, needing to know there would be no more death. Other things like ahead, but there would be no more arena.
“Angel, it's okay. Let it out, I'm here for you." He spoke with so much confidence that your drowsy self simply nodded as you cried and tucked yourself into his arms even more.
“Finnick?" You mumbled out through your groggy mind and tear filled throat.
“Yes, my love?" Even when your vision was blurred he looked ethereal, a god send in your time of need.
“Can you just tell me something happy, just whisk me away, please?" Finnick kissed the top of your head.
“Of course." The begging way you said it, pumped his veins with guilt. He's been too harsh, too much of a realist. Which wasn't how your relationship operates, he couldn't just talk to you like a mentor when you'd always meant so much more than that.
“Angel, after we get through this we're going to live in a beautiful house overlooking the beach. I'll annoy you but dragging you out to fish-” He began before you interrupted him.
“You could never annoy me, Finnick." You said softly and he pressed his finger to your lips.
“Shhhh, just listen and rest. I'll annoy you and boss you around it, as you like to say. I'll collect sea glass to make you beautiful things, we'll dance in the sand, and every second I'll think about your hands in mind, your soft hair wrapped in my fingers, your lips on mine. We’ll be so drunk on our own pleasure all of this will be a figment of your imagination, I'll cook for you, and we'll get dressed up to go nowhere before we just end up swimming the night away." Maybe he was lying maybe if Snow had his way it would break you like it had broken him, but maybe with your kindhearted way you'd simply build him back up and your bond would be stronger than ever.
Sorry this is so long, but I left out so much I was thinking about. Especially about the games so maybe there'll be a part two if y'all want. Thanks for reading, likes, reblogs, and comments are much appreciated.
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lynxtheserval · 8 months
Can i request Self-awake! Yandere! Illumina x player! reader? reader main sword
deadass kinda hard to write with limited information so I'm so sorry if it's bad or ooc!
Also! This wasn't the best writing I've done so I'm so sorry for that, but schools been hella crazy ngl
Might do a part 2 if y'all want , but it might take a while to make haha
Self-Aware!Yan!Illumina x player!reader
(TW: not as hard on the yandere aspects, but still a tw for stalking (kinda), kidnapping (also kinda), and curse words)
It was a normal day for you, at first at least. You got up, went to your classes in college, went back to your dorm, and played a Roblox game for a little while. You played Slap Battles for a good moment or two until you got bored of slapping children off a cliff with your overpowered paid glove. You then got back onto your favorites page, and saw a game you haven't played in like… a week.
It seems it got some sort of update, because the game icon changed to… some sorta deity looking thing. You didn't know much about the lore, you were mostly just playing the game for the gameplay. You had no idea what or who the icon was showing, but you went into the game without a second thought.
It loaded up like normal, same old music, same old map, same old characters… seems like nothing much has changed.
So you picked your main, Sword, and got into the game. You went to where Zuka was, pressing all the buttons you needed to get into the game.
It loaded.
And loaded.
And loaded.
Why the hell was it taking so long?
You started getting a little frustrated, and made an audible sigh of annoyance. You tried to close the game, but.. you couldn't? You went to the task manager, and tried closing Roblox from there, but Roblox didn't even show up! In fact.. nothing did. Your computer was messed up. You tried to turn off the computer as a whole, but surprise surprise, it didn't turn off.
“What the fuck..?” You murmured.
Then your computer froze completely. You tried clicking every button, tried turning it off AGAIN, and anything you could think of, until the computer suddenly unfroze.
You looked back up at the screen, and you saw you were.. still in Phighting, somehow. You were still in Crossroads, But every other player was gone, and all the NPCs were too, you were alone.
“What the hell..?” You decided to look around the map, or the middle part of Crossroads at least.
Then you saw something in the chat. A name in purple-ish white text. A name reading: Illumina.
“Hello, I've been waiting for your arrival, Y/n.”
It.. it knew your name. Not your username, but your ACTUAL FUCKING NAME. Your own computer doesn't even know your own name! You use your username for everything!
You managed to type in the chat:
“Hello? How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot about you, my dear. Now why don't you come meet me face to face, hm?”
Your computer froze again. Then, out of nowhere, your body started hurting, your ears started ringing, your eyes got blurry, your head started aching, it felt like you were dying. You soon passed out.
You woke up startled. You quickly sat up, but your head didn't seem to be feeling too great. Once your vision calmed down and you were able to see again, you looked around at where you were. You seemed to be in some brightly lit white room with no door and no windows. You got up from the oddly comfortable bed you woke up in and stood up. And with a thud, you fell onto the floor, your legs giving up on you.
“You won't be able to walk for a few hours, Y/N. So stop trying.”
You heard a voice, intimidating and masculine in nature. You looked up towards the voice.
A man, or what looks to be a man, was looking down at you. A bright figure, with one wing, dressed in mostly flowy clothes. He was wearing mostly white, but had a hint of purple in his outfit as well. Not to mention, one purple horn protruding from the left side of his head, with two other small horns coming out of the main one.
You moved to try to get up again but before you could, the man picked you up, and placed you back on the bed. You both made eye contact, his eyes… they were completely white, and bright, they seemed like they would blind you if you looked in them too long. He took notice of this, and smiled slightly.
“Good morning, love. Are you feeling okay? Humans.. I do not know if they handle world transportation well.”
“I.. who.. who are you..?” You managed to ask, it was hard for you to talk, it seemed.
“I am Illumina, and you are Y/N, such a lovely name.”
He placed a pale hand on your cheek, and laughed a little when you tried to pull away. You were confused, and scared, but you felt so.. weak, that you didn't have enough energy to push back too hard.
“Y/N, do not worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
“Wh..what do you mean..? Wh..where am I..?”
“You're home.”
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xinyuehui · 3 months
Link Click live action drama EP1-4 thoughts
Where to watch: Bilibili (no eng subs at the moment) Bilibili English site (Releasing on Jun 22, assuming it will have subs)
After seeing the atrocious live-action adaptation of Fox Spirit Matchmaker, all hope is lost. But the Link Click drama is produced by the same team who adapted Hikaru no Go (Qi Hun), which was good. Let's see how this goes…
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The screenwriter said this is a prequel, but I disagree. I would describe it as taking the Link Click universe and creating a canon adjacent edition of it, an AU to the original. The outline of the story is very similar, but the finer details and premise are very different from those of the donghua.
In the donghua, the boys were already engaged in time travelling, and we learn later on that they met at university. So far, it has never been explained how they discovered their superpowers.
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Whereas in the drama they changed the premise, Cheng Xiaoshi meets Lu Guang for the first time when Lu Guang rescues him from being beaten up by a fish vendor...interesting choice of first meet...Cheng Xiaoshi explains that he was born with a natural instinct, but it's not exactly clear what the superpower is. Qiao Ling is also unaware of Cheng Xiaoshi's superpowers.
Instead of Emma, we have Zhang Xueting, a corporate worker that face injustice. But in this case Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't take over her body, but some other guy. The relationship she has with her parents and the iconic line "Dad, mom, I miss you" is no longer in the drama. I feel like this one is a miss since the family aspect has been shifted.
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Then the noodle lesbians...haven't appeared, unless they moved that to a later episode???
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Following the donghua, the next one is Chen Xiao who went back in time to say final words to his loved ones before the earthquake. This one made me cry once again 😭
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Everything has changed. OOC at some moments in my opinion. Since season 3 of the anime is not released yet, I'm taking a wild guess that the drama will have an original ending as well. The donghua team appears to have no involvement with the production of the drama.
Qiao Ling is not just a landlady, she is also a journalist at her day job. By the looks of it, helping people will be executed through her reporting profession, and it seems like she will have a lot more involvement compared to the donghua.
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Her parents also comes into the story, her parents on the right in the screenshot below. They run a restaurant. Cheng Xiaoshi is very close to them and helps out some times.
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Cheng Xiaoshi is portrayed as someone with no real job, he hasn't gone to university and uses idioms incorrectly. Obviously Lu Guang couldn't have met him at uni in this universe. He's a lot more exaggerated and cartoony. I have mixed feelings about this.
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Because of the casting, Cheng Xiaoshi is shorter than Lu Guang. I'm sorry to all the girlies who were into canon tall Cheng Xiaoshi 🙏
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Lu Guang now has a back story, he has a teacher who passed away that taught him about time travelling?? He briefly mentioned he found the Cheng Xiaoshi they were looking for. Looks like they will unveil the superpowers origins in the drama.
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^ A glimpse of the teacher in his memory. Can you believe it's Yuen Kingdan?!?
The overall acting from the cast is fairly well done. There are several actors acting as Cheng Xiaoshi at the same time, and it still feel like it's the same person. Anyone who watched the Hikaru no Go live action will find familiarity here, as some of the actors from that production are also part of this one.
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It's okay so far, although that might change as it airs. It's difficult to digest if you treat this as a faithful adaptation (I know the none cdrama fans have been questioning why Lu Guang don't have white hair). However, if you watch it like it's an AU, and resist the urge to compare it, it's not unwatchable.
I do have one small complaint, the drama should have had a different title because now it's going to get mixed up with the donghua content when people look it up.
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One last thing. The ending song slaps hard!
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askcometcare · 8 months
how did u get the idea for the emoji icons? and can we make our own for our characters :pleading:
OOC: a few years back i made edits of official twemoji animal emojis (pngs at the time) to be sparklecare characters! they're really outdated and old and crusty because i only used pngs at the time, but when i started working on cometcare i thought it would be a cute little thing to make the profiles unique.
i'll try and explain how i do this as best as i can, sorry if this is confusing!
for context, twemoji is an open-source emoji font that is officially made by twitter. it's what discord uses for its default emojis! it's completely free. you can find all the assets and svgs here on the official github page. to edit them, go into the 'assets' folder after downloading and find your chosen emoji by scrolling for it in the 72x72 folder, these are all pngs.
unfortunately, the files arent sorted by name of what it is, but instead just letters and numbers. once you find the one you want, copy-paste the file name and search it in the svg folder (as the svg has the same file name as the png version) and copy it into your vector editing program.
its kind of a hassle to navigate through these repeatedly because there's SO MANY OF THEM, so what i recommend doing is copy-pasting all of the animals (and other objects if you want to do stuff like use the tophat like i did for soob) into one big svg canvas (or a folder if you want, but i recommend the canvas just so its easier) and copy and re-use them for each of your characters. i also recommend scaling up the image so when you export it, it's not super small and you can put it in an art program to make the icon.
you absolutely can use this idea, no need for credit! if you don't know how to work with vectors, it's relatively easy to learn, check out inkscape since its a free program! there's also paid programs like adobe illustrator but inkscape is something i learned to use in a high school art class so i'm pretty familiar with using it
you can use this method for basically anything you want, you don't need to limit it to toyhouse icons or anything! you can make custom emoji for servers and stuff too if you want :]
in theory you can make edits of the regular pngs, but its not as easy to edit the colors as it is in a vector editing program and can make the lines crusty
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moldybonessmell · 2 months
// TUA season 4 SPOILERS
This season was absolutely horrendous, not gonna lie.
My scientific diagram regarding something that used to be my favorite show:
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There's absolutely nothing I like about new season.
Now, more specifically, things I hate:
Klaus being traumatized for no reason and having no character development for 2 seasons straight (see rant).
Ben preaching eternal love and hooking up with a girl he met like a day ago while people around puke venom cum😃.
Right away, adding the "comedic gore" which is a sin for so many recent shows and TUA went the same annoying and overplayed route. Bloody scenes were cool when it was Five killing people with an iconic background music and stuff, but not the gore for the gore's sake.
By the way, music game is so weak this season, they literally took out the best part of the show that has become its trademark, what are creators doing???
Storyline with Diego thinking Lila is cheating and them being drowned in family life would have worked if it was in a different show, but it's TUA and it's boring as hell, sorry. (Maybe dont get like 3 kids if it's so difficult??? idk man)
Luther is stripper? Seriously? Completely unprovoked. Made for comedic sake once again, and I don't respect that. They didn't know what to do with his character and made him into comic relief, how unexpected /sarcasm.
Tension between Lila and Five, really? You took the best platonic dinamic, them actually being sibling-coded, and made it into romance? I have zero respect left. I do not care it was 6 years for them, I truly don't give a fuck. I cringed so hard. I just wanted to turn it off completely. Episode 5 is VILE, especially RIGHT AFTER Diego recognising family is more important than work. These scenes being one after other is diabolical. Also, Five hiding "the way home" for 5 months?? OOC as hell, if you ask me. You know what even more OOC and dumb? Five fighting Diego over Lila when The Cleanse is the bigger problem at the moment. (How did Five even end up on the floor, he's like the best killer in timeline??)
" - Why did I wait to take the shot.. - Maybe because you're a good man after all." No the fuck he's not. Reginald Hargreaves is not a good man. In neither timelines. The way the show tries to make him a gray character and make us like him is cringe as hell, just stop.
When I found out last season is only 6 episodes long I was upset, but at the time I finished episode 4 I just couldn't wait till the season is over.
(I had to finish it tho, for a slight possibility it's gonna get better and my rant posts to be relevant you know).
Honestly, I'm just glad it's over. The less seasons the less possibilities for the show to get even worse.
"I think we're alone now" as a closing song was a good choice tho.
Edit: I haven't checked the tags before posting and can't believe like 20 people have already used the horse meme before me guess we all thought the same bruh
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thefangirlfever · 6 months
Miguel O'hara x !bimbo girlfriend
Tags: F/M, femme character, fluff, alternate universe, a bit suggestive, I hope this is not too cringe for ya’ll, maybe a bit OOC, soft Miguel O'hara
Notes: I’ve seen this trend on many accounts, especially @xxxsugarbonesxxx and even if I do not identify as a bimbo myself, I wanted to give my own twist to this trope.
The more I was writing this thing, the more I started to doubt that I even knew what a bimbo was. I’m so sorry ToT but for reference, when people say bimbo, I think of Elle Woods in Legally blonde.
I hope you'll enjoy this small headcanon. It's just for fun and an excuse to write some more fluffy and smitten Miguel O'hara. It's not my best work so far but I'm slowly getting back to writing after this awful month.
So...a bimbo, huh?
This would mean all pink, glitters and long lashes with fake blond hair? Honestly, she is quite fitting the stereotype and that was the first thing Miguel thought when he saw her. The woman was strutting down in the lobby of Alchemax, walking on heels that would be defying the law of gravity. It was truly a mystery how she could manage to walk like this with such high heels. To a certain extent he was impressed. The second thing he noticed was just how pink she was overall. Only her labcoat was a different, but she still managed to add some clips on her collar.
If a Barbie had came to life, she would look like this. She was looking like some scientist Barbie came to life.
He was even more surprised when he saw her in the lab, typing something on her computer with the sound of her acrylic nails making a small “click-clack” that filled up the small space. He wasn’t sure that these things that could poke an eye out were very safe in a lab but he soon realized how prejudiced he was. The woman standing there was very aware of the lab protocole and always made sure to respect the safety rules. Plus, she was not any scientist working there but the assistant of the head of this new project, making her his assistant.
When Miguel had checked her resume, he felt quite stupid for judging her so fast. She was major of her promotion, the youngest intern to have reached such a high rank in 20 years at Alchemax and her name appeared on many papers and projects. At this point, when he realized that, he was practically a fanboy, wanting to ask her opinion on every small subject that had a link with dark mass or quantum physics.
But there was still something he couldn’t understand...why the pink bows and glitters? Because, as much as this woman was competent, no one was really taking her seriously. If she changed her looks, then maybe people would stop acting around her as if she was some dumb blonde. Miguel once saw one of their coworkers explaining to her how the elevators worked when she was already there for a month.
What surprised him even more was that no matter how many times people would make fun of her or simply dismiss her opinion during a meeting, she just kept on smiling. He could not understand how she always kept her cool around condescending people. He knew himself and he was sure he would have already gone mad if someone talked to him this way. In fact he would quickly take the habit to clap back at the coworkers who made fun of her.
He couldn’t really explain why he felt so invested in this but he couldn’t stand this or accept the fact that something or someone would make her sad or upset. This woman was literally a ray of sunshine, always talkative curious and exhibiting such a bubbly personality. She was the exact opposite of him in every single way and after some time, Miguel realized he didn’t want her to change. He used to think that the most simple way for her to fit in was to just change her looks but he realized that he didn’t want that… He had grown used and fond of her weird, glittery, hyper femme look. He would not define himself as a fashion icon, quite the opposite even but it was always fun to watch how she was dressed on. Some days, she would channel glam Jackie Kennedy with a tailored suit, or rock a Y2K set that just enhanced her shapely body and some days she would just go full fairy tale princess mode with the most outrageous level of ruffles, pearls and lace an outfit could ever hold. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes away from her. He was truly admirativ of her good taste; coordinating outfits and accessories in a way he would never be able to do in a million years, but also impressed at how unapologetically herself she was.
Miguel liked when they were working together in the lab without anybody else. He was a rather closeted person, not talking much with the others, but she just had a way to crack his shell. She was a very talkative person, always smiling and open. Miguel knew people far less competent than her who acted like they were the shit, but her, she never made people feel like they were under her level or anything like that.
She was also a bit touchy, not in an inappropriate way, but she would rest her hand on his arm, lean closer to him while they were working or grab his arm on the way to the cafeteria. He is not used to this in the beginning but as they keep interacting with each other, he slowly grows more comfortable with this, even returning some small gestures as time goes by, like placing his hand on her back or shoulder as he holds the door for her or when he lets her go first in the elevator.
They have grown comfortable enough with each other and finally feel free to talk about other things than work. She has so much enthusiasm when she talks, even about the smallest things. Whether she is talking about the latest breakdwon in Science or her favorite fashion designer, he can just listen to her, in awe. Does he care about things like make up, cute coffee shops and fashion? No. Would he listen to her talking about these for hours just because of the way her eyes shine and how she moves her hands while talking? Absolutely yes.
When they start dating, Miguel realizes just how much she was actually holding back with him. She was way more touchy and bubbly once they got closer. Not that he would complain. He likes when she hugs him without saying a word, feeling her sugar vanilla perfume tingling his nose, how it stays on his own clothes...He likes when she kisses him goodbye with a small peck on his cheeks, leaving a mark with her lip gloss. It always makes her laugh how flustered this man can be in these moments with a giddy smile painted on his lips as he keeps admiring her shiny lips tainted in some exotic color he didn’t know the existence of like ‘acid strawberry’.
Miguel who got slowly invested in her fashion choice. He would act uninterested when she talks about it just to tease and annoy her, but in the end he loves watching her twirling in her new frilly dress or trying to make him guess what she is going to wear on their next date.
The first time she mentions to him that she had a dog, he is imagining some sort of chihuahua or any of these ratty dogs – just to fit even more to the stereotype. But he is utterly surprised the moment he goes through her door and a large Staffy tackles him. The dog is overly friendly, just like her, and well-trained. His glitter collar oddly fits him and Miguel can’t stop grinning every time the dog looks at him with his head tilted to the side, on of his ears turned-in.
It’s a little hard for him to admit but he likes her place, no matter how girly it looks. It just feels very comforting. The place is warm, always filled with a nice scent, cute pillows, heart-shaped frames on the walls and so many vivid colors. It looks like a bubble out of this world. And he enjoys staying there, whether it’s just for a small dinner with her or for one of their movie nights. He really has a lot to catch up on rom-com but they are working on it. Surprisingly, he finds himself really invested in these stories and even liking them; the fact that they can make out during the movie only adds to the fun.
After some time dating together, she finally accepts for him to let some of his stuff at her place, even if it doesn’t match the aesthetic of the house.
One of the things that he finds truly fascinating at her place is her shoe collection. She could open a store at this point with all these shoes and he is pretty sure she owns some of them twice. There’s no way she needs that many high heels, especially when they are all the same color. Turns out the neon pink heels only go out for big occasions, while the pastel pink ones are more casual and the ones with an open-toe are for dates only while the platform ones are more for brunch… that’s like getting on a new planet for him. But it’s not like he doesn’t have his own little perks…
Miguel who watches his girlfriend finally standing up for herself at work, not letting anyone talk shit to her anymore. And every time she proves just how competent she is, he just stands back and watches her with a proud smile on his face, thinking “Yep, that’s my girl.”
Notes: Thanks for reading this. It’s just a small blurb but I thought the idea could be cute. Miguel really giving Howl vibe in that last part I guess ^^
Tag list: @xxsugarbonesxx
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Insanity won— Draculaura and Batwoman(Kate) talking about Drac's love life
Note: This is so ooc but I don't care bcs it was fun and ignore my lack of my Monster High words using(ghoul, fangtastic etc.)
–On the rooftop at 2 AM–
Draculaura: Sometimes I don't understand Clawd at all! He gives me mixed signals! Does he like me or not? I mean, I know he likes me fangs over heels but... sometimes it doesn't feel like!
Kate: Hold on a second, what does make you think like that?
Draculaura: He thinks I'm short! He thinks I'm a ghoul who can't get her books! Why would he think I'm short? I'm not short! He's short!
Kate: Alright, kiddo, just calm down. Is there anything else I should know?
Draculaura: He literally carved a platform for my sweet 1600th birthday!
Kate: *stands up* Oh, that @#₺hole. I think I've heard enough about this wolf-boy. It's time to teach him a lesson about how to treat a girl right.
Draculaura: Wait, what're you gonna do to him?
Kate: *smiling* Nothing, we'll just have a nice little chat.
Draculaura: Oh no, please don't punch his face, I like his stupid undead eyes!
Kate: Punching? I think you get me wrong, sweetheart. I'll just teach him a thing or two about girls.
Draculaura: Oohhh, because you have a ghoulfriend too, right? Sometimes I forget you have a partner because... You know, you work alone. How is your relationship? What is she like? Is she cute? Can I meet-
Kate: Yes, Draculaura, I have a ghoulfriend.
Draculaura: Sorry. ( her face is like irl :3 )
Kate: *about the jump off the rooftop but turns back for a second with a slight smile*
Kate: And yes, she's cute.
Kate: *jumps*
Draculaura: *yells and waves hands behind Kate* Kiss her for me!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Dabi with a pregnant darling
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Warnings: pregnant reader, yandere behavior, slight talk about sex, talks about TikTok, talks about endeavor/about trauma, soft! Dabi (sorta ooc) and cursing.
A/N: this was requested and I deleted it. Yet again. On accident. Sorry :((
I'm not sure who the icon of Dabi belongs too! I found it in my gallery so if you have any idea who it belongs too, please message me so I can credit them/or you!
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His first initial reaction is surprised and quiet. He's in a state of shock and slight uncertainty; you're pregnant and he's fault for it. He doesn't know what to do.
While he does remember having round after round with you, filling you up. He just didn't expect you to get pregnant.
"Whatta' mean you're pregnant? Are you sure? Two lines? Are you shitting with me? Are you positive-postitive? Fuck."
The next few days are really hard on him. How can he, a monster, raise a child? What if they inherit his quirk and get hurt? Or worse, what if he hurts them? A lot of questions and anxiety spirals into his stomach and chest.
He won't leave you. He makes sure of that. He won't be like his dad or simply leave you/or disconnect with you due to your pregnancy. However, Dabi will be distant for a bit; trying his best to wrap the fact that you're pregnant with his kid and how he's gonna continue with this.
But, when he concludes that he needs to be responsible and support both of you, he comes up to you and hugs you tightly. Whispering In your ear, comforting you with his raspy voice: "It's alright. I'll help us out. I promise you, baby. We'll get through this together, yeah?"
For the new weeks to come, he comes up with a few plans. One is that this kid can't live in a trash place; one that's not very clean, wasn't kid-friendly, and is a potential threat to them. So, he decided to do the house a makeover, making sure to buy (steal) items, clothing, and furniture.
He makes sure that the child can go to school, have fun, and run outside while making issues that are irritating to fix.
Secondly, he makes sure that his plans of being a villainess are put to the side or at least aren't as huge. While he does work on the side (somehow working as a butcher or cashier), he makes money to support you two; Dabi makes sure to spend as much time with you.
From that day, he's rarely seen leaving your side. He's always beside you, always at your call and ready to make you whatever you want.
Dabi becomes more observant, more than he already has. He reads your body language, steps on eggshells around you to make sure you feel comfortable and knows what's up before you can tell him.
This includes your hormones and cravings. While he will cook and deliver the food you crave. He doesn't understand why you're crying about the damn bed being too uncomfortable to angrily yell at him for moving your toothbrush an inch.
But, as your bump grows, so does his protectiveness and fear of being a father. The two of you will both have continuous emotional conversations, showing vulnerable sides of each other and slowly healing with these talks that Dabi much appreciates.
He loves to touch your stomach and lay on your mid-thighs, even if it's not grown yet; he loves to kiss and rub his fingers all along your tummy, kissing it and closing his eyes as he hears you heartbeat.
But, when he feels the baby kick, he feels his breath ripped out of him while he stares at your tummy in disbelief; the kid just kicked him, didn't they?
In his free time, he will read articles online that show small things to help you with your growth. But sometimes he will go onto Tiktok and watch videos that make his stomach roll in butterflies. But when he saw the video of people lifting their partner's belly, he immediately tried it; to say the least, the minute he heard you groan, then yell in anger made him smirk for a bit.
Occasionally, he will use his quirk to massage your sore muscles, making sure to rub into the deep knotted parts and use your favorite lotion; putting it on your swollen ankles while kissing them to show how amazing you look.
If you ever feel insecure, he's immediately pulling you in front of the mirror and showing you every mark as to why they are important and how they're gorgeous; "These stretch marks are signs of your growth, your power, and living of the baby. You should be proud of these, dollface. I love them regardless."
Every doctor visit, he comes with. Even if you dare to insist it's fine. Dabi makes sure to hold your hand, squeezing it when he sees the ultrasound of your baby.
Speaking of ultrasounds, he doesn't care about the gender. He would love them regardless of the sex! (Although, I do see him as a daddy's girl :])
Cuddling with Dabi is very warm and comforting. He makes sure you lay on him, holding your favorite pillow and hod hand near you; warming you up with his quirk.
At some point, it's expected to go baby-clothing shopping. Once you do, it takes three hours for you two to complete because he couldn't pick between a Stitch and Snorlax onesie (you ended up buying both!)
On the last semester, Dabi is complicated. While you do tell him he will be a good father, he can't help but overthink the facts. Cuddling and kissing scenes tend to happen after this, and while you may see him extremely vulnerable, he hates showing this side of him due to his childhood.
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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