#yandere illumina
lynxtheserval · 8 months
Can i request Self-awake! Yandere! Illumina x player! reader? reader main sword
deadass kinda hard to write with limited information so I'm so sorry if it's bad or ooc!
Also! This wasn't the best writing I've done so I'm so sorry for that, but schools been hella crazy ngl
Might do a part 2 if y'all want , but it might take a while to make haha
Self-Aware!Yan!Illumina x player!reader
(TW: not as hard on the yandere aspects, but still a tw for stalking (kinda), kidnapping (also kinda), and curse words)
It was a normal day for you, at first at least. You got up, went to your classes in college, went back to your dorm, and played a Roblox game for a little while. You played Slap Battles for a good moment or two until you got bored of slapping children off a cliff with your overpowered paid glove. You then got back onto your favorites page, and saw a game you haven't played in like… a week.
It seems it got some sort of update, because the game icon changed to… some sorta deity looking thing. You didn't know much about the lore, you were mostly just playing the game for the gameplay. You had no idea what or who the icon was showing, but you went into the game without a second thought.
It loaded up like normal, same old music, same old map, same old characters… seems like nothing much has changed.
So you picked your main, Sword, and got into the game. You went to where Zuka was, pressing all the buttons you needed to get into the game.
It loaded.
And loaded.
And loaded.
Why the hell was it taking so long?
You started getting a little frustrated, and made an audible sigh of annoyance. You tried to close the game, but.. you couldn't? You went to the task manager, and tried closing Roblox from there, but Roblox didn't even show up! In fact.. nothing did. Your computer was messed up. You tried to turn off the computer as a whole, but surprise surprise, it didn't turn off.
“What the fuck..?” You murmured.
Then your computer froze completely. You tried clicking every button, tried turning it off AGAIN, and anything you could think of, until the computer suddenly unfroze.
You looked back up at the screen, and you saw you were.. still in Phighting, somehow. You were still in Crossroads, But every other player was gone, and all the NPCs were too, you were alone.
“What the hell..?” You decided to look around the map, or the middle part of Crossroads at least.
Then you saw something in the chat. A name in purple-ish white text. A name reading: Illumina.
“Hello, I've been waiting for your arrival, Y/n.”
It.. it knew your name. Not your username, but your ACTUAL FUCKING NAME. Your own computer doesn't even know your own name! You use your username for everything!
You managed to type in the chat:
“Hello? How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot about you, my dear. Now why don't you come meet me face to face, hm?”
Your computer froze again. Then, out of nowhere, your body started hurting, your ears started ringing, your eyes got blurry, your head started aching, it felt like you were dying. You soon passed out.
You woke up startled. You quickly sat up, but your head didn't seem to be feeling too great. Once your vision calmed down and you were able to see again, you looked around at where you were. You seemed to be in some brightly lit white room with no door and no windows. You got up from the oddly comfortable bed you woke up in and stood up. And with a thud, you fell onto the floor, your legs giving up on you.
“You won't be able to walk for a few hours, Y/N. So stop trying.”
You heard a voice, intimidating and masculine in nature. You looked up towards the voice.
A man, or what looks to be a man, was looking down at you. A bright figure, with one wing, dressed in mostly flowy clothes. He was wearing mostly white, but had a hint of purple in his outfit as well. Not to mention, one purple horn protruding from the left side of his head, with two other small horns coming out of the main one.
You moved to try to get up again but before you could, the man picked you up, and placed you back on the bed. You both made eye contact, his eyes… they were completely white, and bright, they seemed like they would blind you if you looked in them too long. He took notice of this, and smiled slightly.
“Good morning, love. Are you feeling okay? Humans.. I do not know if they handle world transportation well.”
“I.. who.. who are you..?” You managed to ask, it was hard for you to talk, it seemed.
“I am Illumina, and you are Y/N, such a lovely name.”
He placed a pale hand on your cheek, and laughed a little when you tried to pull away. You were confused, and scared, but you felt so.. weak, that you didn't have enough energy to push back too hard.
“Y/N, do not worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
“Wh..what do you mean..? Wh..where am I..?”
“You're home.”
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chapter 12
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WC: 1341
TW:  none really
A/N: I'M BACK BITCHES!!!!!! sorry for all the typos
Chapter 11-- chapter 13
When taken back into the blimp with the remaining contestants, you’re told to just rest up until the next part of the exam comes in. With that you walk around and explore around until you catch the two young ones, Killua and Gon. You watch as they joke around and sit next to one another, looking out the window before them. Listening to their conversation and when Killua tells Gon that his parents are assassins and the destiny that was mapped out for him. You could see the look of shock and confusion over take young Gon when Killua describes wanting to get rid of his parents.. Hearing Killua speak so enthusiastically about the bounty the world might have on his parents. 
Oh how you remember your own thoughts of your parents when you were his age, Oh how you wanted to get rid of them yourself. Sometimes it was all you could dream about. As always your thoughts come to a stop when you feel a presence behind you, though they tried to conceal it, you can already tell the familiar Aura behind you. 
“ Hello Gittarackur.”
You turn around to face the pierced man with not much of a smile to give, “ Stalking me i see.”
As always he is a man with few words, not much to share or say, but will always provide you with his presence. You turn back to face the two boys and that’s when you sense another person in the room, the chairman… What does he want with them? Slowly you pull out your small hair pin, in case you must attack the chairman, wanting to make sure Killua and his friend that he has made are safe at all costs. But to your surprise the chairman invites them to a game and if they win, they’ll be hunters on the spot. With that the boys walk away with him getting ready to play.
“ Why do you wish to protect those boys?” Gittarackur speaks from behind you.
“ It’s none of your business.” you glare at the man and begin to walk away, but he follows right behind you.
“ But I can tell, you would give up your spot if it meant protecting them, foolish of you. If they cannot fight for themselves they aren't worth saving.”
“ don’t tell me you're threatened by those two.”
“ Not at the very least.”
I laugh at his response and walk to your sleeping area, you notice that many men sit around the floor and look at the both of you in what looks like possible fear. 
“ All of you get up and leave.” I command them, but they all look at you as if you’re joking. With a small huff I pull out your pin once again and just before you're gonna aim for someone, Gittarackur stops you.
I look at Gittarackur as to why he stopped you, but he had already pulled out his own needle and aimed it at all of the individuals in the room. 
“ Leave the room now and don’t come back.” he instructs in a very firm tone. A tone I’m all too familiar with..
“ I could have done it myself.”
“ I’m Well aware Noa.”
“ Then you should have let me.”
“ I wouldn’t have been a gentleman.”
I let out a scoff at that comment and make your way to one end of the room and sit down. And begin removing all the pins from my hair. And massage any parts of my body that ache.
“ So Gittarackur, do tell me, do your needles change your appearance?” 
“ No.”
“ Lies, 
“ Maybe so, maybe not.”
“ So tell me Gittarackur, what is it that you do for a living, or why do you need a hunter's license?”
“ For work.”
“What work is that?”
“ None of your business”
“ But here’s the thing Gittarackur, you’re in my presence so I’ll ask again, what work is that?”
“ a mission.”
“ Gittarackur save you and I both the trouble and elaborate before I make you against your will. I look at him like im giving him a warning, and then turn back to examining my nails. Hmm they need some filing.
“ I’m what one would consider an assassin.”
“Hm really? I haven't seen your work, you must suck at it then.”
“ No, I just don't leave a mess behind.”
“Who said i leave a mess behind?”
“ Considering you and Hisoka get along rather well, it says alot about your style i suppose.”
“ He is an interesting one, but you’re friends with him, thus the same conclusion can be said about you.”
“ I don’t like any types of mess.”
“ i know you don’t.”
“ What?”
“ nothing Gittarackur, we should get some sleep.”
I go ahead and stretch my body before laying on my back and shutting my eyes in hopes to get some rest. But I don't hear Gittarackur shift or make a single sound.
“ Gittarackur you should rest, you’ll need it.”
“I don’t need it.”
“ We all need it, just because you were trained to not need it as often, doesn't mean your body doesn't require it. Now don’t be stupid and get some rest, besides if you’re really an assassin you would have been trained on the tunnel sound, you do know what that is right?”
With that Gittarackur huffs, “ Yes I know what that is, I just like to be alert.”
“ Just say you suck at the basic skills of assassination, obviously you haven't mastered that skill.”
“ I wouldn’t speak of things you don’t know about.”
“ Well Gittarackur, I know a lot more than you think. So keep your advice for yourself and don't speak of things that you yourself don’t know about.” 
With that i listen for Gittarackur to speak another word, but he doesn’t as usual. You lay in complete silence and feel as the atmosphere becomes ever so familiar. So tense, yet so calm.. So strong, yet comforting. You know this Aura, you know it all too well.. It was sometimes the only aura that would calm you. Like the arms you can be held in, the hands that would move through your hair. You knew it all too well. 
I slowly begin to even out my breath and heart beat until I know that Gittarackur will think I'm sleeping. It was when I heard the slight sound of something. Though to most people they wouldn’t have heard it, I can hear the  sound of a needle being dislodged from the skin. That was when I heard a small hum of satisfaction, and a few pops of one’s neck.. And a silent whisper of “ killua you’re such a pain.” 
That was all I needed to know, to know that the Aura, the needles and way of speaking was that of the one I knew the most. With a small smile to myself, and decide that it’s time to have a little fun.
“ Gittarackur” I speak out, knowing i did startle him as i hear him jab the needle right back to it’s old spot.
“ Why are you up!” he speaks up. 
“ I heard Hisoka in the distance, he’s about to come in.”
“ I didn’t hear anything, what games are you playing at?”
“ I’m not playing any games, I hear his heart rhythm in the distance… just like i hear yours… and just like i heard you pull that needle out, i heard it. Thus you lied and i was right. It does change your appearance.”
“Go to bed.”
“ So tell me, do you change the way you look because you’re just terrible to look at, thus this look is better than how you actually look like..  Or are you spying on someone?”
“ What are you getting at? Just spit it out.” he huffs
“I’m just saying Gittarackur, that you’re a mystery to me is all. And don’t worry, i didn’t see how you look. I respect you enough to give you your privacy… But you can tell me.. Are you hideous too look like without your disguise?”
“ I said go to bed.” He instructs me
“Fine.” i bite back
“ Good”
“ Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Gittarackur.” 
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kotton-kandy953 · 1 month
➛ various!yandere!male one-shots x fem!reader
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title page┆word count: 1.5k┆warnings: cursing, death, gore, kidnapping, slight mentions of suicide, obsessive behavior, stalking┆a/n: for the longest time I had no idea who “kagehara” was. that is, until I read a long-ass tumblr post explaining that he’s js pre-game shuichi. sorry for the shorter post!
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SINFUL ━ pre-game ! shuichi “kagehara” saihara x kidnapped ! reader
⤷ 𝕳𝕰
had been in love with you for the longest time. So much so that it felt like hell not being around you even for a few hours.
When he wasn't following you around the school hallways or watching you take notes in class, he was thinking about how beautifully you wore your school uniform.
Or how your kind and friendly personality always made him feel better about himself.
Or how your soft, (s/c) skin glistened against the dim rays of the afternoon sun. The way your beautiful (e/c) eyes complimented your every feature.
You were so beautiful to him you were practically glowing.
Even as he watched you change your clothes from your bedroom window.
This wasn't anything new or surprising, in fact, Shuichi Saihara, or just Kagehara, does this everyday after school.
The same time.
Same place.
All the time.
But, today was different. Today, he overheard you and a few of your friends talking about going out somewhere.
Usually in this scenario, he would follow you around and luckily not get spotted by either your friends or you, yourself.
But that didn't matter to Shuichi.
Because like I said earlier, today was different.
Once you finished getting ready, you grabbed your bag and left out the front door to your house.
You paused in your tracks at the sight of someone unexpected, nervously twiddling with his pale fingertips.
He looked up, your eyes meeting with wide,
grey-green ones staring right into yours, before he looked down.
"...Saihara?" You asked.
Despite everything that had been mentioned up to this point, Shuichi has been too afraid to even speak to you for the longest time.
The fear of rejection deeply disturbs his soul, so he's never told you about how his feelings... or if he even wanted to be friends.
He may know every little thing about you, but you still cannot even remember his first name.
The dark-blue haired teenager awkwardly put his left hand in his pocket and cleared his throat, "U- uhm... yeah, Shuichi Saihara?" He tilted his cap down with his right hand and stared down at his feet.
"I'm uh... in your home-room..."
"Ohh...!" You smiled, "I'm sorry! I must've forgotten!"
You paused as confusion fogged your mind.
"Wait, how do you know where I live?"
Ignoring your question, Shuichi began speaking again, "Y/n, I... I'm really sorry for this..."
"For wha—"
Cutting your sentence short, the what seemed to be quiet boy forcefully pushed you against your front door. Before you could react, a white cloth was shoved into your face.
Then everything went black.
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(E/c) eyes fluttered open at the sound of quiet footsteps against a hard, solid floor.
Your vision was blurry as you slowly, but surely, began to regain consciousness.
Looking up at the source of the noise, not being able to clearly make out a face. What you could see was the blurry silhouette of a male in a black suit and tie.
Wait... what was the last thing that happened?
And where the hell are you!?
The male peered down at you, a small smile grazing his pale features.
"I hope you're not too hurt, Y/n, dear," a soft yet sinister voice spoke out.
"It took me a good while to think of a fast yet efficient way to knock you out without causing any external injuries to your... perfect body..." the strange person kneeled down to be at eye level with you, and that is when your vision got clearer.
The first thing you noticed was their dark-blue hair almost fully being covered by a black cap.
Those shy, grey-green irises accompanied by long, dark eyelashes frantically looked around your fearful figure for injuries.
The dim light illuminating the strange room shone against his unhealthily-pale, snow white skin, making whoever this person was more visible.
And quite obviously, 'this person' was...
"Shuichi Saihara!!?" You screamed.
Or, attempted to scream.
For your mouth was sealed shut with duct-tape. Making all your desperate screams and shouts muffled or silenced.
And for the cherry on top, your wrists were cuffed together and you could say the same for your ankles.
Shuichi had sat you on a mattress with your back against the hard, cement wall. Beside you were blankets of your favorite colors and stuffed animals you thought you've lost months ago.
How nice... you thought sarcastically.
"Oh good, you're not hurt." He let out a relieved sighed and moved a bit closer to your face.
You flinched and backed up as far up against the wall you could.
"I had no idea what I'd do to myself I was ever the cause of you being hurt...!"
A wide smile spread across the teenage boy's face after he said that.
The smile of a complete psychopath.
"...I... I wouldn't be able to live with myself..." he muttered. "I would... wouldn't be surprised if I ended it right there..."
Those where the last few words you could make out before he continued to quietly ramble incoherent words to himself.
You jerked away from him as he yanked your hands closer to his chest, holding onto them firmly.
"I... I know you don't understand why I brought you here... m- maybe you'll never understand... but I did this for us! I did this for you!" He exclaimed.
"If not... If not, you'd never know about my undying love for you! I love you so much Y/n! I love you more than I could ever love myself!!"
His words left his mouth so easily, as if every single word he spat wasn't complete insanity.
Light red dusted his pale cheeks as he confessed his love to you over and over and over again.
Until there was and abrupt stop to his words.
His mood switched faster than a stop light.
Roughly, he pulled you into his open arms, holding you in an uncomfortably firm embrace.
You let out a quiet yelp at his forceful action. Tears pricked in your (e/c) eyes as you struggled to pull out of his tight grip.
He shushed you while your screams and shouts to be released we're muffled.
All your actions being completely, utterly futile.
"Shh..." his left arm held onto your waist as his right hand rested on the back of your head.
"I won't hurt or harm you in any way, dear," Shuichi lovingly whispered in your ears.
You squirmed and desperately tried to pry him off your trembling figure. The tears building up in the corners of your eyes began rolling down your cheeks, staining your soft, (s/c) skin.
"Y/n... do you know why I brought you here...?" He traced small circles onto the small of your back as his occupied hand caressed the back of your head comfortingly.
Despite the lack of a response, he continued, "it's because... because you've never noticed me..."
He sighed sadly and continued, "Every single one of my attempts to get your attention were all in vain... Fuck, you didn't even know my first name until a few hours ago."
A bright pink dusted his cheeks, "But now that I have you here, all to myself... I'm going to so I am the only one you'll ever see."
A large, crazy smile formed on his pale, "From the moment you wake up to the hour you go to sleep, I'll be there."
"And maybe then... only then, you will finally love me back."
"Because you mean everything to me..."
You trembled in fear while weakly whimpering and struggling to push him off with his "loving" embrace tightening. His confession and reasoning was completely nonsense to you. You didn't care about his love for you.
You just wanted to go back home.
More and more tears rolled down your face in frustration as he proceeded to hopelessly ramble.
Until there was an abrupt stop to his speaking.
You froze at his change of tone and demeanor. Your desire to leave and never come back growing even stronger than before.
The mentally unstable teenager released you from his "loving" arms. He tilted your face up by your chin to look you into your red, puffy eyes.
"You... you're crying...?" His dull, green eyes widened in slight shock.
Carefully, he wiped the hot tears streaming down your face with his thumb.
"Please... please don't cry..." he muttered softly, "Don't cry, Y/n..."
Wiping away the last of your tears, he completely rids your skin of his touch.
"Ah, I get it now..." he chuckles to himself.
"I'm not good enough."
"Thats why you desperately desire to leave. That's why I destroyed my mental and physical health spending hours in my locked bedroom stalking your social media. That's why I imagine all the people who think they have a chance with you being eliminated in the most gruesome ways. That's why I have so many lewd fantasies about you that I'm begging to hate my own imagination."
"That's why... tha... that's why... why..."
"That's why... you'll never love me back."
He reached up to grab his cap, lifting it off his head and tossing it behind his back.
"But that'll never stop my love for you."
back to title page?
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milkcookiekin · 7 months
(look before requesting!) DNI if you are: anti-lgbt, anti-semitic, pro-Israel, racist, ableist, pro-shipper, sexist, etc. you should know the drill by now.
ask boundaries: no nsfw asks for minors (this includes if their ages are not confirmed by any official media, but they are still clearly minors), no bathroom kinks, no noncon/cnc, incest/stepcest, pedophilia, age gaps, etc., if you ask for anything of the sort, you will be blocked.
(requests are currently open, it’s first come first serve!)
(I will only be taking 75 requests at a time, so I have time to work on all of them, so check the list to see if any slots are open! only request when requests are open.)
(the ones in the “currently working on” section are in order of which I want to finish first, the rest are not, so I can’t guarantee your requests will be done in order of when you gave me your request.)
(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not request if requests are closed, especially if I’m not working as often!)
main fandoms:
phighting! (taking a break from these so please don’t ask, you will be informed if you weren’t aware, but don’t push further)
splatoon (just the manga)
boboiboy galaxy
brawl stars
the promised neverland
the bfdi series (minus idfb)
encanto (will only take romantic requests for isabela, luisa, dolores, mirabel, camilo, bruno and i’ll throw in carlos just for fun. i will only take familial/platonic requests for everyone else)
currently working on:
1. zuka nsfw hcs
2. unrequited love with subspace!
3. biograft and reader fighting together!
will work on soon:
4. dom nsfw hcs!
5. shuriken and illumina w/ feminine!male!reader (separate)
6. yandere subspace x human!gn!reader
7. katana relationship hcs!
8. self aware scythe hcs
9. sub sword hcs
10. self aware darkheart hcs
11. phighters fighting and breaking up with their s/o (no I will not make a pun, fight me)
12. banhammer x wife!reader sfw and nsfw
13. army x reader
14. aloha x reader x mask
15. aviators x reader
16. ocho x octoling!reader
17. the broker smut hcs
18. edgar x isekai’d!reader
19. illumina x artist! reader
20. hyperlaser x traitor!reader
21. colt x rival!male!reader
22. colette x fem!reader who’s interested in her works
23. bottom darkheart hcs
24. husband medkit x reader hcs
25. self-aware firebrand hcs
26. scythe smut hcs (part 2)
27. illumina smut hcs
28. fluffy scythe hcs
29. kel x reader who likes writing, especially romance stories
30. broker general relationship hcs
31. platonic headcanons w/ icedagger
32. medkit hanahaki hcs
33. scythe flirting with her easily flustered s/o
34. boombox x autistic musician reader (platonic)
35. biograft w/ sibling reader
36. vine staff nsfw hcs
37. ray and emma (separate) x entp reader
38. illumina x reader angst
39. broker x medkit’s distant cousin!reader
40. young zuka relationship hcs!
41. ghostwalker x reader angst
42. windforce unrequited love hcs
43. traffic relationship hcs
44. pwnatious relationship hcs
45. rocket dating reader who’s affiliated with blackrock
46. dom and boombox (separate) w/ a bunny girl smut hcs
47. buster x reader nsfw hcs
48. bottom!pwnatious hcs
49. jesterspace x reader hcs
50. lawrie nsfw hcs
51. hyperlaser x fish-like!reader hcs
52. mortis x reader x colt hcs
53. traffic x feminine!reader
54. valk relationship hcs
55. follower!sword angst hcs
56. reader trying to be there for the main friend group after Mari’s death
57. fullscore trio x reader (separate) fluff hcs!
58. larry and lawrie (separate) dating hcs (no not with each other)
59. berry romantic headcanons
60. draco romantic headcanons
61. ray introducing reader to his family (modern au)
62. jealous fang and chester hcs (separate)
63. draco smut headcanons
64. werewolf!luisa x fem!reader (modern au)
65. platonic headcanons for tara and sandy (separate)
66. bibi x reader friends to lovers hcs!
67. boboiboy ais x reader fluff
68. adu du hcs!
69. real world aubrey x reader hcs!
70. bobble hat trying to help with reader’s awful sleep schedule!
71. four x reader relationship hcs!
72. two x reader relationship hcs!
73. tree x reader relationship hcs!
74. hachi x reader hcs!
75. sandy x reader hcs
76. emz x reader hcs!
77. fanny x reader hcs!
78. fullscore trio x reader human world hcs!
79. loser x reader hcs
80. teardrop x reader hcs
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ALCS Hello, hello! o/, I was hoping to bother you this fine day (well- night, it’s like 3AM, sleep schedules are for the healthy) by requesting Yandere Reinhardt x GN reader? Idk I always envision Reinhardt as an incredibly level-headed person but she’s suffered so much loss that when she gets attached she gets *attached* maybe I’m just looking for excuses to justify her as a yandere…anywho! May this request pique your interest, and if not, well I’ll still stick around for the lovely husbandos!!
It was sweet at first how the Grand Marshal of the Illumina Federation would drop by so often in your Colossus, her hands full of gifts that reminded her of you and like always, you would accept them wholeheartedly.
But as the battles against the Eclipsites grew even more vicious and tenacious than before, she started to....change so to say. Wherever you go, she'd be five steps behind you and would practically eat up whatever personal space you had between you and her; only to justify it by telling you that she loves you too much
Far too much
And if it wasn't her that's tailing behind you, it'd be the Legion Commanders that's taking in her stead. Wrath, Sharona, Hiiro and Barton would take turns following you around like a puppy despite you telling them off on multiple occasions, only for it to be futile as they'd tell you the same response over and over again.
"I only answer to the Grand Marshal, Caelestite"
But other than the attitude shift, she was still your Reinhardt and you allowed her to continue to hold your heart captive, not even realizing that her grip was becoming poisonous. A decision that you came to regret more than you could possibly imagine.
"Reinhardt—!" You winced in pain as the fem held you down in place, tightening the shackles bound to your wrists without heeding any of your cries. The shackles were digging into your skin and flesh, where you were so sure that if she tightened it any further, your hands would get chopped off. With a soft hum, the silver haired lady shook the chains before tugging it. Seeing that the chains didn't break off under her strength, she smiled from satisfaction.
You'll always be together from now
"There...now I don't have to be afraid of losing you ever... You're under my protection, Navigator..." Softly, she grazes her knuckles against your tear-stained cheeks "My beloved Navigator...My precious treasure, (Y/N)...♡"
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oceantail-oceantail · 3 years
have you seen the fic where illumina is a yandere?
bestie what.
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lynxtheserval · 11 months
Can I request headcanons for yandere SFOTH deities? (Firebrand, darkheart, etc…)
Tw: Yandere stuff !!
Yandere SFOTH deities !!
Y'all this took a while I'm so sorry !!
I made Icedagger's platonic because it felt better then writing romantic for me, I hope that's okay !! I think I got them all but I might have not ! Also I'm sorry if any are ooc because I'm still kinda new to the fandom I'm ngl ;-;
Some are longer than others , and I'm sorry about if there's any grammar errors !!
You were Swords friend, and he met you through Sword.
He thought you were interesting. Your face, your voice, how scared you were of him…
He loved to watch you. Seeing you feel paranoid, seeing you at your top alert.
He loved talking to you too, but getting you to stay was hard. You always had to suddenly go somewhere.
After a while he started to physically follow you around. He then realized that you were suddenly going because:
You were scared.. and.. you were seeing someone.
He was NOT pleased with this information.
He tries to get the person away from you, due to the fact he's more of a manipulator, making people stay away from you and making you stay away from people. He'll even try threatening them.
If they end up not getting away from you though, Venomshank will either kill them, or turn them into a zombie.
After that, you would obviously be worried. Venomshank would comfort you, of course not telling you what he did. He doesn't want you to hate him!
If you didn't stop being worried, or get suspicious of Venomshank, he would just take you! And no running this time!
He met you while you were exploring crossroads, and he thought you seemed… sweet. Such a kind, beautiful, individual.
He was nice to you, and offered to be friends, so you guys hung out more! He loved your company.
Overtime, he got a little obsessive. Somehow always appearing when you were around others, always taking you away from them, saying "we need to show you something" or "come with us".
He tries to keep you entertained, interested in him, but it was hard at points.
If you tried to leave him, he would just make sure you didn't! It's not that hard. 
He saw you at crossroads, and took interest in you. Such a pretty face!
At first, he was sure his feelings would pass, but they didn’t. They got stronger.
He tries to get to know you, but him being a deity, and you being a mortal, of course you were a little scared.
He didn't realize he was in love until he saw someone with you, a mortal, not even a phighter! 
Like Venomshank, he usually starts with manipulation to keep you away from people.
But if they ended up not staying away from you, he started getting upset. You were a mortal, why didn't you want to hang out with him, but instead hang out with other MORTALS?! Weak ones at that!
As soon as he saw you and your "friend" again, he would take you, and kill your friend. 
If you tried running from him, well, that wouldn't turn out well for you, would it, dearie?
Of course, he kept you well fed, taken care of, entertained. But you never seemed happy. To be honest, he didn't really care if you were happy, you were staying whether you like it or not.
You met him through working and being friends with Valk and Dom, and he thought you were so kind, so thoughtful! 
He decided to try to get to know you more. 
Over time you guys became friends, and it was going okay until he started noticing you hung out with some… not great people, in his eyes at least. They would hurt you! Kill you even!
Of course he always tried to get you away from them, but if you resisted, he would just force you to come with him. He doesn't want you to get hurt, after all!
After your relationship got a little.. bumpy, and you tried to leave he would just lock you up. You can't leave him! It's not safe! He loves you!
She met you through you being a prisoner at Banland. She noticed you didn't do much, just steal from a store. You needed food.
She didn't feel bad for you, but she did notice you were quite an interesting and a pretty little mortal.
Sometimes she would watch you, after a while of just watching you, she told Banhammer to bring you to her.
Once you get to her, she locks you in one of her many rooms.
If anyone tries to get you out or steal you from her, she WILL result to murder, almost immediately.
Also, if you try running from her, she will knock you out, it's not too hard to. You're weak, compared to her, of course!
She tries to get to know you but her aggressive and upfront nature scares you a little.
She never really admitted to loving you, but she definitely loved to be close to you.
If you EVER talk about having a partner already, they'll be dead in a matter of hours. You're hers now! 
You accidentally ran into him once, and holy cow, were you something. He wasn't sure if it was your personality, your looks, maybe it was everything.
Since he can't feel regular emotions, he feels fairly confused in his own way. What is this? Why are you doing this to him?!
He decided to start stalking you after that, watching you, seeing if you casted a spell on him or something! He asked Illumina what was happening, asking for answers.
Of course Illumina said something surprising.
"You're in love. I don't know how but.. you're in love." Illumina laughed.
After a while of him just following you, he decided to take you, at least for a little.
Of course when you woke up, you were confused and scared. He promised he wasn't going to hurt you, he just wanted to keep you.
He kept you well fed and tried to keep you happy, but you never seemed to be happy. 
Sometimes he took you out with him, making sure you wouldn't run away though. Always holding your hand and making sure you were close.
After a while, he decided you weren't going anywhere, you're his now, permanently.
ICEDAGGER (platonic):
After watching a few Phighting matches from a distance, he couldn't help but notice you each time. You looked so nice, so friendly!
He overcame his anxiety when he saw you in crossroads once, and introduced himself. 
After becoming friends he started getting a little.. jealous.. when he saw you with other people.
Why wouldn't you hang out with him instead! He was more powerful than everyone else! 
He continued to get more jealous but, he never kidnapped you, or killed anyone, just got incredibly clingy.
Please stay friends with him! That's all he wants! All he NEEDS!
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With the huge undercity Gannon at the center connected to several nearby settlements, this military group formed a base to serve as the first line of defense against Eclipsite invasions. The military-first system was vigorously promoted, scientific research received heavy investment, education was made accessible for all, and a civil service system was established. At present, the Illumina Federation is committed to uniting factions to establish a unified and just governing body. With its continuous growth, the Illumina Federation is gradually branching away from Lumopolis...
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The city built on a floating island called Azurite is the center of Aurorian civilization. With a powerful protective barrier, it is also the safest stronghold in the world. There is a strict hierarchy here; the Governor, the Elder Council of the Nobles, and the Priests of the Temple, who together, govern a large number of civilians. Lumopolis sees itself as the protector of Astral civilization, accustomed to dictating what goes on in the outside world. However, with the rise of the Illumina Federation, Lumopolis' high officials have become increasingly alarmed
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Engulfed in winter all year round and sparsely populated, the great snow-capped mountains to the north of the border were once the home of the entire Aurorian tribe, who eventually left this land in search of warmer climes. The remaining Aurorians there have thrived, calling themselves the people of Northland. Even though the Northland Aurorians are a formidable force, they rarely involve themselves in Astra's affairs, living an unsullied existence where all important matters are handled by their queen
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A secret society with a long history that has no fixed territory. Its fanatical and zealous members always lurked among Astral's cities, and wandered around indistinct gray zones, promoting their own ideas and philosophies. It is said that the True Order believes that the history and tomes made public by the Lumopolis Temple are false and that they are committed to unearthing the buried truth
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A disorderly and no-nonsense nomadic alliance made up of travelers, adventurers, and bounty hunters. Using righteousness as a criterion, those who are deemed worthy by the majority are elected as leaders. With a Lizard Colossus as their mobile base, they wander the dunes in their tattered vehicles, either pieced together or modified, living an unfettered, carefree life
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oceantail-oceantail · 3 years
illumina as a yandere he trips and falls while trying to murder you and it's so awkward that he has to leave
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