#:D !!!!!!!!!
torenchao · 3 days
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Happy month of Volo day 27!!
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plumadot · 2 days
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teehee i'm trying out blockbench
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hotvintagepoll · 29 minutes
i know this poll has meant a lot to a lot of people, but i realized you might like to hear what it's meant to me: i came out as a trans woman in the past few months, about as the women's poll was starting, and getting to see all of these beautiful people from all over the world and across time and of all sorts of different femininities helped me get a grasp on the kind of woman i want to be, and helped me realize i'm so much closer to that woman already than i thought i was. so thank you, mod, for putting it together, and thank you to everyone who shared the people and pictures that now line the pages of my gender scrapbook. <3
This means the world to me. Thank you.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 hours
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this is so funny out of context so i have to post this im DYING
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calygocat · 16 hours
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ms. pauling art 😻 (that i still never finished 😪)
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the-clinic · 2 days
What do you think this flower will be called?
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15-lizards · 2 days
ASOIAF ATLA Au bc I saw a JJK one and was mesmerized
Dany is the avatar this is not up for debate. Born into the disgraced former imperial family of the fire nation, she shows signs of being able to bend other elements but never acts on them because her opinion of herself is too low and she doesn't believe she could be the protector of the world. After Drogo dies she fully unlocks her earth bending during his funeral ceremony while creating the pyre and everyone's like omg Miss Avatar. Then continues on with her heroes journey/bad roadtrip to take back her throne. The zuko parallels are everything to me. Yes she still brings back the dragons cause they were (thought to be) extinct in ATLA too
Jon who thinks he's a non bender (and Ned prays he is) until him and Robb are play fighting in the yard one day as kids and he accidentally burns his brother's eyebrows off. Still goes to the Wall bc could the fire and ice symbolism even be more in ur face. Most of the wildlings distrust him for his destructive abilities but he learns to control himself and becomes a symbol of light and life instead of destruction when he becomes a leader (Zuko parallels AGAIN babey).
Arya is a water bender who completely rejects learning about healing because she thinks it's so fucking boring. Syrio starts to train her and she starts to develop her shifty and quick fighting style that most trained benders find confusing. Learns ab blood bending while on the run and is Understandably Horrified. The faceless men force her to learn how to heal. They also force her to use her blood bending more so she's not having a great time rn.
Sansa is an incredibly talented healer for her age, but has no idea how to fight because "ladies aren't supposed to do that sort of thing." Forced to heal Lannister soldiers while stuck in the capital, though she just wishes she could let them die. ALSO unlocks blood bending due to this and is also quite unnerved. Forced to pose as a non bender in the Vale.
Bran the water bender who is devastated when it can't be used to heal him after his fall. Starts getting really into the spirit world, increasingly noticing raven spirits that no one else can see. Meera and Jojen (she's the swamp bender kind of water bender and he's a highly spiritual non-bender) take him north of the wall where the harmonic convergence takes place
Robb is an earth bender like his dad (Starks were originally a purely water bending family but started to marry a lot of earth benders) and he's well trained and good for his age, but that doesn't save him from being 15 and making poor decisions. Really heartbreaking as this desperate teenager tries to keep up with more experienced enemies as they attack him from all angles at the Red Wedding
Tyrion is now both a non-bender and a dwarf, which makes him doubly disgraced in Tywins eyes. Has to prove himself through his intelligence, being useful on the battlefield by creating the plans for benders and soldiers. Always has a lot of snarky comments about benders but always dreamed of being an air bender
Jamie and Cersei are both fire benders. Cersei used to spar with Jamie as children but Tywin quickly put an end to that and she was essentially forbidden from using her bending. Jamie is one of the best benders of his generation, and even years after the fact, Cersei still deeply resents him for being the prodigy she never had the chance to become
Cat is a water bender who was a pretty decent healer who patched men up after the war, but didn't really use her powers too much once she got married, because she didn't have much reason too. This bites her in the ass during the Red Wedding when she can't properly defend herself, and once Lady Stoneheart rises, she becomes a blood bender who is going to use her powers to their full extent this time around.
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euphreana · 18 hours
I know I'm a little late, but happy 1-Years-Old to the Nimona movie! And thanks to whoever it was who posted the gifset that made me want to watch the movie, dropping it at the front of my lengthy 'watch some day' list - ya never know when what you post might change someone's life!
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thunderroseses · 2 days
Here’s some random headcannons I’ve been thinking about <3
Sorry for how long this got -_-
Building off the Neptune shapeshifter headcannon- Neptune is really an abomination of different sea creatures into one, kind of like a biblically correct angels, Uranus ones bagged Neptune to show him, Neps real form and was terrified of him for a good few thousands of years.
Mercury has a lot of burn marks covering is body because of the solar flares as well as at lest a few sunburns from his closeness to the sun
Mercury’s wings aren’t as fluffy or healthy as they before the sun got hotter
Venus used to have fish ears like people give Neptune from when he had life but their now dried out and shrivelled up after he lost it
Uranus used to carve asteroids in the past before paint was invented, now Earth is his art dealer and Uranus paints him pictures in return
Uranus used to make weapons in the past, he still had a few of them, but most are lost to time (aka found by the dwarf planets who now used them in their DND  campaigns)
Neptune memory get better the longer his out of his orbit and can go on long rants about random science facts, Uranus loves listening to Nep while he paints, it feels the silence and gets rid of any bad thoughts Uranus might have
Neptune has a seashell that is used to worn the other planets if their is a intruder that Neptune can’t beat alone (building off Neptune being the protector of the solar system)
Neptune had become a bit of a urban legend among some of the planets and moons since hardly anyone every sees him or his moons (they like keeping to themselves) and lots thought he was just a myth made up to keep them inline, that was until Uranus managed to convince him and his moons to come out of their orbit.
Neptune has barely any social skills but he means the best and is the nicest among the planets
Saturn doesn’t like getting close to his moons (like getting to know their names) because he knows their just going to crash into him one day and he doesn’t want to go through the pain of losing a moon she was close to again
This is someone else’s headcannon, I’ll link if I can find the book but Titan used to be X’d moon but Saturn took him as a trophy after they ejected X, this is why Saturn can only remember Titans name,
In the past Saturn didn’t really see Titan as a moon but a object that’s meant to be showed off to others (his was just a war trophy to show Saturn won)
Neptune leaves all his moons with Triton so they don’t have to deal with the loneliness of his orbit and won’t go insane like Neptune did
Neptune teaches his moons everything he knows so they are pretty smart
Uranus is almost always covered in paint, even his clothing isn’t spared from the paint
Uranus made all his own clothing and has let Neptune colour onto is pants, which had only resulted in little smiley faces all over his pants and face
Both Neptune and Uranus’ moons love to sleep in their hoods since they have fur lining it, Uranus’ moons aren’t the biggest fan of him but their not going to give up a soft place to sleep, you don’t come across fluff in the solar system all that often
Neptune and Uranus would wear summer clothes 24/7 if it wasn’t for Jupiter and Saturn forcing them to wear their coats (the fluff helps)
Uranus has a leg brace from the moon that crashed into him as well as chronic pain (the reason for his tilt)
Uranus had always gotten sick more easily compared to the other giants which didn’t help when his moon crashed into him
The giants don’t know most of rocky planets, they have meet Proto in the past but now Earth can’t visit them nor can they come close to the rocky planets without putting them in danger ( they have to be really careful during suns competition)
Earth only shears the good things about having life never the bad so most planets have a false idea of what it’s like, making Venus even more jealous not realizing how much pain Earth goes through
Earth has a lot of health issues directly related to his Earthlings, this includes chronic headaches from the oil drills, poor lungs from the factory gasses, stomach aces from pollution (mostly from his waters) he also has chronic pain from the wars and the asteroids that killed his dinosaurs
Earth is incredibly worried that his Earthlings will find a better home (like earth 2.0) which is why his really defensive to other planets/moons with water
Earth’s personal is derailed a lot from his Earthlings and is extremely paranoid because of them
Thanks for coming to a late night rambling with Thunder Rose <33
I’m very sleep deprived lol
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h-didanart · 3 days
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it-wasntaphase · 3 days
i did not manifest meet and greet tickets hard enough 😔
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twilight-zoned-out · 7 months
Learning about the Doctor Who specials' expanded budget: oh no, what if they overuse CGI to look more 'professional' and high-budget?
The first scene of the Doctor Who Special:
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
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Ineffable Fandom manifesting S3 :D.
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obscure-entity · 1 month
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normal blanket nothing is wrong
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thirdtimed · 3 months
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some more lifers
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