eldritch-bf · 18 days
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dirt-goth · 10 months
As much as I want to be a wholly joyous about the fact that Henry Kissinger is finally fucking dead, as he deserves... There's a lot of me that can't help being upset with. With the fact that he lived to 100 years old. He got better medical care, better housing, and a better, more stable life for those 100 years than billions on this planet ever going to see and he did it specifically through exploitation, state sanctioned murder, and lies. He lived to 100 years comfortably on a legacy of violence that rarely threatened his personal comfort. I want to be joyous that he's finally dead, because the world IS better with him dead, but the reality is he won a long time ago.
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ka0sbr0naz0 · 7 months
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Acaban de desalojar la CSOA La Ferroviaria donde he pasado tantas horas con compas estupendas trabajando duro, aprendiendo y cuidándonos
Sa(n)tan(der) ha retomado su propiedad pero pronto encontraremos otras grietas desde donde florecer nuestra primavera 🔥💚🔥
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idiopathicsmile · 3 months
begging the voting population of u.s. citizens on tumblr to vote this year, and specifically to vote in the way that most practically ensures trump doesn't win, not out of a liberal centrist "don't you hate the orange man hoho" impulse, but out of love and fear for the many, many, many marginalized populations whose lives will be concretely worse under a second trump presidency, out of paranoia that the current architecture of our american quasi-democracy will not survive a new formalized attempt at dismantling it, out of having done the research that no matter what you think of biden literally every stance of trump's is noticeably more disastrous.
i hate that these are our only two practical choices right now but hating it doesn't do anything to change the fact that these are our only two practical choices right now. a trump victory will also almost certainly send the mainstream democratic politicians scrambling even closer to the center; that is historically how the democratic machine reacts to defeat! which absolutely sucks, but the best way to lay the groundwork for progressive policies in the future is to start as far from zero as we can.
i am begging you: vote biden, and then protest every fucking thing he does. make that old man's life miserable. just please, please, please don't burn down your own country to try to make a point; who materially benefits from that?
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scottishcommune · 2 months
In the spirit of encouraging resistance to the fascist upsurge, Heckle presents eyewitness testimony from a comrade of ours, Joe, who took part in the anti-fascist counter-demonstration in Bristol on Saturday 3rd of August. By their quick thinking and tenacious courage, Joe and his comrades blocked a horde of fascists from breaking into a hotel housing asylum seekers and committing a pogrom. Read all about it in Joe’s own words below.
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aces-and-anime · 7 months
Finally some good fucking UK news! Ferrets are so much better than lettuce Liz
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ameliaenya404 · 18 days
'This-...former president' she was fighting back calling him a cunt I just know it
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iww-gnv · 8 months
New York lawmakers proposed three new bills last week that would make it difficult for wage theft violators to conduct business in the state. The legislation would bolster the power of state agencies to crack down on wage theft by stripping violators of their liquor licenses or business licenses, as well as issuing stop-work orders against them. The legislation was prompted by reports of rampant wage theft against New York workers, including two investigations published by Documented and ProPublica. The stories revealed that more than 127,000 New Yorkers have been victims of wage theft during a recent five-year period, but that the New York State Department of Labor was unable to recover $79 million in back wages owed to the workers. The stories were based on an analysis of two databases of wage theft violations obtained from the U.S. and New York Labor departments. The databases provided previously unreported details on how much money had been stolen from workers and also shed light on which businesses had committed wage theft. “We knew from our conversations with labor and from our constituent service caseload that wage theft is a chronic problem,” said Sen. Jessica Ramos, a Democrat who sponsored the legislation. “We did not have the data to understand the scale of the issue in New York state until the ProPublica and Documented series came out last year. Having this reporting as a tool set us up to put this package together and focused our attention on” the capacity of the Department of Labor. The legislation — dubbed the “wage theft deterrence package” by lawmakers — includes three bills, which are co-sponsored in the State Assembly by Assembly members Kenny Burgos, Harvey Epstein and Linda Rosenthal.
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Today is not the day of the UK general election.
There are 30 days remaining until the UK general election.
Parliament has now been dissolved.
You have:
Under 15 days in which to register to vote.
Under 16 days in which to apply for a postal vote.
There are:
14 days 16hs 59min left to register to vote (deadline 23:59 18 June 2024).
15 days 10hs left to apply for a postal vote (deadline 17:00 19 June 2024).
22 days 10hs left to apply for a proxy vote (deadline 17:00 26 June 2024).
22 days 10hs left to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate*.
*Only required if you do not have suitable ID, or you no longer resemble your ID photo, or your name as per your ID does not match the name on the voter register.
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wilwheaton · 1 month
This dude is voting. Are you?
The Garbage:
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Real simple. Here's what you do:
Go to vote.gov and check your registration, or register to vote if you haven't already. If you will be 18 by election day (Tuesday, November 5), you can register right now.
Even if you can vote by mail, know where your polling place, and your nearest ballot drop box are.
Make a plan to vote with at least two friends or family members to vote on or before November 5th. I'm not the boss of you, but voting as early as you can is always a good idea.
Save Democracy.
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itboytrends · 6 months
Dsquared2 Cowboys! 🤠
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piesandswords · 2 years
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k-wame · 1 year
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njere · 2 months
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Happy birthday silly giraffe man ♡♡
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
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some things change. some things don't.
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unicornlamps · 18 days
I will perform transgender operations on illegal aliens in jail
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