#/open to anyone but if youre a multi PLEASE specify which muse you wanna use
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[ Like this for a starter from (test muse) Sylvanus Wright (AKA "Sylas). Info regarding muse undercut. ]
Name: Sylvanus Wright Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Sexuality: Straight (but will kiss boys if its for the bit or for allyship purposes) Alignment: Neutral Evil Origin: Frontiersman/Cowboy Mid-Late 1800s Species: Feles Sanguine (Vampire) Relation to this blog: Mina's first born fledgling and her secret enforcer Personality: Grumpy hardass, but not an insufferable one. Loves poker, moonshine, and sunsets. Loyal.
#;ooc#/open to anyone but if youre a multi PLEASE specify which muse you wanna use#/i cannot promise consistency or even continuation of him tho this is thoroughly a test
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I can and will reserve the right to discontinue any RPs if I don’t like the direction it’s going in. I will message you if this is the case, but if you continue, then I will block you. No exceptions.
Mun is 18+, but I will not be lewding the Tanuki at all. Not that I have anything against smut, just that I don't think it fits the feel of the game he came from.
I am, however, willing to ship Tom Nook with any other muse that isn't younger than him. Human or fellow animal, I'm okay with any muse who might wanna flirt with him.
If you want to ship your Muse with mine, canon character or OC, then just ask. But don’t assume. Message me and we’ll hash it out… (This is a Multi-ship blog, after all~ :3c)
If you are a multi-muse blog and you send me in an ask, please specify which muse you are sending it as. I will message you and give you the opportunity to send it in again once. But continued asks sent in this manner will be deleted…
In regards to above; don’t expect me to choose which muse sent in the ask. That’s for you to decide, not me…
Even if you’re another Tom Nook!Mun, I would be totally down with interacting with you. I love duplicates, as each mun has a different take on the same character. So, don’t be shy!
On the topic of triggers…I will ask that you tag the various triggers listed like so; (tw: non-con), (tw: non-consensual torture), (tw: domestic violence)
Anyone who sends me callouts or callout posts about someone, or if I see someone on my dash reblogging one, then it’s also an instant hard block. They have long since lost their use as legitimate warnings, and I will not partake.
I will read your rules before interacting, and if you have your IMs open, I'll let you know that I have done so~
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Came At Me, People! LFC/LFM
I love @helryder666, I truly do, but neither he nor I exist solely within our ship - nor should we - SO I am looking for more in creative partners and RP connections, on behalf of my myself AND my guild @eclipse-syndicate PLEASE COME AT ME/US!
My character, Arcanist Aranya Ver’Sarn, is bi-factional, a sin’dorei sorceress, and her illusion-disguised identity and alias in the Alliance is Arcanist Varazsla Starwing, a ren’dorei.

Face reference is Szilvia Péter Szabó, Hungarian singer.
She is married to @halenvar - which is widely and readily known information to anyone in the Horde, but in the Alliance it is only known that she has a husband, still in the Horde, presumed to be a warrior with red hair, and nothing else.
Even if you have NEVER interacted with my character before, here’s some ideas to start with on how you might make her acquaintance. I am also open to writing pre-established relationships and negative relationships.
If you’re seeking the services of an arcanist, arcane investigator, mentor, or magical gifts and trinkets.
Colleagues in magical study, both mages and warlocks. She is a multi-class muse that way.
Coordinating with people who have ships in these times of war (Aranya Ver’Sarn has 12).
Black market trade - you want some goods without the hassle of legalities and international trade policies, or if you want your own goods smuggled or secured until you can move them yourself, feel free to approach.
Treasure and artifact acquisition, the more mysterious and powerful the better!
For nightborne: Aranya is related to Lady Astra Ver’Sarn of Suramar, who holds a great stake in the building of nightborne water-craft, from ships to the canal boats.
You are not limited to just these.
I sometimes do voice-acting clips for my RP, ask, and meme responses!
She’s in void elf disguise, with the alias Varazsla Starwing, so if you wanna curiously stare at a ren’dorei, go right ahead!
She co-owns Empyrean Star Trades with @safrona-shadowsun in Stormwind, an import/export shop Right between the Cathedral, harbor, and cemetery, so come in and buy something! Or tell her you need something shipped!
Black market trade. As Varazsla, she handles the covert side of the shop while Safrona keeps charge of the legitimate business. You want some goods without the hassle of legalities and international trade policies, or you want your goods moved, or just secured until you can move them yourself, you come to Varazsla.
Drinking at the Blue Recluse or Slaughtered Lamb. Watch out, though, if you’re a single or lonely man with mana, she will wait until you‘re good and drunk to go off alone with you, then drain you… Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. ;) Specify your consent for this to happen to your muse, please!
You are not limited to just these.
You will get a void-elfy echo in the audio for any voice-acted RP, ask, and meme responses I give you!
@wraconnect @wracentral @the-royal-courier
#Aranya#Aranya Ver'Sarn#wyrmrest accord#Warcraft#World of Warcraft#Varazsla#Varazsla Starwing#refs#Szilvia#Szilvia Péter Szabó#RP#RP community
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Mobile Rules
Important Notes
My mini-muse navigation on the main bagel has links to individual bios! I did this so you can get a preview on my fucks and see if you're interested, if so then you can check out their full bio! Please note the trigger warning tags before the bios. Though not all of them will have them and some will have more than others, I make it a point to put these warnings above whatever bio needs them so you have ample warning before reading them. The links in the mobile version of the bagel are for mobile bound users! I try to make my bagels as accessible as possible!
Please specify what muse you want. If you're not sure or are indecisive, that's alright! Just please tell me "Random" and I will give you a random muse! However, if you don't tell me what muse you want or tell me to give you a random one, I get anxious because I'm not sure which one of my fucks you'd like to write with and worry if I'm writing up something for the wrong muse. So please, please, specify a muse or "Random" so we can avoid all that mess.
Since I've had this problem several times before across all my other bagels: If I've written you multiple starters and you haven't responded to a single one of them, I will not write you anymore. That is just.. Unreasonable. I will legitimately write you a starter for every single muse and you can pick and choose which ones you want to reply to, so to reply to none and then ask for another one? It just really gets under my skin and makes me question whether or not its my writing or if you just have no interest. I will rewrite a starter for you if you didn't like the one you got, no problem! So please, instead of leaving me on read, tell me if you want a different muse or a new starter. I really don't mind at all. But do not just ghost me and not tell me anything then expect me to write you more. That's just rude af, mate.
Tagging system: N.SFW = Kettledrums // (I tag everything with ___ //) If you need anything specific tagged and I don't tag it, please let me know and I'll mark it down to tag in the future!
Since I’ve had some troubles in the past about non-mutual starlings still liking starter calls or the like, I feel its necessary to address this issue first.
My lovely starlings, I will always adore you and I will come into your inbox all the time. I will send you Nonnies and HC questions. I appreciate and adore you very much! However, if I didn’t follow you back its likely because of very few reasons:
★ I want to keep my dash neat and organized and I can’t follow you (in good conscious because I will likely unfollow you soon after) if the content spread of your bagel is a bunch of varying things that I personally wouldn’t want on my dash or have no use for.
★ Your character is wonderful but I don’t think they could really interact well with my muse in a sense of actually interacting and not in a sense of different fandoms or the like. No, our muses don’t have to get along for us to interact but if your muse isn’t my cup of tea– Well I can’t see us interacting.
★ Our writing won’t work well together. I read a handful of threads when I go to check out your bagel and if I feel our writing won’t work well together, I can’t follow you because I don’t want to be the asshole who follows you then never interacts with you.
★ If I have no interest in writing with your muse I won’t follow you because, again, I really don’t want to be that asshole who follows but never interacts.
None of this is personal, okay? I love all you beautiful starlings and I really do appreciate you so much! You’re not too OOC (may I direct you to my constant bagel situation? Look at all that endless OOC.) You’re not a bad writer. You’re not anything bad at all! These are just my preferences!
This doesn’t mean we can never talk or interact, though! But here’s the rule of thumb:
★ Please do not send me asks or the like with Memes that aren’t relative to drabbles or HCs. Please do not send me asks or the like with inquiry to thread! I don’t want to have to tell you no, I’m really really bad at saying no, okay? And when I don’t say no, but I want to say no, I end up dropping threads and then no one feels good. Which is really not okay because I don’t want either of us not havin’ a good time!
I take great measures to check your bagel out! I’ll read your writing, check all your pages and I’ll basically stalk your bagel for a bit before I decide on following you or not.
Please note though: Sometimes I can take a while to get to checking you out! This is because tumblr doesn’t notify me, I’m too busy working or I didn’t see the number change concerning my followers! Typically I’ll post when I’m checking new starlings out though!
If you’re going to follow me, please note that I do tag everything as extensively as possible. If you need something tagged with a custom tag, please let me know! I’ll take care of it!
Tagging in general: I always tag all forms of NSFW (Nudity, Violence, etc) as “Kettledrums //“ and I always tag Water, Blades, Eye contact, Scars and other things as “water //” etc.
If I unfollow you, don’t come at me asking why. Don’t come at me interrogating me for reasons as to why I unfollowed you. If we’re close friends or if we’ve always been following each other and suddenly I’m not following you, then yes, please IM me because I’m p sure that tumblr fucked up somewhere there.
But if not? Don’t come at me with that please. I am a very anxious person and I really don’t want to have to deal with that.
The same goes for you unfollowing me though! I won’t come at you for it! Its your decision who you follow, not mine! I understand completely and you do you sugar!
My threads vary in length but generally they tend to get long all on their own. Even if it starts off with just a sentence or something, it usually evolves into paragraphs within a few replies.
I don’t mind length matching. You don’t have to match my length and you definitely don’t have to try to make it longer just to keep up. I want you to have fun writing and if you can only give me two paras on a three or four para reply, that’s fine. However, if I’ve given you six paragraphs and you only give me one, I’m likely to lose interest in the thread unless I’m told that you’re having writer’s block or something.
The reason for that is because when the reply length drops that dramatically, it makes me feel as though you have no interest in it. If I think you don’t have any interest in it, I’m not going to make you continue it. If you want to drop a thread with me, let me know! We can always have a thousand threads and only ever really do two of them. I mean, it happens a lot pfft.
The point is: Relax. Threads are meant to be fun after all!
PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE ME TO MY MUSE. However, whatever similarities may arise between us: I AM NOT MY MUSE. Anything they may do or say is not necessarily supported by me.
I am multi-ship but I ship on chemistry. We can talk about shipping our muses all day long though! If you wanna ship with me, let me know! Just kick my inbox door down and say “HEY FUCKFACE LETS SHIP” and I will be down for discussing it!
Shipping is not just Romantics here either. Platonic ships such as Familial, Best friends, etc. Hateful ships too. There’s various ways to ship, romanticism isn’t the only way.
If you drop your ship with me, that is perfectly alright and I understand completely. Sometimes things change somewhere along the line and the ship doesn’t work anymore!
Please note: ANY UNDERAGE MUSE / MUN WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY NSFW / SMUT WRITING. I will not write it with my underage muses and I definitely will not with underage muns, I do not wanna go to jail, thank you.
Don’t come here with any Anti bullshit. If you follow me and you’re an Anti, I’ve probably already blocked you. I don’t allow unneeded drama and bullshit here and I will protect anyone who follows me from it by keeping that shit off my bagel.
If you send me anon hate or anti ask bullshit, I will report and block you. NO ANTIS ALLOWED HERE. I’m not down with that life and this is a NO DRAMA ZONE. You bring it here, you’re INSTANTLY BLOCKED. I won’t answer you, I won’t respond nor react– I’ll just delete it, block you, report you and move on. Ain’t no one got time for that. Beyond that: I welcome you with open arms!
The general Do(s)
★ Message me if you are interested in my muse!
★ Send me memes when I reblogged them!
★ Tag / Mention me in anything!
★ Ship with me! If there’s chemistry, I am down! Even if it’s unrequited or anything of that sort! I mean, dang, ship in platonics! Do the thing my friend!
★ Ask me anything your little heart desires, even if it’s just some help or advice you need!
★ Like/Reblog my roleplays if you are involved in it!
★ Send headcanons or drabble prompts! I’d love to hear them and hell, will probably accept them!
★ Interact with me even if you’re from another fandom!
★ Interact with me even if you’re an OC!
★ Interact with me even if you’re a multiblog!
★ Interact with me! Just do it friend! I do not bite!!
The general Don’t(s)
★ Attempt to write smut with me if you are underaged. Mun is above 18 and would really rather not go to jail!
★ Expect me to follow you back once you followed me! Truly, I usually do follow back, but I also take the time to read every page on someone’s blog to see if I’m interested! It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I just followed them back and never interacted with them due to lack of interest! Not to say that your muse(s) aren’t great, they’re just not my cup of tea!
★ Expect me to be my muse.
★ Expect me to solve every problem on my own. If we’re interacting with each other and run into a problem, I want to be able to communicate with you and solve it together! While I am an agile problem solver, I can’t do it on my own because it risks upsetting you by accident if I do something wrong!
★ Assume I’ll ship with you just because I’m Multiship. I am multiship, but I ship upon chemistry!
★ Guilt trip me into replies! I do them as quickly as I can and I try my very best! Please do poke at me if you feel I’ve missed it, but don’t give me hell for it, okay?
★ Message me and corner me into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. While I’m pretty laid back and am up for just about anything, if I express that I’m uncomfortable, please respect that!
★ Bring me unneeded drama! I’m here to have fun, not bitch at people over the net, y'know?
★ Bring your “Anti” bullshit here. I’m not about that life.
Main images on this bagel by by Len-Yan.
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1. This blog is:
Semi-Selective: Everyone is welcome to follow, however I might be a bit choosy about follows back (it's not you, I promise, just me being careful). I'd rather RP with mutuals (easier for me to keep track of replies, nothing more), though IM and Inbox are open for anyone, so feel free to drop by.
Multiship: I’m shipping trash and open to any sort of relationship, from platonic to romantic. I'm biased towards Touya x Hawks and Touya x Tomura, but I'm up to give any ship a try as long as there isn't a too big age gap (no more than 5-6 years) and the younger half of the ship is at least 18-20 (16 and no older than 17 in the Hero Student Verse) , so ask away (no, seriously, I work better knowing if you want to ship in advance, shipping with chemistry is all good but don't be afraid to ask me to ship straight away, I love planning a ship). Respect Touya's sexuality (homosexual) and in the off-chance I say no to a ship, DO NOT try and force it; I can guarantee I won't do the same. Pre-established (platonic) relationships are okay too (meaning Touya met them as a student or sidekick and is already familiar with them as a pro hero), if there's a good base to it, though it'll depend on the muse (Touya isn't exactly the social/trustful type). Absoutely no shipping Touya with any of the UA students and people who are minors in canon.
Multiverse: Interactions with different muses are to be considered to take place in a different verse unless discussed between muns. Same goes for shipping, so there will be no cheating involved (it’s a big no-no for me and makes me really uncomfortable, so don’t even ask).
Multimuse-Friendly: If you have a multimuse blog, feel free to interact with me, just make sure to specify which one of your muses you want to use, especially if we've just started interacting.
Sideblog-Friendly: I'm perfectly alright RPing with sideblogs; you can reblog my promo (tag This Is Our Call [Self Promo]) so I know where to find you, just please send me a message / IM from your main blog if I follow you so I know it's you.
OC-Friendly: Pretty self-explanatory, if your muse is an OC and you want to interact, you’ll be more than welcome. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus though, please (I had a bad experience in this regard). Also, I'd rather if you had a decent bio page so I know as much as I can about your OC, and I'm perfectly fine if your OC is related to a canon character.
AU-Friendly: Your muse is an AU/Canon Divergent version of a canon muse? Fine by me, as long as you have a bio page where you explain said AU/canon divergence so I have an idea about what's different from canon.
Crossover-Friendly: Your muse belongs to a different fandom? That’s perfectly fine! Though be forewarned that I might not follow back quickly (or at all) if it's a fandom I'm not familiar with unless we've been friends for a while (like, from before I joined the BNHA fandom), you have a BNHA AU or I see potential for interactions. It's mostly to keep my dash clean and for my own comfort, nothing against you, so please don't feel bad. For fandoms I’m familiar with, see rule #20.
Duplicate-Friendly: If your muse is another Dabi, you're more than welcome to interact, I love multiverse mayhem! Time travel, alternate dimension, twin verse, anything goes.
NSFW-Friendly: Both mun and muse are 21+ and open to roleply smut, though it’ll only happen with muses that are at least in their twenties (Touya is 25 in the main verse and I won't RP smut in verses where he's 17 or younger), in which case it’ll be tagged accordingly as Too Hot To Handle [NSFW] and put under ‘read more’ if necessary. I will only RP smut if the other mun is 18+ and comfortable with it as well.
2. I accept interactions with underage muns, but the relationship between our muses will remain strictly platonic. I don't feel confortable writing romantic ships with underage muns due to past experience. Platonic ships are more than welcome though. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
3. No godmodding (controlling my muse yourself) and no metagaming (using knowledge of someone’s muse that a character has no way of knowing).
4. If you don't follow me back when I follow you but are still willing to RP, send me an ask or IM or tag me in a random starter to break the ice. I usually don't approach blogs I follow if they don't follow back for fear of bothering.
5. I’m open to RP via IM and Discord as well, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to ask for my Discord-ID (though I might be selective with giving it).
6. I don’t care about reply length, just write whatever you feel like. I’m perfectly okay with one-liners, para, multi-para and drabble-length replies, whichever floats your boat, as long as you give me something to work with for my own reply.
7. Don’t reblog OOC posts, Rules, Headcanons or threads you’re not taking part to. Seriously, it’s annoying as hell so. Please. Don’t. Do. It!
8. Feel free to tag me in dash games (no seriously, I love those so the more the merrier) and, if we're mutuals, random starters as well.
9. Triggers might be present (Touya's backstory does include child abuse and domestic violence and he's prone to having panic attacks), but will be tagged accordingly as TW: Trigger (ex. TW: Blood), even if mentioned (in which case it'll be tagged as TW: Trigger Mention), just to be safe. If you want me to tag a specific trigger, just let me know. I don't have any triggers myself, but please tag cheating (in a relationship), animal abuse, torture, rape/non-con and eye-related gore, as they're topics which make me uncomfortable.
10. I’m more than happy to turn asks into threads, as long as we're mutuals. I don't mind either reblogging said ask or starting on a different post, whichever you prefer.
11. Since this blog is based on the 'Dabi is a Todoroki / Touya Todoroki' theory, which includes details of latest manga chapters, spoilers will be present, though they'll be tagged accordingly as Darkest Fire [Spoilers]. In general, I'll tag spoilers from the Internship Arc onward (let me know if you want me to tag earlier spoilers too).
12. I don’t really like to RP angst. Hurt/comfort is okay, though, and my go-to type of thread. Other things I prefer avoiding are dub/non-con, gore, and torture.
13. No hounding / pressuring for replies / answers. I won’t do the same with my RP partners and ask the same courtesy from them. If I haven’t replied in a while, you’re welcome to ask me (gently) via IM. Chances are I’m busy with real life (I’m an university student on my last year), my phone doesn’t work or I need more time to come up with a proper reply.
14. Please keep drama, discourse and anon hate away from me. I’m here to have fun and relax, so don't try and get me involved in stuff like this (it's lowkey triggering for me so please respect it). Much appreciated.
15. Don't be rude. I’m a very kind, considerate individual, I always do my best not to disrespect other people and I hate it when people disrespect me. I’ll gladly accept critiques as long as there’s a good, well-explained reason behind them, but gratuitous rudeness is a big no-no.
16. I don't accept M!A (Magic Anons) so don't send them in unless I request it by writing a post or reblogging a meme (which will happen rarely, if ever). M.A. sent without prompting will be deleted on sight.
17. I won't take part in or join affiliated RP groups. Last time I did it wasn't a pleasant experience so I'd rather steer away from it for the time being. My activity might be spotty due to IRL stuff so I don't wanna feel pressured to be active at all time. I might make exceptions, but rarely so.
18. No need to send in passwords, I know it can make some people anxious. I myself have no problem sending them in if requested, and in any case I always make sure to read the rules before following/interacting, so I assume you did the same.
19. For PSAs, look for the Let It Burn [PSA] tag.
20. Regarding crossovers, here’s some of the series I’m into and know very/decently well:
Persona Series
Ace Attorney
Yuri!!! On Ice
Fairy Tail
Pokémon games
Harry Potter
Artemis Fowl
Marvel Cinematic Universe
X-Men Movie
Ouran High School Host Club
Villainous / Villanos
Saint Seiya (Classic Series, Lost Canvas, Hades, Soul of Gold)
Time Hollow
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Fruits Basket
Mystery Skulls Animated
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1. This blog is:
Semi-Selective: Everyone is welcome to follow, however I might be a bit choosy about follows back (it’s not you, I promise, just me being careful). I’d rather RP with mutuals (easier for me to keep track of replies, nothing more), though IM and Inbox are open for anyone, so feel free to drop by.
Multiship: I’m shipping trash and open to any sort of relationship, from platonic to romantic. Muse is bisexual and of age, therefore romantic shipping will only happen with other 20+ muses (so no shipping with any of the high schoolers in canon) and in the off-chance I say no to a ship, DO NOT try and force it; I can guarantee I won’t do the same. Pre-established relationships are okay too, we can talk about it.
Multiverse: Interactions with different muses are to be considered to take place in a different verse unless discussed between muns. Same goes for shipping, so there will be no cheating involved (it’s a big no-no for me and makes me really uncomfortable, so don’t even ask).
Multimuse-Friendly: If you have a multimuse blog, feel free to interact, just make sure to specify which one of your muses you want to use, especially if we’ve just started interacting.
Sideblog-Friendly: I’m perfectly alright RPing with sideblogs; you can reblog my promo (tag At Your Service! [Self Promo]) so I know where to find you, just please send me a message / IM from your main blog if I follow you so I know it’s you.
OC-Friendly: Pretty self-explanatory, if your muse is an OC and you want to interact, you’ll be more than welcome. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus though, please (I had a bad experience in this regard). Also, I’d rather if you had a decent bio page so I know as much as I can about your OC, and I’m perfectly fine if your OC is related to a canon character.
AU-Friendly: Your muse is an AU/Canon Divergent version of a canon muse? Fine by me, as long as you have a bio page where you explain said AU/canon divergence so I have an idea about what’s different from canon.
Crossover-Friendly: Your muse belongs to a different fandom? That’s perfectly fine! Though be forewarned that I might not follow back quickly (or at all) if it’s a fandom I’m not familiar with, unless we’ve been friends for a while (like, from before I joined the BNHA fandom), you have a BNHA AU or I see potential for interactions. It’s mostly to keep my dash clean and for my own comfort, nothing against you, so please don’t feel bad. For fandoms I’m familiar with, see rule #20.
NSFW-Friendly: Given the nature of the series, NSFW elements like gore, violence, body horror, etc. might be present but will be tagged accordingly. Both mun and muse are 20+ so smut might be present as well, although it’ll always be under ‘read more’ and tagged accordingly as Not For The Weak Of Heart [NSFW]. I’ll only RP smut with 20+ muses and 18+ muns, and only if the mun in question is comfortable with it.
2. I'd rather not RP with muns under 18. It’s not you, I promise, just me being uncomfortable with it due to past experience. They’re still welcome to ask RP/HC-related things if they’re curious, but at least for the time being I’d rather keep interactions with underage muns to a minimum for my own comfort. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
3. No godmodding (controlling my muse yourself) and no metagaming (using knowledge of someone’s muse that a character has no way of knowing).
4. If you don’t follow me back when I follow you but are still willing to RP, send me an ask or IM or tag me in a random starter to break the ice. I usually don’t approach blogs I follow if they don’t follow back for fear of bothering.
5. I’m open to RP via IM and Discord as well, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to ask for my Discord-ID (though I might be selective with giving it).
6. I don’t care about reply length, just write whatever you feel like. I’m perfectly okay with one-liners, para, multi-para and drabble-length replies, whichever floats your boat, as long as you give me something to work with for my own reply.
7. Don’t reblog OOC posts, Rules, Headcanons or threads you’re not taking part to. Seriously, it’s annoying as hell so. Please. Don’t. Do. It!
8. Feel free to tag me in dash games (no seriously, I love those so the more the merrier) and, if we’re mutuals, random starters as well.
9. Triggers might be present given the nature od the series and the people the muse might interact with, but will be tagged accordingly as TW: Trigger (ex. TW: Blood), even if mentioned (in which case it’ll be tagged as TW: Trigger Mention), just to be safe. If you want me to tag a specific trigger, just let me know. I don’t have any triggers myself, but please tag cheating (in a relationship), animal abuse, torture, rape/non-con and eye-related gore, as they’re topics which make me uncomfortable.
10. I'm more than happy to turn asks into threads, as long as we’re mutuals. I don’t mind either reblogging said ask or starting on a different post, whichever you prefer.
11. Spoilers might be present, though they’ll be tagged accordingly as Cheaters Never Prosper [Spoilers]. In general, I’ll tag spoilers from the Internship Arc onward (let me know if you want me to tag earlier spoilers too).
12. I don’t really like to RP angst. Hurt/comfort is okay, though, and my go-to type of thread. Other things I prefer avoiding are dub/non-con, gore, and torture. Mentions are fine, but not graphic RP. Also, don't kill off Rei, please.
13. No hounding / pressuring for replies / answers. I won’t do the same with my RP partners and ask the same courtesy from them. If I haven’t replied in a while, you’re welcome to ask me (gently) via IM. Chances are I’m busy with real life (I’m an university student on my last year), my phone doesn’t work or I need more time to come up with a proper reply. I’m either very fast or slow af, with rare bouts of in-between, according to my mood or how busy I am with real life.
14. Please keep drama, discourse and anon hate away from me. I’m here to have fun and relax, so don’t try and get me involved in stuff like this (it’s lowkey triggering for me so please respect it). Much appreciated.
15. Don’t be rude. I’m a very kind, considerate individual, I always do my best not to disrespect other people and I hate it when people disrespect me. I’ll gladly accept critiques as long as there’s a good, well-explained reason behind them, but gratuitous rudeness is a big no-no. If you’ve got something to tell me, do so in private.
16. I don’t accept M!A (Magic Anons) so don’t send them in unless I request it by writing a post or reblogging a meme (which will happen rarely, if ever). M.A. sent without prompting will be deleted on sight.
17. I won’t take part in or join affiliated RP groups. Last time I did it wasn’t a pleasant experience so I’d rather steer away from it for the time being. My activity might be spotty due to IRL stuff so I don’t wanna feel pressured to be active at all time.
18. No need to send in passwords, I know it can make some people anxious. I myself have no problem sending them in if requested, and in any case I always make sure to read the rules before following/interacting, so I assume you did the same.
19. For PSAs, look for the Tips To Survive [PSA] tag.
20. Regarding crossovers, here’s some of the series I’m into and know very/decently well:
Persona Series
Ace Attorney
Yuri!!! On Ice
Fairy Tail
Pokémon games
Harry Potter
Artemis Fowl
Marvel Cinematic Universe
X-Men Movies
Ouran High School Host Club
Villainous / Villanos
Saint Seiya (Classic Series, Lost Canvas, Hades, Soul of Gold)
Time Hollow
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Fruits Basket
Mystery Skulls Animated
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Rules for mobile users
[[here’s a google doc for the updated list of rules, applicable for all my blogs]]
anything under this cut is from my outdated rules.
[rules updated: 07/28/2019]
• No godmodding. No sending (implied or explicit) homophobic/transphobic/bigoted messages to me or my character either.
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least a week of no replies, though. In return, I usually give you a week too, unless otherwise specified in your own rules, until I remind you if it’s your turn to reply (or more often, I chicken out and trust that you’ll eventually respond/want to drop it and end up never bringing up that particular thread ever again). You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course.
• If you can trim your threads, please do! It’s fine if you can’t, though, because I will most likely trim the thread for you. If you don’t trim threads with other people, however, I’ll be less likely to follow you since I don’t like scrolling through long posts.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. I prefer if you don’t repost any of my art without asking me first. All of my icons are also created by me using my art.
• That being said, if you’re following me, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m doing anything bad
• You can reply to any of my open starters at any time! Even if they’re a year old! Even if other people have already replied to it! My open starters are open for a reason, and we don’t have to be mutuals for you to reply to them either :’)
• I am of age to do smut rps, but I will not for this blog because Vinnie and his counterparts are all in closed relationships, and they are physically minors. There will occasionally be sex jokes, but that’s about it.
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw, minus smut. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w; Speaking of gore, you’re more than welcome to fight/harm/injure my muse to any extent! You don’t even have to ask! However, please read my headcanon post regarding pain and injuries, because my muses are ghosts and therefore work slightly differently when being injured than a regular living human.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that. Personals in general are allowed to follow me too! However! Personals are not allowed to reblog roleplays, in character posts, or ooc posts especially if I say in the tags that I’m going to delete the post later. Only things that are tagged with my “art tag” tags are okay to reblog. Headcanon posts are not okay to reblog unless I say otherwise.
• Like spamming is okay! I very occasionally lose roleplays, and getting lots of notes from likes are never a factor for that, for me personally. If I lose a roleplay, it’s mostly just because I forgot, so that’s really a “me” thing. I’m usually very good at keeping track of who I’m roleplaying with and how many ongoing threads I have, and I reply pretty consistently, so just remind me if I haven’t responded after five or more days (as stated in one of the above rules)! And I like it when people like my posts! It lets me know that you like my blog and the stuff I post, and it makes me happy :’)
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-4 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. Of course, in crack/online roleplays it’s fine but I’m okay with it in serious roleplays too. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays for myself, thank you very much. It’s cool if you format, I think formatting can look nice sometimes. I will sometimes use icons, but I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words.
• I tend to move roleplays from asks onto its own post. If I send you an ask meme and you answer it, I’ll respond by making a new post, tagging you, and linking to your reply. Until formatting on asks are fixed, I will answer any asks sent to me in a new text post rather than asks.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I have also read your About and Mun pages, if you have those as well. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you, then chances are that I most likely have read them- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• I generally follow every rp blog that follows me, but I might not follow some people back for a few reasons. Some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, you spam stuff that I don’t want to see on my dash, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, Briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• These are technically fandomless OCs, though they were integrated into the Hetalia world in a way (Vinnie’s boyfriend is Feli Vargas Jr. and Devon, Vincent, and Flint’s boyfriends are just Feli’s 1P, Opposite, and Opposite 1P counterparts respectively). That being said, I will most likely roleplay within the Undertale or Deltarune fandoms (yeah sorry, I’m not too into roleplaying in the Hetalia fandom lol, i’m just stealing the fandom’s AU concepts and running), but I am open to any muse, and other fandoms I am familiar with.
• I’ll also rp with fandoms I’m not into either, as long as you have a good about section for your character, which also indicates how you portray them (any headcanons or AUs you have that aren’t canon, or whether you portray them as canonly as possible, unless they’re OCs of course since a regular about page is a given) and I’ll probably look up other things about that fandom in its wiki if I don’t know what something is anyway.
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! Multiple threads are also greatly encouraged, because I love having lots of threads with people!
• This blog is a single ship blog! All my muses already have boyfriends whom they all love very much and they do not want to get into relationships with other people
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself. Any trigger warning tags will be written as “tw; ____” with a semi-colon, not a colon. If I feel like something should be tagged as a trigger but I’m not sure what to tag it exactly, I’ll just tag it as “tw” as a sort of catch-all tag.
Requested tagged triggers:
• tw; vore
• tw; age regression
• tw; jump scares
• tw; mental hospitals
• tw; spiders
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you are talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to one of my muses, or like these posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter with Vinnie, Devon, Vincent, or Flint!
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