#/nbr /lh
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invisi-idol · 1 year ago
mlp - masc fluttershy nput !
requested by : 🎭 anon
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₊˚⊹⋆ names :
dex , dez , declan , diego , daniel , dane , dean , sean / shawn , fawn , fern , fable , linus , lionel , lain , orion , manny
₊˚⊹⋆ pronouns :
h^ / h^m
fly / flys , forest / forests , grass / grass' , green / greens , bud / buds , bun / buns , bird / birds , kind / kinds , leaf / leafs , tree / trees , chirp / chirps , sky / skys , shy / shys
🐦 / 🐦s , 🦊 / 🦊s , 🐇 / 🐇s , 🦔 / 🦔s , 🪶 / 🪶s
₊˚⊹⋆ usernames :
flutter_boy , chirpchirp , prunedpegasus , naturesponie , elementofkindness
₊˚⊹⋆ titles :
( prn ) who is full / the element of kindness , the nature pony / pegasus , the helpful / friendly ( noun ) , ( prn ) with the kind soul / heart , the butterfly
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pro-memoriia · 3 months ago
All this Ghost ship shit and art and fics but no Rora and Cumulus art 😞
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shinyshade8026 · 8 months ago
hmmm, who do you think I am?
You gut recently refollowed me and are known for talking in anon first then 'revealing' yourselves.
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winter-willow-hero-aoyagi · 2 months ago
While Touya was playing a claw machine, he saw Akito looking at the one with Charizard plushies.
After he was done, he looked at Akito. "Do you want to play that one?" He asked.
Hey, Toya.. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for snapping at you the other day… I was stressed and frustrated, I hope I didn’t hurt you.
-@superhero-akito (is this good enough?? i cant tell)
Ah, don't worry, it's alright. I'm just glad to hear that you're doing better...
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freddy-owo · 2 months ago
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2024 art summary!1!1!1!1!1! My art really changed this year woah =00
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the-crystal-femmes · 3 months ago
Pearl.. What
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unablethethird · 6 months ago
Oli just said this after hearing me say something about Americans calling 24 hour clocks the correct ones military time or something
Can't count past twelve ass?? yeah yeah that how far you can count on your irradiated goblin finger how's living near the Mississippi river treating ya Sixer all that nuclear waste in your water supply hows it feel having 2 more thumbs and fingers for elbows
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is this your brother
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chaotically-coz · 8 months ago
gives you a cosmic plush
i need to draw a cozmic plush omg
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dwllie · 1 year ago
can you make a system flag related to omegaverse  😭?
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toxickeyboard · 1 year ago
We Happy Few fandom…are u still alive….I found 2 songs that fit with Jack Worthing….
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menshusband · 2 years ago
To b fair I watched the spiderman again (not by choice necessarily but I’m not mad about it) and Pav is so amazing. Boyfriend material. Walking green flag. I had other thoughts but that is mine to know and yours to find on my blog lmao
GASP. okay no but YOU'RE SO RIGHT, HE'S AMAZING!!!!!!
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bites-and-crunches · 3 days ago
Isn't... running off and never talking again the exact same thing you guys got upset at us for doing..? /vlh /nbr /genq /nm
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I don't.. even... remember getting mad at you guys....?
we don't like getting mad at people...
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the-eater-of-flesh · 10 months ago
im pretty sure your blog is inactive but i visit fairly often to figure out what to name ocs and i just noticed “Kyan” is on here twice LMAO
Hey! Do you have any names that start with "ky"?
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strangedisciple · 2 years ago
Hi. Have you ever posted fanfiction about Julian Casablancas on AO3? I feel like you might've written a couple of stories I read once. If you didn't than ignore this lol
nope, i've never written fanfic at all
(that and fanfiction about real people kinda makes me uncomfortable-)
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deityoftherain · 4 months ago
Tonetag Masterlist
/aff - affectionate
/anx - anxious
/c - curious
/cp - copypasta/copy-paste
/der - derogatory
/dra - dramatic (typically in a joking, silly, or non-serious way)
/fond - fond (functions a lot like /aff)
/gen or /g - genuine
/gn - gender neutral
/gq - genuine question
/hj - half-joking
/hsrs - half-serious
/hyp - hyperbole
/ij - inside joke
/info - information
/ir - ironic
/irre - irrelevant
/j - joking
/lh - lighthearted
/ly or /lyr - lyric
/mnp - maybe not platonic
/mod - modding or doing admin duties
/nao - not an order
/nav - not a vent
/nay - not at you
/nbh - nobody here (used mostly in vents)
/nbr - not being rude
/neg - negative connotation
/neu - neutral connotation
/nf - not forced
/ng - non-gendered (don't mistake the g with genuine here)
/nm - not mean/mad
/npa - not passive aggressive
/nsrs - not serious
/nsx - not sexual intent
/ogj - ongoing joke
/ooc - out of context (out of oc in rp/cosplaying)
/op - optional
/ot - off topic
/p - platonic
/pa - passive aggressive
/pos - positive connotation
/q - quote
/qp - queerplatonic
/r - romantic
/ref - reference
/rh or /rhet - rhetorical question
/s or /sar - sarcastic
/silly - silly (typically in a joking, non-serious, or dramatic way)
/srs - serious
/sx - sexual intent
/sys - system/plurality related comment
/t - teasing
/th - threat
/vneg - very negative
/vpos - very positive
/vsilly - very silly
Note: I’ve been maintaining this list for myself and the discord servers I’m in for years now, and I figured I should also post it on tumblr. I will try to remember to update it when I update my own list. Feel free to submit any tonetags I’m missing, reblog it, and share the link to anyone who is confused about what the tonetags mean. Also, this is meant to be a masterlist, not a list of only the most common ones, so don’t get intimidated because you don’t have everything memorized- that’s what this is for!
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jiraisupportgroup · 6 months ago
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Guide To Tone Tags ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Tone tags are little indicators people put at the end of a sentence or message to clarify the intent or feelings of that message ^-^ you’ve probably seen them before. They’re really helpful especially online because it can be difficult to tell the tone of something online through text, especially if you don’t know the person and their usual speaking habits.
Just as a note: please don’t use these ironically. It defeats the purpose of tone tags and can be very confusing for some people! Just leave the tone tag out if you’re being sarcastic about it.
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♡ General Tone ♡
• /j - Joking - this message isn’t serious, it’s a joke.
• /hj - Half Joking - they are joking about something but they are also likely to do it or believe what they are saying. It’s a joke and it’s not serious, but there is a little bit of truth in it. (Usually this is in the form of exaggeration i.e. “I hate twitter/hj” means they don’t really hate twitter, they do dislike some aspects of it though)
• /s or /sarc - Sarcastic - they’re saying something that is opposite of what they actually mean or feel. (Sarcasm online is also represented a lot by using long words and random capitalization i.e. “I nEvEr Would HaVe KnoOoooooOOOWnnN” they mean this sarcastically - they knew).
• /srs - Serious - they really mean what they are saying, or what they’re saying is very important to them.
• /nsrs - Not Serious - they do not mean what they are saying or what they’re saying isn’t a big deal.
• /lh - Lighthearted - they don’t mean this too seriously, it’s for fun or generally well intentioned.
• /g or /gen - Genuine - what they are saying or offering is for real, they mean what they are saying sincerely, or they are actually asking for responses for a question - it’s not rhetorical.
• /nf - Not Forced - they’re asking for something but they’re not trying to pressure you or force you into doing it.
• /m -Metaphorically - what they’re saying isn’t literal or didn’t literally happen, they’re using this as a metaphor for a different situation.
• /li - Literally - the thing they are talking about actually for real happened or they believe it fully.
• /rt or /rh - Rhetorical Question - a question they don’t necessarily want responses to, it’s a statement posed as a question to make you think about the topic as opposed to actually asking for an answer.
• /hyp - Hyperbole - what they’re saying is extremely exaggerated for comedic effect or to stress something.
• /ex - Exaggeration - what they’re saying is somewhat exaggerated for comedic effect or to stress something.
• /pos - Positive - they mean this in a good way.
• /neg - Negative - they mean this in a bad way.
• /neu - Neutral - they don’t really have strong feelings on this or don’t really have an opinion on it.
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♡ Feelings of the Author ♡
• /nm - Not Mad - they’re not mad about what they’re talking about
• /lu - A Little Upset - they’re a bit disappointed or sad or angry about what they’re talking about, but not too much.
• /p - Platonic - they mean this in a friendly way, they view you as a friend.
• /r - Romantic - they mean this in a romantic way, they view you as a love interest, crush, or partner.
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♡ Intent of Message ♡
• /t - Teasing - they’re kidding around and teasing you, it’s not too serious.
• /th - Threat - this is an actual threat that they intent on following through with (I mostly see this one used ironically which irks me bc it defeats the entire purpose of using a tone tag so just be aware of that).
• /sx or /x - Sexual Intent - they mean this in a flirtatious and sexual way.
• /nsx or /ns - Non-Sexual Intent - they do not mean this in a sexual way, it’s more so platonic, joking, or lighthearted.
• /nbr - Not Being Rude - they’re not trying to be rude by saying this (note that this does not automatically mean what they’re saying is not rude, you can still be rude even if it’s not your intention to be).
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♡ Who is Being Talked To or About ♡
• /nbh - Nobody Here - they’re not talking about anyone here (usually used in group chats or small communities).
• /nsb - Not Subtweeting - they’re not saying this as a vague response to anything or anyone, they’re just genuinely talking about it.
• /nay - Not At You - they’re not aiming what they’re talking about at you specifically.
• /ay - At You - they are specifically targeting what they’re saying for you.
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♡ Where is This From / Miscellaneous ♡
• /ij - Inside Joke - it’s a joke but might only be understood by a small group of people. Don’t stress if you don’t get it or don’t understand what they’re talking about. Inside jokes are usually hard to explain to others.
• /ref - Reference - this is a reference to something else, usually a meme or piece of media.
• /ot - Off Topic - this is unrelated to what was being talked about before.
• /cb - Clickbait - usually this means the message is exaggerated or falsely advertised to get your attention. Often used in a lighthearted / joking manner.
• /f - Fake - the thing they’re tagging is not real. This is usually used for fake headlines or photos.
• /l or /ly - Lyrics - they’re reciting the lyrics of a song.
• /c -Copypasta - this is a copypasta, they copied it from somewhere else.
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