#/j /j i promise i can reclaim it
izel-scribbles · 3 months
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some pen doodles of the worst guy ever actually
+ a bonus kiy
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realtranstybalt · 1 month
out of character intro time finally, welcome to the guy behind the sword
i go by many names; my most preferred being tybalt, tom, and levi. though jean, ben/benedick and judas are also fine.
i use he / it / crow / shi / divine pronouns (she/her trial stage.) and prefer non human terms. masculine is preferred if non human isn't possible
im acespec bisexual and questioning arospec. however, I'm also a trans etherio bigender + xenogenders (ask me about my labels and I'll be your bestest friend trust)
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im autistic and can't tell tone often. i will ask for clarification and ask you do the same because i also struggle conveying my own tone. i have many disorders that affect how i act, so be careful of this when interacting with me. i promise you, I'm not upset at you, I'm just severely mentally ill and unaware of how im perceived by others. also i use slurs (THAT I CAN RECLAIM) occasionally, tell me if it makee you uncomfortable if you talk to me
my special interests are stage plays (mainly r+j and much ado), marine life and astronomy
i love music, designing & literature. i write a lot in my free time, especially analysis and poetry. i love sharing what i write to anyone willing to listen and sometimes even write things for people i care about. i enjoy games and talking to people. i thrive mostly on social interaction and spite
i don't have a set dni, i block somewhat freely and will just stop interacting with you if you make me uncomfortable. i am a MINOR!! don't be weird to me thank you
i am VERY slow at understanding things. be patient. i also have dyslexia so i will most likely misread and misinterpret things because i just read like a 5 year old. please don't make fun of my spelling i get enough of that from my irls
osddid system, so don't be alarmed if i talk differently at some points, my alters and i talk very differently sometimes. it's not something i can control very well. im doing my best i promise you
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id like to formally apologise for that last banner. but i won't.
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shyghost · 4 months
(gigantic bnha spoilers ahead if you dont want to see it hit "j" or just keep scrolling)
ok. ok. i'm having so many thoughts about shigaraki's story and in my mind there's a way for it to still be salvageable. no hate to hori, he's an exhausted person under so much stress, and he wants this shit to be over. but this is my personal truth.
tl;dr: nana shimura has a heart-to-heart with her grandson, reassuring him that his feelings about the league were not manipulated, and he cared about them deeply and truly regardless of AFO's meddling, and that tomura can still save them. he's apprehensive about this until he hears kurogiri say "his friends are waiting for him." this is what "wakes him up" and causes him to lead the charge to defeat AFO from the inside. deku has to acknowledge that he didn't beat AFO on his own, he has to say that shigaraki helped him.
longer version under the cut:
chapter 424 would be tomura rising.
cut to the flashback of tomura being silenced by AFO. he is free-floating with his hand outstretched thinking "i guess this is it, it's all over." but then nana's hand reaches out to his spirit vestige hand and grabs it or whatever, saying "i wont let you disappear, tenko."
he is admittedly confused and upset by her saving him, and so he asks her why she bothered to keep him from vanishing. to which nana answers that she knows he has every reason to hate her, but she couldn't sit by and let heroes fail him again. and that his family needs him.
tomura scoffs like "i don't even know you, you're not my family" and nana responds "yeah, i'm not the one who needs you. what about your league?"
tomura thinks about them all shocked for a moment. nana continues, "do you think AFO will keep them safe? that he'll honor your promise? the one you made assuring them they can live however they want? if he could turn against you so easily, you, his precious protege, why would he not turn against them?"
tomura is silent for a beat and then nana says "tenk--... tomura. your life may have been manipulated by AFO, but he's wrong about you never making a decision on your own. you truly valued and cared about your league. you protected them, looked after them, bonded with them. your relationship with them was very real, and very important."
tomura kinda snaps at her, "how would you know?" to which nana responds, "because we saw it."
she quotes him, "'even if i were to turn into an empty shell, i'd still need to be a hero to those guys--the villains...' ... isn't that what you said?"
she then kneels down to him and reaches out her hand again and says, "so, grandson, i'm asking: do you still want to be a hero?"
tomura thinks about it, but doesn't take her hand, scratching at his neck instead like "even if i wanted to, what could i do from here?" so nana pats his head instead and says "we'll figure it out together."
the other vestiges appear before him, and they kind of explain what's happening on the outside. that AFO is destabilizing, and deku is making his way to him as they speak. yadda yadda. tomura is unconvinced but then they hear kurogiri's "AFO, please give back tomura shigaraki. his friends are waiting for him."
suddenly tomura snaps out of it. he's furious again. he still wants the destruction of that house. and AFO is the literal root cause of everything that made that house. and if he can't destroy hero society, he can at least destroy AFO.
he finally decides, "we should attack him from the inside." he thinks about all of his friends, about spinner, about his family, about how he will reclaim his life. it is HIS LIFE.
then the rest we saw. etc etc. i dunno. something like that.
when deku gets accosted by his friends, and they're all like "you did it!!" he says "i didn't do it alone. i had you guys and also shigaraki."
and they're like "wtf" and he's like "i couldnt have done it without him, he destroyed AFO from the inside, even though it meant sacrificing himself."
everyone's got a moment of stunned silence pondering the implications of that.... and so forth.........
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ridenwithbiden · 1 year
"Donald Trump's Plan for America is called "Agenda47" and it's a helluva thing.
Here are the top ten worst agenda items:
#1 Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers President Donald J. Trump pledged to end the scourge of human trafficking and defend the dignity of human life.
This is the worst. Firstly, capital punishment is reserved for people who have committed murder (eye for an eye) of the most horrible and horrific crimes, involving mass casualties, rape, torture and/or mutilation.  Human trafficking is not that, but honestly, if someone was murdered during the process of human trafficking that would probably already be covered.  This standard is supported by SCOTUS case law, so without murder, it might not even be possible legally.
Secondly, this reminds me of Trump's call for the death penalty against the Exonerated Central Part 5 who were children at the time. He wanted them executed even though the victim, who was assaulted and raped, survived the attack.  She was hurt badly but it simply wasn't a capital offense, and the judicial murder of children is an international crime.
#2 Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational Institutions For many years, tuition costs at colleges  and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding  while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth.  The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions  from the radical Left, and we will do that
This isn't about tuition costs, it's about the same cultural indoctrination, book-banning, censorship, harassment, intimidation, reverse-racism CRT and Trans panic that we've seen in Florida.  Trump wants to take that crap national. He liked this idea so much, he listed it twice.
#3 Agenda47: Using Impoundment to Cut Waste, Stop Inflation, and Crush the Deep State I will use the president’s long-recognized  Impoundment Power to squeeze the bloated federal bureaucracy for massive savings. This will be in the form of tax reductions for you. This will help quickly to stop inflation and slash the deficit.
This is about purging the government of his enemies and dissidents. Anyone who might impede or resist the agenda. Notice he doesn't mention anything about keeping the function and implementation of government in good quality. He doesn't care about whether government employees do their jobs well and efficiently - he just wants payback against the so-called "Deep state." It also won't lead to tax cuts because that would have to be separate legislation. And it's a laugh to expect that you would reduce the deficit with a job purge, people that aren't working don't pay taxes - so incoming receipts go down and the deficit goes up.  Trump promised to "eliminate the debt" the first time, but in the end, his tax cuts increased the deficit by $400 Billion during his first 3 years, then another $2.2 Trillion with his 2 Covid recovery packages.  He left office with a deficit of $3.3 Trillion.
#4 Agenda47: Ending the Scourge of Drug Addiction in America Too often, our public health establishment  is too close to Big Pharma—they make a lot of money, Big Pharma—big  corporations, and other special interests, and does not want to ask the  tough questions about what is happening to our children’s health.
This is a laugh because the GOP would never let him undercut their donor base with massive cuts to pharma. Yes, they do make a lot of money - and they spend a lot of it on Congress, they aren't letting him destroy their cash cow.  The GOP doesn't like that Medicare can negotiate with big Pharma now, they aren't letting everyone do it. However, the larger problem of actual *addiction* won't be solved by making drugs cheaper. It's pretty arrogant of him to think he can solve a problem he doesn't begin to understand.
#5 Agenda47: Day One Executive Order Ending Citizenship for Children of Illegals and Outlawing Birth Tourism As part of my plan to secure the border, on  Day One of my new term in office, I will sign an executive order making  clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the  law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not  receive automatic U.S. citizenship
It's kinda cute and pathetic that he thinks he can reverse most of the 14th Amendment with an executive order. Who the fuck taught this guy "government?"  Yeah, Let me just cross out the bit that reversed the Dred Scott decision that said that no one of African descent was a citizen using a Sharpie.  Besides the Xenophobia of this "Anchor Baby" shit - just imagine the potential ethnic and racial abuse possible with something like this in place.
#6 Agenda47: Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged For a small fraction of what we spend upon  Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our  veterans are being treated horribly.
You can end homelessness, drug addiction *and* mental illness for less than the cost of Ukraine? Wait I thought you already fixed drug addiction, why is that still a problem?  it's simply amazing what you can accomplish with just 1/5th of the VA budget.
#7 Agenda47: Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies Joe Biden is waging war on the U.S.  auto-industry with a series of crippling mandates designed to force  Americans into expensive electric cars, even as thousands of electric  cars are piling up on car lots all unsold,” President Trump said. “This  ridiculous Green New Deal crusade is causing car prices to skyrocket  while setting the stage for the destruction of American auto production.
The auto industry is doing fine and EV sales are expected to reach 35% of the market soon.  The only really "expensive" EVs are Teslas [some of them], most of the rest of them and hybrids are completely affordable. Plus what you save on not buying gas which keeps us dependent on states like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia. The Green New Deal didn't pass. Also, jobs are doing fine also.  Better than literally ever.
#8 Agenda47: Liberating America from Biden’s Regulatory Onslaught No longer will unelected members of the Washington Swamp be allowed to act as the fourth branch of our Republic
You mean like Train Safety regulations that could have prevented the East Palestine disaster? Or regulation that could have prevented Silicon Valley Bank from collapsing? Or the regulation rollback that led to the Great Recession? Or the ones that led to Enron? Cutting regulations is supposed to boost the market just like cutting taxes, but Trump's GDP never got near the 5% he predicted, it averaged at 1.7% pre-Covid and went negative after. Biden's first year had over 5% GDP.
#9 Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military In a new Agenda47 video, President Donald  J. Trump announced his plan to rebuild America’s depleted military,  address the military recruitment crisis, and restore the proud culture  and honor of America’s armed forces.
The Military is simply not "depleted" - military spending went from $758 Billion in 2021 to $814 Billion in 2023.  What he really means is that he's going to replenish the stock prices for Defense Contractors.
#10 Agenda47: Ending Biden’s War on the Suburbs That Pushes the American Dream Further From Reach President Donald J. Trump announced his  plan to end Joe Biden’s war on America’s suburbs in a new Agenda47  video. Biden’s proposed rule that every state, county, and city submit  “equity plans” to the federal government will push the American dream  out of reach for countless American families.
So we're still suffering from decades of deliberate racial terrorism, redlining, spreading pollution, jobs deserts and education deserts - but let's not consider trying to *FIx* any of what was deliberately and purposefully broken over the last 2 centuries.  Let's just leave it all fucked up. the way it already is.
White Power Y'all. Yeah, 'Murica!"
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #107
I got lost in Blender all day today.
Well, no. That's not wholly true. I also wrote a little today. And also I made some food:
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It's mushrooms sauteed in rendered bacon fat, and rice with black beans. I cooked the mushrooms, and J did the rice and beans. I ate these with a bit of that salmon I made recently. Or, well… mostly the skin of the salmon I made recently. Because J ate the salmon meat and left the skin, since he doesn't like the skin. But that's okay; the skin is my favorite part anyhow. My body craves collagen all the time, and I think it might be due to the Ehlers-Danlos, but I dunno.
…I have not eaten nearly as much as I should have today, so it's a little hard to think coherently enough to write to you. Got too lost in an attempt to do various things. This is the result of only going without eating for maybe 10 hours. How in the hell did you go for a whole freaking WEEK??? Don't EVER do that again, okay???
I have zero clues about what I'm doing. But I'm more scared for your safety than I am scared of what my brain likes to think it means about me when I try something new and I'm not immediately amazing at it. Got a lot of vicious self-criticism going on about my intelligence level and worth as a human being, stemming from years of traumatic one-trial learning and expectations of perfection imposed upon me by others until it was internalized. Still, I'd rather endure ten times my own inner critic than have you permanently stuck someplace where you're not safe, though. I'd rather live my whole childhood again. I'd rather live it 100 times over. I'd rather… gods…
…I wish I could just ask you to promise me that you'll make it through all this okay, that you'll try to fix all the things that got wrecked, that only a minimal number of people will be hurt, that someday you'll live in a peaceful place and learn all about what it's like to heal from a wretched set of life experiences, that someday you'll understand what it means to be happy and close with a diverse group of healthy-minded people who love you very much.
…If you truly are strong in the real way, then you'll be taking steps towards what I've described; Square Enix said you are the strongest ever, but that's only true if you grow past and become more peaceful and loving than even the most healed of those of us who have been traumatized. You will always be weaker than me if you do not reclaim your original kind and caring nature. But I'm not sure if the people of Square Enix are going to let you. So I have to do something. Anything… I…
I can't let it end for you like this. Not again. I was too small in 1997 when the original story came out, and too young and dumb in 2003, when I saw you for the first time, to do anything about it… Just like I was too small and powerless to do anything to protect my brother when we were living with my stepmother. Just like I was too small and powerless to do anything to protect my mother when her husband at the time was hurting her almost every night.
...Do you have any idea how traumatic it is to have to sit and watch as some kind person you've come to know, understand, and appreciate gets hurt, and not be able to do ANYTHING about it? No matter how much you cry, scream, beg, or try to bargain? I've been through this more than a few times with various folks, and I can say with absolute certainty that getting beaten hurts less. Do you have any idea how long 13-year-old me, defeated and powerless, wept for you after you were slaughtered?
…But I'm not powerless now. I will help you, somehow. Even if I don't really know how just yet. But I'll find a way. Even if I have to spend the rest of my life trying it, I…
…I should maybe start by doing a better job tomorrow of making sure I'm hydrated and fed. I'm not going to get anywhere if my brain is running on fumes. I gotta learn from your fail. I gotta do a little better. Not just for you, but for the people around me, and for everyone I've failed in the past as a result of all the things I didn't yet know and couldn't yet do…
I love you. Please don't get yourself killed; you gotta read tomorrow's letter. Okay? Promise me.
Your friend, Lumine
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Hatchets Un-Buried or Cassie Malfoys Adventures in Government-Mandated Homewrecking
Hatchets Un-Buried, or, Cassie Malfoys Adventures in Government-Mandated Homewrecking https://ift.tt/GFyzTkS by ConstantlyPurpLexed “I’m sorry, let me see if I can get this right - seven hundred years ago, the Lord Malfoy signed a deal with Lord Weasley, specifically just to fuck him over. Knowing full well that House Malfoy will only ever be born sons, he promised a daughter that would never exist - but when I finally had my name legally changed yesterday, suddenly I fill the role of this promised daughter? And now, due to the treaty signed by two men dozens of generations ago, I am legally obligated to marry the fucking Weasel?” The ministry stooge nodded, his fat, sweaty face lightening into a relieved grin. “Yes, thats exactly right Miss Malfoy, I’m glad you’ve managed to be so understanding.” From her left side, a quick inhale drew her attention, and she turned to meet the eyes of one Ronald Billious Weasley. He looked her up and down, blinking rapidly, then cocked his head to the side. Those rusty tumblers started spinning, and something approaching an original thought clunked its way through. “...Draco?” “My name is Cassiopeia,” she said numbly, lightheaded, frustrated, and already quite done with the day. “And I want a divorce.” Words: 11122, Chapters: 2/12, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Cassiopeia Malfoy(Trans Draco), Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Trans Female Draco Malfoy, Stupid contrived old magic nonsense, Mildly Dubious Consent, Polyamory, Transphobia, Misgendering, Some of the misgendering is born of ignorance, Some of it... isn't, No Ron-Bashing he just needs to learn a bit, Post-War, I made Cassie a 2006 goth babe, Take one look at her and tell me I'm wrong, Author isn't British just pretending to be, No beta and not looking for corrections, The setting is absolutely dubcon but Cassie is wierdly here for it, Arranged Marriage, Reclaiming Childhood Memories from the TERFs via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/hr6uZk0 September 10, 2023 at 02:56PM
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strywoven · 1 year
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@phytonomy has requested a story : 🔙   //   push  my  muse  against  a  wall . (for Verona from Knives)
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A TWO-WAY sort of exchange , this connection , one innate to their kind and specific to t h e m ( bonds between plants are often individual , theirs is equally unique ; no-one else can infringe on the intimate space where their souls commingle ) .  Every part of her feels EXPOSED TO HIM ( seen , heard , at times even touched & made raw— ) .  In turn , there is a new vulnerability to Knives , one she understands he is not privy to , one that remains j u s t beyond the reach of his measures for ( desperate ) control.  And , for the most part , Verona’s re-exploration of him is always CHASTE , done with the r e s p e c t he is owed.  Never – or rather , not typically – does the Matriarch take more than she is given , than she is offered.  Such that is , sharing such a bond makes keeping secrets … RATHER DIFFICULT ( if not altogether impossible ) ; he ought to know , anyways , there is no hiding anything from her.  Not ever.
Slow , at first , as usual , the idle l e a k i n g feeling of her presence all but unraveling through his head like a GROWING ROT ; unfurling bigger , bigger still , reaching out to all corners of his head with her too-greedy claws to t o u c h and p r y at whatever she finds , dislodging both thought and memory , replacing it with a dull ache and a lulling melody.  If this were a human , one might accuse her of POSSESSION ; a demon’s magic , a CONSUMPTION .  But there is never any harm in merely looking , is there ?  For the moment , it feels as if that is all she does , traipsing about the halls and hollows of her companion’s mind just as he does her.
There is no real venture to find anything … And yet she does.  This is not her memory to reclaim , but Verona cannot help the way she seizes onto it ; he had a human , too !  Almost like a happy little family , the twins and this Rem.  Lo’ our messiah is not so p e r f e c t l y absolved , is he ?  Finally ⸺ !
⸺ The force of him rounding on her , shoving her into the wall , knocks her head back , sending everything momentarily OUT OF FOCUS alongside a dizzying pain.  But the damage has been done ; what she’s seen , cannot be unseen ( she remembers everything & this especially , is not a detail she shall be keen to overlook ) .  And even in the wake of Knives’ ire , Verona feels a swell of EGO & TRIUMPH for her little discovery , for this little s e c r e t he did not want her to know ( & why is that ? she wonders ) .  She shall SAVOR this feeling for a time to come , yes.
❝ Oh , dear , ❞ A pitying look is given , ❝ Strike a nerve did I ? ❞  More than a nerve , as it would seem !  How delightfully interesting !  His entire disposition has shifted ; the energy between them has become strained and volatile.  Yet what is also incredibly strange about this is – they both know – he could do her harm … But he refrains ( whyever for ? who is staying his blades if not the lingering memory of the strange girl he knew who would hold his hand ? ) .  Despite herself , Verona g r i n s at him , the bleeding remnants of her tearing into his memories still dripping all-too-proudly there off her hungered maw.  ❝ You ought to learn to keep your temper , my beloved brother , ❞ Noted how the taunting sentiment only stokes his irritation further.  Leaning forward , she presses into his space , nose-to-nose ; the air seems HEAVY & TENSE , choked on the struggle for power between the two ( where all too often knives falls just a few steps behind her devilry , each moment of bout bringing another occasion of being outmatched ) .  ❝ Else I may not think to keep m i n e . ❞  Less a threat , more of a promise , punctuated by the way she snaps her teeth at him.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I keep seeing fanartists who draw me tag me as Jirai Kei, which is really pissing me off. Can we maybe NOT compare me to the "fashion" that's literally just an insulting term for mentally ill people turned romantization? Like, if you're not romantizing it, then it's just an insult. It's not something that I think is great to "reclaim" either.
It's so hard to find artists who draw me well that don't do this shit.
Please just let me dress in Dark Girly fashion and exist as a mentally ill person in peace.
I apologize for how this kind of turned into a rant about people mislabeling j-fashions, but I promise it is directly linked to my experience as a fictionkin.
-Shinonome Ena
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moshieldnorthsaltlake · 2 months
Our Story
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About Mosquito Shield of North Salt Lake City
Hi, we’re Dustin and Jennifer Schouten and we’re the owners of Mosquito Shield of North Salt Lake City. We love that we are a customer service company. Putting the customer first and letting them know how important they are is something that sold us on Mosquito Shield. We know how good it feels to be treated well and we want to give that back to the community.  
Our goal, as owners, is to educate the people in our community about our company and what Mosquito Shield can do for them.  Our area is a haven for mosquitoes. Many homes have been built on reclaimed marshlands, and we can provide a service that allows people to enjoy their yards again. With Mosquito Shield, we also aim to spend more time doing things we want to do as a family and to create something that we can hopefully pass down to our next generation.
Dustin and I were first attracted to Mosquito Shield due to its seasonality. We have young children and like the idea of knowing that we’ll never have to request time off to be together as a family during winter holidays. My son and I, Joe, are also extremely desirable to Utah’s mosquitoes. Our son is so miserable when he tries to play outside, so we know we can help other people like him to enjoy a pest-free outdoor experience. I grew up in Katy, Texas and am a graduate of Texas A&M University. Since marrying Dustin, we’ve lived and traveled throughout the country and world, but we’re excited to be back in Dustin’s hometown where we can see the mountains everyday. Dustin was born in Salt Lake City, but moved often when he was young. He does, however, have a lot of family ties in the great state of Utah. In fact, he has a relative that is the former mayor of Ogden! 
Dustin retired from the US Navy in 2018 and after working for a few different companies decided he would like to work for himself and his family. We’re proud to be a veteran-owned business and we’re excited to start Mosquito Shield of North Salt Lake City and set down roots for our children. 
Here in Salt Lake, we love J. Wong Thai and China Bistro in the downtown Salt Lake City area. Dustin’s dad has been going there for years and strongly recommended that we check it out when we moved to Utah. We love supporting a family-owned business like them and the food is beyond amazing. Dustin gets his favorite Kung Pao Chicken, I can choose from a variety of Thai or Chinese dishes, and the kids are delighted by the robots that bring the food to the tables. Every weekend we visit a different park as we enjoy spending time outdoors with our kids and our new best friend, Namaste, a Dutch Shepherd. Nami is learning how to track and has been taking service dog classes. 
The leadership experience and dedication to service Dustin gained from his time in the Navy translates well into running a business that gives back to the community at large. We’re very customer-oriented and set on 100% satisfaction for each customer. Our satisfaction guarantee comes with a money-back promise. Within 7 days of spraying, if you’re not satisfied, we will do a respray. After that, if you’re still not noticing a difference, we’ll refund your money.
Mosquito Shield® was founded in 2001 as a direct answer to a major problem: mosquitoes. In the absence of an effective mosquito control service and the inadequacy of personal products, a new solution was necessary.
For the past two decades, we’ve mastered our blend of all-natural oils and select control products to become that solution. We’ve tested different blends, application methods, and frequencies of applications to perfect an effective and responsible solution. The result is Mosquito Shield.
Our numbers would demonstrate that we’ve filled the gap. 8 out of every 10 customers return year after year, and we now service tens of thousands of American households.
To hear what our clients are saying, please visit our customer reviews and testimonials section.
Corporate Information
Mosquito Shield® is a leading residential mosquito and tick control service with over 120 franchise locations across the United States. Each of Mosquito Shield’s franchises are owned and operated by independent local business men and women. With the threat of mosquito and tick-borne illnesses on the rise in the United States, Mosquito Shield Franchise Corporation was launched in 2013 and has since developed into a leading franchise opportunity in the growing pest-control industry.
What Makes Mosquito Shield Better?
Tailored Treatment Plan
We’re the only company in the industry that reacts to mosquito behavior. Without a set schedule, we can adapt to your yard's needs and the mosquitoes around it.
On average, we visit every 10-17 days to ensure a mosquito-free lifestyle.
Proprietary Mosquito Protection Blend
Our special blend began 20 years ago and we continually evolve it to maximize effectiveness.
Science created our formula, and science continues to adapt it so it remains the most effective spray in the game.
Trained Technicians
All of our technicians are trained in environmentally smart practices. They target active mosquito areas and are taught the signs to recognize them.
This means less overall spraying, more dead mosquitoes, and a healthy ecosystem in your backyard.
Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not happy with our services, let us know. We’ll work hard to make it right, including offering a service call spray if needed.
If you’re unhappy with the results after your first visit, simply notify us within 7 days and we will issue you a full refund.
You can’t put a price on peace of mind and relaxation. With our service, you can relax knowing that we are helping protect your pets, kids, friends and loved ones outside. We kill and repel mosquitoes, ticks, and therefore help keep away the diseases that come with them.
We want to help you enjoy your yard again by delivering a mosquito-free environment that allows you to spend more time outdoors.
From start to finish, you’ll see we’re passionate about what we do. We don’t make you sign contracts or upsell you on services that you do not need. Our service application is tailored to your property and includes our proven mosquito proprietary blend technology. We’re here to help you and control mosquitoes, not the other way around.
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New Mosquito Shield Technology
State-of-the-art routing software enables our Mosquito Shield of North Salt Lake City Technicians to deliver on flexible treatment schedules. We are able to map out ahead of time when treatments will be needed. This information is relayed to you to better serve and communicate the timing and details of each application.
While our sprayer equipment may look similar to others, it too has been engineered for maximum effectiveness. With it, we can apply our products more efficiently and with greater accuracy and control.
Expert Technicians
Our technicians are trained specifically on mosquito and tick control products. We’re not just another guy with a backpack and van or a lawn care provider that will “set and forget” later. This is what we do and we take it very seriously. Not only are our technicians trained on products, they’re trained on mosquito and tick behavior as well as species identification.
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thanasij · 2 months
And this rage i feel consumes me. How dare you lie, how dare you leave me to die, how dare you lie to me, string me along, make me feel safe with you, vulnerable with you, prodding me for parts of my soul and my story, all of this time and space in what little I have left, just to take it from my shaking hands and walk away with it. How dare you make me feel safe and wanted, just to lift me up and drop me head first back where I started. How dare you make such promises and gestures when your intention was to destroy what little I had left. How dare you. How could you. And why? What is the problem with me that no one seems to tell me? Why is there a cycle of isolation, I thought after I grew older and tried to escape the abuse, things would be better, that I could make friends, find love, be surrounded by people who actually gave a fuck. And try as I might, I am hardwired in failure. I must be such a disappointment, I must be so uncomfortable, so revolting to even look at. I must be so disgusting and ugly, and I can never hide it. I feel the rot reclaiming my body and I try to connect with others to spite it. It never leaves, it must be that. Maybe I am ruined, broken, and burdensome, maybe people can see that.
—Thanasi J.
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pagebypagereviews · 3 months
I'm sorry, but I can't generate a list of new releases for 2024 as my last update was in September 2023 and I cannot predict or access future publications. However, I can create a hypothetical list of diverse and intriguing book titles across various genres that could capture the essence of what readers might look forward to in a future year like 2024. This list will be purely fictional and for illustrative purposes only. 20 New Releases to Read in 2024 The year 2024 promises to be an exciting one for book lovers, with a slew of new releases spanning genres from thrilling science fiction and fantasy to insightful non-fiction and captivating young adult novels. Whether you're into edge-of-your-seat thrillers, deep dives into history, or explorations of futuristic societies, there's something for everyone. Here's a look at 20 of the most anticipated books set to hit the shelves in 2024. Fiction The Echoes of Andromeda by Lila M. Harper - A gripping science fiction tale of interstellar exploration and the discovery of a mysterious, ancient civilization. Whispers in the Dark by Raj Patel - A psychological thriller that delves deep into the complexities of the human mind and the secrets that lie within. The Last Empress by Elena Martinez - A historical fiction novel set in the twilight years of the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the life of its last reigning empress. Shadows Over New Earth by Connor Lee - A post-apocalyptic adventure that explores the remnants of humanity struggling to rebuild on a new planet. Midnight's Twins by Fiona O'Connell - A dark fantasy story about twins separated at birth, destined to reunite and shape the fate of their world. Non-Fiction The Age of Discovery 2.0 by Dr. Marcus Y. Chen - An insightful analysis of the technological and scientific breakthroughs shaping the 21st century. Voices from the Silence by Amira K. Singh - A powerful collection of stories from survivors of global conflicts, shedding light on the human aspect of war. Future Imperfect by Alex R. Fitzgerald - A provocative look at the ethical dilemmas and challenges facing humanity as we advance into the future. The Green Revolution by Sarah E. Greene - An exploration of the global environmental movement and its impact on policy, culture, and technology. Empires of the Mind by Ivan Petrovich - A deep dive into the history of intellectual thought and its influence on modern society. Young Adult Starlight Academy by Mia Wang - A magical realism story set in a school for the gifted, where students learn to harness their unique powers. The Heir of Shadows by Kyle J. Adams - An epic fantasy about a young prince's quest to reclaim his throne and unite his kingdom against dark forces. Lost in the Echo by Erin Carter - A poignant coming-of-age story about friendship, love, and finding one's voice in a noisy world. Rebel of the Sands by Aisha S. Patel - A thrilling adventure set in a desert kingdom, where a young woman fights against tradition and destiny to shape her own path. The Edge of Forever by Lucas Grant - A sci-fi saga about a group of teenagers who discover a portal to a parallel universe, challenging their understanding of reality. Children's Books The Great Penguin Escape by Emily Brown - A heartwarming tale of friendship and adventure, as a group of penguins hatch a plan to escape their zoo and return to the wild. Max and the Monster Under the Bed by Joshua Davis - A delightful story about overcoming fears, as Max learns that the monster under his bed isn't so scary after all. Luna's Magic Paintbrush by Sofia Martinez - An imaginative story about creativity and expression, as Luna discovers a paintbrush that brings her drawings to life. The Adventures of Captain Cookie by Oliver King - A whimsical tale of a cookie pirate and his crew as they navigate the high seas in search of treasure. Daisy and the Dragon's Egg by Lily Chang - A charming story about courage and friendship, as Daisy embarks on a quest to return a lost dragon's egg to its mother.
Conclusion As we look forward to the year 2024, the literary world is poised to deliver a diverse and compelling array of books that cater to all tastes and interests. From the depths of space to the intricacies of the human mind, from the struggles of empires past to the challenges of shaping the future, these 20 new releases promise to entertain, enlighten, and inspire readers of all ages. So, mark your calendars and prepare your bookshelves for an exciting year of reading ahead. Remember, while this list is purely speculative and imaginative, it reflects the broad spectrum of themes and narratives that continue to enrich our literary landscape. Whether you're drawn to the fantastical, the historical, the personal, or the philosophical, there's no shortage of upcoming books to capture your imagination and keep you turning the pages long into the night.
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Germany FIFA World Cup: Germany Squads Key Players, Challenges, and the Road to Redemption
 As Germany prepares to host the highly anticipated FIFA World Cup 2026, the excitement is palpable among fans and players alike. Manager Julian Nagelsmann has unveiled a preliminary squad of 27 players, marking the final stages of preparation for the tournament on home soil. With the challenge of narrowing down his roster and the absence of notable veterans like Mats Hummels and Leon Goretzka, Nagelsmann is poised to lead a team rich in both seasoned talent and emerging stars.
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As the countdown to kickoff begins, the nation's hopes rest on a dynamic squad ready to shine on the world stage. Fans eager to attend the tournament can secure their tickets through E-ticketing.co, a reliable marketplace for purchasing Germany FIFA World Cup Tickets. Stay updated on ticket availability by signing up for alerts on their website.
This World Cup presents not only a significant opportunity for redemption but also a chance for Germany to reclaim their glory as European champions. Notable absences from the squad include seasoned players Mats Hummels and Leon Goretzka. Nagelsmann had in-depth discussions with both players, who were understandably disappointed by the decision. "I had a long talk with Hummels and Goretzka.
They are very disappointed to be left out," Nagelsmann explained. Despite their absence, Germany's squad remains formidable, featuring key players like Antonio Rudiger, Jonathan Tah, Toni Kroos, Ilkay Gundogan, Jamal Musiala, Florian Wirtz, Kai Havertz, and Thomas Muller. The combination of experienced veterans and promising young talents positions Germany as strong contenders to reclaim their status as European champions.
Key Players and Challenges for Germany in FIFA World Cup 2026
Germany's FIFA World Cup 2026 squad showcases a formidable blend of defensive strength, midfield creativity, and attacking prowess. However, their automatic qualification for the tournament has meant they have played fewer competitive matches since the World Cup 2026 group stages. This lack of regular high-stakes competition has led to inconsistent form, culminating in the dismissal of Hansi Flick, who became the first German manager to be sacked following disappointing results in friendlies against Japan, Turkey, and Austria.
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Despite these setbacks, there is considerable optimism surrounding the team's prospects, largely due to the talent within the squad and the strategic acumen of their current manager, Julian Nagelsmann. As hosts, Germany not only benefits from the enthusiastic support of their home fans but also enters the tournament as one of the favourites. The squad's composition, featuring a mix of seasoned veterans and promising young talents, provides a robust foundation for their World Cup campaign.
Key players such as Antonio Rudiger and Jonathan Tah bring solidity to the defence, while the midfield boasts the creativity and experience of Toni Kroos, Ilkay Gundogan, Jamal Musiala, and Florian Wirtz. The forward lineup, including Kai Havertz and Thomas Muller, adds a potent attacking threat. This combination of experienced players and emerging stars is expected to enhance Germany's performance on the international stage.
Nagelsmann's leadership will be crucial in navigating the challenges ahead. His modern, tactical approach and ability to adapt strategies to different opponents are significant advantages. The team’s journey through the tournament will be closely watched, with high expectations from both fans and critics.
Julian Nagelsmann: Leading Germany's Redemption in FIFA World Cup 2026
The FIFA World Cup 2026 represents a significant redemption opportunity for Julian Nagelsmann. Creating an intriguing dynamic between the young coach and his national team. Following a surprising loss to Japan, the German Football Association decided to part ways with Hansi Flick. Flick, who had struggled to find his footing as head coach after serving. As Jogi Löw's assistant, left a void that needed immediate attention. Nagelsmann initially stepped in as a temporary fix, tasked with stabilizing the squad.
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However, Nagelsmann's impact was quickly recognize, leading to a longer-term commitment. Despite overtures from his former club Bayern Munich, who sought to rehire him. Nagelsmann chose to remain with the national team. At just 36 years old, he brings a fresh, innovative approach to the role. Many consider him one of the most tactically astute managers in the tournament. Blending modern strategies with a deep understanding of the game. His youthful energy and strategic acumen make him a standout figure among the coaches at the FIFA World Cup.
Nagelsmann’s journey is not just about personal redemption but also about steering Germany back to footballing glory. His style, which is both adaptable and forward-thinking, aligns well with the current squad’s. Blend of seasoned veterans and emerging talents. The team includes key players like Antonio Rudiger, Toni Kroos. Ilkay Gundogan, Jamal Musiala, and Florian Wirtz bring a mix of defensive solidity, midfield creativity, and attacking flair. This combination could be Germany's secret weapon as they aim to reclaim their status as world champions.
Florian Wirtz: Germany's Rising Star in the FIFA World Cup 2026
Is there a more exceptional playmaker in Europe than Florian Wirtz? Fresh off an incredible unbeaten double with Bayer Leverkusen, Wirtz has swiftly become one of Germany's key players. This rise has been anticipated for some time, as Wirtz was always seen as a talent destined for greatness. Now, at 21, Wirtz’s breakthrough comes at the perfect moment for his country, which will rely heavily on his creativity and flair in the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2026.
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Wirtz's journey to the top has been mark by resilience and determination. Despite the setbacks due to injuries, he has consistently demonstrated his immense potential. His performances for Bayer Leverkusen have been nothing short of spectacular. Showcasing his ability to control the game, create scoring opportunities, and inspire his teammates. Wirtz's form will be crucial to their success as Germany prepares for the FIFA World Cup.
The timing of Wirtz’s resurgence could not be better for the German national team. Hosting the tournament brings its own set of pressures and expectations. And having a player of Wirtz’s calibre in the squad is a significant advantage. His vision, technical skills, and ability to unlock defences make him an indispensable asset for Germany.
Wirtz's presence in the squad provides hope and excitement for German fans. His creativity and flair will be vital in their campaign, making him one of the most important players to watch in the tournament. As the nation looks forward to hosting the FIFA World Cup 2026.
Julian Nagelsmann Condemns 'Racist' Survey: A Call for Unity in German Football
Midfielder Joshua Kimmich slammed the survey as "absolutely racist" and deemed it "madness for a public broadcaster to ask such a question." Nagelsmann, 36, echoed Kimmich’s sentiments, emphasizing the need for the country to “wake up” and recognize the racism inherent in such questions. “I see this in exactly the same way. This question is insane,” Nagelsmann remark. “There are people in Europe who’ve had to flee because of war, economic factors, and environmental disasters, people who simply want to be taken in. We have to ask what we are doing at the moment. We in Germany are doing very, very well, and when we say something like that. I think it’s crazy how we turn a blind eye and simply block out such things."
Nagelsmann supported Kimmich’s statement that football can show how diverse cultures. Religious backgrounds, and skin colours can unite as a team. Germany’s squad, including captain Ilkay Gundogan, defender Antonio Rudiger. And winger Leroy Sane, is rich in mixed heritage and will be crucial to the country’s hopes in the FIFA World Cup.
For fans eagerly anticipating attending FIFA 2026 matches, Eticketing.co offers a diverse array of FIFA World Cup 2026 Tickets. Our platform collaborates with the most reputable sellers on the secondary market, guaranteeing access to top-quality ticket listings from across the web. Explore our Football World Cup selection today to find the most affordable deals available!
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edwarddominicemilio · 5 months
"What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again." - Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay
As I write this, Melody of Memories from the Legend of Legaia OST is playing in my headphones. When I was around seven years old, I played this cult classic and, for the first time, I was dead set on saving the world of Legaia.
Legend of Legaia was the first video game to which I have been endeared. Despite his silence, I learned to love Vahn. Despite her quirkiness and naivete, I found Noa charming. Despite his brooding attitude, I admired Gala.
It's true what they say: we all experience the same piece of art differently as we grow older. My first playthrough of Legend of Legaia was only about a young kid enjoying his Playstation. My second full playthrough of the game was during the COVID-19 pandemic. I can distinctly recall being stuck inside a quarantine facility in Iloilo City while my characters dream about saving the world in the ancient ruins of Uru Mais.
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My second playthrough was nostalgic. Despite the horrors going on outside the quarantine facility, I felt happy because I was playing my childhood video game and I was sharing about it to J, my greatest love and my greatest pain.
There is a deep intimacy with which I experience art. The problem with this is once I share it with a girlfriend, I start to associate all memories I have of the video game with her. This happened with Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen which I played with J in Cebu City just before I went home to Iloilo City in mid-2020. Now, whenever I hear Eternal Return or Coils of Light from the Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen OST, I remember her.
But that was then and this is now. If there is a lesson I had to pick up from the narrative of Legend of Legaia, it's that nostalgia need not hold one back. Frankly speaking, part of why I wanted to play Legend of Legaia again was because I wanted to reclaim it. I cannot leave to a lost love that joyous chapter of the memoirs of my youth.
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Back to the game, I was not mature enough to pick up on the motif of "reclaiming fate" when I was seven. I was not vigilant enough to empathize with guilty people before I hurt J. It was only on my third dedicated playthrough that I noticed Legend of Legaia is full of characters with a broken past seeking to renew their future.
Grantes was blinded by love for Cara when he got deceived by Zora; now, he drinks his guilt away and the woman whom he used to love begs for scraps of his attention.
Vahn was brave (or reckless?) when he went outside Rim Elm to fetch some Drake Water for his mother but when he got lost, his father Val had to rescue him, leading to the latter's injury.
Gala's parents were killed by the Seru and yet he now sees that he needs them to save the world.
Even Noa, young and innocent she may be, took it upon herself to raise her brother Cort.
There is so much love and sacrifice portrayed in their simple yet spellbinding narratives.
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I remember that one scene from David Lean's film Lawrence of Arabia (1962):
Prince Feisal: Gasim's time has come, Lawrence. It is written.
T.E. Lawrence: Nothing is written.
Sherif Ali: You will not be at Aqaba, English! Go back, blasphemer but you will not be at Aqaba!
T.E. Lawrence: I shall be at Aqaba. That, IS written.
[pointing to forehead]
T.E. Lawrence: In here.
If Sol Tower had witnessed Grantes' love for Cara and Buma saw the loved ones together again, why can't I rewrite my life?
I saw a funny meme once about how JRPGs begin with fetch quests to rescue kittens and somehow end with you killing God. In a sense, Legend of Legaia is one such JRPG. It begins with you locating a tree inside your village and ends with you going to the Spirit World and killing a giant Bio-Weapon. In yet another sense, my realizations about Legend of Legaia are the same. Seven year old me was happy to kill Xain; 26-year-old me saw it as testament to man's immortal march to become superior to his former self.
I love this game. I fucking love this game.
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saucysheba · 6 months
this monster of a fic is still in chapter 1/still in beta-reading mode + story plotting, but here's a repost of what I've got so far
Chapter 1
Notes: Song Mimzy sings is 'Empty Bed Blues' by J. C. Johnson / Recorded by Bessie Smith
Bee's Knees
Neon lights crackled in greeting, vibrant pink and reds framed her name. Bold, brash and a touch tacky, just like her. A serious of taps on the door then he gave the password, but the bouncer hesitated. Alastor could only guess what all the owner had said about him since they parted. Nothing pleasant, if the stalling was anything to go by.
“Hold on. Let me ask” the doorman began, about to pull the eye slot closed, but he was quicker. Microphone-cane tiled to jam the narrow window open. “I wouldn't if I were you” ever-present grin and no malice to be detected, the promise hung in the air all the same. Slit pupils narrowed further, but there was a tremor of fear in their voice.“She's not gonna want to see you...”
He eased in close, the bouncer stepping back. A low glow to red eyes pierced the dark between. His expression didn't budge nor a change in tone, but the Radio Demon made it clear he wasn't walking away. Nor was anyone else getting in. Despite being a slight being, he seemed to take up the entire space all the same. “It's me. She'll want to see me.”
Without another word, the door unlatched and opened to him.
Spotlight in her eyes, stage beneath her dancing shoes and a fresh gin cocktail was waiting on her after this song set. Mimzy never felt at home anywhere else but this run down building. The crowd tonight was thin, but not as barren a landscape as before. Such a somber, heart-broken song to contrast her upbeat spirits, but a singer was not much off from an actress.
I woke up this mornin' with an awful aching head a gloved hand gently griped the microphone, the opposite pressed to the mentioned forehead, while behind her the pianist and trombone player accompanied.
My new man had left me just a room with an empty bed...lips painted a dark purple briefly pursed, letting her fall behind by a beat. Mimzy thought she saw a glowing set of eyes, peering out from the audience. Shaking that thought loose, she adapted her misstep to a soft ohh, leading into He was a deep sea diver with a stroke that can't go wrong.
A sly wink to one of her audience members, until his date decided to give him a not-so-discrete elbow. He can sense the bottom and his wind holds out so long a satin glove lovingly touched along the 'ribs' of the piano, tracing it's curves.
Oh, he knows how to thrill me and he knows how to thrill me night and day!
By the fourth verse, Mimzy noticed movement from the audience. Could pick up faint whispers, hushed tones and hasty footfalls. As she and the musicians built up to the chorus, the bar patrons dwindled, those glowing eyes were back. This time, Mimzy's vision had adjusted enough that she could see a triangle silhouette and yellow-grinning teeth. As the crowd dissipated, so did her enjoyment of the piece.
As Mimzy sang about her new love leaving her for a friend, static started creeping in, her assumption all but confirmed by the noise competing with her and the musicians. Chairs were reclaimed by beings crafted from shadows, all mirroring his smile. Mocking her. She was nothing if not a professional performer though, so even though her voice tightened and her expression less seductive and closer to annoyed, Mimzy saw the song through to the end.
Canned applause, the mockery of recorded laughter and whistles of a fabricated audience rang in her ears. A tight smile answered the pouring of affection from adoring phantom public.
“Thank you, thank you! My, what a turn out! Don't think I've ever seen such a packed house since the 50's!”
Whiskey was poured for him, while all around Alastor shadows made for a rousing audience. This is what she wanted after all. A crowd, all looking at her on center stage. She sang the old favorites, spared him a glance here and there, but refused to approach. Until intermission.
Although the shadows didn't need a breather for drinks and snacks, she kept to the program. A fresh string of musicians played as Mimzy came down to take to the dance floor. She picked a shadow, taking their phantom hands in hers to dance. He found himself amused at how Mimzy purposefully led her 'partner' near his table, making sure to spin out within inches of him. A pointed look, taunting even.
He was in no hurry to reclaim the flapper from any of his body doubles. Instead, Alastor politely tipped his glass and put in the order for another. A red hued gaze followed how she moved all over the dance floor, pulling his shadows to dance with her, fostering them to dance with each other. The power of suggestion from her was weak, but he indulged by letting them mill about and take up familiar dancing steps. As with her earlier patrons, one by one dancing pairs dwindled. Until it was her, one remaining shadow and him.
A graceful twirl reeled her into him, an effortless catch as the glass of whiskey switched from one hand to another.
“We meet again”
Her answer was a loud 'hmph', reddened cheeks and a turn of her head.
“Oh ho, someone still bitter over being turned out?”
She attempted to walk by him, to capture the shadowy form and resume the dance, but Alastor banished the distraction. Just them, the musicians and the bartender. Mimzy made it a point to turn to her musicians. Alastor returned to his drink, watching an animated conversation unfold.
“Why should we stay and play for one guy?” the pianist asked, hat tilted over yellow eyes, interlocked jaw only opening as he spoke.
“You'll stay if you want your paycheck!” Mimzy snapped in response, hands resting on her hips. She soon regretted her words though because she felt caught in a cross-fire of glares. Soon enough, the bassist spoke up, long fingers tapping against the body of their instrument “Mim, do you have the money to pay us? Thought you were banking on tonight's profits.”
“I...”she struggled for an excuse, a reason to keep them around. Years ago, she would have loved to have Alastor around. To bask in his attention. Couldn't run a jazz bar on a sole patron. Couldn't force her musicians to stay.
Instead, the blonde hung her head in defeat. “One more song, please. Then I'll pay you guys out and you can go home.” She needed time to gather her thoughts, figure out what Alastor wanted and turn in early herself since the Radio Demon taking up the entire bar would discourage more business her way.
Even the compromise got some grumbles. Mimzy felt their disappointment was a fair reaction. It was too late at night for them to find other gigs, they played over two hours and would get a paltry amount for their trouble. She would hardly be surprised if a couple of them quit or simply didn't show up tomorrow.
The final bars of “What'll I Do” echoed with Mimzy. Melodious and melancholy followed her upstairs to her office. A turn of the vault dial interrupted a somber humming rendition as the flapper knelt down. A frown followed by a sigh from painted lips. Gloved fingers raked through short blond hair as she looked at the stack of cash. She was thumbing through the bills on the way down, finding the bar as abandoned as she left it.
The musicians had packed up their gear, moved to the entryway, meaning the Radio Demon was free to move about. Darting glances to the being as dim glow from lit cigarettes and cigars soon flooded the hall with smoke. “He'd better not fuck with the piano, just got that bastard tunned” Brutus warned her as Mimzy handed over tonight's pay.
“What?”she turned on her heel to glance at the stage. Sure enough, Alastor was seated at the piano bench, his drink perched on a coaster with a conjured table end. “Oh no, it's fine. He knows what he's doing.” A scoff from her musician, but Mimzy let it go without remark. The bartender was the last to leave, lingering in fact.
“You gonna be okay here, Mim?”he asked, skin alternating between dark spots and patches of pale, one eye on her, the opposite roving to the man up on stage.
Honestly, she didn't know. Alastor would never hurt her, but for the life of her Mimzy couldn't figure out what he wanted. She lost business that was sorely needed just for him to drink and pretend to be an audience of one. If this was payback for getting him involved with the sharks, then Mimzy figured he wouldn't be around for much longer. These doubts wouldn't get her last employee out the door though.
“I've known him for forever, Chuck. I'm gonna be fine.” Hated having to repeat that word, but it seemed to be enough to ease the wary bartender out the door along with his payment. As the door closed, she was left alone with him. Not sure if that's what he wanted or if she too ought to remove herself from the equation, Mimzy took the safe route of heading to the stairs leading to her apartment.
“Turning in early? That's not like you at all!” the chiding rose alongside the melody coming from the piano keys.
Mimzy knew she could ignore his invitation, dim the lights, point out that the bar was all his and he just had to lock the front door on his way out. Instead, she had venom stored behind her teeth.
“I'll let you do what you like and go without the mockery, thank you” stated curtly. “That's cold, downright frigid in fact. Sure you're not the one who's changed over the years?”. He could have hit her with a hammer for all the bluntness of his words. Mimzy frowned, right arm crossed over left. Idle fingers plucked at the end of her glove.
“I came all this way to see you. Even let you finish your songs” he stated lightly, simply pleading his case. She outright scowled. Could tell it was a dig meant at her interrupting him last time Hands went to her hips after a haughty flip of her hair“You weren't 'singing' at the time. You were about to fight the King of Hell!”
“Ha!” the bark of laughter was followed with a tilt of his head. Shockingly her heart skipped a beat at his wicked smile, “We both know I could beat him seven ways to Sunday.”
“Sure about that? He's about as old as Heaven, if not the big G himself” In spite of herself, Mimzy left the banister to the stairs, coming closer. Magenta-hued eyes followed the fluid motion of his fingers along the keys of the piano. Took him seconds to come up with a melody, a siren song that drew her right to jagged rocks. A subtle nudge of her elbow to his side, wanting onto the piano bench too.
Mimzy knew she couldn't play, only wanted to be near him, but he was free to nudge her off or not budge at all. She was allowed. Her gaze flicked to every movement of his hands, melody washing over her and somehow reminding Mimzy she hadn't had one drink so far tonight. Gloved fingers deftly picked up an unattended whiskey glass, conjuring up a bottle and ice bucket to take it's place on the crowded side table. The first sip proved it was strong, but when she reached over to ice tong to mellow it out, a brush of his hands.
“Do you mind? Get your own glass if you're going to do that.” She gave him a scowl in response, but put down the tongs, banished the ice bucket as well, then took another sip out the glass. A chuckle mixed with static answered her soured expression. “Much too strong for you, I take it” Mimzy defiantly took another gulp, before setting the now empty glass down.
“How can you drink that?” she asked. Despite her complaining, Mimzy poured more of his favorite, this time holding the glass for him. A dip of his head to take a swallow in between playing. “I don't know why I'm bothered asking” Mimzy amended, “I've seen the things you eat. Strong liquor is hardly the worst thing.”
The flapper caught a wandering crimson gaze, a smug look as focus redoubled to some made-up symphony.
“What?” she asked, after easing the glass from her lips, a peek of a pink tongue-tip, gathering up a stray drop of whiskey.
“Nothing” the rise and fall of his voice a near song, taunting her. He had something to say, but was playing coy. Maddening, this man.
- -
Between the two of them, the whiskey bottle never stood a chance. Long after the glass was empty, he kept playing, having to pause at one point since Mimzy kept nodding off. A quick adjustment of his right arm, instinctively the blonde flapper curled to his side. God knows if he let her slip off the piano bench and to the floor to crack her head on, he'd never hear the end of it.
She hummed a few repeating bars, but for the most part let him play uninterrupted. At last, he eased the cover over piano keys. The movement stirred her, easing away from his side. A sway of her form, but even with her balance warring against gravity she picked up the empty bottle and their shared glass. It was amusing to watch her navigate on autopilot from stage to dance floor and to bar.
Methodical cleaning and disposal of the bottle before she moved to shut off the lights. Years ago, she would have had to been pried off of him. Hanging on his every word, big puppy-dog eyes staring intently and adoringly. Now, seemed Mimzy couldn't get rid of him fast enough and took efforts to thoroughly erase his presence.
His wasn't needed here. Habit and the haze of alcohol put him out of her mind, a glaring blind spot. He could leave and wouldn't be missed. Being ignored was opposite of his objective. Another bottle of whiskey was picked up, a new glass and, though he loathed it so, an ice bucket.
Next was the flapper herself. Alastor knew he was playing a dangerous game hoisting her while Mimzy was tipsy, but it was the easiest way to get her and everything else upstairs. Alcohol and necessities tucked under one arm, old friend draped over the shoulder and away they were!
“Um...excuse you?” the blonde began, yet no protests or demands to be put down, so he took it as a sign to climb the stairs. “Your apartment is still to the left, correct?” A hum answered, Alastor wasn't certain if she was trying to fall asleep or not throw up. Luckily, Mimzy was fine after she was eased off his shoulder to unlock her apartment. He was quick to get inside once the door was unlocked, didn't want to take chances lingering on the landing.
Ah. Still glaringly pink, frilled and bedecked in strands or droplets of pearls where she could get away with it. Classic. As he looked around and set up the ice bucket on a coffee table, Mimzy was the one out in the hallway. He caught her confused expression.
Not tight annoyed grimace or raised eyebrows at the audacity of him making himself at home; her bemusement was apparent. Knowing it could go a number of ways, Alastor decided to let Mimzy puzzle it out for herself and started the first pour. A couple of ice cubes dropped into the whiskey summoned her over.
She stood in front of him, attempting to ease the glass out of his hand to take her own drink, but a tug of that same gloved hand invited her into his lap. For someone who lauded the Radio Demon as heartless a son of a bitch, Mimzy was quickly to curl towards him. Things felt relatively normal again, save that her shoulders were tensed and any second now Alastor was aware she could twist a single word of his around to justify pushing off. So, he stayed surprisingly quiet save for the ambient white noise.
“I thought you hated me” was muttered at the buttons of his suit jacket.
“I never said that” A shrug of bare shoulders. Not a mark either of teeth or freckle, smooth and soft, a lengthy strand of pearl knotted at her throat. Same throat moved as she gulped down half of the whiskey. He watched her play with one of the ice cubes, letting it roll over her tongue.
Magenta eyes stared boldly back, “You never came to visit me” her accusation hardly held any weight. “You didn't come to see me either.” a light twining of blonde curled ends at his hand. Purple-painted lips opened to protest, but a finger hushed the budding words.
“You could have seen me at the Hotel at any time. You knew from the commercial and from Vox, where I was. Didn't come to see me until a problem came up.”
She tipped her head to scowl at him, opened the mouth he 'shushed' to take a nibble at the finger. Finding the taste of keratin not to her liking if that wrinkled, offended look was anything to go from; Mimzy reached over, wrestled the glass from him to take another swallow of watered-down whiskey.
“Rosie didn't come to visit you either” she bit back.
“You didn't 'visit'” this was counter to what he wanted, but refused to be slandered to his face, more so to have Rosie dragged into their disagreement. The grand dame had been nothing but kind to him during his visit to Cannibal Town.
“You went out of your way to see her though!”
“For Hotel business, to gather forces against Heaven...oh, but you wouldn't know. You weren't there to help fight. That would be asking too much of you.”
A rattle of the remaining ice as Mimzy angrily slammed the glass down, “You banned me!” an accusatory finger to his chest. One he nudged away and was tempted to tip her off his lap and to the floor, at least here there was a rug to cushion the fall.
“Only after it became clear you weren't there for Redemption nor to see me. You got what you wanted and were going to leave anyway as soon as those Sharks were gone.”
“Why does it matter if I wanted to see you? I've wanted to see you for years!” the whiskey glass forgotten, rolled to the sofa cushion as Mimzy's hands got involved in the conversation. Along with pointing, the fingers curled, pressing into his suit jacket. He could tell the flapper was on the verge of shaking him, for all the good it'd do her.
A sneer, knowing she was full of it.
“It doesn't matter at all. You only come to me when you want something. Everyone knows it, so stop lying to me.”
She crumbled at that look. A press of her lips, tears welling up in her eyes only to attempt to bat those away with the back of her hand. Mimzy left his lap without facing resistance. Her world view was blurred by tears and blurry from the alcohol. She blindly searched for and found the glass. Setting it upright on the table and leave it for him. All she wanted was to retreat to the bedroom.
“You don't have to go” A shift in tone. Where it anyone else, Mimzy would have fooled herself into believing regret was present in those words. She knew better. Alastor never felt sorry for anything. Any 'mistakes' he made were meant to happen or he simply rolled the misfortune into somehow turning it in his favor anyway. Mimzy wished she could be that lucky. Instead, everything between them had wounded her deeply, but refused to cry in front of him.
“I do. I'm fed up with your bullshit”
“Ask me to go then.”
“You know the way out!” Mimzy snapped back, right arm extended and pointer finger to the door. “You even have the backup key to the place, if you hadn't lost that over the years. Just...” her hands raised, only to fall to her sides again in defeat. “Do whatever you want”
Making it clear she wanted to wash her hands of him tonight, Mimzy flung open her bedroom door, ducked to the other side, slamming it shut. Only when she was safely shut out of sight did her shoulders shiver, a sob slipped past her lips. A testing grip on the door handle, not wanting to be alone, but knowing crying in front of him would only open herself to mockery.
He'd figure it out eventually. He'd drink, leave on his own and she could go back to keeping him to the back of her mind.
Well, conversation hit a dead end. Not how he imagined the evening unfolding. Mimzy couldn't be depended on for much, save for her blind devotion to him. The big fluttering eye lashes and captivated glances. Prior to his departure, she'd forgive any slight from him, any cross words and welcome him back at any given hour. All but shut down the jazz bar for him and unwind herself from any potential lover.
Not anymore. She was holding a grudge and was quick to be rid of him. All the same, he wasn't in any rush to leave. Mimzy had given him permission to 'do whatever'. At present, he only wanted to chuck out the ice cubes and pour more whiskey, a smaller measure than when it been the two of them.
He took a short wander over to a table to remove a ivory-pink cloth off of a radio. Dusty, cobwebs draped over the knobs and the dial face could use a cleaning. It was probably a few months to a year short of being dumped. Thus, he summoned a kit to spruce it up. Wood polish for the body. A light cloth to shine up the dial and dust away spider leavings. Mimzy might have neglected the device, but it was a grand old piece.
Alastor had remembered how proud she had been of the purchase. Back when his show was starting out. She had taken great pride in it, even if the red of the wood grain and the yellow glow of the dial clashed horridly with the pink-black elements of her home. Never missed a broadcast.
Couldn't begin to say when he'd go back to broadcasting. The whole thing with Vox hadn't been planned, but it had been quite a time. Given his current situation, Alastor wouldn't go making promises. Least of all to Mimzy or himself. Time tables tended to get tossed to the four winds. All the same, he wondered if his first faithful listener would bother tuning back in.
His gaze wandered to the one closed door and then the hall which would lead to another room. Curiosity got the better of him. The dark hallway held a door, a small twist and push. She kept it the same. Had to be careful, this sort of attention to detail might trick him into being sentimental.
Spanish moss hanging from antlers jutting from the walls. A neat stack of books, the paper markers in the exact place he had left them. In contrast to her living room, pink and white had ceded space to black, shades of red and more earth tones. Instead of a bed, a comfortable arm chair near table and books. One point, Mimzy had offered a bed, only for it to be denied. He rarely slept and a bed would make it feel like he'd have to come by more often.
Alastor found the change of scenery did little to improve the taste of the whiskey. The atmosphere was more to his liking, but the lack of company he wasn't pleased with. If he wanted to drink alone, he could have simply brought whiskey to his Hotel room or the Radio Tower. Alternatively if he wanted company, Husk could have made for a grouchy companion, but one that could be compelled to stay. Rosie, was also an option; she loved her wine and was a delight, laugh a minute that one and was free with kisses the more a bottle dwindled.
He had his pick. Still choose the closed door over all other options presented.
Mimzy was roused from sleep by the rhythmic tapping on her bedroom door. A groan answered 'Shave and a Haircut', not exactly a warm invitation. Besides, she'd have to get out of bed to unlock. Right when she was comfortable too! Tussled short hair ruffled as she sighed and flopped onto her back.
I could just leave him there. He's a grown man, he can take a hint without hurt feelings.
She's forced to rethink her plan of action though because the knocking ceases only to take up again, Same pattern. Blame the booze and exhaustion, but took a third round of tapping before she eases up in bed. A grouchy look to the door, feline ears tucking back into her hair, vanishing as easily as the lengthy tail curled beside Mimzy.
“Hold on! Let me get decent, first!”
A laugh muffled from the door, “Don't think I can wait that long.”
“Hey!” a pointer finger aimed at the door, “You know what I mean...stop playing dumb...” grumbled under her breath as Mimzy picked up a robe. As she walked, the flapper re-applied layers upon layers of illusions, attempting to pull herself into order while shrugging on her pale pink satin robe. Once it was knotted closed, she approached the door. A quick self-check in the mirror showed she had expertly hidden everything. She'd look exactly the same as an hour prior.
At last, she unlocked and opened the door to him. Instantly forgetting the sour words between them, Mimzy gave him her softest doe eyes and leaned to the right of the door frame. Arms in sleeves ending in feathers crossed at her chest.
“Well?” she prompted.
The lights in her living room had been dimmed. Pink furniture and the pearl accents being replaced and rearranged right before her eyes. Seeing his handiwork at play even he had been in her dwelling less than two hours didn't phase her in the slightest. He had always been like this. His influence, desired colors, sentient shadows, everything about Alastor seemed to bleed out into whatever space he took up. Didn't help that Mimzy let him have creative control. Any and everything could be fixed with her own brand of magic upon him leaving.
“That's it? You wanted to show me how you're redecorating my home?” gloved hands extended, confused as to what all he wanted at this hour. By now he ought to be sloshed and either asleep in the chair in his room or somehow back at the Hotel or even the Tower. Any place but in front of her, showing off like this.
“No” his speech wasn't slurred, but had always been a rather put-together drunk. Whereas Mimzy knew she needed a glass of water, at least three aspirins and a dark room before she'd feel half as stable. “All of this is merely incidental”. Indeed. The furniture rearranging and decorating stopped mid process, causing Mimzy to flinch because now it was a mix of her décor, bits of antler and bones on the wall and splashes of red and creeping bits of greenery. She'd have to ignore it though, wanted to get this over with and go back to bed.
“What is it then?” no use in hiding her exasperation. He had intruded on her evening, from costing her customers, performers, wounded her and now wasn't going to let her sleep.
His hands briefly pressed together, an odd but old habit of his. Deep breath, before the Radio Demon spoke.
“Some...unkind things were said between us.” A snort from Mimzy. Yeah, no shit. She had cried about it and that had tired herself out enough to doze a little before he rudely woke her.
“I don't feel like staying up and drinking. Or talking” she wanted to be up front with him. “I just want to go back to bed and sleep, so...” a twirl of a left index finger, “you mind wrapping this up.”
His smile didn't moved. It never did, but his posture straightened in a way that Mimzy could tell he was bristling, holding back on saying something biting no doubt. A part of her hissed that she ought to be grateful he was at least attempting to broach the subject. Typically when they argued, he'd let her stew and they'd ignore cross words or incidents when they met up again.
“May I come in, first?”
That got an arched eyebrow in response. “Why? You can say what you want right out here.” Unless what he had to say would make her close the door again. It was a possibility, she was short on patience tonight.
“Please” not a question nor a request, they both knew she'd cave. Sure enough, Mimzy stepped back from the doorway turned to make sure her room looked about as presentable as she did. The momentary turn evolved into a full stop as she felt a chill tickle up her spine, fingers ending in keratin claws touched the nape of her neck.
“What's this?” a sharp point pressing lightly at a scar she had forgotten to hide.
Having seen, and inflicted, his fair share of scars, Alastor was no stranger to the shape of scars. How they healed over time, discolored the skin, tore flesh sometimes down to muscle and right to the bone. As far from a physician as it comes, he could however tell something was odd about how it was healing. Namely, how the jagged ribbon of raised skin vanished perfectly underneath her hair. An injury to the back of her head, one that required to be sewn up, would have had also made the back of short blonde hair choppy if only to get access to seal it closed.
An illusion. Or rather a network of them. He wasn't angry at Mimzy hiding a scar from him. Such a vain little creature, had been since they met. She'd attempt to cover black eyes from rough men with various powders and creams that had been the rage back then. She'd wear a garter to disguise a bruise at her thigh. Or a comically large broach or pendant necklace to mask various marks at her throat. No, what insulted him was her neglecting to mention.
“It's not fresh...” he remarked, eased up on touching it though since she'd most likely complain if he got blood on her dressing gown.
“...correct” a quiet voice answered him. “...about six weeks ago. Bottle to the back of the head. Chuck is really good with a needle and thread, World War II medic and all. See how even the stitches are.”
“Chuck? He's the bartender...”
“No, I meant who hit you.”
A laugh, “One of the Sharks.”
Incapable of erasing the smile, his gaze does narrows in place of an outward change of expression. His palm briefly covers the scar, having been caught Mimzy dropped that layer of her illusion. It was such a jagged wound, but six weeks sounded like the correct time frame given how it was healing. Stitches were going to have to come out soon.
“They sent out more flunkies over here...couple days after the Extermination. You went missing again, so...guess they thought it'd be another seven years. Or...dunno, they thought it was okay to scare me.”
“And it never crossed your mind to tell...”
She turned away from him so abruptly, drawing the closed robe even tighter, taking measured steps away from him.
“To tell you?” she filled in. “When would I have had time...oh and the whole, 'don't come back to the Hotel unless you want to change', that put a damper on any desire to tattle.”
“You brought gangsters with Molotov cocktails, a battering ram and guns to the Hotel, Mimzy, what was I supposed to say to you?”
She took a seat at the end of her bed. Much like the living room, her bedroom was draped in pink, lace and pearls, even the table lamps gave off a rosy hue. Among all the frill and femininity, she looked lost. Smaller and delicate. Though, it could also be yet another illusion of hers. Hard to tell. The woman dealt in lies, deception and wondered why people called her trouble.
“I don't know” her voice quiet, on the verge of a quiver, but she was so quick to compose herself around him. He blinked and the wall was back up.
“Six weeks. Anything else happened?”
“Such as?”
Her gaze flicked up to him, “It's better if I show you.”
As she promised him, the scar at the back of her head was only the beginning. She kept the robe on, but let illusion after illusion vanish. Listed each bruise and incident of intimidation tied to it.
The oldest mark was from the bottle. The newest was three days, wrapped and concealed under her robe. Her body was a map of every instance, but more than the beatings, the threats had driven off her customers and performers.
“Those guys you saw tonight are really all I've got left...honestly don't know why they stay” a press of her lips, “Maggie, the girl I used to sing duets with, doesn't even come around anymore cause one of the Sharks roughed her up pretty bad...scared her good.”
Mimzy shuddered as a touch went along her shoulder, “There's one more...” he was right, she was keeping the last away from him. Her fingers undid the knot, satin garment slipped over her shoulders, letting it drape at her middle.
Angry, deep gouged claw marks had been pressed into her left shoulder. Fresh. A few days old at most.
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tokiro07 · 10 months
Martial Master Asumi ch.22 thoughts
[Alright, You Wrestling Assholes...He's BAAACK!!!]
(Contents: timeline placement, light thematic analysis, looking forward)
Who gives a damn about Asumi?!?! Okiba who?!?! What the hell does Kaz-low mean?!?! We're here for one thing and one thing only, and that's our girl Okome!!!
Oh, and Kunisaki's here too, I guess. Yay.
Joking aside, I'm really glad that we're getting to see Kunisaki again, especially since the latter half of Hinomaru Zumou really felt like it abandoned everyone aside from Hinomaru and Ozeki. Sure, we got to see them a little, but their character arcs pretty much ended with nationals, and it was especially a shame because Kunisaki clearly had his own story happen completely off-screen
I'm sad that we're probably at most going to get a brief flashback covering that time here, but seeing where Kunisaki's left went after the events of Hinomaru Zumou is absolutely welcome, and gives me hope we'll get to see everyone else down the line too
I don't really know what I was expecting from Okome, I just really wanted to see her as an extension of how much I wanted to see Kunisaki again, and yeah, she's definitely his kid. Love that her first words were "KYS," she really feels like a modern brat
...Hm? That's really modern slang, now that I think of it...she's fifteen now, so...no no, this timeline doesn't add up at all! Trump was canonically president during the events of Hinomaru Zumou, so even if you fudge it so that HZ ended in 2017 after he was inaugurated, that would only put Okome at about 7 if it's supposed to take place now! So MMA has to take place in 2031 at the absolute earliest! The slang is going to change so much by then!!!
But ahhh, who cares? It's a comic, they can do what they want. The main point is that this confirms that the story takes place 14 years after the end of Hinomaru Zumou, as Okome was 10 months old (just shy of a year) at the time. If Hinomaru Zumou is otherwise supposed to line up with our world, Trump famously being rude at the sumo match was 2019 (when the manga ended), so that would place MMA in 2034, ten years from now
Back to the actual chapter, once again I'm glad to see that everyone in this series is so...y'know, normal about it. Amagaki apologizes for breaking Yakushima's ankle but has a tough time looking him in the eye or finding the words to do so, and Yakushima graciously accepts that apology both because he knew what he was getting into and because he just genuinely loves the sport. No one is sneering down their nose at the rest of the world, no one's holding long-standing grudges, they're just people. They make mistakes, they get angry, they get hurt, but also they understand, they apologize, and they grow. That's one of my favorite things about this series, the people feel so real
Even Orino, who feels like such a stereotypical greedy slob, threw in the towel on Amagaki's behalf. It's hard to say exactly what he was thinking, but if nothing else, he clearly was concerned for Amagaki's wellbeing and didn't want him to get horribly injured. He could have left him to the wolves and let him get his arm broken, but even before Amagaki admitted defeat himself, Orino went out of his way to pull him out of danger, and that shows real promise for the type of man he's going to be going forward
Speaking of going forward, I'm not really sure where the story is going to go from here; obviously we're building to the confrontation between Asumi and Kazuro, but with Kunisaki talking about the "J-Futures," clearly his take on the National Treasures he met during his time in sumo, I'm wondering if that's really the direction this series plans to go. Okome seems to refute the idea pretty much immediately, which might be Kawada's way of saying that he's not going to reuse the idea of reclaiming Japan's glory through combat sports, but it might not be and the goal may be to actually put Asumi on the global stage somewhere like the Olympics. It's hard to say at the moment, but all I really want is a deeper exploration into the bloodlust concept that Kawada presented in Hinomaru Zumou. That was always my favorite part aside from the characterization, and now that we have a second chance at it, I'd really like to see it capitalized on
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This is an old drawing of how I pictured his future self looking
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The basic gist is
Cam ended up running away after Tord took over the world, with the promise that he would one day return to save his friends and reclaim back London. But fast foward, he decides to finally return after hearing about Red Leader/Tord—in order to settle things once and for all. Yep, they went from enemies to lovers to enemies again. Also Tord ended up banning the act of bleaching ones hair to spite Cam, so Cam had to resort to illegal ways t do it lmfaooo.
Cam seems intent on straight up killing Tord, and decides to get his attention in one way or another so he could find an opportunity to kill him. He ends up finding said opportunity when he kind of gets forced to sing at a karaoke, and the crowd likes his performance. He has like a few days of fame—until Tord decides to crash one of his performances, and just straight up captures him. Tord proceeds to cuff him.
The two go in the elevator of Tords lair—having a rather tense conversation with one another, but instead of a prison cell like Cam had been expecting, he was met with Tords bedroom. And unexpectedly, Tord randomly took off one of Cams cuffs with his special technology, and attached it to his own wrist. Tord had apparently been planning to chain them both together so Cam wouldn't be able to kill him like he had been planning. And due to the technology and potential danger around, Cam can't just find a way to take the cuff off.
So in other words, Cam has to find a way to kill Tord even with being in such close proximity to him—but they both.. might end up developing feelings again in the process😳 /lh
Also Cam is now shorter than Tord because it makes for good comedy, and also because Tord can now get payback for Cam for all of the years he teased him for his height/j
Also ooooo I love this actually
Enemies to lovers back to enemies and then back to lovers again, my god these two are so messed up <3
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