storekn1fe · 2 years
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[id: photo 1: A digital waist-up drawing of Raze from Chainsaw Man. She is a girl with pale skin, green eyes, and black hair tied back into a bun. She is wearing a white, sleeveless shirt with a black bow and black shorts. She is exploding her head off her body. Her right hand is lifted up, and the explosion fades from dark red to yellow. The background is black. photo 2: A close-up of her face. /end id]
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inalandofsadclowns · 1 year
I hear a lot of complaints that Arthur never gave Merlin any weapons, not even on their dangerous quests. But Arthur had a solid reason for that, I'll tell you why.
The first time they met, Merlin practically took Arthur's knives from him so Arthur asked if Merlin could give a good blowjob. A meeting so memorable, he remembered the insane peasant's appearance, name and the exact words they had exchanged.
The second time they met, Arthur handed Merlin a mace and Arthur was nearly beaten by the twink and left wondering "there's something about him".
In ep2, before an important tournament, Arthur gives Merlin a sword, and fools around with the poor inexperienced boy, instead of training with his knights, even though his father will give him hell if he can't perform at a 100%. But he can't help it, he just got a fresh new boy toy, he wants to play...
In the same episode Merlin gets his hand on a sword, decapacitates a magic snake and, fast forward some trustbuilding sealed by homoerotic eye-contact, a sacking, and a wholesome bonding over not understanding women, Arthur can't help but ask Merlin to stay by his side – this time out of his own will.
And by ep3, walking into the cistern, Arthur said I better stop giving him weapons before something awakenes in me.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years
The White Jersey -P.G
I know I'm not feeling well but Gavi in the white Barça jersey is my weakness 😍😍
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Summary: You just love how good your boyfriend, Gavi looks in the white Barça jersey
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"¡PABLO MARTÍN PÁEZ GAVIRA!" You yelled as soon as you saw him enter the hotel room "¿TE PARECE MUY BONITO ANDAR POR AHÍ DÁNDOME PAROS CARDÍACOS A CADA CINCO MINUTOS?" (Do you think it's very nice to walk around giving me cardiac arrests every five minutes?)
"What did I do now?" He asks with a light smile on his face
"Don't you dare. For starters, you are going to end up decapacitated one of these days and no one will be surprised..."You looked at him in the eye
"Like, I get football is also a brain game, you need to make up estrategies and stuffs... BUT THERE'S NO NEED TO LITERALLY USE YOUR HEAD WHEN SOMEONE'S BOOTS IS ALMOST IN THE WAY!" You yelled desperate grabbing his pillow and hugging yourself to it
"You can just use your foot, amor, ¿Sí?" You asked with a light smile "You're basically sending me to an early dead, like I shat my pants when I saw that. I didn't faint because God was having mercy on me, pero... HERMANOO" (BRO) You opened your arms wide open in disbelief watching a small smile come into his face
"Also" You continued "YOU DO WANT TO KILL ME BECAUSE I'M FREAKING IN LOVE WITH THE WHITE KIT AND OH MY GOSH!" You screamed into his pillow before letting it go "You looked absolutely ravishing like I wanted to jump on your bones everytime I saw you, which was basically everytime" You opened your eyes a little as if you were caught "You just seem like a wine, the older you get, the more sexier and handsome you are and I just can't take it!" You exclaimed looking at him
"And congratulations on the match today, you did so well, except the head onto the boot moment, I'm really happy you guys won, you deserve it" You went over to him and kissed his lips.
Even tho, Pablo was surprised with your outburst, he followed the kiss back passing his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, your lips molding into his and moving in sync.
"Did you just called me 'hermano'?" He asked in the moment you separated from him
"Is that all you got from my speech?"
"No" He smirked "I also got that you think I'm sexy and handsome each day passing and that you want to jump on my bones everytime you watch me" He wriggled his eyebrows a bit making you laugh "I want you to do that" He opened his arms dramatically "Anytime you want to" You laughed hitting his chest lightly
"Eres tonto" (You're silly) You said in between laughs making him smile
"I'm far from being your brother" He insisted, you laughed reaching up to kiss him again
"Estás dale que te pego, it was just the sprout of the moment! You know what I meant when I called you that way"
"No, I don't! Because you say hermano to your friends or to your brother and I'm not either of those!"
"You're right, you're my boyfriend" You say standing on your tiptoes and kissed him slowly hearing him hum a bit against your lips
"I am" He said proudly after you both separated from each other "And I'm so tired" He sighed moving the two of you to lay on the bed, you on top of him
"I can imagine, you were running around one place to the other and doing everything, Pablito. I really can't understand how you do it"
Pablo hummed leaving a trail of kisses down your neck as you smiled lightly "Weren't you just so tired a few seconds ago?"
"No with you by my side" You laughed "Can you tell me more of how good you think I look in the white jersey?"
"You egocentric ass" He laughs widely "You very well know how I feel about you in the White Jersey" He hums tongue sticking out to wet his lips
"It looks good on you too, mi vida. Mostly with my name on your back" You hum leaning up to kiss him
"That can be my name as well, one day; I've to wear it proudly" Gavi smiled widely nodding
"One day, it'll be"
"You're not getting away from the way you pushed your head into the other players boot, okay?"
"You looked absolutely beautiful tonight" He said inmediately hoping to get away from the long chat you'd have with him
"I know that. But don't try to sweet me up, Gavira" You said sternly but with a smile on your face "It won't work this time"
"I love you" He kissed your face "And I love how much you take care of me"
"I love you too" You kissed his lips "But, Pablo, you just can't believe yourself Superman!" He sighed
He knew what was coming and he only had to accept it and hear the lecture of needing him to be more careful, secretly loving it.
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nixoon-again · 8 months
Tails wants to retort, is that all you got? He wants to say something, anything. He wants to at least stand on his feet when facing off the illusion. He wants to decapacitate it, he knows how to do it and yet… He is met with nothing but ragged breaths and a ringing headache. "Giving up already? So soon?" A voice echoes in his head and Tails' eyes shoot up, looking everywhere to search for the source because that's not Sonic's voice and an illusion of Sonic is supposed to sound like Sonic but that was undoubtedly the voice of— "I expected more fight from you. Although, I suppose captivity has dulled your spirit after all."
the voices got to him sorry 😔
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rockingthegraveyard · 11 months
So Jason is about 19 when he comes back to Gotham and runs his little criminal empire. Now no one would really know that, what with his helmet giving him a certain amount of anonymity about his age, but I'd be willing to bet that people assume that Jason is a lot older than he actually is. And I think that if his helmet had been removed for one reason or another that it might have caused some issues because a lot of adults don't really like working for "kids" and I'd be willing to bet that is especially true for a lot of the goons he's procured.
I just imagine thinking you're working with an assumed 47 yr old veteran of the streets who actually has experience with the shindig he's running might come as an unpleasant surprise when it turns out your decapacitation happy leader looks like a fresh ex Disney kid working out his daddy issues with your local cryptid.
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mrs-starkgaryen · 1 month
Last Line Tag
rules: share the last lines you've written, plotting ideas, or inspiration, then tag some people, and have fun!
Ooh thank you @writingwenches , I've never been tagged in something before.
This is a piece from my Meet Me at The Corner (shop) (teaser 1) that I am writing. Teaser 3
✍️ (My other writings) ✍️
It is Aegon x reader
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I jut out my lower lip, “Aw, poor baby.”
“I know what that is like,” he mutters but soon he laughs, “We’ve been best friends since.”
Alarmed by his first statement but not wanting to delve into the topic that might make Aegon uncomfortable, I say, “Well, I am glad. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten to know him. Or you, really.”
I bend down and stroke the dog, revelling in his furry kisses. “Who is a good boy? Who is a good boy, yes you are!” I look up and see Aegon is staring at me, “What?”
His eyes widen before he makes frantic movements. “Nothing. I got you the stuff.” He holds out a bag like a hero presents a monster’s decapacitated head.
I straighten up, and slowly take the bag from him. He releases the strap before I even have a hold on it, causing me nearly drop it. “Thanks…”
He winces. “Um, listen,” he pushes a hand through his hair, causing his curls to become more wayward than normal. “I got to go.”
Not making eye contact with me, he grasps Sunfyre’s lead more fully before gently tugging his dog to follow him, “I’ll see you round.”
I watch as the man quickly crosses the street and disappears around the corner, with a dismissive hand wave being the last sight of him. I slowly raise mine even if he can’t see it. “Yeah…See you.” I whisper.
That was weird.
It's coming soon!
I tag @lullaebies because I miss her and I'd love to see what she's written lately. No pressure 🥰
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nikoisme · 10 months
Part 2 of that headcanons post as promised
-After the war ended, this one man came to Ithaca asking for Odysseus. Said man was Diomedes and this was not the last time he'd visit Ithaca.
-He honestly disappears for some time, and then just pops up like "Hi. I'm back. Is he back?", stays for a bit and then leaves again. Rinse and repeat.
-Suitors run like mice whenever he comes around
-Diomedes and Penelope bonded over Odysseus, but then over their respective intelligence and clever ideas
-Diomedes was kind of like Telemachus' godfather or something.
-Diomedes had no childhood and has no idea how to interact with a kid. But the moment he saw this boy - the boy Odysseus talked so lovingly of - he immediately went "alright I'm taking him under my wing". He is just really fond of Telemachus and very protective of him.
-Teacher him how to decapacitate someone and leave no evidence kind of guy.
-Diomedes was a source of new stories about Odysseus for Telemachus. Stories that he never heard before. Stories he thought of a lot.
-Penelope and Odysseus struggled after Odysseus returned. It was a big change to get accustomed to each other again. They couldn't just continue where they left no matter how hard they tried, but didn't know where to start anew.
-Odysseus passed down the orchard to Telemachus like Laertes did to him :)
-Odysseus was scared shitless of the sea, and half-naiad Penelope helped him with his fear (water wife!!! like you said mads!!!!)
-Odysseus was incredibly stubborn and annoyed about it. He didn't want to be helped. "I know how to do it, I swam constantly as a kid!". And as soon as the small tides rise unexpectedly, he freezes and panics.
-Odysseus hates being vulnerable. Soft? Okay. Showing love? Okay. Sobbing? Okay. But he doesn't like having the parts that ache the most out in the open.
-Diomedes stayed with them for a while after Odysseus got back :D
-Diomedes eventually left and didn't come back. He started a new kingdom and he wanted to travel for a bit before he gets too old. He never knew how to get rest. As much as he hated it, he enjoyed the thrill and the rush of the unexpected.
-Telemachus married Polycaste and had a son Perseptolis! (Something something about everyone being the only son and having only a son. But a part of me wants Odysseus to be surrounded by grandkids)
-Odysseus passed down his kingdom to Telemachus, but his parents still stayed in the palace and helped him
-Telemachus did a fine job of running the kingdom. He watched his mother run it since he was a child.
-Polycaste is a quiet and shy girl. She definitely stands out among the cunning family
-Telemachus and Polycaste understand each other with the whole "my father left for war before i could even remember him"
-They support eachother c:
-Penelope adores her.
-Polycaste is really wary and shy around Odysseus. She heard her father's stories of the man whose mind was as impressive as it was dangerous
-She definitely got more comfortable after a while
-Telemachus sobbed when Perseptolis was born. Something something about being the father he never had. Swearing he will be there for his son.
-Telemachus let Odysseus be in his son's life quite a bit. He knew that Odysseus never got to raise his own kid.
-Back to Ctimene! Ctimene and Odysseus reunited!! But Ctimene was definitely hurt when she found out her husband had died. She didn't inherently blame her brother, but she was mad that only he got to return.
-Angst time :> Ctimene was pregnant when Eurylochus left for Troy. She had a son that unfortunately died when he was a toddler. So when Odysseus asked about his nephew/niece, Ctimene just broke there.
-Ctimene came back to Ithaca and stayed with Laertes.
-She was the first of the royal family to pass away. Even before Laertes.
-I'm so sorry everyone. I truly am. But in my mind, Penelope died before Odysseus.
-Odysseus was completely broken when she died. He never recovered. He was constantly wandering aimlessly, pacing until his feet bled. His mind was in a fog that didn't show signs of lifting
-There was an old dog that followed Odysseus on his countless walks. He tried to shoo him away, but the dog continued to follow him quietly. Odysseus eventually gave up and allowed the dog to walk with him
-He pushed everyone away after her death. The rest of his family barely managed to reach him. Only before his death had he slowly started to let people in his life again.
-Odysseus moved to Laertes' after a while. (After Laertes' passed away as well). He died there as well.
-Guess it's appropriate to end this with a good old "Penelope and Odysseus reunited in the Underworld and had the eternity to be together again"
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rallentando1011 · 1 year
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(I wrote this little drabble like a month ago but here it is! It takes place a few hours after chapter 36 of @wolffeay’s Tell me I’m wrong)
The only fitting way to describe this moment.
Most obvious, physically.
Snuggled up in a cell with my enemy/ex-kidnapper/criminal-against-the-human-race/close companion?/it’s complicated. My nose pressed against the center of his plastron, firm enough to lose my thoughts in him but still gentle. Both of our arms encircling each other, mine around his hips and his my shoulders.
In addition to the compromising, ahem, position I’m in, my body feels worse for wear. My legs still feel as though they are swaying, fighting to keep balance on those platforms, despite how limply they lay on the bed. The burn of water that infiltrated my lungs, nose, eyes still remains, duller than before but still making me weary.
Water is stupid, exhausting me to the point where I swear I can feel my bones ache down to the marrow, housing a plethora of deadly things beneath its seemingly calm surface. I would wish it gone if it weren’t necessary for survival.
Actually, scratch that. Screw water either way.
Stance against water reaffirmed, my thoughts drift past all of my physical aches and onto the internal ones. After a while in here, the thin cuts scattered over your skin become inconsequential, especially when compared to other fates you could suffer…
I burrow further into his chest.
He stirs momentarily from the maneuver, but the deep-set relaxation written on his mellow eyes and ever so slightly agape mouth show no implications of him waking up any time soon. It does, however, elicit another reaction. His arms tighten just ever so slightly around me.
This turtle, not even in his sleep he can’t not remind me of whatever moral dilemma/absolute mental chaos decapacitates my mind from letting me rest despite only having drifted off mere hours ago.
That brings me to my next point: the utter shambles that any ounce of sanity left in my mind are left in.
The pain of throbbing muscles was easily discernible earlier, even in my fatigued stupor. However, my mind was too rocked by the sheer amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins and the exertion of yesterday to even start to unpack any of the topsy-turvy of my emotions.
Panic pouring into positively every pore of my body at the thought of losing him.
Rage coursing through my bloodstream at my turtle deserting me once again.
Desperation flooding over me as my thoughts about my situation rushed through my head, as rampant as the water from earlier. 
Something inside of me begs to tell me I’m wrong; the deep resentment of losing my family, friends, freedom aches for it not to be true, but it is.
I care about him.
Despite all he’s done, all the innocent lives depleted by his hand, my own freedom decimated, I find myself caring for him. Logically, it makes sense; if he were to perish in the Nexus, my fate would follow forthwith. But it’s more than that.
Soft words in a solitary pool ensuring he’s there for me.
Soft words exemplified in a sloshing mass of crashing waves.
Soft words embodied by a caring touch of a hand, the drive to protect each other, the tender embrace of locked lips-
Oh Gosh.
Double crud.
My heart rate climbs despite my sleepy state.
So much has perspired between us, the rollercoaster of emotions in all of these situations amalgamating to form some incomprehensible bond between us.
Part of me wonders if appeasing Big Mama is providing incentive for the development of these feelings, and though I innately want to cling to this theory, I think it’s not entirely true. Would such falsities take root in my mind as deeply as my thoughts about him have? Would these fabricated emotions make me care for him beyond the point of mere survival? Want to escape the Battle Nexus and the war and run and just keep on running with each other?
They’re genuine questions that I can’t myself answer.
What has brought me to this point? Pathetically pondering my emotions about a turtle like some child. If my self from a few months, weeks, maybe even days ago could see me now…
What would she think of me?
Fresh and healing scars tattering my skin, the strands of hair tattered from my anxious hands tugging at them, the deep-set bags adorning my glazed, dull eyes, all a harsh physical reminder of how all of the fighting and plotting and pretending has worked its way under my skin.
Every time I see myself in the mirror after another round in that accursed arena, I recognize myself a little less. So far gone from who I was before, someone with a purpose and friends and a will to do anything to protect them.
Someone worthy of her name.
Where is she?
That pugnacious, unyielding, gruff, scornful punk?
I miss her.
Now, there’s just me, as hollow of a version of myself as a husk.
World-weary and bleak and sad.
Surviving solely for the sake of it.
Shouldn’t I want to fight for who I once was, for my friends and family and everyone who was lost?
So why can’t I? Why are the only thoughts motivating me to keep going about my stupid turtle?
His gentle exhale blowing through my broken tufts of hair stirs me. I open my eyes slightly, peering at his relaxed features in our dimly lit cell.
Like this, even with claw and teeth marks decorating his neck, he looks oddly innocent, almost cherubic.
I sigh heavily and close my eyes again.  His plastron feels cool and welcome on my forehead.
It’s too late and I’m too exhausted to continue trying to sort myself out.
For now, maybe I can just let myself rest.
For now, I surmise I can just let myself be vulnerable, because, right now, in this extremely momentary solace, I’m safe.
Everything’s fine. 
There’s no external or internal war raging, nothing and no one to fight, absolutely nothing in this dim cell and entire world but me, him, and the tantalizing prospect of letting his soft breathing lull me back to sleep.
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unavoidedbyme · 2 years
unavoidedbyme’s introduction/masterlist
(read before requesting please, ty)
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hallo, you can call me Noah, i use he/him and im a minor.
this is some infos on what i write:
what do i post?
i write for Character x Reader only. I don’t really know what to feel about ships that’s probably why.
i only write for OMORI.
mb arts/doodles? i don’t really know though.
i could post up to 5 characters per-post.
what i will NOT write
extreme gores/decapacitations(except for yanderes)
disorders(i can’t potray them well, that’s why)
what i can write
yandere stuff
oneshots(please say if you want oneshots, because if not i’ll do headcanons/drabbles instead)
anything suggestive(for OMORIBOY ONLY. Since yk… yeah)
characters i can write for
OMORIBOY(suprising, ik)
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notetaeker · 1 year
crying I was listening to a lecture and the guy said 'decapitated' instead of 'decapacitated' D:
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depressedraisin · 1 year
ok brethren rant incoming
so ytd i was at this paper presentation competition with my very mediocre paper (the sole reason to that was bcs i am not a banking public finance girlie i never will be) but that's not the story. the story is that i met this dude from a year above me and he's from this very presitigious old traditionally left leaning and social sciences focusing college and i thought ha he might be interesting lemme chat him up. now usually i am decapacitated by social anxiety at events like these but i thought no girl you can't let your demons get the better of you and stare at him for the rest of the event, go talk to him maybe you could get a friendship out of this. i CANNOT tell you just HOW MUCH it took for me too even get up and go say hi. but i did, and i was so proud of myself. he was since enough and we started chatting.
and then.
then, Dude turned out to be a Finance Bro. not just any Finance Bro but an elon musk stanning borderline fascist bullshit spouting "there is nothing wrong with exploiting power if you have it" "why should the rich pay for the poor" Finance Bro.
*loooooooooooong sigh*
spent like 3 hours econ-mansplaining how capitalism is a meritrocracy to me. which was yeah okay im used to hearing bullshit like that i just silently rolled my eyes but then. BUT THEN. man said TO MY FACE "what's there to research in economic history 🥴" when i told him abt my future plans. FUCK HIM. HOW DARE YOU.
yk mama raised a polite girl who is slightly terrified of confrontation or else Dude would've been shredded to pieces.
like fucking nincompoop do you think you dropped on earth outta nowhere do you think scholars who spend years and years studying and trying to understand how our current economic situations have evolved from those in the past are idiots.
im so amused by Finance Bros' complete and absolute inability to wrap their teeny lil heads around the fact that you can study for personal satisfaction. yeah my good sir it is, in fact, possible that someone dedicates their life to the study of something just because they like it and they think it's interesting. only things that bring you lotsa cash aren't the only ones that hold value in life- wow surprise.
like yeah i had the grades to go for stem i still have the grades to go for a cushy corporate job and just count banknotes for the rest of my life but NO im not gonna do that bcs i have this one life and thank god i have the priviledge to dedicate it to pursuing academics long term in a field that interests me so im gonna do that. he was like "if you were confident enough in taking maths and economics then might as well have gone for STEM" NO DUMBWIT. i DID NOT have the interest. it's really just that simple. and yes i can love maths and be interested in history its not that hard. economics is not an isolated science it is literally ABOUT SOCIETY its a social sciene you cannot cut it off from politics or history or sociology. fucking idiot
so yeah. im so annoyed. day ruined totally.
im going back to chatting up only women. cishet men are trash
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Azula x Kai Series: Part Three
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Part One Here, Part Two, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six and Part Seven. 
The group had well and truly found the Avatar and the chase was on. Team Avatar kept escaping on their furry ride but the sky bison had to sleep sometime with the tank didn't. They were wearing the Avatar down and when they reached a river, the trail seemed to go one way. Clumps of fur were dotted alongside the bank and it seemed pretty straightforward which way the Avatar had gone...almost too straightforward. "The Avatar is trying to give us the slip" Azula said noticing the pattern the furs had been placed in "Mai, Ty lee you follow it, Kai and I will go this way" she said gesturing to a dirt road leading through the forest. Kai was surprised Azula had told him to come with her but he was pleased. Every action Azula did was calculated precisely so her taking him with her was a compliment. Kai noticed Mai roll her eyes slightly at Kai’s smile and he smirked at her. Kai ensured his pack had everything he needed and with a nod to Mai and Ty lee took off after Azula. They rode for an hour in silence before coming to a town. There were clear footsteps leading to the centre and Azula told Kai to go around to the side and wait. "But shouldn't I come with you?" Kai asked. Azula shook her head "your best skill is your bow which is a ranged weapon. You will find a good position and wait. If I raise my left hand like this" she said demonstrating what looked like a casual hair brush "then fire at the Avatar and aim to kill. I'm expecting Zuko to show up and if we start fighting it's your job to decapacitate him, got it?". Kai thought back to their conversation the other day where Azula admitted she trusted Mai completely around Zuko but not so much Kai. It suddenly occurred to him that Azula bringing him wasn’t a compliment, this was a test. She had chosen him to see if he could handle it and he wasn't going to let her down. "I've got it" he nodded and he ran off to go scale some buildings.
 Azula waited a few minutes for Kai to get into place and then approached the Avatar. Kai didn't hear much of the conversation but he could tell Azula was fine by how relaxed her body language was...and then Zuko appeared. He jumped in the middle of the two of them but Azula just fire-blasted him into a building and went after the Avatar. Kai got the message and quickly sprang down from his hiding spot. Zuko hadn't noticed him yet and went to run after Azula when Kai fired an arrow at him, pinning his shirt to the wall. Zuko jumped as the arrow only just missed stabbing him and turned. "Kai...I should've figured. Wherever Azula goes you always follow". Kai shrugged "good to see you too Zuko, or not so good for you given the circumstances, how banished life been treating you?" he smiled. Zuko shook his head "you seriously think you can beat me in a fight?". Kai raised his bow and aimed at Zuko's head "yeah I think I can, unless...". "Unless what?" Zuko spat and Kai smiled "we know I'm better with a bow and you have firebending so how about we make this even. One-on-one sword fight" he said taking his sword out of his sheath with a satisfying ring "no firebending or archery. What do you say?". "I say you're on!" Zuko cried brandishing his own swords. Kai smiled knowing he'd peaked Zuko's temper. He swung his weapons around a little and got into an aggressive stance "bring it on Prince Zuko...or is it just Zuko now you're a disgraced mess?". Zuko yelled and leapt into the attack. Kai could immediately tell this wasn't Zuko's best performance. He hadn't been travelling comfortably like they had and it showed. Zuko was weaker from his time on the road and inconsistent meals. His attacks lacked sustenance and Kai decided to enjoy this. "You know growing up, all the boys wanted to be you. The Prince of the Fire Nation, heir to the throne, favourite of the Queen...so beating you is going to be very satisfying". "You haven't won yet" Zuko replied and attacked more rapidly which only made him sloppier. Kai actually smirked at the desperation coming from the Prince. He sidestepped Zuko’s attacks and let Zuko think he was pushing him into a corner. Zuko was getting cocky and when he started to smile that’s when Kai knew he’d won...but he wanted to play with the prince a little more. 
Kai let his grip falter and gave Zuko hope that his disarming strike was going to hit...then he quickly readjusted his feet and knocked Zuko's sword from his own hand. He kicked it away and aimed at his neck "I win" he smiled. Zuko’s eyes were a ball of rage but he of course always had someone to step in when he failed. 
Kai felt the fireball just before it reached him. He dove out of the way and turned to see Azula's uncle the disgraced Iroh. "Should've known you wouldn't have gone anywhere without a family member to fight for you, first it was your mother and now your uncle huh Zuko? When are you ever going to fight your own battles?". "That's enough!" Iroh called "we don't want to hurt you Kai, set your weapons down carefully". Kai heard Azula still fighting and shook his head. There was no way he was surrendering while she still needed him. "Fat chance old man" and he fired a smoke bomb at the floor. That gave him the time he needed to run off and he was way faster than Zuko or Iroh. He whistled letting Azula know there was danger and hurried back up the buildings to get a good look at the situation. 
He spotted her immediately and realised she was in a bad position. She was being cornered by 6 people including Iroh and Zuko but still she was putting up a good fight. However even the brightest flame can be extinguished with enough force and so Kai waited anxiously, bow at the ready. He could take out the Avatar, he had a clear shot at him but Azula mattered more. So when she gave the signal he fired his last remaining smoke bomb straight into the yard. Azula leapt out of the way but Kai saw Iroh aim for her, trying to stop her from escaping so he quickly fired another bow right at him for good measure. He didn't have time to see if either hit its mark but based on Zuko's scream it did. Kai rushed down the buildings to the mounts and got there at the same time as Azula. "I thought I said to take out the Avatar" she said. "I know but they would’ve captured you” Kai said getting his mount ready. “So the Avatar would be dead!”. Kai shook his head “but I wanted you to get away more! With Zuko and Iroh there, I couldn't let them capture you Azula I just couldn't!" he cried more emotionally than he meant to. Azula paused shocked by his outburst before she looked away "come on let's go". He nodded composing himself and they rode off as quickly as possible. 
They returned to their designated meeting spot to find Ty lee and Mai waiting...dripping wet. "So...how did it go?" Kai asked and Mai shot him a look. "Not good" Ty lee said "we had them beaten and then the Avatar's bison swept us into the river". Azula shrugged "that fur ball is a real inconvenience but no matter, we can guess where they're heading and I have the perfect plan to finally break that city once and for all". Ty lee blinked and Kai could see she was confused. He was going to mouth the name of it to her when she whispered "what city?" to Mai. Azula heard and rolled her eyes "come on Ty lee! What famous stronghold might the Avatar flock to in order to gain support and weapons?". Ty lee blanked "erm the water tribe?". Azula swore and Kai sighed "Ba Sing Sei, he's heading to Ba Sing Sei". Azula nodded "thank you! Atleast someone has a brain!". Azula rode away and Ty lee struggled not to tear up. "Don't cry, you know she hates that" Mai whispered before following Azula. Kai frowned and walked up to Ty lee "here" and passed her a tissue. "Azula didn't mean what she said, she's just mad because I didn't take the shot at the Avatar and chose to save her instead". Ty lee sniffed "you did? Wow that's brave". He shrugged "not really when the other option was letting a girl I care about get hurt. Sometimes you have to be brave and put yourself in danger to protect those you love". Ty lee nodded "yeah I guess you do...thanks Kai". Kai nodded to her and then walked away. Something about his expression softened and then tightened again made Ty lee remember how difficult it was to care for royalty. 
Kai left to join the archers 2 weeks after Zuko was banished. Mai was understandably gloomier than ever to be without her brother and her boyfriend and so it was just Ty lee and Azula for a while. They’d grown closer during this time, to the extent that Azula would even talk about Kai to Ty lee. 
They were walking through the training school together which Azula liked to do often. She liked to assess the other students and make sure nobody was close to her level of skill and this had apparently extended to Kai. She watched some teenagers fire a bow and only half of them hit a bullseye. Azula snorted as the coach praised them “it seems without Kai around this now passes for archery”, Ty lee laughed and Azula smiled. “When he gets back they’ll think he’s a god because he can actually hit the target board”. Ty lee laughed again “you’re right, when does Kai get back again Azula?”. “Well he won’t be back officially until atleast a year but he will be back home for the winter solstice in 4 weeks. It will be pleasant to have him around again...maybe Mai will actually smile” Azula said. Ty lee had read that absence can make the heart grow fonder and she adored the effect Kai’s absence was having on Azula. She spoke about him often and complimented him more than Ty lee had ever heard. So she was sure the minute Kai arrive back Azula would ask him to be her boyfriend! She couldn’t wait for Kai to return and the weeks whizzed by until he was here. 
Ty lee rushed to the docks with Mai to await Kai’s return. When they got there she pushed to the front and looked around expectantly. “Where’s Azula?” Ty lee asked and Mai raised an eyebrow “probably back at the palace, why?”. “Well won’t she want to see Kai?” Ty lee asked. Mai shook her head “when has Azula ever come to see anyone off or welcome them home? It’s beneath her”. Ty lee shook her head “no..she likes Kai, she’ll be here!” but the ship appeared and all the travellers walked off the ship with no sign of her. Kai appeared and Ty lee and Mai called to him. He grinned when he saw them and rushed to hug them. “You’ve grown!” Ty lee said shocked and he laughed “maybe a little...”. “That’s an understatement” Mai replied and Kai shot her a look “you know i’m pretty much the same height as you now, give me a week and i’ll probably have you beat”. Mai didn’t like that and the two siblings bickered but it was a nice sound after Mai’s stormy silence had been present for so long. 
Ty lee was sure Azula would meet them at Mai’s home or maybe send them a note to come to the palace but nothing. When she hadn’t appeared by the next day either Ty lee thought perhaps Azula had forgotten so went to go and find her. She found her in her room pouring over some battle strategy books. “There you are!” Ty lee cried and Azula raised an eyebrow “am I supposed to be somewhere else? This might be a holiday for the slackers but I still have work to do”. “I know but can’t you take one day off from your studies?” Ty lee asked “Kai’s back!”. Azula didn’t react “and?”. “And it would be nice for the four of us to spend time together”. Azula shook her head “not today but maybe tomorrow”. Ty lee was crestfallen but pretended she wasn’t. 
The next day Mai, Kai and Ty lee hung out in the royal gardens. They were allowed to use them when Azula wasn’t there as friends of the princess and it was a good thing too because there had been no sign of her. Every noise or servant that walked past made Ty lee look up hopefully but nothing. Then finally around dinner time she appeared. “Azula!” Ty lee cried and Kai immediately sprang to his feet. She nodded “yes i’m here no need to shriek”. She stopped in front of the group and her eyes went to Kai. “Princess” he said bowing and she nodded “Kai...how has your training been?”. “Very good thank you” he said “and your studies?”. “Excellently” she nodded and Kai looked down “I brought you something...it’s not much but they’re rather rare” and he took out a small flower which almost seemed to glow. “They’re called the mighty dragons as they only grow on volcanic sites in the fire nation once a decade. We got to harvest them while we were gathering rocks for our bows. I wanted you to have it”.  Ty lee looked at Azula for a blush or any sign of approval but she just nodded “well it’s rather impractical”. Kai nodded “of course...I just thought as our nation's rarest flower, you should have it”. Azula took it from Kai’s hand “I’ll see if I have somewhere to put it” and that was that. 
The rest of the day Azula was rather cold to Kai and paid no particular attention to him. When Azula left, Ty lee was sure Kai must be upset. “I’m sorry Azula didn’t like your flower Kai” Ty lee said later, feeling like someone ought to comfort him. He shook his head “it’s okay, she liked it really”. Ty lee frowned thinking he was delusional and Kai noticed “she did, she took the flower with her. If she didn’t like it she would’ve trodden it into the ground or left it on the grass but she took it with her”. 
Ty lee wasn’t too sure and when Kai left the following week without even a goodbye from Azula she was sure he’d been wrong. Then one week later she happened to go into Azula’s room to look for her. She quickly realised Azula wasn’t in there and went to pause when she saw a light coming from a dark corner. She stepped closer and saw, placed carefully on a hidden shelf in a vase with water, was the flower Kai had given Azula. As healthy as the day he gave it to her. Azula had indeed kept it and was caring for it this whole time. She realised Kai had been right all along and thought it sad that royalty couldn’t express their love and happiness as other people could. Azula might be a princess and Kai a handsome fighter just like in the fairytale...but their lives were very different. 
*End of Flashback*
Azula's plan was a huge drill! She planned to break the "impenetrable" walls of Ba Sing Sei once and for all. The drill was impressive and so far any earth benders that tried to stop it had been pushed aside. Mai and Ty lee also went out and faced a whole shipment of them and came back with little more than sand in their shoes. So everything was looking pretty straightforward and successful. Kai was feeling pretty good about everything and was sure the Fire Nation would succeed. The idea of him being part of the team that broke in Ba Sing Sei made him dizzy with excitement and so he tried to keep busy patrolling the hallways and ensuring the inner mechanisms were working...that's how he discovered the frozen engineer. Azula immediately suspected the Avatar and with Ty lee and Mai in tow they searched the machine. "It's a really good job you noticed the engineer Kai, otherwise they could've been here for ages and we wouldn't have noticed" Ty lee said. "It's no use if we don't find out who did it and quickly" Azula said when she heard a noise from down in the ship's lower mechanisms. "This way!" she called and they stumbled right upon the Avatar. As soon as Azula attacked, Team Avatar fled but the teens were in hot pursuit. They chased them down a corridor where the group split. "You two go that way" Azula said "Ty lee and I will go this way". Kai was momentarily confused why she'd taken Ty lee and not him. He wondered if it was punishment for what happened back at the town against Zuko but if anything it just made him even more determined to do better this time. He nodded and sped around the corner with Mai only to find the two kids from the Watertribe jumping into a sewage vent. Mai groaned "I'm not going down there". Kai shook his head "we don't have to...that leads to the outer side of the tank and we can get there without trudging through sludge" and he kicked open an escape pod. "How did you..." Mai started when Kai smiled "I've been patrolling this thing non-stop, you notice things". “I’m actually impressed” Mai replied dryly. So Mai and Kai hopped out of the pod and ran right around to the underside, right as the water tribe siblings were setting up their plan. They hadn’t even spotted them as they were expecting them to come out the same way they did. "Go for the girl, she's the bender" Mai said and Kai smiled "no problem" and aimed one of his paralysing arrows at her. He just released the arrow when the boy yelled "Katara" and a boomerang knocked his arrow aside. "Nobody hurts my sister" Sokka growled and in response Kai just smiled "I'd dare you to try and hurt mine" gesturing to Mai who threw 5 knives at the boy. Mai pinned the boy to the floor pretty quickly and the siblings turned to the Water Tribe girl. She quickly readied some water and Kai knew considering she had a lot at her disposal they'd have to put her down fast. "The usual?" Mai asked and Kai nodded. They trained together hundreds of times and knew how to work together. They both stood on either side of the water tribe girl spreading her concentration. Mai would trap her with her knives and Kai would nick her with his paralysis arrow. It would've all worked perfectly if the earth bender didn't show up. She quickly knocked Mai and Kai to the side, freed the brother and backed up the waterbender. Mai and Kai knew their attacks weren't that useful against an experienced earth bender so after a few attacks to distract them, they escaped and went back inside, hoping to find a way to shut off that part of the tank. Azula found them while Kai was still pouring over the plans. "There has to be a way!" he cried when the door opened "it's over, we've lost". Both she and Ty lee were covered in mud and looked defeated but Azula never stayed beaten for long. "They've kept Ba Sing Sei...for now" she said and Kai smiled at her tone. He loved her endless determination. So it was back to the drawing board and that involved patrolling the outskirts of Ba Sing Sei to try and capture any important people trying to enter the city. That's when Azula spotted some familiar fur in the forest... The group set out on their Mongoose Lizard and quickly found the Avatar's bison and some friends. "My my you're easy to find, it's really astounding my brother hasn't captured you yet" Azula said after a spectacular entrance. Kai knew who the women were on sight, the famous Kyoshi Warriors known for their strength and skill. It was only fitting the best of the Earth Kingdom would go up against the best of the Fire Nation. The fight started pretty quickly and Azula went straight for the leader. Kai stayed back with Mai for a few seconds and fired some arrows/knives at the group. Then they charged in too. To put it simply, they wiped the floor with the warriors! They couldn't compete with Mai's knives, Ty lee's agility or Kai's arrows and Azula decimated the leader. The bison got away which was unfortunate. Kai did try and bring it down with some arrows but the leader of the warriors stopped him before Azula stopped her. After the bison escaped the warriors were quickly rounded up and Kai arranged to have the tank come and collect them. "What do you want us to do with them?" Kai asked but Azula didn't reply. She was staring at the leader's uniform and badges. "Azula?" Kai asked and she looked at him "tell the commander of the tank to bring some prison uniforms...I just found our ticket into Ba Sing Sei".
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pixyys · 2 years
At this point, I'm just used to your jokes now. Still doesn't mean that I cringe whenever I hear them /j
Indeed, I suppose I could become novice musicians along with Lippmann. Do you want to join us? It might even be cheap because of a two-in-one deal. I'll keep on learning the piano while you two can learn the violin. Maybe learn some musician pickup lines to impress Lippmann later on.
And for the Chopin? I thought about it again, but I think that it isn't considered sacrilegious. It still sounds nice afterall, and I'm pretty sure Chopin wouldn't mind. But I prefer the piano version as it sounds more clear.
Please don't give your jokes to Lippmann or anybody else. I can put up with it as I'm your brother, but other people will simply die of the cringiness of your corny jokes lmaoo /j. And afterwards I'll actually decapacitate myself because of the amount of terrible jokes I've had to hear. Pianoman don't you dare xD
An old couple, you say? Well, I don't know how to feel about that; we aren't even together. I convinced Silver to finally take a nap, but she just couldn't sleep. So in the end I had to literally hug her and stroke her hair to help her fall asleep... my heart has never pounded so quickly and loudly before.
Oh, my dear sister, how you make me laugh. I just wonder how you haven't thought up of such an easy reply, but I guess I am a genius. And do not worry, your secret is safe with me, because I definitely do not want to be strangled by those wires while being bombarded with your corny jokes.
Really? Is that what you know him for? Well, that Dazai definitely is cunning and mischievous. I'd have you know that he went head-to-head with Iceman, and Iceman even failed to assassinate him, so he isn't a 'poor guy'. And please don't try your jokes on him. He'd quite frankly punch you.
P.S. At least you think so? Well, pray tell, what happens in those 'romance novels' that you read? And as for the date? I think it's still too early... however I think I know what Silver feels for me
ahh this is exactly why i love you <3 finee, i'll tone it down with the "cringy" jokes, at least in your presence.
see? i was right when i said you should change your name to "genius man." do you need to ask? i'm definitely down for it. finally, i'll get another chance. this time with the musician pickup lines. there's really no going back if i mess up again. i just hope i won't embarrass myself in either that or my violin learning process. thanks, genius man!
hm. by the way, do you think lippmann is "lippmann" because he has pretty-looking lips? /lmaoooo plss im cryinf asdfjkl anyway-
ooh, i'm glad it isn't some form of artistic sacrilege. i sometimes listen to orchestra performances, but you're right. having a single musical instrument-say, a piano- dedicated to a single piece will make the performance much clearer.
ha! bet! maybe i'll start saying it to someone i probably won't meet again. like the barista i buy my morning coffee from! or the newspaper guy, or the old lady walking her dog down the street-okay that may be a bit too cruel. i'll probably still say one or two things to the men you stationed near our house though. to alleviate their stress and tension for a bit./lmao the saga continues
you.. you what?? brother, you don't even hold me and stroke my hair to sleep when we were toddlers. i think i'm missing something. oooh boy, when's the wedding day? i can't wait to be an aunt. i wonder if it's gonna be a boy? or a girl? or twins! everyone should be invited. we'll have the grandest celebration ever.
aww this is why i love youu (2nd edition). seriously though. err, does this 'nakahara chuuya' has bright orange hair and uh, quite petite in stature? i bumped into him when i was on my way to see you, and he looked quite.. severe. my tongue just acted on its own, and that "axolotl joke" came out. he did give me a nasty sting eye, but i didn't get punched! i guess that's a good thing..? ahaha..
p.s. you know of her feelings?? excellent. this is all according to plan. i'm just a little worried a possible misunderstanding might breach you apart, though. you know, what if she thinks you're feeling attraction to someone else after you asked her about that "crush"? that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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greythroat · 2 months
“Are you okay?” Hoshiguma said to the original Swire.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You just turned sideways and disappeared.”
Swire turned sideways and disappeared like a Danganronpa character. “Oh, well, of course I’m a skinny legend. I’m perfectly fine. Better than ever!”
She indeed was, with her career expanding while the other Swire expanded the Schwire empire on Rhodes Island. There were just a few annoying side effects of corresponding with Ch’en and Cannot to obtain an entire collection of ultra-powerful relics and using them to clone herself.
These side effects included: items spontaneously turning pastel pink, the appearance of sparkles and pink bow emojis next to everything she typed into her phone, auditory hallucinations of pop music, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, inability to get out of bed without feeling faint, insomnia, and recurring nightmares about being locked in a room and forced to video chat strangers with no social skills who were trying to get with her.
Meanwhile, at Rhodes Island, Elegant Wit Swire was facing the same side effects and had taken over Closure’s position at R&D. She had already forged numerous new business connections for Rhodes and received several significant raises. However, this Swire was not feeling “better than ever”. The original Swire had taken measures to ensure that she was the only legally recognized Beatrix Schwire. As far as the government— and her bank account— was concerned, Elegant Wit Swire was not Beatrix Schwire at all.
The original Swire had strong-armed Elegant Wit Swire into handing over most of her paycheck by threatening to accuse her of identity fraud. It was incredibly insulting, especially because there was nothing that actually made the original Swire the original Swire. Elegant Wit was the one with the memories of that vacation. She was more Swire than the original Swire.
So Elegant Wit Swire seethed and coped through retail therapy, the products of which slowly turned pink before her eyes. But it was slowly becoming too much for her, especially because it was annoying for a rich woman like her to only own things in one color. Was it too much to want for a slightly cooler or warmer pink? A dull pink? A bright pink?
Her mind began to turn to espionage and murder. Swire dreamed of getting revenge by force feeding the original Swire goldfish and beating her to a pulp and dropping her in a pool and decapacitating and crucifying her pet tigers. Actually, she would not kill the tigers. They were really her pets, after all.
In Lungmen, the original Swire’s thoughts were also turning to homicide. She had tried and failed to reunite the two Swires into one. The auditory hallucinations were causing her to effectively lose her hearing, because she couldn’t hear anything but kpop and Lana del Rey. She had sought psychiatric help (without revealing the true cause of her torment) to no avail. People were starting to catch on to how she never texted anymore and more obviously, that things turned pink after she walked by. The LGD uniforms were looking a little more coquette now.
It seemed there was only one way out. She had disturbed the balance of the universe. Everything else that had happened up until this point was fine, but cloning yourself using 200 Wonyoung photocards was too far. She had to restore the rightful order of the world and kill the other Swire.
In U-Official’s bedroom at Rhodes Island, the secret third Swire from Dossoles Holiday was spending another boring day hiding and planning. From sneaking around the landship, she was aware of the business plan of the other Swires, and she knew they both wanted to be the supreme Swire. Her goal was to create a new identity and start a new life. However, she lacked access to her bank account, it only being accessible by the original Swire. So she had to bide her time and continue planning. This had included the many facial plastic surgeries she would get from Closure’s new business to disguise her identity.
Why was she in Eureka’s bedroom? Because she had fallen in while crawling through the air vents. Eureka had informed her that people tended to fall when she was nearby. It gave her a safe place to sleep and Eureka actually liked that everything turned pink.
After watching herself kill the other herself, Dossoles Swire decided something had to be done about the photocards that had led all the Swires to this position…
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cupinho · 1 year
Agent Dmitri Arkadeyevich Strelnikov ? Puts my hands in a bowl 🤲
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Decapacitate your enemies
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ask-thsc-blog · 4 months
Alex shot electricity from his left hand to decapacitate him
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