#/- yes I am. December killed me oof.
twilightknight17 · 5 months
This time on P3R: Get in the car. We’re going to war. Atlus is just personally attacking me now.
(I’m half-joking. Probably.)
It’s the first day of December, and Ryoji was absent today. But I got a text from him after school asking me to meet him in the music room.
Specifically using the phrase “I need to see you right now.”
He’s sitting at the piano when we get there, by himself. Something is clearly wrong.
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Don’t apologize. You’re important to me.
He’s not even sure what he wants to say. So he just thanks Minato for spending time with him, because he’s learned so many new things and got to experience so much, like the trip to Kyoto and just hanging out with everyone.
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...oh. He learned to play the piano. For Minato.
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Let’s do it let’s play together let’s play a duet asdfjkl;
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We don’t have another time! T_T
He says that seeing the couples in Kyoto and spending time at the dorm has helped him understand what it means to build real connections with other people. They help each other overcome challenges and keep each other going. And they understand each other.
It’s… sweet, knowing what he is. He’s trying so hard to understand, and he likes people so much.
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……Atlus. ATLUS. What is this? WHAT IS THIS? I’m not allowed to date this boy and you put THIS dialogue in this game how much more blatant can you GET OH MY GOD.
Hello, TVTropes editors, it’s not a crack ship or ships that pass in the night after a line like that.
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Yes, I want to be more than friends, I love you, please, please, please, if I love you enough I can save yo--
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Fuuka comes in and says that she was passing through and heard someone playing a beautiful song, so she thought she’d come in and listen to the performance. Which. Did you just hover outside the door after he stopped playing so you could interrupt at the worst moment?
That was mean. I’m sorry, Fuuka. But seriously.
She asks who was playing. It was Ryoji. He’s right there, Fuuka, come on--
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Did my boyfriend launch himself out that window to escape this interaction? Oh my god.
I never should have taken my eyes off him.
I didn’t even really get to answer him. Those weren’t definitive answers.
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God. Fuck. Atlus, why. Why would you do this to me.
All I can do is go home, and spend my evening doing whatever.
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Ryoji’s still absent from school, and now Aigis is gone, too.
But there’s literally nothing I can do.
I guess I’ll go to my student council meeting.
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...Odagiri-kun, I know I’ve been neglecting your link. But – and I say this with as much respect as I can manage when I’m busy worrying about my boyfriend – it has been over six months. Just let this go, holy hell.
I’d rather not go home, but I guess I have to. After all, I need to get some sleep before the plot decides to go haywire.
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You’ve never woken up at midnight even once this entire month? God, I should have woken you up in Kyoto.
Also the fact that Aigis went after him without telling anyone else what was going on… no. We’re a team for a reason, Aigis!
But no. He’s “dangerous”. He’s her enemy.
He also doesn’t know what’s going on at this point.
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Shoutout to Atlus for the butterfly wings when she activates her powers. Thematically appropriate for the papillon heart. But look at his face! He doesn’t understand what’s happening, and you’re trying to kill him!
It triggers his memory, though.
Ryoji is the thirteenth Arcana Shadow: Death. And ten years ago, he was broken into thirteen pieces because of an incomplete awakening in the Kirijo labs. During a fight on the Moonlight Bridge against Aigis, a robot created specifically to destroy shadows, she couldn’t defeat or destroy him, so she sealed him into the only available vessel.
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So, y’all killed his whole family in your fight. Oof.
Aigis says she had no other choice but to seal Death in this kid. I guess when you’re 100% focused on your goal, it certainly would seem like that.
I am curious what happened to Minato after that. I’m surprised any of the remaining scientists didn’t snatch him up. Did Aigis just never mention what happened to Death?
Apparently not, because this poor kid was left to grow up alone, until his inevitable return to Iwatodai.
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...he looks like he’s in pain, now that he’s remembered.
Aigis comes at him, even though he tells her not to because he’s stronger than the first time they fought. He’s got all of his pieces now. He doesn’t want to hurt her. And he deflects her no problem with what I’m assuming is Moonless Gown. But she keeps trying, even activating Orgia Mode, until she can’t anymore.
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Fuuka had been scanning for Aigis, and SEES took off immediately when she found her, so now we’re arriving two minutes too late. Aigis is down, entirely shut off, and Ryoji is not doing well.
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You didn’t want any of this. It’s not your fault.
He tells SEES that the shadows exist to bring the rebirth of the “maternal being”, and that the Appriser exists to draw her to him and allow her to awaken.
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He explains that he was born ten years ago and sealed inside Minato, and that Minato returning to Iwatodai set all of this in motion.
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Junpei, he’s awake during the Dark Hour and won against Aigis. There’s clearly something going on here.
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...plus, listen to how sad he sounds.
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No wonder. An awakening will take it out of you, and he awakened to something stronger than most of us can comprehend. Minato also realizes that Ryoji was probably Pharos all along.
This would be a great opportunity to carry him home like a damsel, though. I’m gonna pretend that’s what happened, especially after the music room conversation. And I KNOW I’m gonna have to go to school tomorrow, but I’m also going to pretend I don’t have to.
But yeah. Seriously, Atlus? For real? All of that?
Just end me.
I need to go write fic or something.
They deserve to make out on a piano.
I’ll do the sad explanation next time.
(Also I’m gonna hit the image limit. X’D)
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sheseestheghosts · 1 year
Panic at the Disco Fallout boy Apocalyptica
I never got the notification for it, I just noticed it one day, like probably months later, and I did not have the context for it. I literally thought someone had just trying to string together this weird like super band in my inbox, and I didn't know what to do with it. I've never gone back to look for the context either, I just let it sit in my inbox, thinking it got funnier the longer I let it sit there.
I finally decided to look for the context. And I found it.
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So under the cut, I'll answer, by my god, did this blow my mind. I've been laughing for like 10 minutes, and I'm sure I'm the only one who thinks it's funny, but shit.
Panic! At The Disco Am I a fan?: Yes. I know controversy has sprung up over the past couple of years, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this band and its music literally saved my life. So First Song I Heard By Them?: I mean, I'm a millennial, so 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' Favorite Song: Oof it changes. I love 'Ready to Go', though. Vices is my album. Seem them live?: I have, three times Favorite Member?: Nicole Row is everything to me, my god
Fall Out Boy: Am I a fan?: Yes, though very casually First Song I Heard by Them?: Once more, I'm a millennial, 'Sugar We're Going Down' Favorite Song: 'The Kids Aren't Alright', though MANIA is my favorite album Seem Them Live?: No and that kills me every day Favorite Member?: I don't really fuck with them like that, but I do love a good Pete Wentz moment
Apocalyptica Am I a fan?: I genuinely can't positively say that I've ever heard their music.I have heard of them though. First Song I Heard by Them?: 'Nothing Else Matters', literally just now so I could try and figure out if I knew them. Nothing rings a bell, but I am now intrigued. Favorite Song: Oop- just listened to 'Path', this is different, consider me incredibly intrigued. Seen them live?: No but shit, I may want to after this Favorite Member: Little obsessed with Eicca after these music videos, ngl
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stranded-warriors · 5 years
 The Quilava's head peeked into the hallway. In the time it took for them to become somewhat acquainted the hallway had been stuffed full of people, none of whom with their eyes so much as open. Everyone looked to have been smashed against the walls or otherwise piled together, unconscious and barely breathing. Save for the dozen or so guards getting their armors dented there was a surprising lack of blood in the slaughter. Someone went easy on them.
 “Is everything okay?” the abra asked. “How bad is it?”
 “It's hard to really tell if they're dead from over here, but there's plenty of bodies. Could swear I saw someone ripping through them earlier, they must've ran off to find other people to beat down. I'd give our situation a three.”
 “Out of five or ten?”
 “What do you think?” 
 Quilava stuck his head into the hallway again, and scratched down a few mental notes, notably that the hall went both ways. Honestly they weren't all too high off the ground, maybe three stories at most, but comparing his height to sort this building seemed made for those floors may as well be double in height. While he didn't like his chances with running into dragon types, or worse, whoever was tossing them around, and jumping out of three story window right now was the last thing on his mind.
 “There's probably somewhere all these people are coming from, soon as we get there we'll be on our way out.” he looked back at the Abra, “You can keep your head down, right? That's easy enough.”
 “I can try. What are we going to do once we get out of here?”
 “I usually don't think that far. I guess I'll go find a roof to put over my head and call it a night. You're not seriously about to consider following me?”
“As long as you don't leave me behind.”
 Yeah, like he’d ever do that. 
 “We'd better get moving.”
 Until he stepped into the hallway and saw the beads of sweat running down the Abra's brow he didn't notice how hot the building had become. Dense smoke sprawled across the ceiling, pouring out from the ballroom like a flood of black water. If the rubble passage hadn't somehow collapsed under the heat and weight, they would've been chocked out eventually. Suppose to dragon and fire-types this type of dry heat was normal, but tough luck breathing if you aren't any of those two sorts. It was a good thing they left when they did.
 “Alright,” Quialva helped the Abra wriggle out, and set up against the nearest wall, “so how am I going to carry you?”
 “Maybe with both arms?”
 “Obviously, but can I get you something to prop yourself on? Are you able to use your legs at all, is one busted – what's the deal here? I'm not commenting on your weight or anything, I just can't be expected to carry your all the way unless I want us to topple over each other.”
 “You got it right the second time,” he explained, “It's not something I feel comfortable getting into now, not that I don't want to tell you why, but I really want to get out of here – same as you. Just carry me till we get out, I can make it up to you, alright?”
 The Abra was right, now wasn't a time to talk. The building's on fire, there's someone huge beating the daylights out of people, and for all he knew they could be pinned as responsible for setting this place up in flames. On their own they were good enough reason to get out of here, when put together he was beginning to ask himself why he wasn't out the door already. Truth is, the Abra's the only thing slowing him down. He'd got the kid this far, he won't risk their life based on the goodwill of the beast next door.
 Quilava placed his arms under the abras' then lifted him as high over his head as possible before practically dropping the fellow onto his back. His shoulders buckled under the weight but slowly settled once the abra wrapped their arms around him. He didn't like it, his shoulders were already telling this was a terrible idea, but it was like the kid said – he'd carry him down to street level and then he'd never have to think about him again.
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His Dark Materials S2 Ep 6 - Rambling/Thoughts
I really cannot believe that we’re at the penultimate episode already, oh my gosh. It’s gone by so fast??
Again, because I’ve reread TSK in the last couple of weeks, the book is fresh in my mind but I’ve probably still missed stuff
Also last week was so intense and seeing the “previously on” section made me remember just how intense that was, so it’s a hard job to top that!
“The last time they were seen was to make war” - IT’S HAPPENING ASDFGHJKL
Ruta going off to see Asriel and me just remembering what exactly went down between them while she was there with him... heh
So Will’s hand looks AWFUL oh my god poor Will 😭
Pan is REALLY into his Red PAN-da form oh my goodness
So the other kids out for revenge terrified the living SHIT out of me, dear god I don’t think it could be any creepier than dozens of them appearing out of the shadows like that, like it’s genuinely terrifying
Serafina just dropped right in to rescue them and I was both relieved and a little disappointed? Because in the book the whole chase sequence is so much longer and more important, like it takes up most of an entire chapter I think, and here it’s like two minutes?
Serafina: What does this edge cut? // Lyra: Everything (Will at the same time: Nothing.) - 😂
I missed Lee and Jopari tbh so yay to seeing them once more! And they’ve crossed into the next world!
Oh hi again Mary!
^ I wasn’t expecting to see Mary again this series because in TSK book, her last appearance is going through the window (which was last episode), so I’m a little curious as to whether we’re going to get a TINY little peek into The Amber Spyglass here (it’s been years since I reread it, I apologize). Because last series they did a bit of TSK (namely introducing Will + him crossing into Cittagazze), so it would be interesting!
“Good, something I can understand for a change” - LOL Same
Serafina wants to take Lyra back to her world?? Really??
Not gonna lie, the two girls spying on Mary was kind of low-key creepy
Lyra mentioning that she crossed worlds to find out about Dust and mentioning Roger 😭
Also I’m so emotional over just how much she wants Will to be safe, like she would really do anything to keep him safe and I love it
Lyra asking the Alethiometer where Will’s dad is and “he’s in this world” - ahhh it’s going to happen!
Also I really hope that the BBC/whoever decides to sell replica Alethiometers because the design is so beautiful?! I would fork out serious dough for one, and it would go nicely with the one I have from the film
No but seriously, words don’t describe just how badly I want a replica
“I wanted to fly so I summoned you here, now I’m flying” - LOL OKAY THEN JOHN
Ooh damn, that outfit Marisa is wearing is FINE. I’m slightly gayer than I was before, ngl
I was like “nooo Mary don’t be nice to these kids, they’re awful”
But it’s very sweet that she offers them food?? Like she pulls a chocolate bar out and is like “it’s no good for you, it’s full of sugar”... I love her
The way that Mary was so happy and excited when they mentioned Lyra, only to tell the girls off for trying to kill her - more of a mum than Mrs Coulter tbh
“Miss, can I have a hug?” - AWWW OMG WHY AM I SAD
They asked Mary to stay and look after them omg 😭😭😭
“Come with me, I’ll bring you to your adults” - ooh okay this could go any number of ways... Either she actually reunites them with their families and all’s well, or she takes them up there and their parents/adults are all dead (for lack of a better word)? Or the Spectres attack after Mary leaves them with the adults??
Jopari talking about meeting his dæmon and also a little bit about trying to get back to his family :(
“Can you magic us up a fire?” “One moment” *presents a box of matches” - LMFAO
Wait did Serafina seriously just imply that she thought Will might hurt Lyra?!?
Serafina saying that if protecting Lyra means protecting Will as well... Yes, protect Will please! Protect BOTH of these children, I literally BEG you, they’ve gone through far too much
Ooh okay so the witch ritual/spell was kind of cool to see!
Lyra saying “please tell me he’ll be alright” 😭♥️
The fact that Lyra curled up close to Will and then Pan (in ermine form) curled up CLOSER to Will is so cute, they both love Will so much
Pan: “We feel safe her... don’t we?” / OOF OKAY THIS IS F I N E
I already know what Lyra’s “other name” is because I read the book but the hints are anything BUT subtle tbh. “Mother of us all, cause of all sin, tempted by the serpent”... I’m not even that religious but I think it’s pretty obvious.
Also, if Mary is playing the part of the “serpent” within Lyra’s destiny, does that mean that Mary has tempted Lyra? Or that she will?
Boreal being nervous about being in the city and Marisa is just so unimpressed by him... Mood
That smirk she had when going up to that Spectre victim was so chilling, we have to stan Ruth Wilson and her incredible acting
Also, fun fact, Ruth Wilson went to my sixth form college and is from Surrey (like me), and she grew up in Shepperton, which is where my Nan used to live when she was alive (my uncle and aunt live there still), so that’s super exciting!
“We could learn from this” - PLEASE DO NOT MA’AM
God I hate the Magisterium so fucking much, the patriarchy is so strong with them
Oh great, now they’re gunning to kill Lyra :/
Also, off topic, I’ve only just connected that Will Keen, who plays Father MacPhail, is Dafne Keen’s dad?!?
“She must be protected” - AGAIN, they BOTH need protecting PLEASE
The Spectre noises reminded me of the noises of the Smoke Monster from LOST, so that’s definitely trippy for me
Thanks, I hate it
I nearly shouted “WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING” out loud in front of both my parents, I seriously thought she had a damn death wish
I have never been so damn tense in my entire life as I am watching this show - and I KNOW what happens
Lee’s so worried about Lyra - 11/10, Father of the Year
I deadass thought Marisa and Carlo were about to kiss when he ran up to her and I actually said out loud “NO please don’t”
Look I must just be so dirty minded but when she said “let’s celebrate”, my immediate reaction was “NO NO NO NO EW EW EW NO” and “I hope she just means having a drink and not doing the frickety-frack”
I was so close to tearing up as Will was talking about his mum, her illness, and the boys who were mean to her because of it. His love for his mum is so beautifully written and the way Amir Wilson is playing Will is so wonderful
I was also close to tears when he was talking about his dad and how he used to imagine about his dad, so maybe I’m just emotional anyway
“Could go to school... have friends” - okay yeah no I’m definitely crying 😭
“I couldn’t trust anyone.” “Until you met me.” “Yeah.” - EXCUSE ME ♥️😭 my HEART
I love one (1) soft boy, and one (1) feral girl and her dæmon
The relief I felt when I saw Marisa and Carlo were literally just having drinks 😅
“They consume what makes us human, so I just suppressed that and hid it” + *cut to the monkey looking kinda sad/uncomfortable* - Umm fUCK OKAY THEN
Why am I feeling sorry for the monkey?!?
“You think we’re equal?” - LMFAO RIGHT
EWW THEY KISSED. No, just... nO
When I saw his snake dæmon moving towards her monkey, I thought one of two things was about to happen: 1) the monkey was going to pet and paw and the snake as Marisa seduced Boreal, or 3) the monkey was going to strange the snake and kill Boreal
“You’ve NEVER been my equal.” “You’d only hold me back.” - OH MY GOD YES THE SHADE
She’s not wrong though let’s be honest here
So she poisoned him I’m assuming? She poisoned his drink because the monkey didn’t actually touch the snake... damn.
Her just sitting there and continuing to drink with his dead body there is... damn.
“Into that valley” NO NO, please no
Jopari really just summoned a whole damn storm huh
Also the fact he fully trusts in Lee’s abilities to land them safely :3
Lee: “Can we trust him?” // Hester: “Do we have another choice?!!” - LMFAO I love them so much
Okay but did Marisa REALLY sit there for HOURS with Boreal’s corpse sitting opposite her?!?
Her burning her hand on the flame in front of the monkey, and the monkey clearly whimpering and in pain was so agonizing to watch, I can’t take this show
Also, you have to wonder just how many times she’s harmed herself (and him) for her to keep doing it with next to no problems (like separating from each other all the time)
I was so excited to see the birds attacking the zeppelins, like it was one of my favourite details in the book, and I worried that they wouldn’t have the budget for it but yay!
I do kind of wish that we’d had Sayan Kötor as the “eagle Queen” leading them though - she probably was but I wish we’d actually seen it or heard Jopari say it or whatever
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The last episode is next week and on an hour earlier, so that’s exciting! I have no idea what I’ll do once this series ends, or when we’ll even get the third and final series because of COVID and filming delays, but I’m excited for it nonetheless and hoping it’s next November/December or something!
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hey! i just saw your ask to bisexualsokka and i saw that you mentioned "frozen au"? is it atla related? it sounds really interesting.
hello, friend:)
first, imma promote now that i see you by @bisexuallsokka which the ask i sent was about and everyone should go read it because the disney zukka brain rot is real oof i have been thinking about them all day... like… uGH i was picturing the second to last chapter / the beginning of the last chapter in my head ALL day today and I have no regrets
okay bUT about what you sent... i am in the process of writing a zukka frozen au and i am uhh very invested hehe
so, i was showering one day and frozen broadway came on and i was like "yeah zukka" and then i went "... yEAH ZUKKA" and wrote this post and then forgot about it and then remembered in december and it was all i thought about in december and it consumed my mind
but for anyone who doesn't want to look at the link (which valid it's long lol), imma summarize:
katara is elsa and sokka is anna (although sokka is still the oldest. katara is literally the last southern water tribe bender so like,,, yeah she's elsa) and sokka does become chief, not katara.
and azula is hans (but she is being manipulated by oz*i v heavily so if i ever write the sequel i've been pondering about... major azula redemption... also mai and ty lee anyways). then zuko is kristoff and druk is sven (look me in the face and tell me that zuko wouldn't sing a song called dragons are better than people ijuhgvhjihu)
then aang is technically olaf in this but like... just in the companion sense. like, when katara reveals she's a bender and there's a storm, the storm cracks the ice berg and zuko and sokka find aang and he travels with them to find katara
iroh is pabbie and the white lotus are the trolls (except pakku still sucks and he's a nonbender in this because plot lol and he moved to the swt to be with kanna) and the rest of the trolls are the freedom fighters, the kyoshi warriors, toph, and just people who want to stop the war. so while toph, suki, jet, and haru aren't main characters, they're still there (and also yueki and jetru... yeah... oh but yue is still dead which sad but i also am in the process of writing a yueki prequel and a jet-centric prequel as to how he joined the "trolls")
(most importantly, the cabbage man is oaken—)
and yeah :) the plot is kind of the same but also different??? like the journey to find katara is a lot longer and that's how zukka falls in love and azula was instructed to try and take down the swt from the inside and like flirt with sokka (poor girl doesn't know she's a lesbian yet://) and they move so fast because a) sokka falls hard and he falls fast and b) azula was like "wow this child is so starved for affection and attention that i could ask him to marry me and he'd probably say yes father this is so easy w h a t kind of mission is this?" (spoiler alert: she is correct lol)
and katara and sokka fight and oh no she's a water bender and sokka is like "she's my sister, i'm not leaving her" and then frozen but in atla verse and with some additions by me :)
oh and also the war is kind of different? like it's not a full out war but the fire nation slowly trying to take everywhere down from the inside / sneakily and they don't have the resources or ability to attack the heavily armed nwt or the huge earth kingdom yet but the swt is doable
(and it's still small, but the nwt sent them some nonbenders... you know, after they killed *all* of the benders, the north was like 'mmm maybe not benders', so sokka's "coronation" is a big deal for them histroically)
and the swt still doesn't really like the fire nation at all (understandably) so azula pretends she's a refugee and zuko is so used to pretending to be earth kingdom that he lies and tells sokka that his name is li lol
but anyways, to sum it up, this is a story that i really want to explore the relationship between sokka and katara first and foremost and then zukka immediately after that and the let it go scene with katara... yeah i have plans for that that will stay hidden iuhgvhuji
well um
you did not ask for this much but i've been genuinely craving to talk about this because i think about it constantly and will be dedicating my life to this after my bb fic is completely posted :)
thank you very much for *unintentionally* indulging me and allowing me to scream about how much i love my zukka frozen au
(and under the cut is the frozen and tangled boards i drew for the menu board at camp today hehe--ignore the nightmare fuel that is olaf—i cannot draw)
olaf really looks ready to murder me tho,,,
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and kom nu frem is quite literally always playing in my head… but the tangled one,,, I spent way too much time on it but it was sO worth it. that’s supposed to be sokka instead of flynn and zuko instead of rapunzel but I doubt I would’ve been able to get away with that lol
but yeah !!! i did the frozen one because kom nu frem and then decided tangled because frozen makes me think of my au and then when I was trying to figure out what the lunch board should be, my kind went to zukka soooo nOW THAT I SEE YOU
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alj4890 · 4 years
12 Days of Ficmas
Day 2
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(Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries Christmas one shot.
A/N I always love these two and their awkward ways of admitting they want more than friendship. What better way to do so than at a holiday party that is nothing but chaotic? This fic grew longer and longer as I worked on it. I blame my daydreaming and my lack of self-control. Woooo 2020! LOL!
12 Days of Ficmas writers and readers list
@texaskitten30​ @leelee10898​ @emichelle​ @zaffrenotes​ @burnsoslow​ @kat-tia801​ @darley1101​ @msjr0119​ @annekebbphotography​ @god-save-the-keen​ @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd  @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject
Thomas Hunt List
@krsnlove @lxaah11 @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment   @annekebbphotography @hopelessromantic1352 . @sunflowergirl05 @greywitchyshots @lilyoffandoms @moodyvalentinestories @emceesynonymroll @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms @ab1901 @flyawayboo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker . @trappedinfanfiction @kate-mckenzie @everythingmarvelsherlockspn @trappedinfandoms
Song Inspiration: Underneath the Mistletoe by Kelly Clarkson and Brett Eldridge
Mistletoe Madness
November 28th...
"Well," Ryan began as soon as he entered Thomas's suite. "He did it again."
"Again? How delayed will we be this time?" Thomas demanded.
"We're looking at another six weeks." The former heartthrob movie star recently turned executive producer poured them both a drink. "Given the holidays approaching, I suspect it will be closer to nine weeks."
Thomas grumbled about never again agreeing to producing another person's film.
If he had not witnessed the young director's raw talent firsthand, he would have never joined this venture. With Ryan Summers urging him on to support the next generation, he had somehow ended up spending the last few months in New York City and basically babysitting a twenty-two year old recent film graduate.
"Austin swears this will be the last time." Ryan explained.
Thomas took a healthy gulp of scotch.  "Are we certain he isn't in over his head?"
"You've seen the dailies." Ryan rubbed a hand down his face. "What do you think?"
Thomas slumped in his chair. "It is going to be a critically acclaimed film that sweeps the Oscars."
Ryan finished off his drink and stood up. "Don't worry. There is nothing like Christmas in New York."
"Except in my home." Thomas grumbled.
"Have no fear." Ryan's charming smile flashed. "I intend on hosting my annual Christmas party."
Thomas didn't bother to repress his shudder. "You mean that garish monstrosity that you refer to as an intimate gathering?"
"Can I help it that everyone loves me?"
"I believe you could." Thomas grumbled.
"Look on the bright side." Ryan reminded him. "Most of the people who love me are nearly three thousand miles away in California. This might actually be my most intimate gathering yet."
"True." Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "I suppose one night of revelry won't kill me."
"There's that Christmas fortitude." Ryan set his empty glass down. "I'll let you know when the plans are finalized."
On his way out the door, he sent an image with a couple of phrases to a few groups in his contact list.
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Christmas Party: Where? 80 Fifth Avenue at 14th Street, 17th Floor PH, New York, NY When? 7p.m., December 17. Why? You already know the answer. RSVP? Only if you want to come inside.
Within seconds of sending it, his phone began to chime nonstop with friends and acquaintances saying they would fly in just for his party.
December 14th...
"Oof!" Amanda tried to keep from falling over. "I'm so sor--"
"My fau--Amanda!" Ryan grasped her arms. "What are you doing in New York?"
"Some of Cordonia's nobles were invited for a World Tourism forum." She explained. "What about you?" Her teasing smile formed. "Why are you not in sunny California?"
He chuckled and linked his arm with hers, guiding her toward a nearby coffee shop. "I'm currently here as a producer."
"I had heard that you were stepping behind the camera for a change."
"Producing seemed the easiest." He shook his head with a laugh. "I never knew I could be so wrong."
After placing their orders and finding a table in a secluded corner, he asked how long she would be in New York.
"I was supposed to leave with everyone yesterday." She picked at her chocolate croissant. "But I decided to stay a few more days and do some Christmas shopping."
"So it’s just you?" He asked.
"Just me." She smiled at him. "I don't have anyone complaining about the cold weather or my tendency to linger near Christmas decorations."
"Speaking of Christmas decorations," he held his phone up, "Did you receive my party invitation?"
"I did. I didn't RSVP because I wasn’t sure how long I would stay here."
"Then allow me to RSVP for you." He quickly added her to the list. "Can't have one of my favorite duchesses alone this weekend."
She chuckled. "Who else is coming?"
"The usual." He flashed a smile. "You know most of them. One in particular."
Her eyebrow lifted. "Now I am curious."
"Thomas has been here with me." He explained. "We are both producers--"
"I know." She said softly.
"You do?" His smile grew mischievous. "Just how close did you two become when he filmed in Cordonia last spring?"
She squirmed in her chair. "We became friends."
"Friends or friends?"
"Ryan..." She could feel a headache forming at his prodding.
"Sorry." He relaxed back in his chair. "I know it is none of my business. Just because I am friends with both parties doesn't mean that I have a right to know if they moved out of that friendship phase of--"
"Thomas was right." Amanda playfully threw her napkin at him. "You really don't stop talking."
"Well," he shrugged. "I mean there are ways I enjoy being forced to shut up." He winked at her. "But I don't think you want to go down that road, at least not with me."
"You are impossible." She shook her head in resignation.
"I know." Ryan straightened in his chair when he noticed the time. "I have a meeting with one of the caterers." He flashed a smile as he stood up. "Want to come along and keep me company?"
"I should try and finish my shopping." She glanced down at the different bags of Tiffany blue, Gucci white, and Cartier red. "Especially now that I have to find something to wear for your party."
"Come with me and then I will help you find whatever you want." He took her bags before she could give an answer. "I could use someone else's opinion on appetizers."
"I suppose I have to say yes, since you're holding my purchases hostage."
He chuckled at her teasing while offering his arm. "Come with me, duchess, if you ever want to see these again."
Slipping her arm through his, they set off down Fifth Avenue.
Later that night...
Thomas wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower. He rolled his shoulders in an attempt to work the many knots of stress that persisted after fourteen hours of filming.
I should have remained in the director's chair.
The need to take control was growing stronger than ever. It was a wonder that he had not broken the arms off of the chair he sat in as he attempted to keep his mouth shut. The ridiculously young director had made numerous decisions he wanted to change.
But it isn't my vision we are going for.
As he rubbed a towel through his hair, he heard the familiar ping of notifications on his phone.
He picked it up, smiling at seeing Amanda's name as part of an alert.
It disappeared when he saw the following images.
She was in New York. With Ryan.
And it looked like they were more than friends.
"Why didn't she tell me she was here?" He muttered to himself.
He swiped through the images of smiling Ryan sitting on a couch at Versace while Amanda twirled in a dress for him.
He then saw an image of the two walking out of a coffee shop, arm in arm.
Thomas tossed his phone on the bed as he hurried to dress. Frustration built within him at the thought that Ryan might feel something for her.
After months of debating how to broach the subject of dating, he couldn't believe that he might have missed his opportunity with her.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a knock at his door.
Eyes narrowed when he saw who it was through the peephole.
"Ready?" Ryan asked as he walked in. "I was able to get us a table at Cote for..." He trailed off when Thomas turned his back on him. "What's wrong? No to Korean barbecue or did Austin flounder again?"
"Still struggling with his directing decisions?" Ryan asked.
"No. In a way. But no." Thomas bit out.
He knew he was being unreasonable. Ryan couldn't possibly know how he felt about the duchess since he had not bothered to share that with anyone.
Still, it should have been him running around New York with her instead of his flirtatious, playboy friend.
Wondering just how serious Ryan was about Amanda, he decided to casually get some information out of him.
"How did the party planning go?"
"Better than I expected." Ryan's smile reappeared. "Everything is set. Music, food, drinks, and decorations will be on theme this year."
"Ah." Thomas mumbled. "And the theme is?"
"You'll see." Ryan winked. "You won't believe who I ran into today."
Finally. "Who?"
"Amanda Bridgerton. There was some type of forum she had to attend last week and she decided to remain here on her own for some extra days of fun and shopping." Ryan replied.
"Is she coming to your party?" Thomas asked.
"It took some of my powers of persuasion, but I got her to agree."
"She should have let me know she was here." Thomas cleared his throat. "It would have been nice to see her."
"I asked her about that when she said she knew you were in New York." Ryan cocked his head to the side as he studied his friend. "She said she didn't want to bother you while you worked."
"Amanda isn't a bother." Thomas felt a little better at hearing that.
It does sound like the thoughtful thing she would normally do.
"That's what I told her." Ryan replied, checking the time again. "If you don't hurry, we’ll be late in meeting her for dinner."
Thomas's head jerked up. "We're having dinner with Amanda?'
"Why wouldn't we?" Ryan slowly smiled. "Once I told her that you would welcome a distraction from producing, she readily agreed to dinner."
The pictures then were like any other from gossip magazines. Completely innocent.
Ryan noticed an expression of relief form on Thomas's face.
He leaned forward in his chair. "Just how close were you two in Cordonia?"
Thomas's flush told the actor all he needed to know.
"We became friends." He muttered on his way back into the bathroom.
"Friends, huh?" Ryan rubbed his hands together. "I guess that's why Amanda is still single."
Cote NYC, an hour later...
"There she is." Ryan pointed towards a table to the right of the restaurant.
Amanda was studying the menu and didn't notice them walking in.
Thomas felt that same jolt to his heart that he had each time he saw her. Knowing she would be here with him, with no distractions, made him decide to test the proverbial waters.
The moment she looked up, her eyes immediately went to Thomas.
Her smile was filled with warmth and a touch of shyness when she stood up to greet him.
His lips grazed her cheek as he took her hands.
Even in the dim light, he could see her blush.
Ryan glanced from one to the other and cleared his throat. After a second, louder clearing to get their attention failed, he spoke up.
"I'm here too."
Amanda pulled her hands out of Thomas's grasp.
"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" She teased.
Ryan dramatically clutched his chest. "Did our day out together mean nothing to you?"
She shook her head at his foolishness. "I might have enjoyed it, if you hadn't made me try on so many dresses."
She sat back down and felt a thrill go through her body when Thomas slid in next to her.
He draped his arm along the back of their booth and turned more towards her as they talked.
Ryan observed the two closely, a slight smirk on his lips at discovering that there was a definite attraction between the two.
His party's mistletoe theme would go a long way in helping these two.
Towards the end of dinner, both men received a cryptic text from Austin.
Ryan lifted an eyebrow. "Do you understand what he is talking about?"
"Unfortunately, I do." Thomas slipped his phone back in his pocket. "We better go in case he decides to try and dangle a camera from the Empire State building.
Ryan motioned to the waiter for the check.
Amanda tried to not be too disappointed. She hadn't realized how much she had missed being around Thomas until she had him sit next to her. The dinner had been the best she had had in a long time.
And it had nothing to do with the food.
His attention had settled on her and remained. It was a wonder she had not become tongue tied under his steady, dark gaze. His fingers grazed her shoulder every so often each time he settled his arm along the back of their seat.
If only they could have been alone without anyone disturbing them.
"Where are you staying?" Thomas asked.
"The Ritz-Carlton." Amanda wrote her suite number down for him. "Twenty-first floor."
He slipped it into his pocket before giving her his hotel and room information.
"We aren't too far away from you." He smiled softly at her. "Perhaps after we calm Austin down, we can plan on meeting up."
"I would love that." She took his hand as he helped her out of the booth.
"If nothing else, you two can meet up at my annual Christmas party." Ryan added.
Thomas and Amanda both stared at him as if seeing him for the first time.
"That's true." She mumbled.
"It is a small gathering still. Isn't it?" Thomas asked.
Ryan shrugged as he led the way out.
"Do you know how big it will be?" Thomas whispered.
"No." Amanda's eyes narrowed. "But if I had to judge by the caterer's face when Ryan wrote down how many he was expecting, small is not going to be associated at all with his party."
Dec. 17, Manhattan Penthouse, Fifth Avenue...
"I can't believe that we have been trapped with Austin the past few days." Thomas grumbled.
"Neither can I." Ryan slung an arm around his friend's shoulders and gave a gentle shake. "Cheer up. We now have two weeks or so of freedom from the boy wonder."
"There is that." Thomas eyed the growing number of people coming in. "Aren't you supposed to greet your guests?"
"Nah. Everyone knows who I am." Ryan replied. "But I will go mingle."
Once he disappeared into the crowd, Thomas lifted his eyes to the ceiling. Every five feet or less, a sprig of mistletoe dangled with lights and tinsel. The plant was hung from the main bar to every inch of the ballroom. There were even a set over the bathroom doorways.
Between the open bar and whatever alcoholic concoction Ryan's Christmas punch was made of, this holiday party would soon turn into a different sort of gathering.
Thomas wanted no part of an almost drunken orgy.
The only reason he had come was so that he could see Amanda. The long hours working with Austin had offered nothing except a quick phone call to apologize that he couldn't meet up with her. The few texts they exchanged were filled with understanding and a hope to see each other soon.
He hoped to find her in this crowd that was quickly getting larger and entice her away. Go someplace quiet where he could talk to her about taking that next step that would change everything.
That shouldn't be too difficult, he thought as he began to walk around.
But Thomas had made one mistake.
He was walking a path covered in mistletoe.
An hour later...
"There you are!" Ryan greeted Amanda with a kiss on her cheek. "I was afraid you weren't coming."
"It was a long line for the elevator." She looked around at the crowded room. "Looks like you invited everyone."
"Not everyone." Ryan handed her a cup of punch. "I forgot to invite my financial advisor. One of the guys that serves coffee. Probably a couple of others."
Not paying attention, Amanda took a big gulp of the punch. She struggled to get a deep breath as she felt the alcohol burn a path down her throat to settle with the sensation of a small fire forming in her stomach.
"What," she wheezed, "is in this?"
"Old Summers family secret." He nudged her cup up to take another swallow. "The first is the hardest. The ones that follow make everything bright."
"Don’t you mean right?" She took a tentative sip and realized he was right. The fire was gone, leaving her with an aftermath of warm giddiness. Finishing off her cup, she smiled while admiring his decorations. "It really does make everything bright."
He chuckled while pouring her another one. "Enjoy duchess. I have to go talk to the couple that just walked in." Ryan gestured toward the back of the ballroom. "I saw Thomas over there earlier."
Before she could say anything, he disappeared.
Smiling from not only the Christmas punch but also at the thought of spending time with the man she secretly loved, Amanda began to weave her way through, pausing only long enough to greet those she knew.
"For the love of--" Thomas suffered through another overly eager kiss.
This particular wannabe celebrity told him she was a popular YouTube personality.
It took all of his willpower to keep from telling her that he truly didn't care about her type of fame nor anything about her. He untangled himself from her arms and picked up his pace.
Being blocked in by Ryan's guests on one side and tables on the other, he had yet to escape the long line of mistletoe.
"Dammit!" He was grabbed once more.
"Is that any way to greet me, Thomas?" A sultry actress cooed.
"Good evening, Ava." He grasped her arms. "If you will excuse me--"
"You're under the mistletoe." She gripped the lapels of his blazer. "You know what that means?"
"Unfortunately, I do." He grumbled. Closing his eyes, he subjected himself to the kiss she pressed to his lips.
When Thomas was finally released, he first took pleasure in the disappointed expression on Ava's face from his lack of response.
Then his heart dropped at the person who stood a few feet away, staring at him.
Amanda turned away when Thomas locked eyes on her. Her mind jumped from one wild thought to another.
Thank God I didn't tell him how I felt! What if I had and then he had been forced to point out which woman he preferred? I need to leave. No! Then he'll suspect! I have to stay. Smile. Drink, dance, and be merry. Act like my heart didn't drop at the sight of Thomas being kissed by a woman I can't ever compete with.
She knew she couldn't run away so she remained in place. With a neutral expression on her face, she watched him out of the corner of her eye walk over to her.
"Amanda, I--that display you--I--" Thomas stuttered.
She turned toward him with a friendly smile firmly on her lips. "Thomas," she began with a slight, carefree laugh, "what can one do when caught under the mistletoe?"
Thomas blinked, taken aback when she casually shrugged the incident away.
Her heart was thudding as if she had sprinted. Pretending to not be affected by everything was too hard with his attention on her. She needed a temporary escape.
She called upon the things her friends in Cordonia depended on when upset.
Olivia would tell her to face the situation head on.
Not something I want to do.
Drake would go to the bar.
I've already had too much Christmas punch.
Hana would suggest desserts.
The table is too far away.
Maxwell would suggest to dance one’s troubles away.
Hmm. I could do that.
Her eyes scanned some of the men that stood nearby. Catching Ryan's eye, she nodded toward the dance floor with a silent plea.
He smiled at her. Coming over to do as she wanted, he noticed Thomas and glanced curiously back and forth at the two.
"Duchess?" He held his hand out. "Care to dance?"
"I would love to." She turned to a shocked Thomas. "Would you mind holding my drink?"
When his fingers grazed hers, she looked up at his face. Her carefully guarded expression flickered revealing her angry frustration.
"Feel free to use my cocktail napkin." She snapped.
"Your napkin?" Thomas repeated. "Why?"
"That shade of lipstick isn't really your color." She lowered her eyes and stubbornly ignored his attempt to explain.
She grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
Ryan immediately twirled her as the upbeat tempo began. Taking both her hands to pull her toward him, he lifted an eyebrow in silent question.
She shook her head. "Don't ask. Please."
His gaze momentarily softened to pity. "Then hold on tight." He broke out some swing dance moves in the hopes of getting her to smile.
Her laughter at the numerous twirls he spun her in with dramatic dips made him smile.
"You know?" He said, once she was upright. "The only way I was able to get Thomas to agree to come tonight was telling him that you would be here."
"Ryan." She muttered.
"Amanda." He countered with a flirty grin on his face.
She couldn't help but smile back. "How do you make it impossible to ignore you?"
"Part of my charm." He admitted, twirling her into his embrace right as the song came to an end. "Now go forth and be kissed by someone you like."
She looked about at the number of couples kissing on the dance floor. She then lifted her eyes to the ceiling, sighing in relief that they had danced in a mistletoe free zone.
"I don't know if I should be thrilled for the one you prefer or insulted at how happy you are not to be under the mistletoe with me." Ryan narrowed his eyes playfully.
She laughed and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Does that help?"
"Not really." He winked at her. "You just gave me a brotherly peck. I now have to find someone to bolster my flagging confidence."
She watched him dance away in search for a more kissable partner.
Amanda jumped when she felt someone grasp her hand.
Ignoring her surprise, Thomas pulled her off the dance floor.
"Thomas!" She tried to make him stop. "Where are we going?"
"Out." He stopped long enough to retrieve their coats.
"What about Ryan's party?" She couldn't stop her bitterness from spilling out. "Aren't there more people you hope to find under the mistletoe?"
"I never want to see that damn plant again." He snapped, gripping her hand as they stepped into the elevator.
They kept their eyes forward, trying to ignore the couples that joined them. Kisses were given as each seemed to still be in a haze from all the mistletoe..
They escaped and stepped out onto the sidewalk, each breathing a little easier.
Their eyes met.
"I should pro--"
"Walk with me--"
They closed their mouths and simply stared at one another.
"Will you go for a walk with me?" Thomas asked. "There is something I need to discuss with you."
Amanda hoped but honestly doubted that what he wanted to talk about was the subject she had intended to talk to him about.
Feelings are such a nuisance, she thought to herself.
With a brief nod, she began to walk towards Central Park. Once inside, she quickened her pace, hoping to burn up her frustration enough to calmly hear whatever it was he wished to say.
Without a word, Thomas kept up with her. When she started to slip on an icy patch on the walkway, he swept her into his arms.
Her breath hitched as her body slid directly against his.
Their noses bumped against one another’s.
Thomas tightened his arms around her refusing to lose this one chance to have her undivided attention. He had argued with himself about cutting in the entrie time she danced with Ryan. That ridiculous party would be the last time he allowed anything to keep him from finding out if she felt as strongly as he did.
"What," her voice cracked, "what did you want to talk about?"
His lips curved somewhat at seeing she was just as affected by being close to him as he was her. "Us."
Her eyes dropped down to his lips. "Us?"
His eyes drifted down her face, pausing at her mouth. "Yes."
"Oh." She breathed the word as his head slowly dropped toward hers.
He gently captured her lips in a tender kiss.
Thomas had felt nothing with those other kisses he had been given at the party. The spark from that touch of her lips warmed him to his toes. And yet, the mere brush of her gloved hand through his hair as he moved to kiss her again caused his skin to burn.
The kiss deepened, drawing an audible gasp from both at the sensation of the other's lips.
When they parted, their eyes met.
"Thomas, I--"
"I want to--"
Amanda bit her bottom lip. "You first."
Thomas smiled softly. "I'm in love with you."
"I love you too." She smiled against his lips when he kissed her again.
A thought popped into her mind, causing her to jerk away.
"Amanda, what--"
"I better never catch you in a room that has both beautiful actresses and mistletoe." She warned him.
He chuckled while cuddling her close. "You're the only one I will ever willingly stand under mistletoe for."
Amanda sweetly sighed at that as she pressed another kiss to his lips.
When his lips drifted down her cheek, she spoke up again.
"There was a corner at Ryan's party where one sprig of mistletoe wasn't being stepped under."
"Really?" He lifted his head. "That is a pity."
"Isn't it?" Her arms looped around his neck. "All alone. Without a purpose."
"I suppose we could go back and fulfill its one mission in life." He rested his forehead against hers. "Or..."
"We go somewhere private and pretend the entire room is covered in mistletoe."
"Private, hmm?" Amanda stepped out of Thomas's arms. "I think I would like to try this pretending."
He wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of the park. "If you follow my lead, I think you will enjoy yourself immensely."
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krikriscomiccorner · 4 years
Do you ever just...
Wish DC branched out a little more with their heroes and stories? Diversified a bit?  There was a thread going around poking fun at the fact Batman has a plethora of books to choose from. Batman, Batman: The Adventures Continue, Batman and the Outsiders, The Batman’s Grave, Detective Comics... Am I missing any? Not to mention, Batman has major appearances in things like Justice League. FURTHERMORE, while The Batman’s Grave ends in December 2020, a NEW Batman mini (Batman and Catwoman, written by Tom King) will begin as soon as that series ends.  Now let’s go one step further still: Batman and Detective Comics are each published twice monthly. If you want to read those series and know what’s going on, that’s $16/month (depending on your LCS). If they were once monthly, like most other series, $16 becomes $8. Sure you can keep that $8, but you could also use it to purchase two other books. In the coming months, many books are getting canned (Teen Titans, Batgirl, Shazam -to name a few), but Batman will still have plenty of titles (except Batman and the Outsiders). But if people had more money to spend on other titles, might they do so? All I’m saying is, if you’re a kid with an allowance or an adult on a budget, that $8 can mean a lot in terms of which comics you are picking up.   As we all know, Batman is one of DC’s huge money makers. Heck, it’s well known (thanks to Tom King) that Batman could have a less than great writer and people will still buy and read that title. Which is wicked unfortunate. It goes without saying that the Batfam is huge: Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, Duke, the list goes on, but only 2 folks on that list have their own titles. Nightwing and Red Hood are each once monthly, and the Nightwing run had a wicked bad time the last couple of years (see ya, Ric). Tim is around plenty in Young Justice (ending in 2 issues), and he’s now back to Robin in the Batman titles, but that’s it. Damian was Robin and the leader of the Teen Titans (also ending in 2 issues), while he is arguably the central figure in Teen Titans, he shares that stage with several others. The next series we see him in is Batman Beyond, and that’s wonky where DC continuity is concerned. Everyone else on that list (and anyone I forgot) is just there for support, sometimes it feels they are just there when a writer remembers they exist. Oof.  Sorry for the rant, all I’m saying is DC has so much potential here, beyond Batman (just don’t kill off the Batman Beyond title, thanks). Where they are cancelling so many series and Batman, Detective Comics, The Flash, and Justice League are all going down to once monthly come 2021, DC has room to write some new BANGERS. I’ll likely never stop reading Batman, but hear me out...  A series with CONNER Kent, who doesn’t love this funky lil mad lad from the 90s? And it’s not like he wouldn’t come with a fun supporting cast. Heck, if you’re reading Action Comics right now he is the one running around with Clark, Jon, Kara, and Brainiac 5! If the other members of the Super Fam aren’t to your liking, Conner is a breath of fresh air. And who doesn’t love a little edge? Damain. Okay, I get that he is from the Batfam, but he’s gone off the rails and DC has some room to give us a wild story all about what he decides to do next! Instead of there being talk of some sweet solo Damian run.... All we know is that he will be showing up again sometime in or around Detective Comics 1028. smh DC. Or even a story that showed us how he ended up back with the League in Batman Beyond. Two potential titles right there!  LADIES. DC HAS SO MANY GOOD WOMEN. Yes, we have Wonder Woman, Batgirl (ending soon), Amethyst (is that still running?), and probably something else I’m forgetting... But give us a story all about some of the other women of DC. Starfire has a rad as hell origin, and her personality would make for a great story. Maybe they could give her some more clothes, though. If they wanted to keep it Batman related, they could do a solo series with Cass. Just a thought. I get that these are more niche characters, but they’re also something different from what/who DC has been using.  Okay, anyway, that concludes my rant. I’m going to stop myself because this is already a wall of text and I didn’t even use pictures.  
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cecesxwickedxocsx · 4 years
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December 3rd — “You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“A terrible idea.” A chorus of agreement rose up behind her. 
“It’s fantastic, you guys are just Scrooges.” Lizzie looked up as MG balanced precariously on the ladder, hanging the mistletoe from the doorway. 
“You really and truly think that Enchanted Mistletoe isn’t going to have any sort of negative consequence?” Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest, standing out of the path of the mistletoe, as far from it as she could really. 
“Yes, I really and truly think that.” Lizzie rolled her eyes. 
“And I believe she’s actually dumb enough to believe it.” Hagan came walking towards the hall, stopping before she got to the mistletoe.
“No one asked you, she-demon.” Lizzie snapped. “That’s perfect, MG.” The man grinned happily and carefully made his way down the ladder. Vampires were hard to kill, but it wasn’t hard to hurt them. 
“What makes it enchanted?” Hagan asked, stepping closer to it. 
“If two people step under it, they end up trapped until they kiss.”
“Oh good, I can feel the sexual harassment lawsuits already.” Hagan rolled her eyes, of course that was something Lizzie would come with.
“You can’t just force people to kiss.” Jasmine agreed, her hands moving to her hips.
“They don’t have to, eventually it’ll let them out.” Lizzie argued. 
“And how long does that take?”
“A few hours. I don’t know the exact time.” Lizzie watched as MG folded the ladder and carried it off. “It’s just for fun. A little kiss is all it takes.” 
“Oh yeah, that thing is going to be a problem.” Hagan predicted. 
Of course if she had known how right she was, she’d have ripped it down then and there. People grew used to avoiding it, refusing to walk in the middle of the doorway, as long as they stayed far enough to the side, they wouldn’t get caught by the Mistletoe. 
Of course those people usually weren’t distracted by their own fighting. 
“I don’t understand why you’re being such a pain in my ass.” Hagan snapped. 
“Because you’re wrong.” Landon replied, following after her. The pair stopped in the hall and she whirled on him. 
“I am never wrong.”
“You were wrong about your entire life! How can you live that and still try to claim you’re never wrong?!”
“I wasn’t given all the information, that didn’t make me wrong.” Hagan shrugged. “Now if you don’t mind, the grown ups have work to do, please go to your room and fiddle around with your guitar, or stare blankly at the wall, frankly I don’t care what you do, just stay out of my way.”
“I’m not going to stay out of anywhere if you’re going to end up getting the people I care about hurt.”
“Then you should stop caring about people, it makes it a hell of a lot easier.” Hagan continued walking, ignoring his shout of protest. 
“We’re not done talking.” He reached out and grabbed her arm, when she tried to yank it away, she smashed into an invisible barrier. 
“Ow! What the… Oh dammit.” She looked up and sure enough, they were standing directly under the mistletoe. 
“Enchanted Sexual Harassment suit.” Hagan pointed up. Landon frowned and looked up, groaning when he saw it. 
“Lizzie.” He growled. “How do we get out of it?”
“She thinks it’ll wear off in a couple hours.”
“How do we make it go faster?” 
“Oh this is rich.” The two of them turned, Hagan’s eyes narrowing as Lizzie came down the stairs, laughing. “I didn’t think you two of all people would get caught.”
“Get MG to take it down, or you do it. Don’t you have magic?” Hagan ordered. 
“Why would I do that?” Lizzie asked. “This is hilarious.” Hagan snarled and reached out, getting an idea of how much space they had. 
“You said it has a time limit? We’re gonna find out how long.” It wasn’t a huge space, but she was able to sit down, leaning her back against the barrier. Landon hesitated, but leaned back until he felt the barrier. 
“Or you could just kiss and get out.” Lizzie pointed out. 
“Or we stay here until we die which- oof.” Hagan looked up at Landon. “Guess you’ll be here a while.”
Hour 1
“Can other people break into the barrier?” Landon asked. 
“How exactly do you expect me to know that, Landon?” Hagan replied, looking up at him. He opened his mouth to answer, but then closed it. “Hey, you.” She called out to a kid walking by. 
“Yes?” The kid couldn’t have been more than eight. 
“Come here. Try to touch him.” Hagan pointed to Landon. 
“Please don’t. That sounds- I don’t like it.” Landon shook his head. 
“Don’t be a weenie. Come here kid.” The kid glanced around before stepping closer. “Here.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a pack of gum. “Try to take the gum. You can have the whole pack.” The kid brightened and he reached for it, but his hand was stopped by the barrier. “There you go, we’re stuck without food, water or activities until this whole stupid thing is over. Might as well get comfy, Kirby.” Landon groaned and sank to sit down on the floor, facing her. 
Hour 2
“Are you seriously telling me that you two are stuck there?” Rafe stood outside the barrier, looking up at the mistletoe then back down at them.
“Unless you know something about the mistletoe that we don’t.” Hagan replied. 
“I’m so sorry, Landon.” Rafe shook his head. “You don’t deserve this.”
“This honor? I agree.” Hagan looked back over her shoulder at him. “Go get Hope, I bet she’d be more than happy to save Landon from me.”
“That’s actually a really good idea.” Landon looked hopeful about that. 
“Alright, I’ll go get her… good luck.” Rafe turned and went to walk away. 
“Ow- Ow!” Hagan scrambled to stand, Landon doing the same as the barrier pressed against them, making the small three by three feet square they had even smaller. 
“What the hell?” He pressed his hand back, the space now only two by two feet.
“Oh I hate this. I hate this a lot.” Hagan placed her hands against the wall that they couldn’t see and pressed. “This can’t be that strong!” She growled as she tried to push through to no avail. 
Hour 3
“This barrier is just… strong.” Hope stepped back, having spent the past fifteen minutes shouting every spell she could think of at the barrier, and it was still there, still holding up. 
“I don’t see what the problem is. You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.” Lizzie stood next to Hope, having come by to see where they were at in the getting out of the trap. 
“Oh you don’t want that.” Hagan informed her. 
“I don’t?”
“No, because the second I get out of here, I’m going to murder you and I will regret nothing.” Hagan warned. Lizzie frowned and took a small step back. 
“You will not.” Hagan opened her mouth to retort when the barrier started to move again, getting even smaller, this time pressing against them until they were pressed to each other, chest to chest. “Oh no, Oh no no no. This is not okay.”
“Is it going to try and get even smaller?” Rafe asked, suddenly concerned. 
“We have no way of knowing.” Lizzie shrugged. 
“I hate you, I hate you honestly, from the bottom of my cold black heart, I hate you Elizabeth Saltzman and believe me when I say, run.” Hagan snapped before reached up and pulling Landon’s head down to kiss him. 
Landon’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening, his hands moved to her waist automatically and after a minute of kissing, they both realized they could move. Hagan took a deep breath and turned, narrowing her eyes at Lizzie. 
“Oh god.” Lizzie spun and ran out the front door, Hagan hauling ass behind her, ready to get her revenge. 
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lovenliterature · 4 years
My thoughts on folklore
(all my personal stuff will be crossed out so u can skip if you want)
the 1
Giving me strong first love vibes
Highly vibe with thinking you’ve seen your ex when you haven’t, such a frequent experience
V much reminds me of Stan and like, its nice to imagine what could have been without disliking how things are
Like the line about how you should show if you want someone, prevents complacency and I like that, love is work and when you forget that inevitably it falls apart
It’s also kinda nice to realise how many things lead you to where you are - if one thing was different it would all change
Comfy reminiscence
Favourite lyric: in my defense, i have none/for digging up the grave another time
feels quite a mature outlook on a relationship
V pragmatic
the first notes, straight into lyrics that just fill me with nostalgia
also like its not denying your feelings, you still feel like an old cardigan but you feel special AS that without changing
Peter losing Wendy is such a good line 10/10
Music vid gets points too tbh
Oof chasing shadows in the grocery line is high key relatable (literally being at uni with my ex anyone)
Stars around my scars now i’m bleeding feels like he’s distracting from the hurt he’s causing, he heals wounds while causing others god this is a mess
Favourite lyric: chase two girls, lose the one/when you are young, they assume you know nothing
the last great american dynasty
Probably one of the closest things to a bop on the album?
the font and background in the lyric vid are perfect
love the juxtaposition with the wedding was charming/if a little gauche and the parties were tasteful/if a little loud - it’s like she’s so close to being accepted but it’s always tinged with disapproval
Favourite lyric: either she stole his dog and dyed it key lime green or free of women with madness/their men and bad habits (the bridge is just stunning)
god what do i even say about exile?? 
Made me fucking bawl my eyes out the first time I heard it
the two perspectives are just so relatable and heartbreaking 
Choosing Bon Iver to collab with?? Perfect, the voices mesh so well and its just gorgeous
the opening verse is very relatable and its so well articulated and Justin Vernon’s voice just really hits home 
the I gave so many signs is high key relatable and i really really feel that
Also just the concept of both of them being left with no home - 10/10, no breakup is seamless
Favourite lyric: like he’s just your understudy - it feels like you’re gonna jump right back in but you’re not, you’ve been recast
my tears ricochet
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace/And you're the hero flying around, saving face - big oooooof, such a good way of showing how victims are expected to be the bigger person and be grateful idk
‘Cause when I’d fight you used to tell me I was brave - This is so relatable, like whenever you cut ties/fall out with someone you love this is such a strong feeling, they’re usually the ones backing you up and now its them you’re fighting with and that’s hard to reconcile
the bridge!!! OMG!!
Favourite lyric: and I can go anywhere I want/Anywhere I want, just not home
Also one that’s close to a bop
And I’m still a believer and I don’t know why - I know its not about disillusionment with politics/humanity but for me it’s very much, I want to believe in the goodness of people but fuck it’s hard
Favourite lyric: you’re not like the regulars/the masquerade revellers
My favourite song literally from the second I heard it
Like the whole vibe is so very me
and though I can’t recall your face/I still got love for you
Very much reminds me of Sam, I can’t remember that much about him but I can remember how close we were and how important he was to me and I wish nothing but good for him 
Love you to the Moon and to Saturn - sounds like it was written for me at about 7, Saturn was my favourite planet and this was the kind of music I listened to at that age, just v nostalgic
Verse 2 is just my favourite part of the whole song, the melody, hiding in the closet, everything. That youthful naivety really makes me think of my friends when i was little. Even when i had problems with my own dad i desperately wanted to rationalise my friend’s dad’s anger to protect her and she practically did come live with us.
Favourite lyric: And we can be pirates/Then you won’t have to cry/Or hide in the closet
Wow this one has about a million and one different meanings for me
Summer fling, being used, reminds me of a CERTAIN SOMEONE, took place either side of August especially with the alcohol imagery
Whispers of are you sure? - first relationship, so good at making me comfortable, let me take the lead
Will you call when you’re back at school? - first relationship, long distance
I remember thinkin’ I had you, both situations, the non-relationship thinking it could be more and the relationship thinking I wasn’t gonna lose him
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets - first relationship, the first time we had sex and just the first times we were able to relax and be open with each other, really nice innocent memory
Favourite lyric: August sipped away like a bottle of wine
this is me trying
Back to December vibes
Also sad vibes, no fixing what you’ve fucked up but you’ve gotta try
I don’t wanna relate too hard because relating to it means thinking about things I can't fix
Favourite lyric: They told me all of my cages were mental/So I got wasted like all my potential
illicit affairs
Make sure nobody sees you leave/hood over your head, keep your eyes down 
Feeling of hiding and being hidden, not sustainable
You feel like you aren’t worth loving, aren’t worth people knowing you love them
A drug that only worked/the first few hundred times 
Hmmmm Patch who the fuck could this apply to????
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me and For you, I would ruin myself
Value yourself higher boy but yes about a certain someone
Favourite lyric: And clandestine meetings and stolen stares/they show their truth one single time/but they lie and they lie and they lie
invisible string
Green was the colour of the grass/Where I used to read at Centennial Park juxtaposed with introducing him to Centennial Park - GORGEOUS, and highkey relatable
A string that pulled me/out of all the wrong arms, right into that dive bar - it’s always nice to see how relationships that didn’t work out can set you up for a better future
Favourite lyric: hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
mad woman
They strike to kill, and you know I will - yess bitch be angry
And there’s nothing like a mad woman - the notes and the delivery on woman give me CHILLS
The Pre-Chorus is gold, really relate to intensifying aspects of you that are criticised because yeah, fuck them
Favourite lyrics: No one likes a mad woman/what a shame she went mad/you made her like that
Does this make me cry almost every time I hear it? Yes
The first verse being about war also makes me think about the mythologisation of healthcare workers as heroes, allowing governments to sacrifice them as martyrs
The melody of the whole song is gorgeous
Favourite lyric: Something med school did not cover/someone’s daughter, someone’s mother/holds your hand through plastic now
the medics are equipped to deal with the practicalities of treating people but not the emotions and not the feeling of not being able to help or even let someone die with their loved ones
I am not sapphic but this gives me major sapphic vibes and I would die for betty 
Give betty all the rights
Such a nostalgic vibe, fearless/fifteen/white horse/love story sound and i am HERE FOR IT
Also lots of red references and i love that
Really like figment of my worst intentions, turns a usually somewhat positive image upside down
In front of all your stupid friends? - really dude?? You cheated on her and now you’re insulting her friends??? What the fuck
Will it patch your broken wings? is a pretty line though
Favourite lyric: Would you tell me to go fuck myself?
Natural assumption is that it’s about finding peace with a partner, i really like that it’s the opposite, committing to a relationship despite the chaos, despite the lack of peace
But I would die for you in secret - in the age of social media knowing someone has your back whether or not others are watching is so important (yes this sounds very pretentious i just mean like knowing that you’ve got that person no matter what is so important)
Favourite lyrics: Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other/Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother
The vibe is just very calm and melancholy and i rate that
I am ash from your fire - this is such a good rep of toxic relationships, defined in relation to your partner, burnt by their bright flames, left behind
Favourite lyric: You knew it still hurts underneath my scars/from when they pulled me apart/but what you did was just as dark
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
To show you how very not dead I am, here are all my answers! Challenge made by @baeby-tc who is an amazing asset to the community and I'm so glad she's here
1. Describe your TC's physical appearance.
Well, she looks like me.
What do I look like? Her.
2. What was the first thing you've ever said to your TC?
Probably "yes" or "here" as I vaguely remember her taking attendance roll the first time I met her as a substitute.
3. Is your TC single or taken? Or are you unsure? And are you single or taken?
She's taken, I'm single with no real need to mingle rn.
4. Is your TC more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
All three, somehow. She's incredibly athletic, a huge ass nerd, and a tiny bit artsy, though I don't think I've seen her draw, but I know she sometimes crafts things.
5. If you and your TC were in high school together, do you think you'd be friends?
Most likely. Though I think we'd be constantly pitted against each other, what with our similar strengths, and those are prone to ruin relationships, but... sure. I think so.
6. Name one song that reminds you of your TC and explain why that song reminds you of them.
Oof. What the Water Gave Me by Florence + The Machine. Back in like January-March, when I was probably most head-over-heels for her, I listened to it all the time.
7. Is your TC fashionable or are they more of the simple type? What is one outfit you'd love to see them wear?
Smart casual, I'd say, with a hint of geek. And I'd really love to see her in dresses more often. She kills it.
8. Would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your TC's subject if it meant you two could be together?
I'd do it without her, because if it wasn't for theatre, I'd probably go into literature, but... yeah. Sure. I'm all for confusing students which one of us is which.
9. Does your TC drink or smoke?
Oh, she drinks. I have a feeling the stories she shares with us are the mild ones.
10. Name one item that is always on your TC's desk.
Her bag. She comes in and throws her tote bag on the teachers' desk, first thing. But if we mean the one in the teachers' lounge, where all her stuff is... the stuffed fox on the cabinet next to the desk.
11. Has your TC ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? If so, what did they do?
Oh, she has. Half of it you know. There's one I don't think I've told you about, though, from October of 2018, one month into us knowing each other. I got into an argument with Cynical Twat in class, and V jokingly asked "Are you two dating?" to which I very loudly responded "WITH HIM?". I was super embarrassed about it, and for about two weeks, I was really angry with V and looked for any chance to get back at her for it. Then I just... forgave her, over time, like nothing ever happened.
12. Does your TC have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
Nothing I know of that wasn't teaching.
13. Does your TC have kids or siblings? If so, how many?
I think she might have a sibling. She mentioned it to me once, but I'm not entirely sure.
14. Are you taking your TC's class next year?
If V remains my English teacher next year, which is more than probable, we'll be meeting even more often, four classes a week instead of three, plus one English extracurricular which I'm taking because of my pre-graduation exams, so that's... five classes weekly with V. If she stays, you guys will be spoiled.
15. Has your TC ever met your parents? If you were there, what was the meeting like?
She has seen both of them, and both have seen her, but I don't think either parties remember each other. With my mum was when we briefly met V in a shopping mall in December of 2018, and with my dad in June of 2019 at school. I remember telling both of them "that was my literature teacher", but I don't think they'd recognise her face.
16. Has your TC ever given you detention? If so, what was it like?
Ain't no detention where I'm from, oop----
17. Has your TC ever failed you? If so, how did you react? If not, how would you react?
As in, fail me from English? Bitch, I feel bad if I get a B in her class, if she failed me I'd probably move to Peru or some shit-----
18. What are your TC's hobbies/interests? Are they similar to yours?
Well, we're alike in liking books and watching shows, but she's also a gamer and likes cooking.
19. Have you ever spoken on the phone with your TC? What did you talk about?
Nope, haven't had the chance.
20. If you had your TC's class during quarantine, what were your Zoom calls like? If not, have you spoken to your TC since quarantine?
I did have her class, though they weren't on Zoom, and as you could probably see from my posts, they were a fucking rollercoaster.
21. If you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your TC, where would you go? What would you do?
I have a favourite park in my city, one that's always really calm and has this insanely magical athmosphere. I'd probably take her there and just... talk. It wouldn't have to be a confession kinda conversation, not at all, just... just us, having time and talking because we can and we want to, about absolutely anything.
22. Does your TC have any nicknames for you?
No specifics for me, but she has called me something that best translates to babygirl/babydoll on two occasions, both of which you can read about below.
23. Have you ever cried in front of your TC? Why? How did they react?
January 24th is all I'm saying.
24. Have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your TC?
Nope :c
25. Do you know which teachers your TC is friends with at school? If so, do you like those teachers?
She doesn't really have friends, per say. She's friendly with her colleagues (my homeroom teacher, for example) and can be seen talking to them, but I don't think she's actually friends with any of them.
26. Why does your TC's voice sound like?
Why? Probably because she's speaking?
All jokes aside — soothing. My next story post is gonna prove that.
27. Do you like your TC as a teacher? Are they a good teacher?
She's bloody fantastic at her job. One of the best I've ever had, and this is not just my bias speaking. The woman scored herself an in-school award for teachers THE YEAR SHE CAME HERE. Believe me when I tell you: she's that good.
28. Does your TC prefer books, shows or movies?
Knowing her, probably books.
29. Is your TC stern or easy going in class?
A bit of both. What she needs to be in that given moment.
30. How would you describe you and your TC's relationship?
Close. Sometimes we get along like a house on fire, other times we don't at all seem to understand each other, but even so, I'd say we're close. And I don't mean to be assuming shit here, but I think we both mean a lot to each other, though on vastly different levels.
31. Do you address your TC by their first or last name?
- Miss, when I'm addressing her directly
- Miss [Last name], when I'm talking about her to other teachers or adults, like my parents or my psychologist
- Last name, when I'm talking about her to my classmates
- First name, when I'm talking about her to my friends
- V, here on the blog
- Either one of the many nicknames I have for her, in my diary
This was a lot of fun to do! If you guys find the time, go ahead and do it yourselves~
~ S ♡
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Chapter 95: Love Again Part 2
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Well boys we back on it again!  I hope you’re ready cause I’ve been spending most of this week after the response pumping out response images for this next part! So let’s waste no more time and jump right into it!
Oh shut up, you know you laughed at it.
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So we start off with one of mah boi Bee’s favorite pages!  Just look at this great update of a page!  Just jam packed with so much stuff to sink your teeth into, and digest.   It’s a magnificent piece that is not only worth waiting 2 full days to see, but waiting 2 to 3 more days to see what’s next!  And while I was not a dedicated reader, waiting hours on end for when this page update I can only imagine how elated those readers who did wait, must’ve been to see this page!  
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No wonder this chapter’s 50 pages long… AND IT CONTINUES!
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Okay, okay, no I’m not really going to bitch about these splash pages and how fucking tedious and restless it would’ve made me as a serial reader to go into this.  Partly, because the way I’m reading these now and with the rant series of going chapter by chapter was all inspired by the great advice by Bear Kidney that he gave me years ago on the forum.  That the “proper” way to read BCB is as full chapters, and to just wait for them to be finished…
Which meant in order for an average person to read this “properly” they’d have to wait…
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Five full months…
Sure!  But since we are reading this “properly” I will say that these splash pages do help to set the pace.  It  sets the tone for this scene pretty well and makes us slow down and appreciate what’s happening, and immerse ourselves into the past.  
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But enough praise! You know what’s coming, I know what’s coming!  Let’s get to it!  I’m ready! I’m hungry for some strawberry pancakes! Let’s tear int-
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Wait what?
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Right when I have to transfer?  Wait, this is a flashback right?  Is she talking about the private school?  I thought we only learned about this private school thing this chapter.  What is she-
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THEM?  Do what?  Uhhhhh What?!  A-am I missing something here?  This is a flashback to when Lucy attempts suicide, right?  This is after December, I thought that’s why she did that.  Is that not it?  Am I missing something?!  I THOUGHT I WAS ALL PREPARED WHAT THE HELL?  
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Okay so this IS about the new school?  Okay. Why?  I thought what happened in December was enough!  Was it not enough?  Did that just push her further into this point?  Wait, no.  This had to be after December.  So the move was done because of December?  So the first course of action upon realizing Lucy had been acting depressed was to immediately move her to a new place?  No like therapy or anything?  No counseling?  What the…
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Okay, hold that thought one second here, I need to resort to a third-party source on this shit.  
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Hello?  Yes, I’m doing the rant and I am now not only angry but very confused!  You’ve read further into the comic than me, what the fuck is Lucy talking about here?!
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ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TALKING ABOUT THIS SCENE?!  HOLY CRAP, EVEN I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SCENE!  What the fuck?!  You mean this one little scene.   This little one-page moment shuffled in early, in a chapter that had its own memorable bits of drama and character moments that easily overshadow it; was not only meant to be a very important scene that hints at  one of the main reasons Lucy is trying to kill herself…BUT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO- NO WE WERE *EXPECTED* TO HOLD ONTO THIS ONE LITTLE BIT OF DIALOGUE FOR ALMOST FIVE FUCKING YEARS IF WE WANTED TO FULLY UNDERSTAND WHY LUCY’S ATTEMPTING TO KILL HERSELF?!  
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Yeah, thinking about it I’m not that surprised, honestly.   And people think I’m crazy for looking this deeply into the comic and characters and motivations.  Apparently, I wasn’t looking hard enough!  Jesus, good thing I missed that.  If I knew that Sam was so on board with not letting Lucy have say on her treatment, or what happens to her, January would’ve crumbled apart!  Not to mention, according to this False Idol shouldn’t have happened since Lucy would’ve been moved away before the summer…
Hey by the way, do we get any follow up on what exactly Lucy did while she was in that private school? Like how was her treatment, care, and stuff?  How she was doing?
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Why are you laughing?
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Alright, I’m not gonna lie. I felt something there.  You got me, Taeshi.  This bit of paneling.  The build up, the expressions, it works here.  But sadly I’d be remised if I didn’t make this joke.
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You know I had to do it to em’.
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But instead she goes for the cannonball!  Bold move there, Cotton!  Let’s see if it pays off!
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Oof!  She’s gonna lose a lot of points for not sticking the landing. But I still give it a 5/10 for style points.   Okay, okay, I joke but I gotta give props to this scene for well execution (…no pun intended)
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The structure of this page is very well done, and reminds me of Korean style of web paneling which uses a lot of negative space and vertical structure to build tension, and slow down the reader’s pace by forcing them to scroll down in order to read forward.  If you’ve seen any of those Korean horror webcomics you’ll know what I mean.  It’s very effective, and it works to build this tension and intrigue into what happened.   It’s a very good trick, and Taeshi’s use of it here is very nice.  It’s just…
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What the fuck?  
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Hello, kids!  Did you know, that hidden inside every animal including you, me, and sharks.  Is this thing we call a skeleman!  And he brings with him these things called “bones”  which are integral for not only fast movement, and articulation in our moving parts, but also they help keep our vital organs safe by surrounding our heart, lungs, and livers. We’ll get more into him in a second, but just know he lives inside almost every living creature!
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Well except for invertebrates….
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Fuck invertebrates! Think you’re so bad, just cause you ain’t got no bones!
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But anyway, beyond that skeleman has with him his best friend.  MUSCLE MAN!  Who is sort of like a squishy version of the skeleman.  He is the one who keeps the skeleman safe.  For you see kids, the skeleman’s bones are very hard, pretty dense too if you drink your bone juice!  But that hardness makes him very brittle.  That’s why muscle man is here to add a tough layer on top of the skeleman. But that’s not all he does!  He sort of acts like a bunch of rubber bands that tighten up in order to perform actions and move those lazy bones!  Cause bones can’t move themselves.  Now these muscles are controlled subconsciously through the central nervous system.  That might sound like some big words, but the central nervous system when talking about the skeleman refers to the skull as well as the central part of the skeleman.  And what’s in the center of the skeleman? 
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WHY IT’S THE SPINE OF COURSE!  And directly attached to that, is the brain!  The spine serves as the main messenger for the body to tell everything else what to do!  Limbs, organs, and all that good stuff.  It’s why the spine is the most important bone of them all!  Without a spine, you would literally not function, and die.  Now I know you’re all very intrigued, but before we go any further there’s a little experiment I’d like you folks at home to try real quick!
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Take your hand, and place it on top of your belly.  Now give it a nice squish, just a little jiggle.  Now lift up your arm, and squish your hey babies with the other arm.  You feel that?  Feel that squish?  Feel that jiggle?  
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That’s what’s known as “fat” like when I say “You fat fucking slob.” It makes our bodies more buoyant, as well as protect our nice tight muscle man, with a pliable squishy layer right under the skin!  Now of course, some parts of the body have more fat than others, as the fat is meant to protect vital parts of the body and its functions such as the breasts, the thighs, and of course the abdomen!  While we’re talking about skin, there’s an interesting fact about skin.  You see, skin is meant to withstand blunt force very well.  Often times, you’ll notice that skin will scrape, bruise, bend, and squish, but hardly break except for certain circumstances like if you used a sharp object on it.  This is because the skin is meant to absorb and be pliable enough that it’s a bit hard to tear with blunt force.  Usually whenever it does, it’s due to the skeleman’s bones breaking and causing a tear from under the skin for the blood to come out or when it is pinched between the hard bone and a hard surface such as asphalt.   This is why you’ll often hear the term “internal bleeding” thrown around during certain traumatic injuries. Because while the skin layer hasn’t broken, there is still something inside the body that is bleeding, but it’s not coming out of the body because of the skin layer!  Not to say of course, that you can’t of course break skin through sheer blunt force trauma.  But it would take a lot of force that would most definitely cause you more problems than just breaking the skin.  Now I hope you were taking lessons back there, because POP QUIZ HOTSHOT!  I got a surprise question for you~  With everything I’ve said about the human body and how it is able to take blunt force trauma, please tell me.
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I’m sorry, but you can not achieve that sort of blood splatter by sheer force of gravity alone. Or if you did, then this scene should’ve been more like this!
The only explanation I’ve heard that makes any sense is that there was just some random ass rock that was there that Lucy landed on that.  Which. Okay, then.  Okay, sure.  Yeah, okay. Then how the fuck do you survive that? That is no small wound based on the amount of blood that was expelled on impact.  And if this rock is big and sharp enough to cause that amount of blood loss on impact, it would be big and sharp enough to do immense damage to the abdomen. But oh that’s alright!  It’s just the abdomen, there’s nothing going on in there! It’s just your stomach, your liver, your kidneys, your colon, your womb (if you have one) your pancreas, your bladder, y’know stuff you don’t really need.  But of course if that gets compromised, and based on the force and damage you could easily break a rib, puncture a lung, and really fuck up your life. That’s not even counting what sort of damage the fall did on her arm!  That shoulder must be fucked!  Look at how its bent even!  You’re not moving that thing any time soon! Your pelvic bone must be shattered if this is the kind of force you took.  You are now a vegetable.  But that’s not even the biggest point!  That’s not the worst part, those things?  I know some of you are gonna say, “Oh Amazil, you’re not a doctor!   She could survive that!  People survive insane things like that all the time!”
Well okay, but riddle me this.  Let’s say the rock doesn’t kill her, and by some miracle none of her internals are FUBAR right now.  She didn’t cause a bone break, and destroy her limbs.  Remember what we said about the central nervous system.  The most important bone of the body is the spine and skull.  And one of the most vulnerable parts for the spine is the neck.  If you fall to the ground with enough velocity, the whiplash you should have from your body going from 60 to 0 in an instant should cause your neck to snap or leave you paralyzed for a good second if not immediately kill you because the force of momentum would carry all that velocity to make your head connect with the ground at its resting speed.  And while I know I said that skin is very hard to tear, y’know what makes it tear or break?  When the hard contact with the ground, meets hard contact with your hard skull!  If she landed so hard on a rock that blood spew out a good foot or two in front of her, how the hell does she not crack her head on the pavement?!  And don’t you give me no bullshit about the snow either!  I’m sorry Lucy, but by all accounts.
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If this scene wasn’t a flashback and we knew Lucy wasn’t dead, there would be no doubt that she was fucking dead if we saw this.  
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But it seems we aren’t alone in judging this scene.  Augustus is here too! (which we kinda already know because of how this scene was set up but nonetheless).  And he’s here to say
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Wait, let me take a selfie an-
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Oh my fucking god…
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Your body should be in shock right now!  You just suffered traumatic physical injury!  Your brain and body is still trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened.  You shouldn’t be this lucid, let alone this active and coordinated!  Not to mention, the first rule of dealing with someone who has suffered traumatic injury and is on the ground, is NEVER.  EVER. MOVE THE PERSON UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, AND IF YOU DO, YOU DO IT VERY SLOWLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS POSSIBLE.  This is because like I mentioned, Lucy’s body has suffered a lot of damage. Her spine could and should be fucked up after that fall.  And the reason every EMT or anyone who has the basic knowledge of first aid will tell you not to fucking move if you’ve suffered a traumatic fall, is because if you move and your spine WASN’T fucked up by that fall, it very easily WILL get fucked up if you try to move the body while it’s still injured! They are very careful about that shit, because if you slip up you turn a situation from salvageable, to fucking vegetable in one solid motion!  All it takes is just curving your spine a bit immediately after it’s suffered from the shock an-
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Oh yeah kinda like that. That might do it or-
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Oof, yeah arching your back like that and trying to crawl after a fall.  Yeah that ought to do it.  Add on top of this, the aforementioned likelihood she broke a rib, and is probably suffering from a pierced lung and oh yeah
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And if you’re not double-dead, you are at the very least fucking paralyzed, or require some serious physical therapy.  You are not walking away from this.
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What was that?
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“UP here”?  
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Wh-what?  I-it’s a cut?  It’s just a cut?  What the…How…What is this scene?!  You mean to tell me the only injury she got was some abdominal cut?!  From falling off a building?  What?  Did she just see the first 2-story building she came across and say “oh that looks good enough, yeah that should do it!”  I swear to god.  It’s almost like…
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It’s almost like…
She didn’t want to die. Maybe she was just doing it for att-
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So a girl jumps off a building to try and kill herself.  But the height she falls from is so low that the only damage she got was from some random ass cut that she no doubt wasn’t expecting.  Despite the assumed physical trauma that would’ve come if she jumped from a height any person would assume to be lethal enough; she doesn’t have any physical impairments, no lasting damage that we can see 9 months after the fact, no scar, no limp, she doesn’t even seem to be taking it very seriously in the current time.  How else would you explain that, except that she didn’t put much thought into it.  The kind of thought people who attempt suicide would, in planning out their attempt, climbing those stairs, knowing the area, and finally committing to it.  Despite all that contemplating, she didn’t go high enough to do anything more than get a freak accidental injury.  How is that not a sign that maybe she wasn’t really trying to die.  
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But hey, I don’t read this junk.  I’m just going off what I see here.  I don’t know this character. Do you think that would be out of character for her at this point?  What other reason would you have for someone surviving this, but not dying?
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Maybe they have a lower force of gravity in this world?
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Or maybe Taeshi’s just a fucking hack who decided to go over the top and add a stupid gore effect that was far too much; instead of keeping the scene simple, subtle, and letting the action speak for itself, with a realistic tone and visual to keep things grounded (no pun intended).  
Atta’ girl!  I knew you had it in you!  
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But it’s such a shame. Looking at this script, I’m already close to eclipsing the rant I made for the first part of this chapter and it was all for this one fucking moment.  And you can call me harsh all you want, but this seriously pissed me off.  I remember when this page came out, I was fuming.  I broke my vow of illiteracy to check the previous pages just because I had to know what the fuck lead to this, and what the fuck was happening.  This one panel haunts me and is one of the few moments in BCB that legitimately triggers me, because of how poorly handled it was.  
This should’ve been a fucking bombshell moment.  This should’ve been the moment that shut my cynical, hardass mouth up or glue my jaw straight to the floor.  It should’ve been an awe inspiring moment where Taeshi really showed us and reminded us just how fucking great she can be.  This was a moment that everyone was waiting for with bated breath.  I remember, I created January years ago specifically because we didn’t get this sort of scene.  We didn’t get to see Lucy’s last struggle, or giving in.  We were just told that she was gone and faded away, leaving us hollow and wanting for more.  Yearning for years and years for resolution to come.  
And this is what we got.
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But y’know what’s the best part?  And if you know me, and are familiar with my stuff you know damn well what I’m talking about.  The absolute best part about this whole fucking thing?  
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I beat Taeshi to the punch by miles.  And not only that, but (and this is what really pisses me off) reading this page showed me that I gave more fucking respect and thought into this character and this moment than Taeshi did.  Because, y’know why?  Because of this.
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That’s right.  Lucy was supposed to cry out and deny and fight Sue in January to let her die. Kind of like…
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HRMMMMMMMMMM Now don’t get it twisted.  I’m not trying to make a comparison in saying that my idea of having Lucy fight with Susan to let her die is the same thing happening here.  What I’m talking about here, is this wonderful thing in storytelling called TONE.  And this scene, starting with that panel and Lucy’s reaction to Augustus kills what should’ve been a serious, and somber tone by adding in this layer of mystery, and doubt, and mistrust, and fear.  Which COULD’VE been interesting and done well to make us invested.  
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Like oh no, what’s he doing? Who is he calling?
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Oh my god, is he calling Alejandro?  Is this how Lucy dies? (although, I doubt there would be much he could do since she’s already dying.  Putting Alejandro in that mix would’ve just been weird, what’s he gonna do?  Beat up her corpse or something?)
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Oh what a relief!  He’s calling an ambulance how nice, this is so relieving except wait-
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We see how Lucy tried to kill herself.  Which was poorly done.  
We see how she was conflicted after Curtain Call with Mike talking to her about stuff.  
We see that her moving to some other place and getting transferred to a new school wasn’t just something that happened in response to her suicide attempt but was pre-planned.  
Let me go make a call and see if any of this gets brought up or used later on.
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Dude I’m being serious here. Why do you keep laughing?  I just want to know if anything comes from the information from this scene.  Otherwise, what’s the fucking point of dropping this bomb here other than because Lucy’s here now so we must have this scene now.  
But what am I saying? We haven’t even talked about January yet!  So let’s do that shall we?  Cause I know you think I’m just tooting my own horn by saying I put more thought into January’s suicide attempt scene but allow me to indulge myself.  As I dive into one of the best scenes I’ve ever written.  A scene that I put all my heart and mind into, to make it the best it could be.  Because this character deserves it.
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Right off the bat it is meant to make the reader perk up and raise a red flag to note that something is going on and you need to take notice.  If you’ve read January, you’ll know that it is a very wordy comic.  It’s jampacked with panels, words, jokes, dramatic moments, and it is meant to be a very fast paced comic that rarely slows down or shuts up.  So when greeted by six panel pages that are wordless, and seemingly benign it is meant to illicit intrigue into the reader, to make them wonder why has the train slowed down.
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It doesn’t waste your time either, as only two pages later do we get words again but it only adds more mystery into what’s going on.  The paneling is still broken up, and scarce.  And as the reader follows along, the tension and mystery builds.  The lack of panels, the more prevalent backgrounds, it is visually demanding the reader slow down and immerse themselves into this scene and what is going on.  Sue acting as the surrogate for the reader, as she gains the information and is left questioning in tandem with the reader.  
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And just as it dawns on the reader what’s going on, it dawns on Susan.  The tension builds, and the question shifts.  No longer asking what’s going on with this scene, but rather:  How can Sue stop this?  Or Can she stop this?  
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And at the same time, we are being drip fed Lucy’s words and perspective.  We know what’s about to happen, it’s no longer a mystery.  And the tension mounts until the final moment…
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This is why I give props to the canon for its portrayal of Lucy’s jump.  It was well done, well paced.  It had this nice tension, and for that I appreciate it.  But where it differs is what happens after Lucy commits to killing herself.
You see, there was a lot of thought I had put into how exactly Lucy was going to kill herself. If you’ll allow me to be cold and dark for a moment; I went over a few different modes of suicide for Lucy.  And really thinking about which one would be the best one, not just for dramatic effect, not just for realism, but also which would be the best one for this scene.  It came down to what would be a method that Lucy could survive from if she attempted it (so no toaster bath); what would be a method that Susan could dramatically save Lucy from, while still being able to talk to Lucy and understand her (so no over the counter cocktail); and how can I make it absolutely 100% sure to the audience that both of these characters are committed to what they’re doing? And to me…
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Nothing shows that more, than Lucy fully committed to kicking the chair out from under her; and Sue clinging to Lucy for dear life, physically and emotionally trying to prop her up even as Lucy has fully committed to giving up.  (if you’ve ever wondered how this overthinking, overanalyzing, cynical mind of mine works towards building my own stories.  This should give you a good idea of what I go over with these scenes when I take them seriously)
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If you remember the comment I mentioned earlier about changing Lucy’s reaction to Sue’s rescue, this is what I changed, and how it elevates this scene.  Narratively, this should’ve been the moment where the reader catches a breath and relaxes knowing that Lucy’s safe now.  But instead the reader remains in Sue’s shoes, clinging to Lucy and wanting to tell her everything’s okay, but Lucy explains that it’s not.  We see into Lucy’s mentality.  And it heartbreaking, because it’s not yelled at, it’s not cried out, it’s spoken somberly, with expressions and responses that fully capture how hopeless Lucy feels, and how true she feels it is.
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And when Lucy finally does yell, and shows emotion it isn’t done to add some extra tension or drama in actuality, this is a moment where Sue breaks through Lucy’s armor and she shows her vulnerability.  And even still the tone does not change.  The tension is still tight, and it refuses to let up.  But not only that.
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This scene comes with a flashback, but instead of leaving us with more questions, or scratching our heads as to what it had to do with anything or what it means.  It adds context to the situation, and its message is meant to be absolutely clear to you why it’s happening and what it means for the story and for these characters.  This is Lucy’s moment.  This is where we see her at her lowest point.  Broken. Defeated.  Unable to cope or push on.  
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But we’re reminded that there are two characters in this scene.  We see both sides of the coin fully understand what Sue is feeling right now. Guilty.  Ashamed. Stupid. Naïve.  This scene builds, exposes, and fleshes out its two main characters.  Showing each of their struggles.
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It’s this scene that sets the stage for these characters, and it’s a jumping off point (again, no pun intended) for them to grow from.  This entire scene sets its serious tone from the start, and holds the reader hostage, keeping the tension up and forcing them to take this seriously because it has something to say.  
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(god damn it, I really should’ve rephrased that to “cause I am not letting you go” that would’ve been so much better) But that’s its final message, and final note.  A promise that carries on, that is reflected in the characters every action from this point on.  Lucy’s suicide attempt is what kicks off(…no pun intended?) the rest of the story. It lingers over everything and is a main point that is brought back constantly, time and time again.  It is an integral part of not only Lucy’s character development, but Sue’s character development.  
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And even when she does come down, and the reader is given a moment to take a breath and crack a joke. It’s clear that this is just the beginning, and there is a lot of work left to be done.  And things for the reader to look forward to.  Lucy’s suicide attempt was something that I knew I had to treat with the utmost respect, and love.  In the end, we don’t know what’s going to happen now, but we do know Lucy’s problem.  We completely understand and can empathize with her character, for what she’s feeling, what she’s going through right now.  
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Nothing is left unclear.
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You’re never asking what’s going on.
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You’re not meant to search and assume the answers on your own.
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It’s clear cut.
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It’s gutwrenching.
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It’s brutal.
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But most importantly.
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It’s fucking real.
You don’t doubt that Susan, with adrenaline pumping through her veins could force herself to hold Lucy up.  You don’t wonder how Lucy could survive her attempt.  You don’t wonder what is going through her mind.  Or why she’s being saved.  The scene is meant to be impactful (Jesus I just keep walking right into it.  God damn! I’m sorry, no pun intended) It deserves so much better than what it got. After everything that this comic did…This.
This just kills it for me. You had the opportunity to make this amazing, something more than just its premise.  But instead it just falls flat on its fa-OH GOD DAMN IT WHY CAN’T I STOP DOING THAT?!  I JUST CAN’T AVOID ACCIDENTALLY MAKING THESE DAMN PUNS!  
A friend of mine made a good point on how this chapter could’ve been salvaged.   First off fuck that blood splatter it’s gratuitous, it’s excessive, and it’s distracting.  Just imagine for a second that it wasn’t there.
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(look I tried to clean it up, it’s getting really late and this is getting absurdly long) But imagine instead Lucy fell and we just see her lying on the ground.  Her mind is in shock.  She is struggling to move.  Her body feels almost numb.  She doesn’t know what’s going on, her mind hasn’t fully comprehended what has just happened.  We start to see blood slowly pool beneath her and blend into the snow.  Growing as she starts to feel the pain set in.  The chilly breeze cooling her wound and making her feel unbearably cold.  Her vision fades, the scene zooms out as she starts to accept her fate, maybe thinking of final apologies, lamenting on the things she’s done, the words she’s never said, the life she never lead.  And just as she’s about to pass out.
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She sees a silhouette of Augustus.  It’s unclear what he does, why he’s there, or what happens to Lucy as she passes out unsure if it was even real, what will happen to her.
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And THEN the chapter starts! And we see her, and the suicide attempt can stand on its own! (maybe you can insert Augustus’ point of view of the scene in the place of this scene when Lucy says “this is the boy who saved my life” and we can maybe see Augustus care a bit about Lucy, or how he really feels.   It also would’ve been better if this scene came out earlier in the comic when this was more fresh in our minds.  But let’s wrap it up shall we?
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We get a nice few bits of Augustus interacting with Lucy’s family and it’s really heartwarming.  It’s so cute, and it is a wonderful reminder of how Lucy’s actions impact not only our main characters but their families.  Not to mention Augustus is just adorable, and seeing him interact in this new environment, with people who legitimately care for him is very refreshing.  I like it a lot.  
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And come on, just look at how cute and amazing Lucy’s mom is.  She’s the best thing about this chapter.  It’s really nice to see Lucy’s family and how they act.  
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and the chapter ends with cute Augustus finally finding a place to call home~
Overall, this comic is just a bunch of disappointments with one nice little light at the end.  There were many chapters I’d point to as infuriating but this one…
For what it set out to do, and what it tried to do, and what it should’ve done.  In a word it is utterly disappointing.  And leaves me so hollow.  
I give it a 2/10.  I hope to god that Taeshi does better.  I’d say it can’t get worse than this, but I keep hearing about this carnival chapter, and man…
I’ll see you guys when i miss the next update.  Till then, this is Lt_Amazil signing off.
8 notes · View notes
thelanguageoflovers · 6 years
Tyrus Prompt: The Outsiders AU where one of them is a Greaser and one is a Soc. -*•*
How about 5 times TJ was clumsy and the 1 time Cyrus was?Also I’m setting this in present day because I hecking hate writing 60s slang and classism is ew
I.(November 3rd, 2018)TJ pulled on his leather jacket, stepping out of his house and into the frigid, dry winter air, immediately turning pink with chill. He shook it off, trudging through the snow towards school, his breath coming out in cold trails, spreading through the air as he walked. His shoes quickly became heavy with cold water, seeping through his socks.After an hour of walking, he finally found himself in front of the school, sighing as he pulled off his shoes and dumped the water onto the pavement. TJ made his way into the school, weaving through people with his eyes trained on the ground. Of course, that only resulted in the greaser sliding on his wet shoes and running straight into Cyrus Goodman.Of course, TJ thought to himself. Leave it to me to run into the most popular Soc in school.“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” he apologized quickly, desperately avoiding eye contact with the younger.“Hey, it’s okay,” Cyrus replied gently, reaching for TJ’s arm and waving off Buffy and Andi, who quickly rushed to his side. “No harm done, I promise.”“I’m really sorry, my shoes were wet and they have like zero traction,” TJ explained, gesturing vaguely to his feet.“It wasn’t your fault, really. These floors are terrible with wet shoes, and I should have been paying more attention,” Cyrus assured, finishing just as the bell rang.“I-I’ve got to get to class, sorry again,” TJ stammered, rushing away. Just before he disappeared around a corner, he heard Cyrus call after him.“It really wasn’t your fault, Grease!” The last word was teasing but gentle, and TJ bit back a smile, turning around to walk backwards.“You just keep telling yourself that, Soc!”
II.(December 21st, 2018)TJ held a book in his hands the whole way home from the library, his eyes never leaving the pages. Of course, TJ’s feet tangled together and he tripped onto the sidewalk. Unfortunately, he ended up taking down Cyrus Goodman, who’d apparently just crossed the street onto the sidewalk he was on to meet Buffy and Andi, with him.“Oof,”  Cyrus huffed with a chuckle, standing up and brushing himself off before holding a hand out to TJ. TJ accepted it gratefully, smiling at the younger apologetically, as he frantically made sure his book was okay.“I’m so sorry, I was reading and I just…” TJ explained, gesturing dismissively.“No big deal,” Cyrus said coolly, looking sternly at Andi, who’d just lurched forward to hurt TJ. “I’ve gotta have someone knock me over every now and then, I guess. Buffy, I swear, step away from the greaser.”“Fine, fine,” Buffy grumbled, backing away with her hands in the air.“Sorry about them, they’re just protective,” Cyrus explained, looking pointedly over TJ’s shoulder at his best friends.“It’s fine, if you knocked me over, my twin sister Amber might actually pull a switchblade on your ass,” he joked, laughing gently.“Comforting,” Cyrus teased.“She’s over-protective, that’s all,” TJ explained, glancing over Cyrus’s shoulder to find none other than Jonah Beck, varsity jacket and all, walking down the street towards them. “Damn it. I-I’ve gotta go, sorry again!” TJ stammered, rushed.“Wait, TJ-” Cyrus tried to stop him, but TJ was already rushing back the way he’d come, stepping around Buffy and Andi with a polite smile. He shoved his hands in his pockets, the book under an arm. Cyrus watched over Buffy’s shoulder as TJ slid slightly in the ice, before turning back to meet his best friends’ eyes.“Cyrus,” Buffy started slowly. “Anything you want to tell us?”“I mean, I-” Cyrus’s sentence was interrupted by Jonah approaching their group, his generally sunny demeanor considerably dampened.“Hey, Cy-Guy, who was that greaser? He looked like trouble.”“See?” Buffy exclaimed. “Even Jonah sees it!”“Guys, seriously. It’s fine! He’s just a little clumsy!” Cyrus defended.“Only around you!” Andi protested. Cyrus felt a blush rise on his cheeks and he looked down at his shoes.“I mean, yeah…” he agreed, unable to hold back a grin. “But it’s only ever been because of his shoes or his book!”“Mhm.” Buffy remained unconvinced. “I’m sure.”“Really! I mean, it’d be kind of nice if it weren’t because of his shoes or a book…” he trailed off, looking over Jonah’s shoulder where he’d last seen TJ, his expression 80% unreadable and 20% longing.“Called it!” Buffy exclaimed, holding a hand out expectantly. Andi and Jonah both grumbled slightly, but handed over ten dollar bills.“You bet on me?” Cyrus asked loudly, crossing his arms.“You’ve been clearly in love with him since he ran into you in the hallway!” Buffy defended, putting the money in her bag with a smirk.“No I haven’t!” Cyrus protested. “I can’t be in love with him, what would people say?”“Well, probably about three snide remarks and two flat out insults before one of us figured it out and killed them,” Jonah teased with a shrug.“I’m not in love with a greaser!” Cyrus insisted. Andi, Buffy, and Jonah shared a look, before Andi and Buffy wrapped arms around Cyrus’s shoulders, Andi on his left and Buffy on his right. They hugged him closer as Jonah stepped aside, saying a quick goodbye before turning in the general direction of his house. “Whatever you say, Cy.”
III.(January 20th, 2019)TJ was so intently focused on the music he was listening to that he didn’t realize there was a tree root sticking out of the courtyard until it was too late, and he was falling through the freezing air- and directly into Cyrus Goodman’s arms.“God, we’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Grease,” Cyrus said, employing TJ’s affectionate nickname once again, having lost his balance upon catching TJ. “We really, really do, Soc,” TJ agreed, helping Cyrus up. “I could not be more sorry, Cyrus. I’m so clumsy.”“So I’ve noticed,” Cyrus chuckled, pulling off his jacket to brush off the snow that remained on it. “So, does your habit of falling all over the place only kick in around me?” Cyrus asked, wandering aimlessly with TJ across the courtyard.“More or less,” TJ shrugged. “Only when your presence coincides with that of a book, some wet shoes- or a really good playlist.” He ticked off the previous occurrences of his unfortunate clumsiness on his fingers, waving his phone in the air as evidence.“Ah.” Cyrus nodded in understanding, stopping TJ’s hand in mid-air to look at the screen of his phone. “Great songs- I think.”“You don’t know these songs?” TJ asked incredulously, turning at a corner of the courtyard, checking to make sure Cyrus had seen the right playlist.“Maybe like three of them?”“There are 318 on here!” TJ exclaimed, laughing.“Okay maybe 18 of them,” Cyrus corrected himself.“How can you possibly not know 300 of the songs on this list?” TJ asked, exasperated.“I don’t know! We come from very different worlds, Grease,” he said sadly. TJ nodded, looking away.“Yeah, we really do.” And with that, he walked away, ducking under tree limbs, hands in his pockets.“God damn it, I’m in love with a greaser.”
IV.(February 28th, 2019)“I can’t be in love with a greaser!” Cyrus exclaimed dramatically, though in a hushed voice. “What am I supposed to do?” Buffy and Andi chuckled gently, none of them noticing TJ Kippen himself sitting in the booth behind them, trying desperately not to overhear their conversation for fear of eavesdropping.Of course, leave it to TJ Kippen to fail at not doing something. His ears managed to betray him and he caught most of the socs’ conversation.“…I just don’t understand why this is such a bad thing,” Andi said, confused.“Because, what would people say…might be interrogations…TJ’s house with torches and pitchforks…” Wait. That was him. They were talking about TJ. Why were they talking about TJ? He shrunk further into his seat, praying not to be seen.“…Well we could confiscate the torches…No, Cyrus, there aren’t any pitchfork emporiums in town… I mean he’s not my first choice for you but…I don’t hate him…I strongly dislike him?…Who Andi and I like has nothing to do with who you’re allowed to date…What could possibly be so bad about falling in love with TJ Kippen?”“Whoa,” TJ breathed to himself, near silently. He tried in vain to take a steadying sip of coffee, but ended up spilling it all over himself. “Shit! Serves me right for trying to drink coffee, ever.” He jumped up, effectively stealing the attention of the three in the booth behind him as he frantically wiped up the coffee all over the table. “TJ?” Cyrus, Buffy, and Andi asked at the same time, Buffy and Andi turning around to gawk over the back of the booth.“That’s me?” TJ said sheepishly.“How much of that did you hear, exactly?” Cyrus asked slowly, blushing furiously.“Oh, just bits and pieces.” TJ waved a hand dismissively.“So pretty much everything?” Cyrus asked.“Pretty much, yeah. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to.”“So…” Cyrus said nervously.“I, uh, I hear you’re confiscating torches on my behalf?”“Well, only if you actually go on a date with me,” Cyrus clarified, realizing far too late what he’d said. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to say that, you don’t have to-”“Cyrus, take a deep breath, please. I’ll do you one better. Be my boyfriend?”“Really?” Cyrus asked in disbelief.“Yes, really. I’d love that.”“So would I.”
V.(February 28th, 2019)“We never decided what we’re doing for our first date,” Cyrus pointed out, walking out of the diner behind TJ, Buffy and Andi long gone, having said goodbye ten minutes ago.“I know,” TJ responded, slowing down so Cyrus could walk beside him, taking his boyfriend’s hand and intertwining their fingers. “God, today has been a whirlwind, hasn’t it?”“It really has,” Cyrus agreed, nodding. “I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend now.”“Neither can I, I mean…” he trailed off, noting Cyrus’ expression. “Hey, you okay?”“Yeah, I’m just… Nervous.”“About what?” TJ asked gently, turning to face Cyrus.“I don’t know, all of this,” he gestured vaguely. “Don’t get me wrong, I love that we’re together now!” he added in a rush. “But I’m nervous about telling people.”“I get it, Cy. You’re allowed to be nervous, I am too. This is scary.”“It is, isn’t it?” Cyrus asked, sighing.“Yeah, but we don’t have to think about that right now.” TJ said, shrugging as they turned onto Cyrus’s street.“We don’t?” Cyrus asked.“Nah, how about we talk about… What we’re doing on out first date?” TJ offered.“Much better. How about we-” Cyrus was cut off by TJ slipping on ice, tumbling into him and taking them both down.“Ah!” TJ shrieked, attempting, and failing spectacularly, to catch Cyrus.“…So. Cross ice skating off the list?” Cyrus asked after a moment of silence.“Ha, ha,” TJ replied drily. “…Yes please.”
+ I.(May 28th, 2019)TJ knocked gently on his boyfriend’s door, flowers in hand. After a moment, Cyrus’s mother opened the door, smiling cordially and saying a quick ‘it’s lovely to see you again’. She stepped aside after hugging TJ, allowing him into the house.“Cyrus will be down in just a minute,” she assured him with a smile.“Oh, okay. Did you repaint your living room? It looks great!”“Yes, we did! It was light purple before, now it’s light yellow.”“I like this better, it’s brighter,” TJ said with a polite smile.“Awe, thank you sweetie-”“Mom, are you talking his ear off about paint again?” Mrs. Goodman was interrupted by her son, coming down the stairs and reprimanding his mother.“Hey! He brought it up this time!” she defended, her hands in the air.“Good,” Cyrus said, satisfied.“Hey, Cy. You look great,” TJ greeted, handing Cyrus the flowers. “Happy three months!” Cyrus grinned, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend, before stepping back to look him up and down.“Wow, you, uh, you look amazing, Teej,” he stammered, blushing. He attempted to rest against the wall behind him, but missed severely, tumbling to the ground with an indignant shriek.“Are you okay?” TJ asked worriedly, leaning forward to help his boyfriend off the carpet.“My ego’s a little bruised, but I’m alright,” Cyrus said sheepishly, accepting TJ’s hand gratefully.TJ nodded, reaching into his pocket.“Hang on,” he said, then pulled out a Band-Aid, presenting it to Cyrus triumphantly.“What? But I just told you I’m okay!”“No, it’s for your ego,” TJ explained.“You’re terrible, Grease,” Cyrus chuckled, accepting the Band-Aid. “I’m offended!”“Hush, you.” Cyrus kissed him warmly.“I see your ego’s okay, then?” TJ teased.“If I say yes, do I get to kiss you again?” Cyrus asked coyly.“I think that could be arranged,” TJ flirted, kissing him as demonstration.“I think my ego’s just fine.”
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missiekatjie · 6 years
[FFVII] She didn’t realize it was a date.
Paintings hung on the tiny apartment’s walls depicted starry night skies, military transports, and koi. As Sephiroth browsed in silence, Amy scurried to what served for her kitchen to set her sequined clutch on the counter.
A black cat stared out at the scene from the short hallway that lead to the rest of the apartment.
“Have you considered selling some of your work?” Sephiroth glanced over his shoulder to the younger woman, who was doing her best not to trip over the cat that had decided her being in the kitchen meant it was mealtime. The sequined dress gave her little room for high-stepping around the mewling critter.
“I’ve sold a few pieces here and there, but I don’t have the time to dedicate to that,” she admitted. “Shoo, Clawdia, shoo.”
Her guest chuckled and shook his head. He’d shoved his hands into his trouser pockets, and next thing he knew he felt the bump of a headbutt against his leg.
“That is unfortunate.”
“I’m more-or-less on-call. By now, Shinra’s usually called me a bunch of times with requests or demands or ‘Oh, can you cancel that meeting I have in the morning I hate those guys’. That sort of sh-- thing,” Amy said. She paused to peer at Sephiroth as he crouched down to scritch behind her cat’s ears.
“Hm. I wonder why he refrained from doing any of that this eve,” the SOLDIER casually wondered aloud, and the younger woman turned toward him and planted her hands on her hips. His brows arched as he tried to hide his amusement. “Is something wrong?”
“You really pulled out all the stops on tonight, didn’t you?” She asked. She crossed the floor, attempted to crouch across from him to join in giving Clawdia attention, then stopped short -- the dress didn’t allow for much movement, either. She leaned against the arm of her couch, instead.
“I simply wished for a pleasant evening with no interruptions. The one benefit of my position is that I usually get what I ask for in that regard.” Sephiroth stood, then, and went to sit down -- though he gently pulled his host along with him. She plopped back into her seat with a soft ‘oof’.
Amy snorted laughter. “I never understood it. You’ve the pick of whoever you want to spend time with, and you decide to take the president’s secretary out for dinner. You offer her -- me -- a life away from here. But you don’t expect anything in return?”
The silver-haired man closed his eyes and shook his head. “I expect nothing in return. I have few real friends, Amy, and you have been consistently kind without prompting. How long did it take you to realize my position within the organization?” Sephiroth’s brow arched with that question and Amy felt her cheeks burning.
“Don’t remind me! Everybody thinks I live under a rock.”
“Oh? Do you?”
More snorted laughter. He stretched his arm out behind her, across the back of the couch, and offered a faint smile.
“I am curious as to why you would choose to relocate to the north,” he said. Amy’s response was a light shrug.
“I’ve never really been outside Midgar. I want to see something different, I want to see snow, I want to know what it’s like to sit by a roaring fire with a hot drink in the middle of a blizzard.” Her grin was broad, excited. Sephiroth’s head tilted slightly as he listened. “I wanna raise cold-weather chocobos or something. Paint whenever I want to -- not have to answer any phones. Ever. Again.”
It was one of the few times she’d ever heard her guest laugh, even if it was quiet. It was one of the few times someone actually paid attention to what she was saying, listened carefully, reacted favourably. She tried to tuck a strand of chin-length hair behind her ear, but it wouldn’t stay.
“That does, admittedly, sound pleasant. No president to tell you what to do, no Hojo to leer at you from the elevator,” the SOLDIER replied. He tucked those stray strands back for her, and it seemed he didnt’ realize he’d done it until she was sitting there sputtering at him.
“I apologize. It was an automatic reaction,” he said, his voice gentle, and Amy exclaimed, “It’sfine! Anyway, it’s getting late and I have to be up early for work tomorrow-- thank you for walking me home.”
“It was my pleasure. I would like to do this again, sometime,” Sephiroth replied as he stood. Amy stared up at him with wide eyes.
“Really? I mean, yes! That would be great. Maybe something a little less formal?”
He chuckled and nodded. “Deal,” he said, and Amy stood to follow him to the door.
Just as he stepped out into the hallway, the younger woman blurted out, “Wait, Seph--”
“Yes?” He paused, glancing back at her.
“You’re a good man and I’m happy to finally know you,” Amy said. “I know that’s gonna sound really silly, but--”
More chuckling, and he slowly shook his head. “No, no, it does not. Thank you, Amy, and goodnight.”
When she closed the door, Amy found herself leaning back against it, and she let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Holy shit,” she mumbled. “That was a date, wasn’t it? That was a fucking date. Oh my God.”
Clawdia just sat there, peeping, and Amy scurried off to get ready for bed. She was pretty sure she’d have too much on her mind to actually sleep.
December 14, 0002
Hey Seph.
I’m having trouble absorbing it. You, killed in action. That doesn’t seem real, doesn’t seem right. You’re the strongest they’ve got. How could you die? It’s not fucking fair, but here we are.
If I’d known that night was the last I’d see you alive-- okay, I don’t know what I’d do. Probably flip my shit. I’m not good at ‘calm’, okay? Maybe suggested running away. I know that’s not something you’d do, but I still wish I’d suggested it.
How crazy would that have been? Hey, Sephiroth, why don’t you run off to a ski resort and spend your life with a woman you barely know, in a place that’s always cold and snowy? Stupid, I know. Okay, you’d never have said that.
I don’t know what you did after you left but I got a deposit from your estate today. I guess I’m going north. I handed in my resignation this morning.
I just wanted you to know that.
Maybe I’ll become a famous artist, and if I do, I’ll have you to thank. So. Wherever you are. Thanks.
I’m just sorry we couldn’t get to know each other better.
- Amy
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Answer all the questions
Wow, thats a-lot to wanna know.. But Lucky for you i’m trying to procrastinate atm. So here we gooooo.
Ask Me:
Kill your curiosity 
1. Last kiss- Sometime in December, not sure of an exact date. I don’t kiss, and tell, so thats all the info you get about that.
 2. Last phone call- My sister.
3. Last text message- Also with my sister, just her telling me she hates her new hair.
 4. Last song you listened to- Space Bound, By Eminem 
 5. Last time you cried- Like 3 days ago, but they were actually happy tears. Found out some really cool news.
 6. Dated someone twice- Yes, big mistake.
7. Been cheated on- Literally haven’t been in a relationship where I wasn’t.
 8. Self harmed- Yes, I used to cut stupid bad on my thigh. Also have some burn scars, from putting out cigarettes on myself. Thankfully thats not something i’ve done in years, and i’ve learned better ways to handle stuff like that. 
 9. Lost someone special- I’ve lost a few: My dad, my grandpa, and my childhood best friend.
10. Been depressed- Yea, but it’s a work in progress. I was on the worst medication I could’ve been on, which made it so much worse. Got admitted, now I’m on different meds for PTSD, and mood stabilizers. It’s helped A TON.
 11. Been drunk and threw up- I have been drunk, but rarely throw up.
12. Had sex- No, and don’t really expect that to change. Lol, it was a miracle I did last year..
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? 0 
14, and 16 are missing.. so we’re just gonna continue.
15. Made a new friend- Yes, i’ve made a couple.
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes!
 18. Met someone who changed you- Not this year, not yet.
19. Found out who your true friends were- It’s my sister, thats been every year. She’s the ONLY person I could ever trust.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- No, but it wouldn’t be anything new. I just don’t care what anyone has to say about me. 
26. What did you do for your last Birthday- Cried like a little bitch because my niece was hospitalized, I have never had a good birthday. 
 27. What time did you wake up today- 7am.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- To start my new job!
 30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time- Well since I only have one sister, last night when me, and her went for drinks.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- How other treat me, and get so tired of me so quickly.
32. What are you listening to right now- Crime Junkie!!!! If you haven’t hear their podcast, you’re missing out.
33. When is the last time you had sex? Sometime in December. 
 34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now- Myself.
35. Most visited webpage- Usually Tumblr, but lately i’ve been wildin out on FB.
36. Favorite color- Red 
37. Nicknames- My absolute favorite one is Moll’s, but i’ve also been called hot rod, hot tamale, and fight club.
38. Relationship Status- A joke.
39. Zodiac sign- I’m a Libra, can’t make my mind up for shit.
40. Male or female- Female 
 41. Primary school- Pinson Elementary 
42. Secondary School- Rudd 
43. High school/college- Pinson
44. Eye color- Hazel, they change weird ass colors.
 46. Height- 5′4
47. Do you have a crush on someone- Yeah, and they mf HATE me. So no new, news.
 48. What do you like about yourself- My eyes, and humor. 
 49. Piercings- 3 in each ear, 2 in my nose, belly button, and nipples.  
50. Tattoos- I have a pretty big piece on my right side of my ribs.
51. Righty or lefty- Righty. 
53. First piercing- I don’t remember getting my ear pierced, so belly button.
 54. First best friend- Literally an angel, I miss him more than I can ever really say. He was killed by a drunk driver, and it’s someone I still talk to daily. I literally just talk out loud, so he can hear me... even if I don’t get a response.
 55. First hookup- I’ve never been the type to “hookup”, but my first kiss ever was in a church if that say’s anything about me lol.
56. First Bestfriend- PLW
59. Eating- Nothing
 60. Drinking- A redbull.
 61. I’m about to- Finish this up, and then start sending out emails.
62. Listening to- This was already asked, and still listening to crime junkie. 
 63. Waiting for- Not a damn thing.
64. Want kids? Only way I would want a kid is if i’m 100% financially stable, and also found a good partner to have one with. I don’t want to bring a kid in this world, if both parents won’t be in the kid’s life.
 65. Get married? I honestly think marriage is a whole scam, and don’t even et me started on the bullshit of an engagement ring... However if I found someone that’s my bestfriend, and soul mate I would.
 66. Career- Oof I thought I knew, but now i’m kinda lost.
67. Lips or eyes- Eyes. I’m a sucker for brown eyes, not a fan of blue eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses- Either honestly.
69. Shorter or taller- Same height, or taller.
70. Older or Younger- Preferably older. 
71. Romantic or spontaneous- Romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms- Nice arms.
73. Sensitive or loud- BOTH.
74. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship.
 76. Kissed a stranger- Yes, Halloween party like 4 years ago. That’s the only time i’ve ever really kissed a stranger that I can remember.
 77. Drank hard liquor- Yes, I was bartending before I was 21, so i took full advantage of that, and drank like a fish when I would get off.
78. Lost glasses/contacts- I constantly don’t know where my glasses are.
79. Had sex- Yea, but not with many. I don’t let a lot of people have that part of me.
80. Broken someone’s heart- No, it’s always me to have my heart broken.
 82. Been arrested- Never been arrested, I have however been in the back of a cop car 6 different times.  
 83. Turned someone down- Everyone who has ever tried to shoot their shot. I’m picky, so i’ll wait forever till I find someone who I think is right.
84. Cried when someone died- Well duh.
 85. Fallen for a friend- Yes. 
86. Yourself- Fully, I can get through anything
 87. Miracles- Yes, they just don’t happen for me.
88. Love at first sight- No.
89. Heaven- Ehhh, hard to say. 
90. Santa Clause- Wait, what?
 91. Kiss on the first date- No.
92. Angels- Yes.
93. How would you label yourself? Stupid, besides that I wouldn’t.
 94. Someone You Pray Everyday For- The people i’ve lost, the people I have, and the friends i have. I’m also a hopeless romantic, so I pray for the person I am mean’t to be with. I just want those people to have success, health, and happiness.
95. Did you sing today- I can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop me from singing everyday.
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About- I haven’t.
 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?- 7 years ago so I could tell him don’t get in the car. 
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For- My own happiness.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? Im scared of bridges, and falling in love. My two biggest fears in life.
100. Do you like the way you look? I’ve started to, after years of an eating disorder i’ve learned to live with my body. But I hate that it only will ever attract lust, and never anything more. I’ll ever only be liked for my looks, not personality. So in turn, i’ve started to hate my looks again.
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imnotsebastiansten · 6 years
1 - Who was the last person you texted? i sent a video to a groupchat and i was left on read
2 - When is your birthday? december 31
3 - Who do you want to be with right now? i honestly dont know, id like to see my grandparents cat, that would be cool
4 - What sports do you play? i dont play any
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? my mom 6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? katatonia soils song
7 - If you were stranded on an island with your best friend and ex best friend, how would you feel? it would be kind of weird i guess, but it would be fine idk
8 - What do you feel right now? idk man im tired i kinda wanna take a nap
9 - What chocolate is your favorite? literally any chocolate i dont care
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? none
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? well i created my first one in like 2014 i think because i was curious and didnt know what tumblr was
12 - Do you have a Facebook? yes
13 - Where do you want to be right now? im in my room so idk im fine
14 - What do you want to be in the future? not sure, something cinema related probably
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why? cant remember
16 - Are you happy? nah
17 - Who do you miss? quite a lot of people because i suck at maintaining relationships
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? i mean there are some aspects id like to change so yes i guess
19 - What was the best thing you were given? idk man probably my sebastian stan autograph but i kinda gave that to myself because i waited for him next to a door to know i wont miss him so i have no clue man
20 - Who was the last person who called you? probably my mom
21 - What is your favorite dish? lasagna damn
22 - Who is your bestfriend? dont have one
23 - What is your biggest regret? every single decision ive ever took mostly
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner? no
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? no one
26 - Name someone pretty: Hale Appleman and Jason Ralph
27 - Who was the last person you hugged? a classmate, mada
28 - What kind of music do you listen to? alternative mostly
29 - Are you over your past? no
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? a classmate
31 - What kind of person do you want to date? someone id get along with duuh
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? nah
33 - From whom was the last text message you received? well two friends talked in our groupchat last night
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? jeans
35 - How’s your heart? idk man ask her
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “C”? no
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? not really
38 - What would you do if you were stuck in a vault with your current boyfriend/girlfriend and your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? well idk man i dont even have a current boyfriend or an ex
39 - Do you have any phobias? sort of
40 - Did you try to change for a person? yes, and i did and i kinda lied to myself in the past but i think im over that period now and im more real
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone? idk i put quite a lot of effort into the presents i give people so i hope every single person who has ever received something from me liked it
42 - Have you ever been backstabbed by a “friend”? fuck yes oof 
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood? im neutral
44 - Name the people you can’t live without: ummm 
45 - Describe your worst nightmare: the magicians getting canceled
46 - Describe your best dream: the magicians cast coming to east european comic con :(
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
48 - Have you ever been kissed? yes 
49 - How long is your longest relationship? welp
50 - Do you regret your past? some bits of it yes
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? yes oof
52 - Have you ever cried over someone? yes
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? yes, sort of
54 - Are you a crybaby? only on the inside, thanks cancer moon
55 - Do people praise you for your looks? nope, they only tell me they like my hair sometimes
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? hell yes but ithink im kinda over it now 
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? yes oof im a shitty person so i do that more often than i should
58 - Do you like getting hurt? ehh no
59 - Does anyone hate you? i hope not, i dont think ive ever had an impact big enough on someones life to make them hate me
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “A”? yes
61 - What hair color do you prefer? literally any color, rn i really like dark hair
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? id make myself skinnier
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? i guess
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? 
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school/college/workplace? i mean yes, there are people who annoy the fuck out of me but i can ignore them because i dont have any reasons to waste my time on them
66 - Can you live without internet? yes
67 - What’s the song that reminds you of the person you like? rise against - saviour and until the ribbon breaks - one way or another
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears? hell yes
69 - Do you think first before you speak? usually yes
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? i guess
71 - Are you a fan of musicals? yes, they are pretty cool, but i dont think i know enough musicals to call myself a fan
72 - Do you study hard? i mean yes because i wanna keep my scholarship
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? i dont think so
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? no
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat? yes 
76 - Did you have an accident last year? no
77 - What kind of person are you? annoying probably
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? who hasnt
79 - Have you ever been jealous? way more often than i should unfortunately
80 - How many jobs do you have? none at the moment
81 - What are you thinking right now? that i should stop procrastinating and start cleaning my room
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? anna
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? nah, i dont think i wanna erase anything
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel? i mean i think maybe
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? yes
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? yes
87 - Do you have trust issues? fuck yes
88 - Are you broken-hearted? trying to recover
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? maybe in some cases
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? not really
92 - What do you want to do this weekend? just relax because i wont have time to do that next week
93 - Do you believe in destiny? ehh
94 - Have you ever thought “I am unloveable”? yes
95 - How do you look right now? like a mess
96 - Do you believe that things will get better? maybe one day, that would be pretty cool
97 - Have you ever drunk dialed someone? no
98 - What should you be doing right now? cleaning my room
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends: never had one!!
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough? always
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