#/‘oh they’re Crazy crazy 😍😍’ insanity
fiddles-ifs · 1 year
Sorry but does Nazeri have a crush on Tracker?
They do! A non-romanced Nazeri’s crush will morph into more of a friend-crush as they spend time with the Tracker and the dream team. Romancing Nazeri evolves it even further into genuine romantic affection.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (24)
*How everyone survived (escaped) the bomb explosion inside the Capitol Arena*
Felix: Finally! Everyone’s here! Start lining up with your Tributes! We need to finish our-
Clemensia: Start the tour! Start the tour! *grabs Reaper’s hand and swings it*
Reaper: Ughhh! For the last time, little girl, stop grabbing and swinging my hand!😠
Clemensia: But- but it’s our first official school field trip together.🥺
Reaper: BOO. HOO. I don’t even want to be here!
Mizzen: Oh, don’t be too mean, Ash! She just wants to have a little date!😂
Persephone: Inside the Capitol Arena? That’s kinda f*cked up-
Apollo: Start the tour! Start the tour!🥳
Festus: Yeah, Class Pres! Start the tour! *pulls out a burger from his satchel*
Coral: Can I have a bite?
Festus: Mmm. . . Oh, here. *gives Coral a burger coupon* You can have this instead.😌
Coral: *sighs* Thanks.😒 But this is the 7th useless burger coupon you gave me.
Festus: Yo, I worked hard and dumpster dived with my friends all day for those coupon. So-
Coral: I’m starting to believe that you guys don’t even have any money.
Vipsania: Hey, Class Pres! Class Pres, Where’s the toilet?! I need to fix my eyeliner real quick.
Treech: Yeah, Class Pres! I also need to readjust my hat!
Dennis: Yo, Class Pres, I’m hungry-
Felix: Please stop whining! You’re all giving me a massive headache! Heck! I’m not even in charge here!
Dill: *coughs* Shut up, Treech! The Peacekeepers are watching!
Felix: *sighs* Thanks, Dill. At least you know what I’m dealing with.😞
Dill: Don’t be too harsh on yourself, Class Pres. You’re not the only one surrounded by a bunch of immature idiots.😔
Felix: But still, please forgive my children, Dill. The war took all of their “good” remaining marbles and never gave them back.
Dill: So they’re all crazy?
Felix: Except for Clemensia Dovecote. She’s the only “normal” functioning human being in our class.
Dill: That’s rough, buddy.
Felix: I mean, just look at poor Coryo Snow and Festus Creed.
Dill: Why? Those two are pretty “normal” to me-
Felix: They think dumpster diving with the rabid raccoons after class is a legitimate extracurricular school activity.
Dill: That’s neat. But who’s the craziest one in your bunch?
Felix: It depends on the situation.
Dill: Honestly, same. But it’s kinda tiring to always be the mature one in the group if you’re surrounded by 23 other idiots all day.😒 *side eyes Lucy Gray*
Lucy Gray: Even me, Dill? The Amazing Lucy Gray from District 12?
Dill: Especially you, Baird.
Sejanus: Shouldn’t Dean Highbottom be here by now? He’s in charge of us, right?
Coryo: I hope not. He hates me.
Lucy Gray: Why? Did you steal his lover or something?
Sejanus: STFU, Lucy Gray! I’m Coryo’s lover!
Coryo: *sighs* He practically despises me with a passion because my dead dad used to be his lover, bestie boyfriend, and karaoke pal.
Sejanus: And he also hates me because I’m Coryo’s fiancé!😍
Livia: We already know that, you idiot.🙄
Marcus: So Coryo’s mother stole Highbottom’s lover who was also Coryo’s father?!
Felix: But before that, Coryo’s rich boyfriend’s father also dated Coryo’s dad.
Jessup: So you’re telling us that Coryo’s dad dated some rich older dude from District 2 after he broke up with Highbottom?!
Felix: It was the hottest Capitol scandal back in their days. And even the outer Districts knew about them.
Coryo: Yeah. That’s sounds about right.
Jessup: That’s rough, buddy. *pats Coryo’s curls*
Lysistrata: To be fair, Highbottom shouldn’t even be in charge of looking after toddlers.
Marcus: Why not? Is he bad at his job?
Wovey: Did he stab someone?
Coryo: Well, the last time Highbottom was in charge of us, he turned one of our most awaited class parties into a disastrous embarrassing nightmare.
Sejanus: Oh, yeah! I remember that incident. Festus and Urban were hospitalized together for a week!
Festus: It was super serious! And our hospital bills were insane!
Urban: Don’t remind me, Creed!
Coryo: Persephone, Hilarius, and Dennis couldn’t even eat anything solid for five straight days!
Gaius: Lol. It got wilder when Mama Cardew tried to sue everyone at school after Livia slipped and fell on her own vomit!🤣
Livia: Shut up, Breen!
Sejanus: Even crazy President Ravinstill got involved.
Hilarius: Heck, yeah!
Felix: Ugh. Don’t remind me.😞
Coryo: But shortly thereafter, the President was then arrested by his own Peacekeepers for almost strangling the Dean to death in the name of justice.
Jessup: So Ravinstill went to jail?
Coryo: Nope. He was quickly bailed out by Highbottom himself to save face and to save Panem from being leaderless.
Apollo: To be fair, our poor Class President was throwing up everywhere.
Felix: Guys, please stop ruining my reputation in front of these good people.
Lucy Gray: But seriously, what happened?
Treech: Yeah! Tell us, pretty boy!
Coryo: So drunk Dean Highbottom apparently gave Palmyra Monty the important task of providing the food for our annual ✨End of The Year Class Party✨.
Marcus: What’s wrong with that?
Coryo: Palmyra may look nice and bubbly on the outside, but she’s infamously known to bring expired food.
Felix: Poison even.
Sejanus: She practically brought her mother’s notoriously deadly apple pies that would’ve killed everyone at that party.
Marcus: So you guys got food poisoned by Velvereen’s Mentor?!
Coryo: Pretty much. I even skipped school for two days because my body was sweating all over the place.
Lysistrata: Seriously, it was extremely embarrassing, Coryo.
Sejanus: I even had to sleep between the sink and the toilet for a week or two.
Felix: And after President Ravinstill was bailed out, he then tried to strangle Dean Highbottom again for negligence.
Marcus: Lol.
Felix: It was all because I was bedridden for almost two weeks.
Velvereen: Wait, what?!😱 You mean to say that my Mentor did all that?! My Mentor, Palmyra Monty?!
Coryo: Yup. That’s Monty for you.
Velvereen: But she’s been feeding me at the zoo!!
Felix: Wow! Good job, Velvereen! You’re a real walking miracle!
Facet: What the actual f*ck, Velvereen! All this time, you have been sharing and feeding me your Mentor’s expired food?!
Velvereen: How should I have known that they were expired?! She was eating them too!
Facet: You lying traitor!
Velvereen: I even saw her eating cookies yesterday!
Facet: So?
Velvereen: They were homemade cookies, Facet! Homemade!!
Livia: To be fair, Monty’s already immune to food poisoning.
Persephone: Yeah. She’s been eating expired hams, pies, and chocolate wafers since she was a child.
Mizzen: Chocolate wafers?! You have those here?!
Persephone: Well, if you win, I’m willing to give you a truck load of chocolate wafers to devour-
Velvereen: Where even is Palmyra Monty?!
Livia: Yeah! I thought all of us should be here, Class Pres!
Coryo: We did have a class roll call before coming here, right?
Felix: Oh, that’s right! I almost forgot! Palmyra called me yesterday and said that she’ll be staying behind.
Gaius: Why would she want to stay behind at school?
Felix: She said she wants to help prepare some snacks in the school kitchen.
Coryo: Our what?!
Gaius: Our snacks?!
Sejanus: I thought she was banned from cooking?!
Lucy Gray: *starts laughing and rolling on the floor again* And I thought my life was hard!🤣
Dill: Sucks to be you right now, Class Pres.
Livia: Who gave that dangerous walking anomaly that task?!
Florus: I’m calling the Peacekeepers!
Urban: Heck! Im calling the National Security!
Festus: Do you have a death wish, Class Pres?!
Felix: I’m sorry!
Apollo: I can’t believe this is happening right now!😩
Diana: And in front of the Tributes!
Gaius: She shouldn’t even be near the school kitchen!
Treech: Yo, is this what they call real ✨Capitol Drama✨?
Vipsania: No, not really. Monty’s shenanigans are just part of our class culture.
Felix: *runs to the closest Peacekeeper* Help! Sir, we need urgent help! It’s a true life or death emergency!😭
Peacekeeper: What’s the matter, kid? Why are you crying? Who’s been hurt? Should I call backup?
Felix: We need to get out of here right now!
Peacekeeper: Why?
Livia: Why?! Do you even know who my mother is?!
Felix: We all need to go back to school! The Mentors, the Tributes, the news crew, everyone!
Festus: Everyone?
Coryo: Even Lucky Flickerman?
Urban: Nah. We can leave Weather Boy and his annoying bird here.
Peacekeeper: I still don’t get it.
Coryo: *backs up Felix* You don’t understand, officer! Our lives are in great danger!
Peacekeeper: You’re just bluffing-
Coryo: The stupid Dean, his goldfish, the professors, our 2 stolen Bichon Frisé puppies are all going to die!😫
Festus: Stop. The. Tour! Stop. The. Tour!
Persephone: Yeah! Stop the tour!
Livia: My mother will hear about this!
Hilarius: I’m calling my father!
Coryo: Don’t you dare, Hilari!
Hilarius: But-
Coryo: Do you want your creepy old man to have another restraining order?!
Hilarius: No. *starts crying*
Peacekeeper: Fine. Fine! Stop crying already!
Felix: Good job, Heavensbee!
Peacekeeper: *grabs a megaphone* TOUR’S OVER! EVERYBODY OUT!
Coryo: Finally!
Lysistrata: Can we bring Jessup to school with us?
Sejanus: And Marcus too?🥺
Apollo: Why would you-
Coryo: Maybe that’s a good idea. We do need strong extra hands to force Palmyra out of the kitchen.
Felix: *sighs* Fine. I’ll call my granduncle. He’ll gladly give us his blessing and permission.
Tanner: Does that mean that we’re coming too?
Sabyn: Is that even allowed, Class Pres?
Felix: There’s no law that forbids you to.
Mizzen: Good! Let’s go! I’m hungry!
Coral: You’re always hungry, Mizzen.🙄
*Immediately, everyone exited the Capitol Arena (unscathed) and boarded the Mentors’ bus*
*BOOM!💥 The Bomb exploded*
Everyone: What the heck was that?!
Coryo: A bomb?! At this hour?!
Gaius: On broad daylight?!
Florus: The audacity!
Sejanus: An assassination attempt?!
Felix: NO WAY! FOR ME?!😱
Livia: Maybe it was for ✨me✨💅. My mother does run the largest bank in all of Panem.
Everyone: We know, Livia.🙄
Livia: Well, poor losers like Snow wouldn’t understand that-
Coryo: Go suck a di-
Felix: Just forget about the bomb explosion for a second! Besides, nobody got injured and nobody died from the blast.
Lysistrata: And thank Panem for that, I guess?
Hilarius: So what now?
Felix: Did you forget the real danger?! We still need to stop Palmyra from killing us via food poisoning!
Coryo: Oh, yeah. We should really prioritize that first.
Coral: Does this mean you’re postponing the Hunger Games again?
Felix: Well, if inconvenient incidents like these keep happening, we might as well end the Hunger Games right now.
Mizzen: End the Hunger Games, you say?
Sejanus: Oh, we totally can. You see, my fellow friends, our beloved Class President belongs to a certain powerful family. So anything he wants, he gets.
Marcus: So his word is practically law?!
Coryo: More or less. But it really depends on his so called “begging” skills.
Coral: Begging skills?! He needs to beg?!
Apollo: Yup! If he does it right in front of his family, then he gets a nice prize from his very powerful granduncle!
Jessup: So how’s your ✨begging skills✨, Class Pres?😂
Felix: None of your business-
Festus: Horrible! A four out of ten!
Gaius: I saw it once at a dinner party. It was so embarrassing. I even had to leave early because I couldn’t stop laughing.😂
Felix: You guys are so mean!😭
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screampied · 3 months
Baby im back 😘 did u miss me! i want to vicariously live my supermodel dreams through a tall reader so lesgooooo
Geto: i could see geto being a short girl fucker So when he seems big amazon reader with her long ass legs hes like 🤔 theres a first time for everything!! Maybe she a lil shy so he gets her in the bedroom And the FREAK come out, im talking she spitting in his mouth and throwing it back on him, twerkin her shii like crazy- he's a changed man!! Can u see the vision, him leaned back manspreading while reader sucks the soul outta his dick, his hair mad ratty and sweaty and he flushed af. For some reason he give me heavy model!reader vibes idk i js feel like he'd wanna pretty lil thing like her on his arm
Gojo: office au, ok tbh i feel like gojo sees a woman in heels who is taller than him and he dont know how to act 💀 can def see him teasing her and making fun of her because he tryin to hide his crush and this mf accidentally say the wrong thing and piss her off like no she a grown ass woman she aint takin that shit. He's so loser and pathetic plsss i can just imagine him scrambling to make it up to her and then body worship sex after 😍 maybe even in the office ….
Choso: well if he aint find his mommy 🙄 fr can see him stopping his tall gf just to pull down her tank top so he can suck her tits when she just doing chores or some shit (SAME I WANT)
Nanami. ALRRR HEAR ME OUT, He's such a charming gentleman, maybe theyre chatting at the bar and got a good thing going but oop they stand to leave and reader is taller than and it awakens pervert!nanami. He tryin to be a gentleman bc u know, he respects her but he cant help himself. Maybe they go to dinner and shes all dressed up so he tryin to hold back but plot twist, she match his freak and gives him head under the table so he take her to the bathroom and he fuck her so hard after that 🤩
Sukuna, okkkkk for bitch boy kuna Hmmm im thinking, now hear me out, a modern au like in college and everyone knows kuna as the cold tough guy and he fuckin loyal like a dog so like everyone knows he got a gf but they never seen her. Cue one night he brings her along and she's a knockout like deadass model type shit and oh boy here comes loverboy!kuna like its day and night the way he treats her v everyone else like he's huggin and kissin her up and in their own lil world.
Toji: he see a tall girl and immediately check the booty out 😤 i feel it in my soul. Probably got her doing standing 69 where he holdin her upside down bc she tall so she the perfect height to suck him off while he eat her out. Manhandling vibessss man tryin to be the best fuck of her life 🤪
-🤭 anon
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i’m gonna imagine i’m like 5’9 😽
i can def see suguru into taller women omg . he has yummy tasteeeee. FREAKY READER AGENDA >>>> wait … u just put smth in my head ???? throwing it back ???? ON SUGRUUUU?? he’d be so nasty gawwwddfd. (takes notes) sitting in his mouth is crazy 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ my type. oooo he’d totally go for model readers i see it so bad. suguru manspread always does smth to me
YEPPPP satoru loves a women w long legs n heels ☝🏽☝🏽. it makes sense bc he’s tall asf also. ur so right he’d be so annoying teasing his tall s/o but when she teases back he’d get all pouty like ???? OFFICE MAKE UP SEX YUM YUM
choso 🥹🥹🥹. i feel like tall women would intimidate him a bit but he can be dom if he wants to !!!
NANAMISOELPHPDGOHKJ. pervert nanami agenda 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. loooooves a tall girl. loved to wrap his arms around her n everything. i bet he likes to kiss all down her thighs / legs.
SUKUNA AND TOJI R SO REAL. sukuna’s big as shit so i’d be kinda scared 🤰. toji i’m crying. honestly ya he’d stare at the ass first. i bet toji loves tall women too, esp if they’re a little curvy 😞 STANDING 69 IS INSANE ????? real he’s a freak bitch so i get it. toji would def fuck his tall gf while standing doesn’t care how tall u are. will manhandle u all day 😞😞😞😞
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honeynclove · 10 months
It’s your turn pookie 🫵 tell me about your favorite ships for each character 😍😍😍😍
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED TEEHEHEHEHEH (ships underneath the read more bc lord can i blabber) also the formatting of this one turned out odd for some reason random letters r bold n I am too lazy to fix it so
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heartslabyul riddle - azurid‼️‼️‼️ GUYS THEYRE SO CUTE IDK their moments in book 6 were everything to me n also this fic sold me on them they’re so cutie rahhh. special shout out to the oc I ship him with ace - adeuce r my annoying little brothers however I want the best for them n think their relationship is funny deuce - ^^^^ and also epeldeuce bc ain’t no way they went on a beach side date and thought I wouldn’t call their gay asses out 🙄🙄🙄 trey - auhmm. hhhrmmmm. well. I do like riddle cater n trey as poly but I wldnt say it’s my favorite 🥱 cater - IDEKEI 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 chronically introvert online discord mod x chronically online extrovert instagram user ITS SO GOOD GUYS (for fic recs strongly recommend anything Adverb_Slut on ao3 writes) special shout out to the oc I ship him with savanaclaw leona - malleona is funny to me but like. I don’t ship it idk. same w/ leovil they’re just comedic to me. LEONA X ROOK THO IDK I REALLY LIKE IT IDK WHY ruggie - rugs too busy getting cash to be in love /j 🙄🙄 idk I do find kalim x ruggie and ruggie x silver to both be cute jack - epeljack is rlly cute to me but other then that I’m not a fan of any other jack ships. I LOVE LOVE LOVE him and vil PLATONICALLY tho <333 oh and ig someones yuusona w him is cool or whateverzzzzz octavinelle azul - besides azurid, which I adore, I alsoooo love love love idiazul smth about those two LOSERRRSSS in love makes me happy 💕💕💕 I also enjoy him with rielle but like… my very specific interpretation of rielle that’s basically an oc 😭 jade - will y’all kill me if I just say myself bc that’s the truth. like I’m sorry guys me n Jade r so madly in love it’s actually wildly insane and crazy and we will have joint tombstones 😁💕💕😍😍😍🏳️‍🌈🙄🏳️‍🌈 we r madly in love and also both on the spectrum (which one? all) I also like siljade bc I think it’s silly floyd - FLOJAMIIIIIIIIIII 💞💞💞💞 GOD. that ship is so silly I wanna shake it like a snow globe rhhhhahahahahha. i also love FLONEI bc it’s SILLY N IDK 😭😭😭 I just like it guys. also myself sorry I’m sorry scarabia jamil - ^^^^ n I also enjoy azujami in a comedic sense but outside of that I lowkey dislike it lmao. WAIT AS IM WRITING THIS I AN REMINDED OF JAMIL X RUGGIE WHICH I HIGHKEY ENJOY TBH kalim - Again don’t have any specific ships for him, but Silver x Kalim is v v cute I would squish them my cuties pomefiore vil - alr mentioned leovil but I am also casual rookvil enjoyer I just think they’re silly. shout out to the oc I ship w him tho rook - mentioning rookvil n rook x leona again just bc they’re silly ‼️‼️ honestly love rooks lil freak self epel - epeldeuce epeljack and uhhhh SEBEPEL ignihyde idia - I think I’m running out of idia ships to mention tbh. I DO LOVE IDIASIL AUGHHH. Idk his chronically online ass is so good w so many different ppl it’s crazy diasomnia malleus - I ship him w myself duh 🙄🙄🙄 malleyuu specifically I love seeing everyone w him it’s so cute. ALSO I find mallerollo rlly funny n interesting tbh silver - silidia n siljade &lt;3 sebek - just sebepel rlly tbh lilia - LILIBAUL😍😍😍😍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈‼️‼️ I LOVE OLD MAN YAOI GUYS /j n I also rlly enjoy him x levan n meleanor the angst is crazy and insane and I love it RAHHH. I also ship him w my oc Fleur who’s based on Flora from sleeping beauty. Also most ppl who make Lilia a bf get my support I love that old man staff trein - him x his wife ig crowley - him x meleanor x lilia only in the crowley = levan theory vargas - I ship him w an oc based on lefou from beauty and the beast ‼️‼️ sam, crewel - no ships for them :(( other neige - FLONEI ‼️‼️‼️ I just wanted to mention them again tbh. I’ve also seen cheneige which is v cute chenya - kinda fond of him poly w/ Trey n Riddle ☹️☹️ I think it’s cute rollo - ROLLO X AUGUST (vice president npc) FOR THE WIN GUYS I COULD TALK AB THEM FOR DAYS. YEARS EVEN. fellow honest - more weird silly ships I’m the second fellow x aces big brother shipper literally ever
OKKK I think that’s everyone 😍😍 feel free to leave opinions on my opinions idk
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424151998 · 8 months
I am in Athens and tomorrow I am going to Tbilisi
Athens is cool at first I was scared and kept thinking I was gonna get pick pocketed but it’s actually extremely chill here. I’ve been wearing the same outfit the whole time tracksuit pants and cardigan and hoodie with the addition of fleece and long sleeve and two puffer jackets and scarf wrapped around my head today and gloves coz it was like 10 degrees lol soooo not that bad but it felt hellish to me it’s gonna get sooooo much worse and I’m scared
Ummm yeah having withdrawals too so I’ve been sleeping a lot and feeling irritable but I’m optimistic that I’ll be feeling more normal soon
I didn’t go to any of the ancient ruins coz they cost money so I just saw them from a distance
Just tonnes of walking and eating
Tis theatrou to steki twice now…first time was better..first time I was like 😍 marinated anchovies and vegetables in vinegar and garlic and bread and saganaki w lots of lemon 😍 second time we got like an omelette which was average and meatballs which were boring and such a bad choice by me hmm kinda just like eating bread with little accompaniments rather than bigger dishes, cheap place
Went to some place max’s friend recommended that had vinyl records as placemats and we had this amazing soup with ceviche but after that dish it wasn’t as yum it was like a big stir fry type thing and that’s just not really my thing but max really enjoyed it and also some coconut rice thing which again meh I don’t really care but that’s just vegetarian food I’m so meh but also again I am in a state of withdrawal so maybe I’m just pretty anhedonic. We did get a little carafe of wine which was soooooo good and also some digestif after I forget what it was called but similar to ouzo super strong and when we got home I passed out I felt so drunk
We went to Atlantikos this like tourist famous fish restaurant for lunch and it was good yeh idk max was really into it we had squid and it was fine idk I think we ordered badly coz I was jealous looking at some of the other tables
We had giros at o kavourras which was so effing yum
We’ve also had a couple falafel wraps
I keep waking up super early it’s funny coz my sleeping pattern is so fucked up in Melbourne it’s like super normal here I wake up at 7am like 🤩and then have to wait til midday for max to wake up but anyway yeah it’s crazy I’m like early bird here but for some reason I don’t wanna leave the apartment without max I could probs go walk around and get a coffee but I’ve just been chilling on my phone and reading my kindle hmmmm until like 1pm when we leave the apartment , after about 5000 steps im fucking done and Need to rest before I can keep going..
Currently in bed and gonna go back out at some point idk I have these Greek cigarettes I might have one later but only one
Step count:
Wednesday: 12,299
Thursday: 12,719
Friday: 11,367
Saturday: 21,146
Sunday: 5,785
Monday (so far, will update): 8,521
Umm what else I keep having insane nightmares which is disturbing but I’m Hoping it’s just my brain cleansing itself …nd max says I’m grinding my teeth heaps so maybe I’ll get teeth grinding Botox when we get to Istanbul but idk
Ummm ok that’s all
Oh yeah and I’m obsessed with how easy it is to get thru the metro gates like soo amazing and not scary like they just stay open if u put your hand in front of them unlike the myki gates that feel like they’re gonna fully slam my pelvis
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moonjxsung · 6 months
I started using character.ai and I’ve never been so unproductive. I have wasted 3 days OF MY LIFE talking to men who don’t even know I exist so that’s great…😀
But yes, I’d love to watch documentaries and cry with you 🫶🏼🫶🏼
We can order good food (because I love food😖) and cuddle!
But how are you doing my love? Were you able to fix your sleep schedule?
I recently learned that Chan had asked Changbin to choke him for background noise on 3rd eye so I can never take that song seriously again.😂
I have more memes for you! Enjoy Star and please treat yourself to something nice! https://pin.it/Tsn2HFbnw , https://pin.it/37UibjKMu (awoop, jumpscare🤡)
ILY BABYYYYY DON’T APOLOGIZE YOU ARE SO GOOD MY POOKIE who needs men when you have ai and fanfic 😍
ALSO YES please let’s get pizza and cuddle im craving pizza so bad this week it’s insane (and cuddles)
I’m doing good!!! My sleep schedule has not been fixed in the slightest (it is 2am as we speak and I have to be up at 6am🫶) and I’ve been crazy busy at work and trying to hit the gym early but also skz announced they’re headlining Lolla in Chicago so I’m gonna try for tickets (MANIFEST FOR ME….) and I have a few cupsleeve events I’m attending this week and a few parties I’m going to next week so I’m CRAZY BOOKED…….. my busy era. Love this for me
THANK YOU FOR THESE MEMES SKDKLDLELDM PINTEREST MEMES ARE THOROUGHLY APPRECIATED also yes I will treat myself to coffee delivery tomorrow bc I am officially out of coffee pods for my keurig and I don’t feel like buying more 💯 I LOVE U HAVE THE BEST WEEK MY SWEET ANGEL 🩷💓👼🫶
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karizard-ao3 · 8 months
Oh I thought of the marriage as a symbolic thing they perform at the end after knowing each other for some time like the whole summer, knowing it doesn’t mean they’re officially married but more of a promise to always stay together. I think the scarf could represent something here. And I mean, Eren is crazy enough to make this “marriage” be him asking her to be his girlfriend, because he’s insane and can’t do it normally. And Mikasa is so flattered and in love she accepts. Meanwhile Levi is one of the supervisors of the boys’s camp and is having a heart attack that they’re missing and almost all the boys are mutineering to help them. Maybe Hange is the girls supervisor and Erwin works with Levi too
I can for sure see them getting engaged 😭 eren gives her a ring he made during crafts and is like, "I will marry you when I am 18 😍".
Honestly, I kind of like the idea of the girls being the ones banding together to help in this scenario. Like, they're all squealing and excited and totally into the fact that Mikasa has an insane boyfriend across the lake. Like, she doesn't really know anyone in the cabin well and feels left out, but the girls (Sasha lol) sneak out to raid the kitchen or something and they catch Eremika together and immediately start freaking out (in a good way). I think they all like Mikasa, she's just hard to get close to because she's shy, so this is their chance to a) bond and b) try to get their own boys from across the lake. I don't know. I feel like there's a lot of potential for shenanigans here lol.
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Vincenzo : Episode 2
On the list of media with the most unserious ways to use Italian should be Vincenzo 🤣 and my little chef si si si 👍
Not the little girl pinky promise as one dangles from the window ?!!!
His upper body strength goes crazy
My man Vince has 0 eye bags and I need the skin care and concealer rn
Zero personal boundaries always makes me yell kiss regardless of situation like why are your noses that close !!! Kiss 💋
lmao cutie
my dancing queen is a lawyer! slay
help why is this man talking like a villain already😂😂😂 the pauses he’s taking and the tone is funny
show me a perfect garden and I’ll dig up dirt 🥕 tell ‘em sister!
Okay that took a very dark turn suddenly I have to side eye sister
honestly I don’t see anyone leaving the gold lol. human 101 people just refuse to part with gold for some reason
they killed everybody ??? 😭
the dramatic ass screaming and ( Italian ?) loud violins in the background always sends me
no one knocks in this show 💀
he looks very good in this lighting but do not trust him dad lawyer! don’t want to see you heart broken 😔
‘sorry sunbae’ 😂
I ADORE how dramatic she is. she’s just like me fr 😭
Vincenzo Quasano. Quaso. 🥐🥐🥐
She is so pretty 😭
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the restaurant owner is giving real sass 😂
the tteokbokki on his suit 😭
dancing lawyer queenie is terrifying but yeah! fight your terrible co workers
a hockey puck to the stomach, I would’ve actually died instantly
this is actually insane. I will fight this CEO with my bare hands 😭 he’s going to break his back
someone protect lawyer dad and his daughter m
I know he’s making the worst food but I really do love the chef. Look at his mittens !!! it’s another little chef puppet
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how is my man running a kitchen like that 😭
strong arming someone is bad but when you threaten someone’s family and kidnap them, maybe don’t squirm with a firm shoulder hold 😍
lmao the good lawyer dad getting happy sends 😭
the firm owner’s voice is so good. like he’s so full of excitement lmaooo.
honestly she gave a pretty solid first talk, I will steal it. ‘Small wins eventually lead to great victories, let’s not work too hard if we’re not being appreciated’ solid 👍
the zombie dancing 🧟‍♂️
they give zero fucks in this building I love them 😂
the 4 bottle of makegeolli, he isn’t making it out I fear
that’s her son 😔 at least he gets to hear it from someone else. always feel weird in these plot lines tbh because even if it is one character or just one side of the story him and his mom have probably felt a lot of pain throughout these 30 odd years. and after all that time you have to make the choice of letting go and moving forward
idk if Vince is being serious rn or playing him like does he actually feel bad about the condition of the people in the building?
this is actually so real because so many people get stuck in the system simply because they do not have the resources to challenge their verdict or bail themselves out.
the good dads get to teach you how to drink I guess. In Itaewon class it was the Saeroyi’s dad and here it’s our sweet Hong Yuchan
lmaooo her bowl cut and blonde hair I love Chayoung
Not the [ominous music] tag as he looks at her pictures omg ???
Junwoo just rat them out babes !!! this is not okay. go supply this information to her dad <3
She’s so real for screaming at him. Parents will sometimes ignore your phone at the worst time lmaooo
The way he’s staring at her, this better not be we were in love or passing in love as kids lmaooo 😭✋ that trope just always finds a way into all my shows
my dramatic ass sister will be dramatic with her hands in her pockets I love her !!!
lmaooo no one will let him eat here 🤣 he has not been able to compete one meal
oh my god dad lawyer stay alive
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my girl might get fired but her priorities are straight !!!
the chef with his pizza getting a slo mo shot is so precious. look at his pizzas! he could never mess that up 🍕❤️
lmaooo they’re having a slo mo stare moment and there’s just a big inflated Italian man in between them 😭
me praying that he likes her before she likes him 🙏
the theme music, an unserious show
in the last moments of the episode is when it always hits you HOW much has happened
18 more to go
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evanbuckwad · 1 year
heartstopper s2e2 thoughts
Tao. TAO. the fish. 
Babes!! Charlie!
Did David just like. Show up
Kind of hoping we get some tension between Sara and Nick when David finds out 
Gasped at Imogen and Ben lmao
Gag what’s going on charlie 
This is so classic high school gn
Ben I’ll punch you 
HAHAHAHAH isolation
I’m going insane
I love them so much 
in the park and the cold hands and the hoodie and just being soft I’m going CRAZY
I am so so so happy with the deeper development of the characters 
Imogen ! 
Hellloooooo Miss Singh 😍
Oh Nick <3
KISSSSSSS each other 
This is direct from the comics!!! WHICH MEANS DAVID IS COMING
I can’t believe we’re getting this scene like I absolutely can but oh my fuck 
I’m going insane Imthis is so good holy shit holy!!!! Holy shit they’re all so good and this is good wow
The food the food I knew/an expecting Paris and the fainting but babes
God it’s direct from the comics 
Kit is ripped fr
TAO’s DAD????
I love them all so much
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abby-thatsit · 3 years
꧁ HEY ! ꧂
last update: 06/20/24
just in case you somehow stumble across my profile and wonder “ why are they liking all my posts?” or ”oh another jay stan” well look no further!!
- ♡︎ my name’s abby in case you couldn’t tell yet, im pan aroace, 17 and mexican-american!
- ㋛ biggest fandoms atm are ninjago, bluey, stranger things and miraculous (but there’s way more I promise you- id just rather not type out an essay 😍 + those are gonna be the main fandoms I talk about here.. ) - currently watching spy x family :)
- ꕥ favorite characters: jay walker and . that’s pretty much it. edit: cole and nya are awesome . also bingo and bluey…
- ♡︎ and for favorite ships gotta be either jole or jaya- whether romantically or platonically idc they’re just so fun together
- ���︎︎ PLEASE no prosh*ppers or pedos or nsfw content or any of yall other nasties out there .. internet’s crazy
- ☞︎ sorry if I come off as pushy or really forward 😁 just excited to talk
- ♡︎ in case you couldn’t tell I never use full sentences nor proper capitalization nor proper punctuation- its only dashes. look !! I just put a period there !! that’s insane. look I did it again!! this wasnt really worth noting since everyone does it butwhatever
- ☺︎︎ there’s probably more I should share but yeah that’s really it at the moment (look i didn’t say atm for the 527th time again..) thanks for reading
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thisonesatellite · 5 years
So sorry about the silence!! Work has been crazy, but I'm back! I LOVE THAT PART! Seriously them on the chair makes me swoon 🥰😍 like wow!! I think I have an inkling where I'll be taking your present too, but of course you'll have to wait and see 😉 What is your favorite holiday tradition? Your CSSS ❤
Oh darling - PLEASE don’t apologize.  i am sorry your work has been so crazy.  i work insane hours myself, so i really can relate, and i feel you.  
(((((((((((((((((BIG HUGE HUG!!!!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And i love love love that you’re already inkling-ing.  Yes that is totally a verb, WHY DO YOU ASK?  i have all the faith in the world in you, and i already know whatever you write will be fabulous and i will absolutely LOVE it.  (Meanwhile, i’ll tide myself over by thinking about CS on that chair.  If you need me, i’ll be overe here.  Swooning.)
My favorite tradition is actually somewhat European (although it doesn’t hold true for all European countries): i love celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve.  So, on the evening of the 24th, with a five-course meal, and the Christmas Story, and a real spruce tree with real beeswax candles on it, and ornaments dating back through the decades to when my great-grandmother was a girl.  
We don’t put up the tree until the 23rd, you see - which means it’s been outside in the freezing, ‘hibernating’, the whole time.  Once you get it inside and water it, it comes back to life overnight as the water shoots up and opens all pores, and the smell of fresh spruce needles becomes incredibly intense.  Add fresh beeswax candles to that, which also smell amazing as they burn, and boom - you have CHRISTMAS.  :D
And then we sing Silent Night, and it’s cold and dark outside, and we’re inside with this amazing tree and everyone gets ONE present from each person.ONE.  Never more than one.  That is also a tradition.  And another tradition is that many times our presents are handmade, or they’re for a future event.  Like, i give my mom a “long weekend” every year, and that means i take a the time off work and we go and travel to a city we haven’t been to for four days.  (Half the fun is picking the city together.)
And then we drink port and fall into bed, and the next day there’s turkey and sweet potatoes and stuffing, and friends come and celebrate with us, and it’s amazing, and funny, and boisterous, and LOUD - but it can be all those things, because Christmas was the night before, and everything is already beauriful, and there are neither presents nor stress.  Just hugs and good company.  (The older i get, and the more horror stories i hear about stressed-out families and epic shouting matches and near nervous breakdowns, the more i can appreciate that i am very, very lucky.)
i’ve lived in different countries and on different continents, and many times i was too far away to get home for the holidays, but i have taken this tradition - celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve, with a real tree and real candles and one present each - with me wherever i go.
i hope this answer wasn’t too long, my dear!
And i hope your work-craziness gets better!  i am sending you strength, and patience, and MORE STRENGTH, and ALL THE LOVE AND HUGS, ALL OF THEM.((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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callmehopeless · 6 years
Omg ok Hope I know we all agree Sackler is caring and loving and supportive-but imagine doing the same for him! Among other things, an afternoon of kissing and petting him, rubbing his ears and belly and he's all smiley and giggling 😍😍😍
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I’m combining this with a very similar one that says: “What is Adam Sackler was dating a girl that always did little things to tell Adam she loves him? Little notes left behind if she has to leave before him. Makes sure he’s well rested for an audition. Tell him she loves his eyes and he’s like “they’re literally just brown.” But she loves them and he always feels so special around her.“
Told you there were a LOT of these
So everyone knows from my previous headcannons that Adam is a fucking sweetheart, right
His last relationships have been passionate, wild, crazy: but they’ve just never been…soft. Don’t get me wrong, they were relationships he openly loved and appreciated to such a huge extent. But he’s got such a strong craving to be cared for. He’ll never admit it, but fuck. He’s got such a gentle heart
When he meets you; he’s been hurt a lot
He’s sort of exhausted - breaking up with Jessa was a hellscape. It took everything from him. So when he meets you and falls for you: he’s amazed by how easily he’s enchanted
But he’s also very, very nervous. He keeps his heart guarded for a long time
You’re persuasive, though
He feels your lips ghost the space between his ear and his jaw when he wakes in the morning; and he suppresses a smile as he stretches beneath the covers
“Go back to sleep, Adam” you coo “I love you”.
His body shudders with warmth
He’ll get up and stumble into the shower once you’ve left, and he’ll peak into the fridge after to see what he can bring to his audition since the wait is long
Holy shit, you made like…an insane amount of spaghetti and put it in a plastic container for him. Absolute jackpot. He chuckles to himself, shoving it into his backpack as he scrambles out the door
He’ll get home in the evening to you and feel himself breathe a sigh; and he’ll wrap his arms around your waist while peppering kisses at your neck
“How’d the audition go?”
He feels himself stiffen - you remembered he had the audition today, thought to ask him about it without him needing to tell you. Oh fuck, his heart feels like it’s going to burst
“Call backs are soon, they’ll let me know” he mumbles into your shoulder
You both find yourselves on the couch; his chest bare to the cool air as you play with his hair absent-mindedly
“The fuck are you doing?” he laughs
You raise your brow “you want me to stop?”
Adam does NOT want you to stop. He closes his eyes and leans back as you work your way through his tresses, moving to dust your hands against his torso
That does things to him
“Kid, I’m so fucking lucky to have you in my life”
He feels it: he genuinely feels this sense of purpose ripple through him. Having you run your hands across him, appraising him as though he’s this beautiful thing
He’ll never get used to that
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