#//woops went a bit long
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Nooooooo explain yourself!!!!!! I want to hear the bad takes!!!!!
Or keep your secrets and stay mysterious :D
OK soooo this is gonna be a hot take but there's countless ships that I've seen and fanfics that I've read from both these fandoms where characters are just SO out of character
(putting a damn cutoff cause this is long)
alot of people will compliment saying that it's in character but genuinely nah
When it comes to the ships, I genuinely just hate any sorta enemies to lovers (only good when written realllly well imo) and honestly... fans will write the characters SO DAMN OUTTA CHARACTER just cuz they're horny or smt and just want to see the two fuck
ALSO they'll say two characters abt to stab each other is sexual tension which like- girl what-
I'm sorry but any character that has a standard for dating kind and genuine people being shipped with a guy who's betrayed them ain't my sorta thing (Look it reminds me of sm traumatic shit alr, ship it if ya want but I'ma look the other way)
I don't want to explain which characters or ships cause sm mutuals support these ships and I don't really wanna hurt them tbh
(It is prevalent in both fandoms, that's all you need to know)
they aren't illegal to ship. It just makes me uncomfortable or sometimes mad because ik people will see those relationships as healthy and set a highly unhealthy standard for themselves, and it crushes me that they think that
but I can't change how others think so..
Anyway, ship and write who you want and how you want if that's how you cope, but in some cases when you're in a healthy state, take a step back and wonder if it might be better to make an oc with this personality instead of forcing it on yer blorbo
(PS. I am literally Rohan Kishibe, and no one can write him better than me lmao)
(same goes for Takayuki Yagami)
actually, even extra note, I fucking hate how out of character ya'll make Soma. He doesn't wanna fuck Yagami. He just wants peace and quiet and to be away from his annoying ass second in command. OH and I fucking hate when ya'll write Daigo outta character too. My bro just wants his life to be fucking normal. He's tired, give him a coffee.
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breezeflows · 2 months
The Long Road (Stanford Pines x Reader)
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Chapter 3
WOOP WOOP CHAPTER 3 IS HERE AND BOY IS IT JUICY🫣 On a serious note though, we are finally getting into some of the exciting bits of the story!! I’m hoping by the next chapter we will finally be back in the present. No more sad flashbacks!! Also y’all writing Lizzy is genuinely my favorite. If this fic wasn’t about Ford I’d be wifing her up instead😔 Anyways- here’s chapter 3 you lovely souls!
Themes: Consumption of alcohol (reader lowkey gets wasted), major hangover, bill himself is a warning, suggestiveness kind of?? idk, heartache, lizzy is overall an amazing friend, alllll the angst and feelings, injuries, etc okay enjoy!
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The drive to Lizzy’s place is quiet, the steady hum of the car engine and the sound of raindrops against the windshield the only background noise. You sit in the passenger seat, watching the trees pass by through the window as you fiddle with the wedding band around your finger. Lizzy glances at you occasionally, a small frown on her face as she senses your mood. She remains silent for most of the ride, giving you space to process your emotions if need be.
It's not long before the car rolls to a stop in front of her apartment building. You reach around to gather your belongings from the backseat and step out into the rainy afternoon. Lizzy follows suit, bright pink umbrella in hand as she leads you towards the entrance.
Once inside the building, she unlocks the door to her apartment building and the two of you usher inside. The soft yellow light of the living room envelopes you, creating a cozy atmosphere in stark contrast to the gloominess outside.
Lizzy begins to kick off her shoes, hanging her keys as she silently studies your face. She can see the turmoil in your eyes, and the uncertainty you’re trying to hide.
“So,” she says gently, breaking the silence. “You okay?”
Your eyes snap out of the daze they were in as you look over at Lizzy, giving her a weak smile.
“Oh, yeah I guess. Things went a lot better than I thought they would.”
Her expression relaxes at your response, a hint of relief showing on her face.
“That’s good,” she says as she walks over to the couch and plops down on it, gesturing for you to do the same. “I was half-expecting a tearful scene or something, honestly.”
You manage a light chuckle at her remark, plopping down on the couch next to her. You pull your knees to your chest as you grab a blanket draped across the back of it, wrapping it around you.
“Yeah,” you say softly. “Ford took it pretty well, actually. Better than I expected.”
Lizzy raises a brow as she leans against the back cushions, her arms crossing. “Girl, he better take it well after what he said to you. If it had been me, I would’ve dropped his ass on the spot.”
You can’t help but let out a small snort of laughter at her words, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of your lips for the first time in a while. It’s a relief to have Lizzy’s no-nonsense attitude around, her bluntness serving as a much-needed dose of honesty.
“Yeah, yeah Liz, I know.” you admit, the smile still lingering on your face. “I was a little tempted.”
Lizzy grins, satisfied with your response as she reaches over and pats your knee supportively.
“As you should,” she says with a nod. “You don’t deserve treatment like that of any kind, no matter how important his research is to him.”
You frown slightly at her words, opting to pick at the blanket below as a distraction.
Lizzy watches your expression carefully, sensing your discomfort. She tilts her head slightly, her gaze searching your face.
“But you don’t quite agree, do you?” she probes gently.
You let out a sigh, unsure how to articulate your feelings as you continue to fiddle with the fabric of the blanket.
“It’s just… complicated Liz,” you say, your voice tinged with guilt and frustration. “Yes, I’m hurt and angry with him, but I also understand where he’s coming from. We’ve been together almost our whole lives, and this is all he has ever worked towards. His research is important to him, and he’s under a lot of pressure.”
Lizzy nods slowly as she listens to your words, her expression a mix of understanding and concern. She reaches over and places a hand on top of yours, stopping your nervous fidgeting.
“I get that Y/N, I do,” she says quietly. “And I’m not saying he’s completely in the wrong. But you shouldn’t have to feel like an afterthought in his life either. That’s not fair to you.”
Your eyes brim with tears at her response, your hand twisting and taking hers tightly.
“I know,” you say, your voice threatening to break. “I just wish we could fix things..”
Lizzy squeezes your hand as your tear-filled eyes meet hers.
“And you will, Y/N. It’ll just take some time.”
A small, wobbly smile forms on your lips at her reassurance, a few tears slipping down your cheeks. The hope that you might be able to fix things with Ford, to find a way to bridge the gap that’s widened between you both, is a small but significant comfort.
“Thank you, Liz,” you murmur, your voice still shaky. “I really hope you’re right.”
Lizzy stands with a smile, her hand pulling away from yours and resting on your shoulder.
“I know I’m right chick, because you two love each other. I’ve seen it.”
Your heart warms at her confidence, a soft smile forming on your lips as you nod.
“Now, how about some pizza?”
The few weeks you spend with Lizzy fly by, days passing in a blur of movies, late-night conversations, and plenty of chocolate induced comfort eating. As the final night of your stay approaches, Lizzy turns to you with a sly grin on her face.
“Y/N, I know you’ve been pretty reclusive the past couple of weeks, but it’s your last night here and I refuse to let you spend it watching crappy movies in my living room.”
She places her hands on her hips and gives you a stern look.
“We’re going out for drinks and that’s final.”
You mope as you walk into her view from the bathroom, your voice annoyed and pleading as you speak.
“Liz, I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m a married woman, and this dress feels less than... modest.”
Lizzy rolls her eyes, her expression clearly unconvinced.
“Girl, you’re not here to pick up someone, you’re here to have fun. And as for the dress I picked out for you, it looks fantastic. Stop overthinking it.”
She gives you a onceover, inspecting your outfit.
“Besides, I’d like to see anyone who tries hitting on you tonight.”
You pout as you watch her, pulling down your dress so it covers your knees.
“I don’t know how Ford would feel about this..”
Lizzy scoffs, shaking her head.
“Ford’s not here, and we both know he should be the last person you’re trying to impress right now. You’re still young, and attractive Y/N, you deserve to enjoy yourself for one night without him on your mind. Not to mention you’ve got to live your life without kids while you can. I know the two of you have talked about it. ”
She grabs the hem of your dress and tugs it back up, flashing you a defiant look.
“And if he has a problem with you having fun, he can talk to me.”
You sigh as you give in, knowing Lizzy wouldn’t be changing her mind about your all’s plans for the night.
“Fine, fine. But we’re not staying out too late, okay?”
Lizzy grins, victorious.
“That’s more like it! And don’t worry, I promise we won’t be out until dawn,” she assures you. “Just a few drinks, maybe a little dancing, and then we’ll come back here. You trust me, right?”
“More than anything Liz.”
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And that’s how you find yourself at the bar now, one too many drinks in and slumped against Lizzy’s shoulder.
She laughs at your state, her own cheeks flushed from drinking. She slings an arm around your shoulders, keeping you upright and steady in the booth the two of you occupied.
“Goodness chick, are you already trashed? We’ve barely been here an hour!” she teases, her voice lighthearted and amused.
You grumble something in response, your head spinning from the alcohol in your system. You take another sip from your glass, your tongue loose and inhibitions lowered.
“I blame you,” you slur, pointing an accusatory finger at Lizzy. “You’re a bad influence.”
Lizzy laughs loudly at your accusation, her eyes sparkling. “No one forced you to down those shots, Y/N,” she says, sliding out of the booth with ease. “I’m going to get you some water, alright? You stay right here in your seat.”
You nod lazily at her words, the idea of staying where you are very appealing. You watch groggily as she strides away, her bell bottoms and flare top in tow. She weaves through the crowd to make her way to the counter, your eyes becoming heavy.
Just as you’re starting to doze off from the alcohol, a presence suddenly sits down in the booth across from you. You blink in surprise, your vision clearing slightly as you focus on the newcomer.
Your eyes widen as you recognize your husband’s face, his features strangely serious and intense as he stares back at you. But there’s something off about him… Something otherworldly in his gaze that sends a chill down your spine.
“Well, well,” he says, his voice cool and calculated. “If it isn’t dear Y/N. You look a little worse for wear.”
Your vision blurs as you grip the side of the table, your words slurred as you speak.
“F.. Ford?”
Ford smiles widely, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. The expression is slightly unfamiliar, different from the familiar warmth you’re used to. He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.
“In the flesh, honey,” he drawls, his voice smooth and flirtatious.
“But I see you’ve had quite a few drinks already. Feeling a little dazed? I wonder how Sixer would feel about me seeing you in this state and not him. Hilarious!”
Your arm trembles weakly as you hold yourself up, vision blurring in and out as you sway slightly in your seat.
“Wha.. What? Why are you.. here..?”
His lips curl into a smug smirk as he eyes your disheveled form, eyes lingering on your exposed skin, clearly enjoying your confusion and intoxication.
“Oh, I had a little chat with Fordsy earlier. He agreed to let me take the reins for a few hours…”
He gives a careless shrug. “You know how he is. All work and no play. Figured I’d take advantage of the situation, hell, I even got him a new tattoo!”
You sit there, dumbfounded and wavering in and out of consciousness as your mind tried to process what Ford was talking about.
Ford’s – or rather, Bill’s – eyes rake over you again, giving an exaggerated sigh before his lips turned into a sly grin.
“You really are a sight for sore eyes, I can see why Sixer married you.”
Your thoughts are still spinning from the alcohol, making it hard to focus on the conversation. You struggle to keep yourself upright, your body feeling heavy and numb.
Bill notices your dazed state, chuckling as he gives a mockingly sympathetic tone.
“You look a little out of it, darling. You really shouldn’t have had so much to drink. Especially considering how easy it’d be to trick you into a deal right now.”
Your mind races with confusion as you stand up weakly, your gut telling you something wasn’t right as you sway back and forth, (Or maybe it was the alcohol) your vision blurring as you scan the place in search of Lizzy.
“Going somewhere? Those human legs of yours don’t look very stable!”
You wobble forward, ignoring his protests as you keep moving.
“You really should listen to me if you want to avoid that nasty bruise tomorrow!”
He calls out, and before you know it you trip, and everything goes black.
Hours later… aka early morning.
You slowly open your eyes, your head pounding and your memories fuzzy. You realize you’re lying on a couch in Lizzy’s apartment, a cool cloth pressed over what you assume to be a large tender bruise on your forehead.
Lizzy is sitting perched on the edge of the coffee table in front of you, her expression a mix of worry and frustration. She notices your eyes flutter open and lets out a relieved sigh.
“Oh thank god,” she mutters. “You had me worried for a second there. I stayed up with you all night waiting for you to wake up.”
“Liz?” you mumble, head pounding. “What the hell happened? My head is killing me..”
Her expression softens at your groggy murmur, her hand reaching out instinctively to brush the hair away from your face.
“Hey, take it easy,” she says, voice low and soothing. “You took a pretty nasty fall back at the bar. Hit your head on a table on the way down.”
Your eyes widen as your memory jogs itself.
“What..? Wait, Ford.. Ford was there?”
Lizzy freezes, her expression guarded at the mention of Ford. She averts her gaze, focusing her attention on the cloth that she’s holding against your forehead.
“Uh, yeah,” she says, her voice hesitant. “He showed up towards the end of the night when I went to grab you a water… You don’t remember?”
You think to yourself for a moment, your memory patchy and vague.
“I mean, I kind of do. But it was weird? Did something happen?”
Lizzy is silent, her gaze still firmly averted from yours. She adjusts the cloth, pressing it against your head with a little more pressure than necessary.
“Nothing happened,” she finally says, her voice tight. “You just had a little too much to drink and tripped, that’s all.”
Her words are curt and dismissive, clearly trying to downplay the situation. But there’s something in her expression, a flicker of unease that betrays her true emotions.
She glances at you briefly, her eyes meeting yours for a split second before moving back to your injury.
“Lizzy..?” you say, silently pleading with her to tell you the full truth.
She exhales slowly, her shoulders slumping in resignation. She knows you’re not going to let this go, and she owes you the truth.
“Alright, fine,” she mutters avoiding your gaze. “When I got back to the booth, it was exactly when you had fell..”
You listen closely, sitting yourself up slightly.
“I had noticed Ford when I got there, sure, but when I went to go help you..”
Lizzy pauses, a frown forming on her face as she continues.
“Ford laughed,” she says as her eyes meet yours, full of concern and.. fear? “And not in a lighthearted way, in a cruel mocking way Y/N..”
Lizzy lowers the cloth from your head, placing it in her lap as you sit there, dumbfounded.
“He was just… enjoying the view, I guess,” She mutters bitterly. “Like you were some kind of joke, I don’t know Y/N. It was fucking weird, really fucking weird. I didn’t like it. He laughed as if he was the one who had done it.”
Lizzy trails off, brows furrowed as she clenches her fists. While you, on the other hand, are utterly speechless.
Your mind reels with this new information, struggling to reconcile the image of Ford – laughing coldly and mockingly at your predicament - with the caring, affectionate husband you’ve known him to be your whole life.
“I… I don’t understand,” you stutter, your voice small and confused.
“He wouldn’t… he wouldn’t do that. Not Ford.”
But as you say those words, you can’t help but recall the other strange things that had happened earlier that night. Ford’s detached demeanor, his unfamiliar choice of words, the way he seemed so cold and calculating. Your heart clenches in your chest at the thought, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Had something happened over the few weeks you’ve been gone? Did Ford get too deep in his research? Something wasn’t right.
As you try to make sense of the situation, Lizzy watches you with a mix of compassion and concern. She knows this is incredibly tough for you to hear, but she also seems to have her own worries about the situation.
“I don’t know Y/N,” she says quietly, her hands twisting in her lap. “It was just… so not him. I don’t know what the hell happened. But I’ve never seen him act like that before. It’s like he was a different person.”
Her voice trails off, leaving the two of you in silence as you’re both lost in thought.
Eventually, Lizzy breaks the silence, her voice sympathetic as she places a hand on top of yours.
“How about this, you rest up today, and when you’re ready, I’ll take you to the cabin to get some answers from Ford? Only if you feel comfortable, of course.”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions inside of you.
“Alright,” you murmur. “I’m still feeling pretty rough, but I’d like to see him… tonight, if possible.”
Despite your confusion and worry, you know that facing your husband and talking with him is the only way to get answers. The answers that you crave so desperately in hopes that it’ll mend your breaking heart - and marriage.
Lizzy gives you a reassuring nod.
“Of course,” she says gently. “You rest up, and I’ll come get you when it’s time to go.”
She stands up, gently readjusting the cloth on your head.
“Try to get some sleep, okay?”
You nod, laying yourself back down.
You’re going to need it to cross the bridge that awaits you tonight.
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READER AND BILL INTERACTION WOOP WOOP!! Also I’m not gonna lie, I feel like I messed up the timeline a little bit but I’m just gonna go for it. Thank you for reading! :)
Tag List: @artistic-gato @karmaisacatluzi @therottenheartofscum @violetvsworld @inquiit @catr4dora
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stuccobaby · 1 year
kahlopatra headcanons? 🙏
these are gonna be random a f
(college au/i aged em up)
Cleopatra runs cold, Frida runs hot. It's perfect.
yes, they both have their tickets for the Barbie movie. Cleopatra has her outfit planned out (pink pink pink everything) and Frida is very excited to be Cleo's Ken.
Frida thought she had a high tolerance for spicy food but Cleopatra is in a different league. Like she could go on Hot Ones and not even flinch.
but Cleo haaaates Tajin. Frida loves it. She puts it on fruit and Cleo couldn't believe her eyes.
Cleopatra has a cat! (i was picturing a siamese) Frida is lowkey allergic, but she can handle it. But if you thought Cleo was snooty...wait till you meet this cat.
Cleopatra snores. Frida thought it would be cute and quiet but it's actually kinda loud. Frida is contemplating ways to bring this up and survive to see another day.
Frida is an Aquarius! Cleopatra is a Scorpio (not to get in my astrology bag but I think she's a scorpio sun, leo rising and gemini moon. venus in leo or taurus. what do yall think about it.)
I wrote a lot hehe woops.
(TW: weed) Cleopatra is like a 'smoke at parties' kinda girl, whereas Frida smokes often for funsies and as a creativity boost.
(TW: weed) They tried to do a 'take an edible and go to an aquarium' date but Cleopatra got too high and freaked out in the shark tunnel. They'll try again but with an arboretum next time.
Frida can play the guitar. Cleopatra goaded her into playing for her once and folded immediately when she started singing. (at one point, Frida looked up and Cleo was taking off her clothes)
Speaking of, Cleopatra told Frida she signed up to be a model for her art class. Frida did not know she was a nude model. Frida should have guessed. damn it was hard to focus on painting that day
Cleopatra is now Frida's personal fashion consultant. She's a (cheerleader, homecoming queen) part-time model, she has a very keen eye for fashion obvi
When it's cold, Frida wears socks to bed and they argue about it all the time. They also argue about what side of the bed to sleep on (they both want the right side smh).
Frida loves going along with Cleo on her many beauty shop appointments (nails, hair, spa, etc) but won't go into any waxing/threading shop because the technicians start getting twitchy just looking at her. She feels like if she fell asleep, she'd wake up tied to the chair with two eyebrows.
They watch a lot of movies. Cleopatra laments how expensive TVs used to be but loves that they're cheap now because a big screen TV still makes her feel rich and luxurious.
Frida will be the first one to say I love you and it will mess Cleo up a little bit. don't worry tho, they'll talk about it! she's just not used to being loved (saad)
Frida is teaching Cleo Spanish, but all she wants to learn is swear words and dirty talk. it's gonna take a while
Cleopatra is a bug killer, Frida tries to trap and release.
Harriet (Frida's roomie in this AU) was extremely suspicious of Cleo at first ("wasn't she like your nemesis?") but she came around eventually ("enemies to lovers is kinda sexy...")
Frida is currently showing Cleo so many Spongebob episodes, she was sick of her constant references going to waste.
yes, they listen to a LOT of new music together. Frida tries to go in chronological order (2004 music, 2005 music etc), so that Cleo could hear the progression of music sound. (i could go on and on about music but these r getting long already)
Cleopatra is a passenger princess, but mostly because everybody is too scared to get in a car with her at the wheel; she drives like she's playing fucking GTA. (Frida thought people were kidding, but after they went soaring over a downhill speed bump one time, Frida politely took the keys forever).
speaking of GTA, that's Cleo's favorite video game. she enjoys mowing people down, blowing things up, and getting cute new outfits. Frida thinks its a good way for her to indulge her sadistic streak.
Mario Kartin': Frida mains an Orange Yoshi, Cleo goes between Peach and Rosalina (she refuses to make a Mii she thinks they're too ugly to represent her).
They become a different couple when they play mario kart. Frida is really fucking good and Cleopatra can't stand that shit eating grin every time she wins. (cleo would be like that tik tok sound: right hand on the bible, god can strike me down if im lying, that motherfucker's cheating!)
I could write more but i wrote way too much already. y'all would have to ask for part 2. Also... may have snuck my next fic in here teehee.
if anybody wants to use these for art or what have you, go for it (but it better be gooood 😜)
tag and credit me tho so i can see it and be overjoyed
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mybreakofdawn · 3 months
Loved since the beginning
You and Michael have been friends for as long as you remember, from childhood to adulthood, with ups and downs. But will you guys eventually confess to each other that you love one another?
This begins at the beginning of thriller in the making. I'll try to go through every era, haha, but be patient with me.
Chapter 1
The beginning of what will be
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[<3rd pov>]
It is somewhere in 1981, and Y/n was on set watching her childhood best friend filming his music video. She moved her head on the rhythm and smiled as she saw him dance and sing to his own music.
“Cut! Amazing, you guys can take five, “ the director instructed. Y/n stood up, brushing her skirt of a bit when she suddenly got picked up and spun around, making her scream.
“Michael! Put me down!!” She held onto Michael for dear life while he chuckled and softly put Y/n on her feet again.
“I can’t help it, im so happy you are here Y/n it means a lot to me.” He smiled at her, brushing some hair from her face, making her blush a little.
“How can i not support my best friend Mikey?” she giggled. “You also do the same for me. Hell, you just come with me to everywhere i go, on tour, to the studio. My point is, i do it with love.” Y/n said poking his cheeks, making him blush slightly.
“Wel, i do it with as much love as you do, girl~” he grinned and looked into her (e/c) eyes. “You know.. we should make a song together, we haven’t done that before, and we know each other like forever already, “ Michael said, suddenly making Y/n giggle.
“Sure, Mikey, but i should warn you.. i am not perfectly talented like you. “ Y/n pointed at Michael. Michael looked at her with his soft brown eyes.
“Y/n, you are perfect in every way. Dont think so little of yourself, girl~” he sang while twirling her around, stopping her close to him. He tilted her head upwards, looking into her eyes. “You really are Y/n.” he smiled, taking in all her facial features. Y/n blushing by his sudden words, has a loss for words.
“Michael-“ she tried to say his name but got cut off by the director. “Alright, guys! Let’s continue!” Michael looked at me and smiled.
“Well, it looks like i need to let you go, girl~” he sang and gave her a hug and before letting go, giving a kiss on her cheek before spinning around and ran to his spot again. Y/n was speechless and blushed, remembering his lips on her cheek. She slowly sat down and smiled to herself. The music began blasting again from the speakers as she saw Michael go into his role again. She moved her body slightly on the beat of the song being played and looked at Michael, who was dancing. He was so majestic with his moves that he was almost hypnotic, without knowing Y/n bite her lip while she kept staring at Michael, who also noticed her looking at him seeing a slight blush creeping onto her face. Michael smirked slightly and spinned around, full of excitement, a bit too excited as he lost balance. “Woops hehe sorry” he said with a chuckle, smiling innocently and slight embarrassment that took over him, but that soon went away when he heard Y/n laughing her ass off behind the scenes.
“Let’s do that one more time, and Michael, don’t lose your balance.” The producer said, Michael nodded apologetic and dusted himself off before standing on the mark again.
The rest of the filming went smoothly with a few laughs. Eventually, Michael was done, and Y/n decided to wait for Michael in his dressing room. She walked into his dressing room and looked around.
“So messy~, even after all these years.” She chuckled to herself and walked further into the room, looking at every jacket and every photo that was hanging in this room. Suddenly, she lay her eyes onto a photo of her and Michael together when they were younger. She smiled and walked to the picture, grabbing it and looking at it with admiration. In the picture, they were in front of the Hayvenhurst house, their arms around each other’s neck and smiling from ear to ear. She smiled at the memory. “We were young and innocent then.” She said, not noticing that Michael entered the room and was standing behind her.
“That is a very good lyric girl~ Let me write that down before I forget.” He chuckled and grabbed his notebook and wrote the lyric down. Y/n blushed by his sudden appearance and immediately placed the picture down, not turning to him yet. She heard him mouthing the words while he wrote it down. “There, now I won’t forget that.” He looked at it and smiled before placing his notebook back onto the table and wrapping his arms around Y/n, hugging her from the back. Y/n, stil blushing, tried to get herself calm.
“You smell like hard work and dancing sweat.” She chuckled and slowly turned around and hugged him back, taking in his perfect mixed scent of his sweat and perfume. This scent was really something out of this world. After a few minutes, Michael broke the hug and smiled.
“Should we get out of here? It reminds me of work.” He chuckled while still holding each of her arms and looking into her eyes. Y/n blushed ever so slightly and nodded, looking at the clock in his dressing room, for the time.
“Well it is night?” She said while looking back at Michael. “So let’s get dinner.” She moved his arms away and grabbed her bag, searching for her car keys and fishing them out. “It is my treat~. Now come on.” She winked his way, making Michael blush a bit while releasing a chuckle from his lips.
“Wel, I can’t say no to that.” He grabbed his jacket and his bag while walking to the door, opening it. “My lady~” he bowed slightly, reaching his hand out to Y/n. Y/n giggles and gently took his hand, walking through the door.
“Such a gentleman you are~” she giggled, dragging him out of the room. Eventually, walking through the doors of the building, they went outside. Y/n grabbed her car keys and walked to her car, a Black Raven coloured Ford Mustang convertible from the year 65. “There is my baby~” she said while tapping the hood softly before unlocking her car. Michael chuckled at her.
“You really love your car, don’t you, Y/n?” Michael said, walking to the other side, opening his door. Y/n gasped fakely and held her hand in front of her chest to make it more dramatic.
“Yes! I worked my ass off for this beauty~.” She laughed and opened her door, went in, and turned the car on. “Let me bless your ears, Mikey.” She put on the handbrake and set her foot on the gas, making it roar like a beast. Michael smiled, seeing her so enthusiastic and went into the car, closing the door. Y/n looked at him and smiled. “Now that, dear Michael, is the sound a car should make,” she beamed and closed her door also. She turned her head to the front and checked all her mirrors.
“Wel, in my opinion, it just makes a lot of noise~” he teased while putting on his seat belt. Y/n also put her seat belt on and softly chuckled at him.
“Oh shut it, I know you love it.” She said and turned on her radio. Instantly, her cassette player began to play her Destiny cassette from The Jacksons with the song ‘Things I do for you’. Michael immediately turned his head to Y/n and smirked.
“So you do listen!!” He yelled and playfully punched her arm, in disablief but secretly he knew, but she would never tell.
“Hey! I never said I didn’t?!” She laughed and drove off, keeping her eyes on the road but also grooving a little. Michael saw this, and his eyes began to sparkle, Y/n looked at him for a second and smirked, beginning to sing his lines from the song.
“People all over the world~.”
“Are the same everywhere I go ah.”
“I give in this ah,”
“I give in to that ah.”
“Every day, it bothers me so~”
Michael looks at her, his eyes as wide as can be. He never knew she loved one of his own made songs, especially knowing the lyrics to his own song word by word. Michael blushed and smiled his wonderful and gentle smile.
"Am i in a bad situation?”
“People taking me to the extreme ah,”
“Am I being used da”
“I just need a clue, ah,
“I don’t know which way to go~”
Michael loved the way she groved, moved while singing, and still kept focus on the road ahead of her. He found that extremely hot and couldn’t look away from her. It made him feel good in a way.
“So I took my problems to a doctor.”
“So he could check me out,”
Michael jumped in with his voice, what was actually his brothers deep voice.
“He don’t know,”
Y/n laughed and kept on singing.
“Took it to a palm reader,”
“So she could read my hand~”
“She don’t know,”
The two of them started laughing while Michael began to cough on the second time.
“I can’t hit that low.” He laughed and held his stomach. After that, the rest of the car ride was just them enjoying the album further. After the song ended, Y/n turned the volume a bit softer and took a right turn. Michael turned his head to her again.
“I never have thought you would listen to us,” he said while looking at her with interest.
“Well~ you guys make such good fucking music, I just have to listen to it~” she giggled. “And you are singing it of course” she smirked while saying that, slightly looking over to Michael, seeing him blush. She parked in a parking space and turned the engine off. “We are hereeee~~~” she looked at Michael with the brightest smile. Michael, of course curious of where they are, looked out off the window and instantly his eyes widen but so is his smile.
“Kentucky!!” He yelled as a child of how excited he was. “That is my favorite!” He beamed with a big smile.
“Well, let’s go, Mikey.” She stepped out from her car, grabbed her bag in the process, and closed the door behind her. Michael, following Y/n, jumped out of the car and jumped up and down from excitement. Y/n walked to Michael’s side, closing his door, and smiled.
“Come on~ let’s go~~ “ he grabbed one of her hands. “Pleaseeee~~” he whined while looking into her eyes with his big brown ones. Y/n smiled even more.
“We are going~ Come on, then.” With one hand, she locked her car, and with the other, she held Michael’s hand tightly but not too tight. She knew how Mikey could react she found it.. cute.
“You are taking too long~ Come on~” Michael said while basically dragging Y/n to the KFC, making her laugh a little. As they walked into the KFC, no one noticed yet that they walked in. Michael kept holding Y/n’s hand because he is a very shy guy. They walked to the counter, and Y/n ordered for the. Also, she knew what he absolutely loved. After some time waiting, they could hear whispers around them. She felt Michael’s hand begin to tighten around hers.
“Hey Mikey, it’s okay, do not worry” she smiled at him, and he just nodded.
“113!” their order was ready, and Y/n, with Michael still holding her hand, grabbed the bags and thanked the person. They turned around and walked out of the place.
“Don’t worry about it Mikey, you can eat your chicken in the car I know you must be starving after shooting” she said heartwarming and walked to her car, unlocking it when they were there and opened the door for Michael. “After you~” she giggled and guided Mikey to his seat.
“Thank you, Y/n~” he smiled back at her and sat down, closing his door. Y/n walked to her side and opened the door, giving the bags to Michael. He took them and sat down in her seat, closing her door and also behind her. “Thank you truly, Y/n.. really” he said again after putting on his seat belt. She smiled and did the same.
“Michael, it really is no big deal, I’m to be honest already used to all that.” She started her car and drove off from the KFC.
“I hope I get used to it soon, you know how my mind can be sometimes..” he looked down into the bag with the chicken buckets sadly. Y/n softly grabbed his hand, Michael looked at her with sad eyes.
“Michael it may be rough right now, and I know how your mind can be because my mind works the same. It will get better, eventually it wil, and you know I wil be there at every step you take, I wil be there to guide you through out all the bullshit and fuckery there wil be at every of that step.” She slightly looked at him with a smile. “I will protect you.” She fully looked at him, as they were at a red light. Michael felt speechless, his mouth slightly opened, and he felt something strange in his stomach. Y/n looked away again, seeing the light turned green and took a left. It was quiet on the rest of the ride, but eventually, Michael searched for his words.
“I am truly thankful to have you as my best friend Y/n.. and i will try my hardest to do the same for you.” He blushed slightly, thinking of his future with Y/n on his side. Y/n giggled and softly ruffled his hair.
“That is what I am for Mikey.” She giggled once more while stopping the car, looking over her shoulders and the mirrors before parking her car on her porch in reverse. “Now let’s go inside and eat~.” Michael nodded in response at Y/n, and they got out of the car, Y/n grabbing her bag and Mikey's bag out of the car and locking it before going inside her house.
That’s it for chap oneeee hope you guys loved itttt!! It took a while to make sadly but the first challenge is done!!!!
Let me know what you guys think for now heheheh.
Love you guys
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c0llisiion · 11 months
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♡pairing : kim Taehyung x f!reader
♡: dom!kth , sub!reader , smut, unprotected sex (practice safe sex!) , teasing , cheating reader and kth , name calling ( slut, bitch ) slight fluff(?) at the end , not proof read - lmk if i missed any <3
W/c : 939
A/n: this took longer than I expected even though it’s pretty small. Went through a slight block nd im not rlly that proud of it huhu! Hope its up to par:))
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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Your phone rang. Eyes open wide in shock and not knowing what to do. Your Heart was beating at an inhumane rate, scared of what’s to come. Taehyung stopped before looking over at the bright screen. Your boyfriend’s name in big bold letters was displayed on the screen. He pulled out of you before picking up the phone from the ground. “Heh.. he must be worried.” He said as he brought your phone closer to your Vision. “Taehyung. Do not pick-“ “woops!” .
“Yn? You there,love?.” Using all your strength you picked yourself up. The phone right in front of you, your hands on either side. You heard your boyfriend’s voice call out again. “Hellloooo? Is everything alright?” As you were about to respond, taehyung slid inside of you once again. A smug smile was on his face. A soft whine left your lips as you feel him fill you up. A very audible whine. Your boyfriend called out once again. “Yn? Where the hell are you and what are you doing?” He sounded stern. “Huh? What? Sorry! I was just doing something and um..” you trail off thinking of a believable excuse. “I was just um…” Taehyung thrusted in. “Ah..! i was doing something and i kinda messed it up ahahahaha!” It came out like word vomit and you were sure your boyfriend wont believe it. “Oh? Okay good good … where are you tho?” He believed it. You were more than relieved. Taehyung leaned in closer to your ears before whispering “good girl..” his long fingers found your overstimulated clit and started toying with it. Your hand desperately was trying to push his hand away to avoid any grunts or sighs from leaving your mouth. But he was stronger and bigger. The struggle was useless. “Im um… hhh- in clari-nghh… Clarissa’s place.” You blurted out. You feel taehyung slowly moving in and out. His pace increasing. “Oh okay okay, when will you be back?” Taehyung once again leaned in. “Tell him you are gonna stay over at ‘clarissas’ place, alright?” His other hand wrapping around your neck pulling you closer to his mouth. You nod as he presses into your neck. “I might stay- Fuck!” Taehyung thrusted in you with force which made you curse out loud. “Yn???? Is everything okay????” Your boyfriend asks sounding very concerned. “Yes yes… I just um… dropped an equipment.. yeah! I just dropped this huge equipment on my feet! Haha…” i turn my head to face taehyung who had a stupid smirk on his face acting like nothing happened. “Oh well.. be careful okay? Does it hurt?” Taehyung was starting to grow impatient. “How long is this fucker gonna take?” He mumbled under his breath. You glare at him before responding. “No no! Im fine… hey listen i gotta go and just finish this off. ‘clarissa’ is being a huge bitch rn because im talking to you…” i glare at him again. “…I might stay over at hers because we might take time in completing so dont wait up. Sleepwell. I will see you in the morning okay?” Your boyfriend hummed in response. “You too. Dont overwork yourself. I love you.” “I love you to-“ taehyung reached over and cut the call before throwing your phone away.
“Taehyung what the fuc-“ he shut you up by plunging into you with no mercy. His hands went back to your neck pulling you back a bit. You felt the knot in your stomach form again as he drilled into your pussy. “Im gonna fill you up yeah? Gonna fill you up with all- hhh.. my cum, ya heard that slut? Yeah?” He sounded angry. Tears dripping down your face as you nod at his every word. “Speak up bitch. Tell me. Tell me you want me to fill you up so you can walk around with my cum dripping out of your pussy. Not his. But mine.” His thrusts were getting more harsher. He was jealous. “Yes…yes! Please I want to be filled with your cum only! Just you! I want it to be always inside me! Please…nghh- taehyung!” You cried out. Chanting his name in between loud pornographic moans. You hear him chuckle behind you. His grip on your neck loosens and you fall face down onto his pillow. thrusts got more sloppier and loud grunts were leaving his mouth. “Im gonna cum in you doll… gonna fill you up- fuckkkkkk… im gonna-“, you screamed out as you finally let go. Squirting down on his sheets and some hitting his abdomen and thighs. You clenched onto his dick for dear life, as the orgasm was too overwhelming. That was the last straw for taehyung as white cum painted your abused walls when he finally came. His eyes closed shut and head thrown back as he stabled his breath. Sweat was trickling down from his neck to the base of his cock. He stayed in you for a few seconds before pulling out. He admired the mess you made and took his phone to snap a picture of your cunt. You on the other hand were shaking. The aftermath of your orgasm hitting you. He pressed your body into the bed and laid next you. He pushed your sweaty hair from your face, grazing his long fingers on your tear stained cheeks. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, softly massaging your lower belly. Your eyes were closed and your breath was coming out in quivers. You chose to stay silent and just melt into his touch.
His hands went lower and hooked under your thigh. “Round two?”
A/n: im thinking of making this a series, should i? Not rlly sure but I hope you liked it^^
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doggone-devil · 6 months
How (Not) to Lose Your Soul: Chapter 2
Hello, dear readers! I'm back with Chapter 2! I apologize for how long this took. I ended up getting a job interview (spoiler alert, I got the job) so I didn't have as much spare time to write this as I wanted. But, here it is! I hope you all enjoy! It's a bit longer than I anticipated.. (over 3,000 words...woops). Pairing: Alastor x fem!Reader Warnings: mentions of unaliving oneself.
To the average sinner passing by, the haunting sounds from the tower above would sound like some rampaging monster. Growls, groans, and things crashing about sending any curious onlooker scurrying away in fear they'd be the ones that rage is unleashed upon. Yet to Charlie, her eyes casted up in worry and concern, knew what resides above the hotel lobby.
Sighing, she lays her head on her forearms, leaning onto the bar counter top. Vaggie lays a comforting hand on her back, but the soothing rubs do nothing to ease her troubled mind. "I just don't get it," she huffs. "I thought he'd be happy to be back in Hell after being topside so long! I mean, it's Al, right?" Charlie looks to Husk for confirmation, knowing the cat demon knows Alastor best. Husk only rolls his eyes, setting down the glass he had been cleaning.
"I've seen that man upset before but this? This is a whole temper tantrum. I don't know what happened up there but it's got his antlers in a bunch and I for one am staying clear of it," Husk states, turning his back to focus on the bottles lining the bar shelves. Charlie pouts and turns to her girlfriend, the ex-angel pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Maybe a deal went wrong? I mean, that's why he got summoned, right?" Vaggie asks. "Though why someone summoned him is beyond me."
"Maybe." Charlie hums in thought. "I don't think so, though. He looked so distraught when he came back. You should've seen him, Vaggie." Charlie recalls the way Alastor had looked when he finally returned to Hell. She had been shocked when Alastor was summoned, scared even as she watched his body practically disappear in front of her. She'd heard of mortals summoning demons before but never really witnessed it first hand until then. Most demons talked about how horrible it was, enslaved to a human's whim and only able to leave once the deal was completed. Knowing Alastor, she would've thought he'd return that same day, but as the day passed, then another, she knew something was wrong.
Tears well up in her eyes. Alastor had returned with an expression as if he had lost his life all over again, almost like he had died twice. There was pain in his eyes despite that permanent smile and she just wanted to hug him tightly, but before she could, he had sunk into his shadows. That's when the sounds started, up in his tower. Sounds of metal ripping, glass shattering, crashes and bangs. Charlie's brows draw tightly together, determination on her face as she stands, fists clenched.
"I'm going up there," she declares, walking away from the bar. Husk shakes his head, mumbling about how it's her funeral while Vaggie reaches out to her.
"Charlie, wait!" Her hand just misses Charlie's arm as the blonde demon continues up the stairs and towards the entrance to the radio tower. She was going to figure out just what was going on.
"It's not here." Rubble is kicked to the side, dust clouding upward from the sudden movement. "Another dead end." Two hours. You have been searching through this abandoned house for over two hours and absolutely nothing. You angrily scan around the room, eyes hoping but not finding the item you're looking for.
Veronica huffs loudly from the other side of the room, standing upright. "Maybe it got stolen?" she offers. You shake your head.
"Owners must've sold it or they still have it. Either way, it's not here." You turn and head for the front doors. "Waste of time," you mumble under your breath, exiting the large house and returning to your car. It was becoming the same end result. Promises of an item or book that would help you connect to Hell, and then nothing. Every location you've stopped at and searched proved to be useless. It was almost like you were one step behind every single time, something or someone dangling hope in front of  your eyes before yanking it away once you were close enough. It was starting to wear you down, starting to make you angry.
"Maybe we'll have better luck at the next place," Veronica suggests as she steps outside behind you. She pulls out the list, checking for the next location, but you're already walking to your car. She calls out your name in question but you can feel it, deep down. Despair.
"It's no use," you whisper. Tears are forming, hot and angry. "I'm never going to see him again." Veronica, now at your side, places her hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, come on now. You did it once before, we can do it again. We just have to -"
"Have to what?" you bark out at her. "Without his book, I can't summon him. Without any book, I can't summon any demon at all! There's no way I can get to him, not with these fucking angels intercepting at every chance they find." You kick the tire of your car, shouting in frustration. Veronica stands silently as you continue to repeatedly abuse the tire. You turn to her, "Is it so wrong to want to love him? To want to be happy?" Your voice breaks, the tears heavier now as your begin to sob. Your curse under your breath, wiping them away as you hide your face behind  your sleeve.
Veronica steps towards you, pulling you in her arms. Your head comes to rest on her shoulder where you bury it against her, letting the emotions you've bottled pour out. She strokes your head and lets you cry. "It's going to be ok, girlie. I mean, you already know where he's at and he can't leave there. Even if we can't find anything now, once you've lived your life and passed away, you can just go to Hell and -"
"Wait," you pull away, eyes wide.
"Repeat that again."
"He can't leave Hell?" she asks.
"No, no. The last part."
"Once you've lived your life, you can just go to -"
"That's it!" you cut her off again, a small laugh bubbling up. Why didn't you think of it before? The answer had been in front of you this entire time.
"What's it?" Veronica narrows her eyes at you, unsure. You smile wide, grabbing her shoulders.
"I just have to go to Hell!" You giggle and run to the driver's side of your car, grabbing your phone from the mount where you had left it. Veronica remains in place, confused as she watches you.
"Um, girlie, there's just one problem? You're alive?" You practically skip back over to her, thumb swiping the screen as your search through google results.
"Exactly!" you exclaim, turning the phone around to show her. "But what if I wasn't?" Her eyes widen as she looks at the list of nearby satanic cults.
"Oh no. No, no, no!" She begins to look horrified, taking your phone from your hand. "Are you insane?!" You raise a brow at her, your turn to be confused. "Girlie, you're straight up crazy! I'm not letting you do this."
"What do you mean?" you snatch your phone back.
"Wha - What do I mean? You're not about to go and kill yourself as some fucking offering to Satan!" she shouts at you.
"I'm not offering myself to Satan," you reply, rolling your eyes. "That's ridiculous." She sighs in relief. "I'm offering myself to Alastor." You walk to your car as she throws her hands up in the air.
"That's not any better!" She watches as you climb in, the car roaring to life. She calls out your name again. You roll down the passenger side window, leaning over to look at her.
"You coming or not?" You expect her to sigh and climb in, to tell you that this is a crazy idea as she comes along, but she doesn't move.
"You're actually doing this?" she asks, arms crossed over her chest. You pause, thinking. It was a bit of a long shot, having some cult kill you in the name of your demon lover just so you could go to Hell, but at the same time… You've decided. He was more important to you than your life.
"Yes, I am," you answer firmly. Veronica's arms drop.
"Then I'm not coming."
"I'm not going to watch my best friend quite literally throw her life away," Veronica states, tears falling down her cheeks. For a moment, you genuinely feel bad, like maybe you're not making the right decision. Even she had said you could just live the rest of your life and then die, but there's no guarantee you'll actually go to Hell after. Sure, you could just sin like crazy, but you're not even sure which sins are legit enough to secure damnation and you're not about to commit murder. No, this was the only way you could see working.
You leave the car running as you step back out, walking over to Veronica. For a second, she looks relieved, like you changed your mind. You hug her tightly. "This is goodbye, then," you say to her. She doesn't hug you back and you don't chance looking at her as you climb back into your car. She has her phone, she has money, she can make it back home without you. Still, you forward the list of cults to her so she can retrieve your car and things after the deed is done.
Glancing one last time towards her, you steady your nerves and reverse out of the driveway. As you drive away, you start to feel your nerves calm down, a sense of happiness washing over you. You begin to smile, your lips stretched wide. In exactly one hour and forty minutes, you'll arrive at your destination. In exactly one hour and forty minutes, you'll finally have the chance to be reunited with him, forever. You just hope this cult is as legit as the reviews say they are.
Pink. It's fucking pink.
You stare at the building google maps led you to, the street lined with townhouses on other side. You're parked in front of the only one that has a pentagram above it's door, it's very bright, yellow door. You frown. The whole house is colorful from it's shingles to it's windows. None of it screams satanic to you as you walk up the steps to the porch. Even the outdoor chair is some pastel color and is that duck print? You squint, looking at the pillows on it. Yep, those are ducks.
"What the fuck," you sigh, approaching the front door. You recheck google one last time, just to make sure you're in the right place. The red pin on the map says you are so you pocket your phone, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. A high pitch voice responds from the other side as footsteps approach, fast, almost as if they're running to answer. The door flings open and you're immediately pulled into a hug.
"Hello! Blessings to you! I'm so happy to meet you, sister!" the young woman greets you. You tense up immediately.
"Uh, hi?" She lets you go.
"I am Sister Beth." She looks up at your with a big smile. She's slightly shorter than you, blonde hair braided into a thick fishtail with little petals and leaves tangled throughout it. Her clothes are bright, reminding you of hippies from the sixties. Definitely not what you were expecting.
"This is the House of Lucifer, right?" You look around. "Did I get the wrong house?" Beth giggles again, grabbing your hand.
"Of course not, silly! You're in the right place." She tugs you inside, bringing you through a foyer and into an equally colorful living room. What you thought would be black candles, skulls, and cobwebs turned out to be lava lamps, beads, and bean bag chairs. She plops you down into one, taking seat opposite you with her legs crossed. You sit for a second, trying to take everything in. Was it possible to get whiplash from this? You sure felt like.
"So what brings you here, sister?" she asks, leaning forward. You sink into the chair, partially to lean away from her and partially because you're sinking.
"Uh, well, I was hoping to use your services." You didn't actually plan this through, now that you think about it. What were you suppose to tell her? You've come to be used as an offering to some random demon? Might as well tell her you're the Pope.
"Oh we have all kinds of services! Which ones? I could do a blessing ritual, read your fortune, contact lost loved ones - oh there's so many!" Her bright demeanor was starting to give you a headache.
"None of those," you say. "The one I have in mind is less…" You trail off, unsure what to say. Friendly? Cheerful? Legal? "Known." Beth tilts her head in confusion, almost like a dog, before her eyes widen.
"You mean our secret services?" she whispers. You nod. She looks around, then stands, grabbing  your hand again. "Only Mamma Edith can do those." You gulp, not liking the way she said that.
"Mamma Edith?"
Beth shakes her head. "Mamma Edith is the one who started this house! She takes care of all of us and provides to us the word of Lucifer!" Oh no. The one cult you chose to visit and you got the one that was a legit cult. Why couldn't you have chosen the one where they wore black robes and turned out to be thirty year old men still living in their mom's basement?
"So she can help me?" you ask.
"Most definitely!" Beth leads you down a hallway and you can't help but notice all the duck décor. Figurines, paintings, even the fucking wallpaper was ducks. God, what was with the duck obsession? This was suppose to be a satanic cult, right? Where was the blood, the eerie ambience of tortured screams? Had all the horror movies lied to you?
Beth suddenly stops and your attention comes to a giant, ominous, black door. Ok, that was more like it.
"Mamma Edith is just through here, but I can't go in," she states, pushing you towards it.
"Wait, if you can't, how come I can?"
"Cause she's waiting for you!"
"What? How could she be -" You don't have time to question her as the door slowly creaks upon. Beth turns and runs back down the hall, leaving you to stand alone as the door opens, revealing a black abyss inside. You start to miss the colorful interior of the living room. "Um, hello?"
"Enter." You shudder at the voice that answers, stern and powerful. You don't get the chance to respond as your feet take you inside, almost as if compelled to. The door slams shut behind you, submerging you in the darkness. You gulp.
"Um, I'm here to -"
"I know why you're here." You try to look around, but nothing is visible. "You seek to commune with the Other World, to contact those of which you can not begin to fathom." In any other scenario, you'd roll your eyes at the dramatics, but right now, it's working. You're scared.
"Y-Yes?" It comes out as more of a question than an answer. You jump as lights begin to flicker on. Little by little, the space around you becomes clear and all you can see is … "Ducks." There's so many ducks. The whole room is like a shrine to them, every inch covered in nothing but the color yellow and ducks.
"Welcome, child," a woman greets you and you turn to face her. She's sitting at a round table, auburn hair pulled into a bun. She's older, much older, but her eyes are youthful as they take you in. "I am Mother Edith, but you can call me Mamma." Yeah, not happening.
"Hi." You wave your hand, unsure what else to do. She motions for you to join her and you sit at the table.
"Lucifer has told me of your arrival," she says.
"He has?"
"Yes." She pulls out a black mirror, placing it down flat on the table. Her hands hover above it. "He has told me about you, how a girl would arrive asking to be a ritual sacrifice." Damn, news traveled fast. Did that mean he was watching you? How did he know about you? So many questions swirled through your thoughts, making you dizzy.
"Then, if you know why I'm here, will you help me?" you ask. You start to explain your story but she silences you.
"Lucifer has already given us his answer. He says," she pauses, hands waving over the mirror. You wait with bated breath. "Fat chance." Huh?
"Ain't gonna happen." Edith drops her hands, leaning back in her chair. You blink.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're shit out of luck. Lucifer denies you, won't accept you. Not for him, not for any demon," she explains. Your fists clenched. What the fuck?
"What the fuck? What do you mean he won't accept me? It's not even him I'm sacrificing myself for!" You stand from your chair. This was bullshit.
"No," Edith replies, her demeanor calm, "but he is the one who oversees any and all activities related to Hell. Nothing we do here happens unless he allows it. That includes sacrifices."
"Then I'll just find someone else."
"They won't do it, either."
"Any and all persons who follow under him have now been told to deny you."
"So what? I'm like, banned from Hell now?" Edith nods. "Oh, fuck you." You don't hold back as the anger builds. "Fuck you and your stupid little rules. You know what? Fuck him, too!"
"Watch your tongue, child," Edith warns, but you're on a roll now. On a mission.
"Isn't he suppose to be some powerful fucking being, evil beyond human comprehension? I'd be just another soul for his collection anyways, right? Another mortal claimed by Hell to rub into God's face?" She doesn't reply and you continue. "Sounds more like a pussy to me. Probably can't even fucking do half the shit the bible says he can." You look around, needing to throw something. To break something. You spot one of the ducks.
"Don't -" Edith tries to stop you, but you've already done it. The figurine hits the floor, shattering. You huff, feeling slightly better. You turn to give Edith more of your anger, pausing when you see her body go slack. A chill runs up your spine, the air turning cold. The lights flicker. Shit.
"You come into my house, uninvited," Edith starts, but it's not her voice. This voice is deeper, darker as she stands from her chair. "You badmouth me in my own home and then have the nerve to BREAK MY THINGS?" You flinch and squat down as the voice shouts loudly, a flash of bright light blinding you for a second. You peek open an eye. Standing where Edith just was is a man, red eyes narrowed towards you. His skin is pale white, blonde hair tucked back under a hat. Large, red horns protrude from his forehead, fire crackling between them. Your eyes go wide as you realized who it is standing before you.
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taglist - @i-like-potatoes12533, @girl-nahh-two, @mcntsee, @projectdreamwalker, @sassmasterxx, @alsemain, @yunimimii, @noraunor, @justneo11, @dragonlover123a, @falsemain, @ephemeralxv, @theshello, @wonderlandangelsposts, @weirdflower2024, @yourworstgf, @youroneandonlysimp, @alastorstandard, @florelll, @nyxnightshade7656, @rinitachan, @saccharine-nectarine, @nyxnightshade7656
Masterlist ... Ao3
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 4,1K
Summary: Your bacholerette party gets crashed by your fiancé in typical fashion, but even though the party is over doesn't mean that the night is.
Warnings: Elvis being jealous, reader not being jealous at all, strong language, alcohol consumption, smoking, Elvis being a lil tipsy, Elvis punches... someone 👀, sexual innuendos, i guess a teeny tiny bit of smut if you squint real hard (barely), fluff, small mention of Gladys and Jesse.
A/N: there's so much more in this story than the summary states but i suck at writing summaries woops. this was requested by my lovely @marriedtopresley, i hope you like it bby!! <333
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“We get the suite,”
“Patsy, this wasn’t the deal- the boys get the suite, you girls get the streets,”
“Poor choice of words, West,” your husband’s-to-be cousin pointed out with a frown of her eyebrows before a smile returned to her features. “The answer is still no,”
You watched as they stood in the middle of Elvis’ suite, facing each other down in hopes the other one would break. You knew Patsy was just as headstrong as Red- it was like watching two wild animals circle around each other, waiting for the right moment to attack. It was downright fascinating.
“They’re still goin’ at it?” Elvis chuckled as he appeared next to you, fixing the collar of his dark crushed velvet coat. He had been wearing a full blown leather outfit minutes ago, similar to the one he wore for the special back in ’68, but he soon realised it was too hot for the Nevada climate. The velvet wasn’t much cooler but at least he was able to take some pieces of clothing off without being half naked- something he’d never do unless he was alone with you.
You were still in a bath robe, a glass of champagne in hand- it was only seven o’clock, but it was your bacholerette party… if Red and Patsy would ever give in, that was.
“Yup, and it looks like Patsy’s winning,” you chuckled as you noticed some hotel employees wandering in, beginning to build a tower out of glasses. Elvis let out a laugh as he slipped his arm around your waist, kissing your temple.
“It’s okay, I’ll tell Red you and the girls get the suite. Might do me some good to get out of this place on my last night as a free man,”
You knew he wanted a better reaction out of you other than the grin you gave him, but the thing was.. you weren’t jealous. Despite the amount of female attention Elvis got, it never bothered you. This irked Elvis more than he’d like to admit or that you were aware of, mostly because he could be jealous. Really jealous.
“Thanks, Elvis- now you guys leave, so we can get this party started!” Patsy exclaimed happily as she heard what he said, patting Red on the back who groaned and made his way over to Pat, his wife, to kiss her goodbye for the night.
“Wait, I don’t get to see what you’ll be wearing?” Elvis turned to you, pouting playfully as he circled his other arm around your waist as well to pull you against his chest. You shrugged, laughing as you hung your arms loosely over his shoulders, kissing his lips before you spoke.
“It’s just a simple dress- now the one I’ll be wearing tomorrow is way more fascinating. Patience, my love,”
He rolled his eyes as you tapped his cheek gently, grinning as he went in for another kiss. This time he parted his lips and you gladly welcomed the feeling of his tongue by doing so as well, deepening the kiss. He tasted like bourbon, which Sonny had made him take a shot of earlier, and cigars- it had you craving for more. Unfortunately for the both of you, you were ripped away from each other sooner than you liked but you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the guys pulling Elvis out of the room and to God knows where.
The guys knew Elvis didn’t like to be away from you for too long and in order for him to not turn grumpy, they kept pouring shots down his throat. He hated drinking, hated the taste of strong liquor, but after a few rounds the god awful taste simply wasn’t so awful anymore. He was actually having a good time.
After seeing Tom Jones’ show at the Flamingo Hotel, Tom joined their rowdy crowd and he was more than happy to drag Elvis along to the stripclub Sammy Davis Jr. who was present too pointed out. Now if Elvis would’ve been completely sober, he didn’t think he’d spend the night before his wedding in a stripclub in Vegas because he didn’t even like normal parties but he figured for once it would be fine. His friends seemed to have a good time and although he couldn’t stop thinking about what you were doing right now, the drinks caused him to let loose a little and not worry so much.
Until Red had to open his big mouth.
“Ah c’mon, EP- loosen up!” the ginger haired male laughed loudly, leaning back in his seat as he had a girl grinding herself down on his crotch, just like Elvis had. The only difference was that Red was greatly enjoying himself and Elvis was tensed to the bone, giving Red a glare instead of looking at the breasts that were right in front of his nose. Any man would consider him a nut job for not enjoying himself right now. “Y/N probably has a fireman’s ass in her face right about now,”
The rest of the group laughed along with Red, but as soon as they all saw the look on Elvis’ face, the laughter died down and the mood quickly shifted. It was obvious to the dancers too, who quickly sneaked away from the group of men.
“Strippers? There are strippers at that party?”
Elvis' hair was sticking up as if he had just got out of bed because of the girl that had been on his lap running her hands through it and if his voice hadn’t dropped a few octaves, the guys would’ve laughed at him. But they were all very aware of his jealous nature, especially when it came to you.
Sonny cleared his throat a little, planting his hand on Elvis’ shoulder as he let out a soft awkward chuckle. “It’s her bachelorette, EP. I’m sure she’s havin’ a blast and so should you,”
Elvis’ jaw clenched involuntarily as he whipped his head around to look at the man on his other side, pushing his arm off of him roughly. He shot up from his seat, fixing his hair by running his hands through it.
“I told you to have Patsy cancel that shit- I can’t believe she actually went through with it,” he exclaimed angrily, pacing back and forth in their VIP section. Most of the guys stayed silent, trying not to show their annoyance for having Elvis ruin the night because they already knew what was coming.
“We’re leaving,” Elvis barked, ripping open the velvet rope that separated them from the public. Joe immediately got up to follow, as did the others, because it wasn’t exactly safe for the singer to wander out the club alone, let alone be on the streets. He couldn’t even use a public restroom on his own due to crazy people hiding in every corner.
“So, what are you gonna do, huh?” Red sighed deeply as they all climbed into the limousine, looking at Elvis who poured himself a glass of champagne, downing it while scrunching up his nose. “Crash the girls’ party? You’re not even supposed to sleep next to Y/N tonight- you’re gettin’ married tomorrow, man,”
“To hell with all that traditional shit,” he grumbled, reaching for the bottle again as he tore off his glasses and put them atop his head- something he never did but now that he was slightly intoxicated, he didn’t care it made him look silly. “I’m sleepin’ next to my wife tonight, whether she wants me to or not,”
“She ain’t your wife yet,” Tom grinned at him, but before Elvis could comment, Red quickly pushed the champagne glass to raven haired man’s mouth, giving Tom a glare that made him shut right up.
You figured your bacholerette party would be small. Just you, Patsy, Pat, Judy, Barbara and the rest of the Mafia girlfriends, but an hour after you got dressed the champagne tower started flowing and more people started to arrive in the hotel suite. They were all female, such as Nancy Sinatra and the girlfriend of the hotel’s director, so you didn’t mind it all too much.
Compared to Elvis, you liked parties, so it didn’t take you long to get in your usual party mood and were steadily on your way to get intoxicated. But even if you were sober, you would’ve been just as excited about the stripper that barged into the room.
Your fiancé was going to have a whiplash if he was aware of your current activities, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.
The stripper was hot, naturally, and you happily welcomed it when he pushed you down on a chair in the middle of the room and danced to the music blasting through the room. All the other girls were happily cheering and snapping pictures of the moment the man in front of you grabbed your hands and ran them down his muscles and down over his crotch which was still covered by a pair of firefighter pants. You screamed in excitement, hiding your mouth behind your hands as he took the little crown you were wearing off your head and replaced it with his hat before he pulled his suspenders down his bare shoulders.
You happily obliged as the stripper grabbed your hands and moved them to his pants, signing for you to do undo them. Your fingers moved swiftly as you flicked the button open and pulled the zipper down, Nancy cheering you on as she stood behind you.
Not long after the pants were off and your hands had been forced onto the man’s ass, it sounded like the door was nearly kicked in, followed by gasps coming from several girls in the room.
As soon as Elvis stepped into the room, followed by a panicked Memphis Mafia, and saw the stripper wrapping your legs around his waist, he felt anger boiling in his veins. Red and Sonny weren’t fast enough to hold Elvis back, because he was already striding toward you- you gasped in shock as the stripper was ripped off you and you were pretty sure your eyes were the size of saucers at the sight of Elvis’ fist connecting to the other man’s jaw.
“Elvis!” you screeched as you shot up from your seat, nearly stumbling on your heels as you grabbed his jacket and pulled him off the dancer. The half naked firefighter got back on his feet, grabbing his pants to get the hell out of the room. Elvis noticed the hat you were wearing and pulled it off, throwing it after the stripper- the plastic hit him right on the back of his head.
Joe quickly followed the poor man to do some damage control.
“Everybody out!” Elvis yelled, the volume of his voice roaring above the music and making everyone shoot into action as they left the room as quick as possible. Patsy flashed you an apologetic smile and you responded to it with one of yourself, signing to her that you’d call her later.
Red was the last to leave the room, which he did with a deep sigh and a roll of his eyes, which Elvis luckily didn’t see.
You didn’t want to laugh, honest to God you didn’t, but you couldn’t hold it in due to the drinks you had consumed tonight. Not only did your party last only about two hours, the man that you were marrying tomorrow had just punched a stripper. How in the world could you not laugh?
“I don’t think this is funny,” Elvis snapped at you as he threw his coat on the bed before sitting down at the end of it.
You placed your hand over your mouth as you sat down next to him, giggling in your palm. “I mean..” you inhaled a deep breath, putting your hands in your lap as you looked at him. “Aside from the fact that you ruined my party, it is kinda funny,”
“Did you know there was gonna be a fuckin’ stripper? You knew, didn’t you? And you let it happen anyways,”
You raised your eyebrows at him, even though he barely looked at you. His rings that he was twirling around his fingers repeatedly seemed to be more interesting to him at the moment. You could see by the way his jaw was clenched so tightly and the angry frown on his features that he really did not think this was funny. You knew he was jealous, no matter how silly it sounded in this moment, and while you usually teased him with it you knew that wouldn’t be the best option right now.
But he really did crash your party and you were genuinely having a good time- now you were getting a little annoyed as well.
“No, I didn’t know, Elvis- that’s the whole point of a bachelorette party. The girls took care of everything,” you told him, crossing your legs and folding your arms as you looked at his glasses on the floor which he lost when he took a swing at the stripper. “And you smell of booze and cheap perfume, it’s not like you and the guys were having a cup of coffee downstairs,”
Elvis turned his head, a small grin tugging at his lips. He moved closer to sit up against you, his arm snaking around your waist to let his hand rest on the side of your thigh. “Why? Are you jealous?”
You snorted, looking at him as you tilted your head a little. He leaned down into you a little more, his grin growing wider as a smile spread across your own face. As soon as you spoke, that smug grin was wiped right off his face.
“No, baby, I’m not,”
“Why not?” he exclaimed in frustration as he watched you get up and kick your heels off, picking up his glasses from the floor.
“I don’t know, I’m just not,” you shrugged a little, putting on his glasses as you turned back to him and pointed a finger in his direction. “But I do think it’s unfair you crashed my party and act like a baby just because there was one stripper here while you were in a club full of naked ladies,”
“So you are jealous?”
He groaned as he let himself fall back on the bed, his arms spread out as he looked up at the helium balloons that floated against the ceiling. You couldn’t help but laugh softly as you walked over to him, making him look at you as you crawled on top of him and straddled his waist. You pushed the sunglasses up in your hair, placing your hands on his chest as you smiled at him.
“Why do you want me to be jealous so bad, El?”
He sighed deeply as he placed his hands on your thighs, fingertips disappearing underneath the fabric of your short dress so he could let his digits absentmindedly caress your skin.
“It’s not like I want you to be-well… sometimes. Damnit honey, I don’t know. Bein’ jealous means you care and I guess I just would like to see the roles reversed sometimes,”
You laughed softly as he pulled his hands back and pushed his elbows in the mattress, looking up at you with a slight pout on his face. You bit your lip as you suddenly slapped him across the face- not hard enough to leave a mark or anything, but enough to make him look at you with wide eyes and shock written over his features.
“What the fuck was that for?!”
You climbed off of him, pacing the room as you threw his glasses on the couch by the tv. You still weren’t jealous, but if acting as if you were was going to make your man happy, then that’s what you’ll do.
“You went to a stripclub?” you exclaimed in feigned anger, making sure it looked as real as possible. You seemed to be a good enough actress because Elvis sat up again, gawking at you in confusion. “You’re disgusting, Elvis- I don’t believe you! How was it, huh? Did you touch any of them?”
You walked over to him, taking him by surprise once more as you grabbed his hands and placed them on your breasts. “Did theirs feel.. better? Bigger? No, don’t tell me- I don’t think I can take it,” as soon as you put the back of your hand against your forehead dramatically and looked away from him, the both of you couldn’t hold back your laugh. Yours was interrupted by a squeal as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down on the bed with him.
“You little shit,” he laughed as he hid his face in your neck, trapping you underneath him on the mattress. “I hate you,”
You giggled as you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him in your embrace while trapping him just as much by snaking your legs around his waist. As he pulled his face out of your neck, you moved your hands down his shoulders and to his chest, opening a few buttons of his blouse.
“You don’t hate me- you love me and I love you, El. Just because I’m not jealous doesn’t mean I don’t care, you know that, right?”
He nodded, smiling down at you as he caressed some hair out of your face before kissing your lips. “I know, baby, I was’ just bein’… stupid,”
“That’s what you get for drinking whiskey,”
He frowned, laughing softly. “How’d you know?”
“I can taste it and you got a mean right on whiskey,”
A smirk spread across his face as he thought back about the stripper he knocked down without blinking a little while ago. He was sure Joe would take care of things and that fucker deserved it, touching his lady the way he did, so Elvis didn’t really feel guilty or whatsoever.
“I got him good,” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully, making you laugh as you tilted your head a little, welcoming his lips in your neck. You grabbed his hand, letting it wander down in between your thighs and right into the panties you wore underneath your dress.
“That good, huh?” he grinned against your skin, a moan rolling off your tongue as he did not wait for a response and slowly pushed a long finger inside of you, making you forget all about your friends who were probably continuing the party elsewhere.
“What if we got married right now?” Elvis questioned, blowing out the smoke from his cigar in circles before tapping off the ashes in the ash tray in your hand.
You frowned as you looked at nothing in particular in front of you, resting against the man’s chest while taking a drag from your own cigarette. You turned to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table, laughing softly.
“It’s 2 in the morning,”
“So? We’re in Vegas, there’s a chapel on every corner,”
You slowly sat up to turn around and face him, pushing out your cigarette in the ash tray. You exhaled the smoke in the other direction, still holding up the sheets to your chest.
“We’re getting married in a few hours, El,” you reminded him to which he laughed at softly, shrugging his shoulders as he placed his cigar in the ash tray and took it out of your hand, placing it next to the alarm clock.
“I know but tomorrow’s gonna be so busy with everyone there and we have this damned schedule to follow- tomorrow won’t belong to us alone, but we still have the night,”
The excitement of his crazy idea was rubbing off on you and as he slipped his hands into yours, you shook them wildly.
“You’re right, you’re so right but.. is this even possible? I mean, legally,”
“Baby, this is Las Vegas,” he reminded you again with a laugh. “Anything is possible,”
You nodded as you laughed, kissing him over and over again. “Okay, let’s do it. Let’s get married,” you said as you jumped up from the bed, running into the walk-in closet. “I have the perfect outfit!”
You wore a short baby blue skirt with a matching long sleeved blouse, putting the hood on and letting your hair drape over the shape of your breasts. You had a traditional dress for tomorrow, but what you and Elvis were doing right now was anything but traditional and you were excited about it- maybe even more excited than for the big day tomorrow.
He wore his crushed velvet outfit, including big golden belt and sunglasses and all- true Presley fashion.
Despite the excitement of it all, you tried to convince Elvis to bring one or two of the guys for safety, but he wouldn’t hear it. He didn’t want anyone else but you and him to know about this- tomorrow he was going to officially promise his loyalty to you and make you his wife in front of family, friends and probably way too many reporters. He was pretty sure everyone would want his attention at all times and he wouldn’t spend the amount of time alone he wanted with you until the honeymoon, so this little pre-wedding was going to be good and it was going to happen.
He had made up his mind and he wasn’t going to change it.
And you didn’t want him to, and even if you did, it was too late now. You and Elvis were already sneaking through the hotel and into the garage like a couple of teenagers, driving off to a chapel that wasn’t crowded by drunk people who were going to wake up married to a stranger tomorrow morning.
You and Elvis found one that seemed quiet enough way on the other side of the city, close to the desert. There were barely any people around and you were surprised they were open and doing services at all, but the few people that worked at the chapel sure as hell weren’t going to close up shop now that Elvis Presley walked in.
Getting married in a tiny chapel in the desert was hardly a girl’s dream, but you were over the moon as you got married to the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You’d have your ‘real’ wedding tomorrow and although you didn’t have rings to give each other now, you didn’t care where Elvis and you would promise your love to each other.
You’d follow him anywhere he’d go and you were hundred per cent certain he’d do the same for you, because it simply didn’t matter where in the world you were- as long as you were by each other’s sides.
“Sorry about the lack of cake, Mrs. Presley,” Elvis grinned from beside you as you sat on the hood of his car, looking up at the stars that twinkled in the dark sky. There were two that flickered extra hard and both you and your husband had decided those were Gladys and Jesse, watching over you and being part of your silly and chaotic night.
You laughed softly as you handed the bottle of champagne the workers at the chapel gifted you to him. “There’ll be plenty of cake tomorrow, my husband,”
He smiled down at you as you hooked your arm through his and snuggled up to him, putting your head on his shoulder. He took a few small sips from the bottle, kissing your head as he pushed it back in your hand. He did not like the taste of champagne at all and he already had too much of it tonight, so you were the one who drank most of it.
“I like the sound of that- my wife,”
“Me too,” you grinned as you raised your head to look at him, pecking his lips. “I love you,”
“I love you more,” he said in between kisses, pulling your legs across his lap before resting his hand on your thigh. You placed the bottle behind you, folding your hands behind his neck as you wrapped your arms around him.
“How much more?” you smiled playfully as you looked at him when he pulled his head back in his neck a little, pretending to think about it as he looked up at the sky.
“To the moon,”
“And back,” you immediately responded with a giggle, kissing him once more as soon as he turned back to you.
He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
When it came to you, Elvis never hesitated- out of everything in his life, you had always been the most steady and you were always going to be.
Just like that big, bright moon above that shone on you and him in this moment, you were his rock and he was yours.
The vow goes; “to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
But for you and Elvis, you wholeheartedly believed that you’d be together even after living out a happy and adventurous life- with your souls entangled the way they were, it was inevitable.
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taglist: @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @woundmetender @returntoelvis @prayerstopresley @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @wonka-gifs @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
Please tell me about your ocs!! IM HUNGRY GRRR
helloow omg ! im so honored you want to know more about my ocs aaahhh!! :D my moot @kovu-bunnbunn also wanted to know more so i figured i could do it now !!
i have a bunch of ocs but I’ll just talk about my main oc ryoko right now !!
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her full name is ryoko ‘007’ aizawa. I’ll explain the 007 in a minute !! she’s aizawa’s adoptive daughter.
her parents (her dad more specifically, her mom was more of a bystander) are both from very wealthy families and merged. Her parents had an arranged marriage and after some chatter to get to know each other they’re conversations take a little bit of a turn..and inbetween bonding about their favorite movies oop! A lil comment about how the world would he better off without heroes..oh you think so too ? Well look at that, we have so much in common!! long story short they both decide that the want to create something that will be able to take down all might and the entirety of hero society and it’s restrictions,,and I’m pretty sure you can guess what that something was ! nine months later ryoko is born yipeee…!
during her entire pregnancy ryokos mom went through some quirk experiments (sponsored by doctor garaki 👍) because they knew that with both their quirks alone they wouldn’t be able to create a super weapon. (ryokos dad has an overhaul type quirk, and her mom has a healing sort of quirk) so they did some experiments hoping something would change in the womb, and when she was born the kept on doing experiments until she started manifesting a quirk w no attributes from her either of her parents and manifested a fully different quirk than she was originally meant to have,
since she had those experiments done ryokos body adapted to be able to handle her quirk, but it’s not perfect unfortunately.
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heres a simple little chart of how it works ! (BTW I DO NOT DRAW LIKE THIS ANYMORE THIS IS OOOOLLLLDD😭😭😭😭)
her quirk is a lot like neijires as in she uses her own energy and converts it into power ! The amount she uses shows in her hair :3 ryoko tho, unlike neijire can do multiple things from sending blasts, to powering herself up to make parts of her body stronger, to making it hard objects like stepping stones she uses to navigate and weapons like dual swords or chains to restrain ppl !! she can also drain other peoples energy (and from her surroundings, but thats only in 100% mode ! ) because of the fact that her body had been modified, ryoko can carry more energy into herself than regular people which is why she can drain energy without any major drawback to a certain extent ! However, her drawbacks are way more severe, overusing her quirks makes her sleepy and drowsy, it gives her nosebleeds and very worse case scenario if she were to have too little or too much energy she could die :0 !!
(ALSO !! I lil extra tidbit: ryoko is capable of sensing peoples energy’s if she concentrates hard enough, it works better if shes seen them before, but she can sense all the energy in humans in her surroundings or if she has a picture, tho it’s slightly weaker and is limited to one person at a time. This is a form of remote viewing that i gave her bc of my obsession w stranger things i had !!😭)
its a pretty powerful quirk that her parents and other scientists knew they could use well, but unfortunately for them ryoko ended up liking heroes (she was barely educated, so she had no idea that she felt admiration for heroes and especially all might, she was alsovaguely aware that she was taught to do the wrong things, because she’d be forced to use her quirk on robots/ small animals in some cases.)
her parents weren’t supposed to feel any affection towards her so they decide to just give her a code name 007 :D which i realized a little too late was the same as james bond..woops😭
anyways fast forward to the biggg “earthquake” incident, shes rescued by a group of heroes, eraser head included :D unfortunately shes detained in tartarus since her being in a constant state of panick set her quirk off and she couldn’t stay in a regular hospital so ryoko has canonically been to tartarus as a inmate at the age of 4 😭! Oh forgot to mention this, but ryoko got her quirk veryy early due to the experiments done before her birth and after.
since ryoko cant control her quirk an aizawa can cancel them, they’re a pretty good matchup !! Fast forward some more and shes living with him ! he adopts her and lets her go to school, where she meets izu n katsuki and they quickly become friends because. Of COURSE. My main ocxcanon ship is a CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ONEEE😭😭😭😭will i ever stop. raise your hand if you’ve ever seen that one comin
lmk if you want to know more about her or other ocs ! I didn’t wanna ramble TOOO much so this is all the basic info!! plus some drawing of her
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two of them r completely credited to horikoshi cus i used ochaco n hagakure as a base !! I accidentally have two in normal mode and two in 100% or overdrive mode as she calls it (tho one of them is a soul eater au :3) ! Both made by me :3
Much luvvv xxxx!!! And thank you Sooo much for your ask again💗💗💗💗
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silvakristiina · 5 months
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Questioning my life choices here 🙈 Why did I ever try to fix my game in the first place? I should have known it'll never work any better 😔 I've been tweaking my worlds lots without Seasons and rebuilt one of the two lots that went missing. I just never found their back up nor previous uploads anywhere. Luckily they were the smallest ones of the lots. My EiG finally works (woop woop! 🥳), but I don't do much with it, as I can't install any worlds for an unknown reason. The game crashed when I checked the dive lot (Oooh the world has a dive lot...), so I went to decorate the island hotel. Turns out Ctrl+Shift now crashes the game, so I can't set up custom hotel rooms. Maybe I just reverse the lot to a regular community lot 🤷🏼‍♀️
Oh, it's been snowing a few days and the temperature is below zero, so the Spring is yet again cancelled 🥶 The greenhouse is covered in snow and I have my 21 dahlias and 40 ranunculus indoors. We all can't wait to get out and the Spring to come!
I'm being too lazy and spending my days on the computer, which gets a bit boring when I get so little done because nothing really works and everything is a fight, and my sugars are too high 😬
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I really should go out, but nothing fits me anymore. I look like a huge sausage in my new (big), long winter coat even with the pockets open 😂
Stir crazy, not drunk.
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toska-writes · 1 year
Hello! ✨️💖 I've been thinking about this idea all day about Padawan Y/n X Rex- The conditions on a planet force them to make camp and wait out a storm during a march to a seperatist Outpost. The thundering has kept them awake and they go out to join Anakins tent for some comfort but guess what certain Captain and 501st troopers had the same idea.
This ask took me so long for some reason! Sorry!
“The Blues”
Summary: The rain and wind is enough to get under just about anyone’s skin, why not make the best of it
Paring: Rex x GN padawan Reader (PLATONIC)
Warning: None just so much fluff!
Word count: 841 (it’s a little short but I also wrote it during class woops)
Notes: Happy May the 4th! Wish me luck I have a really big test today!
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It was a blessing from the maker above when the March came to an end, the sound of rain colliding with plastroid armor was almost as loud as the thunder.
You pulled your robes tighter around your frame to keep at least some part of you dry. The noise around you almost blocked out the crackled voice that sounded from your comms, Anakin and Rex finally decided to set up camp and wait out this weather.
Sighs of relief sounded from all around you, the rain had that sort of magic to make you unbelievably tired.
Everyone around seemed to have an extra kick in there step knowing that once tents were up this dreary campaign would be put on pause.
The wind picked up as you fought to try a set your own tent up and quickly get inside. Without another glance to anyone who had the same idea as you, you pulled the flap shut.
The small bed was set up in seconds and you had the heater already radiating a pathetic amount of heat. It was fine for now. The cot, no matter how rock solid it was, was inviting for your sore limbs.
Your eyes fluttered shut, thunder boomed from all around rocking the entire round. Why exactly did you and the 501st get stuck with this mission? That’s what everyone was asking themselves.
Shivers racked your body- the soaked robes were already thrown to the side but unfortunately left you with only a tunic and pants. The lightweight cover that came with the camping kit was a poor excuse of blanket.
You probably would have been better off without the itchy fabric on your skin.
The small hum of the radiator kept your mind awake, the wind seemed to howl and the flap of your tent seemed that it could blow open at any moment.
You sat up again. Rubbing your eyes once you thought that maybe, just maybe you could find someone to bunk with. Knowing any of the men that you came with any would be happy to help.
Not to mention the warmth that would finally make you stop shivering. Seriously why did it have to be so cold?
The damp heap of outer robes sat in the corner of your tent, grabbing one quickly you held it over your head as a make shift umbrella.
If you could spare even a little bit of you staying dry it was worth it.
The sky outside already went dark, with the time it the cover of the clouds you weren’t sure.
Scanning the horizon tents were scattered all around, clearly no one really cared when you were getting drenched.
A smaller tent stood close by your own, making your way quickly you nudged through the open flap.
Huh it was empty.
It wouldn’t be a surprise if some of the others had the same idea as you so you made your way to the next tent.
Through the dark of the storm you noticed a faint glow of a light under a tent just up ahead- you stared at the dark fabric of the tent as you came up to it. Water already sinking into your boots once again.
Of course it was your masters, why you didn’t think to look there first was beyond you. Muffled noise sounded from the inside, warmness seemed to radiate from it. It was so inviting.
Your hands shook as you pushed open the flap starring at the inside.
“There you are Y/N.” Anakin greeted from his spot nestled between at least 5 different troopers. Echo waved from his spot in the pile. “Rex was just about to go get you. I commed but you didn’t answer.”
“We thought you were already asleep.” Rex added from his spot near the door, clearly he was just about to leave. “Sir it’s going to do us no good if your frozen for our battle tomorrow.” The captain took the dripping cloak from your hands and returned it to the floor.
The warm air wrapped around you like a wonderful hug, you quickly drifted to your assigned spot attached to Captain Rex hip.
Rex draped a heavy arm around your shoulders as you made your way to where you master was practically about to fall asleep.
Anakin words slurred with sleep. “We can get going at, at umm 07-“
“0700” Rex finished for his sleepy general. You felt a gentle tug at the hem of your pants. Fives gave you his own sleepy smile as he and Hardcase made room for you and Rex.
The slick fabric of the blacks that all the men wore rubbed against your skin, but unlike last time it didn’t irritate your skin like the blanket.
Your body finally seemed to calm itself as the shivers that racked your body stopped.
Arms wrapped around you again, your figure was pulled close to Rex and he was sandwiched between his two Jedi.
But if he could trade anything to relive this moment again he would.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu
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aibouart · 3 months
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admittedly, i am afraid to talk about this, but have wanted to for a long while. i don't see a lot of people discuss this kind of thing, but i decided to do so for the me who was struggling and didn't know. also i have no idea where i am going with this and it's very late for me rn so here's a whole ass ramble on vent art. and also a bit more on how it's impacting how i view my art, now. i am terribly sorry if it's not very cohesive, my thoughts on it aren't yet cohesive either WOOPS
i wanted to talk a bit about how vent art really impacted my mental health, and how the idea that art needs some kind of meaning to have meaning really has been weighing on me lately (i know this is a concept i am assigning to my work and is not actually the norm/standard expectation of others consuming art. but it IS a sentiment i have seen enough that does impact me).
i want to specify, obviously i am not saying vent art is bad.
nor that doing vent pieces, or vent blogs, will ultimately result in what i went through for a number of years. rather, that this did happen to me, and there is a near impossible chance i am a unique case in any experience i will ever have. if you do vent art and it helps you, that's good! im not judging anyone for anything here. if your experience does not match my own, that's what it's like to be human~. i am not invalidating anyone on purpose by sharing my own experience. sorry for the insane disclaimer but it will eat me alive if i go to sleep thinking "what if they think x cuz i didn't say y and think im a terrible person"
i used to do vent art frequently (you won't find much on here as it was uploaded to a personal at the time). anytime i felt down or had a line of dialogue in my head making me feel bad in a way, i would draw for it. but the way i had interacted with it was really unhealthy. it became a terrible feedback loop where i'd feel bad, draw how i felt bad, look at the art, and ruminate even more on how i felt bad, until it spiralled so out of control i would lose touch with reality and get lost entirely in feeling like garbage.
i would just get so lost in the cycle with vent art that it would make my mental space worse and worse, and i would use the vent art as a negative confirmation bias. the words that hurt me i wrote down and anytime i looked again, they would hurt me again. but i would keep looking, and i would keep drawing.
i have always used art as an outlet, but for some reason the way vent art impacted me was unhealthy. it wasn't a good outlet. and it took me years to cut ties with it. i relied on vent art for a long time, but it took a lot of introspection and thinking to realise it wasn't the release i thought it was. and it was hard to let go, too.
i haven't touched the blog in a few months, now. i haven't done much vent art at all since then and genuinely, i've been doing SOOO much better. i no longer ruminate nearly as much as i had done so, i no longer get caught in a feedback loop that lasts for days to weeks. i still feel like garbage like people tend to do, but i don't put myself in a cycle over it anymore. i have gone back to it a few times in moments of desperation, but what used to be every week/every few weeks is now once a month maybe. and not to the extent at all (i would oftentimes post ~20 images in one night, before).
but i keep thinking about how, while the way i had done vent art was bad for my mental health, i keep feeling that just because i do sparkly cute and happy drawings, now, or drawings with no real meaning, that my art has nothing beyond face value... i do like a lot of my vent art. i think their compositions, or hidden messages and meanings, or colour use, was interesting.
but it wasn't worth the price for me.
so i am a bit caught in an in-between, here. my favourite form of art is the expression of love-you liked something so much, you dedicated time to draw it. and yet i cannot ascribe that to my own work very often. i think that man i wish i could make art with some kind of deeper meaning, that speaks to people, that's more than just pretty colours or shiny shading or a character everyone likes, or a character i like. but i just... don't know if it's for me.
ultimately, i could develop a healthy relationship with expressing and exploring negative emotions or experiences through art, but... do i want to? do i have to? do i need to? is it not enough to just draw something because... i like it..?
of course, the answer is yes, draw what you want, draw how you want, it's your art. but i am still trying to come to terms with that idea. i dont want to be seen as some shallow artist who just draws what's cute and pretty because they can and it's all they can think of, but like what if that's just what i like to draw??
in the end, that alone is good enough, drawing because you like to, because it's fun, because you like the thing you're dedicating time to creating for. it's just hard to grapple with after discarding a type of art that i felt was the only way i drew "for real".
anyways i am sorry this is soooo fucking long, and for all the clarifications (IM STILL NOT SAYING VENT ART BAD AND EVERYONE WILL DO WHAT I DID!! Dx) and the fact i had no real point here (probably)
anyways i will continue to draw what i want because i like to, as i have always been.
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I'm sorry but I have to share the emotions I'm feeling right now with someone and I chose you as my victim (love you!)
Quick question, but are you ever listening to a song and imagine a little music video for it in your brain, it's like a movie and everything
Okay well my brain just did a thing with:
The Last Time by Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody
just imagined a duet between y/n and Loki
Just pure angst in my head right now, I'm talking tears, broken whiskey glass on the floor, camera spinning around both of them getting multiple angles
(I swear I'm fine LOL just dramatic)
Hiiiiiiii!!!!!! I've missed you!!!! And I will always be your willing victim (love you too!)
I have actually done that! More then Iike to admit lol but if you were looking for angst look no further!!! Ask and ye shall receive 😁😈💚 here we go.....
The Last Time.....
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, established relationship, toxic relationship, yelling, swearing, breaking things, all the angst, ambiguous ending.....
Summary: You and Loki have been on and off for awhile, but when you truly love someone when i enough enough.....
A/n- aaaahhh!!! Finally getting to my asks!! Woop woop!!! And........a new pic for you as well....😁😁😁
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You sat on the floor in your room putting the last of his clothes in a box. It wasn't the first time he had left without a word, in fact he had made a habit of it but this time felt different. What was months had turned into a year. You sighed closing the box grabbing the tape when you heard a knock at the door. "He's early." You said looking at your phone as you jumped up you hurrying downstairs when another knock sounded at the door "coming thor!" You called out reaching the bottom of the stairs you made it to the front door, grabbing the handle you pulled it open freezing at the site in front of you.
"Thor hmm?" He snarled looking down at you. "Loki...what do you want?" You snapped crossing your arms watching his shoulders slump "may I please come in darling?" He asked quietly, the deep emerald of his eyes boring into you. "I...I don't know." You said looking down at your feet "please love i...I needed to speak to you." He said taking a step closer to you. Taking a deep breath you looked back up at him "fine, but only for a minute." You said opening the door wider stepping aside as he walked in, his long purposeful strides leading him to the living room as you shut the door following behind him. "I see you've changed the house a bit." He said sliding the sleeves of his leather jacket up revealing his forearms you looked around remembering the day you got rid of his reading chair and replaced it with an end table "what do you need Loki?" You asked standing on the other side of the room.
He ignored your question as he went into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets he came back with a bottle of whiskey and a glass "it's good to see you too." He snarked sitting on the couch pouring himself a drink. "Look Loki, I don't know why your here or..." you were cut off watching him down the drink in one gulp before slamming the glass down "how long?" He asked pouring another "how long what?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "my brother....how long?" He asked again his eyes meeting yours "we aren't....he was coming over to pick up your things." You said, your voice raising at his accusation. "Ah, so I leave for a bit and you just move on?" He asked waving his hand at where his chair had previously been. "Loki it's been a year!" You yelled, your anger beginning to rise the longer he was there.
"Yes, and I had assumed the woman who said she loved me would wait for me." He sneered downing another drink "to be honest, when i found myslf at your door, like evey other time I pictured you in your room...alone...awaiting my return." He said, his eyes meeting yours again, a sadness in them you hadn't seen before "and when you opened the door and your eyes met mine...everthing felt...better again." He said looking back down at his glass "I always come back do I not?" He asked quietly, his voice shaking.
And right before your eyes, i'm breaking,
No past, no reasons why, Just you and me,
"Yes, you come back until things become too real for you!" You yelled feeling your eyes burn "until things get to serious and then your off again." You said crossing your arms. "I just...you always put everything else before me!" He yelled standing up. "What? My job....my responsibilities!?" You yelled back waving your arms "you know very well what I mean, do not play coy with me!" He yelled. You took a step back remembering the last time he left "oh, so this is about your insecurities." You sneered watching him shake his head. "You do not understand the hold you have on me!" He yelled throwing his glass to the floor shattering it into pieces making you step back "You could beak my heart in the blink of an eye if you choose to, so yes...I left before you could." He snapped "and broke mine instead?" You pushed back "I only wanted to be at the top of your list, not your pastime." He said shaking his head.
"So you find yourself at MY door, like all the times before wearing your best apology but you know what Loki?" You sighed shaking your head pushing a piece of glass away with your foot "all those times I let you back in, I allowed you to consume me and you left...I watched you leave over and over to go god knows where and do God knows what and with who." You said feeling a tear steam down your cheek looking up into his eyes "i only ever wanted to be your priority loki, to be at the top of YOUR list, but all I ever got was you going, and breaking my heart everytime you did." You said unable to keep your voice from shaking.
And right before your eyes, I'm aching
Run fast, nowhere to hide, just you and me
"Y/n, this the last time I'm going to ask you, put me at the top of your list, make me a priority in your life," Loki said taking a step closer to you "I will not let you continue to break my heart." He said sternly making you look up at him "that is the last time you tell me it's me! The last time you tell me I've got it all wrong!" You yelled taking a step closer to him, his large frame towering over you "this will be the last time I tell you it's been you all along, it was not." He said seeing a tear stream down his cheek you closed your eyes "this is the last time I let you in my door Loki...i...I can't..." you trailed off covering the sob that escaped from your lips. "This is the last time y/n, I won't hurt you anymore...I swear it." He said falling to his knees in front of you.
"Please y/n, I need you." He said wrapping his arms around your middle, holding you tightly as if you would disappear "Loki..." you sighed placing a hand on the top of his head "what if...what happens when you leave again?" You ask shakely as he tilted his head up, his bloodshot eyes meeting yours "I won't...I'm not going anywhere. I want you....only you." He said sternly as you closed your eyes "I can't do this again, my heart can't take it." You said hearing glass slide against the hardwood floor as he shifted "let me prove myself to you, please y/n...let me show you." He said making you shake your head. "I...I can't do this right now." You said feeling Loki's grip loosen around your waist. "Y/n.." loki whispered as you stepped back.
"You can sleep on the couch tonight, if...in the morning if your still here maybe we can talk." You said slowly walking around the glass on the floor leaving Loki where he was "I'll go get you a blanket." You said turning around seeing him still kneeling on the floor, his head nodding slightly as you turned and walked up the stairs. Making your way to the linen closet you pulled out your phone quickly dialing Thor as you opened the door grabbing a blanket "Lady y/n, is everything alright?" Thor's voice boomed through the speaker "um...yeah I just...tonight isn't a good night." You said grabbing a pillow "maybe tomorrow night, I'll let you know." You said closing your eyes are you really going to let him stay you asked yourself when you heard Thor again "he's there isn't he?" He asked making you sigh "yes...he is." You whispered "Alright, let me know if you need anything." He said "thank you Thor." You said quickly hanging up you gripped the pillow and blanket in your arms heading back downstairs.
"Ok, here you go." You said seeing Loki hadn't moved from where you left him, but the glass on the floor had been cleaned up, and now sitting on the coffee table next to the whiskey bottle "thank you y/n" He said slowly standing up walking to the couch not looking at you as he grabbed the blanket spreading it out "So, in the morning?" You asked biting your lip when his eyes finally met yours "yes, in the morning." He said, a seriousness in his eyes that sent a shiver through you "Ok, goodnight." You said turning back to the stairway "Goodnight y/n." You heard him say as you walked up the stairs.
You made it to your room, slowly closing the door before sitting on the bed looking at the box you had been packing "Loki..." you whispered. Grabbing your pillow you laid down closing your eyes, wondering if he would still be on the couch in the morning....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @mochie85 @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054-deactivated @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @crimson25
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pepsiiwho · 5 months
I've been re-listening to Brandy's Cinderella and I am, unfortunately, incredibly weak for the Cinderella story now that I'm older and done being an edgy teenager at all times. Now that I am an adult who is drinking and mildly tipsy, I can combine my favorite current thing (HADES 2) with my favorite princess trope right now (CINDERLLA)
So theres the Hypnos version and the Melione version. Honestly, I'm a bit more taken by the Mel version right now because reverse love stories just move me horribly. So that'll be the focus.
WaxWitch under the cut, no spoilers for Hades 2 other than characters who appear and possible canon interactions compared to this au. Long post WOOP WOOP...
So obviously Cinderella in this au is Icarus and The Prince, now Princess, is Melione. Icarus wouldn't really be the step child under the wicked step mother but just because I'm iffy on the actual lore of the myth and his canon relationship with his father during life in the game, I'll be taking to liberty to say it wasn't great and he very desperately wants to get out of his house and 'spread his wings', so to speak (crowd loudly cheers because I said the thing).
Anyway so similar to the plot of the film, Melione is the princess and daughter of the king and queen. This could be a simple, "Mom, Dad and Brother are back and life is good" set up or "Mel is all that's left of the royal line with her tutor/ god parent turned Adoptive mother as queen" either works, doesn't reeally make a difference. whatever,
So they meet in the main square and Melione is instantly taken by the tinkering boy who dropped his basket of apples or whatever he was doing. They get to talking and eventually one of them has to go but they promise to meet again.
So they do. Again and again and again. For years they continue meeting once a week, every week, regardless of everything else. Melione finds someone soft and kind, someone with a mind that never stops moving and expects nothing from her in terms of revenge or strength. She finds someone painfully mundane and it's refreshing, at first, to be around someone so simple. As they grow together she wishes her dearest Icarus could have more, could have everything this world has to offer. Everything he deserves and more.
Icarus is instantly in love with her. First because the pretty young princess is talking to his pitiful self, both of them the tender age of 15 with nothing to show for it but difficult personalities and a need to prove something, but his love for her just grows and grows with each passing day. He pushes himself to create more and more to amuse Melione with little bobbles and simple wooden figures, then to help Melione ease the day to day humdrum of her classes with paper weights and dynamic knife sheathes, then to aid with her trainings then to help rest her mind. He loves how she laughs and how humble she is even though she of all people need not be humble. How she insists on cleanliness and everything being in its rightful place. How she's such an ass about gardening and how specific soil must be and how seeds are placed. She has a mole on her wrist and she always blushes and groans when her aid called her 'minnow'. How she would have these moments of contemplation, of grief and mourning for a family she never knew. Everything about her entranced him and it somehow just got worse with each years they knew each other. And with that longing came the gap between them widening. Eventually her royal training lessons began, to prepare her to take the throne one day, and that only solidified the distance between them. Maybe that's why things went wrong.
Shit hit the fan during their last day together. He flew too close to the sun with one project, inviting on strengthening himself with her help. Maybe he knew, even then, that he was too weak to be hers. Maybe he was just a headstrong child. Doesn't really matter either way. She got hurt, lost and arm, and he made himself scarce. It was pretty cut and dry (ha) by that point.
A few years later and Melione is at an age to find a consort. Continue the line. No one catches her eye, no one can after the one boy who had her heart left her without even a final goodbye.
So her mother plans a ball to find her a consort. Any and all eligible youth in the kingdom are invited. It's a massive affair. Icarus wasn't going to go, how could he in his ratty ruined inventor's clothes and scorned name. Why, the guards would probably pierce him dead the moment he walked up to the steps of the palace. Rightfully so, of course, but he can't shake this feeling that he needs to go. To see her again.
That's when his fairy god mother appears, [I am not at all picky about who, I think Aphrodite because LOVE idk, but anything works] and she convinces him to go even though he thought it was impossible. He's dressed to the nines, perfectly clean and gorgeous. He barely recognizes himself without the grease one his clothes and bags under his eyes. He rides a wax carriage, and is warned that by 12 everything made for him will melt, leaving him bare, wanting and painfully himself. He sets off at once.
Somehow, Melione doesn't either. A few years and a change of clothes does a lot clearly. But the moment they lock eyes as he comes down the stairs, clad in blue and glass slippers she's entranced. They dance and dance and almost struggle to share words because they're too busy basking in each other's company. It's just so easy. Melione hasn't felt ease like this since... well.
After hours together they escape to the garden, to enraptured with the other to allow another suitor to steal a glance, let alone a dance. They begin talking about their lives and what they want from this ball, and they get close as they speak in hushed whispers between them. Eventually the moment gets too tender, too sweet and they kiss, lulled into each other. Its heavenly.
But, it's late. Too late, even. Icarus can't bare to say who he is and Melione can't bare to let him go. Time, unfortunately, cares for neither. With a final kiss Icarus leaves and Melione is left watching as he runs away, leaving nothing but a single shoe on the steps...
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lunar-years · 1 year
would love to hear your thoughts on the team bullying/forgiving jamie in s2, in particular what you disliked about it. imo i think sam’s treatment was harsh but not at all undeserved, while others like colin and isaac were a bit twisted considering they fully participated in the prick-ish behaviour in s1. and the whole led tasso bit was entertaining to watch, but it really reveals how problematic ted’s hands-off approach to conflict can be. to the point where ted refuses to refer jamie (and later on isaac) to speak with sharon, and never fully acknowledge’s each player’s feelings.
There was a really good meta I saw on this topic the other day that i cannot for the life of me find in my tags to link here. But yeah, there are definitely things I disliked about it! For me it's less about the players than about the leadership & Ted. I actually think the players reactions/responses mostly make sense. It's a bit weird, like you said, that EVERYONE suddenly hates him when half the team was literally participating in and/or endorsing him in season 1 (remember that episode where the team is split into two factions and one of them is Jamie's? lol. Like it wasn't even just Isaac and Colin participating in the behavior, it was half the team). However I can see that their opinion of Jamie might have changed given distance and their own growth.
Also, we don't really see any instances of Jamie publicly bashing his old team apart from singling out Ted and Roy, but apparently at one point he was off calling Colin a jaundiced warm to his hometown newspaper, so yeah I can see why that might've left a lingering bad taste in his mouth. Also the boys have gotten used to Richmond without him at that point, and it HAS been a much better environment, so I think it'd be easy to overlook that they were actually sort of starting to like him at the bonfire the night before he went back to Manchester (which was ultimately only just one night), in favor of focusing on all the times he was made the locker room worse. Also, there's probably a bit of misplacing their hatred for their past selves onto Jamie because it's easier to shift that blame around a bit than accept their own culpability in the bullying. Just like it's easier to blame relegation on Jamie, because he's there to blame, then on their own shortcomings in the game. Is it a bit unfair to Jamie? Sure. But it's realistic and I don't mind it.
Actually the only one I'm a bit ??? about is Dani, because he was absolutely getting along with Jamie in Two Aces even despite Jamie's prickish exterior. Dani hadn't even been around long enough to be negatively impacted by Jamie's effect on the locker room culture so? what gives? I also don't see him bandwagoning on just because everyone else hates him (which does make sense when jan does it hahah). So it's very weird to me that he holds as much of a grudge as everyone else, lol.
The biggest issue for me is (once again. woop.) Ted. Because he didn't want to get rid of Jamie in the first place. He was in fact IRATE when Jamie was sent away, and got into his first real argument with Rebecca over it, that's how upset he was. So why is he soo hesitant, suddenly, to let Jamie come back? His whole speech to Jamie at the Crown & Anchor makes me uncomfortable, because the whole "You burned a lot of bridges" thing doesn't even add up to the real reason Jamie was sent away and totally dismisses the progress he had already started to make before leaving. It seems to reiterate that Jamie was sent away because he'd been Bad and Done Something Wrong. Sent away after he'd in fact had a significant breakthrough with the team. No wonder Jamie is confused. Ted is crossing all kinds of wires and it's ??? Not to mention that he tells Sam Jamie isn't coming back, then brings Jamie back seemingly without even pulling Sam aside and explaining to him circumstances have changed, Jamie is coming back, and why. It's one thing to have told Sam and then change your mind. It's another thing for Sam to tell you he's upset at you for withholding information, explain that's not the case, then go and do the thing you JUST assured Sam you wouldn't: not consult the team re: Jamie. Idk, the whole thing rubs me the wrong way.
Ted having a conversation with the team beforehand, explaining why Jamie is coming back, would've already gone a long way to help Jamie, instead of just springing him on them and throwing him to the wolves. Led Tasso was typical hands-off Ted problem solving, and it's a funny comedy show bit but not exactly an appropriate workplace solution, is it? I might not mind it so much if it wasn't the start of a pattern of behavior where Jamie needs help, asks for help, and then is like...ignored or gone around or "acknowledged" and not helped. it happens with his return to the team, it happens with Roy refusing to coach him, it happens with fucking Zava. And it's extremely annoying that the team leadership fails him specifically again and again. ugh.
Re: Sharon/therapy and referring the boys, that one is soooo mixed up in ted's own mental health stuff I'm willing to give it a pass. of course Ted's not to going to refer players to see her when he doesn't see what she does as helpful and doesn't respect therapy as a possible tool/solution.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Honestly it may not be your intention or of other people in the conversation but some comments around the sqq light eyes post have really rubbed me off the wrong way. I'm saying this with all the respect in the world and acknowledging your post about how you don't condemn harassment, but even before with the curly haired binghe and overall in danmei fandom it feels overly judgey towards westerners. Like these physical characteristics being a result of "whitewashing" when there's examples of official art or asian artists (the ZeldaCW art you linked) being some of the earliest examples. Most of us don't know Chinese, many don't even speak english and have to rely on MTL. I really appreciate this work you're doing and going to the original source, but I'm not into the gatekeeping tone some people are taking. Like, AHA! I knew this and actually all the people who don't are stupid for regurgitating fanon like it's canon. I'll be honest, there's plenty of fanon I don't like nor agree with, and I also make dumb mistakes myself (it's me, I'm one of the people who'd forgotten the hand scar came from jin lan woops). Sorry if this is too long or overly rambly, also feel free to ignore it. I mostly wanted to share this as a PSA that tone matters, be kind to others, and that preserving canon is not justification to regard people who go with fanon with a high brow. Regards, a non white non asian ESL 3rd world country svsss fan that's been in the fandom for a couple years (I point that out because I've seen way too many times any criticism be attributed to butt hurt white americans).
Thank you for your message!
When I make my posts here, I try my best for a neutral, informative tone, but between neurodivergence and linguistic issues, I’m not always certain exactly how it comes across. Perhaps a bit too blunt, perhaps the academic or formal tone I often use may seem stuck-up… really, I don’t have the best sense of it, though I do try quite hard.
I want to provide information here. This is to provide information for a few types of people: those who wish to maintain canon accuracy, and those who wish to know where an idea might have originated whether or not they care about canon accuracy in their own works.
Some people will hold canon as the most important. Others don’t particularly care. Some prefer fanon. How one interacts with fandom is entirely their own decision. My blog here isn’t trying to tell people they’re wrong. Or tell people that I’m better than they are, or that those who didn’t know something was fanon, or who enjoy fanon, are stupid or otherwise less than those who follow canon.
Fandom is supposed to be fun. I do this because I like analyzing things. Because it might be nice to have a record of details to see where trends came from. Even some things, I haven’t been sure about myself until doing the research, and some I’ve been mistaken on too!
Things can get muddled up. Especially when the wiki is updated with fanon information. It’s not hard for something to be thought of as canon when it isn’t, especially if trying to quickly reference something without reading the book again. No one is better than anyone else for what they do and don’t know about a fictional book.
And when it comes to design choices, there’s no need to jump right to whitewashing. A knee-jerk reaction is common in fandom spaces to anything that may be “problematic,” but sometimes a design is just a design. I only went into more detail on the post regarding LBH’s hair texture because that’s something i have experience with, and it’s not something widely known about that there are differences.
At any rate, there’s no reason to be unkind to others. People should be having fun in fandom. Those who wish to stick to canon should respect those who don’t care to, even if it’s not for you.
My posts are not meant to create a moral judgement against anyone.
If you’re using it for anything but information, then you’re using it the wrong way.
I don’t have the best eye for tone, but I will continue to do my best to maintain neutrality, and informativeness. Everyone who makes conversation on my posts, just because you knew something and others didn’t doesn’t make you better than them. It just means you knew something. Just because you didn’t know something, that doesn’t make you worse— it just means you didn’t know.
Let’s not moralize this sort of thing.
Enjoy the novel, enjoy the adaptations and interpretations that you like.
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svtminghaolove · 2 years
The proposal - Hip hop unit (SVT)
Hello ~ I’m writing. And now I’m going to go and buy ice cream. Woop woop.
Triggers: Nope
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S.Coups: It was like any other morning. Seungcheol had been working late last night, but had told you to sleep at the dorms tonight, so of course you did. He had arrived around three in the morning, sneaking into bed with you and softly apologized for being late. You had sleepily given a response that you right now in the morning couldn't remember.
You, of course, woke up much earlier than the boys in the house and decided to make a grand breakfast, since you knew the boys would be way to lazy to cook after they had such a long day yesterday.
So you started cooking up whatever you had on hand, which collected up to four different dishes and a few already made sides.
"Good morning", you turned your head to see Seungcheol walk up behind you, only wearing a white tea and sweatpants.
"Morning", you hummed as he wrapped his arms around you.
"It's nice to wake up and find you cooking, thank you", he said, placing his chin on your shoulder.
"Yeah, and imagine that you could have this everyday", you teased and flipped the kimchijeon. He let go of my waist with one arm and went quiet for a moment.
"Maybe we should get married.", you laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, maybe we should", you smiled and petted the hand that was resting on your waist. "Is there anything you feel is missing?", you looked at the dishes you had lined up.
"No, y/n.", he held up a simple golden ring in front of you and you gasped. "Maybe we should get married.", you blinked a few times before you turned off the stove and turned to face him.
"Are you serious?", you whispered, afraid that your voice couldn't hold the tears building in your throat.
"Yeah. I think we're ready for this step.", he smiled and held up the ring in between the two of you. "So what do you say, want to get hitched?", you laughed at his statement and nodded.
"Yes. Lets do it!", you smiled through your tears as he put the ring on your finger.
"This ring means that you're mine, just so you know", he said as you pulled him into a hug.
"Yeah, and I'm happy to stay yours", you sniffled and closed your eyes.
"Hey, I smell food", DK stopped in his steps when he saw the two of you. "What's going on?", you looked at Seungcheol and he smiled back at you, before both of you busted out in laugher, hugging each other in front of poor confused DK.
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Wonwoo: The two of you had been out all day, running errands and fixing in the apartment. You were both very tired and was getting ready to go to bed.
"You can wash up first", you said and he nodded as you walked to the kitchen to search for the phone you had misplaced. You searched for the phone for about five minutes, before concluding that it wasn't in the kitchen.
"Wonwoo!", you went to the couch to look if you had thrown it there when you came home.
"Have you seen my phone? I can't find it", you sighed and moved the pillows out of the way.
"Yeah, it's in the bathroom", the bathroom? You didn't remember going in the bathroom after coming home, but you were tired and a bit out of it so you didn't really think that much about it.
You walked back to the bedroom and into the connected bathroom and found your phone on the sink, but on top of the phone was a small dark blue box. You blinked and lifted the box. It felt light and heavy at the same time, and you just stared at it for a moment before opening it. A little light turned on at the lid of the box, shining down on a beautiful ring. You took a shaking breath and took a step back, just to steady your stance and make sure that you wouldn't fall. You stared at the ring for a few moments before moving out into the bedroom. Wonwoo was sitting at the end of the bed, giving you a soft smile.
"I love you. I know that I don't say that nearly enough, but I really do love you.", he stood up and reached out his hand. "You are the one, and I refuse you let you be the one who got away. Will you please be my wife?", he said as you gave him your hand, the one holding the box.
"What- when did you-", you were kind of in shock to be honest. This had come kind of out of nowhere, but you did love Wonwoo and he was the only person you could imagine spending forever with.
"Yes!", you suddenly said, you weren't even prepared for the shout leaving your lips. He blinked and let out a little laugh as he plucked the box from your hand and proceeded to put the ring on your finger. He pressed a soft kiss to your ring finger and the two of you remained quiet for a little while.
"So, should we go to sleep?", he said and you hit him on the shoulder.
"Are you crazy? Do you think I can fall asleep after this?", you laughed and Wonwoo joined in on it as he lifted you up and threw you on the bed.
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Mingyu: You were coming home from a work trip. You had been away for about a week and were so tired. At first your plane had been cancelled so you would take a plane the day after. But then you had been lucky to be put on an earlier plane than planned and was about two hours early back, and you were so ready to just fall asleep in your boyfriends arm tonight. You knew that Mingyu was going to be working late tonight so you didn't really want to bother him to tell him that you would be home earlier than planned. That was the reason that you were stepping out of a taxi right now instead of a friends car.
You unlocked the door and stepped inside.
"I'm home", you said out of habit as you lifted your bag inside but froze at the picture you were seeing. Hoshi and DK were standing on ladders, hanging up fairy lights among the balloons that were floating in the ceiling.
"What are you doing?", you laughed as you looked around the house. White flower petals were scattered on the floor, leading you upstairs to where Mingyu now were peaking down at you.
"You weren't suppose to be home for another two hours!", he accused and at the same time sounded a bit whiny and disappointed.
"My flight time got changed", you smiled as your brain slowly started to put together the puzzle pieces. Mingyu came down the stairs, looking a bit overwhelmed and you noticed how Hoshi and DK slowly walked away to the guest bedroom. And that was when it clicked and you let go of your suitcase.
"It wasn't suppose to be like this. It was suppose to be a surprise and perfect and you would-"
"Mingyu", you interrupted him. "Are you…?", he didn't seem to listen to you.
"I had a whole speech, which I now of course have forgotten and I'm not even done upstairs and-"
"Mingyu!", you laughed and took his face in your hand. "Breathe!", he looked into your eyes and did as you said, visibly collecting himself. He nodded and took one of your hands.
"Well, it isn't perfect or honestly right now, not going according to the plan. But to be honest, it doesn't really matter", he smiled and kissed your palm. "You matter. We matter, and that's all I need.", he slowly went down on one knee, the white petals under him making a soft crushing sound.
"I love you. I want to come home to you every day. I want build a family with you. ", he smiled and picked out a red ring box from his pocket. "I really want to be able to call you my wife.", he opened the box and you laughed through the tears that had begun falling down your cheeks. "Will you? Be my wife?"
"Yes! Yes, of course!", you laughed and let him put the ring on your finger before basically tackling him to the floor with a hug, and kisses pressed all over his face, leaving kiss marks from your lipstick. He laughed and hugged you close, pressing his lips to yours.
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Vernon: It was a fall day, the leaves had started to fall from the trees, leaving the ground colored in red, orange and yellow. The two of you had gone out for a walk, bought some coffee and was now sitting in a park, just watching the people that was walking by. There wasn't a lot of people out, it was a work day and right after the lunch break, so most people had already gone back to work.
"I've been thinking much lately", Vernon suddenly said, out of nowhere. The phrasing of the words made you smile a bit, and you turned your gaze to him.
"Yeah, what have you been thinking about?", you said softly, hiding your nose in your scarf in a try to get it to warm up.
"I was talking to mom the other day", he looked at you and smiled. "And she said she wished she had a daughter like you", you blinked and tilted her head. "Of course she has Sofia, but she said that another one wouldn't hurt.", he reached out and took your free hand.
"I though about how much joy and love you've brought to my life, to my family's life. About how much you mean to me, and what I would do if you weren't in my life", you took a short breath, was he going to-. "And I realized that I don't want to live a life where you aren't in it.", he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a ring. A very obvious engagement ring. "So, will you be in my life forever?", you smiled at him and softly squeezed his hand.
"Are you sure? I'm quite a lot to handle", he laughed at you comment and nodded.
"Yeah. I'm very sure, please give me the honor to call you Mrs. Chwe", he smiled, teeth showing and love sparkling in his eyes.
"Then yes. I would love to be Mrs. Chwe.", you said and he took out the ring and slid it on your finger.
"That kind of came out of nowhere", you laughed and he intertwined his fingers with yours.
"Yeah, I've been carrying around that ring for a month waiting for the perfect moment and this just felt right", you leaned against him and let your head fall on his shoulder.
"It was right. It's perfect", you sighed and closed your eyes with the biggest smile on your face.
Taglist: @foxdaisy @pearlygraysky @cixrosie @thmrdrs
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