#I got so angry at the end I turned American woops
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Nooooooo explain yourself!!!!!! I want to hear the bad takes!!!!!
Or keep your secrets and stay mysterious :D
OK soooo this is gonna be a hot take but there's countless ships that I've seen and fanfics that I've read from both these fandoms where characters are just SO out of character
(putting a damn cutoff cause this is long)
alot of people will compliment saying that it's in character but genuinely nah
When it comes to the ships, I genuinely just hate any sorta enemies to lovers (only good when written realllly well imo) and honestly... fans will write the characters SO DAMN OUTTA CHARACTER just cuz they're horny or smt and just want to see the two fuck
ALSO they'll say two characters abt to stab each other is sexual tension which like- girl what-
I'm sorry but any character that has a standard for dating kind and genuine people being shipped with a guy who's betrayed them ain't my sorta thing (Look it reminds me of sm traumatic shit alr, ship it if ya want but I'ma look the other way)
I don't want to explain which characters or ships cause sm mutuals support these ships and I don't really wanna hurt them tbh
(It is prevalent in both fandoms, that's all you need to know)
they aren't illegal to ship. It just makes me uncomfortable or sometimes mad because ik people will see those relationships as healthy and set a highly unhealthy standard for themselves, and it crushes me that they think that
but I can't change how others think so..
Anyway, ship and write who you want and how you want if that's how you cope, but in some cases when you're in a healthy state, take a step back and wonder if it might be better to make an oc with this personality instead of forcing it on yer blorbo
(PS. I am literally Rohan Kishibe, and no one can write him better than me lmao)
(same goes for Takayuki Yagami)
actually, even extra note, I fucking hate how out of character ya'll make Soma. He doesn't wanna fuck Yagami. He just wants peace and quiet and to be away from his annoying ass second in command. OH and I fucking hate when ya'll write Daigo outta character too. My bro just wants his life to be fucking normal. He's tired, give him a coffee.
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valeriics · 5 years
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( pinterest ) / tw: ptsd, death mention 
hello ! my name is thalia and i bring to you all my second muse woop woop ! below the cut you will find some information on valeria ! if you’re interested in plotting with her please feel free to hit the like and i’ll come invade your messages or shoot me a message !
ADRIA ARJONA  ,   CIS FEMALE ,   SHE / HER          →         according   to   the   school   records   ,   VALERIA MORALES  NARVAEZ has   been   teaching   at   sacred   heart   for   the   past   4    months   .   i   last   saw   them   around   the courtyard   ;   i   think   they   were   preparing   lecture   notes   .   at   twenty-nine   years   old   ,   vale teaches  international human rights law   and   get   this   ,   i   heard   that   she witnessed her partner’s death —   figure   it’s   true   ?   everyone   around   here   always   associates   them   with   mud ridden boots traded for sleek shoes, a wedding ring gracing her finger even in mourning & a glare that would put medusa to shame.   in   this   time   of   strange   happenings   ,   they   have   no   affiliation   with   the   cult   in   the   woods   .         
name. valeria morales narvaez.
nicknames. vale.
age. 29.
d.o.b. 20th of january.
teaches. international human rights law.
ethnicity. guatemalan & puerto rican. 
nationality. american. 
languages spoken. english & spanish. 
gender. cis female.
orientation. bisexual & biromantic.
valeria grew up in a town called tombestone, in arizona. with a population of a mere 1,400 people it was small enough that everyone knew everyone else’s business. she never liked that. at a young age, she grew bored of her life, choosing to follow her brother, javier, and his friends about like a lost puppy against her mother’s wishes. she had her hands full with the little farm she owned, javier and ensuring that the family had food on the table. she didn’t want to be running after her daughter, ensuring that she wasn’t found shooting targets with the boys, jumping out of windows late at night, racing old cars on dirt ridden roads, or stealing the neighbor’s chicken again for the fun of it all. and so the woman came down harshly on valeria, harsher than on her brother.
the harsher her mother’s verdict was, the more she distanced herself from the woman. the more she urged herself to leave this town. she wanted nothing more than to go to university out of state, to turn her back and never return. so, when the marines came knocking she answered. name was signed on the dotted line, they would pay for her education as long as she enlisted. perfect, she thought. not thinking twice, she packed her things and left for the other side of the country, not once thinking to call her mother and seeing if she was alright. she attempted to outrun the expectations her mother held.
after university, military service loomed over her shoulders, she knew she would have to keep her end of the bargain or suffer the consequences. and so, she found her way to the marines: a family she never asked for, but loved regardless. training was rigorous, it was hard– even more so considering she was a woman. it felt as though she had to work twice as hard simply to keep up with the boy’s club. the young woman was sent to boot camps all across the country, from sweating their asses of in the desert, to navigating the forests in negative degrees, and taking a well deserved break with an unhealthy amount of smoke. it was all fun and games, until she had to grow up– and grow up fast.
valeria was deployed to a conflict zone, she didn’t think to question orders. she simply did them, following her platoon into danger. it was then that she met a man whom she would fall in love with: jason carter. he was a complete and utter fool, probably the dumbest among men as vale would have said with an eye roll. he got on her nerves for the longest time, though during their time in the conflict zone together she learnt more about him, a side he didn’t show as much, and fell hard and fast.
after a year and a half they married, promises were made of settling down in the countryside together. they became each other’s solace in the messy world that they lived in. someone that vale could turn to, when she had already turned her back on her family. then, they were deployed on yet another tour. jason was in the car before her, perhaps they didn’t see it– vale could not make sense of the events that came to happen. there was a blast, a road side bomb went off. the car toppled over, and no man left behind was quickly forgotten as complete chaos unleashed itself.
her husband was dead. and she would never be able to tell him that she loved him again. she would never be able to feel his gentle touch on her skin, see his gleaming smile at first light, or press a kiss to his lips. he was dead.
her life was never the same again. returning from that tour was harder than any other before. she couldn’t even bring herself to step foot into her own house, haunted by the ghosts that still lived there. instead, she moved into the first motel she could find. she was released from duty shortly after, diagnosed with ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) and told she would receive help for serving her country. but, the problem was there were too many soldiers, and too little help. she waited in line for an eternity, watching as her brothers and sisters fell to the bottle, drowning their traumas in booze. vowing, never to touch a bottle again.
she had her problems, and oh she had many, but she didn’t want to end up like them.
lifeless zombies. 
not quite alive, but not quite dead either.
after a while of medication and therapy she submitted her resume to the united nations peacekeeping mission, and with a stellar recommendation from her commanding officers she was accepted there. after working her way through the ranks, the woman was assigned to various conflict zones this time instilling peace rather than the organized chaos the military orchestrated. 
valeria worked for the UN peacekeeping mission for 2 years, her military background served her well as she was sent out into various conflict zones and made overall possible due to her degree in international law. 
she was offered a position at sacred heart and chose to accept it, she’s been working there as an international human rights law professor for the past 4 months. 
her husband has been dead for years and yet she still mourns his loss. 
she lives her life by routine: waking up, having the strongest coffee she can get her hands on, smoking a cigarette out of the window, boxing, preparing for lectures in the courtyard, holding her lectures, retreating to the comfort of her home with yet another cup of coffee before marking assignments and going to sleep. 
she doesn’t have much of a life, because she’s afraid of getting attached to people again and losing them all over again. 
sleep? who that? 
she’s still suffering profoundly from her ptsd but she’s got a handle on it, and goes to her weekly sessions with the therapist never once missing an appointment. 
she’s incredibly passionate when teaching, the type of lecturer that will waltz in first class of the semester and list a bunch of things wrong in the world then turn to the class being like “does this make you angry? if you’re not angry get the hell out, because you’re clearly not in the right class.” 
her husband left her a large quantity of money, but she refuses to touch it, so it’s just sitting in a bank whilst she continues to live like she’s strapped for money. 
( these are just some ideas but feel free to hit me up with any you’d be interested in )
i. someone that keeps trying to drag her out to have a good time but she keeps saying no, slowly running out of excuses ! 
ii. a student that wasn’t too fond of the class at first but actually loves it now that she’s the teacher. 
iii. a confidant. 
iv. they often run into each other in the courtyard, don’t really talk much but the other’s company is the norm when she’s working on lecture notes. (can be teacher or student, maybe they see each other so often there that it’s weird when the other isn’t there at the usual time?) 
v. someone she met when she first arrived that showed her around. 
vi. friends from uni (they would know a very different valeria than the woman she has become nowadays). 
vii. someone that reminds her of her brother? they’re like family but not really. 
viii. frenemies
ix. they just really don’t like each other. 
x. a student that had to take her class but slacks about and she’s having none of it. 
xi. one night stand (let me make her feel guilty as shit hehe) 
xii. flirtationship 
xiii. they just roast each other a lot? full on banter where neither has to hold back from stepping over a line. 
xiv. boxing sparring buddy. 
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Im new to Hamilton and have an idea on the plot but don't fully understand it. Could you help out?
*tries not to immediately start babbling about how much I adore and will defend this show omg* first, understand my sweet anon that I have absolutely zero chill about Hamilton. So you have come to the right place but also be ready for way more information than you probably cared to know. 
Hamilton is a rap/hip-hop opera written by Lin-Manuel Miranda based on the life and death of United States Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton. It features a predominantly minority cast (which is its greatest point of controversy). If you’ve listened to the soundtrack, you have heard all but one scene of the show. It is based on Ron Chernow’s biography, which Miranda read while on vacation. It is hard to briefly summarize the plot, but I’ll do my best. (I kept it as brief but thorough as i could and it was long as heck so I put it under a cut, friend)
The opening number gives us a crash course on Hamilton’s background as an immigrant from the Caribbean. In the beginning of the show, he meets Aaron Burr, Lafayette, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan. All of them end up joining the military shortly before the American Revolution breaks out. Once it does, Aaron Burr attempts to win the good graces of Washington only for Washington to request Hamilton to be his right hand man. Hamilton agrees. 
While fighting the war, he meets Angelica and her sister Eliza at a ball. Angelica has a crush on Hamilton but realizes that Eliza likes him too, and on top of that, Angelica is expected to “marry up” since she is the oldest sister. Hamilton is of poor means, so for all kinds of strategic and sad reasons, Angelica decides to take a backseat and lets Hamilton and Eliza meet and fall in love. Eliza and Hamilton get married.
Back at the war, things are falling apart but Hamilton is doing his best to help Washington pull through. But Hamilton is a hothead and impulsive and when a disgraced soldier starts ranting publicly about Washington and blaming him, Hamilton challenges him to a duel (or rather, has his friend Laurens challenge him to a duel). The solider gets shot in the duel and Washington finds out and sends Hamilton home as punishment. This is how Hamilton finds out that Eliza is pregnant. 
BACK AT THE WAR (there’s a lot of back and forth in the first act), Lafayette tells Washington that he has a plan but like, Washington really needs Hamilton yo. So Washington sends a letter and Hamilton goes back to the war-front but now is like “cant be so impulsive i gotta kid on the way”. ANYWAY he helps Lafayette and Washington win the battle of Yorktown which wins the war.
Now, as a side-note, Aaron Burr had fallen in love with the wife of a British soldier. She had his daughter, named Theodosia after her mother, but I think either died or stayed with the British dude so we never get to meet her but we do know Burr has a daughter now.
Also, Washington becomes president.
The show then speeds through a bunch of years following the war effort in one song (”Non-Stop”) in which we learn that Hamilton and Burr both worked as lawyers. During these years also was, of course, the formative years of our government in which the Constitution was getting drafted.  Hamilton works on the Federalist papers to help the Constitution get accepted. Burr refuses to help him with it, but it gets passed anyway and Hamilton is generally showing Burr up left and right. Thus ends Act 1. 
If act 1 is about the war, act 2 is about the politics. Thomas Jefferson shows up from when he’d been in France during the war and is asked to be Secretary of State while Hamilton is asked to be in charge of the Treasury. They show two political debates throughout act 2 that shows how they butt heads: the first being about whether the federal government should “assume states’ debts and establish a national bank” (Hamilton is in favor, Jefferson is against) and the second being about whether or not the US is obligated to assist France with their revolution (Jefferson says yes, Hamilton says no). Hamilton is trying to establish a banking system for the government and do his job but politics are politics and they’re complicated.
Meanwhile, Eliza wants Hamilton to take a break and spend some time with his family but Hamilton is all like “i got sh*t I gotta do” and refuses to take time off. This leads to Eliza going to visit her family for a few weeks upstate but Hamilton stays behind and ends up having an affair with Maria Reynolds. Maria’s husband finds out and basically blackmails Hamilton into giving him money to keep quiet about the ongoing affair. 
Also, Washington decides to not run for President anymore and John Adams takes over.
As political tensions run even more high, Burr, Jefferson, and Madison (who supports Jefferson) figures out that something fishy is going on with Hamilton regarding money. They assume he’s basically taking money from the government and pocketing it for his own benefit. When they confront him about it and accuse him of treason, Hamilton is like “AW NAW IM JUST HAVING AN AFFAIR HERE’S THE EVIDENCE” and they’re like “yikes but a’ight you’re not treasonous i guess and nah we wont tell anyone”. 
Hamilton is afraid they won’t be true to their word, though, and writes the Reynolds Pamphlet basically saying “hey world i had an affair which is bad but i promise i didn’t commit treason”. Eliza finds out and is devastated and angry. 
Now, remember how I mentioned that Hamilton had a baby? Yeah, turns out it was a son. And that son hears someone talking trash about his dad and is like “imma fight you” and challenges the guy to a duel. Hamilton doesn’t want his son to get hurt and tells him to shoot his gun in the air instead of at the other person, and how the other person should do the same if they’re “truly a man of honor”. Duels are mostly about having the guts to show up anyway. 
But WOOPS because the other guy doesn’t shoot in the air, he shoots Hamilton’s son, and the son dies. 
Devastated and grief-stricken, Hamilton and Eliza move upstate and Hamilton… well, just listen to “It’s Quiet Uptown”. I can’t do it justice here (not that I’m doing any of the rest of this show justice with this summary but yanno)
Now the next Presidential election is up and people are actually campaigning now because Burr is tired of not getting what he wants so he decides to go out and get it. So it’s Jefferson vs Burr and the public keeps harassing Hamilton for his opinion. Hamilton backs Jefferson because even though Hamilton has never agreed with him, he appreciates that he’s at least honest and forthright with his opinion whereas Burr never wants to commit to anything. 
Jefferson wins the election.
This pisses Burr off and he challenges Hamilton to a duel. Hamilton agrees. 
He aims his pistol at the sky, just like he told his son.
Burr shoots him, and he dies.
Eliza is the one left behind to tell his story and continue his legacy. 
This ends our show. If you ever want to know more about characters or the controversies of it (I do have strong opinions on those whoops) or just about anything else regarding the show? I am always completely down to talk about it. I’ve written papers on it for college, I got to see it in Chicago a few months ago, I’ve basically memorized the album… I’m a huge Hamilfan. So don’t be afraid to hmu.
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anewfieabroad-blog · 7 years
The Mekong Delta and the trip home
While our boat and bus rides went as well as could be hoped, that could not be said for finding a hotel. It was the 47th anniversary of the end of the fighting of the "American War". We were in the city of Can Tho and everyone had left the big city to go home to visit family. All of the affordable hotels in the downtown region were taken. There were rooms outside of town available but as we were only there to take a river tour it seemed counter productive to go away from the river. Then kathy found and booked a home stay that seemed to fix everyth. It was a short cad ride across the river and would allow us to do whatbwe came to do. Perfect yes? Well..... No. First, the cab ride cost us mor then we expected. Second, the cabbie stopped at the end of a trail and says get out here its a 2km walk down the trail. "WHAT, Im not walking 2km. That's why I got a cab." Said kathy. Repeatedly I showed the map to the cab driver where, to me it looked like there was another way in. He kept repeating the same thing over and over in Vietnamese, which helped us a lot as we only understand thankyou in Vietnamese. Eventually we left that ass behind and started to walk into the unknown carrying more weight then kathys bad ancle should be. We walked 1.5km in and started to as the locals if they knew of this home stay, but most didn't understand or just wouldn't talk to us. Eventually we found a man than gestured us to follow him. So we did. We crossed a small bridge weaved through a small village and at the end of the path came to our home stay. She didn't even know we were coming. He guy that helped us out hung around staring at us with his hand out. I offered him some money and he refused. So I tried to ask him and our host what he wanted but no one understood. I pointed at the pricelist painted on the wall and asked him which of the amounts he wanted. Nothing. Then he started to get angry at me for some unknown reason. Bad Fallon his part. Finally I spoke up loudly saying "I have no idea what you want and your not even trying to help so fuckoff". Funny how he understood that. Then he points at one of the prices on the wall. Dick. I gave him the money and he was off. The home stay was in a great little village secluded yet close to the city. We would have stayed longer but we really wanted to do a river tour and couldn't really converse with our host, at least until her 10yr old grandson showed up. Once again we were talking through a child translator. This worked out we quickly found out that his mother was at the market getting something for supper and breakfast. After eating a simple yet good meal kathy and went to bed. After breakfast they arranged two motorbikes to take us out to the road where a taxi would take us to our next hotel. As we had two bags each this had to be done in two trips. Kathy went first, Then they came back for me. Kathy was sitting on her backpack in the shade when I got there and within 10 min a taxi showed up. As we were loading the bags into the taxi I saw that there was a 3" dark brown spider on Kathy's bag and tried to get the point across to the driver. The three of looked all over the bags and the back of the taxi, but no spider could be found. The driver mocked me the whole way back to town. When we got to our destination I quickly threw our bags on the sidewalk so they could be inspected. I paid the driver and he left laughing at us. I wish I could have seen his face when he inevitable found the palm sized arachnid. We laughed at the thought of that. We found a hotel much easier his time around. We booked the river tour for the following mourning. The tour price included two meals, snacks and beverages. We were asked what we wanted to drink first thing in the morning. Kathy said coffee, and I jokingly said beer. I told her I only drink beer or water. No coffee please. When we went downstairs at 515am to meet our guide we were surprised to see her holding a freshly opened ice cold beer. Woops, I keep forgetting that they don't understand scarcasm. But I drank the without any issue. We walked to the end of the alley where a taxi was waiting. We drove about 2km walked through another smaller alley and we were at the river. Our boat pulled up and to our surprise it was a private boat. It was just the driver, our guide and us. Awesome. Our guide spoke great English and asked and answered many questions. We went to the biggest floating market in the region. First stopped coffee. We pulled up along side the coffee boat, where a lady had everything she needed layed out for a lengthy coffee service. Kathy got a coffee and I got orange pop, as she had neither water or beer. We then slowly made our way through the organized chaos of boats selling produce. We came to a crowd of boats surrounding and old lady in a tiny boat. She was the breakfast boat. That magician must have produced at least 40 bowls of delishious soup in 10 min. Once we received our bouls of soup we were off again. Surprised that we were leaving with the bowls and all. We passee boats selling pineapple, pumpkin, squash, watermelon and even boats converted into convience stores and gas stations. There must have been a thousand boats. We noticed that every boat that was selling something had a representation of whatever they were selling atop a long bamboo pole. After making our way around and through the market we continued along the river. 15-20 min later we came upon a much smaller marker where our driver bartered for pineapples and watermelon, then we continued down river again. Our guide carved a pineapple into a decrative spriaral of sweetness. A little while later we turned into a small canal. The canal was immediately another world. A lost world of traditional styled homes and lifestyles. We got out of the boat and walked through a village. Our guide pointed out all the different fruit and answered our many questions. On the other side of the village we got back in the boat for another hour of canals then the hour long cruise back up the river. We got out of the boat and followed our guide to a local restaurant for lunch. After lunch she brought us to a point close to the hotel and said goodbye. What an amazing experience. The next morning we we're on a bus headed for Ho Chi Minh. Our flight home was scheduled to leave at 2am and we thought it was a waste to pay for a hotel, so we went straight to grants hotel. Grants flight from Phu Quoc (pronounced fu wok) didn't land until 6pm but we arrived there at noon. Our plan was only to drop our backpacks there and wander around until he arrived. But somehow in talking to the receptionist ended up with keys to his room without I'd or anything. We took a nap, had lunch then after a couple beer he arrived. We had supper at a local strip mall american fast food place. Then back to the room for beer. At midnight Kathy and I walked up to the airport, as grants hotel was very close, and checked in only to find out that our flight was delayed an extra hour. Not to worry its only an hour. We had a six hour layover in Shanghai anyway. But we also had a one hour delay leaving Shanghai as well. That layover however became two then three before boarding. Then once boarded we had to wait for the luggage of another passenger, who wasn't coming anymore, to be found and removed. Then mercifully we took off. We landed in Vancouver 4 hrs late and were greater by Kathy's older sister. Finally back in Canada and to our wonderment the worst winter on record was over. The only snow to be found was atop the mountains far off in the distance, making for a dramatic and beautifully typical Canadian landscape.
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