#//wanted to do something smoll
viciousbite · 1 year
I C  S T A T S …
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BOLD ALL THAT APPLY. Italicize leaning or former.
[ W E A L T H ]
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged (???) / non applicable
✪ Class: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
[ F A M I L Y ]
◒ Children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) (Counting the clones as siblings) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
[ T R A I T S  +  T E N D E N C I E S ]
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / in between ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in between
[ B E L I E F S ]
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
[ S E X U A L I T Y  &  R O M A N T I C  I N C L I N A T I O N ]
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
[ A B I L I T I E S ]
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
[ H A B I T S ]
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
☁ Smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✿ Other Narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☻
Indulgent Food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
♣ Gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Tagged by: No one, stole from myself.
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it~
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10underoot2 · 5 months
Faithful Lovers
This scene has become one of my favourite things to exist.
I love this scene for the rawness and openess of conversation. It's both of them telling each other with so much conviction why they need the other to see their perspective. It's vulnerable, it's beautifully done, it's art.
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The pain in the hug is so palpable but so is the comfort. It's so hard to see her trying to add distance between them - before Hyunwoo pulls her into his embrace - cause she can.not.be.swayed.by.him. Does Hyunwoo apologise for putting her in a situation like this? For not realising just how much she has to lose? Or for being selfish begging her to say yes to this surgery?
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Don’t do this to me. Don’t make me want to live. I won't be able to recognize you. I'll become a stranger.
First things first, thank you Kim Jiwon for that delivery. It killed me emotionally, made me cry and want to hug you even more. Protect this beautiful smoll bean at all costs.
Notice how one of the major things that keeps breaking her resolve is him. His love. His understanding. His physical being. Yet the only thing stopping her from living is also him . His memories. His love. Him.
When he tries to convince her that she will fall in love with him again her little head shake says 'But it won't be the same.' I love how it isn't written off as Oh I know I'll be able to love you. She has doubts. So many of them. I think just the idea that she could wake up and lose her ability to love him is unbearable to her. What if she can't love with the same intensity? Not feel what she feels right this moment? What if she looks into his eyes after the surgery and feels like she would rather forget him than die? Haein knows how much Hyunwoo's put into ensuring she lives yet she rather experience that love than throw it all away on a chance.
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But Hyunwoo is defiant. He's not taking no for an answer. He can't anymore. He hates that she won't listen to him. That she's having doubts. Isn't it common sense? He'll be there. They'll figure it all out. She'll be alive. It's such an interesting and logical perspective to have 'as long as there is life anything can happen.' because once she's dead that's it.. it's the end. But if she's alive, the possibility and capacity of love still exists.
Even if you don't fall for me, ignore me or dislike me I'll still be there for you through it all. Why doesn't this kid understand that's exactly why she can't agree to it. She can't bear the possibility of that happening.
I think Hyunwoo shines when he says 'I made a promise. That I'd be by your side even if there's a debt or something more. So don't worry and just stay here please.'
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Notice how this is directly in contrast with what she says right at the beginning 'We make promises in good times thinking they'll never end.' But Hyunwoo remembers and he's willing to be there through it all.
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Don't pray about dying. I'm terrified it'll come true.
She's praying to die. Let that sink in. For a man who believes enough to pray for her to be saved, when her death is so imminent - almost a fact, this is indeed terrifying. I feel his fear and pain. Good grief, she's praying to die when there's such a big possibility of exactly that. She accepted her fate and he's willing to fight tooth and nail to change it. It's a tesimtiment to how many times he's spent thinking of a life without her. He's convincing her to rid of their memories. I know he's aware of exactly what it means. The chances they're taking but the idea of not seeing her again is so unbearable for him.
I love Haein's strong mindedness. She didn't budge. Her last look for me read 'I get it. I get it all but just no. I can't lose you. Please don't cry and make this harder. Don't make me want to live.' and with that she hardens her heart as she steps away and takes her hand from him.
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While this man, ouff this man. Can we take a moment to appreciate the sheer desperation on his face. After she signals no again he's so helpless. 'Please, please see me and live, if only for me. I cannot fathom this earth without you.' Seriously, we all need to take a minute to appreciate his desperation throughout this scene. The woman that he loves, his ideal women won't agree to stay alive because she loves him too deeply. Just writing this hurts me.
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It's interesting this scene works because by now we know where they both stand in this episode. For me, the reason this scene shines is the vulnerability - the two of them having this extremely open and confrontational confession. When scenes like this are executed and written well it creates everlasting frames like this.
Also they both suck at praying. If you're praying just pray to keep her alive and keep her memories intact. Why are they picking and choosing? It's not like God has a limit to what he can do. Truly nonsense prayers from both of them. 🙃
Gif credits: @jcpostsobsessions and @seawherethesunsets
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suzukiblu · 12 days
WIP excerpt for videogeek; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids.  (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Kin yoo tekk a luk att te genn-rayt, dee-eer?” Ma asks Pa, and he hums back in tuneless agreement and heads over to help her with the funny, rustic-looking little machine she’s fiddling with in the corner. At least, Kara thinks it’s a machine. The aliens’ technology is mystifyingly primitive and she still doesn’t understand how most of it works. She knows how to activate the lights and stove and locks, rarely as Ma and Pa bother with the locks, and a little of how the “trukk” and “trakker” both operate, but not why any of those things work or what Ma and Pa do to maintain them. She doesn’t even know if they built them themselves or if some Thinker in Smoll-Veel or somewhere else entirely did. They seem like simple enough devices and machines that even a Laborer could’ve built them and Kara’s seen Pa working on the “trukk” and “trakker” before and Ma cleaning the various kitchen devices and stove, but she’s never seen either of them build anything, so . . . 
Well, Pa’s working on a fence, and she’s even been helping him with it. But the only “device” on that so far has been a gate, which really isn’t the same thing. 
“Guh-ott te wrin-chuh, hunn-ee?” Pa asks, and Ma makes a noise back and hands him a small metal tool. He starts tapping the little machine with it as he looks it over. Kara wishes she could help with whatever they’re working on–wishes she could be useful to them–but she just doesn’t understand the aliens’ technology well enough to. 
She watches what Ma and Pa are doing out of the corner of her eye just in case she can learn a little more, and stacks up the cubes for Kal to knock over again as she does. He screeches happily and purrs in excitement, bouncing in place and waving his Krypto by the ear in one chubby little fist that’s already noticeably bigger than it was when they first crash-landed here. Ma and Pa keep fussing over their machine, Pa temporarily opening it up and adjusting a few little things inside it. They don’t seem either frustrated or concerned by the process, so she assumes they’re just doing normal maintenance and not actually having a problem with it. 
Though it’s hard for her to tell that kind of thing, admittedly. The aliens’ emotions are difficult to read, and so much of those emotions are relayed just in their bodies–their faces and gestures and even their postures, it seems like. Barely at all in their voices, even as expressive as they are. It’s . . . confusing, a bit. 
A lot. 
It’s disorienting, actually, but Kara tries not to worry about it as much as she wants to. She just–it’s just something she needs to learn. That’s all. 
Another something she needs to learn. 
There’s just so, so many things she needs to learn.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Okay smol little kings, after play time now it's bath time 👀 Wonder how MC and the nobles give their king a shower (is it the correct way to say, bad grammar sr 😭)
Smoll kings propaganda is strong in us 🙏 I bet Avisos' boys love it too, they'd die from happines having Beel in the palace for so long.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Satan doesn't actually need any bath because you cleverly sent him to play in the sprinklers with Paimon and Leraye in the evening. You expected that when you returned, everything would be ready, but all you found were laughing nobles and a little mud monster. It would take a month to comb the dirt out of his long hair... luckily Sitri had anticipated this and prepared a bath before you even asked him. It took you both a good half an hour to get Satan clean in the shower. Only then did bathing make sense. The kid was so tired that after all he fell asleep in your arms while Sitri was blow-drying his hair.
Mammon is very calm, but the whole bath will turn into a pool party anyway. Have you seen how big the bathtubs there are? It would be a waste to go alone. Besides, the rest of the nobles have no intention of leaving you. Bimet will complain about customers (and gossip with you) over drinks while Valefor and Eligos teach their little king how to swim. Mammon will let them do whatever they want, but he will still glance your way and try to come back sit next to you. As long as you are there, he is happy.
Beelzebub is forbidden from bathing with anyone other than you. He twists nobles around his finger and Bael said he would drown him (we all know he only threatens to do so, but inside he is soft). The shower will be quick and thorough, and you won't even look towards the bathtub, because Beel, even when he's tired, can’t stand still. Why should he take a bath? Dogs bathe with their tongue, maybe Nabe can lick him? You patiently reflect all his childish ideas. He squirms around like a flounder until you wrap him in a towel burrito and go put him to sleep.
Leviathan bathes himself. You can be with him, only you can, but don't get too close. You have a chair by his bathtub, and you make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He washes himself, although the soap regularly slips out. The problem is rinsing the shampoo out of his hair because he doesn't want to let you out of his sight for even a second, lest you accidentally do something suspicious. He was so worried that when you finally rinsed the foam from his hair, he choked on the water. Although quite confused, he didn't cry. Only touched his throat. He holds out his hands for you to help him out and cuddle him as soon as he's dressed in his pajamas.
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thebarontheabyss · 3 months
Big spoon or little spoon ask for the ROs… or fork and knife
Lol, do fork and knife mean the same position, or is it something else? 👀
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You know, as much as it's obvious that Death is the smollest spoon that ever smolled, I think they would also be okay with being the big spoon occasionally.
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Lilith/Damian will 100% always be the big spoon, BUT secretly wants to be the little spoon and feel vulnerable. They’d never admit it, but the idea of being held makes them melt inside.
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Morgan/a is exactly 50/50, and it depends on how they feel at the moment! One night, they might be cuddling you tightly; the next, they’ll snuggle up in your arms.
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Hastur is the king of big spoons, is there even a question?
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There will be no spooning shenanigans with Peisinoe. You try spooning them for 2 minutes, and then they will say you're too warm and shove you away. But they will hold your hand while you sleep.
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Maybe He Without Name is the fork in the situation! He doesn't sleep, just standing there watching you. So, no spooning, just the comforting (or creepy) presence of being watched over all night.
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We have a full hcs about a smoll MC, now how about a full hcs about a toll MC who's even more toller than Muriel? :0
The Arcana HCs: When MC is taller than Muriel
~ @zedibleandedible how do you always come up with the cutest ideas??? thank you for sending this in, friend! - brainrot ~
Very, very attracted to this and doing his best to hide it (he's failing)
So used to being one of the tallest people around that most of his flirtatious moves depend on the focus of his attraction being shorter than he is
Which means he's completely lost on how to approach you
He can't make a path for you through the crowd, he can't hide you behind him, he can't catch you against his chest - hang on a sec
This can go both ways
Now he's employing the reverse of all his tactics
Holding onto your elbow while you make your way through the crowd, tripping and falling constantly so you can catch him against your chest, asking you to grab something or spot someone for him
He could get used to this
He has a whole new perspective shift when your relationship progresses to things like cuddling and kissing, because he has to rethink all the mechanics of it (he's used to bending down for a kiss, not standing on his tiptoes) but he finds he quite likes it
Has loved you for years and is well-versed in interacting with someone your height (they knew Muriel long before they knew you, and they've known you for nine years now)
Though your height proved to be a challenge when he needed to teach you how to be human again
You had to lean on their shoulders, instead of their elbow, and they accidentally led you into so many door frames, signposts, and shop front awnings
There were also issues inside the shop. As it had been yours for quite some time, you had stored quite a few things on some very tall shelves that Asra couldn't reach without magic. (Or a ladder)
And magic lessons could quickly get out of hand when whatever you were doing ended up out of his reach
"Master, I can't control the fire spell!"
"Bring it down towards me! - wait, not near that shelf! Faust is sleeping in those papers!"
Faust doesn't mind your height at all. She loves hitching joyrides on your shoulders and looking down at all the teeny tiny humans below her
When she first visited your shop, and mentioned that you were not the same as you were in her dream, this is what she meant
The truth is that you did appear at your regular height in her dream, but at that point everything seemed so out of wack for her that she assumed you just appeared larger than life
But here you are in real life, and you are in fact very large
Finds your frame impressive and, depending on your preferred aesthetic, is determined to find all the best ways to dress it (you have great potential in capes)
Secretly not that fond of having to look up to talk to you. She's used to being the tall one, or at least the same height
Starts wearing heels
Knows the whole time that it won't make a huge difference, but loves the shift in perspective
Never accepts your offers to grab something she can't reach, but she will ask you to spot someone in a crowd for her. Sometimes. Maybe
You are Chandra's new favorite perch
A little surprised when he first met you
Hates to admit it, but he's rarely had to look up to talk to someone and he generally keeps his head down anyways. His neck was so sore the first few weeks he spent interacting with you
Genuinely delighted that he doesn't have to be the tallest person in the room anymore
Somebody needs something they can't reach? They go to you instead. Need to spot someone in a crowd? They ask you instead. People want to stare at somebody tall? They look at you instead
You love being in Muriel's hut as well, because it's one of the few buildings in Vesuvia besides the Palace and your shop that have door frames and ceilings that you don't have to stoop under
Once, Muriel had to ask you to put a baby bird back in its nest (the branch was just out of reach for him) and he nearly died on the spot from how surreal and attractive the whole thing was
Learns to like leaning his head on your shoulder when you sit side by side
Inanna has few thoughts about it. Unless you can teach Muriel to stop slouching
She has so many uses for you, you are now required to follow her everywhere she goes (she's only half-joking)
Loves to rub it in her brother's face that she's with someone taller than he is. Not because Julian is insecure about his height, just because it's funny to watch him have to look up for once
Regularly requests to sit on your shoulders while you walk around. If you indulge her, she will only ask more often
Had to make a lot of adjustments to her cottage. Everything from the pots and pans hanging precariously close to your shoulders, to the mirrors hung at your chest height - the whole thing was a maze
She does have a personal goal to pick you up as effortlessly as possible. And, if you allow it, to demonstrate that skill at every party she attends with you
Regularly has you pay "tall tax" by grabbing things she can't reach, but really it's an excuse to grab your arm when you hand it to her and haul you down for a kiss
Pepi tries every day to climb your clothing like it's a cat tree
He became so generally disoriented while he was a ghost and then while you were in the realms that he didn't realize how tall you truly were until he got his body back
There was a flash of insecurity there, he's not going to lie
However, he quickly realizes that having you as his lover and best friend means that he gets to brag about you instead of comparing himself to you
And brag he does. Constantly
(If he upped the height of his own heeled boots, no he didn't)
Secretly loves to watch people go slack-jawed when they meet you and they have to get used to looking up that much to make eye contact with you. Yeah, that's his beloved they're looking at
Shamelessly asks you to do height-related favors for him, even when it actually is in his reach or he can see perfectly fine himself
Regularly gets you involved in teasing playing with Mercedes and Melchior
Because you can hold the treats up so high! And they look so funny when they have to jump!
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buterccup · 2 years
141 with male reader
Jumpy boii
Likes to jump on, over and through things
Smoll but very high jump
A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long anon, I somehow managed to burn myself out on the first few days of writing. I should probably take it easier. Anyways enjoy! I hope you don't mind I made this into a headcanon- just had way too many ideas.
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141 with a Male! Reader that can jump very high HCS
Warnings: Usual CoD violence, light swearing, can be taken as platonic or romantic (Not a lot of romance in this but still.)
Character(s): Soap, Gaz, John, Ghost, Price x Male! reader
It was during one of your 'normal' mission with your boys and it was going quite well.
You all were on your way to getting the target in different pairs.
you unfortunately being by yourself.
And unluckily for you the way that you chose to go had more guard than expected.
It was annoying since it was the quickest way too. (rip)
You were talking through the coms with the rest of the task force, trying to find out how far they were from your area.
"We aren't far from where you are [c/n], keep staying your ground until we get there."
And if you were going to be completely honest, you were doing just fine.
A few grazes here and there but you were holding up well in your opinion although you were running low on ammo so it was hard to tell how you were going to hold up after a while.
It soon got to the point where you had to use broken pieces of glass and metal that were on the floor to defend yourself.
Keeping your secret weapon for last.
What was your secret weapon? It was jumping incredibly high, which you kept secret from the boys since you didn't feel like they should know.
It was just jumping after all.
Only a few guards remained and you hoped that the target hasn't left the building yet.
Only around 1-3 were left so you felt calmer than before.
"[c/n] we are right by the corner- Hang on- Behind you!"
And let me tell you, the boys thought you were something completely different.
From what they have seen, no human could jump that high or far without multiple years of practice and hard training. And well they never heard you talk about years of leg days you spent to be able to do this before.
Meanwhile you thought nothing of it as Ghost and Soap shot at the other remaining guards as you jumped the guy that was behind you and strangled him with your thighs.
I mean...wow.
It looked like something you'd see in a video game or movie.
And once the guy was fully dead you quickly jumped up and hopped over obstacles in your way to getting to the guys.
"What was that."
"What was what Gaz."
"YOU- You never told us about how you could jump that high."
"The more you know<3"
Let's just say they never stopped talking about it after.
And they all had their different ways of talking about it too.
Soap would always ask about how and if you trained to jump so high and if you did always ask about your routines.
I mean come on, who wouldn't want to learn how to do that.
Either way, Soap always comments about your legs and how strong they are.
Sometimes squeezing them as a joke. Well, you think.
While Ghost and Price, on the other hand, just praise you quietly and how you should use your skill more often.
Both of them sometimes go to you if they are tired from work or just couldn't get a night of sleep last night (ahem Ghost) and sleep on your lap mumbling things to you before sleeping on them.
Finally Gaz but not least, he always tries and gets you to teach him how to jump so high too but always ends up tiring himself after an hour or two.
He even joins you and Soap when you guys are working out too.
Overall they love your amazing skill and wished you used it more often.
Requests: Open
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Listing a few funny things that happened when Angel had to deal with the media, post rescuing everyone from Playtime Co:
Angel, still shaking from spending one week inside the factory and with dried blood still glued to their hair, smelling like hell, politely answering some questions while in the hospital while waiting for Dogday's emergency surgery to finish.
The media being obsessed with calling Angel, whose actual name is Raphael Taylor de Oliveira, "Angel" the moment they hear one of the toys referring to them as that.
Combine the religious imagery with Angel's poor little meow meow wet kitten born in a cardboard box with every disease face and we have a very, very easy way for making the narrative out to be "a kind ex-worker at Playtime Co. discovers that children were used as experiments inside the factory and risks their own life in order to save them".
Angel is instant-loved by Brazil the moment the first news start to arrive, which is something they're very proud of.
Angel having to hold Catnap and Mommy Long Legs by their hands while giving out an interview in their home, so neither one of them would be too mean to the poor reporters. Angel still has to tell them to be nicer though.
The cops and investigators having to explain why they didn't figure out there was something wrong with the factory when all Angel had to do was walk inside and say hello to the Huggy Wuggy statue.
A reporter explaining the horrific events while in the background Huggy stares at her like "smoll person :0}" and boops her. Cue to Angel saying sorry and anxiously guiding him away.
"What did you have to eat while trapped down there?", someone asks, and the toys all go "oh hahahaha. uhm. rats. and the bodies of our friends WHEN THEY INEVITABLY DIED FROM A DISEASE. we didnt hunt each other dw dw hahahahahaha".
Angel a few months later, after buying the farm, giving a "house tour" so people will know the kids are doing okay and stop pestering them about house-related questions. Angel is very excitedly telling the reporter about how much more space they have now while Catnap is eyeing a bird in the background. "Theo don't you think about that, you have food right there".
One of the mini critters listing all the toys that were gifted for them and saying "it's very nice, very chewable", I like how it tastes" and Angel looks at them like "so it's YOU who has been chewing the toys??????", with the reply being "and the doors as well!"
Catnap going from referring to Angel as "our savior" to simply "our mother" during any interviews or news reports where he somehow talks.
Everyone wanting to interview Dogday because he does, indeed, have a radiant and happy energy and audiences love him.
Angel saying "and the hut is the house of 1006, the first one to ever happen, but he would prefer if we just left him alone".
Poppy being someone who's always SUPER pleasant to work with, and excitedly telling the reporters everything they have been doing around the farm.
Angel sighing after finding out Prototype is Elliot Ludwig, KNOWING they'll have to tell the authorities so they can have license money and control over the Playtime Co. brand.
Angel turning to the family's lawyer like "you won't believe what I just found out", the lawyer saying "oh, this won't be the most absurd thing you told me yet", then after hearing Angel tell her about it going "oh, you are always full of surprises, uh. Uhm. Now that makes things complicated", and Angel laughing to the point of tears after that.
ALL the news reports during the trial against Playtime Co.'s higher ups and the negligent authorities. Kickin keeps a collection of the "best moments", which include Angel beating the ever living shit out of a higher up after he refers to the toys as "things" and "collateral damage" instead of "victims of human experimentation".
The news about the fact that apparently Elliot Ludwig became the first PlayCo. experiment ever, and Angel + Poppy having to deal with THAT.
Prototype's single public apparition, around 4/5 years post-rescue, because he had to go to court as well so Angel would have a chance of getting the rights to PlayCo. and all of its properties back to them.
The news when Dogday and Catnap get married, a whole decade post-rescue.
Angel just dropping the most cryptid information ever in social media or during one of the rare interviews they're willing to give after the initial years post-rescue. They tweet things like "I saw some people asking if any of the toys ever attacked me during the week I stayed at PlayCo, and I want everyone to know that all of them at some point did. But don't worry, I bit them back, we're all good now" and one time say "my husband and I like to grow tomatoes like this, but one of our daughters has been trying another way" and that's how everyone finds out Angel and Prototype are a Thing.
Craftycorn happily blogging her life as an artist and featuring all of the other toys during her videos, while Poppy does makeup and sewing tutorials, and the two of them doing collabs and livestreams often. During one of the streams Angel screams "THEODORE GRAMBELL LUDWIG OLIVEIRA DID YOU JUST HUNT A COYOTE AGAIN", and that's how Crafty and Poppy's fans discover everyone decided to add Ludwig Oliveira to their names.
I would say more but honestly this post has been getting pretty long so rip
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I need something like a part two of Jake x smoll reader🥺 that was so good😭 What about reader wearing Jake‘s clothes
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@11hinxd and anon, I might have been lazy and just gone for a 2 in 1...
Jake Kim x Reader: Clothes thief
G/N. Soft
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Jake's threadbare wardrobe is not helped by the fact that there is a thief.
HIs favourite hoodie, gone. His most comfortable black t-shirt, gone. Even his grey sweatpants, gone.
The first time it happened, he had assumed that the washing machine had graduated from eating the odd sock to full blown items of clothing.
However, after working one too many late nights on the trot and returning home in the early morning, Jake realised that the appliance wasn't as ravenous as he initially thought.
The clothes thief, dressed in all his most beloved items of clothing, is sleeping soundly on the bed.
You were barely recognisable under the swarms of fabric. A shapeless, peaceful lump. Body slowly rising and falling with your breath, and phone gripped in your hand.
Jake's last message to you is still open, along with a half typed response before you must have fallen asleep.
He stifles a chuckle, tiptoeing over, taking the phone from your grasp and placing it on the bedside table. At the movement, you stir and Jake brushes your hair back as you blink blearily at him.
"What happened to waiting up for me?" He smiles down at your form, sleeve falling over your fists when you rub at your eyes.
"You took too long," Your voice is thick with sleep and displeasure.
"I know. I'm sorry." Jake leans down to press a kiss on your forehead. Just when he pulls away, you peer at him, frowning, and he grins and places one more on your lips and the pout vanishes.
"I can't believe you've been stealing my clothes." He says, fingering the collar of his hoodie and you tuck your face into it, hiding a mischievous grin.
"It reminds me of you."
Oh, well isn't that goddamn adorable. Not that he ever was, but how can he be mad when you're so cute.
"I suppose you can keep it," Jake has given you every part of himself. What's a few items of clothing? "Just let me borrow it now and then,"
You purse your lips, pretending to weigh up the pros and cons. "What do I get for it?"
Jake climbs properly into bed, despite being dressed in his Big Deal uniform. He wraps his arms around you and pepper kisses all over your face until you're half breathless, half giggling and fully wide awake.
"Good enough?"
You sort of want to say no, because getting a kiss from Jake is easy. He kisses you whenever you want and then some. If Jake's kisses were currency, then you would be the richest person on earth.
But just because it's easy and abundant, doesn't mean it's not good. In fact, you're pretty sure they're the best damn kisses in the world.
You give him Jake a nod. Although, 'good enough' may be the greatest injustice in the world.
He laughs and gives you a gentle squeeze. "Good."
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cider-est · 7 months
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
hrusbddbdjd (angry noises)
fine >:{ i will help my Dad speak to Grandma, even if Grandma is making some mean choices right now
I’m getting the FaceTime ready, for Dad
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I’m on grandma Diana’s end BC she probably doesn’t know how to use FaceTime, and she also might try to avoid Dad.
I am here, I am smoll, and I have NO fear of Grandma Diana!!!!
that is MY Dad she is being a meanie to, and I REFUSE to let her do anything to him!
he is his own person now! He is NOT Nightmare!
He is Chaos; my dad, a great cook, a weightlifting enthusiast, a caring person, and he is Amazing!!!!!!
Grandma Diana needs to CHILL OUT! And put on her glasses or something because obviously her vision is too blurry for her to see how awesome her son is!
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Dang, y'all REALLY hate Diana, huh? Ya know what's crazy though?
Diana can be seen actually helping out, Chaos when he was created. Helping him through his little panic attack, and even looking genuine while doing so. (The comic right here)
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So you might be wondering...Anomaly, Why does she want to get rid of him, if she cared? The answer is simple. She was only pretending in this comic.
She didn't mean a single word, and only acted nice, because she was afraid he'd do something drastic, knowing she copied Nightmares code, made her a little afraid of what he'd do. Luckily for her, Chaos is the opposite of Nightmare.
She 'helped' Chaos with basic knowledge, and that made Chaos attached. He was freshly created, and this person that created him acted so nice, and helped him through everything! Of course he'd see her as a mother. Chaos is a momma's boy at heart. He's too attached to his mom, that he would NEVER suspect her of doing something wrong. Like treating him wrong.
But he doesn't understand why Diana never came back for him.....
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for quietellen; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids.  (( chrono || non-chrono ))
In Smoll-Veel, the aliens mostly talk to Ma and Pa and call them “Mar-Tha” and “Jona-Than”, and call Kara “Ka-Lair” and Kal “Ka-Lum”. So–the aliens do have private names, Kara is almost sure. Or at least, different names to use at home, even if maybe not necessarily private ones. She’s careful not to use “Ma” or “Pa” in town anyway, until she knows either way. Or until she can just ask, if nothing else. 
She knows a few more words, now, but she can’t string together a sentence in the aliens’ language for the life of her. The best she can do is gesture at things and say their names, and even that’s only so effective to get a more complicated point across. 
By which she means, not remotely effective. Not even slightly. 
But she needs to learn, so she’s . . . trying, still. Kal needs her to learn. Kal needs . . . 
She can’t let him down. Can’t fail him. Can’t– 
“Ka-Lair Kent!” a dull alien voice calls, and Kara–reorients. Ma and Pa are still inside the shop talking to the man(?) who’s doing something with their vehicle–their “see-dann”, they call it–and she’s standing on the walkway outside the glass front door with Kal in her arms. She’s gotten used to carrying him; he doesn’t feel like he weighs a thing at all, these days. She can hold him with just one arm, even. 
She doesn’t, because it’s less secure than two. But she can, if she needs to. 
She looks towards the voice, though it makes her restless to take her eyes off the door. Off–Ma and Pa. The door is glass, so she can see Ma and Pa and the counter they’re at through the door. That’s–better, that she can see them. She doesn’t want to look away properly, or go somewhere where she can’t. 
They might not be here when she comes back, if she does. 
The voice came from a stranger. Everyone in Smoll-Veel is a stranger to Kara, obviously, but–one she hasn’t seen before. A boy, maybe? He looks around her age, and there’s a few other aliens who look around her age too standing behind him. He grins at her and lifts a hand to wag it at her. She’s . . . not sure why. His eyes are an exotic brown, just like Ma’s, but his hair is much darker. Nowhere near as black as Kal’s, though, and stick-straight instead of curly. He smells like sawdust and metal and alien sweat. 
Does he want something from her? 
“Kent,” she agrees warily, not sure what he’s . . . asking? Is he asking her something? 
He says something that sounds a little bit like a question in response, though it’s hard to tell from the flatness of his voice. He comes up to her and Kal and grins wider at her; doesn’t even glance at Kal at all. 
She didn’t recognize any of the words he said. 
“No speaks,” she says in her best attempt at the alien’s language, and hopes that’s actually close enough to what she means to get the point across. The boy grins wider; plants a hand against the building beside her and leans in closer than she’d like. She stares blankly at him. If a Kryptonian boy did that to her, his family would be too embarrassed to show their faces in polite society for a generation. 
She doesn’t know how that works here, though, and she can’t make trouble for Ma and Pa in Smoll-Veel, so she just steps back from him. The other aliens laugh, and the boy turns red in embarrassment, then scowls and reaches after her and grabs her arm. 
She’s holding Kal. And he just touched her without her permission. And she’s holding Kal, and what if he made her drop him?! 
She has those thoughts all in one simultaneous jumble, and then her arm is out and the boy is hitting his ass on the walkway with a yelp of pain. Kara doesn’t scowl down at him, because she has manners, but how ridiculous is he being right now? She didn’t even push him that hard. She barely even pushed him at all! 
“No,” she says in the aliens’ language, emphatic and short, and the boy yells something up at her. She doesn’t recognize any of the words, but she doesn’t care what he has to say anyway. 
Maybe it’s not disgraceful to step into someone’s space like that on this planet, but to grab her arm when she’s holding Kal? 
She doesn’t care if that’s disgraceful or not. It’s not something she’s going to allow. 
A couple of the other aliens say things–Kara can’t tell if they’re jeering her or the boy–and the door opens between them, and Ma and Pa come out. The boy yells again, and points at Kara. She turns enough to shield Kal from him, and doesn’t–doesn’t know what to expect. Doesn’t know what he’s saying. He could say anything, and she can’t explain. She doesn’t have the words. What are–what are Ma and Pa going to think? 
If they’re . . . upset, or angry, or . . . 
What if they just stop being so kind? So patient? What if Ma never makes the “chokk-litt” drink again and Pa never wants to do “ketch” together again and–and they stop reading Kal stories? 
What if they just take back everything they’ve given them and throw them out?
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flynncorvus · 7 months
Hazbin & Gravity Falls - Sketch
(CW: Badly drawn Valentino, but Big floof. Angry and yet sassy Vox. And a drawing of 291212! A lot of notes, I like to annotate my drawings because thoughts. Avid fan of both these shows! Posting this while listening to Eyes on Me lol- We love ParanoidDJ)
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The first image is all of them, then close ups of my favorite drawings here on this page.
Yes, I drew this in Math Class again. Idk man, something about being in math makes my fingers drawing happy.
See what I mean by lots of notes? Don’t worry, Imma do a transcript for yall <3
Anyway, I love these characters. Yes. I have realized I have a thing for villains. I realized it when I wanted the villains to win when watching Disney movies. They’re all just so amazing I love villains so much-
VOX -Grumpy Voxxy -Why is he angy? -Have urge to draw shark tail -Ignore the shoes -Samsung TV -#AngryVoxTechBoss
VALENTINO -Very sleepy boi -Why so smoll face -No thoughts rn -Bigggg floof
291212 -He’s going to join the top hat gang -BILL CIPHER -291212
MISC -All these top hats -Practicing cross hatching WHOO -(100% that humanoid) -<3 ya broshimiskies -“Great Wind God Aeoulous(spelling oof), I don’t know if you know this, But our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm~” -“Stooormm~ STOOOORRRMM~” -It’s raining. Fuck the rain. (Not sexually)
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writersmilex · 1 year
Hangover Nurse
Pickles The Drummer X Fem Reader
Summary : (Y/n) finds a drunk Pickles on the street and takes him home to take care of him.
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(Y/n) lets out a deep sigh as she leaves the establishment where she works, her long shift is finally over. It seemed like it was dragging on forever, that always happens on slow days like this. Now (Y/n) can finally go home and get the rest they deserve, maybe down a glass of wine or two to ease her nerves a bit. She is blessed with the fact that she lives only 3 blocks away from her job, she can walk that easily. Even if it’s late and getting quite dark, she shouldn’t have to worry about walking home in what is practically her neighbourhood.
(Y/n) goes through the familiar street, passing a wide alley next to a restaurant. The alley is meant for the rubbish containers of that restaurant and for their supply chain to reach the back easily. (Y/n) has remembered that the resupply of the restaurant is on Wednesday and Friday, It’s Tuesday today…
(Y/n) shrieks as she misses a step and nearly trips as something grabs hold of her ankle suddenly. She glances down and sees a hand around her ankle, clutching the fabric of her jeans tightly, around the hand’s wrist is a very distinctive blue sweatband.
"Eeeyyy... (Y/N)!" Pickles the drummer drags himself out of the alley with his other arm. And once he reached her he clings to her leg with both hands, squeezing her calf.
"Pickles? How the fuck did you get all the way here!" (Y/n) yells out in surprise, grabbing Pickles by his arms to hoist him up on his feet. Pickles groans in discomfort with the sudden movement, stumbling to keep his balance and slightly failing to do so.
"ahyyy... Got Whiskeeeyy an-aaand followww tha' ra-rabbit! ..." Pickles slurs loudly, leaning his full weight on (Y/n) completely, causing her to also struggle to hold her balance with a grown man leaning on her. “Oh, for fucks sake… Pickles. Where have you been now?” (Y/n) complains, besides asking she doesn’t really want an answer to her question in all honesty. Besides, it’s not really her business. “I dunno…” Pickles shrugs, hanging over her shoulders. “I dunno where I aaaaam now… But somebody threw trash everywheeeere!” He gapes at the grossness of the alleyway where he was just found. Trash and a singular rat scattered across the concrete ground. It appears that (Y/n) doesn’t have much of a choice. Then again, she’ll probably get scolded by Charles if she doesn’t do the right thing, right now. "ugh, I'll get you out of here, and over to my place." (Y/n) sighs heavily in annoyance and starts walking towards the direction of her apartment, dragging a drunk man along with them, one of his arms draped over her shoulders and one of her arms holding him up by his waist.
Pickles giggles in a rather high tone, "Your place or mineeee~." He slurs slowly while trying to sound seductive. But the look on his drooping and drunk face only makes it sound gross.
(Y/n) scoffs, she knows that he is completely hammered right now. And it seems that he doesn’t remember all the other times (Y/n) had turned him down over the years they have known each other, he was too drunk for her those times, and he always is. "We’re going to mine… Don't think too much of it!" (Y/n) huffs, this is going to be a long night. Hopefully, it’ll be shorter if she walks slightly faster.
"Maaaannn! theees place eesss so fuckin' smo-smoll!" Pickles comments and burps right after as (Y/n) finally manages to open the door of her apartment with her foot. The small enough-to-be-called-a-studio apartment is just like (Y/n) had left it this morning. It’s too messy to accept quests, but she is sure that Pickles doesn’t care about that. He had seen her apartment when she just moved in 4 years ago.
"yeah well, having a huge multi-mansion like Mordhaus isn't very fucking practical either." (Y/n) argues back and kicks the front door closed with her foot once the two are both inside, the door is now closed and it’s dark in the apartment, the only light source is the city lights from the outside of her window, still light enough to see where you’re going.
(Y/n) manoeuvres over to the second-hand sofa and carelessly drops Pickles on it.
"eagerrrr ar-are ya huh?" He slurs, then he fumbles to try and fails to take off his pants. (Y/n) is quick to snatch his arm and pull it away, Pickles nearly loses balance by the movement. He decided to take that as a ‘no’.
"stop that!" She demands, growing more and more frustrated with the man and his behaviour. She swiftly moves to the other side of the sofa. She grabs both of his legs roughly to take off his sneakers, placing his legs back on the sofa to make sure he is lying down on it now. "You're gonna stay here and sleep until the morning!" (Y/n) orders sternly, pointing to the furniture Pickles is half-lying on.
"Youuuuu... go-got it!!" He hiccups, putting his thumbs up with a stupid drooling smile. And then right after that, Pickles blacks out on the sofa.
"Holy shit..." (Y/n) huffs in exhaustion, stretching her back after standing up. Maybe she popped something while dragging him to her place, he is heavier than he looks. Not to mention how sour he smells. (Y/n) figures that Pickles should be fine where he is. One last look at him and they take off to go to her own bedroom.
~~the next morning~~
Another day. Another hangover follows. It is something that he’ll never get used to, even after most of his teenage years and adult life until now, one single hangover still manages to knock him down a tad.
His vision is blurry and his head is pounding, it feels like there is a construction going on right outside the window. He doesn't recognize the blurry colours of the small room. Where the hell did he end up now? Despite that he is not sure where he is, it feels safe. Hopefully, he’ll figure it out later…
Moving his head in the slightest causes the construction outside to get louder, causing the drummer to groan in discomfort. Sliding his legs off the couch he was lying to stand up. His legs feel like jelly and instantly give away once he puts pressure on them, causing him to tumble and fall over.
"oof," he complains, using his hands to break his fall on time. Luckily there is a rug on the floor. His head is spinning, along with the blurry colours of the room. A brilliant mix of orange, grey and blue.
"Be careful now. You're not new to this, right." (Y/n) walks into the living room. A cup of some warm steaming beverage in one of her hands. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" Pickles squints to sharpen his blurry vision.
(Y/n) sighs and puts the cup of a warm beverage on the stylish coffee table. "yeah, c'mon let's go to the bathroom." (Y/n) says and grabs Pickles' arms to pick him up and help him to the bathroom.
"why-" the drummer cuts himself off as he feels the contents of his stomach rise.
"yep, bathroom it is." he groans, clutching his stomach with one hand. (Y/n) makes sure to get to her bathroom as quickly as possible. She doesn’t have any sawdust left to clean up bile effectively.
And now they’re in the bathroom. Pickles is hunched over the toilet and (Y/n) is sitting on the side of the bathtub, holding his dreadlocks back in one hand as he empties his stomach in the toilet of her bathroom. (Y/n) has no idea how Pickles got into her neighbourhood. And frankly, she doesn’t even want to know. It probably involved alcohol, drugs or both. And that explains enough for her.
Surely, she would have to call Charles and maybe Nathan later to let the band know where their drummer is. He is with the band-friend this time. "argh!" Pickles spits his despair into the toilet, making the noise echo a little bit in the small two-bedroom apartment that (Y/n) owns.
"you put this upon yourself, you know? Why even?" (Y/n) says matter-of-factly. Despite complaining about the situation, she remains by his side, holding back his dreads.
"yeeh, Fuck!" Pickles snaps back in frustration. (Y/n) only growls in response, returning the equal frustration. Then takes her phone to call Charles. Pickles continues to hug the toilet and (Y/n) is making calls while remaining seated on the side of the bathtub.
"This sight of you is really sad y'know. I don’t want to keep worrying about where you’ll end up next." (Y/n) says while scrolling through her contacts to search for the number of the band manager and lawyer. And maybe there is some tea left for Pickles as well. That should do him good.
Pickles stays silent, still hanging over the toilet. He thinks it’s funny that the toilet itself smells rather clean, (Y/n) keeps track of her cleaning. He can hear (Y/n)’s footsteps leaving the bathroom.
He sighs and slowly gets on back on his feet, flushes the toilet then goes to the sink to drink water and wash the taste of vomit away. Then Pickles washes his face with the fresh cool water, then looks in the bathroom mirror. He looks horrible, that's what he thinks personally. A complete mess of a human being… He has been like that for as long as he can remember. And he can hardly remember his younger years anyway! The drummer remains staring blankly at his reflection for a while, before noticing something colourful in the corner of his sight.
A neon pink sticky post-it note on the right corner of the mirror. It reads: You are great! It makes Pickles smirk a little. He thinks that (Y/n) must have placed it there to motivate herself. It's kind of cute, he should do that too! ~~~~
(Y/n) is looking out of the window, the level of her apartment gives her a decent view of the sad little town. It gives her something to look at while she makes phone calls.
"yeah, yeah I will... I'll be seeing you once you decide to pick him up… I don’t trust him to make it home by himself, you know?” (Y/n) speaks to Charles on the other side of the line, surely he can understand her concerns. As a close friend of the band from the beginning, Charles has entrusted (Y/n) to keep an eye on the band when he cannot. She was already doing that anyway…
“understood, I’ll make sure a dethlimo will pick him up soon, keep an eye on him, alright.” Charles’s monotone voice holds a pinch of serenity, it is known to her that he does care about the band. With the way he calls them ‘the boys’ so affectionately. Although she has never really known how he feels about her, despite being with the band for longer. It’s not very relevant right now.
“will do, bye." (Y/n) hangs up her phone and walks into the kitchen to fetch a drink for Pickles. She still has some tea left, which should make him feel better. Never mind all the times she had nursed Pickles out of a hangover before, not to mention the rest of the band. They always say that caring is not Metal, but her moral compass judges her as well. (Y/n) pours some remaining hot tea into another mug for the drummer. She then takes the mug and re-enters the living room where she places the tea for Pickles next to her own nearly forgotten beverage on the worn coffee table.
"Pickles? You okay in there?" She shouts at the open doorway of the bathroom, she can’t see into the bathroom from this angle. "ahm Fine, hold on!" She hears him shout back, and then she hears a tap open and close before footsteps stumble into the hall, and the light of the bathroom turns off. (Y/n) takes a seat, and not long after, Pickles enters the room. He looks a bit better already, leaning on the doorpost to aid his balance. He still does look tired though.
(Y/n) offers the drummer a lazy smile, patting the spot on the sofa next to her. "come sit, I made some tea for you." She offers and gestures to the mug that’s steaming on the coffee table. (Y/n) already has her mug, taking small sips from it, the beverage was hotter than she had expected, she truly believed that it had cooled down already.
Pickles gives (Y/n) a look of confusion with a hint of intrigue. "Tea? Neva’ had that before. Is it alcoholic?" he shuffles over and takes a seat right next to her. The sofa feels sturdy but still comfortable.
"No…” (Y/n) shakes her head, a little amused. “Here you go.” (Y/n) reaches for Pickles’ mug of tea meant for him. Pickles flexes his fingers before taking the drink from his friend. Pickles stares at the drink for a moment. The warmth of the beverage comforted his cramped and calloused hands. It kind of has the same colour as whiskey except that it’s warm to the touch.
"it'll do you good." (Y/n) says after already finishing her own drink. Her tea is a little too warm to drink comfortably, but at least that wakes her up more, as it’s still 8:30 in the morning. Hesitating for a moment, he takes a sip, tastes it and then smiles to himself. It tastes quite good...
Some pickles here, enjoy.
Thanks for reading.
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WARNINGS: Slightly hinted Yandere, kidnapping, isolation
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
If you don't know me (Hi, how is it going? Nice to meet you) then you might wonder why I post this under the yandere tag even though there isn't much of that in here (yet). This is a sneak peek of a bigger story which definitely has elements of yandere so I want to make sure that people who don't like reading yandere don't accidentally get on my blog. I respect their choice and boundaries.
Malleus Draconia-Over the rose bush (Sneak peek Pt. I)
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You would assume playing an Otome game made you know everything about it was set in, helping its’ people and becoming a hero for them. But who would have thought that there was an entire kingdom ruled by one of the most powerful mages, who was only implied to exist in the game, hiding from the players’ eyes by being mentioned NOT EVEN A SINGLE TIME??! Funny. Interesting. Absolutely maddening. Maddening like the raven that got you into the kingdom in the first place. Yeah, getting over a huge rose bush wasn’t exactly what you would call “easy”.
But who were you to judge? After all, you were only a small individual who was such a huge fan of the game that when you found out who the datable character of Sunset Savanna you almost threw the console out of the window. Huh. This reminded you your friend the raven threw you over an overgrown houseplant surrounding an entire country.
Meeting the young-looking individual whilst hiding in the woods after falling from the sky was something you most certainly had not expected to happen. Heck, you would have rather believed that a pink cloud would fly down on your level and start singing mind-numbing tunes. But you were someone from a world in which swords weren’t exactly “in fashion” in battle so you didn’t expect one of those sharp toothpicks on your throat.
And would you look at that? Apparently, you looked miserable enough that he didn’t just kidna- *ahem* “took you with him” but also took you with him to a cozy cabin in the middle of the woods. After throwing you over a huge fence made out of a rose bush. Did I mention the rose bush before?
Alas, TVs and technology did not exist here so the cabin started to feel… uh… small? Imprisoning? Maybe both? Maybe more than just those two?
This is the point when the smoll rose bush behind your house, not the big one trapping you on an island, became your best friend. No, a brotherhood. The brotherhood of abandoned souls in the middle of the woods. You named them Helga. The narrator of this story says “Hi Helga.”
Something you did not expect though was meeting someone out here (other than Lilia the little annoy-). Deciding to look after Helga you had stepped out of the house only to be met with a breathing wall staring down at Helga. Helga seemed even healthier in his presence. Helga, don’t you dare to turn traitor on the boasitmotw (brotherhood of abandoned souls in the middle of the woods). The stranger had even plucked one of their roses and yet they still bloomed flirtatiously in his direction. You swore to cut your friend a bit shorter after this. IF there was an “after this”.
Turning in your direction the wall casted his gaze upon you and holy shi- (the narrator shakes their head at your choice of words) was that a vibrant green. Helga, you have good taste. You didn’t even notice his horns. Oh don’t get annoyed with me. I am just the narrator. It’s your fault if you get weak at every pretty boy you see.
Standing there like the most foolish statue within any world, yours or this otome one, you continued to stare at him. The man must have taken notice of your mouth that was opening and closing like a fish gasping for air but thankfully he seemed graceful enough not to comment on it. In fact, he seemed surprised to see you as well.
“I was not aware there was another human other than Silver in here.” Silver. Silver… Silver? Who was that? The questions running absolutely amok in your head were soon stopped though, coming to a screeching halt, when he stepped closer to you. God, that wand of his looked like it could impale you… that needle of the spindle looked dangerously sharp.
“Tell me, child of man, how come you are in this place?” How were you supposed to explain that a small man threw you over the bigger cousin of Helga?
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domtheforestgnome · 6 months
Some moments in season 3 of Young Royals that stand out for me ep.4
Now, when I'm sharing with you my reactions, I can see that as the season went on, I calmed, so there wasn;t as much screaming and gasping after three first episodes. But also, I made 2h of a break before watching another 2 episodes. Also, the atmosphere in a season visibly changed. So here I'm talking about ep 1 and ep 2 and here ep 3. And here is episode 4 moments that made me burst in laugh, gasped, made me forgot how to breathe or wanted to puke.
Wille quoting Kristina
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I had so mixed feelings about it. I felt sorry for him, but I was also angry but also sad. It felt like arguing with my parents, and hearing them say some idioms or sayings, bc they are left out of logical arguments.
2. Jan-Olof and his advice
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I waited. I knew he will say something that will make my (and SImon's) blood boil.
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And he did.
3. Strike in Hillerska
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As a burnt out climate activist who were arrested by police for some non-violent action, I find it hilarious to see students of Hillerska doing sitting. The whole sequence was very funny too me and my friends with pretty similar background. As we have this experience in making strikes, we have to say that it wasn't very best way of preparing strike (the was not any preparing actually). This is not how you do it haha
4. Wille joining the strike bc he won't face any consequences
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Simon summed up Wilhelm here so well... And I love how Simon makes Wille hear what he's saying.
5. Getting more in Eriksson's family story
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This felt like very important information, and I like we keep digging in their family dynamics. Like - he wanted to have contact with Micke! I think it hits different bc we get to know something new about characters even though the series is ending and it's so surprising and doing things to me. Young Royals creators, why are you so genious?
6. Simon once again summing up
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I love this man.
7. This conversation
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This conversation happening in their window spot and as i was reminding my friend that they kissed there for the first time, the music from that moment started to play.
They needed to remind me I have to breath.
But the events made me somehow hungry too. But for more talk, which didn't happened, bc Simon cut it. I mean - instead of sayin "Me too" after Wille's "I don't want to hurt you" - he could talk more about how deleting his accounts made him feel. That day was clearly difficult for him from the moment it happened...
8. ...yet goofy Simon made me forgot for a minute about it
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and I like this site of Simon from the season 1.
9. Those rich kids are crazy
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But we laughed loud, while watching it.
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Yeah, do exactly bc of what the school has problems o.O
10. Those sleepy puffy faces
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so smoll and tiny <3
11. Rosh & Ayub
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I will miss their trio
12. When August said what I left was comming since he spoke with Nils 2 episodes earlier.
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I felt full.
I love this show.
I'm not ready for today. There won't be a post about ep5 bc it's still too much for me. I won't be rewatching it today before final episode.
I'm so grateful for this show. And the people that were involved in making it.
Sending love to them today.
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