#//totally for lore reasons and not because I don't want to try and figure out what their wings would look like
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untitledducklett · 2 years ago
Hello my name is Cael Adair [kale ah-dare], he/they, I'm a bodyguard living in Kalos with my Vanitian Absol Berior [Bear-ee-or]. I am a faller from a version of Tolkien's Legendarium though pokemon don't exist there. I do miss home a lot but I try to remember that I have a life here too.
Edit: my rotom finally deigned to teach me how to post photos here so have best boy doing his most regal pose
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^ this is a picture I took of Berior a couple weeks before all distortion broke out. He is a Vanitian Absol, a critically endangered, variant that I'm working to help preserve. My mother sent me some of Professor Chestnut's notes on two of the more common extant variants (by comparison at least) which can be found here: x x.
Update: I got a bunch of new Pokémon
Momma the Vanitian Ariados: She ended up in my backyard during the Shadow Sky incident having taken it upon herself to rescue as many Pokémon as she could. Unfortunately she irreversibly damaged her exoskeleton so now she wears a prosthetic whenever she's out of the ball.
Lucretia the Vanitian Leavanny: A long time resident of the VPPS sanctuary she was immediately adopted by Momma and the pair became inseparable so I adopted them both.
Étienne the Vanitian Abra (Pronounced Et-tee-un): We were really close when he was alive. I guess now that Yves is dead he decided he wanted to stick around to keep my dumb ass safe. I really missed him.
Galadbain [Gal-ahd-bane] the fucked up Meowth Raikou: He was hatched from an egg that was left on my doorstep by Arc only knows what. He is naught but a stinky babey man who does gay baby crimes.
Bob the UD Absol: Anxiety thy name is Bob. I adopted him during the Kill 'em With Kindness fundraiser. Originally I hadn't planned on taking any of the UD Pokemon in but we all know my weakness for Absols. It'll take time but I know he'll flourish here.
<bzzt: he forgot to add a picture of himself so I decided to go through his portfolio and found this. Hopefully he doesn't notice.>
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OOC things (including art notes for Cael):
New rule: if you reblog an ask game from me please send something in or look through my meme tag and find another meme to send in if the one I reblogged doesn't work.
Hi! You can call me Shopkey, I'm 28, on est, and I've been rping since September 2013. I will follow from @themerrymutants. Most of my experience is with more traditional lit rp so forgive any hiccups or force of habits. I'll try to keep ooc to a minimum but there will be some reblogs of lore from over on my main.
Cael has deer-like ears which are kept hidden underneath beanies whenever he's somewhere with cameras. If there aren't he usually uses illusions to hide them but beanie is his go-to. His sense of style and appearance are based on Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunters TV show. Berior is missing his left front leg and there is a scar there.
Cael (link takes you over to his bio over on themerrymutants) is a muse over on my main themerrymutants and this blog is based on his 'for queen and country' verse in which he was a guard for Queen Pascale of my friend's fan region Vanitas (a kingdom which eventually merged with greater Kalos about 2k years ago)
Cael keeps his backstory as a dimension-hopping elven menace but here he hides it well. Eventually, his lies will catch up to him but, for now, he's trying not to rouse too much suspicion. I haven't decided whether he keeps his wood elf magic or not yet as I've been told that people aren't as keen on interdimensional weirdness as I am.
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vivispec · 2 months ago
Hello there! I'm not even sure how to start. So I felt very disappointed by DA:TV, because of various reasons. Not trying to dampen the mood, I am super happy for you if you actually enjoyed the game! If you do not mind, could you list the things you liked/loved about the game? Help me see the "bright side"? Just gush a litte about it, I could use some positive input around my favourite gaming series of all time. :') thank you <3
Absolutely! For me, I think I always figured I was going to like this game, even if it wasn't my fave of all time? Trick Weekes always writes characters/quests that I like, and for me, story/characters come before anything else. I liked Andromeda, flawed as it was. Even if the gameplay was mediocre, I was certain I'd find something I'd like.
But the gameplay wasn't mediocre. It was actually really, really fun. I played Spellblade, and honestly, the gameplay might be a highpoint for me. I don't really like action gameplay, I tolerate it. I loved this, though.
The biggest thing that really sold me is the fact that the big choices in this game are difficult in a way Bioware has been trying to capture since Origins, but I don't think they've ever nailed until now (except maybe in Mass Effect). Even in Origins, when they had big choices like what to do with Connor, or how to deal with the werewolves, there was always a cop out choice. There isn't one in this game, so far as I can see. At the end of EVERY companion quest there was a choice I couldn't choose, something that made me wonder just what would've happened if I'd picked something different, and don't get me started on the endgame. The endgame was brutal :')
I love the characters, too! I do think some of the writing can get a bit campy or be a bit on the nose, I think some subtlety is lacking for certain characters especially in the beginning, but once shit hits the fan just about every companion has their gutwrenching moment. I felt for every single character in this game, during their act 2 personal quest moments. In all the other games there was at least one character I just couldn't care about, but even the ones that I thought wouldn't tickle my fancy snuck up on me. By the end, I loved all of them so much. I only wanted more.
I like Rook, too. I think I can see how their characterization might be disappointing, though. I think the key for me and my friend @sweetmage was finding the right Rook to play. We both had lots of concepts and while I plugged in the right one first, I know they struggled until they found the right one. Rook is kinda like Hawke in the way that they have a bit of personality already and a defined character path, which can get in the way of true RP. Once I stopped fighting it and let Rook be Rook, I liked the game a lot more, and I liked my character a lot more.
Then there's lore. Oh, lore. I have listened to or read every codex. I have a treasure trove of theories I keep locked in my head. All I need is a corkboard and some red string. Getting to see so many of those theories come to fruition? Things they've been teasing since Origins, that I picked up on when I was 12? Absolutely magical! Some of it I think they bungled--there's one reveal I've been waiting for for 15 years that I found in a note, not codex, on a bridge in Minrathous, no fanfare or anything--but the majority of it punched me right in the face with so much force I had to pause the game and do a little pacing. I won't get into specifics for spoiler reasons, but seeing all those little dots connect? seeing when I was right, and when I was wrong? SO euphoric for me!
A lot of the things I didn't like, too, like making the Crows less shitty--so easy to headcanon around, in ways that don't contradict canon! It's one of my favorite things to do, it feels like a puzzle to me, making everything that is for certain and everything I want fit together. That one, for instance, Zevran totally gutted all the shitty Crows, and left only the good ones :)
I will say, it's clear they were trying to wrap things up. I got the sense while playing it felt that they didn't want to leave any loose threads in case this was their last DA game, so that felt a bit rushed. But I loved it. To me it was a love letter, saying goodbye. Wrapping everything up in a nice little bow. I've always struggled to choose a favorite game in the DA series, they all do something I love so differently that I can't pinpoint one singular favorite, and I think this one is right up there for me, tied for 1st place with the other three games. Like DA2 and DAI I think it could've cooked just a little bit longer, there's a lot of potential for it to be a 9/10 game imho if they'd smoothed a couple of things out, but there's a lot in there for me to love.
Thank you so much for the question, I hope the wall of text will help you see a bit of the light haha. I don't mind that people didn't like it--that's just how it goes sometimes, and I think there are a lot of valid criticisms to be had. For me I was just super bummed that it was the only thing I was seeing online. I'm following lots of positivity now, so the occasional disenchantment is not a problem. Idk if it'll work for you, but @sweetmage was similarly disappointed until they streamed it with a friend, and then just having someone there to converse with it on really helped them to enjoy it. I hope you can find something to love in it, too!
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hms-no-fun · 2 months ago
Tell us about Dill and Alexander! I kinda picture them in my head as Kermit and that blue eagle Muppet but gay and gamer/greasy mechanic. Is that where you got the idea? Is sburb's frog fascination gonna play into the story of these boyos?
oh what's that? you want to be the captive audience for a lore dump about my very special guys? completely unprompted and with total investment in everything i might have to say? well well, don't mind if i do!
SO, Dill Croaker and Alexander Falcon are members of a now-defunct group called The Falconers. they are modeled after Star Fox (the team) from Star Fox (the video games). we haven't seen Alex on screen yet, but here's @girlpillz's rendering of Dill for B1 verse 1, where Lenore Lehart shows off her sick bouncy ball skills for Dana Straten to get the attention of Dill.
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Alex being a blue falcon, i imagine he looks legally distinct from Falco Lombardi from Star Fox (the video games; the team) albeit less cocky and attitudinous.
there are technical reasons for The Falconers' existence. going into 3.2B, i knew i wanted a secondary supporting cast in the margins capable of handling dirtywork off-screen. for instance, they're decrypting and analyzing Lenore's stolen witch data so the main cast doesn't have to worry about it, leaving us more time to luxuriate in what we're actually here for: feelings.
Star Fox 64 is my favorite game, so when it came time to come up with that supporting cast, the possibilities of a knockoff Star Fox team immediately sold me on the idea (especially since this is the only story where i will ever reasonably be able to get away with such a blatant act of self-indulgence. you wouldn't believe it from looking, but i don't actually do a lot of indulging myself with Godfeels. i try very hard to never throw things in without serious calculation. The Falconers are pretty much the only thing i've introduced that came as an inorganic external mandate of my own selfish making, and even then i've worked very hard to integrate them naturally). as a broken up four-person crew, they mirror the Upsilons-- and so, them helping the Falconers reunite in order to find Alphi and Edie gives these guys some juice. their backstory is a shadow of the Upsilons', and a useful point of comparison as the narrative plugs along. i could've made a girl Star Fox team, but frankly Godfeels is just so women-centered, so female-focused, so tgirl-transfixed that i figured it was about time to throw the boylikers a bone.
The Falconers are balanced as a calculated twist on the Star Fox team. the most immediate difference is that here, Alexander Falcon fills the role of Fox McCloud. he's the charismatic team leader, a little surly (especially these days) but good at his job and deeply committed to the care of his team. Dill Croaker is, obviously, only about five runs through the dryer away from Slippy Toad, and fills the same role. my reason for this is that everyone is mean to Slippy and they're wrong. Slippy is a brilliant engineer and programmer, why do you expect him to be an ace fighter pilot too? that's YOUR job, hotshot! Nintendo themselves have been all over the map with Slippy in terms of characterization, pretty much never getting him quite as right as he felt in 64. so, yeah, Dill is my take on Slippy: a clueless gamer frog who plays with a lot of edgelords but is himself impervious to their venom. he never cusses because he's a good boy, and he respects women.
Dill and Alex have lived together on Crime Planet for a long time. are they fucking? no, i don't believe they are. Dill strikes me as something of an ace king, and anyway i don't think he's Alex's type. mostly they work together in the shop and hang out doing bro stuff. maybe Alex lifts weights while Dill plays shitty space MOBAs. but all this begs the question: who is Alex's type?
as of the B1 solo we've learned a little bit about the other two Falconers. first there is Erol [last name unknown], the oldest member of the crew who's likely analogous to Peppy Hare. which leaves us with Yolo Sionnach. a lot of information can be implied about him from this exchange:
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yes, a lot of information indeed. but as much as i would love to enumerate the implications, i must hold my tongue. i mean, i would type it all out, but i can't, because i'm literally using my fingers to hold my tongue in place so that i can't say the spoilers out loud
anyway, i like the muppet comparison. that wasn't what i had in mind at all, but now i'm imagining the Falconers as the puppets Nintendo used to advertise Star Fox Zero and........ ohhhh scope creep you saucy temptress
the Slippy slander is rampant! and that's to say nothing of the ad where muppet versions of Satoru Iwata, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Reggie Fils-Aime slowly transform into Peppy, Fox, and Falco respectively.
i can't say that Sburb/the Universe Engine have much to do with The Falconers' story. they're not godtier, they don't know anything about the UE, they are literally just space mercenary furries. they come from the Lemurian Star System, trained at the Academy on Lemuria, and worked in the Lemurian Sky Corps until starting their own independent outfit as contractors (which i imagine is a fairly common career path in a region racked by interplanetary war and rampant espionage). age-wise, they're in their mid 30s.
thank you for this wonderful question. no one ever asks about the other guys, and i am always dying to talk about the other guys.
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months ago
Hello hello!! I absolutely adore Starstruck Dee, she’s a darling!!
I hope it doesn’t sound too strange to ask, but I finished playing through Forgotten Land’s main and postgame stories, and between that and seeing all these wonderful ocs and everything… where can I learn more about the Kirby lore/timeline? Where would I even start with it?
Is it the sorta thing where the base concepts from canon are the same but everyone has their own interpretations of it?
Are Kirby and Bandee kids?? Younger adults? Is it a Rayman situation where they grow up over the course of their games?
I know I sound very uneducated but I really really want to learn!
hi there! thank you so so much! 🥺 i'm so happy that you like her!
this isn't strange to ask at all, and you don't sound uneducated! i'm thrilled to answer for you and if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to reach out!
i'm popping all of this under a read more just because it got very long!
topics covered: the joys of 30+ years of breadcrumb lore delivery, the diverse headcanons of a very creative community, and recommendations on where to step off from if Forgotten Land was your first kirby experience
to be honest kirby "lore" is enormous and sprawling and has been spread out in tiny little crumbs across multiple platforms and medias for over three decades. if you're poking around in tumblr fandom as a starting point, one of the reasons it can be so hard to figure out what's what is because a lot of folks pick one aspect (early game dynamics, ancient anime lore, the mirror world, niche subgames, etc etc) and hyper-focus to their hearts content!
one of the nicest parts about kirby is that the lore, while comprehensive and really cool, is very very open for interpretation. the fandom is very creative, and build all their own niches and headcanons based on the bare bones that we were given in canon, and it's wonderful to see!
for this reason though, i would actually recommend (and this was my personal experience, though only incidentally) you stay outside of the fandom for a bit and formulate all your own preferred headcanons and thoughts, rather than being influenced by others right out the gate. then you can come into fandom and see brand new takes that might surprise you, and hopefully find some folks who have come to the same niche conclusions as you!
a good starting point is Wikirby, and for games specifically their series list is very helpful. it shows you the mainline games, considered 'game canon', and the smaller titles in chronological order. this is often used by folks as a sort of "timeline" for the lore, though again it's totally flexible
forgotten land in particular was an unforgettable (ha!), incredibly beautiful and cinematic game, as well as the series' first foray into 3D gameplay rather than side scrolling platformer.
if you're looking for an active suggestion for which game to play next and you want a similar experience with familiar characters, (and you don't want to do a full chronological playthrough-- this would take you a long time; i should know, i've been working on mine for months!), i would recommend that you try Return To Dream Land Deluxe.
RTDLDX is a scene-for-scene remake of an older chronological game from the modern era of storytelling with a whole additional storyline, so it's a good place to start, and it's also available for the switch which i'm guessing you must have! you'll find familiar characters in there (Kirby, Bandee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight), multiplayer mode, recognisable copy abilities, and an engaging story-- read as little ahead of time if you haven't already so that it can surprise and delight you!
Star Allies is the other mainline game available for the switch, and it was made as a kind of love letter to the series up until that point. it honours dozens of characters who appeared in previous games and is chock full of nostalgia and uncharacteristically blatant lore drops, but in my opinion you'll enjoy it much more if you have at least a passing idea of who all the allies are!
if you're looking for something other than games, i highly recommend this tumblr masterlist for translations of the light novels! other medias you can check out are the anime and the various mangas. all three of these are quite different to the games, and can be considered to have their own separate canons; some folks prefer one over the other, or will mix and match elements from all medias! some even like to bring in "lore" from the real life kirby cafes!
kirby as a creative playground is diverse and really beautiful; it's the only franchise i have ever created for and fandom i have participated in actually, because i've not seen another quite like it. if you're interested in being creative yourself, i do strongly recommend that you play around in your own sandbox (or with one or two friends who are also discovering kirby) for a little while first to get a feel for what you like!
i hope you'll have a fun time interacting with the franchise, and if you play any of the other games i really hope you love them!! if you want any other suggestions, feel free to reach out!
as for the question of ages, you'll find this question in particular gets western fandom a little more riled up than most. none of the characters have any canonically stated ages, and in japanese remarkably few have genders. kirby himself is specifically intended to be projected on by the player! technically, that could make kirby your age, and your gender, if you so wish!
japanese fandom generally focuses on a very wide range of characters and interconnected relationships, even including a lot of common enemy characters, and considers most of the characters to be of comparable ages; either all teens or all adults. western fandom focuses quite a lot on the much beloved meta knight and dedede partnership, and subsequently-- as romance centric fandoms do-- likes to play around with the idea of kirby and bandee as their kids or wards.
fandom will offer you everything in this regard; far future AUs, baby adoption AUs, even AUs where meta knight and dedede are children while kirby and bandee are adults! it's really entirely up to you, and my number one suggestion is to always be respectful and kind towards everyone's creative headcanons, even if they do not align with your own.
for me, i naturally project onto player characters, and so i always saw kirby and bandee as similar in age to myself. as such, because i'm an adult, they've always been adults to me, and i do like to imagine that they have grown from young adults to full adults over the course of the series! i actually was quite shocked to learn that a lot of tumblr folks thought of them as kids, but that's the fun of joining fandom the way i did, and why i recommend it! bake your own cake, and then hop online and find a million others of all different flavours you can try!
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ambrosiagourmet · 11 months ago
thistle for ask meme!
Thistle :0
First impression
No joke I was convinced early on that Laios & the party were making like a huuuuge leap in assuming that Thistle was the Lunatic Magician TM like guys you can't just go accusing every random person you find in a living painting of being the manager. Alas... he was, in fact, the manager.
Impression now
He's so jester coded👍
I think Thistle is very interesting and a great foil to Marcille, which I looove. They are both magic elf(-ish) advisors, they both get caught up in wanting to help the people around them live longer, they both become dungeon lords in pursuit of that... I think Thistle's story as it is works well for the narrative and I don't necessarily think he was underutilized exactly, but it is a little hard not to want A Bit More sometimes. Even if I do think it would be hard to add that more in without sacrificing some of the pacing overall :')
Favorite moment
I was initially going to say the ending for them, because I do love it, but you know what? I've got a more interesting answer. My favorite Thistle scene is.... this:
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This fundamentally changes the trajectory of the story. In trying to find someone to stop the Winged Lion, Thistle launches Marcille into becoming the next lord of the dungeon. The next victim of the Lion. If Thistle hadn't resurrected Marcille, then the plot would have played out totally differently. She wouldn't have been able to finish unsealing the book. Laios would have been on his own when the canaries came. Would they have just cleaned everything up more easily? Would it instead have become something worse? Would Laios somehow have unsealed the book and become the lore of the dungeon right away?
I dunno. But this action reshaped Marcille's life, and Laios', and so many other people's. And it was done out of a desire to keep fighting. To not give in.
Augh idk. It's good. Their connection is good.
Idea for a story
Thistle & Chimera Laios.
But not just a "Laios gets eaten by the dragon instead," I think it would be cool to explore an AU where for some handwavy magic reason, Laios gets his soul bound up w/ the dragon during Falin's resurrection, and he gets poofed into a dragon form.
There's a note somewhere that says that chimeras start popping up the more the lord of the dungeon starts to lose their hold on things, but having met Laios before might help Thistle eventually realize that something is Off about the dragon. From there... well maybe he starts to ask questions and gives Laios more freedom to actually answer, and things could continue from there as Laios gets enough humanity back to start to understand what's happening, and also Thistle takes more time to question the Lion's plans rather than just continue to act. They'd be stuck together, probably with Laios still under Thistle's control, but maybe as they figure out more of the truth, they'd actually work together? Need to rely on each other? I'd like to see how each of them would deal with that situation...
PLUS then on the flip side I think switching Falin into the group part way through the story (rather than at the start) could be really interesting. So the adventures on that side would be fun too.
Unpopular opinion
umm idk. Is Thistle widely regarded as a Marcille foil? Because if not then why. They are so inchresting. funky little mages.
Favorite relationship
Hmmm okay so like obviously Thistle & Marcille, but also as seen in my story idea I want to explore more of Thistle & Laios bc their interactions were fun, soo... I'll just say the Dungeon Lord quartet as a whole. I like when people draw art of them all together. Let them bond through shared trauma. And also all of them have tried to kill at least one other person there at some point. It's great. They should go on brunch dates.
Favorite headcanon
This post about Thistle's goal to eat a meal with Delgal fundamentally rewired my brain
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theprincelyking · 9 months ago
Improving some old HGS redesigns I did a few years ago
Since I'm back at that stage for some reasons I can say for certain I've definitely done a lot of redesigns of these characters, of course, not all of them were good, so I'm taking four of them that I never posted and pointing out where I messed up and trying to figure out what to do next . Rosemary - I feel like I made her hair too complex, It got so complex I made a chart with all the items in it. I need to trim the list down. I'm not completely sure I like the bangs I gave her. Prolly keeping the scars but I don't like the line weight I gave them. Also I NEED to bulk up her arms to show off her strength
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(There's 20 items here total, god almighty I'm gonna have a stroke, gonna have to trim the fat the moment I draw her again)
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Sage - it's just I've updated the lore on witches so I need to add blue into her eyes. I'll make the braids chunkier so I don't have to draw tiny "Split Hearts". The rose and lavender need to be brighter since the lavender can barely be seen in her hat, might change some colors too. maybe desaturate the hat a bit too.
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Parsley - Parsley definitely needs more of an overhaul. No orange on the boots. Give the belt done loops to slide through, gonna have to change up the belt color too. Also gonna add hair to her ears for sure. Might give her back her black brows because I forgot those. May re-redesign eyes too. Also. Not sure if the suspenders were a good idea. I wanted to connect it back to her causal outfit, but it looks like of awkward here. Maybe it just needs to be a different color? (And ACTUALLY attached to the belt?)
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Thyme -Honestly the biggest flaw with Thyme is the shoes and that green. Also I'm not gonna use that logo for the shirt so it's outdated. I think I'll replace the green with gold Greek style sandles. These shoes aren't bad, they just don't fit. Maybe her old shoes can get recycled into something she wears from the fairy woods with her Giant Elf family and such. Also getting rid of the extra bandage on the leg.
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That's all for today folks!
Not my best redesigns, but some elements I would definitely keep. Reminder that not every piece of art or first draft design is gonna be a banger and that's fine!
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nayruwu · 1 year ago
I wanna know the lunaify gureshin lore please
ha ha! i'm so glad you asked!
i'm not trying to say the way their relationship is in canon is bad, because kagami just had different priorities in the story. i don't think a casual reader would think anything is missing, but i spend a lot of time thinking about these characters specifically so naturally i'd want to fill in the gaps.
right off the bat i think the way shinya introduces himself to guren is kind of... odd. it's his thing to mask his feelings and intentions, so for him to immediately overshare and dump all of that onto guren first chance he gets feels rushed and, quite frankly, out of character. even if he really wanted guren as an ally, it would have made more sense to observe a whole lot more first and try to gain his trust more slowly. imagine how much more charming it would have been if guren had thought shinya to be a spoiled hiiragi brat at first, and only slowly realised that hey, he's like me. the scene where seishiro punches him in the face would have been perfect for this. or, you know those scenes where a character accidentally lets something slip or moves in a way that reveales bruises or wounds they have and then they stand there awkwardly not knowing how to react? it's cheesy but i love fondue so it's fine.
one thing that i've seen in fanfiction a couple of times is shinya being ashamed of his past in the training facility, and intentionally never mentioning it to guren (thinking he, the selfless saviour of the ichinose, would be disgusted at his selfishness). and i really like this idea! shinya having tried so hard to be guren's friend and not wanting it to be destroyed. guren finding out and being horrified, not at shinya but at the hiiragi, because what the fuck are they doing to little children? the conversation that would have to follow after. it'd be intriguing development where they'd both have to open up and be honest. but recently as i was rereading the novels i realised that guren just... already knows about the trials. i can't even remember where exactly it was mentioned, but it's there in a side sentence, casual, without a second thought. booooo. boring. huge missed opportunity.
... which also leads into the next point. because even in resurrection, even when they call each other 'best friend', guren never really thinks about shinya. and i know how this sounds - of course he thinks about him! like, literally all the time! but what guren thinks about is how he needs him, how he wants him to live, how he doesn't want to exist without him, but he never really thinks about shinya himself. normally, you'd want to know about your best friend's life, try to be there for them, worry about their wellbeing. in canon, this is never considered. shinya doesn't ask for support, guren doesn't give it. i get that this is a really complicated issue considering that before the catastrophe they're mostly not that close and guren has like a million different problems to deal with & after the catastrophe his biggest concern is keeping shinya alive, but i did come up with a solution for this (sorry i went on a tangent there again the shinsanity is getting to me). so what shinya often does is put guren's goals and wishes above is own (be that by not being able to figure out what he wants and helping guren achieve his goals instead (canon) or quite literally being in love with him but never acting on or even acknowledging it (interpretation)). shinya knows that guren has a horrible case of saviour complex, has watched him repeatedly destroy himself to try and save someone else. so it would make total sense if he, having devoted himself to supporting guren, didn't want to become the reason he gets hurt. it would make for a horribly sad situation because there is no way guren would want to accept this but it plays right into his need to keep shinya at a distance, so there's nothing he can do about it.
let them snuggle.
just a glimpse into my dark, twisted mind😈
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tamaruaart · 1 year ago
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Grant us your oc’s delicious lore, anything that comes to mind first-
Ah tysm for asking
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(btw I apologize for this being long af 😔)
So I feel like I should prep this by saying before I figured out about LMK I was super into OPS's jttw series. So I made Zhao with the context of the book, and the book doesn't sugar coat things so Zhao's backstory is a bit uhhh, mature? There's no nsfw stuff but there is a lot, lot, loottt of angst (even though the backstory is kinda "simple"), so forgive me :'(
I did change up her backstory a bit for the LMK version because it is a kids show and I don't feel like the creators would stick with the dark tone of the original. Whenever I write OCs for sertant shows I try to write it with the context of "How would the creator tackle this if my oc was a Canon character?" Yk? You don't write a depressed, emo, Greek hero for a light hearted magical girl show.
So ye, this first segment will be her JTTW backstory sum-up and I'll note what is changed in the LMK version at the end👍
JTTW/original backstory(this is long, read at your own risk)-
-Zhao wasn't raised in the best household.. Not only was her father a total womanizer with 3 wives (at the time of her birth, by now he has 7) and who knows how many mistresses, but her elder family member were pretty verbally abusive. I mentioned before but Xiaotian and Biao-Qi (Zhao's father and grandfather) wanted Zhao to be born as a male because in their clan its essential for the first born of every generation to be a boy, so when they found out about Zhao being a girl they were really salty and thought of her as "The disgrace" of the family. (hence why Zhaoyan is a name generally given to Chinese boys, which yea Xiaotian is the type of douche-bag to chose the name of the child at the start of his marriage without the mothers approval)
-Zhao was the one basically raising her younger siblings because her parents couldn't be bothered to, Pangfua (Zhao's mom) couldn't even bare to look at Xiaotian's face so the last thing she cared for was some random children of him and his mistresses, and Xiaotian's other wifes didn't really care for the children either. However, Zhao ADORED her siblings because she was always good with little kids. But as time went on and on, with so many children coming in to the household she started getting tired, but what could she do? At the time she was barely a teenage girl, if she complained to her father she could legitimately be at risk to lose her head. Like I said, Xiaotian couldn't care less about Zhao, he doesn't give a damn if she likes taking care of her siblings or not.
-Eventually Zhao grew too tired of her family, and decided to leave. This might seem selfish but holy frick, the girlie felt like a maid, and it's not like she doesn't care for her family, it's that they couldn't care less about her. All of her siblings were old enough to take care of each other and the other family members treated them well, why shouldn't she be able to "go live her own life"?
- The first place she went was to a temple dedicated to the Chinese tiger spirit- Hu Ye. The reason she went to him specifically was because he was sort of the protector/symbol of Zhao's family (for context think about how Apollo was the protector of the Trojans in the Iliad), she prayed to him all night, she asked humbly to become a Jade Maiden that serves Guan Yin (because that was probably the best option. Also just so you have context- Hu Ye blessed the girls in Zhao's family with a healing gift. So basically they could heal any illness, wound, missing limb etc...). But to her surprise Hu Ye saw what she did as "unforgiving". You shouldn't leave your family who loves you so much, not cool >:( (cut him some slack tho, whenever to family would worship him they would make them self's seem like the most perfect people ever). And so in short he gave her flaming orange hair so she never forgets that she is a Tiger Maiden (bcz orange=tigers and he just be petty like that bro).
-Eventually she went to the woods but she was found by Lánhūa- a forest spirit. Lánhūa took pity on her and decided to take her in as one of her nymphs. Because Zhao had the healing gift she was a great addition to the palace Lánhūa lived in, Zhao was always the one making sure everyone was healthy and the worst someone suffered was a common cold, and even those wouldn't last long.
-However one day while she was collecting fruits for the palace she stumbled upon a strange noise near a mountain, she went to check what it was and wouldn't you have guessed its good ol' Sun Wukong. The pair fairly quickly became friends, Zhao would often tell him stories and keep him company and Sun (who was under that damn mountain for 346 years by the time he and Zhao met) would listen and tell her his life stories.
-At the early stages of the jttw Monkey actually did try and convince Zhao to come with him and the other pilgrims, she would be the one taking care of Tripitaka and making sure he stays healthy. Zhao refused at first but after some time she agreed. Her and Tripitaka were very close because they were both kinda the "sane ones" of the group and Zhao took her position very seriously. Sanzang eventually noticed that this was a bit weird considering how layed back the other pilgrims were, so he confronted her and Zhao opened up to him. And that's how I'd show her backstory in the book.
So in short: Girl leaves abusive family and prays to god, god makes her a ginger and she gets adopted by a hot forest spirit. A monkey befriends her and convinces her to give free health care to his friend **emotional**
Holy crap that took so long to write/ Notes on how her backstory would probably be changed in the lmk version:
In the lmk version I think they'd tone down how bad her family was just a bit, again it is a kids show. I think the start would generally be the same but that Hu Ye would grant her wish. But instead of a disciple for Guan Yin I think they'd change it into a Peach Maiden, so that she could meet the brotherhood and befriend Wukong like she did in the original backstory. They'd probably remove Lánhūa as well (because she is a very minor character in Zhao's backstory). So yea in short of what I think the creators of LMK would do with her character: -Hu Ye grants her wish of becoming a Peach Maiden. -Orange would be her natural hair color(bcz tigers woo). -I honestly think they'd give her a sort-of survivor's guilt because of the whole "leaving your family" thing instead of "Ama give u tiger hair so you never forget how you left your family >:(" -She meets the brotherhood through their lil' rebellion -Healing powers would probably be toned down a bit so there's still some risk
So ya-
Again thank you SO much for the question and thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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westeroslive · 9 months ago
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callout on @honorhq / @tvrgariens / @bvrningflares / max / icarus / kit / snow
so  i  can  honestly  say,  i've  never  posted  a  callout  post.  i've  never  felt  the  desire  to  -  well  that's  certainly  not  true,  but  i've  never  actually  done  it.  but  i  have  to  say,  i've  put  up  with  a  lot  over  the  years  but  blatant  plagiarization  *?*  absolutely  the  fuck  not.  for  those  of  you  who  do  not  know,  i  -  along  with  two  friends  -  run  @westeroslive,  and  prior  to  that  2  of  us  ran  thronesfm.  we've  been  open  since  close  to  the  beginning  of  the  year  on  and  off,  this  run  has  been  open  over  a  month,  and  we  have  built  a  nice  little  place  for  ourselves. 
a  new  game  of  thrones  /  a  song  of  ice  and  fire  roleplay  just  dropped  (  honorhq  ),  which  honestly,  you  go  !  but  we  have  noticed  they  have  plagiarized  our  essosi  houses,  which  as  you  might  know,  are  basically  entirely  created  from  our  mind  (  even  though  the  names  were  somewhere  in  grrm's  universe  ).  we  will  be  calling  those  admins  out  because  we  are  totally  not  cool  with  this.  we  really  don't  care  that  there  are  other  roleplays  out  there  (  or  if  you  guys  join  them,  like  truly  -  go  for  it  !!  support  other  creators  because  beautiful  plots  and  stories  emerge  from  them  )  but  our  admin  team  literally  spent  many  hours  figuring  out  the  right  houses  /  cities  /  backgrounds  to  make  it  work  -  and  we  have  more  lore  coming  up  for  them,  so  this  is  just  not  ok  with  us.
@honorhq  we  want  to  know  how  on  earth  you  think  it  would  be  okay  to  completely  plagiarize  our  ideas,  specifically  relating  to  essos.  sometimes  people  have  the  same  idea  -  sure,  whatever.  but  that  is  .......  very  much  not  the  case  here  and  i'm  not  putting  up  with  that.  when  the  three  of  us  formed  this  group  ,  we  created  the  idea  of  essos  becoming  a  joined  empire  under  the  dagareon  rule.  literally  took  me  hours  of  selecting  what  houses  sounded  good  -  which  seemed  to  fit  the  vibe  -  and  which  i  liked  best.  most  i  didn't  love,  and  so  skipped  past.  in  the  canon  works  of  grrm,  essos  -  specifically  the  locations  we  chose  -  is  canonically  free  cities  and  not  at  all  united.  we  only  chose  some  of  the  free  cities  for  this  rule  (  which  if  you're  trying  to  'take  inspo'  like  besties  at  least  use  other  cities  and  names  lol  )  and  some  of  the  random  names  off  the  many  got/asoiaf  essos  names;  dagareon  being  -  a  house  that  is  just  a  random  house  from  essos  -  not  any  ruling  one. and  specifically  put  dagareon  as  the  leading  party,  rogare  as  the  'ruling'  party  of  lys  based  on  them  being  a  bigger  house  there,  and  moraqos  being  of  myr  based  soley  on  us  looking  at  random  houses  and  deciding  on  them,  house  zalyne  because  there  was  a  sealord  from  that  house  once  upon  a  time.  so  sure,  i'll  give  you  that  one  as  not  blatantly  copied.  but  one  glance  at  your  group  tells  me  not  only  are  you  completely  stealing  those,  you  are  going  as  far  as  to  say  *members  of  house  dagareon  must  be  of  filipino  ethnicity*  -  matching  our  own,  for  ….  zero  reason.  like,  you  could  have  chosen  any  ethnic  background  but  you  chose  to  copy.  babes  what  in  the  actual  fuck. it's  .....  it's  not  looking  good. 
not  only  is  this  a  new  group  copying  -  but  this  is  a  current  (  now  former  )  member  who  has  done  this.  it’s  ….  honestly  so  vile  to  think  they  would  find  this  acceptable  ???  we’re  all  writers.  we  know  how  shitty  it  feels  to  have  someone.
 i  can’t  remember  if  they  ever  sent  in  an  account,  but  what  i  do  know  is  at  one  point  they  followed  us  and  submit  an  app  (  as  is  proven  in the link  ),  so  even  if  this  would  be  played  as  ‘somehow  a  coincidence’  it’s  just  not  accurate.  
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6okuto · 1 year ago
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gn!reader | haiii. it's been so long since i wrote for ll i'm pretty sure i'd commit the worst mischaracterization crimes i've ever committed Ever if i tried to write a oneshot but. happy birthday sage ^___<
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I'm Incredibly hazy on lore so i have modern au in mind but if it's accurate to the game pretend i didn't say this.
for someone who loves partying, i don't imagine sage is someone who'd tell you about his birthday. he doesn't feel very enthusiastic about it.
but You? he knows you. he knows you'd put something together after finding out. and in notorious sage lesath fashion, he's teetering between wanting that, wanting you and letting himself be cared for, versus going about the day as usual because why put in all that effort? he's content the way things are anyway
one of the others would mention it in passing if you didn't ask yourself. no one voices their opinions on how sage didn't tell you. it isn't unexpected. the conversation instead immediately moves on to what you should do for it
like,, is a bar too obvious. does it feel too shallow? where else could you all go. In my mind this is just a house party but do what you will. you have to be careful with planning a surprise because he Will catch on, especially the week or so leading up to the day. tulsi is definitely a huge help btw. oh tulsi. (said with longing and nostalgia)
ohhh my god him sitting while everyone sings happy birthday. he doesn't get to stop you before you decide to tease him with the very first note, hands ready to start clapping. he rolls his eyes, but he's smiling and not moving to touch the food before you finish anyway
! not totally sure what present(s) i would choose but he's definitely getting a heartfelt card with a few silly jokes that would be written with so much love and care that he'd keep and read it randomly and be overwhelmed by emotion. and then maybe a funny shirt. a sick fucking sword.
!! put a little party hat on him. idc. i will make sure he wears one. if you wear a matching one it's a little easier.
party activities... of course there's talking about past parties. love a little drama and gossip. perhaps truth or dare. someone that isn't even You ends up promising to do His chores for a week ? not sure how that will go but everyone knows where your spare key is now.
PHOTOS :( chaotic photos... group photo around the cake... there's one of sage trying to do a cartwheel for some reason. someone tried to take a selfie with the camera but it was held up way too close and the flash definitely hurt their eyes (it was sage and anisa together while trying to figure out why it wasn't taking a photo.) a photo of rime fighting off people trying to put a hat on him
photo of sage and tulsi copying a photo from when they were younger 😂😂😂 i can't breathe. i can't bre
sage keeps using the fact that he's the birthday boy as leverage / reasoning btw. you're like For someone who didn't even mention his birthday, you sure are welcoming it now. and he's like ? of course. you have to take advantage of the opportunities given to you. < felix is currently, begrudgingly, sort of singing karaoke ?
and then there's the time you spend together alone
i would have reassured him / told him Not to read my letter at the party and to keep it for later. so while he's sitting in bed waiting for you (you forced him to stay away while you cleaned up some stuff because It's his birthday), he decides to read it. Oh man
sometimes he wonders if you're real
by the time you finish up and get into bed with him, sage is quieter and feeling vulnerable, the card put away in the night stand next to him to look at later. he thanks you for everything and your gift while holding you close.
he's always a little confused, stunned, that you'd choose to be with him. choose to stick by him despite all his problems, want to see him happy, love him to the extent that you do. but you whisper happy birthday one last time, pressing a kiss to his head while your fingers run through his hair, and sage thinks maybe he'll let it happen this time, and promises to himself to make it worth it. (and also that your next birthday will be a dream)
as i was writing this i imagined it of course as like, the First birthday you celebrate with him. but i think the years after, he'd let himself expect something and look forward to it more. especially if you promise to one-up yourself like okayyy intrigue. gonna make it a competition now ?
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??? i still have my ll tag list but i don't know if it would be a jarring surprise to use it. or who'd still want a tag. um. if ur reading this tho Lmk what present u would get him. for research purposes. curiosity
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true-blue-sonic · 10 months ago
🧃 🎲 🍄
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I attended bilingual education in high school: for the first three years, 80% of my subjects were in English (for the second three years, most subjects changed to Dutch because the big final exam at the end was fully in Dutch as well). A problem with this was that I had been given approximately three English lessons in primary school, which I figure did not manage to equal even two hours total. Thus, this combined with the fact I did not (and still don't) know how to study, meant that my time in high school started out as an absolute disaster. My first exam from high school ever was for English class, also took place on my birthday, and I got a 4 rounded up (the minimum grade to pass here is 5.5 out of 10). The reason I got a lot better at English is actually because I discovered Sonic when my third year had just started, and that was a great help in improving!
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I need to have a solid idea about what I want to write: I often struggle with starting to write "out of nowhere". When I have free time but no idea or inspiration, it means I am not likely to begin with writing. But I do have periods in my life where writing is my "main hobby" and I get a lot done at once, luckily.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Espio is the one member of the Chaotix who is adequate at cooking, so it often falls on his shoulders to ensure they actually get semi-decent meals. Silver loves hanging out in the kitchen with him and trying out new recipes together. He's also Espio's main food taster, but that doesn't actually say much about the quality of the meal because he likes basically everything.
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hizznbyte · 2 months ago
hey! just so u know, i (and i'm sure many others) would love to hear about that AU ! but it's alr if u don't wanna share it yet, do what makes u comfortable 👍
Oughh.. ohhh boy. Okay I should probably finally get to answering this ask gahhhh!.!..
Hi you!!! I’m assuming this is about my TWA AU post thing I made and deleted a little bit ago, in which I’d be happy to talk about it! I’m totally fine with sharing that shtuffs if you wanna hear about it, the only reason I’ve been hesitant to do so and putting it off is because my English is super sucky and I can’t articulate or explain my thinking properly so it can get super confusing, especially when we get to the more complicated lore. Plus, I don’t wanna make this post as long as the other one [that was pain in my ass to type and post 😭🙏] but.. I suppose I can take a swing at it! Please do bear with me haha.
So I’m not into TWA as I was before [I do sometimes rewatch videos out of boredom or for writing purposes] but I used to be super hyperfixated on it.. uh??? More than a year ago according to my discord. And I came up with this dumb unnamed AU which I fleshed out but never elaborated on. It’s got some complicated lore which I’ll try to explain to the best of my ability. Also like don’t jump me when I say I forgot most, if not everything from the original TWAEU lore so whatever I’m making up my own story now.
In the story, JP [Ego] finishes writing a chapter of his super awesome amazing BEST STORY EVER! and he’s so proud of himself that he goes to take a well deserved nights rest. And then he gets fucking isekai’d. Of course, it’s the most cliche, generic isekai plot ever, so JP just thinks he’s dreaming. He’s the all-mighty powerful chosen one. He’s self aware and got all the plot armor in the world. He’s got himself a useless familiar who dumps the plot at him. It’s your standard isekai story, save for the harem collecting because JP couldn’t pull to save his life. Anyways, he’s transported to this kingdom or whatever, because there’s always a monarchy in good fantasy right? And for whatever reason, the Knights of Artistic Integrity are the only authority figures despite sucking at their job. LOL.
Anywhos! JP’s goal is to “defeat the evil in the kingdom and restore it to peace so he can return to reality yeah!!” [the evil in question being his inners]. But JP doesn’t really take his quest seriously because why would he. It’s a dumbass dream he thinks until he almost dies and realizes “Wow! This dream sure is wack! It’s almost like this… isn’t a dream. Also what happened to my plot armor?” Or whatever white people say. In any case, he’s saved by the one and only Sir Knight Commander Mcstabbypants! [my beloved]. KC realizes that JP just might be the chosen one the prophecy called for ! So they take him back to Sir Adblock who devises a deal. JP and the knights will work together, he gets rid of the evil and restores peace to the kingdom and they help him return to reality. It’s a fair enough deal so JP agrees.
Things happen but JP and KC need to find Inner Critic. So they track down, arrest, and interrogate the Ancient Conspiracy Guy who claims to know where IC is. He’s a dirty liar and just wants to get out but he does know where to find the Cthulhu Cult Leader who’d probably know where IC is. They could also be a useful asset in defeating evil if they figured out how to get the Cthulhu Cult Leader on their side. This is also a shameless lie btw, but JP and KC don’t think much of it and without many leads they drag Ancient Conspiracy Guy around trying to find em. In reality Conspiracy Guy kinda just wants to get Cthulhu Cultist dude arrested because he’s petty as fuck. Don’t question it.
I’m gonna go ahead and skip that whole saga thing, but JP and co. find Inner Critic. And the guy is all “I’ve heard many things about you J.P. BEAUBIEN. It’s about time you owned up and repaid for the damages you caused.” or.. something like that, and JP goes “I have not a clue what you’re talking about because I just got here, but I’m gonna assume that’s a good thing!”
Anyways they kill Inner Critic. RIP. Everyone celebrates! They got rid of the evil! That is until JP’s familiar FINALLY shows up and goes “Wait, no, you weren’t supposed to kill him. You were just supposed to cleanse him [whatever that means]” which would’ve been nice to know before they killed the guy!! But no they need him alive. Man I sure wish there was a way to bring the dead back to life-
Hey so did I talk about Inner Greed’s giant 3D printer? But before when can address that ginormous elephant in the room, we have to get into the nitty gritty for uh context. This is where the lore kind of gets confusing but stay with me here! [Oh Solid Space… how I’ve longed to finally talk about you...]
So what exactly is Solid Space? In the AU lore, Solid Space is a theoretical concept proposed by this guy named Inner Ambition, that aimed to explain an oddly specific conundrum. If you watched a Terrible Writing Advice video before you’d know that all the art and characters are built up of shapes. Disconnected shapes that is [and yes, I am very aware this is a stylistic thing that makes the graphics simpler but in this AU it’s pretty important]. This design choice still exists in my AU, where all the characters don’t have those parts connecting their limbs so they just appear to be floating but it’s more exaggerated. Namely, their bodies lack a neck and joints in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. What remains is an empty space filled up by air. This led to people wondering, how are we [the people in the AU] still able to function normally without these necessary parts? I mean, they can still eat, drink, breathe, and talk without a neck? Their limbs stay in place and can’t really be pushed or pulled around without feeling pain. So how do you explain this? Inner Ambition aimed to figure that out, conducting various experiments, and learned the following:
The empty space between limbs behaved in such a way that IA dubbed it the “Limb Space Paradox”. Essentially, if you try to touch the limb space with a part of your body [say, sticking your finger in the space where your neck should be] it would go through as if there were nothing there. Like there was just air between them. You could cut through that space and not feel a thing. HOWEVER! Any other object, substance, or element that made contact with that space would react as if there were a solid object in between them. If you tried to stick a pencil in between the space where your shoulder would be, it would stop and hit a solid wall. It would NOT pass through. If you poured water down your arm, it would flow downwards the sides of your arm instead of through the empty space. Air would also hit the surface instead of going through the other side.
The fact that these characters can bleed, breathe, feel and be hurt imply the existence of skin, organs, muscles, nerves and veins, bones, and the like within these spaces, yet it cannot be seen or altered. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what Inner Ambition calls “Solid Space”. Solid Space is a confusing idea, implying that parts of their body exist in some form, in a plane beyond their own. Something they cannot properly comprehend. Because of this, Solid Space cannot be artificially recreated [keep that in mind].
Now, why exactly this is and what evolutionary advantage this feature has is unclear, because IA died right before he could figure out the answer.
And it may or may not be JP’s fault.
Uh anyways back to Inner Greed’s printer? Oh yeah! So Greed has the ginormous machine that resembles a kind of 3D Printer. And essentially, he can produce literally anything [and I mean ANYTHING] in large quantities as long as he has the filament. The filament in question is artificially crafted and owned by Greed and Greed only. The cost to create something using Greed’s printer is insanely high, so usually only the rich and elite can afford to even come close to the thing [obviously, this IS Greed we are talking about!] Usually, companies will collaborate with Greed to pump out products in mass amounts where they then sell it off to the public for a lower, yet still expensive price. People mainly prefer to buy products from these companies because of a little bit of Greed propaganda. He assures everyone his printed products are higher quality, better for the environment and health [when that’s entirely false], and the price is totally worth it! Even though you’d have to sell your newborn to even afford housing and shi. Nowadays, a majority of big companies get their stuff from Greed. Awesome. I love capitalism. Also Inner Greed is essentially controls the government and military and.. well pretty much everything which is why the Knights need him GONE. [Random fact? The Chainsaw General Guy -What’s his face- is Greed’s right hand man here, even though he hates working for Greed and just needs to pay off a debt. I dunno]
But like I said, Greed’s machine can print anything and everything. That includes printing people, cloning the powerful, nd’ reviving the dead. Hell yeah! 3D printing necromancy babeyy!!
The only issue with this system is the fact that it’s virtually impossible to do any of this as a layperson. The process is not only INCREDIBLY difficult [you yourself need to provide the resources/materials for filament] and time consuming, it’s extortionate!! Obviously it’s gonna be expensive, this is Greed after all, but even the most wealthy elites [aside from Greed’s inner circle] are hesitant to pay the price and only really do it when they get extremely desperate. Just imagine your average millionaire’s yearly income I guess. Anywho, if you were somehow able to afford and pay for this service, the steps required are just as troublesome. First, you’d need the body of the subject you’d want to print, and it needs to be preserved perfectly. That is to say, if the body of a dead person sustained any injury [internal or external] they’d need to be fixed before bringing them to Greed or he’ll just print them out as is, and there’s no going back or fixing it afterwards. And trust me, the medical bills are just as bad. So if you broke your leg before you die you gotta get that thing back in place or else you’ll just come back with a permanent broken leg. This also just makes it hard for those whose bodies are missing to be revived, those like Inner Ambition- I’m getting ahead of myself. Anyways, after receiving and scanning the body, you’d need to provide Greed with a large enough sample of preserved DNA and tissue to be mixed in with his artificial filament. Oh, remember when I explained Solid Space and said it can’t be artificially recreated? Yeah, well Greed will just replace that space with a clear, resin like substance that mimics the appearance of solid space but really acts more like a glass tube where you can see your insides through. Extremely fragile and painful to live with. And after all that you’d the wait a month, give or take? Depends on how nice Greed was feeling that moment.
All that time and effort… and only to have the husk [body] of the person you’re printing. You’d need to go to Greed AGAIN and have him reprogram a conscience and memories back into the husk to fully complete the process. So yeah. Capitalism win. The only exception to this would be Greed’s inner circle of people which he has their bodies already archived for quick and easy printing. The inner circle in question being made up of mostly rich political figures who JP is also tasked with getting rid of.
Not too sure if any of this makes sense or is that relevant to the story that I had to flesh it out like that. I stopped working on the AU immediately after my hyperfixation died off.
But basically JP doesn’t wanna have to go through that process because that’s annoying as hell, plus Greed also seems to hate him and the Inner Critic so he wouldn’t dare revive that guy. Makes JP’s mission a lot more complicated. But I guess that’s his fault-
So now JP’s real goal has become more of a “figure out what you did to turn the world to ruin and repay for the damages and crimes while also restoring order to the kingdom” or something like that. Because JP isn’t really the hero the story initially sets him out to be. All this while trying to return back to reality… yeah this is gonna be a long mission. Existential crises, battles n betrayals, Y’know the like.
And that’s… as much as I wrote before effectively forgetting about it and never continuing the story from there. And man in retrospect this is an absolutely insane AU that I could probably rewrite and improve but hey, this dumbass post is long enough as is. So many tangents and ramblings…sorry I don’t know how to conclude this chaotic mess of a post. I am exhausted. I’m glad I finally finished writing this so I can post it and stop thinking about it LOL 😭🙏 If anyone cares, I don’t have any official designs for this AU so feel free to come up with your own interpretations.
Anywhos, thank you for the ask and I hope this wasn’t too awful of a read [that is, if anyone actually read all of this. Sorry XD] Much love to you all.
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dappersautismcreature · 1 year ago
i absolutely love bbh and i see where you're coming from totally when you're frustrated with red team's grudge against him. it's frustrating when watching from bbh's perspective because yeah. he is just playing the game, he's trying to save his kids, he's merciful when he can be and is very polite. so i totally understand the frustrations bc it seems like others hate him for completely unfair reasons.
but from the red team's perspective- they do not actually think he is evil. Like they fully understand why he's doing what he's doing and don't really actually hate him. it's just a bit that they're running with. The "badboyhalo is our specter of death, our mortal enemy" is really just a funny thing they are doing.
They're not really super focused on lore rn so i think the conflict gets rough though, with q!Bad having such strong roleplay motivations and the red team kinda just messing around rn and having fun. Their plan right now is to just play and wait for lore clues to pop up so they can figure out what REALLY must be done.
also the agreement with ElQuackity wasn't even about BBH or the Blue team at all, i think the players just wanted Green to have a win for motivation.
feel free to delete or ignore this ask tho i just wanted to say this stuff bc maybe the grudge would seem less unfair and personal idk
have a lovely evening and viewing experience
no no nonnie <3 this helped a lot actually
just wanna say every time even if its someone disagreeing with me i love getting you guys to come discuss things in my inbox (makes me feel like a part of this community)
this helped because i heard that green and red were teaming bad, which again isnt awful, i can totally see a fun way for it to play out, i just get flashbacks to people saying that bad deserved to be caged back during that arc. like if red and green team just obliterate bad i dont want them to be seen as perfect angels for doing so, you know?
im also looking forward to green possibly winning today (even though i think blue has been doing some great stuff lately, but im biased lmao)
basically, i get the grudge, i just dont like how some chatters, some people on twitter, and the rare person here takes it like it has actual needed weight to it, and that its not just their characters holding onto a grudge a bit too hard.
i am also almost always on the defensive because I Know how people hold jaiden, cellbit, slime, and foolish (and philza argh) to this 'perfect angel' standing while they decimate bad for doing something even slightly morally questionable, while idk, foolish is a cop, jaiden literally ignores how cucurucho tortured her friends, cellbit killed several innocent people, slime.. idk slime's pretty chill, and philza,, is lowkey a bystander sometimes.
sorry for the kinda rant <3 love u nonnie. just know i get where theyre coming from, im more preparing for the worst when it comes to the fandom interpretations
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months ago
this time in my baldur's gate 3 playthrough, i finish wyll's personal quest and have a lot of thoughts about him! which mainly boil down to: larian did him very dirty, and i'm sad about it because i wanted to be able to love his story more. i try to be concious of the way that fandom as a whole is very biased against black characters, and as a lover of fairytales and disney movies i think the fact that wyll is just genuinely good and kind the whole time and is basically like if a disney prince became a warlock is cool! i think that's an awesome concept and larian could've done so much more with him, because i don't believe that characters need to be edgy and morally gray to be interesting and complex! but i feel like the writers themselves were biased against wyll because his story is so lacking in polish and so underwhelming adkjsfghf. i'll just have to choose to seek out fanworks that expand on the potential he had. anyway. rest of my thoughts are below the cut as usual.
the iron throne mission was very nervewracking lol but in a fun way!! it took me multiple tries to get my strategy figured out, and i ended up bringing several elemental summons to help do the fighting and misty step/dimension door scrolls to help everyone get around. thank god omeluum had a spell that could teleport gale out of there, because i was worried he wasn't going to make it and i'd have to try again when i was so close to finally saving all the prisoners. and i did save them all, though again it was a close call with some of them! i just wish i would've been also able to read the notes and such that i saw around.
got jumpscared by the waveservants coming to attack us for siding with redhammer, and then uhhh, redhammer died during the battle and now i feel bad :( i mean, i tried to keep him alive but he did not exactly make it easier by running directly toward the enemies and trying to fight them!
oh well. i'll have to try harder to keep him safe on another playthrough. i think it's a huge shame that you only get that sexy robe if you side with the waveservants though... i need to mod it into my game later. for science.
DAMN DOES ULDER REALLY HAVE TO BE SO MEAN TO WYLL... i mean, okay, i guess i can understand that he didn't have any idea what really happened between wyll and mizora, but i wish he could've had a bit more faith in his son instead of calling him a monster. ugh i just feel so bad for wyll, but i really am glad they finally got a chance to patch things up.
next, i went to the steel watch foundry and had gale take the lead in sneaking our way through the gates with magic... except we got caught by the steel watcher and wyll--who for some reason became the controlled character there even though i definitely had gale selected to cast fog cloud and knock?--lied to it and convinced it that it let us in. after that i got extremely annoyed by the combat lol. the fight on the main floor was really easy, but the one in the basement? i hope you didn't need to save all the gondians, because i tried so many times and ended up just giving up... in the end, only two of them (aside from zanner toobin) had the brain cells to stay up above instead of suicidally misty stepping into the face of every enemy, so those were the only two who survived. why does the AI keep being like this lmao??
there are a lot of hints about what the iron throne even is and how to get there scattered around the foundry, so i'm guessing the story does expect you to come here first! it's fun to explore this area and try to find all the lore tidbits they've scattered around. the steel watchers being controlled by tadpole-infected brains was a total surprise to me and so was being able to actually try and control them yourself. i tried to save the innocent people the watchers were attacking, but my poor low WIS tav just couldn't do it :( i also found... bernard's head?? for some reason, it says "extract", but when i click on that it doesn't do anything. that's really interesting, though--i wish we were able to learn more about lenore.
wulbren is literally such a jackass and does not deserve barcus. i want to yeet him into the ocean. i'm so proud of barcus for standing up for himself, taking over as lead of the ironhands, and telling wulbren to fuck off!!
OH YEAH I FINALLY REMEMBERED to look up a video of the glitched convo about gale's last name. being able to tell him you like gale dekarios better than gale of waterdeep, and the way he responds to that, is soooo rapunzel and eugene coded i'm 🥺🥺🥺 i want to see people make tangled AUs with gale and their tavs now.
i think elenion is reeeeeally skeptical of this whole "staking the future of baldur's gate on a legendary tale" thing and does not believe ansur actually exists, but i suppose he'll seen crazier shit by now so he'll just go with it!
the trials were fun to figure out, and i liked that wyll and gale both had comments on some of them!! wyll offers his help with the trial of justice and comments that he has little experience with lanceboard, and gale gets all excited when you walk up to the lanceboard trial ajksdghdfkjgss he's so cute. he also literally just tells you exactly what to do on that one. thank you gale i love you 💜💜
I GENUINELY WAS NOT WHAT HAPPENED WITH ANSUR THOUGH WHAT!!! i was expecting wyll to get to befriend a dragon and have him as a helper in the final battle but i've gotta admit that was an interesting twist and a fun battle. i'm unsurprised that the emperor is balduran, though, mostly because i've already seen people talk about it, but also they kind of... pretty much say it in the song of balduran?? or at least they heavily hint at it, by including the line "transformed, he fell their thrall". what i am surprised at is ansur x balduran toxic yaoi lmao whaaaat 😭 there's a letter on ansur's body that says "even if i'm not beside you, i will always have been your balduran"... can't believe i'm sad about them now.
augh, the choice of whether or not to encourage wyll to become the grand duke made me feel so torn tbh because like... first of all, i already knew about the blade of avernus ending, and that it's (from what i've heard at least) positioned as his good ending while becoming the duke is positioned as his bad ending akin to everyone else's ascensions, and i know karlach will die if wyll doesn't go to avernus with her. but my character doesn't know any of that! and i genuinely think joining his father to help rebuild the city rather than running around as a vigilante in the hells sounds like a good ending for wyll, as a way for him to do a lot of overall good for others and resolve his issues with his dad by working alongside him? i also think it's what elenion would tell him to do, if only the dialogue options for it weren't all like "think of the power you'll yield!" because they would not fucking say that unless they meant "the power you'll be able to yield to help the people of baldur's gate". man. idk. at least this time, unlike when it came to what to do with his pact, there's an option to trust wyll to make his own choice. so... i chose that. he chose on his own to become the blade of avernus. guess that's that, then.
i'm also just. really underwhelmed by wyll's personal quest in general though ugh 😭 listen i have had wyll in my party for the entire fucking game. his introduction was just so cool that i was instantly drawn to him and never let him leave my party and in my head i roleplayed him and elenion becoming best friends. i love him but his story is just really missing something... the conclusions to shadowheart and astarion's personal quests were so cathartic and made me really emotional but wyll's just Didn't. and i feel like they could've and should've done so much more with it, i mean, he's the son of the grand duke of baldur's gate!!! the game i am playing is called baldur's gate 3!!! i also think it's really weird that he's so torn up about ansur, but not about fucking balduran?? wyll, did you not notice that your hero is the evil mindflayer that lied to all of us and has been causing us trouble for the entire game?? hello?? it just felt like this entire final part of his quest was more about developing the emperor's character than about him. sigh.
i think the ansur stuff could've felt a bit more like it was about wyll if, like, he could ask to be the one to do the trials like how shadowheart can ask you to let her offer her blood at the gauntlet of shar and you get approval from letting her, because then the trials of ansur get to be about him proving his own worthiness as a hero and leader... and if maybe he was automatically selected for the conversation with ansur instead of letting your character do that, and if he had significantly more dialogue and reactivity to all of it.
anyway. going to end this post here, and then it's time to go fuck up gortash and head into the final battle and the epilogue!
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sakurarisen · 9 months ago
Meet the Mun.
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
I've actually had Sera as a muse for well over a decade. She's easily one of my oldest muses and ocs, and came about in a period of my life that actually helped contribute to (then unrecognized) PTSD. While she's been through a HELL of a lot more than me, Sera is something of a comfort character and forever my strongest muse, and I don't think there'll ever be a day I'm not writing her. <3
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
I'm not really fond of cheating plots, especially ones taken as a 'just handwave it off' kind of thing? Just not my cup of tea. I'm also not really fond of horror and violence for the sake of violence, again especially when just shrugged off or thrown in for no reason other than shock value/no reason at all, and I definitely don't like plots where all it is is 'A antagonizes B, B has to deal with it with nothing else going on aside from A antagonizing them' - I've had a lot of encounters where I literally couldn't do anything without my muse being shit on every time they showed up or opened their mouth, and it was treated as a joke my muse (and I) should just deal with. Shit's not funny after a while. I also don't like turning EVERYTHING nsfw it the same vein as that, either, being it sexual or not - It's exhausting trying to write a conversation between muses and it boiling down to/derailed into a slew of dirty jokes and innuendos, or a trauma dump in reply to something "what do you want for lunch". A bit is fine and funny, but there's a time for it, in my opinion.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I do love softer things! Give me relationship building! Give me lore building! Give me meaningful and impactful moments - Some of my favorite threads are ones where I've walked away and learned something new about the muses! <3 I love writing fluff, I love letting the muses just be, but I also love touches of angst occasionally and serious moments just as much. <3
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Oftentimes they're things I've been thinking of for a while and just had a breakthrough on, or a sudden realization - Things like Sera being a snow phoenix fall under 'sudden realization', while others, like her scars, were a breakthrough from thinking about. A good chunk of the time, they come around via threads making me see something in a new light or my love of reading made me think, or a video game sparked up a few thoughts, and it always tumbles into something massive the more my muse nodes her head and finally opens up in a 'you finally figured me out, here's more detail' babble.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Both - I usually do better with silence, but if I can't get that, I'll slap on some instrumental type music, oftentimes Lindsey Stirling. Things with lyrics usually serve as a distraction because I want to listen to the vocals over writing. XD
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Both! A LOT of them are winged, especially since I just let Sera (and Shayan!) do her own thing usually and oftentimes she ends up doing things I didn't expect her to do anyway, but I also like to plan out a little bit a lot, too. That's usually as simple as looking to a partner and going "I think this is going to happen" or "I'd like to touch on this", or even pointing out "hey, here's how my muse feels after that" - But from there it's usually winged, never planned out word for word.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I love shipping, but unfortunately I've had some pretty horrible experiences with it outside of an incredibly tiny handful of close friends, which's really dashed my desire to jump into it with anyone aside from them. This is actually why I've gone totally singleship and exclusively shipped with @honorisen - I've been burnt so badly over the years I'd rather just keep romantic shipping to a super close friend who knows me and I know just as well in return.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
I go by either Lita, Pom, or Pomberry, the later being a mix of Pomeranian and Tonberry! Though to be fair I also regularly answer to just 'hey you-' as well, and used to go by Pomsky before it got shortened to just Pom! I'm not super picky in which I prefer, so hit me with any of them <3
A good bit over 30-
October 13th <3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Purple, dark green, and probably a little mid-ranged blues in there too-
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I spent my childhood in the 90's, so I've gotta say most songs by the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC - With special nods for the later to Bye Bye Bye and Space Cowboy. I also really, REALLY love Lindsey Stirling's Shatter Me and Roundtable Rival, as well as What You're Made Of, and Breaking Benjamin's I will Not Bow and Breath - I could list a ton here, but that's because I'm usually fond of songs and less so of groups in general!
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2! It happened to be on tv, and I can never turn down GotG <3
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
...Prooobably Jeopardy? I don't watch a whole heck of a lot of TV aside from old re-runs of 90's/early 2000's anime, but we watch Jeopardy and Family Feud here during dinner most days, so-
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Currently have on Space Cowboy by NSYNC! <3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Toss up between chicken tetrazini, meatloaf, and bbq ribs <3 Not really a food, but I finally got to try bubble tea/boba and I'm falling in love with that too-
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Anything that isn't hot as all getout, which is most of the year where I live, unfortunately. x.x' I like spring and fall for that reason especially? And while my health doesn't agree, I LOVE winter and miss it since moving to a warmer climate several years back-
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Yep yep! <3 @honorisen / @yoroiis, @waltzofphoenix, and a friend who's unfortunately no longer rp'ing here, but I talk to daily! <3
Tagged: Saphie said steal it SO <3 Stolen from @azure-steel and replaced with cupcakes <3
Tagging: @yoroiis, @waltzofphoenix, Grab it! <3
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mg-dango · 11 months ago
Do you want to take a moment to be infodumped about my TF2 OC? (pls say yes)👉👈
YOOOOO Hi I’m not dead (yet)
College’s been eating me alive with homework, which hasn't allowed me to finish a single drawing or play video-games, not even sleep more than 4 hours haha (send help/j)
HOWEVER- However, I recently got an hyperfixation on TF2 and oh lord I love it, I could talk about it all day. I´ve been reading fanfiction, watching gameplays and SFM videos on youtube. I don't how could I've missed this fandom before iT’S CRAZY-
And like everytime I get so engaged on a fandom, I try to self-insert me with art, and then like everytime I try to self-insert me everytime, it fails miserably because the mf fictional interpretations of me start growing their own characteristics, differences and personalities and when I less expect it- BOOM, they´re a totally new OC with little to no hints of me in them. 
Sooo this is exactly how this OC I wanna present you today was born, usually I just wait until I have 2 or 3 drawings of them and then I present them with little to no explanation on social media, but since my current free time is not letting me do anything and I’ve been dying to infodump about them, I said “f-ck it we ball” and just straight up tell you guys what I have made of this new blorbo until now:
NOTE: Some of the things about this oc are a bit stereotypical about Japanese culture, I apologize and if something makes you feel uncomfortable/bothered about it, please let me know!
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Like her name suggests, she is a chef, originary from Japan. The story I currently have for her now is that Miss Pauling temporally wanted to hire a cook to boost the morale on the base, and Chef enthusiastically took the job after being kicked out of cooking school, there was one problem tho
Chef only knows to cook one single thing and It’s sushi, like, if she tries making something else, that thing ends up transforming into some kind of sushi-like thing (Like sushi-getti, sushi-taco, even sushi-sandvich and sushi-cereal).
The team at one point gets sick of always eating sushi, but for some reason (I´m still thinking of the reason) they can't fire her from her new job so they just end up making her a new member of the team
Which is actually bananas because Chef comes from a family of ninjas (I´m still thinking on the lore of that too)
Also here's the thing, everyone on the team thinks that Chef is a man, she was about to correct them but instead she discovered she liked being referred also with masculine pronouns and being perceived as a man so instead she's just internally having an identity crisis figuring out her gender while keeping it a secret.
She's been trying to avoid medic for that same reason, she hasn't gotten her übercharge-thing surgery yet because then Medic would have to see her chest and her secret would spill out
(I actually doubt medic or any other member would mind having a woman on the team but still ohhh the drama)
She can throw smoke bombs that are made of wasabi, uses an Oroshi Hocho (A knife used to cut tuna) as a sword and can make a temporary clone of herself (I’m sorry if this sounds a bit like a Mary Sue I got too excited)
Chef is Aroace (‘Cause I'm aro and I wanted an aro oc to make me feel represented), she values A LOT friendships and platonic relationships.
She likes hanging out with scout bc she thinks he is simply goofy and hilarious and a funny idiot (ur honor they’re homies)
Annnd that's all I have of Chef for now, probably gonna be changing a lot of things the longer I draw her but uh, If you have come to this part and took the bother to read all this infodumping, I wanna hug u virtually and say “thank u” I really appreciate you <3
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