#//she's a paramedic
(The final part of November Paramedic; part 6 is here and the AO3 version is here. If you want to avoid the smut, you should read on AO3.)
Eddie's apartment is full of song, but for probably the first time since he moved in it's not metal.
Max sings This Old Heart of Mine with gusto, her attention glued to her fingers as they move on the fretboard. She's in an awkward position, sitting slumped and with her leg propped onto five pillows on the coffee table. An elastic bandage is wrapped around her knee. Steve was right – she did exacerbate the injury by walking on it, and had to spend the next three days on bed rest. The knee already looks a lot better, less swollen but likely still tender, not that she's uttered a peep about it. Today is the first day she's been up and running, though not without support. Since crutches is the uncoolest kind of mobility aid Eddie took it upon himself to dig out a cane from his closet for her to use. When he asked if she liked it, she said it was great for thwacking people; he assumes that means 'yes'.
On the other end of the couch, Gareth taps along on a handheld drum. Max felt like she kept losing the rhythm and wanted extra help. Eddie is certain she was doing fine, but hey, if it calms her last-minute nerves, so be it.
The song ends, the last note lingering in the otherwise silent room. Max heaves a sigh, guitar slipping from her grip as she relaxes into her seat.
Gareth is beaming with pride; Eddie feels it too. Approximately two months of practice led to this. Just two months! He knows that she's been diligent, but still – it's impressive. Damn, he has the raddest little neighbor.
He rests his elbows on the couch's backrest and pokes Max's shoulder.
"It sounds great. You'll do amazing tomorrow."
She nods, lips tugging into a sweetly pleased smile.
"I'm ready," she says. Craning her neck, she locks their gazes. "Are you performing too?"
"No. The stage will be only yours. Although," he pats the acoustic in her lap, "I will of course be there and make sure you treat DragonSlayer with the respect she deserves."
Max's eyes crinkle with mischief.
"She won't react to you ever again after I show her what real talented fingers can do," she says, wiggling said fingers at him, and giggles when he gasps like a Victorian lady at the implied vulgarity. Turning to Gareth, she asks, "Are you gonna be there?"
Gareth's expression crumbles.
"I can't. Something is going around at work and we're short-staffed, so I'm no longer free," he says miserably. "I'll come next time. You'll do it again, right?"
She smiles wryly. "Unless I crash and burn."
Eddie pushes off the backrest and rounds the couch. He hates to spoil the mood any more, but…
"Before I forget," he says, piercing them with an unamused look. He also tries standing with his hands on his hips, but there's no way he can convey the same bitchy determination Steve can with the stance, so it feels hollow. He crosses his arms instead. "You two need to stop conspiring against me."
They blink at him, baffled.
"What?" Gareth says.
"You've been trying to set me up with Steve!"
"Well, yeah," Max says. "But not with him."
"Yeah, not with her."
It's Eddie's turn to blink. Releasing a breath that shudders with emotion, he closes his eyes and rubs circles on his temples.
"You're telling me you've worked independently of each other this entire time?"
"Seems like it!" Gareth laughs, though the mirth dims quickly. "But… who's done the best job?"
They whip toward each other. Their postures are tense, bow strings drawn and ready to shoot. Flames of competitiveness engulf them. Weirdos.
Gareth points at Max. "I made them go on a date!"
"I made them go on two dates!"
"I'm the reason they got to know each other!"
Max scoffs. "Oh, please. As if I wouldn't have eventually introduced them."
"Would you?"
"Sure. They're both older brother figures I can't get rid of who're hopelessly single and into men." She shrugs. "Why not?"
Eddie gasps again, this time more like a grandmother who's been presented with an incomprehensibly scribbled drawing from her toddler grandchild.
"I'm an older brother figure to you?" he asks, bending down to Max's level, his tone patronizingly light.
She sends him a withering look and reaches for her cane.
"Well, they almost kissed on my date!" Gareth shouts.
Max’s jaw drops. She loses her grip on the cane but gains a terrifying intensity in her eyes. A chill runs through Eddie, the tips of his appendages tingling. This is the closest he's ever gotten to catching frostbite.
"What," she says flatly.
Eddie scrambles away, metaphorically and physically, in case she decides to smack him anyway.
"N-no, we- It wasn't- Our faces just- But we didn't!"
"But it was so close," Gareth says, fingers pinched and with maybe the fraction of a fraction of an inch of air between his thumb and forefinger.
"Huh." Max continues staring Eddie down like she's plotting his murder for keeping secrets. He's about to point out that he can't be set up with Steve if he's dead when she swivels back to Gareth. "I'm making them go on a third date."
"Wait, what? When?"
"Open mic tomorrow night," she says, like he's an idiot. The scrunch of Gareth's mouth indicates that he agrees with her.
"Shit." He pats himself down, in search of something. "What time is it? Where's my phone? If I text him now I can schedule a spontaneous hang-out for tonight!"
Eddie's eyes double in size.
"Woah, woah, woah!" he exclaims, hands raised and palms facing out, as if he's warding off wild animals. "You have Steve's number?"
Gareth pauses his search to tilt his head at Eddie, like he's a puzzle he can't figure out how to solve. Or maybe just like he's a huge fucking moron. "You're telling me you don't?"
Eddie clamps his lips together; fights the urge to fidget beneath their judgmental stares. Max slowly shakes her head.
"Dumbass. You need us."
Eddie makes an ugly face at her. "Shut up."
She tuts. "So aggressive. That's a symptom of sexual frustration."
"I'm not-"
"Remember: thin walls."
"They're not that thin! I never hear you!"
"Because I know how to keep my business to myself. And you've heard me practicing the guitar, haven't you?"
He has. Shit. He buries his face in his hands.
"That's right," Max says snippily. "I hear everything. Every. Thing."
"Oh," Gareth says. He squeezes her good knee, oozing empathy from every pore. "Oh, you poor, innocent girl."
She soaks it up, lamenting, "It's been awful."
"Yeah… But, um. You realize that if they get together, then… "
Gareth trails off as Max nods miserably.
"Yeah, I know. I'm resigned to my fate."
Eddie pushes the heels of his hands into his eye sockets until he sees stars. He needs friends who are less invested in his sex life.
Max leaves soon after, cane clacking louder than necessary against the floor. (Eddie suspects he might not get it back once she's healed.) She stops in the doorway on her way out. While smiling in a manner that makes him break out in a cold sweat, she tells him not to take his car to the open mic and to dress nicely.
And then she's gone.
Gareth harrumphs.
"She's planning something for tomorrow. Damnit. This is unfair, you know. She's known him longer; she can talk to and influence both of you in ways I can't. I'm at a disadvantage here."
Eddie, without replying, twirls on the spot and faceplants on the couch.
Gareth groans above him. "Oh, what is it now?"
'Same as always' is what he'd like to say. Instead, he saves his breath by rolling onto his side, curling up his legs, and giving Gareth a look. It must convey how he feels, because Gareth's irritation melts off, replaced with something gentle. He squats by the couch and brushes a stray lock from Eddie's forehead. A bit like how Uncle Wayne would when he still lived at home.
"Eddie, man, you don't have to be nervous. He likes you."
"That makes it worse," Eddie says, voice raspy and thick, and fuck, he's not going to cry over this, is he? Bawl when a boy doesn't like him is normal, not when they do. "He likes me now, but if he finds out I'm his obsessive quasi-stalker? Then what?"
"I think you're blowing this out of proportion," Gareth says. He starts scratching at Eddie's scalp; it's good enough to dry his tears and slow his pulse. "Max knows about the calendar and she doesn't mind!"
Eddie snorts derisively. "Because she's nineteen and doesn't yet understand how some actions can have terrible consequences."
Gareth frowns at that with obvious disapproval. "She's still an adult. For that matter, so are you and Steve? Just talk to him about it." He sighs. "Look, I don't think he'll mind so much that he'll never get over it. And if he does… it sucks. But you'll live. There are dozens of hot guys out there, waiting to be swept off their hot… feet." He pauses to snicker.
"You're so bad at this," Eddie whispers; Gareth snickers even more.
"You know why I've stuck by you all these years?" he asks once done laughing. "Why I even started hanging with you in the first place?"
"You had stoner aspirations and I zero qualms selling weed to fourteen-year-olds?"
Gareth flicks his forehead. "Because you're cool. And likable. And you make people happy when you're around. So go out there tomorrow night and sweep those hot feet!"
Eddie snorts. Then again. His diaphragm tightens, air forces past his pursed lips, and then his body shakes with laughter. Gareth is grinning proudly, of himself and possibly Eddie as well. He snakes his arms around Eddie's waist and pulls him so close the mirth rattles through them both. It takes an eon, but at last, the laughter abates. Eddie’s lungs are sore and his eyes are wet with happiness, and he's still got an armful of best friend clinging to him.
"I'll call you the day after tomorrow." Gareth punctuates the promise with a squeeze, before pulling back. "Lunchtime. And I'll expect progress. Okay?"
Eddie nods. "Okay."
Gareth beams, ruffles Eddie's hair, and then he too leaves the apartment.
Eddie turns onto his back and stares at the ceiling. He doesn’t sigh as much as make noise while gravity pushes the air from his lungs. He could fall asleep here, on this uncomfortable couch. Turns out guitar lessons, worrying, and funny friends deplete your energy.
Before his eyelids slide shut for good he drags himself up to brush his teeth and go lie in his real bed. He needs a proper night's sleep if he'll survive tomorrow.
He wakes up on Saturday having dreamt of Steve. He eats his breakfast while thinking of Steve. He replaces brake pads, rotates tires, and talks to clients while thinking of Steve. He returns home and showers off the sweat and oil while really thinking of Steve.
He also spends a lot longer than usual contemplating how thoroughly he ought to wash himself. Fate dictates that if he cleans as if he might get laid, he won't be. However, if he's perfunctory about it, he's more likely to score. Ultimately, he does an extensive scrub. Rather be presumptuous and get nothing than be unhygienic and get lucky.
Then comes the worst part: picking an outfit.
Max told him to wear something 'nice'. Jesus. 'Wear something nice', what did that even mean? Dress less like himself? Dress more like himself? Something skimpy? Or snug? He has those leather pants that make his legs look divine, but they might be too much. He doesn't want to look like he's trying as hard as he is. Also, he's going to an open mic in a coffee shop at seven in the evening. There will be high schoolers, retirees, families with children, and others present who do not need to see his dick imprint. 'No' to the leather pants.
But maybe…
The hangers clatter and screech as he pushes them aside. Sticking his arm far into his wardrobe, he then pulls it out grasping his other battle vest.
The one in leather.
He hasn't worn it out yet. It's only recently finished, and almost ended up looking too nice, too pristine. It's not really him, not the way his frayed and trusty denim vest is. But it's still a thing of beauty: band logos immaculately painted onto the leather and spikes adorning the shoulders, collar, and lapels.
It's fucking badass. Him, though a little nicer.
He pairs the vest with his tightest Metallica tee – the one with the sleeves shorn off and the neckline cut into a v deep enough to show both tattoos – and distressed, black jeans, rips over the knees and a big hole along the inside of one thigh. The retirees will just have to fucking deal with some exposed skin.
A crowd is thronging inside Connie's when he arrives ten minutes to seven. They've built a makeshift stage on one short side, crammed between the cream'n'sugar station and a huge monstera. Microphones, stools, and a keyboard stand upon it. All the café's tables are pushed to one half of the floor, letting people mill between them and the stage. None of them seem to be his people, though.
Eddie weaves through the crowd, scanning it for short redheads and tall hunks. Nothing… nothing… not-
He turns, coming nose to nose, like tip to tip, with Steve, who's… wow. Call him the moon and Eddie a wolf, because he's about to start howling.
He's wearing pants, not jeans, that hug his hips without being obscenely tight and a fitted, teal dress shirt. The sleeves are rolled up and the top two buttons left undone, allowing yet another tantalizing peek of the sculpted pecs beneath. Nice but not too formal, if you ask anyone. Positively edible, if you ask Eddie. His mouth is actually watering a little, which is a sign he's been staring for too long.
Lifting his gaze from Steve's chest to his face, he realizes he could've taken his time because Steve is also staring. At Eddie.
Steve's breaths are slow but deep as he bites his lip hard enough to dent it, tongue flicking out to soothe the mark. Eyes glowing like embers, he trails them over Eddie's body, threatening to set him ablaze.
Eddie's jeans are too fucking tight for this.
"Starting to worry you wouldn't make it," Steve says, low and gravelly.
"No, I just, uh, running a bit late…" Eddie says, faltering as Steve drags a finger along the lapel of his vest.
"Haven't seen you in this before," he murmurs.
"It's new. First time wearing it."
"Where'd you get it?"
"I made it."
Steve's brows jump. "You made it?"
"Make like one-third of my clothes and heavily alter the rest. Metal's all about DIY, baby."
Chuckling, Steve grabs both ends of the attached leather belt and opens the vest for a better look at the Metallica shirt underneath. He doesn't ask any questions about the band, thank God, because Eddie's brain is too liquid to answer. If Steve opened the vest a bit more he'd be undressing him. Or if he tugged at the belt Eddie would stumble into him, he's so off balance.
But Steve does neither; he closes it and lets go.
"I left the others at the table. C'mon."
The rest of them also look nice, Robin in suspenders again, this time paired with shorts, and Lucas in a black sweater-red jacket combo that reminds Eddie of all the cool boys he pined over in high school. Both of them gush compliments at the sight of his vest; their childlike enthusiasm is a pretty effective boner killer, phew. The only one not mentioning his outfit is Max – she's silently staring at the tablecloth, hands in her lap and head bowed.
"Hey, Red," he says.
She looks at him, eyes like clear ponds and her freckles stark against her white skin. It might be his personal bias, but she's the prettiest of them all tonight. Canary yellow t-shirt dress and oversized jean jacket, one shoulder artfully slipping down. Loose, wavy locks cascading past her shoulders. Barely chipped nail polish and glossy lips, but no other makeup. She's radiant.
And she's shaking.
He slides into the chair next to her.
"You're still ready?"
Max nods.
"You know, I still feel like puking every time I perform."
"Yeah?" she breathes.
"Yup." His fingers encircle her wrist, squeezing. "You're gonna crush it."
She smiles tightly.
"Do you want us to film it?" Robin asks. "To show your mom?"
Max's first reaction is a frown, which evaporates at the mention of her mom; then she nods so hard she's indistinguishable from a bobblehead.
"Yes!" she says, and that's the last bit of conversation between them, for the next second the lights dim and Connie ascends the stage to announce the start of the open mic.
It's three hours long, with fifteen performers given ten minutes each, plus a few for getting on and off the stage. Max is number eight, which means she'll have about an hour and a half to sweat before it's her turn. And maybe she does manage to sweat it out and dry off, because when her time comes she strides up with the poise of a seasoned veteran.
A café worker helps her up and adjusts the mic for her. She hooks the cane on the stool and situates the guitar across her lap – one of the younger audience members shouts "Dragon!" to everyone's amusement. Once the laughter stops, she puts her mouth to the mic and emits one stuttering breath.
"Hi," she says. "My name is Max, and I'll be playing two covers and one song I wrote." She giggles as some onlookers whoop their approval. "All three are dedicated to one person here tonight. He knows who he is."
Then she plays. It's the best fucking thing Eddie has heard, not just tonight, but ever.
Her voice is strong, her rhythm is perfect. When she pauses for breath her expression defaults into a blinding smile. She breezes through The Isley Brothers and Stevie Wonder as the crowd claps along. Eddie manages to tear his eyes from her only once, to view the others' reactions. Robin tries to hold her phone steady as she sways in her seat, Steve is misty-eyed like a proud dad, and Lucas…
Lucas sits slumped forward, chin pillowed on his hands, pupils huge and dark. Lovestruck.
After You Are the Sunshine of My Life she takes a breather, sipping from her bottle of water. There's a shift in the air; the audience settles, mood sobering. When she resumes playing, the notes are softer, slower. A melancholy made bearable by her warm tones.
Max's song is about a happy then and an uncertain now. It's a song about guilt and regret. About apologizing and vowing to improve. About past loss and about future hope.
Above all, it's a promise.
It strikes like a blade through Eddie's chest. He shouldn't be hearing this. None but three, or maybe just one, of the people in here should. It's not for their ears, because they can't ever truly understand. It's too personal. Yet, she plays it for them. Tearing open her flesh and breaking her bones to show them. Listening to this is a privilege.
Her last note is a tattoo – covering up those before her, impossible to erase by those following her.
Max smiles and bows, again like a pro. As the café erupts into deafening applause, Lucas shoots from his seat. Appearing by the stage, he extends his arms to her. She hooks hers around his neck and lets him lift her down. Smiling at each other, they rest their foreheads together like they're the only ones in the room. Shit, perhaps they are.
They walk back to the table with Max's cane underneath Lucas' arm, she using him as her crutch. Arriving, the first thing she does is ask Eddie:
"How was it?"
He schools his expression.
"Red. I'm ditching my band. From now on, you and me – duo."
She boxes him in the shoulder, the shine of her smile rivaling a star.
The rest of the open mic is nice, even though the highlight is over. Still, live music is live music (and leaving in the middle would've been unacceptably rude), so they stay until Connie closes the night by thanking everyone present and encouraging them to come back next time.
Outside, they stretch their unused limbs until their joints pop, then walk a few blocks to Steve's car. It makes sense for Eddie not to have taken his van, he tells himself. The BMW is big enough for all five to sit comfortably, and he'll save on gas. Still, there's a disappointment pooling in his gut, because this means Steve will drop off Lucas, Max, and Eddie at their places before driving himself and Robin home. It's not a bad thing! He has yet to figure out how to breach the subject of the calendar. But… getting some more time to talk to Steve without amateur musicians drowning out the words would've been nice.
(This is what he gets for being so thorough in the shower.)
"Well," Robin says, hands clasped behind her head, as the BMW beeps unlocked. "I'll see you guys later."
"Where are you going?" Eddie asks.
"Steve and I live just past that building," she says, pointing. "So, I'll walk while he drives you guys."
The disappointed pool freezes. Eddie swallows thickly. This is fine. It means nothing. Steve will drop everyone off and then go home, as planned.
He gets shotgun. Really, it's given to him because Max and Lucas commandeer the backseat, snuggling up on one-and-a-half seats while DragonSlayer claims the third. Eddie doesn't mind in the slightest – not when the kids are so close they're basically on top of each other, slotting together like a pair of puzzle pieces. Watching them separate when they arrive at the apartment complex will be devastating.
They do not go to the apartment complex. They go to a neighborhood Eddie's never been to before, parking outside a two-story house. So, they're dropping off Lucas first, then Eddie and Max, and then Steve will go home. Just as planned.
"I'm staying with Lucas tonight," Max says. "The DragonSlayer is all yours, Eddie."
She slams the door shut, the two of them walking up the shingled pathway hand in hand.
Steve hums pleasantly. "I think that did the trick – they're an item again. About time, don't you think?"
"Uh, yeah, yep, sure took them long enough, yeppers," Eddie's mouth says with negative input or permission from his brain.
Steve grins before pulling out, shirt straining against his arm as he turns the wheel and holy shit, Eddie is alone in a car with Steve!
Is everyone conspiring against him?!
Steve makes small talk during the drive, recounting which songs he recognized, sharing his favorite performances, asking for Eddie's more knowledgeable opinion. Eddie responds to the best of his abilities, which is to say 'poorly'.
When they stop by a red light and Steve absent-mindedly undoes the third button on his shirt, Eddie’s mouth dries up and he stops responding altogether, fearing his tongue will crumble to dust if he tries. If Steve is put out by Eddie's conversational skills reducing to various affirmative noises, he doesn't show it.
Finally reaching the complex, Eddie resolves to at least croak a 'thank you for the ride'. But when he turns to do just that, Steve is already looking earnestly at him with his large, honeyed eyes.
"It's really nice of you, teaching Max to play. Thank you."
"Oh, 'twas nothing." Eddie clears his throat. "She's a good student."
"I'm curious: is there a difference between acoustic and electric?"
"Not really. Electric is a little easier, 'cause they're smaller and the strings are lighter."
"Acoustic sounds better, though," Steve says and laughs at Eddie's answering grimace. "All right, maybe not to the metal master," (Eddie stifles a gigglesnort; what an adorable dork), "but to a common listener, such as myself, acoustic is nicer. You can try to change my mind if you want, though."
"By… playing both for you?"
Eddie gulps audibly. "N-now?"
Steve's smile is almost too wide for his face. He cocks his head, a lock of hair falling into his eyes, who are gleaming like gold in the light of the nearby street lamp.
"I'm not busy."
Eddie leads them up the stairs to his fourth-floor apartment. Their steps echo in time with the drumming of Eddie's heart. His grip on the DragonSlayer is unyieldingly stiff, lest it slides from his clammy palm.
This is fine. Steve is going to listen to him play and then go home, just as planned.
Like the building, the locks are old; his key jams and needs to be rattled before the door opens. He lets Steve in first, then closes the door behind them. Steve waits patiently, back to the wall and chest inches from Eddie's. Has the hallway always been this cramped?
Eddie turns to fumble around for the light switch, breath hitching when Steve touches his shoulders. Grasping the vest's spiked lapels, he pulls it off Eddie's frame and hangs it on the coat rack. Next, he grabs the guitar – warm, dry skin brushing Eddie's – and props it by the doorpost. Last, he looks at Eddie, his eyes searching, searching, searching…
Disregarding his sensibilities, Eddie nods.
Steve kisses him.
The force of it sends them stumbling, Eddie's back slamming into the wall. Their mouths smush together and their noses bump; for a moment it's too hard, too much. But then Steve angles his head, their lips melding, and it's perfect. Like silk sheets and rose petals, like champagne and chocolate truffles, like summer nights and meteor showers.
Steve mumbles something about waiting, about wishing, about finally. He's touching Eddie everywhere, chest pinning him against the wall, hands running up and down his arms, thigh pushing between his legs. His hard cock pokes against Eddie's groin, and it feels so thick.
All of Eddie's nerve endings are lighting up, sending tingles to converge in his belly before shooting back out to his limbs. He has no regrets. Everything he's done or that's been done to him was worth it, because it led to the best fucking kiss of his life. Steve will have to keep him after this – exposing him to this kind of touch only once would be cruel.
It's gentle, is the thing, but with the passion of a thousand lovers. Steve cups his face, tipping it, thumb caressing his cheek and fingers rubbing circles in his hair. His lips, soft but determined, parts Eddie's for a quick taste that leaves him wanting.
Eddie tries chasing, but Steve withholds – fucking teases – and goes back to nipping and licking. Rolling his hips until Eddie gasps, then slipping in his tongue to stroke the roof of Eddie's mouth. Then he starts over again, repeating the cycle until Eddie is whining, his knees so weak he slumps onto Steve's thigh.
Grabbing hold of his ass, Steve hoists him up. Eddie squawks, legs automatically wrapping around Steve's waist. Steve grins, juuuust on the wrong side of smug, and steps away from the wall, carrying Eddie like it's nothing. It would be infuriating if Eddie wasn't too busy wondering if, and if so for how long, Steve could fuck him like this.
"Bedroom?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, it's, uh, through there," Eddie says, pointing in what might be the right direction.
Then he yanks Steve's head back by his pretty hair and swallows his moan. Because with Steve's hands occupied, it means Eddie can do whatever he wants. And what he wants is shove his tongue as far down Steve's throat as he can.
It takes them a while, but they reach the bedroom. Steve deposits them on the bed, bringing them from vertical to horizontal in a smooth slide without breaking the kiss.
Eddie wraps tighter around him, wanting to feel him everywhere and always. Alas, Steve disentangles them with a chuckle. He sits up so he's kneeling, legs spread, Eddie's thighs resting on top of his. A hungry glint in his eyes, he undoes one more of his buttons, then forgoes the rest by pulling the shirt off like a sweater and flinging it aside.
Eddie wastes no time touching him, groping the firm pecs and caressing the soft belly. The coarse hair tickles his palms.
"Fuck me, you're perfect," he murmurs.
Steve giggles, pink blooming on his face. Coaxing Eddie's hands off him, he arranges his limbs on the bed, and Eddie lets him – he can do anything as long as he does it shirtless. He smooths his hand over the Metallica logo, pretty much petting his chest, before rucking the shirt up to Eddie's chin. Steve's eyes are black, more pupil than iris; he thumbs at the tattoo on Eddie's ribs.
"I was hoping you'd have more," he says. His other hand slides across Eddie's leg, fingers ghosting the edge of the large hole before one slips inside, tucking between the denim and the skin of Eddie's thigh. Eddie gasps; Steve smiles. "How much do I need to take off to see all of them?"
"Why don't you find out, big boy?" Eddie says, breathless but grinning, scooting closer to rub his ass on Steve's dick.
Steve rips off Eddie's shirt, tosses it where he tossed his own, and crashes their lips together as he unbuckles Eddie's belt.
Eddie hums into the kiss. It's perfect. Steve is perfect. The whole thing is as if out of a dream. Jesus Christ, it is straight out of one of his fantasies. The only thing missing is… is…
The uniform.
Fuck. He can't do this. Not like this. Fuck.
Eddie breaks the kiss, gently pushing Steve away.
He shakes his head, eyes screwed shut. Looking at Steve right now is impossible – the shame will consume him. He shouldn't have let it go this far.
"Eddie? What's wrong?" Steve asks. "Please, I-"
"There's something you gotta know." Eddie forces his eyes open. The least Steve deserves is to be looked at while given the truth. Also, this is the first and possibly last time Eddie will see Steve on top of him. He should savor it. "I haven't been completely honest."
Steve's eyes dim. "You're married."
Eddie goggles. "What? No! Shit, I've never had a relationship go past the three-month mark. No, it's… Um…"
He sighs. Here comes the music; time to face it.
"You know that calendar you did? Gareth told you his mom had it?"
"He lied. It's mine. I have the calendar." He inhales deeply, then lets it all out in one fast gust. "I recognized you the first time we met and I thought you were so hot and Gareth thought we should try finding you at the university and we did and then we hung out and now, uh, now we're here."
Steve blinks owlishly. "Oh."
"Yeah. I've jerked off to your picture for two and a half years and I thought you should know." Eddie rubs his eyes; they're burning, and his nose is clogging. Shit, not now… "So, um. If you want to stop, if you never want to see me again, I understand. I'm sorry."
"It's fine."
"It- Huh?"
Eddie's jaw slackens. He gawks up at Steve, who calmly meets his gaze. But it can't be this easy. It's never this easy, not for Eddie.
"S'fine." Steve shrugs. "Was that all?"
"Uh. Yeah."
He dives back to resume the kiss, except this time it's hotter, dirtier, Steve licking behind his teeth and sucking on his tongue so Eddie's toes curl. He yanks Eddie's jeans and boxers down to his thighs, Eddie's cock springing out. Steve grips it, but doesn't stroke or squeeze – just holds. Eddie starts rocking into his fist and oh, oh, it's so good but not enough. He's so hard his head is spinning and he needs Steve's hands and his cock and he needs he needs he needs-
"Eddie," Steve says into Eddie's mouth. "What d'you want me to do? Tell me."
"Mmm, I want… Fuck, I needed you inside me two years ago."
Steve licks a wet stripe along his throat. "Whatever you want."
Then he sits up and flips Eddie over. Eddie grunts at the sudden movement, but his cock between his stomach and the mattress feels heavenly, and Steve parting his ass cheeks is even better, so he's not complaining.
He's especially not complaining when Steve leans down, rubbing his nose against Eddie's tailbone.
"You're okay with any part of me inside you?" he asks, breath warm on Eddie's skin.
Eddie groans. "Yes. Anything! Just touch me!"
Steve does, dragging the flat of his tongue from Eddie's taint up to his hole.
Eddie keens, burying it in the pillow due to those damn thin walls. It probably doesn't help, because he's being loud. He usually is, but not like this. Turns out Steve's tongue is amazing no matter where he puts it. He swirls it around the hole, laps heavily against the rim, slowly loosening Eddie up.
He writhes and moans, cock leaking precum on the sheets. Jerking forward, he humps the mattress for two sweet, relieving seconds before Steve grabs him by the hips and holds him in place. He would've griped about it if Steve hadn't immediately plunged his tongue into Eddie's hole. But Steve does, so Eddie screams instead.
Fuck the walls, he's having the time of his life.
He has been rimmed before, two or three times, but not this intensely. He hasn't been fucked by another man's tongue. Because that's what Steve's doing, lips on Eddie's ass and saliva dripping down his taint. He's as far in as it can go, tongue thrusting and stroking and… oh. Oh! Oh, fuck-
Eddie jolts, despite being held down, because Steve just flicked his tongue tip against someplace sensitive. He whines, begging Steve to do it again. Steve laughs, the sound reverberating through Eddie's ass, and does as told. And again. And again.
He flicks. Eddie screams.
He flicks. Screams.
Flicks. Screams.
And Eddie's on fire. His legs are shaking, his insides are thrumming, the pleasure courses and courses in electric waves and shit, did he just come?
"Holy shit, I think I just came," he says, fingers cramping where they've clutched the covers.
Steve pulls out with a slurp.
"Oh, cool," he pants. He crawls up the bed, his hard cock dragging a wet trail on Eddie's leg. "D'you wanna take a break or keep going?"
Eddie groans. What kind of a fucking question is that? His cock is still hard, and Steve's cock is hard, and Eddie is reeling from the best orgasm he's ever had, and does he want to keep going?
"Steve…" he says. "If you don't fuck me now, then I'll… I'll… " He trails off, slurring.
"Yes," Steve says, catching on anyway. "Okay. Yes."
He sounds wrecked. Glancing over his shoulder, Eddie is met by perfect hair in disarray, cheeks flushed and blotchy, a chin glistening with drool, and Steve's wild, ember eyes. Assured he's not the only one losing his mind, Eddie thumps his head back on the pillow. Bending his knees, he pushes his ass into the air and reaches back to spread his cheeks with his own fingers.
"Then hurry up, big boy," he croons, index finger circling the spitslick rim. "Before I do it myself."
Steve laughs, high-pitched like he's drunk. He fumbles for Eddie's lube and a condom he brought, thank fuck, because Eddie only has expired ones.
Lying on top of Eddie, Steve aligns their arms and interlocks their fingers, and pushes in. Eddie whimpers, because as loose and cock-starved as he is, Steve is huge, the tip alone wrecking his already sore ass. Steve shushes him gently, brushing away sweat-damp curls to plant a soft kiss at his nape. He rocks slowly, squeezing Eddie's hand and rubbing his hip, until the stretch gets better and the pain eases.
And then they fuck. Or maybe 'make love' is a more fitting term, because they hold hands during most of it. And sometimes, Steve will ease off, going so slow and sweet it borders on edging, drawing high-pitched noises from far down Eddie's chest. Then, once satisfied, he speeds up again, fucking harder while whispering compliments into Eddie's skin.
He makes Eddie come two more times, by fucking him and by jerking him off. At least, Eddie thinks that's what happened when he wakes up some hours later. He got a little delirious with pleasure at the end, though, so he's not a hundred percent sure.
He yawns and stretches. It's dark out, but the blinds are open and light pours in from the street lamp that for some reason had to be positioned right by his window.
"That light is the worst," Steve mumbles, burrowing into the pillow.
"Hmm, yeah. But I don't have to have my own lamp on. I save on electricity."
"Economical." Steve laughs, peeking up from the bedding. He's beautifully rumpled, bathed in shadows and light. "How d'you feel?"
"Awesome… did you clean me up?"
"Kinda had to – you passed out. I'm not letting you sleep with come crusting all over you," Steve says, nose scrunching.
"Not my fault. Blame your cock!"
They laugh again, together. It's nice. But it would've been nicer if there wasn't still one tiny thing nagging in the back of Eddie's head.
"Hey," he mumbles. "When you said… that the stuff with the calendar was fine, did you mean it? Or was your judgment clouded by horniness?"
Steve snorts. "'Course I meant it. I don't mind."
"Do you want me to mind?"
"No. It's just that I've been putting off telling you about it because I was afraid you'd be upset. It's pretty creepy."
"Yeah, but…" Steve props his head onto his fist and shrugs one shoulder. "I guess it would be creepier if it were someone else. But it's you, and I like you, so… it's just flattering."
A grin stretches across Eddie's face. "You like me?"
"Uh, yeah." Steve rolls his eyes, but his face is also splitting in half. "Don't you like me?"
"I do."
Eddie winds his arms around Steve's waist, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I thought so," Steve says after their lips part. "I just didn't know how much – if you wanted to just fuck or if you wanted something more. Max was hinting you wanted more. And your friends seemed too invested for you not to want more. Then Robin told me 'he definitely wants more'. So I knew it was safe to go."
"Christ, dude, I like you so much I've given myself ulcers worrying you didn't like me back!"
"Sorry," Steve says unapologetically. "You can stop worrying."
They embrace, trading chaste kisses as they snuggle. Alternating between whispering nonsense and drawing patterns on each other and simply looking, unabashed and unhurried.
Then, Steve pulls away with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He asks, "So where do you keep that calendar?"
Eddie's heart and stomach leap, trading places and knocking every other organ off course. He lunges at Steve, coiling around him like an octopus and trapping him to the bed.
Steve guffaws. "I'm not gonna look for it! You'll have to tell me where it is."
He cocks his head at Eddie, sweet, innocent, evil. Eddie groans with the vigor of an annoyed pre-teen. Releasing Steve, he points at his desk.
"Top drawer."
Steve flies up, rummaging through the drawer before Eddie can blink. Whooping in triumph, he holds the calendar in front of himself and begins flipping through it. Eddie pulls the comforter up to his nose to hide his blush.
"April is missing?" Steve asks.
"The model was a cop."
Steve reclaims his spot on the bed. He's reached November and is scanning the photo with an approving smile.
Eddie grunts. "Are you admiring your own photo?"
"So? It's a good picture." Steve smirks at him. "I know you agree."
Grumbling, Eddie hides completely beneath the cover. This is what he gets for being honest. He's never telling the truth again.
"What do you say about me fucking you while wearing the uniform?" Steve asks.
Eddie throws off the comforter and catapults into sitting.
"We can do that?"
"Sure," Steve says easily, like he didn't just turn Eddie's world upside down. "Unless…" He leans in, lips hovering over Eddie's. "Unless you want to fuck me while I wear it?"
They don't fall back asleep until hours later.
(In fact, they sleep in until 11 am, when Eddie's alarm goes off. Gareth calls by lunchtime as promised, but Eddie misses it. He's too busy getting fucked against the shower wall.)
"You're not allowed to break up," Max says later that day, during their guitar lesson. The open mic might've passed, but she needs to learn more if they'll perform together. "It'll be awkward if you're exes. I won't be able to hang out with Steve if you're next door – I'll have to move."
Eddie smiles. He should point out they're not really together yet; that they've only barely started dating. Instead, he says:
"We won't."
And he can't explain how, but it's as if some higher power whispered all the answers to him while he slept in Steve's arms and he knows, he just knows, that he's telling the truth.
Thank you for reading. You're the best.
Oh, and I realize that I introduced things that excited a ton of people (such as Eddie meeting everyone else), so I might have to write a mini-sequel where that actually happens. Not now, though. Later.
Tag list: @rougenancy, @raisedbylibrarians, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @emma77645, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @eddielives1986, @stevesbipanic, @the-redthread, @fandemonium-takes-its-toll, @henderdads, @gay-little-bitch, @lenore1232, @zerokrox-blog, @eddiemunsonswife, @cherrycolas-things, @ediewentmissing, @princess-eddie, @atombombbibunny, @ajamlessbaby, @dogswithforks, @grimmfitzz, @cutiecusp, @cuips-not-cute, @manicallydepressedrobot, @messrs-weasley, @madaboutmunson, @mightbeasleep, @suikatto, @brassreign, @snapshotmaestro, @courtjestermunson, @csinnamon-fox, @spectrum-spectre, @spinmewriteround, @just-super-fucking-gay, @escapingthereality, @oneweirdcryptid, @deehellcat, @misticageri, @lovelyscot, @linkydinky06, @rynnytintin, @anything-thats-rock-and-roll, @theysherobinbuckley, @freddykicksasses, @winterbuckwild, @sideblogofthcentury, @subparbrainfunction, @pemsha
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stuckinapril · 3 months
It feels so hopeless and lonely. What to do...?
Do what my best friend does and get on hinge 😍
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non-un-topo · 2 years
All it takes is a wee little nightmare to make you too scared to step foot outside for fear of Bad Things happening, like it’s an omen lol
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dykebeckett · 8 months
Imagining a world in which yazmin khan isn't a cop
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this point has probably been made before but I find it so funny, sad and exhausting that there are leftists who will gladly proclaim to be anti capitalist and talk about how exploitative labour is under capitalism while being "pro sex work" and viewing it as ✨empowering✨
what's more pro capitalist and exploitative than someone selling themselves as if their body was a product? treating something intimate that people share like it's a service you can buy
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d-lanx · 2 months
The most adorable Dean Amborse fan I've ever seen
So I'm watching an ambulance show and the paramedics are in liverpool. They turned up to help a little 76 year-old Scouse lady who'd slid off her settee called Jean. She wasn't hurt, but she couldn't get herself off the floor. So they help her, and when they offer to make her a cup of tea afterwards, she asks for whiskey instead (icon) and then proceeds to talk about her love of wrestling. She had two draws FULL of DVDs of the PPVs (they mentioned she had quite a few going back to the WWF era), and from the looks of it, she'd been a fan for many many years.
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And even better, she had a framed photo of Dean Ambrose (in his WWE era) on her living room wall. She was saying she was looking forward to going to see a live show, too. Great to see the wrestling derangement never leaves.
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And for anyone wondering, this is Jean. The queen. The icon. The legend herself.
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Also if you're curious, the show is simply called Ambulance, and its on bbc iplayer, this is from series 7 episode 4. It was first aired in 2021, so now I'm wondering if she still watches Dean Ambrose now that he's wrestling as Jon Moxley on AEW. I hope so. She was so sweet.
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deadscell · 8 months
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angelnumber27 · 2 years
Don’t fucking call the cops on people in mental crises.
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The X-Files: Fight the Future (1998) + Alternate Scene - Bee Sting
for @lotsofthinkythoughts
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theinfinitedivides · 4 months
'get the doctor, Parker, now—' 'no need, it'll be over in a couple of minutes.' 'you don't get it, do you? Eliot's not like other foxes. he doesn't play games, he fights to survive! that's his training.'
Eliot's default fight-or-flight mechanism kicking in from whatever the f*ck he's been through for his entire life:
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queenboimler · 5 months
i'm still baffled that hen went to med school and then....decided to stay a paramedic?
probably over 250,000 in student debt and for what 😭
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i think i'd make yaz a paramedic
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seroquelpussy · 3 months
It’s so fucking dystopian watching everyone walk by a clearly dead body on the ground and not acknowledging it cause the persons homeless
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One thing I've been seeing a lot of recently that, quite honestly, really pisses me off, is people complaining about concertgoers who actually want to sit in their seats instead of stand/dance the whole concert. I have seen a lot of people saying that they are "bringing the vibe down," should just not come if they don't want to stand/dance, or that it's annoying because they don't want to feel guilty for standing in front of those people (if you feel guilty about it, maybe there's a reason). And I've seen a lot of- "Who even goes to a concert to sit, anyway?" So I will answer that question. For one, disabled people, like me.
Now, personally, I have a problem with the lack of accessible seating at the venues, not specifically with people who want to stand/dance (though if you are someone who complains about other people sitting because you don't like that vibe, I think you need to think long and hard about the inherit ableism of that complaint), standing and dancing is a totally valid way to want to experience a concert, and I don't want to take that option away from anyone. However, in my experience, concert venues are genuinely terrible about providing truly accessible seating. The "accessible" seats (which to most venues seems to exclusively mean you can get a wheelchair there) are often on the floor, and as soon as the rest of the crowd stands up, any visibility of the stage is gone. Those of us who are unable to stand don't have any choice about this ("If you want to see, stand up, too. The artists encourage people to dance!" is a comment I have heard frequently when this topic comes up), which is frustrating when you're at a show for an artist you're excited to see and that just becomes an impossibility for you.
There are so many overlapping issues here, including, but not limited to- the fact that wheelchair accessibility is not the only accommodation needed by many people, the fact that there are rarely (if ever) any sections that require people to sit and therefore meaning that visibility is frequently limited or non-existent to people who are unable to stand (for whatever reason, be that age, health, injury, etc.), the fact that many of us are both publicly shamed for sitting (because we are not perceived as disabled) AND publicly shamed if we access any kind of accommodation (because we are not perceived as disabled), and the fact that "accessible" seating is often incredibly limited to begin with.
Anyway, my intent is not to shame people who like to stand and dance during concerts (I would love to be one of you), but to remind people that your experience through life is not anyone or everyone else's and it's important to take a mental step back and consider an experience outside of your own. And also to remind people that concert venues are often incredibly inaccessible and do very little to create genuinely accessible spaces.
P.S. People are allowed to sit if they want to, even if they are completely capable of standing and dancing. They do not owe you a specific "vibe" and there is more than one way to enjoy live music.
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ak4rin · 3 months
sad 2.30 am thought but do you think akari went back to the infirmary once nobara was brought there and just ... cried and prayed whatever god to fix this mess because it's not fair ... do you think she goes back and forth and reads to nobara because she just refuses to let another kid go like that
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shivunin · 8 months
People You Want to Get to Know Tag Game
Rules: Tag nine people whose answers you are interested in!
Thank you for the tag @dreadfutures! I really enjoyed your answers--those paintings especially reminded me of growing up watching my parents teach karate c:
Last Song: Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac (my Maria/Fenris playlist)
Favorite Color: Purple (especially plum purple)
Last Movie/Show: Um, Actually (but last actual show was Dimension 20's Never After--we're at the grand finale!)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet>savory>spicy--I have a lifelong sweet tooth and an incurable love of baking c:
Relationship Status: Married four years in March!
Last Thing I Googled: Are pears bad for dogs lol. Toni loves them, as it turns out (and no, as long as they're small pieces and you don't give them the skin, according to Google)
Current Obsession: I am between obsessions rn actually (I've been kind of burned out)...but I did just build a new DnD character and I have been very into building out her backstory! c: She was a scavver in the Astral Sea who only survived the slow suffocation of the rest of her crew because she is an air genasi and doesn't need to breathe. I am really really looking forward to getting to play for once! I'm coming out of a four-year campaign and eight years of GMing in general.
Last Book: Recently reread Rebecca Roanhorse's Trail of Lightning (which, as a lover of post-apocalypses and urban fantasy, I cannot recommend enough!)
Looking Forward To: My sister got me this tiny bakery thing for Christmas that goes on a bookshelf and it's very cute and fiddly and I am looking forward to finishing it c: (also dnd)
Tagging @layalu @daggerbean @zenstrike @pinayelf @vakarians-babe @buchimgay @inquisimer @ndostairlyrium @idolsgf--there is a blank template under the break c:
Blank Template
Last Song:
Favorite Color:
Last Movie/Show:
Relationship Status:
Last Thing I Googled:
Current Obsession:
Last Book:
Looking Forward To:
Tag nine people whose answers you are interested in!
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