#if you wanna call someone call the fucking paramedics
angelnumber27 · 2 years
Don’t fucking call the cops on people in mental crises.
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marvel-and-chicago-fan · 10 months
Break Through Au
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You go out ice skating on the lake with your brothers and Things don’t go as planned for you three
Warnings: CPR/Death, Falling through Ice, Hospitals, Yelling
You were on the ice with your brothers Will and Jay, even though you weren’t allowed to, you guys still went regardless.
It was 10pm, no one would be out here to get in your way or yell at you to get off the ice.
“Cmon Y/n/n, it's better out here” Jay said while attempting to slide farther out to the lake. 
“I don’t know Jay, I kinda wanna stay over here. That way I get off easier than struggling to get off if I'm way over there.” you shrugged.
“Alright then, me and will be over there if you need us' ' He pointed towards the middle of the lake.
“Alright, I’m just gonna slide around.” You shivered. Maybe I should work more layers. You thought to yourself.
After a while you got bored and decided to go over to Will and Jay who were “fighting” over who got the better hockey stick.
Will pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Guys it’s 11 o'clock, she should head home now, if we all get a cold moms gonna know that we went outside without asking her, especially if Y/n gets sick”
“But I'm getting good at hockey,” you whined.
Will and Jay just have you that look. “Alright alright let’s go” You caved.
Because your brothers were better on ice than you were, they went up ahead of you. 
“GUYS! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU SLOW DO-“ Before you could finish your sentence a loud Crack interrupted you.
That made the two Halstead brothers come to a halt and turn around to you. “No,” Jay whispered. “Y/n don’t move, just stay still we’ll come to you”
Before you could say anything the Ice broke.
Jays pov:
“Y/N, SHIT NO” I screamed, my little sister just fell through the ice.
Me and Will immediately slide over to where she fell in and I immediately throw my whole arm in the freezing water to see if I can feel Y/n
“Give me your other arm so I can pull you once you get her!” Will shouts.
“Once I touch something that feels semi to a human arm I pull. I can tell it’s Y/n because once I pull I feel a bit of weight. 
Once we were towards the edge of the Lake I pick y/n up bridal style and rushed over to land.
“Put her down here.” Will says. 
“What the hell do we do?” I cry
“She’s not breathing, Jay, you need to run back to the house and call someone” Wills is studying medicine so he knows a couple of things about what to do in a life or death situation.
“WHO DO I CALL?” I shout
My body moves into autopilot as I’m running through the forest making sure I don’t trip on any rocks or roots. 
My legs are burning and I can’t breathe but I can’t stop, if I stop Y/ns gonna die and it’ll be all my fault.
As I reach the house I punch in the code to the door and run upstairs to my bedroom. 
I basically almost threw my  phone into the air while trying to pick it up.
“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“It’s -it’s my sister, she fell into the lake and I don’t know if she’s breathing”
“Check if she has a pulse”
“My older brother is with her at the lake, he-he's studying medicine so he knows what he’s doing”
“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Uhh jay, my names Jay”
“Alright Jay, How old is your sister and how long was she under water for?”
“I don’t- 5 minutes maybe, and her name is Y/n, but we all call her Y/n/n. I don't know what I’m gonna tell my mom, that my littler sister died because we didn’t listen to her?” I’m panicking.
“Jay, I’m gonna need you to take a deep breath, I have help coming on the way right now”
How did she get my location? I didn’t even tell her.
The paramedics arrived and Jay led them to the lake where Will was with you. 
Will did successfully get you back but you were still unconscious. 
Why didn’t we just listen?
“15 Year old Female Y/n Halstead, Hypothermia after falling through ice, Was unconscious on site and Has a history of Heart issues.” The paramedic listed off all the things
(Ik that Grey's anatomy is in Seattle but because the show is so old let’s just pretend that this happened with them, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so if I make mistakes Woops)
“Alright,on my count if we move her. 1…2…3”Alex said.
Alex looked you over and started telling Jo things to do. “I want a head Ct, Keep me updated on her temperature and get me Derek for a consult.” Jo nodded.
Jay and Will followed Dr. Karev outside. “Is she gonna be ok?” Jay asked.
“She’s not out of the woods yet, but we won’t know more until she wakes up which will be a couple of hours” 
“Jay Halstead and Will Halstead” A stern voice called to them that made them Gulp.
“What in the world happened, and why did the Atwater’s call me and say that something happened on the lake and I needed to come home?” Your Mom stoked with her hands on her hips.
Jay and Will glanced at each other and knew they had no way out of this so they just decided to tell the truth and get it over with.
“I have told you guys time and time again not to play on that lake during the winter,
If you want to go ice skating go to the bigger one. Y/n has been punished enough, and as for you too, just until we get home, me and your father Will real with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes mom,” The boys said together.
“Alright, either the Atwater’s or the Uptons are going to pick you guys up and take you home. I will stay here with your sister, your father should be at home by now”
“But mom-“ Jay said. “No buts, wait here”
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and A lot had happened. 
You were on the News, people came to your school and spoke about Ice safety. Jay and Will were indeed grounded but only for two weeks. The lake was now closed off while they were still doing an investigation. Which you didn’t understand why because it’s not like anything else happened but it was whatever.
“Y/n hurry up you’re going to miss the bus!” Jay shouted from downstairs.
“HOLD ON IM COMING” You grabbed your backpack and ran down the stairs.
After getting all your stuff in your backpack you got all your stuff ready to walk to the bus stop.
“Alright, what’s the rules?” Will questioned you.
“No wandering off to the other lake, don’t take off my jackets unless I really need to and don’t get anything that will drop my body temperature” 
“Do you still have to put my hat and Jacket on for me? I’m 15 years old.”
“Because of recent events and mom being gone and I’m going to leave soon I need to make sure you're ok, plus your body temperature is still not to its normal temp yet so layers it is.” You rolled your eyes at what would be said.
“I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment maybe 30 minutes before school ends, and Jay will drop your lunch off at the front office” Will said as he started walking at the door. 
“Bye will see you later” 
Once Will was gone, you ate the last of your waffles and grabbed your hot chocolate or what Jays calls “Jay's famous Hot chocolate” but it tasted like any other drink.
“I miss having you out on the lake by the middle school” Your friend Ellie said.
“Me too, but ever since my mom died Will and Jay have been strict on what I can do since my dad won’t really do much and they're trying to get me to learn stuff before Will leaves for New York and Jay leaves to serve” You shrugged.
“But I did convince Jay to get you some fries and nuggets” You laughed 
“You are literally the best, I really didn’t feel like spending all my money in my account today” Yeah the school food was expensive but it’s because you guys had fast food restaurants in your cafeteria so I guess it made sense.
“Hey Nugget” Will greeted you as you got into the car.
“Hi Will, can we please get McDonald’s after my appointment?” 
“Sure, where’s Jay? I told him he could get out of school early since he has a free period this week.”
“He said he wanted to stay at school, so he’s probably just walking around the hallways or doing whatever Jay does” You shrugged.
You thought about it for a while, your life was somewhat falling apart. Will was leaving for New York. Jay was getting deployed so you weren��t gonna see him. And your mom was gone so all you had left was your Dad, and your dad wasn’t the best person now since your dad died.
“Hey Will?”You broke the silence 
“Yeah Nugget?” 
“I’m- I’m gonna miss you when you leave” Here comes the water works.
“Me too Y/n me too”
Life from now on was going to be way different for you , and everyone around you knew that. You were going to get through it and it was going to be Ok. Right?
Well that’s at least what you thought…
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translatemunson · 5 months
we play dumb but we know exactly what we’re doing • ttfd
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chapter two of the tortured firefighters department
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), mentions of food, bobby almost adopting brains, proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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Your sneakers made funny noises while you walked up the stairs to the communal room — the mezzanine with a view for the ground floor — at the 118 firehouse. The fresh baked brownies — that you baked the night before, just in time to put it on the blue tupperware and take with you for your shift — jiggled as you approached the top of the stairs.
You checked the garage again, looking for Chimney’s ambulance, when you found the loft empty. Well, not that empty.
“Good afternoon, Captain Nash.” You greeted the man. As a dispatcher, your voice was your most recognizable mark, only giving out your name when necessary. And in your job, it was your responsibility to know the names of the captains. You wished Captain Nash was just an occasional contact, but lately he has been the one on the other end of the comms.
“Afternoon, dispatcher.” He was preparing some lunch for his team. “How can I help you?”
“Is Chimney around? I have something for him. Actually, it is for Maddie and baby Jee.” You motioned to the tupperware.
“He’s gonna be back soon, got stuck in traffic after delivering a civilian to the hospital. But if you are in a hurry, I can give it to him.” The captain was busy with the pans on the stove and chopping vegetables for a salad, you supposed.
“Just left my shift, I can wait. I don’t trust firefighters with carbs and sweets, no offense.” You pulled one of the chairs and took a seat, still watching the man moving effortlessly in the kitchen. “She called in sick and I need to deliver these to her before I have a kid on my doormat demanding more than just brownies.”
“None taken. Can I get you some coffee while you wait?”
“Tell me where to find a cup and I’ll get it myself, don’t wanna delay your lunch.”
“Second cabinet on the left.”
“Thanks, Cap.”
You stood up and walked into the kitchen. You have to admit: they were definitely eating well because it had all the appliances necessary for any recipe, and the smell was divine. Even the coffee had a unique aroma. Who could you talk to in order to get half of what they had in the firehouse? 
“It’s the least I can do for the mastermind behind the calls after that huge traffic jam downtown last week.” He smiled. “How did you manage to divert the teams and the civilians so fast?”
“Just like ants follow patterns, so do the LA drivers. GPS apps can give up the fastest options based on their data, but it takes too much time when it comes to rescuing someone.” You explained as you walked back to your seat. “Glad no one was badly injured that day.”
“I’ve never got to an accident scene so fast. You’re really good with predictions.”
“I think my future could be bright if I used my superpowers for fortune telling and betting,” you joked. “I should be the one thanking you for all your work. And your team.”
“Bring us some of those,” he was clearly talking about the brownies, “any time.”
“Will do.”
As you finished your cup of coffee, you saw the ambulance entering the garage. Chim and Henrietta, his paramedic partner, left the vehicle and went straight for their lockers. A few more minutes wouldn’t kill you.
“Wanna stay and have lunch with us?” Captains Nash offered.
“Maybe another time. Thanks.”
It didn’t take long for Chim to show up upstairs. He looked surprised to see you in the 118 kitchen. You stood up and gave him the tupperware. “I told Maddie how many brownies I got her, so don’t fuck it up,” you warned him.
“Your package is safe and sound with me, Brains. Are you in a hurry?”
“Kinda. I have an important meeting with my bed.”
“Fair enough.” He patted your shoulder, acting like the big brother Maddie warned you about.
“See you soon, Chim. Thanks for the coffee, Cap!”
They waved goodbye, and you looked forward to spending the rest of your day sleeping. No calls, no traffic, no thesis: just you, your recently washed bed covers and fluffy pillows. The only thing in your way was a few miles to your apartment.
“I thought I’d hear you before seeing you again, Brains.”
It was scary how, after one meeting, you could recognize his voice anywhere. 
 “Guess it’s your lucky day, Buckley. Don’t get too happy, I’m already leaving.” You turned around to face him. The black firefighter uniform fitted him very well, even better than the white polo shirt and jeans he wore to the dinner.
“Is everything alright?” He tilted his head slightly, and kept his voice low.
“Yeah, just dropping off something for Maddie. Busy day?”
“Small domestic incident with light injuries, and a foundation problem.”
“So just a normal day in LA.” You knew about the banned Q-word, it was kinda a thing with every single 9-1-1 worker, including dispatchers. “Saved any cats from trees lately?”
“Ha-ha, you’re funny.” His voice was warm, but his face was dead serious. You were playing hot and cold, again and again. “Did moving go well?”
“My arms are sore, but it’s finally over. Thanks for asking.”
“You could start working out to help next time you move. Or if you decide to join the firefighters.”
Both are definitely bad ideas. Why would you need to add another activity into your packed agenda? You turned around and followed your way to your car. “I’ll leave the muscles for you, Buckley.”
“See ya, Brains!” He shouted on your back.
“Bye!” You motioned your hand in a goodbye, but didn’t look him in the eye.
Unbeknown to you, the rest of the crew was watching you both and placing bets on how long until one of you realized the banter was just the first step of something bigger.
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author's note: first of all, thank you for all the love on the chapter one!!!! i think it was the first time a first chapter gets so much love, likes and attention on its first week! again: you can share some thoughts and request scenes and blurbs for this series anytime, feel free to be creative! see y'all next week
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patchiko · 2 months
hey guys! its been awhile and a lot happened!! first of all sorry for going ghost!! love you guys hope i didnt worry you guys.
second! i got a lot of inspiration from the fic i originally was gonna make for ak!jay, and slowly it became a lot more of a fanfic to me.. i decided to animate it! im currently working on it, its a digital horror series! while it isn’t really ak!jay, i totally stole so many of his traits for the deuteragonist lol,, (it is basically him)… i dont have any art or animations i wanna share yet,, but here is the half of the first chapter i never released to da public when it was still just a fic… hope you enjoy!
Gotham City was electricity, captured and held together by wires that entangled each other perpetually, filled with an everlasting buzz. The buzz you’d hear in the flickering street neon lights and signs. Buzz you’d see in the grainy holograms above buildings that dominated the sky; ridiculing stars for kids who’d beg for a wish; A buzz you’d find in the Gothamites that were charged in the wired world of Gotham City.
Your buzz made your skin prickle while you waited for that green light to go red. Stuck in a field of organic mass, rapidly tapping your feet against the wet ground, tightly grabbing your jacket. Eyes flicked to the cars then returned to the traffic light routinely for seconds that felt too long.
A man, wired with too much of what he could take, plucked himself from the membrane and departed towards the bustling street. Halfway down the boulevard a driver glued to their phone stomped on their breaks and swerved their car, too damn late though. The man attempting to cross the street slammed into the car windshield, you flinched and turned away, only hearing the sickening sound of metal. You couldn’t keep your eyes closed too long though, bodies disjoined from the cluster, rushing forward and past the spectacle.
You too cross the street, passing by the scene where two women argued about the cars, the man lies motionless in a murky puddle, cradling his skull. The cars behind the event generously applauded accordingly, an amazing finale to end the night.
Chance and tragedy interlink as much as good and bad luck do. So taking both as what they are, an opportunity, will always be in your favor. Well, at least in Gotham City it is.
Slugging your way down the next block, a heavy backpack clings to your back as you pass by people. Gang members, fathers, drug dealers, groups of friends, working ladies, and mothers, what made them all different was aught and naught. *Clink!* A paramedic lift shot behind you, hovering above the car wreck. First responders dropped down from the lift, you couldn’t see any more than that from the mob behind you.
Your body slams into something. “What the fuck?” A blonde, the type that’d make someone think they saw an angel, stared down at you with a look that was anything but holy. “Watch where you’re fucking going.” She shoved herself past you, her head flicking back toward her phone. *Clink, Clink!*
You let out a shaky breath and continued down the block, turning into a familiar quiet alleyway. The fidgeting of your jacket zipper got more pronounced as you faded from the beehive behind you; echoing off the musty brick walls, *Clink, Clink, Clink!* The tranquility was short-lived when you got to the litter-strewn back staircase of Gotham City Public Library or as you just called it ‘A Mouthful’.
You silently reminded yourself to remind Nicolas to walk to the goddamn dumpster instead of tossing them and ‘Hoping for the best.’ The vending machines chattered as you grudged past them, praising their weekend discounts. You unlocked the back door and— *Thud!*
*“*No way that fucking box is still there.“ You said.
“—Winter sale on coff—“
“—There’s no fucking way.“
“In the mood for a sprite?”
“There's no fucki—“
Now weaving your way through the Gothic decor of the library, the smell of old pages and coffee filled your nose. From the fleeting glances you got through the bookcases, today was the usual. Late-night college students much like yourself crammed in as much studying as they could, a few homeless sleeping comfortably, along with the main entrance security guard.
Flinging open the door to the employee’s lounge, there was no sign of anyone, the dusty couch and pale walls were untouched. Lugging over to your locker you sighed, while taking off your backpack your shoulder hit against the locker door. All you heard was the sound of metal crushing like tin cans, and when you shut your eyes for a moment, just a moment, you could hear the sound of someone's skull popping against concrete.
From what The Hood gathered, around two weeks ago a new drug had debuted. For every heroin addict this was the greatest invention in the thirtieth century. It was pricey, only dealt to Gothams higher ups, but Red was lucky to find a few who just couldn’t keep their vinegar scented arms away from it. More specifically The Penguin’s men.
thats all love you so much!! will update when first episode is out! let me know if you guys are interested in seeing that! dont know if im gonna keep posting on this acc, but ill def keep my fics up. love you guys!
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bxbynyah7 · 5 months
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Told You So- Sam Golbach One-Shot
sam x oc (Emmy)
summary: Living with 5 boys always proves to be a trip. Except when someone finally gets hurt, and it so happens to be your boyfriend
warnings: cussing, broken bones, yelling, Sam gets full named by Emmy, (I think that's it)
A/N: This is my first story I have ever posted online. I have a few written that I want to push out and they will for sure be longer than this one. I hope you enjoy and if you want to read something specific, send in a request :)
----------------------- S A M G O L B A C H ------------------------------
Living in the traphouse with my boyfriend, Sam, was exciting to say the least. We lived with some of his closest friends so you can imagine it was like living with 5+ toddlers sometimes. And today was one of those days. I was sitting inside at the bar trying to work on some editing for some of Sam’s new pictures from the photos I took for him when I heard all the boys yelling from the back yard. I shut my laptop and grabbed my phone off the counter with an eye roll. I walked outside into the hot L.A. sun and stood with the rest of the boys. My tank top and shorts stood out against all of their hoodies and jeans even though it was damn near 100 degrees outside. “What the hell are ya’ll doing?” I asked them. Colby, Jake, Corey, and Aaron just looked at me like deer stuck in headlights. “What? Cat got your tongues or something?” I said with an attitude. I needed to get back to work. Sam wanted to post those pictures today, so I needed to get them edited. “Nothings going on, Em. Why would you think something is going on?” Jake stuttered towards me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Colby who was making, well attempting, subtle glances up to the top of the house. Confused, I looked up and saw my boyfriend standing on the edge of the roof. “Samuel John Golbach! What the fuck are you doing up there?” I yelled at him. He smiled sheepishly and gave me a small wave. “Hi baby. I was about to help the boys make a TikTok, wanna watch?” He called back down at me. I looked at him irritated. “Sam, what TikTok are you making?” I asked. I was genuinely concerned for him. I had no idea what they could possibly be doing. I hadn’t been on TikTok in over a week because of work. “Okay I’m filming. Whenever you’re ready, Sammy boy!” Corey yelled. Colby whooped and cheered and Sam counted down from three. On three he jumped and fell down fast. He was supposed to land in the live seat they had under him. He missed and landed partially on the ground. “Sammy!” I yelled and ran over to him. He groaned and tried to turn into his stomach. “No baby stop you can’t roll over. You might’ve fractured your spine” I told him while holding him still. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. “Fuck this hurts.” He whispered to me. I had silent tears running down my face as I kissed his forehead. “ I know, sweet boy. The ambulance is on its way I promise.” I whispered back. “How long until the ambulance gets here?” I asked the boys. “There right around the corner.” Colby told me. I heard the siren before I saw the lights because I didn’t want to take my eyes off Sam. “Ma’am, we’ve got it from here.” One of the paramedics told me. “Okay, uhh he’s 24, jumped from the roof and landed partially on the lovesac. I heard a big crack when he hit the ground, so I think he fractured his spine. If not the spine, some of his vertebrae.” I rattled off quickly. “Damn woman, you a nurse or something?” The other paramedic asks with a laugh. “Studying to be one actually. That and I live with a bunch of dumbass boys who like to do stupid shit.” I told him with a small laugh. They got Sam up in the gurney and loaded him in the ambulance. “You wanna ride with him, nurse girl?” They asked me. I nodded my head and hopped up and sat next to Sam. “Emmy, it hurts. Like so fucking bad.” Sam whispered to me. “I know it does. You jumped off the roof and missed the bean bag. What did you expect?” I asked him. I grabbed his hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand gently. 
time skip to the hospital
“Well, you indeed did fracture a few of your lower vertebrae. Three to be exact.” the doctor told Sam.  He looked at me with some fear in his eyes and at that moment I knew exactly how he was feeling. “Hey baby, you're fine. I know exactly how to help with the healing process so you will be in great hands.” I told him, brushing his hair back off his forehead. He smiles at me and looks back at the doctor. “Okay so what are you able to do?” he asked him. The doctor went on to explain that there wasn’t much he could do other than give him a brace and pain meds. After a conversation about what he can and cannot take, the doctor left to get the nurse for his brace. “I’m sorry this is happening to you, my love.”  I whispered to him. He brought my hand up to his lips and placed a few pecks on the back of my hand. “I'm sorry I’m putting you through this. I thought I could make that jump.” he told me. I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I told you so, babe. I told you so.”
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
I watched some rodeos today so that means I desperately need to write about 20 year old non pilot Jake being a cowboy and terrifying his New York dads. (Here’s prequel to this fic)
Chris, David, Wolfman and Lucas are all up on the fences watching. They all are used to this kind of thing. Oh the joys of growing up in Texas.
Tom, Ron, and Hollywood are in the stands. They all keep flinching when people get tossed. Tom’s nails are digging into Ron’s arm. He gasps every time someone lands wrong. He can’t believe they let their kid do this.
They’re in Vegas. All things considered a fun trip. They all took vacation time for this. Promised that if Jake used his fake ID they won’t call him on it. This is the final day of four for the rodeo.
Jake’s good. Too good. Ron can’t stand to watch him most days. Terrified that their kid is going to slam his head and not get back up.
Lucas promises him that he’ll be over the fence first before anyone else can be. Ron supposes an ER nurse is better then the paramedics they’ve got on ground.
Jake is hopping in place. He can feel the energy of the stadium, he watches them put the bull in the corral, Hell Maker is his name. Jake slides his helmet on and climbs the fence. He settles on the bull.
He hears the announcer.
“And now. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. He’s one of the best twenty year olds competing he’s got a real chance at winning this Frank.”
“You’re so right Shawn. His father rode in Texas circles, Chris Seresin is in the crowd tonight. We’ll remind y’all listeners that the Seresins have a long history in riding rodeo.”
Jake shakes off the nerves. He knows he’s best. He can make it twelve seconds. Has to.
As he’s flying through the air it’s in slow motion. He made it nineteen seconds. He beat the records in place. Jake is going to make his dads buy him so many drinks tonight.
He slams into the ground. He tucks and rolls. He leaps up and takes off for the siding. Makes it over right at the bull slams into the wall.
Suddenly Jake is being held in the air. He shrieks, David and Wolf have him on their shoulders. Chris and Lucas are standing grinning up at him. Chris opens his arms and Jake jumps down and into them.
“Baby you did so good. I’m so proud of you.”
Jake sees his pa and tata make their way over to him. He’s surrounded by everyone suddenly. He’s so overwhelmed. He has to blurt it out now or he’s going to explode.
“I think this is going to be the last pro competition I do. Gonna go to med school.” They all stare at him for a second. “I’m not going to stop riding. Just no more getting thrown off intentionally.”
Ron is the first to react. “Chickie thank god.” He scoops Jake into a hug. Tom hugs him from the side. Chris plucks the hat off Jake’s head and kisses his hair.
He’s then passed to all of his uncles. Lucas looks like he might cry. He holds Jake’s face for a second. “You’ll be incredible.” Jake grins at him. “Wanna be a nurse like you. Help people.” Lucas lets the tears go down his face now. David loops his arm around his neck.
Jake is grabbed by Hollywood and Wolfman, Holly is grinning at him. He passes over two hundred bucks. “What the fuck?” Wolf blushes. “We made a bet on which career you’d follow. Decided you’d get the money no matter what happened.” Jake laughs. He grabs the two of them into a hug.
A photographer comes over and asks to take a photo of Jake with his dad. Chris smiles and agrees. Women still practically faint for him at points. Ron and Tom smile at the two of them. Jake is every bit his dads son.
Jake ends up getting a trophy. He’s proud of it but is even more proud of the money he wins at slots two nights later. All of them insist he cheated. He didn’t he’s just lucky.
In his thirty’s he talks Bradley into going to the rodeo, Bradley thinks it’s insane that Jake’s dads let him do this. Jake points out Mav and Goose had Bradley up in planes when he was definitely too young.
Bradley leans over while they watch the kids rodeo, “our kids are never doing this.” Jake stares at him. They’ve barely talking marriage. Fuck, Jake wants kids with Bradley. He flushes, “okay. They’re learning how to ride horses though.” Bradley nods. He presses a kiss to Jake’s head. “Anything you want sweetheart.”
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Chenford + canon, Tim gets hurt but tells his team “don’t tell Lucy” and when she finds out they have a fight
Chenford + canon, Tim gets hurt but tells his team “don’t tell Lucy” and when she finds out they have a fight
Chenford + I’m mad at you because I love you!
This came to me randomly and so I decided to write it even if I’m still on my trip. 🫣
And I want you now, wanna need you forever
It happens in a second, one second he’s fighting the suspect off the next he’s on the ground getting beat within a inch of his life. Fortunately his metro team is on it and they are pulling the suspect off and pulling Tim to safety.
“Sarge.” Mad Dog calls through it is fuzzy. “Are you okay?”
Tim blinks up at him as if he’s confused to who he is and nods. “Don’t tell Lucy.” He says hoarsely. “Please she has enough on her plate right now.” The person holding him up says something like: “She will want to know.” But Tim shakes his head and winces when his head throbs.
“No.” He says in what he hopes is a firm voice. “She doesn’t need that stress on her.” Mad Dog still looks hesitant, and Tim thinks back to the last time he told people to keep Lucy in the dark and they weren’t even together yet. And how worried she was when she found out about his emergency surgery.
“Please.” Tim begs and he’s starting to get dizzy again. Mad Dog pulls him all way up and finally nods although he looks like that he hates doing it. And it’s not like Lucy won’t find out, someone from the station will find out and tell her but he doesn’t need her panicking
Tim closes his eyes and someone in the distance calls for him to open his eyes.
“Sir.” Says another voice. “Sir you need to stay awake.” He thinks it’s Po or maybe Sergio.
He feels himself being lifted onto a gurney and his eyes are closing slowly.
“We need to call Chen.” Says Po. “She needs to know.”
“No!” Says Tim hoarsely. And he’s not sure why he’s being so stubborn about this. “Please just give me time.”
He feels the ambulance start to move and he knows his team is doing what he asks no matter how against they are.
The ride to the hospital is uneventful other than the paramedic telling Tim to keep his eyes open. When they arrive at the hospital he’s rolled to a room and immediately hooked up to everything imaginable.
“Sir. We have to monitor you for the next few hours. Is there anyone you want me to call?” The nurse asks. Tim sighs. Lucy. But that was out of the question right.
“No.” He says. “My girlfriend has enough on her plate right now. I-I don’t want to worry her.” The nurse nods but gives him a look.
“All right if you change your mind let me know.” She says. Tim sighs and leans back against the pillows.
He was doing the right thing. She was studying for the detective’s exam and shadowing Harper. He can’t bother her.
“Hey Chen?” Says a voice behind Lucy. She turns and sees Angela hurrying towards her a concerned look on her face.
“What’s up?” Lucy asks as Angela falls into step with her.
“How’s Tim?” She asks. “You know after he almost got beat to—” She stops when she sees the look of horror on Lucy’s face.
“You didn’t know?” Angela asks taking a step back. Lucy’s mind is racing and her heart is going a million miles a minute.
“Know what?” She grits out. Angela sighs and rubs her hand down her face. Saying something like fucking Bradford “Angela what happened to Tim?”
Angela sighs again and her eyes dart nervously around her. “There was a struggle and Tim got beat and they think he has a concussion.”
Lucy feels lightheaded as she takes in Angela’s words. Her heart feels like it’s going to jump out of her chest.
“How do you know this? Why wasn’t I told?” She says through her teeth.
Angela shrugs. “The metro guys were talking and I-I heard Tim’s name and I was concerned. So I asked.”
Lucy turns on her heels and marches towards the door. Her mind on one thing and one thing only. Tim.
When Lucy gets to the hospital she feels like she’s on a mission. The nurses point her to Tim’s room right away and Lucy marches towards it trying to steady her breathing.
When she gets to Tim’s room it’s empty and she feels like she can’t breathe. She paces the room until she hears voices in the hallway and the unmistakable sound of Tim grumbling.
The roll him in again and she’s at his side in an instant.
“Lucy.” He says. “How—”
“Angela told me.” She says softly running her fingers through his hair. “Baby why didn’t any one notify me?”
Tim bits his lips and turns to look at her wincing as he does. “I told my team not to notify you.” He says and Lucy looks at him confused. He had done this one other time and even though they weren’t together, the fear that Lucy felt when she found out he had emergency surgery.
“Why?” She asks her voice is steady but she’s barely holding it together as he blows it out.
“I didn’t want to worry you Luce. You are already stressed out enough. And I’m fine.”
Lucy doesn’t think getting almost beat to death and a concussion is fine but she takes a step back. Her mind still reeling as she takes in the fact that Tim kept this from her because he didn’t want to worry her.
“You shouldn’t have kept that from me Tim. I was going to find out anyway. I don’t care how stressed I am. You are more important.” Lucy says. “But you purposely didn’t tell me. Do you not want me here?”
Tim shakes his head. “Of course I do Luce. But you have so much going on. And what if you couldn’t get here right away? You would be thinking about me instead of the job and that would put your life in danger.”
“I am a good cop Tim.” She says and she takes a step forward. “I know how to concentrate without getting myself killed.”
Tim sighs and looks up at her. She knows he knows she’s a good cop. He trained her after all, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be by her side if she was the one that was hurt. She knows he would drop everything just to get to her.
“Baby I know you are a good cop. But if it were reversed I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but by your side.” Tim says. Lucy looks away from him and let’s out a breath.
She pulls a chair up and sits by the bed, crossing her legs.
“What are you doing?” He asks looking at her confused. He thought she was mad at him.
“I’m sitting here with you.” Lucy says but she makes no move to grab his hand.
“I thought you were mad at me?” Tim asks her. She adjusts herself and then leans forward her elbows on her legs.
“I’m mad at you because I love you.” She says and then her whole body freezes. Her cheeks turn bright red as she looks anywhere but Tim.
“Lucy.” He says softly. But she still doesn’t turn to look at him. She is still furious that Tim didn’t let her know that he was hurt but those three words had been itching to get out and it’s not like it’s not true. She does love him with every inch of her being. “Baby look at me please.” Lucy looks up at the ceiling and bites her lips before turning to look at him tears burning her eyes.
“I—” She begins but Tim cuts her off, his face determined to say what he needed to say.
“I love you too.” He says and Lucy’s heart nearly stops when he says it. And then she is launching herself at him kissing him hard.
“You love me?” She questions him. Her eyes full of tears as she stares down at him. He wipes tears from her eyes.
“I do.” He says fiercely. “I do Luce. I do.” Lucy bends down and kisses him one more time.
“I wish you wouldn’t of kept this from me Tim. You are more important than anyone or any job. You matter to me.”
Tim reaches up and tucks some hair behind her ears. Lucy runs her hands gently across a nasty looking bruise on his face. She traces each bruise on his face and then down to his chest.
“I’m sorry Luce.” He says sincerely. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Lucy sits back down but this time she takes his hand. “Please just tell me next time Tim.” She says. He brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses it gently.
“I hate worrying you Luce. But I promise baby.” He says. She nods and lays her head down on his chest.
“Does this hurt?” She mumbles. Tim runs his fingers through her hair.
“No.” He says back quietly. “You are good baby.”
They stay like that for a while until she starts to close her eyes. And then Tim is nudging her up, and pulling her to climb into bed with him. She does and he wraps his body around hers, resting his chin on her shoulders.
“I was really scared when Angela told me you had been hurt.” She says into his chest. “I was afraid I would never get to tell you how I feel.”
Tim kisses the top of her head softly. “I love you baby. And I am sorry.”
Lucy curls into him more gripping the thin hospital gown in her eyes.
“It’s okay.” She says. “I love you too.”
Lucy eventually falls asleep to the beating of Tim’s heart beneath her ear. And his fingers combing through her hair. And there’s no place she’d rather be than on his arms.
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Sad Steve stuff idk what to call this
A/N: im feeling sad and having a crisis over the other thing i wanna write so have sad Steve with a now dead s/o. also i can’t remember if i saw someone do something similar or if i imagined that so if yk of anyone who did smth similar tell me please!
TW: suicide, death, idk Y/N gets shot ok
Tags: angst, this is really depressing i’m sad rn ok?
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Steve was driving home from the DX when he looked over at the alley where Y/N normally hung out with their friends from the Shepard gang. The usually baron area was surrounded by cop cars and an ambulance. “Oh for fuck sake Y/N did you kill someone?” he muttered under his breath before pulling in at the nearest payphone. The greaser dialled his S/O’s number. it rang out. He rang the rest of the gang and received the same answer from each of them; “Y/N said they were spending the day with their other friends. Some of the Shepard guys.” He sighed. Suddenly, the thought hit him. “Shit!”
Steve bolted back to the alleyway, not bothering to grab his car. He spotted Y/N lying on the ground and sped up. Just as he was climbing over the police tape someone stopped him. “Sorry kid, you can’t go past this line. that’s the law.” A policeman held him back by the shoulder. “That’s my S/O in there! please, i can’t stay here. please..” Steve begged, his voice getting more unsteady with each word. The officer let go of his shoulder and Steve ran over to Y/N. He skidded on his knees as he got close. Tears flowed down his face as he saw the bullet wound on his love’s side. Y/N opened their eye. “Hey Stevie.” They managed a weak smile. “Y/N..darlin’ i told you to stop gettin’ into so many fights all the time.” Steve almost sobbed. He held their hand tight and brushed a stray hair off their forehead. A paramedic came up to them. “Is there any family we can call?” Steve gave Darry’s name without hesitation.
“Stevie?” Y/N whispered. “Yeah darlin i’m here i won’t leave you. i won’t leave you…” He whispered back, trying to stay strong. “Please don’t cry. I want this Stevie, please don’t cry.” Y/N begged. They sat there in silence for a moment. “I love you Y/N. You’re my everything. Stay with me, ok?” Y/N looked deep into his eyes. “I’m sorry Stevie..I love you. Just know, this ain’t your fault. It was my decision. I love you.” They continued. Steve leaned down and kissed them, they felt slightly cold. The paramedic came back. “The people we called are here. We need you to step back now.” Steve looked up at the paramedic. “Is there any way i can stay??” They shook their head. “We need to try to get them to a state where we can bring them to the hospital.” Y/N looked at the greaser. “I’ll be ok, go, i’ll see you soon.” Steve kissed his lover one last time before joining the rest of their gang.
Soda put his arm around his friends shoulders. The doctors tried to help Y/N but it was too late. “they’re dead. I’m sorry for your loss” a doctor announced as he walked over to the seven boys. Darry gasped softly. Ponyboy and Johnny both let out what sounded like a squeak. Sodapop whispered something under his breath. Dallas punched a nearby wall and Steve fell to the ground with a sob. “You have to be able to do something. Please! It’s not to late! There has to be something you can do?” He wailed. The doctor shook his head before going back to load up the body of Steve’s lover. “Wait!!” The greaser called. “Can i take their jacket. Please..” A nurse took the jacket off Y/N and handed it to Steve. “Thank you.” He walked back towards Sodapop but kept walking. He sat on the bridge where he and Y/N had their first kiss. He cried for hours. “Why would you leave me Y/N..Why…” He got up again and walked. He walked off into the darkness with nothing in his mind except the image of his once energetic lover lying lifeless on the ground.
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Before You Go // Ethan Landry // Ch.4
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Masterlist Word Count: 1429 Warnings: Mentions of injuries, swearing, trauma Author's Note: Hi you guys are gonna get a couple chapters this weekend you're welcome
After moving to New York with your friends after the Woodsboro killings, you try to leave all of it behind you and start over. You become friends with Ethan Landry, but after Ghostface returns, you start to become suspicious of everyone, especially him
The paramedics decided to take you to the hospital, mostly due to the fact that you were the only one in the gang who needed stitches. It had taken almost ten minutes to convince Ethan that you would be alright on your own, but he relented and they drove you away. 
Despite the adrenaline still coursing through your veins, you fell asleep on the drive to the hospital and slept until they unloaded you into a bed in the emergency room. The nurses were kind, keeping you occupied with conversation as they stitched you up and wiped all the blood from your skin. You managed to change into a hospital gown and crawled under the blankets the staff had provided. 
You were almost asleep when your phone rang. It was Mindy attempting to video call. “Hello?”
“Hey, just thought you’d wanna see all of this.” She turned the camera and you let out a gasp. 
The others were inside an abandoned movie theater full of mementos from every Ghostface killing since the beginning. You recognized a few things, like the TV that killed Stu Macher. It was incredibly detailed, with sketches of all the murders and some crime scene photos. The worst part was the glass cases containing all of the Ghostface costumes. 
“Are you guys in someone’s fucked up murder shrine?” You asked. Mindy nodded. 
“Gale found it. It’s pretty freaky.” 
“Why are all the masks gone?” You tried to look closer at the mannequins. “Is our current Ghostface using them?”
“He’s leaving a mask at every murder.” A young blonde woman stepped into view. “Like a super twisted trail of breadcrumbs. We think he’s counting down to something.” 
“Sorry, Y/N this is Kirby Reed. She was a victim of the 2011 Ghostface attacks.” Sam added. “You okay?”
“Yeah, they stitched me up and gave me some pain meds.” You nodded. “I can leave soon, they just want to make sure I’m not in shock or anything anymore.” 
“Do you need someone to pick you up?” You can see Ethan’s curls just out of view. You smiled. He was really worried about you. 
“Sure, as long as you bring me a change of clothes.” 
“Okay, I got it!” Ethan practically knocked Sam to the ground as he ran out of the room. Mindy shook her head.
“We’re gonna try to catch Ghostface, so we’ll keep you and Ethan updated. Don’t let him go all serial killer on you.” 
“Mindy, I’ll be fine.” You laughed. “Besides, I don’t think Ethan’s the killer.”
“None of us thought it was Amber either and yet…” Mindy raised her arms. “We’ll see you later.” 
It only took Ethan about ten minutes to get to you with a fresh pair of jeans, a beat-up pair of tennis shoes, and one of his old t-shirts. They ushered him into your room and he ran to you. He looked you over and then pulled you into a hug. You leaned into him, his warmth coursing through your body. He felt like safety, like home. Despite all of Mindy’s warnings, you wanted to stay in his arms forever. She had to be wrong about him. Ethan was your lifeline. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” He murmured, his lips pressed to your hair. “God, I’m so sorry.”
“Ethan, I’m alright.” Your fingers traced up and down his arm, following the maze of veins under his skin. His heartbeat quickened at your touch. “Apparently Ghostface isn’t interested in me.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He glanced down at you. Your eyes met and you were suddenly very aware of how close your faces were. You couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by his deep brown doe eyes. His curls brushed your face as he looked at you, his eyes studying every centimeter of your skin. 
“Ethan…” You whispered. You could feel your heart pounding as you stared at him. His fingers slowly entangled themselves in your hair. “Ethan…”
“Hm.” His breath feathered across your lips. Slowly, he raised his one of his index fingers and traced a line from your left temple down your cheek and across your top lip. You let out a shaky sigh, your eyes fluttering shut at his touch. Maybe Sam and Tara had been right in their teasing: you had feelings for Ethan Landry. Sure, you had always thought he was attractive and his smile would give you butterflies every once in a while, but you never thought it was anything serious. Now, with his hands in your hair and on your face, you weren’t sure. Fuck it, you could die any day. With a deep breath, you opened your eyes and leaned in.
Fuck. It was the nurse with your discharge paperwork. Ethan scrambled off the bed, his face bright red. “Yeah, hi.” She gave you an apologetic smile and set the clipboard next to you. Ethan busied himself with gathering up your dirty clothes, clearly avoiding eye contact. You shook your head. Dammit. 
Once you signed all the paperwork they had for you, you left with Ethan in tow. Neither one of you mentioned the moment that had passed between you. 
“So where is this place? The weird shrine?” You asked.
“Some abandoned movie theater. It’s tucked back in an alley, really sketchy.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s like a lair.” 
“This is all super fucked up, isn’t it?” You sighed. “Twenty years of screwed-up psychopaths trying to be more sadistic than the original Ghostface. It just needs to be over.” 
“I’m sure they think they’re doing the right thing.” Ethan shoved his hands in his pockets. “In whatever twisted way that may be.” 
You stopped and turned to face him. “They THINK?”
“Well, doesn’t every murderer have some sort of weird motive? Some kind of justification for why what they’re doing is the right thing.” Ethan couldn’t meet your eyes. 
“Ethan, that is such a fucked up thing to say.” You could feel anger rising in the pit of your stomach. “I was almost killed because Richie wanted to make the ultimate Stab film. What kind of justification is that?” He opened his mouth but you cut him off. “No, there’s nothing anyone could say that could justify their actions.”
“I’m not trying to!” Ethan grabbed your arm and pulled you off the sidewalk into an alley. “Y/N, all I’m saying is that every single behind Ghostface’s mask is a human being who made some really screwed-up choices. That’s all.”
You wrenched your arm from his grip and backed away. “I can’t believe you.” Choking back an angry sob, you turned and disappeared into the crowd. You could hear Ethan shouting your name, but you kept going. It was foolish to run off, to be by yourself, but you needed to be alone. It felt like you were going to fall apart. 
Ethan’s words didn’t help your overwhelming sense of dread. It almost felt like he was… defending Ghostface. Mindy’s voice kept shouting in the back of your mind: don’t let him go all serial killer on you. What if… what if Ethan was Ghostface?
You paused, leaning against a wall. It couldn’t be him, right? He was so sweet and he had always been kind to you. Sam and Tara used to tease you about him, saying that he had a crush on you and that he followed you around like a puppy. He was kind of like a puppy, with his floppy curls and his big brown eyes. It couldn’t be him. You had seen him help others with no resistance, even stop traffic for a hurt dog during NYC rush hour. 
The presence of Ghostface in your life was enough to drive you into hysterics, but the idea that Ethan, sweet Ethan, was the person behind the mask was almost too much to bear. Hell, you’d almost kissed him. You could barely breathe and you had started sobbing almost as soon as you had left Ethan’s side. 
Suddenly, someone grabbed you and pulled you out of sight from the crowded streets. You tried to scream, but the figure covered your mouth with a gloved hand. You couldn’t tell who it was, but they were certainly strong.
“Aw, little Y/N. Something the matter?” The figure mocked. You choked back tears and desperately clawed at the arm holding you. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” 
The figure pulled back its hood to reveal a familiar head of red hair. It was Quinn with a knife to your throat and a vicious grin on her lips. “Hey bitch.”
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i fucking hate being a hypochondriac. there are so many things i used to love to do as a kid or wanted to do in the future that now i’m terrified to do bc i learned there’s a risk (even a small one) that i’ll contract an incurable illness that i didn’t know about before & didn’t realize i contracted until it’s too late & the disease has already spread too far into my brain and I’ll die a slow, painful death because of a seemingly innocuous decision i made. used to love petting the stray cats that hung around my old apartment, now i’m scared i’ll get rabies without realizing it (not just from a bite or scratch; even from the minute possibility of contracting it through their fur if their infected saliva came into contact with it while they were grooming themselves). used to love swimming in the lake bc my (ex-)stepdad would take us there on the weekend, now i’m scared i’ll catch the brain-eating amoeba if even the smallest drop of freshwater goes up my nose. always wanted to learn how to make garlic confit bc it looks so delicious, now i’m too scared to bc any garlic-in-oil dish (if stored improperly) carries with it the risk of botulism & i don’t wanna take any chances. this is not exaggeration or sarcasm. i genuinely live in fear of these possibilities occurring every day.
and those are just (at least what i call) the big three; that’s not even mentioning things like heart attacks (one time i had my dorm call the paramedics for what turned out to be acid reflux, another time i went straight to the health center bc my arm was sore), strokes (every once in a while i smile in the mirror to make sure my face isn’t drooping on one side), cancer (ESPECIALLY skin & breast cancer; the scariest thing is that it comes in so many forms and can affect literally anyone, anytime, anywhere, in any part of the body), covid (which i’ve already had 3 times & fear the effects it could have on my brain), etc. i can’t even pop the pimples around my nose anymore (despite my absolutely debilitating dermatillomania; unstoppable force vs immovable object) bc apparently that area of your face is called the “triangle of death” bc there’s so many blood vessels there & if you pop it then it could cause an infection that spreads straight to the brain and (you guessed it!) kills you.
and part of me wants to reassure myself that it’s all in my head and that most afflictions like these are incredibly rare (at least the big three, the other ones are more common), but the other part of me knows that even if they are rare they aren’t to be fucked with and fears the 0.01% chance that it COULD happen and will happen the minute i let my guard down. and what of the girl who cried wolf? what if i keep worrying about it happening so much every time i think it could happen and every time it turns out to be nothing, and then the one time i second-guess myself thinking “it was nothing the last 50 times, why would it be anything now?” it ends up being something? or worse, what if i try to express this to someone else and they don’t believe me because i freaked out about it so many times already and every time it turned out to be nothing but this time it turns out to be something? i know very well the warning signs and that i should always go to the doctor if i suspect i might have contracted something life-threatening (ESPECIALLY one of the big three), i would NEVER downplay the severity of something as serious as one of these, but how do i know when something is truly serious enough to warrant a visit? am i just gaslighting myself? am i overthinking it, or am i right to be afraid? how do i know when it’s the right time to be afraid? how do i stop living in fear? do i even want to stop living in fear knowing what i know now, knowing that i was so much more reckless than i thought when i was younger and have only survived this long through sheer dumb luck? why must life be so cruel that even the smallest actions carry with them the smallest chance of an excruciating death? why can’t i have shit in detroit?
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szagaloree · 2 years
Hiiii! Can I make a request were it is a t’challa x reader and it takes place during the civil war and they are on opposite teams and once they start fighting they are extremely flirty with each other
Enemies to lovers
T’challa x Reader
Contains| fluff/flirting
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You had your arms crossed while you listened to the buffoonery in front of you, two white men arguing over bullshit. I didn’t care for it, it had nothing to do with me since I don’t take orders from no so call government. You stood up rolling your eyes as you leave but a couple of days later capt called for you in need for you to protect a damn killer, you said no! If he wants to protect a man that forgot him in the first place and nearly killed him he can suffer his consequences.but you made a deal 1 mili for it, and surprisingly he made the deal but the twist was upfront, you made him run for his money but that money came into my bank so you decided to be “team cap” or whatever.
Tony was even surprised that You was on their side when you then told him the only reason why was for the money other then that, you would’ve never cared, you still don’t but you know. You walked inside to see a certain man you never seen before talking to Natasha, it seem they were having a serious talk by the look on his face. But, that serious face went away once he saw you, his eyes never loss track of you, you did look back and then squinted your brows trying to figure out who he was, he looks familiar but you can’t find the answers. Natasha cocks a brow noticing the whole scene “wow, someone caught your eye,” she smirks teasingly, “who is she?” He asks, “she used to work for shield, till she went rogue after a whole situation with hydra, she’s been around helping me still,” Natasha said, “hmph” he glances back at bit before looking back at Natasha.
A couple days have passed and it was fight day, Youwalked out in your suite with ‘rogue’ written across it, and you had a mask covering your face. “Let’s get this done,” capt said, we started fighting, “ahh what the hell!”You shouted when your arm got stuck in..webs? “Sorry” a literal spider swinging around, you are not drunk enough for this but luckily your wrist had heated compartment that melts things and it melt the webs allowing you to get out. You huff running out to help cap,you kick down the person who was attacking him in a “cat” suite, how cute. He rose up tilting his head, “well hello there kitty,” You taunted, pretty much he didn’t like that so he started fighting you, he managed to pin you down till you unmask “so fiesty” you said his grip loosened like he was shocked so you took the opportunity to mask back and knock him back.
You decided to walk away and not fight whoever was in that suite.
Towards the end you realize rhodey was hit you gasp, “rhodey!” You run over, Tony looks up You can see his full blown anger, “who did it?” You ask, “somebody did!” He snarled, “I’m gonna need paramedics” You called out on comms, after the whole incident, rhodey was okay thank god, he’s in therapy now, Tony walks out “tell me why you’re on the wrong side again?” He questions “I just want the money I’m apart of nobody’s,” you said “that Bucky… that soldier! He-" he inhaled sharply trying to hold in his anger “what did he do?” You ask tilting your head, “he killed my parents, it was him,” your jaw dropped, “he’s the one! What the fuck!” Now that angered you, if you would have known the truth as to why cap wanna be captain save a hoe over a man who don’t remember him it’s because he’s protecting a damn murderer!
“I be right back!” You said and turned around quickly in anger.
You walk down the hall about head to where cap was at till you feel someone was behind you, you turn around aiming your gun at nothing, “looking the wrong way,” a African accent spoke next to you, you look left aiming you gun at a unfazed man who you saw before with natasha. “Hmph..why so sneaky,” You spoke, “just listen” he said, “who might you be?” You question “who might you be?” He repeats, “never seen a man run around inna cat suite,” you said he smirks, “then maybe you should be out more,” he says.
“Rogue is my name that you’ll get,” you said.
“Rogue hmph..interesting,” he said, “why are you protecting a murderer?” He asks, “money and two I just found out what he did to Tony’s parents, so now I’m going to be the living hell out of both of them,” he cocks a brow, “so you’re doing this for the money?“ you nodded, “he killed my father, and I want him dead” he said, you raise a brow “apparently this man is a damn parent killer, I don’t blame you, that’s why when cap gives me the location it’s going straight to Tony,” you said looking at your phone.
He walks up to you a bit, you didn’t realize how tall he was till he got closer, you nearly gulped and he sensed it. “Where are you from? Cat?” You ask “a nation called wakanda,” he said my jaw dropped “there’s no way-wait a minute you’re the prince?!” He smirks nodding, “wow, a prince in a car suite never seen that before,” You said “it is called the black Panther,” he said, the way he said it with his accent really did something to you, it had to be the accent that draw this spark in you, a shy feeling “black Panther? So is this black Panther some sort in the shadows type of protector?” I ask.
“That is all you will know for now,” he smirked with a chuckle before walking away.
And you indeed beat cussed and beat the shit out of Bucky and gave cap a couple of punches after finding out the real reason, luckily you were already paid upfront to dip but you wanted to make sure they regretted what they did. During those days rhodey doing his therapy for his legs, You was training but noticed someone was watching, you took a quick glance to find that set person and it was the prince himself, standing up top by the window. “You got the prince’s eye huh?” Nat grinned, “oh shut up nat,” I roll my eyes, “you know, you should love a little take a break, for somebody who went rogue sure as hell come back to us when we need you,” she said, You shrug “that’s thing I got nothing else to do,” you shrug nonchalantly.
You did really wonder what the world had out there, you barely go out to see it since you’re always off the radar hiding from any enemies and secrets groups and what not. You’re always looking behind you because you can never trust what the darkness have for you. Later on it was night, you made it to your home, you yawn tiredly as you settle down your gun and other things. Before you could turn your lights on you sensed something around so you were about to grab your gun but somebody grabs your wrist stopping you, you quickly try to elbow them but they block your attack shoving you into the wall and covered your mouth.
I could barely see the man’s face, “you could’ve died,” the prince says.
I squinted my eyes trying to see him He flicks the light switch on, and there he was, the prince,here, in your house. He slowly moved his hands from your mouth “how the hell you get in my house?” I question, “not that hard,” he said moving, “how the-how did you not get detected by my cameras?” Yougo to look at your phone and notice he turned the cameras off but suddenly they came back on, he chuckles. “What do you want prince? Got nun for ya,” you ask, “nothing” you raise a brow “so, you broke into my house for nothing?” He smirked, this man wanted something but he wanted you to play his game to figure it out, but due to it being late at night and you’re tired you don’t have time for games.
“So, y/n l/n, tell me, what is a person like you doing working with the avengers?” He asks.
“I’m not an avenger, I don’t work with them, I only help when I feel like I need to but other then that I’m a loner, if I’m not getting paid I’m not going to stay,” you tell him, you look at his necklace that look familiar to that ‘black panther’ suite calls it, you reached out to touch it curiously “why don’t you put the suite on?” You ask “unless you have a pair of spare clothes,” he said, your eyes widen in shock “so what, your naked under there?!” He chuckled, you shake your head amusingly “so prince, tell me about, this black Panther, what is it to your people?” You asks curiously.
He stares at your for a while in debate if he should trust you enough to tell you, he walks around a bit looking at your pictures you had on your walls, “the black Panther has been the protector of wakanda for many generations, the black Panther fights for the people of wakanda,” he begins, he stares at a picture of you and your late sister, “so this black Panther is a god?” You ask walking into the kitchen, he follows “goddess” he corrects “Bast has given us the black Panther to protect wakanda but the black Panther represents bast,” he said, “a goddess, she sounds beautiful,” you said with a little smirk, you were always curious about the many gods and goddesses that were worshipped in Africa, their culture was very unique and beautiful.
He tilts his head a bit squinting his eyes, “well maybe one day I’ll be privileged to see this, black Panther,” you said walking up to t’challa who watched your every move, “well maybe you can,” you chuckle you hands rubs against his covered chest going up and up “you are one mysterious woman,” he said, you pulled him down a bit to where both of your lips almost touched “I’m not that mysterious, you’re just not looking deep enough,” you whispered but what caught you off guard was when he kissed you, your eyes widen in shock, you were in complete disbelief but you kissed back anyways with your heart beating out of your chest, he pulls away chuckling.
“That’s what gets you to close your mouth hm?” You roll your eyes, “something else could,” you said before walking out the kitchen leaving t’challa mouth dropping catching what you meant.
A/N: idk if I was high making this Bkuss WHAT😭 I tried😭I tried
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that-darn-clown · 4 months
hello, i am in the mood to ramble about my Fnaf Rewrite, and i wanna just talk about it to someone instead of just making a post, so prepare yourself:
now, while the "official" (not really) title of this Rewrite is "Dandy's Interesting Fnaf Rewrite" (because i haven't thought of a name yet), it also has many unofficial titles, such as "William, For The Love Of FUCK Stop Traumatizing Michael (and your kids in general, but especially Michael)"
why is it called this? Have A List Of Shit William Put This Poor Guy Through:
y'know how Mother Gothel was in Tangled? tone her down a few notches and imagine she had actual "good" intentions with trying to protect Rapunzel. you've now got Rewrite!William post-the death of his wife. (his mindset: Paranoid About Your Children Also Dying? Simple! Just Manipulate And Emotionally Abuse Them Until They Associate Disobeying You With Very Negative Consequences! This Will Surely Not Backfire In Any Way!)
pretty much forced Mike to be the peacemaker/keeper in the household because William was too busy with other shit.
murdered Charlie, aka One Of Michael's Closest Friends/His Sister Figure. and he Then had to be one of the two people to discover her body after sneaking out to go to her party.
killed two of his friends' younger siblings, which fucked both of them up (especially Andrew, who was already in an abusive household and was basically blamed for his brother's death).
Literally Killed His Baby Brother In His Sleep And Then Lied To His Remaining Children About It.
decided to drag his children into working at Freddy's. y'know. The Place Where The Haunted Robots Kill The Employees At Night (x1)
did LITERALLY NOTHING while Jeremy was actively bleeding out from being bitten in the head, while Michael was having a panic attack and trying to get people to call an ambulance. the only comfort he gave Michael was a few pats on the back while waiting for paramedics and telling his Still Panicking son "I'm Sure He'll be Fine. Cassidy Was Fine" meanwhile Mike was dealing with Horrible Fucking Flashbacks from what happened to Cassidy. so y'know. The Reminders Were Not Appreciated At That Moment, Actually!
decided to drag his children into working at Freddy's. y'know. The Place Where The Haunted Robots Kill The Employees At Night (x2; Electric Boogaloo)
indirectly got Mike's older brother Alex killed by forcing him to continue working as a night guard, even after Alex said "Dad, I Think Cassidy Wants To Kill Me." YOU'LL NEVER FUCKING GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TWO DAYS LATER. AND WHO ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO DISCOVERED THE BODY WAS.
Literally Tried Killing Michael, Or At The Very least Tried To Force Michael To Stay In The Building With Him Despite Mike Very Much Not Wanting To Deal With Him.
Literally Tried Killing Him Again (Fnaf 3).
...And Again. After Stalking This Poor Guy, His Boyfriend, And Their Roommate For Two Years (Fnaf 6).
haunted Mike from the grave. specifically from hell (please William, he's trying to get therapy and raise his kids and be happy with his husband)
so yeah. Michael's having. A Bad Time. but he gets a pretty happy ending, regardless! he gets to be the one who technically burned William in the end!! good for him!!
Sweet boy michael... why is it so satisfying to angst that boi up? This is fucking rad as always, my love
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uenodivision · 1 year
Aranai's Thoughts on Niigata Division
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Seiji Tsukimoto
Aranai groans at the picture of the police chief. "Oh great, the Chief of the fucking police, himself. As if having that cop from Kanazawa in this tournament wasn't bad enough!" Aranai sighs. "Thankfully, unlike that cop, this one doesn't know me, I don't think. I've done some work in Niigata, but I don't go there since most of my customers in Chubu hail from Nagoya, where that monk and his clique reside. Still, I suppose I'd better watch myself since another cop is snooping around. Ugh..."
Lyall Shiba
"Ha, this guy makes me laugh. Mainly because, for a cop, he's not too bad. And I'm not just saying that because Kaoru in Edogawa has got a thing for him. ...What? Surprised I know about it? Don't be! I mean, it's kinda obvious! Whenever the girls and I are out, she'll sometimes get a call on her cell phone. If it's this guy, Spider Girl's eyes will light up, she'll suddenly get red in the face and then excuse herself for a while.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of her anything! It's actually kinda cute seeing the resident hacker trip over herself for a guy! For a while there, I was worried I was going to have to do what I do to Sumire and find an excuse to get her and this guy a reason to meet each other. Thankfully, she's not as clueless or brainless as Sumire is and isn't afraid to take a leap!"
Ayumu Hayami
Aranai frowns at the photo of the paramedic. "I'm going to say this right now: I really don't like this guy. Why? Because more than once I've seen him here in Ueno. And it's not because somebody's sick or in danger of dying. No, the reason this guy is here in Ueno is because he's got a thing for Shisuta! ...Yeah, you heard me right! The paramedic is who a year away from being four decades old has a crush on a woman who is f'ing 13 years older than him! What the hell kinda shit is that? I'm not a lawyer like Boss Lady is, but I'm pretty sure dating someone who is a decade older than you is breaking some sort of rule. And if it isn't, then it needs to be! I'm telling you now, I'm keeping a close eye on this guy. If he does anything to Shisuta, they're going to have call a paramedic for him when I get through with him!"
Valor Guard
"Ugh, is Boss Lady asking more and more cops to join this rap tournament or something? Or do they just not have enough to do at the f'ing police station? Because there shouldn't be a reason for so many cops to be joining some rap tournament! I know not every team here is full of law-abiding citizens, but I didn't realize that meant that every cop and their brother needed to form a rap team to arrest them!
"Ugh, and knowing Boss Lady, she's gonna wanna form an alliance with these guys like the ones from Kanazawa. Ugh, hopefully, someone deals with them quickly. Either that, or they become too preoccupied with whomever they're chasing to deal with us..."
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TW: for sexual assault, death, and just in general.
I just wanted to say that this year has been rough which is why I haven’t been active as much on here as I’d like to be. So here’s a life update as to why life has been putting my through the ringer:
Firstly we have had to put 3 of our pets down in 4 months, we aren’t bad pet owners they were just all my childhood pets so they were getting very old.
All of these pets took a toll on me but last week we had to put down my cat, if you know me well you know that this cat is 17 years old meaning I’ve had her since I was less than a year old. She meant everything to me and she was super empathetic legitimately whenever anyone in the house would cry she would be there to comfort them. Especially me. This has been really hard for me and I expect it to get harder.
We also lost both of our dogs (the rescue and our Shiba Inu) both of which I loved dearly.
Another way this year has put me through the ringer is that last semester my roommate brought in a lot of random people we didn’t know, and just let them stay as long as they wanted even when we were in vulnerable positions. And as someone with a lot of trauma surrounding growing up in a homophobic town, hate crimes, being a victim of SA, and many other reasons, this made me really uncomfortable and I would have to force myself to stay awake even if I had a morning class the next day because I couldn’t fathom falling asleep with people I didn’t know in the room.
One of these people. Let’s call him J, have all of my other roommates and I incredibly bad vibes. And my roommate didn’t know anything about him, just met him in the elevator and told him to come up to our room and hang. Well he came up everyone in the room was immediately uncomfortable, then he had a seizure on our dorm floor. Since I was the only one that knew how to handle the situation, I had to hold him on his side while he was seizing and wait for the paramedics.
This is where it starts to get bad with J: 2 days after the prior incident with him, he comes back to our room unannounced and it is just me and my one roommate who invited him who decides to take a shower leaving me alone with this guy. He thanks me for helping him then offers me a drink (yes alcohol we are college students). And so the alcoholic I am I’m not gonna turn down free booze so I agree. Now I drink it (he drank from the same container prior to me so I thought it was safe) and then my head starts to feel a little fuzzy shortly after. And I am not a light weight so I immediately suspect I’ve been drugged but I’m not about to tell him that. I can push medication fast but this was hitting me. But I stayed awake and pulled out my knife which I hid under the blanket I was under. A while after my roommate gets out of the bathroom and I tell her “hey I wanna watch the kardashians” (I knew J couldn’t stand them from the limited interactions I’ve had) and J goes “guess that’s my cue to leave”.
I kind of brush this whole thing off because again at the time I only suspected I had been drugged I didn’t think much of it. 2 days after that we find out there was a guy drugging people on campus. Then suddenly we are getting texts from friends on campus we rarely talk to who had seen us with J. And I felt sick to my stomach. He had always acted really creepy around me and I’d I hadn’t been who I am, something worse might’ve happened and as someone who’s been a victim before it traumatized me. I sleep with a knife every night now.
Just overall a lot of shit is fucked up but I’m getting better.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Whumptber 3rd - A Hairs Breadth From Death (Gun to Temple) - Paramedic AU - Eddie + Joyce TW: Mention of Guns, Drugs, Medical Equipment
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It’s rare Eddie gets to work with Joyce. It happens, of course, but it’s been months. Chrissy’s out with the flu and Murray got put at Base 3 for the day, so they’ve taken ambulance 13 out of rotation, leaving he and Joyce to be on 12. He loves working with the woman, and he’s pumped when he walks in and she tells him the news. 
“Hell yes! Team Myers for the win!” Eddie holds his hand up for a high five, and Joyce laughs, slapping her palm against his. 
“Don’t sound too excited or I may just ask to switch,” the brunette woman jokes, grabbing them both a cup of coffee as they settle in for the morning. 
“Chrissy could deal,” he shakes his head, but they both know he has a soft spot for the two year younger EMT he’s been partners with for years. 
“I can go start doing inventory,” she pushes herself off of the counter, ponytail swinging back and forth. 
“We can both do it, it’s almost cathartic right?”
They sit in peaceful silence, both taking one half of the inventory checklist. Eddie works on drugs while Joyce works on saline bags and braces. The long haired man thinks of how different this morning is compared to others. Normally, he and Chrissy go back and forth with fake scenarios, or he’ll quiz her on random drug dosages, wanting to help her prepare for her upcoming paramedic class. 
This morning, it’s serene. He looks over at the older woman, watching as she skillfully goes through neck brace sizes, like she’s been doing it her whole life. He wonders if that’s how he looks to his partner. Eddie grabs what they’re missing, thankful they’ve not been interrupted. 
Of course, he drives for the day and lets Joyce be the decision maker. He’s not one to overstep higher authority, and while he may be a paramedic just like her, she’s got years of experience he doesn’t. 
The pair have been napping on the large recliners in the common area when their radios crackle, the familiar base 1 tone coming through, waking them up. 
“Dispatch, Base one, ambulance 12, medical call, first response to 1327 Elmdale Street, for a 35 year old male complaining of chest pain. House is blue with a red door.” 
Both adults groan. Eddie fumbles for his radio and stands
“Ambulance 12 to dispatch, responding to medical call,” Eddie continues as they head out to the truck. 
As Eddie gets more information, he hops into the drivers side and thanks his past self for leaving an unopened energy drink in the cup holder. Joyce flips the lights and sirens on, and Eddie pulls out, giving her a smile. 
“Morning,” he drawls, laughing when she yawns and gives him a tired look. 
“You’re welcome to have my energy drink if you’d like it.” 
Joyce grabs it and pops it open, downing half in one go. He thinks she might be the coolest woman he knows. 
They arrive and Eddie grabs the stretcher and LifePak as Joyce heads up to the door. He hopes they won’t need to do any resuscitation tonight. As he slams the back door shut, he freezes, stomach plummeting. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. 
A man in his thirties is standing near the ambulance with Joyce, a gun to her head. Hands trembling, he goes to reach for his radio and the man walks closer, dragging Joyce with him. 
“Don’t think about it, pretty boy, or I put a bullet in her brain.” 
Eddie instantly takes his hand off of the radio, both hands up, palms open. It’s not uncommon for ambulances to be raided but damn he never thought it would happen to him. 
“Okay man, hey. Take the gun off of her. You wanna shoot someone? How about me, I have more clearance than her,” he lies, licking his lips. 
The man stares at Joyce, who’s looking wide eyed, then looks back at Eddie. 
“I want your drugs. Morphine, Fentanyl, Dilaudid.” 
Eddie nods. Number one objective- keep Joyce safe, which means making the guy keep his attention on him. Fucking scene safety his ass. 
“Alright, I can give it to you. But you gotta get the gun off of her. I’m the one that knows the codes.” He stares at Joyce, trying to communicate, trying to tell her not to radio in anything. Better to make it out of this shit alive and drugless. 
The man holds on to Joyce but points the gun at Eddie. Thank god. 
“Follow me.” His hands shake as he opens the back, feeling like he’s been shot up with far more adrenaline than any epi could carry. 
Walking up and into the cab, the long haired man goes to their drug drawers, typing in the four digit code. The guy is now next to him, gun pressing into his temple. Eddie can feel himself sweating. 
“No funny business. Give me the right shit.” 
“Yeah, I got it,” Eddie snaps, and the barrel digs in harder. 
Carefully, he grabs the bottles of the narcotics and hands them to the man, who shoves them all in his pockets, smiling. Eddie keeps his eyes trained on Joyce, who’s been sat on the bench.
“Syringes,” the man says as if it’s been obvious he’s waiting.
“Right,” Eddie huffs to himself, earning a hard blow to his temple, the guy grabbing his pulled up hair. 
“I didn’t ask for back talk, pretty boy.” 
“And I didn’t ask to be held at gunpoint,” Eddie spits, and fuck he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, because the man’s eyebrows raise and he once again directs a blow with the butt of his gun to the paramedics temple. 
Eddie thinks he hears Joyce gasp. 
Clenching his jaw, Eddie grabs the package's syringes and then looks back at the guy, temple aching. He wants to ask ‘anything else your highness’ but decides against it. He remembers Joyce is still at the mercy of this prick too. 
The man grabs the syringes and takes off. Eddie swallows and looks at Joyce, before grabbing her and hugging her tight. She lets out a shaky breath and he feels her press herself close. 
“I’m sorry, he grabbed me before I c-“ 
“If you’re apologizing for being held hostage by a drug addict, I’m going to scream,” Eddie looks at her. 
The woman looks shaken, face pale and big eyes wider than usual. She’s shaking, and Eddie moves, grabbing a blanket from the shelf they keep them on, wrapping it around her. He leads her to the passenger seat, then goes and puts the gurney back, shuts the back doors, and walks to the drivers side, getting in. He can feel his adrenaline dropping fast, so he grabs the radio and holds it to his mouth. 
“Dispatch, th-this is ambulance 12, requesting police on scene. Code silver,” Eddie forces himself to talk, and Joyce grabs his hand. 
Two minutes later, they’ve got three police cars, Hopper, Callahan, and others the paramedics only briefly recognize, on scene. Eddie feels bad Hopper and Joyce have to keep their relationship under strict ruling, otherwise he’s sure the woman would be clinging to him.
Head still aching, Eddie runs a hand over his face. 
“Can we sit down for this?” 
Hopper looks at him, frowning. 
“You alright Munson?” 
“Yes, yeah, I’m ok. I just..have a headache, and my adrenaline has just been shot to hell and back.” 
“He hit you?” 
“His gun, he hit it on the side of his head twice,” Joyce interjects before Eddie can assure the Fire and Rescue chief he’s alright. 
They all sit in the back of the ambulance, cramped and tight. The warmth of everyone’s body heat feels oddly nice. Eddie plays with his pen, capping and uncapping it quietly as he talks to the police, and refuses treatment for his head. He’s a paramedic, he knows the signs of a concussion, and he doesn’t have them. 
By the time all is said and done, and they return to the base, it’s almost five am. He and Joyce are told to go home. Eddie can’t help but be grateful. After hugging Joyce tightly and telling her to call if she needs anything, the paramedic walks out to his car and sits there, letting the events soak in. He’s drained, feels like he’s been run over and then thrown into hell and spat back out. 
What if Chrissy had been there? What if Joyce had been shot? What if he had been shot? What would that do to Hopper, to Steve, to everyone? A knock jolts him out of his thoughts, and he turns to see Hopper standing there, a look of concern on his face. Eddie rolls the window down, heat blasting. 
“Do I need to call Harrington to come pick you up?” 
“He’s working, I’ll be fine. I just..needed a minute.” 
“Don’t pull away from us, this isn’t the time to try and do shit by yourself. You’ve got a whole team here for you okay kid?” 
Eddie nods, rubbing his eyes that are burning. 
“Got it Chief. Thanks.” 
He doesn’t drive home. Instead, he drives to the hospital, the only thing on his mind is Steve. Walking in, still in uniform, still looking rattled, he sees Steve, Robin, Nancy and Billy at the nurses desk. 
“Hey, you okay?” 
“What’s going on?“ 
“Munson, if you’re not here with a patient, you need to leave.” 
Eddie walks up to Steve and presses himself into the man, breathing shakily as he hugs him. The nurse wraps his arms around him, hugging back. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Where’s Joyce?” 
The paramedic shakes his head, so Steve leads them away and into the nurses lounge, thankfully empty. Steve stares at him and waits. 
“We had a druggie take meds from our truck,” Eddie voice is fragile and wobbly, and he feels just about the same. 
“Wait-what?! Are you okay?! Eddie, oh my god!” 
“Made sure Joyce wasn’t the target of the gun. I gave the guy his drugs and he ran. Dealt with the police for hours. Just left the station. Came here, wanted to see you.” 
Getting pulled into another hug, Eddie’s not sure how long they stay like that. He hears the door open, but he doesn’t move. 
“He okay?” 
“Druggie held him and Joyce at gunpoint. I need to leave early.” 
“No problem. I’ll let Owens know.” 
They get back to their place and Eddie burrows into the bed with Steve, too tired to do anything but sleep. He’ll talk more when he wakes up, but right now, laying with his boyfriend, feeling safe, is all he needs. 
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x05
it seems that the season is finally picking up, and this is my fave episode so far 😂
more thoughts and spoilers ahead!
jfc Rob Lowe is so good in comedic roles fr, I think that's why I enjoy Owen now, because he gets funny stuff 😂 that scene was so funny 😂
the boy calling about the math problem was so adorable, and Grace's reaction was even more adorable, she's so fucking cute I can't 😩😍😍 that smile with a nose scrunch??? 😍😍😍😍
"not a math whiz, just a math fan" SAME I love math, I miss it, why did I go study English at uni lmao
we should see more of the 911 dispatchers, like we do in the og - like, I'd love to at least learn like 3 names of something 🙄😂
ngl, I have no memory of this paramedic they're talking about 😂 (also, the music in this scene is kinda loud isn't it? like the drums or whatever? idk, it makes my head hurt lol)
waaait, I knew it was a more Marjan focused episode from the promo, but... someone complained about her to HR???? what the fuck about, she's a delight 😂
oh my god the lady from the mobile home?? over the word "crazy" when Marjan saved her life?? seriously?
we're focusing a lot on Linus, huh - I bet something bad is about to happen (clearly something's wrong with the mom, and I'm anxious waiting to see what haha)
jfc it was one stupid word, that people used to throw around at anything and anyone, jfc I don't wanna be one of those "why are people these days so sensitive" bitches but... she saved you life lady, leave her alone
I love seeing more Marjan but I feel so bad for her
I almost forgot about this dude since the beginning tbh, I'm enjoying this episode a lot haha - no idea what his deal is but it's stressing me out
I am loving getting more of the dispatch - if this is how this season continues, I might change my opinion about it (which is that this season is kinda whatever so far, but maybe just the first four episodes were bc this is good)
I kinda like Marjan and Owen's dynamic, this is fun (pls give me more Owen and TK tho, I miss them, and I'm always a sucker for a father son relationship 😂)
this couple is so ridiculous, jfc, Owen's right, how is that guy not in jail 😂 and they want her to post an apology for calling her "crazy"? and tag their gofundme? lady, you are fucking crazy 😂😂
they're blaming the fire department, aka people who rescued her life, for destroying their home??? that dude fucking took it - oh my god they're insane and it's infuriating but also kinda funny 😂
I love Grace and Judd and I missed them, we barely saw them the last couple of episodes haha (and Charlie is the most adorable baby 😍😍)
thank God for Grace and her instincts about what's happening, and that Judd nudged her to go over there right away
also, Tommy is amazing and I love her and her friendship with Grace
Paul "notices things" - I completely forgot about that because it hasn't been referenced since like s1 - pls give him an actual storyline that includes all aspects of him, including this superpower of his 😂
Paul and Marjan are one of my fave friendships, they're really ride or die's, I just love them (also, I just love the way Paul speaks if that makes sense? I'm weird about voices and cadence and pronunciation idk 😂)
sooo, Asha's sticking around, right? 😂 they wouldn't have her know Paul from way back when if they weren't starting something here right? 😂 I'm not complaining, pls give Paul a storyline, and if it's finally a good love interest, even better haha
I'm sorry, but making such a big deal over the word "crazy" is literally so ridiculous I can't help but laugh
nooo, don't tell me she's really leaving
I'm crying
not Nancy and Mateo being the parent friends 😭😂
like, she's not gone forever is she? I'm sure she'll be back eventually... right?
okay, promo: I am so excited for this bomber storyline, it seems more interesting than the first 4 episodes of the season (like, I loved the Carlos episode - 4x04 but like... eh)
so, I loved this episode, please tell me this is when the season picks up finally, I was finally engaged from the beginning until the end, and enjoyed all of it
I did miss Carlos, and he's my fave character, but also, like I mentioned a lot already, the tarlos storyline so far with Iris etc was so fucking boring and it took a lot of time in those first episodes (and it's crazy I'm even saying that because I always say to give Carlos all the screen time 😂) so it was nice to kinda have a break from them haha and I'm so glad we're over the whole FBI thing
now, I adore Grace and I loved her storyline this eps, it was great and interesting
I feel like Asha's gonna stick around and I'm excited if they're gonna do anything with her and Paul (or just fucking give Paul some more screen time ffs)
I loved that we got more of other dispatchers aside from Grace and please keep it up, I wanna know them like we know Josh and Sue and Linda, for them to be around you know? 😂
and Marjan.... I don't believe she left for good, and I don't wanna believe that, and I get her reasoning, because fuck those people, but also.... this was just so ridiculous, do people really get that offended over the word crazy? I know it's offensive or whatever but since when it's a slur? 😂
anyway, it was a great episode for Marjan, loved seeing her more and her struggle with this whole situation, and her and Owen actually have a great dynamic, wish we'd seen more of that (if they didn't give 90% of screen time to Owen alone 🙄 I like him but sometimes it's like.... there are people who are more interesting that I wanna find out about lol)
genuinely can't wait for the next one, and it's the first time this season I'm actually looking forward to the next episode, I hope it's gonna only get better now haha
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