#//random number 21
reinanova · 4 months
bcuz i’m curious:
any phone number that you could rattle off without looking counts here
reblog with your age/generation bcuz i’m curious if it’s still common practice for younger people to memorize phone numbers
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valewritessss · 9 days
It’s not that I work best under pressure it’s that my brain decides to get creative when there’s a little more suspense in my system
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kindred-spirit-93 · 3 days
On a scale of 9 to 3, how kindred would you say your spirit is?
hello anon!
lol assuming 9 is the kindredest of spirits and 3 is a lost soul, id say a solid 7.
having been the odd one out my entire life i find it hard to connect with others at the level i so very craved, so i learnt to be less me. i can morph myself to cater to the needs and ideals of others still but im tired of doing so, hence why i initially chose a 6, smack down the middle, ready to tip the scales and change accordingly, the way i was way back when.
but rejoice dear reader i have a platonic soulmate for whom id walk to the ends of the earth with and for to see them smile. i settled on 7 because i do believe that there are like minded and hearted souls for us to seek in this life, live out the greatest works of art alongside them, andbe reunited with in the next.
im not an 8 or 9 because im a cynical little gremlin whos seen too much of this world to let my heart yearn and hope and trust as it used to, but thats not to say im not open to the idea of mingling with other life forces out there every now and again.
if theres anything ive learnt is that im not everyones cup of tea. and i dont have to be. and that it doesnt make me any less of a splendid cup of tea just beacuse some like theirs differentlyr or simply prefer coffee altogether. it was quite the epiphany to me once.
anyway have a wonderful remainder of your day/ night and life ^-^
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
can I please get married Now to someone whom I can raise a family with vs. where in this sad sad world will I ever find someone worth marrying
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formulapisces · 1 year
i know everyones driver numbers EXCEPT the drivers who pick numbers 20-30. i ALWAYS mix them up no matter how long i’ve been a fan of them? please tell me i’m not the only one who is like this 😭 i’m not a new f1 fan 😭😭
sorry kmag, zhou, tsunoda, albon and whoever else chooses those numbers but i just can never remember it i’m afraid 🙁
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bi4bihankking · 1 year
Me getting sad because Infinity Inc. doesn't have more stories but I miss my kiddos but I have read all the existing issues multiple times and then remembering... this is DC Comics fault...
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
btw me and the fibonacci sequence r best friends
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pikachumaniac10 · 2 years
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I was trying to perfect 10 golbat by KO'ing it with ice moves when I heard the shiny sound!! I'm also looking to catch small ralts and looking for cherubi and cherrim.
It has been a bit since I played arceus but it's time to play for a bit!
This is the 21st random encounter shiny and shiny number 58 of arceus! I just climbed up a cliff when I heard the sound.
This is technically a reclaim as I have failed a shiny sudowoodo on pokemon go during go fest thanks to glitch..
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
💿📀 19 & 88 (and or 21, 54) 💞
19: Johnny Flynn and Laura Marling - The Water
88: Frightened Rabbit - Nothing Like You
God these are two angsty as fuck songs LMAO (I mean the Water is at least kind of soothing, Frightened Rabbit just says "This is a story and you are not in it, / Fuck pages torn out / Here is a bedroom that you've never been in and / Here is your shovel, there's the ground"). That would be one HELL of an angsty fic.
21: The National - England
54: Noah and the Whale - 2 Atoms In A Molecule
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novy2sirius · 1 month
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based on numerology
tw: sexualization, emotional/physical abuse, substance abuse/addiction, criminals, death ♥︎
the whole chart matters. take this with a grain of salt ♥︎
this is based on the numerical meanings (numerology) of these numbers not degree theory ♥︎
do not read if you aren’t 18+ ♥︎
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♂ MARS AT 1°/10°/19°/28° · having these mars degrees indicates that you are someone who has a lot of sex appeal and people may obsess over you a lot. with this does come a lot of hate or envy from others as well. you can make lots of money from martian related topics such as modeling, athletics, sex, tattoo work, etc. people with these degrees in their mars are also extremely ambitious and never take no for an answer when they truly want something. when it comes to conflict these people don’t like passive aggressiveness they want you to be up front with them from the beginning and will also do the same. they like to resolve a conflict immediately when it first occurs or have time to themselves if they’re too angry to talk about anything. sexually the women with these degrees tend to love a dominant partner, but the men with these degrees tend to be the one’s that like to dominate in bed. they have a really high sex drive and may come off as very sexual people. when it comes to their presence these people can come off as intimidating at times and when lower vibrational they can be bullies or just very mean spirited. the one’s that are higher vibrational will not waste their energy on being mean to others or being vengeful, but instead will put their energy toward their passions in life
♂ MARS AT 2° · having this mars degree means that a lot of people will find your body to be sexually appealing. at times you may get sexualized a lot. when it comes to conflict these people are peacemakers and don’t like to stir the pot. they prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible because it makes them very anxious. when lower vibrational because of this they can be passive aggressive and bad at confronting conflict head on. when higher vibrational they will try to understand everyone’s perspective during conflict and be understanding while trying to resolve it in a healthy way. this is the most feminine mars degree you can have. usually these people have a more feminine vibe depending on the rest of their chart. a downside to this degree is that these people usually are not the best leaders
♂ MARS AT 3°/12°/21° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone who needs a lot of communication to resolve conflict. you typically will not just naturally understand why someone is upset unless they tell you. when lower vibrational during conflict these people can be very impulsive with their words, harsh at times, and childish in conflict. when higher vibrational they tend to just be very straight forward in the way they communicate and straight to the point. these degrees in mars can also indicate that you have a sexy voice that many people find hot. you would benefit in life from speaking up for people and yourself. these people make great public speakers and activists because they usually aren’t afraid to use their voice when it comes to important matters. these are not the kind of people you want to get into a roast battle with because they will have you speechless with their comebacks. they tend to be very funny to a lot of people. these people are naturally very creative and can benefit from using their creativity toward their passions. something random i’ve noticed is low vibrational people with these degrees in their mars often get in trouble with the law/are criminals
♂ MARS AT 4°/13° · having these mars degrees means that you are someone who’s extremely hardworking. often these people are workhorses and will stop at nothing to have their desires. these people tend to have a super high sex drives and aren’t afraid to put in the work during sex to please their partner. people with these degrees in their mars typically have broad shoulders or a very muscular body type. when lower vibrational these degrees can be challenging because these people tend to be overly aggressive, violent, and have a lot of jealousy toward others. when higher vibrational these people are very disciplined and smart when it comes to the decisions they make in their life. these people could do really well in the criminal justice field. they would make great cops, criminal investigators, soldiers, etc. i don’t recommend that someone with one of these mars degrees goes into a career where they’re sitting around too much. they thrive more so in careers where they’re constantly being introduced to new tasks and moving a lot
♂ MARS AT 5°/14°/23° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone that’s a bit on the wild side. you’re always down for an adventure and love to constantly be moving and traveling if you can. when unevolved these people can sometimes be players since 5 energy in numerology is very sexual and loves its freedom while Mars is about speed and moving fast. these people tend to love sex, but may struggle with confusing lust and love at times even if they don’t initially realize it. these people often have a lot of sex appeal and are very sexually attractive. they have a charm about them that others find very seductive and it makes many people desire them. these people are great entertainers and are very witty. they have a natural charisma about them that makes others addicted to them. although this can also create jealousy in others and make many people want to bring you down if you have these degrees in your mars out of hatred in themselves for not having what you have. at worst people with these degrees in their mars can be relationship/home wreckers, irresponsible, chaotic, alcoholics, or drug addicts. when it comes to conflict they don’t really like to dwell on things too much because they’re free spirits and want to just have fun. if you try telling them what to do or make them feel restricted in any way though they won’t want you in their life and will distance themselves from you. health wise these people tend to be very fit and have good diets
♂ MARS AT 6°/15°/24° · having these mars degrees means that you’re definitely really good in bed. these people like to please their partner before themselves in bed. they usually have high fertility. they also have praise kinks a lot of the time. when it comes to exercise these people can be lazy at times and bed rotters. they like staying in their comfort zone and don’t enjoy leaving it. the downside to these degrees in your mars is that it can make you on the lazier side and can make you lack ambition if you don’t have any placements to contradict this energy. often these people may not have good health because of this. they’re homebodies. they will be responsible whenever they need to though. when it comes to conflict they value their friendships and relationships a lot, so they try not to step on any toes. they’re very loving people, but when they’re mad.. they’re really mad and stubborn. it just takes a lot to get them to that point. when it comes to their family sometimes they do have family issues since mars is associated with the conflicts in our life and 6 is the number of family in numerology. they can lack intelligence if they don’t have any energies contradicting this in their chart
♂ MARS AT 7°/16°/25° · having these mars degrees means that you’re not someone who enjoys being involved in conflict and prefers to just mind your own business. when these people don’t like someone they usually won’t tell them. they’d rather avoid the drama of telling someone they wanna cut them off and just slowly walk away from a friendship/relationship. these people are often on the more introverted side and can be bad at communicating their feelings during conflict. they’re often misunderstood which makes them feel very lonely and struggle a lot with loneliness (sometimes even when they’re not alone). they could be surrounded by a group of people and still feel alone. people with these degrees are most likely to be narcissistic or psychopathic when at a very low vibration since 7 is the number of the psycho and mars represents aggressive energy. these degrees in your mars are some of the most challenging when it comes to romance/friendship as well. the positive to these mars degrees is that these people tend to be highly intelligent and very strong spiritually. they tend to have great instincts and be very intuitive. they notice a lot of things that others don’t notice
♂ MARS AT 8°/17°/26° · having these mars degrees indicates that you’re an amazing leader. you would do great in a career involving business related things or running your own business. these people seek power and can do very well in positions of power as long as they don’t take advantage of their power and use it for bad or act greedy. they often have good judgment of others and can tell the type of person someone is immediately when meeting them. they see things in people that others don’t. if they’re at a lower vibration they can be thoughtless and not think about how their actions may hurt others. at very worst they could be emotionally or physically abusive, ignorant, vengeful, obsessive, and cruel. when it comes to their career they tend to be very wealthy when they’re older, but may experience ups and downs with money in their childhood and in early adulthood. they are very hard workers when they really want something bad enough. if they don’t have a deep desire for something they will not put in any effort though. these people were actually meant to be materialistic in this life time just not to the point where it’s the only thing they value. these people do live a very karmic life which can be the challenge of having these degree in your mars. when they hurt others karma will come back to them quickly, but the vice versa also occurs if people hurt them (the people who hurt them will get bad karma quickly). sexually, these people have a lot of stamina in bed. even the men can last longer than most other men
♂ MARS AT 0°/9°/18°/27° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a powerful manifestor and have the ability to manifest more quickly than most others. manifestation ability is not reliant on placements, however it’s simply just that these people tend to have a better understanding earlier on of manifestation than most others which makes them usually have better manifesting skills. these people tend to have a quick death that happens suddenly since mars represents speed and 9 in numerology represents death. these people tend to be great adapters no matter what place you put them in. they are quick learners and very intelligent. when lower vibrational these people tend to have big egos and a superiority complex or need to “prove others wrong” since they have lack of respect for others opinions. they can also be violent, struggle with addiction, dramatic, liars, possessive, or be immoral when at a lower vibration. when at a higher vibration these people know how to use their emotional energy and turn it into amazing art whether that be in the form of music, acting, or literal artwork such as painting and drawing, etc. they can especially be amazing actors though since 9 is the number of illusion. they’re naturally good liars/fakers, so with that energy in mars the planet associated with intense emotions and enthusiasm they can act in a way that seems very realistic. they’re very compassionate and usually come off very charming and attractive to others. they can be good leaders or followers. in bed usually they’re switches and can enjoy being dominant or submissive depending on their mood
♂ MARS AT 11°/20°/29° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a very emotional person. it’s usually because of how spiritually connected these people are though and their ability to tap into others energies. sometimes unintentionally. often these people have psychic abilities and will dream about things before they occur in the physical realm. these people tend to dislike hookup culture a lot and prefer having a real and deep connection with someone before ever having sex with them. when it comes to work they do well in emotionally strenuous jobs like being an ICU nurse, 911 operator, etc. they would do well as an athlete, actor, rapper, life coach, salesman, etc though. these people have a lot of charisma and can seduce people into getting what they want. they are good manipulators, so be cautious if you do see this in someone’s chart in case they’re low vibrational. at very worst when these people are at a low vibration they could be the type to lure you in with charm and then hurt you especially if they’re emotionally unstable people. when it comes to conflict these people tend to be very empathetic toward others emotions when at a higher vibration and want the best for them, so they try to understand how the other person feels before explaining how they feel. however, when you hurt someone with one of these degrees in their mars it can be dangerous since these people have the power to make others really emotional
♂ MARS AT 22° · having this mars degree means that you’re very wise, especially when it comes to problem solving. they’re good at analyzing details that others can’t. they tend to also give very good advice to others when they need help with their problems or conflicts in life. they’re powerful people and leaders. they tend to be people that think outside of the box and the opposite of a follower. health wise these people tend to have very muscular bodies and can be very fit. these people can be great body builders if they want to be. emotionally these people can be pretty sensitive at times and if low vibrational very stubborn or ruthless. when at a higher vibration these people tend to use their energy toward things that help them become more powerful and achieve more. a downside is these people can be really stubborn when you try to give them advice. they don’t like taking it. sexually these people will feel more pleasure the more confident they feel and may enjoy more aggressive or intense sex
comment your mars degree and what posts you want me to make next. reblogs are appreciated!!
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luvyeni · 6 months
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𐙚 pairings. rockstar!jaemin x stylist!reader
✧ genre. rockstar!au, fwb!au crack/humor, fluff, angst college au ( ? ), mutual pining
warnings. swearing, death jokes, eventual smut, jaemin is a fuckboy highkey, will add more if needed
synopsis. l/n y/n fashion major and photographer on the side who says what she wants, na jaemin music major and lead guitar player for underground band DREAM. After yn forgets her to change her account and says something that catches the eye of jaemin she tries to ignore him — expect thanks to chenle she now works for them.
characters. l/n y/n, na jaemin, 7dream, sieun ( stayc ) winter ( aespa ) ft. hanbin ( zb1 )
started. 04-01-2024
ended. 04-22-2022
authors note. been working on this for a minute and i can't wait for you guys to read it❤️
let me know if you want to be added !
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( 🩶 ) ... LET'S PLAY !
1.) nightmare fuel ...
2.) will you do it ? ...
3.) fuck elon musk ...
4.) not that bad 😆 ...
5.) down a peg ...
6.) fitting day📍...
7.) unfair treatment ...
8.) he's unsaveable ...
9.) 5 minutes until show time ... ( written )
10.) not to your face , no ...
11.) no need to fight it ...
12.) next time ... ( written )
13.) stay the night ...
14.) that random dude ...
15.) throwing me off 😐...
16.) how far are you willing to go ...
17.) nice guy ...
18.) bowling with hanbin ...
19.) maybe it's time ...
20.) let's end it ...
21.) hostility in the chat 😬 ...
22.) spiraling ...
23.) new york ...
24.) im sorry ... ( written ) ...
25.) best non-confirmed boyfriend ever ...
26.) y/n is better ...
27.) debut day ( im sorry pt 2. ) ...
28.) release party ...
29.) number 1 ! ...
30.) people really like us ...
31.) rumored ...
32.) next week ...
33.) music show ...
34.) so happy ...
35.) disney ass outfit ...
36.) he's mine ...
1.) jaemin not having media training ...
2.) dreams first award ...
3.) the girls vs jaeminslvt ...
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sofs16 · 11 months
a paddock day
charles x civilian!reader
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liked by yourbsf, and 12 others yn yo soy muy feliz aqui ! hasta mañanaaaaaa barcelona gp, te quiero mucho! [i am very happy here! see you tomorrow barcelona gp, i love you very much!]
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yourbsf finally main girl gets to watch a gp!
⤷ yn literally jumped on this plane last night im shivering and quaking.
yourbsf im literally telling u they’ll see u and go WOAH WOSH WASH! then theyll fall in love with you and you’ll be those lowkey ass wags
⤷ yn Should I just wear a giant banana costume to get their attention
⤷ yourbsf DUHHHH!!! and go public, theyll stalk you and follow u and ull go famous
⤷ yn what happened to being lowkey ass wag
⤷ yourbsf i can be your wag😊💋
yn instagram stories:
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you strolled through the paddock through all motorhomes like a little girl, contained with excitement. a lot of people were there but somehow, not in front of the ferrari motorhome.
you saw a man dressed in all black (kind of stupid since it was burning hot) with black sunglasses as a hat on his head walk you way. “um excuse me? would you mind if you took my photo please?” you approached him as he turned to you
he looked at you but of course, he was wearing the sunglasses so you wouldn’t tell what he was thinking. did he not speak english?
“tu no hablas ingles?” you asked “Oh! No, sorry. I do speak english and of course. Where would you want to take it?” He said in a foreign language.
“Just here” you walked over to the 55 wall “You are a fan of Sainz?” He took your phone as you walked over “Both of them, but my best friend loves him and couldn’t come so I thought I’d send her a photo” you laughed as he did as well.
He took a few photos as you stood in front of the wall. “Leclerc or Sainz, for you?” He asked, handing you back your phone “Both” you said in an obvious manner
“Life or death” he laughed “….Leclerc… though, Ferrari needs to stop fucking him over so he can get another win” You shrugged, putting your phone in your pocket as he nodded with a smile. “You?” “Leclerc!” He exclaimed as you giggled, this man was quite fun.
“I lit a few candles today in hopes he might win, I really hope he does. Or any Ferrari win” You said “Do you have a number?” He asked stupid question he thought “I’m sorry— that was a stupid question” you laughed “Do you mind if we exchanged them?” You scratched you head “Um… ad much as I want to, I don’t exchange numbers with random attractive guys, I’m sorry” you laughed “Attractive? Thank you” “Well seeing as I can only see half your face…” you felt your phone start to vibrate and saw your friend calling you
“I have to go but it was lovely meeting you! I hope we get our Leclerc win today!” You started to walk backwards “You too!” You turned around, putting your phone to your ear as you head your best friend’s scream, unknowing that Charles’ eyes lingered on you.
It was only free practice today. He hoped to see you around more.
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liked by 20 others yn LALALALALA
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yourbsf LETS GO BITCH 55!!!!!!! yourbsf still think u shouldve given hottie your instagram
⤷ yn i got NERVOUS
june 2, 2023
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liked by 21 others yn POLE POSITION LETS GO BABYGIRL
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june 3, 2023
You were admiring the paddock once again, now race day, as you heard the familiar voice behind you. “I hope we get our Leclerc win today” you hear behind you and you start to smile. You turned around and your heart sank to your ass.
Charles babygirl Leclerc was smiling at you “excuse me?” you mumbled, mouth slightly ajar “I know, I was in a more casual outfit yesterday” he laughed and you looked him up and down, wearing his red Ferrari suit “es muy stúpida” you mumbled
“I know you maybe think this is weird but— I could really not stop thinking about you for the last few days and have been trying to find you” He chuckled softly as you felt like you hit your head on the pavement. Charles Leclerc looking for YOU?
“Well, you found me! Congrats on pole by the way” “Thank you! Though I hope to win tomorrow, for the both of us” “Oh please, I can’t take another Ferrari loss” you closed your eyes.
“You are spanish?” He asked “Oh, no! I just like learning languages and visit here a lot” you said “Would you mind… if you showed me Barcelona some time?” was he asking you out? “I- uhm- sure” you fumbled “You don’t give your number, so what about Instagram?” He smiled
“Sure” you grabbed your phone and showed it to him as he searched it up on his phone and suddenly, he was being called by fans. “It was nice seeing you again!” You walked as fast as you could to the other side and he smiled, shaking his head. yn
| charles_leclerc has requested to follow you! 1h
request accepted!
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 25 others
yn did not go with the banana outfit @yourbsf. so so sad its over BUT WE GOT A FUCKING LECLERC WIN AND DOUBLE FERRARI PODIUM LETS GO
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yourbsf babes idt u needed the outfit…….
⤷ yn 🙂.
charles_leclerc You are welcome
⤷ yn thank you (and carlitos) for stopping the ferrari drought
yourfriend 😊 LETS GO BITCH
june 4, 2023
| charles_leclerc liked your story. 10m
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 12 others
yn mb my definition of “explore” is a museum LECLERC
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charles_leclerc I enjoyed every moment, stop apologizing cherie. We need another one for more exploring! june 8, 2023
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liked by 2,594 others
charles.16 WHO IS THIS NEW WAG
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chalando1 chilll probs just a fan
⤷ charles.16 they 😭 exchanged 😭 instagrams😭
updatef1I I FOUND HER @yn
⤷ yn no you didn’t
f1w4gs SHES SO FUNNY I LOVE HER ALREADY june 8, 2023
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liked by 3,281 others
f1wag._ Meet Yn Yln! Charles and her have been spending more time together and were rumored to have met in the Barcelona GP! We don’t know much about her as she’s very private but we’re already loving her humor!
#charlesleclerc #yn
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f1circuitzz Whatt!!! She’s so beautiful
chacha16 What does she do and what country does she live in?
⤷ f1wag._ We know she is German but we don’t know if she still lives there. She’s a fashion student but don’t know what college/university!
ynsfan11 giggling at the bio
user1 watch them be together for a week
user3 charles switched to blondes 🌝
june 8, 2023
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liked by 6,272 others
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User1 why can’t she just walk
⤷ yntcdts calm down😭 theyre cute
june 10, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 8 others
yn i got a photographer now 🥹
view all 20 comments charles_leclerc i am “a photographer”
⤷ yourbsf i was THE photographer before you Charles Leclerc. ⤷ charles_leclerc But I am now her favorite one😂
⤷ charles_leclerc NO
⤷ yn why would i dump him? he’s a 2 in one (driver and photographer) / im kidding sharl loveu
⤷ charles_leclerc I mean, I do love driving you around
⤷ yourbsf you both are disgusting
⤷ yn get dick
june 11, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 11 others yn is this montREAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? view all 8 comments
charles_leclerc I love it when my girl is a fangirl 😘
charles_leclerc ma belleeeeeeeeee
yourbsf Can I come
⤷ charles_leclerc Am I the best friend
⤷ yourbsf oh fuck you
charles_leclerc Your caption is funny, I love it
⤷ yn thanks sharlie 🥹🥹🥹❤️‍🩹
june 13, 2023
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you just accepted 7 requests
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 30 others
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charles_leclerc Could not have done this without you, chérie
⤷ yn love u sm babyyyyy⛄️ im scared though why are half the grid following me back (i ofc accepted)
⤷ landonorris because he just ranted to us for TWO HOURS (he always does but for a few mins) about you and how amazing you are, mate! Had to see what the fuss was about
⤷ charles_leclerc Thanks, Lando.
francisca.cgomez You’re such a beauty!!! Loved seeing you today💞 Congrats, Charles!
october 22, 2023
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liked by yn, and 8,559,282 others
charles_leclerc Another post about the Championship but this time for the person beside me who motivated me the most. My beautiful girlfriend, @yn, you are my everything. I love you more than you love pasta❤️
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yn good morning?????????????????? WHAT
⤷ yn ball
⤷ charles_leclerc Without you, I wouldn’t push myself! So technically, you helped. ⤷ yn id do it again ml
ynsbabe yn public when
⤷ yn when sharl learns how to cook pasta 👨‍🍳
⤷ charles_leclerc Goodluck @ynsbabe
october 23, 2023
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#SOF : are we feelin a part 2 ??? #FUTURE SOF: pt2!
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ywnzn · 6 months
boy next door | song eunseok smau
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ᡣ𐭩 song eunseok x fem!reader.
ᡣ𐭩 synopsis. in which yn keeps texting a random number life updates, that turns out to be the boy next door.
ᡣ𐭩 genre.  smau + mayb written chapters, strangers to friends to lovers!au, fluff, angst?, romance, slow burn kinda. (& bad humor i’m sorry🙂‍↕️)
ᡣ𐭩 features. rest of riize, txt’s beomgyu, le sserafim’s eunchae, illit’s moka & more.
ᡣ𐭩 notes. random pictures will be used to visualise concepts, outfits & photo style for mc. do not hesitate to leave an ask if you have any suggestions!
ᡣ𐭩 status. complete - 300424
ᡣ𐭩 taglist. closed !! @kyusqult @starwonb1n @teddywook @seunghancore @molensworld @ahnneyong @lecheugo @eternalgyu @rksbae @hakkkuu @wonychu @nakam00t @totheseok @ilovechanhee @strawbaemi @miyawakiblossoms @kgyam4 @sseastar-main @rosesfortaro @dodot04lover @daegale @b-riize @seongminloverrr @luvyujun @lipsbyive @bludzk1llzyuzu @keilovr @ksywoo @bambisnc @poollabug @rllymark @jinanangel @bunni @drinktaro @wonbinsvlle @lcvehee @miyawwn @snowyseungs @nujeskz @https-yeonjun @esther-kpopstan @inmybunnyera
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ᡣ𐭩 profiles ; dream team | physic ward
ᡣ𐭩 chapters.
01. delivered ??????
02. oops..
03. small world
04. gyu next door
05. oh wait!
06. “free for you”
07. miffy?
— 7.5. new miffy fan bonus
8. eunseok nosy era
9. lover girl
10. phone calls?
11. count your days
12. who hurt you
13. no boyfriend
14. new cafe
15. cupid’s plan written + smau
16. heol²
17. as long as ure happy...
18. hey lovely
19. a coincidence? written + smau
20. blonde seok
21. miffy madness written
22. you knew??
— 22.5. rip song eunseok bonus
23. am i dreaming
24. can't wait
25. misunderstood
26. sucks to suck
27. lovesong?? really??
28. surprise stream
29. just asking written + smau
30. alright? written + smau
31. wrong gc
32. serenade pt.1
33. serenade pt.2
34. pretty written + smau
35. cute or wtv
36. so dramatic
37. never too much bonus
38. makeup tester bonus
39. stole your mans bonus
40. finally home bonus
© ywnzn - 2024 ▸ this smau is merely based on fictional events and is not meant to represent any of the idols mentioned accurately in any way, either it's personality or shipping characters wise.
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beachesgetpeaches · 10 months
knowing what my #1 spotify song has become predictable (its august by taylor swift) BUT my #21 is Looking For Somebody (To Love)
im tagging:
@ohcaroline @medeas-chariot @heavenfalls @backgroundagent3 @footprint-in-the-snow @eyeofthemoose @rawrkittenpurr @malewifebillcage @gendryastarkers
to tell me their #21, then pick another random number between 2-100 and tag other people to post theirs and pick another number
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barleyo · 2 months
BARELYYYYY write another daddy Leon fic, AND MY LIFE WILL BE YOURSSS
Real Dad! Leon Kennedy X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: this fic is shitty and short, sorry ^_^ i literally have no drive or desire to write anymore, idk what's going on with me. probably some type of brain worm! but i thought i should at least try to get something written :3 (ily whoever knows what song the title is referencing)
Tags: incest (daddy-daughter), phone sex, age gap (21 and 50-ish), mutual masturbation, no actual sex, idk dude i'm not sure what i was going for with this
Wordcount: 719
"Little note wasn't lying," Leon said into his phone, sitting in his car near the back of the bar's mostly empty parking lot. "What's this about a good time, doll?"
It was too late for him to be out like this. Too late for him to be this far from sober. Too late for him to be calling some random number that was stuck to the urinal partition. And, of course, it was much too late for him to be this horny.
"Depends," a voice, your voice, spoke on the line. "What kinda night is it, mister?"
Thank god he was drunk, or else he would've heard right through your overly sensual, fake tone. Thank god you were stupid, or else you would've known it was him right from the sleazy nicknames he used.
Dirty fucking man. His hands were practically already in his pants. Roughly palming at himself over his tented jeans to the sound of some mystery broad's voice. 
"It's a real good night, babydoll. I think you could make it better though." He pulled his zipper down, cock pulsating desperately. 
You giggled on the other line, absolutely drowning in the sudden flush of attention. That's why you slipped the damn sticky note with your burner's number into the men's room all those nights ago, hoping some horned up man old enough to be your dad would ring your line and validate you. Little did you know, that man would truly be your dad. 
"Sounds like you could use it. I don't mind 'chatting' for a bit," you said, hand finding its way all over your body. "Tell me, y'touching yourself already?"
"To a voice like yours? Of course I am."
Leon freed himself from the confines of his pants, eyes shifting anxiously as he looked around the sparse parking lot. He was a grown man, he'd jerked off to hotlines and voices on the phone all the time. In public, though? New territory completely. 
He squeezed his shaft, feeling it pulse in his hand. Thing had a heartbeat of its own at that point as it practically begging to catch some friction and relief. 
"Glad you called," you said, sliding your panties off while you spoke. You tossed them in the corner of your room mindlessly. "I've been waiting for someone to find that little note."
Leon opened his mouth to respond when he heard a soft moan escape your mouth. That was enough for him to start. He wanted to take it slow, to enjoy himself, but who was he kidding? He was a needy fucker and he wanted to cum ASAP. 
"What'cha doing right now?" he was finally able to ask, swallowing thickly as he pumped his length. "Using those cute fingers, doll?"
You hummed through an over exaggerated moan, dramatizing and putting on a show for your 'mystery man.' 
"Sure am," you said, finger curled, reaching your g-spot the best you could with the limited length it had. "But it's not as good as the real thing."
He could practically hear the pout in your voice, and it drove him crazy. You sounded like a bratty little baby, just his type. 
"Awh, aren't you a poor thing? Bet some older cock would do you good, huh?" 
He heard the squelch of your cunt through the phone speaker. It picked up the sound of your palm hitting your clit, and the little gasps of air you let out each time you slammed your fingers in.
"Guess so." You bit your bottom lip, holding back an excited squeal at his words. "You offering?" 
Leon chuckled dryly, watching the tip of his cock weep with pre as he stroked himself. "Oh, someone's eager. Sure," he said, amused smirk on his face as he started to near his climax, hand still working furiously over his cock. "I'm offering. I could use a cute thing like you, anyway. It'll be much better than just hearing ya through the phone."
"We'll see about that," you teased, phone clicking off of the line just as he started to cum. 
(XXX)-867-5309: *sent location* 
(XXX)-867-5309: pull up ;)
Wait, that address? That was his house...
Leon's head fell back on the car seat headrest, brain going a mile a minute. Hand still covered in stray spurts of cum.
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Palantir’s NHS-stealing Big Lie
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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Capitalism's Big Lie in four words: "There is no alternative." Looters use this lie for cover, insisting that they're hard-nosed grownups living in the reality of human nature, incentives, and facts (which don't care about your feelings).
The point of "there is no alternative" is to extinguish the innovative imagination. "There is no alternative" is really "stop trying to think of alternatives, dammit." But there are always alternatives, and the only reason to demand that they be excluded from consideration is that these alternatives are manifestly superior to the looter's supposed inevitability.
Right now, there's an attempt underway to loot the NHS, the UK's single most beloved institution. The NHS has been under sustained assault for decades – budget cuts, overt and stealth privatisation, etc. But one of its crown jewels has been stubbournly resistant to being auctioned off: patient data. Not that HMG hasn't repeatedly tried to flog patient data – it's just that the public won't stand for it:
Patients – quite reasonably – do not trust the private sector to handle their sensitive medical records.
Now, this presents a real conundrum, because NHS patient data, taken as a whole, holds untold medical insights. The UK is a large and diverse country and those records in aggregate can help researchers understand the efficacy of various medicines and other interventions. Leaving that data inert and unanalysed will cost lives: in the UK, and all over the world.
For years, the stock answer to "how do we do science on NHS records without violating patient privacy?" has been "just anonymise the data." The claim is that if you replace patient names with random numbers, you can release the data to research partners without compromising patient privacy, because no one will be able to turn those numbers back into names.
It would be great if this were true, but it isn't. In theory and in practice, it is surprisingly easy to "re-identify" individuals in anonymous data-sets. To take an obvious example: we know which two dates former PM Tony Blair was given a specific treatment for a cardiac emergency, because this happened while he was in office. We also know Blair's date of birth. Check any trove of NHS data that records a person who matches those three facts and you've found Tony Blair – and all the private data contained alongside those public facts is now in the public domain, forever.
Not everyone has Tony Blair's reidentification hooks, but everyone has data in some kind of database, and those databases are continually being breached, leaked or intentionally released. A breach from a taxi service like Addison-Lee or Uber, or from Transport for London, will reveal the journeys that immediately preceded each prescription at each clinic or hospital in an "anonymous" NHS dataset, which can then be cross-referenced to databases of home addresses and workplaces. In an eyeblink, millions of Britons' records of receiving treatment for STIs or cancer can be connected with named individuals – again, forever.
Re-identification attacks are now considered inevitable; security researchers have made a sport out of seeing how little additional information they need to re-identify individuals in anonymised data-sets. A surprising number of people in any large data-set can be re-identified based on a single characteristic in the data-set.
Given all this, anonymous NHS data releases should have been ruled out years ago. Instead, NHS records are to be handed over to the US military surveillance company Palantir, a notorious human-rights abuser and supplier to the world's most disgusting authoritarian regimes. Palantir – founded by the far-right Trump bagman Peter Thiel – takes its name from the evil wizard Sauron's all-seeing orb in Lord of the Rings ("Sauron, are we the baddies?"):
The argument for turning over Britons' most sensitive personal data to an offshore war-crimes company is "there is no alternative." The UK needs the medical insights in those NHS records, and this is the only way to get at them.
As with every instance of "there is no alternative," this turns out to be a lie. What's more, the alternative is vastly superior to this chumocratic sell-out, was Made in Britain, and is the envy of medical researchers the world 'round. That alternative is "trusted research environments." In a new article for the Good Law Project, I describe these nigh-miraculous tools for privacy-preserving, best-of-breed medical research:
At the outset of the covid pandemic Oxford's Ben Goldacre and his colleagues set out to perform realtime analysis of the data flooding into NHS trusts up and down the country, in order to learn more about this new disease. To do so, they created Opensafely, an open-source database that was tied into each NHS trust's own patient record systems:
Opensafely has its own database query language, built on SQL, but tailored to medical research. Researchers write programs in this language to extract aggregate data from each NHS trust's servers, posing medical questions of the data without ever directly touching it. These programs are published in advance on a git server, and are preflighted on synthetic NHS data on a test server. Once the program is approved, it is sent to the main Opensafely server, which then farms out parts of the query to each NHS trust, packages up the results, and publishes them to a public repository.
This is better than "the best of both worlds." This public scientific process, with peer review and disclosure built in, allows for frequent, complex analysis of NHS data without giving a single third party access to a a single patient record, ever. Opensafely was wildly successful: in just months, Opensafely collaborators published sixty blockbuster papers in Nature – science that shaped the world's response to the pandemic.
Opensafely was so successful that the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care commissioned a review of the programme with an eye to expanding it to serve as the nation's default way of conducting research on medical data:
This approach is cheaper, safer, and more effective than handing hundreds of millions of pounds to Palantir and hoping they will manage the impossible: anonymising data well enough that it is never re-identified. Trusted Research Environments have been endorsed by national associations of doctors and researchers as the superior alternative to giving the NHS's data to Peter Thiel or any other sharp operator seeking a public contract.
As a lifelong privacy campaigner, I find this approach nothing short of inspiring. I would love for there to be a way for publishers and researchers to glean privacy-preserving insights from public library checkouts (such a system would prove an important counter to Amazon's proprietary god's-eye view of reading habits); or BBC podcasts or streaming video viewership.
You see, there is an alternative. We don't have to choose between science and privacy, or the public interest and private gain. There's always an alternative – if there wasn't, the other side wouldn't have to continuously repeat the lie that no alternative is possible.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Gage Skidmore (modified) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peter_Thiel_(51876933345).jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
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