#//oooof but that took forever!
doitforbangchan · 2 months
I just finished reading abanb and I’m in awe!! You’re writing never fails to impress 😭
Also, when I finished it, I couldn’t help but think about an angsty alt ending where baby might not have made it and the boy’s reaction to their omega passing.. any thoughts 👀
oooof nonnie this is a dark thought… but since you asked i have thought about it 😢 this is not story canon buuttttttttt
chans whole world would crumble. his literally soulmate died and so for him there is nothing left. all he has left within him would be misery and anger. fuck he’s so angry. the most devastatingly angry he has ever been and will ever be. he goes on a murder spree, taking on every single person who had a hand in it- wether directly or otherwise.
minhos mind would would start to slip. he could vividly remember each moment leading up to omegas passing and it becomes too much for him to handle. he let down his pack- his family. he can’t take care of a pack if he can’t even protect his omega so there is nothing left for him and he would abandon them.
binnie would feel personally responsible. he feels like it was him who brought the threat right to their doorstep. he would become cold and detached; never cracking a joke again. he stops eating and lets his body whither away until someone has to step in.
oh jinnie, he self isolates hard. he never comes out of his room except when everyone is either gone or asleep. he doesn’t talk or make a sound, but when he’s holed up in his room he is screaming and crying and thrashing and just breaking everything. he tears up every piece of art he’s ever created, damming them for being a product of his emotions. this goes on for months
my sweet jisung has nightmares so excruciating he can’t sleep even with a light on. he spends all his days sitting on the porch, always with tears streaming down his face. some days they are silent and others they are violent sobs that wrack his body. he sits there and stares off down the road that leads to the house- praying for a miracle that she would suddenly come strolling up the path like she did the very first time he saw her.
felix never bakes again. he finds no joy in it anymore. he finds no joy in anything anymore. he cuts all of his hair off, buzzes it clean off until it grows out to his natural dark color. he is no longer the sunshine that omega used to call him, now he’s only a gloomy storm. lix cries himself to sleep every night
seungmin becomes detached- mean and deviant. he’s testy with everyone, picking fights both with the pack and strangers alike. he doesn’t give a shit about any body. he feels nothing but rage and anger and he takes it out wherever he can just to feel something. he acts like he’s unbothered, stone faced as a front. but no one knows that he can’t even look at himself in the mirror or he’ll break down into earth shattering sadness, for he can’t bear the sight of the claiming mark that remains engraved on his skin
innie tries to forget about omega. he instead drinks away his sorrows and lends his body to anyone with a pulse, fucking his way through this town and the next. no matter who is under him though he always imagines it’s omega, that she’s still here with him. that’s why he drinks, the alcohol makes all the faces blur together so he sees no one
needless to say none of them ever move on or love again. omega was the love of their lives and they will never forget or forgive the ones who took her
ngl writing this made me tear up. i can’t imagine a world where they all aren’t together forever like they’re meant to be 😢
thank you for the ask ❤️
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fuchsschatten · 22 days
obviously Aoi was in a rough spot so it was good and right to not leave her alone, but the fact that Makoto just completely forgot about his date and didn't even think to write him that he'll be by later or smth and then the fact he even saw their embrace without context hurts so much T-T
And that Aois mum was actually planning to see her but then turned around so it's kind of a misunderstanding makes me angry too bc jfc it's been 10 years woman!!! how much longer do you want to wait if you did care all this time?!?!
Also - Ryuji is way too nice....I'm glad they met up a day later and are having a good time together but still....it must hurt him so much, even though he treasures their friendship just as much as his romantic feelings so i don't think he thinks it less at all (especially since it took him a while to realize and accept in the first place) but still....i just want all three of them to be happy somehow idk
maybe neither of them gets together with makoto but they can just be besties forever - so ofc i loved that they went together to star watch, but then the cinema moment between Makoto and Ryuji tore my heart apart...
nothing about your feelings is disgusting and don't say that Makoto was disgusted just bc you didn't kiss or were comfortable to hug closely etc, that's not it at all T-T
and smiling all the while saying this bc he wouldn't want to make him sad by seeing him sad i just- this isn't fair
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heymrspatel · 2 years
Hi Juilssa! How are you today? ✨✨
Hope you don’t mind answering some headcanons (:
Have Mickey and Ian ever try to contact Svetlana /Yevgeny? Does Ian eventually grow beard/ facial hair? How does mickey react? Does Mickey reconnects with his brothers after Terry died?
Have a great weekend(:
anon xx, hi!! first of all, i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer this! every time i started i would ramble off the rails and lose the plot haha so let's try this again hopefully in a sensible manner 😅
ok... starting this one off by saying that my opinions on this may be unpopular? but, i'm of the belief that mickey closed that door and doesn't have any desire to reopen it. i personally don't think he should feel any type of guilt or responsibility about this. there is so much trauma for him there and i don't think this is necessarily unresolved for him when it comes to svetlana or yevgeny. (i actually don't even think yev is his asldkfj) i would love for him and ian to talk about this though. to get closure and understanding on those years for THEM as partners and for their future, but not because mickey feels he needs to get in touch with either svet or yev. *sweats*
HELL YES!!!! i simply will never forgive john wells for this (well, for many things 😒 i'm still coming for you bitch!) i think ian would totally be into growing it and getting really into it. getting beard oils and such. and mickey? oooof that boy just loses his entire mind! i imagine him being like those enamored cartoon characters? heart eyes popping out, tongue flapping "AAAOOOGGAAA" sound. imagine? getting to feel that beard on his skin? tickling his neck and trailing down his body and on his thighs WOWEE MAMA!
i would love mickey to get in touch with all his siblings after a while! i think there was true love there. a comradery. only they know how it was to grow up in that house and i think they have a real bond because of it. all those milkovich kids deserve the world.
thank you for dropping by! sorry it took me forever, it's just that i can't stop rambling! 💙
it is... no longer the weekend lmao have a great wednesday/time zone!
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dangermousie · 2 years
I know I keep flailing but this is all so flail-worthy!
You can totally tell he’s both excited and apprehensive, he’s quietly buzzing.
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Her face lights up, as it always does, when she sees him.
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And then she sees who he has brought behind him. Her no-good father. Who he is making to apologize to the whole factory (which last saw him waving a gun, shoving women and kidnapping children.)
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Oooof! She is such a little girl in this moment.He can never fix anything with his parents - they are both dead - but her father, however awful he is, is still alive, and while it’s clear Aziz would happily shove him into a hole forever, he knows this is a constant ache for Efnan, a thought in the back of her head “what is wrong with me, why doesn’t he love me, why is he always thus?”
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Bwahahah, he’s like a stern teacher or perhaps a mob boss (hi Ramo!) expecting the correct answer that he taught the man ahahahahahhahah who clearly starts parroting what he knows he’s supposed to say or ELSE...(side note,he’s never been hotter to me in this show than in this moment. I have issues.)
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Hahaha at the little kid goggling and the factory workers doing the same, but I love that he didn’t just get the man a job somewhere else, he brought him over here not just because it’s easier to keep track of the man but because this is where Efnan weaves, these are her friends and they all saw her father be awful and even though they don’t judge her for it, he knows this is in the back of her head - all her friends and coworkers knowing about how awful a failure her father is, and he’s fixing that for her. He told awful dad back way when that he won’t let him take away that girl cousin’s childhood the way dad took Efnan’s and what strikes me is he can’t fix her childhood - nobody can fix the past - but he’s doing his damn level best to make sure the trauma from her childhood does not carry over into the present and future, to the biggest extent he’s able.
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Ooof, Efnan.
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Seriously. EEE! Oh, Aziz. It’s like he’s making sure to address all the horrible things her father said and did to her one by one, to the extent he can of course (at the party, Daddy awfully claimed Efnan is selfish and never cared.)
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This is a lie but I love she insists on it. It’s such a defense mechanism.
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The way he doesn’t bark back, as he normally would. Aziz is a terrifying miracle worker. But yup, next item on the agenda - she said she fantasized what it would have been like if he had a real job so here we are!
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He is so nervous! Because this is so important to Efnan so he wants to get it right.
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Hahahaha they are all “boss lost his mind.”
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This is pretty much a quote of what she told Aziz she wanted I am DYING!!!!
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This!!! I am going literally insane!!!! But also, I love that he found out who his father’s murderer is, there is gun and food smuggling, potential rebellion, and he still took time out for this. And on top of it his nemesis wants his girl, and his reaction to that discovery is not to rage or snap at her or be jealous at her but to be as good as possible to Efnan.
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She’s like, he did all that stuff, you’d never hire someone like that and his response:
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I caaaaaan’t!
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lucientelrunya · 2 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you @forerussake for tagging me <3
name/nicknames: on the internet I'm almost always Lucien Telrunya or Luci, a real life nickname is 'Angel' or 'Angely'. My real name doesn't have any short forms and I don't like it, I prefer Luci.
fandoms: Hmmm, currently I'm very deep into various C-Dramas, mostly DMBJ (the only one I've written for so far), but also Guardian, MDZS, L.O.R.D. Critical World, Tientsin Mystic. I also still like Stranger Things (when will I ever finish my fics for that, I wonder) or various video games like Final Fantasy VII, VIII or XII.
two shots?: I'm not sure if this means something that is divided into two chapters? Then: None. I tend to write long ass things, even though I really tried my hand at a few one-shots.
most popular multi-chapter fic: That would be my first ever tumblr-post that started 'Like a lonely house' and also my first fic posted to AO3. I was so surprised by all the reactions here on tumblr and also on AO3, it really encouraged me to write more.
actual worst part of writing: oooof. I don't really know. Guess it depends on the mood? Sometimes it's trying to connect two scenes that popped up in my head. Sometimes it's trying to put something that's playing inside my head on repeat into words. Sometimes it's getting started with writing at all. Or endings. Or summaries......
how do you choose your titles: By looking at poetry or lyrics and trying to find a line that resonates and just feels right. Sometimes it's easy ('Like a lonely house' was easy), most times it's really hard (it took me forever to find 'We go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos' and then I wasn't sure if it was too long for a title, but it fit so perfectly that I didn't care in the end).
do you outline?: A little. I mostly have a vague idea what I want and then I see where that takes me. Or I have some scenes/things I want to happend and I need to write a story around them.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: The Hei Xiazi/Zhang Rishan Immortals AU (I really, really want to read that, but I don't think I could write it, I feel like I couldn't do Hei Xiazi justice). Probably the whole Fo Ye, Ba Ye and Rishan in a tomb losing sight, hearing and voice and having to find their way out of the tomb. I still love the idea, but it's such a nebulous concept, I don't even know what would happen. But maybe this year will surprise me, who knows. There was also an idea for a fic about Wen Ning (MDZS) getting turned back into a living person and having to navigate all the things that come with that again.
callouts @ me: Stop comparing yourself to others, I'd say ^^°°°
best writing traits: I have no idea?
spicy tangential opinion: Ummm... It is spicy to say I don't get many of the various AUs in which the characters are gender-swapped or otherwise so heavily changed that they barely resemble the original character and I just wonder why people don't just write original fiction? Back when I wrote a lot of originals with my RP-partner we always had certain actors in mind (mostly even in a certain role) and imagined our character to look like them.
tagging: @elletromil, @s1utspeare, @daydreamorama, @kholran only if you want to, of course :)
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edwinas · 2 years
10, 20, 33, 34,, for the gifmakers asks!
Thank you Jasmine!!!
from Questions for gif-makers.
10. What was the first gif you ever posted My first gifset!
20. Mac or PC Mac
33. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop selective colouring
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out oooof I always spend forever on colour-themed (?) sets:
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop + yellow
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop + violet
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop + red
If You Wish Upon Me + violet
Treasure Planet + white
send me an ask from Questions for gif-makers
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anna-neko · 2 years
no thoughts only gorgeous winged fairy (she was a gift, took forever to get dressed)
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poor girl can't even stand due to these: they're absolutely fantastic looking...but oooof so heavy
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coulsonlives · 2 months
It's so depressing how in 2024, this purportedly left-leaning website still refuses to accept that a stance like "kill all racists" is an insane stance to have. Feel free to swap out "racist" for your group of choice of course.
Some of these people need to be strapped to a chair and forced to watch The Good Place. And failing that, watch a basic lesson in retributive justice versus rehabilitative justice. Because a lot of these people don't even want an eye for an eye, they want an eye for a person's entire lower hemisphere.
Yup. That person's a racist? Kill em! That person beat someone up? Kill em! That person killed someone? Kill em!
Let's not think about how people are killed in the system but are found out to be innocent later on.
It doesn't help that prison systems are built around retribution, and off the dumb idea that you can't change someone's outlook and mind about things so they'd intrinsically want to be a better person. Nope, they're always gonna be "degenerates", there's no point...
I don't even think the US or Canadian prison system has even tried the opposite approach? The carrot instead of the stick? It's giving "we've tried everything and we're all out of ideas". Or maybe they did some half-assed program that never took off because it wasn't effective, and they used that as a reason to not try again and discount the whole idea. As for the money thing? Yeah rehabilitation costs a lot more. But y'know how much money is wasted by all the recidivism and catch-and-release shenanigans? Oooof.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like a stick is always a bad thing, there's gotta be some loss of freedom when people do horrible things. But losing human rights? State sponsored killing as punishment?
And I keep seeing people gasping at criminals who leave prison and then quickly reoffend... All I can think is, should we really be surprised by all the recidivism under the current system at this point? Maybe the problem is how these people are treated and whether they're really incentivised, motivated enough to change how they approach life and other people.
But nope, death penalty. Tiny cell. Throw em away forever.
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toywolfmaker · 3 years
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The Spider,
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missiodine · 3 years
Oh the 2am dysphoria moments are kicking off aaaaaa
#autumn says stuff#was trying to read some short stories and got to a point where I was like ‘oh huh. this author is suddenly really transphobic. wow.’#needless to say#mental health took a big oooof#then got thinking why so many people are so transphobic??#just in general tbh#how are so many people just bigots about anyone that looks/acts different from them#*sigh*#this next thing is a recurring ptsd thing but then I got thinking about my shitty bio father#like my dude I just want a dad#but instead I got this asshole#haven’t seen him in forever#but honestly he was always kind of absent regardless#and the times he was there he was just a fucking stupid piss donkey#still can’t believe he has the audacity to tell me in one of last ever conversations that ‘if he ever did anything right#it was being a good dad’#DO YOU EVEN#then there was that time he stole my prescriptions and god damn#I remember my little 17 year old self being so angry#he never gave me back those prescriptions#pretty sure he just threw them away#I was able to explain the situation to the pharmacy there and get my prescriptions by paying out of pocket but god damn#idk I might have been 16 then? can’t remember anymore#anyway. really wish that cps got involved sooner than they did#I honestly feel as though abusive parents really do brainwash you.#I never realized back then how fucked up both of my bio parents are until I got older.#(it’s not the good kind of brainwashing that comes from drone stuff)#I always wonder what my bio father is up to these days. all I know is that he moved out of state after I semi-ran away.#I know he has my current phone number because he got it from his equally abusive ex wife.#tag limit hit. will reboogle this to continue
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stevethehairington · 3 years
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gxldenfinwe · 3 years
(Young!Melino, while still living in the Arafinwion household)
After setting an elaborate prank, Melino did his best to seem inconspicuous:
“How do you fare today, father?”
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“I am well, thank you.” Arvo replied, completely unaware of whatever Melino was planning. “And you? How have you been today? Busy?”
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crimson-legend · 7 years
RULES. repost; do not reblog! tag 10! good luck!
TAGGED BY: @summoners-path​
TAGGING: I was going to tag my other muse but it turned out the princeling was easier to finish that Auron (who can be such a recalcitrant bastard at times, I swear) - @oshimai, @fallal, and by this point I think most people have done this? If you have not and you’re seeing this, then I’m tagging you, yes, you, whoever you may be. Do the thing!
FULL NAME: Auron ( アーロン ) - no last name. I’m one of those with the opinion that Spirans don’t generally have ‘last’/family names.
NICKNAME/S: Rikku calls him big meanie, and probably sometimes red. Still others might call him Sir.
AGE: 25 (at time of death) - 35 (at time of Sending)
BIRTHDAY: Some point in the mid-Spring. The date wasn’t recorded.
ETHNIC GROUP: Human (Yevonite), Macalanian.
LANGUAGE/S: Spiran Common. He knows a few basic words and phrases of Al Bhed but nothing more.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Grey-ace, sex neutral.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic, perhaps slightly inclined towards men(?). Intensely monogamous.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: unattached (verse-dependent)
CLASS: Practical: Warrior - 2H Sword (ATK, DEF, tank, debuff) ; Social: variable, depending on the point in his life. He’s gone from low-working-class to mid- then high warrior class, then booted back out into near-poverty, then to Dream Zanarkand where he didn’t fit anywhere.
HOMETOWN / AREA: Bevelle - from age 8 (There was once a small village back in the mountains of Macalania that a young boy called ‘home’. It’s not there any more.)
CURRENT HOME: (verse-dependent) Wandering.
PROFESSION: Originally, a warrior monk in the Church of Yevon, dedicated to the protection of the people against Sin and fiends and heretics and upholding the law of the land. After that, a guardian, dedicated solely to the protection of his Summoner. (After and in-between, he had to find something to do in Dream Zanarkand that wasn’t just babysitting Tidus…)
HAIR: Black, streaked with grey. Long when he was young, kept short when older save for a long queue at the back.
EYES: Amber, appearing mid-brown in low light but bright in full light. After his death, he only has one and developed a light sensitivity in the remaining one. It’s one of the reasons that he wears the sunglasses, along with the added bonus of obscuring his face - they protect his eye from brightness or sudden changes in light intensity. He also has impaired depth perception that he had to learn to work with, relearning even things as basic as how to navigate, much less fight.
NOSE: A fairly average-sized nose with a straight bridge, the tip pointed out slightly more from his face than you’d see in southern Yevonites or Al Bhed.
FACE: Oval face shape, with a gentle taper from cheekbones to jawline, firm jaw leading down to a strong chin. Slightly v-shaped hairline. When he was young he always kept clean-shaven, but as he got older, he has a sort of permastubble going on, as sometimes he bothers to shave and sometimes he doesn’t, but is apparently incapable of managing to grow an actual beard.
LIPS: Somewhat thin, often chapped (this man needs a chapstick, has Zanarkand invented those yet?). Prone to turning up into a smirk when he’s amused, but he doesn’t fully smile very often, much less grin.
COMPLEXION: Pale with yellow undertones, though he’s usually slightly tanned from being outside often. In places like Bikanel or the southern islands, he will burn (and be extremely irritable about it).
BLEMISHES: A massive scar that crosses his face from above his right eyebrow to his jawline, sealing the eye shut, and continues down from his shoulder to just above his right hip. He also has a fair amount of less drastic scarring incurred in battle, but aside from a few larger or more severe wounds, those are relatively minor due to the availability of healing magic and potions.
HEIGHT: 6’0”, probably 6’0.5”-6’1” in his boots - some people find this surprising, as his presence (most often!) gives him the impression of being an even larger man
WEIGHT: I’m terrible at judging/guessing this tbh - maybe somewhere around 200 lbs?
BUILD: BRICK WALL. Mesomorph, and very fit. He’s extremely solid, with a core like a steel beam from swinging that sword around like he does. Definitely looks like he could toss Braska to safety without a second thought. Nice legs, broad shoulders and hefty arms, a muscular but rather flat ass.
ALLERGIES: Incompetence. Mold and mildew, as well as mild lactose intolerance.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Mostly unstyled. Queue bound back with a tie or thin ribbon, the shorter majority he simply runs his fingers through and that’s good enough.
USUAL EXPRESSION: Resting murderface. Ah, stoic. He tends to show his emotions readily on his face but the changes of expression are always very minor, so one has to look close and know him well to see what he’s feeling. The signs are always there to be picked out, though. Everything is thrown out the window when it comes to very strong emotions, though, usually anger, which is obvious for all to see. When he was younger, his expressions were usually more obvious, but that changed over time.
USUAL CLOTHING: Dark, dark grey pants with a lighter grey vertical stripe on the front, back, and sides that tuck into tall black boots, which have a protective plate on top of the foot and a decorative medallion at the top of the boot that helps secure the strapping. A very basic undershirt between skin and a black hardened-leather cuirass with simple yellow-gold detailing. A tall grey cowl with leather strapping attaches to the cuirass itself, and with a pair of oval-lensed sunglasses does a good job of hiding his expression.
Over top, a long, ankle-length heavy red coat evocative of a haori, with a thick collar/front edging of blue edged with white. A pair of buckled straps at the end of each sleeve allows the wide sleeve to be pulled closed not unlike the standard yoroi hitatare worn under armor. His right forearm is bound from the wrist halfway up and covered over the back of his forearm with a bracer made of three plates, his right hand gloved with black leather. On his left shoulder is a pauldron of hardened brown leather, finely tooled and decorated.
The coat is held closed with a wide belt of scaled grey-green under double straps of brown leather, which is covered on the sides and back with a protective layer of steel detailing and blue lamellar plates. At his belt he carries a large jug, held with braided leather straps and a cord of decorative beading.
FEAR/S: failure, letting others down, enclosed spaces, losing himself to becoming a fiend
ASPIRATION/S: When he was younger, he was far more idealistic in some ways - he wanted to help people, to protect, and he did. The main ideal of that aspiration didn’t change as he got older, but the scope did. It became not so much an aspiration as a hope, a desperate goal to frantically grasp at even as it slipped through his fingers.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Determined, protective, intelligent, enduring, loyal, forthright (younger).
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bossy. Prideful. Stubborn. Acerbic. Secretive. Can and will walk right over you if you stand between him and his goal.
MBTI: ISTJ - The Logistician
ENNEAGRAM: Type 8 - The Challenger
ZODIAC: Aries (sun) - Virgo (moon)
TAROT: Justice (young), Death (in-game)
SOUL TYPE/S: Hunter (with Thinker/Helper/Leader all tied for second place)
ANIMAL: well the test was terribly wrong for him but the closest thing there was Rhino, though that one underestimates his mental capabilities (many thanks to B-chan for helping me scour the choices)
VICE/S: This man can hold grudges. Usually big ones, but sometimes he can get in a snit and be very petty (see: the stop at the Macalania Travel Agency where Tidus calls him ‘old’ and Auron stops talking, turns away with a hrmf and a snide remark and then won’t even look at Tidus for the remainder of the stay). After his death, self-loathing is a serious vice as well, one that wasn’t present before (or at least until the very end of his life).
FAITH: Once, he believed in Yevon. Now, that couldn’t be further from the case. What faith he once had was thoroughly crushed.
GHOSTS?: As an Unsent, he himself is one, after a fashion. Even if he wasn’t, fiends would fit the definition well enough. In Spira, ghosts are not so much a matter of superstition as they are a natural part of the world; it is why summoners are needed to Send souls to the farplane, and the existence of fiends and unsent are abject proof.
AFTERLIFE?: Yes. As with ghosts, this is not so much a matter of faith as it is natural and evident. While one can debate whether the images the living see of their loved ones on the Farplane are a projection or truly their souls, that does not deny the truth that one can visit the Farplane itself.
REINCARNATION?: Yes, though mostly in the less comforting knowledge that one can become a fiend after death. A truly new life… he’s less certain of the possibility, though he’d like to believe.
ALIENS?: He’s been to and lived in a world created from dreams and set foot on the alternate plane of the afterlife. He’s inclined to think that anything is possible. There are so many stars out there, of course some other worlds with people on them are out there too. It just doesn’t have any bearing on his world here and now.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: For much of his life, Lawful Neutral/Good and a supporter as well as part of the reigning religious oligarchy/theocracy. Later and near the end of his life, as well as his unlife, Neutral Good/True Neutral and in (at first) subtle opposition to the established Church and then actively attempting its complete overthrow.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: He never really had much of a need or want for material goods. He always had a few treasured possessions, but between his personality and his lifestyle he never accumulated many ‘things’. After he dies, he has even less to his name, but he’s content with remaining that way. He travels, feeling out of place, and so keeps his pack light rather than gathering and keeping objects. As he doesn’t spend much, he doesn’t particularly want for money.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: He’s… famous, being the (a) Legendary Guardian, but that doesn’t really afford him anything other than awe, and occasionally a free room. He stays out of politics once Yevon is brought low. It’s up to the people who will live for the future to determine it, after all.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Once he was dedicated to the Church of Yevon at 8 years old, he was granted good schooling along with all the other child-acolytes and training to enter the ranks of the warrior monks. Before that, he didn’t have anything in the way of formal schooling and was illiterate, though he’d been learning practical skills for some time. He was of an age that he was starting to try his hand at trades and would have chosen one to apprentice to had circumstances not changed his fate.
FATHER: (deceased)
MOTHER: (deceased)
EXTENDED FAMILY: brother (Feron - deceased)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): none (verse-dependent)
NAME MEANING/S: high mountain/mountain of strength (Hebrew); gold (aur) - a divine ending/death (on) (Old Celtic/Welsh); gold (aurum - Latin) gilded/gilt/noble (aureus - Latin); dawn (Áron - Quenya)
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: What familial history he may once have had is lost. The Church broke its ties with him, and he with it. What connection he has to history is his part in the story of Braska’s and Yuna’s Pilgrimages, until those stories are told no more.
BOOK: He likes histories and tales, whether fiction or not - a good story. The ending of it does not matter so much as what happens during the book.
MOVIE: He’s not much of a movie person, actually, but as with books, he’d prefer one with solid characters and a good story to it over anything else.
DEITY: He’s not fond of gods these days, self-proclaimed or otherwise.
MONTH: October
SEASON: Autumn
PLACE: Somewhere not the South. He prefers cooler climes and does terribly in hot weather, growing irritable the longer he has to deal with it.
WEATHER: Sun out but clouds in the sky, with a crisp breeze blowing.
SOUND: Gentle rainfall, the crunch of leaves and evergreen needles under boots, soft humming.
SCENT/S: Cedar wood, pine, stone in the forest slightly grown over with moss, the brightness of a mountain stream’s spray.
TASTE/S: Seasoned game meats, fish; will steal your berry tarts.
FEEL/S: Wood and tree bark, slightly textured paper, braided fabric, simple glazed pottery.
ANIMAL/S: Auron is most definitely a dog person. He’s also fond of flying creatures, and you’ll often see me associate him with the red-tailed hawk.
NUMBER: Three. It is a good, solid number, is it not?
COLOR: He likes red, favouring it enough to choose the colour for his coat, and in general likes autumn and winter tones.
TALENTS: planning, combat, snarky commentary
BAD AT: Magic. White, Black, Blue, Time, it doesn’t matter. Absolute shit at it. I have a headcanon that he doesn’t even have the capability for it, backed by the fact that the abilities in his grid is essentially all physical - the debuff-abilities can be explained as ki-type physical energies rather than magic. He’d like to be able to cast even as little as a simple Cure, but it’s beyond him. Also bad at empathising.
TURN-ONS: Entirely dependent on the person, and pretty much null in general unless he’s romantically attracted to or involved with that person.
TURN-OFFS: Arrogance, superiority, degradation, arguments, pain, excessive testing of his patience (a little is fine but don’t push it too far-), et al.
HOBBIES: He doesn’t really have much in the way of hobbies. There’s almost always been something to keep him busy, and so he never had much time to develop fun down-time things. He does whittle, if there’s dead time and he’s feeling inclined. It’s an easy enough thing that keeps his hands busy, and he can just pick up wood wherever he’s settling down to camp and discard whatever he makes if he doesn’t care to keep it, so materials are never really an issue save for keeping his knife sharp.
TROPES: BFS; Dead All Along; Determinator; The Atoner; The Stoic/Not So Stoic; Taking the Bullet; Tall, Dark, and Snarky, I Gave My Word
AESTHETIC TAGS: I actually don’t have a dedicated aesthetic tag for him and I really should. Hmm. I’ll get on that…
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softlimefluff · 5 years
Oh gosh I forgot to say I wanted a matchup!! Jojo matchup please hehe >~
I forgot the part too ;~; I curse my ADHD uhhhh parts 4 or 5? UwU
Heheh I wonder if you can figure out who I am? I’m ENFP, 5'5", I have a very open and kind atmosphere which tends to draw people towards me, specifically people who carry emotional baggage. I tend to be very nurturing to people and if someone says something hurts I’m in full Nurse mode. I am very adventurous and curious and the thought of a new place to explore and new things to learn turns me into a kid on Christmas. (½)
I’m very hyper and giggly but I know when to be serious if I have to be. Im very caring and I’m always there for people when they need it. I love to sing, read, write, dance, and take photos of things that catch my eye. I dont like people who cant take a joke, being limited in things, or feeling constricted or controlled. I plan to travel the world and photograph everything I can, but I’d also be quite content with being an actress in theatre. (2/2)
Your match is:
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Initially, I leaned towards Josuke because you both want to travel, but I think he’s more like your personality twin instead of romantic match! So I went for Fugo instead! Your ENFP is a good match for his INTP and while he has past emotional baggage to work through, he would never take advantage of you. Your kindness would be comforting to him, like a place he could always be safe in and know he’d be protected. 
Fugo is 5’6, so you’d be really close in height (maybe even taller in heels? heh~). 
Your kind, open personality would be sure to draw Fugo in, and though you admittedly attract people who need healing, he would be careful not to burden you with his past. Because of your nurturing spirit, he would feel safe enough to open up to you, spilling all of his secrets and giving you the details he would never reveal to anyone else. He would willingly accept your love and healing, from then on completely trusting and relying on you. He would try to be open with you if thoughts of the past were haunting him or if he had bad dreams. 
While he’s grateful for your kind nature, he would never assume that it was the only reason you were with him. First and foremost, he wants to be your partner and companion. Your “nurse mode” would absolutely be part of you, but not the only part he loves. Your passion for adventure and exploring would make him more excited about life and bring new joy to rediscovering his town and the surrounding country. He’ll take you on day trips whenever possible to take photographs of the beautiful scenery and try the local cuisine (you love beautiful locations, he loves delicious food—it’s a win for both of you!). 
Fugo might be more reserved at first (as he is around the others in Passione), but around you he begins to open up! When he first hears your jokes, he might be stoic or analytical, but as he realizes that it’s harmless humor, you can see his playfulness come out. He would agree with your dislike of being limited or controlled and try to be as open as possible in the relationship—loving and affectionate just enough to let you know he cares, but never smothering or overwhelming so that you feel trapped.
Finally, Fugo would love getting to know your hobbies and interests, sharing whatever music he likes, enjoying private times to dance with you, and quiet moments of reading your writing or sharing his favorite books. He’s never done much photography, but he adores seeing yours!! 
He’ll ask you about the places in the photos, which ones are your favorites, and if there’s any special meaning or compositions behind them. If you choose to pursue acting, Fugo will be in the front row at every opening night. He may be quiet at times, but he’s loving, devoted, and fiercely loyal. He will need reassurance at times, but you can count on Fugo to be a supportive partner.
Your first date would be after exhibiting some of your photos at a local cafe. Fugo would wander in to grab coffee and happen upon the opening night. As he looks them over, you catch his eye. He’s blushing already, putting his focus quickly back on the photos. You don’t approach him, but instead sit at your table with a fresh cup of espresso. He soon walks over.
“Are these yours??” He motions to the photographs, coffee in hand.
“Yes, they are.” You smile up at him, motioning to the chair across from you. “Would you like to sit?”
When he does, you two slowly open up over your art, sharing stories about the subject matter between sips of coffee. It’s really warm and gentle and the atmosphere is welcoming—you’re at ease (for Fugo, this is the ideal! He’s been shy ever since college, but this meeting helped him open up again!). Before he leaves, you give him your business card, saying you’re open to talking any time and hoping he’ll make the next move. It’s a welcome surprise when he does that evening and you two soon make plans to meet again!
Your first kiss would take some time to happen, only because Fugo needs lot of time to warm up to anything physical. With his past history of abuse, he would very very gradually open up about it, initially shying away from hugs or holding hands, but not quite knowing how to tell you why they make him uncomfortable. With time (a month or two, depending how many dates you go on), he would finally start to open up, beginning with a mention of abuse and that physical touch makes him nervous. Gradually, you’d get the full story, Fugo falling into your arms after it all, needing comfort and finally ready to be close to you. You hold him in your arms, kissing his hair, and telling him over and over that it wasn’t his fault. After he’s adjusted to being held, holding hands and hugging wouldn’t be far behind. He trusts you with everything now. So when Fugo finally asks you for a kiss, you’re pleasantly surprised. It’s been a long time coming and is worth every moment of patience. Fugo leans over to you with a quick peck on the lips. You take his hand, asking if you can have another. If he agrees, you lean in, gently tracing your fingers over his jaw, before pulling a slightly longer but still gentle kiss from him. He’s amazed! He likes affection now, but only on one condition: it has to be from you and only you~
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shamewaddle · 6 years
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can i request light bulb mirror lighting everywhere i go in life
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
I have no doubt that you will be able to salvage an HEA for "Through the Wire"... but, boy oh boy, are your snippets giving me anxiety cuz Anthony's life seems to be in absolute shambles after he fucks up with Kate. Like, it's to the point where I am morbidly happy that the accident happened (though I'm obviously glad it wasn't fatal) because I truly don't know how long Anthony would go on living if he lost Kate (which he did) and his family (some of which he did).
Oooof I'm not going to lie to you: Anthony's life hasn't been good since Kate left.
He knew when he broke up with her that he'd never love anyone else, and he also knew that he seemed to be the kind of person that clung to grief, while others slowly let it go. It sat with him forever, slowly tearing tiny pieces off him until he was red raw and bleeding all over the carpet.
He couldn't bring himself to change anything that she had left, though edwina had come and taken most of her things, occasionally tossing him a snide Is this Kate's?! when she couldn't be sure. But he couldn't touch anything else. Left everything just the way it had been. He'd left her shampoo and conditioner in the shower, kept using it actually, so it felt like she was still there. So her pillow still smelled a little bit like her.
He came home from work, sat at the kitchen counter and stared into space mostly, his fingers drumming occasionally on the tabletop. Then he'd slowly, even though he knew how wrong it was, go back through Kate's social media, looking at the pictures of them together, their lips brushing, their fingers intertwined. He watched the videos of her, perched on his back as he piggy backed her around on holiday, her chin perched on his head. and he can almost feel it, the love she felt for him, still in the room, still pressed against his chest. Until one day he can't see her profile anymore.
He gets new bobby pins, new hair ties and leaves them in the dresser in the bathroom, keeps buying the brand of orange juice Kate liked even though he never drinks it. He barely drinks anything these days. Barely eats. Properly grows out his beard, and eventually stops caring for himself at all.
Even when his mother stands in front of him and basically begs him, begs him to just try he can't. Or won't.
"Anthony, this is hurting me. Seeing you like this is hurting me, do you understand that?"
And it stings at his chest, of course it does. Cuts him open again until there's nothing left.
But still, he just stares at the wall. Where the picture she took of him hangs.
"So stop looking then."
He sits there, all night, with his fist around the necklace she'd ripped off her neck the night she'd left, thrown it at him while she screamed.
I hate you, Anthony. I fucking hate you!
The word scrawled in cursive that had been a joke between them, a joke when he'd given it to her if he was honest. Two months ago at Valentine's day.
But Kate had laughed, putting it around her neck before she'd disappeared into the bathroom, returning stripped down to black lace, and the way she'd moved above him with that necklace hanging around her neck would be branded in his mind forever.
She'd never taken it off again.
And every moment lived in his mind, torturing him forever. Right up until his car gets hit, rolling across the street until he's hanging upside down, pain shooting through his body his last words before he closes his eyes
You deserve this
And Finally, he knows peace.
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