#senpai wa otokonoko
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sharksliveontrains · 2 years ago
at some point in life you realize the best way to solve a love triangle is to make them polyamorous and you never look back
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kolomo · 3 months ago
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KOLOMO'S 2024 YEAR AT A GLANCE ↳ favourite anime openings
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7w7thais · 8 months ago
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I like this so much aaaaa ✨💖
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ianime0 · 8 months ago
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Senpai wa Otokonoko | Ep3 | I... love... cute things!
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rimurutempest · 8 months ago
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Senpai wa Otokonoko episode 2.
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feministmetalgreymon · 9 months ago
Trans women and otokonoko characters are not the same thing
Senpai is an otokonoko recently came out and already there is discourse about it. Most of this discourse is based in two common misconceptions. The first misconception is that there are no trans women in anime and manga. And the second is that otokonoko characters exist because Japanese people either can't tell the difference between a cross dresser and a trans woman, or they are hiding trans characters by calling them otokonoko. The reality is more complex.
First what is a otokonoko? Otokonoko is a term used by both trans femmes and cross dressing men to describe a cute feminine amab person. Being a otokonoko and trans isn't mutually exclusive, but neither are they synonymous. In Japan you have quite a few celebrities that identify as otokonoko.
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On the left is Michelle a trans woman otokonoko and on the right is Kaoru Oshima a cis gender male otokonoko. The term otokonoko does not refer to someone's gender but their presentation. Otokonoko like to present as cute and feminine regardless of whether they identify as men, women, or nonbinary.
In the context of manga both trans women and cross dressing male characters appear. And unfortunately there has been tons of confusion over which characters are meant to be trans women and which ones are meant to be crossdressing men.
So in this post I am going to explain the differences in how they are portrayed in anime and manga.
First we have to take into consideration target audience. Manga is divided based on age and gender of the intended audience.
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These are romance manga aimed at a adult female audience. The one on the left is about a trans woman. While the one on the right features a cross dressing man as a love interest.
The first and most obvious difference is the story about a trans woman features her as the protagonist. These are both het josei romance. And within the context of het josei romance female protagonists are often written as a audience surrogate for women readers. So naturally when depicting a romance about a trans woman the story is written from her perspective as a woman. Otokonoko and other cross dressing characters on the other hand or more likely to be depicted as a romantic interest.
Another way they are differentiated is in how they are drawn. Adult trans women are depicted with obvious signs of using hrt. The woman on the left has breasts while the cross dresser does not. In Japan up until recently medical transition was necessary in order to change the gender on someones id or birth certificate. This is no longer the case. But regardless there is a strong association between being trans and medical transitioning in Japan.
Manga about trans people also delve deeply into the issues and experiences real life trans people might face. There trans identity isn't a mere superficial gimmick for the story but informs the narrative.
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Some manga depict both trans women and otokonoko/crossdressers in the same story. In these works the differences between trans characters and cross dressing characters is even more obvious.
This image provides a helpful explanation on how manga differentiates cross dressing characters from trans characters.
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So now let's talk about Senpai is an otokonoko.
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Now I have already explained how manga portrays cross dressers in comparison to trans people. So lets ask the question, is Makato trans or a cross dresser. Well the manga tells us.
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Makato is clearly written as a boy that likes cute things. His cross dressing isn't about gender so much as it's about his love for cuteness.
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Unlike trans characters, cross dressing characters motivations for cross dressing aren't all that deep, it's a hobby or a aesthetic for them. They aren't motivated by a internal sense of gender. On the other hand trans character motivations for transitioning are deeply connected to their sense of self and who they are.
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Hopefully this will help fans looking for manga featuring trans or otokonoko/crossdressing characters. In the world of manga trans and otokonoko characters are not portrayed as interchangeable rather. They written with clear and distinct differences in how they look, think and behave.
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firefish55 · 9 months ago
This girl is unhinged. Top tier disaster bi, and she owns it so hard.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 9 months ago
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happy premier week!! who else tuning in ✌😲
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beastialmoon · 9 months ago
The way the final scene of this first episode hit me just HURTS. Like, for an overall really silly and animation-simple episode, this last moment hits like a freight train.
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I know exactly how this feels. Too many trans people do - having to hide your real self from those who are supposed to love and support you.
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nijigasakilove · 9 months ago
It’s funny that after last season’s vampire dormitory which was probably the worst depiction of cross dressing and the complexities of that, we get this show which from the first episode alone I can already tell is going to be one of the most respectful, intelligent and nuanced takes on the lifestyle.
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Gender, sexuality and identity are spectrums and delicate topics to handle, you don’t have to be boxed into one particular area just because of societal norms. I’m liking how this story is handling these concepts so far and it makes me happy to see Makoto living his truth, although the end scene made it clear that it’s not something he can fully do yet. He has to leave his true self behind when he goes home and that really broke my heart 💔
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The concept of having an LGBTQ love triangle with a cross dresser at the center is so original and unlike anything I’ve seen. I mean you have the guy best friend who’s into Makoto and then the kouhai who likes him as a girl and a boy and it didn’t feel cringe or gimmicky at all.
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Ryuji actually got my vote over Aoi rn for the ship because of how he’s been admiring Makoto and supporting him this whole time while not pressuring him or making him feel uncountable about his romantic feelings. Aoi is cute as heck and I love how she fangirls out so much over him though 😂
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The art style and the various funny faces the characters make are so good too! Thursdays are looking amazing for romance fans a lot of FRESH takes on the genre which is very much welcome.
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anitrendz · 7 months ago
Senpai is an Otonoko Episode 6
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Really appreciated that the dad is shown to be a very supportive and loving parent to Makoto as they figure out who they want to be. We tend to see mothers as the more accepting parent in anime, so it's nice seeing the roles flipped in this case. I believe Makoto settles on being non-binary while not minding being called a boy (so he/they) by episode end.
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ohcitron · 1 year ago
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save me bisexual girl
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animefeminist · 2 months ago
Anime Feminist’s Top Picks for 2024
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It’s that time of year where the staff puts their heads together to pick the shows that made them think, imagined better futures, or provided a breath of fresh air during a hard year.
How did we choose our recs?
Participating staff members picked five titles and ranked them. The only rule was that the series or season had to be complete as of December 2024 or been on the air without a break for over a year. This meant that split-cours and ongoing shows that began in 2024 and are still airing (like DAN DA DAN) were NOT eligible. They’ll be rolled onto any 2025 lists.
We always want to emphasize that our recommendations are not meant as a rubber-stamp of “Feminist Approval.” Rather, we aim to highlight shows we found valuable and think might appeal to our readers as well, with any content warnings or caveats that might apply.
How are they ranked? 
They’re not, really. We’ve highlighted our “top picks” that received the most staff member votes, but otherwise they’re just organized alphabetically. The team has varying tastes, as do our readers, and we didn’t want to try to put those tastes in a hierarchy.
Hey, you didn’t list my favorite show!
That’s okay! Like we said, we limited ourselves to a Top Five, and everyone has different tastes. If there’s something that slipped under our radar and you think it’s a series other feminist-minded viewers would enjoy, please let us and your fellow readers know in the comments!
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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ecargmura · 9 months ago
Yuma Uchida voices TWO gay boys this season
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Hisashi Otomo - Twilight Out Of Focus
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Ryuji - Senpai Is An Otokonoko
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ianime0 · 9 months ago
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Senpai wa Otokonoko | Ep1 | And ever since then, we've been best friends.
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cardiagf · 9 months ago
as much as I think being poly can solve the 'love triangle' between makoto, ryuji and saki, can we also all agree that ryuji and saki's beautiful m/f friendship is one of the best things in the series?
not to mention the fact that all three of them are queer in some way with makoto being makoto and ryuji and saki liking him for just the way he is?
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