#i am now STRESSIN
analogwriting · 6 months
Chapter 17: Sydän
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 2.7k a/n: i tried my best to make it kind of actiony ;a; there should be a lil bit more in the next one lmao first|next
The plan was straightforward and simple enough to remember. Sneak in to the underside through your secret entrance, slowly take them all out one by one and replace them with your own, and then take the front side of the hospital.
You knew you couldn't make a detailed plan. There were too many unknown factors. One thing that made everything easier was the fact that your underground staff were willing to come back. You had been worried that they hated you for disappearing on them, but each one of them had been more than overjoyed to hear from you. 
Each one of them had shared the same vision as you; to help people regardless of where they came from. You had expressed that things would change from here on out, that you wouldn't be helping anymore members from any families unless they were looking to get out of there or if children were involved. None of them had an issue with this change, in fact, a lot of them agreed. Seems the events had changed a lot of people’s views, not just yours.
It probably helped that most of these staff had been the same as you - former members of families that renounced all that long ago. You hadn’t realized until now just how well you had chosen for your elite staff.
Now that all that had been settled, you were still dealing with an overly worried Corazon - not that his feelings were invalid, this was a dangerous heist you were carrying out. At any point you could die, not that you would. If you were sure of anything, it was at least that.
You had persuaded him to temporarily move into Pops and Marco’s place. He had let it slip that Doflamingo had his other place on surveillance, so he had taken the boys and moved to his hideout that he had way back when. He mentioned that it was near the spot where you had first met him.
You talked him into bringing the boys and staying at Pops’ house until things blew over. Pops’ place was one of the safest places in the city. He had fantastic defenses, even if he couldn't fight much anymore, people would have quite the struggle breaking into the place. Marco said that it was awful trying to sneak out when he was a teenager because of it too. He was fully convinced on the few times he actually succeeded, Pops had just let him pass.
Pops had said he knew every time he snuck out. He let Marco get away with a few, but most of the time he would catch him and then let him go anyway. As long as he wasn’t getting involved with any of the families, Pops didn’t really care what he did.
“Are you ready?”
You were leaning on the railing of the back porch, looking out to the garden. You looked up, seeing Corazon stepping out and lighting a cigarette. You walked over as you noticed his shoulder started to catch on fire. You patted it away without even flinching. He hadn’t even noticed it until you had put it out and there was soot on his shoulder. “You really should stop smoking.” You frowned, almost pouting. 
Corazon sighed. “I know, I know. It's unhealthy.” He was grumbling, having heard from just about everyone in the house at least once. You were honestly surprised he hadn’t stopped smoking yet. He was surrounded by doctors and nurses now, you’d think he’d quit. Though, plenty of people in the medical field smoked fully knowing the risks.
“No, so it's easier for me to do this.” You snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, took him by the collar, and kissed him hard. You crushed the cigarette in your hand. You didn’t really care whether or not the man smoked, it wasn’t your job to baby him. You were his partner, not his parent.
Corazon only chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “I think that's the most compelling case I've ever been faced with.” You smiled up at him, tossing the broken cigarette in the trash not far from the two of you before idly dusting the soot off his shoulder from the fire.
“To answer your question, yes. I'm ready for this to be over.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around the man before you. “I'm ready for all this to be over. For things to go back to normal.” You paused, a sly smile crossing your face. 
“And I'm ready to absolutely make that ass mine,” you teased, one hand moving to squeeze his ass. He yelped a little, his face turning a bright shade of red and you cackled. He buried his face in your shoulder, grumbling something you couldn't hear. 
“Hm?” You moved him, cupping his face so he'd look at you. “What was that?”
His face was still red and he pouted slightly. “I said, I'm more than ready. You keep riling me up but all these people are making it impossible for us to remedy anything.” 
You looked at him before laughing and kissing him again. “You're too cute. Don’t worry - you’ll get your reward soon enough.” 
After that, you headed inside with him. It was about time to go. 
You met up with your staff members at your secret entrance in the tunnel. After a small mini reunion of exchanging sentiments of how much you all missed one another, you went over the plan one more time. 
Man, you owe them so much right now. You were going to treat them to a fancy meal and plenty of vacation days - gift baskets for everyone. You couldn’t even begin to express how much you appreciated them at this moment. 
Infiltrating was easy for the most part. When there was only one secret entrance that broke off into several exits across the underground part of your hospital, it made things easier - made being stealthy easier.
Since your office had all the cameras, you decided to start there. You peeked inside, noticing two guards watching the screens. You pulled your gun out of your waistband, only it wasn't exactly a gun but a tranquilizer. You had also made sure to put the silencer on it. Couldn't have any unnecessary attention drawn to you. You also didn’t want to actually kill anyone. You switched professions for a reason and you were going to make a point to not kill anyone during this heist.
Within moments, you knocked the two of them out. One shot to the neck for each was enough to make them pass out on the ground. You sent in two of your own, your staff quickly swapping clothes with the guards and standing in position while you dragged the two unconscious bodies back into the tunnels to another staff member who was to tie them up and keep an eye on them. 
When you were working with your staff, it was like a well oiled machine. You started by sneaking in through every exit and taking out the closest people, replacing them with your own, and tying them up. The plan was to start on the outskirts of this side of the hospital, work your way in, then take over the other side. 
It was tedious, but necessary. 
Eventually, you had replaced every guard that was near the entrances, now you were going to have to do a bit more sneaking around. They didn't have a ton of people on this side of the hospital, just as you didn't. Which, you assumed they would considering this was the side they were the most excited to have. That was the selling point of your hospital and why so many people had wanted it.
Someone was approaching you from the back. You could tell by the path they were taking, they were probably going to grab you by the shoulder and try to spin you around to punch you.
As you predicted, you felt a hand on your shoulder as you advanced down the hallway, grabbing the person behind you and pulling them forward and slamming them on the ground before shooting them with your tranquilizer. 
One of your staff moved quickly, dragging her off to one of the many exits to the tunnel. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Damn, this was irritating. You just wanted all this to be over and be asleep in Corazon’s arms right now.
“Sneaking around, are we?” You froze, your entire body tensing.  However, since he hesitated and you weren’t one to, you spun around, taking out your silenced gun and firing off two shots.
Doflamingo was on his knees, holding his arm, his gun scattered across the floor. “You bastard,” he ground out. You kept your gun trained on him. You had shot his hand again and his arm, rendering it pretty useless right now.
“If you wouldn't have said anything, you would've been able to get me.” You shook your head, clicking your tongue. “Your ego must've gotten in the way.” Though, you were somewhat surprised to see him here right now. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Well, this is our hospital now, so why wouldn’t I be here?”
You stared at him with a deadpan expression. Riveting stuff. “Crazy considering the hospital is still technically mine.”
“The hell you mean by that?”
“Eh, unimportant - doesn’t pertain to you. Anyway.” You trained your gun on him again.
“I could make a call right now and have people filing in here and take care of you. I’d be careful with your next movements.” Was he really trying to intimidate you right now? If he made a single noise, you could shoot him with no problem.
“Except that your staff is currently tied up and have been replaced with my own.” You watched in amusement as his face fell, realizing the situation he was in. It didn’t last long, the man’s pride too great to show weakness.
He glared at you over his glasses. “Well, do it already. Kill me.” 
You began to walk over to him, going around him so you were behind him. “I think that's the easy way out.” As much as you would love nothing more than to take him out right here and now, he needed to pay for shooting Corazon point blank. He had been fully ready to kill his own brother. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
So, you were going to make him wish for death. 
You knelt down, gripping the back of his neck with your free hand while pressing the gun into his lower spine. “I could snap your neck to a degree where you'd be a complete vegetable for the rest of your life.” You heard his breathing stop for a moment, was he experiencing true fear? Good.
“Or if you promise that you will never come near my hospital or Corazon ever again, I will only take your legs.”
“How is that fair at all?” He turned to look at you and you squeezed his neck slightly, making him stop in his movements.
“Well, it's either live with no movement or live with some movement. Take your pick.”
He just stared at you in horror. He could tell you weren't playing around. In this moment, he could see exactly why people had been so terrified of you. You showed no mercy, you didn’t play games. You could be cold, calculated, and heartless. You weren’t proud of this fact. You hated it, actually. You were just lucky it came in handy in moments like this.
“Make the choice before I make it for you.” Your eyes narrowed. You were aching to strangle him to death and watch the life slowly leave his eyes, but you also couldn't let yourself go that far. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t. You wanted him to suffer, not for him to have a cop out.
Doflamingo watched you for a long moment as if testing to see if you'd actually do it. When you tightened your grip on his neck, his eyes widened. “Fine, fine! My legs. Take the legs,” he grumbled. You had already known the choice he made, it was clear which he should, after all. 
A slow, sinister smile spread across your face. “Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Donquixote. Don't worry, you're in excellent care.” You used the best customer service voice you could muster up before placing your gun towards the lumbar region of his spine. 
“Pleasure doing business with you.” You lowered down to his ear. “This is for shooting my boyfriend.” Then you fired your gun, covering his mouth with your other hand in the process to keep him quiet.
After your little encounter with Doflamingo, you turned him over to the care of your staff. He had passed out from the pain, having three bullet wounds by the end of your encounter. You made sure to have your staff keep an eye on him and keep him sedated. You didn’t need him making a ruckus. 
You’d let him go once things were over, but for now you’d keep him under surveillance. Though, not like he could do much. What’s he gonna do? Crawl outta here?
The rest of the first half of the heist went off without a hitch. The entire underside of the hospital was now back under your control. All of Doflamingo’s men were currently knocked out and tied up in the tunnels, your staff slowly working on taking care of them - not killing them, but definitely making sure that they’d never mess with your hospital again. You somewhat left devices in the hands of your staff, after all, some of them had their own personal vendettas against them. You weren’t the only life they’d fucked with.
You walked into your office, trying to debate on how to handle the next half. You looked at the cameras, taking note of all the people who didn't belong. You knew your staff on both sides of the hospital. You knew who didn't belong. 
It also seemed like most of your father's people on the front side of the hospital. Did Crocodile pull out of the alliance? What was up with that? You weren’t entirely sure, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it. 
As you looked at the cameras, your heart slowly sank. You knew most of the people that you were going to have to deal with. They had been your own family at one point too. It’d taken a village to raise you and most of them had a part in it. You still couldn’t believe they had all been in on it.
Was nothing real? Was anything genuine? At least in some families, connections were there, but there seemed to be nothing in yours. Loyalty was supposed to be important to families, but it seemed that it wasn’t in your father’s.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to spiral.
“What's the plan, doc?” You looked over to one of your staff. “We wait until shift change tonight. There won't be as many staff members or patients, so we'll be able to operate more stealthily.” You looked back at the screens, thinking. 
“Considering this took up most of the day, we should only have to wait a couple hours max.” It was evening time by now. You had already told Corazon and everyone that you probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow. This was going to take up a lot of time - and it has thus far. You knew they would all be worrying about you, but with how things were going, you'd make it back in time for breakfast. 
At the same time, it all felt too easy. Sure, you ran into Doflamingo, but that didn't even hold you up hardly at all. 
You decided to not think about it for now. “We should keep our guards up. It felt a little too easy.” Your staff nodded. “By the way, Stacy brought lasagna and we’re all eating in the conference room if you want some.”
You blinked, processing his words. You couldn’t help but laugh, only your staff. You stood up, deciding that you should probably eat to keep your strength up. You also had two hours to kill, so might as well spend time doing something. next
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whosectype · 1 year
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datleggy · 1 year
when the post partum fog finally lifts & you remember you used to have hobbies and shit 
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years
If you take into consideration the 1.16 Nether update, you could say that with Dianite gone and Ianites resurgence, that it definitely had an effect on the Nether. Ianite perhaps having to keep an eye on her brother’s realm leaving a lot of it now tainted and inhabitable to the local fauna. Tom gets back and on top of all he has to deal with, being watched by Ianite through her endermen in what’s now His realm was definitely not on that list.
OH MY GODS YES!!! In Dianite's absence is absolutely when the fauna of 1.16 would start to come in, like I think its like a balance of nature thing, so it'd make sense for a resurgence of what was once a desolate wasteland into a flourishing realm
but because Tom's not there to maintain it Ianite's like 'shit I gotta take care of this I guess" and!! oo what if thats how we get the warped forests in the first place- Like initially its only the crimson forests but the warped stuff enters when Ianite starts fiddling with things (since I know in most Better End mods a lot of the End forests n stuff n things are the same kinda color palette)
Ianite also keepin an eye on Tom through the endermen is such a good concept as well like I can just imagine Tom just going about his business in the Nether and theres just like five endermen staring him down and he goes to Jordan like "i dont think Ianite trusts me as Dianite rn can u please ask her to stop spying on me Im surrounded by endermen all the time man" and Jordan's like "sorry m'lady does what she does its funny you think I have that kinda influence" like oh my gods im cackling it would be so funny
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1abi1e · 1 year
why did i have to think about that right now...
it's fine, everythin' is gonna be fine even if i have to make it fine. i gotta have a little more faith in people than this. maybe a little more faith in myself too, but
i know it's gonna happen again. eventually. i'm fucked up like that and it always, always happens again. because there's somethin' wrong with me
and everyone finds out if they stick around me for too long
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usa--hime · 2 years
I need more 1Nm8 lore or I'm gonna lose it
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oneforthemunny · 4 months
something i felt like writing bc i have been stressed to the absolute max and am on the brink and i would sell my actual soul to have rn.
"you wanna watch this?" eddie muttered, hand lazily rubbing up and down your spine, over the cotton material of your tank top.
"'s fine." you mutter, only half seeing the tv anyways. your cheek smushed against eddie's thigh, the rest of you lazily stretched out onto the worn couch.
eddie's fingers worked up and down your spine, alternating between soft, half-hearted rubs, to light massages when you'd huff and whine, shoulder shaking at him to pay attention when he'd get distracted.
"jesus, you got a knot." he mumbled, thumb pressing into the sensitive spot on your shoulder, a biting blend of pain and relief searing down your spine.
"is it bad?" you tensed, eyes squeezing shut.
"pretty bad, babe." eddie dug his finger in some more, wincing at the tiny pop that came from the pressure. "what've you been doin'?"
"i dunno. probably slept on it weird or stress or something." you muttered, settling back into his thigh.
you could smell his spicy cologne, faint but still there and recognizable. normally, it'd give you a piercing headache- all the ones from the past did. guys who doused themselves in cheap, too strong perfume. the tiniest whiff made you nauseous, but not eddie's. it fit him so well, like it was made for him. left you thinking about it, wanting to press your nose further and further into his skin or clothes after he'd spritzed it on.
"stressed?" eddie's teasing tone pulled you from your thoughts. "what's stressin' you, baby?"
"everything." you sighed heavily, lungs a little constricted from how they were pressed into the couch cushions. "i don't wanna talk about it." you cut him off before he could ask. you knew it was coming, could feel it, and right now, you just didn't want to think about it- think about anything, really.
eddie knew that. he knew it, could feel it in the way your shoulders tensed. no wonder you had such a knot.
so instead of pressing about it, he went back to gently rubbing your back, letting you melt into him, relax under the blue-ish glow of the tv rewatching some old sitcom from the seventies.
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mggsv · 8 months
f!reader x toji fushiguro (18+)
summary : “Fuck you Toji!” “Fuck me..? FUCK YOU.” God you hated him so much.
warnings : toji calls reader a bitch and finds out, slapping, reader cries, sex while pregnant, slight angst, a cute little fic
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“..It should be “Thank you, Toji. Oh i just love you so much.”
He looks at your angry face, scar rising as he couldn’t hold back the cocky smirk. His eyes trail down to your little round belly, four months swollen. “Thank you? Thank you? I’m fuckin pregnant dumbass!”
“Nothing wrong with ya carryin my seed. You can take a break from work for 9 months. Calm the fuck down.” He grumbles, grabbing a cigarette from his pocket. “Calm down? I can’t just take months off- I model dumbass.”
“And you modeled for me one day and look what happened, I knocked you up.” Not to mention the engagement ring you wore. You’ve been together for almost three years he’s head over heels for you. “Calm the hell down.” He’s reaching over to pat you on your head. “Gonna give ‘Gumi the crazies.”
“No- you don’t understand. I don’t wanna become a housewife-“
“I wanna still be the model I was- no—you don’t get it Toji you’re a man— baby. We have this chat once a month.” He quotes you almost perfectly. Smoke leaving his lips. “Quit yr’ bitchin-“ SLAP !the sound loud ringing in your ears, hand colliding with his face faster than you’ve ever moved before.
“Fuck you Toji!”
“Fuck me..? FUCK YOU.” God you hated him so much. Your eyes watered, but you were a strong little thing. That’s what Toji liked about you..one of many things. Like how when you first met he was just a guy in the crowd watching you strut down the aisle, smirk on his face as he sketched in a notepad. An artist he wanted to be..you learned that after getting to know him. Your eyes glance over to the notepad page, framed on your wall but showing signs of age.
You also thought of what he actually was..the son of your boss. He didn’t have much money when you met, looks could always fool you..so sweet you were. That didn’t bother you much though. It wasn’t his fault his father blocked his success. His art, your love. You watch as Toji puts out the cigarette, cursing to himself as he started to walk away from you.
“Wh- don’t walk away from me we’re not done.” You follow him. He sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Yes we are.”
“No we’re not-“
“I’m not gonna keep doing this every month. We had time to..we decided to keep the baby and now you’re complaining about the damn kid!” He turns to you, blue eyes staring sadly at your brown ones. Instinctively reaching down to graze your cheek. “I know you don’t like it mama..” he murmurs. You sniffle softly, leaning into the touch you fell in love with. Your eyes close as he felt closer. His lips grazing over your chin and neck. Toji’s hands wrapped around your body.
He held you both. “It’s your fault.” you sob into his embrace. He couldn’t hold back the small smile littering his lips. “Takes two ta tango?” he wipes your eyes, kissing the tears away. “Mhm..” you found yourself sniffling. He rubbed over your swollen belly. “Gumi be nice to mama alright? Stressin’ her out.” He whispers to the baby.
“M’sorry..” He whispers again, his strong hands guiding you into his body. “How could I be so bad? Getting such a perfect little thing knocked up..filled up with my baby. How could I have done such a thing..” He coos.
He leans up to kiss your lips, thumb swiping at the fallen tears. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, y’know?” Toji stands up straight, bringing your body into his. He rubbed your back while you cried softly into his chest, how you wrapped your arms around the love of your life…he was everything. He knew you meant no harm, he also knew to watch his mouth but still failed. “You’re going to be perfect- we’re gonna be a perfect lil family okay?”
“Cmere mama..” He had you trapped. You loved him too fucking much to let go.
“Be gentle.” You had huffed. “Damnit I am- shut up.” He had huffed back, playful smile on his lips while the thick head of his cock slipping between your folds. Toji held back while you were pregnant- he had no choice- being the rough guy that he was. It’s how you go here in the first place, hell. The scar on his lips danced as he moaned softly, bottoming out. He didn’t go in all the way, though. His tongue lapped at your growing breast. Nipples being flicked by his tongue, hips still.
“Missed this..” you close your eyes, breathing softly while he started to move. His hands were on either side of your head, tightly fisted the sheets. You could tell he was doing his best not to pound you. “Mm..” Your head relaxes on the big pillow beneath your head. Toji’s face tucks into your neck, cock slipping out past your ring. He was a mess. The cum that leaked should be a crime. You’d tease him about it later. He slips back in just as easily, biting down gently on your neck. “Gonna take care of you, alright?” He mumbles.
“Yeah yeah.”
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luvacookie · 6 months
୨୧ thru ur phone.
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connie leaves his phone unattended.
❥ warnings : cheating, threats, intended useage of lowercase, fem blk coded reader
❥ cookie for ur thoughts ? : sorry guys was in an angsty mood so i wrote an angsty drabble </3 but i am considering writing a follow up to this !
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“the fuck is this connie ?”
he stares at his game, the lighting from the screen highlighting the contortion of his face.
“what’cha on about..” he says dazed, groaning as he gets killed again.
you throw his phone on top of his desk harshly, the device landing face up. he jumps at the unexpected, loud noise, his eyes finally cutting away from the screen and to you with a squint.
“what the fuck ? i’m in the middle of s’mthin’ ‘nd you throwin’ shit in my face,” he says with a huff, unaware of what almost hit him.
“ion give a fuck about your dumb fucking game ! who the fuck is that and why is she texting you about how she misses you in her fucking bed constance,” you shout at him, your hands fidgeting in annoyance.
his face drops at that statement, suddenly sitting up straight and realising that it was his phone that you were holding.
he snatches it up quickly, scrolling through all the notifications.
“the fuck you going through my shit for y/n—” he says annoyed, looking up at you with a scowl.
“don’t play that card with me right now, i’m so close to beating the living shit outta your ass !” you yell, the fidgeting turning into mild pacing.
he watches you move up and down with narrowed eyes, the words on his tongue struggling to find an exit. “it’s nobody, stop stressin’ over it.”
“ ‘nobody’ my fucking ass constance ! you think ‘cus you named the bitch ‘work’ in yo’ phone means i’m fuckin’ dumb ?” you snap at him, standing in one place.
he stands up out of his gaming chair, attempting to cross the room to you.
“don’t fuckin’ come near me connie. i swear to god, i will put hands on your scumbag ass—” you spew, taking steps backwards.
“y/n talk to me, we can talk about this,” he tries, his hands reaching for you.
you scoff. “fuck tha’ and fuck you. get your shit and fuckin’ go.”
he looks taken aback, not expecting those words out of your mouth. “huh ?”
“i’m not fucking repeating myself, find somewhere else to be ‘cus i do not want to see your fucking face right now,” you say firmly, watching him.
his eyes scan over you in mild disbelief. he tries to step towards you again and you step back, your mindset clear and decided. he stops and looks around for a brief moment before disappearing into your shared bedroom.
you exhale a shaky breath and the tears, that you didn’t know you were holding, start falling. you hold your mouth to silence the sounds of your cries, opting to move into the living room and sit on the couch as they continue to slide down your face.
you try to slow your heart rate and your breathing, desperate to keep your composure so that when he walks into the room you can keep your head held high.
you’re texting your best friend, informing her of the situation when connie appears in front of you from a distance, holding a duffle bag with a few random items in it and his shoes.
“i- i’m sorry y/n, i am,” he mumbles, rocking back and forth on his feet like a child.
“sorry isn’t fucking good enough,” you reply.
he opens his mouth to say something but decides not to, choosing to put his shoes on and unlock the front door.
he turns to look at you before leaving, the chain rattling as the door shuts.
when you feel confident enough that he’s out of range you start sobbing, the tears flowing consistently.
there’s nothing you can do but let the heartbreak consume you, ignoring the sound of his car racing down the street.
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olivethewriter · 2 months
Love is a drug
hey y'all this is my first one shot, and I am kind nervous, but I just watched euphoria and thought this would be a good fic idea y/n goes to fez's house and gets drugged by mouse instead of rue leading to a steamy confession
You knock on your best friend Fezco's door. "Fez, open up! It's pouring out here!"
The door cracks open a moment later. "Y/N, you really shouldn't be here."
"Too bad, I'm starving," you reply,making a beeline for the kitchen. You grab your favorite chipst.
"Nah, Y/N, I'm serious. You gotta get the fuck up out my house," Fez insists.
"Man stop stressin," you reply, plopping down on his couch and flipping through the TV channels.
"My supplier's bout to swing by, and I don't want you here when he does," Fez explains, growing more tense.
"I'm hungry," you repeat, munching on another chip.
"Then take the fucking chips with you," he grumbles.
"You're being hella rude today, but—" Before you can finish, Fez's phone rings, breaking the tense silence.
After a long pause, Fezco shakes his head. "I could fucking kill you right now."
Fez heads to the door as you turn off the TV. A tall, tattooed guy, way taller and bulkier than you expected, steps in behind Fez. 
"Well, shit, I didn't know your bitch would be here," he says, eyeing you.
"Nah, man, she's just a friend," Fez replies, taking a seat across from you.
"Well, hello there," the guy kneels in front of you, extending his hand. "I'm Mouse. Pleasure to meet you."
"Um, hi," you mutter, cautiously shaking his hand. His intense gaze makes you uneasy, like you want to crawl out of your skin.
he says, he stands up and unpacks his bag and starts describing its contents.
"Sure you don't want any fentanyl?" 
“Nah man im cool too many ODs” fez says 
“How bout you little lady want any fent?”Mouse asks, looking at you.
"No," you reply firmly.
"Nah, man, she's cool," Fez interjects. You've never used drugs before (besides vaping once), and you certainly don't want to start with something as dangerous as fentanyl.
"You gonna let him speak for you?”you look to fez for help “look at me when i talk to you." Mouse demands. He grabs your chin, playing with your hair.
"Have you ever tried it?" he whispers into your ear. You shake your head, speechless.
"No, for real, bro, I don't want her messing with that shit," Fez asserts, his voice steady but tense.
"Don't look at him. Look at me," Mouse insists, grabbing your chin and staring into your eyes. "Ever tried anything?"
You remain silent, unsure how to respond.
"No, seriously, man, she's good," Fez tries to defuse the tension, but Mouse isn't done.
"You know that feeling when you come so hard you can't hear or feel shit?" Mouse whispers, leaning in close. You freeze, feeling the point of his knife against your glossed lips.
You pray silently. You can't believe you're about to die. But you glance at Fez and open your mouth.
The drug hits you fast. In less than a minute, you're numb, barely able to sense anything. You lie down on the couch, eyes barely open.
"You like that?" Mouse asks, placing your legs on his lap.
"Uh-huh," you mumble.
"Wanna try more?" Mouse offers, leaving light touches on your thighs.
"No, man, she doesn't want any more," Fez says, struggling to keep his voice calm, hiding his growing anger.
"I-I want more," you slur, wanting to feel like this forever. Mouse places patches in your shorts' waistband, his hands lingering on your hips.
"That'll cost you three hundred," Mouse says.
"I'm broke," you manage to say.
"That's too bad. Guess you'll have to find another way to pay," Mouse says, his hand creeping toward your hips.
"Man, don't make her do that. I'll pay for her," Fez interjects.
"Nah, thought you were too good for fent," Mouse retorts. Fez grabs the gun, but ultimately decides against using it. That's the last thing you remember before drifting off.
When you wake up, Mouse is long gone, and Fez is nowhere to be found. You're in Fez's room, wearing one of his sweaters. You get out of bed and head to the kitchen, where Fez is eating cereal.
"I'm sorry," you say, barely holding back tears. Fez turns around.
"No, no, don't apologize. It's my fault. I should've had you wait in another room or just fucking shot him," he says, seeing your quivering lips. He pulls you into a hug.
"That was so scary," you admit, barely keeping it together.
"I know, ma," Fez consoles you.
"I thought I was going to die," you confess.
"It's okay. You're here now, and you're safe," Fez assures you, pulling away to look into your eyes.
"I won't let him hurt you again," Fez vows.
"I know," you whisper.
When you thought you were going to die, there wasn't much you regret. You love your family. You're on good terms with almost everyone. But you had never been in love before. You always thought you and Fez would end up together, and it was only a matter of time. But life isn't guaranteed. Tomorrow might not happen. And the next time you almost die, you don't want it to be without kissing Fezco O'Neil.
You look into Fezco's blue eyes. Without thinking, you ask, "Will you kiss me?"
Fez's blue eyes widen, but he doesn't hesitate. His lips touch yours, lingering for a moment longer than necessary. You look up at him, then at his lips.
"Do it again," you demand.
This time, Fez doesn't wait for you to finish your sentence. He kisses you fiercely. The kiss, sweet and hesitant before, is now intense and passionate. Teeth clash, and tongues wrestle as you try to get as close as possible. His strong hands wrap around your waist, and your arms tighten around his neck. You step closer, until every inch of your body presses against his. He lifts you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He moves one of your hands from your waist to your neck, pressing a little harder. You let out a small gasp, pulling his face back into yours and kissing him harder. Your hands meet behind his neck, and unexpectedly, he bites your lip and looks into your eyes. You let out a whimper, but your phone dings.
"I need to get that. It's probably my mom," you sigh, disappointed that the moment is over.
"Yeah, of course," Fez says, setting you back on the ground. You look at the message from your mom, telling you to let her know if you're going to stay overnight at Maddie's house and come home.
"I'm so sorry. I have to go," you apologize.
"Okay, let me walk you out."
When you two reach the door, Fez speaks up. "Listen, I really like you. I want this to happen again. Can we do this again but not just like hooking up and shit? I want it all."
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Fezco?" you ask, smiling.
"I mean, I guess, if you want to be," Fezco says, looking down and fiddling with his hands.
"Of course," you say, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him.
"See you tomorrow."
"Bye, Y/N," he says, watching you walk away, the ghost of your kiss lingering on his lips.
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mer-acle · 12 days
People I need you to imagine. Palace of Sparta, Helen's suitors have just arrived. Her cousin Penelope is there too
The Herold announces the King of Ithaca
Then this happens
Boy, you got me helpless!
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at my uncle’s palace on a hot night
Laughin' at my cousin as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went
Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the throneroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab Helen’s hand, and whisper
"Yo, this one's mine." (Oooh)
My cousin made her way across the room to you (Oooh)
And I got nervous, thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Oooh)
She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinkin'
"I'm through" (Oooh)
Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm
Look into your eyes (Oh, look at those eyes)
And the sky's the limit (Oh!)
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count
And I'm drownin' in 'em
I'm helpless! (I'm so into you)
Look into your eyes (I am so)
And the sky's the limit (into you)
I'm helpless! (I know)
I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin' in 'em
Where are you taking me?
I'm about to change your life
Then by all means, lead the way
Penelope of Sparta. It's a pleasure to meet you
Of Sparta?
My cousin.
Thank you for solving the suitor problem.
If it takes swearing an oath for us to meet, it will have been worth it
Helen (eyeing Menelaos):
I'll leave you to it
One week later
I'm writin' a letter nightly
Now my life gets better
Every letter that you write me
Laughin' at my cousin, 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin', if you really loved me, you would share him
Ha! Two weeks later
In the living room stressin'
My father's stonefaced
While you're asking for his blessin'
I'm dying inside, as you wine and dine
And I'm tryin' not to cry
'Cause there's nothing that your mind can't do (Oooh)
My father makes his way across the room to you (Oooh)
I panic for a second, thinking
"We're through" (Oooh)
But then he shakes your hand and says
"Be true" (Oooh)
And you turn back to me, smiling, and I'm
Look into your eyes
And the sky's the limit, I'm
Down for the count (Woo)
And I'm drownin' in 'em
I'm helpless!
He's mine, that boy is mine!
Look into your eyes
And the sky's the limit, I'm
Helpless! Helpless!
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
There's an owl at the wedding I'll let you know.
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
seventeen as song from lover (ts)
a/n: for this, i'll be giving songs and lyrics to each of the members, as well as small plots based on those lyrics. i don't plan to write all of these, but they are still my ideas (as basic as some of them might be). so if you are interested in writing one of them, you can message me about it. if you want to read one of them you can send in a request and i'll write for you
red | 1989 | reputation | lover | folklore | midnights
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• Seungcheol ➝ Cruel Summer Fever dream high in the quiet of the night You know that I caught it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it) ↳ Seungcheol was infamous, the bad boy like you see in the movie, and god you wanted him.
• Jeonghan ➝ Afterglow This ultraviolet morning light below Tells me this love is worth the fight, oh ↳ Jeonghan was never one to lose his patience with people, least of all you. But one day a fight gets out of control and it leaves you wondering if your relationship has come to an end. ↣ read here
• Joshua ➝ Lover And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years? ↳ you’re scared you might be falling in love a little way quickly for Joshua
• Jun ➝ Cornelia Street And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away I'd never walk Cornelia Street again ↳ A year after the end of your relationship with Jun, you go back to the small apartment you used to share. To your surprise, Jun is next door to you.
• Hoshi ➝ Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince I counted days, I counted miles To see you there, to see you there It's been a long time coming, but ↳ one day you got a letter in the mail by mistake from someone named soonyoung. You spend years going back and forth with the letters until you finally meet each other.
• Wonwoo ➝ False God I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me, honey Hell is when I fight with you ↳ you and Wonwoo never fought before, at least not to the point where both of you were screaming at each other.
• Jihoon ➝ The Archer I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you ↳ for years you had a one-sided crush on Jihoon. You planned to confess your feelings many times but failed at every single opportunity.
• Minghao ➝ London Boy Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride Babes, don't threaten me with a good time ↳ Minghao is always one to see the beauty where most people see none, so when he drags you out of your apartment on a particularly rainy day you don’t complain, sure that whatever it is that he planned is a perfect date.
• Mingyu ➝ Paper Rings I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this ↳ Mingyu had always been your best friend and that line had never been crossed before, then, one day, you woke up naked in his bed with a vivid memory of the previous night. ↣ read here
• Seokmin ➝ I Think He Knows He got that boyish look that I like in a man I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans It's like I'm 17, nobody understands No one understands ↳ there was nothing in the world you loved more than Seokmin’s smile.
• Vernon - You Need To Calm Down And I ain't tryna mess with your self-expression But I've learned a lesson that stressin' and obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun ↳ nothing can make Vernon mad but you’re adamant about proving him wrong
• Seungkwan ➝ Death By a Thousand Cuts I get drunk, but it's not enough ’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby ↳ in which Seungkwan drunk calls you, his ex, and finally tells you all the feelings he kept to himself for months. ↣ read here
• Chan ➝ Daylight I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night And now I see daylight ↳ it was impossible not to compare Chan to a ray of sunshine, especially after he was the one who brought you back to life
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @ho34gojo, @feat-sun, @wonvsmile, @mhlsymlysn, @swinterr, @immabecreepin, @uniq-tastic, @miriamxsworld
if you were tagged, please consider reblogging
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
a/n: somehow three of these could become smut and i'm thinking of writing them that way
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11vr1 · 1 year
Now hear me out here… Miles Earth 42 x F!Reader dancing Bachata🤭 Orrr something like they are at a party and a family friend decides to dance a rather romantic song with us so Miles gets jealous. So many different scenarios with Bachata and dancing I wouldn’t mind fluff either where like they dance in the living room or smth I just love Bachata and romantic dancing ♥️😊
Eres Mía ⭒ Miles Morales
Synopsis › Miles gets jealous and a nearly gets into a fight, so he makes it up to you by teaching you bachata.
Pairing › Earth-42! Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Inspo › Request.
Includes › ATSV SPOILERS, tooth rotting fluff, swearing, bad Spanish, jealousy, pet names, a tiny bit suggestive
P.S. › Thank you for this ask! I had so much fun. A nice change from the angst. <33
P.S.S. › I am now making a taglist!!! Lemme know if you wanna be on it. I also think I want to find mutuals and get more involved in the community…
When Miles asked Y/n to be his plus one, she almost couldn’t believe it. His delivery was cool and casual as if he didn’t invite her to a party with all of his family and closest family friends in attendance. They had become official a little over a month ago (though Miles swears it’s been longer), so the first family gathering was a big deal, a huge milestone most couples put off until much later. When she tried to explain to her boyfriend the significance of this event, he didn’t understand. “Don’t start stressin’. It’s jus’ my abuela’s birthday party,” she remembered him saying.
If his grandmother was anything like Rio Morales, Y/n would be walking into a lion’s den. Miles did nothing to placate her worries, making her do the exact thing he told her not to do: worry.
The weekend had arrived and so did the much anticipated birthday party. Y/n spent a considerable amount of time getting ready, choosing a tie front top with a cami underneath and satin skirt to combat the sweltering city heat. She double checked every angle in the mirror before leaving her apartment.
The corners of the gift envelope addressed in her elegant script were slightly bent from being clutched in her nervous hands all the way to Harlem. It was easy to find the building. Y/n simply followed the booming sound of music and laughter to the rooftop. The party was already in full swing. Half of New York showed up to celebrate Gloria Morales’ 70th birthday.
Y/n moved through the packed party-goers to the gift table, not seeing a single familiar face amongst them. She felt out of place. Does she introduce herself? Wait? Look for Miles? Certainly he wouldn’t leave her to brave his family alone. A tinge of panic settled in her stomach as she looked again.
“You lost, babygirl?” Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin hearing a strange voice beside her. The boy was taller than her and around her age or a little older. His feather duster of a mustache curved with his smirk as his leering eyes roved her head to toe slowly. Painfully slow.
She prickled, immediately raising her guard. “No, I’m just waiting for someone.” He glanced around, seeing everyone engrossed in their own conversations.
“I ain’ never seen you round here before. What’s your name?” Y/n hesitated to answer, but gave him a curt reply. “Thas cute. Real cute.” This was a party after all, the point was to mingle. And she didn’t want to seem rude. She had no idea who this guy was. He might’ve been a cousin, a family friend, someone who could easily say the wrong thing to the right person about her. “You know how to dance?” The night was starting to look very long.
Where was Miles?
Miles was very late. On his way, but late. His mother has surely noticed his absence by now. Abuela was definitely asking about him. And Y/n…she was probably already there. He cursed himself underneath his mask. That last job was pushing it. There was no time to go home, change, and take the subway like he originally planned. Luckily, he knew a shortcut through the skyscrapers and shadows of New York.
The window of his abuela’s apartment squeaked as it slid open. Miles rushed to shed his Prowler persona in the guest bedroom and stuff the suit in his bag. In a second, he appeared to be a normal teenage boy despite the forming bruises. He prepared himself to face the wrath of his mother, grandmother, and girlfriend. What he was not prepared for was seeing Y/n about to be pulled to the dance floor by another guy. They were close. Too close for his liking.
Something burned inside Miles, one he was reluctant to identify—jealousy. Dare he say doubt? He was new to the boyfriend thing. Sometimes he said the wrong thing, silent at the wrong times. But he tried. Was Y/n already fed up? There was no denying she was gorgeous. She could pull any guy she wanted.
He stalked closer, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. “Oh, come on! I’m not asking you to marry me. Just one song.” The guy tugged at her again. Miles recognized him. Eric and his family were friends, though Miles only endured his presence when they were forced to be in the same place. They’d never gotten along, finding each other to be a nuisance and a relationship beyond neutrality unnecessary. But that little understanding might just end right here, this was not about to fly on his watch.
“I told you I don’t want to dance,” Y/n separated herself out of his grip. The sheer expression of disgust on her amused Miles. She found him as annoying as he did.
Eric made the mistake of reaching towards her again. He had the chance to back off and it sounded like he had been warned more than once. This was not about to fly. Miles decided it was time to interfere. He swiftly placed himself at Y/n’s side, his footsteps soundless, a skill learned from his…side hobby. “La escuchaste, cabrón. Retrocede.” Venom laced his tone, an unspoken threat at the tip of his tongue. The air turned to ice around the three of them. You heard her, cabrón. Back off.
The confidence drained from Eric’s face. He knew good and well Miles was not to be messed with. There were rumors about him and his penchant for beating anyone who pissed him off into the ground. “Ella es tu chica, Morales?” He stepped up to him in a vain attempt to mask how intimidated he really was. Miles moved Y/n behind him. She watched the standoff silently, keeping a hand on Miles’ bicep in case it went south. She’s your girl, Morales?
Miles tilted his head, sneering down at the posturing fool. “Sí, ella es mía. Ahora déjala.” Yeah, she’s mine. Now leave her alone.
“No estaba tratando de hacer nada,” Eric scoffed. He turned his attention back to the pretty girl hidden behind Miles. “If you get tired of this asshole, come find me.” I wasn’t trying to do nothing.
Miles lunged, thankfully, with some supernatural girlfriend sense, Y/n was quicker and held him back. Eric flinched, his fear visible for that split second. Heads turned. “You need to calm down, Miles.” Her hand made its way into his, gently pulling him away. He backed away, never breaking his cold glare from Eric.
Together they left the party. Miles muttered curses in Spanish Y/n couldn’t catch as he stomped down the stairs. “Miles! Miles, baby, slow down!” She called his name again. “You not ‘bout to make me run after you in these shoes!” He stopped. His jaw was tight, eyebrows set low on his face, hands burrowed in his pockets to hide his balled up fists. Damn. Even seething he was gorgeous. “We talked about this. You gotta talk to me.”
He was silent for a few moments, he merely stared down at Y/n as she wrapped her arms around his middle. His heart pounded in his chest. (It was because of her. Miles refused to admit those lustrous eyes and her touch still had such an effect on him) “Ian like seein’ you wit him. Shit pissed me off. For a minute I thought…” She fixed his collar, avoiding his gaze to keep herself from smiling. “Nothin’.” Miles was jealous and willing to protect her by any means necessary.
Y/n heard the words left unspoken. Miles was a fortress locked up tight to keep the outside world out. But behind his many walls he was a boy with feelings and insecurities. “Miles, I’d never do that. I like you too much.”
“Yeah, I know, ma. Sorry for gettin’ all upset.”
“‘S fine. That’s not what I’m mad about.” She eyed the fresh bruises coloring his cheek and temple. “Where were you?” At this point, she was more concerned than angry. Miles wasn’t inclined to long conversations, but he was decent enough to send her a text. Although dry and vague it was something. Y/n would take what she could get.
Miles stiffened in her embrace. “I had to take care of some stuff. Don’t worry ‘bout it. Lemme make it up to you.”
“You owe me a dance.” Prying it out of him would get her nowhere. She decided to let it go. Just this once.
“A dance?” he asked. She grinned, happy to catch him off guard for once.
Y/n nodded. “Mrs. Morales told me you’re a wonderful dancer. Don’t be holdin’ out on me.”
His sigh was long and deep, directed towards the ceiling of the narrow hallway. Miles was in no place to refuse. He took her hand and started walking. “Alright, but we not goin’ to the roof.”
He led her to his grandma’s apartment. It was sizable and definitely decorated by an elderly woman. Y/n admired the photos sitting on the mantle. There was Rio and Jefferson Davis, dressed in white for their wedding day. She paused on a picture of an infant covered in paint, smiling from ear to ear with two teeth. She awed at Miles. He was so cute, so carefree without the shadows of the world dragging behind him.
“Ven aquí, mami.” He stood in the middle of the living room, hands outstretched, a song playing behind him from his phone. She peeked at the song as they joined hands. Come here, mami.
“Eres Mía” by Romeo Santos.
The song was unfamiliar to her. “What? You thought you was gonna to twerk and grind on me?” His low chuckle sent shivers through her. She didn’t answer. “Nah. We gon dance for real. Bachata.”
“Wait, Miles. I don’t how to—”
“Imma teach you. Two steps to the music. Thas all it is,” he showed her. Y/n mimicked him, each step hesitant and unsure, but Miles was encouraging and a surprisingly good teacher. “See? Easy.”
He raised his arms to spin her around and brought her closer. Y/n faltered. “Aye, come on, mami. I know you can move your hips better than that.” He repositioned, hands at her back and waist, his thigh between her legs, ruffling her skirt. Miles guided her across the floor, his fingers wandering to the trim of her cami, drawing a distracting trail of heat on her bare skin. Her own hands found their way to his nape, brushing his twin braids as they swayed to the beat. Soon she found her rhythm.
“There you go,” he praised, rolling his hips into hers. She followed. Her body trusted him. She trusted him wholeheartedly and fell into his lead.
They rocked together in silence, the song having long since ended. Miles nestled in the crook of her neck to breathe in the sweet scent of her perfume. “Thank you for helping me. I should have said so earlier,” Y/n said from above him.
“It’s my job, princesa.” Miles left the softness of her neck. “Eres mía.” You are mine. Y/n blinked while he returned to her warmth. She hoped he didn’t feel the way her temperature rose.
In three short months he made a place for himself in her life. He was the most unexpected surprise. She had a list of the ideal boyfriend and Miles Morales didn’t check off a single one. Yet everything never felt more perfect than in his arms, dancing to the distant sirens and traffic.
His phone buzzed from the end table. “Is that your mom?” He shrugged in response. “We should go.” Y/n suggested, but Miles’ grip only tightened.
“One more minute. They can wait.”
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Much Better (Good Omens)
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Aziraphale x GN!Reader / requests are: open and encouraged!
Summary: You've had a long day but that's okay. Aziraphale always knows just what to do.
CW: fluff, reader be stressin, comfort
Good Omens Tag List: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Aziraphale knew you’d had a bad day when you stumbled into the bookshop, dripping wet from the rain and without an umbrella. He knew you were close to losing it by the way you dumped your bag to the floor unceremoniously and by the way tears sprung up into your eyes as you fought with your coat sleeves that just- would not fucking come off. 
“Oh, dear, here- let me help you with that,” you hear Aziraphale mutter, his hands appearing on your shoulders and helping you get the soaked coat off yourself. Aziraphale hung the coat on the hook by the door and used a miracle to dry it. This was followed by him rubbing his fingers together as he looked for something to wipe them off with. His poor, vintage waistcoat might not do so well with having wet hands rubbed all over it.
You grunt with discomfort as you peel your shirt sleeves up your arm, attempting to rub some warmth into your clammy skin. 
“Sorry, Zira,” you say, irritated and trying your best not to take it out on him. “Had a day.” 
“Mm- I can see that, dear. Here, let me-” his voice breaks off as he pulls yet another miracle from above. Your skin flushes with soft warmth, the hairs on your skin standing up and goosebumps trailing up and down your body before disappearing again. Your clothes are suddenly dry and fluffy like they’ve just come out of the dryer. 
“Oh,” you say, flexing your fingers softly now that they’re not stiff with the cold. You’re starting to feel just a little better, which is nice. Aziraphale always knew just what to do for you. 
“There now, is that better? Just a little? Oh good,” the Angel nods, content with that for now. One hand presses against the small of your back and despite the pleasant flush of your skin and the warm dryer clothes, you can feel the warmth coming through from his hand. It makes you shiver. “Alright, dear, come and sit down. I’ll make you a nice mug of cocoa and you can tell me all about it. Or not, whichever you prefer.” 
You let out a sigh, allowing him to lead you to his favourite armchair. You plop down into it, your aching muscles groaning in equal parts protest and relief. Aziraphale disappears into the kitchenette for a few minutes, and you find the sound of him puttering about in there most comforting. 
When he returns, he’s clasping a mug in each hand, and you take the one he offers to you with gratitude. Oh, look at that, he’s even put a few marshmallows in there for you. He really does think of everything.
He’s quiet for a few minutes as you both sip on your drinks. You use the time to calm yourself, using breathing exercises and reminding yourself that things are going to be better now that you’re there with your Angel.
“Would you like to talk about it?” Aziraphale asks, feigning as though he’s not deeply concerned and only casually interested. 
“Not really,” you say around a marshmallow. Aziraphale hums thoughtfully, taking another sip. “I just- want to be close to you.” 
The Angel can’t help the smile that overtakes his expression. A genuine, caring smile that eases the ache around your heart. You put your mug down on the side table before hopping up with a grunt and making the short two-step trek over to the chair he’s sitting on. You clamber into his lap, twisting so that your head is supported against his shoulder and your legs are over the arm of the chair. 
“Much better,” you sigh. Aziraphale presses a kiss to your forehead, wrapping one arm over your legs to better support them and keep them from falling off. 
“Much better, yes,” Aziraphale says softly, closing his eyes and leaning his head back to rest against the chair. “I rather think I am too, now. Much, much better.”
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roeroe-world · 4 months
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no way in, no way out. (belly edition)
starring: queen pokoo as kai, nas as sincere
set in 1998.
warning(s): mention of marijuana and alcohol, detailed smut, adult situations, harsh language
Another late night. Another late night Kai would spend alone in the spacious home. In the arms of the young woman, an infant. Warm tears trailing along her light brown baby face, loud wails passing her tiny lips.
Her facial features resemble both her mother and father, crafted beautifully in the hands of God.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Kai tells the young child, rocking her gently. “Ugh, what’s the matter?” She’d fed the child, bathe her, changed her diaper, and the infant still isn’t satisfied. The young mother is growing increasingly frustrated.
“You hungry, baby? Is that what it is, yeah?” Attempting to get her to stop crying, Kai puts the bottle to her lips for her to drink. Instead, the infant turns her head away and continues to scream aloud.
The young woman’s head tosses backward in pure aggravation, on the verge of crying herself.
“Infinite, please.”
Seven months ago, Kai and Sincere’s lives had changed. They welcomed a child into this world. Adjustments were made due to the unplanned pregnancy.
But Sincere isn’t home as much as she needs him to be now that they were parents. He’s around but not enough. Especially for nights like these when Infinite is extremely fussy.
Kai caresses the head of the infant, running her natural nail beds through her small curls. She rocked the child into her arms, gently shushing her before repeatedly murmuring, “It’s okay, it’s okay,” For a slight second, her brown orbs glanced at the clock placed by the television of their living room.
12:42 AM.
With an eye roll, Kai looks away.
Unfortunately, there were many nights like this.
The sound of keys meets her eardrums. That familiar raspy voice semi-shouts, “Yo?” Which alerts the young woman. “Why my baby girl cryin’?”
Once he’s finally in her peripheral, their eyes connect as he turns the corner and enters their living room. The faint smell of marijuana and liquor enters her nostrils, watching the male toss his baggy leather jacket on the couch as well as his keys.
She’s entirely fed up.
Leaning in for a kiss, Kai turns her head as he takes their child out of her hold. His eyebrows shoot upward in an instant but focuses his attention on his daughter whom stopped fussing surprisingly. Infinite grew calm.
The young woman scoffs at the scene, hands falling to her hips, “Wow…”
The infant was giving her a hard time all day but all it took was her father to swoop in after being gone all day to take her from her arms.
“Aye, what you doing all that cryin’ for? Huh? Why you stressin’ mommy out?” He began to rock her, planting a kiss amongst her forehead.
“Now that you’re here, please get her to sleep. I’m going to bed.”
His brown orbs traveling up and down amongst the woman, reading her body language. “I got you.”
“Yeah…” She began with a light chuckle of irritation, heading for their bedroom. “okay.”
Shutting the door behind herself, Kai wastes no time to take a seat. Inhaling and exhaling deeply. Her gaze averts upward from her thick thighs to the mirror positioned beside their king sized bed, scanning her facial features before analyzing Infinite’s vomit stain amongst her shirt.
Motherhood hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park but nobody ever said it would be. In fact, some of her homegirls whom also has children warned her how much things were going to become different.
She couldn’t do the things she used to. Unlike Sincere.
Sincere is Sincere. He leaves as he pleases to go do god knows what with Tommy and his crew. Returns home when he feels like it, drunk or high— most of the time both like tonight. Though, she’s thankful that he actually comes home and safely.
“She sound asleep.” The male enters their bedroom, wasting no time to place his gun that was rested on his waistband amongst their dresser.
Sincere is a street dude, always has been before they’d even met. Kai accepted him for who he was but now that they have a child, multiple changes were to begin.
When he’s met with silence, he turns to face his lady of two years whom held an unreadable expression upon her facial features. “You good?”
“No. No, I’m not good, Sincere.” Her tone of voice remaining calm yet she’s highly upset and pissed off. “Some shit is becoming tiring and played out.”
Sighing heavily, the male’s head slightly falls to the side in exhaustion. “What you talkin’ bout, Kai?” Aware that she’s about to be on some bullshit. Despite him having a long day, he always made it his mission to return home every night and listen to whatever his woman had to say.
Even if it seems as if she’s bugging out or just talking to talk half the time.
“You running with Tommy ‘nem. Coming home all crazy hours of the night after doing god knows what which I’m sure isn’t as important as our daughter.”
No doubt, Tommy is a bad influence. Kai is very aware of that but Sincere is a grown man. It’s his choice to run with the people he chooses to.
“I need you here more. I can’t take care of Infinite by myself.” She continues.
“Kai, I’m doing the best I can. What I’m doing is putting food on the table and keeping a roof over our heads. I can’t take care of you and Infinite with no bread. You know that.”
“I’m not trying to hear it no more, aight?” He kisses his teeth in response before the young woman speaks yet again. “We got enough money saved up to do whatever. But this shit is not the answer.”
“Yo, shorty. I’m deep in this shit. I’m good at it. It’s putting money in my pocket—”
“Fuck the money.” Kai stands to her feet, sauntering towards the male. “None of this matters if you’re taken away from us.” Fear enters her tone.
Truthfully, she worried every time Sincere stepped foot out of the door. Concerned about his well being, concerned that one day he wouldn’t make it back in one piece as he promised.
Sincere’s face instantly softens.
“I understand Tommy is your boy but he doesn’t have what you have, a family. You got a child to live for. You can’t afford to be taken from us. Don’t you understand that?”
“You always think we gon’ get knocked or somethin’. We careful with our shit. Pigs can’t catch us even if they think they can.”
Scoffing, she crosses her arms, “That’s always what people believe before they get caught. Y’all ain’t fucking untouchable, Sincere. If Tommy goes down— trust, you’re going down with him.” Her voice raising an octave. “You wanna know what’s worse than getting locked up? Being killed.” Both of their brown orbs piercing into one another’s. “What you gonna do then?”
Silence clouds the couple for a moment. His pools of brown breaking their eye contact to analyze their family portrait that sat upon the nightstand. “Fuck…” He murmurs to himself. She’s right and he couldn’t argue with the truth.
“You know, I been thinking ‘bout doing somethin’ different— changing my life around. Actually doing something with my life but then… I think about where I come from. The shit I did. Who I am. I realized some shit ain’t realistic. Maybe I’m built for this shit. Maybe I’m cut out to just be a street nigga.”
“No. Don’t think of yourself that way. You did what you had to do, baby. But now, you can get out. We have more than enough money saved up. We could go legit. We have a way out.” The woman connects their hands, gaze upward toward her lover.
His forehead pressing against hers, “You think so?” Raspiness seeping from his Northern Dialect. Tone holding uncertainty.
“I know so.” She reassures him. “You ain’t gotta depend on Tommy to provide for us no more. Sincere, you are so smart. You can be any-fucking-thing you want to be if you just apply yourself. I know that you can do it ‘cause I believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself.”
Sincere isn’t too sure about giving up his lifestyle especially when he’d practically been doing it his whole life. He loved the fast money. He loved the hustle. He loves the game.
He’s good at what he does. It’s putting food on the table, clothes on their backs including designer, a roof over their heads and so forth. They were able to afford the luxuries of these things because of his ‘profession’.
“I feel what you sayin’, shorty. I really do. But what I do is the only thing I’m really thriving in right now. What I’m gon’ do? Start over? It’s a little too late for that. We already got a seed to look after that gotta be provided for.”
Lifting her head, she takes his chin within her reach, their pools of brown connecting. “It is never too late to start over.”
“I need you. Infinite needs you. Fuck the material shit, forget the money— all that aside, she needs her father.” Kai’s hand returns to her side, not believing what she’s bound to say next. “It’s either us… or the game. You can’t have both.” Her gaze trailing behind his being, a framed picture of the couple which hung above their television in her peripheral.
A wide, bright smile sat upon her gorgeous canvas while staring into the lens of the camera. Meanwhile, Sincere’s face happened to be buried deep into the crook of her neck. His arms hugging the woman from behind given that she was seated amongst his lap.
Both of his hands upon her protruding belly, hers on top of his. She was eight months pregnant with Infinite and bound to pop any second.
Briefly, Kai thought back to that time. Remembering how excited they were for a child together, although she wasn’t planned.
“I got family down south. Me and Infinite can stay with them—”
“Aight, aight.” Inhaling and exhaling deeply, Sincere pulls his woman to his chest. “I’m not losing y’all.” Kai manages to fight her tears, shutting her eyes as she listens to his heartbeat. She grows comfortable in his arms, melting at his touch.
Sincere knows the risk of what he does. Although, he loves the game— he’s well aware that the game doesn’t love him back. He came to his senses. Eventually, it was time to change his lifestyle for the sake of his family.
Though, she’d given him a choice. It really wasn’t much of a choice because he would choose his family over anything every time. He refuses to lose them to something he doesn’t envision himself doing at fifty years old.
“I love you.” He leaves a trail of kisses starting at her forehead to her lips. “You love me?” Brown orbs piercing into hers.
“Yes, I love you so much.” She grins.
“Im’ma do whatever to make sure you and Infinite happy. Believe that, aight?”
Without another word, the woman sends him a nod. Gazing up at him lovingly as he takes the messy bun out of her head, her long thick locs falling to her sides before he wastes no time to massage her scalp.
“Mm.” She moans softly. “I needed that so much.”
“Yeah, I know.” He chuckles lightly, noticing the stain on her shirt. “What’s that?”
With a slight laugh, Kai replies, “Infinite spit up on me earlier. I didn’t exactly have much time to change. Your child was whooping my ass today.” Earning a head shake, Sincere helps her pull off the dirty shirt.
“I can tell when I came in. But daddy came and saved the day, right?” A smirk upon his lips.
“I guess so.” She fights her smile with a playful eye roll, top row of pearly whites digging into her bottom lip as Sincere began to plant sensual kisses amongst her chest.
Smoothly, he unsnaps her bra and tosses it across the room. It wouldn’t be long before he lifts the woman into his arms. A tight grip underneath her thick thighs while carrying her to the bed with ease.
Laying her upon her back, the young man climbs between her legs. His pools of brown flowing deeply into hers passionately, lovingly. “I love you.” He tells her truthfully and he means it.
“I love you more.” A heartwarming smile amongst her beautifully natural canvas. She loves him with every fiber of her being. She couldn’t fathom the thought of losing him to the streets so if it would take her leaving with their child for him to get his act straight, then so be it.
Soft hands caressing his face while staring upward at him, watching his every move from the moment he stripped her out of her panties and sweats.
There she lays, completely bare and unafraid. Ready for him to have her however he desires.
Sincere wastes no time to dive into her ocean, tongue driving into the places that left Kai’s mouth agape. Her head falls backward against the pillow, massaging his smooth waves.
He sucked, licked, kissed her wetness. Euphoria leaking into her veins as the stress instantaneously seeps out of her body. “Fuck…”
Sweet nectar drips into his mouth, humming low groans while his tongue practically made love to her paradise. Sincere loves the taste Kai possesses. Her reaction happens to be his favorite as well.
The young woman’s hips softly grinds against his canvas. A plethora of soft moans passing her soft, plump lips. Free dainty hand gripping her large breasts.
His gaze averts upward yet again after shutting his eyelids briefly, mesmerized by her natural beauty. “You so fuckin’ beautiful.” Leaning into Kai’s face, their lips connect into a passionate and hungry union. She’s met with the opportunity of tasting herself.
He strips out of every single article of clothing with the help of Kai. In an instant, Sincere wastes no time to lift his woman’s knees upon her shoulders and insert his hardened member inside of her warm walls.
They both sigh pleasurably at the feel of one another. His hips begin to jolt against hers, both hands gripping the back of both of her brown thighs. “Shit,” The male curses aloud as her tightness traps him, squeezing around his phallus ever so tightly.
Kai’s wetness curating a soundtrack within each deep thrust. Sincere grew lost into her body, literally.
His lips fall slightly agape, low bedroom eyes peering downward towards the moaning woman underneath his being. Kai’s eyelids closed in pure bliss, sensually dragging her natural nail beds down the smooth caramel skin of Sincere’s bare chest. Her hands pauses at his hips, garnering a loose yet tight grip while pumping hers back into his.
Brain slipping into a dazed state of lust and desperation, yearning for him to not stop. Yearning for him to give her more and more and more.
“Ah, fuck, fuck,” High-pitched tone of voice whimpers into the steamy atmosphere.
The pace of his hips began to increase much to her pleasure, consistently deepening into every inch of her hot soaking cavern. The more he pounds into her wanting crevice, the more he taps her spot. “Shit, Sincere!” She sinks onto cloud nine, beginning to experience orgasms at an instant yet exhausting rate. Her juices squirting out of her similar to a water fountain.
Their sheets were an absolute mess. The headboard banging against the wall violently. Neither of the two cared, too lost into one another.
“Oh—” The young woman falls silent, mouth hanging open due to the fact she couldn’t make anymore sudden sounds for a moment. The pleasure began to grow unbearable, so overwhelming. “Hm, yes..” Eyelashes batting upward at the sexual deviant on top of her sweaty body, humming aloud.
“You feel so fuckin’ good, mama.” His raspiness enters her eardrums, tongue dragging across his lips. His gaze watching her large breasts bounce alongside each stroke.
A fucked out expression amongst her canvas. Eyebrows furrowing together, moans pouring from her agape plump lips. “S-so good… I’m gonna cum, fuck,” Her reaction earns a loud groan.
“Fuck, Kai.”
The passion between the couple began to grow stronger, intensifying each second. Her soaking cavern left the couple more than aroused, given that they enjoyed the sounds. In fact, Sincere loves it.
In the heat of the moment, breathing heavily, he says, “Let’s have another baby, shorty.”
His low lust-filled pools of brown peering down into hers, watching her sexily licks her lips. By this time, Sincere pinned her hands above her head, staring deep into her beautiful doe brown eyes.
The moment Sincere set his eyes upon Kai for the very first time, he knew he had to make her his. That’s exactly what he did and amongst their short time together, he wanted to marry her and have a family after just months of the two being together.
Also, that’s what he did. To be honest, he had her on lock when they first met.
Years later, here they were, married and possessed a little family. Despite, Infinite only being seven months, he desired to grow their family.
His orgasm quickly approaching, waiting for the okay from his wife underneath his frame. He so desperately desired to put another one of his seeds inside of her, longing for another beautiful creation and version of them.
“Okay, baby…” She whispers, a weak yet sincere grin falling upon her lips.
The second the male receives her consent, he sends her a smirk before grabbing a hold of her right leg and tightening it around his waist. His thrusts becoming deeper, desperate yet passionate than before.
Their tongue’s swirling in one another’s mouths, sucking in one another’s breath. Heat surrounding their steamy bodies as Sincere made love to his woman, the lady of his life.
Kai began to fall deeper in love with her lover as if she wasn’t already in love before. She fell vulnerable in his arms. His dick would always tap that emotion that left tears cascading along her mahogany cheeks. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” She’s completely drunk off of his dick, loving the feeling of how much his thick girth stretched her out.
His length driving deeper slowly drives her up the wall, eventually sending her into overdrive. Her hands caresses his chest, moaning loudly as her mind goes blank— completely focused on how good she’s being fucked at the moment.
The sex was mind blowing, so mind blowing that she starts to cry out for the most high while in the midst of crying out Sincere’s name.
Their bodies start to shake in unison and suddenly their lips disconnect, Kai again shouts, “Sincere!” into the humid atmosphere, heart racing.
Both of their eyebrows furrowing together at the same time, his eyelids shutting tightly, “Ah, fuck…” Within seconds, he releases his seed inside of the woman. “Shit.” Grip amongst her neck tightening, making sure every single drop isn’t wasted.
The couple reached their climax, breathing heavily. Kai observes him closely, tongue dragging across her lips, before softly inquiring, “You really wanna have another baby… or?” She began, hands caressing the smooth caramel skin of his back. “were you just in the moment?” She wanted to make sure he was serious about his sudden decision.
“Yeah.” He removes himself from on top of the woman, lying beside her and placing an arm around her neck. “I think it’s ‘bout time we had another little one. Y’know?”
“Yeah.” The woman gaze averts upward in his direction lovingly, intertwining their fingers. After what they’d just did, she couldn’t speak much nor protest.
“You were right and I been doing a lot of thinking for a hot minute. I’m leaving the game, for good. It’s just gon’ be me, you, the kids from here on out. I got y’all to live for and to think about. Fuck all that other noise.”
Smiling gently, “I’m glad you came to your senses.” Time after time, Kai would try to talk sense into him. It’s a pleasure to see that the talks were actually paying off.
He plants a kiss upon her forehead before sighing in exhaustion yet satisfaction, head resting on the headboard, “Damn, you wore a nigga out.”
In response, Kai giggles similar to a schoolgirl before climbing onto his lap.
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ayoharuko · 10 months
Genshin Boy's Scenario's
(When you wear a wedding dress pt: 5)
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Helloo!! Omg its been WAY too long since I've written something for you guys, I'm super duper sorry but collage and life in general got so busy to be honest, even if I have been reblogging (Check out my reblog blog) but anyways. ENJOY!!
Also before we start, the reader here is female(She/Her) and if you guys don’t like the wedding dresses I've picked out. Your all free to decide/imagine what type of wedding dress you would want to wear! Enjoy!
Including: Kaveh & Cyno!
REMINDER: The characters here doesn't belong to me, they belong to Mihoyo and the pictures here belongs to their respective owners as well, lastly. This is all fictional so please try not to take these too seriously :)
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"Everything HAS to be perfect" A familiar blond said as he was overthinking designs for your wedding.
Mind you, it was almost 4 in the morning, and your wedding was a week away, he was starting to get VERY overwhelmed...
" *Sighs* I...this will never be good enough..how am I going to give her the perfect wedding when I can't even do things right..." The architect leans his head on top of his desk and sulks, not knowing that you had awoken from your slumber and started looking for your fiancé.
"Kaveh? Honey?" You called out to him while approaching him, he immediately sat up straight and looked at you in shock while you grasped in horror.
Kaveh had huge bags under his beautiful eyes and he looked extremely tired....
"Honey...what are you doing still awake?" You asked holding his shoulders, worry in your e/c eyes.
"I..well.." He gestures to the papers scattered around his desk and you saw what seemed to be...pillars and an altar?
"Oh my sweet love..." You cooed at him and sat yourself on his lap, kissing his forehead and caressing his cheek with your slightly cold hand.
"We don't have to rush y'know?" You said smiling warmly at him, he hesitated but leaned into your touch, "I...I just wanted to surprise you and make sure you'll enjoy our wedding day..." He said closing his eyes and sighing.
"Well..you don't have to do that, everything will work out in the end my love, although I appreciate you wanting me to enjoy our wedding day I'd rather see you having fun and not stressin over it a week before our wedding day" You said in a lecturing tone.
"Sorry...I got too worried" He said chuckling and holding you tighter in his lap, "Alright, now that we have that settled, did you forget we have to go out later with Alhaitham?" You said now curling his golden hair in your fingers.
"Uhm...remind me where sweetheart? And why is Alhaitham gonna be with us?-" He stopped his sentence mid way as you looked at him with a 'Are you f*****g kidding me?' face.
Then it clicked in his head...you guys were going wedding dress hunting....
"Oh...I-i still don't know why Alhaitham has to go with us!" He argued, you giggled and just told him that you both should go back to bed and leave in the afternoon since you both know he needs the sleep.
⧖ ⧗ ⋈
"Baby? Sweetie? Wake up, we have to go now..." You whispered into his ear, the blond stirred and opened his eyes half way to see you leaning over his face sending him a smile, "An angel..." He whispered blushing slightly.
You giggled and smacked his arm and helped him get ready, he was still a little groggy but your kisses gave him more energy.
"Late to your own wife's fitting? typical Kaveh" Alhaitham looks at the both of you with a book in his hand, "Sorry Alhaitham...maybe having coffee after all this will suffice?" You said smiling at him as he nodded and turned to Kaveh who was glaring at him.
"Oh? Whats with that look on your face Kaveh?" The scribe asked cooly, "ohhh youu-" "Ah! It seems like the Bridal Stylist has arrived!" You said dragging Kaveh away from Alhaitham as you wanted no fights happening for the sake of everyone.
"You must be Miss L/n?" She asked as she smiled kindly at us, you nodded and the whole 'Picking the Dress' process had begun.
Oh how chaotic it was.
"I think this dress would be more comfortable to wear than the one Kaveh had picked" Alhaitham said as he held a beautiful dress up while Kaveh snarls at him.
"I'm the soon to be husband so I know that this dress would be more comfortable to wear than that" He said with full confidence.
You watched as they both bickered over and over again, after a minute you finally had enough and told them to just wait outside the store...
They both sat outside on chairs kindly provided by the owner, "You have quite the gentlemen accompanying you Miss" She said as you sighed tiredly while holding 2 dresses.
"You have nooo idea...my best friend and fiancé are 2 completely different people.." You said as you continued looking at other dresses, "Yet I do know they care for each other...in their own tiny way" The owner chuckled at your words and you both continued finding your dream dress.
"Could you stop sulking Kaveh? If you want to see her then go back inside" The scribe said almost rolling his eyes at the architect who glares at his best friend man but took his advice and went back inside the shop calling out for you and the owner.
"We're back here hon!" You yelled, the sound coming from one of the changing rooms at the back of the shop.
He went towards it and the curtains were pulled back by the owner who was smiling brightly at him, "Are you ready to see your bride dear?" She asked making sure that the curtains are still hiding you.
He gulped and blushed while nodding eagerly, she giggled and revealed your stunning form while wearing a simple yet elegant dress that the owner actually picked for you.
"Oh wo-wow..." The blonds mouth was dry and he couldn't talk out the words he wanted to say, too speechless and in awe of your beauty, it was you who snapped him out of his trance with a hand waving in front of his face, the owner had already left you both for your privacy.
"So...how do I look?" You asked twirling around for him, the dress elegantly twirling as Kaveh's breath goes away for a second.
"I-I...you look amazing! Radiant!" He said phrasing you with an obvious blush in his face, you giggled and kissed his cheeks muttering a thanks.
"Looks like I found my dress, lets go pay for it my love" You said kissing him on the lips this time, he cheerfully agreed and you both payed for the dress and thanked the kind owner for everything (She gave you guys a discount!)
"Sorry for making you wait Alhaitham" You said smiling at him, he sighs and nods, "Kaveh, why do you look like you lost your mind?" He asked the blond who still hasn't gotten the image of you in the grown out of his head.
"S-Shut up Alhaitham" He said grabbing your hand and securing the white box containing your dress and started walking while pulling you with him, "He-Hey! We shouldn't just leave him hon!" You yelled in protest as your friend watches you both walk away with lidded eyes. his actually happy for you both don't worry lol
Overall, you all had a chaotic start to your day but it ended with bickering, laughs, dinner, sweets and lots of love ♡
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"Cyno..honey...do I look....ugly in this dress? You don't have to lie just be honest..." You asked wearing a ballgown dress with a teary expression.
"You look like....a Mother Hen." He said with a blank face being brutally honest and Tighnari smacked his friends head (Cyno wasn't wearing his helmet) while Nilou pushed you back into the dressing room.
⧖ ⧗ ⋈ Hours Earlier ⧖ ⧗ ⋈
You, Nilou and Tighnari were currently walking towards a Bridal Store since you needed to get fitted and find the perfect gown for you!
"So Cyno will try and finish his work so he can catch up with us here?" The forest ranger asked in a flat tone.
"Well yes ahaha..." I said laughing nervously as Tighnari deadpanned at this, "The General Mahamatra is always busy...but he always makes time for you right Y/n?" Nilou asked in a gentle tone one different from Tighnari's.
"He does...so you don't have to scold him later when he gets here Tighnari" I said nudging him while Nilou giggled softly.
We reached our destination and went inside the shop and got greeted by the shop keeper, she pushed Nilou and I to the dressing room which was actually big and had space for 5 people and started measuring me while Nilou assisted her.
Cyno sighed as he took off his Matra helmet and went inside the bridal shop, looking around he saw Tighnari looking at some of the gowns all around.
"Wheres Y/n and Nilou?" He asked the ranger and Tighnari turned around and smacked his head and started scolding him right away.
"Not requesting a day off and coming with us is really disgraceful to Y/n ya know" He said giving a blank stare at the General.
"S-Sorry...their were some urgent matters that had to be taken care of in the desert" Cyno said in a low tone as he crossed his arms.
Tighnari sighed and answered his last question, "As for your question: Y/n and Nilou are both in the dressing rooms, all we have to do is wait for them" He said his ears flopping slightly.
"Alright we're done taking your measurements! Now your free to pick whatever dress you want, don't forget to fit them so you know what it looks like" The shop keeper said smiling warmly at us.
Me and Nilou thanked the owner and we all went out of the dressing rooms, I then saw my soon to be husband and immediately ran to him and gave him a tight yet loving hug.
"You made it!" I said with pure happiness, he pat my back and I let go of him, "So, operation: find a good dress is a go!" I said flowing with determination and we four slit in two groups, I was with my future hubby while Nilou and Tighnari were together.
You ended up trying a ballgown on but Cyno did say you looked like a mother hen soo you all continued the search for 'The One'
From what seemed like hours Nilou came to you and gave you three gowns to try and they looked very different from each other.
As you were getting help from the owner to try them on one by one, Nilou asked Cyno to sit outside the shop first.
"But why?" The general asked curiosity in his eyes, "Hehe, you don't have to know for now. We'll just call you back in! Don't worry it won't take too long" The dancer said giggling while pushing him out of the shops door.
Tighnari watched this with a sigh and they both waited for you to finish fitting in the first gown.
"Uh...no, it makes me look a little too...sexy?" You said and the dress did look too sexy so you declined and went onto the second one and Tighnari hated it while Nilou loved it it was a mermaid dress.
The last dress was actually perfect but a little too pricey....
Tighnari and Nilou said it looked beautiful and looks easier to wear in the desert since your wedding will take place in Aaru Village and the desert does tend to be windy.
Yes. I think you found your perfect dress aka 'The One'
"Cyno, you can come in now!" Nilou said with a very happy smile, Cyno walked through the door and his eyes sparkled when it was casted on you.
To him it felt like you casted a spell on him all over again, you blushed and smiled at his reaction while Tighnari and Nilou decided to give you two some needed privacy (They went outside of the shop)
The shops keeper was also busy so you both were completely alone, taking this chance: Cyno walked over to you and held your hand with the ring on it, "Your gorgeous Rouhi..." He said kissing that same hand with the ring on.
Your heart swooned and you hugged him tightly, "I'm so ready to spend my life with you..." You said sighing happily.
Suddenly someone cleared their throat, it was the shop owner who looked at you both with a smile.
You and Cyno immediately mad some distance from each other with blushing faces, as the owner chuckled.
"Would you like me to box your dress?" She asked and you thanked her and went back into the dressing rooms to change back into your old outfit.
As soon you were done you gave her the dress and she boxed it for you while Cyno (He insisted) payed for the dress.
Once you both finished thanking the owner for everything you and Cyno walked out of the shop to see Nilou and Tighnari waiting patiently and when they saw you two they smiled.
"Soo...operation: find a good dress is went great?" Tighnari asked nudging you, "It didn't just go great, it was amazing!" You said smiling brightly while Cyno slightly smiled as well.
"Do you both wanna come over for dinner?" You asked the two and they wanted to refuse but in the end you forced them.
Your day ended with an amazingly cooked dinner to you and Cyno having some early honeymoon celebration on your bed~
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Thank you so much for reading this far! ᐢᗜᐢ
Since Christmas Vacation is near for me I'm planning (don't know if I'll actually do it tho) to have a Christmas week fluff oneshots!
Since I pretty much didn't write anything for Halloween and my brain feels empty whenever I think about weather I should do No Nut November headcanons for different characters from different fandoms I write on...I might just do-
Anyways! Thank you again for being patient and reading this far, I hope you enjoyed reading!~♡
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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