#//interaction would be fucking hilarious
firstjadeoflan · 6 months
well EXCUSE ME i am very smart. i am a genius who figured out how to move between universes
in fact i am here because said husband was worried about his brother (yes Zewu-jun people do in fact worry about you)
so i was experimenting with talismans, and BOOM (there were several accidental booms as well) i am here now. i have gotten a quick tutorial on this world (pokemon are ADORABLE) and the technology
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snurtle · 9 months
I've been thinking about the templars lately. they were promised honor, virtue, told that they would be charged with protection of the innocent... And then those same people are systemically exploited and abused, abuse others because they're taught to regard everyone else as either sheep who need to be lead or potential threats. Never equals, except in their brothers/sisters-in-arms. They act as the guard-dogs and military arm of an entirely different organization that they're only a functionary member of but have no governing say in. Even the chantry aren't their equals- they function as the templar order's supervisors! And all this isolation and closing of ranks ends in disability, addiction, death, and abandonment by the system they spent their bodies in service of.
To top that off, retaliations against them just confirm the paranoia they were taught to embrace. It's probably a long hard road to get out of that hole.
Like, listen. the dichotomy of mage vs templars is a satisfying and easy one, but the system is tearing them apart too. have you ever heard of a retired templar?
at the end of it, mages and templars need to unite against the real threat. the chantry.
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papertowness · 8 months
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wilson you are so strange baby
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charismabee · 9 months
about the livestream ama
Jonny Sims saying the Contrarian and the Skeptic were a buddy cop duo was so based and real of him
(And that the Opportunist thinks everyone loves him but they don't)
but what interested me most was him saying the Hunted and Cold would be friends. I've never really thought about that pairing before but it does work. The Hunted's main thing being keeping the body alive could help balance out the Cold's general blasé nature when it comes to death, while being rational enough (focussing on his senses and what he knows is real) for the Cold to actually take him seriously. While the Cold being able to push the Hunted to act somewhat like the Stubborn, but slightly less strongly. He's confident that they can get the job done, and with the Hunted keeping them alive they could get a lot done without either really getting sick of the other. Just two reliable guys.
A little off topic but I think they'd work pretty well as a trio with Paranoid too, given a little time for Paranoid to get used to it. Cold's confidence plus Hunted's survival instinct could give him something reliable to work with, and I think he could help him by pointing out when they're going to far in either direction and going to get themselves hurt, as both can be rather single minded (on different things, mind you, but definitelythings that could leave them with blind spots) while Paranoid thinks of every possibility and could probably bring up flaws in any given plan that the others wouldn't notice, and at least Hunted would probably take it into consideration if its going to get them hurt or killed. Like a scared little peer reviewer of any plans the other two would execute
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 6 months
okay but imagine maddie and eddie talking about buck in spanish or even pretending to while buck is right next to them
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hanakihan · 5 months
you don’t understand the DESIRE to sketch all those shitty spiderman esque memes and ‘I’m you but edgier’ memes with Dantès and Count Monte Cristo
imagine man being so angry and french he still gets summoned in his initial class but now even more broken
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astronnonyy · 5 months
i fully believe that Duncan Dolphin and Pierre the Pineapple would either be best friends or hate each other with a burning passion and i cant decide which one is funnier
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
Thinking about how Hades II parallels and how it flips a lot of things so far from the first game. You know how Zagreus is polite and charming guy who by virtue of said politeness and good character makes a lot of friends right? What if Melinoe was the opposite. 
What she makes up for in dedication she completely lack in charm or grace. She has no sense of humor (all jokes with her are due to her being so serious she becomes unintentionally hilarious). She makes no effort to make friends (all about the task after all) but somehow does by accident cause she’s surrounded by a good number of relatively similar and/or unhinged individuals (hey Moros, Doom Incarnate, whom Thanatos refuses to talk to). She is unintentionally (and maybe sometimes intentionally) rude and alienates others whom Zagreus would have normally gotten along famously easily. She is nice and lets her guard down only around Froggy, whom she’s got a special name for and all but No One Must Know. She is an awkward fuck who says the dumbest things so seriously that it’s just, pure comedy.
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ivyithink · 2 years
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back to my roots (drawing alfred and aethelflaed interactions, cause they melt my heart)
also the 1st season squad is very important to me, i love them a lot
+ moments from books that were stuck in my mind while i was drawing))
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anarkhebringer · 7 months
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Durge AU Astarion could do Miitopia AU Astarion's job, but not the other way around
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countingnothings · 10 months
me: governance and operations are separate for some important reasons, like x and y. this is not just the case at our institution, but at any institution that has a board of governors.
students who are trying to get me to intervene in operations: it's very strange that you would say governance and operations are separate! we don't like this, and therefore you must be wrong about it.
both of these students are in the process of phds, which i think is proof that you don't need to have reading comprehension to get an advanced degree in the humanities.
#i spent five days crafting a gentle email explaining my position without commenting on the legitimacy of their accusations against staff#which they took less than 30 minutes to respond to in a very incoherent screed#that conflated 'when i was a student rep to the board i felt that i wasn't taken seriously'#with 'it's weird to say that student reps represent students to the board'#hilariously this guy wasn't taken seriously because he neither showed up to meetings nor had anything substantive to contribute when he did#the one thing of value he contributed was something multiple board members took up and advocated for on his behalf#my email: in reviewing policy we may adopt a multi-stakeholder approach that would include student voices#their email: we think it's horrible that no one ever thinks of student voices! you can't make policy without us!#my email: complaints against the Director of X go to me. complaints against the Principal of Y go to this other guy#their email: we want to launch a complaint against the principal of x#no such position exists but alright then#having heard about the situation in which they have appointed themselves the Voice of the Students from multiple perspectives#including student perspectives#they have no grounds for a formal complaint and in fact have been treated with extraordinary generosity by all the non-students involved#but nobody will promise to adopt the strategy these 2 students think is best#(we're in a stage of policy review for the relevant policies and these students have received multiple promises to duly consider their inpu#but unless i get my way i will continue to throw a tantrum!!!#GPOY#i have been chair of this fucking board for two months.#they are so damn lucky they are not interacting with the previous chair#who would have shut them down immediately and forgotten about it two minutes later
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hirookouji · 1 year
social media aus are lame until i say so. for example, kagami would definitely be popular in america when hes in the nba
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asleepinawell · 2 years
had a dream that someone in a ffxiv raid told me to be an “anti-healer” which has just fed my craving for a necromancer healing job
abilities might include:
gauge fills as teammates take damage (true goth symbiosis with black mages)
pet can be summoned (zombie or skeleton or something). pet health can either be siphoned to a teammate (think faerie tether sort of idea), or pet melee attacks fill gauge
pet can be exploded for an aoe damage burst which fills gauge a chunk (emergency gauge fill for heals...sch has a similar thing with dismissing faerie). so the summon doesn’t have a time limit, but the pet can be sacrificed either by running out of health from siphoning or being exploded. there’s a cd for resummoning that starts at pet death
gauge is essentially ‘life energy’ that can be used for heals much like other healer gauges. maybe some extra benefit that fits aesthetically with necromancer
some large amount of gauge resource (maybe full bar?) allows for an instant rez of a teammate (basically free instant second rez when sc is on cd but at the cost of the instant heals from gauge)
i tried to think of a cool bonus for a teammate dying but i think that would just encourage the healers to let people die so that’s a no
lb3 summons a huge zombie or revenant type thing that blows up or turns into a hundred shades or something. it’s awesome and no one cans see anything on their screen for the duration. goth verblind
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
Neighborhood Watch S2 Ep1: Shindig
Hello!! We finished the first session of season 2! And jesus christ- a lot happens, it was a bit disjointed! But I’m here to try and make sure it’s all coherent! (my own personal comments will be in the tags) So let’s go!
A week has passed since the Season One finale; the Dome’s been dropped, and everyone in the Main Cast knows that John is a monster. Since the Dome is gone, the rest of the town had been unlocked for us to explore!
During the week, Song buys new flowers for her house at the florist- she runs into Louis, who’s been buying native wildflowers to improve his lawn. He runs into some interns who work for the mayor, who offer him some free seed packets for some newly discovered flower- They grow quick, with thick thorny vines and stems, and are ready to bloom within a week with beautiful tie-dye-esque colors. Louis declines, not trusting anyone who’s a part of the government, and the florist owner, Kathy, is wary of the flowers due to how quick they grow; they can very easily become invasive.
Song does archery practice with Amira in her backyard- Amira has not mentioned John being a monster, and Song hasn’t asked her about it. Amira does mention, however, that while hiding in Song’s house during the s1 finale she found a black book with a red gem. That’s one of Song’s spellbooks, and Song vaguely says she uses it to help protect herself. Amira shows interest in it, and Song discreetly tries to sense if Amira has the potential to become a magic-user- but Amira’s aura indicates she doesn’t have any ability for magic at all, which is odd because all humans normally have the capacity for it; the center of her soul is dead-blue.
Shelby starts her Twitch-streaming again, with the internet being back up, and when she’s not busy with that John spends time with her; Not only because she’s his friend, but as a way to make up for making her worry so much (and to avoid the rest of the Main Cast). Sometime during the week John tries to go the park, but sees Louis there and immediately turns around to go home. He also fills in Emmett about the events of taking down the Hunter, omitting the fact that he is one himself.
Markus keeps to themself for most of the week, ordering take-out (there’s only one Uber driver in Greenville, btw, his name is Kyle and he sells weed on the side) and healing from their wounds. At some point, they get rid of Emmett’s corpse with carrion beetles, and use his bones to make bonemeal for various projects- including their worm farm. Towards the end of the week, they decide it’s been long enough- They march right up to the Doe/Waters household and knock on the door. Shelby is busy streaming, and so John answers. He freezes when he sees it’s Markus, and in a cold panic he closes the door. Through the window he sees that Markus looks sad, and they walk away. John feels awful, and is still reeling from the cold panic, but he doesn’t want to make it awkward by opening the door again, and they’ll want to talk about that night, oh no, god you fucked up- And so he decides to head to the park, as part of him still finds nature to be calming/ feeling a bit like home. He people watches, observing the librarian reading a book, until it starts to get darker out, and begins his walk home.
Meanwhile, going back to Markus walking home, I feel it’s time to mention that some more neighbors have moved in during the week- Two of them being Heath and Sammy Clark. Heath, a 5′6 blonde guy, jogs up to a dejected Markus and invites to him and Sammy’s get-together (in fact, they’ve sent out invites to the entire cul-de-sac). Markus doesn’t seem too into it, and heads home.
On the topic of new neighbors, I’ll summarize them now:
The Clarks have moved in across from Phil. Heath is an outgoing trans man, and Sammy is a very quiet and hairy ginger man who’s almost 7ft tall.
Bonnie McMurry moves in next to Shelby and John. She’s a sweet older lady in her mid 60s and lives alone, though she had a bunch of odd-shaped boxes with her labeled “Lois”. Shelby had asked about it, revealing Bonnie had an adult son who passed some years ago. During the night, loud music can be heard from her basement.
William Krieger is a socially awkward and reclusive man with a pencil stache. He keeps his pet rats in his many coat pockets.
Kenneth Feinstetter lives across the street from Louis. He is a loud and boisterous man with glasses who will tell anyone willing to listen to him about his ridiculous conspiracy theories regarding Greenville.
Some moving trucks come in at midnight. Lucretius Wayne introduces himself to the neighbors, sending out gift baskets of high quality. He’s charming, and even the Pattersons like him.
Louis recognizes Lucretius as the vampire Lestat. His ex.
But the time for the Clark’s party is here, and Markus decides they’re going. They get all dressed and give themself a pep-talk about how they’re going to make friends. They head outside and see the Pattersons are heading over to the party as well, and for a moment consider heading home, but then Lucretius appears with some wine and greets the Pattersons; Karen waves at him, and Bob seems... jealous? Markus decides to go, if only to see this drama unfold.
Louis doesn’t like being left out and decides to go. As he’s walking over, William approaches him and wants to be invited to the party. Louis makes a comment about if William is really going with a jacket that has so many pockets, and William responds he’s got to bring his family with him. Louis doesn’t like William, who’s standing far too close to him, and so when Philip approaches Louis takes his chance to leave. Kenneth approaches Louis and asks if he’s seen anything weird, or out of the ordinary? Louis almost says no, but then mentions that he’s never seen Lucretius leave his house til after sundown- he might as well try and direct suspicion towards his ex.
Song decides to bring some wine over, and as she exits her home Lucretious greets her; They compare the wine they’re bringing, and he offers her his arm. She takes it, and together they walk to the Clark household. Louis sees this, and though his expression remains calm, his grip tightens. The Sampath family is going; Amira waves to Song, and she and Lu wave back.
Markus approaches the Pattersons and asks how Karen is doing (bc, yknow, The Curse), and she says she’s doing much better. Bob thanks Markus, who says that while they don’t like each other, they don’t want his wife to die, and Bob says he’ll owe Markus a favor because of their help. Markus squirms away.
John and Shelby are going as well; John prepares a snack tray to bring along. As the two of them leave they hear music coming from Bonnie’s basement; as much as John wouldn’t admit it, part of him is glad he’s away from the noise.
The Clarks are greeting people as they enter; John approaches, sees the rest of the Main Cast and seriously considers leaving, but Shelby interprets this as general social anxiety and reassures him it’ll be fine. He makes eye contact with Song as she approaches- her gaze hardens, and John looks away. Lucretius asks Song if everything is okay; she responds by saying not everyone in the neighborhood is getting along at the moment. Lucretius is invited inside by Heath.
Inside is very spacious; the archways leading to the different rooms have been altered to be taller, and even then Sammy has to bend over a little bit to avoid hitting his head. There’s snacks, drinks, etc. Sammy offers Philip some alcohol, and he turns it down. Markus is in awe of how tall Sammy is, and heads to a corner to vibe. They can hear the spiders behind the bookshelf in their corner. William shows up to stand next to them, and Markus bluntly tells him that they want him to go away (”Please go away. I can say it in four different languages if you’d like.”) William’s smile starts to fade at Markus’ insistence, and he actually starts to look angry, but then gets distracted by a snack tray and scurries away.
John and Shelby have bumped into Kenneth, who’s informing the both of them about some kind of drama going down on Twitter. John doesn’t have social media, so he doesn’t quite know what he’s talking about, but he likes listening to people talk and wants Kenneth to like him- especially since Kenneth doesn’t know about his monstrous nature. Shelby brings up the fact she’s a Twitch Streamer, upon which Kenneth looks her up on the Internet, and then awkwardly excuses himself.
Everyone starts to vote for which party game to play. John approaches Philip, who’s trying to tune his guitar to bring some extra entertainment to the party, but Phil is having a bit of trouble tuning it. Lucretius appears and offers to tune it, and plays a flamenco riff (and winking at Louis), absolutely showing up whatever Phil was planning to do (John doesn’t interpret it that way, though, and thinks it’s nice how Lucretius helped out Phil). Markus and John both notice Bob Patterson and Louis going off into one of the other rooms of the house- Bob has noticed Louis’s reactions to Lucretius, and asks if they know each other. Louis tries to play it off- not every person with a southern accent knows each other, Bob- but Mr Patterson wants to know if Lucretius is anything similar to the monster he saw the previous week, if something supernatural is going on. Louis says nothing supernatural is going on with any of the new neighbors, in response Bob whispers something to him before storming out. Louis, apparently a bit shaken by what Mr Patterson had whispered, takes a moment before leaving the room and heading back to the party.
The group has decided on Two Truths One Lie. Some highlights:
William glaring at Markus the entire time
Almost every normal neighbor hoping that Markus’s “I have over 300 bugs at my house” bit is the lie
Everyone immediately guessing Philip’s lie (divorced but on good terms)
Kenneth putting one of his truths down as him “knowing the truth about this town.” Song asks him what that means, and Kenneth invites Song over to his house to look at his charts and notes some day.
Lucretius smiling at Louis the entire time is was Louis’ turn (we find out Louis is allergic to wool)
Flirting with Song when it was her turn (He’s been flirting with her the whole party, I should add.)
And then it’s Lucretius’s turn. He grins, and gives his options: 1) He was born in Louisiana. 2) He has a skin condition that prevents him from being out in the sun 3) ...And he’s bloodthirsty monster.
Louis knew this, but Song doesn’t pick up on the danger; like almost everyone else, she’s incrediby charmed by Lucretius. John was too, actually, but as soon as that was said, John realizes that Lucretius’s charm is all part of a lure to get prey, and that he could be something similar to John. Markus realizes the danger as well, and deduces that everyone in this room could be in danger- so they summon a bunch of cockroaches to scare everyone away. Almost no one notices it was them who caused the roaches- except for William, who’s been staring at them the whole time.
People start running away in the chaos- Heath faints, Sammy tries to stomp the bugs (shaking the house with this, actually), and Louis tries to get ahold of Song, but Lucretius has taken her hand before he could do anything and has gotten her out of there. Lucretius offers to walk her home, and she accepts. Once outside, John tries to make eye contact with Markus- a “did we both notice the same thing” kind of look. Markus sees this and looks almost panicked, an “oh god not again look” (Unknown if it was fear about John or the event happening), before their gaze becomes sad. A monstrous roar appears from inside the house, and Markus races inside. John tries to head in too, but Louis calls out to him and says they need to talk. John anxiously says something about getting rid of the roaches and attempts to get away, worried Louis wants to talk about That Night, but the Crooked stops him (”John. This isn’t about you”). 
Meanwhile, inside, Markus sees Sammy angrily stomping at the roaches. Markus, not wanting to have their bugs killed, leads them out with food. Sammy corners Markus and, speaking for the first time, growls a comment about how he didn’t see what Markus did was necessary, and that he knows about their kind and would appreciate that Markus never do that again. Markus stammers an apology and runs home.
Louis leads John to his house, where he asks what John knows about Lucretius. John tells him (how the charm is a lure, how he might be like him), and Louis says that John is strong enough to take him on in a fight, but not strong enough to survive; Song is in just as much danger in Lucretius’s presence as she is in John’s. At this comment John tense and seems angry, and Louis said it wasn’t meant to offend: He needs John’s help to kill Lucretius, after all. Stakes, garlic, crosses and etc might be useful. Also, Louis tells John, Bob knows about Lucretius, the house shook when Sammy tried to kill some roaches, William has rats in his pockets- there’s a Lot more to deal with than John being a monster, or even Louis’s ex being a vampire.
Meanwhile, Lucretius has walked Song back to her house. He says it was a pleasure to hang out with her this night, and Song agrees- but the night isn’t finished yet; Would he like to come inside for some coffee?
He accepts, and is invited inside.
#JOHN LEVELED UP BTW HE CAN SHAPESHIFT NOW <333#neighborhood watch recap#fun fact the florist and mailman flirt with each other#I'm convinced Shelby is this game-world's equivalent to Jerma /hj#AND GODDAMN IT YALL JOHN FUCKED UP HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH MARKUS AAAA </3#BC DUDE I WAS STILL YELLING ABOUT THIS AT WORK!! LIKE OH MY GOD JOHN YOU IDIOT </3 TALK TO THEMMMMMM#is john people wathcing for fun or to find prey? perhaps a bit of both#With Sammy we finally have a character who's taller than John#and on that note its been dtermined John is 6'10#Kenneth is my fave new npc i love conspiracy theorist characters sm#props to louis for not selling out any of the main cast to kenneth#so proud of philip for trying to go sober tbh#i want more kenneth and john interactions i think it would be hilarious#if Kenneth did anything weird John will SO kill him#girl help my boy is so autisitc#he didnt realize lestat tuning the guitar could also be showing off he just thought lestat was being nice#HEY IS SAMMY IMPLYING THERES MORE PEOPLE LIKE MARKUS?? MORE BUG PEOPLE???#BECAUSE OF THE CONVO WITH LOUIS JOHN MIGHT START THINKING THE MIAN CAST WONT KILL HIM IF HES USEFUL </3#and ouUGUH. THE FACT SONG ASKED LESTAT FOR COFFEE. THE SAME WAY SHE ASKED LOUIS. AND LOUIS DECLINED AND SO SHE ASKS LESTAT#TO SEE IF HES BETTER THAN LOUIS#AND HE ACCEPTS???#OOOH MY GOD GIRL!!!! YOURE IN TROUBLE HES A VAMPIRE OH Y GOD#our gm does a great job mkaing the town feel Alive its so cool#However.#if i were to have one complaint its that theres so much going on and so many plot hooks/plot points#that its a bit hard to keep track of what to follow up on/ do next#bc johns suspicion of karen has been dropped in favor pf investigating new stuff#and while id like to know about kens theories we also have bonnie and everything else to think about#not to mention the interpersonal relationships of the Main Cast#but its still enjoyable
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hannahhasafact · 2 years
Being on the outskirts of a popular fandom is so fun, because you can enjoy all of the mainstream things of the fandom but you can also say your unhinged thoughts about the series and no one bats a fucking eye
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Bitch next door hitting the wall aggressively every time I have a coughing fit as if it'll cure the chronic genetic lung condition. Thanks mate but I think if it were as simple as scaring the shit out of me then my doctors would have cured me 18 years ago.
I know it's a bitch to live with, I can't POSSIBLY imagine having to live NEXT to it. The horror.
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