#//i hope this is okay!!
ruhixmarathe · 4 months
WITH: @armisdeleon LOCATION: finishing touches
It had been a completely different life for them back in New York. And a part of Ruhi wondered. Did the kinship she found with Armi when she was in the Big Apple extend to when they were back at home? After all, in Wilmington, they had never been the best of friends. If anything, Armi was one of the people who Ruhi would have counted among those who was far from fond of her. And while she did not like when everyone around her was her friend purely for the sake of appearances, Ruhi also could not stand the idea of someone not liking her. She’d felt victorious when Armi seemed to finally warm up to her when they were in New York, but now things were very different. Their respective men were no longer with them. And where Ruhi continued in her cookie cutter life, Armi clearly did not. It was improper to stare, but a part of her contemplated whether she ought to test her theory. It was like Schrodinger’s Cat. So long as she didn’t approach, she could pretend like Armi was still her friend. Hence her distance. Hence her furtive glances over her shoulder at the woman.  
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
@butscrewmefirst liked this post for a starter
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Lips were parted in intense focus as the queen was drawing a very sharp line over the blonde's eyelid. It was not the first time Hyacinthe was doing someone else's makeup, and it would surely not be the last, but she always took a little longer than when she did her own makeup. It all came down to the face shape, after all, and it took a few minutes every time to get used to it. "Keep your eyes closed until it dries," she instructed.
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Grabbing an eyeshadow palette, she dipped her brush into the black shadow and started padding the woman's lids. "Anyway, I guess you could say drag saved my life, in a way."
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pomeqraniqht · 1 year
@nebuladarlings​ liked for a starter! Inspired by:  “  i want to keep you all to myself. i don’t want anyone but us to know the things we do in secret. ”
Calliope knew what she’d just said could be controversial yet as she sat there in nothing but his shirt her heart thrumming like a hummingbird’s wings, crystal blue eyes focusing on the man before her. It was a major confession for her considering the way their relationship currently was. But it didn’t matter anymore because she just needed him to know this is how she felt. Swallowing she spoke softly as her entire body felt like air, she felt dizzy...especially now. “I’m not...I don’t want to broadcast the fact that...well that we just...that we..” She mumbled softly and then laughed before covering her face and whining. She’d just been strewn across his sheets in delectable positioning but confessing her feelings? The usually free spirited girl was struggling. 
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christadeguchi · 20 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
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[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
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rainbowofsinners · 3 months
[ down these mean streets prompts ] deck. (for vox) 🦌🔪
Vox hissed sharply through his teeth as he wrung his aching hand, knuckles searing hot with pain. He'd thrown an electrified punch to the side of Alastor's face, leaving it a bloody mess -- mess that had gotten on his hand, which he brought to his mouth to lick clean from his rival's blood.
It's been an hour with no end to their fight; an ongoing stalemate where neither wanted to lose nor kill the other. It was instigated by Vox in an attempt to keep Alastor from running away just like he did when he left him seven years ago.
Yet, Vox was growing exhausted.
His flickering screen was cracked. His overworked fans squealed harshly as they struggled to keep his raging, sparking form cool. His suit and pants were torn up, a mixture of coolant and blood spilling from the many cuts littered across his muscular frame.
He stumbles forward with a pained growl, ache burning through his battered body like hellfire.
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“W-we can either keep going until we both collapse, or--" His distorted voice crackled, twitching eyes staring up at Alastor. “You can stop running away and FUCKING talk to ME!”
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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this is a poster i made for my call to action assignment in humanities! it's a bunch of basic and easy stretches for people who sit and work at a desk all day (me)
the idea is that you'd put the poster up above ur desk and do the stretches every 30 minutes or so,, the whole routine won't take more than about 6 minutes to complete and when done regularly it can prevent wrist, shoulder, neck and back pain! :)
all these stretches can be done while sitting (although i HIGHLY recommend you stand up and move around while taking a break from working)
you can get a free digital copy of this poster here on my gumroad!
and you can order a print/poster here from my inprnt!
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star-paths · 5 months
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There was a sluggishness to his steps this morning that betrayed a lack of sleep the night before, tossing and turning on the couch where he’d relegated himself after yet another petty argument with the one he begrudgingly called husband — an arrangement made for him by his father ‘for the good of the company and for your own safety.’
The first point was easy enough to understand. The second one, however… jury was still out on that one.
He pulled open the refrigerator door with its sleek brushed metal finish in search of the jug of orange juice he’d had his heart set on finishing with his breakfast, but where it once stood there was nothing… no trace of its existence except the suspiciously jug-sized void.
His first instinct was one of frustration, feeling the impulse rise in him to lash out at the male who’d been so unromantically thrust upon him and his home, but catching a glimpse of that sleek band of metal on his left hand as he went to close the door he was reminded that while he had every right to be frustrated by it all, he was not alone in this trap — Sohee had not asked for this any more than he had. It had to have been alienating, marrying a stranger and being expected to coexist so abruptly.
His grip tightened briefly before he let out a long sigh and picked up the pen clipped to the fridge and jotted down the start of a grocery list:
Orange Juice
Like it or not, Sohee was his husband. He would have to make an effort or how could he stand to face his parents — widely accepted as two of the most disgustingly in-love people ever to walk the earth?
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(plotted starter for @lovedevcured )
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midxsommar · 6 months
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The echoing of a twig splintering forces her to pivot around, eyes sweeping, mouth agape. "How long have you been there?" There's an accusing undertone to her words, hands swiftly brushing against her trousers. What had he witnessed? Where had he come from? And why hadn't she been more alert? Swallowing thickly, her posture unkinks, a feeble attempt at gaining her composure. "It's impolite to sneak up on people, you know?" Had all of this been a trap? Her faceless tormenter leading her into a crisis that would end up leaving her with blood-coated palms? Figuratively and literally. // - @warblest
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marsipain · 1 month
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Norwegian Mikus :)
Left is Miku as a russ and right is Miku in a bunad!
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sunlitsoil · 6 months
there is always tomorrow
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hinamie · 7 days
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in spite of everything, I had fun <3
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shininas-ideals · 28 days
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Glad Fyodor's finally dead, everyone's alive and we can go back to solving cases and flirting fighting with the PM :D
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pomeqraniqht · 1 year
@predatorymaniac​ -- liked for a starter!
Sofia had gone away on a mini vacation with some friends before they would need to return to the modern world. What? Just because students had summer vacation didn’t mean they were the only ones to celebrate! They’d gone to Italy to enjoy time away. The beaches, the food, the wine, the men... it was all a beautiful time and Sofia was so thankful for it to have happened! Especially since her birthday would be in a few weeks and they’d be there to celebrate! Tonight the women had gone clubbing and the curvy blonde needed some air! So she left the speakeasy club and stumbled a bit down the brick pathway. Giggling as she pulled her phone out to text her aunt Isabelle to let her know they were having a blast! She was a little tipsy and her vision was blurry but she was fine. Granted she didn’t notice the dark SUV pulling up behind her, let alone the two men who got out, and soon? She was inhaling chemicals and the idiots who were kidnapping her had dosed her a little too hard for someone her size. 
When she woke up nearly eighteen hours later she felt extremely dizzy and sick. She stumbled from the bed she was on as her head spun and dark silk clung to her curves -- what had happened to her dress? She rubbed her head as she forced herself up on her feet, knees buckling and she grabbed onto the nightstand for support. Accidentally knocking over a full glass of water. The sound of it shattering was like ice being tossed onto a broken lake. It made her whimper as the sound scattered across her brain. It was a large bedroom, beautifully decorated, expensive furniture, gorgeous. Unfortunately she didn’t know where she was and now? She needed to leave. So as she fumbled she didn’t realize there were cameras alerting a crew to tell him she had finally awoken. that they hadn’t accidentally killed her after he found her. Sofia went to open the balcony doors but they were locked...she was confused. “The hell?” She mumbled and tried all of the doors... thankfully the bedroom door opened and she began to try to leave. However she didn’t get far as she walked down a long hallway and she had to lean against a pillar as the room spun and she whimpered. She heard a voice...something unfamiliar but the sound sent chills across her skin as she looked and she finally saw him...whoever he was.
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thirdtimed · 2 months
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beautiful grianful world.. links to all the artists' profiles under the cut :D
i linked everyones tumblrs if they had one, otherwise it leads to twitter!
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Abby went into the pit and made a FNAF friend..
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