#//So really; that's why she's such a light sleeper. Had to be on the alert constantly
drama--universe · 1 year
S/O suffers from sleep paralysis
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Requested by anonymous: Anyone from The Untamed you want with a reader who has sleep paralysis? She tries to alert her husband but she can't because she can't talk or move, but she still manages to alert her husband and he then tries to help her?
Pairing: (Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Huaisang) x fem!reader
Warnings: slightly suggestive bullet point at the end, except for that none
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Wei Wuxian:
Wuxian seems like a heavy sleeper
so even when you could move and shove him, he probably wouldn't awake
but he also has a sixth sense for trouble
(how else does he survive so easily through everything)
so when you wake up, only to find out that you couldn't move a muscle
it is concerning
the room is dark and yet you can see shadows, even though they aren't actually there
you want to move desperately, but you just can't and thus you chose to just screw your eyes shut in hope that it would somehow make you feel less afraid
luckily for you, Wuxian usually magically awakens when this happens
and when he sees you, he immediatley knows that something is wrong
even when he doesn't really know what is wrong
he quickly wakes you up, shaking you awake before hugging you closer to him
he's the type to not sleep again until he is sure that you're okay
doesn't agree if you tell him that you don't want to sleep
even when you explain why you don't want to sleep, he insist that you still need to
will hug you until you sleep eventually
he's afraid of it happening again and doesn't want to go to sleep before you
always wait for about an hour after you fall asleep
just to be sure
will also gladly take your scolding for it
Jiang Cheng:
this guy is a very light sleeper
I think he wakes up three or four times in the night
it would take him a few seconds to notice that you laid awake
yet you didn't answer him when he asked why you were up
that's when he notices that something is wrong
shakes you awake and flinches as you suddenly sit up
you cry as you explain what had happened
he listens carefully to your story, still a bit confused why it had happened
stays awake with you until you calm down
although he doesn't like physical contact too much, he still holds you in his arms
when you do go back to sleep, he opts to hold your hand instead
stays awake a bit longer, staring at you as you fall asleep
this time a peaceful sleep where your mind isn't playing mind tricks on you
when you're finally peacefully asleep, he follows
his hand remains in yours throughout the whole night
he also moves to wrap his arms around you
it's quite a funny morning
Nie Huaisang:
honestly, he's probably awake
insomniac of the trio
either he's painting or brooding
he notices when your eyes open, but you looked fearful if anything
he first thought you had a nightmare, but when you don't move he gets concerned
call out to you a few times before effectively waking you up by shaking you awake
he's weirded out by your story, but doesn't show it on his face
instead he just tries to calm you down
will get anything you need
you want food, he'll wake up the kitchen staff and asks if they can make you something
you want to just cuddle, he'll smother you with kisses while doing so
he'll make sure that you wouldn't panic again
if you decide to sleep, he will hug you close to him as a sort of reassurance
if you don't want to sleep, he'll stay awake with you and get your mind off of it
and he isn't opposed to helping you sleep in other ways ;)
236 notes · View notes
lunarubra · 5 months
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Sooo... I wanted to wait to post it next week, but I feel it's going to be even crazier and busier at work in the coming days. As I mentioned in a previous post, the next few months are going to be really hectic for me, so updates could be even more delayed. But I am not abandoning my babies, don't worry. So here we are. I hope you enjoy it. If you can, leave a comment letting me know what you think. It's the first time I've written smut for a straight couple, so I am a little worried of how this is gonna feel. Thanks a ton to @cillmequick and @emotionalcadaver for beta-reading this chapter and being the best mutuals <3
Pairing: Cillian x OC (Jiyan Fabris)
Summary: The morning after, with a surprise visit, and maybe finally, those two idiots are going to talk about what they are feeling. It took them only 25k+ words, sooo. Yeah, I'm aware that as the writer, I should be in control of what they do, but spoiler alert: I am not. They are in control.
Warning: English not my First Language, Mention of Panic Attack, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Star Wars Spoilers.
Words: 5439
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Part 7 - Swell of Renewal
The first light of dawn gently illuminated Cillian's eyes, rousing him from sleep. Reluctant to open them fully, he savoured the comforting sensation of that fleeting moment between slumber and wakefulness. Gradually, he became aware of the sensations enveloping him. He was laying on his side, with a warm body pressed against his chest, nestled between him and the couch's backrest. His face was buried in soft hair that carried the scent of sea and spices. Before fully registering his surroundings, he snuggled closer, relishing the embrace.
A sudden noise from the front door jolted Cillian awake, causing him to open his eyes and discover Jiyan nestled against his chest. It took a moment for him to recall why he was on the couch and why Jiyan was there beside him. He admired her peaceful form for a few seconds, noting the deepness of her sleep, likely a result of the exhaustion from the previous night. Another knock echoed at the front door, diverting Cillian's attention from the woman beside him, while she remained completely oblivious to the noises, undisturbed and lost in her tranquil slumber.
With gentle care, Cillian untangled himself from their embrace, draping a blanket over Jiyan as he had done the night before, before falling asleep. Since her panic attack and her subsequent openness about what had transpired, neither had questioned the shift in their relationship—they naturally gravitated towards holding and comforting each other. Falling asleep together seemed like the right next step after the emotionally draining evening they had experienced; it was a simple and comforting way to support each other. Even considering leaving Jiyan alone after such a night was unimaginable to him.
Yawning and stretching his arms above his head, he shuffled to the door, muttering under his breath about whoever had the audacity to disturb so early in the morning.
Peering through the door's peephole, he immediately recognized his sister's figure, and a shock of cold realisation shot through him, fully waking him up. Damn, he had completely forgotten about their plans for this morning.
As he opened the door, attempting to offer an apology, his sister launched into a scolding tirade, oblivious to his efforts to quiet her down. The living room wasn’t far, and even though Jiyan seemed to be a deep sleeper, he doubted she would stay asleep for long with his sister's loud reprimands.
"You were still asleep?! Cillian, I told you we needed to buy Sile’s present this morning. With me covering for a colleague this week, I'm swamped, and we agreed to do it today!"
"Orla, morning… I know, I'm sorry, very. I'll find Sile's present on my own later, just please lower your voice," Cillian pleaded.
"Lower my voice?! This is the third time you've postponed it. Her birthday is next week! You were busy with work the past few weeks, but now what? You just forgot? And why do you look so tired? Were you out yesterday night—" Orla paused, her gaze shifting past him.
 Turning around, Cillian saw Jiyan standing there, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants that were clearly too big for her, giving his sister ammo about a crazy night spent the night before, where she spent the night here and now she was wearing his clothes. 
Jiyan appeared still a bit sleepy and somewhat taken aback to find someone else in the house. "Um, hi, sorry, I heard voices and—" Jiyan trailed off, her cheeks flushing with a hint of concern about the situation she had walked into.
"Really, Cilian? Really?" Orla interrupted, looking annoyed with her brother.
"Orla, it's not..." Cilian began, then he shook his head, hoping to dispel any misunderstanding that he had spent the night drinking and picking up random women at the pub. 
He turned to Jiyan, hoping to clarify everything; this was not the morning he had imagined.
"Jiyan, this is my sister, Orla. I forgot we had to buy a present for our youngest sister this morning, and she's giving me an earful. Orla, this is Jiyan, my... This is Jiyan," he concluded a bit awkwardly, turning back to his sister.
"Jiyan?" Orla repeated, making the connection, and sounding placated for the moment, with a hint of sisterly curiosity. "Oh... I'm sorry, I must seem like a crazy sister, but this one," she gestured towards Cillian, "is the most unorganised person I've ever met. I'm Orla, nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand to Jiyan.
"Nice to meet you too," Jiyan replied, still feeling a bit uncertain about the situation. "I can go if you need to go out, it's really no problem-"
"No!" Cilian exclaimed a bit too forcefully, cutting her off before his sister could intervene and convince Jiyan to leave. "Orla was just leaving. I'll buy something later this week, and everything will be alright, right Orla?" he asked, looking at his sister.
Orla glanced between them a couple of times, as if watching a ping pong match, before finally settling her gaze on her brother's determined expression, realising there was no way she could win this battle and following their planned morning.
"Sure," she confirmed, though with a hint of warning. "But if you forget like Mum's birthday last year-"
"It was two years ago!" he defended himself.
"I don't care," she told him firmly. "I have to go now. Jiyan, it was a pleasure to finally put a face to your name. Cillian couldn’t stop talking about you during Paddy's -"
"Yes!" Cillian said, raising his voice, cutting off his sister to comment further. "Orla, I think it’s time. You really should go," he interjected, gently nudging his sister towards the door and subtly hinting for her to leave, hoping to salvage some of the dignity he had left.
His sister finally composed herself and exited, bidding her goodbyes to Jiyan, but not without one last firm reminder to her brother.
After closing the door behind his departing sister and exhaling a held breath, Cillian turned back to Jiyan, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief.
"Sorry about that," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "My sister can be a bit... persistent. I completely forgot that we had to meet this morning."
Jiyan glanced at the floor, uncertainty clouding her expression. After all that had been said the previous night, she was still shocked by what had transpired and perhaps a little ashamed of her own reactions. "I can really go, if you-"
"I don’t want you to go," he said, cutting her off.
They stood in the hallway entrance, bathed in natural sunlight from the living room, casting a deep ambiance around them. As he looked at Jiyan, he soon forgot about his sister's impromptu visit. The tension he had felt multiple times in the past months was coming alive that morning, making his hair on both his arms feel energised, as if pure electric energy was coursing through him.
"Cillian… I…" Jiyan started to say.
"Can I say something?" he interjected, his voice trembling a little with emotion, starting to feel his heart beating faster. "I know it's only been a couple of months since we met, but the more time I spend with you, Jiyan, the more connected I feel. It's like I've known you for decades, like I can understand what you're feeling and thinking.
He paused briefly before continuing, his words pouring out in a rush. "Yesterday night... Yesterday night, it was draining and exhausting for you, and I understand if you feel like you've exposed yourself to more hurt, or if you think you've shown a vulnerable side of yourself. But I see you, Jiyan. I think I really see someone for the first time, and what I see is beautiful. You have nothing to apologise for or feel ashamed of that happened yesterday. Nothing."
For a long moment, she just looked at him. Looked at that sensitive, generous, humble, handsome man who had offered refuge to her last night, after one of the worst panic attacks she had ever experienced. Who has listened and supported her, making her feel for the first time not alone in what she was going through. She could see in him someone with whom she didn’t have to hide - not her feelings, not her emotions, not her past or insecurities.
"I think... I think I also see you," she said, walking closer to him until their chests were almost touching, locking her gaze with his deep blue eyes that reminded her so much of the sea.
As her heartbeat quickened, but not like the night before, she didn't feel panic this time; she felt alive, a tingling sensation coursing through every part of her body.
Cillian didn't respond with words. Instead, he gently cupped her face with one hand, his eyes speaking volumes, like she could read the myriad shades of the ocean within them. His breathing changed too, influenced by their proximity and her presence.
She wasn't sure who moved first or who initiated the first contact. All she knew was that the first touch felt like finally coming home again. Her hand found its way to the nape of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair, craving to deepen the connection and feel more of him. Their initial tentative kiss quickly turned passionate, almost desperate, as if they feared the other would vanish in the next moment.
His hands found their place on her waist, slipping under her hoodie and eliciting a groan from deep within his chest as he felt her warm skin, his thumbs tracing circles on her taut abdomen.
She lightly nibbled on his lower lip, drawing another deep groan from him, before resting her forehead against his, breathing him in, both of them trying to catch their breath.
"Ok, wow," she said, opening her eyes again and gazing into his.
"Yeah," he agreed, his arms holding her close to him, not wanting to let her go. She held his cheek, breathing him in, closing her eyes and relaxing into their embrace. If their first kiss had quickly turned passionate, the second time their lips met, she wanted to convey all the different feelings she had, feeling connected to him, letting herself go, and trusting him to accept her.
She let out a high-pitched moan when he responded, exploring her mouth with his tongue, wanting her to feel as much as he was feeling in that moment, wanting to deepen it and at the same time just enjoy their exchange that made him feel like he was walking on the moon.
She also wanted to feel more of him, holding one of her hands on his heart, feeling his chest expand and his heart beating frantically. She then started kissing his jaw and snuggled into his neck, softly biting the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
"Jiyan," he warned, closing his eyes to catch his breath again and gain some sort of control over his body.
She made an innocuous sound, then repeated her action, eliciting another deep groan from him. He moved his arm from under the hoodie she was wearing to cup her cheeks.
"You are a tease," he said softly, planting a soft peck on her lips again.
“Who says I am teasing?” she retorted, joy bubbling up from her chest as her hands ran through his hair.
“Come on, you need some food in you after yesterday, before we do anything that requires more effort.”
“Ah, so it’s an effort for you, Murphy?” she teased him, “Didn’t think you were this old,” she said, sliding her fingers into his as she followed him to the kitchen, settling on one of the kitchen stools.
He ignored her last comment with a smile, opening the fridge and inspecting its sad remains.
“I have some toast, cheese, and eggs, but I know you don’t eat those. There’s a lemon and a very questionable package of mushrooms.”
"Urgh," she made a disappointed moan.
“I know, sorry. I just got back yesterday and haven’t had a chance to go to the big shop yet.”
“Do you have some canned chickpeas? Or canned beans?” she asked.
“Maybe, I can check the pantry.”
After she gathered some canned chickpeas and quickly made some hummus to eat with toast, he prepared some scrambled eggs with toast and cheese.
“I should really bring you a package of real tea here and teach you how to make chai,” she said as they sat facing each other, their knees touching, and his left hand resting on her thigh. Since the night before, where he had held and comforted her, it was like both of them couldn't stop touching each other, almost like they always needed some kind of physical connection.
“Please feel free to bring as much chai as you want and teach me that wizardry that you Kurds call tea. You knew I would become a complete addict to that.”
“Yup, that's our evil plan for Kurdistan liberation, making white people fall in love with our chai so they would finally stop persecuting us.”
“See, I always knew you had a second motive,” he joked.
After finishing the last of her hummus on toast, a real champion’s breakfast, she looked at him with a more serious expression.
"After finishing the last of her hummus on toast, a real champion’s breakfast, she looked at him with a more serious expression.
"I know you said you didn’t want me to apologise, so I won’t," she said, resting her hand over his on her leg. "But thank you for taking care of me yesterday, for your patience, and for listening to me. I don’t think I've ever told anyone all of that before."
"I will always want to listen to you and be there for you, I think," he said sincerely. "I know we both said we weren’t looking for something beyond friendship, Jiyan, but I don’t think..."
He paused, gathering his thoughts. "During the past few weeks, while I was working in Galway, I tried to detach myself from you and think about it objectively. I wanted to see if it was just like my other past relationships, where I could lose myself in work and disappear. And I could, partly. I think acting will always be liberating for me because I can stop being myself for some time. But when I stopped and was back to being Cillian, I wanted to share it all with you. I’m not sure how it will all go, but I want to try to have this deep connection that I feel with you, Jiyan. Because for the first time, I feel I can be more than just a good actor, a decent brother, or someone who makes my family proud."
She didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, just staring at their interlined fingers, playing with them.
"During these weeks, when you weren’t here, I also had time to think. I think that’s also why yesterday I had that reaction. Newroz was the first time where I talked again about Samyah, or I felt she was there, back with me, celebrating. It’s like I pushed all away and now I am feeling all of it together. When you were away, I understood how much more difficult it was, feeling all of that without you… here. I am also not sure how it will be, I am not sure how much I am able to give to you right now. You saw yesterday how easily I can break down…” she said, taking a breath and looking back at him. “But I also would love to know what it really feels like, to share all of this with you."
“You are not the only one that is not sure how much I am able to give. Sometimes when I am so deep into my work, I feel like a shadow of myself. Even if I am there, the people around me feel like I am a ghost of the man I am, and maybe the worst is that I love losing myself so deep into a role. It’s the best feeling, even if I feel like shit at the end of the process,” he finished, trying to joke about it, intertwining his fingers with hers, wanting to feel her closer.
“What a pair we make, eh?” she smiled.
He chuckled at that, finishing his last bite of eggs. “Do you have plans today?” he asked, hoping to not get separated too soon.
“I don’t think I want to do anything. Every time I have one of those breakdowns, I feel exhausted the next couple of days. I just want to lay down and maybe watch something.”
“One of those?” he asked worriedly.
“They started a couple of months after Samyah’s passing. Moving here helped. I just had something similar the day I came back from the hospital, after what happened at the pub.”
He stroked her arm gently, not knowing how to help or what he could say. She was confronting her demons with an acceptance that he did not possess, almost like it was natural that things like this were happening and after those few days life would go on, with Jiyan being back to her solar and sassy self. On one side, he was slightly feeling frustrated about her laid-back attitude; he knew that he would not have her grace to behave like that if something similar happened to him. On the other hand, he was really amazed by the woman in front of him, by her resilience and her strength.
“If you don’t want to be on your own, but if you want some company, we can go back on the sofa, choose some comfort movies, and just relax. Later we can order something if we feel hungry.”
“You sure you are okay about spending the day watching movies with me?”
“It would be just grant, Jiyan,” he said, grinning, getting up from the kitchen island and gathering their plates to put them in the dishwasher.
“Are we allowed to snack during these movies?” she asked hopefully, as if they hadn't just finished breakfast.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked back.
“Popcorn?” she asked eagerly. 
“I'll put them in the microwave. Go check if you can find some movies,” he suggested.
“Do you have Star Wars?” she called from the living room.
“Yup, check the shelves on the left,” he said loudly back, just after putting two bowls of popcorn in the microwave and looking for some jalapenos. Then he paused for a moment, thinking about what George Lucas might say, knowing stories about his character, knowing they were using his movies as comfort just after a panic attack. Well, if it worked for her, he would never say no to a Star Wars marathon.
It took him a couple of minutes to return to the living room, with Jiyan seated comfortably on one side of the sofa, wrapped in a fluffy blanket.
He passed her a bowl of popcorn as she pressed play, and “A New Hope” started. Sitting close to her, he started to enjoy the famous first scene of the saga, starting to understand why she found it comforting; it felt like being hugged by an old dear friend.
While Luke met Obi-Wan, Jiyan finished her bowl of popcorn, putting it on the floor. For a tiny person, she could pack away quite a bit of food. As she leaned back, before he could stop her, she took some popcorn from his still full bowl and then reacted with a shriek.
“What’s that?!”
“Popcorn,” he said back, ignoring her shock, hiding the bowl on his side of the couch, the furthest from Jiyan, worried what could happen to his guilty food treat. Hoping to refocus on the movie and avoid a topic that almost every friend or member of his family teased him for.
“No it’s not! Popcorn is crispy, salty, and addictive. What the fuck is that? It’s all soggy,” she whined, complaining.
He avoided her question until she started to tickle him on his side, making him squirm away.
“Jiyan!” he said, slightly annoyed, putting his bowl on the floor too, trying to avoid her tickling attack by grabbing both her wrists. As she tried to struggle away, Cillian pulled back, making her fall onto his chest, and him laying down on the couch.
“Are you finished?” he asked, raising one of his eyebrows.
“You are ticklish,” she answered, avoiding the question with a devious smile, like a cat that ate the canary.
“No,” he tried saying, keeping his face as serious as he could, but her smile only grew wider.
“You are,” she teased.
“Jiyan…” he warned.
“Tickling you is less than a deserved punishment for what you have done to the popcorn,” she defended.
“It’s my bowl,” he said exasperatedly.
“I don’t think even serial killers would dare to do whatever you have done to popcorn. Not even terrorists. Maybe cops, you would expect that from cops, or fascists…”
He interrupted her with a kiss, freeing one of her wrists and cupping her face. “Are you done?” he asked, his voice lowering a tone, smiling amusedly at her.
“You’re not gonna distract me from your crimes, Murphy,” she said, pouting, as he kissed back her pout.
“No?” he asked, this time smirking.
“You cannot bribe me, I’m incorruptible,” she said seriously, as she settled more comfortably into his embrace, starting to run her fingers through his hair. She loved how soft his hair was; it was so comforting.
“Sure, love,” he teased her, starting to kiss her jawline till he found the spot just under her lobe, sucking it and getting a moan from her that made his insides boil, feeling his pants getting tight.
He caressed her throat with his nose, continuing his exploration and being surrounded by her perfume. He could smell some of his body wash and another smell that he could only describe as Jiyan, it reminded him of the spices of chai and the salty air of the sea. He breathed deeply, feeling all his senses wake up and had to control himself, wanting to just turn around with her under him and kiss every centimetre of free skin possible.
Jiyan, who was starting to feel all putty in his hands, tried to get some sort of control back by grabbing his hair slightly to capture his lips, with her free hand sneaking under his t-shirt wanting to also feel his skin. She was welcomed with his smooth skin and the lines of his muscles clenching as she caressed them, gaining a deep groan vibrating from his chest that she swallowed before biting his lower lip.
He also slid his hand under his hoodie she was wearing, caressing her sides as his brain went blank when he noticed just now the absence of a t-shirt or the feel of a bra.
“Is this okay?” he asked, his breath laboured, as his hands were just under her breasts, wanting nothing more than to feel their weight. She arched herself into his hands, like a luxurious cat, nodding her head before brushing kisses along his neck.
He caressed slowly the side of her chest, consciously avoiding the most erogenous zones, making her press into his hands even more, wanting to guide him silently where she wanted him to be touched. He smirked at her attempt, running his thumbs close to where she needed them the most, never really touching them, feeling her trembling with desires but still teasing her. She was so responsive.
“Cillian…” she whined in his neck, grabbing his hair hard.
“Yes, love?” he asked, amused, enjoying playing this game.
“You know what…” she mumbled.
He chuckled, “I don’t know what you mean.”
Jiyan, annoyed and impatient with this man, got up sitting over his lap and in one move got rid of her hoodie, throwing it on the armchair next to them, leaving her topless in front of him. As Cillian's throat got dry and he was distracted by the view in front of him – her taut stomach and her round breasts with small dark areolas that were begging to be kissed – she used his distraction to push his shirt over his head, leaving his chest also bare in front of her.
“Are you done teasing?” she asked, her hands on his chest to balance over him.
“You are beautiful,” he said instead, not sure if he even heard her, his hands back on her, just under her ribs.
She bent and captured his lips, feeling the heat coming from him. His hands started to roam again, one holding her head and the other one cupping one breast, caressing her nipple, making her moan in their kiss. She felt his erection under her and moved her hips, starting a slow rhythm that made them both pant.
They lost themselves in the sensation of skin against skin, lips on lips, and fingers touching any part of skin they could reach.
As she started to rock faster, she started to feel the pressure and the heat inside her growing. When he moved his kisses to her neck and bit her, she moaned loud, feeling the electricity running in her body.
He slid his lips from her neck to the valley between her breasts, catching his breath slightly before he pressed his mouth to her nipples, sucking it slowly, gaining another deep moan from Jiyan. He used his teeth and tongue to explore, switching his attention from one breast to the other and Jiyan felt like her blood was burning, the pressure between her legs increasing.
She stopped her movements, making him look at her confused and worried, asking her if she was alright.
Instead she bent and captured his lips, the kiss became more heated. She then slid her hands in his sweatpants, breaking the kiss and asking silently if it was okay for him. At his eager nod, she got rid of his trousers with his help. As her hand ventured over his boxers, she lightly brushed against his erection, causing him to arch into her touch.
"Who's the tease now?" he rasped, his voice low and growling, as he eyed her with anticipation.
Instead of replying, she reached for him, pulling his underwear down to grasp his member, exploring him for the first time. Her touch was deliberate, moving slowly and firmly, savouring the weight of him and relishing in his laboured breaths and groans. She craved more.
As her thumb traced the pulsing vein on the side of his shaft, feeling his precum, his hands found her ass, gripping it firmly as he surrendered to the sensations she evoked. It didn't take much to push him to the brink.
"I want to feel you," he gasped, seizing her wrist to halt her movements. Looking into his glassy eyes, mirroring her own passion, she nodded.
Sitting up, she took his hand, guiding it to her sweatpants. Together, they shed her clothes, leaving her naked atop him.
"Are you clean?" she inquired, her hand caressing his member with a slow stroke.
"Yeah, are you?" he murmured, his voice dropping. "Do we need a condom?"
"I have an IUD, and I got tested in December when I donated blood on campus," she reassured him.
He nodded, cradling her face to kiss her fiercely once more. As they kissed languidly, catching their breath, her hands trailed down to his chest while his found her hips, aiding her in adjusting their positions.
Guiding him to her entrance, she began to sink onto him slowly, both of them moaning at the initial contact. She exhaled, trying to relax and accept his girth and length.
"Fuck… so tight," he groaned, closing his eyes as he felt her contracting. 
Feeling her stop, he opened his eyes back, trying to gather some control and staying as immobile as possible, "Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident as his thumbs circled her hips, offering support.
"Yeah, it's been a while," she whispered, closing her eyes to focus on her gradual movements, starting moving slowly.
Supporting her with one hand, he found her folds with the other, feeling how wet she was and searching for her clit. Slowly, he circled it with his thumb, causing her to close her eyes, arch her back, and moan deeply as she slowly sank down. She let out a deep whine when his entire length rested inside her.
"Are you alright, love?" he asked, suppressing his own desires and focusing on her well-being.
"Yeah, it feels good," she said, breathing slowly. "I just need a moment."
She was incredibly tight and warm, enveloping him like a glove. He took a deep breath, restraining himself from moving and allowing her to adjust. He lay back down, enjoying the view of the gorgeous woman in front of him, holding her waist gently, he couldn’t stop touching that soft sunkissed skin.
As she began to feel more comfortable, she squeezed her walls experimentally, feeling him stiffen under her touch.
"Fuck, Jiyan!" he moaned deeply, closing his eyes and tightening his grip on her waist.
With slow movements, she adjusted her hips, searching for a good angle and relishing the sensation of him filling her up. As her movements became smoother, his tip brushed against a soft spot inside her, eliciting a deep moan from her, causing her to arch her back and lose her rhythm.
"Here?" he asked, using his other hand to guide her hips.
"Yes, don't stop," she said, feeling the pleasure intensifying and her walls pulsating.
Time seemed to slow for both of them as they rapidly approached their limits quickly, it had been sometime also for him. Cillian felt her walls spasm around him, signalling her impending release. His thumb went back to circle her clit as her hips stuttered and lost their rhythm. The tension inside him grew like a taut bow ready to be released.
"I'm so close," she gasped, her breathing laboured.
"I am too," he replied, withdrawing his fingers from her folds and gripping her hips tightly. Taking control of the rhythm, he thrust his hips upward, feeling her walls contracting around him. She reached for her breasts, pinching her nipples.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful," he growled, captivated by the sight before him.
Without warning, he felt her orgasm approaching, the sensations spreading through her body and engulfing her in pleasure, eliciting deep moans. As she tightened around him, pulling him in and causing him to groan loudly. It didn't take long for him to follow suit, his body tensing as his release filled her insides. They both felt her spasms and the aftershocks of their orgasms.
They remained intertwined for several minutes, trying to catch their breath, their sweaty bodies pressed together. Exhausted, Jiyan leaned down while Cillian embraced her, gently caressing her back.
Pressing a tender kiss on her shoulder, he whispered in her ear, "Are you okay?"
She murmured a sleepy affirmation, planting kisses between his neck and shoulder.
"Do you want to stay here or go to bed?" he inquired.
"Bed," she mumbled, though she made no move to get up.
"Do you need help, love?" he asked, slightly amused.
Instead of answering, she kissed his neck and hugged him tightly, causing him to chuckle.
"Hmm," she mumbled, with a yawn.
Chuckling, he sat up, still inside her, eliciting a soft moan as he withdrew. Wrapping his arms around her, he carried her upstairs, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before gently laying her down on his bed. After quickly cleaning himself in the ensuite and grabbing a cloth for her, he returned to admire her naked form before laying beside her, cleaning up the mess they had made.
"Thank you," she mumbled, her voice hoarse as she opened her eyes.
He tossed the cloth into the hamper and lay back, embracing her from behind. Pressing a kiss on her neck, he whispered, "You're amazing," as she snuggled into him, emitting a satisfied moan.
"That was a first for a Star Wars marathon," she said softly, her voice already sleepy and relaxed.
"Well, it did bring us comfort," he replied, hugging her tighter.
"Mmmh, I hope all our movie marathons end this way," she murmured, her energy fading.
"If you have enough energy, I can show you the best part later," he teased.
"Mmmh, sleepy," she moaned.
"Sleep well, sweetheart," he said, closing his eyes and planting one last kiss on her neck.
"Mmmh mmm," she mumbled, relaxing, as they both fell into a restful sleep.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this chapter. Your feedback, in any form helps me to continue write this story; and comments makes me happy. See you at the next one :)
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azsazz · 2 years
Dead by Dawn (Part 2)
Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Summary: Zombie!AU: It’s been a while since the end of the world.
Warnings: Blood, gore, injury, graphic depictions of violence, eventual poly!relationship, undead, death.
Word Count: 2,789
(Part 1)
Night 189
You hate waking Feyre, you really do.
Neither of you hardly ever sleep these days, and for once on a mattress so soft, so inviting, so luxurious. You almost don’t wake her, jealousy rearing its hot head in your side that you won’t be able to rest on it.
“Fey?” You ask, softly shaking her shoulder.
You feel her body stiffen beneath your hand and you know instantly that she’s awake. The both of you have learned to become light sleepers, a survival tactic that was quickly picked up. That, and having someone to always keep watch.
Feyre sits up quickly, hand unconsciously reaching for her weapon as her eyes search frantically around the room, looking for signs of danger. She’s immediately on high alert.
She blinks once, twice, gathering herself after seeing no imminent threat. There’s a red mark on the side of her face from where she’d curled it under her cheek for a pillow. She studies you for a moment, taking in your furrowed brows and the way you’re tugging your lips between your teeth nervously. She understands that something isn’t right.
“What is it?” she slurs slightly. She feels like she’s been hit with a pile of bricks, and she’s exhausted. The plush mattress beneath her had been the best hug, and seeing that familiar look on your face the cushy bed beneath her turns suffocating. She clears her throat, and her voice loses its sleepy rasp as she slides her legs off of the mattress, tugging on her shoes as fast as she can. “Zoms?”
“Eh, no,” you scratch the back of your head, “S’people this time.”
Her hands still. “People?” Feyre looks up at you for confirmation.
You haven’t seen people in a long time.
“How many?”
She stands from the bed. “How big?”
“Bigger than us.”
Her brows furrow and a deep frown forms as she contemplates. The only weapons between the two of you are a short blade and a rusty gardening scythe. Odds aren’t looking good.
“Think we can take ‘em?”
“One of them is injured, I think, but it’s not a good idea.”
Feyre nods, chewing on her lip thoughtfully. She’s balancing the odds, you know. The situation isn’t ideal, but you’re running low on nearly all supplies, and maybe they have something that can be of use to the two of you. It’s nearly getting to the point of every woman for herself out here.
She fastens her holster tighter around her waist and nods, “Let’s go then.”
“What if they have guns, Fey?” The worry is as clear in your tone as it is on your face, with your eyebrows drawn together and your eyes widening. You try not to react to the spine tingling shudder clawing its way up your back as you think of the last time you’d encountered humans. It hadn’t gone well.
“We just have to be careful,” Feyre explains, “We’ve dealt with worse. Okay?”
You sigh, shaking your head sadly. There is no other choice, this town has been emptied of the resources that actually matter these days.
“(Y/N), I don’t want to do this either,” she starts. She’s only half lying, but she won’t let you see the way her hands shake at the thought of trying to overpower three men, even if one is injured. She’s hopeful, has been since you met her, and you’re worried it will be her downfall. She’s been lucky so far, unlike you. “But it’s a zom eat zom world out there, and we have to do this to survive.”
The same conclusion you’d come to. Hearing it out loud doesn’t lessen the incessant coiling in your stomach.
“I know,” you sigh. You, on the other hand, don’t trust easily, which is why she and you work well together. She might be a glutton for survival, brilliant in that aspect of the apocalypse, but you’re the voice of reason. Unfortunately, this isn’t a decision that offers an easier solution.
The two of you will do anything to survive.
Even if it means killing other humans.
“Hey,” she says softly, placing her hands on your shoulders, “We have to eat too, (Y/N).”
It’s times like these that you can’t believe you’ve only met her a few weeks ago. You’d quite literally run into each other, a horde of zoms chasing after the both of you. There hadn’t been time to grapple for weapons or try to wrestle the bag off of her back, instead clutching each other's arms tightly as the zoms crowded in. You remember the terror in her piercing gray eyes and had made the split decision to drag her down the only way the undead weren’t blocking.
She’d been with you ever since.
You release a breath and nod more firmly. You know that you’re in desperate need of food and water, as you had just shared your second to last can of beans. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
As Feyre readies herself – forcing her tired eyes wide open and giving her cheeks a couple of slaps – you brief her on the three figures you saw run into the store across the street, pointing to the run down building out the murky window.
“Fey,” you grab her arm as she steps out into the street, “What if he’s bit?”
“Then he should be happy about what we’re going to do,” she replies quickly, but the slight quiver to her tone tells you that it’s the last thing she wants.
Killing the live ones was just…different. Harder to forget.
She leads the way out the back of the clothing store. The door creaks on its rusty hinges and you cringe, but you’re ready all the same, watching Feyre’s back for zombies. She shoves the door shut quickly, cursing at the high pitched grind it makes as it swings closed. It’s not so loud that the three men across the block will be able to hear it, but it sounds like a scream compared to the eerily silent night.
“C’mon,” she whispers, taking the lead.
You creep through the back alley as quietly as you can. Feyre notices you limping slightly, your jaw clenched tightly against the pain and a sense of guilt washes over her. She should have let you rest first, maybe elevated your leg, but she’d given into her selfishness too easily today and let you take the first watch.
Her steps falter for a second and she almost turns to usher you back to the safety of the abandoned clothing store but at the last moment changes her mind. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts. You both needed resources more than rest.
“Alright (Y/N)?”
Only then do you realize she’s been whispering a plan to you.
She huffs a frustrated breath. Leave it to you to miss the plan.
Feyre counts to ten. She tries to calm herself but she’s pissed. She’d barely gotten any sleep, you’re both in constant danger, and you’re not helping by not listening.
She knows that she should give you the benefit of the doubt, but in such a time like this she can’t be bothered.
“You’re going up there first,��� she points impatiently to the fire escape. “Wait for me and we’ll sneak in through the window. See? It’s already open.” 
You squint up to the second floor, where indeed, the window is missing. It must be an attic or a storage room of sorts. If it’s a cafe maybe there will be some sort of abandoned food. Your saliva thickens and your stomach growls loudly at the thought.
“Once we’re both up there, we split up. Hopefully they’ll be sleeping and it’ll be an easy kill. We go through their stuff and then we’re out of here. Got it?”
“Got it,” you whisper back. You tuck the knife back into your belt and then Feyre is there, helping boost you up to the lowest rung of the ladder. The bottom half has been broken off (or rusted away, you’re not completely sure but it’s nowhere to be seen on the ground).
You struggle for a moment, grappling with the metal as you try to support your own weight. There’s little muscle left on your arms, and they’re burning by the time you’ve caught your balance on the bottom rung. Peeking down at Feyre, you see her looking around the alley to make sure it’s still clear. When her gaze meets yours again and she catches you frozen in place, she waves frantically up at you, a signal that you better get your ass moving.
You make your way up the ladder as silently as you can. When it groans under your weight you pause and hold your breath. Your heart is in your throat and it’s difficult to hear anything but the raging drums in your ears. You strain to listen but there’s no sounds of warping metal or screws being stripped of their threads, so you continue your climb.
You only let out the breath you’re holding when the ladder turns into stairs.
Peering over the railing, you wave Feyre up.
The girl on the ground backs up a few steps before she’s sprinting forward and jumping to grab onto the first rung of the ladder. She’s always been athletic, or at least that’s what she told you, and she doesn’t have an injured knee, so it’s a fairly easy task for Feyre.
She pulls herself up with an ease that you’re jealous of, her ability to move so swiftly and silently.
Feyre nods towards you, a silent agreement of what you have to do.
You slide your knife from its home on your hip, and then Feyre’s slipping into the window.
You follow closely behind.
You’ve only just pulled your other foot inside of the room before someone’s knocking the weapon from your hand and slamming you up against the wall, a hand clasped around your throat.
Your head cracks against the brick wall and you see stars, stunned by the strength of whomever had grabbed you. Their hand is warm, calloused deeply, you can feel the warped texture of it against the smooth skin of your neck, clamped tightly over your pulse points.
You claw at their arm once the shock wears off and the adrenaline kicks in. You don’t care that you’re probably breaking skin. Good. You try to move further up the arm, over the bulging muscles to claw at their face but their reach is far longer than yours and you end up swiping at the air like a fool.
The breath is caught in your throat – not only from the firm grip they have around your esophagus – but also because of the man the large hand belongs to.
He towers over you, easily a whole foot taller than both you and Feyre. The moonlight casts through the open window, illuminating his dark features. His plump lips are set into a firm line and his eyes are blazing with anger and what you think might also be a tinge of fear. His inky black hair falls across his equally dark brows, the heat and effort from carrying his friend has the tendrils damp with sweat.
You know that you should be scared out of your wits, but if you’re dying you’re glad it’s by the hand of this handsome man and not by the hand (teeth) of a zom.
The ice cold barrel of a gun presses into your temple, an icy promise of death. Okay, now you’re scared out of your wits.
“Say goodbye,” he spits at you, cocking the gun back. His voice is like darkness and gravel, and you lie to yourself and say that the goose bumps pimpling over your flesh is from the gun and not his low timbre.
Your heart hammers in your chest and you feel dizzy. Where the fuck is Feyre?
You can’t help the little smirk that tugs at your lips as you watch his golden eyes widen slightly in fear as the curve of Feyre’s blade coils around his neck likes the whispers of fluid tattoos you’re just now noticing. The tip of her scythe comes to rest right below his Adam’s apple.
The hand wrapped around your throat loosens just slightly.
“Put the gun down,” Feyre’s voice is quiet yet firm, threatening, “Before I fucking slit your throat.”
You watch the man think through his options. His throat bobs and your gaze follows the slow trail of blood from the nick in his neck down to where it soaks into the collar of his dark shirt.
The gun is slowly removed from your head and you grab it in shaky hands before Feyre can tell you to. You slide out of his grip, shuffling a few steps away, aiming it right at the attractive man’s head.
“Don’t make any sudden moves,” you demand.
“No, you don’t make any sudden moves,” a new voice says, startling the both of you. Another man enters the room, his gun raised and aimed at Feyre. He’s shorter than the boy that was pinning you to the wall, but his stature exudes power. His hair is also dark, and you think that they could be related maybe, by the similar structure of their faces.
You immediately turn your gun to point it at him, but you spare a nervous glance to Feyre who’s gaze hasn’t left the man she’s got under knifepoint. Smart girl. That’s the last thing you want her to do, look over to the other handsome man. You don’t need her attention drawn so that the taller man can slip out of her grasp and take her down.
“You shoot her and I shoot you. Then I shoot your friend,” you find yourself saying, voice even. It surprises you.
The man with the gun seems stumped for a moment before he turns his gun on you. Your heart halts in your chest. “Then I’ll kill you.”
“And I’ll kill Shadow,” Feyre answers with a roll of her eyes, nodding at the man she’s holding captive.
The man makes a face at the nickname but stays otherwise still.
“Do it, Rhys,” the one in Feyre’s grasp replies harshly, kile he’ll do anything to keep the other boy safe.
“What? I’m not letting them kill you Az,” the man – Rhys – says desperately.
Az. You mouth his name and it tingles on your tongue.
Az pinches the bridge of his nose, “For fucks sake Rhys–”
“No,” Rhys cuts off his friend.
Their banter is annoying and you’re beginning to think it’s some sort of way to distract you and Feyre because there are three of them and only two are here with you in the room.
You jolt into action, taking one step closer to Az. You ignore the gun Rhys is pointing at your face.
“Go get his gun,” you tell Feyre quietly. She wears a questioning look on her face, her bright gaze flicking between you and Az’s broad shoulders.
With a nod of encouragement, she moves. She’ll ask later.
She pushes Az away from her but he’s so large that he hardly gives a step closer to you. Your gun stays locked on Rhys, but as soon as Feyre takes a step closer to him, it swings to land on her.
There’s a zip of electricity in the air as their gazes meet and it makes everyone’s spine straighten painfully.
Your gaze flicks to the man holding the gun to your friend. Rhys has deflated a little, no longer standing in a threatening pose with his chest puffed out. With the quick glance you take you catch the slight tremor in his hands and the fear in his eyes, despite the edge to his voice.
“Fey, get the gun. He’s not going to shoot you,” you order, calmly returning your stare to Az, who’s watching you through narrowed eyes.
“Like hell I won’t,” Rhys threatens as Feyre takes another cautious step forward. “Don’t come any closer, darling.”
“Fey,” you talk over him sternly. You’re not fucking around. Not this time.
“How do you know, (Y/N)?” Feyre questions, clearing her throat a little. Her voice sounds unlike her own, as if she’s watching herself from miles away.
I know because I’m not capable of shooting either. 
“Because if he does, I kill his friend, then him, then their friend downstairs.”
Both men turn to gape at you. Clearly they didn’t know that you’d seen them dragging their friend across the seemingly abandoned town.
Feyre takes the chance now that Rhys is caught off guard, lurching forward to grab the gun from his hands.
Only Rhys is too quick and pulls the trigger.
(Part 3)
Taglist: @writingsbychlo @kemillyfreitas
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blushyeleven · 1 year
Tickletober - DAY 1
ITS TICKLETOBER!! AHHH, im gonna try my best to keep up with all the fics😭 all of them have Jenna Ortega in them.. js maybe as a different character💀 but anyways.. happy tickletober everybody! <3
characters: lee!enid x ler!wednesday
Warnings: tickles, threats
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𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓
“I’d sleep with one eye open if I were you” the sentence that left chills running down enids spine. It was inevitable. Enid couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about her ticklish fate. The biggest problem was it could be any day, any hour, any second. So she took Wednesdays suggestion, and infact, did sleep with one eye open. She shuddered at the thought of Wednesdays revenge. She knew it was coming but she just didn’t know when and that thought scared her the most
Naturally, she avoided Wednesday as much as she could, keeping small talk only when necessary and always being aware. It was Wednesdays favourite game, anticipation. She evilly snickered in her own head when she saw that enid was being extra cautious around her. It brought her some twisted joy in a way. Enid knew she was going to get tickled. Just a matter of when.. and where.
Wednesday wasn’t acting any different then she normally did, which scared enid more. She was just her normal, dark and monotone self. Almost like she forgot about her little devious plan.. but enid knew better. This was all a facade in her warped and sadistic game.
Enid was never one to absolutely hate being tickled but it was a little hard to be excited about something when you didn’t know it was about to face you.
Enid came through the wooden door to her shared dorm and quickly threw herself onto her bed. “Hello enid.” Wednesday replied, not actually facing the werewolf. Instead she was sat at her desk. “h-hey!” Enid stuttered slightly. “You seem a little.. shaken up.. you okay?” Wednesday asked with a twinge of evil in her voice, smirking to herself. “yup!.. all is fine!” Enid tried her best to not look intimidated by the goth girl, but Wednesday didn’t even have to look at the girl to know she was panicky. “Okay.. if you say so.” Again, the sinister tone lingered in her voice. Wednesday was clearly taunting the poor girl, she found it amusing.
2 days past and enid was still tickle-free. She was beginning to ponder how long this would last for. Did Wednesday really forget? (spoiler alert: ofcourse she didn’t) well, only time would tell. To tell the truth, enid was usually a very heavy sleeper. But with this awakening nightmare, it caused her usual heavy sleep to become very light and lucid. Quickly tiring enid out. A silly mistake really, but enid decided to go back to the dorm and have a nap. Just to recharge herself and bring up her energy levels and it was a bonus, wednesday wasn’t there. And it was soon enough before enids eyes closed and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Until she jolted awake at the sound of a door shutting, she didn’t know how long she was passed out for..but there she was, the goth pigtailed girl herself. “wow, somebody’s jumpy..” Wednesday mused seeing the startled look on the blondes face. “yeah I-..” enid rubbed her eyes. Not feeling as tired. She was right, the nap did help.
Until Wednesday looked at enid, her expression was unreadable as she started walking closer. Enids eyes widened and nervously shuffled back in her seat untill Wednesday was practically infront of her “Wednesday! I’m- I- I’m sorry!!” She clenched her eyes shut waiting for the amazing dreaded feeling to start.. but to her surprise Wednesday reached out her hand to fix a strand of enids hair that was sticking up. “You really are skittish” Wednesday smirked. Enid let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding “I wonder why..” Wednesday ended that rhetorical question with a squeeze to werewolf’s side, causing her to jump and let out a squeal.
That’s when the blonde realised, the imaginary timer above her head had reached 0 and Wednesdays just smirked and began squeezing at her side rapidly. Enid fell into squeaky laughter, trying to bat at Wednesdays hand. “Wahahait-“ “for what?” Wednesday mused and then climbed on enids bed and started scribbling after her sides. Enid squirmed and kicked but it was no use, the pigtailed girls hands still managed to find their way onto her sides. “IHIHIM SOHOHORRY!!” She shrieked. “I accept your apology enid, but no good deed goes unpunished” wednesday replied mischievously. “BAHAHAHAHAH!!” Enid was barking out laughter and thrashing about. Wednesday then moved her evil fingers up to enids ribs. “poor puppy has been nervous around me for 2 days, well, your getting what you deserve now” she cooed. “YOHOHOUR MEHEHEHAN!” Enid exclaimed through her helpless giggle fit.
“Well, can you blame me for believing in revenge?.. although It took a while.. this was definitely worth the wait” Wednesdays tone was extremely teasy, it was worse that all her words were spoken flatly with an edge of playfulness. Making enids face react with a pericing blush, painting her cheeks. “AHAHAHHAHAHAHA I CAHAHANNTTT!!” Wednesdays fingers then crawled their way up to enids armpits, clawing mercilessly at them. “BAHAHAHAHHA NOHOHOHO!! AHAHAH! DOHOHONNTT!!!! STOOHOHOHOHOPPP!!” Enid was howling with laughter, just letting it flow out of her mouth and filling the air. “Don’t stop? See.. I had my suspicions that you liked this and I guess I now know for sure” wednesday smirked and watched enids blush intensity. “SHUHUT UHUP!! YOU KNOHOW I DIDNT MEHEAN IHIT LIKE THAHAT!!” Enid tried her best to put up a protest and protect her secret, but who she was trying to pretext her secret from was the problem. If Wednesday wanted to find something out, she would. Plus it was painfully obvious. The blushing, the smiling the provoking. It was all little signs that enid did infact enjoy being tickled.
“well.. I wouldn’t put it past you.. it seems like something you would enjoy” Wednesday stated, skittering her fingers against enids stomach. “WHAHATS THAHAT SUPPOSE TO MEHEAN?” If she could, enid would look fake offended right now, but it was practically impossible through her outbursts of laughter. “It simply means that tickling is just something you, out of all people, would find enjoyable” Wednesday rephrased her statement. “SHUHUT UHUHHUPP!!” Is all enid could reply to that because it was true. Wednesday could pull the truth out of anybody. She was basically a walking, talking lie detector. And then came the dreaded question, the question that nobody could avoid. “Am I wrong?” The goth girl replied smugly. Enid thought it would be better to not reply then to agree with her so she just let herself laugh “now, I would say your silence is deafening but it’s not silent if your giggling like a toddler.” Her smug tone drove enid over the edge, it some how made her more ticklish. I guess Wednesday just had that affect on people. Untill suddenly Wednesdays hands moved back to enids armpits, seeing as it brought out the best reaction of her. Digging her black painted fingernails tigjt into enids hollows. “BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH YOUR EHEVIL!!” “guilty as charged” Wednesday knew she was cruel. She never denied it or was upset about it. She actually enjoyed it. Enids laughter soon became more stretched out and breathy, her eyes watering. All classic signals that showed Wednesday her victim was close to their breaking point. Wednesday was cruel and cold-hearted, but she wasn’t that sadistic, not towards enid anyway. She saved that kind of sadism for her bother, pugsley. “AHAH.. AHAAHAHA… BAHAHAAH” enid was desperately trying to catch her breath through her hysterics, her glassy eyes letting water drip out of them slightly from laughing so hard. And that’s when Wednesday stopped. Retrieving her hands and letting enid sit up. The blonde girl was gasping for air but had the stupidest smile wiped across her face. To which Wednesday rolled her eyes and got up from her vibrant rainbow bed “I hope you’ve learned your lesson” she then started walking back to her side of the divided room. Enid was left sat there, breathless.
“Oh and sinclair, if you try to exact another tickle attack on me, I’ll lock you in my secret dungeon and leave you to rot” enid shuddered at that and didn’t attempt to tickle Wednesday again.. (another spoiler alert: she lasted 4 days, and ofcourse Wednesday got her revenge.. again..)
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elisysd · 11 months
19. Ask me what I earned from all those tears
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Chapter soundtrack: Karma - Taylor Swift
She was comfy, very comfy. Never had she slept so well in a plane. She usually was a very light sleeper when it came to them. She hated having to rely on someone, to literally entrust someone else with her life. So most of the time, she wasn’t really sleeping, she was resting, all her senses in alert in case something was to happen. But today, she felt good, safe and protected. Her head was resting on a chest where she could hear regular heartbeats. It was calming her down, it was reassuring. It was there. She could also feel warm breaths on her face and she snuggled deeper as an arm around her shoulders was pulling her closer. Really she could stay here forever.
But her peace was soon disturbed by turbulence that awoke her brutally. That’s when she saw who she was sleeping on. It shouldn’t have surprised her, after all she was sitting next to him but still, she couldn’t help but to feel slightly embarrassed. Ethan was also sleeping, if his eyes were giving her any indications. She quickly straightened and put back her seat belt, intercepting Romy’s gaze on her, who was arching an eyebrow as she looked at Ethan and then at Julia.
She hated turbulence, it was never fun and she always felt sick. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing. In and out. In and out. In and out. She was gripping the armrest so strongly that she could feel her fingers hurting until a warm palm was put over hers applying a light pressure on it. She looked over to Ethan that was smiling at her and somehow, she knew that everything would be alright. Finally, it didn’t last long or at least it seemed, and soon she stood up to go to the bathroom followed by Romy.
“You are not coming with me in there.” warned Julia.
“I can wait, don't worry.”
When she went back, Romy was still here. Julia moved to let her pass but the German stayed where she was.
“You were cute, sleeping on Ethan.” she said with a cheeky smile.
“I was just really tired.”
“Sure, sure.”
“Romy…” sighed Julia, looking at the boys to make sure no one would arrive.
“Julia…” replied Romy, in the same tone as her best friend.
“I know what you are about to say. And the answer is no.”
“As long as it makes you sleep better at night. Speaking of, you and I need to organize a sleepover. It’s been so long since I’ve come by to your place. I’m sure your mom misses me.”
Julia rolled her eyes, playfully punching the blonde’s shoulder who squealed, attracting the attention of them. As Julia came back to her seat, she noticed the change of positions. Ethan was now next to Kyle, his headphones on his ears and barely looking at her. She can’t help but wonder what she had done to deserve to get ignored like this. She looked over to Kyle as he was now sitting in front of her but he shrugged, giving her an apologetic look. They still had two hours of flight and Julia hoped it would go fast.
She was even more disturbed when, as soon as they landed, Ethan was the first to leave the place, not caring about any of them. As she was walking to retrieve her suitcase, she went to Ludwig.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Ethan? He seemed off.”
“Ethan is Ethan, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to him, he has his mood swings. Worse than a pregnant woman sometimes.”
“He got a text from Ashley, the PR rep. He is heading there.” explained Kyle that had heard Julia.
She didn’t understand, then, why he had not talked to her about it. After all, she might be involved. Especially if it was PR. She took her phone and tried to call Ethan but went straight to voicemail. She texted him, but still no answer even if she could see that he was online. This was starting to piss her off. And she knew she shouldn’t. After all, he didn’t owe her anything. No calls, no texts, no explanations. She just thought that after everything they had been through together, he would be mindful and wouldn’t leave her in the dark. But she guessed that some things would never change.
As for Ethan, he never thought that having Julia resting against his chest would make him feel strong emotions. After all, she has just a girl snuggling against him. Not the first and not the last. But never, in his entire life, did he feel the need to pull her closer or to keep her there forever. Usually, he found that repulsive. But not with her. To avoid being teased by his friends, he pretended to be asleep as well, so if questions were raised he could downplay and deny everything. And faking being asleep was harder than what he thought would be. And then, he had received a text from Ashley asking him to meet her as soon as he landed. When he asked if Julia had to be here, she had just told him no, without further explanations. It made him worried and angry and just as he had been about to talk to Julia, he had received another text telling him to not to.
So it’s a frustrated Ethan that entered the room to find Ashley, his team principal and a woman, sitting around the table. When the woman got up, the first thing Ethan noticed was the girl’s belly and he didn’t need long to connect the dots.
“Carla,” he said.
“Ethan, long time no see.” She greeted him.
Now he remembered her. Her tanned skin, her red lips and curly hair. He remembered the Montorelli’s party where he had to go, being one of the very expensive watches. He remembered her black dress, her seductive smile and the kisses in the bathroom. He remembered how fun it had been. But that was all it had been, for him. Fun. Meaningless. And seeing her in front of her, clearly pregnant, he suddenly felt sick. All this time he had hoped she was lying. It would have been easier. But now, seeing her in front of him, it made everything real. All too real.
“What do you want?” he asked, coldly.
“To make things right.”
“How nice of you, after dragging my name and reputation through the mud.”
“I’m sorry, okay!” she was about to cry. “I… I don’t want my baby to grow up with a lie. I don’t want to feel guilty. I want to start my life with this baby, knowing that the hurt I caused has been erased…”
“Well good luck with that.”
“Ethan, please. Hear her out.” Ashley intervened.
“You are not the father. Ha… Harun is.” she confessed.
“Harun is the father? Are we talking about the same Harun? My teammate?”
Ethan was shocked. Utterly shocked. Harun, the guy that barely knew how to say hello. He was too stunned to speak.
“But… but… Why, then? Why say I was the dad if you knew I wasn’t?”
“I didn’t know for sure, it could have been his or yours. But before Singapore, Harun came to see me and we had a paternity test that will need to be confirmed once the baby will be born but it’s safe to assume that you are not the dad. And… I guess it was easier to say that it was yours? It was… I don’t know… fancier? Because of your family name, and all… I was ashamed to even think it could be Harun’s. It was stupid, I know that now, but when I saw those two lines I panicked. It doesn’t excuse the pain I caused you and the team, but I hope I made things right, at least a little bit.”
“No, it doesn’t excuse anything. Because of you I could have lost my seat and everything I worked for. And for what? A lie? I’m sorry Carla, but you can put your excuses where I think.”
He was harsh, he knew that but he didn’t care. Maybe he would later or tomorrow, but right now he was mad. For the most part. But a tiny, tiny one was thinking that without this lie, he wouldn’t have gotten closer to Julia and he would have missed a great friendship. So, everything was not negative in this story. But he would never say it out loud. For a moment, he imagined what his life could have been if it had been true and he felt his throat turn dry. He had never pictured himself as a father, he didn’t know if he would be a good one. He wasn’t even sure he would like to have kids. And he would need a girlfriend first. And would he be a good boyfriend? How was he supposed to be one? His last relationship was back in high school and had lasted three weeks. How do you have a serious relationship with someone? How do you find that special someone?
“That’s why I’m here! To make amends and make things right! I’m trying to be a good person.”
“Adn what about Harun, then? What is going to happen to him? Are you going to fire him?”
“He is going to leave the team after the Japanese Grand Prix. A statement will be released tonight saying he will focus on family matters.”
“So you are firing him.”
“We are letting go of him… gently.”
“He is taking his responsibilities with the baby. I’ll post one as well to clean your reputation.”
“Good luck with that… What is done is done. I just want to forget you and this story.  I want to go back to my old life.” mumbled Ethan, massaging his temples.
“My PR team will be in touch with yours, if you want to make a joint statement…”  Carla started.
“No. Post whatever you want, I don’t care. As long as it’s the truth and not some new lies.”
She got up and gave him one last look that Ethan was careful to ignore, before leaving the room. Ashley approached Ethan and opened her mouth to talk to him but one look from him quickly dissuaded her.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We need to talk about the PR…”
“Fuck the PR! Fuck you and your stupid ideas! Fuck Carla and her lies! Fuck everything! Leave me alone.”
He went to the door and slammed it. It was too much. Too much information to process, too many consequences to face. And no matter what, his first thoughts were Julia, Julia, Julia.What would he tell her? How would he? He just wanted to see her and to tell her everything. Because after all, they were in this together, for the better and for the worst. He went to the reception and asked for her room number. It took a little bit of persuasion but he managed to get it and he went to the third floor. A few minutes later, he was there. Right in front of her door. He stayed there for a few minutes more before finally knocking. He heard some footsteps and then, the door unlocked revealing her, still in her airport clothes. The glare she gave him made him gulp.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I needed to see and to talk to you.” he explained in a tired voice.
“Oh now you want to talk to me? After purposely ghosting me? Who do you think you are, Ethan?”
“Julia, please, not now. Really.”
“Fuck you, Ethan. I don’t have time.”
She was about to slam the door to his face but he put his left foot in the doorway, preventing her from doing so.
“I’m not the father.”
It had the effect of stopping her dead in her tracks. She looked at him, her mouth agape. She slowly opened the door more, and let him pass by her before sitting down on her bed. He sighed deeply and Julia could see how tense he was. She approached him and sat next to him, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder and she felt him relax a little bit.
“Tell me what happened.”
And he did. He let go of everything. His frustration, his anger against Carla, his confusion, how lost he felt now. He felt used, betrayed, dirty. Why him? Why did it have to happen to him? Why did he have to be born as the son of a fifth world champion? Why was having his name so hard to carry? Why couldn’t he be a normal driver, like Kyle or Ludwig? Someone that fought hard to be where he was. Someone that deserved to be here because of his talent only and not because he was the son of. Would people still use him? Would people still love him?
It frightened him how easily he could talk to her about everything. And how she listened, without a word, just rubbing his shoulder from time to time. When finally he stopped, he looked at her. She was looking to the ground, pensively and biting her bottom lip, something she did when she was feeling anxious or when the wheels in her head kept turning without interruption.
“What… What does it mean for us? I mean… your reputation and name will be cleared. You don’t need me anymore.”
“We keep going as planned. If we stop now people will understand that everything we posted and the paparazzi pictures were fake. It will do more damage than repairs…”
He didn’t know if it would even be true. But he didn’t want to stop whatever was going on between them. He was not ready. He didn’t want to have to be ready to let her go. It was selfish, he knew it but today she was one of the only people he could trust and rely on and he didn’t want to lose that. To lose her.
“So we are still faking?”
“It has always been about pretending, Julia.”
“Has it, though? Are we still pretending? Or have we stopped a long time ago?” she whispered, her eyes anchored in his.
He had to fight with all he had to not kiss her here and there. To make her his.But he was in no state of mind to do so. It wouldn’t be fair. To him or to Julia. She deserved better than an emotionally unstable guy. She deserved better than him.
“I’m pretending, Julia. None of this is real. It has never been.”
He had to leave. Coming here was a bad idea. Seeing her was a bad idea. Losing himself in her arms and in her scent was a bad idea. His life was a succession of bad ideas. But it was his life. And he didn’t want to be her bad idea. So he got up.
“Where are you going?” she asked, trying to come closer to him as he was going for the door.
“Shit, Sherlock. I can see that. Ethan, you are in no state of mind to be left alone. Stay. With me.”
Never his feet seemed so heavy. Never had he ever wanted to run back to her. He was about to leave when he finally turned away and rushed to her, taking her in his arms and pulling her against his chest, his arms squeezing her waist and his nose buried in her neck. He heard her gasp, surprised by his reaction but put her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. And as fast as he came to her, he left. Without a second glance.
Julia barely slept that night, replaying her conversation with Ethan again and again. Trying to make sense of the situation. Why? Why come to him now? Why did she suddenly change her mind and try to make amends? She had never been one to believe in a sudden change of heart. It never came without a reason. So when she left the next day for the paddock, she was determined to find Carla and have a conversation with her. And to find Carla, she needed to find Ashley first. She managed to meet her in front of the Maserati hospitality.
“Where is Carla?”
“Good morning to you too, Julia.”
“I don’t have time for politeness.”
Julia was about to reply when Carla came from the hospitality, looking tired.
“I’m Carla and you are?” she asked with disdain.
“I’m one of Ethan’s friends.”
She saw the girl flinch.
“I have nothing else to say. I told Ethan everything.”
“Or have you?”
Carla avoiding her gaze told Julia everything she needed to know. There was more. Maybe it was not a huge thing and maybe it wouldn’t change anything, but Ethan didn’t know the whole story.
“I’m just looking out for Ethan.” explained Julia, in a calm voice.
“He won’t hear from me anymore. As I told him, I’ll make things right.”
“But why now? Why so suddenly?”
“Do you really need a reason? “ asked Carla in return.
“I just want the truth.”
Carla looked around and indicated to Julia to follow her. They went through the installations before finding a peaceful area, away from everything.
“I… Ethan is not the dad. I didn’t lie about that…”
“So you did lie about something.”
“It happened a few weeks ago… I was in Milan and coming back from an interview for a job when I saw him in front of my doorstep. Ethan’s dad. He asked if he could come inside to talk to me. I knew what it was about, of course. It was about the baby and the press stunt I pulled. You have to understand something… My family threw me out when they learned I got pregnant. They said that they were ashamed of me, that I wasn’t their daughter anymore. They said terrible, terrible things. I was alone, with no possibilities and terrified. I thought that if I released my story in the press it would force Ethan to support me. I knew he had money and influence. His family’s reputation is important. He knows all about keeping a clean facade. How important it is for the media and sponsors. I knew that I had a bomb in me, literally.  And I hoped that despite his bad boy attitude he was loyal and wanted to do the right thing. I hoped that if he thought he was going to be a dad he would help me. But it didn’t turn out as I planned. He didn’t drop anything for me. I was desperate and alone. And then, his dad arrived. He offered me a way out, he told me that I had to do the right thing, a paternity test first to know if Ethan was the dad. He paid for it and he helped me find a private hospital and he paid the medical staff to keep their mouths shut.” explained Carla, her hands shaking.
“I’m scared to ask but… what would have happened if Ethan had been the dad?”
“He would have paid me to leave Europe. And he would have put the baby in an adoption center away from here. Erase all the proof. He was ready to pay me millions to make me abandon my baby.” she was about to cry and a part of Julia was hurting for her while another one was mad at Ethan’s dad.
“He would have lied to Ethan…” she couldn’t believe it.
“He didn’t want his son to waste his career for me. He didn’t want him to throw away everything he had fought so hard to get for a mistake. That he deserved better than being trapped in a life he didn’t want. He paid me to not say anything to Ethan about his visit. He said that it would crush him. So please, it is my turn now… I beg you. Don’t say anything to him. I’m already responsible for almost ending his career, I don’t want to be responsible for his family falling out.”
Julia didn’t know what to add. She expected many things when she went to talk to her but certainly not to learn about Max’s whereabouts. She couldn’t believe it. She knew that it was coming from a place of love, that he had wanted to protect Ethan, but forcing a mother to abandon her child… she never thought he would go this far. And a part of her regretted to know. Because she couldn’t say anything to Ethan. She wouldn’t. Carla was right it would crush him. He would act stupid and would end up doing something he would regret. But she knew she couldn’t keep it to herself. It was too much. It was another lie and one she refused to carry with her. So she did the only thing she thought of, she called Max.
“Julia? What a nice surprise? Is everything okay with Ethan?”
“I know what you did to Carla.” she blurted out and there was a silence on the other end of the line. If she had hoped it was another lie from the Italian girl, Max’s reaction confirmed that it was not.
“Please Julia…”
“Don’t ask me to not say anything to him. I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” she didn’t know when she started to cry but tears were falling down on her face.
“I will tell him, just… I need to know how.”
“It will hurt him so bad.”
“I love him, Julia. I’m ready to do anything to protect him. Including protecting him from himself” Max told her.
“What do you mean?”
“You know him. He would have stepped up knowing full well he is not ready to be a dad. He would have thrown away his career. He would have been resentful towards the kid and would have ended up hating them and himself in the process. I couldn’t let him do that. And I couldn’t let an unwanted child feel like they didn’t matter. No one should experience that.”
“I.. I think that despite everything, I understand why you did it. It doesn’t make it right and Ethan deserves to know even if he is not the dad.”
“I’ll tell him when you guys will be back. Maybe you should be there, he will need you.”
“I’ll always be there for him.” answered Julia with confidence.
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Author's note: The truth is finally out!! What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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larcenywrites · 2 years
Hii. Glad to know you're taking requests. Could you maybe write something about how Tony (young or not, it's up to you) takes care of his girl when she's on her period? Totally okay if you don't feel like writing it or don't feel comfortable or something!! Thank you anyway!
Ugh, I had awful periods growing up! Men could never 🙄 But absolutely! I wasn't sure how I wanted to do it, so I hope it's okay D:
Warnings: typical period stuff
💠Tony isn't exactly a stranger to blood and pain, so he knows what you're going through! Right?
💠Wrong! He figures out real quick that it's not the same, mostly because his not-so-supporting words are quickly thrown out the window, and now for the first time ever he's googling everything about periods and realizing wow, that's pretty fucked up you have to deal with all of that
💠He's never felt so powerless, especially when it comes to you
💠He feels bad about thinking it wasn't a big deal, but now that he knows what he's working with he can plan ahead and make you feel better. That's what he's good at! Kind of!
💠"Shit," you can't help but swear, your movement having already stirred up the light sleeper on his side of the bed. He picked up the frustration in your voice, already alert. "What happened?" Tony asks, looking over at you standing next to the bed and pushing the comforter back. You can't decide what to do first, and the sight is always a little degrading. "It's okay, I'll take care of it," he reassures you once he notices, sending you off to the bathroom. He'd rather you take care of yourself first than feel worse trying to deal with an accident.
💠He's changing those sheets, no questions asked and no complaints besides jesus, that's a lot of blood, are you alive? And he knows you feel like shit so he'll also do laundry for you, and he even already knows to rinse with cold water! Besides, he can just replace anything that's stained. "No big deal, okay?" He'll tell you softly, a hand wiping a stray tear or two. ❤️‍🩹
💠Also don't feel embarrassed about any acne. Plus, he can get you the best products on the market to try out if you want!
💠He's definitely figuring out what medicines or products you prefer to use so there's always plenty on hand. He tends to overprepare for everything so he's putting them in the car, in the offices he's barely even in (much less you), and always makes sure there's some in any bags you carry around.
💠Ngl he's looking at any better brands/versions of said products/medicines and then doesn't understand why you don't want to change the products you've used for your whole life and know work best for you 🤨
💠He just wants to make your already bad experience as manageable as possible. And he always has to butt in and be apart of every experience you have
💠If you don't use medicines and/or products, he's going to have a harder time because buying things is a big part of how he's always taken care of you. So now he's probably trying to figure out what types of things are comforting for you from snacks to jewelry
💠He's also having a harder time with it because Here, if you just take this it'll surely make you feel better! Right?? Hates seeing you suffer, especially if he thinks he can do something about it. And yet you refuse
💠Do your boobs get sore? Can he help with it 😏
💠If you're usually the one doing most of the housework he's trying to do it when you're not feeling good. Trying is a key word, but that's really all that matters. Sure, he doesn't have too, but you deserve to be in a clean and tidy space!
💠But that's just taking care of the physical stuff.
💠For once, he's keeping his own attitude in check during this time to avoid making you feel worse. You'll hardly hear a sass out of him! Instead, he's attentive and mindful
💠Even if you're in a bad mood he's probably not leaving you alone (even if he's making it worse). Do you need something? Here's a heating pad. He also made food!
💠His dedication is sweet and he's trying his best. If you snap at him he won't hold it against you, though you may get an annoyingly playful "Oh, don't be like that."
💠If you need your personal space... you probably won't be getting it as long as he's home. It's just... he can't leave you like that :(
💠He's not used to all the lights being off when he comes home. He's calling your name, but he already knows what's up. You're never in the bed this early unless somethings wrong. The sight of you curled up alone and in the dark breaks his heart. He's already grabbing the heating pad, and a bottle of water to keep nearby. The lights are still off when you hear him shuffling around, and then feel that familiar dip in the bed. You can tell he's cozying in right behind you, but the only contact being a rub on your back and a kiss to the top of your head. Just to let you know that he's here now. He's relieved when you roll over to curl into him, and when you're eventually falling asleep against his chest.
💠If you're weepy and overthinking things he's panicking, but he's there. He hates seeing you cry, and especially if he can't do anything about it. But he is glad you want him around to cuddle! Whatever position makes you the most comfortable! He'll talk you're ear off with random bullshit or sweet nothings to try and get your mind off of it. And if he can make you laugh, he's gonna feel pretty good about himself.
💠He'll try to lay with you in bed for as long as he can, though eventually there are things he has to go do. He'll ask if there's anything else you need before he goes, feeling guilty when you just shrug and the happier mood he worked so hard on is already fading
💠You'll always get kisses across your cheeks before he goes
💠And when he's away you always get check-in texts, but those are a thing even when you aren't feeling shitty
💠He won't ever tell you this if you didn't give him permission, but if you use any cycle tracking apps or a calendar he's up to date with it or he's recording what he can himself 😐
💠It does help him to help you! Maybe you've been a little off this week, but now he knows it's because you'll start next week and he can prepare. He can know which days are worse for you. Now he knows when your period is late or early (and while it's nothing in many cases he still freaks out)
💠He knows that you can still take care of yourself at the end of the day, but he wants to take care of you too! And while he's not perfect at it, he does make those weeks a bit more bearable 🥰
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Comforting the Reader after a nightmare.
Mastermind, Spirit, Doctor
It's not that he's a light sleeper, he's just very alert.
So when he hears you mumbling and whimpering in your sleep, he knows right away that something is wrong.
Were you hurt?
No, not that.
No abrasions evident.
Feeling sick?
Not that either.
You acted different when you felt sick.
Then he realized it.
Your eyes were closed.
It must be a nightmare.
He'll pull you into his chest and start stroking your hair.
"Wake up dearheart."
He might even shake you a little.
You'll wake up to his eyes piercing into you with unfathomable concern.
"Dearest. You were having a nightmare."
It's also fair to tell you the situation that led to this.
He's very calm and reassuring.
His voice barely above a whisper.
He won't ask you to talk about it unless you really want to.
But he will keep you in his arms.
And he'll keep gently petting your hair.
"It's alright dearest. Just a little nightmare."
Weaker will whisper quiet words of affirmation to get you to relax.
And he's already gotten you a glass of water.
If going back to sleep proves too difficult, he'll still keep you laying down.
"Is something troubling you dear? Or, someone? Was it that pathetic Kruger?"
He's very protective when he believes someone is hurting you.
If it is Freddy, Wesker will leave, and return in about an hour covered in blood.
Otherwise, he'll want to speak to you about this.
He isn't upset; he's really worried.
You don't want to talk if you don't want to, but he would like it if you did.
"It might help you release your tension so you'll be able to sleep again."
And he's right.
Because talking about it, while getting your hair stroked, put you at ease enough to fall back asleep.
She's a very light sleeper.
So as soon as you whine or whimper, she's awake.
She knows what's going on too.
Rin's had her fair share of nightmares.
Most are flashbacks of the day she died.
But they vary.
The first thing she does is make sure that when you wake up you won't accidentally hurt yourself.
She'll hold both of your hands together tightly, making sure that you won't be able to move your shoulders too much.
And making sure there aren't any obstacles that you could hit your head on.
She would prefer to let you wake on your own.
But if you aren't, she'll shake you awake.
"Hey, hey. Wake up. It's just a nightmare."
She'll let you catch your breath before speaking.
"Breath, in and out."
She isn't going to force you to talk about it, but she knows that's the best way to calm down.
After the talk, she'll get you a cup of tea and urge you to go back to sleep.
If you can't, she'll lead you in a meditation session.
Even if that doesn't relax you, you might be able to come to a moment of clarity as to why you're having this nightmare.
Don't be embarrassed either.
"You've seen me have a nightmare. So we're equal now."
Putting a fun little spin on it helps ease tension.
If none of that works, she doesn't mind staying up with you and doing something.
Maybe watching a little TV
Read a book.
But no snacks.
Eating at that time of night isn't good for you.
She's just looking out for you.
Because she loves you.
Watching you go through those nightmares breaks her heart.
She'll do anything to help you sleep better.
Unlike the others, he doesn't really need to sleep.
It's also impossible with all the wires that are keeping his eyes taped open.
But he does get focused with his work.
So much so that everything around him is invisible.
It might take him a moment to realize that you're yelping in your sleep.
He's going to be popping theories and hypothesize through his mind.
What could be causing this nightmare.
He won't wake you up.
It's actually a very dangerous thing to do.
But he will be next to you when you wake up to hold you.
If you try to speak, he's going to stop you.
"Breath in and out."
After you've caught your breath, he'll sit you down on the bed.
He sits on his office chair adjacent to you.
"What was the nightmare about?"
Like he's a psychologist.
He's not very good at the whole comforting thing.
But he will find the root issue.
"Did you eat sweets before bed? Too much sugar can mess with the brain."
It may sound forceful, but really wants to help you.
Has someone been bothering you?"
"Has something frightened you recently?"
"Is it Kruger? If it is I can solve this problem right now."
But it probably isn't.
He can't force you to talk.
But he will strongly advise you to.
That's the only real way the heal.
And he wants you to heal.
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tee-hee-heidi · 1 year
For the oc ask game 💤 🤍 💘
Hiiiii!! Since you didn’t specify which OCs you wanted to ask about I’m gonna talk about my Mythical Lovers because they’ve been on my mind A Lot lately (I’m also planning a couple of things for them huehue stay tuned) I hope that’s okay ^^
💤 Sleeping symbol - is your OC a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? What are their sleeping habits.
Promachos: definitely a light sleeper, but after decades of training in the Spartan army he’s developed the skill of instantly falling asleep basically anywhere. Bedroll? Cold hard ground? It’s all the same to him. He’s also capable of waking up fairly quickly too, and push through the morning grogginess almost immediately, since being alert on the battlefield means the difference between life and death. Despite this, he doesn’t wake up at every minor sound every night, and has learned to subconsciously differentiate between a random, non important sound (a companion snoring, a critter shuffling in the bushes) and something worthy of his attention (his name being spoken, orders being given etc.). He’s a side sleeper too, full foetal position.
Crino: probably the heaviest sleeper, especially during winter, the cold makes her sluggish. She’s the type of person who gets groggier the more she sleeps so she tries to wake up at a reasonable time. She can’t exactly afford to spend the whole day sleeping since she lives alone with Sakis. He’s also the one who wakes her up when she can’t manage on her own. She usually sleeps on her back or snuggled up to Sakis.
Sakis: kind of in the middle? He’s not a particularly heavy sleeper but there are times when he won’t wake up even if you shake him. He also a serial cuddler, and will have trouble falling asleep if he’s not hugging someone.
Ares: doesn’t need to sleep (he’s a God after all), but he wouldn’t mind cuddling huehue. If he slept I guess he’d be like Promachos, quick to wake and ready to act.
🤍 White heart - What are three of your OC’s neutral/questionable traits?
Promachos: cannot stand spicy food. Spartan cuisine already had the reputation of being flavourless and terribly simple, and it’s not like there were any spices in the syssition so even the smallest amount of pepper will have him wheeze and cough. Other neutral traits of him… uuuh he can’t stand the feeling of hair on his head (that’s why he keeps it shaved so short), and while they taught him how to read back in Sparta, he’s never been exceptional at it, he’s barely literate.
Crino: she can hunt and is fairly skilled with the bow. Her most favourite hobby is the loom, she likes to make cloth to sell and barter. She’s a bit hairier than a “traditional” nymph, but that’s okay, her boys love her anyway. And lastly, despite being a nymph, her knowledge about plants is fairly limited. Her mothers never really taught her anything since they kinda expected her to just “tag along” them and learn through observation, but she was always too preoccupied with playing and doing kid’s stuff, so she never really learned. Sakis has helped her a lot with this. Last but not least, she can’t read. Her mothers tried to teach her but it was exceptionally difficult for her (she has undiagnosed dyslexia) so after a certain point she just gave up completely. Whoops these might be more than three I hope you don’t mind.
Sakis: the only one who can actually read and write. He’s a great poet and play writer, but only Crino knows about this. After a lifetime of being ridiculed by his (much bigger and stronger) brothers, he’s a bit insecure about his masculinity and usually comes off as a rude and aloof to people who don’t know him. His horn was chipped during a prank his brothers pulled on him, when they left him in the woods and he got lost and almost hunted to death by humans, which in turn made him very distrustful of them. It’ll be some time before he can fully accept Promachos in his life.
Ares: uuuuh this is gonna be difficult because he’s not as developed as the others (RIP). Despite being the God of War, he’s a rather sweet guy? He’s a mama’s boy and Hera loves him. All the other gods treat him with respect but also consider him a bit of a meathead (especially Athena, who’s always a step ahead of him, with her superior strategies) so he’s usually left in the background while they make the Big Decisions. This hurts him quite a lot, but he’s never told anyone yet. ALSO Im aware this is gonna get me crucified but he hasn’t had any children yet (Deimos, Phobos etc. do not exist here) so he’s Just A Guy at the moment.
💘 Heart with arrow - What and/or who do your OCs consider the most important to them?
Promachos: uuuh a lot of things. At the start of the story I’d say the most important thing to him is his polis. He’s lived his whole life for the sole purpose of defending Sparta and bring it to glory, despite not finding any joy in this. The only people he would actually miss from Sparta are his friend Miltiades and Philarchos, a young boy he was mentoring before leaving for war and never coming back. As the story progresses I guess his priorities will change.
Crino: I’d say the most important person for her is Sakis. He’s her best friend, her confidant, and someone who finally doesn’t try to push her to change in any way she doesn’t want. Promachos will also become part of this circle (and Ares too) but only later in the story. As for physical things… I guess her loom and bow are pretty important for her, but the things she loves the most is a little garden Sakis made for her with herbs and plants she can easily recognise. She loves that garden and keeps it to the best of her abilities.
Sakis: Crino. Definitely her. She’s the most important person in his life, and basically the only person he feels truly comfortable around. She knows everything about him (even the most embarrassing secrets) and supports him in every way. He loves her very much uwu Promachos will also become very important to him, but at the moment Sakis sees him more as a person to look up to. He sees him as the ideal man (tall, muscular, imposing, masculine etc.) but doesn’t know about Promachos’s past and the horrible things that shaped him into what he is today. He’ll learn eventually. As for important things that aren’t people… his leopard pelt is pretty up there. I’m still figuring out Sakis’s backstory a little bit, but I liked the idea that the pelt was a gift from Dionysus himself, when Sakis was chosen by the god to be part of his spring procession.
Ares: GOD this is difficult agh. I’d say the most important thing for him at the moment is Promachos for uuuh story related reasons. He’s been watching over Promachos for a long time and really really likes him. I’ll explain better in a later post detailing the storyline, because this thing is already long enough lol, just fyi Ares has been crushing on Promachos for a pretty long time at this point.
Aaaah thanks for the ask!!! I really like doing these kind of things, it keeps my brain working. My askbox is always open anyway, so if anyone wants to give me an excuse to rant about my OCs and WIP I’ll be more than happy to answer
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
@xfindingtrouble said: “ of course i came. you called me. what’s wrong? “ from percy but maybe it's modern verse. maybe it's in the middle of the night. perhaps.
She has a cup of tea ready for him when he gets there. It's cold tonight, cold enough that he's wearing that pea coat that makes her unexpectedly weak at the knees, cold enough that she feels an irritating (but no less present) surge of guilt at the sight of the flush in his cheeks. This much is the least she can do, perched on her front steps with her own cup between her feet and waiting for him. She knows the time it takes to get from his place to hers, knows about how long it'll take for the tea to cool until it's the right temperature to drink, times it perfectly, so that when he walks up the front pathway to her door she's able to hold it out in offering for him.
The first thing she says when she sees him is a soft, almost bashful, "You didn't have to come, you know."
He takes the cup in one hand, looking pleasantly surprised when it's warm against his palm without scorching him, and after a moment's maneuvering he's sitting next to her on the steps. "Of course I came." He says it like it's the simplest, most obvious thing in the world. Doesn't matter that it's creeping closer to two in the morning. Doesn't matter that they're really not close enough for this yet. "You called me."
It occurs to Astoria that Percy is way too good for her. She doesn't say anything, simply lifts her own cup to her lips and takes a slow drink. It's too late for black tea, but it's not like she's going to sleep tonight, anyway. He waits, admirably patient given the hour and the temperature, but when she doesn't say anything, her own flushed cheeks the result of embarrassment as much as the cold, he nudges her shoulder gently.
"What's wrong?"
She sets her cup down, eyes him cautiously. "Just to be clear, there's no chance I can pass this one off as a booty call, right?"
It gets a laugh out of him, quiet, considerate of her neighbors. Definitely way too good for her. Their relationship is, at the moment, hovering in a strange space: he knows her well enough to know there really is something wrong, not so well he's gotten the full tragic backstory. It's not something she likes talking about. It's not something she wants to talk about. She probably should have called someone else.
If she's being honest, she's not sure why she called him, not really. She's only sure that she was tipsy enough that it seemed like a good idea at the moment, and that she'd wanted to hear his voice. She forgot that he was a light sleeper, and when he answered the phone, sounding tired and a little worried, she'd very nearly hung up, remembering at the last minute that he absolutely knew it was her. She's rarely nostalgic for the past but it sure was a hell of a time to be alive, when you could drunk dial someone in the middle of the night and then pretend you hadn't done just that, because who the fuck had Caller ID?
Something in her voice when she apologized for the hour made him banish the sleep from his voice, and he said he would be there soon, and so, she made the tea. Would have taken a cold shower, but it's too cold outside to leave the house with wet hair, and besides, the cold air is helping keep her alert. Thank god she'd only been tipsy and not fully tequila drunk, as she was hoping to be by this time of the night. What she hadn't managed was figuring out something to say to him that wouldn't invite follow-up questions, because as soon as she started doing that she asked herself, why don't I want him to know? and it hadn't been a simple question to answer.
Horrible news! She's figured out the answer to that question, and she's so not ready for it. Because she thinks about him when that fucking Coldplay song comes on. Because she's gone to more shows than she cares to count and watched him play with the kind of wonder-struck warmth you really can't fake. Because she wants him to think about her that way, too, and the only thing worse than being seen is being seen. That article about the screaming goats was right. To be known is mortifying. What if he thinks she's the kind of fucked up you can't come back from? Oh, god, worse than that, what if he wants to save her?
(And worse still: what if she likes it?)
Percy is still waiting, watching her with the kind of expression that makes her feel a little bit melted on the inside, and definitely too warm. His eyes skate over her hair, loose and tangled around her shoulders; she swears he sniffs discreetly, to determine just how drunk she is (really not that drunk at all, unfortunately) or maybe to see if the smell of tobacco is hanging around her (Scanlan did mention off-hand that she used to smoke when she was stressed, but in her defense, she's really making progress with quitting this time). In a minute he'll ask if she wants to go inside, given that she's sitting out here in a pair of leggings and a sweater that's hanging off her shoulder and no jacket, her feet clad only in a pair of socks that, while thick, aren't thick enough to stave off the winter chill. He'll worry about her, and want to look after her, and if he's nice to her right now she'll burst into tears, and that's even worse than being known.
"It was a rough day." Her voice is hoarse, and she runs her free hand through her hair, fingers getting caught in the knots and curls. When she tries to speak she fails, so she tries again, and once more, before she manages anything else. "I didn't have a great childhood and I had a worse adolescence and most of the time it's fine, but today it wasn't."
She hopes he doesn't ask why. She doesn't know how to explain it in a way that doesn't sound insane, or petty, or childish, or all of the above.
(Well, you see, my mother spent seven years trying new and exciting ways to abandon me, and then seven years after she gave up on being subtle about it and just left me with her parents she pushed me to go somewhere else, and then when that turned out to be a fucking disaster, she didn't even stick around long enough to let me forgive her, and she's getting married and isn't it stupid? We don't have a relationship and I'm hurt that her future stepson is going to be in the wedding, and I didn't even find out about the engagement from her, I found out when a mutual Facebook friend messaged me about it, and like, sure, it's not that deep, but I mean, there's just something fundamentally fucked up about that, isn't there?)
She shrugs. No need to dig into any of that. Instead, she meets his eyes, and she sniffs in a way that really challenges her ability to look cool and detached from the world and especially her ongoing neuroses. "I couldn't sleep. House felt too empty. And when I thought about the friendly voice I wanted to hear, the only person I thought of was you. I didn't realize how late it was until you answered. I'm fine, seriously, it's just been a rough day. It'll pass. Always does." She bumps her shoulder against his, like he had done, and she offers him a crooked grin, hopes it's dark enough that he won't notice it's not quite meeting her eyes. "I'm really sorry. I swear I don't make a habit of that shit. I promise that, despite how it looks, I'm honestly fine."
They are not close enough for this. He does not know her well enough for this. Percy stands, cup still in his hands, and for a moment she thinks he's going to leave, and steal her favorite mug for revenge, but he turns back around to face her.
"'s cold." He still sounds tired, but he doesn't sound resentful. That's something, at least. "Is the door unlocked?"
Astoria stares up at him in silent surprise, and belatedly, she nods.
"Will company help you sleep?"
Ah, there's that blush again. Will he notice that she's roughly the same shade as her hair, now? She nods again, and he takes the steps two at a time and opens the door. Once he has, she can hear her cats shouting their greetings to him.
"You've got the cotton sheets, right?"
That, somehow, gets her voice working. Astoria stands slowly, turns around to face him; he's standing in the doorway, the cats weaving around his ankles, his familiar shape filling the doorway and dark against the hall light. "Yeah."
"Excellent." He waits until she's through the door, too, before he walks down the hall, unwinding the scarf from around his neck and peeling his coat off and looking for all the world like he belongs here, in her space, fingers brushing against the blanket on the back of the couch that she remembered him liking last time he was around as he walks by. She closes the door behind her, flips the locks, waits for the dread to settle in her stomach as she realizes that, like it or not, she's been seen, really seen.
The dread never comes. She waits until she's brushed the tangles out of her hair and it's smooth and soft again to throw her arms around his middle and sink into him like a drowning woman afforded a raft, and she smells the faint hint of lavender. She thinks she's forgotten moderation. She thinks that, as long as he's here, she never wants to remember it.
She sleeps. She sleeps like the dead. She wakes before he does and she watches the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes like the gentle rolling of the sea and she thinks, I'm in trouble now.
Just this once, just for him, she doesn't think she minds.
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ofwishfulthinking · 1 year
🎩 - Clarissa, 🛍 - Diego, 👻 - Edgar, 💤 - Elijah, 🍔 - Leila, 😖 - Malachi, 💘 - Rose
🎩 - What would your muse wear to a formal event? Do they dress more modestly, or do they go all out?
Clary doesn't really get dressed up, but if she had to, she'd go all out -- full glam, heels, body contouring dress. The whole nine yards.
🛍 - Does your muse like to go shopping? What do they usually shop for? What kind of stores do they frequent?
Diego doesn't hate shopping. It's not a favorite past time, but he'll do it. He likes shopping for the house (appliances and furniture). For himself, he enjoys suit shopping.
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
Edgar loves horror movies. The Conjuring is one of his comfort movies (even if Marco claims that it's a love story more than a horror, and secretly, Edgar agrees.) He thinks that horror movies have a certain kind of beauty to them. That being said, he's afraid of the dark. It's a fear from childhood that he's never really conquered. He sleeps with a night light or a light on. As for calming, he does a lot of meditation and deep breathing.
💤 - How does your muse sleep? Are they a light sleeper, or are they out the moment their head hits the pillow? Do they nap? Do they struggle to sleep due to things like insomnia, or nightmares?
Eli used to be a deep sleeper, but ever since Noah's arrival, he's been more of a light sleeper. He's always on alert to make sure that his kid's okay. He tends to stay up late since it gives him some alone time and allows him to see Zane on nights where he's worked late.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
She prefers baking. She's not a bad cook or baker. If there's a recipe, she's good to go.
😖 - Does your muse have any embarrassing moments that they still think about? Do they laugh at them, or do they haunt them?
Mal has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth (see: sleeping with Kassandra). He thinks about his embarrassing moments, but tries not to ruminate on them as they can't be changed.
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
Honestly, being in love terrifies Rose as she tends to lose herself in her partner. She's an acts of service person and truly takes pleasure in doing things for her partner. In terms of receiving love, she's a words of affirmation person which is probably why being in love with Griffin was so difficult for her. She doesn't think that she has a "type" per se, but she can be swayed by a pretty face.
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kiroonsmoon · 1 year
💤 🐶 🍰 for Fate and Luci?
Ah yes. My Interceptor kids…
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Hmm Fate’s a pretty deep sleeper I say? She was blessed with the ability to fall asleep easily too. She falls into bed and is instantly out like a light. She can be a bit difficult to wake up too, especially if she’s having a dream but if you shake her really roughly or scream in her face she’ll wake up.
However her habits? Not really the best. She had okay habits pre-aevium, because Calamity was very adamant she take care of herself. But coming to Aevium? Yeah everything that’s been happening kinda fucked her sleep schedule. Also, when she began to get nightmares too she tried to avoid sleeping when she could because she didn’t like having them.
Lucifer is a very very light sleeper. He grew up in a abusive household and that affected how he slept. He’s very alert of his surroundings, even in his sleep. He struggles to fall asleep too, and he absolutely refuses to unless he feels safe. He only really feels safe enough to fall asleep around his dragons or Nancy before she died.
When Nancy and King where kidnapped by Team Xen, Lucifer would often pass out from pure exhaustion because of everything that was happening. At least he began to sleep somewhat when he got King back…
🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
I’m assuming your asking about their pokemon lol so that’s what I’m going with. What are pokemon but pets you fight with.
Fate’s main team include her Incineroar Andie, Flotzel Captain, Meowstic (F) Marianette, Decideueye Fern, Nancy’s old Sylveon Carnation and a Mimikyu named Pandora!
She also has an Altaria named Cloudy, Elygem named Peaches and a Dedenne named Cheddar in the box. I haven’t really thought of other pokemon to give her (probably more fairies tho lol). I do plan on giving her a steel type eventually because of gay character development. I’m thinking a Togedemaru? Maybe she’ll get a poison type one day.. though I really only plan on her overcoming her fear of steel types lol.
Lucifer is a dragon trainer! Because along with being a renegade run he’s also a mono dragon challenge cuz… why not. So he has all available dragon types and will have any future available ones. I need a Duraludon you don’t understand, a steel type will be so helpful for Luci GIVE ME THE FUNNY BUILDING DRAGON JAN PLZ.
Anyway… Lucifer does have a few main pokemon aka the pokemon I’ve often featured in rp lol. His ‘starter’ is a Zwellious named King. He’s often out of his ball and around Lucifer. Emotional support dragon. He’s got a Garchomp named Queen and a Drampa named Councilor. A while not available yet, I do plan on his main legendary pokemon being Kyurem. I mean Calamity has Zekrom and I decided to give Fate a Reshiram because of that…might as well complete the Tao Trio.
Also, it’s not a dragon type but Charziard and Sceptilie too because they mega evolve into dragon types. Also due to rp purgatory shenanigans Lucifer kinda uhm… ended up hatching a fucking Nihilego? Yeah. Axel had a very fun time with that. Dw it’s very nice and it’s name is Fallen :)
🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
Fate would probably like many sweets and desserts. I think she would like Milkshakes and Icecream the most though.
Lucifer? Candy, he wants it all give it to him. Cookies too…
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oceanxveiined · 3 years
When sleeping with someone she cares about, she will almost always put herself between the person and the nearest entry points. Not to mention will always strive to stay awake longer than the person to keep watch over them before she’d finally let herself sleep. In a way, it’s a show of her love, in order to protect them from any potential enemies that could come at them, especially since she’s quite the light sleeper.
That and she just has the biggest weakness for the sleepy faces her chosen people make.
#hc#//She will never actively explain why she does it#//She just will and there's no arguing with her about it#;mun has spoken#//Did this a lot for her brother; especially considering how her mother was and the things she did to them#//If she failed to wake up when her mother walked in; she would be the one to take the brunt of the consequences#//So really; that's why she's such a light sleeper. Had to be on the alert constantly#abuse mention tw#//More implied; but eh#//Even the slightest creaks of the floorboards or the groan of a window have her bracing and ready to attack if they continue#//Sleeps with her back to the doors/windows deliberately. Bc she's got a little light she puts up on the frame so she can see any shadows#//Very subtle; but effective for her to see if there's actually someone there or if she's just hearing things without turning around#//Any suspicious movements that seem to approach/get within range is grounds for her to turn and attack#//She goes as far as to sleep holding a knife under her pillow#//Sleeping outside a secure area is impossible for her. Cannot and will not sleep if there's not four walls and secure enough windows/doors#//Not barehanded; of course; since she sleeps holding a knife under whatever she's using as or an actual pillow#//Or if anything with her power; just in case she's disarmed/pinned before she can do anything; since she keeps a bowl of water nearby jic#//The former gave her mom incentive to stop trying to hurt them in their sleep after she'd stabbed her hand and narrowly in the face#//Not that she'd trust the woman would actually stop so she kept vigilant even still#//It would take an extreme amount of trust in someone for her to let them be the ones to watch over her#//And even then it would be near impossible for her to actually sleep normally; bc she'd still wake up at the slightest suspicious noise#//And still be at the ready to whirl around and defend herself if needed; even knowing someone's actually watching her back#//It's really not recommended to approach her at all to wake her up or make any loud noises to achieve this#//Best way to wake her up is keeping distance and quickly tapping three times on something to get her attention. Or texting her works too#//Another true show of her love is actually being upfront about that fact tbh#//Bc if she didn't give a damn; she wouldn't have any qualms putting someone's eye out for unknowingly making the mistake of approaching#eye injury mention tw#//It's like her aversion to touch. Will scarcely give a warning if at all; and woe betide anyone who sets that part of her off even still#//People she likes; she'll actively tell them 'Hey; don't get too close to me when I'm asleep all of a sudden unless ya wanna lose an eye-'#//Or something like that; just making sure she doesn't actually hurt them. Won't feel too bad if they still get hurt bc then it's on them
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momosbrainrots · 3 years
Melatonin | Arcane Imagine
Sleep aid with Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx Sevika and Grayson ♡
Insomniacs/people who have trouble falling asleep rise up, it's our time to shine!
Tw: none, just fluff and sleepy time
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Vi is one of those people who have no problem falling asleep anywhere but she is a light sleeper, after all these years she got used to being alert.
You went to sleep together an hour ago but you were still wide-eyed while Vi seemed to have been asleep since the moment she lied down.
But she wasn't, she could feel you rustling in your sleep, turning around and around, how you sighed in exasperation... she eventually wake up at that.
"Hey, you ok?" "Can't sleep? Why didn't you tell me sooner :(?"
She told you a million times how she didn't mind if you woke her up, she wants you to be able to get sleep
Will try anything to help you sleep. She’ll tell you stories until you fall asleep, a massage? Cuddles? All done!
I don't think she'd mind staying up late if you'd rather do something else. She always recommends working out! You get fit while in the process you end up all tired and worn out.
She'll (try to) remain awake until she can see you finally sound asleep in her arms.
While Caitlyn is a person who sleeps on time and easily, yk she has a routine to follow, you are the complete opposite.
And she'll scold you about your sleeping habits all the time. It worries her that you aren’t getting the rest you need.
Trying to get used to her schedule was complicated, there are still days that you remain awake while she peacefully sleeps by your side.
Staring at the ceiling can get overwhelming so you would try to get up from bed, without waking her up, and go out for some fresh air, hoping that will help you get sleepy.
As soon as she notices the empty bed, Cait would wake up and immediately go look for you if she sees that you don't come back.
"Can't sleep again darling?" "Is there something troubling you?" "Why don't we head to the kitchen and I prepare us some tea?" Nothing that a cup of tea/hot drink to your liking does not solve!
Meanwhile you would converse in a tranquil way, going from "why you couldn't sleep" to unimportant things.
And the truth is that it works wonders!
You don't know if it's the tone in which she speaks to you or if the warm beverage made you feel drowsy but soon you find yourself being carried to bed in the arms of the best enforcer in town, your amazing girlfriend.
In itself it is rare that either one of you has some rest.
But you decided to try and get some sleep, enough to get rid of the tiredness that you had been accumulating for days.
You say goodnight to your girlfriend, that she's still working on... whatever she was working on this time...
After a while, in which you couldn't fall asleep even with your eyes closed, you got up frustrated.
"Weren't you sleeping?" "Oh... I see, then come here, sit with me!"
Well, now you can keep her company and help her paint the last design she'd done!
The ordinariness of the ambience was just what you needed. Her humming the tune of the song playing, the sound of tinkering and the smell of fresh paint, all in perfect tune, lulling you to sleep.
With a quick glance she sees your eyes closed and your chest rising slowly up and down, she will quiet her voice and lower the music when she realises your out on her shoulder.
Giving you a goodnight kiss she'll resume the work, now with a dumb smile in her face.
Sevika too had many sleepless nights, she understands how it feels.
At first she tries to make you go to sleep with her, although she might sound upset, it is not her intention, she is just tired and wants to rest.
She will stay at your side when you can’t sleep, you both help each other out in times like these.
If you really can’t sleep, she’ll stay up with you. This has lead to a lot of late night card games and unusual dumb conversations you wouldn't expect to have with her.
When she's extremely tired but wants to stay by your side, she throws herself on your lap, will try to stay awake while you ask her about her day but soon she's dead asleep.
Seeing her face so calm, relaxed when her usual self is very grumpy is really soothing.
You'll trace her scars till soon enough you find yourself drifting away too. It's not the comfiest but at least you get to rest together
She would come home after working late, she expected that by now you would be sleeping, but to her surprise the light in your room was on, it was very late, you wouldn't be waiting for her, right? She told you that she would come late. Maybe you had fallen asleep with the light on...
Upon entering she saw you all wrapped up in the sheets. From the door she could see that you were awake.
"Couldn't sleep without me?" You just nod in between the sheets, that's enough to let her know you had one of those nights. "I'll get in bed in a second, let me take out of these clothes first" kissing your head while heading to the bathroom.
She knows that sleeping can sometimes be a challenge and she always does her best to make it not so frustrating for you, sacrificing hours of her sleep if needed.
She found out that going to sleep together was a great help, her presence was like a sedative to you. After all Grayson makes you feel protected, welcomed in his arms, her steady breath in your hair like a sweet lullaby...
But there are always exceptions and there are days when that doesn't work. In that case you usually go for a walk, you approach the balcony/window to get some air or you sit down to talk about her day until eventually you give in to sleep.
On the days when she comes home late it's when she usually finds you awake. That makes her feel kind of guilty
But at least that gives her the opportunity to spend some time with you...
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Can I request a headcanon for the RE boys x reader where the reader fell off the bed while she sleeps and carries on sleeping even though she landed on the floor and the boys had to check if she’s alright?
Hi! These boys are my favorites to do right now I’m not gonna lie to you and this is so cuteee. I hope you enjoy!
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Ethan Winters
- Ethan was slightly startled away by the sound of a thud on the ground
- he noticed quickly that you weren't asleep beside him and immediately started to panic, wondering if someone had gotten into the house and that was the noise he heard
- he jumped to his feet, walking to the door and caught sight of you on the ground, sound asleep
- he was more relived then amused at first but then couldn't help but let out a chuckle
- he gently kneeled beside you to wake you up but you were not budging
- he thought that was even funnier but tried not to laugh too hard
- he was too sleep deprived for that
- he got his noodle arms and tried to hoist you up but that didn't really work
- it did however, wake you up enough to climb back on the bed
- 'You fell off," he explained in a husky whisper
- you just groaned back to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him back down to bed with you
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Karl Heisenberg
- Karl only slightly woke up actually
- then he went back to bed because screw that
- then when the morning came and he tried to pull you to him for some morning cuddles he noticed you were ???not there???
- he sat up groggily and found you on the floor
- he faintly remembered hearing you fall and then he panicked
- what if you weren't okay and he had just slept through it?
- he quickly got down off the bed and shook you awake
- you gave him a confused look but he was to relived to really care
- 'Don't fall off the bed darlin' he muttered sleepily and helped you up to the bed again
- he climbed back in, refusing to get up this early and laid his head down on the pillow beside you
- he had an iron grip on your hip now and you kind of assumed he wasn't going to let you go anytime soon
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Chris Redfield
- Chris shot awake at the mere sound of you falling
- he had trained his own mind to wake up at any disturbances which meant he didn't often get a great nights sleep
- he found you weren't there and remained calm, sliding out of bed and finding you on the floor
- he knelt beside you and checked to make sure your breathing wasn't labored
- by all accounts you were perfectly alright
- he let out a small sigh of relief, brushing your hair out of your face
- he didn't have the heart to wake you so he just picked you up using those big muscles of his
- he placed you back on the bed and you didn't even notice that you had fallen off until he told you the next morning
- that explained the bruise on your hip
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Leon Kennedy
- Leon woke up to the sound of your falling very quickly
- he was a light sleeper anyway
- he looked around, gaining his bearings almost immediately and noted that you weren't beside him anymore
- he reached for his knife that was on the bedside table and hoped out of bed, wondering if someone had gotten in the house or wondering why you weren't in bed
- he quickly surveyed the room and there you were, sound asleep
- he chuckled lowly and put the knife back down, walking up to you
- he pulled the blanket down off the bed and laid down beside you
- you put your arm over his chest and he kissed your forehead, closing his eyes again
- you were surprised to wake up on the floor with Leon but it was a pleasant surprise
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Carlos Oliveira
- Carlos snores in his sleep so you learned to sleep through pretty much everything
- when he heard the thud he almost didn't get up to investigate but he happened to extend his arm and noticed you weren't there
- he sat up, contemplated just going back to sleep but instead shimmied over to your side of the bed and saw you sound asleep on the floor
- he panicked at first that you hadn't woken up but heard the soft sound of your breathing that alerted him you were alright
- he reached down and shook you awake, brushing his finger over your forehead
- 'You okay?' he asked
- you hummed back in response and grabbed his hand, using him as leverage to help you stand and climb back into bed
- he would check you out for bruising in the morning, he was too tired now
- in the meantime he just wrapped his arms around you a tad tighter
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thedilucharem · 2 years
A Collection of Headcanons - Sleeping Edition!
He likes to think that whenever he passes out is entirely up to his strength of will, but this is unfortunately not the case most of them time.
He sleeps an average of about four or five hours a day, including the five-minute micro naps.
Speaking of sleep: This man can sleep anywhere.
He has napped in chairs. He has napped on couches. He has napped on the floor. He has napped on a stairwell. He has napped hanging in a tree. He has napped on top of tables. He has napped standing straight up.
If he can get comfortable, he will pass out anywhere.
More under the cut!
He says he doesn't snore, but there is a light whistle whenever he exhales.
In the rare instances that he actually sleeps in his bed for a reasonable amount of time, the maidservants know full well not to wake him up until he does it naturally.
The last time someone did it some time ago, he tried to slap them away.
He is a menace when he is woken up by something besides his janked-to-hell internal clock. There is also a 10% chance that he will go back to sleep after someone wakes him up.
In short, no one talks to this guy until he's had two mugs of coffee and is no longer irritated with them, which might take a little while.
And speaking of coffee, one primary reason why he dislikes alcohol so much is because of one simple question: Why would he drink a depressant when he could drink a stimulant instead?
He takes to coffee the same way he takes to wine: Intensely.
However, the typical hyperactivity associated with coffee balances itself out because he's so perpetually tired all the time from what he does in his day-to-day.
Diluc tried to stop drinking coffee after sunset so that it doesn't mess up his sleep more than it already has, but this is one of the few challenges that he cannot bring himself to conquer.
Then again, there's not really much of a sleep schedule left to fuck up anyway.
In a vastly differing comparison to Diluc, Childe actually tries to sleep a healthy amount; a warrior should always be at the top of their game after all.
He's up with the sun and typically sleeps with the moon if he doesn't have any important responsibilities to take care of,
With the exception being when he's out fighting creatures in the dark of the night or taking debts, of course.
However, it does take a little while for him to actually settle down to sleep as he and his mind are quite restless.
He will toss and turn for the better part of an hour before falling into a fitful sleep, where he will still toss and turn in his dreams.
Childe is quite the light sleeper, he'll wake up with changes in temperature, a slight noise, or just in general.
He calls it 'being alert and ready for anything' but this is more or less rooted in some internalized paranoia due to events in his past.
No one tries to wake him up because he almost killed the last person that did.
It is also much easier for him to fall asleep when he feels safe and secure, but again, he'd probably take that as a sign of weakness when in actuality, that is a huge fucking issue to have.
Childe is used to sleeping out in the elements, but he can't deny that he prefers a soft mattress when he gets the chance.
Back in his day, it took him a little while to get accustomed to sleeping alone as back in his home village, he and his siblings would all share a bed.
So on occasion, he will have his entire body curled around a pillow while he clutches it tightly in his subconsciousness.
She can no longer sleep on land, it's almost impossible now.
Without the familiar sensation of any water vessel in the waves, it is a challenge for her to settle in.
So yes, she is literally rocked to sleep as the boat rolls back and forth.
As much as she appreciates mattresses and comforters, a sheet and a hammock with a single pillow are where it's at.
Yes, she has been thrown off of it in the middle of the night multiple times.
She's not much of a light sleeper but will be roused by the slightest changes in the weather out on the sea.
When it comes to the day before she sets sail, Beidou's sleeping schedule isn't as consistent as her land-loving friends as she wakes up with tides and the conditions of that day.
If the ideal time to set out is three in the morning, she is up at three in the morning.
If it's at noon, she'll be up at noon and have her lunch too.
You can bet she'll take a cat nap in the day if the time to set out is ten at night, but she will be up by ten.
When the fleet is out and about in the seas or docked for repairs that'll take a couple of weeks, however, she will rise before dawn. Every. Single. Time.
Doesn't matter if she sleeps at a regular time or if she was blacked-out drunk the night before. She will be awake before the sun is out.
It's like clockwork to her body, whenever she's out on the water or on the docks, it's like it's on a regimented schedule that she did not completely consent to.
Hey, as a captain of a large private fleet, she has responsibilities! This operation absolutely does not run itself.
The crew has managed to gently convince Beidou that maybe drinking from her flask first thing in the morning isn't a good idea, but they don't usually wake her up for anything unless it's urgent.
Expel any thoughts of boomer Zhongli going to bed at six in the afternoon because this man does anything but that.
Remember the Lantern Rite? He does stuff like that every other week.
If there are interesting things to do at eleven at night, he is there and he is enjoying himself.
Stargazing has become a little bit of a nice hobby he indulges in on some nights when the clouds have cleared.
As a result, he occasionally forgets that he needs to sleep at night.
This is not to say that he doesn't sleep at all as he's not entirely human and only really tried being a mortal recently, so he's still figuring that part out.
The time he actually sleeps, however, ranges from the standard eight hours of sleep to sometimes only two as on occasion, he finds it hard to settle down into that mindset.
Aspects of his extensive sleeping ritual include a late evening stroll to relax his mind, a warm bath for his body, a good book to occupy his thoughts, a cup of herbal tea to ease him off to bed, and possibly the most expensive pajamas in Teyvat that was absolutely paid at Childe's expense.
His bed is one of the best available. It feels like clouds but is also firm enough so that he isn't sinking in it when he lies down.
He gets up sometime in the morning like a normal person, maybe reading a page or two while having some tea in bed before he starts the day.
Once he grows comfortable with sleeping at night, he becomes a firm believer in power naps if he wants one and has a small cot in his office for that purpose.
Also, his snoring is an unholy kind of loud. Sometimes the ground shakes. Literally.
Anyone who has had the unfortunate pleasure of sleeping in the same room as him will not be able to sleep.
There is currently no cure for it and no one's managed to identify the problem because he mostly lives alone.
And good luck to anyone getting him up to hopefully make it stop. He wakes up when he wants to get up and not a moment before.
For a god of stone, he sure sleeps like one.
Arataki Itto
He has slightly unsettled plenty of people with how he sleeps because what kind of person literally sleeps with their eyes open?
Well, this guy does and this is a bragging point that he's genuinely proud of.
The neighborhood kids in Hanamizaka always crowd around him when he's taking a nap under a tree somewhere to look at the sight.
Speaking of naps, he's not one to take them often, but on the rare occasion that he wants to sit back and relax, he'll usually find a comfy spot and take one there.
His bedding is a little old and well-used, but he says that it's always given him a better night's sleep than anything else.
If he's up for a good time after night falls, he'll insist to high heaven that he isn't tired like little kids like to do when they're about to fall over from being up too late.
But the instant his head hits a pillow, he's out like a light.
His snoring is quite loud but easily remedied with a pillow propped up under his head.
If he's expecting to do something exciting or fun the next day, he'll be up early in the morning long before any preparation needs to take place.
And the day before? He will be too hyped to sleep much at all.
At that point, the only things that can really take him out are either complete and total exhaustion or putting soybeans in his general proximity.
Itto has an uncanny ability to sleep some injuries and sicknesses off like they're nothing.
Maybe it's the continued incidents with soybeans, or maybe it's his oni blood, but just give him a good night's rest and he's mostly fine once he wakes up the next day.
Also, don't try to wake him up, it's an almost impossible task.
If he is roused before any reasonable time and he doesn't have to be awake, he will almost always nod back off to sleep within five minutes if there's no persistence.
He'll be kind of pissed for all but five minutes before he is primed and ready for the day as if he was never groggy in the first place.
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dayeinthetrenches · 3 years
Good Catholic Girls Sitting Under a Tree… (gxg)
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Do not repost content without proper credit to me.
[Masterlist Link]
Summary: A couple of closeted lesbians discover they’re gay for each other by accident.
Characters: Black girl x White Girl
Words: 2,100
Setting: Catholic Summer Camp
Hey, Hey, Hey! I'm back everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for not uploading for so long, I really went hard on my art these past few weeks and I couldn't get out of it, I just had to do it (ADHD things hehe). Anyway, as promised on my board, here is the sexy chapter.
Disclaimer, this isn't a dream and nor is it a personal experience, but just product of my imagination (I.e. fictional characters, scenarios only).  Enjoy some lesbian smut you pervs, lmao. Make sure to play Audio when you spot it ;)
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"Okay Ladies, you know the drill. Floss, brush your teeth, shower, and go to sleep. Let's go."
I jumped and averted my gaze away from Tamara's back. Counselor Cindy swung the door open and one by one the girls and I marched inside the lounge area, including Tamara. Behind me, the door clicked shut.
Today's work was enough to bring down a whole village. I had been expected to do the chores around the camp but my days have growingly left me so worn out to the point where I'd already started to band-aid my chaffed Achilles tendons. I slumped across the couch, closing my eyes.
"Oh my god. Cut it out, Delilah." Complained Jenny, at the same time as Marianne did, "I'm exhausted, leave some room for us."
I groaned and forced myself off the couch. "Just take it, I'm going to brush my teeth."
As I stood, I watched as Tamara made a beeline to the bunks, slamming the door behind her. She must've had a rough day. The counselor was especially hard on her today and I didn't know why. It's none of my business, anyways. I thought.
After scrubbing my teeth clean, I walked out the bathroom and peeked out to the lounge room to see how the girls were doing. Jenny and Marianne were sound asleep, with Marianne resting her head on Jenny's shoulder, feet still perched up on the screen coffee table. I didn't want to disturb them, they looked too comfortable. I switched off the lights and walked back to the bunk room. Tamara was already fast asleep, only the rise and fall of her figure greeting me. It was probably for the best that I decided not to shower because one, I was way too tired to even stand and two, I didn't want to wake up the girls.
I trudged my feet forward until collapsing on the mattress, the springs protesting against my weight. I slowly blinked until sleep consumed me.
●  ●  ●
I woke up to the strange noises again for the third time tonight. As a light sleeper, every little rattle on the window or a gush in the wind alerted me out of my slumber, it made up for a terrible sleep schedule. But contrary to my other sleepless nights, this time the noises weren't the same. They were faint mewls that sporadically filled the still air. It was coming from the top bunk. Tamara. Maybe she was having one of those nightmares again. I thought.
I swung my legs out from under the sheets and got up from my bed. Another rustle comes from the top bunk and I freeze. I look up and Tamara's back is facing me. As she shook, an intense wave of guilt clogged my throat. I can't even begin to imagine all the things that have happened to her if she reacts the way that she does during her nightly episodes. The past few nights have not been good on her and I see it all over her face every time we talk. It pains me that she has to hide her emotions like that when it is completely fine to open up to people. I just hope she does it sooner rather than later because by the time she does, I won't be there for her and we'd all have to go back to our regularly scheduled lives. I treaded carefully out the door, afraid of making any noise that would wake them up and reached the kitchen. A bay window, stripped with metal bars illuminated the white tiled room. I served myself a cold glass of milk and chugged it down with a few cookies I'd hidden from the others. If sister Cindy caught me like this, I would have had to pray to the Lord that she won't be too harsh on me for the punishment. The stories I've heard are enough to keep you awake at night.
Once I felt like my cravings for sweets were satisfied, I put everything away and made a stealthy walk back to the bunk room. I was about to swing the door open when I heard a breathy sound erupt from the top bunk, this time louder than before, just above a whisper. I looked through the crack in the door to see the lower half of Tamara... who was rocking her hips back and forth.
No. NO! What are you thinking, Delilah! It's nothing of that. I scolded myself. She's  probably getting comfortable, just twisting in her sleep like any other normal person would in their sleep. Lord, forgive me for thinking this way... 
I ignored the thoughts and proceeded to open the door, just a little more when I heard  another sound regurgitate from her, this one sounding more like a whine. My eyes wander back up to see Tamara rocking her hips again, as if riding a horse. Her left-side arm, that hid from my view, matched the rhythm at which her hips rode, each second that went by making her movements faster and quicker, sometimes out of order and other times in a regular frequency. Realizing what really is happening, I felt my eyes jump out of my eye sockets. My hand shot up to my face, cupping my mouth.
Oh my god, it really is happening! Oh my god, Oh my god!
I spun around, screwing my eyes shut. What should I do?! Well now I'm sure I can't go to sleep unnoticed. And I can't exactly go to Sister Cindy's cabin, she made sure of it when she locked the door shut. I have to tell her tomorrow, first thing in the morning.
Like clockwork, another groan alerts me out of my thoughts. I turn back around and I find Tamara ride out an orgasm like a wave, out of rhythm and sporadic with her movements, until ultimately shaking to a stop. She twists in her bed and I dash out of sight. My heart is beating a million miles per hour, I felt more like a track horse than a human at this very moment. Suddenly, I thought of Jenny and Marianne. What if they find Tamara like this, vulnerable and exposed? I couldn't let that happen.
I tiptoed down the hall and peered over the wall to see that the girls were still dead asleep. I let out a shaky breath, relieved that at the least Tamara hadn't embarrassed herself any further by now.
I walked back to the entrance of the bunk room and peaked in. I had at least hoped she was finished and then I could slip back in without being noticed. I was wrong. I almost gasp when I see the sight before me. Tamara was now naked, exposed from the bottom down, with her pants discarded and hanging off the ladder. She now laid on her back with her knees resting on either side of the metal banister that framed the edges of the mattress. My eyes traveled down her toned body: her flesh like bronze and valleys of abdominal muscle inaugurated the start of her pelvic area, where her pussy was on full display, wet with ecstasy. She struck her cunt like a guitar pick pulling the strings of an acoustic guitar, except she was playing acoustic pussy. Her fingers disappeared inside her thick folds, glossy against the moonlight coming from the window.
I couldn't look away, just like I couldn't look away earlier on the porch, looking at the way her butt bounced ever so slightly to the subtle shuffle of her feet. I pressed my legs tight together. I couldn't explain the feeling, it was like my vagina had a mouth of its own, palpitating its frustrations against the fabric of the pijamas. The simple sight of her, laid out like a full-course meal made me want to rip my heart and head out of my body because none of my behaviors made sense, and I didn't want to continue feeling like this, feeling and looking so... desperate. The heartbeat in my pants had no mercy on me and became louder and louder in my ears. Out of desperation, I cupped my pussy to try and stop it from drumming. I hoped that putting my hand over it would shut it's lips from protesting any further... I was stupid. Stupid because it only made it worse. Now it felt warm and squishy, moist with heat, pulsing forcefully in the palm of my hand like it had a mind of its own.
I watched as Tamara continued to strum against her clitoris. I wasn't prepared for what came next because as she rode out her next orgasm, the next second, she came instead. As she spasmed, buckling her hips upward, a water-like liquid shot out from her vagina. My mouth gaped open, it was majestic, beautiful in its own way. She looked like a fancy fountain sculpture that spewed out water out its mouth, except she spewed it out of her guitar pussy. Something I didn't think possible happened right before my eyes and the only thing I could do was drive myself crazy by only looking at her from a few feet of distance. I couldn't do anything. I was frozen with the monster in my pants barking at her.
She ascended back down to the mattress, heaving out quiet breaths as she spread her folds apart with her fingers. I pressed my vagina and my hips jerked back as a reaction. I felt good, it almost felt painful, but I loved the buzz I felt after. I did it again and again, back and forth just like Tamara. My hips, I couldn't help them and I didn't want to stop either. I...liked it. But even then, it was not enough, I needed...more, wanted more. My legs tightened even more as I tried to get to the center of pleasure, assaulting myself with only my hand, riding it. But at one point, no matter how much I tried to get to the full extent of the buzzing feeling, I couldn't feel it all. I rode my hand hard, fully on instinct and without pauses in between.
I took in the glossy shine on Tamara's pussy. She caressed her folds like she was Bob Ross, painting a coating of her juices over its surface. She lifted a finger-tip, an inch away from her sex, and a string of cum attached itself to her finger dripping ever so slightly.
I was hot with sweat and continued to buckle against nothingness. Instantly as I think I'm about to get to a place of full pleasure, my foot slips. I grab onto the door to gain my balance and it creaks open. I heard a gasp. Eyes wide, I looked up to find Tamara scrambling to cover herself with her sheets. We both stared at each other, shocked and dazed. I was so embarrassed I began to see black dots in my vision.
After a moment, her eyes flickered down and I followed her gaze. I was still cupping my vagina and let go in a panic. I let out a shaky breath and looked back up. Tamara's eyes didn't move and I looked back down to see a wet patch cover the center of my pants. My eyes shoot up and Tamara is looking the other way, a slight tilt in the corner of her lips. I felt a warm heat creep up my ears and neck. I avert my eyes and scramble to close the door before striding to my bed with quick steps. I tucked the sheets over my head and bit my lip hard.
What have I done?
I realized in that moment what I'd just committed, and I feared for my life. I failed God, my father and savior. I failed him and not only that I acted on it. My heart sant. God is never going to forgive me. How could I do such a thing? Such a disgusting act like I had no shame? I didn't even stop myself either. I failed God and fell into temptation. I fell into the trap of Satan. I had to repent, for my own salvation and for his forgiveness. And so I clutched on to the cross necklace that was on my neck with my life and began to recite the Rosary.
I was on my second prayer when I felt a hand on my stomach. Feeling my heart jump out my chest, I rip off the sheets to find Tamara leaning over me.
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Good catholic girls sitting under a tree... S.C.I.S.S.O.R.I.N.G.
(Edit 0ct 15: Original Audio wasn't on Spotify anymore so I replaced it.)
Part 2 coming sooon. (UPDATE: Part 2 is already up!)
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