#//Just Goofy with Max in general
dutybcrne · 8 months
Thinking over parent hcs and honestly, Itto is just like.
Itto would just outright be Goofy like of the Goofy movie continuities
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katabay · 25 days
lmao sorry to everyone in my inbox, this month has been a mess and I'm just not really around enough for it. someone in my immediate family got a new cancer diagnosis, my not-art job got restructured because management is a joke and it's been.... not great, to be honest! to top it off, my mom's cousin just died because the major hospital didn't have enough beds open for the provincial hospital to transfer him. etc etc etc.
anyway. it's been a lot and I'm Very Tired Of Things Happening 🙃
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overtake · 10 months
Plsssss tell me there are onboards of Daniel making hearts at Max
Unfortunately onboards aren't streamed until they're actually on the grid so no :( if we harass the FIA enough, I believe in our ability to bully them into releasing the footage
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paragonrobits · 8 months
some important calvin and hobbes facts in case you haven't read the original comic strip in a long time or only absorbed stuff on it from memes and out of context bits on here:
Calvin's last name has never been given, and neither has any of his parent's names. This was actually why his uncle Max only showed up for a brief storyline; the creator of the comic, Bill Watterson, ultimately felt that while it was fine to have him as someone for his parents to talk to, it felt far too awkward to never have Max refer to them by name and he never made a return appearance.
The general tone of the comic is fairly light-hearted, with a big emphasis on goofy slapstick comedy contrasted by clever wordplay and often surprising adult-centered jokes that'll hit you like a slap. A big part of the comedy is, as Watterson put it (paraphrased) "It's really funny to me when people express deeply stupid ideas with really fancy terminology." One notable example you might have seen is that one bit where Calvin asks his mom for money to buy a Satan-worshiping rock album and his mom replies that there's nothing genuine about them and they're just putting on the attitude for shock value, and comisserates with Calvin as he deplores that mainstream nihilism can't be trusted. He concludes that childhood is disillusioning.
There is a LOT of criticism of the extreme materialism and selfish mentality of the late 80s, when the comic was initially written. This may go a long way to explain how its aged so well; much of what it criticizes resonates well with people today.
Bill Watterson views comic strips a legitimate form of artwork, and repeatedly fought to have more space to draw more beautiful and artistic backgrounds, which was a very hard fight and unpopular even with other comic strip artists. He eventually did win some compromises and a lot of Calvin And Hobbes' artwork shows it, with the use of space to indicate time as well as a sharp contrast between the often plain environments of mundane life contrasted by the wildly beautiful imagery of Calvin's imagination (which often sports realistic depictions in an art shift of sorts).
Hobbes is explicitly not an imaginary friend, by word of Watterson himself. We don't know WHAT he is exactly, and Hobbes is apparently unaware of the strange nature of his reality; people look at him and only see an ordinary stuffed tiger plushie, but he has a tangible effect on the world that would be physically impossible for Calvin to do on his own. He's apparently been around for a while, and was apparently around when Calvin was a young baby.
On that note; Hobbes has implicitly killed (notably treated as both a gag and also with the vibe of 'he's a tiger, duh') and while he doesn't do it again on-screen, he doesn't have any moral issues about it. Calvin claims that he's never had trouble bringing Hobbes to school because the last time he did, Hobbes killed and ate a bully named Tommy Chestnut and simply comments that it was gross and he needed a bath. Calvin's tried to repeat this again, but Hobbes was grossed out at the thought having to eat a kid raw and not being allowed to use an oven first, or complaining that children are too fattening.
Hobbes became gradually less human-like in body language and more like an actual cat in both body language and behavior; this was due to Watterson drawing more inspiration from his cat, who also inspired a lot of Hobbes' running gags, such as pouncing on Calvin when he got home. Several years into the syndication of the strip, Watterson's cat passed away, and he did a tribute to her with a comic strip of the two of them agreeing to try to dream together so they can keep playing when they have to sleep; Watterson's commentary (if I recall right), remarks on his cat: "We can see each other again in dreams."
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itaipava · 11 months
— how f1 boys would act when crushing on someone.
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tries to become your best-friend. and makes sure everyone knows you two are close. actually plays it cool but secretly thinks of you 24/7. tries to deny his feelings and puts himself in the friend-zone so that it hurts less when and if you do. sometimes, his eyes subconsciously drop to your lips when talking to you. always invites you to hang-outs with his friends and unintentionally ends up ignoring or forgetting everyone else and mostly just talks to you or sticks with you. always tries to match your pace when walking together.
casually flirts with you a lot but does so in a joking or playful manner. slow to realize his feelings but doesn’t bother hiding it once he does. goes out of his way to spend time with you and talk to you. so many little touches like slight brushes of the fingertips, a light rub of shoulders, or a game of footsie under the table. is endearingly protective over you and defends you a lot. asks you to text or call him when you get home, or often offers to walk you home himself. unknowingly smiles so big while texting you and lowkey gets embarrassed when someone points it out or when he notices his own reflection in his phone screen.
looks at you like you must be protected at all costs, but also admires you and thinks highly of you. notices your little quirks and habits, and finds them cute. wants your opinion on things because he cares about what you think. wants to be updated about your life and keeps you updated about his. lots of eye contact. soft yet deep and intense gazes. unintentionally becoming more goofy and energetic around you. smiling uncontrollably when someone mentions your name or when he gets teased about his crush on you. always picking you first for his team when playing games with friends.
is actually timid about liking you, and tries to teat you like just another friend because he doesn’t want to be too obvious. does subtle things like tagging you in funny posts, or remembering your favorite cake flavor and buying you one on your birthday. throws surprise parties or celebrations for you — your birthday? surprise! you just finished your exams? surprise, again! sends you memes and tiktok videos at 3 a.m. his words are neutral but his body language shows his feelings; can’t look at you directly without getting slightly flustered, especially when you’re in public or when surrounded by friends. sometimes becomes tongue-tied in the most adorable way when talking to you.
becomes more talkative and tends to ask a lot of questions about you. he tries not to overdo it but he’s just genuinely curious and interested. tries to find excuses to hold your hand; subtly grasping your hand just a little longer after a high-five or asks for your hand so that he can “read your palm” or compares hand sizes for the hundredth time. lingering gazes and touches when you’re around people. always buys you little snacks that you like. if you just casually makes a comment about how a certain color looks great on him, he remembers that and wears that color even more around you.
more smiley around you but is also generally chill. always tries to initiate conversations with you and keeps it flowing. he’s slow to realize his feelings, so his friends are more likely to notice it first. loves to tease you and loves it even more when you tease back. the type that probably won’t look away when you make contact but also gets flustered and a little annoyed when someone interrupts the moment. initiates hang-outs with just the two of you and likes to take you to his favorite spots, but claims that it’s not a date unless you want it to be.
enjoys teasing you, but in a good-natured way; pinches your cheeks and ruffles your hair; steals the last piece of chips from you, only to buy you a whole new bag afterwards. showers you with compliments and also likes to help you with things — basically becomes your cheerleader and personal assistant. his voice or tone changes when talking to you, like he might be mad at someone and talking to them in an angry tone but as soon as he turns to speak to you, his voice becomes softer and sweeter. stalks your social media because you’re so beautiful and he can’t get enough of you. and he always comments on your posts, even if it’s a provocative comment, but he’s always there.
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trancylovecraft · 7 months
Hello Girlie! I saw that your requests are open (even with the hiatus, take care of yourself:3) so, I wanted to know if it's okay if I make my own? From Yandere Lucifer Morningstar's general headcanons(from Hazbin Hotel), perhaps the reader could take Eve's place, being the "first sinner" or/and converted demon like Lilith.
If you're already maxed out with Requests, that's fine! I will order in another time, take all the time you need❤️You can ignore this if that's the case
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: HEYYYY GIRLIE!!! THANKS SO MUCH!! i love that u requested him cause he's one of my favourites (i had a lot of fun with this req, LOVE THE CONCEPT) and would be if it wasn't for Carmilla :]. FANDOM: Hazbin Hotel
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Lucifer Morningstar! King of Hell, King of Pride and one goofy motherfucker!
Also a dangerous yandere to have.
I headcannon Lucifer as a Desperate, Possessive, Protective and Worshiping yandere.
Desperate in the way that Lucifer is just so lonely. Even when he did have something with Lilith in the beginning (They never got married in this scenario), It never felt connected. Even as the ugly duckling amongst the angels, He loves you because maybe.. Just maybe, You think like him, Maybe you love him. And he NEEDS you to love him too.
Possessive in the way that this ties into his Desperation, So enamoured and focused on getting you to love him that he's bitter towards anyone who you even glance at. You're his, Lucifer gets antsy if you even look another persons way (God forbid, Adams.). You should look at him, Listen to him and his ideas.
Protective in the way that he's terrified of losing you. You're still only mortal, And if you die then you'll fall into hell (If not, Heaven) and even Lucifer knows that's no place for you to be! You're too good for a place like that, He needs to make sure you'll be fine with him down there.. Especially with all the sinners running about.
And finally, Worshiping in the way that he just adores you. I mean, Come on. You're gorgeous, Intelligent, Curious, Brave and everything else he could ever want! How could he not worship you so?
So to establish you as an Eve! Reader, We're gonna go off my interpretation of Eve since we haven't seen her in the show yet.
You are you, Created from Adams left rib while the actual Eve was created from Adam's right.
God made both you and Eve to give Adam a choice of wife, Whichever one he chose would stand at his side for all of eternity. However the one that he didn't choose..
Well, You weren't quite sure what would happen to them, But you knew that you didn't want it to be you.
Eve was made beautiful, She was made pure and orderly. In other words, Eve was subserviant. Though you loved her like a sister, She was very much unlike you..
You on the other hand was made intelligent, Curious of the natural world and adventurous to the last letter. You craved knowledge, You craved to experiment.
In other words you were messy, Subserviant not to man but to your carnal desire to learn. But both you and your sister knew very well of what happened to Adam's first wife, So you knew that you had to go along with it all.
Lucifer came across you one day when he gazed upon the garden of Eden. He was startstruck when he saw you bathe within one of Eden's many springs, Washing your body on your lonesome while humming some original symphonic tune.
Lucifer was lured to you by your song, Him being an avid musician was not immune to your call. But he was even more entranced once he saw you in person, Your body only a silhouette in the fireflies that danced around you.
Of course by now he had been banished, So he watched you in the form of a snake in a tree.
Lucifer thought you were stunning at first sight, Watching as you bathed yourself in springwater and sing your siren's song. And he felt awkward, Nervous to approach you especially after his banishment.
So that's all he did, He just watched.
But that changed once you turned you caught eye of him too, Pausing your bath once you saw the pretty white snake hanging from the tree just a bit away from your spring.
Sure, Eden has a lot of animals, Snakes included but you've never seen one with such gorgeous white scales like this one. So you're curious, Beginning to churn your way through the waist-deep waters towards him.
Lucifer instantly starts panicking, You're actually approaching him?! As much as he does want to talk to you, He certainly hasn't gained the courage yet!
You make your way over and finally reach him with a small smile on your face, Reaching your arms out you bring the snake into your hands with suprising ease. You look at it closely, Smiling.
"Hello there.. How'd you get all the way out here?"
Lucifer near melts in your hands once he hears your spoken voice, Just as angelic as your singing. He can barely do anything in your hold, A warm, Passionate feeling starting to burst inside of him
"..I- Erm-"
You squeak, Dropping the snake onto the ground like you had touched hot coals. You weave back in the water, Staring dead at the coiling snake. It had spoken, Human language.
You ask who he was, Shocked once Lucifer speaks up and stammers while telling you that he was an Angel. He apologises profusely, Saying sorry for intruding on your bath.
You calm down once you find out he's an Angel, One of the good guys, Right? You hadn't met many angels, And its not like you had any experience of deception anyways.
Besides, His mannerisms were rather charming despite how awkward they sounded. You giggled as you apologised for dropping him, Reaching down to pick him up once more.
Lucifer and you talked for the entire night, Too enraptured in conversation for either of you to sleep.
He talked about the stars, The seas and the sands. How he himself had saw their creation and marveled at their beauty. You listened intently, Soaking it all in while your eyes gleamed at him like the stars under the night sky. Lucifer took pride, His stammers getting less frequent as he went on.
He also spoke of his ideas, His plans for the future and his vision for humanity. And you actually listened, You agreed, You suggested and spoke of your own ideas and he agreed in full. Wide eyed, Almost as if you read his mind.
And in that moment, You were just.. Perfect.
He had to leave once your sister came looking for you, Not wanting to be seen by her. Unfortunately he hadn't told you his name, But he supposed it was better like that so it wouldn't be known that he, Lucifer had been meddling in human affairs once more.
But he came back, He had to, You gave him such a good feeling. It was like you knew him, Like you agreed with him and accepted him as he was.
He couldn't give that up, No, He needed to come back.
And he did, For the next few weeks he returned to you at night when you were alone. In the form of a snake, One easily able to hide his presence. He spoke to you, Always excitedly hurrying once he had a new idea or invention he wanted to show you.
And you listened, You always did. He listened too, Once you told him of your situation with Adam. You lamented how much you just wanted to explore, To not be tied down by the weight of a husband.
Lucifer sympathised with you once you told him you had no choice, That Adam needed to marry you or you'd be tossed away like leftovers.
Lucifer started to bring you artefacts, Things you asked for and ones you wanted to study. Lucifer always stammered once you kissed the top of his head, If he was in his humanoid form he would be red from head to toe, Something he was glad you could not see.
He took you around the garden, Showing you the highs and the lows of this place. He showed you the rivers and the fields, The mountains and the valleys. Everywhere you could possibly go, Including the border of the gardens.
You thought he was funny, His jokes always brought a hearty laugh out of you. Lucifer always made an effort to tell more in your presence.
Lucifer wishes he was in his humanoid form so he could play his violin for you. Your voice is so beautiful and you sing to him every night, He wishes he could do the same for you.
You affectionately refer to him as simply just "My Angel" since you have a personal belief that he was sent to guide you. Lucifer doesn't correct you despite your beliefs, It gets him more praise that he desperately craves anyways.
Whenever you were away however, He still kept a close eye on you. Especially when you were around that sleaze of a man, Adam. Lucifer didn't like Adam, Especially after he had met you.
He watched as Adam was free to put an arm around your shoulders, Eve having the other. The way Adam boasted about himself, How he kept loudly asking which one of you should be his wife.
You didn't like Adam, But you needed to be wed so you weren't thrown away. So you kept tossing your hair like Eve always did, Laughed at his stupid jokes and leaned just a bit closer into him.
And it made Lucifer furious.
It boiled up in him like a stewing pot. Couldn't he see that he was making you uncomfortable? Couldn't he see that he wasn't good enough for you? Lucifer doesn't blame you, But hell, Does he wish you looked his way.
He wanted to save you from this, Get you away from Adam so that he can have you all to himself you can be happy! That glint in your eyes is gone, He needs you to get it back.
But Lucifer can't do anything. With the close eyes of the angels above watching them, There's no way he could do anything too drastic. As much as he wants to help, As much as he wants to snap Adams neck with his own bare hands. There's not much he can do..
But Lucifer is sure that once Adam chooses Eve, He'll be there to pick you up and sweep you down into hell where he can finally show his true form to you entirely.
He's sure of it.
But one day he had gotten distracted, You were with Adam so he hadn't been present at the time. But when he went to look back, Watch over you like he usually does.. He stops.
Eve is sobbing on her knees, Full on wails as Adam tenderly holds your hands. Lucifer realises what had happened by the look of uncertainty on your face, The way you looked at Eve with sympathy and fear.
Adam had chosen you.
Lucifer is shocked, He's pulling out clumps pf hair and slinging curses. Its unlike him, He sounded like a wild animal. He was so sure that Adam, As shallow as he was, Would choose the blonde beauty of Eve.
But he had chosen you, Not being as shallow as he had thought. Adam tells all the angels that he has officially chosen you, That you would be his wife. His chosen to be wed.
Lucifer can barely hold back anymore as he starts breaking down in an anguished rage. How could this happen? Aren't you gonna object to this? What about him, Did your time with him mean nothing?
But you just nodded slowly, Agreeing to be his wife.
It takes Lilith to calm him down, Rushing to his side as he starts hyperventilating, Trying not to break anything more. She speaks to him, Tells him of another way he can get you back.
And its a good idea.
You're wandering in the garden once more, Searching for your sister after she ran off sobbing. She'd be tossed out of the garden, You don't want that, You love her so you need to find her to see if there's a solution for everybody.
But you find your way to a deeper part of the garden, Where you were forbidden to go. You didn't even realise until you reached a clearing, Finally spotting the massive tree in the middle, Higher than all the rest with beautifully ripe fruit hanging from them.
You realise your mistake, You go to turn around but before you do you hear the voice of your friend, The angel.
You spot Lucifer coming down from the branches, Beckoning you over with that same excited voice, The one that you trusted with your life. And despite all of your instincts yelling no, You go towards him.
He greets you as cheery as ever, Slithering down from the branches yet he still kept a good distance. You tell him that you didn't mean to wander this far into forbidden land, Thinking that he was The Angel sent to bring you back.
Lucifer just shrugs it off though, Telling you that it's no big deal. You raise a brow before he beckons you forward, Congratulating you on your marriage to Adam that went by quicker than it should have.
You thank him nervously but tell him you have to go, But before you can leave he calls you back, Informing you that he came here to give you an engagement present. Something of his own making, Something he had worked really hard on..
You still trust him but the twisting feeling in your stomach gets worse once he presents to you a ruby red apple from behind the tree. Your eyes light up at it however, It was the most gorgeous apple you had ever seen. No blemishes or freckle out of place.
It was mesmerizing like a hypnotists watch, Your eyes kept on the carmine shine. You didn't even notice the gleeful giggling coming from Lucifer, Like a little girl on her birthday about to open her first present.
You took the apple into your hands once offered and despite all your better judgement, You placed it upon your lips before taking a bite into its skin. You chew, It's sweet, So sweet. It was the most sugary taste your tongue had held, Yet the pungency of the sour aftertaste came like a storm surge.
You snap out of it, Watching as the ruby red apple in your hand starts to rot away in record time. Mould and maggots already starting to fester, You scream and drop it to the ground, But by the time it hits it had already withered to the core.
You feel weird, You feel horrid. Suddenly you become aware of your naked form, Instantly rushing to cover your parts you start to yell at Lucifer, Begging him to tell you what you had done, What that apple really was. What spell had he put you under to take a bite of that thing? How stupid you were-!
But you snap your head up and the snake was no more, Instead a man with ivory skin and rosy cheeks. Platinum blonde hair slicked back with the most giddy grin you had ever seen on anyone before. Your eyes widen, And suddenly the knowledge of who you've been talking to hits you like a freight train.
He tries to talk to you but he can't get a word in. You scream, You cry, You wail. Accusing him with his own name, Lucifer. You start to hyperventilate, Backing away with him with a horrid stomach ache while storms brew in the sky above.
Lucifer tells you that its okay! He's found a way for you to get out of your marriage, He just tells you to listen to him and that it will be okay!
But you don't, A sudden chill runs through Eden and you know in your core that its not just you who has felt the consequences of your actions. Storms brew, Critters around you start to get violent. You yell and scream once he comes close, Trying to bring you into embrace.
Lucifer is taken aback, This isn't how he imagined it. You were suppose to listen to him, Like you always did. But instead you just kept wailing and wailing calling him a monster, The devil that he was.
You're suppose to listen to him, Him. To his ideas, To his words, To anything that he says. So why aren't you lending him an ear now?! He just doesn't get it.
Wings sprout from his back, An arm lunges around your waist and constricts around you like the snake that he was. You can't struggle in his hold, His power too strong as he raises you both into the air with the flap of his wings.
The storms are high, Dark clouds above and winds so whipping it could cause lacerations. Lucifer tells you that you're coming down with him now, That you will be siphoned away to hell with him forever.
Lucifer thinks your just overreacting, And hey! He's been there too and its not like he's actually angry at you, No, Just at the people around you. He knows you'll understand why he's doing this, That's why he tells you what he had done to your sister.
You go deathly silent once he tells you he's got Eve as collateral, When he explains with that same awkward yet now manic demeanour that you were so use to before. He says that he won't hesitate to take her out if that's what it'll take for you to listen, All while smiling like this is an everyday affair.
You and your sister had always had a rocky relationship, Especially since you were put in competition with each other from day one. But you loved her and she loved you, You cared for each other when you could despite your frequent quarrels.
So you had no choice but to agree, A smile lights up on Lucifer's face as he places a chaste yet stomach churning kiss upon your lips. It's nasty, Disgusting. You're still sobbing profusely as your altitude drops, Your climate becoming much hotter and humid.
You feel your body contorting, Mutilating itself. Breaking down and building back up into a wretched caricature of your former self. Horns, Talons, Features of creatures you hadn't even seen before coming upon you.
You scream through the pain, But Lucifer keeps a hand firmly placed on the back of your head. Cold comfort in your new inferno as he tells you how excited he is to finally have you with him full time.
You barely listen, Your body was not yours anymore, It didn't look as such. So how could you listen to his giddy ramblings? The ones you so loved to listen to before..
You shut the eyes your new body had melded, Falling into the darkness of your mind.
Desperately hoping that this was all a dream while the devil caressed your cheek.
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lolahauri · 7 months
: ̗̀➛ Ticci Toby: Smut Alphabet 🔞
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Just clings to you like a little koala. You’d have to pry him off with a crowbar if your tried to get up to clean off. 
It’s honestly very sweet though, he just loves to hold you and talk & joke around afterwards. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Super cliche but he genuinely doesn’t have a favorite, every part of you is beautiful, sexy, and cute to him. 
His favorite part of himself is his arms and hands, he loves being able to grip or hold onto you. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Another mf with a breeding kink. Not in a claiming way like most of the others though, It just feels more intimate and bonding, he wants to be as physically close to you as he possibly can. At all times.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you aren’t home, he sneaks into your room and jerks off while smelling your used underwear. 
Sometimes he’ll wrap a pair of them around his dick and jerk off with it, cumming in them immediately. 
(another pervy fic idea maybe!!??👀)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
No experience. He’s a lot to handle so your probably he first partner, which would also make you his first fuck. 
Didn’t know what he was doing at first, but he’s fueled by praise. So if he hears you liking something, or you tell him, he’ll keep note of it and continue to practice it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, mating press, cowgirl.
All because they allow max contact, he loves positions that let him bring you into a bear-hug type embrace.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You’d think he’d be goofy, but he’s surprisingly serious.
He’s just so hyper focused on your pleasure it doesn’t allow much room to joke around.
He does go back to his dorky, golden retriever self right afterwards though
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tries to keep it trimmed for you most of the time.
But he kept accidentally getting cuts and felt like it looked more unattractive, so he prob has a bit of a bush going on. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
One of the most romantic and intimate, i think only EJ and Jane could outdo him in this department. 
The entire time he'll be kissing you, holding you tight, caressing your whole body, and moaning sweet words into your ear. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Embarrassingly often. But his habits did change when you got together.
Instead of jerking off to porn, he jerks off to pictures of you or uses your underwear.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
PRAISE!!! Absolutely his biggest kink
Breeding, hair pulling, and dirty talk!
I honestly can’t think of anymore, he seems vanilla to me. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
One of your rooms, he likes the total privacy.
Though he would absolutely fuck you in public-ish areas if you asked, the idea of getting caught pleasuring you is a bit of a turn on. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Just you in general, he’s obsessed with you. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
For obvious reasons, he doesn’t want you to be mean to him. But he’d also feel really uncomfortable calling you names, even if he knew you liked it. It just takes him out of the moment and completely turns him off.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving 1,000%
He’s addicted to going down on you, he will literally cum just from giving you head and hearing your moans.
Pull his hair when he’s doing it and he’ll finish in his pants instantly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Starts off slow and gentle, gets progressively rougher and goes harder the closer he gets to cumming. 
There are a lot of times he starts and ends very fast & needy though.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Prefers to take his time with you, but he still loves them honestly.
Esp if it’s somewhere like in the woods or his car, it adds an element of excitement.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The biggest risk he’ll take is public places, otherwise, he likes how things are and doesn’t feel the need to add a bunch of kinks or toys to the bedroom.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He doesn’t last a long time, but he makes up for that by being able to go multiple rounds.
Has near superhuman stamina when it comes to cumming multiple times in a row.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own any and doesn’t want to use any.
If we're being honest, he’d probably feel a little insecure if you wanted to use anything like a vibrator or dildo during sex. 💀
He’d interpret that as you thinking he’s not doing a good enough job on his own. 
But, if you had one to use only when he wasn’t around, he’d understand that. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He does not know how to tease lol.
Loves when you do it though,
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Constant, loud flow of whimpers, moans, and sobs. 
Everyone in the mansion can hear him, they only get annoyed if they’re trying to sleep though.
They’re used to everyone having loud sex in the house by now.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
As much as he loves giving you head, he does fantasize about you waking him up with a blowjob. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Average length and girth. About 6 inches.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Also embarrassingly high, like i said, he’s obsessed and addicted to you. He could never get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t. Like Hoodie and EJ, he wants to cuddle you afterwards and wait to go to sleep when you do. 
He loves watching you fall asleep as well.
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phntmeii · 1 year
Slashers and Hanahaki Disease
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
Hanahaki Disease: A fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies.
Characters: Poly!Ghostface(Billy Loomis, Stu Macher), PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Hannibal Lecter(TV Ver.), Jason Voorhees, RZ!Michael Myers
General Warnings: Mainly fluffy w/ happy endings, Mentions of death, Mentions of vomiting/gagging
A/N: Half the listed characters will have Hanahaki disease while the other half the reader has Hanahaki disease. Some other notes, I sped up how quickly Hanahaki affects people to a few weeks at max and included what type of flower I think would best fit in these situations :) Most are related to heartbreak, loss, death/rebirth, unrequited love.
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Poly!Ghostface - Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
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Flower Type: Purple Hyacinth
You had taken some days off of class, feeling too sick to go. Your parents didn’t believe you but you looked the definition of ill.
And heartbreak was just the cherry on top for you. Whether you had feelings for Billy or for Stu was already confusing but on top of that, you felt like you weren’t either of their types.
You had seen the people they went out with over the years and you were just never like them. Your own love life was failure after failure but it's not like they were offering themselves up in their place.
You were just the bestfriend in your mind. That’s all. And soon enough, violet petals were being thrown up into the toilet bowl every few hours and you could feel your lungs filling, getting hard to breathe over time.
Both Billy and Stu thought it was weird you skipped class. You’d at least give a heads up beforehand. Billy was more worried than Stu was.
He visited through your window at night to check in on you just to catch you in a pile of violet flowers across your bed covers while you laid there, casually watching a movie while you occasionally coughed some more up.
“What the fuck is that? Are you okay? Me and Stu thought you up and died.”
Looking over, you gave a weak smile in response. “Feels like I am.”
Soon you heard some clanging from the window Billy came in from and found Stu stumbling in, nearly knocking some things down before he hopped back up.
Stu gave a goofy smile as he held up some bottles before Billy looked at him with unamused eyes and snatched the bottles out of his hands as if to say, “Not now.”
Sitting down with you, asking what was wrong. You tried to explain but it sounded so silly. Throwing up flowers? And for seemingly no reason.
“Well… There’s diseases that are caused by stress? You think it’s something like that? Come on. You’ve been acting like shit for the past few weeks.”
You sat there between them and could think of one main thing but… How stupid that sounded. You didn’t want to say it.
Stu shook your shoulders playfully before getting smacked in the back of the head by Billy. “Come on! Tell us! What’s so embarrassing~?”
You sighed and reluctantly explained. You had a crush on them—your bestfriends—and you were definitely not their type. You were completely embarrassed, covering your mouth as you coughed up a few more violet petals.
Billy and Stu stared at each other after you said that, as if silently communicating to one another. Billy slowly smirked while Stu started laughing and wrapped his arms around you from the side.
“Seriously?! Holy shit, dude! You seriously haven’t noticed we were totally into you too?!”
You couldn’t even process what Stu said with how tight he squeezed you with his hug. By the time you finally noticed, you were once again distracted when you felt two different hands holding your jaw as Billy leaned in from one side while Stu leaned in the other and kissed your cheeks.
“ We’ve been into you forever…” Those small words felt like they made room within your lungs again.
PreMichael!Corey Cunningham
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Flower Type: Red Salvia
Corey had met you in passing and you didn’t mind becoming friends with him. He was an awkward nerd and it was a trait you found charming to be friends with.
But to Corey, it was hell when he discovered the petals that soon formed and flew out of his mouth.
He had developed a crush on you immediately when he met you. You were simultaneously his heaven and hell. Someone so nice to him and yet the reason he found it harder and harder to breathe.
He avoided you for a week or so. He was so used to self-isolating himself when something went wrong. Deal with it himself as he always did.
Corey figured it was connected to you. It started the day after he felt those feelings rise in him. To make sure, he visited the doctor’s and found the term: Hanahaki Disease. And it was because of you.
He didn’t want to say anything about it. His fate was sealed in his eyes. But… maybe?
He decided to send a text to meet up. Better to talk about it in person even if it made him nervous to.
“Hey… I- I really didn’t want to y’know bother you or anything-“ “Corey, you don’t bother me. It’s alright. What is it?”
Corey shyly looked down and smiled to himself. God, it hurt to think that you wouldn’t like him. You were so perfect for him.
“I know this is gonna sound weird and if I'm honest I thought it was weird too. I-I’m… dying. From uh… Not having requited love...” As if on queue, he coughed, revealing red petals flying out of his mouth to the ground.
You were obviously immediately worried. To hear such heavy words from Corey made your heart drop. You had to ask who. Maybe he could still convince them to share the same feelings.
Corey scratched the back of his head, looking away. He didn’t want to say it. Especially since he didn’t want to leave you with the news that it was because of you that he had an expiration date coming soon.
“It’s… you. It’s always been you.”
A few whole Red Salvia flowers came out of his mouth after the confession. He grew increasingly embarrassed, wanting to take back his words already. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. Just let his life take its course and end quick without you knowing.
But then, those moments of silence were interrupted by you approaching and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. His lips were slightly chapped from nerves and his overthinking made him think he should’ve done something about them sooner but he was more focused on how soft you felt. His heart swelled at the touch while his hands went to your cheeks, deepening the kiss further out of pure need.
Hannibal Lecter
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Flower Type: Red Spider Lily
Hannibal was not one to ever be sick. It rarely happened, if ever. He took care of his health perfectly.
When he started to feel himself grow ill, he immediately knew something was wrong. Coughing was one thing but it was a completely different thing to find himself feeling the urge to vomit and finding flowers fly out of his mouth.
Staring at the red flowers in the toilet bowl, he already knew it wasn’t something normal. In fact, he already knew what it was.
The knowledgeable man he was, Hanahaki was a term that came to mind but with a sense of confusion.
He didn’t necessarily care for people like others did. His “care” for other people was a mask of feigned empathy. Not real.
But if he had this disease, something was different. And it was love of all things? It complicated everything.
There was only one person that came to mind that could possibly fit the supposed feeling he felt: You. His patient.
He kept it hidden still. Suffering in silence because falling in love was not something he was interested in. It would cloud his emotions.
And yet, he began asking about your love life during your sessions. Previous relationships, expectations of love, etc. A collection of information to mold himself into what you wanted.
He invited you over for dinners more and presented you with flowers each session. Each bouquet with meaning and cleanly composed together.
You were his muse. The focus of his musical compositions and the focus of his sketches when he had free time.
His eyes even sparkled softly toward you sometimes if you looked close enough.
But Hannibal knew his days were numbered and he had to say something before the flowers filled his lungs and killed him.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it. His vomiting became more frequent and he could feel how difficult it was to breathe.
After one of your dinners with him and he was walking you to the door, he stopped you. Taking your chin between his fingers, he gently tilted your face to look at him.
“My dear… Please indulge me in my desire for you. It’s grown insatiable.”
He started to lean in toward your lips. He’d memorized the shape a thousand times over through his sketches by now. Each quick line put to paper was a written wish to feel them on his own. “I’ll grow mad without knowing what you taste like.”
His eyes met yours when he was centimeters away from your lips, breath mixing into one another’s. “Tell me you wish the same.”
His eyes looked to you with a slight desperation to them. Once he received the confirmation, that soft whisper of a “Yes…”, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours and felt like life had been breathed into him.
Jason Voorhees
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Flower Type: Lily of the Valley
Jason hadn't thought about romance much in his life, not thinking he'd be fortunate to experience it. He thought he had a face only his mother could love after all.
Finding you, you were never mean to him. If anything, you were solely kind to him and he was happy at the treatment.
Then worry set in when he noticed you weren't coming to the cabin as often. You usually visited and left some meals for him and candles to dedicate to his mother.
He worried heavily. Jason automatically believed he was in the wrong. Maybe he had scared you or had done something wrong. He was never good at social cues or interacting with people.
He sat there, waiting for you to come back. You wouldn't completely leave right? Or maybe something happened to you? What if you were dead?
Jason could only find his worries settled when he heard footsteps and saw you again. He immediately rushed out and hugged you.
He signed, "Where have you been?? I was so worried!"
Jason noticed you seemed paler than normal and you looked exhausted. "Are you okay? Are you sick?"
He didn't know how to take care of someone who was sick. His mother always took care of him. But he was willing to try.
"I... Yeah. I'm sick, Jason. I've been sick for a week or so now. Vomiting and all."
You couldn't see his expression but he was certainly concerned. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'll take care of you."
Whether you wanted to or not, Jason was already dragging you inside and sitting you down. He didn't know how to help, only that he wanted to help.
That's when you coughed and small white petals flew out of your mouth and into your lap. Jason tilted his head at that. Flowers? He had never heard of someone coughing up flowers before.
Jason forcibly kept you in the cabin until you could get better. You were his only friend. The only one who treated him like a person. He didn't want to lose that.
Few days pass and nothing. Petals had become full flowers with stems needing to be yanked out. You gagged each time you had to rip out the flower by its stem.
You thought you might die. A sickness you had never heard of along with it getting quickly worse? You couldn't help but recognize where this was going.
You laid beside Jason at night. He was attached to the hip with you in your stay. You figured now was a better time than never saying it at all.
You took his hand into yours, something that made Jason give you his full attention. "Jason. I just wanted you to know that... I love you. I need you to know that."
Jason could feel his heart jolt at that confession. It was said in a more sad tone than a happy one but all the same, it was the words said that mattered. "Do you mean it? Are you sure?"
Nodding your head with a weak smile, you placed a kiss on the cheek of his mask. Jason could feel his face heat up at that. No one had ever treated him like that before.
He grabbed your hands, maybe a bit too strong in his grasp, as he signed rapidly in excitement. "I love you too. You're the only one who likes me. I want you to stay. Please."
You felt slight pain in your lungs as the stems that had begun taking root in them slowly retracted and dissipated. He was your cure.
RZ!Michael Myers
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Flower Type: White Rose
Michael had inhabited your home for some time. He needed a home base to return to when he wasn’t stalking for victims.
You couldn’t say much against it, fearing you’d be next. And he wasn’t the worst guest?
Besides blood needing to be cleaned, he was silent. You could barely even notice him there if it wasn’t for his giant size.
Over time, you noticed how he grew closer to you. Literally. He loomed over you while you cooked or cleaned. You’d get jumpscared by how you’d turn a corner and see him standing there. He also started preventing you from leaving if he was there.
Michael would stand in front of the door, staring you down until you understood to stay home. Seeing you listen, he gave the most affection he’d ever show: patting your head.
And you grew an odd attachment to him. You’d worry if he was out for too long and worried if he ever came back injured.
You two were attached. In what way, you couldn’t answer that question but you didn’t mind being close to him. Even if he never showed affection or attachment, you knew he felt something. Otherwise, you would’ve been dead already.
Michael never spoke nor gave indication of what he was feeling ever. You could only ever notice the extremes. And when you noticed Michael in his room for longer than normal, you wanted to help even if he always pushed you away.
You knocked but no answer. Knocked twice and still nothing. You took that as a “no entry” and sadly turned away.
Right as you did, the door opened and Michael looked to you with his same deadpan stare you always knew. His hands littered with white rose petals. You didn’t understand until he coughed again, more petals coming out.
You didn’t know how to react to it other than to grow concerned. His hands dropped the petals and grabbed your shoulders, squeezing them. His eyes looked to you and for the first time, there was a slight hint of fear there.
It was odd to see such a large man who had survived hell and back to show fear now. You guided him to the couch, wanting him to feel comfortable.
You grabbed his hand, forgetting how he was a murderer, forgetting how his hands were responsible for the deaths of so many. “Michael…”
He exhaled in response, looking at you through the strands of hair covering his face. He forcibly grabbed your hand, pulling you to him. Ending up in his lap, he held onto you, still silently staring. He buried his head in your chest, squeezing you tight. He didn’t want to let go.
You let your arms hold him to you, caressing the back of his head. You placed a small kiss to the top of his head.
“Michael… It’s okay. I’m here.”
Michael couldn’t take finally having an affectionate touch after so long. Restraint was something he never knew and letting himself have an ounce of it was like opening Pandora’s box. He pulled away and slammed his lips into yours. He pushed you down on the couch, placing his hands on either side of your face, trapping you there.
And yet, you didn’t deny him. You matched his desperate, sloppy kiss. And Michael could feel the air in his lungs return only to be immediately used from his kissing and grunting. And you knew where this was going when you felt his slight runting against your leg.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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raythekiller · 4 months
I love the masky nsfw alphabet It riled up my imagination.. soo can i request for a hoodie one?? Thank youu
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Featuring: Hoodie/Brian
# Notes: its that time of the year again where i make 1 post and disappear for the next seven months <3 also DAYUM new post format?? (also also theres a new toby drawing on the way stay tuned)
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Surprisingly soft. Wants to hold you close and maybe take a shower together. Don't get things twisted though - it's so he can keep feeling your body against his instead of to comfort you. Call it possessiveness or an ego stroke, maybe.
Thighs man through and through. Thigh highs drive him up-the-wall insane. Will also just absentmindedly knead them if you're sitting next to him, especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt/dress.
Oh he likes it messy. Just enjoys having his cum on you in general - backshots, face, dripping from you after he came inside, you name it.
None. He has no shame and is very open about what he likes.
Not as much as you might expect, given his demeanour. Don't get me wrong, it's still a lot, but he makes it seem like he worked as a pornstar for a few years with sheer cockiness.
If you ask him, he'll say "all of them". But if you put a gun to his head and tell him to choose, he'll settle for doggy. Just loves grabbing your hips and ass while he's pounding into you.
He doesn't exactly make jokes, but his teasing might be a bit funny at times. He doesn't mind making things more silly or lighthearted as long as you still cum at the end of it.
Usually clean-shaven, but he might get a bit lazy with it occasionally. Always at least well trimmed though.
Usually adapts to what you like best. If you just want to get your brains fucked out and keep romance out of it, he'll happily do it. If you like something more tender with lots of "I love you"s, he doesn't complain about it either.
A lot. This guy has crazy stamina (we'll talk about that later), I'd say maybe five times per week or so.
A lot but mainly: CORRUPTION!! I've said it before and I'll say it again he wants to bring the worst out of you. If you're a virgin, he wants go be your first. If you're not, he wants to see just how wild things can get when he pushes you a little.
Literally anywhere. He is a fan of semi-public sex, though. In the woods, living room of the manor when (you think) there's no one else home, in a busted alleyway, you name it.
Oh it's very easy to turn him on. Here's a huge one though: when you take iniciative. He's used to being the one starting shit. When YOU do it, though? When you make it clear you want him to wreck you? Fucking hot.
N - NO
Very short but obvious list: anything to do with piss, shit or vomit. Other than that, I think he's pretty open. Not even averse to being submissive every now and then.
HELL YEAH BABY! Giving, receiving, whatever, he doesn't care. His mouth isn't just good for talking shit — he knows how to use that tongue. When he's getting head, though? He looks so pretty — head thrown back, moaning and whimpering with a grin on his face. Might buck his hips into your mouth for giggles (and because you sound hot choking on him).
Again, he'll go for whatever gets you off. If you like it rough and fast, he's in. If you prefer slow and sensual, that's also hot.
Biggest quickie fan in the manor. He just can't help himself most of the time and he doesn't really try to, either. If his horny, you best bet he knows how to get you horny as well and things just go from there.
Loves experimenting and finding new ways to make you moan. Doesn't mind getting a bit freakier every now and then.
Jesus christ what are they feeding this man. Y'know when guys are like "I'm gonna fuck you all night long" and stop after two rounds max? This motherfucker is serious about it.
I don't think he'd go out of his way to buy them, but if you already have them you best believe he's using it to his advantage. Big fan of vibrators.
This guy is MEAN. He doesn't make you wait for too long before fucking you but just those few minutes feel like an eternity with the atrocities he's whispering in your ear.
LOUD. He moans, groans, whines, whimpers, you name it. Not ashamed to make some noise and LOVES if you're loud as well.
Likes having his hair pulled— WHO SAID THAT???
7.4 inches, cut. Not too thick, just the right girth.
Can't go like, a week without having sex or at least jacking off. Homeboy has a lot of steam he needs to let out.
Only god knows how he doesn't pass out immediately after. Chances are you'll fall asleep before him.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/20/2024 Crew Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins Message on IG; How you can help; Contacting Netflix, Prime, AppleTV; General Guidelines for Wooing Networks; New Hashtags; UK Crew Updates; Petition/Fundraiser Status; Articles; Extras; Rhys' Stiddy
=== Chaos Dad's Message ===
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David Jenkins messaged us FRIENDS and gave us a new heading to steer the ship for the crew. Truly an amazing and sweet message, and helping give @renewasacrew a good place to start on new networks.
== How you can help ==
So based on Chaos Dad's tweet, what the folks over at @renewasacrew have recommended is we focus our efforts on Netflix, AmazonStudios, and Apple TV. We'll be polite menacing but also doing some more specific wooing this time so please see below for more information.
= Reach out to Netflix =
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You can reach out to Netflix Here.
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= Reach out to Apple TV =
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You can reach out to apple tv by going here.
= Amazon Prime: Thank you @mermaid-stede for this write up: =
1) if you have an Amazon account, go to My Stuff > Settings > Help & Feedback > Provide Feedback
2) If you don't, write here
3) might as well try their customer service 888 280-4331, using the same strategy from above (though you might need an Amazon account)
4) and here's an email! [email protected]
Amazon.com: AIV Website Feedback Form
You can see more of their write ups here
=New Hashtags=
#AdoptOurCrew #RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD
Things to remember:
Only Message 1 of the 3 networks at once. We are wooing them, they want to be enticed, not included in a crowd. If you are reaching out to one, make sure to reach out to all three (just separately)
Be Polite, this is a bit of a different strategy from max, we WANT these people to pick us up, we're not grumpy at them.
Yes you can use season 3 and beyond, use the same terminology David Jenkins did.
More specific info from folks regarding the things to remember:
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=== UK Crew ===
Great job everyone! Your efforts made a difference! Thanks for the update @lamentus1!
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Something else to mention for our UK and International Friends that are reaching out via social networks or email/phone:
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=Daily Engagement Reminder!=
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
=== Petition / Fundraiser Status ===
Petition: ALMOST at 75K!
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Renew as a Crew - Benefiting Rainbow Youth is fully funded at $17K!
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OFFP Care for Gaza - HITS $10K!!!! Great job all!
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=== New Articles ===
Fans Declare War Against Warner Bros., Light Up Times Square for Beloved Show
Our Flag Means Death’s Renewal Campaign Lands Times Square Billboard
=== Other Stuff ===
Some BTS from Vico's IG reels
=Wanna help out our fellow cancelees?=
Sign the Petition for Rap Sh!t!
So Dad's message kind of blew everything else out of the water today, there were some sightings of various crew on the web but most of them were reactions to David's reel so I figured it probably wasn't worth adding today. Thank you as usual to the @renewasacrew team, and @TheCozyPirate for all their steering and insight and helping make these pivots possible each day!
Side note: I saw a lot of really great stuff today-- people focused more on action with the renewal and starting to discuss fun things more and more, less dealing with trolls. I hope that means you all are getting some rest and avoiding some of the crazy shit going on.
Seriously, you're doing amazing. David sees it, the cast sees it, the crew sees it, we all see it. You should all feel super proud of yourself for all the hard work you're doing, whether it's just enjoying the show, being active in the renewal efforts, or just being you.
Please continue to make art, and fics, and goofy memes, and silly videos, and everything. Your creativity is so inspiring and fun and it keeps us all sane! (Also please share them with me I love them.)
On that note, here's Rhys grabbing one of those Stiddies.
Gif courtesy of ofmd-ann's post here
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bradleyblog · 1 month
Bradley Uppercrust’s Father speculation Part one
When it comes to Bradley’s family and backstory not much is known. The one thing that we do know for certain is that Bradley is probably a descendant of a monarch due to having a regnal name ( “Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd” ) as these titles are as far as I know only given to those with regal backgrounds. 
But despite not knowing much else , I do believe that the movie does give us the audience a small hint about what kind of relationship Bradley has with his own father. 
When Bradley is trying to convince Goofy to join his team , Goofy respectfully declines due to the fact that he only wants to stay close to Max. 
“That’s real nice of you to ask, but I’m really only interested in stayin close to Maxie.”- Goofy
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We then cut to Bradley’s reaction where just by his body language of him moving back slightly while pressing his fingertips between his forehead, you can tell that he thinks Goofy is lacking common sense and isn’t thinking clearly.
Bradley then counter’s Goofy’s statement by bringing up how he doesn't think Goofy understands how big of a deal being offered to be a Gamma is due to it being a once in a lifetime opportunity.
”Uh… I’m not sure you understand this once in a lifetime opportunity.”- Bradley
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Goofy however prioritizes spending time with Max and mimics Bradley’s body language and choice of words to emphasize his point that Bradley doesn't understand the bond between a father and son if Bradley thinks he would choose the Gamma’s over Max.
“Well , ah-yuck, I’m not sure you understand the bond between a father and his son.”
Now what’s interesting about Goofy’s choice of words is how he could have said something along the lines of “I’m not sure you understand the fatherly son bond between me and Max”, as Goofy should really only be referring to him and Max’s relationship. But instead he chooses to refer to a bond between a father and son in general. 
But what is Bradley’s reaction to Goofy’s statement? Well at first he is smiling while waiting for Goofy to respond but once Goofy says “I’m not sure you understand-” Bradley’s smile drops into a neutral expression to see what Goofy thinks he doesn't understand. 
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We then cut to a wider shot of Goofy and the Gamma’s when Goofy is finishing the rest of his sentence to Bradley.
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As Goofy says “the bond between a father and his son” , you can see that Bradley’s expression has changed slightly to something more vulnerable looking. 
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It’s one of those if you don't look close enough you may miss it moments but just by looking at Bradley’s expression to Goofy’s assessment of him , it looks like Goofy may have briefly struck a chord with Bradley and that he took it a little personally. As if what Goofy just said to him is actually true but deep down he doesn't want it to be. I mean he does look a little sad don't he?
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So why would Bradley’s expression look like this? Well I think it’s because Bradley knows Goofy is right about him not understanding due to the fact that he himself doesn't have a bond with his own dad. Something he probably would have wanted but is too proud to admit.  
If he had a good bond with his dad I don't think his expression would look like this as if he did then his expression would have been portrayed differently. You would even think Bradley would try to prove Goofy wrong and may even brag about his own father but he doesn't. 
Instead , Bradley doesn't even retort back. He just changes the direction of the conversation into a Exit strategy by giving Goofy a business card if he changes his mind about joining the Gamma’s. 
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To me this looks like a classic defence mechanism of personal deflection where when someone doesn't want to deal with a topic that makes them uncomfortable , they will turn the focus onto something else of their choosing. This to me suggests that Bradley isn't comfortable with the topic of father's and sons , more specifically him and his own father.
Bradley even does a similar kind of deflective behaviour earlier on in the movie when he is confronted by Beret Girl. At first he tells her that he is busy as he just wants to deal with Max being a Gamma but she wont back down from him. Instead she accuses him of making her dizzy from being a downward spiral ( making things worse and worse) , to which Bradley responds by deflecting her statement by telling her to go save some whales as he doesn't want to engage with what she's negatively saying about him.
But back to the scene at hand. When Bradley wants to leave the situation with Goofy he starts by folding his arms across his chest which in body language terms is a classic gesture of defensiveness where it’s usually done out of discomfort , uneasiness , shyness , insecurity , feeling threatened or feeling like you're in an undesirable situation. I get that Bradley is failing to persuade Goofy to join and all but the fact that he gives up so quickly after what Goofy just said to him is a bit suspicious.  
( Psychmechanics.com was my resource about body language ) 
So despite Bradley putting on a smile and acting composed when leaving, you can tell by his overall responsive to Goofy that Bradley was probably effected by what he said but would rather deflect than deal with it.
Of course this is just how I Interpret the scene.
So if they dont have a good bond then what could Bradley and his father’s relationship really be like and how does this impact Bradley’s character? Well Be ready for Part 2 as we got a lot of speculating to do. 
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lucky-ducky006 · 2 months
An extremely goofy movie fanfic!!!!!
They go to the mall!!!!
Bradley was invited by Max to go with his friends to the mall. Bradley enjoyed shopping, but he still had a hard time figuring out why Max wanted to be his friend. No matter how much Bradley tries to accept everything and move on, he still has this lingering guilt that is haunting him. Bradley pushed away those thoughts and quickly changed into different clothes. He is now wearing sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. This wasn't his usual style in clothing but it was comfortable. Bradley took a deep breath and left the Gamma house to meet up with Max. He skateboarded to Max's dorm where Max, P.J, Bobby, and that beret chick were waiting. Bradley felt a sting of anxiety in his chest but hid behind his overly confident countenance.
"Hey, Brad!" Max called out.
Bradley got off his skateboard and walked up to the group. He rolled his eyes. "Do I need to correct you every time, freshman?"
Max giggled. That stupid, ugly giggle. "Oh, yeah, my bad. Well, lets get going."
Bradley felt awkward being with this group. Sure he had gotten pretty comfortable with Max, but his friends still made him a bit nervous. Especially that beret chick. He still didn't know her name and it would be awkward to ask now. The mall they were going to was one of the largest in the state. Bradley grew up in this area so he had been to the mall several times, but rarely for fun. He had usually only ever gone with his dad to get tailored for some fancy clothes or to get some nice shoes. The few times he had come for fun his siblings had brought him and spoiled him rotten, buying him all sorts of things. Bradley fidgeted with his sleeve as they walked inside the mall. Before he knew it P.J. and his girlfriend had already broken off the group to go off on their own. Why did they come if they were just going to leave the group...Bradley wondered. Bradley took in the bustling atmosphere and looked at all the different stores to choose from.
"So, Bradley, what's your favorite store?" Max asked.
Bradley smirked. "Nothing you afford to know."
Max shook his head. "I guess you're right there."
"I want some cheeese, man." Bobby groaned.
"I don't think they sell cheese at the mall, buddy." Max said.
Bradley had looked away for one moment then turned to see that Bobby had run off in search of cheese. In a mall. What a weirdo.
"I guess it's just you and me now." Max shrugged.
"Oh, goody!" Bradley said sarcastically. But he really didn't mind. He felt more at ease with just Max anyway.
"How about we check out your fancy, rich people stores? Just for fun?"
Bradley shrugged. "Nah, they're more boring than you think. Plus I doubt they would let you in to dirty up their floors."
"Oh, wow, thanks." Max pouted.
The two walked into a generic clothing store. Bradley noted how different the vibe of the store was. It didn't feel like you couldn't touch anything without getting scolded for getting the merchandise dirty. Max looked through the graphic t-shirts while Bradley looked at some of the accessories. Bradley wasn't really interested in buying anything. He just came for fun. Max bought a shirt and they left to search for a different store.
Max suddenly lit up. "Bradley, have you ever been to build a bear?"
Bradley snickered. "Yeah, I went with my sister when I was like, seven."
"We should totally go, it would be so fun!"
"You're such a child. Why would I want to go there?"
"You're literally no fun. You're the most boring person I've ever met."
"Whatever-" Bradley was cut off by Max dragging him into the build a bear store. "Max, I'm not going in there, it's for children." Max ignored him and kept on walking. Bradley felt his face flush slightly. He felt so humiliated walking into a build a bear at his grown age. Max excitedly looked through the different bear skins trying to decide which one to get. Bradley rolled his eyes and stood by the entrance. "You look like an idiot, don't you know that?" Bradley called out.
"I'd rather be a fun idiot than a boring idiot." Max said mockingly without taking his eyes off the bears. He finally settled on a dark brown bear. "Bradley, are you sure you don't wanna get anything?'
"Uh, yeah, I'm totally sure." Bradley answered. Bradley thought fondly about the time he had come with one of his sisters. He had picked out a light brown bear and dressed it in a t-shirt and jeans. He was embarrassed of this but he had actually brought it to college and kept it hidden in a drawer. When he has a bad day he pulls it out to sleep with. If anyone found out he would probably kill them. Bradley looked up as Max came to show him his finished bear.
"Isn't he cute? I named him Steven!"
"... Why Steven?"
"I dunno." Max shrugged.
Suddenly Bradley heard someone call out his name. A familiar voice that made a shiver run down his spine. No. Not now. Bradley froze as he saw Nicole walking up to him. Normally he would love to see any of his siblings, but right outside of build a bear workshop was not a good time. Nicole gave him a big hug.
"It's so good to see you, Bradley! And how cute, you're at build a bear!"
Bradley awkwardly hugged her back. Max had met Bradley's other sister, but he didn't recognize this one. Max laughed at the sight of Bradley's panicked expression.
"Oh, is this your friend?" Nicole said as she pulled away from the hug.
"Uh, yeah, this is Max. Max, this is my sister Nicole."
Max shook hands with Nicole and Nicole started to speak again. Shut. Up. SHUT UP! Bradley thought.
"Bradley, remember when I took you here when you were little? You still have that bear, don't you?"
Bradley cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, I do."
Max snickered. He had never seen Bradley like this and he was entertained.
"You should get it a new outfit or something! That would be so adorable. Well, I gotta go now, it was nice seeing you." Nicole gave Bradley another quick hug and walked away.
"It was nice seeing you too." Bradley sighed in relief when Nicole was officially gone. Max started to laugh out loud.
"Wow, I'd never expect you to act so shy, Brad!"
"Just shut up, lets go before I throw your bear in that trash can."
Max hugged his bear protectively and gave Bradley a feigned annoyed look. Neither of them found much else to buy and now they were waiting to meet up with the rest of the group where they had come in. To their surprise Bobby came up to them holding a can of cheese in one hand and a bag with several more in the other hand. He looked like he had already been snacking on some. Finally P.J. and his girlfriend found them. P.J. was holding several bags in one hand while his girlfriend held his free hand. They looked like they had a good time. The group laughed and joked on the way back to the campus and said their goodbyes. Bradley arrived back to the frat house and sat down on his bed to process his day for a moment. He really did have some fun despite his moment of embarrassment. Reluctantly Bradley opened his drawer and pulled out his bear and looked at it. He could've used another outfit. Bradley jumped when he heard his door open. It was Tank. Bradley looked at him in horror knowing he had been caught. Tank looked at what he had in his hand and smiled. He closed the door and Bradley heard his yell that could probably be heard across the entire campus.
Once the shock had worn off Bradley ran out of his room to attack Tank
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 4 months
a list of some summer movies/series 🌞
hi hi hi!! it's just me, your friendly neighbourhood little organisation freak of a goblin here to give you yet again a list of some seasonal movies and series. this time, say it with me folks, summer! as always, just close your eyes and point somewhere on this little list, or even put the numbers in a generator and go with whatever the result is ♡
autumn | winter | spring
🐚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ movies ⋅˚₊‧
roman holiday (1953)
jaws (1975)
friday the 13th (1980)
Indiana jones (1981-)
dirty dancing (1987)
the princess bride (1987)
paris is burning (1990)
point break (1991)
jurassic park (1993-)
before sunrise (1995)
a goofy movie (1995)
clueless (1995)
birdcage (1996)
boogie nights (1997)
i know what you did last summer (1997)
my best friend's wedding (1997)
parent trap (1998)
bilboard dad (1998)
tarzan (1999)
the talented mr. ripley (1999)
10 things I hate about you (1999)
the mummy (1999)
cast away (2000)
almost famous (2000)
our lips are sealed (2000)
charlie’s angels (2000 + 2003)
holiday in the sun (2001)
the wedding planner (2001)
the fast and furious franchise (2001-)
princess diaries (2001-2004)
lilo and stitch (2002)
blue crush (2002)
crossroads (2002)
how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)
under the tuscan sun (2003)
the lizzie mcguire movie (2003)
pirates of the caribbean franchise (2003-2017)
sisterhood of the traveling pants (2005-2008)
monster in law (2005)
aquamarine (2006)
she’s the man (2006)
the cheetah girls 2 (2006)
high school musical 2 (2007)
camp rock (2008)
vicky cristina barcelona (2008)
fool's gold (2008)
mamma mia (2008 + 2018)
adventureland (2009)
bride wars (2009)
hannah montana the movie (2009)
the last song (2010)
letters to juliet (2010)
eat pray love (2010)
one day (2011+2024)
a little bit of heaven (2011)
soul surfer (2011)
the impossible (2012)
magic mike (2012+2025+2023)
the big wedding (2013)
lovelace (2013)
endless love (2014)
chef (2014)
the longest ride (2015)
mad max: fury road (2015)
the shallows (2016)
it (2017)
girls trip (2017)
baywatch (2017)
jumanji: welcome to the jungle (2017)
gifted (2017)
call me by your name (2017)
crazy rich asians (2018)
adrift (2018)
ibiza (2018)
every day (2018)
bad times at the el royale (2018)
tomb raider (2018)
the red sea diving resort (2019)
midsommar (2019)
we summon the darkness (2019)
spider-man: far from home (2019)
the devil all the time (2020)
palm springs (2020)
the last letter from your lover (2021)
raya and the last dragon (2021)
luca (2021)
uncharted (2022)
glass onion (2022)
do revenge (2022)
the lost city (2022)
the gray man (2022)
death on the nile (2022)
barbie (2023)
bottoms (2023)
anyone but you (2023)
la passion de dodin bouffant (2023)
road house (2024)
the challengers (2024)
players (2024)
twisters (2024)
🍦 ‧₊˚ ⋅ series ⋅˚₊‧
the o.c. (2003-2007)
america's next top model (2003-2018)
project runway (2004-)
h2o: just add water (2006-2010)
gossip girl (2007-2012)
private practice (2007-2013)
rupaul’s drag race (2009-)
the walking dead (2010-2022)
new girl (2011-2018)
the fosters (2013-2018)
black-ish (2014-2022)
jane the virgin (2014-2019)
grace and frankie (2015-2022)
critical role (2015-)
stranger things (2016-)
the durrells (2016-2019)
big little lies (2017-2019)
she's gotta have it (2017-2019)
the bold type (2017-2021)
queer eye (2018-)
station 19 (2018-2024)
euphoria (2019-)
roswell, new mexico (2019-2022)
valeria (2020-2023)
911: lone star (2020-)
outer banks (2020-)
bridgerton (2020-)
sex/life (2021-2023)
the white lotus (2021-2025)
daisy jones and the six (2023)
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femmescripter · 19 days
Medley of Maxley Headcanons
Greetings, all! It's been a long time since I've made an original post. So I wanted to make one for a favorite old pairing I enjoy that's been making a resurgence. A collection of all my Maxley headcanons. I hope that you enjoy them! Species Headcanons Max is a Labradoodle, a designer crossbreed between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard/Miniature Poodle. Along with being great family companions they're known for being great service dogs. Both breeds are in the Sporting Group and are water retriever dogs. He gets his Labrador Retriever side from Goofy and his Standard Poodle side from his late mother. I picked this breed for Max because both breeds have loppy ears, black fur and outgoing personalities. Bradley is a Saluki, a purebred dog that originally comes from the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East. It is well known for its hunting prowess and hunts by sight rather than scent, making it a sighthound. Additionally in Islamic culture it is the only dog that's described as being clean. I picked this dog for Bradley because the common fur coloring for the breed and its background as a hunting dog fits his personality and overall look. It's also used as a mascot for the Southern Illinois University Carbondale varsity athletic teams, called the Southern Illinois Salukis. And being the athlete that he is just made it an even more perfect choice for Bradley.
Regular Headcanons Bradley, being the Alpha male type that he is, will howl at Max when he walks by to tease him. The first time he did it Max whipped around to slap him out of instinct. Bradley barely dodged it but still likes to tease the cute freshman by howling at him. Now Max just rolls his eyes at the senior. Although he can't deny that he blushes a bit whenever Bradley does it.
Max likes pop music, which surprises a lot of people as he comes off as an alternative music type. And recently he's gotten into city pop(Japanese 70's/80's pop songs). So Bradley takes Max on a surprise trip to Japan to attend a live city pop concert.
Max is a chili head, and Bradley tries to eat a super-hot Serrano pepper chili to impress him. Even in spite of the fact that he has the spice tolerance of a two-year old. It goes about as well as you think. But Max is there with a nice, triple chocolate fudge ice cream cone and gives the Uppercrust a kiss for effort.
Bradley is very possessive and dangerously protective of Max. He does not tolerate anyone who's not part of Max's inner circle touching his freshman. Once at a party a guy tried to get handsy with Max when Bradley turned his head for a moment. Max tried to make the guy back off for his own sake - but it was too late. Bradley already had the creep out on his ear. For the rest of the party Bradley keeps Max sitting in his lap. And even as they leave, he carries Max all the way back to his dorm.
Before either of them enters a skating contest, Max and Bradley always rub noses for good luck. It was a little intimate tradition of theirs that started by accident when they bumped into each other - and their noses touched. Bradley quite liked the sensation, and Max finds it cute how the Uppercrust is a secret romantic. So they started rubbing noses for good luck.
Bradley likes to watch 70's/80's Saturday morning cartoons(i.e. Transformers Generation 1 and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero), but he never told anyone until he started dating Max. When he told him the Labradoodle started watching the cartoons with Bradley - also having an interest in them. Max even got Bradley a collector's edition action figure from a favorite cartoon of his for his birthday. It was then that Bradley knew he wanted Max to be the new Mr. Uppercrust.
Whenever Bradley is upset he'll seek out Max to lay his head on his lap, and the Labradoodle rubs his scalp. Doesn't matter if Max is at the library studying, chilling at the park or it's late at night and he's about to go to bed. Bradley will text him that he's mad and Max immediately knows what he needs. He'll tell him where he is and Bradley will come to him and lay his head down on his lap, an angry pout on his face as he lets Max rub his scalp. Cute as this is, professors did have to express to Bradley that this isn't allowed in the middle of a midterm. When Bradley proposed to Max, he told him that there was no pressure or expectation to take his name or even hyphenate it. He's actually come to like the name Goof - and knows how much it means to Max. The Labradoodle found this very endearing of the Saluki to reassure him. However Max did at least want to hyphenate his last name. So, on the day of their wedding, Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd and Maximilian Goof-Uppercrust were wedded.
Max does get jealous over Bradley, but it's a bit more complex. Along with general insecurity Max is an angry jealous type. Not angry at Bradley - but angry at the person who tries to steal him or make light of their relationship either by claiming Max is just a gold digger or Bradley just has his wealth and looks to offer. Max would be rightfully pissed and tell off the person by saying Bradley is more than just some rich guy. He may be an arse, but he's trying to do better. And how it's more than he can say for his peers who go out of their way to be nasty people. And if it's someone trying to steal Bradley he tells them off by saying how trashy it is to go after a guy who's already attached and how they could have all the money in the world and still not buy good taste. Then he storms off. Bradley of course is elated to see his normally sweet Goof show some fire. And he spends that whole week just spoiling him from roses to breakfast in bed. Footnote: Don't panic at that last part ! He had someone else cook!
Bradley has always had an affinity for horror movies, so when a school dance was coming he got on a Scream costume and did the whole "Do you like scary movies" bit with Max and towards the end asked if he wants to be his "final girl". Dork that he is Max giggled and said yes.
Bradley was so nervous about asking Goofy for his permission to date/marry Max he actually gave him a bridal dowry. Let's just say you could rent two thirds of Spoonerville for what Bradley gave. But Goofy was cool about it and said that Bradley has his permission. Although he would like a new fishing rod, and Bradley happily got him a top of the line one.
Max wears a white-tailed suit to give the illusion of a gown as the bride and a veil. Bradley wears a classic black tuxedo as the groom. In place of a garter Max wore an ankle band for Bradley to take off and toss. A very special headcanon for all of you House of Mouse enjoyers! Bradley comes to the club every night Max works and always tips him. None of the Gammas, even Tank, go along with him after the first dozen(well for the other members it was the first three times, for Tank it was the first dozen) times because Bradley so shamelessly fawns over Max in his uniform. Older Disney characters like Aladdin and Hercules try to tell him to just talk to Max…but as the kids say, he fumbles the bag. Often. It takes Pongo doing his old ring around the leash trick to literally bring the two together for it to finally click and they actually get together romantically. Max's pet name for Bradley is dreamboat, while the Saluki's pet name for the Labradoodle is macaron. Max speaks fluent French thanks what he learned from his late mother's side of the family, as she originally hailed from Paris. While he doesn't have an accent per se his voice does change into a distinct tone when he speaks French. And it really gets Bradley in a romantic mood any time Max says so much as "croissant". Bradley's Family Headcanons
Bradley having emotionally/physically abusive parents or even a whole rotten family is getting really tired out. So, I'm going to do what Spongebob said and make aggressively NICE people!
Bradley's father, Bradley Uppercrust the Second or Bradman as to avoid confusion with his father or son, is a successful man and a man about town. He's intelligent, a strong leader and also a family man. However…he's a might uncoordinated. Like very uncoordinated. Like…Well like this fella here. For those who don't know, for reference's sake, this is Inspector Clouseau from the original live action Pink Panther film franchise.
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Anyway, Bradley could never understand how in the world his accident/danger prone father got to where he was without offing himself just by walking on air. But if nothing else Bradman has a good head on his shoulders(which is amazing that he can keep it on) and is always there to support his son. However, he does wish that Bradley would tone down the intensity at times. As such Bradman views Max as a true blessing as someone who can keep his son grounded and as much on the straight and narrow as possible. Eloise Uppercrust is a mix of two women. The kind you see in beauty pageants, and the kind you see play as the dangerous femme fatale luring the hero to their doom as she was the villain all along. If Bradley got his smarts and looks from his dad, he definitely got his cunning and athletic prowess from his mom. Eloise is not a woman to trifle with, especially when it comes to her loved ones and career. She's a woman filled with ambition and righteous fury. But she can take a moment to settle and be a peaceful lamb when in the presence of her two most favorite men. When it comes to Bradley's fierce competitive streak Eloise does blame herself as she feels she didn't teach her son that there are times when you should stop and not go overboard. So, when Max comes along and shows himself as being both able to keep up with Bradley and having the willpower to make Bradley stop when he needs to, Eloise immediately approves of her future son-in-law. Mercedes Uppercrust, or Mercy for short, is Bradley's tween younger sister. She's usually reserved by nature but does have a wild side that she lets loose when she gets a burst of excitement. Mercy is very close to Bradley but felt that she was losing touch with him after he got more involved with the X-Games and felt that he was more focused on being the champion than he was being a person. And, by extension, being her big brother. So when Max came into the picture and began to help Bradley get on the road to the redemption Mercy looked up to the Labradoodle as a hero. A child prodigy in her own right, Mercedes has a predilection for all things music and cooking. Her favorite instrument to play is the harp and she greatly enjoys baking. And when she learned that Max is a culinary arts major and likes to listen to music Mercedes told Bradley not to blow it with him. Bradley Uppercrust the First, or Grandfather Lee, may be an older gentleman but he has a sharp mind and a strong spirit. Being the doting family man that he is Grandfather Lee loves his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren very much. When it comes to Bradley he wants nothing more than for him to find the person that he wants to be and for him to be happy in his choice, rather than trying to continue what he thinks is a legacy his grandfather is trying to set up. Grandfather Lee actually takes a great liking to Max as his bright spirit reminds him of his dear late wife. And as it happens the oldest Uppercrust has a rather surprising past that not even Bradley was fully aware of. In his youth, Grandfather Lee was a vocal coach who taught the one and only Powerline. And he was actually backstage when Max and Goofy got on stage with the singer at his concert all those years ago to provide support for his old student. So, in a way, Max has actually "met" Bradley's family early on. Suffice to say - Grandfather Lee gives Max his blessing. Max is a Gamma AU Headcannon
Deciding that he wanted Max apart of the Gammas more than anything, Bradley begrudgingly agreed to let P.J. and Bobby join the Mu Mu fraternity as well. So the freshmen all joined in with the Gammas for the X-Games. And before long Max pretty much became the den mother of the bunch. Having lived with a single dad Max knows about how to run a house and clean. Even though his aloof, free-spirited nature would have you thinking otherwise. He listens to the other Gamma members and talks to them when they need a sympathetic ear. And he knows how to cook actual food, which has certainly worked to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Max's kind nature has also helped Bradley chill out. So much that this year he decides not to cheat for the X-Games. Mainly because he knows how disappointed Max would be if he found out.
At some point when Goofy arrives at the college, though, Bradley does feel compelled to come clean to Max about not always having been the nicest guy(understatement) but quickly adds that Max made him want to change. Of course Max is disappointed like he expected him to be. He even contemplates quitting the team. But eventually he's just glad that Bradley decided not to cheat this time - and tells him he'll stay if he puts in the work to win the competition fairly. Bradley does so, and the Gammas do win. It doesn't take much after that before Max and Bradley start dating, and the king soon lands himself a freshman consort.
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angel-of-the-moons · 4 months
Didn't Plan On It (AKA, Your Friends Are Assholes)
Khonshu x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, forced marriage (kinda??? You SORT OF consented to it???), hints at sexual stuff, groping, my shitty sense of humor
A/N: Based on this post I got tagged in asdfghjkl (I loosely based Max off a friend of mine 💀)
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You loved your friends, but hated them at the same time.
Loved them because they were quirky and weird and matched your energy...
...Hated them because they matched your energy.
A double edged sword, for certain. But at the same time, there's nobody you'd trust more to come to your aid if some creep got up into your personal space. You'd all grown up together, been through everything through thick and thin, even if some of you moved away at some point.
There was Mari, the oldest one in the group by two years. She was like the aunt of the friend group (you were the group mom) who you all could trust to suggest poisoning an ex who did you wrong.
Then, there was Elizabeth "Lizzy", she was the one in the group that alcohol hit the hardest, the lightweight who got cuddly when she was drunk. She did everyone's taxes for them (you know how to do them, she just does them better). Stabbed her ex boyfriend for cheating on her, didn't get any charges pressed (somehow).
There was the other Elizabeth, whom everyone just called "Eli" to avoid confusing her with Lizzy. (Sometimes you all call them #1 and #2) Eli was the most tomboy of the group, her fashion very much stuck in the "grunge" fashion from back in the 90s. 90% of her fashion choice is band merch, she is the one who drives everyone to concerts and manages check-ins at events to make sure everyone is accounted for.
After Mari, Lizzy, and Eli, there was Zoey. Her contact number in everyone's phone is almost always "Zoey 101". The highest IQ out of you all, she was the one who manages passports, IDs, and luggage checks when you take trips together. Has way too much knowledge on the supernatural and the occult.
After the four of them, was Kayla. Kayla was the one who always knew everything about whatever group projects you were all assigned to in school; ask her an obscure fact and she could spit out an atlas or encyclopedia on the subject. Dresses like she's a model on a runway almost every day. Owns 5,000 pairs of feetie pajamas.
And finally, there was Maxwell "Max". You all likened him to Max, Goofy's son, due to how lanky he was. A beautician by trade, always wore flawless makeup when he dressed in drag. Or, just gorgeous in general. Your team's "Gay Avenger" and he watches your drinks at parties like he is a lone sentry between him, a sniper and a platoon of soldiers in the night. Max was the one you knew the longest, you two were born only a few days apart; your parents being best friends even longer. You all made every single one of his drag shows to support him, screaming and cheering the loudest.
Right now, you were at Kayla's house. She was a successful real estate agent and made serious bank; so hosting the bachelorette party in her honor there just made sense. Cheaper, too.
You all had a private party, getting wasted, eating snacks, dressing each other up, holding Lizzy's hair when she puked into the toilet, watching old shitty rom-coms, and letting Max put his best drag looks on all of you. (That was his favorite part of the night, honestly.)
But somehow, inevitably, the occult was brought up. Not by Zoey, but by Mari. She suggested playing with a ouija board.
Kayla had slammed her hands on the table and said, "Hell. No! Not in my house! I'm white, but I'm not horror movie "let's open a magic door and summon a demon" white!"
"Yeah, let's be real. The demon would probably claim Max first." Lizzy grinned, jerking her thumb to the man in question.
Max dramatically clutched his invisible pearls, the gaudy fake tiara crooked in his poofy curls as he gasped incredulously, "Not on the first date, girl! He'd have to put a ring on it, first. I have standards."
"Oh, he'd probably put a ring on something--" Eli snorted into her drink, earning a loud round of chortling from the rest of you.
As the laughter died down, Zoey had said a loud thoughtfully, "Well... there is something I read in my forums recently. A ritual..."
Kayla squinted at her, pointing her manicured nail into her chubby little cheek. "What did I just say about demons?"
"It's not a demon!" Zoey giggled. "It's a god."
"Oh, so instead of a demon, we're gonna summon something possibly even more dangerous?" Mari sighed, raising an eyebrow. "I d'nno how a god would feel about puny mortals like us summoning him from a plane of existence we can't even fathom just to ask him to strip for us."
"Noooo!" Zoey frowned at her as everyone laughed. "It's kind of like a.... fertility rite? Or well, maybe more like some kinda ceremony that's supposed to gain the favor of the god or something. It was discovered by some sort of archaeologist recently in a scroll!"
"A scroll." You deadpan, setting your empty glass of wine in front of you, leaning back on the couch.
"I think I know the scroll you're talking about." Kayla had piped in. "It was found in some recovered temple out in Egypt, right? By one that one world famous professor and historian?"
"Yes! So you know which god I'm talking about, and how he's not dangerous." Zoey nodded excitedly, growing more and more energized at the possibility of playing with magic with all of you.
Kayla tapped her nails on the tabletop, twisting her mouth as she mulled over her options. Deciding that, fuck it, Zoey had a point... it couldn't hurt to end the night with a bang.
"Okay, okay.... let's do it."
"Yessss!" Zoey said, jumping up and bouncing on her feet. She stopped and awkwardly cleared her throat. "Well, er... we kind of need a subject to be the centerpiece, though... the "anchor" of the spell..."
"Wait.... You said a fertility god?" Max squinted, his eyes glimmering cheekily.
"Well, healing, protection, fertility..." Zoey listed off, her voice trailing away.
"Okay okay, but let's focus on the fertility part." He replied. "So odds are.... the anchor of the spell is going to get laid."
"Well... It's a possibility."
"So, who gets to be the lucky anchor?" You asked, tilting your head.
The silence was so loud a mouse could sneeze and you all would have heard it.
And then.... their heads all turned to you, grins spreading on their faces as they all traded conspiratorial looks with one another.
"Oh fuck you." You snap, shaking your head.
"Well, babygirl..." Max leaned in, his arm over your shoulder. "I know for a fact you haven't been laid in a good long while..."
"I have an active sex life!" You retorted, your voice becoming shrill.
"Battery-operated silicone boyfriends don't count." He deadpanned, earning laughter from everyone in the room.
You slump in your seat, pouting like an angry child. "I don't need help getting laid!"
"Well, it's also..." Lizzy said slowly. "The last guy you were with was Troy... and we all know what happened with him."
Your mood soured further at the mention of your highschool sweetheart, the man of your dreams... or so it had appeared. You'd held out on him for a while, finally giving in on prom night and getting a hotel room and having sex with him.
And one day, you decided to drop by his family's house with an early birthday present. ...Only to have caught him in bed with his best friend's mother. He'd been cheating on you with her for almost the entirety of your relationship.
It was after that break-up that you just... didn't want to date. Even if you were lonely, you wouldn't give in because your sense of trust had been betrayed by the guy you were absolutely besotted with.
Eli cleared her throat, "Oh come on. Nothing's gonna happen... it's not like we're gonna sacrifice you on an altar."
"Ugh! Fine! Leave me alone! And when nothing happens you're all paying for my drinks the next time we go bar hopping!" You shouted, throwing your hands up in the air.
Zoey rubbed her hands together, grinning. "Now, then.... let's make a run to that little shop on Malden Street! They're 24 hours and have everything we need!"
You groaned as you got tugged along, Mari the designated driver because she was the only sober one.
Yeah. You hated and loved your friends.
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Zoey had begun setting up the altar around the bed in the guest room, finishing it almost too quickly for your liking. Max and Kayla had dolled you all up for your "date", ensuring you looked your best when that god (never) appeared.
Dressed in one of Kayla's black nightgowns and her silk robe, Max had your hair styled "just right" and your makeup "tastefully minimal"--whatever all that meant.
Eli and Lizzy had killed the lights, while Mari cleared the rest of the bedroom for whatever else would occur.
You laid down on the bed as everyone sat in a semicircle around the bed, Zoey standing with a wax candle in hand as she read the spell screenshotted on her phone aloud as best she could in the language it was written.
You laid against the plush pillows, staring at the ceiling in boredom, listening to Zoey drone on and your other friends giggle in anticipation at the stupid middle-school antics they were perpetrating upon you.
Eventually, the room fell silent as Zoey kneeled like the others staring at you with rapt attention, her eyes glittering in excitement.
Only... nothing happened. Not even... well, you weren't sure what magic would feel like if it was cast on you.
"Hah!" You said, lifting your head to look at Zoey, pointing. "I told you nothing would happen--"
Your six friends all fell backwards with startled shouts and shrieks when, in a blur of light... you vanished.
Right in front of them!
"Oh, oh no.... Um... whoops...?" Zoey said, her voice shell shocked and tiny as a bead of sweat dripped down her brow.
Max grabbed Zoey and shook her, "What did you do! What did you do?!"
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The moment that flash of light dissipated you hit whatever soft surface you were on with a gasp, almost feeling your lungs squeezed of all air before sucking in much needed oxygen.
You blinked your eyes open, and when they focused on your surroundings... You realized you weren't at Kayla's house anymore. Your friends weren't sitting in their silly ritualistic circle... Zoey wasn't staring at you like a bug under a microscope.
You were... somewhere. The bed you were on was insanely large and round, the sheets a divinely soft texture, almost like the velvet of a moths's wing. A canopy was above you, wafting in an unknown breeze. Marble pillars with beautiful scenes painted on lined the room that was very sparse, save for a table laden with food in the corner.
You swing your legs over the bed and rub your temples.
You were drunk. You were black out drunk and this is all some kind of horrible dream that will cause you migraines with your inevitable hangover in the morning.
Yeah. Not so lucky.
When your eyes opened once more, you were still in the strange marble room.
You groaned, standing up and shivering as your feet touched the cold stone floors, polished to a fine sheen that reflected the dim torchlight lit on various oil lamps lining the room.
You looked to your side and noticed some kind of balcony, the night sky just beyond.
You frantically ran for it, hoping that maybe you might be able to call down to the street below for help, but... no luck.
Your hands wrapped around the stone banister and your jaw dropped. You weren't met with the night scenery of some kind of city or town, or even a sprawling estate.
Chalky dust, dented with craters and rocks and boulders stretched out beyond your vision's limits. And hovering in the sky where the moon should be, was...
The Earth. A shiny blue-and-green marble that lazily hung in the void of space, one side dimly lit by the sun while the other was black, lights from the cities below dotting it with a golden hue in the shadow of the--the fucking moon.
You were on the fucking moon?!
"How the hell... what..." You said, your heart thudding in your chest as you walked back into the ornate, pale room you'd exited.
Honestly, you were the darkest thing in there, dressed in all black, the silk hanging from your body and clinging to you in all the right places...
How were you breathing? What were you breathing? How were you even alive--
"Well... this is interesting." A deep voice mused from behind you.
You could feel someone looming over you. An oppressive feeling bearing down on you like whoever this was towered beyond your height.
You spun around, swallowing the lump of fear in your chest; but whoever spoke was no longer behind you.
"It's been some time since anyone has performed that ritual." The voice said again, "Though... uour friend should have worded it more carefully. Her mistranslation may cost you more than intended."
You looked towards the balcony, the thin curtains swaying in the breeze-that-should-not-be, a tall, imposing shadow barely showing through the other side.
An impossibly large man. Or... what looked like a man... if it weren't for the silhouette of the bird skull where his head should be.
Fear spread through your body at every leap of your pulse, dreading it as the figure began walking to the edge of the fine drapery. You anticipated some kind of horror show, but... well. You got the opposite.
A man with impeccably tanned skin, dressed only in a gold bejeweled collar and bracers stepped out, his white shendyt wrapped in some sort of sheer cover, his toned waist disappearing beyond, a thin trail of dark hair trailing up to his navel as his bare feet padded silently across the polished floor. On his chest was a crescent moon that looked like it was painted in some sort of gold across his skin.
His hazel eyes glimmered at you with an inhuman inner light, his mouth quirked up in a cocky smile that stretched his beard; his long, curled black hair striped with wisps of silver as it hung low against his shoulders.
One of his hands held a long staff, topped in a golden crescent moon, like the one tattooed on his chest. His eyes trailed you up and down as he slowly made his way over to you.
You were transfixed.
You were so struck by him that you didn't flinch until his fingers tipped your chin so you would look up at him, your mouth going dry. What the hell was happening?
"Well... at least you are pleasing to look at."
You felt your ego take the punch, and your awe at his beauty was shattered. Oh. So he was a dick.
"Do you know why you're here, little dove?" He hummed, tilting his head slightly with a coy--but knowing--smile.
"I... My friend did some stupid magic circle, that's what!" You say, twisting your head free from his grasp, stepping away to wrap the silk robe around you tighter, suddenly feeling very self conscious.
"I asked not what brought you here... but if you knew what your friend's ritual has ordained for you." He chuckled lowly at your sense of modesty.
"I..." You flounder, wishing you had been listening to the details Zoey had been spitting as she set up the circle, earlier as Max and Kayla got you ready. "Something about..."
Your body shivered at the realization.
"... something about fertility?"
The man moved towards you in a blur, suddenly behind you once again; his body heat bleeding into you like the scorching sun on a summer day, his heavy hands circling your waist and toying with the knot in the robe.
"Close." He had whispered, his lips touching the shell of your ear as your body went rigid in his embrace.
"Your friend mistranslated "offering"." The ridiculously gorgeous man hummed deeply. His lips skimmed your bare neck in appreciation; "She said "wife". Imagine my surprise, while I was overseeing my Fist's duties and I heard that incantation over the divine space. I simply had to see who performed such a ritual."
"W-wait you can't be saying that..."
"I am afraid so, little dove." He breathed, his mouth leaving a hot kiss to your leaping pulse, making heat pool low in your belly. His hands slid beneath the robe, touching the soft nightgown that covered you beneath; barely touching the undersides of your breasts.
"You belong to me, now."
You stood ramrod stiff as his hands roamed you, mapping out every dip and curve your body had; every hollow and mark in your skin, driving your body mad with desire despite the shock of your current situation.
"It is human custom to consummate a marriage after a ceremony, yes?" His mouth once again found your ear, his words hot on your skin, one of his hands slipping beneath your robe and gown to brush his thumb over one of your pebbled nipples; his other sliding down to slowly hike up the skirt of your nightwear, his hand groping and squeezing the fat of your thigh.
"It has been... overlong since I have indulged in such pleasures. But I assure you, I have a--very--good memory."
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All six of them had been in a constant state of panic, frantically wondering if they should call a priest or the police. The sun was beginning to creep over the horizon, painting the sky in gorgeous colors as clouds lazily danced about the atmosphere.
Max had yanked at his curls, "I'm to gay and gorgeous to go to jail!"
"It was magic not murder, you drama queen!" Mari shouted, shaking Max's arm frantically.
"Who the fuck should we call?!" Lizzy shrieked, waving her arms over her head. "The fuckin' Winchester brothers?! Fucking Constantine?!"
Zoey practically sobbed, emotionally raw and scared. She hadn't expected anything to happen with this! After all, none of her other dabblings caused something like... like this! What if she mistranslated in the wrong language and accidentally sent you to Cthulhu? What if she cursed you to one of the circles of hell? Did she say something wrong?!
"I'm sorry!" She sniffled as Eli rubbed her back, trying desperately to stay calm. "I didn't know!"
"Well, we are not ever doing goddamn magic ever again!" Kayla hyperventilated, fanning herself desperately with her hand, the other holding her long hair up in a bunch to get it off of her sweaty neck. "God damn it, this shit always happens in horror movies! Me and my big mouth--"
They were all almost knocked to the ground again, when, in a bright flash of light... you were dropped onto the plush mattress once again. Only this time, your appearance was far more disheveled.
Your makeup ran down your cheeks, mascara tracking down your face from dried tears, your lipstick smeared and hair messy; your clothes haphazardly askew in several places.
You blinked, your eyes not entirely focused as you sat up and looked at your friends. You zeroed in on Zoey. You didn't seem... hurt? Mad at her?
Instead, your usual coping mechanism kicked in. Humor.
"Scully.... You're not gonna believe this..."
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amazon160 · 1 year
The Spot (Jonathon Ohnn)
x Reader 🖤🤍
finally writing my baby ❤️
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You knew John as another scientist at Alchemax. Actually, you knew him through Liv, or Doctor Octavius. She introduced him to you at a coworker’s retirement party and said he usually kept to himself to obsess over his work. He was one of the “higher up’s” at Alchemax, so he when he was at work, he was pouring himself into the experiment at hand. It took you, and even more so Liv, by surprise that he visited you during lunch break.
Woah, did you just witness what I witnessed?” Liv shook your shoulders playfully with an agape, somewhat exaggerated expression.
“Doctor Ohnn talking to me because he’s a nice guy?” You deadpanned.
“Him talking to you in general, but during his lunch break? It’s already a monthly occasion that he’ll talk to someone he’s not as close to, but during a break time? Something’s up.”
Liv bumped your shoulder and proceeded to direct you two into each others’ directions a lot more than you would have anticipated. You couldn’t tell if all of this attention from the soon-to-be head scientist was to play with this whole situation at hand or in hopes of embarrassing you. Because judging off of her other interactions, this was definitely not genuine. She had her own reasons. Anyway.
John visited more and more until one day he finally opened up with something other than work.
“Hey, so, uh-the coffee here.” He stammered, staring blankly out in front of you. One of his hands clasped around a mug full to the brim with dark coffee. “The cof-ffee at Alchema-max is…erm…”
“It’s passable,” you finished for him. He pointed a knowing finger to you and laughed.
“Right. Um, well. If I said I know a place. That. Has. Better…” he trailed off. He looked so much more flustered under the pressure of your simple eye contact.
“A coffee-?”
“A coffee place!” He interrupted. “If there was a better coffee place in town, would you wanna see me after work so I can show it to you, maybe grab a drink?” He said rather…quickly. You laughed some at his continued unease to help loosen him up. And he did.
It was not long at all before you exchanged numbers, and suddenly, you also had someone to talk to. Liv teased you about how she didn’t need to check in on you anymore now that you had “your little friend”.
And you wanted to think of the guy as your friend, nothing more. But then he kept asking you on these little friendly dates, and then you could see they weren’t so friendly anymore, as a romantic date would be.
You were stuck.
You were hoping to keep this in the friend zone because you adored Jonathon. And you were scared to try to have that kind of more intimate relationship. You were more comfortable staying at more of a friendship. Unfortunately, one day you knew you’d have to suck it up.
You both sat on a small bench in the park as the sun set. How cliche. He was such a dork for picking out the setting.
“His face was priceless!!” You gushed with guffawing laughter stuffed in between each word. You tried to pull yourself together so you wouldn’t end up embarrassing yourself with how red your face was.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” John said. “Larkins is really a special one with facial expressions.”
Your laughter slowly settled to slow breathing with occasional giggles as your mind’s eye replayed Larkins’ little accident. Your narcissistic coworker got caught locked inside the janitorial closet and was screaming from how dark it was in there. He looked absolutely mortified once let out after about twenty minutes.
An awkward silence pursued you.
John scooted to his left towards you with a goofy smile. You scooted towards him as well. You both knew just how cheesy it was, and that was the fun of it. But you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread creeping onto you. Then you felt John’s fingers slip over yours and you physically flinched.
And then you prayed he didn’t take notice.
“Y/N. This is so cheesy, but. I’m really glad I met you.” John started.
“Aww, thanks, John.” You mustered up. And you really were flattered, just a bit worried by where he was going with this.
“I was thinking of moving next year, actually. I would’ve been able to work at a different Alchemax location, at least.” He left you in stunned silence for a minute.
“That sounds great! Whe-where are you thinking of going?” You stammered. There was an anxiety building up in your throat with a sting of annoyance.
“Well, actually, this was before Larry’s retirement party. And then Liv introduced you and, well.
I, uh-I really enjoy your company.” He was turned to completely face you now. You turned towards him as well at the same angle. His hand remained on yours. It was fidgeting. Twitching back and forth. A lot. His facial expressions morphed into completely different emotions. But the primary one was anxiety. John was contemplating something, but he was thinking so long and hard about it the silence was getting awkward.
“Um, John-” you attempted to break it. Only to be cut off by his lips meeting yours.
You melted. And you fell hard, holy crap. You cringed at how long it took you to finally come to and return the sloppy kiss. John pulled away a few moments later and looked at you with a tomato red face. You sputtered out a giggle.
“What?” He laughed with you.
“You’re a living tomato,” you gestured around your face.
“Well,” John leaned forward and clasped his hands gently onto your cheeks. “So are you.” You stiffened and felt some more blood desperately rush to your face. You groaned and took his hands into yours. You hid your face in his hands and John laughed again. You laughed as well, your back hiccuping up and down. John moved his hands out of your grip and onto your waist to pull you forward. You caught yourself with your hands on his chest and kissed him again.
Screw it.
This was worth a little bit of a risk.
“You wanna wrap this up at my apartment?” You ask once sitting back down on the bench. You leaned against Jonathon who you could feel stiffen. His heart pounded against his chest. He gave you a small nod and choked out “sure”. So you whipped out your car keys, spun them around your finger, and walked back to where you two had parked.
You and Jonathon sat on your couch with a plethora of blankets and pillows to accompany the cold breeze coming through the window and an old, nostalgic Disney film playing on the tv. It was getting a bit too cold…You bundled up into your blanket like a small burrito. Then you saw Jonathon change his position so he was laying with his head on the couch arm rest. He looked timid, just from his body language alone. You knew so much more coursed through his mind than he showed in his body language.
You felt a little silly.
The blanket burrito collapsed onto Johnny so you were laying on top of him. He groaned despite your rather soft landing and his arms flew back out of your way.
“Come ooonnn, loosen up, Johnny!” You whined, turning over so you could be face to face with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his chest. A small shudder made its way from Johnny’s chest. He finally lowered his arms to wrap around you gently. You laid your head onto his chest as it rose and fell steadily. Though, there was still the occasional stutter in his breathing that entailed he was trying his best to keep it steady. You moved your head once again to face him. His eyes quickly darted away from yours.
“I..wasn’t staring.”
“I never asked if you were.” You quickly scooted your knees up a bit on the couch to kneel so you could move your face up to his. Cupping his face with one hand and balancing on his shoulder with the other, you trailed small kisses along his cheeks and jawline. Jonathon audibly gasped and fell backwards, trying to move away from you as you kept kissing the pathetic man.
You followed him back as you both started laughing. Your kisses became more and more sloppy as your laughter took ahold of you. But you still were able to hold the man’s face, with both hands, and plaster them everywhere on his face.
“NO-Y/N, STOP-STAAAWWWPP!!!” He whined between giggles.
“NEVEERRR!!” You yelled dramatically, placing another kiss on his nose and one more on his lips. You let your knees slide back so you laid back on top of Jonathon. It was his turn to cup your face and return the kiss. You slid back some more and parted the kiss, burying your face into his chest. You already knew his face was picking up steam. You laid there comfortably until the silence got a bit awkward. Well, it wouldn’t be awkward if Jonathon wasn’t as tense and his hands weren’t still up in the air as if he was trying to avoid touching you. You rested your head on its side-on your cheek. Without looking up, you grabbed Jonathon’s hand and brought it to your head. Slowly, you felt his fingers move along your scalp.
“About time,” you mumbled with a soft sigh.
“What was that?” Jonathon whispered.
“Love ya, babe.” you replied. He chuckled and pet your hair, his other hand smoothing around your waist to rest on your back. He started to draw shapes on your back, slowly lulling you to sleep. John sometimes complained about how large his hands were. As much as you’d like to tell him, you found it a bit strange yourself how comforting their touch felt. How one of his hands would almost entirely engulf yours. The way his fingers moved along your spine was satisfying in a way you couldn’t put into words. And you really couldn’t. Like, actually. You were already knocked out.
Jonathon didn’t realize you’d fallen asleep until he was close to falling himself.
“Y/N?” He whispered. No response. “Hmm. Y/N~…” Still no response as he lifted your hair out of your face to study you. You looked so still when asleep. How could he ever think to wake you up? With a guilty weight on his hands, he gently shook you awake.
“Mmmm…hmm?” You groaned, opening your groggy eyes. “Ohh, hey, Johnny~” He blushed at the nickname and yawned.
“Baby, we locked up the apartment, right?” He asked gently. You nodded, your eyes threatening to drift back to sleep. “No, no, no, shhhh..lemme do this…” Johnny slowly scooped you up to carry. You slung your arms around his neck as he walked out of the living room. You heard a click of the remote and the remaining light in the room was gone. Then you heard a door creak open and before you knew it, you were being settled onto your bed. Your blanket was draped over you, which you quickly snuggled into with the cold atmosphere. “Make sure you get a good night’s sleep, alright? I love you, Y/N.” Johnny turned around to leave your bedroom. You heard the door begin to close and your arm shot up.
“Wait,” you said, unknowingly interrupting Johnny’s last goodbye. He stopped and looked back at you. You were adjusting yourself and the pillows on your bed. You scooted to one side of the bed and patted the space next to you.
“You, uh…you want me to spend the night with you?” Johnny said quietly. It couldn’t be what his mind had anxiously referred to, for sure. You were already half asleep, there was no way you’d ever-
“Of course I do, ya dummy. Now get over here!” You smiled. Johnny nervously walked to the other side of the bed and sat on the very edge. You frowned and leaned over, constricting your arms around him and forcing Johnny to lay next to you. Your arms were still wrapped around him, only relaxed this time. You couldn’t imagine ever being the big spoon, so you released your arms once he was settled in and snuggled up to the side of him.
One lanky arm wrapped around beneath your neck. The other lazily draped over your waist.
“I was beginning to like the change of pace,” Johnny remarked softly into your ear. You gave an inquisitive hum. “I wouldn’t complain about me being held by you. It’s quite nice.”
“Ohh, well. I figured you were just used to being the ‘big guy in charge’, y’know?”
“Oh, please,” Johnny scoffed.
“Hehe. Yeah, I know. You’re a big softie.” You turned over to face Johnny with a soft smile. “You are really nice to hug, though.” On cue, you wrapped your arm around him and pulled yourselves closer to each other.
“Uh-uh..uh-um, um. Y-You think that?” John stuttered quietly.
“Yeah,” you replied. “You’re real soft. And like, your shape is really cuddly.” You we’re beginning to lose your wording and slur your sentence together. Johnny smiled bigger than you could ever see him smile and he gently tightened his embrace, resting his head on top of yours. He could feel your hot breath on his neck. He began playing with your hair in hopes of lulling you back to sleep alongside him. This feeling-the rising and falling of your chest-was enough to make him pass out. You both slept a deep sleep, limbs entangled and a newfound confidence in where your relationship was going. You loved Jonathon. That was enough motivation to keep going with this.
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