#//For those who don't know Quin!!
ddejavvu · 9 months
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pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
summary: you and anakin have a mug that you set out if you want to tell the other that you're in the mood. You're discovered at a rather unfortunate time.
a/n: basically just that new girl scene where nick and jess admit that they've got a sex mug except i wanted to do it with anakin and quin is my favorite character so this manifested itself. if you're unfamiliar with quinlan vos, all you need to know to understand this blurb is that he has psychometric powers, meaning he gets a sort of 'force echo' of what he touches. When he touches something, he sees its ‘memories’ of those who touched it before - what they were doing when they touched it. sorry if this isn't what you wanted to see but i'm so goddamn obsessed with quinlan that i need to write about him so bad or i'll short circuit and this is my blog so i do what i want 🫡
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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Typically, you've got no problem with Obi-Wan walking into the Knights' quarters you share with Anakin. After being knighted, the Master-Padawan pair had been understandably uncomfortable with seeing each other less and less, and you'd always enjoyed the man's company when he came by to visit.
Now, however, it's proved itself to be a problem.
Obi-Wan sits at your small dining table, his only company being a misplaced mug at the place beside him, having helped himself to a cup of tea that he'd brought the leaves for. He'd been less-than-impressed at your dismal selection of teas, and had stashed a box of his own atop your cabinet for when he came to visit. Now he's nearly downed his cup, and neither of you are back yet from your classes that should have ended an hour ago.
He shouldn't worry. There's plenty of reasons why you'd be late; maybe you've stopped by the creche to help out with the younglings, or Anakin had dragged you to one of the refectories to scarf down an early dinner.
Except Anakin has never, never volunteered for creche duty, and the refectories are serving his least favorite meal today.
Obi-Wan has generous faith in you. But you've been roommates with his former padawan for long enough that he's sure Anakin's unbridled mischief has rubbed off on you by now, and he's worried that the two of you might be getting into something you shouldn't.
To his credit, he's right.
Anakin is in something he shouldn't be in. He's in a supply cupboard, he's in you, pressing you flat against the wall and hiking your thigh up over his raised forearm.
"Higher," He grunts, his nose bumping yours as he breaks away from kissing you to mumble into your mouth. Then he bites softly at your lower lip, licking over the momentary sting as you try lifting your trembling thigh higher over his arm.
"Come on," He goads, his grin bright as his eyes glimmer with a touch of sadism you wish you weren't attracted to, "Where did all that Jedi strength go?"
You want to spit something sharp at him, perhaps tell him it fell to the floor when his pants did. But all you manage is a weak groan, and Anakin hikes your leg up for you. His cock is thick, heavy, and hard, and it pistons in and out of you at a steady pace as slick dribbles down your thighs.
Both of you are blissfully unaware that Obi-Wan is waiting for you in your quarters, and that another wayward master has picked up on his trail.
"Knock knock," Quinlan says after the door to your quarters is already open, which doesn't surprise Obi-Wan in the slightest. Quinlan had the same habit when they were younger, barging into rooms first and apologizing later.
"Obi," Quin greets with a grin, in that sing-song-y tone of voice that he uses only for the nickname, because Obi-Wan has corrected him just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship that it's Obi-Wan, thank you very much, "Where'd the brats go?"
"I don't know," Obi-Wan admits, offering the seat across from him to his friend, "I do hope they haven't gotten themselves into any trouble. There's tea in the kitchen, if you want some."
Quinlan, who has expressed his rather harsh opinion on tea just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship, glares at Obi-Wan. Payback, he supposes.
"No, thanks." Quinlan flops down in the empty chair with a huff, and Obi-Wan marvels at how he manages to act thirteen while being over thirty, "I'd rather drink my own piss out of this mug." He reaches forwards to grab the dishware that had been sitting out on the table when Obi-Wan had arrived, then in a split second his face changes - dropping into a horrified grimace - and he flings the glass across the room.
It shatters as expected, and Obi-Wan jerks in his seat.
"Quinlan," He chides in disbelief, but waits for an explanation.
Quinlan, poor Quinlan, with stronger psychometry than he knows what to do with most times, who doesn't bother to shield himself from any potential memories in the presence of close friends, has had a rather unsavory vision of your past uses of the mug.
"Oh, kriff," He grunts, chest heaving slightly as he stares at his bare hand like it's betrayed him, "Kriff, Obi-Wan, they're having sex."
Obi-Wan feels like he may have just been struck full-force by Coruscant's train.
"What?" He sits impossibly straighter in his chair, "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I touched that thing," Quinlan explains, "And- and I was assaulted with unsavory visions, and- Obi-Wan, they put it out to let each other know they wanna fuck."
As soon as Obi-Wan processes the information that he'd really rather not have, he's on his feet.
"We need to find them," He declares, and Quinlan's jaw drops open in a display of the dramatics that the man is so fond of.
"You want to find them?" He asks, "Like- you're gonna march around the temple, and try to find them while they're banging?"
Obi-Wan considers this, and his face wrinkles into a grimace, "No. No, I don't want to find them."
Obi-Wan sinks back into his seat, speechless for the first time in a very long time. The two friends stew in an awkward silence until Quin swallows, clearing his throat.
"I'm almost.. a little proud. I think."
"Quin," Obi-Wan groans, but his friend is already talking over him.
"-I'm just saying! Good for them."
"I'm going to have to give him the talk," Obi-Wan groans, burying his face in his hands and wishing to pitch himself off of the temple's rooftop gardens instead, "I never did. I thought- well, I don't know, he had a lesson on it in class. I thought that would be enough."
Quinlan, who has very vivid memories of defacing the desks in the temple with drawings of the same reproductive organs that he and Obi-Wan learned about during their own youth sex ed course, nods in remembrance. Silence descends upon the pair once more as neither one can muster up enough energy to properly address the situation. Not enough time has passed for the mortified blush to be off of Obi-Wan's cheeks when the door opens once more, and he bets that Quinlan's face is similarly warm, and perhaps twisted into the faintest smirk.
"Oh, hey." Anakin nods once at his former master, missing the aghast expression on his face, "How long have you guys been waiting for us?"
"I just got here," Quinlan informs him, "And I should leave."
"Don't-" Obi-Wan starts, but reconsiders, because he thinks Quinlan might not be the best influence during a serious sex talk. He sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose, "Just- go."
"See 'ya, kids." Quinlan's grin as he claps the both of you on the shoulders is equal parts resigned and amused, "Enjoy what's to come."
Anakin's brow furrows alongside yours, and in explanation, Quin offers only four haunting words: "I touched your mug."
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mindmelter · 2 months
Five Alien Hosts: Adventures In Italy (Part 1) - Vacation
(This series is a Sequel of "Five Aliens On Board Of Hunks". So before diving into this story, I recommend reading its prequel. Although this chapter still works on its own. Enjoy it.)
Victor and the five alien controlled hunks landed in Italy, they were now at the airport waiting for Victor's next orders.
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"So, what's the plan, Master? I've already canceled all my host's meetings for the week, just like you asked me." Sylo, the alien bug inside the man's brain, said.
Victor sighed and sat in front of him. He ran his hand through his hair as he analyzed the situation they were in. "I'm still thinking about it. The plan was to release all five of you once we arrived at the resort. Then, you guys would take over some of the hot Italian guests there. But I wasn't expecting the five of you to disobey my orders and take over these five hunks on the plane..."
"Do Master wish for us to abandon our hosts?" Sylo asked.
"No, I really like the bodies you guys picked. Specially yours... don't tell your brothers but your host is my favorite. I like that you went straight for the business class for the prime meat. What is his name by the way? We should use the host's names while in public"
"His name is Alexander"
"Where was he going?"
"He was going to a business meeting here in Italy. He's quite a busy and important man. His dad owned an internacional car exporter company and of course Alexander here is now the CEO of the company"
"Interesting, having a rich host might be helpful"
Victor and Sylo's attention suddenly turned to a muscular Arab man near them: It was Grus's bodybuilder host. He was screaming to someone on the phone, he seemed very angry "Yes, that's right! I will not attend the bodybuilding competition this year... I know I said I would be there... I don't have to explain why... fuck the contracts, I want you to shove them up your ass!" He shouted hanging up the call.
"Grus really knows how to imitate the personalities of his hosts" Sylo commented.
Near the angry bodybuilder was Quin's footballer host, the football player was with his girlfriend, who was waiting for him at the airport, but now it looked like they were having a heated discussion. The couple was finally going to reunite after two months apart, well, that was before one of Victor's alien bugs crawled inside the stud's brain and took over his hot body.
"What do you mean you are travelling again? I waited for you for two months! You said you would focus on our relationship once you were back"
"I have more important things to do now" He said in a flat tone.
"More important than our relationship? What's wrong with you?" The woman shouted and pushed Quin's host. "That's it, It's over for us!" She shouted storming away. The handsome blond athlete continued standing with a blank face expression, as if his girlfriend of five years hadn't just ended their relationship. He then turned to look at Victor with his blank face and smirked, giving Victor a thumbs up.
Victor then looked at Echo's Daddy host sitting on a near seat with his wife and children. While Yinx's host was talking with the host's girlfriend, she was confused as why her boyfriend had decided not to visit her parents anymore.
Those five men boarded the plane with different plans for themselves and their loved ones. Now, they were nothing but husks for the tiny alien bugs to control. The aliens were now the ones on board their bodies, and it was now up to Victor to create a new plan for all of them. Victor then turned to Alexander.
"Only Echo's daddy host was already going to the same resort as me, all the other hosts had different plans." Victor said.
"Why don't we all go together to the resort, Master? All our hosts have canceled their appointments as you ordered, our hosts are now free of any human burden."
"But you guys don't have reservations, I only made one reservation for myself"
"You don't have to worry about that, Master. My host is a millionarie, he's the CEO of an internacional car company. He's so rich that I could rent the entire resort if I wanted. I'm sure I could arrange five reservations for him and my brothers's hosts"
"This sounds like a good plan. Connect me to the others, please" Victor ordered.
Alexander then closed his eyes and pressed his fingers on his temples for a few seconds. Victor watched as the other four hosts stopped moving to receive the mental signal. This was one of the bugs' abilities: They were able to communicate telepathically to each other. They all shared the same mental link and could communicate as long as they weren't too far away from one another.
"They are hearing you Master" Sylo's host spoke with his eyes white rolling back. Victor leaned closer to him.
"Ok, listen to me, guys. We are still going to the resort as it was the original plan, only now you will go into your new hosts. You guys know the rules..." Victor said, and Sylo passed the message to the others like a group call.
"Yes Master, while inside a host we must take their Identity as well" Alexander responded for the five of them.
"That's right, unless we are in private that you guys can stop acting like them. Now let's go, this vacation is not only for me but for you guys too. After helping me fuck with every hot guy that I wanted for the past year, you guys deserve a break"
"Thank you, Master" Sylo responded for the five of the alien bugs.
The next day, Victor and the five alien hosts were enjoying the Saturday morning at one of the most expensive resorts in Italy. Sylo used his host's money to pay for all the expenses, and to get the best rooms.
Victor was sharing a room with Sylo's host, Alexander.
Echo's daddy host — whose name was David — was sharing a room with his family.
Yinx's host was sharing a room with his girlfriend, who was still mad at him for changing their plans of meeting with her parents to spending a weekend at the resort.
Quin's footballer host and Grus's bodybuilder host were sharing a room together as the bodybuilder was single and the football player had just ended his long term relationship at the airport.
The night before, while Alexander was fucking Victor on their bed, Victor commanded Sylo to connect his mind with his brothers, so all the hosts could feel what Alexander was feeling. In the next room, Yinx's was fucking his host's girlfriend. In another, Quin's footballer host was getting a blowjob from Grus's bodybuilder host.
When Alexander came inside Victor, Sylo sent a powerful orgasmic signal towards every single one of the four hosts in the other rooms, in which all came together at the same time.
Victor woke up to an empty bed, Alexander wasn't in the room anymore. Victor, still lying on the bed stared at the ceiling and started to smile as he remembered all the fun he had the night before. Victor fell asleep with Alexander's hard cock buried deep inside him. Victor grunted in disappointment, he wanted to start the day with a morning fuck, so where the hell was Sylo with his hot host? He grabbed his phone on the nightstand and saw a message from Alexander.
"Good morning, Master. I'm having breakfast at the restaurant near the coast. I didn't want to wake you up so I went alone"
Victor quickly put his clothes on, and on his way to meeting with Alexander, he saw David—Echo's host—relaxing on a chair with his family. Victor passed by and admired the dad in black speedos." He couldn't believe that just a day before he was cumming on those hairy pecs in the airplane bathroom.
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David grinned at Victor and unpretentiously adjusted his bulge, only Victor knew it was very much Intentional, Echo was trying to tease Victor with his new sexy Daddy host. Victor then spotted Alexander sitting at a table alone, and walked to him.
"Why don't you two just fuck each other right there in front of everyone?" Alexander joked, the restaurant area had a clear view of David.
"God, I wish I could. You guys picked the most hottest men on that plane." Victor said sitting on his side, then he took Alexander's glass of orange juice and took a sip, just for fun he spat inside and handed the glass back to Alexander, who smiled.
"You taught us how to pick the best human males."
"I sure did. I'm so lucky to have you guys in my life. These men wouldn't give me the light of the day if it wasn't for literal aliens taking over their brains."
They both laughed, then Alexander gulped down the juice. "You're right, Master. Alexander would only fuck female models. You would never be on his dating pool, but you don't have to worry about that anymore. With us in control you're the only one that they will ever have eyes on"
David blushed.
Suddendly Alexander froze for a few seconds and his eyes rolled back.
"Is everything ok?" Victor asked. Alexander then pressed two fingers on his temple.
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"I'm getting a mental link from Yinx... He wants to talk with you in private.... he's at the... hotel's gym."
"I better go see what he wants" Victor said standing up. "Won't you give me a kiss, Master?" Alexander asked pulling Victor by the shirt and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.
Victor walked to the gym, once there he saw that the place was almost empty with the exception of Yinx's host — Anthony — working out at the bicycle's area.
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"Hey Master!" Yinx said, giving Victor a warm smile.
"Hey sexy. I'm seeing you're really enjoying your new muscles."
"What can I say? I love working the muscles of my hosts, there's just something very addicting about this human practice, I like the pain it causes."
"Can you give me a flex? Please?"
"Of course Master"
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Victor started to sweat and a tent started to form in his shorts. It was too hot to have someone like Anthony flexing for him.
"God, I will never get used to this." Victor squeezed Anthony's biceps, then lifted one arm and sniffed on his sweaty armpit, he had a strong musk and Victor wasted no time in giving it a few licks. "So, uuummffh... Sylo said you wanted to.. mmmffhhh.. talk to me?"
"Yes, follow me, Master" They both walked to a more private area at the gym, then Anthony sat on a couch.
"Earlier I was jogging and I noticed a man following me with his car, he was taking photos of me. But when I tried to confront him, he said he knew what I was and then drove off"
"That's weird. It must have been just a gay pervert. Your new host is too hot, you will attract some creeps"
"You might be right" Anthony said looking down.
"And how are you dealing with Anthony's girlfriend?"
"She's driving me insane, Master. I fucked her last night to make her happy, while I was inside her I felt Sylo sending me an orgasmic mental link. Anthony came so fast while feeling what Sylo's host was feeling. His girlfriend thought he came for her, but he actually came for you, Master"
"Wait, are you hard right now?" Victor asked.
"No I'm not" Anthony responded, playfully covering his crotch with his manly hands.
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"I think you are" Victor taunted "C'mon, show me"
Victor was shocked when Anthony uncovered his crotch, there was a dark wet patch on his pants. Yinx's made Anthony cum by just remembering the night before.
"You horny bastard"
"I can't help it, I wish it was me fucking you last night, Master. It's not fair that only Sylo can share a room with you. I would love to fuck you with my new meat"
"Aaawwnn, we can make that happen, Yinx. No need to be all jealous. I have plenty of ass for the five of you"
Suddenly, Victor felt his phone buzzing inside his pocket, so he grabbed it and saw a new message from David. It was a photo of him wearing only dark blue speedos while posing to a mirror.
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"Wife is out with the kids, I'm all alone now. What do you think of coming over and having some fun? This host has so much more than just some hairy pecs, you need so see his hairy ass"
"I-I have to go now" Victor said.
Yinx's host nodded and Victor made his way to David's room, his heart raced with anticipation. He couldn't wait to have some fun with Echo's host. When he arrived at the door, he knocked softly only to realize the door was already open. David's deep voice called out, "Come in."
Victor stepped inside, taking in the sight before him. David was lying on the bed, wearing only a pair of dark blue speedos that did little to hide his impressive junk.
"Hey, David," Victor said, closing the door behind him. "Thanks for the invite." He walked over to the bed and sat down beside David, their legs brushing against each other.
"No problem, buddy," David replied with a sultry smile. "I've been looking forward to this." He reached out and ran his hand through Victor's hair, making the younger man shiver. "So, what do you want to do? I'm up to anything"
Victor leaned in closer, feeling the heat emanating from David's body. "Well," he began, "I've been thinking about that message you sent me..."
David smiled, his eyes glinting in the candlelight. "You mean about my hairy ass?" He reached down and took hold of Victor's erection, stroking it gently through his pants. Victor arched into the touch, unable to hide his desire.
"Yeah," Victor whispered, his heart racing. "I've been wanting to have more fun with you since I came on your pecs on the plane." He leaned in and kissed David, their lips meeting in a passionate exchange as Victor sucked on the married dad's tongue. Their hands moved frantically over each other's bodies.
As David took Victor's clothes off, a new idea began to form in Victor's mind. He glanced down at David's hairy chest and hard erection, and suddenly he had an image in his head. "I had an Idea" he whispered into David's ear.
David looked confused for a moment, but then Victor laid down on the bed with his hard member pointing up, and looked at David with a dirty look, who got the message right away...
"Oh fuck, yeah," Victor moaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. "That's it Echo, make this Daddy fuck himself on my cock." And with those words, the alien-controlled daddy began to fuck himself on Victor's hard cock ever harder. Victor opened his eyes to the sight of a burly hairy family dad squatting on his cock, he watched amazed as David's pecs bounced up and down with each movement. Victor grabbed each hairy pecs with his hands, sometimes he would pinch and twist the nipples. At one moment Victor even used David's nipples as a handle to guide the Daddy up and down. Soon they came together in a erotic, otherworldly union. As they reached their climaxes, waves of pleasure washed over them. Victor came inside the host, and the host came all over Victor. The room spun around them. David's breath came in ragged gasps, his hairy chest heaving as he clenched tightly around Victor's cock.
Slowly, they began to regain their composure and their breathing returning to normal. David pulled off of Victor with a satisfied sigh, his cock still hard and glistening with their shared sweat. He reached down and started to lick Victor's body clean, erasing any trace of cum.
"That was incredible," Victor whispered, his voice husky with desire "thank you, Echo." He leaned in and kissed David gently on the lips as he caressed the man's fur.
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"My pleasure, Master" David replied, putting one hand behind his head "Anytime you want some more fun, you know where to find me. This brainless Daddy is yours to use."
They both shared a laugh.
Later that day, Victor walked back into his room to find Alexander talking on the phone. He was speaking in a strange language — was it Arabic? Or Turkish? Victor couldn't tell.
"Hey, Sylo, what are you doing on the phone? I thought I said to cancel your host's meetings for the week. You should be outside having a good time in your new body" Victor said.
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Alexander muttered something into the phone and then muted it. “This host is much more important than you think, Master. He can't just disappear for a week. People will start looking for him" he growled, shooting a stern look in Victor's direction. Victor couldn't help but roll his eyes. Sylo was the most stubborn of the five bugs.
"Let them. It's not like they will suspect he's just a brainless empty husk for an alien bug now. You should be relaxing, not working"
Alexander suddenly tore his shirt off and glared at Victor with a menacing expression, making it clear that he was not amused.
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Victor's heart raced as he felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. He knew Sylo was just playing pretend with his host's dominant personality, but still, seeing such a big muscular man giving him such a look would still make him sweat. Victor was still very much human.
"Why don't you use your slutty mouth to worship my muscles instead, while I'm doing real man stuff?" Alexander growled.
Victor's cheeks flushed red, but he couldn't help the surge of desire that coursed through his body. He looked at Alexander's muscles, meeting his intense gaze, and felt a strange sense of submission wash over him. Without hesitation, he sat onto Alexander's thighs and started to kiss and lick his chest, moving lower towards his hard stomach.
As he licked at the six-pack, Alexander went back to talking on the phone in a foreign language.
"Flex, please" Victor asked, and Alexander obeyed, flexing his right arm so Victor could grope and lick at the hard muscles, especially the biceps.
Victor then kneeled between Alexander's legs and unzipped his pants, fishing out the hard and thick 8 Inches member. He traced the outline of the shaft with his tongue before wrapping his lips around it and taking it deep into his mouth. Alexander let out a guttural moan while still on the phone, his free hand tangling in Victor's hair as he thrusted his hips forward.
Victor reveled in the power he felt in the moment, the power of sucking off a straight rich CEO that in his normal self would never even acknowledge his existence. He worked his mouth expertly, sucking and licking until he felt Alexander's climax approach, his body tensing and shuddering beneath Victor's expert mouth.
Finally, Alexander cried out in pleasure, his hips bucking wildly as he came, filling Victor's mouth with his seed. Victor swallowed every drop, relishing the taste of his friend's host on his tongue. As the intensity of the moment began to wane, he looked up at Alexander.
"You are such a good little slut," Alexander growled, his voice still heavy with arousal. He had ended the call when he started to orgasm.
Victor couldn't help but smile up at him. He had never expected to feel this way about one host, but there was something so thrilling about being called "a good little slut" by someone like Alexander.
"Now," Alexander continued, his voice taking on a commanding tone, "I want you to sit onto the bed and wait there. I have something special planned for you"
Victor was confused, but as if on cue, the door opened and Grus's middle eastern bodybuilder host stepped inside. Loking around the room Grus's host turned to Alexander. "You sent me a signal, brother?"
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
Idioms in Catalan with a religious origin
There's quite a lot of idioms that we say in everyday life, outside of the context of religion, but that come from religious stories or events.
Most of them come from Christianity, and many of them are shared with other Romance languages or other languages from historically Christian countries. To keep this list accessible to everyone regardless of cultural background, I will include the literal translation to English and also an explanation all of them.
Let's see how many of these you can understand before seeing the explanation. Let us know in the tags!
1. Fer Pasqua abans de Rams = "to do Easter before Palm Sunday", meaning to get pregnant, have a baby, or to have sex before getting married. Nowadays it's used in a more general sense to mean to do something before it's time (like English "put the cart before the horse"). Palm Sunday is a holiday celebrated the week before Easter.
2. Per a més inri = "for more INRI", used to add a bad thing on top of something else, making a situation even worse or more humiliating. It's a reference to the sign that said "INRI" (stands for the initials of "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews" in Latin) that Roman soldiers hanged on Christ's crucifix to make fun of him.
3. A la babalà = "in the babalà way", meaning to do something without having thought much about it. But what does "babalà" mean? This word doesn't exist in the Catalan language outside of this expression. It comes from the Arabic Alà bâb Allâh which means "in God's hands".
4. On Crist va perdre l'espardenya = "where Christ lost his sandal", or on Crist va perdre el barret = "where Christ lost his hat", meaning somewhere very far away and usually in the middle of nothing. I don't know of any story that has Christ lose his sandal or hat.
5. Perdut de la mà de Déu = "lost by God's hand", meaning a place in the middle of nowhere.
6. Ser un calvari ="to be a calvary", meaning that something is a cause of suffering. You can also hear quin calvari! = "what a calvary!". This is a reference to Mount Calvary, where Christ was crucified.
7. Endavant les atxes = "ahead with the candles!", meaning "keep going!", used to encourage to keep going in a negative situation with difficulties or a situation that you would have preferred to avoid. An atxa is a kind of big candle that the first people in a religious procession carry. This was the shout that would start a procession.
(Note: in recent years, Spanish media has used this idiom as supposed proof that Catalan independentists who said it are calling for violence, using a fake translation that assumed that "atxa" must mean the same as Spanish "hacha", meaning "axe" 🪓, because the pronunciation is almost identical. This is false, when people were saying "endavant les atxes" they did not intend any meaning related to "bring the axes". This was used to justify violence against Catalan activists, but has no ground in reality. "Axe"🪓 in Catalan would be "destral".)
8. Net com una patena = "as clean as a paten", meaning very clean. A paten is a kind of small dish used in Catholic mass, where the blessed sacramental bread in placed on.
9. Acabar com el rosari de l'aurora = "to end up like the dawn rosary", meaning to end very, very badly, usually in violence. The dawn rosary used to be a procession that was done in the early morning of certain holidays while praying the rosary. The idiom (which also exists in Spanish) comes from the year 1868. Around those years, there were many anticlerical riots, while the Catholic church kept doing the dawn rosary on the streets and often assigning it political meaning. In Barcelona and other cities, anticlerical protestors tried to stop the dawn rosary from happening, and it ended in violence and blood.
10. Plorar com una Magdalena = "to cry like a Magdalene", meaning to cry a lot and very desperately. This is a reference to Mary Magdalene, a character from the Bible's New Testament who cried when she met Christ.
11. Déu-n'hi-do! = "God gives!". This expression is difficult to translate because I don't think English has an equivalent (the closest I can think of are "wow!" or even "holy shit!"), but Catalan people use it a lot. It's an exclamation used to show surprise, awe or to mean a big quantity.
12. Ser més vell que Matusalem = "to be older than Methuselah", meaning that someone is very very old. Methuselah is a character from the Bible's Old Testament who is said to have lived for 969 years. This comparison is used for comedic value.
13. Rentar-se'n les mans = "to wash one's hands", meaning to say you're not responsible for what happens. This is a quote from the Bible's New Testament: when Christ is being judged by Pontius Pilate, the crowd is asking him to sentence him to crucifixion. He asks Christ to defend himself, but he doesn't. Pilate doesn't want to sentence him to death, but he sees he has no other option. Then, he sees his hands are stained with Christ's blood, and washes his hands as he decides that this situation will not be his responsibility.
14. Arribar a misses dites = "to arrive to mass [already] said", meaning to arrive late when something has already happened.
15. Ser com les palmes d’Elx, que vingueren el matí de Pasqua = "to be like the Elx palms, that arrived on Easter morning", this is used in the Valencian Country to mean to be late. Elx is a city with the biggest palm groove in Europe ever since the Middle Ages, and many of these palm tree leafs are used for making the palms used for Palm Sunday, the celebration that happens a week before Easter.
16. Va a missa = "goes to mass", meaning whatever is said is exactly what will happen, without complaining or second thoughts.
17. Endiumenjar-se = "to Sunday yourself" or "to Sunday up", meaning to dress up in your best clothes (same as "to wear your Sunday best" in English). Traditionally, people used to wear their best clothes for Sunday mass.
18. Alt com un sant Pau = "as tall as a saint Paul", someone who is very tall. Saint Paul was not tall, in his texts he describes himself as a "little man". The origin of this sentence is in Catalonia centuries ago. People used to celebrate the holiday of Saint Paul's Conversion (January 25th). In the Sant Pau del Camp church area in Barcelona, the tradition for this day had a man yield a huge sword. For this reason, the man had to be tall and strong.
19. Alegre/content com unes pasqües = "as cheerful/happy as Easters", meaning to be very happy and cheerful.
20. Discutir sobre el sexe dels àngels or parlar del sexe dels àngels = "to argue about angels' sex", meaning to endlessly argue heatedly about something insignificant where neither side will ever convince the other to change their minds. Also called una discussió bizantina="a Byzantine argument". This comes from the historical fact that Biblical scholars spent centuries arguing on whether angels can be male or female or not. Legends say that, when the Ottomans were laying siege on Constantinople in 1453 and getting ready to invade it, the Byzantine theologists were arguing about whether angels have sexes instead of doing anything useful.
21. Pagant, sant Pere canta = "if you pay, saint Peter sings". The person who hears it, might answer i sant Joan fa esclops = "and Saint John makes clogs". This means that money will get you anything, even the things that seemed impossible. It might be a reference to the Bible story where saint Peter was asked if he knew Christ after he was taken to crucify, and Peter lied three times and said he didn't know him. "To sing" in Catalan can also mean "to confess". Maybe, if they had paid him he would have confessed.
22. Perdre l'oremus = "to lose the oremus", meaning to lose control of yourself, or to get disoriented or lose memory. "Oremus" (which means "let's pray" in Latin) is the sentence that Catholic priests say during mass to lead a prayer. It's believed that this idiom comes from some incidents where a priest would start the sentence "oremus..." but then couldn't find the prayer he wanted to lead, which he might have misplaced somewhere else in his book. So he would say "oremus... uh... oremus..." while flipping the pages looking for the right one.
23. A bon sant t'encomanes! = "You entrust yourself to a good saint!", said with irony. It's said when you ask for help or rely on someone who is not competent.
24. Ser més papista que el Papa = "To be more Popeist than the Pope", meaning someone who is too dogmatic, too strict or extremist in following the rules, or who believes in or defends something in a more extreme way than the people most affected by it.
25. Qui no coneix Déu, a qualsevol sant li resa = "He who doesn't know God, prays to any saint", used to compare something very good to something worse that someone else likes, usually something worse but that is very popular.
And there's probably others that I forgot.
How many of these are shared with your language?
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stubz · 7 days
"Teacher Kim can my friends come over into the centre?"
"Sorry bud but they're not part of the centre so I'm not allowed."
"Teacher Kim can Fleet have some of the treats?"
"I really wish I could but since they're not part of the centre and Max really doesn't want another incident I can't."
"I wish Teacher Kim would let us bring you guys in." grumbled the youngling.
The others groaned in agreement.
"Okay kids time to come in! The suns are too hot now and it's time to eat!"
The children walk begrudgingly towards the centre through the tall orange grass. The suns on this planet were so hot that even the children didn't complain when it was time to go back inside.
The ones part of the youngling centre made their way inside, waving goodbye to their friends who were not.
"..five, seven, aannd ten! Wow small group today." The human turned to head inside with the younglings when they realized something.
"...where are your parents?"
"Ours or Quin's?"
"They're in a meeting."
"On the ship." Juno pointed up.
"Do you know how long they'll be gone."
"I don't know. They left in a hurry...I think they forgot us."
"...get in." the human sighed and walked inside.
"REALLY!?" screamed the children.
"Teacher Kim you said that kids who aren't part of the centre can't come in!"
"I know I know and they're not! But I can't just leave three unsupervised kids out in this heat! Now get in, its hot and Quin your face is redder than usual."
"You get water, you get water, everybody gets water! Now who's hungry?"
Hands go up.
"So everyone. Alrighty then."
"Why is she letting us have water and food?" whispered Quin.
"I don't know...maybe it's a apex thing?" whispered back Juno. Her little brother simply chugged his third cup of water.
"Not an apex thing," replied Xw. "I think it's a pack thing?"
"Not a pack thing!" shouted Nova. "Most packs only share food with babies and the sick. Its a herd thing."
"Nope." said Marl.
"Herds only share with those who are family or have family status." explained Tarlak.
And on went the conversation. Each child trying to figure out what type of dynamic humans have. Meanwhile their teacher looks on with amusement.
"Oh my stars I am SO SORRY! Thank you so much human Kim!! I swear I thought I grabbed them when I brought their bags with me!" stressed the parent hugging her children with two arms while shaking the humans hands with the other two.
"No worries!" she smiled.
"And kids, I'm so sorry! You must be starving!"
"Oh I gave them some food, so they might not be that hungry. Also Judo had lots of water so he may want to use the bathroom first."
"Oh, how much do we owe you?"
"How much do we have to give you to replace the food and water they had?"
"Uh nothing?"
"They were hungry and thirsty and I just did what any other adult-human! Would do...it's a human thing."
"....alright then. Thank you very much human Kim. Come along children."
And thus the younglings and adults learned what dynamic type the humans have. The human type. Which is honestly pretty stupid to the adults because just giving food to unknown children who aren't even their species? Are they trying to go extinct??
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kcrabb88 · 3 months
Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi Are Not Normal About Each Other (A Thesis Statement)
Fandom: Quinlan and Obi-Wan have had sex, but it’s a reach to think they could be in love and/or care deeply about each other in some manner, it was just physical (this is not me saying I don't think they have sex I HELLA do and I've written a lot of smut to prove it, but I've seen wayyyy too many posts that basically say they can only be romantic as Padawans and NEVER as adults and/or were just fooling around as teens and didn't have deep feelings in some way whether they're FWB or romantic partners or whatever you like)
Me: *unrolls my scroll* I'm here to make a POINT as an addendum to this post I made recently.
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Look at these little darlings! They just met and Quin's already trusting Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan WANTS Quin to trust him. In another panel from this same comic, Quin helps Obi-Wan with his anxiety and it's very sweet.
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Quin's been struggling with the dark side while undercover, and everyone thinks he's really truly fallen and can't be brought back except for Aayla, Tholme, and, YOU GUESSED IT! Obi-Wan. He goes looking for Quinlan on his own and finds him and they chat. Plus, look at this flashback of these little nerds flirting. Quin literally falls into the river and almost dies trying to flirt with Obi-Wan.
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What do I even say about this panel??? Look at them!! Look at Quin trusting Obi-Wan with the dark parts of himself and Obi-Wan believing in him? Look at that hand clasp? Like shut up I can't take it.
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Obi-Wan refusing to leave Quinlan behind and Quinlan, stubborn Quinlan, listening to him.
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Their banter here shows how well they know and play off each other and that joke in the last panel SENDS ME.
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This is from the new comic that came out in September, and this is just ONE instance of several of Quinlan mentioning Obi-Wan, who only appears in this comic via a psychometric vision, but Quin keeps bringing him up anyways.
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I mean this is. THIS is what made me WANT to know more about Quinlan in the first place! It's not in this gif, but the way Obi-Wan smiles in this scene? The way his eyes light UP? That's love, babey.
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I could literally paste so much stuff from Dark Disciple, which to me has always been a QuinObi book in addition to Vostress. Quinlan has fallen (pretty much without understanding he has because he so badly wants to uncover Sidious) and missing his check-ins with Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan keeps going back to their bar over and over again and he's been waiting for like, two hours at this point when Ventress comes in.
"Not him." Okay, buddy. Okay. Obi-Wan has like three panic attacks and outright defies his fellow council members at various points through this book because he believes so hard in Quinlan. He is INSISTENT that Quinlan can be brought back to the light.
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These two pages made me SOB.
"She saved Quinlan" in italics. Not just his life, but his spirit. Those italics speak for themselves. And "Vos knew he could never repay Kenobi for that, but he has the rest of his life to try." Do ya, Quin? The rest of your life, huh?
Anyhow, truly, this is just me scratching the surface as I was limited by only being able to use 10 photos in a post. I’m leaving out sooo many other examples. You don't have to ship them! But these guys care a lot about each other and saying that it's just, impossible for them to have romantic feelings on posts or fics where the creator is, indeed, shipping them is ... weird. So is trying to overlay other ships onto specifically QuinObi content.
This has been a PSA.
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quinloki · 1 year
hi again!! i’m here to ask about corazón, killer, and drake (i love big dudes) for the kinky one piece game!
how do you think they feel about:
- lingerie (wearing or on a partner)
- sensory deprivation
- overstimulation (giving or receiving)
this game is so fun and i’m loving all the content ur making for it! <3 (:
I love (legitimately) "hi again" from an anon xD ♥ Like you're a collective of borg or something. (and now I have a mental image of a borg ship with "yay quin" banners or something and that makes me grin. )
I, also, love big dudes (thank you One Piece for giving me a stronger big dudes kink, btw), and I love these options for this =D
Alright, let's get into this and we'll shake up the order a little bit, and go alphabetically.
Donquixote Rosinante:
Lingerie - FUCK Yes - this is a man who can appreciate the finer things in life, even if he's not nearly as driven as his brother to obtain them. A man of simple pleasures, he's happy to have you in whatever state you can offer, but dolled up in lingerie is a feast for the senses. He'll drink in the look of you, and his hands won't stop moving as they slowly strip away the things he wants to. He's highly unlikely to tear anything off of you, preferring to see you wear it again, but he'll certainly tease you as he strips you.
As for wearing it, you could convince him easily enough. He's not going to let anyone else see, and you have to hope his clumsiness doesn't kick in while he's trying to put it on. But he won't be uncomfortable with it, and he'll enjoy your enjoyment of it.
Sensory Deprivation - He starts at a Sure, he turns into a Oh god you don't even know - I posit that Rosi's clumsiness is partially due to his inability to be duplicitous. He's really bad at it, which is unnerving for a guy who is undercover a lot. Thus it manifests in just wild acts of clumsiness - but that said, when no one's watching him he's incredibly skilled. (Also if he's not undercover or needing to be undercover, his clumsiness eases up a lot, imo).
But covering your eyes, dampening your hearing, standing out of your reach and teasing you with feathers, fingers, kisses, etc. he revels in the sounds that come from you. Those nervous, laughter-edged gasps of pleasure and soft moans of delight are music to his ears. The shiver and twitch of your body, tentative hands reaching out to try and find him, muscles flexing against the pleasure - deprivation that it might be for you, it's a feast for him.
Over-stimulation - Yes - He loves the pleasure of it. Both the giving and receiving of it, as it's nice to lay back and let you pump pleasure into his body until he can't take. The only thing that keeps it from rating higher is that he's not keen on causing his partner pain. So he's always minding that thin, thin line between pleasure and hell.
He wants you to lose your mind to the pleasure, but he doesn't want it to start to hurt. He can take the pain when it happens, that's his job, but it's not for you. Even if you like a little pain in your love life he's going to struggle to provide it a little bit.
X Drake:
Lingerie - FUCK Yes - for both you wearing it and him wearing it. Look, he's 99% dom as I've said before, 50/50 on the top/bottom prospect, but what he does have is a lil' humiliation kink. Lingerie plays to it very nicely (feels nice to wear it too), especially if you start praising how good he looks. You can see his face and chest light up like a christmas tree.
Drake can both preserve your lingerie and rip it off you - depends on his mood (and your say in it. Some lingerie is for destruction, some of it's expensive.)
Sensory Deprivation - Oh god you don't even know - Drake's big button is control. He does enough undercover work where he has to let go of control for things to progress that he doesn't like letting go of the reigns in the bedroom. For the same reasons he prefers to be in control, he's good at it - you have to snatch the reigns fast when the opportunity arises, after all.
Sensory deprivation is controlling what you do and don't sense, and this man revels in it. That whole Predatory/Prey kicks in a little too, and as much as he tries to keep it under control, it certainly adds to things in this case. You at least look like prey, unsure of where he is, unsure of what will happen next, what kind of pleasure or pain will find you - how long the game will last before you're devoured.
And he loves to swing Sensory Deprivation straight into --
Over-stimulation - Oh god you don't even know - Two sides of the same coin, Drake loves both over stim and sensory deprivation. There's an element of control to each, and taking you from one extreme to the next is the height of his desire. It's like sitting in a warm Jacuzzi and then having someone toss you into an ice-cold pool. There's a rush to it - for him and you - and he'll keep that rush going for hours if there's time enough for it.
Often you won't even get your senses back as you're being over-stimulated, completely in his hands and lost in pleasure. You might feel like you're drowning in it, but you won't need to fear actual drowning, Drake won't let you get hurt in that way.
Lingerie - Oh god you don't even know - He can be gentle with it, but let this man just wreck some of it as often as possible. Tearing holes into fishnets, ripping lacy pieces off you like wrapping. Even if you've explained something isn't for destruction, you can still feel his fingers and muscles flex with a need. That heated wall of muscle against you, hot heavy breath pouring over your skin, a deep voice sinking into your core, praising you for gifting him like this. It's not often he struggles to hold back, but there's just something about it.
And he'll wear it - Sure/Yes - he's not against putting it on, but it's not going to do a whole lot for him that way. There's no humiliation in it for him, clothes are clothes when they're on him. He'll flex and flaunt though, he knows he looks damn good.
Sensory Deprivation - FUCK Yes - the little gasps and whimpers, the sensation of practically getting to hunt you down, he enjoys it. He can be a little cruel with it, leaving you completely untouched for long stretches of time as you try to find him or call out for him. What senses you have left straining to find him to the point that you sometimes jump at absolutely nothing.
He'll tease you until you're begging him for his touch, and then he'll shift into --
Over-stimulation - Oh god you don't even know - This is one of Killer's favorite things, and he's all in for it to be done To Him as much as he is to do it to you. Pain or pleasure doesn't matter, the idea is to drown in it, to let it soak down into your bones and bring you to the brink again and again.
Whether you're dominating him or not, he can get caught up in your pleasure just as well. Cumming over and over again along with you, keeping himself in check just enough to be able to keep watch over you as you writhe and squirm and beg beneath him. You're beautiful to him all the time, but you're nearly divine during these moments.
Kinky one Piece head canons
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uroboros-if · 11 months
Hello!! I have a question regarding the parents :DD
I was wondering, do Nero and Raphaele have any hobbies or activities they like to do whenever they have some freetime? I remember that Nero likes to wander in places where flora and fauna are abundant, but I was wondering if there would be anything else he'd like to do to casually pass the time whenever he's at home. The same question goes for Raphaele!
They must be quite busy, what with being gods and all, but maybe there's something they like to do during moments of quiet when they just want to stay at home?
I'm also quite curious about the ROs' hobbies, but please only answer for them if you feel like it 🫡✨I just think that knowing the hobbies of MC's parents — if they have them — could be a fun way to imagine what MC's childhood with them was like, as well as how they may have been influenced by their parents. Thank you, and I hope you have a very good day!! 🤺✨💐
Aha! One of the very earliest asks that I received on this blog ever was asking if the gods have any hobbies!
My following response applies to all the gods, including Nero and Rafaele! This ask got unnecessarily long, so putting it under the readmore <3
To reiterate — no, they don't really have many hobbies. If they have hobbies, they mainly pertain to their role. Before their active involvement in mortal affairs, they were content to observe from afar, give very indirect guidance, meditate, and walk through nature in solitude.
Ever since the unification, they've began taking on a more proactive role, especially since the advent of the second generation of gods began to embody more abstract concepts such as love, wealth, and gratitude—concepts that could only have come forth from a world with social relationships. Second generation gods, then, tend to be more present in the human eye, though all deities are advised not to interact with mortals often. There are only a handful of gods who are exempted.
The Twelve, who are more naturalistic deities whose domains include the seas, the land, the winds and so forth, are less likely to have any interesting hobbies other than observation, meditation and admiring nature. Second generation gods, however, may take to more "human" kind of activities (e.g. Quin, one of the deities of love, is particular to fashion).
It goes without saying, almost all of them enjoy spending time with loved ones.
While this may seem dull, time passes by differently for immortals, especially those who've lived longer. One learns to take pleasure in life's simplicities.
I apologize this is such a blanket answer for the fathers, since I know you're particularly focused on them to create an idea of what MC's childhood may look like! For that, Nero and Rafaele would especially try to instill a sense of reverence and respect in MC for the natural world, like letting them dip their toes in the river or walk through grass with naked feet. Let the sunlight pour on their head, and listen to the sounds of the forest.
Lastly, the ROs. Luciel's only other distinctive hobby is reading, while Salvatore has little time — but they would try anything if given the opportunity! Ciocana is a learner by heart, with reading and people-watching in particular being their affinity, rather than animals or nature. Unlike Salvatore, they have the chance to practice human activities such as dancing. Alessi, as a mortal, naturally has more varied hobbies such as cooking, gardening, training, and so forth.
I hope that gives you more ideas!! Thank you so much for sending an ask, Aspen 🥺🥺💕💕 your lore questions are always a treat!
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the-ellia-west · 3 months
Oc Questionnaire again
Tagged by @corinneglass thank you!
My questions:
1. What makes you keep going?
2. What makes you feel better at the end of a long day?
3. What do you think created everything - if anything?
Question 1
Marril - "The knowledge that I could always do better, and one day if I do good enough I will earn my freedom."
Shyre - "The fact that my people need me, my family love me, and the world is a beautiful place I will miss dearly when I'm gone."
Viasaki - "The fact that I can still beat Tias' feathered ass into the ground if I get the chance."
Kila - "I have to prove that I can be better, and I can get someone to love me without getting in their way."
Geon - "That all of my brothers who would take the throne would make horrible kings."
Sokuna - "I have a family, and the world is so beautiful. I haven't gotten to explore enough of it."
Kasi - "I have so many things I want to do and so many places I want to see. I love what I am and what I have!"
Chrin - "The beauty of the world, my friends, my family, and the promise of a good future just beyond the horizon!"
Xhaazi - "My Father."
Question 2
Marril - "Finishing my painting work with Quin by my side and the last rays of the sun making the whole world glow golden."
Shyre - "I've always enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a conversation with someone I love."
Viasaki - "Work. I don't have to think about anything else."
Kila - "Working. It makes sure I have less of a chance to make someone angry and more of a chance to take my mind off of the pain."
Geon - "Talking to Trissa, maybe some tea. I'm not sure. It's just something that will make me happier in the moment. I'll take anything I can get. The times ahead have always been uncertain."
Sokuna - "Singing songs, telling stories, and seeing my family always make me happy."
Kasi - "I love sewing and dancing. But I like to do those alone, and I haven't had too much alone time lately."
Chrin - "I like talking to someone to get my mind off of everything. It's just nice to know someone is right there next to me."
Xhaazi - "Talking to my family, just sitting beside them sometimes makes me feel better."
Question 3
Marril - "Varrik. God. There's no contest."
Shyre - "I've heard stories, and I think there is a God, but I'm not sure which one is true."
Viasaki - "I don't have an answer, really. People believe in God, but I've never gotten to know enough to decide for myself."
Kila - "For once, I agree with Viasaki."
Geon - "The twin goddesses of Ahellis."
Sokuna - "Kavel, Our God."
Kasi - "I believe Kavel exists, but I don't know much about him."
Chrin - "Kavel. No doubt."
Xhaazi - "If there is a God, why would he let such horrible things happen?"
I'm bored of tagging people, so I'm gonna stop until I'm ready again, anyone who wants to, here are some questions.
1. Why haven't you tried to change everything
2. What are you most scared of?
3. What would you do to get your old life back?
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revui · 1 month
playlists for my Girlies
check out how hard i can think about my characters
refer back to this post if you would like a crash course on the extremely specific way i make playlists and bear in mind that this is all filtered through my ability to understand why i made certain choices and i don't know how easy these playlists are to parse outside of my perspective. anyway onto the Girlies
Girlie 1 - Harker. Lovely baby, but watch out! Problems. Could easily speedrun any kind of disillusionment. Capable of turning any room into a panic room.
Girlie 2 - Miranda. Musical nerd who would hate every single song on this playlist. Weird masochistic martyr who will insist that you drink her blood.
Girlie 3 - Ignatia. Is she the most repressed human on God's green earth? She's fighting demons 24/7 and sometimes those demons are the metaphorical ghosts of her ancestors but usually they're pansexuality.
Girlie 4 - Quin. Most likely to ask "should I take another?" while already reaching for another edible even when everyone tells him not to because he always has the worst trips in the world. Always utterly frothing with rage despite a resting expression of :3
Girlie 5 - Kassandra. The best way to summarize her is the simple fact that in-universe she writes extremely emotional letters that she then carefully shreds so they're completely illegible before using them as confetti during performances. Also she keeps a sword in her bathroom.
Girlie 6 - Azar. The most normal girl in the world, dude trust me. Became a wizard cop an hour after committing major treason and then gets fired a year later. Not for the treason, but for gay sex. And not because it's gay, but because it's with a murder suspect.
Girlie 7 - Tessera. Track star turned immortal prostitute. She has the soul of Johnny Bravo but the body of a cocaine-skinny Sicilian woman, and her brain is a pile of rats that tells her to eat wires.
Girlie 8 - Alastor. Just a nice and wonderful fellow if you don't mind the ancient being of dread he harbors. Glorious illiterate fag who DOES know what sex is but thinks it's the weirdest goddamn thing in the world.
Girlie 9 - Hyacinth. What if Victor Frankenstein had tgirl swag? Extremely autistic, as all of my characters are, and unfortunately for the people around her, she has a special interest in unethical science.
Girlie 10 - Skyler. The sniler. The root of all of his problems is that he should've spent his childhood on Animal Jam getting scammed by strangers, but instead he was getting in swamp fights with people twice his age.
I just discovered that there is a limit to how many of these I can link in one post. Maybe I'll put the other six in a reblog.
I'll note now that I am extremely fussy and a lot of these playlists are going to change at least minorly between me posting them now and any point in the foreseeable future.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Could you name a few of the mews you've seen around here that you're a fan of? I wanna know if there's any I haven't heard of before!!
I'll point you to blog artists I like. ^v^ I kinda feel like most of my favorites are ones people already know about, but here goes!
Moddy of @mewtales/@askthe-dawsons/@mew-dump (And other blogs, but these are their most used currently) has a LOT of awesome Mew designs! They have an amazing sense of coloring. (Midas was given to me by them, if you don't know.)
@quins-makeshift-menagerie/@ask-mirage-mews is my favorite as far as how they draw Mews! I'm obsessed with their Mew Mnemosyne's design. Just... please go look!
@phlurrii has their Ancient Mew concept, (and Missingno, but they may or may not be an actual Mew. It's certainly a cool Mewish design, though), but they've also shown me other Mews they've drawn that are super cool designs! Those aren't public at this time, but I recommend checking out their blog. There's promise of more fun to come!
The way @mewtwoandme draws Mew is also so fluffy and cute, so I have to include them here, too. X3
@mew-sanctuary has some cute Mew designs, but the one that jumpstarted my dissatisfaction with my own designs (that sounds worse than I mean it to) is Aura. The idea of a midnight-blue shiny Mew was SO cool and creative to me!
@whatifmw Is another favorite of mine. Their characters are so nicely shaped! They're also the one who I believe awakened me to the greatness of finger beans. (M2&M's Mew has finger beans as well, but for some reason they didn't stand out to me like WhatifMW's did.)
@lotusmew Is another with a cute Mew design, and also a really neat Splicing concept around it!
As far as Mew designs, that's all I have for now. These people are some of my biggest artistic inspirations in the Commewnity! ^w^ And I do want to say, while I definitely have favorites as far as art styles go, I mean no offense to anyone. They're all great in their own right!
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raiquen · 5 months
Book Review: Three Blind Mice, Agatha Christie
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My Review in a Tweet:
Agatha Christie's stories are a little cheesy, but despite that, they remain charming and puzzling, encouraging the reader to decipher for himself who's the culprit. This book in particular reunites delightful investigators: Poirot, Mrs Marple, Harley Quin and Sergeant Trotter.
My Full Review:
This book is another "first" for me, as my only contact with Agatha Christie's works was through the movie adaptations with Kenneth Branagh as the famous detective Hercule Poirot.
Imagine my delighted surprise when I realized the first story on this book was no other than the play in "See How They Run" (2022), another wonderful and funny whodunnit.
Since I'm not british, I don't know the tune for "Three Blind Mice", but the author was able to communicate the silliness of the murderer and the unnerving nature of all children lullabies, no matter where they are from.
The misteries in the book rely heavily on the dialogues and interviews from the investigator to the suspects, leaving descriptions of characters and places very short and a little dry.
The mysteries themselves are quite entertaining, only a couple of them were "predictable" (which I can tell if it is a good point for Agatha, for laying out the clues for the reader, or for me, being "smart enough" to solve the mystery before the reveal). Some of them felt a little rushed or solved out of nowhere, but those were only a few.
This is what I would call a nice summer reading: short stories, easy to pick up and to put down once you finish a mystery, engaging and entertaining.
My Other 2024 Readings.
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whispers-of-lilith · 6 months
7, 14, and 21 for the self ship please and thank you ^_^
(I am admittedly asking these numbers for everyone it seems I have a BIG Curiosity for those three - please don’t answer anything you don’t want to though!)
7. What's the one trait about each other that annoys you the most?
Me: "Ugh, his gambling addiction. He knows he sucks at betting, I know he sucks at betting, hell, even the betting track associates knows he sucks at betting. But he still bets his money away & has the audacity to get pissy when he ends up losing... again."
Toji: "She's great at taking care of others, but is terrible at taking care of herself. Do you know how many times this woman has gone most of the day without a sip of water? Then she has the audacity to giggle & say 'oh shit, I forgot to drink water today'."
14. Favorite sexual position?
Both: "Doggy."
Me: "With my head pushed down onto the sheets."
Toji: "One foot braced on the bed for better leverage to pound into her."
Me: "I tend to get so fucked-out that by the end, he has to hold my hips up."
Toji: "Oh, and she fucking loses it if I bite her shoulder or neck. Good shit."
21. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
Me: "100% Toji. But I make him catch & release it outside when possible because I feel bad—he accidentally crushes it most of the time though."
Toji: "Me. And don't fuckin' tell her I told you this, but it's not always an accident. If one of those multi-eyed little things starts running like it's trying to win a gold medal or jumps? It's gettin' fuckin' obliterated."
Thank you for the asks Quin! And, no worries I was okay answering all of them, I'm sorry it just took me a hot minute to do so... these asks are from the self-ship couple ask game! ❀
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my-brothers-corrupted · 7 months
“Guess I can't break up with you now,” she says, and it makes JJ laugh.
The baby's such a chonk. She's also heard Marvin refer to him as a “butterball,” and Chase calls him “roly-poly” when he kisses his face, and it's all damn good, cause this baby's too fat to be touched by original sin, or that's what Jackie said when JJ joked (?) that he would baptize him one way or another.
“Got to have that fat baby content,” JJ signs at her, settling his nephew against his lap.
“Got to,” she agrees. “How does it feel to be an uncle?”
JJ strokes his finger along Rajah's cheek. “I'm an uncle already.”
“You don't have memories from Hunter and Izzy's early years,” she acknowledges to him, touching his back. Her fingers find the knob at the top of his spine and press against it. She loves his spine. She resists a weird and sudden urge to kiss him there, to take her mouth up from the back of his neck to the place where his hair starts, just to tell him something she can't quite put into words in that moment. She thinks she likes seeing him with the baby; she thinks she likes him so at ease. She'd probably have his kid if he ever married her, she supposes, and she tamps that down because it's the sort of 'hold-your-horses, kid, you've only been dating him eight months' sort of reaction she keeps having lately. She'd be such a terrible mother anyway.
JJ must notice the darkening of her mood – he always seems to, attentive son of a bitch – because he turns to her with those big clear eyes.
“I like it,” he says. She likes his crooked front teeth, so she gives him a kiss on the mouth. He flutters his eyelashes at her like he can't believe he got a kiss from her. Rajah curls his hand around his uncle's finger.
“Well, good,” says Quin, picking up the diaper bag. “Cause Jackie's in the other room. Take the baby, we're getting out of here.”
“We're kidnapping my own nephew?”
“It's always the people you know, man. Come on, Rajah, you want to come home with us for our entertainment, don't you?”
“I heard that,” sounds a loud voice from the other room.
“Chill with the super-hearing, jack-ass,” Quin snaps back. “What's your problem? I can't kidnap your son?”
Jackie steps back into the room, handing off gin and tonics to both of them. “Not today, banana-pants. Maybe next time it's three in the morning and we've slept zero hours total, I'll call you.”
'Crazy-town banana-pants' is by and far the worst nickname she's ever gotten from a boyfriend's family members, so why does it make her want to grin? She takes a drink and supposes, to herself, that it might be because it's nice to see Jackie happy too. Not just happy, actually, he's – what is he?
Stable, she thinks. He's rooted like a tree, and now the tree has born fruit. Jackie throws himself down on the couch with a smile and gazes at his brother with his son like he was born to exist in just this moment. Yeah. Max will come home later, she knows, and then he and Jackie will wrap up around each other, and never mind the bad sleep and the diaper changes, they'll hold Rajah between them and close their eyes for a few minutes, and in doing so, ascend to something she has no access to.
It's not about the baby, she admits to herself. It's about JJ stabilizing. Putting his roots down. Stretching his branches. Every day he grows closer to someone who will realize he does not want her.
She needs his attention. She makes way for herself on the arm of the loveseat where he's holding Rajah, and she curls herself around them, and closes her eyes.
“Don't make me do this,” Cedar begs her, teeth gritted together, clinging to the door. “I am not this sort of man.”
“You're not any sort of man,” she snaps at him, shoving his back. “You're a coward.”
“Seems harsh for not wanting to see the Barbie movie,” he wheezes.
“Cedar! You promised me you would get out of the apartment this week, and you didn't. Now you have to take me to a movie, and you should be so damn lucky!”
“I don't want to third-wheel with your stupid boyfriend again.”
She gets a grip on his ear and he yelps. “He's not stupid. And he's not going! Can I spend some time with you or what?”
“What, he's not coming? You've been clinging to him for weeks.”
She'd smack him in the head if they weren't working so hard on healthy siblings relationships. “Have not.”
Cedar finally abandons the door frame and stumbles morosely out onto the pavement, shaking out that mess of gold hair. He puffs out a breath and straightens up, sighing. “You're allowed to be into a guy, Adrienne, but does it have to be this guy?”
She wishes, honestly, that he would think at all about how good JJ's been for her, but it would sound childish to say that out loud, so she shuts it down. “He's never done anything but help you, and you've hurt him. Now you won't even give him a chance.”
Cedar growls. “Sorry I don't want to see my sister with – ”
“With what?” she snarls, cutting him off. Her venom is so potent she sees him stop in his tracks, glancing over at her.
They stand in silence for a long moment. They're going to be late for the movie, but this is bigger than Barbies.
“You two are both trying to fill emptinesses in yourself,” says Cedar finally. “Maybe you should be more careful not to be a means to an end.”
Adrienne feels her face rush with heat. She's so angry she almost storms back into the apartment, but she needs to unclench her fist first, or she might hit him before she does.
“He's not always well, Adrienne,” Cedar tells her, a little less firmly. “Maybe – ”
“You think I give a fuck that he gets sick?”
“Maybe the two of you are just moving a little fast, that's all,” Cedar presses on doggedly, though his face twists up as he says it. “You spend a ton of time with him and his family.”
“Well, who else am I going to spend it with, my family?” she snaps at him. “You want to talk about not being well?”
It's his turn to be surprised. “I'm perfectly fine.”
“You still won't even examine yourself, Cedar, you – agh! Do you know how frustrating it is that you can see everyone else's little weaknesses and then can't even admit you have some yourself?”
He turns away pointedly, his mouth turned sharp and thin as a turtle's.
“Besides,” she says, shoving past him. “You won't even take me to the fucking movies.”
She's halfway down the stairs of their apartment building when she hears him call roughly afterwards.
“I want to go with you,” he manages, hoarse and loud at the same time.
She hisses out a sigh and crosses her arms, forcing herself to stop in place. After a moment, Cedar trudges down the stairs afterwards and stands at her side.
“I want to go,” he says again.
“Alright,” she says, pushing a strand of hair from her face. “Let's go.”
He offers her his arm and she takes it.
She tries not to cry, and she hates that it's difficult.
“Can you just sit down for me, baby?” she asks, gripping at his shoulder a little, her other hand set solidly at his waist, scared he's going to fall. “Or look at me a little?”
It's not fair for her to feel nauseous when he's the one who's stuck. They've been going out long enough, he's told her everything, she's researched, all of it – she's supposed to be calm when this happens.
But she hates it so bad when he gets trapped. His head's bowed low and he's frozen near to her dresser, clinging to the wood with red-clenched fingers, and his body's a mannequin to her, a stranger. She pulls his fingers carefully from the dresser, but even as she takes his hand it doesn't release its taut position, clutched like there's a blade there, and she wonders how badly it hurts.
She's pulling out her phone before the embarrassment can register. Hi, Schneep, she thinks about saying, I can't take care of my own boyfriend, please help me.
“Henrik, hi,” she croaks instead, setting her hand down on JJ's hair, petting him carefully. “Hey, you're back home from Peru, right?”
“Adrienne, what's wrong?” he asks her.
“Um, um,” she says, not sure why it's hard to explain when Henrik has been with JJ through a lot more than she has. “JJ's having a catatonia. Having – having catatonia? Which is it?”
“Is he sat down?” asks Henrik grimly, and she can hear him moving on the other side of the phone. Marvin shouts something.
“No, he got stuck while I was making him something to drink, and now he's standing by my dresser,” she says, wiping at her eyes. “But he took his medication and everything just an hour ago.”
“Well, that's – it's – it's great, Adrienne, but I can't be the first person to tell you his medicine only helps so much, some days.”
She bites hard on her mouth. She thinks they did talk about that, a little, about positive and negative symptoms and about how some go away and some don't. She had to call Jackie and Marvin just two months ago to help get in touch with James's psychiatrist about a delusion he was having at work, something about messages on his phone that weren't really there. But that felt like something she knew how to handle. This doesn't.
Henrik's there twenty minutes later, and JJ hasn't budged. Schneep steps inside her apartment without looking at her and pushes on to his brother, immediately getting a gentle hand on the back of JJ's neck and leaning down to peer into his face, check his pupils and taking his heartrate. He murmurs to him in German and pulls him flush against his body, and then, in a careful crouch – or fall, or grip, or carry – he's able to bring him to the ground, stiff against his chest. JJ's arms just stay extended, motionless, beside them, and Quin moves forward to touch him, to pull down his hands and try to rest them against the floor.
“Okay, my darling,” murmurs Henrik, and he gets out a needle, sticking it between his teeth while he uncorks a medicine vial. He's sliding it into JJ's arm without hesitation a moment later, but Quin turns her head away.
“What's that?” she asks distantly.
“A benzo,” he answers.
“Should I have some around?”
“It's okay just to call me,” Henrik answers, and she bites back a sigh. It's not like she could just administer a dose like that, and he probably can't just give her benzos. But at the same time, Henrik's not always around. He seems to sense the thought, adding, “Or an ambulance.”
“Does he need to go to the hospital?”
“Not if the benzo helps. If it doesn't, or if he's been stuck for more than an hour, then yes.”
The benzo does help. She watches as JJ slowly comes unglued, like he's melting, his head dropping back against Henrik's neck and his limbs thumping to the floor. His face rushes red with blood and his poor stiff hands unclench at last.
Henrik's whispering to him, rocking him a little in place, petting his hair. JJ's eyes are closed; she's not sure if he's awake.
“Can he stay here tonight?” asks Henrik.
“Of course,” she says. “What do I need to do?”
“Just let him rest, call me again if he enters catatonia again.”
“Why don't you just stay too?” she asks, and then she's not sure why she said it. She doesn't want Henrik here. She wants to be able to look after JJ herself. She's supposed to be able to by now. Is she never going to be able to?
He looks relieved that she offered, though, and he nods. “Yes, that would work. I can sleep on the couch.”
But she's already shaking her head, backing into the doorway of her room. “No, sleep in here with him. He and I don't share a bed anyway.”
Henrik smiles as though she surprised the grin out of him. “Ja, that's my JJ, he's pretty religious, you know.”
“Yeah, we just can't touch for that long,” she says, and then realizes immediately that she's over-shared by far. She bites down on her mouth hard. “Okay, good night.”
“Quinnie,” says Henrik, but she doesn't want to hear the rest of what he has to say. She shuts the door and steps into her bathroom, locking herself inside.
He knows how to make eggs just the way she likes them.
She only likes eggs one specific way, so maybe that was an easy target for him. Still, when she wakes up to the smell of eggs cooking, she knows he's making them just right.
She's stiff from sleeping on the couch, stretching as she rises and shrugging off an old crocheted blanket that belonged to her mom. Somebody put this on her, but it could be her brother, her boyfriend, or her boyfriend's brother, at this point. Great. Maybe she needs to make some girl friends.
“Hey,” she says.
JJ's in her little apartment kitchen, poking at her omelet. He turns to look at her with those big doe eyes, and then looks away again, tentatively sprinkling cheese over the top of her breakfast. When he sets the plastic bag down, it falls on its side and spills cheddar into the sink.
“Jay,” she says.
She comes up behind him and takes a breath of him. He smells like her bed and an old library, and she wonders faintly if he tried to Reverse what happened last night. But what could he do? He took all his medicine (she checked), and the catatonia came while he was completely relaxed with her.
I can't be the first person to tell you the medicine only helps so much.
“Jameson,” she murmurs, setting her head down against his shoulder. He dashes chopped green onions over the eggs. “How are you feeling?”
“Embarrassed,” he signs back immediately, and then he sets the spatula down too hard, touching his head and hissing out a sigh.
She presses her forehead to his spine. She loves his spine so much.
“Can I feel you?” she whispers.
He grabs her hands where they're lacing around his stomach and squeezes. So she closes her eyes and works her magic.
He's told her she smells like calla lilies when she casts. She remembers thinking to herself, who knows what calla lilies smell like? but then, of course, there was Marvin, always handing out plants like pieces of himself, presents for his brothers. In JJ's house there were always endless flowers, and Henrik and Chase shouting to each other from across the house, and cats in a variety of colors. Today, he feels like humiliation to her, which is worse than embarrassment, because it requires an observer. She grabs him tighter – too tight, probably – and presses her mouth beneath his ear, whispering to him.
“James, don't be embarrassed – ”
“I'm sorry I'm sick,” he says, or at least she comprehends the emotion, if his hands didn't say it. “I'm sorry I'm always going to be sick.”
“Please don't ever be sorry for that,” she signs against his stomach. She moves around him to kiss him hard on the mouth. She's never kissed him so unromantically. She just wants him to understand. She wishes he could use her magic and understand her the same way she understands him. Then she could convince him that she couldn't give a fuck if he had a catatonia every day of his life if it just meant she could have him.
“I'm sorry I can't take care of you right,” she says with a waver in her voice, and when he kisses her back, she Understands that he thinks of himself as the problem.
She would rather he was angry at her. He flips her omelet and puts it on a plate. When they sit down to eat at the kitchen table, both Henrik and Cedar come out of their rooms as though released, and they look at JJ and Quin like they're not sure whether or not they're supposed to be doing damage control. Adrienne isn't sure either.
“Don't you dare.”
“Don't I dare?”
“Don't you – Chase!”
Quin hears Ash erupt into screams on the other side of the lawn, tussling with Chase in the grass. He's just smeared whipping cream across her face, which is cute, or whatever. She fake gags and looks at JJ, who looks back at her warningly.
“So, what?” she asks, stealing more of his fries. “Is Chase going to marry her?”
“That's the question,” muses Marv, sitting on the lawn with his legs crossed, playing with the dandelions. They keep circling around his fingers in pretty bands, leaving yellow streaks across his knuckles.
“Let them have fun,” Max tells them all, bouncing Rajah on his knee. “Chase is a little impulsive, Ash thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, I know. But they won't jump into anything permanent unless they're ready. They're just enjoying each other.”
“Easy for you to say,” Quin tells him. “You already locked your Jackson brother down.”
Max grins. “I did, didn't I?”
Jameson's got his arm wrapped around her waist, so she feels it when he laughs.
“Well deserved,” he signs, and Max reaches down to mess up his hair.
Cedar leans over to whisper to her. “Can I please go home now?”
She shoves his face away. “No. Socialize or else.”
Cedar winces and pushes his gold curls out of his face. She smiles at him a little wearily and wishes he weren't so handsome. He's sharp, tall, powerful. He became arrogant so easily. Became dependent on the parts of himself that didn't matter, when really, all she had ever needed him to be was kind, and selfless enough to take care of her. She would have taken care of him.
There's a fucked-up part of her that's been wondering what it would have been like to be Anti's with Cedar. If Anti had put her with her brother to care for him, would Cedar have learned to love her? Would he have the perfect affinity for self-sacrifice that Jameson, Marvin, Chase, Henrik, and Jackie all carry like a cross across their shoulders? Would Cedar have ever laid down his life, his health, his sanity for her like these five have done for each other again and again? What gives her the right to enter their family like she and Cedar – selfish, unkind Cedar – have any place at all here?
At least Ash is funny. Something about the way she tells stories always starts everybody laughing, and she and Chase are always coming towards each other like planets in the same orbit, giggling in the other room like teenagers.
Quin's just a screwed-up kid wishing for she had the sort of trauma that made her relatable instead of exhausting.
“What?” asks Cedar.
She turns back to him, blinking. If JJ had a voice, she's pretty sure she would have assumed it was Jay who said that, not Cedar.
“What?” she repeats back to him.
He squirms in place, playing with the label of his beer bottle. “You made a face like you were upset, all of a sudden.”
She stares at him.
“What?” he says again, more like a squawk, this time.
“Nothing,” she replies. “I just didn't think you noticed that sort of thing.”
He sets his beer down and rubs at his head. “Come on,” he says. “You are my only sister, after all.”
Jameson leans in to both of them, freeing his hands to speak.
“Football!” Jackie shouts from the other side of the lawn, interrupting everybody. He's so loud Quin sees one of the cats flee from under the raspberry bushes. “Get on teams before I put you on teams. Max – ”
“I have the baby,” calls Max.
Jackie sulks visibly, kicking the ball away. “He can play on your back!”
“We are not giving our son a concussion trying to play football with him.”
“Whatever. Marvin, you're on my side. And Quin, she slide-tackles like she was born to do it.”
Quin cracks up despite herself, shaking her head. “I'm on JJ's team or else.”
“Okay, fine, JJ. And then Cedar and Chase and Ash – ”
Cedar looks at her with an expression of total despair. She can't help it. She laughs til her face turns red. JJ drags her to her feet and then onto the impromptu soccer field. When it comes time, she slide tackles Cedar remorselessly, and the ball flips into the air. She thinks maybe Marvin gets it, sprinting off towards the other side of the lawn, shouting threats at the goalie – Henrik. But it doesn't matter. She's on the ground, her side bruised, laughing hard, and next to her, Cedar is flat on his back, laughing til he cries.
“Fuck you,” he says.
She gets up just enough to shove him into the grass, trying to stain his face green. He screams and pushes at her hands. She Understands that he's trying to get better, maybe for the first time in his life, and he loves her. She loves him too. Noodle comes over and steps on top of Cedar's chest, purring warmly at both of them and blinking his big gold eyes.
Their nine-month anniversary comes like a wave rocking against a boat, steady and unremarkable, and she feels silly for even knowing it's today until JJ comes over and asks her out to dinner. They walk downtown together, holding hands, and neither of them speak. She feels so connected to him, like she Understands every thought without speaking, but she's holding so many things back from him at the same time. Maybe he gets it, because he keeps squeezing her hand and looking over at her with a soft gaze. In the evening light, he's haloed in a glow of gold, and he looks young and eternal at the same time. Okay, okay, so maybe she romanticizes him in her own head. But isn't that love? And what if it was true – what if Jameson Jackson really was the most beautiful person alive, in that moment? Why couldn't he be?
She wishes she could make him Understand. She Understands him, mostly. Doesn't she? She holds his hand against her belly and leans her head against him.
They end up at a Jamaican restaurant, picking apart a huge platter of jerk chicken fries. He speaks to her in sign. She loves this about him, the secrecy of their own language. Maybe she shouldn't. It's probably wrong for her to enjoy the way no one else in the restaurant knows what he's saying to her, but she can't help it.
“You're giving me that look again,” he signs, pausing to take a sip from his lemonade.
She blinks. Was she? “What look?”
He laughs faintly, shaking his head. “I don't know, Q. You might have to tell me.” She frowns, holding up her hands to sign back at him. “Come on. Aren't we just having a fun evening?”
He shrugs back at her, hands raising. “We can. If there's really nothing wrong. But sometimes, I feel there is. And you don't tell me about it.”
She picks at her fries. Really? He wants to do this now?
“Calla Lily,” he calls her, which is so unfair. “If this isn't working – ”
“It is working,” she blurts out, aloud. Her face turns red, and then so does his, in this pleased, shy flush he gets sometimes, which isn't fair either, of course.
“So what's the problem?” he signs.
“Oh, fuck,” she curses aloud.
He makes a sign that's not a real sign, something along the lines of “I can still hear, darling.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she says, throwing her hands up, and he mimics the sign back at her, rolling his eyes. She reaches over to pinch his arm and he smiles at her. Dammit. He's so... he's so...
“Look, James,” she says. Oh no. She's not really going to admit this, is she? “It's not you. It – it's about me. I've been thinking lately – I've been thinking things that I shouldn't.”
He sets his hands down, frowning. She groans and covers her face for a second, breathing in deep.
This is what people do, don't they? They communicate. They tell other people... how they feel. They tell them they love them.
“Lately,” she signs, concentrating hard, closing her eyes for a second. It's so easy to Understand him, and so hard to express herself. “Lately I've been sort of thinking to myself that... that maybe I'd like to marry you.”
She clenches an unused fork in her hand and sucks in a deep breath. When she dares to look up at him, he's smiling at her too.
Those big blue eyes are just a little more damp than usual. It takes the air out of her chest.
“Quin,” he says, and his hands are so tender that she really thinks she would give him anything, anything he asked for. “I've been... wanting to marry you too.”
The floor disappears from under her. She grips hard at the table, mouth tightening. No, no, no, no. She will not cry in public. She will not leap across the table and kiss him in public. She breathes in deeply, shaking her head.
He wants to marry her too? So... is this... is he...?
But no. He's squeezing his own hands together across the table, flaming red in the face.
Oh, fuck. She Understands.
“But we can't marry each other,” she signs.
He laughs weakly. “We can't. No. Not yet.”
“Right,” she agrees.
It's in that moment that the waitress comes by and fills up their lemonades. JJ sits and looks at Quin. Quin sits and looks at JJ.
The waitress leaves.
JJ grabs at his mouth, trying not to smile.
They both devolve into laughter.
“We're not getting married,” she says out loud.
JJ's dissolving, his face bright with the joy.
“We're not getting married,” he agrees.
“We're not – we can't – ”
“We're both too infatuated – ”
“We're both too used to being alone – ”
They reach across the table like one body and grab each other's hands. JJ's laughing enough that she can hear the air hiccuping out of him, and his whole face is alight with it.
“What's wrong with us?” she asks out loud, and he bows to kiss the back of her hand, smiling at her.
“Nothing,” he conveys, looking at her directly. “I love you and you love me. So nothing's wrong.”
She sighs in a rush of air, closing her eyes. “Even if I can't take care of you well?”
“You take care of me when I'm sick, as best you can,” he says. “And I will take care of you when you're sick, as best I can. And that will be all. And that will be enough.”
“You'll be my family,” she signs at him. “And I'll be yours. I'll love your brothers and you'll love mine.”
“And that's enough? You're sure?”
“That would be the universe made into a present for me.”
“I don't make you sad? I don't make you scared of what I might become?”
“No,” she says, and she means it so much it hurts. “No. Never. I love you when you're unwell. I love you when you're laughing.”
He smiles at her. He's aged, she realizes belatedly. How can he have aged only in the nine months since she's been with him? But she likes him this way. She likes him as a grown man. Both of them will become grown-ups together, she thinks to herself. I'll find my way and you'll find yours. You can hold my hand.
“Do you know that you saved me from myself?” she asks him.
Something twists in his face. He shakes his head and kisses the back of her hand again. She Understands him completely.
They pay for dinner and leave together, hand in hand. She used to worry that if she held his hand, he couldn't speak. Tonight, though, she doesn't worry. He looks at her and she looks at him. They walk along the beach, and the sun brings down its light, golden against them. There used to be somebody who hurt you, she thinks, and now there's me. There used to be somebody who hurt me, and now there's you.
“Thank you for saving me,” she whispers to him. “Thank you for letting me save you.”
His blue eyes flicker. He leans in and kisses her mouth. She touches the side of his face, holding him firmly, tenderly, against her body. He holds her too, and she Understands that, for the first time, he does not feel anyone else touching him when he touches her. There is no other memory left.
“You're older,” she whispers to him. He closes his eyes. She kisses the place at the side of his head where his hair has turned grey. His hand wraps around her own.
“And that's enough?”
He nods against her. Yes. And that's enough.
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sjsmith56 · 5 months
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A Shot in the Dark - Chapter 39, Lord Buchanan
Summary: After contacting Rhodes by radio, Quin vows to continue the fight. A shot in the dark has consequences.
Length: 3.8 K
Warning: Teasing between friends, actions causing death of a character.
<<Chapter 38
🥷 🖤
Bren sent a rider to Waya and Coulson about the King and Buchanan's fall trusting Quin to tell Heimdall when he joined that unit in the battlefield. By the time Quin returned to the castle the word had spread throughout the battlefield that the King had perished and his son would be crowned King that evening. When Quin and the King's Guard rode into the courtyard there were many soldiers crowded outside and inside the gates. He stopped under the gates and stood on his horse, turning and looking at the soldiers, seeing some familiar faces but many were unfamiliar to him.
"My people," he yelled. "We lost my father today by a sniper's bullet. What you don't know is he was dying already from Duke Walker's treachery ... a poisonous bullet that pierced his arm and spread a toxin through his body. When he woke today he saw the end of his life was near and chose to go out like a warrior, fighting with those who fight for him. Some of you only know me as a spoiled, petulant boy but I stopped being that brat months ago. Since then I have learned what it is to be a good man. I have learned that true nobility isn't something you're born with but something that you acquire by how you treat others and how you perform your duty to family, friends, and kingdom. I learned that from a man who was born a farmer's son. I have seen it in another man who was born a slave and still another who was born in a brothel. If you choose not to follow me that is your right. You can take your horse and your weapons, leave this battlefield, return to your families and live knowing that you will not be blamed by me for leaving. For I failed to be a noble man for the longest time. But if you believed in my father and joined his cause knowing that life under Duke John Walker would be infinitely worse then I ask you to stay. I ask you to put aside your lack of trust in me and believe in this kingdom and the right to live with dignity. I will bury my father this evening, then I will wear his crown. Then I will do something that many of you have never heard of. I will be the last King of the Western Plains. After the dust has settled and we have rebuilt I will abdicate to live as a normal man, like all of you. You will elect a ruler, and you will a elect a council to rule with that person. Anyone can be on that council, man or woman, current born or modern born, rich or poor. That is my pledge to you."
"You would give up being royal to defeat the Duke?" asked one man, and Quin looked for the face that went with the voice.
"Donald Cooper," said Quin, recognizing the face. "I bullied you for crossing in front of me as I rode my horse, making him rear. I made you put your face on my horse's droppings as punishment." Quin suppressed a look of self revulsion. "I did that to you yet you wear my father's uniform and by the spatter of blood on it you have slain many. Yes, I will give up being royal if you stay to defeat the Duke with me. In fact, if you are by my side I would be honoured. I am sorry for the cruel person I was."
"I will stand with you Quin Torres," said Cooper. "I was a bit of an ass myself at times."
There was laughter and Quin smiled a genuine smile. "Thank you. Tomorrow when we rise against that traitor you will be by my side. Is there anyone else who wishes me to reveal what cruelty I inflicted upon them for I remember them all, to my eternal shame."
There wasn't a sound then someone else yelled. "I will ride with you!"
Then another and another called out until it grew into a great chorus of men committing themselves to the future and last King. Quin wept openly then held his hand up one last time.
"You honour me," he said. "Tonight, eat, drink, spend time with your friends, go to a brothel, pray. I care not how you prepare for tomorrow just be ready to go in the morning and show Duke John Walker exactly what he is up against. I thank you all."
He dropped into his horse's saddle and rode into the courtyard where a groom took his horse from him. He waded through the crowd of soldiers inside the walls, many of whom touched him and shook his hand. When he entered and walked through the infirmary there were more who reached out to him and he touched their hands with genuine emotion. By the time he made it to the command centre he had been pressing through the crowds of people for over 30 minutes. The room, when he entered, was full of lords, some of them furious at what he had promised the crowd outside. They started yelling at him and as Fury was about to intervene Quin jumped onto the table and yelled back at all of them.
"You want it to go on like before?" he snarled. "You want to live in luxury while people lay dying in front of your estate because they have no work? Or they were injured in their job and you just let them go and hired another to take their place? You believe yourself better than them? Then why aren't you on Duke Walker's side because that's what he believes in and he is wrong. You followed my father for a reason. What was it? To keep yourself above everyone else or to help the kingdom get through changing times? For the times are changing and you are either on the right side of change or the wrong side. Make your decision now."
There was grumbling but no one left. Quin looked at Fury and saw a smile appear on the man's face. As far as Quin was concerned that was the only man's opinion he cared about. Fury motioned to the radio room and Quin jumped off the table, knowing he had to make a call to Buchanan's estate. He went inside where the ham radio operator was waiting to begin the call sequence. Quin sat next to him and the man began.
"CQ CQ CQ KWP2 to KBL1 CQ CQ CQ come in please," he said.
They waited a moment and the man repeated it then the response came.
"KBL1 receiving," said the voice, who Quin recognized as Rhodes. "Go ahead KWP2. Over."
"Rhodes, is that you? Over." said Quin.
"Roger," said Rhodes. "Quin? What news? Over."
"The King is dead, killed by a sniper," said Quin. "Is Lady Buchanan with you? Over."
"No, she is resting under doctor's orders," said Rhodes. "She almost lost the baby some weeks ago. Over."
"Damn," said Quin, before pressing the transmit button. "Buchanan was hit by a sniper as well, using a poison bullet. Tom took him aside and helped him transform as the white wolf is immune to the poison. He is on his way back to you, alone, and injured. Over."
There was a moment of silence. "That's why Tom was there," said Rhodes, sounding defeated. "Beth told us about his vision from the Sorceress. We can only hope Lord Buchanan makes it home. I hope he does for Lady Buchanan's sake. Over."
Quin considered his next words. "Do you remember when you caught me gambling?" he asked. "You cautioned me against the strategy I was using. You don't have to say it out loud as we may be monitored. That is our plan for tomorrow. If it works you will hear from me soon. If it doesn't I will be dead and have released the soldiers from your lands from their commitment. Over."
"Understood, good luck, your Majesty," said Rhodes. "I will inform everyone here of the latest developments. Over and out."
Quin nodded at the radio operator and he signed off. The young king went to the door and opened it expecting to hear the sounds of arguing but instead he saw determined faces. The room was packed with lords, commanders and sub commanders. Fury had rearranged the table so that everyone would be able to see the large map laid out on top. Quin stood beside Fury and looked up, seeing Bren, Coulson, Waya and Heimdall nearby. Across from him was his father's garrison commander Garcia. He saw his two uncles from his mother's family who had stayed true to the King. Then he saw the fathers of some of his friends who had encouraged him in his previous life of a wastrel. In fact, several of those friends stood with their fathers wearing blood stained battle leathers and he nodded at them for they were also no longer the brats they had all been before.
"Thank you for staying true to the King," he said simply. "Tomorrow we go all in. Fury has been working on a plan and I pray it works because I am no tactician. But we must defeat the traitor soon as he already believes he has won by killing my father and wounding my general. Lord Fury?"
"We will use that belief against him," said Fury. "Lord Buchanan's men will leave before sunrise and we will pass the word they have been released from the battle as they were loyal to Buchanan and not an untested boy. My belief is that Walker will become overconfident and advance on the castle. We have all night to build blinds and trenches near the castle walls to hide our numbers, make him believe that most of you have also abandoned the fight. Buchanan's units will double back and attack Walker's forces from their rear. The rest of you will let the first wave pass then attack them from within. The final part of our force will be inside the castle walls. When the word is given they will attack by leaving through the gates while our archers and sharpshooters wreak havoc from above. We swarm them as a disturbed hornet's nest swarms anyone nearby."
"Do you not think we should negotiate for peace?" asked Lord Washburn, the small, sallow man who had suggested Quin hide out in the castle.
"Walker has killed my father with treachery," said Quin, pointedly. "You would trust his word in peace negotiations? There shall be no negotiations for peace, only his defeat."
"I'm not sure I can be part of this," said Washburn. "I think I shall withdraw."
"Too late for that Lord Washburn," said Fury, suspiciously, gesturing to the King's Guard. "The time to withdraw was before this meeting. Is there another reason you wish to leave now?"
"No, no, of course not," said Washburn, nervous now. "I ... I was undecided before."
Two of the King's Guard appeared behind him at Fury's gesture, and grasped his arms. Another appeared and looked through Washburn's pockets, pulling out a document and bringing it to Fury. He looked at it with a stony face then handed the document to Quin.
"A letter from Duke Walker offering you a powerful position in his cabinet," said Quin, sneering at the man. "Dated a week ago. You've been a spy for some time Washburn. Throw him in the dungeons. He will be judged after the battle."
"You are not the King!" yelled Washburn as the King's Guard dragged him out. "You're a worthless coyote pup."
"Anyone else want to admit to receiving such a letter?" asked Quin as Washburn's epithets faded away. "Now's your chance to get thrown in the dungeons."
To a man the remaining lords turned out their pockets to reveal they had nothing to hide. Quin smirked and nodded his approval. Fury addressed them again.
"The King's funeral will take place immediately in the chapel where he will be interred," said Fury. "Immediately after Prince Arthur will be crowned as King. I have already spoken to the companies who will be outside the wall and who will be inside. All archers and sharpshooters are to be on the battlements before sunrise. This briefing is over."
The funeral was brief as was the coronation. Quin wore his battle leathers for both ceremonies, dispensing with pomp and circumstance. In his opinion his elevation to king was like a battlefield commission, the mantle of responsibility was offered to him and he accepted. Drinks were offered to the men to mourn and celebrate. As Quin stood outside the chapel receiving the congratulations and fealty of the lords he leaned towards Fury.
"How does this affect the marriage contract?" he asked.
"It doesn't," replied Fury. "The terms of the contract have already been fulfilled. You have been crowned King and when your bride arrives there will be a separate ceremony crowning her your queen. The finances were put aside in a vault upon my return with the contract and will be paid to her upon her arrival. You will have nothing when you abdicate but she will keep her fortune as a contract is a contract. You will be a common man married to a rich, common woman."
"I hope she doesn't divorce me when she finds out she has to give up her title," said Quin.
"She won't," said Fury. "I told her the King's plan for he thought of it some time ago. She agreed to it. It is buried in a sub clause somewhere but I pointed it out to her."
"But not to me," said Quin, looking at Fury in surprise.
"Need to know," said the inscrutable man. "Your mother was aware of your father's plans but she also has a contract that will keep her and your sisters comfortably for many years." Fury looked sideways at Quin. "There is nothing to stop you from running for office, you know. You have a gift for oratory, that's making speeches. People like you. They like that you have changed from the shallow, spoilt youth that you were to a determined, principled man. Keep that in mind when you consider your future, your Majesty."
Quin smirked. Fury was sly but he was loyal and that was worth much. After the long line of lords had finished paying their respects, Quin removed the crown, gave it to Fury to return to the vault then went outside to dig trenches with his soldiers. He was surprised to find Liam and Edward each with a shovel already there.
"So do we have to call you King Arthur now?" asked Liam, as he leaned on his spade briefly. "I mean, this morning you were still Quin Torres who farts in his sleep. How did the Baroness feel about that on your honeymoon?"
Quin smiled but didn't answer. "He probably waited until she fell asleep and let it all out in one rip," said Edward. "I'm surprised he didn't wake her up when he did it."
When Quin didn't take the bait his two friends looked at each other then upped the ante. "How did the Baroness feel about the third nipple?" asked Liam, with a straight face.
Several other soldiers stood up, hearing the question. Quin stood up and looked at his friend exasperated. "You mean the one you wanted to suck because you missed your mam's tit?" he asked.
There were sniggers from the other soldiers, including Edward. Liam turned red, at least Quin assumed he did in the dark. "That's low, Quin, that's really low," complained Liam.
"You started it," said Edward. "I think he defended himself well. You insulted his wife, he insulted your mother. All that's left is his horse."
"Don't go there," warned Quin, trying not to laugh. "A man's horse is something special. You both know that. You've both slept your fair amount of time in stables."
"More than brothels I would suspect," said another voice and Bren appeared. "Cease the insults you three. I could hear you from a hundred yards away. The last thing you want is for spies to hear you in the dark. Your Majesty, would you like these two to remain with you in the morning? Perhaps as your personal guards?"
"Don't you need them?" asked Quin. "I guess I could put them on the food serving line. They have experience with that."
"As do you," retorted Liam.
Quin laughed then approached his friends in the dark. "Truce," he said, offering his hand.
Edward stepped forward just as a gunshot was heard and he fell to the ground. There were yells all around as everyone dropped to the ground and Bren yelled for soldiers to search the tree line then he called for a medic. He kneeled down and took out a shielded battery light. Edward laid splayed out on the ground with his eyes wide open. Bren leaned over Edward's lips and looked sideways at Quin, dousing his light.
"Get in the castle," he ordered. "You're done here. He's gone."
Quin, stared at the body in the darkness, not believing what had just happened. Liam grabbed him and jolted him out of his inaction, both of them scuttling low to the ground, with Liam keeping his body between the tree line and Quin. As they entered the courtyard Quin hit the wall with his fists, angered at what had just happened. Liam, stood with him, his mouth quivering. Quin turned to him.
"I want you with me when I kill that bastard myself," he spat out.
Three soldiers brought in a young man. One of the soldiers held a long rifle and a device that looked like it fit over the head. Quin noticed with disgust the man wore a patch with the tarantula spider.
"My own kinsmen sent to kill me," he stated. "Have you no idea that I have de Torres blood?"
"Not pure blood," stated the young man. "You're an abomination. All mixed bloods are. Walker promises to leave us alone if we help him kill you and your blood traitors. We will take over the lawless lands and control the coffee trade."
Quin struck him and bloodied the man's nose. "Put him in the dungeons," he said to the soldiers. "He will be hanged for the traitor he is. He's no family of mine."
The young man smirked and spat out a blob of bloody phlegm. Fury came out as Bren came into the courtyard, carrying the body of Edward in his arms. He looked at Quin with concern when Bren passed by.
"Your Majesty, I'm sorry," he said. "We will bury your friend with honour."
"Promise me, Fury," said Quin, looking at the man in the dark. "We send all of them to hell. They think I'm an abomination, a mixed blood. The men who negotiated my mother's marriage to my father think the progeny of that marriage don't deserve to live. We wipe them out, all of them."
The third soldier, carrying the long rifle and head gear, handed them to Fury, wordlessly. Fury put the headgear on and swore. Calling to the garrison commander he ordered a sweep of all the tree lines around the castle. The trenches had to be built but if there were any more snipers then all of their plans would be for nought.
"What is that thing?" asked Quin. Fury put it over Quin's head and the young king looked around in amazement. "It allows them to see at night? Are the secret tunnels still walled up?"
"Yes," replied Fury. "We should open them to allow Buchanan's force to leave secretly. I'll get people on it immediately."
"Secret tunnels?" asked Liam.
"From after the calamity," said Quin. "They were built to allow the first king to get his men out quickly without being seen. The tunnels end about 2 miles from here. I don't even know if they are still intact. You will have to lead your horses out using a torch for light."
An hour later Fury reported the tunnels were all intact. He suggested Buchanan's men exit now and hide in the washes just north of Amarillo but he wanted Waya's men for another task. A flare would be sent up when it was time to attack the rear. Bren, Coulson, Heimdall and Waya were sent for and Fury and Quin spoke to them alone in the radio room, with no one else present. Fury looked at the men.
"I am sorry for the loss of young Edward," he said. "There is a gentleman's agreement that no hostilities take place at night. We know once more that Walker is no gentleman. By the words of the sniper himself we are considered blood traitors for allowing mixed marriages. They are zealots and in their eyes they can do whatever they want to defeat us. Well, we can play dirty as well. Waya, I want you to go to Walker's estate, and the estates of his commanders and take their families hostage. You will bring them back here using the tunnels. They are not to be harmed. I wish to use them bring the traitors out of their tents, out of their places of safety. They will be given a choice. Surrender or we kill their families."
The four commanders looked at Fury with alarm.
"Of course we won't do that," he said. "We're not monsters. We don't kill women and children. Hopefully if they see and hear their husbands and fathers throw them to the wolves they will turn from him and his commanders. Then we slay Walker and his traitors from the parapets and from the rear. No mercy. It will be a massacre, yes, but it will be known we gave them the opportunity to surrender peacefully. The decision to die would be theirs."
"If they do surrender?" asked Bren, still troubled.
"A trial for Walker, his generals and lords for treason," said Quin. "The families will be sent into exile. Princess Maria has already promised enough ships to take them to some islands far in the south ocean. They will be left with supplies then life will be up to them after."
The four commanders agreed and their soldiers were summoned into the courtyard with their horses. Waya's company set out through the tunnels first, armed with maps of the estates of Walker, the lords aligned with him and his generals. The other three companies went through and assembled at a wash a couple of miles further on. They were ordered to rest easy until the signal was given.
Chapter 40>>
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kcrabb88 · 2 months
Quin/Obi and number 49 for the kiss ask meme? If you have time!
49. Out of Necessity
There is little else Quinlan loves more than a flustered Obi-Wan Kenobi in leather pants. It's rare to attain both of these things at once, so he's not going to let this opportunity pass him by.
"It is wretched back here," Obi-Wan says from his place leaning against the wall of this tight alleyway by the club's back door.
"Well, there's probably vomit and other bodily fluids around," Quinlan replies. "So, yeah."
"Quin, please."
"You have a tough stomach, Obes. You'll be okay. Good job in there. Think I made my contact with that weapons runner pretty well."
"Until you saw the man you uncovered six months ago who was selling fake Bacta to low-income residents and we ran out here."
"Yeah, until then. Can't believe they let that guy out so quick."
"Corruption is a beautiful thing," Obi-Wan quips. "Force alive, these pants are snug. I don't know how I fit into them. I haven't worn them since we were twenty-two."
"But you kept them for thirteen years."
Obi-Wan quirks an eyebrow. "Fond memories."
"Of my hand going down the front of them?"
"Well." Quinlan grins. "I'm glad this damn war could give you another opportunity to wear them."
In the low light, Obi-Wan is stupid hot with those pants, that black sleeveless shirt, and a little eyeliner for good measure. That newly shorn copper hair falls into his eyes a bit.
"Are you checking me out, Quin?"
"I'm not."
"You are."
The back door opens, and the very person Quinlan was hiding from steps out into the alley.
So, he does what he must.
He presses Obi-Wan against the alley wall, slides his fingers into that soft hair he was just admiring, and kisses him full on the mouth.
Obi-Wan, being a damned good undercover partner, kisses him back.
Hard. With that clever tongue Quinlan can't get enough of.
The fake Bacta dealing bastard is gone after twenty seconds or so, and Quinlan pulls away only to find Obi-Wan's hand fisted in his shirt.
"Kiss me again."
Quinlan laughs. "Is that a demand?"
"A request."
"Guy's gone, Obes."
Obi-Wan's blue eyes sparkle with wit and desire. "I don't believe either of us requires a mission for this sort of thing."
"No," Quinlan says as he tips Obi-Wan's chin up and almost loses himself in the tumble of kiss-pink memories. Whatever they are at any given moment as the life of a Jedi allows, he has always been a fool for Obi-Wan Kenobi. "No we don't."
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quinloki · 1 year
Quin's Table of Consent
None of me is SFW -:- You Must Be 18+ -:- 17.99 is unacceptable. By interacting with my posts or following me, you're attesting to being over 18
Wanna join Captain Q's Emoji Grand Fleet? check out the Rules for asks/requests post!
About Me | Multi-Chapter Stories | Events and Drabbles | Rules for asks/requests | Commission Info | Monthly Blorbo Ranking For Fun
Tips accepted! - check me out on Ko-Fi
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Monthly News Ticker:
Welcome July!
The Month of Celebration Continues! \o/
Get your requests in before 7/10!
Thank you to everyone who has already participated and thank you to those who are just sitting back and enjoying the small deluge of drabbles.
I'm off work this entire month, so brace yourselves 😇😇😇
Little else, I say, but expect a LOT of stuff from the event itself. I hope you have fun, however you decide to participate, or if you just decide to partake of all the delights that come into being because of the event itself ❤️
(the event is a Birthday Celebration, but my actual day of leveling up is 7/20 ^_^ )
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Preliminary August- I'm going to be opening up and accepting commissions for the month of August. I have no idea what kind of volume I'm going to get, so it'll be a sort of test run. As with anything else, I reserve the right not to write or draw anything I don't want, but it's not like I've got a lot of limitations to follow either. ^_^;
A Look at 2024 Current Plans:
August: Prep for Kinktober September: Begin Writing Kinktobers October: Kinktober - this year is a Monster Fucker theme unless-? November: NaNoWriMo - no events, just 100k words as I try again for the elusive Double NaNo Goal. December: Nada, between work and holidays we're leaving this month alone. (I do have a collab idea I'm poking at for 2025 >.> but we won't worry about that yet).
Socials: Quin is quin across the board currently. You can find me as Quinloki on: Twitter/Ao3/Pillowfort/CoHost/Bluesky/Wattpad and Discord. <3
(but I might not add you back if I can't easily tell who you are ~_^ Also I'm really only super active here, currently.)
I love every like, reblog, tag, and comment - I may not always have the energy or capacity to reply to each one, but please know that they warm my soul. Your appreciation is appreciated, whether it is eloquent, gremlin, or just completely unhinged. Thank you for taking the time to share your reaction to my words <3
I can never find this when I want it so I’m linking it here.
OC art post which is going to stay tucked away and small for now.
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