#// welcome to my jackassery
starwalkn · 2 years
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DAyUm . i've had this lil dude here for 3 years T_T . his last blog i made in 2019 and im ?? *HUGS BBY SMOLS*
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1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the proper inbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, but I will probably NOT see my tumblr dms until the event is OVER. If you need to flag me down RIGHT AWAY you're GOING to have to go over to twitch chat ask there.
the BEST CHANCE of getting it written live today is to send in your requests with 3 different asks within the first hour or so of the stream going live. after the first hour, it's not gonna matter if it's in one or three asks cuz I'll be scheduling them out in advance and everything that follows the rules above will get written eventually
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ miathecalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2 o’clock EST.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
If you would like to receive the card you buy/request for, physically in the mail, here is the shop link:
feel free to dm me first to discuss discounting if you'd like multiple of your cards in a bundle
if you subscribe to my channel on a regular basis, I'll keep your cards back and send them out periodically regardless
there'll be 2 donation goals - one as a forty dollar threshold for ordering food, and the other one will be set at $160 since that's ABOUT the equivalent of living wage for the amount of time I'll be streaming.
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dr-wormman · 2 years
Hello and welcome to my very cool Fernando essay. Rant. Thing. Might make sense and might not. I don't know
For those unaware (I can't imagine anyone who follows me for my Paladins art doesn't, but if you don't I still love you dearly), the Fernando that we know and love isn't actually *Fernando*-- he's a guy pretending to be his late mentor (AKA the REAL Fernando. Fernando no.1). This means that anything that Fernando no.2 says or does may or may not be indicative of how he actually feels or thinks, which makes it kind of difficult to get a feel for how he actually is under the armor. but I think I might Get It.
I don't know if I'm going to phrase this how I am thinking it but I will try: Fernando reminds me a bit of Don Quixote… Unlike Don Quixote, Fernando is quite literally a knight who does real knight things, but he’s similar in the way he acts like how he Thinks a knight acts. To the point where it's so exaggerated and comical that it feels like a caricature. He is genuinely courageous and confident (how much of that confidence is genuine I don't know) but that confidence is (translated?) into narcissism and that courage into recklessness. He's definitely reckless, but I think most of that narcissism is an act– a way for him to not only convince others, but also himself that he IS Fernando and he's proud of it. He's likely self-aware that he acts like a jackass (or maybe he isn't and he has more in common with Don Quixote than I think) but he can't really tone it down at this point because he's established That That Is How Fernando Acts. Speaking of jackassery… His flirting with women.
I think two things are happening here; 1) he's leaning way too far into the ‘chivalrous lady’s man knight’ persona he thinks All Knights Have, and 2) he's trying REALLY hard to make sure no one finds out he's gay. (and also the devs did not plan to make him gay. Lol). Based on one of the lines from… I think Cassie? He's been persistent in his flirting with her even though she's said that she doesn't like it…So not cool… I think he does this partly because he IS kind of a jackass at heart but also because he's thinking “if I show that I'm REALLY into women then no one will suspect that I'm Not”. May also be because he thinks all knights do this. Quick detour for a second; I'm pretty sure he's basing what he knows about knights on what he's seen from his mentor, so he's actually doing a pretty good job impersonating him, but he also doesn't realize that he's not obligated to act this way. People can change, even your dead mentor that you're impersonating. He doesn't know this, because he might actually be as silly as he acts (I haven't decided yet). Anyway, back to The Closet of His Own Making… I don't think homophobia exists in the Paladins universe (there are magic crystals and rabbit people and the giant worm who wants to eat the universe. Gay people are the least of their concern) so there wouldn't be any backlash if he were to come out (or even engage in homosexual activity on the DL). So he's not concerned with it having any repercussions on his career as a knight, or public opinion, or whatever, just with it potentially giving away that he isn't who he says he is (which I guess would end up impacting those things anyway. Huh). A lot of people point to Fernando flirting with women as ‘evidence’ of him being straight (I mean, you can HC whatever you want, I don't care, but if the devs say it's canon, it's canon, no matter how… Not Thought Out it Was) but I'm actually really happy about those lines because I feel it adds to the Fucked-upness of his character.
I wrote something a little while ago that I'm basically going to summarize now; I feel like… Fernando is VERY insecure. That's probably obvious, Considering, you know, He's impersonating another dude. It's like he has imposter syndrome… but he kind of IS an imposter– he would be, 100%, if it weren't for the fact that he has actually done things, and accomplished things, he's not just taking credit for things he hasn't done while he sits back and does nothing – all of Fernando no.1’s accomplishments prior to his death do not belong to Fernando no.2, but everything after that Does, and I would say that Fernando no.2 has accomplished more than Fernando no.1 if you look at where he’s at now. He's constantly worried about slipping up, saying more than he should, saying the Wrong thing, etc. He’s like “I could expose myself as a fraud at any moment” but he's NOT a fraud at this point. Would there still be disastrous consequences if he revealed himself? Yeah, probably. It's weird, because he's not Fernando but he also IS… He's fought in battles and won, just not as himself. Do you get what I'm saying. He's done the thing he says he does, just not ALL the things. Fernando doesn't realize this, of course, because he's just as silly as he acts (I've decided) and so his internal monologue is a nonstop stream of “I'll never be him, I'll never be as great as him, my life is a lie, I'm not actually as brave/confident/handsome/chivalrous as he was, Etc.”
This has got to be stressful as hell, so why does he keep doing it? I don't know. Lol. But I have a theory (this entire thing has been a theory. Headcanon. Whatever). Fernando genuinely enjoys the attention, the fame, and the money that he gets as Fernando, that's obvious, because why else would he put himself through all this? We know he doesn't come from a noble or rich family (and also received no formal training!!), so I'm thinking he wouldn't have gotten all this popularity if he had just been himself, and he knew this. I'm torn between the idea that he always wanted to fight and be a knight, or him just wanting notoriety and so he decided knighthood would do that for him (horrible sentence structure, couldn't figure out how to write it). It could also be a situation similar to Kinessa’s and why she left the military– because while she Does like sniping, she wasn't getting the money and fame she wanted while she was working for the Magistrate. If Fernando genuinely wanted to fight, he could have enlisted in the Magistrate’s army (or joined the resistance. maybe? Unsure of how old he was when the crystal war shit all started or if he would actually agree with them) or if he was just obsessed with the idea of being a knight, he could do that. The issue for him would be that he doesn't get any fame doing that as Himself. He is a nobody, and while a nobody could become a somebody, it's difficult, and I imagine it would be especially difficult in this sort of pseudo-medieval setting we’ve got going on where 5/10 people are either skilled warriors, literal gods/demons, magical, or have some sort of high status (leader of a kingdom, military, criminal organization, Whatever). Fernando is obviously skilled at combat so I don't think the knight thing was just for funsies. Uhhhhh I had something else to say but I forgot. Will add it here if I remember. It's like “I have to keep doing this because without it I am Nothing.”
Anyhow, I think while we’re probably never going to see this happen officially, Fernando is going to have a breakdown where he sort of implodes from all of the stress that comes with Pretending to be Another Dude for YEARS. Maybe he's just like “shit I can't do this no more” or… Considering he's with the New Magistrate (Aico) now, and working alongside Rei, Khan, and Lian (at least… We see him next to those three in one of the cinematics so I'm assuming that's the case), maybe someone decides to do some digging. A background check. That would be interesting I think.
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ribbitsaur · 2 years
Welcome to my main. I post TWST tutorials and helpful info, as well as shitposts and sometimes other fandom content, on my sideblog @ditzydumbazz! I'm happy to talk TWST theories and lore with y'all!
I am over 18, and will be opening my space to fans in the TWST fandom under 18 so please behave yourselves. This is to give them a space to safely ask for help with the game and talk without everything getting sexualized.
My rules are:
- No LGBTQ+ phobia. I am on the nonbinary spectrum and recently believed I was trans until I found a label that fit me much more accurately.
- Do not go after the children. Anyone found to be grooming/actively sexually harming a minor in any circle I run in or any circle I have any association with will be immediately hunted for sport. (for legal reasons, that is a joke. But I have my eye on you fuckers.)
- Please leave your jackassery at the door. I don't tolerate bastards who come here to mindlessly spread hate, y'all are some of the worst kinds of people and I will straight up block you on sight.
- This is a place for information and discussions, not drama. If you feel the need to inform me of a possible Bad Person in the fandom, by all means please DM me. But be able to back up your claims, I believe hard evidence over hearsay because I've seen what false accusations can do to a person's life in my family circle. So keep anything you don't have evidence of to yourself.
- I do not owe you anything. All content I provide is because I WANT to give you all nice things. But the moment you start demanding anything of me, you lose any right to consume the content I do give freely. I am not a content machine for you, I am a person with a life who dedicated their spare time to interacting positively with the TWST fanbase.
- I give the respect I get, it's a two way street. I will respect you until given a reason not to, don't give me a reason not to.
My taglist will, for now, be:
#Froggy Spoilers (for chatter about content unreleased in ENG or new story content)
#Froggy Chatter (for talk posts)
#Froggy Theory Board (for theories and theory discussions)
#Froggy Card Table (for talk about cards/card art)
#Froggy at the Help Desk (for twst tutorials and general help asks about the game/my blog)
#Froggy Thinking Chair (for my own thoughts on things within the game)
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spitebitch · 2 years
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screams internally. “shitshitshitshitshit--”
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scary-lasagna · 3 years
For context, before Jane came to the manor, she worked shortly for Zalgo in exchange for getting a promised vengeance on Jeff. After a year, he traded Jane for a pricey artifact that Slender had, but set her up for collecting intel towards the unsettlement between Slender and him.
And present-day she's been living happily at the manor.
Also this isn't a ship thing don't worry.
Jane has a dilemma and meets an unlikely ally to talk things through.
Not Friends [Jane & Jeff]
"What are you doing?"
Jane froze in her footsteps, taking pressure off of the main hallway's creaking floorboard. She straightened up, pulling her backpack tighter against her back, and slowly turned towards Jeff.
"Why the Hell do you care?" She snapped, furrowing her nearly plucked brows and she looked him up and down. It was late, and she thought no one was up by the time that grandfather clock reached 3:30. Everyone was usually in their rooms, if not asleep, and Slender didn't get up for another hour.
But of course it had to be Jeff. Out of all the fucking people in this damned place, Jeff had to be the one to catch her.
"Well," Jeff glanced down at his toes peeking out from his flannel pants. "Usually when someone is sneaking out this late, they're not really up to any good."
Now she was growing frustrated. Jane has always had a short fuse with Jeff. A very short one, at that. The truce that they agreed to practically didn't exist except promising not to rip each other's heads off.
"Again, why. do. you. care."
"You're going back to Zalgo, aren't you?"
The silence was so thick Jane could cut it like butter with the knife strapped to her thigh. She looked away and sighed irritably. "Is your skull that thick that I have to fucking spell it out for you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Answer mine first, you bastard."
Jeff blinked, and glanced behind him at the creaks of the settling stairway. "You didn't say goodbye."
Jane scoffed in disbelief. The fucking audacity if him. "You don't deserve a goodbye after what you've-"
Jeff chuckled with a nod, "I know. I wasn't talking about me."
Jane huffed, and ignored Jeff as he trailed behind her to the door. "I can see it now...Toby will come down for breakfast later, and make that stupid little face as he wonders where you are. He might even stay there, alone, wondering where you are hours after you've left."
Her hand froze halfway to the curved arm of the door. Oh, poor Toby. When he had no one else to trust, Jane was the arms that he cried into as she soothed his shaking shoulders. And she's looked after him ever since. Bless his heart, he was always so excited to see her and show her the new things he bought for himself and work.
"And Sally...no longer having an older sister to share her tea parties with. I guess I'll just have to put Ben in a wig..." Jeff tsked in disappointment.
Jane's shoulders started to slump. Of course, Toby would be heartbroken, but at least he had friends to fall back on. Sally didn't have many that she looks up to like Jane. She was her adopted older sister, and she'd be heartbroken without a simple goodbye hug.
Jeff dared to shuffle closer, feet creaking the wood as he approached Jane. "And Slender? Who's he gonna complain to that'll tolerate hours of conversation about the jackassery I do?"
Jane's hand fell back to her side. She didn't have many friends when she first came to the manor, and despite working for the enemy, Slender welcomed her with open arms and let her rant for hours about Jeff and what he's done to piss her off that day. And sometimes he'd do the same over a nice cup of afternoon tea.
He'd be distraught if she just left without warning. Like a piece of his heart was ripped out along with her absence.
"And I know what he told you, Jane. To gather Intel and not get too attached, cause that's what spies do, right? So everything I said earlier, was that fake?"
"I'm not a spy." Jane turned and narrowed her eyes, scanning his cheshire face for any look of mockery or disdain. Ultimately, it was nothing but a depressed fondness that plagued his expression. A pang in her heart hit her like a silver bullet
"Yeah, you are. I saw it in your file when I was snooping around Slender's office. He knew since the beginning." He said it so casually. As if the sky was blue. How long had he known? How long has Slender known?
Taken back, Jane scoffed in disbelief. "Bullshit."
The killer chuckled, "Well you can ask him, he'll be waking up in a little bit." Jane wasn't going to fucking ask him. She wasn't going to do anything Jeff says. She's not a spy, she's an Intel Collector for Zalgo, and that was the contract that she signed. If Jeff didn't like it, that's his problem to deal with.
And if Slender was aware of it, then he's a damn fool for making her a part of this little family he's got going on.
"I don't have to listen to this-"
"You didn't have to listen to anything I had to say, and yet here you are. You can't even touch the door handle, Jane."
When Jane's shoulders started to tremble, and she brought a hand up to catch her unsteady lips, Jeff took a step closer. "You don't wanna go, do you? That's why you didn't say goodbye. It's too painful, yeah?"
Jane nodded slowly, sobbing quietly before Jeff placed a hand in her shoulder. It took him back when she suddenly buried her teary face into his shirt, but Jeff reluctantly wrapped an arm around her and attempted to soothe her sobs for a few moments.
Never in her life had Jane thought that she'd be soothed by the one she absolutely loathes. And yet, Jeff gave a pretty good hug when she needs it most.
"I just love you guys so fucking much," Jane sniffled and stood up straight, almost clipping Jeff's chin, and dabbed at her streaking eyeliner, "I don't wanna go back to him, I wanna stay here with all of you. Because for the first time since you fucked me over, I feel at peace, I feel like this is my home." Struggling to make sense through her sobs and sniffles, she hoped that Jeff could at least sympathize with an enemy, and nonetheless a traitor to this tight-knit family.
It was a rare occurrence that Jane cried. She always tried to suppress her emotions, her sadness, around everyone, and especially Jeff. She didn't want him to see her weak.
And yet here she is, crying and sniffling like a child who doesn't want to take an afternoon nap in front of the person she hates most.
"Then stay." Jeff placed a firm hand in her arm, squeezing it reassuringly. "Stay here with us. We'll figure something out with Zalgo I can promise you that, but don't leave. Please."
Jane looked at Jeff, and for the first time meeting those bluish-grey eyes of his, she didn't feel total resentment towards him. He seemed more human, and less of a monster than she thought he was.
Jane glanced behind her at the door before sighing and dropping her backpack to the floor. Due to the clatter, it was probably full to the brim with her knife collection, meaning she left everything else back in her room.
"C'mon, I'll walk you back to your room. Or we can stay up and talk if you want." Jeff couldn't hold back the grunt as he struggled to pick up the extremely heavy backpack, and wobbled with it as he followed Jane.
Jeff was astonished that no one passive-aggressively peeked out of their room as he thumped the backpack up the stairs, lifting with his knees and not his back. They passed the rooms of Ben, and Toby, and Tim, and Sally, and the large doors of the master bedroom that Slender was getting ready in.
Jeff was already thinking of 10 different excuses if Slender decided to check on them as Jane paused in front of her room. She took the backpack with ease and set it against her matte black door.
She paused, glancing down at the bag and then at Jeff's probably cold feet, and then her own work boots.
"I'll, uh- see you later then. Hopefully." Jeff nodded an adieu, and turned on his heel. Jane was walking without even realizing it, and called out to him.
Jeff turned, and cocked an eyebrow towards her.
"Um, thank you. For...um..." Jane looked to the side as she gestured with her hands, trying to search for the right words. Stopping her from potentially killing everyone by delivering Intel to a demon king? Carrying her entire knife and painted rock collection up to two flights of stairs? "...This."
"Yeah, yeah don't mention it, twerp." Jeff waved her off as he turned again. "This doesn't mean we're friends, by the way. I'm still expecting to kick your ass during training on Monday." Jeff flashed a grin over his shoulder. A small attempt to make her feel a little better with a sense of normalcy.
"In your fucking dreams, bozo." Jane scoffed and turned, hopping up to grab the key on top of the door frame and hopefully take a long nap and pretend this never happened.
"Jeff? What are you doing up so early?" Jeff turned, and glanced past Slender to see Jane fucking around with the locked door. A mistake, because Slender followed his gaze, and then suspiciously glared back at Jeff.
"Ahh, I just stole Jane's knife collection and locked her out of her room." He shrugged, the lie falling off of his tongue like smooth butter. "'Thought I'd keep her on her toes before the sparring."
Slender sighed and rubbed his temples, "Leave that poor girl alone, Jeff, she has enough going on without you disturbing her much-needed sleep."
"Pffft, she'll be fine." He waved the eldritch being off, "She'll have plenty of rest to kick my ass."
"One can only hope with everything that she has on her plate." Slender crossed his arms, and used his special scolding tone to dull any other ideas Jeff may have planned toward the dismay of Jane. "Don't bother her anymore, Jeff. I'm very serious."
Jeff nodded dismissively, unbothered by the familiar tone he's so used to hearing, before he yawned and stretched tiredly. With one final glance at Jane finally getting into her room, Jeff excused himself, "Now, if you'll excuse me, old man, I gotta get my ass back to bed."
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Hello All!!
Welcome to my blog! I am a brand new Stede Bonnet rp.
What am I seeking?
An Ed !!! First and foremost, I'm seeking an Ed to rp fluff and occasional smut. MAAAYbe a kraken as well. we'll honestly see how it goes?
A Lucius! (FUCK ED THROWING HIM OVERBOARD- I'M IGNORiNG IT, or if it comes up in RP, I'm happy to bring it up!) everyone needs a confidante!
AN OLUWANDE (genuinely the best!)
Any other crewmembers !
A Mary!
Willing to RP here or on discord! I'm INDEPENDENT of any big RP groups, and I'm decently selective, but if we vibe, we vibe!
I'm in my 30's, and would like an RP partner in a similar (late 20s - late 40s) age range.
DNI!: I will not tolerate TERFS, racists, antisemites, homophobes, xenophobes, or any of that kind of jackassery on my blog or in my area. Go away. Similarly, Minors, this blog is probably not going to be safe for you, as I am expecting smut at some point. Please, do not interact. You will be blocked.
With that, I'm off ! send a pm with questions if you're interested!
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snelbz · 4 years
Light Up the Ice - 12
Summary: Aelin Galathynius has never really been into sports. Yes, she likes to keep in shape, and she works out, but watching people run up and down a field, trying to keep a leather ball away from each other? It’s always seemed a bit childish to her, and decidedly NOT a way for a grown adult to make a living.
Rowan Whitethorn has recently been drafted by the Terresen Staghorns, one of best teams in the EHL (Erilean Hockey League). And since he moved to Terresen from Wendlyn, it’s been hard for him to get more than 30 seconds alone from someone demanding a picture with him. Getting drafted straight out of college wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but he’s not complaining. Until he accidentally meets a girl. More specifically, until he accidentally meets his neighbor. She seems to have no idea who he is and for some reason, that’s refreshing. But will she still want to be with him once he shows her the truth?
Co-written with @tacmc​.
A/N: No tag list tonight. This is the 3rd time I've tried to post this chapter and every single time, it's crashed before I can post or save. AKA I’m about to punch my computer and don’t want to push my luck anymore. Next chapter, I will be copying and pasting my old tag list, deleting the inactive blogs, and adding those who have asked. Enjoy!
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It never failed to amaze Aelin how slow business got when the university took their breaks. It was only the second day of the University of Terrasen’s fall break and she’d already had enough spare time to reorganize the stock room, deep clean the kitchen and now, she was sitting at a table in the corner, staring at a print out of her menu.
She chewed on the end of her pen and then drew a line through another item. In the four years she’d had the café, she’d never changed a single menu item. It wasn’t that anyone was complaining about her food, but she was bored with it and wanted to add some new variety. She scribbled some notes in the margin of new recipes she wanted to try to replace the old ones, but the sound of the bell above the door distracted her. She was beaming before she even got out of her chair.
“Hey,” she said, approaching Rowan and Lorcan, pressing a kiss to the cheek of the former and keeping her distance from the former. “How was practice?”
“Good. Save for the fact that I’m still sitting on the bench,” Rowan said, sighing. “Coach said I can be on the ice from now on, as long as I’m still not running drills and agree to see the trainer every day.”
“That’s great,” she said, smiling. “You hungry?”
“Yes, please,” he replied, a lopsided grin on his face.
She headed for the cash register Elide had been sitting at a few moments before. She was now working on rolling silverware father down the counter, quietly humming along to the music that played in the café. “You want the grilled cheese and tomato soup again?”
“Please,” he said, smiling. He turned to his friend and asked, “You want the Reuben, Lor?”
Lorcan didn’t reply. He was staring back towards the door.
Back towards Elide.
“Lorcan?” Rowan said, again, finally getting his teammates’ attention.
“Reuben, yeah, sounds great,” he mumbled, pulling out his wallet.
“Lunch is on me,” Aelin said, eyeing him, not liking the way he turned back to glance at Elide.
She didn’t like the way Elide was sneaking glances at him either.
As she walked behind the counter, Aelin cleared her throat, making Elide jump, her fingers dropping the silverware in which she held. It clattered against the counter.
“Care to give me a hand?” Aelin asked.
Elide blinked. “It’s just two sandwiches-.”
“If the bell rings, you can come back out,” Aelin said, taking Elide by the wrist and dragging her back toward the kitchen. She called back to Rowan and Lorcan, “Make yourselves comfortable!”
Once in the kitchen, Aelin dropped Elide’s wrist and began with the sandwiches. 
Elide watched her friend, her boss, skeptically. “Care to tell me what that was about?” 
“You were practically drooling over him,” Aelin said, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Elide.
Elide’s cheeks darkened and she hurried around to the other side of the kitchen to get Rowan’s soup. “I was not.”
“You definitely were,” Aelin replied, turning and dropping the grilled cheese on top of the griddle. She may have put more cheese on than she would have for a regular customer and melty, delicious goodness dripped out the surface of the cooktop.
Elide was standing in the alley of the kitchen, looking back through the serving window at Aelin. “And…? So what if I was? He’s hot.”
Aelin fought the urge to roll her eyes. “He’s a hockey player, El. Rowan has told me about how he spends his away games.”
Elide was quiet as she put the soup in the window to stay warm as Aelin finished their sandwiches. If her friend and boss’s back hadn’t been facing her, she probably wouldn’t have had the courage to say, “Wow, Ace, be careful. Your hypocrisy is showing.”
She whirled, pointing a spatula at Elide. “That’s a completely different situation and you know it.”
Elide lifted a brow. “Do I?”
Aelin’s lips thinned. “Yes, you do. At least, you should. Rowan and I… it’s different.” 
“If you would have known he was a hockey player, you would’ve never started seeing Rowan,” Elide went on, trying to hide both her frustration and amusement. “The fact that Lorcan plays hockey is all you can see when you look at him.”
Aelin scoffed. “Wrong. All I can see is his jackassery.”
“It’s a word,” Aelin snapped, flipping over the sandwich on the griddle. “And, again, Rowan has told me about his post game activities when they’re on the road.”
“It doesn’t make a difference, I don’t know why you’re even upset about it,” Elide muttered, coming around to the salad station and popping a cucumber slice in her mouth. “He’s Lorcan Salvaterre. He’s the captain of the team. He dates bikini models and actresses. I’m just a broke college student. I’m just…me.”
Aelin’s eyes softened as she turned to one of her oldest friends. “That’s not true, Elide. You are a phenomenal, beautiful, smart woman, and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind. Including yourself.”
Elide’s cheeks darkened, slightly, as she tried to fight the smile growing. “I’m going to go finish my silverware. Holler if you need me.”
Aelin nodded and watched as she pushed through the swinging door to the dining room. She finished up the sandwiches before grabbing Rowan’s soup and carrying them out front.
While she and Elide had been in the kitchen, Fenrys had appeared, a fast food bag open in front of him. She chuckled as she sat down Rowan and Lorcan’s food. “You know I would have cooked for you.”
His mouth was full of a massive bite of hamburger, so Lorcan answered for him. “He also knows coach would kick his ass if he knew he was eating that. Yet he does it anyway.”
“It’s so good,” Fenrys said, his mouth still full, his manners shot. “What coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Rowan snorted. “Tell yourself that when you feel like shit once the grease sets in.”
Lorcan stared at his sandwich for a long moment. Then, he mumbled, “Thank you.”
Aelin blinked. Even Rowan looked nearly surprised.
“Did you just thank me?” Aelin asked, perfectly still.
Lorcan didn’t say anything else as he bit into his sandwich. 
A few more people trickled in and Aelin got back to work, the shock of Lorcan’s almost-kindness still shocking her. The dinner rush, even though slower with the college campus dwindled, still kept her and Elide busy, and by the time eight rolled around, Aelin was ready to close up.
Rowan, Lorcan, and Fenrys remained at the corner table. 
Elide came out of the kitchen, having grabbed her purse and coat from Aelin’s office. “I’m gonna head home, if there’s nothing else you need me to do.”
Aelin shook her head. “Nope, you’re all set. Have a good night.”
“You, too,” Elide said, smiling, and Aelin noticed that her eyes slid to the table again, before she turned and was out the door, heading around the building to the small lot behind the café.
As she approached the table, Lorcan was standing and shrugging his jacket on. “Thanks for dinner. It was good.”
Aelin was still stunned by his niceties earlier that his words barely registered. “You’re welcome, I’m glad you liked it. I guess I’ll keep it on the menu.”
“You heading out, man?” Fenrys asked, finishing off the large plate of fries he’d ordered after his burger and first order of fries was gone.
“Yeah. Got some stuff I gotta take care of.” He said nothing else, but headed for the door.
Turning towards Rowan, Aelin tried to keep her expression in check as she realized that he, too, was heading for the back lot. Rowan, not fooled by her attempts, held his hands up in surrender. “I’m not getting involved.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t like it.”
“Like what?” Fenrys asked, and Aelin rolled her eyes as she took his plate and headed towards the kitchen.
“I’ve gotta lock up,” she called out over her shoulder. “I’ll see you at home. I love you.”
“Love you, too, sweet cheeks!” Fenrys called out.
Even through the swinging door, Aelin heard Rowan smack him on the back of the head.
Rowan skated around the ice. 
He was bored shitless, not even in his hockey gear, but sweatpants and a hoodie. His hands were shoved into his pant pockets as he circled the rink, close to the sideboards. The constant blow of the whistle was the only thing keeping him awake.
He didn’t even bother asking if he could practice, even though he felt up to it. He already knew what the answer would be. 
And yet, he longed for practice to last. When it was over, he’d have to make his way into the locker room for Maeve.
And he was not prepared.
He’d felt her eyes on him since the moment he hit the ice, yet he hadn’t looked over at her once. Dorian was thankfully on the other end of the rink, so as he skated by at the beginning of practice, he was able to flag him down.
“Hey, man, how are you feeling?” Dorian asked, leaning on the half wall separating them.
“Much better, like it never happened,” he said, and the lie was barely there.
Dorian quirked an eyebrow and snorted. “Good try. You can’t practice today.”
“No, I get it, I understand that.” Roan cleared his throat. “But, uh, is there a different massage therapist I can see?”
Dorian blinked. “Did something happen with Maeve the other day? She didn’t mention anything-.”
“She’s my ex,” Rowan interrupted.
Dorian hesitated before nodding, slowly. “I see.”
“You can massage me,” Rowan said, quickly.
“As flattered as I am, I’m not a massage therapist,” Dorian chuckled. “I can talk to-.”
“No, don’t…tell anyone. If you don’t know of anyone, it’s fine,” Rowan said, the words rushing out of him. 
“Look, I don’t know Maeve very well,” Dorian began, shaking his head. “But, she seems perfectly fine, alright? Has it been a while since you’ve been together?”
Rowan gave him a curt nod.
“Then give her a chance to be civil,” Dorian said, shrugging. “If she’s disrespectful, let me know. Otherwise, I have no reason to think she won’t do her job appropriately, and if she doesn’t, then you can leave.”
He sighed, nodding, and skated off.
He spent the next two hours dreading every minute that passed.
He heard Brello’s whistle blow and slowly glided across the ice, coming to a stop next to his line.
“Everyone was looking good today,” he said, looking at them one by one. “Take it easy tonight. The boys from Eyllwe aren’t going to go easy on us tomorrow night, especially since we’ll be in their territory. I want all of you in your best form.” He gestured to Rowan. “Whitethorn will be back on the ice next week.”
There were cheers and hollers from the team and Rowan couldn’t help but smirk as Lorcan shoved him.
Brello, to everyone’s surprise, smirked as well. “Hope you’ve enjoyed your time off, but relaxation time is over. You ready to go?”
“Aye, coach,” he replied, nodding.
“That’s what I like to hear.”
After a couple more announcements from the coaching staff, everyone was skating towards the locker rooms of the practice facility and Rowan felt like his nerves were going to snap.
He took his time removing his skates and grabbing his bag, before slowly walking down the hall leading to the training rooms. He was silently praying Dorian would be in his office, right off to the side of the therapy room, but he wasn’t.
There was only one room with a light on, and with a deep breath, he approached and knocked on the half-open door. 
Maeve looked over her shoulder with a smile. “Come in, I’m ready for you.”
Rowan hesitated, but went in. Dorian was right. Maybe she had changed, maybe there was nothing to worry about.
Yet Rowan felt nauseous as he approached the blanket covered table.
“I’ll give you a minute to strip down and be back.” She left without another word, shutting the door behind her.
Rowan stared at the door before kicking off his shoes then lifting his shirt over his head. He only hesitated for a moment before kicking off his sweats and laying down on the table, pulling the blanket up to his waist.
A soft knock informed him of her approach, and he grunted to let her know he was ready.
When the door reopened, the lights suddenly dimmed and Rowan awkwardly shifted on the massage table.
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. Rowan was grinding his teeth as she worked on the muscle in his lower back that kept spasming when she said, “I have to say, I was surprised to see you the other day. Dorian hadn’t told me who I would be working on, but…” She paused and chuckled quietly, running her hands up his back.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
When Rowan was drafted into the EHL, it had been a pretty big deal in his city, but more specifically, his university. He’d dropped out of school to accept the offer from the lower level team and climb his way to where he was. And everyone in Wendlyn knew.
There was no way Maeve didn’t know he was playing for Terrasen when she took the job.
He gave her a small nod and a quiet noise that said he was listening. She kept going, taking that as a sign he was interested in the conversation.
“I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” she sighed. “Things ended so...abruptly. I’m glad to see your doing good.” Another chuckle. “Save for the injury, of course.”
It was so strange to hear another accent from Wendlyn that was still somewhat fresh. Lorcan, Gav and Fenrys, they’d been in Terrasen so long, the accent almost disappeared sometimes. But the lilt of her tone, the way she phrased certain words… It both soothed and unsettled Rowan.
“Don't you care to know how I’ve been?” She asked, her voice low. When Rowan didn’t reply, she continued on, anyway. “I’ve been pretty good. Got myself a little place in the city. A dog. Little chihuahua named Fiona.”
Rowan blinked. He was tempted to say that he hadn’t asked, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“I’ve got some pretty wealthy clients, too,” she continued, continuing to work out that knot. “For the first time in ages, I’m secure, you know? Not just financially, just…secure.”
“Good to hear,” he replied, the words sounding more like a snarl through the pain, and she dug her knuckles into his back. The sound he made was halfway between a moan and a groan, he bit his lip to cut it off, but he noted the change in the way Maeve’s hands touched him.
Her touches became less like determined movements meant to heal and were more akin to petting, brushes along his side and a slow finger down his spine.
“And you?” She asked, pulling the blanket a bit lower on his back. He’d worn underwear for just that reason, not trusting her to not make an inappropriate move. “Are you living in Orynth?”
He cleared his throat and said, “Yep. Got an apartment down the road from the university.”
His answer was short and sweet. He wasn’t trying to invite more conversation.
“Not far from me then,” she replied, humming quietly.
Rowan’s shoulders tensed, but that just made her want to ease it away. His eyes closed and he remained quiet. 
“What about your personal life?” Maeve asked, at last.
Rowan didn’t answer, he just took a deep breath.
“Not trying to pry,” Maeve said, at last. “Just trying to make conversation.”
“I’m in pain,” he said, gently, the lie coming out easy. “Not really in a mood to make conversation.”
He could have sworn he felt the temperature in the room drop several degrees.
Her answer was curt. “Sorry.”
She stayed quiet for the rest of the massage, and when she finished, she told him to get redressed and left, heading back out into the main training facility.
He emerged a few moments later, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over his silver hair. He was already heading for the door, giving her a nod of thanks, when she spoke up.
“Rowan, wait.”
He hated hearing his name on her lips. His steps slowed and he turned around to look at her.
She hesitated slightly, but said, “I was going to go get dinner in a little bit. It’s been a while, I didn’t know if maybe you-.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mae,” he sighed. The familiar nickname slipped out before he had time to stop it. It caught him off guard. “I- I gotta get home. I’ll see you later.”
Rowan had grabbed his bag and was out the door before she had time to say another word
Aelin was at the stove, stirring a pot of homemade marinara sauce and humming quietly along with the radio when Rowan unlocked the door to her apartment and came in. Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at him before turning back to the cooktop. “Hey, you. How was practice?”
“My new massage therapist is my ex.”
The words came out in a rush and Rowan wasn’t even sure he consciously knew he had planned on saying them.
Aelin’s back stiffened and she set the wooden spoon on the trivet beside the stove. Silently, she turned and asked, “Your ex-girlfriend is giving you massages?”
Rowan closed his eyes and took a deep breath before nodding. “Before you say anything-.”
“Did this just start today?” she asked. Her tone held no judgement, only curiosity. However, there was a slight edge to her tone.
“She gave me the massage in my apartment-.”
Aelin held up a hand, and Rowan’s words instantly fell into silence.
Silence, where the room remained for far too long. “Aelin-.”
“Who is she?” Aelin asked, one brow raised. “I’ll kick her ass.”
“Her name is Maeve,” he said, making his way into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter. “She was my girlfriend in college. We dated for a couple of years, but… It didn’t end well. It became more about who I was in hockey, how I was playing, than it was about our relationship.”
“Maeve,” Aelin repeated, turning back to the stove. “Maeve, Maeve, Maeve… Hmm.”
Rowan was quiet, not exactly sure what to say.
“And you have to see her? You don’t have a choice?” She finally asked.
He shook his head. “Brello told me to get over my personal issues. I’m sure I can book a personal masseuse, but-.”
“No, your coach is right,” she sighed, stirring the pot, before putting the lid on and walking over to where Rowan stood. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “I don’t like it, but… that isn’t really my call to make.”
Rowan let out a relieved breath. “I know, it’s not mine either. Maybe you can give me massages here to help?” He smirked and, finally, Aelin’s beautiful smile returned.
“We’ll see,” she chuckled, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “Looks like I’ll just have to come to your games and make my presence known.”
“Make your presence known?” He crooned.
“I like to mark my territory,” Aelin breathed, her eyes bright. 
“And I’m your territory?” Rowan grinned.
“Whether you like it or not,” Aelin said, laughing softly. “Yes, you are.”
“Hmmm,” Rowan said, narrowing his eyes. “I can’t say that I don’t like that.”
He leaned down and kissed her one more time before asking, “So you aren’t mad?”
She stepped away, back to the stove, and said, “No, I’m not mad.” She paused and pulled a few spices from the cupboard. “Do I like it? Of course not, but there’s not much we can do about it.”
“Once I finish up this round of therapy, I won’t need it again,” he promised. “No more fights, no more getting slammed into the boards. I won’t have to see her anymore.”
Aelin laughed as she turned back to him. “You can’t make that promise, who’s to say what could happen?”
Rowan cringed. “That’s true. No more fighting though, I mean that.”
Aelin nodded, and he could tell she believed him.
He took a step closer and brushed her hair back. “You look beautiful.”
Aelin’s lips quirked as she said, “Trying to kiss my ass to get back on my good side?”
“Maybe,” he muttered, and kissed her forehead, softly. “Is it working?”
“Hmmm,” Aelin began, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Not yet, keep trying.”
Rowan’s grin widened as he leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers. “Now?”
Aelin sighed. “Getting there.”
“Only getting there, huh?” He breathed, his lips still brushing hers.
“I guess you’re going to have to step your game up,” Aelin cooed, slipping her hands down his back and into the waistband of his sweatpants.
Rowan’s grin was positively feline as he picked her up and carried her back into her bedroom.
Dinner was forgotten about for quite a while.
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timetear · 3 years
space force sentence starters
beligum is part of the european space energy because belgium is part of europe.
why don’t you noodle it around a little bit?
okay. what have we here… this says “bomb”. i don’t know if that is a noun, a verb, or an adjective describing my outfit.
are we now pretending we have tons of time?
i don’t see how that would help.
yes, but, we have the best personnel here on the ground and surely it is the people who invented the bus, rather than the driver, who are the best people to fix it.
wait, look, why do you distrust scientists?
okay. i’m going to check on [name]. you keep playing with murderous george.
wayne john! wayne john! i worked with him at IBM! he stole pencils! my pencils!
i’m sorry. are we interrupting your workout? would you like us to come back when you’re done?
what is this fucking shit?
and now i’m going to teach you the most subversive weapon known to man: passive aggression.
yeah, of course. because you’re a straight white male, you’ve always had other weapons. but the rest of us, we have to be subtle in our disobedience, or we risk punishment.
no, see, that’s sarcasm. that’s different.
that is above your pay grade.
[name], will you tell this prepubescent killing machine who i am?
dammit. a lifetime of military jackassery has taught him to repress and displace everything.
in real life, that makes me totally uninterested.
ah. well then, my vast experience in the ring will finally come in handy.
wha— what about my behavior invites ridicule?
so, now i’m getting fashion advice from a man who has worn the same 50/50 nylon cotton twill trousers for the past 40 years?
it’s not a suit. it’s an ensemble. chosen with great care and tact.
a title as meaningless as war itself.
actually, despite its lack of tectonic plates, the moon’s surface is a complex topography of mountains and craters among—
let’s hope we never face a battalion of empty cans.
there are a hundred screens. can’t one of them be PBS?
ow! right on the ankle.
oh, hush. i’m here to help.
i’m actually rather good at the shooting of baskets. it’s just physics.
do meet me at the gym tomorrow. i will destroy you.
you seem unusually peppy today. did one of your favorite sporting teams succeed in their goals?
so, in essence, i got you laid. you’re welcome.
how old do you think i am?
since when has making the president happy on his birthday become apart of our mission?
what are your impressions of the grilled cheese?
your leg’s jiggling.
his eyes were empty. like a department store mannequin.
wait. are you okay? you’re acting very strange.
okay, [name], so what now? would you like to shoot at my feet and i’ll dance a bit? or, you know what, i may have a diary from high school, and we could read that out. would that be sufficient humiliation?
don’t put too much pressure on the act itself. arousal is birthed in the brain.
you’re insane. he was gorgeous.
to be clear, i don’t want you. you’re an unfortunate necessity, like tipping or colonoscopies.
it was an off-the-cuff comparison, but i’ll tell you what, if it resonates for you...
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x0401x · 4 years
Maybe I’m challenged as I don’t see a PM button. Do I have to have tumblr account to see it?
Hum, yes. Sorry, I assumed you had an account. >_<’
Ack! You pinpointed the error in my analogy. Yes, hurting family and friends is one thing, but abandoning your brother/sister in arms is awful at a whole different level!
Especially if you’re in love with that sister-in-arms, yes.
I think we agree more on principles and differentiate in characterization. Here’s one that I’m sure you would agree. Yes, V’s social awkwardness is endearing. However, V’s smoothly tutoring Amy in mannerism befitting a debutante in the prior movie, and then improperly responding to the city mayor and non-diplomatically rebuking Hodgins’ overprotective gesture in the latest movie is just incongruous. I even dare to say lazy writing?  From that angle, I recall you frustratingly wrote about how V is dumbed down in the first anime movie.
I think you would also share the popular take of the anime Dietfried, where he literary turned saintly (thanks to V’s endless graceful response to his mean streaks) and became an admirable true older brother. I was hoping Gil would come back and scolded dickfried. Thus imagine how dumfounded I got when anime Dietfried told his weak and arguably selfish younger brother that he wanted to put Gil in a sack and throw it before Violet. That’s beyond 180 turn! It might as well be a novel alternate reality like IF (except less disturbing O__O … I still don’t know what to make of Diet-V relationship there!).
Yes and yes.
Btw, despite minimum coverage of anime Gil, looks like he went through similar catharsis and as remorseful as V for his role in the war. This change of heart is evident as he lived and served in former enemy territory among the very people whose sons and brothers he and Violet had most likely killed. The novel Gil had no such character development. Still, I snorted out loud when I read your pointing out all the plot holes in the movie, which added to gil’s jackassery.
That was a good one from the movie, I agree. But I’m sure that if novel!Gil had to live in an isolated island in a former enemy nation, he’d do the exact same thing. It’s not like he hated the enemies. He was just protecting his country.
Now, here’s a different take of V’s wholeness up to the reunion. Comparing the reunion in the anime vs the novel, the anime V is more whole. How come? Well, the novel V still viewed herself as a tool requiring order then, the anime one did not. Further, a true test of character is how one reacts when one does not get what one wants. The novel V was well rewarded for all the years of clinging ludicrously to the belief that Gil was alive. After all, he came to her rescue for the reunion. The girl soldier did not experience that unfathomable rejection from her everything. In contrary, anime V received painful rejection upon attempting to reunite. She searched all over, learned new profession, went through nervous breakdown, even resorted to suicide attempt for what turns out to be a weak man who chose to wallow in sorrow. This is undoubtedly unfair and painful to her, and the audience. It is heart piercing sad when the person with whom you create memory with becomes a memory. Yet she resolved to move on. Beyond moving on, there was not an ounce of resentment or even entitlement for an apology. That tear-jerking last letter exudes an attitude of gratitude as she listed EVERY single thing that weak, broken man had gifted her. Despite all his flaws, his love for her had become her way of living. How his kindness beget kindness of her own, which she generously shared with Amy and Taylor Bartlett among many others. Thus, the anime V is more noble and whole (at reunion) than her novel counterpart.
OP, you’re comparing the wrong Violet. ^^’ Remember that the anime has a different timeline? Movie!Violet is post-Gaiden. Novel!Violet during their reunion is pre-Gaiden. You should be comparing Ani!Violet with how Novel!Violet was in Gaiden chapter 6. The Violet who understands love more, who realizes that she was in love with Gil from day one, who had opened up to a romantic relationship, in which she’ll have to be equal to him and thus will never again be treated as a tool or receive orders from him.
As for the “how she reacts when she doesn’t get what she wants” thingy... I’m not sure if you recall, but Novel!Violet found out that Gil was alive way before their reunion. And she chose to let him be. She simply continued living like normal and waiting for him. If he decided to reunite with her, good. If he didn’t, that would be sad as fuck to her, but she would leave him alone, just as she had been doing all those months in-between summer and fall when she knew that he was all right and just moved on with her life.
So, yeah, I think they were both just as noble and whole. I’d actually give Novel!Violet more points because she didn’t even try to go change his mind. She simply took the obvious conclusion, which must have hurt a ton when looking back on all she had gone through, and respected his will.
Aw very kind of you to thank me for military service. By God’s grace I was spared from Gilbert and Violet’s type of service, but I did struggle to move on after service. A new career in emergency medicine has afforded me the privilege to be front and center as children, sibling, friend, and parent pass away by their loved ones. In the process, I learned to steer from being cold and aloof.  I compartmentalize well which enabled me to remain a functional professional throughout those traumatic moments, but the novel and anime let me process those compartments long after. It is eerily poignant how relatable VE journey is.  When lamentations over the end of dreams and relationships got overwhelming, the obligation to care for hurting patients pulled me away from the immobilizing self-pity. That pinky promise and thank you letter also hit home very hard. A year prior to the movie release, I did exactly those with a dearest person, whose life I am no longer a part of. I guess I internalize this work of fiction a bit too much eh? To me, VE is a profound lesson in empathy through the journey of loving, losing, longing, n letting go.
It’s not too much at all! It’s actually wonderful to know more and more about how relatable VE is to people who work/worked in the military, because I’m sure Akatsuki-sensei did her research on that.
All in all, thank you for bequeathing a space to pour the feels after the movie drained my tear ducts =) Honto ni arigatou gozaimas
You’re always welcome here, OP! Bless you. :>
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ground rules:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there, and is the ideal way to inquire more about any of the day's rules.
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 3 o’clock.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
I've planned on a few donation goals this time! They help pay for all the hours I put in and the material costs. Every time we hit a goal, I'll refresh it to 0 and math out whatever overlap to add to the new goal
$20 > Time For Tea! I make a sparkly, food safe glittery tea that looks like ink to enjoy with yall on stream
$30 > Jackbox Break! My Discord VC and potentially chat plays a few games
$40 > Takeout O'clock: It is time to order a food, Mia! Polls will probably be involved for food options
$200 (I am fairly sure we won't get this one) > I bought all the requisite items to bleach my hair to prep for a dye. Let's do this shit LIVE ON AIR BAYBEE
Also of Note: I will be moving house sometime in the next week and a half, which means I will be RECYCLING ALL OF THE CARDS I'VE WRITTEN IN THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS (save for the ones folks pay for on stream, those are earmarked to be mailed out anyways) so if you've gotten something written by me from september 2021 to january 2024 or so, please remember that there is an an etsy shop where you can snag any card from the blog for a few dollars. dm the shop if you'd like to buy a bundle of randoms, I WILL give you a sale about it
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Welcome | About Me | Blog Guide
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Hello and welcome to my blog!
My name for the blog is Queen Bee, but you can call me anything of the sort, or Deanna! Before I get started, here’s a heads up:
This blog is 18+ and contains works that may be triggering to some, this ranges from Nsfw to yandere, and everything will be tagged in case you wish to block them.
Please do not interact with my 18+ works if you’re a minor or cannot handle the content. Warnings are put in place and tagged, if I do miss a tag or a warning, please leave a respectful ask about the post and what needs to be tagged. It would be a lot easier of you were to also leave a link to the post in question so I can fix it as soon as possible, thank you! :D
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     I N T R O | N A V I G A T I O N
Here is my [ M A S T E R L I S T ]! This has links to quite literally everything in the blog, from rules to mini masterlists to AU tags- if you want to find a specific piece everything is tagged!
This blog is a welcoming and open place, feel free to talk about what you'd like, just be respectful. Any hateful rhetoric or general jackassery will be blocked cause I'm not dealing with that, we all just wanna chill and thirst over our favs, let's do that respectfully.
     T A G S 
Nsfw posts will be tagged as: thirst, thirst hours, thirst confessions, or [ Character ] thirst ( i.e. Sebek thirst )
Hard Kinks are welcomed and will be tagged. Few things really bother me, and if it does make me uncomfortable, I'll let you guys know on this post. I don't judge anyone for any kinks they have but I will be tagging for the sake of others.
Anything with triggering content or is a hard kink will be tagged as: tw: [ Trigger ] ( i.e. tw: yandere )
Asks will be tagged as: queens answer, and answered
AUs will be listed as so in the masterlist, so just look it up and it should pop up
queen.writing is fairly new, and will hold all my writing! Blurbs, scenarios, etc.
queen.ans fairly new, me answering questions!
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     A B O U T   M E
My name is Deanna, but I go by Queen Bee, Queen, Bee, or something along those lines.
My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw and my MBTI is ENTP-A
I’m always open for random asks and questions, and even talking about OCs! You guys are so creative and I love learning about them!
Hope you guys enjoy the blog and feel free to send in asks!
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avid-adoxography · 4 years
F/Os List
Welcome to the boyfriend supply, where consistency is just a bad joke.
A couple disclaimers first:
∆ Excluding the ship with the Blot, everything else may be subject to change over time but I'll try to keep the list updated whenever possible.
∆ General monster appreciation will simply be tagged as #exophilia.
∆ I'm a firm believer of the multiverse theory (as in my F/O version is not your version) so we can merrily share our respective partners without worries. If y'all're comfortable about it too ofc.
∆ Which means that, if you got a S/I within any of my same universes I'm gonna consider you a friend, unless stated otherwise by lore and/or mutual agreement.
💜 Romantic F/Os 💜
Macchia Nera (The Phantom Blot) ~ Topolino (Italian Mickey Mouse comics) | Main Tag: thick as thieves | Wizards of Mickey (WoM) Tag: walk on vanity ruins | Darkenblot Tag: hubristic automation | Resident Evil AU Tag: reward and result
Sturm ~ Resident Evil Village | Tag: Sturm und Drang
Lord Bhaltair Kardok ~ MediEvil Resurrection (based on my / @evilblot's version and in desperate need of an update) | Tag: calcium supplement
King Cornelius (aka The Horned King) ~ The Black Cauldron | Tag: delichously bad
Attila Buckethead ~ Tangled | Tag: Til the batter end
Hex ~ Ben 10 (2016) | Tag: hextravaganza
Original Characters:
Oliver Veenstra ~ MediEvil Resurrection (belongs to me / @evilblot and in desperate need of an update) | Tag: a dire heterophony
Greg Madsen ~ Resident Evil 4 (belongs to me / @evilblot and in desperate need of an update) | Tag: exquisite corpses
✨ Side hoes F/Os ✨
Ricardo ~ Kinnikuman Nisei / Ultimate Muscle | Tag: the art of submission
Boromir of Gondor ~ LOTR (movies) | Tag: guren bêd enni
Solaire of Astora ~ Dark Souls | Tag: tender embers
The Merchant ~ Resident Evil 4 | Tag: is that all, bestie? | Platonic ✨
Jack O' Lantern ~ GAOBAM | Tag: assorted jackassery | Platonic ✨
James Sunderland ~ Silent Hill 2 | Tag: blood-stained kintsugi
Lord Decibel ~ Ben 10 (2016) | Tag: music makes you lose control | Platonic ✨
Karl Sturnguard ~ MediEvil | Tag: shield from reality | Crush
Spamton G. Spamton ~ Deltarune Chapter 2 | Tag: De profundis clamavi ad te
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N aka Queen ~ Deltarune Chapter 2 | Tag: trucies night out | Platonic✨
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therpmemeshop · 6 years
more lines from modern media that are raw as hell
warning: some may be nsfw
insp: x / x
❝ we deserve a soft epilogue, my love. ❞
❝  we are good people and we’ve suffered enough. ❞
❝ violence for violence is the rule of beasts. ❞
❝ when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you learn. ❞
❝ will you fight? or will you perish like a dog? ❞
❝ welcome to my twisted mind. ❞
❝ i will face god and walk backwards into hell. ❞
❝ you mean the chaos emeralds? ❞
❝ i see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. ❞
❝ it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. ❞
❝ it's not about the size of the dog in the fight but about the size of the fight in the dog. ❞
❝ pick a hell and rot there. ❞
❝ we are the timeline that god has abandoned. ❞
❝ do you think that god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created? ❞
❝ every day we stray further from god’s light. ❞
❝ you’re about to experience the wrath of a god. ❞
❝ alone on a friday night? god, you’re pathetic. ❞
❝ you sit on a throne of lies. ❞
❝ they don’t decide who you are. you are who you choose to be. ❞
❝ thanks to you, i am saddled with unnecessary… feelings. ❞
❝ i survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ❞
❝ bold of you to assume i can die. ❞
❝ if you had the chance to change your fate, would you? ❞
❝ it’s a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming...on days like these, kids like you... should be burning in hell. ❞
❝ despite everything, it’s still you. ❞
❝ in this world, it’s kill or be killed. ❞
❝ i’d sell you to satan for one corn chip. ❞
❝ prove to me that you are strong enough to survive. ❞
❝ i should have killed you when i had the chance. ❞
❝ god won’t let me die. ❞
❝ god gave me depression because if my ambitions went unchecked i would have bested him in hand to hand combat by age 16. ❞
❝ you know i had to do it to em. ❞
❝ it seems you were the one offended, my good bitch. ❞
❝ you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man. ❞
❝ the risk i took was calculated, but man, am i bad at math. ❞
❝ this jackassery will NOT stand! ❞
❝ god can’t help you now. ❞
❝ i am a monument to all your sins. ❞
❝ if the world chooses to become my enemy, i will fight like i always have. ❞
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petersmparker · 5 years
Welcome Home pt 2 (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: It’s the morning after Peter arrives at your bedroom window and asks if he can stay the night with you.
Warnings: like one curse?? if anyone cares
Word Count: 1473
A/N: this chapter always felt kinda special to me. mostly because I’m super attached to the idea of the reader having a relationship with Peter that’s built on a friendship that’s true to the ones I’ve experienced w the jovial jackassery toward each other?? anyway, please please please let me know what you think!! Message me! send an ask! whatever!!
You wake up before Peter does. Unsurprising, considering the weight of both him and the metal suit encompassing him. It's hard to be too bothered, though, when so comforted by the fact that Peter has managed to sleep at all after spending so long running on fumes. His hair is tickling your nose, he's thrown his leg over yours during the night, cutting off some circulation, and his arm beneath your lower back has it arching a bit uncomfortably, but he's the most at peace that you've seen in two months, and you figure that is a small price to pay for it.
What Peter had said when he'd arrived-- It's my fault that Mr. Stark is dead-- was still very concerning, but you force yourself to keep those worries quelled. You know that once Peter is willing to talk, he'll come to you. For now, you choose to be grateful for last night's progress.
Since you want to let Peter sleep for as long as possible, you find yourself confined to the bed until he wakes. You take the time to message Aunt May and let her know, without too much detail, where Peter is and what he's doing so she doesn't have to worry when she wakes up. It doesn't take long for her to respond with a relieved thank goodness. You spend nearly an hour and a half afterwards awkwardly holding a book in your left hand while you read away the time, running your right up and down Peter's back in between page turns.
He finally wakes when the sun has had a chance to fully rise, shifting as consciousness begins to return to him. During this, the now-warm metal covering his hand slides up your partially exposed side. You shiver and huff out a bit of a startled laugh at the same time that Peter groans softly and says, "I can't feel my arm."
Smiling, you set down your book and lift yourself enough for Peter to slide his left arm out from under you. "My bad," you say, not really feeling or sounding all that guilty as your spine relishes in the feeling of not being bent weird.
"Brat," Peter responds, pushing himself up into a sitting position and running his hands through his messed up curls.
Though you don't express it at that moment, his use of the teasing name sparks hope in you. It's almost as if a night's sleep has put some life back in him.
He stretches his arms up high. You watch the movement, vaguely disappointed by the Iron Spider suit which hides the expanse of his back. "What time is it?" He asks, pulling you out of your thought.
"About ten, by now."
Peter turns around and reaches out to light up your phone screen, seemingly in disbelief, "No way," he says, "I slept for that long?"
"Eleven whole, undisturbed, very clingy hours," you assure, smiling.
He falls back onto the bed next to you and stares at the ceiling, still looking surprised. "I feel kinda better."
"You seem kinda better."
The ghost of a smile alights on his features, but it is quickly replaced by something not unlike guilt. "I'm sorry to have just shown up like that," Peter says, glancing at you, "It was kind of rude. I wasn't feeling great and I was so exhausted that when I swung past the building it suddenly seemed like where I needed to be."
You bring your hand up to his face and turn it back toward you. His eyes meet yours for a moment before he averts his gaze, still looking guilty. Suddenly, you worry that your action may have been an awkward thing to do. "Haven't we lost count of the number of times I've told you that I'm here for you by now?" You question anyway, not moving your hand.
You're reassured when he resumes eye contact, looking more comfortable. "My family all got snapped together, Peter. We're okay. We had some stuff to figure out, sure, but none of us had to suffer through those five years alone. And that means that you, Peter, you are the only person I love who needs me right now. Don't you ever apologize. You could probably kick down my bathroom door while I'm in the shower and demand my attention and I'd hop the fuck out with conditioner still in my hair. I want you to come to me."
Peter stares at you, hard, for a few moments. He puts his hand on yours, which is still resting on his cheek. When he speaks, it's with the first smile he's given you since the return. "I would let you finish your shower after I kicked in your door."
"What a gentleman," you laugh, chest lightening at the sight of his smile, "I'm swooning, Peter. Look at me swoon."
You pull your hand away from his in order to wave it dramatically in front of your face. Peter chuckles, a blessed sound to your ears, and though you suddenly feel like bursting into tears at the joy it brings you, you maintain your facade. "Is it warm in here? My face feels hot. Oh dear."
When you fall dramatically from your side onto your back, Peter takes the opportunity that the extra space provides to snatch the pillow out from underneath his own head and hit you in the face with it. You let him get a few whacks in, giggling, before you grab a hold of it on the next downswing, struggling to pull it from his superhuman grip.
"Submit!" Peter exclaims as he easily manages to pull it from your grasp and hit you several more times, "Tap out!"
"No!" You holler back, launching yourself onto your knees to gain the advantage of higher ground, "Stop cheating, you absolute menace."
Peter falls back to the mattress, gasping, and pushes the pillow upward against your face just enough to make you teeter a bit. "I would never," he says, affronted, pulling his locked elbows back and you forward so the pillow no longer obstructs your view of the betrayed expression he wears.
"You can lift a bus," you insist, putting all of your body weight on the pillow despite the awkward angle in an attempt to force it back down onto his face, "Therefore any use of strength you display is inherently cheating. Jelly arm this fight or I will sue for assault and battery, Peter, I swear to god. I may have let it go before I knew you were Spider-Man, but I will no longer allow it!"
"Alright, fine!"
Peter immediately throws his arms down to the sides of his head. Your weight, no longer supported, instantly falls forward. Had Peter not pushed back his arms before, you'd have rammed the pillow into his face quite hard. As it were, you land, elbows locked, with the pillow in the space your tussle had left between his head and the bed frame. You're left hovering a foot above his face, and you inadvertently realize very, very quickly how beautiful he looks in this moment.
His cheeks are flushed pink, eyes rimmed with dark circles but brighter than they'd been in weeks, messy hair spread out around his head. Seconds pass about as quickly as decades, and despite the eternity you spend there, you can't quite read his expression. Your eyes flicker down to follow the movement of his tongue when it peeks out to moisten his bottom lip, and oh christ-
You all but scramble away, sitting up and putting your back against the wall that the side of the bed is pushed up against. You're silently thankful when Peter only hesitates for a second, looking some odd and vaguely terrifying combination of confused and-- and what? Upset? Angry? Grossed out?
He sits up and shoots you a small smile like it hadn't happened, once again reaching up to fix his hair, which is now monumentally worse than before. "Thanks again," he says, somehow managing to sound like nothing weird and friendship-ruining almost just happened on your behalf, "I guess next time I should dress a bit more appropriately for a sleepover."
The sick feeling that had been seeping through you since the moment you sat up freezes in its tracks and begins to dissipate. "Next time?" You ask.
Peter shifts a bit awkwardly. "I mean, if you're okay with that," he amends quickly, "Obviously I'll back off if you're not, but you said that last night was okay, and. . . I really don't know of any other way to actually get a nights sleep right now."
It's hard not to smile at him when you throw out a leg and lightly kick his side, shocking the unsure expression off his face. "Then I expect I'll be seeing you later tonight, then, huh?"
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Darkwing Duck: My Valentine Ghoul Review aka A Bad Episode Even by Valentine’s Day Episode Standards
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Welcome back Darkwings of the Night. It’s time to go back to St. Canard for the very review that got me to finish up my look at the episodes that should’ve lead up to Just Us Justice Ducks and the episode itself last month. While I probably COULD have reviewed this one before finsihing that as continuity’s pretty loose here, I wanted to see Negaduck’s proper introduction first. So was it worth it?
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Yeah while I was glad to get one of my retrospectives done and free up some room for other stuff, this episode..was an objective disapointment and might be even worse than “Brush with Oblivion”. If your curious to know why and aren’t already lobbing a harpoon at me for bashing an episode you liked, join me under the cut. 
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On PAPER this episode sounded really good. Negaduck trying to seduce Morgana back to crime and in general after Darkwing once again neglected her is not at all a bad premise and the in episode conflict of Darkwing’s obnoxious supscioson of his girlfriend being an ex con, COULD’VE been really interesting. But there’s a reason Could’ve was in all caps folks: This episode is not very well put together and it’s gender politics have aged like fine santa liquor left split in a bathtub surronded by toxic waste for 20 years, and tastes just as bad. Trust me I know. My colon still hasn’t recovered. So let’s get into WHY shall we? 
So we open with a date in a graveyard with Darkwing and Morgana, unsuprisingly though Darkwing isn’t the fondest of their meal which... look like someone scrambled the Star-Spawn of Cthulu. He’s going to be pissed.. especially once I try some. Look i’m very curious and very hungry. 
But things take a turn when Darkwing brings up diamonds, because he’s fully insensitive enough to bring them up in front of his girlfriend. She does take the truth in stride: he’s not proposing he’s simply hung up on a case of diamonds going missing, and no solution and thus might have to cut the date short. She offers to go with him but he shoots her down, saying the last time she helped she turned him into a rutabega.. instead of you know TRAINING her and helping her on her aim.  Then the episode looses me.. and about how long into the episode are we exactly? Not taking the theme song into acount?
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Yup. It takes around 2 minutes, with some change. for the episode to become absolutley terrible. But first off Morgana suddenly flies off the table claming he dosen’t trust her for being a former criminal and zaps him in vengance.. which is assualt. Cartoony assault sure but it still hurts and his reactoin is STILL pure feer as he’s turned into some kind of ball... I mean.. it’s not like he can’t fight crime like that. Some of the best have done it. 
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But still she goes to physical violence at the drop of a hat this episode and Darkwing seems more than a little afraid of that happening again. Just... wow.  I thought, having finished the Legend of the Three Cablleros, i’d be done with writing so poor a character comes off as a domestic abuser, mental in that case phsyical here, but here we are. Now this is untetional so I don’t blame the writers as much.. but I still heft some blame on them for being SO bad at writing a woman that she can’t get angry without phsyically attacking her partner or grasping the implications there. 
Oh and it gets worse. Yes, it somehow gets worse from “Morgana attacking darkwing for upsetting her”. Darkwing proves to be pretty vile himself, as when Morgana accuses him of not trusting her due to her criminal past.... he says “You know what they say once a crook always a crook. “
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My.. fucking.. god.... the show is stacking unfortunate implications on top of itself like lego bricks. And yes attitudes towards prisoners were much worse back then, I get that. Dosen’t make it tolerable to HEAR someone spouting that bullshit, let alone our protaganist. And while it doesn’t make her right to shoot lighting at him, as she does after this or attack him before... it does mean he’s a massive, mentally abusive dick who refuses to trust his partner who reformed FOR HIM, just because she used to do crimes. It takes a special kind of bad writing to screw up so badly that two of your heroes are immensley unikeable in the span of minutes but they did. CONGRADULATIONS DUMBASS!
So yeah Morgana breaks up with him and he tries to go after her  and Gosalyn, who was there the whole time with eek and squeak,  decides she needs to get the two back together. 
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I mean at least Gosalyn MEANS well. As a result despite her helping them not being a good idea, she’s one of the most likeable characters in the episode. At least for now. The most likeable?
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Yes. REALLY. Now granted he’s as much of a bastard as always; After seeing Morg’s tantrum he wants to seduce her back to evil to help with his diamond scheme, unsurprisingly he’s the one stealing them and his plan to do so.. is not all that bright as he fakes being good to get into her good graces.. forgetting that he’s going to need to show her he’s bad again for any of his plan to work, as during the climax i’ts revealed he’s using a candy company as a front for diamond smuggling. Now granted that.. is actually really clever as no one’s going to think to check a shipment of choclate boxes for diamonds unless their tipped off and he even mentions starting a candy company earlier, so that being his scheme dosen’t come out of left field and i’ts  a clever misdirect that you’d THINK he was lying about the Candy Company.  But while Negsy doesn’t’t escape the contagious case of stupidity everyone’s got this episode, he’s still entertaining as ever and Jim cummings manages to make saying “Well be the best of pals” pants crappingly terrifiying. So Negaduck is a delight as always even if his plan makes little sense, as his way of going about it is still clever: he fakes being good and both uses this to make darkwing jealous, thus making him seem irational, and to provide a shield and also forces himself on their valentine’s date. He even gets past Morgana rightfully beign supsicous by playing to her past. So yeah not the best plan OVERALL but damn if he still isn’t awesome.  They visit a carnival, ah feels like home, though this one has a freak show where MORGANA feels like she’s home. After trying to fry Darkwing and making him look like the bad guy Negaduck manages to seperate the two in the tunnel of love then use darkwing’s own jackassery against him by claming he left saying once a crook always a crook. He hten.. comes on way too strong, first asking if she’s thought about going back to crime when they get back to her place and then isn’t resceptive when he just tries to fully turn on the charm. Oh and Darkwing walks in and thinks his gilrfriend is cheating despite her not returning Negaducks affections because he’s a douchebag.  Gosalyn is in the house at the same time as after Negaducks earlier deception, Eek and Squeak flew her back to Morgana’s house to use the Necronomiduck, which talks like he just walked out of Beast’s house because of course he does, and gets a love potion.. which they accidently spray on Darkwing instead. So we do get one of the few GOOD parts of the episode where Darkwing acts all buddy buddy to negaduck and Negaduck even gets rid of him just by telling him to go jump off a cliff. And the combination of Drake acting all sachrine again, much like posiduck, and Negaduck’s clear annoyance and confusion is just comedy gold. 
Sadly that ends and Drake returns and a fight breaks out with Morgana accidently freezing darkwing and when trying to freeze negaduck, he simpy reflects it back the obsconds with her ice cube. 
While Gosalyn and co thaw her dad out, Negaduck explains the whole choclate scam and Morgana refuses and they fight, with Negaduck covering her in chocolate.. then darkwing when he shows up as you’d expect. Darkwing however has buzzsaw cufflinks, a wonderful 60′s batman type gag, and saves them both.. btu the love potion ends up on Gosalyn who covers her dad and possible step mom in frosting
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Thankfully it wears off fast, and morgana gets the idea to put the love potion, which is air born into the gas gun, finally getting Darkwing to trust her and blasting Negaduck, then suckerpunching him when he gets close. Oh and despite her plan being VERY obvious , Darkwing STILL questions her flirting with the guy. 
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So the day is saved and we end with him questioning her order at dinner that night and her .. attacking him. And Gosalyng saying “Well you always hurt the ones you love”
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Final Thoughts: .I do not like this episode. I do not like it on a moat, on a boat or with a goat or in any way shape or form even though that breaks the ryhme. Reviewing it only had me finding MORE problems with it. Morgana and Darkwing are so unsympathetic here, with her violence towards him making it seem like “Aw all couples are just the woman chasing the man around with the frying pan.. or lighting bolts in this case” even though that’s sexist as hell at BEST and makes light of domesdtic abuse towards men at worst.  Darkwing gets off no better, being THAT kind of asshole who assumes just because someone used to be a criminal they always will be. Which even in pastiche makes no sense as I can name tons of superheroes, a who USED to be criminals or villians: Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Luke Cage (Before becoming a superhero), Scott Lang Ant-Man, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Cassandra Cain, Simon Baz, Mach 10, Songbird, Quicksilver, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Emma Frost. And that’s not getting into the number of heroes, including many on this list, who went evil fo ra bit and came back from it.. some of whom are on this list. Usually his black and white insanity schick works but the episode does nothing to punish him for it and instead makes Morgana seem just as irrational by attacking him. 
While this episode dosen’t use the love potion badly, thank god, with morgana even calling it a bad idea.. i’ts all I can give it outside of negaduck. The love potion and negaduck gags are both great.. but everything else is just so toxic and odious it makes it very hard to enjoy. And so.. this wins the DUBIOUS honor of being the worst Darkwing Duck episode i’ve seen so far. The plot’s weak, filled with horrible outdated ideas even by the time this was made, and no one is likeable, even Negaduck wears out his once he starts getting a bit too pushy with morgana. All in all a waste of potetial and a good episode. Until the next rainbow, this episode can step on a rusty railroad spike and get tetnus. 
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