#// we all know he isn't actually upset lmao he just don't like being called out LOL
requiemofrebellion · 11 months
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@petalbound ― * ― unprompted.
[Karma to Hiroto] "Well, by the sounds of it, you threw this plan together last minute."
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Last minute?! Hiroto’s eyes narrowed and a large frown crossed his lips. A huff of being slightly 'upset' with such an accusation leaving him. 
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“ Dude, rude. ” He said, crossing arms over his chest. “ I worked super hard on this. It wasn’t last minute! I made this plan two hours ago! ” It was so last minute. “ Besides, look at what you all have done and came up with! Nothing! And when you do come up with something, nothing has worked! So, don’t diss the plan until you try the plan! Just you watch, mine is gonna get him! ” He threw his hand out as if he was offering Karma a handshake. “ Bet! ”
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blubun0309 · 2 months
I was thinking about Dandy's 'IMBI' fanfic suddenly, when a thought hit me: Why are the brother's given the senses that they are? Why is Mikey sight, Raph hearing, and Donnie touch?
I think it's subjective, and you can interpret it in any way you deem right, I just wanna put my two cents in. Of course, there's no way of me knowing if this is accurate to Dandy's vision or not, but let me know your own thoughts!
Let's go in order, shall we?
I think Mikey may have been the most difficult to crack, simply because I had no idea what it could represent for his and Leo's relationship. But then I realized, it's not about him and Leo, it's about him and everyone else.
Mikey's the youngest, he's the "baby", the little one, the happy go lucky 'everything's gonna be okay!' guy. His personality paired with his age makes his family baby him or chalk up his reactions to certain situations as him being naive.
But not Leo. Leo treated him like an equal, he's the annoying older brother Mikey looks up to and admires and wants to be like. To Mikey, Leo is his badass, awesome big brother, the only one who he feels doesn't baby him.
So with Leo out of the picture, who's gonna believe him when he says he's seeing the ghost of his presumably dead brother? No one. Because he's "naive".
And they don't believe him, so he and Leo have to PROVE that Leo's alive. And only THEN do they believe it. And, as happy as he is that they can now work on fixing Leo, it still hurts. Because they don't trust him, even though he's so strong as so capable and always razzes his tazz in the coolest ways, they don't trust him, because he's young and "in denial".
Also, Mikey and Leo are probably the most chaotic duo, so them being together so much due to everything previously stated is SO fun. Their interactions are immaculate.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Raph and Donnie are fully at fault here. Considering Leo's circumstances, Mikey was very reckless during the car chase scene, and it made Leo's situation get worse a bit. However, they need Mikey. And Mikey and Leo have an undeniable advantage with Leo being able to walk through walls and warn them for any danger through Mikey. They want a second chance, to make things right, but Donnie and Raph still said no.
I don't blame anyone though, because it's more that their circumstance is difficult and no one knows what to do, what is right or wrong.
Mikey was given that second chance, though. His brother's recognized they needed him. They wanted to bench only Leo, but that blue boy wasn't staying behind no matter what lmao. Which leads us to...
Raph's was a bit tricky but also incredibly obvious (I don't know how that works, just roll with it).
Raph and Leo aren't the best at communicating. They end up yelling at each other most of the time. Even with the curse, they still argued through Mikey.
And Leo breaking his promise to Raph on staying behind made Raph even MORE upset. Leo could have dissapeared, he could've been GONE forever, all because he was reckless and followed them despite promising he wouldn't.
But, Raph has to admit, without Leo, they would've been SO lost in that cave, and it was ultimately a good thing that he joined them, but it was still so scary. Who knows what could have gone wrong. He isn't mad at Leo, per se, he's just mad at the circumstances. He wants to keep Leo safe, because Leo is his brother. He's almost lost Leo TWICE, he wasn't going to risk actually losing him again. He didn't WANT to risk it. It's hard to keep Leo, hell, all his brother's safe when what's safe and what's right don't align.
As the eldest, he has to make that call, and it scares him. Leo keeps putting his own well-being down, he keeps putting himself in danger for them, and it scares Raph. It scares all of them.
Raph is frustrated, he lashes out, he hurts his brother's feelings when he only wants to keep him safe. He cares so much for Leo, and he wants what's best for him more than anything, but when Leo doesn't cooperate, it frustrates him.
They have a well needed talk about it, though, and it's very beautiful. Because Leo had just had a talk with Mikey about the exact same thing, about putting oneself in danger without thinking of the consequences, and he understands how Raph feels about it now. Regardless, Raph says he's proud of him, for doing the right thing, and he is.
Raph wants Leo to understand his perspective, how he feels, and once Leo does, it makes things so much easier.
Donnie's is pretty straight forward and DEFINITELY the easiest to understand (at least for me) but, basically...yeah it's because Donnie doesn't like touch, but I have more!
But yes, Donnie is touch repulsed. The best indicator of such is in the movie when Raph has to make it clear that he wasn't giving a hug, it was a rescue. There's more examples but you get the gist. However, there are plenty of times in the show when Donnie is shown being physically affectionate, which leads me to believe it's something that depends on his feelings during any given moment. If he feels like it, he'll be affectionate. And, you know, having his brother almost die and now be a ghost of sorts...yeah, he's not feeling great. Which is why I LOVE him being given touch. Throughout this whole fic, Leo is HEAVILY touch-starved. Bro's a GHOST, of course he is. And now Donnie is placed in a position in which he is quite literally his touch-starved brother's ONLY source of physical affection.
He and Leo had been very distant up until that point due to being unable to, you know, interact at all, and adding the fact that Donnie, in an emotionally bad state, doesn’t like physical affection when it's sudden or in general, it's incredibly interesting to give Donnie the one sense that he's uncomfortable with. He feels bad, because Leo wants to FEEL him and hug him, but he's not in a mental state to reciprocate. He shuts down when he's stressed. That scene where he shakes off Leo's hand after threatening the fire element. Augh, chills, literal chills.
Also. I dunno, but if my ghost brother who I've only known is a ghost for a little while, was suddenly able to touch me without me being able to see it coming...yeah I would be pretty freaked out too.
Also, I think the scene where Raph hugs Donnie is very interesting, because to Leo, it means that Donnie is okay with physical touch, as long as it's not HIM. Now, both feel bad. Donnie for not being able to reciprocate Leo's...(I don't want to say 'adances' because it sound weird but I've got nothing else), and Leo for, in his mind, being 'selfish' for wanting Donnie's affection.
This whole time, Leo was gone for Donnie. Mikey could see him, Raph could hear him, but him and Leo had no way of communicating by themselves.
Which makes that scene where they finally communicate and hug SO much more impactful. When Leo hugs him first, it showed Donnie that Leo wasn't gone, he was here, with him, and he wasn't mad at him. And then Leo got a hug back, he finally, FINALLY got one after two weeks of not being able to touch anything or anyone.
And now, Donnie isn't uncomfortable with Leo's touch. Because now he not only understands that Leo desperately needs affection and he's his only way of getting it, but also Leo isn't gone. He's here, and Donnie will hold him if it means he won't dissapear again. Gosh, I love me some Disaster Twins.
I think IMBI does an incredible job at really laying out all the brother's feelings and relationships with each other in such a beautiful way. Oh my god I love fanfiction.
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
do you know how fucking mad i am at the fact that the webcomic gave us lloyd giving javier his own mana in an attempt to save his life and javier overcoming literal dimensional differences in order to be able to accept it into his body effectively foreshadowing how far he's willing to go just to be able to protect lloyd,,,, but they did it all with a fucking 'haha lloyd is ugly' joke. do you.
this could've been one of the best scenes in the entire thing. it could've been such a pivotal point for their character development. it could've been one of the most earnest moments in the story. but it's made into a joke because they just need to draw the ugliest faces possible to make a cheap joke that has been made a hundred times already. i'm not being funny i'm genuinely mad at the wasted potential lmao
the tone of the scene was changed from the webnovel so much it's almost unrecognizable. and not in a good way. like. why would you cheapen the emotional core of your own story like this. do you trust your own plot and characters so little to keep your readers engaged with the story that you feel the need to make everything in a joke. is that it. was the original story not funny enough to keep your attention so you think no one will care if you turn what's meant to be an earnest and heartwarming scene into a joke you've made hundreds of time before.
i'm not. mad. about the changes themselves (mostly). like i said this particular scene had so much potential to compliment the original story and foreshadow the ending that i'm actually upset that the tone and art made it so i can't in good faith say i like it.
they just. shot themselves in the foot by trying to make the scene funny. all the tension and emotional built up is wasted when the webcomic makes fun of itself. it cannot take itself seriously so i can't either.
like. it was going so well. i loved the built up with the scene where they talk about javier's parents and you see that they're still emotionally guarded with each other, they don't quite feel close enough to the other to call themselves friends even when we know that they care deeply for each other. i liked that they changed it so lloyd had the opportunity to save javier the way he wasn't able to in the novel. i even liked the development with lloyd's mana being so different from javier's that he struggles with accepting it, cause it was a chance to call forward to a very important event in the future.
the scene where they're reaching for each other as they realize that yes, they're friends and god help them they will save their friend no matter what?? gorgeous i loved it so much, it wasn't 'We'll be together forever, just like we've always been. Casually. As natural as breathing air.' yeah but it was perfectly okay on it's own too.
and then they do this.
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like. what.
all that emotional built up, all that tension, all of it,,, for this?? this????
what's the point of making your audience feel emotionally engaged with the story if you're just gonna make the art equivalent of a fart noise. a well executed yet still completely out of place fart noise lmao
it doesn't feel funny, it just makes me feel like i wasted my time being emotionally invested in something that isn't interested in delivering. it's like watching someone setting up dominoes to topple them in a gorgeous pattern only for them to put on clown shoes and start kicking them all over the place without rhyme or reason. like yeah they're in their right but then what was the point of all that work in the first place.
and yeah maybe it's my fault for expecting something earnest and heartfelt from a webcomic that has shown multiples times that it's not interested on that but like. is it really too much to expect for an adaptation to, well, adapt the original source in a way that doesn't feel like it's making fun of it??
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dragon-cookies · 8 months
Episode 7, here goes nothing
You are literally too perfect for this show sir
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Why does Alastor have more screentime in Charlie's room than her literal girlfriend
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He's so fucking happy listening to her trauma dump I hate him /pos
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Oh yeah the whole "angels can be killed" was a plot point wasn't it lol
Damn Charlie why so bitter about Vaggie being an angel. Like I understand being upset she kept such a big secret from you but it's not like she didn't have her reasons? Vaggie probably just figured it'd be safest to pretend to be a demon since she couldn't return to Heaven
"Come now Alastor she's much too young for you" S T O P
OH SHIT actual verbal confirmation Alastor's ace?? I was NOT expecting that
Cannibal Town is lovely design-wise but the characters dressed in red on a background is getting hard to look at
Rosie's design is pretty nice too, her design isn't too overly complicated
Carmilla: *makes it clear she doesn't want to help Vaggie fight angels* Also Carmilla: *immediately starts teaching Vaggie how to fight angels* Make it make sense ma'am
"It's not like you've ever failed to inspire before" Al I don't think Charlie's managed to inspire anyone once but okay
I also just realized, wouldn't you think Vaggie would know something about how to kill an angel since she is one? Or at the very least know their weak points?
Oh okay so Vaggie didn't even know she herself could be harmed, fair enough I suppose
Wait so the angels' main weakness is their own weapons? And no one has figured this out until just now???
Carmilla's design looks way better with her hair down imo
It is honestly a crime Vaggie has such little screentime as she does, because the more I see of her the more I like her. It's also so frustrating Charlie basically just cut her off the second she found out she was an angel when her whole goal is redeeming people?? Charlie why are you fine with every other character calling you a bitch and Alastor literally owning peoples' souls but completely shun your own girlfriend because she (understandably imo) kept a secret from you??
And even after Charlie shunned her Vaggie is STILL 100% dedicated to supporting her cause and is willing to fight to keep her safe. Vaggie you deserve so much better
Aw Al giving Charlie his mic is sweet, what can I say. Characters trusting another character with a prized possession of theirs gets me
Hmmmm Al and Rosie's duet sounds a little sus. Sounds like Al wants to shape Charlie into something specific. Maybe in order to take over Hell or something??
Charlie why you making that face about your girlfriend's wings, what are you thinking about
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Also really kinda wish these two actually sat down and had a talk together, but we already know this show has zero down time, so onto the finale I guess. So, so much of this show's pacing could be fixed if these characters just sat down and talked to each other. Charlie specifically should be spending more time with all the characters she claims to care about, but I'd be willing to bet money she's not Viv's favorite character lmao
I feel like this show was really scared it wasn't going to get another season, so they just crammed as much stuff as they could into 8 episodes. Which, now that it's been renewed for another season, what exactly are they planning on doing going forward? Ease up on the lightning-fast pacing or just keep the same momentum? If it gets more than two seasons I honestly have no clue what they're going to do story-wise because pretty much everything is being wrapped up neatly. Ah well, I guess time can only tell
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turtlesocksv2 · 8 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever Ep 7
I am SO SO SO excited for this and for PhiNon I am READY let's GO!
LMAO Phi and Non met on Thai Grindr I don't know why that's so funny to me. But they're so fucking cute oh my god. The way Non smiles when they meet face to face the first time! They're both immediately smitten. The date montage is killing me. Non feeding Phi! Pinkies Locked while walking down the street!!! I love them so much! Phi is absolutely 100% justified in murdering everyone over this little love story.
Phi's dad is kinda hot in the one second we saw of him, not gonna lie.
Them pulling a Lady Ant The Tramp on an apple is objectively hilarious but they're so cute that I'll let it pass.
Phi is so fucking in love. The matching bracelets are so cute. Something something Red String Of Fate something something. what a lovely bit of joy this opening bit has been.
Aaaaand we return to your regularly scheduled awfulness. That music really immediately brought the tone back. Remember that everything is terrible? Remember that Non might get arrested? Remember that Non eventually goes missing at best and is murdered at worst?
Ooooh! Phi's dad is a fucking cop! Real high up, too! well that makes things interesting. but lol at Phi being soooo Ride or Die that he's straight up lying to his dad that he's involved in The Crimes too just to save his boyfriend.
"But don't worry, there are no problems that I can't fix." PHI. PHI my murderous revenge seeking king. I love you. but perhaps calm your tits a little, you'll freak Non out even more than he's already freaked out. boy has Anxiety! Phi is so right to tell Non that he needs to change schools and that those aren't real friends but Non isn't ready to admit it yet.
See, Jin tries to help Non but it doesn't actually do anything. Because Jin has no spine or he wouldn't still be friends with people who bully the boy he likes. Phi actually helps Non. Get you a boyfriend like Phi, not like Jin.
Also it's so funny to see Non just not responding to Jin's heart eyes. Jin's got his hand on Non's shoulder like 😍 and Non is just blanking him. 🧍‍♂️😐 Hilarious.
Ah, i Knew that this was going to be the PhiNon Conflict: Phi is (rightfully!) upset about Non not sticking up for himself and leaving those assholes to do the movie themselves and keeping secrets, Non wants to handle his problems on his own and not have Phi sweep in every time to fix things and judge him. I'm sorry, Non, but you dicked down a latent obsessive crazy person (affectionate) and this comes with the territory. It's the Theerapanyakul coming out.
Pinky Promise! that i am 100% sure is going to be broken in like 30 seconds. I'm calling it now, i have the episode paused to write this but i am betting that the next scene transition is going to be to Hot Teacher manipulating Non.
Damn, I was wrong about that being the next scene but I FEEL IT. It's going to happen! Damn, they didn't even bring Non with them? he had to ask the villagers for help getting to the mansion? WOW.
Now Por, if this kid literally got you involved with the police for money laundering why the FUCK would you give him your credit card to go buy food for everyone? i get that you just don't want him around and want to punish him but that's just dumb.
Jin wants Fluke to also stand up for Non but that is not going to happen ever.
God Por and Top are so mean.
"It's my money, if I want something, it'll happen." "it's in my hands it must be mine, tell your dad to come sue me." fucking rich people.
Oh is this going to be the betrayal that means Jin has to die? That Jin convinced Non to stay and then Non ends up missing/dead? Jin must feel so guilty about that.
here we go, a scene with Hot Teacher. I know something's about to happen with this I can feel it. The music is making me so tense and now they're sitting on the couch together! and like, Non absolutely should be telling a teacher/adult about all this! but just not THIS teacher/adult. I do not trust him! "I see you as a brother" my ass.
AND THERE IT IS. I CALLED IT. lmao at Phi calling Non when he's leaving Hot Teacher's office. Phi's spidey sense was tingling.
aaskjfhj Phi fucking showing up to see Non and mr keng talking and he immediately clocks that it's Not Right and that mr keng wants to bone Non.
"you don't seem to trust me at all" because you're not being trustworthy! you're making bad choices! Phi is right and has never been wrong! just because he's a bit intense and overbearing with it doesn't mean he's wrong! god, Non being able to say that to Phi with a straight face when not even a half hour ago he was making out with mr keng. incredible.
I just want Phi and Non to be cute and happy and a little insane about each other and nothing bad happens ok. :(
Uh oh. Jin caught them!
Non no! don't give Tee 300k in cash to give to the boss! He's going to steal it! and then fucking Tee sets Top on Non to stalk him to figure out who gave the money.
OH huh. Hot Teacher is working with an investigative journalist to take down the mafia scammers? Oooooh, i bet that this is how Tee's uncle gets arrested. hmm. well maybe Hot Teacher Mr Keng isn't entirely terrible but he's on the thinnest fucking ice.
oh L M A F O is Jin gonna walk in on Non and Hot Teacher going at it. He already caught Non with Phi!
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but OOOOOOOHHHHHH HERE WE GO. HERE is Jin's betrayal! Taking video of Non and Mr Keng getting it on and then getting drunk and POSTING IT ON TWITTER OH MY GOD. JIN NO.
and eeeeeeeveryone has seen it. oh god. Phi's seen it too oh no. i'm dying. i'm levitating in outer space.
the bracelet broke! something something red string of fate something something!!!!
oh fuuuuck. This is why Phi goes psycho revenge scheme on them. "you want me to forgive you? get lost and die." those are going to be Phi's last words to Non aren't they? aren't they? i hate it and i love it.
and next week shit is going to continue to hit the fan. i am vibrating. i need more! this is amazing!
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
so can you tell us anything about the second aftershock oc child which would end up inheriting earth
Listen he's currently in limbo until we see how the Geo stuff pans out cuz I dun wanna make another probably impossible kid.....BUT-
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*jazz hands* very quick sleep deprived sketch GO
His name is Adrien Cole, which you may already know if you've been following the next-gen stuff!
He's adopted by Cole (most likely during his ~Wu Quest~ that we won't get to see rip, hence the last name) when he's 4-5 years old (still kinda waiting on some more DR info before locking that in) after being orphaned as a result of The Merge, but regardless of when he's adopted, he's still about five years younger than Cam.
Jesse: Who is that?!
Cole, sipping a smoothie: Our new son :3
Lloyd: My god he's collecting children like Pokemon, somebody stop him
Kai: At least that one didn't appear out of thin air
Jesse: ...I think he still kinda did!!!
...okay, it doesn't actually happen like that, as after their reunion post-merge, Cole and Jesse did discuss adopting another child (as Cole still felt terrible about missing a solid chunk of Cam's childhood). It just happened a little sooner and more abruptly than Jesse planned for. Cole was off on his quest and this sad, lost, merge-ruined child just started following him because he seemed like a safe person to be with ;w;)/
And Cole's not gonna turn away a child in need
It takes Adrien a really long time to warm up to Jesse, and even longer to call Cole or Jesse any form of 'Dad', but he's 100% all in on having Cam as a sister.
(And Cam is so excited to have a sibling that she doesn't even care if he's a sourpuss for most the time. He finds her constant zeal for life overwhelming, but refreshing. She's always teaching him new things when she asks without teasing him, which he appreciates)
He's not as energetic as Finn, Quinn, Blaire, Luci, or his sister, but not nearly as uptight Blythe, Seven, or Briar either. He is, however, a lot quicker to get upset with things than anyone else, and is probably the deadpan snarker of the group. Think Kid!Lloyd if he went all in on his emo and/or goth phases snksnksnk
He's a punk drummer! And a painter! But unlike the rest of the family he has a horrible case of stage fright + public speaking, so don't ever expect him to willingly show off....Unless Briar is around (one thing he can relate to Jesse with: having a hopeless crush lmao).
He and Finn have a similar dynamic as Cole and Jay, which Kai thinks is the funniest thing ever. He also gets competitive in physical activities with Quinn and Blair, and he bullies Blythe all the time for "being a nerd" (and is only nice when Briar scolds him for it). He and Seven are chill besties, and Lucina terrifies him (but he'll never say so).
Cole only gives up his powers to Adrien when Adrien says he's ready for it, but Cole does kind of want to do it ASAP, because he fears waiting too long will yield the results of what ended happening to his mom. On the other hand, with all the chaos going on during DR and beyond, Cole fears that he won't be able to protect his family or friends without his powers/strength and that makes him hesitate (even if they have the Blue Crystal exploitation).
Adrien, however, has exceedingly low attunement with the Element of Earth, due to a) his personality and b) not actually being a Descendant, and struggles with his powers even after he get them. His superstength isn't consistent, either (which scares the hell out of Jesse, because what if an accident happens—) but his Vibration Tracing is leagues better than Cole's is/was (to the point of being able to see just with vibrations in the earth. Like Toph, but not quite as cool).
ALSO his weapon is twin sickles which are not actually designed for fighting but are still enough to freak a person out when combined with superstrength hell yeah. it's basically Cole's Scythe + Jesse's Twin Naginata
ALSO he has pink in his outfit not just to rep his other dad BUT because in some older color schemes for Cole he has pink in there especially in his NRG form and I wanted to shoutout to that-
When he uses his equivalent of Earth Punch, instead of getting new markings, the scars along his arms glow instead. Where did the scars along his arms come from? I dunno! Accident as a child, weird birthmark, did it himself.......it's pending.
Anywaaaaay, that's about all I got for now. I didn't want to develop him too much if he was going to be doing even less than every other kid anyway :V
. . .
Adrien: Sooooo. ...were you adopted too, orrrrrr...?
Cam: I consider myself a ✨Bio-Magical✨ miracle child~
Adrien: Andddd I'm not gonna dig into THAT
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woodchipp · 5 months
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"You were overcame. You were sick of everything."
Okay. Mind actually showing us how Sunny got to this point, though?
and wow. the prose is written so well. i can feel the frustration /s
Also, wouldn't "overwhelmed" be a better fit in this context?
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"Your precious violin lay shattered at the bottom of the staircase."
"Precious" violin? Didn't the game imply he only saw it as a means to spend more time with his sister? Lost Library outright states he was annoyed by having to practice playing it!
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1) For how important their big argument is to the plot, we never even get to hear it, nor does the game bother to show exactly what served as the straw that broke the camel's back and drove Sunny to destroy the violin. I, for one, would've been genuinely interested to learn that. Maybe Mari could've said something so deeply upsetting that Sunny saw no other way to "get back" at her for hurting him? That would've made his anger a bit more understandable, imo.
Of course, giving characters understandable reasons for doing what they do is an outdated writing convention.
"MARI was yelling at you."
I love how Sunny gets this large and detailed rundown of his feelings at the moment and all Mari ever gets is this sentence. Yeah, because who cares about what she thinks? Who cares that she actually has a valid reason for berating Sunny? Her point of view is irrelevant since she's Wrong™ and she's about to get stuffed into the fridge anyway!
What nuanced storytelling.
"She didn't understand you at all... She didn't understand that you just weren't good enough. The only thing you hold onto was your anger. This pain... was it her fault?"
This is laughable. "uuuuu nobody Understands the limitless depths of my sufferi-" shut the fuck up. you did a shitty thing and you're getting rightfully called out for it.
I wouldn't be as harsh if the game put effort into showing how Sunny progressively grew exhausted (and exactly how harsh Mari got when he made mistakes), but it doesn't. I won't do the writer's job for them because I shouldn't have to.
(I know I said this a hundred times already, but for the purposes of this post, I needed to reiterate.)
4) Why were they arguing specifically at the top of the staircase in the first place?
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Note that neither the caption nor the photo seem to show Mari being physically violent with Sunny, yet he interprets her getting in his way as a "fight" anyway. If the fight in question was verbal, that definition doesn't fit because Sunny isn't shown talking at any point during the argument.
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"Photo of a Murder", huh?
Granted, Sunny is 12 and obviously has no idea what manslaughter is, but "murder" implies an intent to kill. A more neutral term like "death" would've been more appropriate here, imo.
Different words mean different things.
I think I see why these were scrapped. The game labeling what Sunny did as a "murder" wouldn't have allowed the narrative to paint him as an unfortunate victim of circumstance, now, would it? :)
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>>"It was an accident, right?" >>"Photo of a Murder"
lol and lmao
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"Nothing but scratches."
Because falling from a staircase apparently doesn't leave any bruises that would've incriminated Sunny. No one could differentiate a neck broken due to a fall from a neck snapped by a noose either, it seems.
How awfully convenient.
(No, I don't believe his parents bribed the police. There isn't enough concrete evidence to back that up.)
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1) Exactly why is Basil's first thought "I can't let anyone find out what happened"? I get he's mentally unsound himself and Stressed™, but there's only so much those two factors can be used as a justification for, and what Basil did next can't be justified by them. Moreover, the fact that was the first thing he thought of suggests it's an instinctual response. What, was Basil involved in similar cover-ups before? This makes no sense.
"There's no way you can tell them the truth."
Why couldn't he just say that Mari's bad knee happened to buckle at the wrong time and she accidentally fell down the stairs, then? Since the game seems to imply Sunny was more willing to open up to Basil than to his other friends, I think it'd be reasonable to infer Sunny told him about the knee. And it would be a more plausible lie for a kid his age to tell!
The game has an easy and convenient cover-up story only to choose the most unnecessarily complicated one. peak writing
"Who would believe... that it was... an accident?"
Literally everyone would. Unless Sunny had a history of being violent towards Mari (which is impossible since the game beats you over the head with how much he loved her), her death being accidental would have been the first thing to cross their minds, especially if Basil were to use the "bad knee" cover-up as described above.
Yes, Basil did what he did partly because he wanted to protect Sunny. However, if everything I've just dissected was his actual reasoning for doing something so demented, it's stupid and I will call it such.
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"You think you see a figure pick something off the ground..."
Love the implication that a 12 yo child was somehow able to handle a 15 yo teenager all by himself. Because that's believable.
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"For a moment, you feel at peace. You hate yourself for feeling this way. Is that all, then? Is everything going to be okay now?"
I want to emphasize just how inconceivably fucked-up this is.
Sunny's immediate reaction to the sight of his sister's hanged corpse upon snapping out of his dissociative fugue isn't horror or panickedly asking Basil what he has done.
It's relief. He feels at peace.
He's relieved that somebody cleaned up the mess he made.
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nothing0fnothing · 4 months
when i post things about narc abuse on my blog i occasionally get ppl being like "don't classify all ppl with npd as abusers!!!" when i didn't say that? tbh on the whole "is narc abuse ableist" thing i defer to my best friend's wisdom, he recently graduated with a BA in psychology (im so proud!!!) and he said smth to the effect of "if you're trying to diagnose them with npd to demonize them then yeah not good but also narcissistic is a word independent of that diagnosis so context is important" its like how ppl without depression can still say theyre depressed or someone without anxiety can say theyre anxious yknow? context matters! i call my parents narc abusers bc it "fits the bill" as in from the medical studies ive read from professionals, all this criteria fits their behavior, not bc i actually believe they have npd. their actions are narcissistic but actually having npd is a question i can't answer.
the point being: im sure you get a lot more comments like that on your blog than my own. the few i get make me upset for a while bc it feels so invalidating (or maybe im just chronically online lmao.) how do you deal with it all? i'm sure the answer is just "block" but does it go deeper? it must feel awful to be called ableist when all you've done is try to spread awareness about a very real thing that happened to you. i could use some of your strength bc your blog is still going strong even amidst the hate 🙏
This ask was actually so lovely to read. You're eloquent and educated and if you'd like to dm me please do any time I'd love to chat with you and check out your blog.
You're absolutely right about narcissism and NPD. Narcissism is a personality trait. One that most healthy people posses. You can't diagnose someone a narcissist, because "narcissist" isn't a disorder.
There's a misconception that NPD is the clinical diagnosis for excessive narcissism. Actually, the diagnostic criteria for NPD is very clear that one does not even have to have narcissistic traits to be diagnosed with it. And it has nothing to say about abusing others, so how recognising abuse is considered a drive by diagnosis of NPD is beyond me.
Saying your abuser is narcissistic doesn't mean you think your abuser has this specific disorder. We know this so to us it's common sense. Unfortunately common sense isn't so common, especially in the narcissistic positivity side of this app.
It's so easy to feel provoked when you know all this, and you're educated and you just want to make content that will connect you to a community of other survivors. Only for some asshole who barely knows what NPD is, decides they're going to make your trauma all about it. It's not chronically online to be made upset by behaviour like that. People like to tell us the Internet isn't real, but when it's our connection to communities of people who share our niche experiences, it is real. Don't undermine yourself when you feel upset like that. Words can hurt anyone, even when they come from an ignorant low life who thinks they can clean up the internet, one trauma support blog at a time.
Me personally? I like to wait to hit the block button till after I've goaded them into an absolute breakdown. It entertains me to no end to watch them rage like toddlers as they start to realise they know next to nothing on a topic I've absolutely schooled them in. It sounds cruel but I have no sympathy for arseholes, especially when they're intentionally spamming random accusations and slurs on my vent posts in hopes they can get a rise out of a vulnerable person. I might make a "narcissists rage at facts and logic" compilation for my own amusement... But that's not really helpful advice to anyone who isn't a bitter hag, like me.
When I first started on this platform I kept my most common response paragraphs in my notes and clipboard to paste and post when I got the same asks day in and day out. It really helped me to reply in a measured way I knew was proof read and edited without having to exert the mental energy it takes to type out a whole reply every time you get one. This of course is if you're so inclined to engage with them.
I also have a limit for how long I'll engage. Usually my rule is I stop responding when they stop asking questions, because my blog is here to be supportive, not to receive criticism from the pro narcissist community. When they stop being coherent and and start being belligerent, that's when will always I block them and that's usually the end of it.
I did have one guy who I'd blocked on 3 or 4 seperate accounts for being belligerent. He was making new accounts every time to spam my asks and reblogs with increasingly ridiculous, heinous and obviously ragebaity shit. I just reposted his replies onto reddit where the crowd is, let's say, more critical of behavior like that. He had an epic meltdown and I've never seen his username ever again. If you're not comfortable doing that, let me know and I'll do it for you. You'd be doing me a favour because I'm a little shit and I love to watch the fireworks.
My last bit of advice to you is to make mutuals and make them friends. I struggle with being sociable in any consistent way, but a few messages back and forth to foster a good relationship with the community is so helpful. It makes your blog feel like an actual supportive environment. It puts your content across the dashboards of more sympathetic people and less losers thanks to the algorithm. Most importantly, when you have friends on this app they're more likely to back you up when an absolute cretin who snuck onto earth decides to pick on you for no reason. Having that back up is invaluable to blogs like ours and it's so important to have it when you're just starting out, especially if you're already getting the narc apologists in your notifs.
That being said, I genuinely do hope you reach out to me. I'd love to be able to send you some more of my strength when you need it. 💛🤎💛
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bylertruther · 1 year
Im like slash gen confused on the gnc debate like what sparked this. Will is canonically the most visibly gay out of everyone in the show according TO the show, so why are people so against it? Like I get headcannoning mike as gnc but that doesn’t take away or mean that Will isn’t bc he canonically is. I’m Actually confused
I wish I knew lmao. People think that calling him that or acknowledging the misogyny involved in being assumed to be gay due to a perceived lack of masculinity is somehow homophobic and enforcing stereotypes. As if refusing to acknowledge a very real phenomenon that still occurs now and thus insinuating that "those" kinds of gay people are invalid is somehow morally correct lmao.
Will is the ONLY character who is called all of the many slurs he faces and he's the only character we've seen be targeted for his sexuality. Will has never done anything with boys—he doesn't get called a fairy because of that, he gets called a fairy because of the way he acts and how he exists outside of what Hawkins deems to be acceptable masculinity.
We know that he's a sensitive kid who isn't like anyone else and who gets made fun of. They call him names and they make fun of his clothes among other things. The words used to describe him—gentle, soft spoken, sensitive, artistic—were all euphemisms for gay (and still are in some places, since the internet does not reflect real life and we do not live in a homophobia-rid utopia). Like, this is part of his character design. Those are the words of the Duffers themselves. He's the only character that experiences any of that. If you want to consider actor opinion, too, Noah has spoken for years about how Will feels like he doesn't fit in anywhere, that he's sensitive, scared of everything, he's the one that takes care of his friends emotionally, and so on and so forth.
I don't know why it's such a big issue or why it's something so many people are, like... unwilling to even consider. Men get called gay whenever they're deemed "not masculine enough." Nonconforming behavior is a part of Will's homosexuality and that nonconforming behavior is what clued the people of Hawkins in to who he is. They could've just called him a twerp, or called him a nerd the way they do Mike, but they don't. Instead, they call him gay and a fairy and his father calls him the f slur and he has people ranging from his peers to adults talking about his sexuality. Like, not even Robin gets that treatment lol. Will is literally the only one, and they went out of their way to show us that first thing.
Will isn't a stereotype. Not being super masculine does not equal being super feminine. Gender nonconformity is not about just what you look like, and it's based on your society's values as a whole, not your personal leftist values. Feminine gay men exist and have done so much for our community, and seeing people inadvertently hate on them online makes me wanna throw bricks. Headcanons are not canon, and discussing canon is not a diss to anyone's headcanons because those are two different discussions.
This was one of those things that I naively thought everyone knew only to post about it online and receive so much hate about it. People get really defensive when you talk about how Mike is canonically written. The same thing would happen whenever I'd post in support of Mike with a sword. People really act like you're disrespecting them personally and get super petty and spiteful, and I don't get it. Have your headcanon if you want, but don't get upset that it's just that: a headcanon.
The Duffers nor Finn speak about Mike the way they do, and the behavior Mike has exhibited on screen does not support the wimpy, meek, known by everyone to be gay caricature that they cling to and suggest is actually canon. If it was JUST a headcanon to them, then they wouldn't get so upset about it, but they do. They don't like the way Mike's sexuality has been depicted thus far, and now it's everyone else's problem, too.
There's more than one way to be gay, and those experiences help shape who we are. Will has never fit in and instead has always stuck out. The fact that he's never been allowed inside, so to speak, is why he tries his best to embrace/explore his otherness and clings to people who can make him feel better for being different. Mike has always been Wrong—deemed a nerd, then a hellion, then a satanist—but he's able to blend in well enough to not be found out. He gets mocked and bullied, but at least he can pass as straight and be targeted for that instead of his sexuality. He still has a shot at conforming and playing by the rules, even if it isn't fulfilling or something that comes naturally to him. This is in part why he became so attached to Eleven and why he struggles to accept that he can still be worthy without her.
I just... I don't know, man. I'm confused, too, lol.
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the-sky-queen · 10 months
Here's a ton bc your oc's are cool lmao hope you don't mind :
Nexus : 12, 22, and 23
Aurora : 25 and 30
Shade : 14 and 15
Umbra : 11
Melody : 16 and 17
Aela : 6 and 9
Blake : 9 and 10
I don't mind at all! I very nearly cackled out loud on the bus when I got this. Thank you, Total! You make me happy. Alright, here we go!
Nexus the Unlimited
12. Are they good with Chao, Wisps, or any other sort of creature?
Not really. Nexus thinks that critters are cute, but he isn't really specifically good with them. He has a soft spot for Flickies though. :)
22. How are they with technology?
Nexus is decent at technology, but it's not really his strong suit. If he needs to gather information, he'd much rather talk to people or go through the library manually.
23. What is their preferred method of combat?
Nexus relies heavily on his vast library of Chaos Powers. It's his go-to for fighting. He usually channels his powers through his fists and legs in standard physical combat, but he has also been known to use a sword on occasion.
Aurora Hope
25. What’s the strangest thing about them?
Aurora's powers are pretty strange. But I won't go into them here since that's another question option. :P
30. What is their main goal/motive?
Right now, Aurora's focusing on fixing the future she came from, overthrowing all the gangs and reorganizing society. Not an easy task, but she has faith that she'll be able to do it. After that, she hopes to build her relationship with Shade.
Shade the Shadow Android
14. What makes them the happiest?
Being with his friends. :) A close second is just exploring and learning as much as he can. (Aurora also makes him very happy. He is so in love with her!)
15. What makes them feel angry/upset?
People messing with his friends. Specifically Aurora. Aela attacked Shade and Aurora once and Shade went absolutely crazy.
Umbra the Shepherd
11. Do they have any rivals?
For the longest time, the answer to this question was Nexus. But ever since Nexus got his memory back, he and Umbra have reconciled and are now actually good friends. So Umbra doesn't really have a specific rival right now.
Melody the Hawk/Aela the Shepherd
Gonna clear something up real quick since you listed questions for Melody and Aela. The 'two' are actually just one person. She just has two names. She went by Melody when she was a kid and changed her name to Aela when she became a Shepherd. (Backstory shenanigans! >:D) She responds to both names though and you can call her whichever you want.
16. Biggest strengths?
Melody's biggest strength is her unwavering resolve. She doesn't give up easily.
17. Biggest weaknesses/flaws?
She's a bit too loyal. She always carries out orders, even if she doesn't agree with her superior. It's a flaw Melody has recognized in herself and hates. It's one reason why Melody's so open to people proving her wrong. She knows that what she's been told to do isn't quite right, but she can't bring herself to disagree. So she likes it when other people prove that it was wrong and she gets to smirk to herself that her gut feeling was right.
6. Favorite Food?
Hmm. I'll have to say hot chocolate! Not exactly a food, but she used to make it with her mom all the time.
9. Who are they closest with?
Melody has a really close bond with her pet Cosmic Flicky, Jim! He's a sassy little bird and I love him so much.
Blake the Pyromaniac Porcupine
9. Who are they closest with?
Blake doesn't really have any friends. The members of the cult that raised him took care of him as a collective and he wasn't allowed to make friends outside of the group. All that was important was his destiny.
10. Is there someone they hate/dislike?
Oh, definitely! Blake is always picking fights with the Sonic of his timeline. They have a similar habit of bantering during battles, and Blake despises that. He doesn't like to think about how similar he and Sonic could be if he actually spent the time to look. Blake has a destiny to fulfil! He doesn't need to think about what-ifs! No. There's no way he ever could've been like Sonic. Bleh. Gross.
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⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Fanfic Questions!
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? asfdxhsfegcdjhb girl I'm sorry to say that I did, in fact, get like 2-3 pages into a louis/armand/lestat threesome and then lost momentum LOL. I get overwhelmed very easily when I write all 3 of them together, so I'm never able to write more than like 1-2k at a time because if I get too far into it then I just KNOW I'll go off on a million different tangents about their history together, their different viewpoints and philosophies and power dynamics and ANYWAY this is all to say: I'd love to get back to that fic some day, when I have the energy and headspace to do so, but right now my brain can only handle 2 people at a time lmfao
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? I don't really feel like any of my fics are particularly wild LMAO I mean I tend to be more invested in the kind of emotional angst that happens in the cracks of domesticity, so all my fics are set in the more tranquil periods of canon.
if you want a true ride you are welcome to read my full-length Umbrella Academy Spec Script I wrote during the pandemic asfdxfchgsev but I guess I would maybe pick Air Catcher for this, if only because of the tonal whiplash I tried to embody, as Louis and Lestat go from the rush of hardcore fucking to the vulnerability of soft gentle aftercare, to just the most devastating emotional low that comes with the drop. I think I used the metaphor of a slow-motion car crash in that fic and it just felt really apt because like, you can begin to see things going off the rails, but there's nothing anyone can do to fix it, so you're just kind of locked into this mess.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? I would truly rather die than have a single noise going on as I'm trying to write LMAO in fact, I just invested in some nice ear plugs that have become very handy! My adhd brain gets so ridiculously distracted, even white noise or the sound of rain stresses me out when I'm trying to focus.
Also oh my god I'm not even fucking joking you, my #1 Spotify On Repeat song is God, That's Good from the Sweeney Todd Broadway Revival Cast Recording and listen I know no one cares but I'm going to gush about this song real quick anyway because LISTEN this song has never been a show-stopper, like it's more of a plot-heavy song, it's the opening number to Act II so it's just after A Little Priest (which we all know is hands-down the best song in all of Sweeney Todd), but God, That's Good, is not only an olympic feat of orchestration and chorus work, but there are so many moments between Sweeney and Lovett that just make my heart so happy.
Like, the entire second half of the song revolves around Sweeney actually being upset that Mrs. Lovett isn't paying him enough attention, so it's a really funny switch on their regular dynamic. He keeps calling her over to look at his Special Chair and she's like "dude I got a shop full of customers" and he replies "don't you CARE?!" like idk I think it's a really delightful little tableau of their two characters, and I just love it so much.
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deviantartdramahub · 11 months
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I don't think you know how babysitting works anon? Imagine if you were a parent who left their child with someone bc you had to go to work or something, but then the babysitter charges to your work place just to make you change your kid. Sounds crazy and insensible, right? Eh why am I trying to reason with you. I really hope no one ever trusted you with their kid XD
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Please, tell me how in the world this blog is "racist". Bet you won't cuz it's just another buzzword for your slander.
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Hon please, you are fucking crazy. He never said kids can consent just bc he acknowledges pedophiles exist lmao. I think you broke both your legs due to the extreme jumping to conclusions...plus, what's the harm in him censoring words? It's completely understandable he doesn't want to say the whole thing, I think you're just pissy you can't get off on the word when it's censored.
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Dumbass, you acquired personal information of his and used it to threaten him. You completely deserve to be called out for that, you idiot. THE COPS VERY MUCH SHOULD BE CALLED ON YOU. And then you still have the nerve to say he's lying after you're straight up admitting to all this?? Dear God how could you be this stupid. Dox-threatening is a very bad thing hun-bun, even if you don't act on the threat. Imagine if someone sent you a death-threat, but everyone told you it's nothing to be upset about bc "YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY MURDERED, RIGHT?" So how about you shut up and admit you did something terrible...and the added blackmail based on slander is horrible. You put Club in danger whether you admit it or not. I really do bet you take pride in that though, you sick fuck...reasonable people know you're 100% in the wrong though.
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Loveless literally just came to DA to attack Club. He did NOTHING to her and she started harassing him, then for some reason got shocked when he called her out and started crying. We all know YOU are the victim-blamers here, that's one of your favorite things to do, smh.
3 notes
Got any proof the roleplay in question was an erp? No? Aight good day.
1 note
You wish, I bet you'd wank to it. Too bad Club would never do something like that.
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What evidence? And you're the ones who try to silence anyone who doesn't agree with you, lmao.
1 note
Explain to me how this was automatically Club's fault.
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Number one, that's a screenshot sweetheart. A screenshot that could've very well been manipulated. So remember, it isn't valid proof! ^w^
Number 2, proof that you refuse to give a voice to anyone who doesn't agree with you or even questions you. One of the reasons why this blog is 100% better. You just want to tune everyone out and surround yourself with yes-men while Tri lets everyone give their story, and gives everyone a fair chance. The fact you want everyone to only listen to you shows you aren't trustworthy.
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Roleplaying with people is always grooming?? Thus the logic of DADramaNow. Apparently all RPs are automatically sexual.
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Lmao Sam doesn't have friends.
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An example of DADramaNow using the "fetish mining" term on Club.
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You just contradicted yourself there. If Club didn't know that fetish existed, how could you accuse him of having it?? He's innocent and you know it, just give up already.
Another long one with many call-outs in one post let's gooo babyyyy.
I remember someone commented once to say that the thing about Mod S and college was a cover for being arrested by the FBI. Meanwhile, Club still has a presence here. Flawless victory.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Ngl you are right.
Like in that time Izuku would have 1 panel where he is nice to Endeavor and those specific todostans that hate Deku would lose their shit.
Okay but honestly it's not even just that
It was about Shouto and his siblings too.
The whole "I think you're getting ready to forgive him" scene, granted it might not leave the best taste in people's mouths--it depends on how you individually want to absorb the Todoroki plot as a whole. But just....acting as if it was out of interest for Endeavor and not for Izuku's friend is what I'm talking about. I never thought THAT was the case, but I DID wrestle with it for a bit! I did, I sat on it, I decided that "hm maybe not the best thing to say but okay he means well". But now, looking back, all that matters back then was that he meant well.
Takes from back then "He shouldn't give commentary on a family matter 🙄", well, maybe Shouto shouldn't have forced his horribly traumatic past on him on a whim when literally nobody asked, and at the time, they didn't know each other. And maybe when inviting them over for dinner don't talk about how you're deliberating forgiving your abusive father, how he reminds you of your mother's mental break, and talk about how one of the siblings basically accuses him of killing their oldest dead sibling. Maybe, if you don't want anybody to think or talk about it, don't do that. Bakugo had a point to be made during that scene lmao.
Now again, this isn't me snubbing the Todosibs because it's very clear Shouto is written to be awkward socially and very unsure of what to do in certain social situations, and that is by no means his fault. And it's only fair you extend that grace to the rest of the siblings too. But that doesn't erase the impact of what they're doing, and it's fucking called out via Bakugo--in a humorous way!--but still addressed.
The other big scene that caused upset was during the PLF war when Izuku stepped in to STOP SHOUTO FROM BURNING. And SURE you can argue that he didn't need to give commentary, I guess, but Touya saying "Don't meddle with family affairs" and that statement being taken way more seriously than the fact that if not for all the unasked for information Izuku received from Touya's FAMILY--Izuku would have absolutely nothing to say, is pretty wild. And don't get me wrong--I WRESTLED WITH THIS TOO. I DID. IT MADE ME UPSET. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to agree with Izuku at the time or fucking Touya. I think uh, given my gradual change in mindset toward the villains (that I still love btw let's be clear about that) I can safely say you're not supposed to be like "Yes, Touya, as he was trying to actually kill his brother and by proxy everyone else in the vicinity, was right actually and we should agree with everything he says".
I mean, one thing I never agreed with was that Izuku was forcing Shouto to accept his dad. Never ever did I ever jump on that stupid bandwagon, but that is almost exactly how specifically todoroki fanbase acted at the time--and unfortunately this is still a thing, yes. And it took me a while to come to this conclusion but....I mean what did people want Izuku to do? When he met Shouto, Shouto was trying to reject his dad with all of his being. Never did Izuku say "accept your dad", he said "accept yourself as an individual". And from that point forward it was Shouto's choice to open up to accepting his dad. He saw Shouto FREAK out over his dad during the pro hero arc, worried for him, and rooting for him to make it out alive. From that point, as Shouto's FRIEND, Izuku has two options 1) Go along with his friend's choice and match his energy toward the man in question i.e. being respectful and just acting like he would toward any other adult OR 2) NOT accepting his friend's choice?? and just??? telling Shouto to uh not do that???
And...Izuku doesn't comment on Shouto's situation without Shouto around, without Shouto himself bringing it up, without it being prompted out of him. He isn't talking about it in the background, giving his two cents on what HE thinks Shouto should or should not do. Like....that's just not a thing that's happening.
I'm really glad to get this all out because really, I'm over the deku hate boner that exists on the villain side of the fandom especially because all of the reasons for it are again--bad faith at best, and stupid at worst.
This is all to say that the Todoroki plot is great, I love it, I'm excited to see Shouto and Touya be brothers, I'm excited to see their dad finally do something, I'm excited for family reconciliation. But this whole mindset of shitting on every other character at the expense of erasing their negative traits is just dumb. Don't take the flavour out of Shouto, he overshares and sometimes makes the situation uncomfortable. It's great.
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daculadaculadacula · 1 year
'either you liked the film or it wasn't for you' is literally a black and white statement (from a post i can pick out and @ but i am not trying to start a fight or whatever). i am allowed to love something and be critical of the media i consume. i like renfield a lot and have watched it multiple times, and honestly find a lot of it skippable, but i know what i want from it lmao and hint: it is not cops or drawn out fight scenes
i am not sure where statements like this come from or why u would be getting upset over mysterious people calling renfield copaganda. i havent personally seen this as much as i have seen people be critical of hero cop screentime.
at the end of the day the hero cop (you can call her chaotic neutral all you'd like, but i'm of the opinion that even this begs a closer look than what someone who's seen it once or twice tops would take away) still has the moral highground and serves as renfields larger inspo for becoming a better more self-actualizing person. renfield cites the support group at the end, but lbr, he is stated to not have a lot of free will(? free thinking ability or something similar) by the director and has his whole git gud arc really pick up speed after he encounters rebecca. she stops acting like a cop and starts acting like a person and tbqh, i am not entirely sure why she keeps her uniform and job (there's nothing about the rest of the cops or even just her job post drac chop) since she does state that she wants to take the rest of them down permanently. i think this might be something overlooked in terms of referring to renfield as copaganda, or maybe it's meant to be ridiculous, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say cop discourse isn't at a place yet where even the majority can see it's ridiculous that rebecca is still in uniform fighting for her personal justice against drug lords and against "her own," which is the factor that makes me think the corrupt cop narrative is a bit less than half-hearted. at the same time, the narrative about group therapy is also this way. the characters are a little sillay. there's a lot to parse and a lot of interpreting that can be done. cops and narcissism are both serious issues, i think taking offense to anyone with gripes about either issue is a bit much. renfield 2023 doesn't need to be held up as a golden pinnacle of media in order for you yourself to still be a decent person and enjoy it.
rebecca's sister and father (both cops) are pitched as good people. they are probably morally the best people in the film. that the unnamed cops arent going around actively harming people but working with others who do harm people in this film make it seem as if this is something to be taken with a grain of salt, as with literally everything else about the film, when the reality is that usa cops do this as well as actively commit atrocities against people on the regular. functionally they serve their narrative purpose, but i'm within bounds to say they're still treated too gently (ie near neutral. if you aren't able to think the lobos are entertaining or funny you probably don't like the film to begin with, and the cops in this film have put themselves on their level), esp with no one except kyle having a name. nameless mobs don't make effective antags or even pseudo villains. i personally appreciate that the cops are shitty and take advantage of overtime while being part of the industry with the fattest budget in the us. it's still a blink and you miss it gag tho. maybe some people with cop and law oriented agendas would take issue with it. i can see how people with anti cop and law agendas could also take issue with it.
i just think people can be allowed to call it copaganda if they'd like. anyone invested enough knows there's nuance, and we don't need to be puritans labeling a film or people reacting negatively to it as not good or not having justifiable takes. 'like it or just fuck off and don't be critical over xyz,' isn't a realistic expectation. a lot of thoughtless opinions get posted online all the time. in the end this is about a horror comedy and not a groundbreaking discourse piece. i think the angle for cops as a senseless body (tbc not the heroes or 'good guys.' still don't like that!) in this film is fine even and a step in the right direction for slap-in inclusion in narratives. i don't think taking issue with the people still critical of cop portrayal is a great move tho.
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turtlesocksv2 · 7 months
Liveblogging DFF Ep 11
We're in the Final Stretch! Shit's gonna hit the fan and I am here for it.
Uncle Joe is the worst. He is the real villain of this show.
Interesting that Tee claims Non as his friend when we know damn well that was never true. But he does seem to mean it, pleading for Non's life and physical safety.
Non's so right to be confused. Tee is just...really surprisingly naive. "i didn't bring you here to die! Uncle said he'd help you find the money!" dumbass what on earth did you think your mafia uncle was gonna do to get the money??? considering he already extorts his underage nephew??? you've been involved in mafia shit for a while it seems like, and you still didn't realize?????
This dramatic confrontation really does make me want TeeNon though. You were the one supposed to be helping me! Why me? Is everything I do so awful? This is all your fault!
"when you pay off your debt you can go home" he's never going to pay off his debt!!! that's the point of mafia debt!!!
So Perth's unnamed character is weird. He's clearly important and isn't a fan of working of the mafia. Is he a prostitute/forced into sex work? the way he was rubbing uncle joe's shoulders that one time, the way he's Doing Customer Service in the casino. The way he tells Tee not to question his work ethic. I just get that vibe. I did laugh when Perth called Tee out for giving Non special treatment and liking Non. I just said the TeeNon vibes were real and now i am validated. thank you Perth.
"I think I'd choose myself. Would you?" that's exactly what Tee did when he got Non involved in the first place, he put his/his family's health and safety above Non's. I'm not say Tee was wrong to look out for his sick family member but there must have been a way that didn't involve dragging highschoolers into the mafia. and Tee regrets it! He's trying to make up for it! so no, at this point I don't think Tee would choose himself, necessarily. He might! But it's less likely than it was.
Interesting that Top is the one to say he thinks Non will come back to school when Top was the one most convinced that Non's ghost was haunting them.
Good on Jin for getting up and leaving the table.
Tee got a job at an arcade! couldn't you have done that earlier?! but i guess he did have to stop going to school to do it...not exactly great for the future. but neither is working for the mafia so...
oh Tee's dad is THAT kind of sick. yeah, kid never stood a chance. especially since it seems like his dad was also mafia before the dementia. like this is genuinely heartbreaking stuff. i have to assume that tee's dad is going to die soon because by the time Phi and Tan join the group Tee seems a lot lighter.
lol I don't think any of them really believe Non ran away with Mr Keng here. but fucking Top being the one to say that the video leaking was enough to make him run away! the dumbest most annoying one of the group! out of the mouths of idiots I guess. and Por! Finally someone saying Mr Keng is evil for what he did! Wow!
oh shit. Non's dead for real for real? damn, i was hoping for him to be alive and stalking everyone.
what does the paper say?????????
oh. "I'm gonna get out of this place I'm not a loser" and then i suppose tally marks for the days? that's...heartbreaking. no wonder Tee's upset.
lmao at the transition from the sad noteburning "i don't deserve to be happy" to the absolute shojo meetcute energy of White coming into the arcade. pink lights and tinkly piano music ~Cute Boy Has Entered Your Life Alert!~
White trying to hit on Tee by asking if Tee's smoking pot and can he try it??? is so funny. these fucking loser children. White slowly breaking down Tee's walls is very cute. i have to say, that's the least sexy shotgunning i've ever seen on tv, BOC, but i don't think it was actually meant to be.
Lol Fluke I seriously doubt that "I'm not involved" i just don't beleive it. Phi getting the gun from Fluke was A+, very hot shit. Tan is full crazy and I love him. He's right! These Assholes did cause Non's death! Jin needs to shut up with his "you don't want to be like New do you?" boring ass take. "you'll be no better than the bad guy" takes are always the worst.
lol TanNew slutshaming Phi. "You're a slut who didn't love my brother if you did you'd kill them!" King Behavior. and then he drugs everyone even more. I love it.
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wheelercore · 2 years
Not to hyper analyze Karen and Ted of all people but it's so fascinating how Karen tries to be affectionate with Ted in private while Ted only ever reaches out to her in public.
When Will's body is found
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Obviously both are upset. Karen reaches out her hand to Ted's, he accepts it for a moment and then goes back to holding the remote with both hands.
He isn't even meeting her in the middle, Karen has to reach all the way to him to seek comfort.
Contrast to when they're on the ferris wheel or being questioned by the people from the Hawkins lab
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Both instances he put an arm around her, reaches out to her physically. They're in full view of others- an indicator of This Is My Wife.
Its performative and to an extent Karen knows that. It's why she seeks something that thinks would be "passionate" i.e her smutty romance novels and Billy. Even if it isn't love at least she will feel wanted to an extent.
In the airport in s4 we see a similar sight with Mike and El. This is after Argyle calls Mike's outfit fake.
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Literally the most performative scene in stranger things lmao.
But as we see Mike doesn't reach out to El in moments like right after the rink o mania.
In S3 when El asks Mike why he treats her like "garbage" I think the wording there is important. Garbage is what you toss away when you don't need it anymore. To be more specific, Mike (and Ted) use El (and Karen) to perform whatever "romantic" heteronormative act they need but aren't actually present when they are really needed for whatever reason.
I don't think anyone involved is a bad person, it's just interesting to see the similarities.
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