#// vomiting
snuffseb · 2 days
“don’t you want to be loved?” yeah but in violent and cruel way, in a ‘bash-my-skull-in-or-cut-me-up-until-i-bleed-out’ way
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I think something a lot of other people can relate to is the way that you get so conditioned to discomfort that you stop registering it.
I remember sitting at the table with my family, eating dinner as a child. I’d try to eat, because of course I was hungry. But sometimes the flavor or texture was so repugnant that it moved into a category of Not Food.
“Two more bites before you can leave the table.”
“I can’t,” I’d say, trying to explain the impossibility.
But because I was a child they heard, “I won’t,” and made me sit at the table. I’d sit in dull agonized silence, bored and hungry for hours until bedtime when they’d give up. I’d hate myself for not eating and my parents for forcing me to sit there. The few forcefeeding moments ended in vomit.
They’d say, “If you don’t eat this you can’t eat a snack later,” and I moved past trying to communicate my discomfort into accepting that I’d just be hungry.
That state of affairs didn’t last, because my parents realized nothing could force me to eat so they catered to my palate, worrying they’d starve me. But the message stuck. If you can’t do anything about a situation, just accept the suffering.
A few years later my mother called me off the playground to ask, “Are you limping?”
I shrugged. My feet had hurt for a long time, but that was just the way things were now. My mom pulled my socks and shoes off and gasped. The soles of my feet were covered in huge painful planters warts.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” She demanded but I could only shrug at her. I’d learned a long time ago that saying things about my discomfort didn’t matter, so now I had no words. Sometimes things hurt and sometimes they don’t. I simply accepted and did my best.
Now as an adult trying to learn to improve my own conditions can be hard. If I make food that I can’t eat I’ll force myself to sit at the counter still, full of guilt and self loathing, trying to will myself to eat it.
At first I needed my betrothed to gently take it away to present me with something I could eat. Now on my own I can usually admit that it’s not happening before too long and get something else, but I still feel guilty.
Laying in bed at night waiting for my betrothed to finish getting ready I let out a huge sigh of relief when they turned the lights off.
“Why didn’t you turn them off if they bothered you?” they asked the first time it happened.
“I didn’t even know it was bothering me until it was gone.”
Assessing my physical state now to see if I can improve it is something I’m still relearning but I’m relieved to finally have the space and support to do it.
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stars-obsession-pit · 3 months
In some DPxDC fics, Kryptonite is made of solidified ectoplasm.
This is often used for humor - Danny gets to eat the Kryptonite like it’s no big deal.
But what if it was taken in a different direction?
Ghosts are made of ectoplasm.
Kryptonite’s dangerous effects towards Kryptonians mainly came about after the planet’s destruction (in at least some interpretations, the material is dangerous because it’s infused with radiation from the destruction of the planet).
The destruction of Krypton caused a lot of death—a lot of ghosts—all at once.
The first time Danny laid his eyes on some Kryptonite, he had to run to a wastebasket before he emptied his stomach.
It was full of trapped souls.
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months
🧚🏻‍♀️Emeto cheat sheet
Causes of vomiting:
Alcohol (+Flush gene)
Allergic reaction
Cancer (+Chemotherapy)
Coffee on empty stomach
Crohn’s Disease
Cycling Vomiting Syndrome
Extortion (sports) on empty stomach       
Food intolerances       
Food poisoning (salmonella, E.Coli …)·       
Gastrointestinal Obstruction
Heat/Heat stroke   
Kidney Infection
Labyrinthitis (ear infection)
Lactose Intolerance
Medication (Antibiotics, opioids)
Ménières Disease
Motion sickness (cars, buses, boats, planes …)       
Panic Attacks  
Stomach flu
Ulcerative colitis
What happens before:
Abdominal pain
Clutching Stomach
Dry Mouth
Hand (Back of hand/Palm) to mouth
Heaviness of limbs
Nausea/Queasiness/Feeling sick
Paleness/Ashen, green or grey face
Rapid heartbeat
Reacting to stimulants (sight/smell/taste of food e.g)
Salivia builds up/Mouth waters
Shallow/Rapid breathing
Sour stomach
Stomach cramps
Throat tightening
Wanting fresh air
What happens during:
Echoing back 
Gurgling stomach
Rapid breathing
Vomit hitting water/receptacle
(No) Remnants of previous food
Color (Brown/Depends on previous food) of sick
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Vomit in corner of mouth
Vomit/Sick/Throw up splattering on floor
Previous food
Back rippling
Burning in mouth/throat/nose
Choking/Feeling like there is no air
Curling up into themselves/into caretaker
Hot vomit/bile/stomach contents
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Sticky sick on clothing
Stomach contracting/Rolling/Gurgling
Stomach contents sloshing around
Torrent/Wave/Spray/Mouthfuls of sick coming up
Vomit gushing/rushing out of mouth (+nose)/up their throat
Vomit seeping through fingers
What happens after:
Being overwhelmed
Blurry vision (from tears)
Changing clothes/Cleaning
Drinking water
Falling/Slumping forwards against toilet/bucket
Lost/Rough voice/Pain in throat
Passing out/Fainting
Resting head on toilet seat
Staying hunched over – not sure if gonna be sick again
Taking Temperature
Wiping away tears/vomit
What the caretaker can do:
Call for help (another caretaker/medical)
Hold bucket/trash bin/other receptacle
Holding back hair (strands/at the neck)/fringe
Holding sickie upright
Holding sickies hand
Make hot water bottle
Make sickie blow their nose
Make sickie drink to replenish lost fluids
Make sickie lay down (on their side/on caretaker’s lap)
Make sickie take medication/temperature
Make soup
Rubbing circles on back
Rubbing stomach
Soothe sickie (don’t hold it in, you will feel better after …)
Whispering comfort
Wiping away tears/vomit
Other related symptoms:
Abdominal pain/cramps
Headache/Dehydration headache
Inability to keep anything down
Paleness/Grey, green or ashen face
Possible scenarios:
Bathroom is occupied
Being in public/situation they can’t escape from
Caretaker finding sickie on bathroom floor
Carrying a bucket around wherever sickie goes
Clutching a bucket/bin/plastic bag/toilet so hard their knuckles turn white
Cramps so bad sickie can’t move
Curling up on bathroom floor
Eating something despite knowing they are allergic to it
Eating something without realizing they are allergic to it
Feeling sick all day without relief
Feverish and dizzy
Getting admitted to hospital
Inability to keep anything down
Movie marathon as distraction
Multiple sickies (+ not enough bathrooms)
Rubbing sick tummy
Sick during transport
Throwing up in (empty/full) trash bin
Throwing up in bag
Throwing up in bucket
Throwing up in hand
Throwing up in toilet
Throwing up on blankets
Throwing up on floor
Throwing up on something/someone
Throwing up the medication/pills
Throwing up what they just ate/drank
Unable to leave bathroom
Unable to make it to bathroom
Waking up sick in the middle of the night
If you have any more suggestions, please contact me ✌🏼
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
Sickfic + kidnapping whump
a whumpee that's sick before getting kidnapped
OR they come down with something during their captivity
either way we get ourselves a Carewhumper or Whumper-turned-Caretaker situation
imagine a whumpee with a cold who can't sneeze or cough through the gag and starts hyperventilating
or a whumpee with the flu or a stomach bug who's vomiting everywhere
just making whumper's job so much harder because on top of having a captive they now have to make sure the whumpee doesn't die or spread the illness to them or their henchmen before the ransom is paid/they're rescued/etc
feel free to add on!
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sickficideas · 1 month
I love post corruption Chuuya so much...the idea of the aftermath being exponentially worse each time, one day Dazai's brought Chuuya home and on day three he's still in so much pain that he throws up if he moves too much and it only makes everything hurt worse, his fever won't come down even after everything Dazai has tried, he's hallucinating his dead friends and Dazai thinks that Chuuya's having trouble seeing or he can't see at all, and when Chuuya finally breaks and cries from how overwhelmed he is Dazai tells himself this has to be the last time, he knows Chuuya just needs a few more days of rest, he'll never let it show but he's worried he won't get Chuuya back to normal next time
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vikisikinny14 · 3 months
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En conclusion soy tremenda cerda
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queenpink27 · 1 month
Well I got a little pukey, I was really loud in this one!
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danafeelingsick · 4 months
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long overdue dunmeshi emeto ✌️ i was foaming at the mouth watching this episode, let me tell you.
commission info
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emeto-queen · 3 months
Got some Mac and cheese bites and a soft pretzel along with some hard seltzer and it did not sit well in my tummy at all. It had me gagging over the toilet for a while until just a tiny bit of help got a lot of it up. This was my first time video recording so go easy on me 🥺 I will try to get better at it!
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snuffseb · 2 days
”that is disguising and morally wrong” dooooont careee, did not aaaskkk!!!! plus the adult men you hang out with call me little brother while taking advantage of me and making me worse!!!!^_^
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pvke-princess · 4 months
youre up in the morning taking a shower for work, when you hear the bathroom door open. your love must have woken up with you too. before they could announce their arrival , you hear a sickly, wet burp and the frantic movements to get to the toilet. it gushes out into the bowl over and over. when they manage to catch a breath, all they do is apologize. what could have made them sick?? there were no signs they didn't feel well overnight, and you ate the same food for dinner the night before. you grab a towel to quickly cover and join their side. brushing their hair out of their face, you can feel them burning with fever. maybe you'll be calling out of work today.
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tummieaching · 4 months
Oohh...I've been nursing this tummyache all night I couldn't sleep ♡ It finally came up and it felt so good...it was so thick, but my tummy still feels a little full...
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silent-secrets21 · 1 month
The thought of having a little puke slut riding my cock lazily as they hold their tummy and whimper and moan about how sore it is. So I sit them in my lap properly, with my cock still buried inside them, and rub their bloated, tense tummy. They shudder as they feel a burp coming up they instinctively cover their mouth incase they vomit. I’d move their hand away and cup my hand in front of them incase they have a little accident. I notice that this turns them on more, the thought of throwing up on me while they have my cock inside them. I gently slide two fingers past their saliva coated lips and into their mouth. They suck softly as they keep burping and moaning. I slowly move my fingers down their throat making them gag and grind onto my dick. Their body convulses as they throw up a little around my fingers. The vomit seeping for the corners of their mouth as their eyes go teary. They look at me with a mixture of guilt, embarrassment and lust as I force my fingers down more and buck my hips up into them. They gag and burp some more until they quickly remove my fingers and projectile vomit into their/my lap. Their body shaking as they vomit more, unable to stop. I gently press onto their tummy making them moan in pleasure and they grind their hips into mine, getting themselves off. They couldn’t hold back the gush of piss that left their body as they vomit so aggressively. Their face going even more red as they piss all over me, drenching me in piss snd vomit. As they finally stopped vomiting snd pissing they looked at me with tear stained cheeks and a needy expression. The fact that we are both now so wet and messy because of the puke sluts vomit and piss makes us both so fucking horny. They start bouncing on my cock, not letting the squelchy sound deter them. They got me so deep inside them their eyes rolled back as they got themselves off on my cock. I couldn’t help but marvel at the site before me. Their bouncing became more uneven and I watched them unravel on my cock. Sinful moans left their vomit covered lips as they came. I held them close to me as they came down from their high. I must have squeezed too hard because I heard a soft moan and felt something wet go down my back.
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lawrencespen1777 · 4 months
*Whump Vomit Prompts*
“Pull over.”
“I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Are you okay? You don’t look okay.”
“You have to eat something.”
“If you don’t start keeping down water we have to go to the ER.”
“No one is watching. I promise.”
“Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.”
“It’s the exhaustion. You need to sleep.”
“I can’t. Please don’t make me.”
“Breathe through it. We’re almost home.”
“There’s nothing left in your stomach. There can’t be.”
“I’ve never seen them this sick.”
“I’ve got your hair. Don’t worry about it.”
“Make this stop. Please.”
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uremetomommy · 8 months
After stuffing myself with a little too much heavy, greasy foods, my belly felt like I could explode. But, I remembered you guys in that moment and decided I should chug some soda along with my already gurgly tummy. My tummy has been recovering from a 24 hour bug, so messing with it probably wasn’t a smart choice but I digress.
I barely got any soda in me before a burp brought a big torrent of almost projectile vomit all over my hand that was rubbing my sick tummy. I didn’t record this unfortunately. I ran to the sink, burping along the way, and washed my hand thinking it might be over. I was wrong. I should’ve known I was wrong because I could feel the remaining food sloshing about in my tummy. I burped a couple times over the sink (its a steel sink and sounds weird when liquid hits it, so it echoed back at me). My tummy pressed against the edge of the sink and I gagged, burped, and coughed up the remainders of my mistakes.
Afterward I was left with a rumbly, queasy belly that didn’t stop causing burps even hours after I had puked. :)
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