#// tho it feels like it'll be LOTS o' works...
angelfate · 9 days
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updated the about page!! 'cos hooooo boyyy, the information was SO OUTDATED and some of it was straight up incorrect, that it's actually quite embarrassing. hopefully not many people read it... and well, if y'all did... feel free to read it again for new changes. i got some incorrect info about jun that i CORRECTED. and well, with asuka... as i said, she is heavily canon divergent as i have kinda my own story for her - so i updated it with changes i made for Said Story and how she played into tek6 & saving jin & finding her powers. like the bio was so old, it was still made with legacy editor haha (which was now actually a lil hard for me to update 'cos I'm no longer used to it xD)
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now it should all be good! i didn't really bother changing unknown's bio, just 'cos... i don't think i had much there. plus unknown is more like an AU, and not canon to my actual jun or muses. so... she's not really all that important lol! (plus i don't think i've even really written her once here - not with anyone else, at least) i also updated my rules a lil bit - not much, but just updated my age. along with stating that jun is open for ships. just 'cos i believe one of my kaz mutuals got asked about shipping beyond jun, and well... that makes me think some people believe she'll only be with kazuya. but that's not true for this blog - RP is funny silly stuff, so i'm def open to more ships with her than just with kazuyas! and i also made it a bit clearer about my canon divergent takes. since i originally stated that jun was "slightly" canon divergent, i changed that to state she's just canon divergent now. because well... my jun does kinda differ from "canon" jun now. not really in terms of her story, but just her personality and how i depict her.
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a-random-weeb · 4 months
How about surprising a favorite star rail character (your choice, but I'd prefer Fu Xuan) with their favorite snack?
Im so sorry I have no clue who that is 😭
I (attempted) to write for some of the characters I know, sorry if they're ooc, I'm only at trailblazer lvl 30-ish so...
You didn't specify if you wanted it romantic or not, but these are when you're their s/o, sorry if you didn't want that, most of the headcannons could easily be interpreted as platonic tho so...
(Ik y'all prob forgot about me I haven't posted in like two years I'm so sorry 😭)
Honkai characters when you cook/bake their favorite snack for them
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March 7th:
•Shes overjoyed
•Lots of hugs and kisses
•Definitely takes a lot of pictures of you worked really hard on it
•probably decides she would love to bake/cook with you sometime
•From that point forward, you probably bake a lot of stuff
•She hits me as the type to not be a great chef, so it'll probably be you doing most of it... but she can be cute while trying to help... right...?
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Dan Heng:
•Youre one of the only ones who can make him smile (+Stelle and march 7th and whoever else is in his backstory later in the game)
•He smiles when you see you've made his favorite snack
•Probably makes you something in return later, whatever your favorite snack is, but unlike you, he's way to embarrassed to give it directly to you
•Instead, he gets Stelle to give it to you (March can't be trusted with such a precious thing)
•Hes not the best chef, but he's certainly not the worst one either
•And when Stelle gives it to you, you immediately knows who its from
•He probably also leaves a cute little love note in it ♡
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•no clue if this is lore accurate or not, but I feel like she absolutely loves cakes and pastries and stuff like that
•I feel like her fav would be cheesecake or som
•If you make her one, she'll have no clue what to say, but her red face will tell you everything you need to know
•Unlike March I feel like she would be kinda ok at baking, but sometimes subtly come up and ask for tips
•Sometimes, it ends up with you baking together, which ends up in throwing flower at each other and having the best night of their lives (Someone make a oneshot of and @ me in it this is so cute ahhhdowjkforkap)
•Ends in kisses and feeding each other, it's been so long since she's let loose and had fun... it was... nice...
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nogenderbee · 10 months
OMG REQS OPEN? 😱 Yea can I get akito, shizuku, and mizuki (separately ofc) with a s /o who acts like they have super high self esteem (like, says that they're the best all the time) but in reality actually hates themselves? Ty 🥰🥰🥰
Of course!! Honestly I loved making this <3 (maybe because of my inner Ena kinnie getting out...) But anyway, here it is so I hope you enjoy~!
Shizuku, Akito, Mizuki with reader fake high esteem
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @m3g-luka @qwnelisa @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @no1mizukifan
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⊱ whenever you said something about you being the best or so, Shizuku's answer was always full of support! She would never bring you down, in fact, she wanted to bring you higher!
"Of course you are the best Y/N~!"
⊱ she literally never minds when you're speaking of yourself highly even if it's like 10th time in minuter or so, every time she'll tell you that you're fully right before giving you small kiss one cheek~
⊱ what she didn't know was that you're only doing this to most likely hide your low self esteem or any other reason you may have! Either way, your self esteem wasn't as high as you showed it...
⊱ but she's a bit blunt... so unfortunely she won't see any hints of you not actually feeling as confident so you'd have to tell her yourself by coming up to her or by her catching you having one of those worse days
⊱ and when you tell her, her expression quickly turns into worry, she's gonna be by your side through the whole day, she'll wrap a blanket over you and bake you cookies either with you or while you watch. She doesn't mind either!
⊱ now it'll be her who will give you compliments more often! She already does it pretty often but now it's even more! So like minimum 5 compliments a day
"I love how you did your hair Y/N~ Oh but about that cookies we made yesterday... I gave some to Shii and she also agreed that you're great baker! I wouldn't expect any less from my most amazing partner~"
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⊱ at first Akito was a bit annoyed by you speaking so highly of yourself... don't get him wrong tho! He agree with that fully but it just pisses him off to hear it 4th time this week... and it's Monday!!
"Y/N... I get it! You're amazing, I agree with you. But can you stop with that a bit? Can we just talk about something else for a moment?"
⊱ yeah he may act a bit mean but he's just a bit tired of hearing it all the time... don't worry tho! He'll apologzie if it made you sad!
⊱ of course, he does not know the reason why you're speaking of yourself like that, which also goes onto that he doesn't know about your low self esteem
⊱ he's not the most observant type but he's not blind either! He can notice something's wrong but it'll take him a lot of time and few obvious clues
⊱ once he does tho, he regrets all the time when he told you you're speaking highly of yourself way too often for him
⊱ of course he doesn't want to force it on you and make you convince yourself so he'll work with you through it!
⊱ he won't spoil you with compliments but he'll most likely try to drop some small compliment every day, just a small one tho!
"Hey, nice outfit! Looks good on you so... nice choice!"
⊱ he want's to see you thinking highly of yourself again but he doesn't want it to be forced so he'll try to slowly and quietly help you with that!
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⊱ Mizuki is the type to be happy that you have such a high self esteem actually!
⊱ they sometimes talk highly of themselvese as well but not as often as you! But that doesn't mean they mind, in fact they often agree with you and encourage you to talk more of yourself like this
"Yes you are! But you know what's even cuter? Us! Yes, we're the cutest couple~"
⊱ despite how happy they were from you having high self esteem, they couldn't help but feel like there's something wrong...
⊱ it doesn't take them really long time to figure out that you don't really have as high self esteem as you show... but they don't figure it out immidietly too, especially not if you're trying your best to hide it
⊱ once they discover that tho, they'll hug you at least once a day and give you a nice compliment! In fact, they're not being secret with the fact that they know about your realy thoughts about yourself
"You're so amazing Y/N, you know that? Literally the cutest and best partner I could ever think of!"
⊱ they know they need to be patient while they try to help you raise your self esteem and they will calmly go through it with you!
⊱ they'll give you lots of compliments and affection every day, hoping that it will help at least a little bit!
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thelovinghost · 2 years
Hello! Can I request head cannons for the hosts with an S/O that is on a sports team (like swimming) and they come to support them at their meet? (I have a big swim meet coming up and I need encouragement lol) Feel free to ignore, but ty for considering!
Why would I ignore such a cute request :) I had thought of doing swimming but then I remembered I'm a girl and that was a no go [Also I was in a 'situation' lol irrelevant] But I did the Physical Test and everything [Also Covid hit sooo] [Also no Mori, so sorry abt that]
Hope you enjoy! Also I hope you do well at your meet
Characters: Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Haruhi Fujioka, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
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Tamaki Suoh
He's OVER supportive
Like embarrassingly so
You love him, you really do
But when he shows up to your meet with banners, a shirt with your face, a huge hat, and the rest of the Host Club w/ just as much merchandise on them, you wanna crawl in a hole and die
If you lose, he'll be more devastated than you
^He'll hold you and cry into your arms, telling you it'll be okay
If you win, he'll be so excited and want to throw a HUGE celebration
You'll chuckle and shrug him off, saying it's no big deal
"But it is a big deal! You worked hard and you deserve to celebrate!"
[He really just wants to throw a party]
You'll feel bad for Haruhi, knowing that Tamaki probably dragged him out all this way, but Haruhi will tell you it's fine, plus free food
He'll also compliment you, and when Tamaki hears, he'll come in with his VERY loud praises
He'll tell everyone in a 5 foot radius that you're his partner and you're an amazing athlete
You're embarrassed about his bragging, but Tamaki doesn't even notice, because he just loves you so much and wants everyone else to know
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Kyoya Ootori
He doesn't really care to much for sports, especially swimming
But it's something you enjoy, so of course he'll be supportive
He'll give you tactics/methods to do better
He doesn't show it well, but he's happy for you
You love swimming AND you're good at it
^You've found your purpose, unlike him :(
^But you'll help him
Tamaki comes with him, but Kyoya didn't bring him
^Tamaki is just a parasite who invades on Kyoya's personal time
Tamaki will be the one that cheers for you, while Kyoya sits in a despise, wishing he could choke Tamaki
You think it's nice that your boyfriend's best friend is cheering for you
^In fact Kyoya is more bothered than you
Whether you win or lose, Kyoya will take you out to eat, cause that's how he shows his love, withOUT Tamaki
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Hikaru Hitachiin
His brother forced him to go
He's bad with his feelings, so he sometimes act irrationally
But he's glad Kaoru made him go, because he really enjoyed watching you doing something you love
He'd be upset if you lose, but not at you, really just other things, but you tell him it's fine, you were just a little off your game, cause you didn't expect Hikaru to be there
Hikaru feels bad after you say that and decides he'll never miss another meet
He wants to be a supportive boyfriend, he just doesn't know HOW
You completely understand though and don't hold it against him
If you WIN tho, he'll say it's thanks to him
HIS presence helped you win
You'll laugh and call him your good luck charm and he blushes
He's YOUR lucky charm? Of course he is!
He tells Kaoru that he doesn't have to come to your meets anymore, which offends Kaoru, cause like "uh-no...They may be your partner, but they're MY Best friend, so uh, no I won't"
Hikaru gets mad about it, but you tell him it's fine, because you enjoy BOTH of them
Kaoru teaches Hikaru all the things about swimming and who your teammates are and it makes Hikaru feel like shit, cause god he really has missed out on a lot
But not anymore
Cause he's going to be the BEST boyfriend in the world
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Kaoru Hitachiin
Kaoru is the ONLY one who is able to go to your swim meet alone
While he could drag his brother along with him
But he enjoys going alone
He feels like it's just you and him, no one else in the world
He also makes lovey-dovey eyes while watching you
He'll be disappointed for you if you lose, because he knows you worked really hard
Though you'll just tell him you'll do better next time and this just motivates you more
Kaoru is the more emotionally connected twin, so you can tell him your feelings and he's [more] mature about it
"I'm really glad you came, even if I did lose"
He'll blush, looking away from you
But if you win, he'll take you to his house and celebrate with you
He'll do whatever you want and, just like Tamaki, will tell everyone you just won your swim meet and you were incredible
I mean he just brags about you no matter what, but ESPECIALLY if you won
He loves being there for you and seeing you at your best
He's just so glad he's part of this part of your life
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Haruhi Fujioka
She read all about swimming/swim meets/etc
She wants to educate herself as much as she possibly can
Some stuff is out of date, or you just find plain funny, cause no one does that
But she'll tell you rules YOU didn't even know about
She's more of the type to read than participate
The rest of the Host Club 1000% invades on your meet
They'll shout at you, distracting you, though not on purpose, they really just want to embarrass Haruhi
Haruhi will get frustrated and tell them to stop, because they keep distracting you and you could lose
Haruhi wanted to go back to her place where she had F/d [Favorite Dessert] so if you win you have something to enjoy or if you lose, you ALSO have something to enjoy
BUT the Club hasn't different plans
Haruhi will profusely apologize for their behavior, but you'll tell her it's all right, you don't mind
When you both are FINALLY able to get away, she takes you to her place, so you can finally enjoy F/d
She loves going to your swim meets, because you just look so happy
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Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
He brought Mori [And his and Mori's brothers, because he loves you and he wants everyone to watch you succeed] with him to your meet
Whether you win or lose, he still going out to eat sweets with you
He'll listen to you rant about the whole thing, even though he was there the whole time
He thinks it's cute
He'll cheer for you and so will Mori's brother, Satoshi, and then Honey will see it as a competition for who can cheer the loudest until Mori finally stops his brother from actually pissing Honey off [Mori will tell when Honey starts throwing Passive Aggressive comments Satoshi's way]
No one's going to cheer louder than him for HIS partner 😠
You'll even introduce Honey to your teammates, since they had been asking about the blonde boy
He'll cheer for you if you win and comfort you if you lose
^He doesn't care to much, because no matter what he'll still love you and think you're the best thing on planet Earth and you're all his
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8myass · 5 months
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅ hi, y'all! i'm new to this community and i just wanted to do a little "intro to my account" post with a bit about me and my writing! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ my name is lele, i go by she/her pronouns, and i'm 18 y/o, but i've been writing (and reading) fanfics for years. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ this is an 18+ account for the mature themes written. i know minors will read anyway, so just read responsibly and understand what you're getting into. there should be no shocker when there is smut in a smut story. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ i follow everyone back! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ will include a lot of dark content, fluff isn't my strong suit. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ works are scheduled to be posted every saturday and sunday (hopefully). `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ if you enjoy my works, please like, comment feedback, and reblog! that would be very much appreciated!! 🩵 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ requests are open! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ prompts for requests are found here, but any requests are appreciated ♡. requests will be answered out of order, so it might take a bit for me to wrack my brain of good content to answer requests! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ anons are welcomed. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ currents anons are: 🧺 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ taglist is open!
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ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i won't write: strictly bxb content (i'm inexperienced, maybe i'll try it in the future, also might be on sidelines of stories), incest, mpreg, male reader for smut (as i am not male, i deem it hard to write the mc as a male. but gender neutral is okay), nothing much that i won't really write. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i do write: gxg, stepcest, age gaps (legal), infidelity/cheating, noncon (no consent given), dubcon (consent is questionable), cnc (roleplayed noncon scenarios, but it's fully consensual), bondage, any kink you can think of (no piss/shit kinks tho 😐), pegging, dom!reader, switch!reader, yandere, stalkers/stalking, gore, knife play, gun play, sensory play, branding, murder (not of mcs), omegaverse / a/b/o (never written before, i can't promise it'll be good, but i can try??), dacryphilia, unprotected sex, breeding, voyeurism/exhibitionism, blackmail, sensory deprivation, femdoms (whether this means reader or idol), g!p, anal, threesomes/foursomes/anysomes rly, orgies/gangbanging, monster fucking??? idk ig that's all for now, i'm willing to try everything at least once, i'm a rather experimental writer. if it's not listed, i will probably write it anyway lmao. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- genres i write: smut (w or w/o plot, preferably w), fluff, angst, horror/thriller, suggestive, crack, honestly just anything (always experimenting). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i write: series (possibly), drabbles, oneshots (less than 4k words), fake texts, headcannons, hard/soft thoughts, full-fics (more than 4k words). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- boy groups i write for: nct (all units; nct dream, nct 127, wayv, nct wish but only fluff for all minors), riize, seventeen, stray kids, txt. however, i'll write for any boy group! these are just the only ones that my brain typically needs no help in coming up with ideas for. male soloists can be written for as well! (ngl, i just write for anyone i feel like, so any group is open for requests) ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- girl groups i write for: (g)i-dle, aespa, blackpink, itzy, newjeans (only fluff for hyein and haerin), le sserafim (only fluff for eunchae), twice, and mamamoo. (kard can also be requested as a co-ed group, female soloists are all able to be written for as well) (i really just write for anyone, so anyone is open for requests too)
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you can find my male idol masterlist here and my female idol masterlist here! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ recent works: nct 2023 yandere headcannons, suicidal (yandere!felix) ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ what i'm currently working on: your touch (yandere!anton) [wip, but on hold]
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ jaehyun 2024 birthday event!! [m.list for event can be found here] (on hold)
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Vergil seems like the kind of person that you'd have to Force to take care of himself when he's injured. Like, the man Refuses to take it easy and give his body the proper rest it needs. Absolutely the type where you'd have to threaten to make his injuries Worse just to get him to admit to + take care of said injuries and REST.
At least, maybe post-DMC 5, just because V seems to know his limits, however reluctantly. Tho tbh, I could see that just making Vergil even MORE stubborn about taking care of himself/minding his own limits, because he's not V any more, he's fully himself now, he should be FINE.
(He's so afraid of feeling weak and powerless again, even in things like this, that he Hates admitting he needs the help/rest.)
Not sure if he'd be turned on by you trying to (gently, with love) Order Him to take it easy and take care of himself and let you take care of him, but I feel like it might work? Just. Reassure him that he's not weak or useless for needing the help, and maybe it'll get through that thick skull of his.
(Divider because this is long lmao)
     Vergil could be cut in half, dying on the floor, and he would be insulted if you tried to help him. Don't get me wrong, he would begrudgingly accept help in that scenario but only if it is like that, ya know?
Getting him to rest would be even worse lmao. You'd have to pull out some motherfucking chains and strap his ass down to the bed.
     Hell, maybe Vergil wouldn't even realize he's sick. I mean, he did spend a ton of time being everyone besides himself--the first 19 out of, like what, 40-some years is the only time Vergil was, well, Vergil. It would have to be something that gets so debilitating that someone else notices his lack of attention to things (Probably would have to do with him trying to fight and just fumbling the entire thing.). Bro would be out here dying of tuberculosis and wouldn't even notice.
     Also, yeah, no-- He'd 100% get flustered and turned on by his S/O forcing him to take care of himself. I do think of Vergil being more of a dominant personality; however, having someone who loves him that wants to make sure he's okay? It would leave the man would internally be in shambles. However, if it was not painfully obvious (to the point of it almost being sickening) that someone is doing this out of love; then he wouldn't want ANYTHING to do with it. Vergil spent so many years being Mundus's puppet and being forced to do things that he didn't want to. So being bossed around again would just trigger his fight or flight (and he ain't flying anytime soon) and just cause him distress.
     It would have to be quite the balancing act to make sure that he's making sure to take care of himself but, also, making sure not to upset the poor PTSD-riddled devil.
     [I am putting aside my own H/Cs and like half of my fics that are about this very thing so I can write about this; I might actually do a small fic about this idk yet (I have a ton of WIPs rn lmaoooo). I think I covered everything I wanted to say, I had a lot to say/think about when I got this; so, sorry that it took me a hot minute to respond lol]
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viir-tanadhal · 5 months
looking at the track-listing for nonetheless and some thoughts. unless previous tracks or demos went through name changes as i don't recognize these or they don't ring a bell, these might be all new tracks written during 2020-2022...
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Loneliness - my interpretation (shared by geowayne too it seems so win) is that the narrator has dealt with loneliness a great deal and is seeing someone close to him going through the same pain. the lines then become somewhat accusatory, asking who/where the other person will go to to try and get rid of their loneliness, but nothing seems to last, and the cycle continues on where they keep trying but nothing works. even if you're not alone, it doesn't mean you're not lonely. and the solution the narrator is proposing and pushing the other to realize is that throughout this cycle, who has always been there to help and could be the one to make the other person not be lonely anymore? the narrator. the other person just has to make the decision. a similar song in theme I think to Only the Dark but with much more energy and worry
Feel - Will it be about feel as in physical touch? Or about emotion? based on the title, I think this will be one I'll really enjoy. With the ending to Loneliness, I could see Loneliness flowing into this song in a similar way to Will-o-the-wisp going into You are the one.
Why am I Dancing? - as I'll mention with Dancing Star, this could be a contender for the song about Rudolf Nureyev Neil has previously mentioned. An open-ended question too, maybe about community and belonging, as dancing and dance music in psb's work has often dealt with that feeling? (like Vocal)
New London Boy and A New Bohemia - i have no basis for this besides vibes but these feel like they could be Neil autobiographical tracks, particularly about him in the early 70s when coming to London. He could be the "new london boy" and he has referred to his friend group that lived in Tottenham as bohemian in interviews and in An Open Mind. given neil revisited songs he wrote during that period, not unlikely some songs are from that period in his life
Dancing Star - i'm going to take a guess and say Dancing Star is the Nureyev song. the title makes sense for that but I could also see Why am I Dancing? fitting that as well. one of those two tho I think are likely to be that but that's just my hunch
The Schlager Hit Parade - in a 2016 super interview, Neil jokes about them having an album called Genau and that'll be "their schlager album" but I guess they've opted for a song instead lol. they've mentioned schlager music a lot in the past because of Berlin and I wonder if this originated from a few years ago. this genre being typically sentimental and about feelings sounds like despite the jarring title it'll fit well into the vibe of the album
The Secret of Happiness - a companion song to Happiness is an Option? probably not but it would be interesting. i guess neil will reveal the secret to achieving happiness
Bullet for Narcissus - this title instantly intrigued me and is very interesting. i could see it being a modern commentary on self-absorption and egotism, which has been a reoccurring theme
Love is the Law - going off of the title, this'll be about love being the law - essentially, love being a binding part of our lives and a universal principle, if we take scientific law definition into consideration. this seems like it'll also be the answer to the opening track Loneliness as their openers and closers more often than not play off of each other either thematically or narratively, which would be very fitting
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lillyorlyracat · 1 year
Revamped intro post
What's up sweet bippies it's me autism cat
My name is Lilly, or Lyra, or Lilac, or Cat, or April. I am audhd(autistic and ADHD), I'm fictionkin, I have a shit ton of interests so my posts will be varied and inconsistent (if you only follow me for one fandom that's still cool idc)
Sometimes I'll post my art, sometimes I'll just yell into my keyboard and wait for people to press buttons on it. Mostly I just reblog posts I like, sorry folks
Update: decided to make an art tag! Just to organize stuff :P it'll be #🐱drawn by yours truly
Also, about that fictionkin thing? Yeah so I'm Ember Lumen from Elemental in the realz. I don't have any source memories or anything but I'm 100% her :P 🔥
Update (1/4/24): I'm also Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken in the realz!! Again no source mems as far as I can tell, but my mom irl is definitely also Agatha in the movie >u< 🌊
F/O list here ⬇️⬇️
Dni list & boundaries uwu
Pro_sh/ppers/com_sh/ppers/pro_f/c etc bitches please don't interact, just, please,,
No z00ph+les either get outta here
I am a minor so please don't like,, be weird,,, or anything (UPDATE: technically I am no longer a minor but this still applies)
Homophobes, transphobes, xeno/neophobes etc get outta here
Aggressive anti furries.. like. People who think furry = z00ph+le.. get outta here you’re not welcome ^^
Please don't dm me with like "hey wanna be friends" or anything like that out of nowhere.. if you wanna be friends with me, try asking about common interests maybe? Idk? I'm cool with making friends, that's just,, not the way to do it,,, y'know
Doubles are awesome, other Elemental kinnies are super cool! Buuuut if any Wades have like romantic Ember memories maaaybe don't interact? I already have a bf, and although I'm poly I'm uncomfortable with the idea of another partner right now. I'll be friends with a Wade tho, hi friend Wades 👋🔥
Ruby update: doubles are okay here too! But no Connors with romantic mems please. I...don't feel very romantically connected to Connor tbh. I'll be friends with y'all tho! Hi Connors!! 👋💦
I'll uh update this periodically cuz I'm probably forgetting a lot
Links to my other socials!
Youtube ⬇️
Instagram ⬇️
AO3 ⬇️
Picsart ⬇️
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"You might think that this is the end...
Well it is!"
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verkele · 9 months
Hello again. It's been quite a while. Again. Guh whatever. I suppose all those other things I had thought about rambling about through the summer and such are kinda more or less expired by now so I'm choosing not to bother playing much catch-up with it all. Not like anything important really happened anyway. Just the same old same old burnout slog day to day with hardly any content aside from "went to work", "did whatever", "saw some shit", "vegetated..." and so on. New car been alright, old car still unfinished, kinda had no energy to work on it like at all this summer. Was gonna do some stuff for it at work but it's kinda getting shitweathers o clock of the year so idk if it'll just have to accumulate another year worth of additional rust to fix next year. Still been working a whole lot of dev shit on chompstation stuffs and that has pretty much been all the "productive" stuff I've managed to do in a while. Met nephew again at grandma's visit with all siblings and dogs and Jetta taught him to pant like a dog lmao. Also finally decided to go fuck celiacs whatever we ball. My brother already did that a couple years back and he's been doing alright, and so far this first cheat weekend hasn't yet wrecked me either after two whole ass pizzas of regular sort. Of course I ain't gonna be reinstating the poison grain as my main staple or anything so it's kinda just maybe a little now and then thing for now. Frankly enough I feel like doing that has actually finally given me the energy to write up this ramblepost I've been putting off for months. Hell I even made coffee at home for two days straight after a long long time of only ever having a little bit at work coffee breaks. And sure enough, it's now working as coffee is supposed to. The previous times I had made any at home this year just kinda only had me sleepy and blasting ass, but this weekend's stuff? None of that crap. Feeling like a living person again. I should probably get my teeth fixed again though. Something's probably cracked and acting up, and there's been a couple unbothersone pieces missing for a long time that I just haven't been giving a shit about. Maybe I'll try and get my eyes checked too even tho I still don't know what to even do about those. These wack-ass spookeyes I mean, cause I don't think there's glasses that could even fix the little un-blurry retroreflection artifacts that kinda get a bit annoying sometimes. Or even who to contact for the possible chimera tests and whatever. It's all just the kind of "Hello I am a real fairytale creature please don't throw me in padded cell" kinda unreality bullshit. I'd have to pull up to the scientician's lab in a goddamn flying saucer to have any kind of credibility for my outlandish claims lmao. Not gonna be giving any productivity promises for now though despite of the little upward blip in the life vibe situation, but who knows, maybe I might get somewhere again sooner or later. Luck issue or whatever.
TL;DR Still being a weird little shit on the same old bullshit and hubris :v
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curuxavermella · 1 year
I fell sick a few days ago, just after returning from vacation, but now I feel a lot better and with energy to tackle more things ;u; I finally sat on my butt to keep playing Triangle Strategy and start Spy x Family. I only had the time and motivation to follow short things o(-< except when I sat with my friends and we devoured Chainsaw Man, God of War: Ragnarök and started watching Alice in Borderland. Plus my friend gifted me a Harvest Moon and I got lent a Stardew Valley online slot. I have it on pc with a lot of mods but playing on my laptop with no desk can be a bit of a chore o(-< one day I'll have the Steam Deck though and boy those 100+ mods are ready to RUN.
I'm excited for persona 3 portable coming out in a week! MY EXISTENTIALISM IS READY TO GET TRIGGERED!! And also just like Endwalker, to get again the message of "live the moment, life is precious."
I'm also excited to show them the FC logo once it's done ;u; I know Ryu's got more work and lots to do, plus her family and I'd rather she push it back if she needs to. I think my friend forgot about the logo he designed tho hahah.... but I suppose it's better since it'll be like a surprise? I want to slap it over his face so it cheers him up >:c
Also I'm looking to get my Advanced English language certificate. It's not needed for the petsitting jobs, probably won't need it as a pet groomer either, but... I'd like to have it.
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solitaireships · 1 year
🌱🎉🛀 hope u feel better :o) -hamsterwife
Thank you @hamsterwife! I know it'll get better eventually, but for now I just need to try to keep moving forward and thinking about happier things
🌱 Who was your first F/O?
If we're going way back to before I really was aware of what self shipping was, it would be Washington from Re.d vs Bl.ue. He was a major source of comfort for me back when I was really into the show, and I even ended up making a bracelet that reminded me of him (tho unfortunately it broke a couple years ago). He was still a very formative fictional character I loved tho, and I'll always have some love for him even tho I've long since stopped considering him a character I'm in love with
The first character that I've actually referred to as my F/O tho is James. He's more important to me than pretty much anyone else, and I adore him so much
It was actually a bit of a surprise that I ended up falling so hard for him, especially because initially watching rw.by I didn't think much about him. But I think it was during the time that v8 was almost done releasing that I ended up falling hard and fast for him, and I've never changed on that. I think it was the tragedy that's part of what drew me to him, and I was thinking a lot about him from a character study perspective at that point. And he more I thought about him, the more I realized that I really loved him which funnily enough was actually after he died lmao. He really drew me in with everything about him tho, and he's such an important character to me, I love him so dearly
🎉 Tell us some fun facts about your newest selfship!
I already talked about Miguel in another ask, so I'm gonna talk about my next most recent F/O, who I think would be Himeko. I consider her to be more of a crush than anything for right now, mainly just bcs I don't quite feel like she warrants girlfriend status. I do think the main reason that I have feelings for her tho is that she reminds me a lot of the way Chae-Yeong usually presents herself. I like that she's confident, and I can always appreciate a woman who loves space and coffee considering I also love those things. Plus, she's really just so gorgeous, and I admire her work with trying to help others across the universe
🛀 What’s your favorite mundane thing to do with your F/O?
I like getting to have meals with James. It's nice having time to be together, not worrying about anything else, and just being able to chat with each other. Especially with our busy schedules, it's a good break
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haysprite · 1 year
apparently in the description of the legion comic issue 4. it says that Susie had a crush, and I am hoping that it's not one of the legion members (espically Julie or Frank). (if Julie ends up being that crush I will be very upset and a little happy at the same time because I relate to Susie a lot and I view her to be a sapphic so seeing her canonically be a sapphic makes me very happy but if her crush ends up being Julie it'll make me very upset because I never liked "the gay person has a crush on their best friend but it's clearly obvious that it's one-sided" because it reminds me of the time I had a crush on my best friend and it was so painfully to me that those feelings I had for her will never be returned the same way I liked her so seeing a character who brings me lots of comfort going through something similar to what I went through makes me sad) (if Frank ends up being her crush then I will be very disappointed because I don't like the idea of it and I view them to have a sibling like relationship so yeah). i highly dought her crush is joey because there was nothing that implied Susie and joey hang out together (you know without Frank and Julie) unless we get to see the two interact with each other alone but overall i just hope it's a new character we get to see in the comics because that would sound way more interesting.
(i'm so sorry that this is very long)
I'm gonna be so fr with you Anon, the description has me lowkey nervous as hell for her issue fdsljljkfds. I'm sure it'll be fine, but hmggmdslkj there are soooo many ways it could go south tbh, they just have to play with the idea in interesting and creative way ig.
From the way I'm reading it, I have a suspicion that it will be on somebody within the Legion? Just from the way its written n everything, but obviously they could still surprise me here. I'm gonna guess Joey probs (which I personally wouldn't mind since I enjoy the ship, I HC her as biromantic), since for all we know they could expand upon their relationship a LOT within the comic! They did cause some trouble together in Julie's Tome as well (causing those car accidents together n shit), so who knows! We still don't know as much about them as Frank and Julie, so I don't wanna assume anything quite yet, so for all we know they could be really close considering they most likely knew each other pre-Frank. Also they'd defo be/get close if they're both in The Legion together. Julie would be interesting as well if they play their cards right, but it'd defo end in a one-sided crush since Julie's with Frank, and I just don't think it'd fit well within their story. I personally HC that Susie had a small crush on her growing up, but it never led to anything (obv) and fizzled after a while, which Susie never really minded. (I personally enjoy stories like this, since it does remind me of myself and my relationships a lot, so it'd be nice to see something positive in this regard ig? idk if that makes sense but jlfdsldjk yeah). If it turns out to be Frank, I will be putting my copy down, drive over to my work, and lay down on a rollercoaster track /neg (/nsrs),,, I highly doubt it'll be him tho cause nahhh lame :o) I also HC them to have a sibling like relationship, as well as the fact that it'd be weird considering her BEST FRIEND is literally dating him kjlfdsjlkfdsjlkfds IDKKKK,,,
What I'm most curious about, though, is whether or not it'll be Pre or Post Fog? Considering its mentioning a first kill, I'm assuming Post Fog, since their first kill was the janitor (unless they retcon this, which I'm PRAYING they don't, which I'll discuss another time). So this could very well lean into a Survivor being involved or somethin, which I'm also not really keen on, since idklkjfdskjfds I'm just not a big fan of the idea of Killers falling in love with Survivors and vice versa, its just not for me. Somewhat befriending in an obscure way, sure, but not anything more than that. So unless this happens Pre Fog, which I wouldn't mind whatsoever, I'm just leaning towards Joey at this point, since I fee like he'd probably be the best choice here.
ALSO I'm curious if we'll get any like, sexuality confirmations as well??? Idk cause they could VERY much so hint at something, or even outright confirm it, which I'll v much stick to canon in this regard since I 100% respect confirmed shit like this! I personally think they're all Bi (shhhh I'm mpsec myself, let me have this) , but who knowsssss :3
IDK at this point I don't wanna assume anything, I'll just wait and see what happens! I'm sure we'll probably be able to figure it out as each Issue comes out as well, since they could easily build something up on the sides! I'm just excited to see where these comics take these characters, since honestly after reading all the descriptions, I'm a lot more excited and intrigued to see what they'll do! Joey's esp, since holy shit that has me PONDERING, I'm so fuckin curious to learn more about him <3 Also Julie comic <3333 I will 100% be reviewing all of them (with spoiler warnings, dw, I'm not an asshole), but not until I've reread them a few times so I can fully gather my thoughts! I'll post live reactions on Twitter, but I'll save my "deep thoughts" n shit for after I've fully thought it through! I'm gonna become the most annoying mf around when these drop istg
(Also don't ever apologize for long asks lol, I love readin em and it gives me things to think about giggle)
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life's been okay. nothing special. days just keep on going. ive had a job for bout 2 weeks. ig thats not really an achievement tbh.
before this, that work from home place i was barely working, prolly 5-10 hours a week. and i'd slither out of those where possible anyway. this one week i worked a whopping 2 hours within 2 weeks. I was planning on killing myself and occasionally tried to all throughout having those jobs so i wasn't really worried about the consequences
before that the only other in person job i had was for my ex best friend. she worked there so i applied and got a job o work with her. only for her to quit 2 weeks after i got in whiich lead me to quit prolly a week n a half later cause i finally got fed up with the manager.
so now, even tho it ain't the longest ive held down a place, its the first that i really cared to put in effort to hold a job.
im semi celebrating but im honestly miserable. my feet hurt so fucking bad so it literally doesnt matter how good my hours are i never want to leave my bed. the people up there are so cliquey and on my 2nd day out of training one of my coworkers went off on me for going too slow and "not putting in my part". theyre starting to give me longer and longer shifts. i went from working 3-4 8 hour shifts per week to working 3 doubles just like that. they sooo generously give an hour and a half break in between the 6:30-3 and 4:30-8 shift but.. who in their right mind is even leaving atp? i live too far for that. i'd be home for at most an hour. waste of gas.
and to me what's worse, this whole situation is exactly what i've been avoiding. i knew it'd come down to this someday. but what alternative do i have?
HA. you know as a kid, i never understood addiction. I never thought I'd have to deal with it. By the time I was 8 I knew I'd kill myself someday. if i ever felt bad, that'd be what i'd do. no need to force myself to do something i didnt really wanna do. but now it seems so easy. i don't know what i wanna do from here. i hate my job. i hate my home life. i dont like to talk to my friends anymore. im bored of games. im bored of music. bored of tv.
whisking the days away doing what i have to would be a lot easier if i didnt have to be fully present for all of this. just something to pass the time until i have a better handle on what's the next move. right now, the only thing i can do is save up money. i have shit to pay off if i wanna keep a good credit score and i have things i need to buy. what's me hating every second gonna change?
though i know it's a slippery slope. abusing shit aint gon work out as smooth as I wish it would. I'll get addicted and then I'll get used to feeling that way so it'll take more for me not to get annoyed. then it'll turn back to me immediately running back to it for every minor situation. and honestly with the job i got i'd just have to hope i would be able to push through it without it being noticeable
i'm not happy i stopped. i feel like had i still been on dph i would've known for a fact how to make myself look normal. i could be gone out my mind but long as i get the shit right i could just daze through the days. but ya know. now. i ratted myself out
and now im stuck.
nothing more for me to do. nothing else i could be doing. nothing else i should be worried about other than making money
I never understood why adults always told me i'd miss being a kid since i was always struggling so bad. all they ever said is that my problems then were gonna feel like nothing once i was an adult. but they were wrong. i guess for now. but all i wish now is that i used all that freetime back when nooo one woulda suspected anything if i was away for a lil while. back when i wasnt ful grown and it'd prolly take a whooole lot less to finish the job
but here we are. forced to keep going and doing what i can to suppress what i really wanna do
ah speaking of which... i got pissed the other day and i tossed one of my drawers and broke it. then broke my bottle for my vitamins by throwing it to the ground. then i accidentally knocked over this container of beads and instead of just sweeping it back into the thing and reducing the mess, i just kicked it as hard as i could and tore the container apart. there's still beads everywhere
that is something i can't force myself to contain anymore. everything else i've been dealing with fine but when im pissed im pissed. i gotta get that under control too
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
🐝🍄🦝🏚 please!! Thank you! 🧡
Hi lovely!!
According to my tally of ships, Joe is in the lead so far so I'll be answering these with regard to him! 😁💖
🐝 Who takes care of the inside bugs? Cup or boot?
I will kill most bugs on-sight but I tend to apologize after bc I feel bad. 😅
Joe, on the other hand, can kill a man without batting an eye but when it comes to bugs, he is definitely the "Flee the house, set it all on fire" type 🤣
🍄 Have your or your F/O pushed each other out of your respective comfort zones at any point?
So I'm one of the most adventurous people in my friend-group but the 1 thing I WILL NOT DO is skydive because I'm shit-terrified of heights bc y'know, I have a thing about NOT ENDING UP GOING SPLAT ON THE GROUND (😭)...So of course Joe, being a paratrooper by profession, would no doubt make it his mission to try to help me out of my fear of heights. Jury's still out on whether it'll ever happen tho lol. 😆
Similarly, Joe is a fairly open-minded eater; there's not much he could get at home that he doesn't like BUT generally, he's pretty against eating anything that would probably otherwise kill him lol. So of course, I'd eventually get him to try some super-spicy Thai food, rattlesnake, & gator bc all are delicious, he just doesn't realize it yet lol 🤭
🦝 What kind of presents or trinkets have you and your F/O gotten each other?
I've always wanted a gold or silver heart-shaped locket but they're pretty hard to come by & they're not cheap...It'd take a lot of saving paycheck by paycheck & a lot of scouring stores, but eventually, probably for a holiday, he'd manage to surprise me with one. 🥺💖💖💖
Similarly, I know he'dve been eyeing a certain wristwatch for some time-- the famous 1941 Longines Evidenza, like the kind Humphrey Bogart wore in Casablanca-- but being a cabbie, he'd not make near enough to buy it & still get the locket for me.
Being the complete sap that he is (even tho no one else gets to see it lol 🤭), he'd forego the watch to get me the locket while trying to pretend it was no big deal ("Hey, anythin' for my girl") so of course, I'd be saving up my own money on the side to get him the watch for a Hanukkah gift, if not sooner bc I love him, your honor 🥺💖💖💖
Also, we're both comic book nerds + true crime nerds so one or both of us showing up with the latest issue of a new comic or detective novel would not be uncommon! 🤭
🏚 If you had to pick the ideal place to surprise your F/O with a vacation to, where would it be?
Hmm, this is a hard one but probably somewhere way out in the countryside somewhere, like a ranch, cottage, or farmhouse type of place.
Joe grew up crowded in the city with a really big, busy family + he works in the big city for a living, so he's constantly surrounded by the hustle & bustle which can get really draining after awhile. I think he'd really like the relaxation & beauty that nature can provide, far away from everything, where he can just let his guard down & relax for once, enjoying each other's company without feeling pressured or rushed.
Not to mention, you bet your ass I'm gonna teach that city boy how to horseback ride if it kills me! 🤭
Thank you so much for the Ask, lovely, these were so much fun!! 💖💖💖
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nonsenseships · 4 months
Feeling like running my mouth so I'm gonna ramble about my few AUs so that if I post about them and if any one comes across something, they can at least have a baseline for where the shit kiiinda started? I mean, I can't tell the entirety of each story because so much of them have never been formally written (I mean, MOST OF IT) since it was just for me and i did pretty well keeping up with it.
But, as medications get heavier and I get a little older, memory is harder to retain. Plus, there are some scenarios that I WISH I had recorded because they were just that juicy.
Anyway, here are how they are seperated:
Harem AU: This is basically where ANY and EVERY f/o or potential f/o (even fleeting fictional crushes) appear. They all live with me under one roof and I am meant to divide my time between them- not easy, at this point I should schedule tbh but I don't and bc of that some people are neglected in favor of whoever my more prominent brainrots are. This AU can get very sticky tho. So, I'm going to make a seperate post and elaborate more on that. It's a fuuuun time tho. Lots of drama. I'm more morally grey here tbh which helps contribute to the drama. Don't feel bad. They can leave at any time <3
Poly Idol AU: This AU has been active since I was at least 16 years old. Those involved in the arrangement has changed and evolved along with me. The one contant was Natsuki which is an important factor in the arrangement. It's very dramatic and emotionally intense at times but it's also equally as horny 🤗 God, this AU is SOO much fun to think about at work to pass time. I think it's the one I wish was written the most because I often time wish that I could go back and reread some bits that were especially juicy. Oh man. Yeah, I am not a good person in this one. The years have made all of us very different from the cute, bubbly shit we see in the canon anime. I have kinda fucked them all up. We've fucked each other up. Natsuki and Satsuki have long since merged too. I do not do the whole infantilazation of him. He's an adult man that has a penchant for cute things but that's the extent of it. I definitely have to go into this one more! IT'S VERY COMPLICATED!!!
MasaAliNish AU: This one is probably, suprisingly the healthiest romance on the list I think. Masa and Nish do had some jealous habits here or there but they genuinely like and respect each other and they do give their all to try to make it work. This AU's me is possibly has the closest resemblance to my true personality as well which makes me happy that the healthiest romance is the one where I'm just being myself hahaha. There's not too much to explain but I'm sure it'll be prevalent on this blog so I'll make a post at some point.
Obey Me AU: Since this IP was MADE with the thought of players being sluts in mind, I didn't really have to do too much heavy lifting? It takes place mostly in the devildom and majority of the cast are there. I simply romance my faves and cause chaos because of it. >:D There's not much to discuss in the way of morality though. They mostly have gone along with it and whoever is more prone to jealousy, acts. Simple.
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hottakehoulihan · 4 months
@simurghed said (I tried to reblog but something's not working)
"Please oh please gush at me randomly about Wormpowers!" Okay! Hope you didn't mean concisely! Heck, this could be a good tournament of sorts; comparing not the folk who HAD the powers but how great the powers themselves are.
"Please oh please gush at me randomly about Wormpowers!"
Okay! Hope you didn't mean concisely!
Heck, this could be a good tournament of sorts; comparing not the folk who HAD the powers but how great the powers themselves are.
You'd have to specify whether the tournament was about 1: Cool. 2: Desirable. 3: Scary. 4: Would win in a fight (boring)
A: Grey Boy is depressingly(?) close to a childhood OC of mine, though far more OP since I didn't have that "invincible and also eternally young and clean" aspect to it.
B: Circus is a great magical girl that only needs a mascot and I'd love to know what they're like when in civilian form.
C: Mouse Protector is a lot of enthusiastic cringe about much of my childhood and the childhoods of some of my contemporaries, and also Droopy Dog--a cartoon character I hate.
D: Night. I love the synergy between Night and Fog/Purity, and just the way Night fights in general.
E: There's a member of maybe the fallen--can't remember who or whether it came up in PRT Quest or in Ward--that when they speak people listen. That's it; the words compel attention above and beyond all else. I feel like this would be a nightmare power for me to have and would both "solve" my problems and also do so in the worst possible way and so it's probably the one I'd get.
F: I think about Coil a lot. Remember that crappy-but-fun Nicholas Cage movie "Next"? It's kind of Coil.
G: I should bring up Taylor but…do you like the color of the sky? Which Taylor? Her powerset evolves and grows so much. At the start? It takes her seven or more arcs to realize she can disguise herself with bugs, and she STILL isn't using them to track where the bullies are (or who is around her) on a 24/7 basis and this is silly of her. Side note: If I ever write a Taylor/Sophia it'll be called "Nosee'um" probably. Not sure I'd do that, but I know how it starts. (And ends.) Anyway, it's really the administration and surveyal part of her power I particularly envy. I can't chase two rabbits at once and sometimes not even one, but she could herd billions.
H: (heh) Grue is actually amazing and especially after his second trigger. There's a fanfic out there where he goes solo and grimdark and he captures evil capes and saps their power, slowly making himself a very strong grab-bag cape. He had Viktor chained up in his basement to facilitate this. Speaking of H.
I: Screamer is amazing. Imitating voices perfectly and making them seem to come from anywhere? A whole nonviolent origin story just for her would be fun.
J: Accord. I want more Cenotaph, and it's half because I want more Accord.
K: Edict. Edict has a mystery power where if you don't do what she says you get a minor temporary curse? Someone with a weak unremarkable power having to make it work and maybe figuring out how to make it super good actually? Sounds familiar in a good way. I want more.
L: Mama Mathers is a nightmare villain; one of those things that make you wonder how they could ever lose even more than Coil does.
M: Roulette's power is great for something I might give someone in a TTRPG. Useful, game-directing, but not gamebreaking. …super frustrating, though.
N: Alexandria's memory, tho…
O: Weld. Weld's powers, with someone else at the helm? Could be so gender. SO gender.
P: Golem. But only in a lewd way. Or home decoration. Or both at the same time.
Q: Sanguine could apparently look great in red, dish out damage to Behemoth, and just walk around and cure people of bloodborne illnesses, sort of like Panacea could do, if she'd just cut loose a bit (there's no reason she couldn't make a steady stream of non-self-replicating cancerphage/virii emitters with finite lifespans. She could walk into a hospital, focus for a bit, then relax and read a book while her creations did all the work.
R: Myrrdin because it really feels like he had to study and scheme to build his "spells" and maybe in a way indistinguishable from
S: Big Picture can stop and think about someone as long as they want.
T: Semiramis. With that power someone could keep a car, house, or a rare book in good condition. Not to mention people.
U: Engel? I mean, supernaturally pretty and compelling?
V: Flor is hilarious.
W: Horizon's power includes Xray vision? And the rest is just some punchy-boom? That's the kind of weak powerset I'd love to see get explored.
X: Blindside (Even more fun than Nice Guy!)
Y: I love Regent. Hijack is fun too, but Regent's power was great and he used it so effectively!
Z: Tattletale, of course.
But my favorite is like I said at the top before I got started.
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