#// or let him be your pseudo dad / grandpa
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pr4yerp0sition · 5 months ago
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     To be fair the only other OC's on the roster who do not pop up much are Gojo Itsuki && Kobayashi Hatsuko. Hatsuko on the basis she is an incredibly difficult woman who mostly spends her time managing the clan's business. She is deemed Lady of the Golden Coin due to her unfathomable nature of bringing riches with ease. She, is Fushiguro or Mamaguro as the fandom knows her. Though, her clever disguise of black hair && green eyes was merely a mask as her inherited technique is to steal the face of another. As Oiran, she does not task herself with anyone she deems lower in her opinion, the loss of Toji then her only child also completely ruined her, she prefers to not engage in those memories.      Itsuki is a formidable man that spends his time treating the sick && injured of his own clan. He is considered the anchor of the Gojo Clan, hence his name, along with moniker as the great towering willow tree. His pride tends to be his crux, the rest of the noble families admit, his hubris is evident when he walks, speaks, or moves. He is acutely aware the Heaven's have blessed them though he alone sired the Six Eyes, thus, making him an important fixture in his family where his ranking was rare && strange as males were considered an anomaly. He is heavily tied in with my own Gojo (@kuraokcmi) acting as a divine attendant rather than a father figure. In lament terms, he is a doctor, others may secure treatment by him though it is exceptionally rare, difficult, while highly expensive - you will survive, perhaps, even be brought back better than before.
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wizardlover124 · 2 years ago
On Grandpa/Jake Harley
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you know shits about to be long as fuck when i add the keep reading line like four lines in lol
anyway anon all this is 4 u!! feel free to talk ab this by just tagging instead of rb i dont want 2k words to be posted over n over again
Grandpa Harley being some kind of pseudo-omnipotent deity figure who somehow figures out/guesses (my money's on guesses) extremely intricate details about the game and does everything he can to make things go right is something that we don't talk about enough. It's one of the only plans in Homestuck made that are orchestrated entirely by one person then ends up going right. It's that pattern of hoping that the cards fall into place in the right way (unless we're taking the Grandpa is practically God perspective, which is interesting in its own right)—but notably, he makes a lot of preparations beforehand. He's so... active. It fascinates me. I'll have to talk about this on the Jake English as Jesus Christ trope post (it's coming, I swear, brainrot's a bitch) but the sheer amount of things he does is astounding. But, lo and behold, he wasn't always like this. Cue: the Skaianet Systems Incorporated texts.
Quick note about all that. A very large portion of the things Hussie wrote for SSI is 1) dubiously canon, and 2) a bunch of anti-semitic bullshit that he probably never should have fucking released to the public, at least not like that. Like, holy shit, keep that and your weird comments about sexual slavery in your Notes app dude, we don't need to hear it. For this reason I suggest reading the actual material with extreme caution. Cool? Cool. On with it. Here's a lil' review of Jake Harley before the session.
Funny enough, Jake had always been kind of pathetic in the Beta session as well.
So Skaianet was actually established by HIC as a front for laundering technology from Alternia and Sburbian ruins. The key of SN was not to actually develop tech, but make it look like it so that people will believe you when your company just re-defined gravity for the hundredth time. Jake has to play the "famous genius shtick," but he doesn't do so well. When he fully inherits SN at 21 he runs it hands-on, and "believes" his success is due to hard work and diligence. He also "believes SN is now a considerably more distinct entity from Crocker Corp, and his leadership of the company is a result of his hard work and competence. Neither is true." He's manipulated by his at-the-time boyfriend (Charlie Chaplin, somehow) into letting a rebel force into the Crocker manor, though the effort is ultimately thwarted by HIC.
He also has a disastrous love life. His relationship at sixteen with Chaplin consists of Chaplin finding him "obnoxious and thoughtless" though he "can't seem to quit him," and Jake ultimately "[toys] with his heart, and [abandons] him." This later (much later, think decades) manifests into something way worse when Chaplin appears in an outing Jake has with one of his families (he's had many, though not at once) and tries to kill Jake for not just his involvement with SN/HIC, but for breaking his heart as well. Notably, in this scene, upon having a gun aimed at him Jake reflexively hides behind his wife, who ends up being shot in his stead. He's out-strifed so badly that he'd have died in the jungle (oh yeah he takes his wife and 5yo son to a jungle btw) if Chaplin didn't have a divine intervention moment afterwards.
At 32 he also abandons his post at SN for fucking around Europe. "[H]e's out exploring and adventuring, completely oblivious to whatever's going on in Europe. He hops from site to site, looking for Sburbian ruins to plunder." One, the "whatever's going on" is WW2, again, somehow. Two, he has a daughter there that he "takes custody of, apprentices as an adventurer, and takes all over the place on his adventures." When he takes her to Hawaii she ditches him because she's sick of her "douchebag dad." And there's that Jude family too, obviously.
Oh, and all the Beta guardians are also meteor babies. It's how Jake ends up finding Dirk and Roxy to begin with—he sets them up with trust funds in Texas and New York so that they can be of use to SN later, though whether he knew their importance in the larger context of SBURB is unclear.
All caught up? Great.
The exact details of how every event goes down aren't as important as the lessons you can draw from it, namely: Jake Harley is an absolute fucking mess of a human being. He continuously creates families—notice how he keeps having children with his wive—then is bereaved of them. A few times he abandons them, a few times they abandon him, and sometimes they get killed by your ex-boyfriend. It's a neat little insight into just how neck-deep these commitment issues lie, but it's also fun to consider that he seeks it so desperately. This man has on record has had:
one wife be shot dead in front of him
a son who was technically kidnapped from him by the man who almost beat him to death (his ex-boyfriend)
a daughter ditch him in the middle of hawaii for being a shitty dad
a daughter (joey claire) be teleported by portal to alternia, who hated jake so much she took her dead mom's last name
said dead mom/wife whom upon her death leaves her children "Semi Orphans" because he just straight up ditches his kids to go work on hellmurder island
probably more
And he still considers himself a grandfather to Jade. TBF, I guess the easier way of explaining it is that it's simply the natural explanation—they are sort of related after all. But considering that he once sired an illegitimate daughter and not only took her into custody but tried to raise her as his liege, I still find it the fact that he tries over and over again to the point of rending the family meaningless interesting. I think it's viable that Jake wanted a family—not one where he and Jane were raised by HIC and poorly—but a real one. His attempt to raise that first daughter to mirror his habits reflects the way HIC raised Beta Jane to mirror her. Yet after relationship after relationship goes horribly wrong, this desire fades into a kind of apathetic unsureness to the point where this is what he says about his last "full" family, the Harley-Claires:
He's been making good headway on his quest for the mysterious island in the pacific. Once everything is taken care of here, he'll leave this family behind and set up shop on that island permanently. That's when the real work begins. The discoveries on that island will finally unite him with the destiny he's been in search of his whole life.
Two things of note. One, his first recorded instance of permanently setting up jackshit anywhere is at first with SkaiaNet then at Hellmurder island. Both locations share that theme of "destiny" in common—notice how he considers SN divorced from Crockercorp because of his efforts and tries to make the place overall less HIC-controlled, but ultimately fails. And sure, he later achieves this kind of destiny by having his Sburb plan go "right" but before this not a single "plan" he established went correctly. Jake in either timeline isn't a guy who regularly makes plans for multiple efforts—they zero in on one goal that appears as part of their calling and makes it happen, damn it. To him, that's a success. Whether he "actually does" is up for interpretation.
See, HIC actually wanted the Beta kids to play the game. She'd been using the Beta session as a "testing" timeline, knowing which events and people to avoid and keep in mind so that she can play everything out exactly the way she wants it to. Part of the reason why Crockertier Jane was so firmly for marrying Jake and having children was because that had been HIC's idea of what Beta Jake's purpose was once he landed on a Meteor (after B!Jane). So he saw the "big picture" in a bigger way than quite literally anyone else, but it still isn't enough, at least not in the way he thought it might be at first.
Prior to his discoveries on the island, Jake has no idea this will result in some kids using the software he's unearthing, which will destroy all life on Earth. Nor does he have any idea that those kids will be using this same software to reboot the universe with different starting conditions, thus ending this "trial run" timeline for HIC, and giving her a fresh start. Exactly as she planned.
This implies there is some moment that Grandpa Harley realized that everything he was doing would end up playing into the HIC's hands anyway. This also implies that he carried out those actions regardless, Hoping that Jade would someday win the game in the process. Are you seeing the parallel for my interpretation of Ult. Jake yet? Fuck.
What was the moment he realized? Did he power through anyway, hoping there was a bright light for Jade at the end of this all?
He's also a hoarder. He keeps items and objects instead of people. He hangs onto the past to the point where he's seemingly unable to let go of it—trophies, guns, artifacts—but throughout the entire Harley Manor there is not a single picture of his families. And that's where his dolls come in—dolls are just human enough but not too human, you can control them however you'd like yet delude yourself they are company. I'm not saying all doll-enjoyers are this way, but the specifics in which Grandpa (and Bro to an extent, for that matter) interacts with his dolls makes me believe he's turning them into pseudo-human entities because at the end of the day he again craves company. But, unlike Jake, Grandpa Harley's had a lifetime of experience reinforcing over and over again that this will never happen with a real person. And fuck, don't even get me started on the taxidermy—it's the very act of taking something, bereaving it of life and subjectivity, then keeping it for yourself. You can see how this has even affected Jade in the sense that she thinks about her taxidermied dead Grandpa (who she taxidermied himself, by the way) like a living, breathing person. And Jadebot? A robotic, perfect replica of his granddaughter, designed to monitor her at all times instead of him? And the parallels that has to Brobot. Ughghgh.
Also, quick digression. You know how Beta Dad & Mom were on the Battlefield? And how Grandpa landed just to recover Jade's dead dream body, then left Dad and Mom behind. Sorry, I'm just not normal about that at all. How did we collectively miss the sheer tragedy of that situation, God, I wonder what Roxy was thinking. Digression over.
All in all, what these files tell me is that the way Jake was written was no way accidental. Yeah he got fucked over in the Alpha session, yeah he's tragic, but he's tragic for a reason that I ultimately appreciate even as I clutch my heart and dramatically fall over from pain. He knows just enough about the meta-reality to cause feelings of absurdity but powers through it; he's supposed to be put in seemingly insurmountable situations and emerge, through one way or the other, victorious. He's supposed to have the strangest relationship known to man regarding other people and, as a result, try to find compromise between the two halves of "complete fuck-all isolation" and "the company of any developed adult human ever." He's goal-oriented only when it presents a clear-cut destiny to him, when he can see the significance of it, and otherwise floats around doing fuck-all in this world. This goal is, most of the time, people: Dirk for LE Jake, and Jade for Harley. It's also fun insight into where Jake could potentially end up going—as this post by Cooper already pointed out, Ult. Dirk's actions mirror Bro's need to micromanage and control everything in his life to the point where he, much alike Bro, secludes himself in an apartment while running his inner machinations unknown to most others. I wouldn't be surprised if Jake ends up in a similar way to Grandpa, giving his all to a dreary situation and maintaining Hope through it with the desire that it'll eventually succeed.
It would also be fun if his Hopes only came true after his death.
Alright, analysis over, everyone clock out. Good work, people. [Vaguely gestures to the reader.]
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weirdestbooks · 7 months ago
Confessions (Wattpad | Ao3)
America’s father was strange and persistent. Ever since the end of last year, he had been messaging America and the other so-called “favorites,” asking them to meet him at his house so he could tell them something important. America had asked some of his other siblings and niblings if they had gotten the invitation, but none of them had, which just made America more curious as to why Britain wanted all of them to meet up. 
It had taken a while, but they had finally reached the point where they could all show up at his house at the same time.
“Okay, does anyone have any idea of what is happening?” America asked New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, and Australia who had arrived before he had. New South Wales shook his head.
“Nah, mate. None of us Australians know shit. Have you asked the Canadians? Or the Kiwi?” America nodded, and New South Wales sighed. 
“Why is Grandpa so insistent that we have to be here today at the same time? It's not like he invited any of the other favorites. It’s just some Canadians, some Australians, Kiwi, and you.” South Australia commented, crossing his arms.
“Maybe he has something he wants to tell all of you at once?” Caleb suggested for the thousandth time. Normally, America would tell him that they have nothing in common that would require them to be here simultaneously, but he didn't want to look insane in front of his family.
“You told the world you had DID ages ago. Why does it matter?” James asked, his voice gentle like aways.
“Yeah, they already know. They ain’t gonna think you’re crazy,” Conch Republic added.
Ignoring the fact that James was right, America began to start small talk with his Australian family as they waited for the invited Canadians and New Zealand to show up.
“Hey guys! Have you figured out why Dad is so insistent on us showing up today?” British Columbia, followed by Newfoundland and Labrador, Manitoba, and Northwest Territories, said as he approached them.
“No, we were waiting for the rest of you since Dad was so insistent that we all show up together,” Western Australia said with a small smile.
“He’s been a nuisance about that,” Tasmania said. Australia wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“The great British Empire, reduced to begging for his former colonies to come and see him, ain't that right, Tassy?” He said.
“What do you mean, ‘former colonies’? If I recall correctly, none of you have left the Commonwealth yet, which means I'm the only true former colony.”
“We get it, America. You have an ego,” New Zealand said from behind them, finally arriving. Some of America’s family members began snickering at that, along with some of the other alters. America rolled his eyes.
“Ha ha, that's so funny. Well, we’re all here now. Let’s see what Dad wants. I hope it’s quick, though, because I have things I need to do,” he said.
“Delly said it's okay if you need to miss his pseudo birthday. He knows you fought to get a different date, and it's not like anyone remembers this is his pseudo birthday anyways.” Molossia commented.
“Like what, inflate your ego some more?” South Australia asked, causing another round of snickering.
“He probably wants to since we are all attacking it. You can’t see how he's trying to say he doesn't have an ego.” Queensland said.
Queensland was, unfortunately, right. America flipped her off and then opened the door to their father’s house. Tasmania had picked the lock while they were making small talk earlier. 
“Grandfather! We are here! Please tell us why you wanted us all here!” New Zealand yelled. 
“In the kitchen! Take off your shoes at the door, especially the Australians!”
“Calling us out specifically, huh, Grandpa?” Queensland asked.
“You are all crazy and spend half your time doing dangerous stunts that will get you killed,” Their father yelled back at her.
“You’re right, but hey!” Australia said, not making any moves to remove his shoes, tracking dirt everywhere. America tried his best to hold down his snickers, as he had also not removed his shoes.
“People said he was basically an American colony during World War Two for a reason,” Caleb commented, prompting a snort of laughter from Eastport. 
Well, pushing aside the fact that America might have semi-adopted his nephew, their group made their way into the kitchen, where England and Britain were arguing in sign language.
“If you guys are going to argue, we can come back later,” Manitoba said, stopping the argument in its tracks.
“Wow, if they had stopped arguing, they must have really wanted us here," Newfoundland and Labrador whispered to Western Australia, who did her best to stifle her giggles.  
“I can hear you,” their father said, his tone lacking amusement.
“Good,” Western Australia shot back. Their father rolled his eyes, and England slunk out of the room, giving their father one last glance.
“What was that about?” Northwest Territories asked. Their father waved his hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about it, Northwest. That’s something me and England have to work out ourselves. Now, for why I called you here.”
“Finally.” South Australia said, straightening up. Their father exhaled once, looking like he was trying to calm his nerves.
“I’ve been lying to you for a long time.” He said. America snorted as James murmured no shit.
“Yeah, we know you are a liar. But you’ve been getting better at that.” America said.
“Yeah, Uncle Ame is right. You’ve been better at that. If that is all you needed to say, Grandfather, I think you might be disappointed to know we already knew that.” New Zealand added.
“Yes, I knew you were aware of that. But this is more of a secret England wanted me to keep. It’s part of why we were arguing when you came in.” Their father said. America could see several members of the group perk up at that. 
“And you are telling us?” Australia asked.
“Yes…all of you were called ‘favorites’ by many of my former colonies. I know not all of the so-called favorites are here right now, but there’s a reason for that. See, you twelve are the colonies I tried to protect by keeping secrets from you. The fact that you had another parent.”
America froze.
“WHAT?” New South Wales exclaimed, baring his teeth. Their father raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.
“My children, I never wanted to hurt you with this, but I believe you have finally matured into wonderful people who were ready to learn that uncomfortable fact. Rest assured, though, I did this to protect and help you.” His father put a hand on America’s cheek and smiled at him, and America felt sick. He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn’t. He was frozen in place, shaking legs and a pressure in his throat. He wanted to cry and scream and stop feeling comforted by the hand on his face.
But America just stood there and stared into his father’s eyes, which were empty of regret.
“I did this out of love. It’s what allowed you to be so well-behaved and favorites as well,” he said, pulling his hand back before crossing his arms, looking smug as he did so.
“Dad…please tell me you’re lying…” Manitoba said
“He has to be! My kids are here! If they had other parents, we would know!” New South Wales insisted.
“Hey, yeah, Dad’s right. If we had other parents, we would know. After all, Northwest's kids knew!” Tasmania said. 
“Well, he did. Once upon a time. But he planned to tell you before you were mature enough to understand that. I tried to convince him to back down, but he refused. So I fixed that. As for Northwest, well they chose to stay silent. It was a smart choice on their part. After all, they were always mature.” Britain said. New South Wales collapsed as Queensland and South Australia rushed to catch him, chest heaving as he fought off what looked like a panic attack.
“And yet I wasn’t told about my other parent.” Northwest Territories said quietly. Britain shot him a small smile.
“Well, you didn't need to know that. You just needed to know your place, lest you end up like him,” Britain said, gesturing to New South Wales.
“What did you do to me?” Said the state in a broken tone, clearly hurt by the betrayal. America was too and was half convinced James and Caleb were the only reason they were still standing. As they slowly began fronting, the Conch Republic threatened murder against Britain.
“I just fixed your problems and removed some corruption. I know this might hurt to hear, but I do love you, NSW. That's why I had to hurt you, even though I didn’t want to,” Britain said, his words sounding like empty promises.
But you could hear it in his voice.
“He is actually serious about what he’s saying! He actually believes that what was most likely torture was for some bullshit greater good and actually thinks it helped his son. He’s delusional! I know he abused you despite you being a favorite, but I didn't realize that other favorites were treated worse!” Molossia ranted, anger in his voice.
“I wasn’t abused,” Ameriac said softly, not knowing if it was him trying to convince the clothes or him trying to convince him. America lowered his head to make eye contact with his father. “I wasn’t abused, right?”
“America…” James murmured.
America hated how small and weak his voice sounded. Britain looked offended at America, even suggesting that.
“Of course not!” He said, causing relief to fill America’s body, relief that was quickly replaced by horror as he continued his statement, “I mean, even though you might have known, England used your martial law to fix that, so we wouldn’t have to hurt you, and that way you wouldn’t go running off with the natives and get yourself killed.” 
America’s knees finally gave out, and Australia scrambled to catch them, tears rolling down the Australian’s face. Was he crying for America or his father? America didn’t know. But did he really ever know anything?
Tears were appearing in his eyes, and his breath began to get more and more uneven and shaky.
“America breathe. You have to breathe.” James said.
America…he didn’t think the marital law had affected him that badly. What else did England force him to believe…and to forget?
“What else?” America asked shakily, in a small moment where his breathing evened out.
“What else what?” his father asked, the same fucking smile on his face as if he hadn’t just told America that England mind-controlled him into forgetting he had a mother, mind-controlled him into forgetting so much about himself.
“What else did England do to me?” America snarled out as someone else began co-fronting, helping them stay standing as fury pumped through their veins.
“He just ensured you’d be loyal to the church and the government. It’s no big deal. Honestly, you twelve are being so dramatic. It’s not like you can even talk to your other parents. They’re most likely dead. And if they aren’t, well, I don’t remember who they were. It was useless information. You can find out on your own.”
“But what if they're dead?” Newfoundland and Labrador asked, her arms wrapped tightly across her body.
“Well, I think that’s more your fault than mine. Canada and America were always better at hurting the natives than I was. If you North Americans need someone to blame for the deaths of your family, blame them.” Their father said casually. A loud ringing began in America's ears, and he pulled away, letting whoever was co-fronting take charge.
He had to get away. America needed to get away.
America was in his bedroom now, in his apartment in Washington. He had left the country world. The ringing in his ears was still present but quieter than it had been before.
“Guys.” America asked softly, “What happened?"
“You started having a panic attack. I know you don’t like anyone seeing them, so James began co-fronting and left the group. You’ve been asleep for a little while since then.” Unorganized Territory explained.
“You also missed Northwest Territories decking Britain!” Molossia exclaimed.
America exhaled a little sigh of relief before smiling slightly at Molossia’s comments, although the smile quickly faded.
“Thanks, James. You’re a lifesaver.” America said before curling up in the fetal position.
“He knows…but are you alright, America?” Caleb asked, his voice gentle
“No. I feel sick and betrayed and…and…I can’t believe…England fucking took advantage of the martial law to like…fucking brainwash me or some shit. Is this even my real personality? How much of me did he change? Why didn’t I fucking notice something was wrong?” America stood up and left the bedroom, pacing around the room as he tried to control his growing anxiety. 
“He couldn't have changed everything. Besides, you’ve grown a lot since then. Any of your real self that was buried can and probably has come back.” Conch Republic pointed out.
“You aren’t as changed as he wants you to think, either. I knew you then, and I know you now. Not everything gone is dead. Besides, we have Yapam still, so it’s still there somewhere,” James added, and America could tell from his tone of voice that he was smiling gently.
America passed by the open door to the bathroom and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He paused and then walked into the room, flicking on the lights as he did so. America was still in his country form, his stars moving around frantically, a sign of his anxiety.
America dropped his country form, letting his human form appear. America looked at himself in the mirror and burst into tears.
How was America so fucking stupid as to not see it before?
Did England use the martial law to ensure that America wouldn't see it until he and Britain wanted him to?             
How did America not see how non-white he was?
And what Britain had said before James began fronting.
America killed his mother.
“He’s a manipulative liar! Why are you trusting him? Why are you blaming England and yourself but not him?” Molossia ranted.
“Because he’s right. I killed my mother. I…I…this is my fault.” America said panic swelling. He couldn’t be here. He couldn’t—
America brought himself back to the country world, in his house, trying his best to block out the others' attempts to make him think he wasn't at fault when he so clearly was.
They were wrong. America was a monster.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
Geronimo - Wikipedia
And this is our son's brother again he thought it was his dad he got exiled in Florida having a little problem with his mom and the captured him in Mexico and a lot of people think it's New Mexico and there's other stories they are running it's a great big hassle and you're trying to let go of life here to try and seek a better life and eradicate everybody else they want to eradicate us too and we're going to stop them they're sick they're gross they're isolated and isolation causes this in them and they become very ill. We have to stop them we have to get in there we need to knock out some of their machines and some of the caverns and push them out so people can hear it the ones left behind or hissing and pissing hulk Hogan got the s*** kicked out of him and questioned and got a lot of answers out of him and said good at least someone will fight someone this is disgusting and he was insulting our son hey it says look at next time I'm going to put a cherry on top of your head and he starts saying this I can't do anything until I piss on your grave and all that stuff and said well another one bites the dust you people do not have it you don't have the savvy you simply don't have the understanding your little kids and you kind of die all of you it ruined my grandpa and how can I thank you because he was fierce and deadly to me and didn't seem it and mac daddy too you p**** he says what he's saying to me and said you'll see it to you right now it's an incredibly weak bunch of down there all knocked out he said they are nitrogen necrosis and that was our son it says it's all chaotic and said not really I can tell who people are I can hear the difference in the dialect and the language they're very simple people and you think it's complicated your hose bags we know about it and we're right there and all sudden he got mad he said they're ratting so they didn't know about it it's on scans and stuff like that and the pseudo empire is sitting right there watching you so have a nice time be with your nitrogen neurosis so he said I can cool you all have to fix it so he fixes it and said I said some stuff and this stuff is lethal and he's been on it plenty of times and it doesn't do much.
It is funny because he's talking to the nurse and saying stuff but that's all he said and it did it with a scuba divers and he stopped real quick he's still feeling all sorts of euphoria and feeling odd and he sat back and he controlled it and use max can't.
We feel it's the max who haven't started business with Ken selling hot air balloons really inside helium balloons are you in drugs have you ever had any psychiatric events you sound bipolar no schizophrenia an oven so yeah getting your man still don't like you I don't think you're aware that and yeah they're not nice to women cuz people are older assholes by the way they're vulgar and right now people are picking up the hatchets and going after them to get information
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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otteranha · 2 years ago
 part 1 Part 3 of the snowed in blackout at Steve’s house fic*
*did I skip part 2 because this section was finished and wouldn’t get out of my brain? yes, yes I did. apologies for any confusion, part 2 will be out sometime. 
It was nearly 6 o’clock and the chaos had dulled to a simmer. Eddie had to admit that it was a lot of hosting to take on for a lot of long, dark, empty hours if Harrington had been letting the kids stay over since the storm. No wonder the guy looked shell shocked. Once the question of the television was officially out, Eddie got the kids circled up, passing around a flashlight as they told each other ghost stories. Peace reigning upon earth, Eddie peeled himself off the floor and left the group to their pseudo-campfire tales, and snuck back into the kitchen.
The overhead lights were still on there and in the hallway, everything else dark. Steve was arranging fix-in’s for s’mores on several plates. It was the first time Eddie’d seen him alone all day. Steve looked up, “Hey thanks for your help this afternoon. I think I might actually have lost my mind there if I had to face that lot alone.” Eddie hadn’t expected that. “Oh, no problem. You’re the one doing us a favor really.” “Yeah but you fully made yourself the bad guy back there, with the TV. That- that was a big help.”
“Well, you can’t play good-cop bad-cop all by yourself. They always gang up on you like that?” “Nah,” said Steve, “Usually they’re pretty great. I want to say sweet but that’s giving them too much credit, usually they’re...” “Salty? Savory? Umami?”
Steve laughed. “Sure, let’s go with that. Besides they’re lightyears better people than I was at their age so. I try to cut them some slack.” He trailed off, then exclaimed, “Oh you never got your shower did you?” Eddie, in fact, had not. 
“You can go now, if you don’t mind showering by lantern. The water heater’s still getting power.”
“Right now I’d shower by bioluminescent fish if the water was hot.” 
Steve laughed again- strangely gratifying. “Let me get this out to them and I’ll grab you a towel.” He disappeared with the snacks. When he returned he lead Eddie not towards his dad’s gym where everyone had been showering all day, but upstairs.
“Luring me into the bowels of Castle Harrington? I’m not going to end up bricked into a wall, am I?” Eddie asked. The hallway was long, deeply carpeted and spookily pristine.
“It’s a mess in there. I swear, not one person cleaned the drain. I should make a sign.” He lead Eddie into a bedroom with an ensuite bathroom tiled all over in what was either pale grey or lavender, impossible to tell by flashlight.
“Your parents don’t mind you letting the rabble invade their room?”
“Oh, this is a spare room.”
Eddie felt himself blush, of course it was a spare room idiot. Because people like the Harrington’s had to spend their money on things like rooms nobody slept in 90% of the time. He bounced around, distracting from his mistake, coming to rest in front of a display of photographs on a presumably empty dresser. 
“Must be handy for all those Harrington family get togethers, huh?”
“d’Agostino get togethers actually. My mom’s family. Dad’s an only child.”
“That explains a lot.”
“You’re an only child, aren’t you?” Steve said, but he didn’t sound mad, just matter of fact. 
Eddie had to admit his point.”Touchè, your Majesty.”
“They were going to have more kids I guess,” Steve went on, “But mom says she ruined her figure enough just having me.” His tone was light but in the weird flickering light from the flashlights, everything seemed to have a kind of gravity.
“You have a lot of cousins,” said Eddie looking over the photographs- dozens of people with symmetrical faces, standing in symmetrically arranged poses in rows symmetrically arranged frames.
“Yeah. We haven’t seen them in years. Mom stopped talking to her family after my grandpa died. It was tough on her and- ” he cut himself off abruptly.
“And what?” “Nothing.” “Tell me.” “Rich people problems. You don’t want to hear about it.”
“Sure I do,” and to his surprise Eddie did. “Lay that Park Avenue drama on me Harrington.”
“My mom’s got three brothers, she’s the only girl. It’s just that my grandpa was really old school, traditional, you know? He divided everything equally among his kids in his will, but instead of leaving my mom’s share to her he... he put it in a trust. For me, when I turn 21. I don’t know all the details, I was only 10 when he died but I remember she was going to leave my dad. She had an apartment and a lawyer and everything.” He drummed his fingers nervously over the dresser and went on. 
"Then her dad died and she was gonna use the money he left her to get away and start over. Only she didn’t get any of it. And her brothers wouldn’t help her out, because they thought she was asking for more than her share. I think she was kind of mad at me too, because grandpa left me the money instead of her. I tried to give it to her once when I was a kid but she just got upset and told me not to mention it again. Anyway she stopped talking to her family after that so. Not many family get togethers.”
“That’s not fair though. It wasn’t your fault, you were just a kid.”
“I know, I think she just couldn’t help being a little mad about it. She’s a good mom though.” Steve raised his chin, defensive. The beam of the flashlight lay across the long column of his neck. “Oh yeah?”
"She could still have left my dad, but he would’ve kept me. His lawyers are really good. And she wasn’t going to leave me with him.”
“I get it,” said Eddie because suddenly, weirdly he did. He had something in common with Steve Harrington. Upstairs in the dark house, it felt like they were the only two people who existed, not in Steve’s parents’ guest room, but some weird pocket realm, through a wardrobe, or a looking glass.
“Do you?”
“I really do Steve.” Eddie cleared his throat, “My mom tried to leave my dad a bunch of times. Sometimes she had to leave in the middle of the night without even a bag but she always took me with her.”
“Oh.” Steve looked at him, this common ground seemingly just as surprising to him as it was to Eddie. “Is she- where is she now? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Drunk driver.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah me too.” They stared a bit, not directly, but pretty steadily at each other’s shoes. Then Steve shook himself, tossing Eddie the towel.
“I’ll get out of your hair. Thanks again for helping with the kids. I really hate it when they get so- when I have to disappoint them like that.”
“Any time you need someone to play the big bad, just whistle. Especially if I can claim all the amenities of chez Harrington, seriously this towel is like a cloud had a baby with a lamb.”
“Aren’t lambs already babies?”
Eddie snorted. “Semantics. Now shoo.” Steve shooed. 
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bucksfucks · 4 years ago
Also totally okay with Ex!dilf!steve taking me back to his childhood room and railing me on his bed <3 -🧎‍♀️
⟶ double bed • ex!dilf!steve
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word count || ~ 1,000 words
warnings || talk of divorce, sex in childhood bedroom, pet-names [petal & pretty girl], praise kink, spitting [steve uses it as lube], fingering, denied orgasm, unprotected sex, light barely there degradation [telling reader to shut up], lovers to exes to lovers again, slight angst but happy ending — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
notes || i actually love writing steeb i miss him
When Steve got a call saying that he had an emergency meeting that prevented him from taking the kids on Friday night; you panicked.
Panicked because you were going to be stuck in the office until at least 10 in the evening fixing the data breach that threatened your entire company.
Thank God for grandparents. Steve’s parents were quick to give you a call, his mom telling you don’t worry, sweetheart, we’re already on our way to pick them up from school.
You breathed a sigh of relief at her words, thanking her profusely before you were sucked back into your hectic job.
Then, you car battery died.
You were slumped against the steering wheel shouting nearly every single profanity known to man before you had no choice but to call your ex-husband, Steve.
He would have to pick up the kids on account of your car not working.
But he had a better idea, he would pick you up and you would grab the kids together—a surprise for them.
You agreed, deciding it would be best to get some pseudo-family time before he pulled into the parking lot and you hopped into his nice car.
The drive was silent, slightly awkward, and thankfully filled with quiet music flowing through the speakers before you arrived at his parents house.
When you walked in, your kids barrelled at your feet before Steve picked them up.
“Mom! Dad!” Your son yelled as he was put down on the ground, tugging your hand as you daughter clung to her dad’s side.
“We just started a movie with gram and gramps, can we pleaseee stay?” They were begging, pleading with their best puppy dog eyes and you couldn’t resist.
“Why don’t we all have a sleepover?” Steve suggest then, catching you off guard.
“I mean, Steve’s old room is set up as a guest room,” his mom chimed in and that’s the moment your kids went berserk.
“Pleasepleasepleaseplease!” You weren’t sure you still had your ear drums as you laughed and caved, “alright, let’s have a sleepover!”
The kids were content with grandma and grandpa, munching on popcorn as they watched Cars.
Meanwhile you and Steve ascended the stairs and entered his childhood bedroom.
There was a double bed and you groaned. Steve was nothing but muscle and stood at over 6ft. A double bed was not going to be a comfortable fit.
“Steve there’s no way,” you mumble as he smirks, “oh c’mon, we’ve slept in much stranger places.”
You feel heat rise to your skin at the memory of what you and Steve used to be.
“Plus, you can’t say that you haven’t missed me, Petal.”
That nickname, he knew what that nickname did to you and he was using it to his advantage.
The worst part is that it was working.
He turned you around, “you know,” he purrs, “all these years and we’ve never fucked in my childhood bedroom.”
You gasp, feeling his hands crawl up your sides and you lean into his touch.
Despite being divorced, you often found yourself tangled with each other.
You shuddered, but let him undress you, doing the same to him before you fell back into his creaky old bed.
The fit was tight, but Steve was on top of you as he spit on his fingers before gliding through your folds.
“You’ve had such a stressful week, Petal, jus’ let me relax you, okay?” He whispered against your skin and you weren’t about the protest as he stretched you slowly.
You were doing a good job keeping your moans to yourself, stroking his cock in time with the way his fingers rocked into of you.
When he found that spot, that’s when it got harder to keep your moans at bay.
“Oh hush, pretty girl, you’ll get us caught,” he growls, but does nothing to stop his fingers—only curling them more often.
He stops suddenly, drawing a whine from you, “you’re not cummin’ on my fingers, that sweet cunt is gonna milk my cock.”
His words alone were enough to get your stomach to flip in excitement as you were suddenly face down and buried in the sheets.
“Guess this is the only way I’ll get you to shut up, your face buried in the sheets as I fuck you,” he smirks as he slides into you.
The sex is much softer, on account that your in laws and children were downstairs as you felt Steve deeper inside of you with each thrust.
Nothing and no one could compare to his size, and it wasn’t long before you felt your toes curl.
“That’s my good girl, that’s it, make a mess for me.”
It leaves you shuddering before he’s pulling out and finishing over your back with a low grunt and you’re completely exhausted and fucked out as he cleans you up.
When he pulls you, however, is when you begin to get confused.
You never cuddled.
“Steve c’mon what ar—“
He shuts you up with a soft kiss, “I love you, okay, Petal? So jus’ shut up because I know you love me too,” he mumbles against your lips.
It takes you off guard, but there’s more truth than you care to admit, you’re just not sure how to move forward.
“The kids love seeing us together,” you whisper as he smiles, “I love when we’re together. As a family.” He admits before you lay your head against his chest.
Tomorrow would be full of questions, but for now you let yourself enjoy the moment.
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struggling-with-time · 4 years ago
Could I ask for c!Wilbur being a gn reader's father figure? Can be either a one shot or headcanons, whichever you prefer. ^_^
Paring: c!Wilbur Soot x Gender Neutral!reader
Summary: Your life as raised by Wilbur Soot.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, betrayal, hurt.
Words: 1.7k
A/N: I'm not sorry for this, however, I am sorry for if you wanted something different, then you are welcome to request again and I will write another dadbur fic. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. Request here.
Wilbur Soot
He finds you lurking around the outer skirts of the newly established country of L’Manberg. The country that has yet to declare full independence.
“Hey there, what are you doing around these parts?”
From that day on he took you, the bewildered child from nowhere, under his wing. Letting you into the drug van.
You grow up with Fundy being your older sibling. Wilbur in the first years being there for the two of you.
He teaches you how to play the guitar.
And while you don’t become the best player at it, you can play a couple of camp songs.
Then the independence declaration comes.
And everything changes.
Nice nights with Wilbur, Fundy and Tommy turn into war planning sessions you aren’t allowed into.
You are the youngest citizen of L’Manberg, leading to everyone trying to keep your innocence
Especially Wilbur after he drags Fundy in as a child soldier in his war.
But you are there, right on the battlefield amongst everyone, and you are there afterwards as you help patch up the hurt.
Eret is the one who teaches you how to treat a wound after Wilbur gets an arrow in his shoulder after a tough battle.
Leading to you keeping to Eret whenever Wilbur is planning. And Fundy seems to be running off with Tubbo and Tommy.
On the day of the betrayal, Eret and Wilbur make you stay back in the van, Eret hoping to shield you from what’s gonna go down. And Wilbur hoping to keep you away from the battle on the horizon.
You are there to patch up the wounds from everyone as they respawn.
Wilbur is now more determined to keep you sheltered.
However, this made you more determined to stand on the battlefield fighting for your country.
You are there in the middle of the explosions when they go off. Losing your first life. Fighting for freedom. Fighting for your pseudo father.
Wilbur holds you for hours afterwards.
As you cry into his shoulder.
Wilbur makes you stay back when Tommy is meant to dual Dream, leading to you being the first to see him when he respawns.
Ah, two of the four children traumatised by a war they didn’t ask for.
You are there when the declaration of independence gets signed.
Getting credited as the 2nd little champion.
And everything is good for a while.
Wilbur helps you through your nightmares whenever you wake up thinking there is TNT blowing you up. Or you remember the day everyone respawned. Or remember how hurt and wounded everyone was doing the battles.
You watch as your father drowns himself in government work to not process what happened himself.
You try your best to help him out, but there is only so much you can do.
Then the election gets called, and you are there supporting him, while also helping your big brother Fundy with his campaign.
Wilbur didn’t take lightly to both of his children running a campaign against him. But he lived with it and respected it.
Then Schlatt won.
And you watched as your father and Tommy was chased out of the city.
Fundy holding you back as you break down crying over the sight.
Fundy keeps you from joining Pogtopia, stating it is no place for a child, despite him working as a spy for them and Tommy living there.
So you stay put in the now Manberg.
You are there to pick up the pieces of your older brother falls apart after your father calls him a traitor and states he’s no son of his.
So you venture out through the big forest. Barely stumbling into Pogtopia as nightfall has come.
And you get to see with your own eyes as the man you regards as your father yells at Tommy, Wilbur looks deranged and nothing like the man who raised you.
He never spots you that day, but Tommy does as you head back out again. Through the night filled with horrors beyond your imagination, and you barely make it back to Manberg in one piece.
You aren’t there the day Schlatt gets murdered, having retreated into isolation after having your worldview shattered. A child of war, now a child of trauma.
But you are there, right in the centre cheering on Tubbo as he’s granted the title of L’Manbergs president.
Your own fathers’ actions taking your second life too. You die in the explosion.
From that day on your anxiety worsen, loud noises bringing you to your knees in panic attacks. It had been bad after the war, but now it was unbearably bad.
Fundy started talking with Eret about potential adoption, but he only ends up adopting you, stating Fundy is too old.
And that’s how you deal with your father’s death. Living with the traitor of his country.
And you keep living. Denouncing him as your father, returning to your title of the bewildered child of nowhere.
You keep living in spite. In spite of the man who took two of your lives and made you grow up in a war you never wanted to fight in. And there, while looking over the railing of L’Manberg, is where you spot him.
You watch as a tinted floating version of your former father wanders around the mostly rebuild crater.
“Y/N! My child!”
You can’t believe your own eyes, it’s actually him, it’s actually the man who found you wandering the skirts of the nation you now reside nearby.
And you turn your back to him.
You walk home, to your place in the castle, outside the nation that has caused you so much hurt.
Fundy is the one to make you talk to Ghostbur the second time, telling you about what seems to be going on.
“Would you like some blue Y/n? You’re crying.”
You refuse, wiping your tears away because he doesn’t deserve that from you. He doesn’t deserve the tears he caused himself.
You never call him dad again after the day you spot him. Because your dad died a traitor of the country he made. Leaving you at 14 to deal with the damages he had done.
But now you are 16, with Eret in your back, and your big brother Fundy helping you in any way or form he can. This includes, even more, sheltering, keeping you as far away from the Tubbo administration as he can.
Because you are all children of war, and they never seem to make the right decisions.
His heart breaks every time you remind him that he isn’t your father anymore and that you aren’t his child.
You don’t ever really hang around Ghostbur.
The few times you do, he tells you of stories of you growing up, teaching you guitar, finding you walking around the walls of the country. And he introduces you to your Grandpa Philza. A calm and relatively collected man.
A murder.
Whom took your father away from you all to early.
You like Friend, the blue sheep is a nice distraction to have nearby whenever your deceased father tries to be near you.
You appreciate the effort he makes, wishing he would have made the same efforts when Schlatt helps you within the walls of Manberg.
So when Tommy gets exiled and Ghostbur goes along with him, you aren’t surprised.
It’s always Tommy. And you are alright with that. Both you and Fundy knew from the start, it was always Tommy over the two of you. And you’ve had years to come to terms with that.
You keep yourself neutral in the affairs of the SMP.
Although you do visit Tommy twice, trying to get Fundy with you, but your older brother has a small distaste for the exiled ex-vice president, although he claims to have nothings against the blonde.
You keep out of the city as Tommy gets imprisoned, but you are there to greet him when he gains his freedom. Ghostbur beside you. Offering Tommy blue, and empty promises it of everything being okay now.
So when Tommy tells you he’s gonna smuggle himself into the prison with the help of the ghost, you are there handing him the potions.
When he returns only baring Friend on her leash, you break down. You lost your father once more.
You get an eerily sense of déjà vu over seeing him, standing over the now L’Manberg doomsday crater.
And you speak the word you had sworn to never say to him again.
And he looks back, taking in the sight of you, Tommy, Tubbo & Ranboo together.
And he smiles.
And you leave.
You don’t end up talking to him again until Tommy seeks you out asking for you to talk to him, and for Fundy to do the same. You don’t know why, but you do it.
So you and Fundy meet him.
“Ah! My children!”
Fundy frowns, and you for the first time stand up to him.
“I am not your child. I am not yours!”
“You haven’t been around for a really long time, a lot of things have changed, and so have I.”
You are seething, and for once Fundy doesn’t hold you back, or shelters you. He stands beside you.
“We had to raise ourselves! We had to keep on living after you decided to go blow your precious nation.”
“But you turned out fine! You are all grown up now, and you still have two lives each.”
Fundy pulls you into him, realising Wilbur doesn’t know.
“Y/n is on their last life. You took their second one too. You blew them up yourself. We are done here we are leaving.”
Wilbur calls out to you and Fundy, but neither of you turn around. He might have taken you in, but in the end, the two of you only ever had each other.
Children of war, never get to be children after all.
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andvys · 2 years ago
i can so see steve and eddie getting into it. steve being like “i was there for through the cravings, and the morning sickness, and the birth. i was there for the diaper blowouts, for the long nights of crying and no sleep, i was there for his first word, his first crawl, his first smile.” and eddie’s just like “you were gone from him longer than you were here for him, and you were never really here for HER!” and it’s just back and forth trying to determine who’s more worthy of being the father and the man in your life and ur like kinda getting fed up and the baby is getting confused and overwhelmed and just clutching to reader and so readers like “enough. u need to have ur weird toxic masculinity argument out of the house.” and she probably makes a snide remark that wayne was the one who was really there there whole time (cause we love grandpa wayne, positive male influence in both reader and baby’s life - i like to believe he’s like readers pseudo dad as well, he’s just great! love a level headed chill man!)
OOHHHH YESS! Wayne being a father figure in her life and taking care of her and his grandson? that’s so sweet 🥹
She kicks Steve and Eddie out but her son runs to Eddie and tugs at his hand, telling him to stay and he almost starts crying so reader has no choice but to let him stay🥹
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ask-the-usa-manor · 3 years ago
I've been to Sault Ste. Marie! Very nice place, Second largest city in the UP with only 13,500 residents. Marquette's got a bit more.
What's she like?
“She’s great!” Michigan exclaimed, “Mom’s probably the sweetest person you’ll ever meet.”
“Whenever Dad’s busy with his work I get to stay with her! She’s the best!” UP bounced excitedly, “She takes me to see Taffy Abel Arena, the Soo Locks, the Soo Theatre, and all those other places! She also let’s me torment her frenemies!”
“I remember first meeting her when Michi lost his arm,” Virginia mentioned, “I really thought she was going to kill Dad.”
“Yeah… She was understandably a little murderous when she found out I lost one of our son’s limbs,” United States recalled with a wince.
“I let you take care of him for five seconds, and you couldn’t even keep him intact,” Sault Ste. Marie huffed.
“Here we go,” America sighed before shooting Virginia a ‘why did you have to bring that up’ look.
Virginia nudged UP.
“Help him out,” VA quietly instructed her niece, “Go do your cute granddaughter shtick or something.”
“Uh…” The Yooper blinked, “F**K! MOTHERF**KER!”
Sault Ste. Marie poorly hid a laugh with a cough before giving a pseudo disapproving look.
“Yoop,” She started, trying her hardest not to smile, “What did I say about swearing?”
“Don't do it unless someone’s being a little bitch. Namely Grandpa.”
“Good, good.”
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calpops · 4 years ago
missing pieces | c.h.
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A big family gathering before Christmas leaves you contemplating the missing pieces in your life. The people who matter most help you through it.
2k words
Day 10 of 12 dates with calmas | dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
❅ ❅ ❅
Everyone is gathered around the table. Calum’s parents, Mali, Ashton, Luke, Michael and their respective partners. Mila sits in her reclined high chair right next to you and Calum; she’s still too small for a proper high chair and too young for solid food. But everyone loves her company at the table and fawns over her without faltering. Calum reaches for your hand while he keeps one on Mila, the near six month old entertained by her dad’s little tickles and boops on the nose. There’s a happiness inside of you as you take in all of the guests for your Christmas celebration. But as you keep looking around a hollow wound begins to open and ache again. Not everyone is here. You bite your lip and bite back emotions threatening to bubble over. You don’t want to ruin the evening.
“I can’t believe how big she’s gotten,” Calum’s mother coos from across the table.
Both you and Calum don’t see her as growing. You still see the baby fighting for life in an incubator, your daughter that could fit in one hand. You know she must be growing, getting stronger and smarter and more adept to the world around her. But you don’t see it yet. The changes are so gradual that when you’re with her everyday they slip past your eyes.
“She’s still my little girl,” Luke says and everyone shoots him a look.
“No, she’s my little girl,” Calum corrects around a laugh and shaking head. “Someone needs to get you your own baby before you try to take mine.”
Luke blushes but not in the humbleness of trying to claim Mila. He shrugs and waves a hand through the air to downplay Calum’s suggestion.
“If she’s anybody’s…” Mali says and trails off to look at you with a smile.
That warms your heart though you know it’s only half true. As much as Mila is yours she’s Calum’s too. You both love her with all of your hearts and as far as you can tell she loves you both equally. If she’s not with both of you she’s with one or the other. Calum pulled her first laugh from her but he often reminds you she first smiled at the mention and sight of you. Everyone simmers back into Christmas conversation, asking about presents for Mila and plans for the big day. Calum goes nonchalant and you catch the forced casualty but don’t question it; so much else is already on your mind.
“Sweetheart, you okay?” Calum asks in a whisper pressed to your ear.
You nod, downplaying the fact that you’re not sure about that answer. It amazes you he can pick up on the subtleties in your mood even when you try to mask it with all of your might. You steel yourself, try to shake away the crushing feeling pressing down on you at two empty chairs. You squeeze Calum’s hand and quietly stand to get Mila in your arms.
“I’m gonna go feed her,” you explain and gently take her to you and quietly disappear down the hallway.
Calum sits back in his chair and quietly muses over what to do. He thinks he knows what’s going on, eyes trailing to the same two chairs that were once in your sights. He knows you have Mila and wonders if maybe you want space from the event around you or space from everyone.
“Everything alright?” Ashton asks, his seat diagonal to Calum’s, his ability to pick up on his best friend’s distress a natural talent.
“I’m not sure,” Calum answers honestly and stands to excuse himself and go figure it out. “I’ll be back.”
He roams down the hall quietly but quickly. The door to the nursery is open and the room is empty. He moves past it to your bedroom door that stands shut. He doesn’t hear anything and while it would normally be a sign of relief a little tremble of anxiety slices through him. Usually you’d be murmuring to Mila, giggling with her or if she wasn’t hungry already back out to join the dinner. He taps his knuckles softly against the door and calls out to you to announce that he’s entering.
He stops short as soon as the door is open. You have Mila in your arms but you’re not feeding her. You’re sat on the edge of the bed cradling her against your chest, rocking slightly back and forth as silent tears fall down your face. Calum can feel his heart shatter at the sight and moves on instinct to the two of you. You look up and meet his gaze but don’t say a word, both of you communicating silently; always knowing what’s on the other's mind and in their heart and worries. Calum gently coaxes Mila from your arms to put her in her bassinet by the bed. She seems mostly unbothered, not able to understand anything but the comfort of your arms. She stirs a little bit as she settles in but is okay enough for Calum to seek you out and offer his arms for you to fall into.
“You wanna talk about it?” he asks as he wraps you up in his hold and runs a soothing hand down your back.
“Yes, no, I don’t know,” you answer in a shaking voice. “I just feel so stupid. I should know better by now.”
Calum shakes his head at your words and the fact you genuinely feel that way. It wrenches at him. He knows exactly what you’re talking about and though he wants to defend you to the bottom of the ocean and back he wants you to come to some realizations on your own as well.
“They should do better,” Calum simply mumbles and runs his hands through your hair. He hopes you understand what he means. The struggle you’ve had with your parents being life long. You deserve better than empty promises and last minute cancellations.
“I thought maybe with Christmas and Mila it might be different, I thought they might try a little harder,” you finally manage to get out after a moment of prolonged silence. “It’s okay for them to cancel on me. I’m used to it. Mila deserves more. They haven’t even met her yet.”
Calum can hear the heart break in your words. He knows how heavily their absence in Mila’s life has hung over you. He sees the way you look at his parents interactions with Mila and the way you wish your parents would do the same. So many times you’ve tried to reach out to them and so many times they’ve let you down. He always reminds you that you have him and Mila and his parents and Mali and the guys as family but he understands it’s not quite the same and that a little hollow piece of you still yearns for your parents approval and care.
“You deserve better too,” Calum says and hopes you’ll believe it.
“It stopped bothering me for a while, I accepted they didn’t want to put in effort for me,” you explain around a few sniffles, face firmly planted against Calum’s chest as rogue tears stain his shirt. “It was pretty clear when they didn’t show up to meet you or to our wedding. I thought I was over it. Then we had Mila and almost lost her and it’s like they didn’t even care. Now it’s Christmas and they still don’t care. She’s the sweetest little girl, she deserves grandparents, she deserves everything. It breaks my heart. Why don’t they care?”
Calum has no answer to the shattering question you pose and even if he did he knows nothing—no answer or explanation—will ever justify their absence. He stays silent and holds you. Rocks back and forth with you in his arms almost like you both do with Mila. He can feel with every little motion that you’re trying to pull yourself together but he’s always been the place that you can fall apart. He doesn’t coax you to do anything. Just stays with you, becomes a presence to help fill the void.
“Sweetheart,” he finally mumbles after minutes of quiet. He feels your clutch on him tighten as you slightly shift to meet his gaze. His fingers lightly settle under your chin to keep you with him. “She doesn’t need them. They don’t deserve her or you.”
“What?” you mumble out the one worded question; clearly hearing the words but unable to grasp them fully.
“She doesn’t need them, she has me and you. You give her more love than imaginable,” Calum explains and you nod to show you understand. He lets out a breath and so do you though it shakes. “If they don’t care to try they don’t deserve to have you keep trying. You’re too good for them. So is Mila, look at her,” Calum explains further and coaxes you to raise your head and find your reason for everything. Mila smiles when you meet eyes with her and it’s enough to convince you of Calum’s words.
“I just feel bad she’ll grow up missing part of her family,” you finally admit and maybe it’s more or less about her and you.
“With all of those people out there who love her, she’ll never miss a thing,” Calum says and grins to himself as a thought enters his mind. “And I mean, Luke did walk you down the aisle so that kinda makes him her pseudo grandpa?”
You erupt into laughter and shake your head no. “Don’t even joke about that with him. He’s already vying for favorite uncle. We don’t need him fighting your dad to be the favorite grandfather.”
Calum purses his lips as he contemplates the very real possibility of that before laughing with you. He wipes away remnants of tears on your face and gives you another moment to collect yourself. Once he finds that you’re back together he gives you a little nuzzle. “Ready to get back out there?”
You nod and stand. Mila lights up and lets out a little noise as you bring her back into your arms. You keep her close and Calum stays by your side as you head back out to the dining room where your family waits. They all greet you warmly but don’t comment on or question your disappearance. You keep Mila in your hold instead of putting her back in her high chair. Small talk resumes and eventually Ashton proposes a toast.
“To a good holiday season,” he finishes.
“And to family,” you pitch in and make everyone agree. Glasses clink. “Thanks for being here with us.”
Everyone agrees with the sentiment and says there’s nowhere else they’d rather be. In that moment, gathered with those who love and care for you and your daughter, it’s easy to let go of those who don’t and to appreciate all that you have. When one of Calum’s hands grabs for yours and the other gently holds Mila’s you’re also sure there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
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Tagged: @rosecolouredash @irwinkitten @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos @caswinchester2000 @wildflowergrae @cuddlemecalx @malumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @xhaileyreneex @mariellelovescupcakes @gosh-im-short @feliznavidaddycal @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @cashtonasfuck @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @wastedheartcth @calumscalm @notinthesameguey @lukesfuckingbeard @myloverboyash @treatallwithkindness @haikucal @wiildflower-xxx @calum-uncrowned @egyptiangoldhood @drarryetcetera @another-lonely-heart @megz1985 @idk-harry @dinosaursandsocks @wildflower-cth @idontneedanyone @everyscarisahealingplace @myfavfanficsever @stormrider505 @karajaynetoday @333-xx @calumshpod @calumsphile @calumrose @justhereforcalum @grreatgooglymoogly @calumance @ashhhbeee @chicken-ona-stick @wish-you-were-here-hood @hoodhoran @mantlereid @hemmingslftv @homeofpoetry @shamelessfangirl-3
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punkgrogg · 5 years ago
Doorway Duo pt.2
Pairing: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader, Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Hybrid!BTS, Non idol AU, fluff
Warnings: Pregnancy
Summary: Y/n was abandoned by her long time boyfriend and moves back home to help prepare for the baby. She’s surprised to find two unfamiliar hybrids at her house.
Length: 2,456 words
Notes: Sorry for the long wait, this summer has been one disaster and tragedy (my grandpa, great grandma, and college friend have all passed) after another but I’m almost finished with part 3 so I’ll be posting that in the next couple of days. 
Date posted: 7/26/2020
Pregnancy sucks.  My back hurts and my feet are sore after just a few hours walking. Not to mention the overall discomfort of my body swelling up to accommodate the new human developing inside of it. Luckily I only have about three more months of this left and I could finally hold my baby boy. Yeah, Hobi was right. He claimed that it was his hybrid genes that made him privy to this information but Kook calls bullshit- he and Tae had been hoping it was a girl.
In the past two months of staying back home, I’ve seemed to bond super well with the two new hybrids. At first, it was easy to become friends with Tae, he was overly friendly and followed me around after our first-day meeting. Once my baby bump became prominent I could keep him away; he spent most of his waking hours cooing at my stomach. I had to work a bit harder to get Jungkook to open up to me and all it took was a few weeks of calling Taehyung his nickname.  Apparently, he was just shy and wanted to be my friend also but he was jealous that Tae got to be called Tae. I called him Kook since then and all shyness flew out the door. He and Tae were both so energized all the time and both so caring. Today they insisted on accompanying me to the store because they didn’t want me to accidentally overwork myself. Hobi tagged along too, not wanting to be left behind at the house alone.
I was flanked by both Jungkook and Taehyung the moment we entered the store but this is something I've had to get used to.  Another thing I’ve had to get used to is that Taehyung was very touchy. His hands are always in contact with some part of my body and today he had wrapped his arm around my waist and his fingers traced small circles into my side as we strolled down the aisles. Usually, I wasn’t someone who liked to be held all the time but with Tae, it never bothered me, it was actually comforting most of the time. Hobi strolled a few feet ahead of us while he was bickering with Taehyung over the chips that were tossed into the cart.  The great chip debate happened every time we went to the store, Hoseok had a weird taste when it came to snacks and my other brothers and I had long gotten over it. 
Jungkook was hovering on my right- so close that our knuckles brushed as we walked- his presence a constant that I’ve become accustomed to these last few weeks.  He was back to his quiet guy persona, it probably would stay this way until we got home. Hobi thought it was funny when we went out in public together- said that Jungkook changes gear into high alert one I became a variable. It was hard for me to imagine him outside of the two versions of him that I knew, the quiet and shy versus the playful and relaxed.  At home, Jungkook was the one to cajole me into chasing him throughout the house but whenever I turn a corner too fast he’s there with arms outstretched to catch me. 
Taehyung too acted a bit differently when we went out, usually he was a bundle of energy and excitement that couldn’t be contained but in public, he seemed to change into a startling somber man who would then meld himself to my side once out the door. I guess this fed into his protective instincts as well.  Tae was the one who was most concerned with my well being in the house. He responded to every grunt and whimper I’ve made since I’ve moved in. He forced me into weekly self-care nights and rushed to prevent me from overworking myself no matter the task. I would think that it was charming normally but because of him, I’ve been banned from dish duty after accidentally cutting my finger after moving in. 
My parents had warned me that the three hybrids in the house might change a bit while the pregnancy developed but if I were uncomfortable then I should let them know right away. Hoseok was the same Hoseok as ever- a beam of sunshine in my monotonous life. He has spent increasingly more time outside of our house - going on dates with some mysterious guy. He has stopped teasing me a much this past week or two and instead teases Jungkook and Taehyung twice as much. Jungkook and Tae have obviously turned into my pseudo bodyguards and that can probably be chalked up to their hybrid instincts. 
Why else would these two hang onto me so closely?   I thought to myself as I focused on a sign for a buy one get one half off deal for oatmeal. Dad liked oats in the morning but there didn’t seem to be any of his favored cinnamon flavors. Taehyung suddenly ripped me out of my peaceful bubble by tugging me into his side abruptly. Jungkook stood in front of me while I could hear Hoseok apologize profusely. Both Taehyung and Jungkook had their faces twisted into scowls as they peered down at the man huddled on the floor. He looked familiar.
His curly blonde hair seemed to be what struck me with a name on the tip of my tongue. I couldn’t quite place him, how many blonde men did I know? Not many other than that Jimin guy Hobi brought around since high school. I couldn’t place him until he glanced over where I was peeking out over Jungkook’s shoulder. His eyes were blue, an icy pale blue that was the same color as his. This was Henry’s little brother. Was it Darren? Or maybe David? It was hard to recall as Henry was coles with his family. Especially after their parents divorced and He had been the only child to go live with his dad. I had only met David a few times over the almost six years we had been together. 
“Y/n?”  He asked, his eyes lighting up in recognition. Hobi- who was interrupted mid apology for ramming into him with the cart- looked back at me with inquisitive eyes. Taehyung tried to pull me closer to his side but this once I resisted and stepped from the overwhelming protection of the Duo. 
“David? Last I saw you, you were a scrawny little beanpole.” I teased light-heartedly as I stood next to Hobi. David’s cheeks flushed as he stood up and straightened out his clothes. 
“Uh, well, I grew up. It’s been three years so how’s it been going? Henry said you guys split up.” His eyes seemed to be glued to my stomach. My stomach was big, especially for how far along I was at only six months of my pregnancy but I was already passing the size of a watermelon. My hands came up to cradle my stomach. 
I forced a smile, “Yeah, we did. It’s been about six months, I think? I’ve been doing good though.” 
It was then that my blood ran cold. Rounding the corner behind David was the man I never wanted to see again. Henry.  These last few months haven’t fully rid me of the sting of abandonment and no matter how much I’ve been coddled - it could never erase the pain and loneliness that I’ve had to overcome. I could feel my brother tense up beside and his threats to ‘rip out his throat’ came ringing in the back of my head. I calmly reached out and held onto his forearm gently.
Henry’s attention was fully focused on the bakery box in his hands and he only glanced up at his brother. He quickly did a double-take when he noticed that there were five looming figures instead of just the one. He skimmed over the group of strangers until he locked eyes with me. His feet took root and held him back a few feet away as he gawked. 
“Baby? That's my baby?” he managed to choke out while his eyes bugged out of his head. David’s jaw dropped and suddenly, with both their gazes trained on me, I felt so much smaller than just a few moments ago.  I could feel panic clawing at my throat as it rattled its way out of my chest at the sudden turn of events. That’s until a warm firm hand grasped onto my elbow as the familiar towering presence materialized behind me. Jungkook. His hold quelled my panic almost instantly. I fixed a terse smile at Henry, my face changing a calm disposition.
“No. You were right: there was no way it could be your baby.” I could feel the acid dripping from my lips as I forced a saccharine sweet smile at the asshole.
Henry’s face quickly snapped out of the shocked expression, almost as quickly as his face took on a reddened hue. “So you were a fucking whore and got knocked up by some hybrid? Should have known, your family is way too close to those fucking freaks.” He kept his eyes trained on Jungkook’s hand holding onto me.
“Oh, I knew you were a piece of shit the first time she brought you home.” Hoseok laughed unamused. He abandoned the cart only to stalk towards Henry, stopping with barely six inches left between the two. “The only thing keeping me from tearing you limb from limb right now is the fact that she begged me to, One more comment from your limp-dicked self will be more than enough to break my self-control. This is the last time you’ll ever speak to her or her children. Understood?” Henry nodded quickly with a face painted in fear. 
Taehyung stepped forward and turned the cart around. Jungkook tugged me along and rubbed his hand on my arm in comfort. Tae swiped a few boxes of snack cake of the shelf as we hurried away and a sudden ringing sound of a slap rang out through the aisle.  No-one turned around. As we approached the lines for check out I could hear the squeaking of Hobi’s sneakers as he ran to catch up with us.  His hands replaced Jungkook’s as he tugged me into his chest. 
He tucked my head under his chin and held me tightly, so tight that he managed to squeeze out the few tears I was managing to fight back. He only tightened his grasp as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. He let go momentarily to wrench his wallet out of his back pocket so he could exchange it for keys from Jungkook. He pulled me out from under the judging stares of the cashiers and led me to the parking lot. As we neared the car he hugged me closer to his side so he could press his cheek against the top of my head. 
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. 
“No. I’m sorry I let you be with that asshole. I failed as a big brother.” he sighed despondently and I could feel the guilt twisting my stomach into knots.
“No, you’re the best one I got. I’m sorry he said that about you, I’ve never heard him say anything like that before. I love you Hobi, you’re my sunshine.” I cried as I held onto his shirt.
“I know you don’t think of me that way or the guys. I can remember you fighting punks like that at the park growing up. His dumbass will never affect how much I love my snot-nosed baby sister.” he pulled away and leveled me with a soft smile, forcing me to return one. 
“Did you hit him? You could get in a lot of trouble.” I bit onto my lip as I imagined the terrible consequences. He could lose his job at the shelter. He could be marked aggressively by the government and taken away. He could be arrested.
His warm soft hands squished my cheeks as he made me face him. “Aw, is our little Y/n worried about her big brother? Don’t worry my princess, bubby didn’t hurt him. His brother slapped the socks off him. I was shocked.”  His blinding smile finally returned and could hear a cart being pushed behind us. I turned to see Taehyung standing on the front of the cart with a big smile as he waved to us; Jungkook was running full speed at the handle of the cart. 
I laughed at the two idiots as they barely managed to stop before crashing into my car. Taehyung’s hands flew forward to brace himself against the trunk. Jungkook laughed heartily as Taehyung started to yell at him for almost squishing him. 
“Kook, are you driving us back?” I asked to save him from the snow leopard. He nodded as Hobi tossed him the keys. Kook popped the trunk while Hobi and Tae tossed in the few bags of groceries. Jungkook steered away from the cart and we all filed into the car wordlessly. I was in the passenger seat with Hobi behind me. There seemed to be a heavy curtain of silence surrounding us all. 
“Taehyung, Jungkook, I’m sorry for what Henry said.” I pointedly kept my attention at the fast-changing scenery. They were both silent until I could feel hot breath against my neck. A chin rested on my shoulder while a nose pressed itself between my ear and jawline. 
“Why are you sorry? Did you teach him to hate hybrids?” Tae’s deep voice was just barely louder than a whisper but it echoed in my heart. I whipped my head towards him, my eyebrows pinched together harshly, only to see the grin plastered on his face.
“You know I don’t think like that. Don’t tease me like that, I was apologizing because you guys don’t deserve to be spoken to like that. You’re people; kind, caring people.” I glared at him with no heat while his smile only widened. 
“We do know, that’s why we weren’t mad. It's something that happens and we can’t help that we’re used to it. We were actually pissed at that asshat.” Jungkook harrumphed in agreement and I could feel the knot loosen in my stomach. 
“I’ve been trying to join Team Hate Henry since we moved in and Hoseok hasn’t allowed it. I bet Namjoon will let us in now.” Jungkook smirked back at Hobi who squeaked in protest.
“Namjoon cannot know that we met with him. He would actually kill him.” I interjected, my fear helping me envision Joonie in an orange jumpsuit. 
Jungkook side-eyed me before smirking at me, “ Would that be so bad?”
 Tag list! just let me know if you want added.
@jelly-fishy-babie @nomimits7 @littlewolfieposts
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ryttu3k · 4 years ago
I’m gonna do it.
I’m gonna watch the Star Wars Holiday Special.
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And we already have off-brand opening text. This is off to a great start!
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I’m a minute and a half in and the sitcom-style openings have already killed me. Oh Mark you poor fucker.
“Anthony Daniels as C-3PO! Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca! R2-D2 as… R2-D2!”
Fuck the actors playing Chewie’s family apparently, no credits for them!
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And let’s start off with this picture that isn’t even trying to be photorealistic. I mean you could have at least edited in some generic forest to the background or something. Made a model. Anything!
There are several minutes of cozy domesticity. Done completely in Shyriiwook. Kid is playing! Grandpa is grumpy! Mom is cooking! Mom wants Kid to take out the garbage! Its main saving grace is that there’s no laugh track!
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Look out, kid, you’re balancing on a matte painting!!
Why would you have a tiny holographic circus in pseudo-BDSM gear?
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Why wouldn’t you have a tiny holographic circus in pseudo-BDSM gear?
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*covers Lumpy’s eyes*
This legitimately reads like, “Well, we decided to show off our [assorted crew member]’s [generic family member]’s amateur gymnastics and tumbling squad, so let’s put them in brightly coloured body suits and pretend they’re aliens.”
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Well, they’re very brightly coloured, if nothing else!
Lumpy wants to keep playing but Malla wants him to dry the dishes! First the garbage, now this?! Inhumanity!! (Inwookieety?)
Listen I know Star Wars has its own visual identity when it comes to interface tech, so why does this look like it’s out of a parody of itself?
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Mark I’m so fucking sorry. And we know how he feels about this particular low!
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jfc his eyes are so wide it’s like he’s been dipping into Carrie’s stash XD;;
Bless his heart he’s trying his hardest but the script is............. not good.
Losing my shit at Malla trying to talk to a trader with an Imperial soldier in the background.
“Don’t say a word, ma’am, I know just why you’re calling! You’re wondering when that shaggy carpet you ordered will arrive at your home? Let me assure you, madam, it’s on its way! It’s being flown especially for you by a little old woman four planets away. She did it all by herself. In fact you might say she did it -”  Obviously raised eyebrows - “BY HANd. SOLO.”
The cooking scene is straight up ridiculous and is, so far, my favourite scene of the show. It’s completely unhinged on its own, but it’s also bookended before it by a scene with Vader and an Imperial officer being menacing, and goes straight into Han and Chewie trying to evade TIE fighters, and the mood whiplash is impeccable.
Oh noes! An Imperial blockade around the planet! However will Chewie get home for Life Day!
Apparently they have something called a Mind Evaporator. Which sounds... ominous.
“Why all the long hairy faces?”
Oh my god the trader guy brought porn for Itchy. To use with the... the Mind Evaporator. “It’s kind of... hard to explain. It’s kind of... wow. D’you know what I mean? Happy Life Day! ...and I do mean Happy Life Day!”
what the fuck
Is this why he’s called Itchy
What the fuck am I watching XD
I mean the song is very nice but the context... the context...
Man there’s just something... really off about Leia XD;;
Han made it to the planet, but oh noes! Imperials!
My god this is almost cringey. The trader/rebel is trying so hard to be suave and also sell his shit without letting on that he’s a rebel... and is now distracting an Imperial soldier with holographic Jefferson Starship.
Actually this song kinda slaps...
Just another day on a planet occupied by hostile Imperialism! *laugh track*
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Wow, this is the animation? That style... XD
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This thing is meant to be menacing.
Boba Fett to the rescue! ...wait, what?
So, uh, Chewie and the droids are teaming up with Boba Fett to find the cure to an infected talisman that only affects humans and forces a sleeping sickness on them, meaning they have to be tied up upside down to keep the blood rushing to their head. I repeat, wait, what?
Oh okay he’s working for Vader and trying to earn their trust. That works much better XD
At this point Lumpy yells in dismay over the cartoon he’s apparently watching about his actual real-ass dad and the Imperial comes over to investigate! Oh noes!
No it’s okay he pulls up some random game and the guy is like ‘oh okay you just suck at games’ and wanders off again. Back to Lumpy watching a cartoon about his actual real-ass dad because that’s something that just happens in this universe apparently.
Threepio casually reveals Fett’s plans and Fett is just like, “Welp, foiled again!” and jets off and like... that’s it. No problem.
Man the Imperials are just casually trashing Lumpy’s room that’s so rude. Just straight-out decapitated the stuffed bantha?? Rude??
Man bar staff have to deal with this shit all over the galaxy XD
Bea Arthur is singing to the Cantina song. That is all.
Chewie and Han arrive home, only to find a stormtrooper threatening Lumpy! Oh noes!
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Aww, Han and Lumpy’s interactions are adorable. He’s all, “omg he’s got so big!” and teasing him over his voice starting to change XD
Oh god please don’t make me watch Wookiees make out... oh thank fuck it was just a hug XD
And suddenly they’re in robes and floating through space in a procession while a solemn version of the Throne Room theme plays and Threepio wishes everyone a Happy Life Day (”WAAAARGKJHJDSAASDFJLKWAHH!”).
Wow I don’t know about Threepio wishing they were truly alive so they could celebrate Life Day too XD;;
And here’s our trio! For some reason, Luke is back in his Tatooine outfit?
Listen there is something not quite right about Leia passionately talking about their love for one another despite their differences while clinging to Chewie’s arm and gazing adoringly at him XD
“This is the promise of the Tree of Life.”
The what of what? Because that was literally not mentioned at any point before that.
Oh god the song. Oh god I don’t know if I’m strong enough.
That note did not work with the music being played!!
So that happened.
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completelypeccable · 5 years ago
Hey I was inspired by the soulmate au
Daminette’s a fun ship :)
Soulmate au where your soul mark is the shape of where your soulmate first touches your skin. And it only is visible when it happens or when the person is under extreme stress/ emotion. Damian freaks out when Dick’s (on his face: V dramatic) seemingly disappears and tries to comfort him. Dick being all like: bro what? I appreciate the hug, but? You can’t usually see it.
Damian: no, but mine is there all the time???
Dick: lil D. 😦
(But for real, the bat fam starts to understand that a lot of Damian’s Harsh reactions are defenses that kept him alive through years of terrible abuse. He’s not a bad kid, he’s trying.)
I think Damian should have this really weird one on his chest and back, with the imprint of arms and hands and legs and a splotch on his chest and Talia is absolutely livid. She hates it. She says it makes him weak and the sheer size of it is a sign of cowardice. That someone could catch him unaware. That he would be so unguarded.
She teaches him to hate it, to hide it. She tries to get rid of it, but Damian just learns to cover it and evade her. Never lets any of it show, wears gloves at all times to both hide his marks and keep people from being able to touch him.
Damian escapes his mother and finds his brothers/dad/pseudo grandpa. Cue growing up and getting better. Learning to love people and trust them.
Marinette transfers to Gotham. She’s self conscious because her classmates bullied her for her marks. Called her terrible names. She completely covers them and doesn’t let anyone see anything but her hands (which is the most common place for a soul mark).
Damian and her become friends because of the sheer force of Marinette’s will (backbone and smile) and Damian’s Need to Protecc the Innocent. Maybe she kicks someone’s butt for hurting Jon? Idk anything is possible. Damian remain emotionally constipated, still working to break down the lies he was taught about the world. That being soft or kind is not weakness; beginning to trust. Marinette is learning that people will stick up for her and not let her down. Relearning trust. (I imagine them as older by several years at this point).
Then, everything changes when the Joker attacks. It’s gym class, and everyone is trying to escape, Damian is trying to change into his robin uniform when Marinette charges the Joker, letting three kids escape. She manages to hold him back while completely unarmed. Damian sees this going down and obviously freaks out. Ditches the uniform and runs to go help her. Marinette is shook, but relieved to not be alone. And they’re good, really good. They work together flawlessly and dangerously, the dynamic duo no one else saw coming. (Except Jon).
The Joker sees Batman and Red Robin are just coming in and knows his time is up. He’s furious that a teenage girl got in his way. Damian sees the Joker pull out a grenade and throw it at Marinette. Damian does the panic tackle Marinette out of the way behind the bleachers as the bomb goes off.
While their ears are ringing and they stop rolling, they look at each other and realize that they can see each other through the dust. And their marks are shining golden light between them.
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grimcorvis · 4 years ago
Sins Locked Away- The Wedding
Part 1 of 3
(Aw ye we did it! Angst time! Phoenix and I finished it and now it’s time to share it!)
Characters: Grim Corvis Abaddon Payne Reaper the Hellhound Abigail Payne Joseph Payne Alistair the Angel Raphael the Archangel Ezzel the Succubus Daemonera the Harpy Orcus, Demon of Greed Koban the Oni Satan (duh) Cicely the Plague Doctor
(HUGE thank you to @phoenixvitae for cowriting it with me and thank you to @sassinapaperbag for letting us use their Satan design and plague doctor!)
The Wedding
The day had arrived. It was the biggest moment of both of their lives, and it would change them forever. This would be a historic moment for a demon and Death……for it was their wedding. Grim could hardly contain himself as he dressed in his tuxedo, hair wrapped in its braid. His palms were shaky and sweaty as he tried to put on his bowtie, and he fumbled with the silky fabric. He couldn’t see his soon-to-be-husband until he walked down the aisle to meet him at the podium, and he was extremely antsy. A knock sounded and a blue-skinned demon walked in, silver hair tied in a bun and long horns adorned with gold cuffs.
“Grim, you’re trembling.” Koban the Oni shook his head at the Reaper, walking over to assist his friend. “You need to relax, this is a big day for you. You should be proud! And yet you behave as if this is more terrifying than the pits of Tartarus.”
“It’s more anxiety and excitement rather than fear.” Grim sighed, letting Koban tie his bow for him. “It’s my first wedding in all my 6019 years of existence. I’m finally going to spend eternity with the one I truly love. What if I freeze up and screw up my vows? What if I drop the ring and lose it?! What if-” He started to panic, but Koban placed a hand on his shoulder.
“My friend, you will be fine. Besides- Raphael, Alistair, myself, and Orcus will be nearby to help you out if you need it.” He assured Grim and Death sighed, nodding. He hoped everything would be fine. Hopefully, Abaddon was having a better time on his end, this was nerve-wracking already!
As it turns out, Abaddon was hyperventilating as he was putting on his dress. “I’m not ready for this! What was I thinking?! We’ve known each other, what, a few months and we’re already getting married?!”
"Abaddon Jeffery Payne, would you hold still for a minute?" Abigail sighed heavily and tried to help him put his dress on, his veil resting on a chair. "Relax, dear. You've been planning this and waiting for this for a while. If you wanted to wait, then that would just make the anxiety worse." She came to his front and cupped his cheek. "Besides, what better day than today- your birthday."
Abaddon took a few deep breaths, finally calming down after hours of severe anxiety. “You’re right. Then again you’re always right, aren’t you?” 
Abigail smiled and winked at her son. "That's why I'm your mother. Now, let's get your tail under the skirt- and hold still for me this time." She started to fix up his skirt as Ezzel peeked in the room. 
"OooOooOooo, so elegant~! And the groom is looking the same way!" Ezzel giggled and took a picture with her phone. "People are starting to file into the Garden, and your angel and demon friends will show up any minute. Koban's already helping Grim."
“Seems like everything is going perfectly. Thanks for helping out, Mom. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Abaddon embraced his mother, something that wasn’t even possible before he met Grim. So much had changed in his life, and all of it for the better. 
His mother hugged back, careful not to wrinkle the dress or smudge any makeup. "You're ever so welcome honey." She smiled and looked at the time. "Now, you wait in here for a bit and don't sneak off. I need to see if everything is set up. Ezzel dear, come help me a moment." 
Ezzel nodded, following Abigail out of the doorway. The door closed, but not before a certain Hellpuppy snuck his way through. "Papa!! Papa, there's so many people and so much excitement! I'm so happy for you and Daddy!!" A pillow was strapped to Reaper's back, small enough to not be cumbersome, and with an indent for two rings to be placed.
“Oh my celestial being, you are SO CUTE!!!” Abaddon picked up Reaper into his arms, squishing his face and petting him furiously. “Who gave you the right to be this adorable?!”
“Noooooo stahp it! Heeheehee!” Reaper giggled as he was loved on and smooshed by his pseudo-dad. “I gave myself the right, Papa!” He licked his nose and squirmed to get down. “You look so pretty! You look pretty and Daddy looks handsome! I can’t wait for you to see him! When are you gonna go and kiss him, Papa? Is it soon?” There was so much excitement and Reaper was literally vibrating with it.
Abaddon laughed at Reaper’s enthusiasm, happy to have him in his life. “I’ve completely lost track of time. I don’t know how much time we have before we’re supposed to start.”
"From what Grandma and her ex Grandpa said, pretty soon. I need to go and get the rings, and then Grandma said she'll come and get you to walk you down the aisle. I just wanted to say hi." Reaper smiled and wagged his tail. "Oh- and Daddy said he has the perfect song for your walk."
Abaddon made a curious expression. “He’s not going with the classic?” His curiosity slowly turned into excitement. “Can’t wait to hear it!”
The little pup giggled and nodded. "I gotta go, Papa. But I'll see you out there!" He nudged the door open and trotted out of the room, leaving Abaddon alone. It wouldn't be much longer now, the voices of people could be heard and seen from outside the window. This was gonna be big.
Grim paced in his secluded room, waiting until they were called out to the graveyard. He wanted to see Abaddon so bad, he was so anxious and excited all at once. He bit his lip and took a breath, creeping out into the hall. He gently knocked on Abaddon's door, smiling. "Hey, babe. Are you doing okay in there?" He asked softly, staying outside the room. He wasn't looking in the room at Abaddon, this was avoiding the bad luck, right?
The sudden knock startled Abaddon for a second, but the sound of Grim’s voice immediately soothed him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… nervous as all purgatory.”
"You and me both, sweetheart." Grim laughed softly, leaning against the door frame. "I can see that everyone is almost here, even our acting troupe is here." He placed his hand on the door and smiled. "I bet you look so beautiful. I wish I could see you right now…"
“I do too, but it’s bad luck to see the bride, or in this case the one in the dress, before the wedding.” Abaddon placed his hand on the door as well, not knowing that Grim was doing the same. 
"Do you think that...I could at least hold your hand? I won't look at your hand, but- holding it might help my nerves." He suggested, his hand matching Abaddon's on the other side. "It might make you feel better too. Considering I can tell that we're both nervous as all Heaven."
Abaddon cracked a smile. “Seems like I’m starting to rub off on you. You’re speaking in hell slang.” He chuckled to himself, opening the door a crack and offering his hand. 
True to his word, Grim didn't look at his hand. He grabbed it and entwined his fingers together, feeling a little more relieved. "How's this? Do you feel a little better?" His hand felt so warm, yet it trembled slightly with excitement. He could feel his heartbeat and Abaddon's through their touch.
Abaddon took a deep breath, feeling the slight chill of Grim’s skin course through him. “Yeah, much better. Thanks.” He closed his eyes, standing there for what felt like an eternity. 
“You’re welcome, mi amor. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to call you my husband.” Grim sighed, squeezing his hand. He was snapped out of the quiet moment when Alistair called up the steps. “GRIM! Everything’s almost ready, go get your butt out there! You need to get into position!” “Ah- coming!” He turned his head back to the door. “I have to go. I’ll see you out there, darling.” 
Abaddon had returned to the mirror, not noticing that the door had swung open wider behind him. Nonchalantly he replied, “Til Death do us part, my love~” He continued touching up his makeup, the mirror just out of the way of reflecting the wide-open door and Grim’s shocked face in it. 
Grim froze for a moment, unable to tear his gaze away from the demon in the room. He- he had seen him. In the dress. He wasn’t able to finish his thoughts as Alistair grabbed his hand, pulling him from the doorway. “What are you staring at? Come on! You’re gonna be late!” The angel tugged him out of the house and across the street to the graveyard.
It wasn’t even a few minutes later that Abigail knocked on the doorframe of Abaddon’s room. “Dear? It’s time. Are you ready?” She asked and picked up his veil and bouquet, holding them out to him. The flowers were fire lilies, beautiful orange flowers like the one Grim placed in his hair the day they became a couple.
Abaddon took a deep breath, turning to his mother in the open doorway. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He placed the veil on his head, taking one last look at himself in the mirror. “You know, I honestly never thought this day would come. Especially not 450 years ago.”
“And now that day is here. And I’m so glad I can be here for it.” Abigail started getting teary-eyed already. She dabbed her eyes a bit with a tissue and took her son’s hand. “Come, everyone is waiting for the bride. Can’t keep your new husband waiting.” She guided Abaddon out of the house and across the street. Cars were lined on the sidewalk for almost a mile, it seemed like everyone was here and then some. She paused outside of the gate, where Ezzel and Daemonera stood waiting. “This is it. Deep breath honey, and happy birthday my sweet boy.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Abaddon pulled her in for a quick embrace, not realizing until now how much he used to wish that she could be at his wedding when he was young. Tears started to form in his eyes as he quickly pulled away, not wanting to get too emotional yet. 
Ezzel smiled at her demon brother and entered the Garden, Daemonera following behind. The music started up when it was Abaddon’s turn, and Reaper was right about it not being the traditional wedding theme. It was soft piano music, ‘Everything Stays’ floating through the air. The crowd of people faced the gate smiling and teary-eyed. At the very end, standing in front of Abaddon’s father at the altar, was Grim. Standing in a tux, just like in his dream, and his silver eyes were watery with joy.
Abaddon burst into tears as well, his literal dreams coming true before him. He walked down the aisle, trying his best to keep his composure as best he could. Reaper was right in front of him, both carrying the rings and spreading flower petals on the ground from a basket tied to his neck. The hellhound occasionally looking back was the only thing keeping Abaddon from breaking down in the middle of the aisle. 
 Reaper shook the last of the flower petals from the basket as he reached the end of the aisle, trotting over to stand by the girls. Ezzel and Daemonera on one side, Raphael and Alistair on the other side by Grim. It was perfect. Grim held out his hand as Abaddon joined him and Abigail sat in the front row as she gave her son to the Grimm Reaper. 
Grim gently lifted Abaddon's veil from his face, a happy tear escaping those captivating silver eyes. "You look beautiful…" He whispered and held his hand, using his other to wipe away the stray tear. Even though he saw him in the dress beforehand, he couldn't get over how amazing he looked.
 Abaddon leaned into Grim’s hand, a smile forming on his face. “Thanks. You look amazing too.” The tears had finally stopped running down his face as he stared at the man that would soon be his husband. He whispered to Grim, “Ready for the best day of our lives?”
"Ready as ever." Grim nodded and stared back. He wanted to keep staring, but they had to break away and face Joseph, Abaddon's father, and the man uniting them. He cleared his throat and began. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here on this wonderful day..to celebrate the union of Abaddon Jeffery Payne-" Joseph gestured to his son. "-and Grim Azrael Corvis." He then did the same to the Reaper. "This wedding doesn't just symbolize their love- it symbolizes a special bond. A bond that runs deep in their hearts, one that all of us wish to someday achieve."
All the humans in the crowd seemed confused by those names but quickly returned to watching the ceremony. Hopefully, they all assumed they were just using stage names until now. 
Abaddon leaned closer to Grim, listening to his father’s words. Centuries ago something like this would have never happened between them. Now they were both demons and have changed for the better. Funny how things work out like that.
Joseph went on for a few minutes about love and marriage and yada yada all that boring stuff, and then it was time for them to say their vows. "Abaddon. Grim. You may now speak your vows to each other. Say them openly-" He smiled and spoke quieter to them. "-and do your best." Joseph stood up straight and nodded for them to go ahead.
Grim mustered up the courage to go first, taking a deep breath and holding Abaddon’s hands. “Abby. The time that we’ve been together has...it’s honestly been the happiest time of my life. When I’m down or upset or worried, you know how to make me feel so much better. You never cease to make me smile and laugh. You’re so perfect- none of the others I’ve dated before can even compare. I love you, and I always will no matter what happens.”
Abaddon had to fight back tears as his turn came up. “Grim, I can honestly say that I never expected any of this to happen. All my life I thought I’d be alone and miserable, corrupting souls for all eternity. But, you showed me that life doesn’t have to be about pleasing other people. You showed me how to be… free.” He started to choke on his words, emotion getting the best of him. “I-I promise to always love you and to be there for you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Their words brought the crowd to tears and sniffles. It was so moving, even Reaper was whimpering with how precious his dads were being. Joseph wiped a tear away as he cleared his throat. “If anyone has cause to object to the forming of their union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“I, in fact, object.” Rang out a rather smug, yet somehow still pissed off voice, in the far back of the clearing.
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vyctoyr · 4 years ago
I will bury you by Lake Michigan
I bury you by Lake Michigan A place you’ve never been And never will
Your life’s so short, damn Microscopic short Barely a year, I swear
Why did you have to die? Is it because I didn’t see you For three days, possibly more
Why did you have to die? And the other run away?
I haven’t been the best care-giver I’ll give you that But you have been the perfect
Docile, tranquil and calm Almost never bite Except when on the very last night But I bet your brain has died Frozen reflux, I can’t lie
I guess a better question would be: Why wouldn’t I cry? I know I’m sad, but There’s just no way to cry
I no longer feel the tears flowing It has been a while I can’t even remember that last time I cried
Boy do I envy that moonlit clown I bet he had a lot to cry He cried and laughed indeed cuz he lived Even just as a hollow silhouette
If there is a god, and the god could hear my prayer Please let this little soul, chaperoned by Charon Pass the nacreous water safely For she has done nothing wrong All her suffering, caused by me only
And if you still have some attentions left If you are every so patient and forgiving as her Please also bestow upon me The ability to cry, the long lost one Since writing this pseudo-sensationalizing poem won’t do the trick Return to me, the precious gift to mammals
I remember, weirdly, my dad telling me Cows cry before the get slaughtered I remember this rare moment Where he showed a shred of compassion It was a weird twinge, I tell you Good thing you never have to meet him
But still, please turn me into a cow, if necessary Just so that my eyes Be washed by tears again
The vitreous and nacreous will be one May my irises melt slowly Into the depth of Acheron Under the gaze of stony Charon “Mange les yeux, ô sillage! Mange-les, et crache!”
Don't worry, gravel I will bury you by Lake Michigan It’s so big and beautiful I might be buried here too in no time I will come for you, promise
Either way, I hope You would finally be warm And free So that you can grow big and strong The way you didn’t get to in this life
I will burry you By Lake Michigan Don’t worry, gravel You will be safe
I can’t say how sorry I am I can only bury you By Lake Michigan
 Would you borrow me some water Oh one of the Great Lakes! Would you have mercy on my soul Even though it has greatly wronged another
I am burying you by Lake Michigan So that you will be interned by Lake Michigan No need to be afraid, gravel The lake will lend me some water Since she has so much And I will weep eventually Using lake water as tear And my memory as fuel
I bury you by Lake Michigan A place you’ve never been And now you’ll never leave Cuz you are now a part of her Just like you will always Be a part of me
Look, you see that? The water ripples chatoyant Dappled with rainbow, like grandpa’s hydrangeas I will, I must cry For I bury you By Lake Michigan
Did I tell you about the petunia Grandpa and I planted together In half a coconut shell It grew so long and plush Like a honeysuckle You will see what I mean Cuz you live now in a world full of petunia Surrounded by fragrance Showered with love By Lake Michigan
I buried you by Lake Michigan As I walk away, twisted and churned Please say hi to the little Boulanger sister For you are to my heart Her eternal spring, lilting piano
L’homme vieillit et meurt Toi, tu ne vieillit pas! L’homme vieillit et meurt Toi, tu ne vieillit pas!
April 28, 2021 Chicago
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goliath-de-senfina-sango · 5 years ago
Ordering Family Ties
Coming down from his high was somewhat embarrassing, considering he did so still wrapped around Tucker and muttering in some weird ghost language that humans couldn’t hear.  Finding out that he’d told Dash off on camera, and that it had been posted to Viewtube was less embarrassing - though he wasn’t sure how happy he was with the public knowing he’d gotten high since he clearly hadn’t informed anyone that it was accidental.  Intoxication gave him divination powers, apparently, because Sidney Poindexter was very soon finding Danny in his own backyard and thanking him for reuniting him with his brother, and also remarking that he was apparently their great-nephew.  Danny didn’t realize he’d patted Sidney on the back and waved him off until he was gone. Heading inside, Danny found his father in the cursed items vault - which he really needed to probably clear out before something activated - and cleared his throat.  Dad looked up from where he was studying a creepy-looking doll that Danny could see a dull ectoplasmic glow inside of if he tilted his head just so to the left.  “Dad, are we related to the Poindexter family by any chance?”
“Absolutely are, Danno!”  Dad set the doll down and clapped a hand over Danny’s shoulder.  “Your grandmother and her brothers Nicolai and Sidney lived here.  The place had some bad memories after Sidney’s … violent death.”  If it was bad enough that Jack Fenton himself tried to figure out how best to phrase it, Danny didn’t wanna know.  It wasn’t his place to go asking around about another ghost’s cause of death anyway.  “Mom and uncle Nicolai moved out as soon as they could. Uncle Nic was pretty good with technology - even inspired me to start inventing!  He had an accident though.” Dad looked oddly melancholy for a moment and gave Danny’s shoulder a squeeze.  “Why do you ask?”
“Do you have pictures of either of them?”  This was important and Danny couldn’t approach this too recklessly.
The orange giant shrugged.  “Probably in the shed.  I’ll look for em and we can reminisce about them together!”  Dad patted Danny’s back a couple times and Danny gave him a thumbs up, heading back up the stairs as soon as he could.
“Thanks, Dad!”  When he got to his room, Danny huffed and leaned against the door.  “Talking with Dad about ghosts, family, and morality will have to wait till he actually gets to the scrapbooks or something.  That’s fine.  What to do about this weirdness until then?”  For a long few moments, Danny paced in the air of his room, doing his best to exercise his powers while in human form in case he ever needed to use them like that.  And then it hit him, the realization that he could rub his relationships to the ghosts in their faces. Or at least one of them in particular.
Dropping down to his desk, Danny grabbed a notebook, found a pencil, and got to writing.
The Infinite Realms was an expansive void of metaphysical energy and pandimensional pseudo-matter that went on in every direction, including ones that human minds were incapable of perceiving and the recently deceased struggled to make sense of due to the human brain template their soul initially worked with.  It had, however, rather solid topography as far as Danny could tell.  His own map of the place - the 2-dimensional one that only accounted for horizontal movement - was rather reliable after all this time exploring it when he felt it was safe to do so.  So, it took about no time at all to find Walker’s prison and slip in.  Considering that Walker himself was also among the relatively recently dead who didn’t do well with thinking beyond 3 dimensions, Danny found his moments of temporary slip and sliding along consciousness and through the countless dimensions available to him for movement the perfect method of sneaking past all the guards into said prison.  The walls were constructed simply, and all Danny really had to do was move along one of Earth’s dimensional axis more than the rest.
When he found Walker’s office and the warden himself absent, Danny took a seat in the man’s chair and slid into this lair’s particular scope of reality.  It didn’t take long for Walker to return, by which time Danny had found that replicating the thing he’d apparently done where he made constructs out of ectoplasm besides shields was endlessly easier done in the Infinite Realms than it was on Earth.  Probably the ectoplasm everywhere.  “Boy what in tarnation are you doing in my office and in my chair?”
“Sitting, waiting, lounging, doing art.”  Danny dismissed the tesseract he’d made, hoping it didn’t draw Boxy’s attention.  He drew his arms up onto the desk and grinned at the skeletal warden, letting the accent his Mom sometimes let slip through come out full force.  “Ya see, James Lamont, I came across a rather interesting thought.”
Walker crossed the room in less than a second, Danny ducking out of the way of his fist by half a hair.  He flew up to the ceiling and chuckled.  “How the hell did you learn that name, delinquent?”
“Oh my ma, Madeline Paige Walker Fenton, told me about you.”  The warden froze, gawking at him, and Danny pulled out a journal of his.  “Anyways, I had a thought.  You get on me about violating rules of yours that probably don’t even genuinely apply because between Clockwork and the Observants and Dora, I struggle to believe that you have any real authority beyond your prison and the ghosts that you can manage to arrest on nonsense violations of rules constantly changing on your merest whim.  Yet, you come into my town and fail to acknowledge my rules or the rules of the town known as laws.”  Walker was glaring again now, eyes burning bright.  Danny clucked his tongue.  “Quite a misstep for a lawman such as yourself, gramps.”
“There aren’t any laws that I broke, Daniel, and I promise you I have plenty enough authority.  That comes from power, boy, in this world and the living one.”
“Power grated by all the people that give it to you.  On both sides.”  Danny rolled his eyes.  “And overshadowing a bunch of people while invading the town to capture one of its citizens is definitely illegal.  Regardless, unlike you I’m not gonna be too harsh about someone violating rules they didn’t know were there.”  Danny tossed the book at Walker’s face, only pouting a little bit when he caught it.  “Violation of those rules will result in being stuck in the thermos for increments of time that increase with every offense.  Huh.  Take that Lancer, I’ve got a wide vocabulary.”
“You still owe me 2,000 years in this prison, Daniel, and I-”
“Never call me that, you haven’t earned it family or not,” Danny said with a cheerful grin and brilliant blue glow at his fingertips.  “Also, Aunt Alicia and Mom miss you. They didn’t say as much but I could tell.  I’m good with emotions.  Bye, Grandpa!”  Danny flashed some finger guns and slid entirely out of sync with Walker’s prison.  He could still hear the screams of rage, but he was already on his way to go visit Frostbite by the time he was any semblance of tangible to Walker.  “Being friends with a scientist ghost has the best perks.”
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