#// munday fact
harmonia-university · 4 months
Munday: from all of your characters who is the most serious and who is the least one (not including Medley lol)
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[ @aro-crossing ]
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casteliacityramen · 1 year
Munday Side Stories: Mewtwo and Red
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The masterball was the newest tech, meant to restrain even the toughest of pokemon in medical stasis. Even him. So, as he materialized back in Cerulean Cave, he was curious more than anything else.
"Did you release me to gloat? Or do wish to fight once more?"
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No fear. No lack in confidence. Only pure combat readiness, confidence, and willingness to jump in front of their trainer.
How infuriating.
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It's been days since the fight, and he hasn't heard as much as a pin drop outside the ball. To be met with a box of pokeballs, food, and medical supplies piqued his curiosity even more.
He sensed that they weren't alone.
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"If you think that this is some kind of play to win me over, you're wrong.
They don't deserve to be alive. What kind of self-respecting life form deserves to live if they've given up their will to do so?!"
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"It was me who destroyed the labs, ME. While I fought to escape, they never ONCE stood against their captors! They submitted themselves, rolled themselves over to die! They don't deserve to breathe my air, to occupy my space! They're too WEAK!
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His body tenses as he turns back to them, freezing as his eyes met theirs.
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He's the first to look away.
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[Previous Munday Side Story: Mewtwo's Containment Documents] [Pinned Post]
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inaris-pokemon-world · 11 months
⏪ and ✨ Inari
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The first family Inari remembers was a melanistic Meowth who she saw being kicked out of his pride for his abnormal color. The two became a sort of family group, traveling and taking in various strays and misfits. They didn’t see each other as lovers or parent and child, but they were strongly, definitely family.
One day, while Inari and some others were gathering food, one of the younglings was attacked by a predator. Obsidian did his best to protect the little one, but both he and little one ended up scarred. Heavily, in the case of the youngling.
Inari tried her best to let him know that it wasn’t his fault, that he did his best. Everyone was still alive, he didn’t need to grieve. It was… okay.
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lalaluuz · 6 months
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Name: Emily
Age: 32
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: Central
Where are you from?: Chicago Suburbs of Illinois
Characters in the group:
Luz Noceda (this blog!)
Lucia Chauvet (@cerruleanmonarch)
A little about yourself:
Howdy y'all it's me Emily and welcome to my weird yet relatable downward-then-upward spiral!
Anyway I've been RPing since like 2012ish? And I've been in Isola since before it was Isola, as part of the initial migration. If you've been here a while, you may remember my stints as Marceline (Adventure Time), Brooke Page (Ever After High), Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill), or Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles). Some of those adventures lasted longer than others, but that's pretty much everyone I've had rolling around in here over the years. I'm a librarian! I'm working on finishing grad school so I can have my Masters in Library Science, and it has been a struggle--school does not agree with me at all, but I need this degree. Anyway, I love my chosen career and I love my library and I'm always happy to talk books or give readers advisory/recommend books for you!! When I'm not doing school, work, or RP, I have an eclectic mess of hobbies. I'm AuDHD (Autism + ADHD) and that has a huge affect on my entire life, of course, but I'm also late-diagnosed so I'm still learning about what the diagnoses mean for me. ANYWAY I like to play casual video games, rewatch the same YouTube videos over and over, write for OCs, play D&D, Cosplay, and color/attempt artistic endeavors. I'm a Disney fan, and I love Disney movies, and I have a big special interest in Disney Park Attraction History--I've actually made a whole bunch of programs at my library a la Defunctland about 3 of the 4 WDW parks, and I'm currently working on making one about the hotels of WDW. If given half a chance I may accidentally talk your ear off about the vast amount of random facts I know. Sorry in advance. I can be found on twitter (@/wickedlysecret)! I'm USUALLY locked, but at the time of posting I'm not. If you find me locked, don't be afraid to request to follow, I'm happy to be moots with other Isolans!
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sirserpentine · 7 months
Munday reveal!
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As you can tell, both me and Pentious are fond of hats and theatrics. (I really like this photo, it was taken last week! It's for a musical poster /o/)
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imprvdente · 9 months
Go to Pinterest and search: "Celebrity", "Outfit", "Quote" and then "Aesthetic". Put the first result of each to get your vibe!
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tagged by: stole it! tagging: @omniishambles @governmentofficial @multipleoccupancy @countlessrealities @dynamoprotocol @conscriptur @theresastargirl @dcmur3 @lovepurposed and YOU!
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 10 months
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//I know it’s early but I haven’t posted a MUNday foto (aka: a gremlin jumpscare) in a long while soooo have a lil’ snapshot of one of the rare days my eye bags aren’t too bad haha :> //
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monmuses · 1 year
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// *i got some early b-day presents after the mess of a night i had last night, but my family managed to cheer me up a little and i got some neat stuff. my brother even got me a #1 Sniper mug! i appreciate him a bunch <3
// *early munday pic under the cut ft. cool ass mug
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lairmadness · 1 year
Xerneas lore mayhaps?
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Xerneas is the patron of the Guild of Life, one of two powerful Guilds built around the Aura Lair; however, relations with the neighbouring Guild of Destruction are poor and a war has been raging in the area for years. Due to the unusual existence of one of its resident Legendaries, the lair is constantly out of balance and on the verge of dungeonhood.
The Guild's current master, an elderly Gardevoir named Madame, certainly looks the part- but in reality is not Xerneas's "true" reincarnate, possessing only a small amount of the legendary's power, their ability. That title instead belongs to a relatively new appearance, a young Sandshrew called Laurel only a few years old, discovered by the Guildmaster on an excursion not long ago and swiftly removed from a dangerous living arrangement. Raising a child in a warzone, however, isn't exactly much safer; instead, she was brought to an allied guild closer to her birthplace, where Madame's intention is to allow her to grow up and grow stronger in relative safety before having to deal with the tumultuous conflict back home.
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tenebriism · 2 years
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// Despite the dozens of cosplays I've done over the years, Kuzco still remains my absolute favorite. They call me ' Empress ' for a reason. ;) ( And, the sweater and glass were gifts from two different friends, so clearly, my love for this sassy emperor is pleasantly well known and fed. )
Happy Munday, y'all. <3
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criticalfai1ure · 1 year
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pkmntrainer-osiris · 7 months
Is Munday
Since the story of this blog is still really getting started (we haven't even met the other protagonist yet!) I doubt anyone really has any questions about it (ofc you can still ask things if you want)
So instead I'm gonna give a fun fact, all the characters you see here are AU versions of preexisting characters of mine, except any Pokemon characters, those were made specifically for the blog. Anyways here's what Osiris, Midha, and Lucien normally look like:
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Also little side note, posts might take a bit longer coming out bc my current computer chair is Busted and I'm having ~Back Pains~ because of it, so I really don't like sitting in it to draw atm RDFTVYGH
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lightofunova · 1 year
Wahh? I wanna know more about you having 4 fingers if you're up to tell?
Yeah sure! I’m pretty open to talking about it, its just I’ve had people get really uncomfortable about it before so I don’t really bring it up as often anymore.
The basic gist of it was when I was bored, my hand didn’t develop properly and so when I was two we had my middle finger surgically removed. Part of it is from my dad’s side cus he himself had two fused fingers and some cool weird toes haha.
So after everything i just have 4 fingers on my right. I’m mainly left handed so it only really impacts a few things like if I wanna play piano or when I took ASL last semester of college lol. I really enjoy joking about it and being funny but it’s really only around people who know me, it isnt a hinderance and is just part of me.
tho i cant flip people off with both hands so that do kinda suck-
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windmcge · 9 months
People I'd like to know better!
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1.    alias  /  name:  era 2.    birth:  july 23 3.    zodiac:  leo cancer cusp 4.    height:  the tallest girl of the fam 5.    hobbies: whatever this is and wherever the wind takes my interests 6.    fav colour:  cool colors 7.    fav book:  I need to reread Eon to see if I still enjoy it as much as I used to 8.    last song?: Still Here - Digital Daggers 9.    last show?: uh... I don't watch tv. probably the one piece anime 10.  recent reads: that new reply from ari 👌 11.   inspiration: my desire to be a gremlin and make it your problem 12.   story behind url: w-wind....mcge he's the.... yeah 13.   fun fact: I just got a new black butler art book in. so I have 1-4 of those now
tagged by: @spiritmaiden <3 tagging: @box-of-characters @tailoringtay @magitekelite
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polteashop · 1 year
🎶 Snowy from Undertale
It doesn’t often snow in the tangle, but when it does, it’s truly a sight to behold c:
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Anyways, I feel like Hibiscus would enjoy the song! :D I can see her playing it while running the shop, to encourage a peaceful atmosphere~ The cheerful and peaceful vibes it gives off reminds me a bit of her as well! ^^
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boxylocks · 10 months
Question about the Wisteria that was shown (munday) on the ask blog: Why exactly is she so different from the Wisteria we know, did something happen between then and now?
🎶An ask from the voiiidd OoOoO, Rare! /lh
No, but really, y'all are more than welcome to ask questions or request things here! I don't mind answering at all, or drawing things ofc, gives me something to do!
I'll give ya a treat just a little one 🤏 and use this as OOC ask to older North and Wisteria themselves:
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"I think this was a bit before I had my youngest son, Icarus." She thought for a moment, "Steria probably knows, she remembers everything. But anyway..." North began to speak again.
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"For a small, hopeful moment, It seemed everything was better again. Of course, It didn't last."
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"Nothing I could say would soothe the pain he felt." The mood seemed to suddenly shift to something much sadder in tone. North looked upset, guilty even? Her gaze shifted as her voice lowered. "There was a big fight."
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"When Ghosts Die... They don't always come back the same way they were. A death for a Ghost is not like our deaths, for them, it's like a little reset." "Sometimes the memories are still there and sometimes they aren't. When they are? They're just buried under everything else." She sighed. "Steria wasn't... Steria anymore. Well... at least at first. It took a while but... She's Wisteria again."
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"Oh, don't be so silly, I know you love the attention! You always did, didn't you, hm? Then why else would you let me?" She teased. Wisteria only pulled her hand away to give a pout. "Yeah. Sure..." She huffed.
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