#// but i was also thinking she might Reeeally be like me and have a touch of the 'tism lmao
wise-innocence · 2 years
Me and Yanfei are looking through the same ADHD mirror and it took me this long to realize it.
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ellaenchanting · 2 years
Ella’s Hypnovembers- Just the Hits
I’ve written...a lot of Hypnovember stories. You’d be forgiven for not wanting to read all of them- because of time constraints some end up being shorter or unrealized or just kinda mediocre. If you want to just read my favorites, here's a good master list. 
Icons- 📰- story. 🔊- audio 💻- technology 😍- romantic 🌈- queer 😴- regular ole’ hypnosis 🛀- brainwashing and/or hypnotist in a tub 👻- spooky ❓- bad or reeeally questionable consent ✝️- author's weird religious feels that somehow kept coming up 👨‍🔬 -science! 🤪 -crackfic #-#sceneideas 😭-feeeels 🧙-witches 😳-exhibitionism 🦄 -mythological creatures   🔥 -explicitly sexy  🔁 switchy switches 😵‍ -intelligence play 
Day 1: Base Character-F/f 📰😍🌈🛀🔥
Choice quote: ”Or maybe it was the ship of Theseus- Janine seeing how many little pieces of her she could replace until she fundamentally just wasn’t the same person anymore.”
Extra: @undersleeper requested some extra information on how the brainwashing was actually done in this story so I added this non-canon sequel. 
Day 8: Neighbor- F/f📰😍🌈 ❓
Choice quote: “When Jiyeon tapped her pencil, Alyssa tapped her pencil lightly to match.”
Day 10: Smell- F/m 📰😴😍🛀🐈
Choice quote: “Belinda had also woken up from sexy dreams at night to the feeling of Ray’s head buried in her cunt.”
Day 14: Machine- M/f 📰😴💻😍✝️
Choice quote: “For as long as she could remember, Deidre had longed for self-annhilation.”
Day 15: Ooze- there’s a m and a f 📰😴🛀❓
Choice quote: “For example, your badge- did you know that putting all the stickers on the top of your badge like that usually means that you’re a hypnotist?”
Amy’s eyes widened a bit. “It does?”
Day 19: Hideout- F/f 📰  🔥 😍😴🛀🌈
Choice quote: “’Come to me, pet. Come to me.’
She could always sense when Galaxy Girl was weak. She consistently picked the perfect time to strike.
And now, she had found her apartment.”
Day 25: Babble F/m📰 😴 🛀 (💻 kinda)
Choice quote: “You can feel your access to language lessening….and lessening. Feeling those parts of your brain losing blood, quieting, going to sleep. Imagine what that might look like on the fMRI- the color draining, darkening, going black. Your ability to use language can be almost completely gone.”
Day 26: Enemy M/f 📰 😴😍🔥
Choice quote: “When she was denied for long periods of time, everything became sexual.”
Day 4: Psychic F/nb 📰 😴 🌈 😍 👨‍🔬
Choice quote: “Something about the hypnosis- being in and out of each other’s heads and in and out of each other’s bodies all weekend- made her feel like she and Tris had merged in some way. Like there was a new, deeper understanding between them now- a telepathic bond.”
Day 8: Performance unknown/f 📰 👻❓😴# 
Choice quote: “With each snap, the gears inside her doll body click click click clicked into action. She turned, jerky but graceful. She was determined to do well. “
Day 9: (Hot Under the) Collar F/f 📰 😴🛀🌈 🔥#
Choice quote: “She was wearing her collar. She was aroused. It was as simple as that.“
Day 15: Serve F/m 📰 😴#
Choice quote: “He had put his heart and soul into the dish.They were hers now.”
Day 17: Toy F/f m/f 📰 😴 🛀🌈🔥 #
Choice quote: “Dolly hated to have Bad Manners.“
Day 18: Monster m/f 📰 😴 ❓😭
Choice quote: “That kind of stuff wasn’t fair to think about here. It wasn’t everyone else’s fault that she was so warped.”
Day 26: Fey M/f 📰😴 😭
Choice quote: “Humans do not know the spells they weave.”
Day 1:  Don’t Cum, Create! (Bimbo/Himbo/Thembofication)  🔊🔥😴  
Choice quote: “There’s a life giving impulse inside you to squirm and make and touch and  create and connect new ideas in a way that feels SO Good. So pleasing. So creative. Sometimes that energy feels like it just moves through you, the second that you tune in.“
Extra: Fun Fact- The amazing @mindthebaron recorded this too here and it’s INCREDIBLE.
Day 5: Mirrors F/f 📰 😴 🛀  ❓🔥#🌈
Choice quote: “See? She told herself. This was fine. She felt ashamed that she had assumed that Brett would still be the same person she was when they were kids. She had under-est-im-maaaaaaaa......Darkness.”
Day 11: Aftercare F/m 📰 😴❓ 🛀  
Choice quote: “Jason was a very good boy for you today. He did exactly as you said.”
Day 13: Kidnapping F/multiple  📰 👻# 🧙
Choice quote: “Everyone knew Esmeralda was the worst witch at the age play con.“
Day 18: Performance F/you 📰 😴 ❓🔥😳#
Choice quote: “Actually GOING to a kinky hypnosis convention was a huge step for you.”
Fun fact- Very much inspired by @wellgnawed‘s amazing Stage Hypnosis fantasy file.
Day 19: Doll F/f 📰 😴 🌈 😍🧙❓
Choice quote: “In another town, Goody Hulbrit may have even raised suspicions of being a witch.”
Day 27: Clingy Nb/f 📰 😴 🛀  🔥😳#😭(maybe❓)
Choice quote: “Tonight at the party I’m going to make you be so fucking clingy. “
Day 28: Siren m/creatures 📰 😍🦄 👻
Choice quote: “Odysseus had tied himself to the mast, but he had never quite gotten their song out of his head..“
Day 30: Hospital  M/f 📰 ⭐😴😳❓🛀
Choice quote: “Jenna had never gotten into a soap opera before- she wouldn’t have considered herself the type- but something about Hypno Hospital’s happy campiness just charmed her.”
Day 4: Master/Pet M/f, F/m ⭐ 😍😴 # 🔁 😺
Choice quote: “Instantly the warm, dazey sensations of kittenspace took over her thoughts.”
Day 15- Objectification M/f 😴 #⭐🔥😳🪑
Choice quote: “Monica was asking me about breast inductions. She has a thing for them."
Day 22: Betrayal M/f 😴#⭐
Choice quote: “Her favorite part of resistance play was the little betrayals.”
Day 26: Long Distance F/m 😴😍⭐# 🤪🔥
Choice quote: “This is not an orgasm. This is a blender.”
Day 27: One for All Multiple/f 😴😍⭐#
Choice quote: “The idea of being their group project was so sexy- four brilliant, creative minds  hyperfocused on the best ways to completely fuck her up. “
Day 29: Alter Ego M/f F/m 😴😍⭐#🔁
Choice quote: “She gave him a smirk, enjoying watching the understanding dawn on his face.”.
I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave feedback - and any reblogs are appreciated!
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courfeyrec · 3 years
My thoughts on the London Revival of Spring Awakening (spoiler alert!!)
I’m putting everything under a cut because I don’t want to ruin anything for people who are actually planning on seeing the show. I didn’t go full detail into everything because the post was getting quite long and there are also things I just don’t remember but I will be going back again at least once for sure (and during the actual run, not previews) so if anyone wants me to try and look out for and clarify certain details I will be very happy to. Also please note that some of what I have written might be wrong or misremembered.
First things first: I found out from looking through the programme that The Guilty Ones was gone and There Once Was a Pirate was back in.
The set was very minimal, just a set of steps that were painted with chalkboard paint and all the actors drew all over the steps and the walls throughout the show. There were holes that you could open up in the middle of the steps which were used for entrances/exits and for the desks in Latin class. There was a corridor along the top back behind glass with a door to the steps at either end. When it was lit you could see whoever was in there and it might also have been used as a crossover when unlit.
The costumes! Moritz was wearing a skirt over his trousers for the whole show, and his tie was used as a belt instead of being around his neck. All of the girls expect Thea had an element of yellow-green colour in their costume. Thea was also wearing both trousers and a skirt (or at the very least, a much longer pair of leggings that all the other girls, which had rips in the knees. I think they were like skinny jeans though?). I noticed both Moritz and Ernst had yellow shirts at different points in the show as well. Wendla has a cardigan that is always done up wrong until after the hayloft scene. Melchior helps her rebutton it and it’s done up right, and i think later in the show she lost it completely? but I can’t remeber. Ilse is the only character that doesn’t wear shoes. After his death, Moritz just wears his trousers and skirt and a black jumper, I am pretty sure that there’s a picture floating around of this costume (on twitter at least? but i don’t have twitter so I cannot look).
There were a lot of lyric changes, for example Bobby Maylor is in boxers instead of khakis. Ilse’s solo in Dark I Know Well was totally different and I can’t remember everything she sang but she did have ‘them and their beauty’ instead of me and i’m really not sure why? Wendla was also singing in Dark I Know Well (part of Mama Who Bore Me). Honestly how they did Dark I Know Well was one of the only changes that I reeeally didn’t like sorry. The added girls’ harmonies in the Touch Me solos... yes. Melchior also had added parts in Whispering but it was just backing vocals really.
The staging was amazing 400/10 even if you go to this show just for the staging it would be worth it, the choreo was still very contemporary but sooo much better than obc in my opinion. The Bitch of Living (best choreo), Left Behind (a single rose walked around the stage passed through the cast), Don’t Do Sadness/Blue Wind (very static but the emotion...), Totally Fucked (an absoulte riot there were flares and a windmachine and a literal fire - their version of TF was A Lot even aside from that, I don’t even know how to give in justice in description BUT I do wish it had been easier to tell what each character was yelling about near the end. Just because I am curious.) and Those You’ve Known (when Moritz stopped Melchior from using the razor? I cried. Also the ending position of the trio) are the ones that stood out to me the most.
A few other little things: When Melchior was packing for reform school I’m pretty sure he packed Moritz’s previously mentioned yellow shirt? Moritz was northern and Ilse was i think Welsh? and having DDS/BW with those accents was honestly a real treat. When the guys were playing the reform school boys they had black paint around their eyes and it seemed like the actor playing Georg didn’t get all of his off properly afterwards so he looked like he had very heavy eyeliner on for the end of the show it was great. During the Desdemona monologue Hanschen gave the picture of Desdemona to an old guy in the front row and then just stared at him as he jacked off which really had the audience laughing. Regarding WOYBR - ‘oh god’ ‘i know’ was so soft not at all condescending, most of the rest of the dialogue was also fine, but ‘and so you should’ was played for laughs. Melchior actor’s timing at the beginning of Left Behind was a bit off but he pulled it back well. The timing in I Believe was just kinda weird I don’t really have anything else to say on that.
Finally. In the show I went to there were some technical difficulties just beofre Totally Fucked, with the box that they used for the hayloft, Moritz’s suicide and the coffin not retracting into the floor properly, so they had to stop the show and fix it for safety reasons (and with the staging of TF it was entirely necessary and I didn’t mind at all about the show being stopped to do it). The actors were very good about it all, the guy playing the adult male parts partly stayed in character as a teacher and told us to talk amoungst ourselves. When it was fixed there was whooping and a round of applause, the actors got back into the scene no problem and the rest of the show went without a hitch.
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cintanna · 5 years
Goodnight kiss (Lance NSFW)
Okay I’m done with my Lance one-shot. I’ve never written anything like this in english before so I put a lot of effort in this one! Even though I probably still have to improve in a lot of aspects, I hope you enjoy this read, it turned out quiet long (I think). Bear in mind that it’s NSFW and quiet explicit!
“Sick? who?”
“One of the guys who was on guard duty tonight.”
I didn’t want to ask where or how did Karenn get that information. She probably had been sneaking around again and spying on the Light Guard…again. This afternoon, both of us met to catch up after returning from a mission. We were tired and wanted to go to bed soon, but one conversation led to another and, before we noticed, the sun had left a cloak of stars behind and our feet had taken us to one of the fountains outside HQ. We were sitting with our feet soaking into the water.
“He has a fever apparently” Karenn looked at her toenails through the crystal clear water of the fountain “I’ve also heard it was because of the food.”
I snorted.
“Is that person still alive? I mean, the one who suggested it was the food” everyone here knows nobody messes with Karuto’s food. That was one of the lessons I learnt during my first weeks in Eldarya “maybe the guard missing is actually the one who suggested that and not the fever guy!”I said with a chuckle.
“Yes! That might be it!”Karenn laughed and kicked the water. Not hard enough to splash them both though “the thing is… Miiko didn’t ask anyone to replace him. My brother says it has been pretty quiet for some weeks now so one missing guard is no big deal. By the way, the other day I…”
Actually, someone has been sneaking inside the gates regularly for more than a few weeks now, but I didn’t want to tell Karenn…or anyone else really. Ashkore, or how I preferred to call him now, Lance. It was hard to admit, but his mere thought made me thrill and I hated myself for it. I hated myself  for wanting to betray the guard, I hated myself for planning to betray Ezarel, Nevra, Kero, Eweleïn,… Despite the pain they had caused me, we’d also spent some good moments together. However, in the end, the hope to try to return to earth and to get back what was stolen from me was stronger than anything else. Despite my attempts, the feeling of loneliness consumed me more and more every passing day in HQ, it made me want to run, to get the hell away from this place. As much as I hated it and as much as I tried to deny it, the thrill to see the ice dragon again was too much to ignore and it only got worse every time we saw each other.
At first, Lance insisted that the best strategy was to leave Eel during the night, stealing everything they could need and then investigate ways to revert the effects of the potion mnemosine on their own. They could think what to do afterwards. But I had a different plan. I didn’t want to cause panic nor risk wounding anyone, so proposed to work on two separate fronts. I’d look in the library for books with possible clues to revert the amnesic effects of the potion I was forced to drink and, at the same time, try to obtain little by little all the ingredients we knew were necessary to open a portal, leaving for the end the ones that would raise suspicions if missing. Meanwhile, Lance would investigate outside and look for ingredients that were not at HQ.
Lance was stubborn, insolent and impulsive. He did what he wanted, took what he wanted. It surprised me when he accepted my strategy. He had looked at me for a moment before accepting reluctantly with a grunt. Nonetheless, betraying the guard made me feel bad and nervous, made me wonder that maybe I was trying to delay everything as much as possible after all with this plan of mine.
“Erika?” Karenn pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw she had already gotten up and put her boots back on.
“Yes?” I looked at her expression and ,for a moment, I thought she would ask what was wrong with me and, for a moment, I thought that if she asked, I’d end up spilling the beans.
“It’s getting reeeally late” she yawned “I’m going to bed, you come with me?”
“Oh…No, I’ll stay a little longer” maybe staying alone for a few moments would help cool my head.
“Alright, good night.” she left.
Being alone and in silence, I began to hear the crickets chirping. I hadn’t heard them until now, although they were surely chirping since sunset, maybe I had been too busy trying not to ignore Karenn. The truth is that I hadn’t paid much attention to her and had only nodded and agreed at whatever she was saying.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling of calmness the chirping of the crickets made me feel. Slowly, the insistent and constant sound pushed me further and further into my mind, forcing me to think again, and I thought about Lance.
In my attempt to escape from everything, I feared I was getting into a whole I wouldn’t be able to escape. Lance was like a hidden trap. His personality was serene, calculating and suddenly explosive and impulsive in everything he did. He made me feel confident when we discussed about our plans, but at the same time I was uneasy and fearful, I never knew when he was going to snap.
Each passing day I felt attracted and intoxicated by that latent heat. When he was being sweet-something I found strange- or when he worried or wanted to mess with me, I could feel the warmness sneaking through those little gaps on his not so perfect mask. Each time I was close to him, each time he licked his lips and each time I caught him staring at me and clenching his fists, I feared he would explode, his fire consuming me completely.
Even if he was actually an ice dragon, I knew ice could cause the deepest burns. I was getting close, too close, yet I craved to get closer. It made me feel scared and insane for wanting to reach further, to get under that mask until I couldn’t stand the burn. I died to touch him, kiss him and bury my face into his chest. Still, my mind kept screaming at me to get away from the guard, to get away from Eldarya and to get the hell away from him. Yet I knew that if things got out of hand, I wouldn’t be able to deny him what he wanted.
Just the thought of not seeing him tonight made feel cold and alone. The water surrounding my feet started feel to feel freezing and the screams inside my head calling me an idiot merged with the chirping of the crickets. Everything started to be annoying and I decided it was time to go to sleep. The walk back to my room helped me to cool my thoughts a little. When I entered my room, I stripped naked and put a nightgown on. Next I got into bed and tried to sleep.
When I finally started to fall asleep, I heard knocks on the window. I jumped out of bed, nervous for knowing who it was, and checked myself for a moment. I thought about putting something on, over that thin and short nightgown, but then the knocking turned more insistent and I ended up opening the window with just the that tiny piece of fabric on. Deep inside, I knew I didn’t care much, some part of me even wanted him to see me like this.
Lance was standing a few meters below. As soon as I opened the window, I saw him looking up. Jumping and taking impulse on a tree, in less than two seconds he reached my room. He was right there in front of me, kneeling on the edge of the window. It made me gasp in surprise.
“You took long enough to open” Lance stared right at my face. I looked up into his eyes, blue and icy. Piercing right into me and demanding an answer.
“You weren’t supposed to come for two days” I tried to sound angry but I don’t think I succeeded. Lance frowned and jumped off the window into the room. His stare was still fixed on my face.
“Right, I decided to change plans” he took two steps and got closer to me, looking at me from above “looks like there’re two guards missing and I took the chance”
I started to worry about how easily Lance had changed our plans without asking. Had he decided he would attack the guard? Did he plan to take me with him tonight? Or maybe he decided to finally break the crystal once and for all? In the end, I didn’t understand why Lance would be interested in helping me. I didn’t even ask him about that, yet.
“You changed plans? Are you that scared of two guards?”
I tried to distract him by taunting him a bit in what had to be the dumbest attempt at making him forget whatever he had planned to do. Still, I looked up and noticed he wasn’t paying me any attention, at least not to what I had to say. Lance was too concentrated in looking at me from head to toe. The eyes that were icy blue a few moments ago, were burning blue like the hottest fire. I saw him lick his lips.
“You look very, very cute with this on” he smiled devilishly and started to toy with one of the slim straps that kept the nightgown on me “are you wearing this for me?”
“You’re an idiot. Do you really think I’d wear something like this for you? I wear it to sleep.” his gaze darkened for a moment but then he smiled again. He let go of the strap, leaving it in place, and ran his fingers down slowly, carefully. He traced the contour of one breast, still with his gloves on. Then he raised his hand again and grabbed my nape firmly, but still carefully. I could hear his breath close to my ear before he whispered.
“Don’t mock me or I’ll eat you” I heard the tease in his words and had to bite my lips.
Feeling him so close, a shiver ran through my body and I got closer to him, though I didn’t enjoy the feeling of the cold metal of his armor. I felt my cheeks redden and my nipples hardening under the nightgown, the cold night air that came through the window didn’t help with that either. I was embarrassed and angry for feeling like this, even more with Lance there noticing all my reactions. He probably was just playing with me.
I got surprised when he cleared his throat and let go. He backed from me, turned around and closed the window. Then he took off his gloves and faced me.
“What are you doing still standing there? Go grab whatever you found these days in the library and show it to me. Let’s catch up. I don’t have all night.”
His words made me get out of my reverie and I snorted angrily. Crossing my arms in front of my chest in an attempt to cover my breasts, I noticed I was freezing. 
In the end I decided to obey and walked to the drawers. I grabbed my notebook, some loose papers and a pen along with an inkwell. I also took two books from my desk, then set everything on the table in front of the couch and sat, sighing. As soon as I got comfortable, I felt something warm and soft wrap around my shoulders and cover my back and arms. Lance had covered me with one of the blankets that were on my bed. I blushed at his thoughtfulness. He then sat on the couch next to me, still keeping some distance between us.
“So?” he asked. I looked at him and saw he had his fingers intertwined and his gaze glued on the content scattered on the table.
“Ummm…” I cleared my throat and took one of the books ”this is a greek mythology book. It’s not complete but there’re some things about the goddess Mnemosine. From what I’ve read there’s nothing interesting for us” Lance stared at me, arching an eyebrow “but there’re a couple of texts in ancient greek I cannot understand, maybe there’s a clue in one of them. You can read ancient greek can’t you?”
“Right. I’ll take a look.”
“I’ve also been reading some reports of the guard. In some occasions, there have been episodes of amnesia on people who fought against some specific monsters or people with head injuries. I’ve noted all of those reports on my notebook and highlighted some of the formulas they used to try to get their memories back.”
“That’s fine, but the kind of amnesia provoked by hits or beings like the knowledge eater those idiots kept in a library has different sources and effects than the amnesia provoked to others by a potion.” I looked at him as he spoke. He seemed to know so much about everything, he was sexy. Also, he was concentrated and truly compromised, made me wonder why he cared so much about this.
“In some other cases they consulted ancient magic books.” I took one of the books from the table and handed it to Lance “I can’t understand original language but I thought that…”
“Fine…” Lance took the book, brushing his fingers with mine. We both looked at each other for an instant until he backed a bit and quickly started to look through some of the pages of the book. Then he sighed and looked at me with a little smile “I see I’ll have to give you a few language lessons.”
I felt my heart bumping against my chest and the heat accumulating on my cheeks, still I was wary. Lance could look like a brute at first, but the truth was he was an intelligent man, he just got carried away too easily by his anger sometimes. I wondered if that was a dragon thing. After all, dragons were depicted as smart but wild beasts in the legends she’d heard on earth. Lance was also ambitious and dedicated to his goals, and right now he was eager to help me. I looked at him for a moment before getting a bit closer.
“Tell me, Lance, why are you helping me?” he shifted a little on his place and frowned.
“It’s none of your business” his voice sounded deep and firm. His eyes warned I was crossing a line. That just made me mad and more eager to ask questions.
“I can’t help but think you could be on your way to break the crystal right now. Isn’t that what you wanted?” I got even closer to him and started raising my voice.
“Don’t presume to know what I want!” and now he was raising his voice as well, facing me.
“First you warn me about the potion, then you threaten me and make me stay in this place, you kidnap me, you almost killed me in more than one occasion and now you visit almost every night and say you want to help me. I thought you hated me!?” he gave me a crazed look before he got closer and grabbed my chin roughly, forcing me to look into his eyes. I felt his cold breath on my lips.
“I hate you.” he whispered it, full of anger, frustration and…longing.
Deep in his eyes, the dragon looked back at me, hungry. That look and his closeness, only fueled my desire for him. I lowered my gaze to look at those lips I craved to kiss before licking my own and, a second later, he firmly pulled me against him as his mouth crashed on mine. 
He kissed me hard and fiercely. Both our tongues dancing and battling for dominance, our mouths parted briefly only to clash again with more passion. Raising a hand to caress the line of his jaw with my fingertips, he grunted softly and I felt one of his hands grab my waist. His other hand firmly tugged my hair, forcing our lips apart.
“I’ll kill you.” he grunted the words on my lips. I looked at him for a moment, noticing how his face looked even more perfect now. His eyes still lit with desire and his full, now glistening lips parted and breathing fast. I thought that even if his eyes were blue, they didn’t look human at all. Their color was a vibrant icy blue, they were hypnotic, intense, magical. Somehow, Lance’s eyes spoke more truths than he did, they betrayed him. I was be able to see him, as long as he didn’t hide them under a mask.
“You won’t kill me.” And I knew I was right.
This time I softly bit his lower lip before licking it playfully. He growled before tilting his head to kiss me even deeper this time. I parted my lips for him, allowing his tongue to play and dominate mine for a while. Placing both my hands on his nape, the blanket he had wrapped around me fell on the couch. I felt his lips smirking over mine, pleased, as he hugged me tightly, running his hands over the silky fabric of my nightgown, the bare skin of my back and over my hips. He probably noticed I wasn’t wearing any underwear when he squeezed my buttocks and growled in my mouth. 
Fed up with the metal covering his body, I started to fumble with the cords that kept that hard piece of clothing together but to no avail. The more frustrated I got, the harder they were to untie. Lance sighed and chuckled.
He let go of me and got up to untie the armor. When he was done, he discarded it throwing it on a chair, then he sat again. We started kissing again, this time I ran my nails through his nape and hair, massaging his scalp. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled, making me straddle him. I whimpered, feeling my bare pussy against him. He was already big and hard. 
I started rocking my hips softly, staining his pants with my wetness and feeling him throb underneath. He groaned before he bit my lower lip and left my mouth, tangling one of his hands through my hair and pulling hard to expose my neck. With his hand still grasping my hair tightly, he ran his tongue right underneath my jaw and then started pressing soft wet kisses from chin to collarbone.
Meanwhile, my hands left his neck and sled down, feeling his hard ripped muscles under the thin fabric of that tight sweater. Lance started sucking on my neck and biting harder as I pulled on that sweater to take it off. He stopped his ministrations while I discarded the piece. 
His body was perfect, toned muscles that tensed under his golden skin, covered with a few white scars across his chest, abs and arms. I wanted to kiss and lick each one of them and keep going down on him… I shivered at the thought of his cock on my tongue.
“Like what you see?” he smirked as he looked at me.
I gave him a seductive smile and looked into his eyes as I slid both straps of my nightgown over my shoulders, letting the fabric slip down and leaving my breasts bare for him to see. He laid back on the couch seemingly happy as he looked at me. Running his hands from my shoulders to my breasts, he pinched my nipples, making me moan softly,
“You’re ta beauty, and you make the sweetest sounds.” he sounded soft this time, his eyes still burning, but now more gentle and with an emotion I couldn’t place. Awe? maybe… 
His expression darkened again and he raised one of his hands to caress my lips. He placed a finger on my mouth “Suck.”
That both surprised and made me hornier. I took his finger in my mouth, sucking and playing with my tongue. He smiled pleased and leaned forward to take one nipple in his mouth, his other hand massaging the other breast. He flicked his tongue and gently bit the bud while my hips had started pressing harder against his groin. I felt the heat accumulating in my belly, my pussy was dripping wet and swollen, sliding over his still covered shaft searching for release. Lance bucked his hips, pressing his bulge against my core and making me whimper.
“Hmmm… I think one finger is not enough for that pretty little mouth of yours.” he pushed a second finger in my mouth and I started sucking on them both, moaning and wishing it was something else “how greedy… maybe I should just fill your pretty little mouth with my cock, it looks like you’d enjoy it and it’s a good way to make you stop asking questions.” I shivered at the thought. I licked both digits one last time before he removed them from my mouth “maybe later.”
He pressed a quick kiss on one of my breasts before going back to my mouth again. I jumped and moaned into his kisses when he started caressing the lips between my legs with his wet fingers, covered in my own saliva. He stopped for a moment to completely remove the nightgown that had pooled around my hips before going back to his ministrations.
“Oh? Look at that, you made a mess on my pants. Is that how you thank me for helping you? Mocking me, asking unpleasant questions and staining my pants?”he pushed two fingers inside me.
“Lance!” I was trying not to scream when he started fucking me with his fingers. I bent to try to hide my face in the crook of his neck, but Lance was quicker and took my face with his other hand, forcing me to look at him.
“Maybe it’s true you hate me after all… or is it something else? Do you like me Erika? Would you like me to come here every night to fuck you?”
“Lance I…!” he used his thumb to start rubbing my clit. I moaned and held on his shoulders, almost ready to burst.
“Tell me Erika, would you fuck a horrible man like me?” the speed of his fingers increased and at this point, I was moving my hips on his hand, searching for release.
“Lance I...you...! Lance!”
“Answer me. Would you like me to fuck you?” 
“Yes! Y-Yes…!” with one last flick of his thumb on my clit, release hit me hard. My whole body shivered, my pussy clenching and throbbing on his fingers. This time I struggled to keep my voice down so I wouldn’t wake the whole HQ.
I tried to breath and come down from my high, but I still searched for Lance’s touch. He caressed my hips and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.
“I also would love to fuck a cute good girl like you.” he undid the fastening of his pants and his cock sprang free between my legs “I want you Erika.”
I looked at his cock between my legs. I wanted to have him inside me and I couldn’t wait any longer, so I raised to align him with my entrance. Then I started to go down, slipping him inside me, slowly. I let a breath out as I felt him filling me so nicely, stretching my walls. Lance sighed and placed his hands on my hips in encouragement. 
Once he was buried inside me, I started to slowly swing my hips back and forth, trying to adjust to his size. Since he was sitting, I rested my hands on his chest while I kept waving my hips on him, softly whimpering when my clit pressed and brushed against his skin, or the soft silver hair at the base of his cock.
“That’s it…”Lance tightened his grip on me, guiding my movements on him” ride me Erika.”
His hands roamed around my body, squeezing my buttocks, my breasts, caressing my lips while I kept rocking and moaning. I started moving more quickly, now going up and down his shaft. Lance leaned on the couch and watched the show.
“You look gorgeous like this.”
He pressed his lips on mine once again. My mouth was busy keeping up with his steamy kisses, playing with his tongue as my arms wrapped around his neck to hug him closer. Then he grabbed my buttocks and got up. He left me on my feet, forced me to turn around and pinned me to the couch by pushing on one of my shoulders with his hand. I remained on my four.
“Raise your hips.” I lowered my shoulders, resting my arms on the cushions while I pushed up my rear. I felt Lance’s fingers grab my buttocks and push them apart “You’re also so damn pretty down here.” I moaned when I felt his tongue lick between my folds. He then rubbed my clit with his thumb while he squeezed my ass with his other hand. I shivered with pleasure and need for him to fill me again. Then his finger started teasing my back entrance “This is also cute.”
“Lance!” I turned my head to look at him, embarrassed. Even though I enjoyed everything he did to me, I didn’t want him to keep looking at me like that. He just chuckled.
“I won’t, but there’s no need to be shy.” he pressed a kiss on my buttock and leaned over me, pressing his cock over the lips of my pussy. “Now, hold on tight.”
I grasped the arm of the couch as he suddenly plunged his whole length inside me and started pumping. My nails buried in the cushions as I bit the blanket I dropped before in an attempt to silence my moans and whimpers. The sound of his skin slapping against mine, the soft sobs I couldn’t hold back and his quiet grunts filled the room. 
Lance straightened a bit and wrapped his fingers firmly around my neck, holding me in place. They went down between my shoulder blades, putting part of his weigh there to hold me down against the couch, having the best angle to go reach deep into my dripping slit.
He rode me fast and hard, my insides gripping and squeezing at his cock. My legs trembled and felt weaker and weaker each thrust. I bit my lip trying to hold back my orgasm. I loved him being dominant and rough, but right now I wanted to feel him closer, his skin hot against mine. I turned my head to look at him as I reached behind to caress his forearm.
“Erika” he lifted his weigh and bent over me, his arms embracing my body and his right hand squeezing my breast “Come with me…”
I hissed when he sank his teeth into my shoulder while he kept mounting me. He licked over the mark his teeth had left and started kissing my neck. I pushed to him with my hips and reached to grasp his hand and squeeze as I came undone, waves of pleasure ripping through me from between my legs, up to my head and down to my toes.
I screamed too loud as the dragon gave a final thrust before holding me tight as he stopped his movements and emptied himself deep inside me, throbbing inside and his whole body shivering as he panted and growled with his face hidden in the crook of my neck.
Once he was done he kissed my cheek and got off me, pulling his half hard cock out. I rested my head on the bundled blanket, panting and trying to catch my breath. His seed started dripping down my tights and I turned around to see Lance looking at my rear and humming, satisfied.
“Hold on.” he reached down to grab something and cleaned me. Then I realized what it was.
“Hey! Is that my nightgown!? Use a paper or something, I need that to sleep!”
“You can clean it later. Though I admit you looked fantastic with it, you won’t need it tonight.” he finished cleaning me and threw the used fabric towards the basket where I kept my dirty clothes.
“I won’t?” I turned around to face him, still sitting on the couch.
“Oh no, I’m not letting you go any time soon.” he got closer to caress my jaw with his lips.
“What’s up with you changing plans tonight?”
Both of us suddenly jumped when we heard a loud thump in the room. Lance didn’t seem to bother but I looked over his shoulder to see that his armor had slipped and fallen from the chair. I sighted from relief right before jumping again when I heard someone knocking at my door.
“Erika!? Are you okay? I thought I heard you screaming and now something loud bumped on the floor, is everything all right?” it was Leiftan’s voice. What was he doing awake this late!?
Lance held me closer and growled as he kept running his lips along my jaw.
“Tell him to fuck off.” he whispered, his teeth softly bit the lobe of my ear.
“I’m sorry Leif! I’m alright, I just had a nightmare and fell off the bed in the process.” Lance bit the shell of my ear and caressed my sides.
“Oh…do you want to talk about it? Are you hurt?” he seemed concerned. Lance pinched my nipple. “Oh... Are you hurt?” Lance whispered again in my ear. His tone clearly mocking Leiftan.
“No, no… I’m fine!” I turned to whisper to Lance “stop, and let me handle this.”
“I swear tell him to fuck off or I will. You’re mine now.” the dragon tightened his grip on me. Then I felt his hand squeeze my breast and I had to hold back a gasp. I went back to speak with Leiftan.
“No it’s fine! I’m tired, I’ll go back to sleep, thank you for worrying though!” Lance got closer to my ear again “you’re welcome.”
“Alright… goodnight Erika.” the dragon hid his face to hide a dark chuckle.
“Do you want me to give you a goodnight kiss?” Lance said with a fake innocent look on his face. I grabbed his hair and pushed his face between my breasts to shut him up.
“Good night Leiftan!” I heard him walk away.
Lance raised his head to look at me with a smug smile. He looked happy, like an evil kid who had the toy everyone else wanted.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
“It’s nothing.” he got up from the couch and picked me up, walking towards the bed. “Let’s give you that goodnight kiss.”
Oh…I think this is going to be a long night.
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cherrysweather · 4 years
Claudeleth Week, Day 2: Modern/School
[Pairing: Claude von Riegan x F!Byleth]
[Genre: Fluff, Sfw]
“By! Byleth!” The girl turned her as she heard a voice calling her from outside the window
“Claude! What are you doing on that tree?” She tried to keep her voice down as she climbed the chest under the window to see his friend better
“I found a very interesting book at the school library and I wanted to show it to you! Come with me!” He came near the end of the branch that held his tiny body, extending his hand towards her
“I-I don’t know how to stay on a branch Claude” She watched him and then the ground below them
“I’ll help you! I won’t let you fall, come on!” He squeezed both her tiny hands when she sat on the edge of the window, pulling her to his body and hold her tight as she laid her feet on the branch “Come! It’s something unbelievable!”
He helped the girl to come down from the tree but kept one of her hands in his, pulling her to their secret place in the small wood near the girl’s house
“Look! It’s a history book from I don’t know what century that talks about princesses and princes, wars, wyverns and more! It also has a lot of images!” He gave her that yellow paged, ruined and dusty book, showing her everything that got his eyes before “It said that in the past, Fòdlan was split into three big territories: the Holy Kingdom of Fareghus, guided by the Blaiddyd family; The Adrestian Empire, guided by the Hresvelg family and then the Leicester Alliance, guided by the Riegan family, they had my same last name!”
“Maybe you descend from them? This is so beautiful..” her eyes were shining from all they were seeing, trying to read what she could “Do you think that if we keep it, they’ll notice at school?” she looked at him in the eyes, smiling in the way that Claude did when he proposes his fantastic ideas to get into trouble
“Oh, well, if they ask’bout it, we’ll just run and give it back to the library, what do you say?”
“It’s ok for me!” She hugged the book and opened again once she was beside him, resting one extreme on his thighs and the other on his to see the book together.
“Claude, you’re still on that book?” Byleth said, passing her fingers in the boy’s head who was resting on her lap
“Yes! Do you remember the other two families who guided Fòdlan apart the Riegan? In this middle school, there are a boy and a girl who have the same last names as them! A lot of names who are in the book are also in this school! Fraldarius, Gautier, Vestra, Aegir and many many others! This can’t be a coincidence right?” he turned his face towards her that was checking something on her phone
“Well, it is strange, yes, but I think that it’s just a coincidence, or maybe you all descend from these people”
“I have to find more ancient books to understand the picture; I still have to find someone named Eisner you know!” he laughed taking the phone from the girl’s hands, starting then to touch her cheeks
“What would you like to find?” she moved her gaze on her boy’s beautiful, green eyes
“I don’t know, maybe you were some kind of goddess in your previous life” he took her soft and tiny hand on his cheek, cuddling it with his thumbs
“Yeah, goddess of patience if already knew you” She hit him in the forehead as she got up from the ground “Come on, class is about to begin”
“Okok senpai or whatever” he followed her back in their classroom, keeping the book in his arms as some of their new friends added themselves to the duo.
Byleth was studying for her last test with her books on the window and the moonlight as her lamp, noticing in every page a tiny sketch of what Claude called “Crests”, some symbols he found on that book he kept with him since childhood and that was still with him in high school.
“Byleth!” the sudden call of her name and a figure that appeared right out of her window, trying to climb it, made the girl jump and fall from the chest where she was sitting
“For fuck’s sake, Claude!” She touched the areas that had hit the ground and barely held back from screaming at that boy
“Good evening beautiful” he hung from the window and watched her from there “Can I come in?”
“No you can’t!” she growled at him and got up “What do you want?” she said while sighing and sitting back on the chest
“I finally found it; your name! In the book!”
“........” She stared at him in silence, and nearly closed the window in his face
“Say something! I had to tell you what you were in the past!” He tried to make her smile again “..Sorry, I thought coming to visit would ease your anxiety for tomorrow” he looked mortified for what he did “So, I’ll just go bac-”
“What did you find?” She said, not being able to do anything to further hide her curiosity
“Do you care? Come with me then” he happily said seeing a tiny smile again on her lips
“You really can’t say it now?” She had to follow him out the window when he disappeared from the edge of it
“You can jump; I’ll catch you” She tried to get close to the ground by hanging herself at the edge of the window before leaving the grip and be caught by Claude
“You’re heavyy..” He laughed as she hit his back before being dragged to what remained of their secret place in the wood
“Does this place still exist?” She sat on the soft weed and invited Claude next to her
“Hear this: there was this girl named exactly like you who was a professor at the monastery where all the people with the same last names as our classmates studied and lived for a year; it is said that she helped the head of House Riegan to bring peace in Fòdlan and unify every state into one peaceful continent”
“Oh wow, so I was your Robin and you were my Batman? Something like that?” she took his hand and watched the book as Claude indicated the lines he was summarizing
“Yeah but, at the end of the war, the two of them got married and lived together until their last days; I found this tiny painting on this piece of paper representing the two on their wedding, look” he gave her the ruined painting, a lot of details have been eliminated by the time, but their happy faces were still there
“They... look a lot like us” he searched a comparison between the image and what she had in front of her, blushing just by thinking of her and his Claude during their possible future wedding
“ So? When are we gonna marry like them?” as she hid her face in his neck, he blushed too, resting one hand on her back to hug her “The first time I showed you this book we were just two kids no higher than a metre and a mentos, but here we are, same place, same people, maybe a little bit higher than before but still. It seems like this book tied our fates”
“Yes... we should rewrite all of this in a new book before this one consumes completely” she still watched that picture, searching in every angle details or other people “You know.... this Claude is reeeally hot; I might be more in love with him than with you” she poked his cheek smiling innocently
“.....EXcuSe ME?” he became red from jealously, taking back the picture and throw it away with the book before attacking her, laying her on the ground and keeping her wrists in his hands “Did you say something?”
“M-Maybe yes orrr, maybe not?” the blush on her face got brighter and brighter as he came near her neck with his lips
“You sure?” he started to tease her skin by licking it and squeezing some parts with his lips
“I-In facts I said that I have to go study f-for tomorrow!” She barely got out of his grip, trying to get back to her window, but Claude literally bumped into her and threw her on the ground again, this time with her belly toward the ground and his body on her back
“Uh-uh. Weren’t we talking about marriage? And didn’t you just dare tell me right to my face that you prefer another man to me, probably dead for 100 years? Such a pervert, poor dead man...”
I just saw that one of my FE favorite artist that I followed on Twitter has also tumblr anD SHE JUST LIKED MY PREVIOUS POST I’M- so happy ;^;
So, thank her because I was close to giving up for this week but magically I got the desire to write this shit back ;D
[She’s /tatabanchou , go follow her on both twitter and tumblr (don’t be like me that I didn’t know she had a tumblr account ;-;) because she deserves it uwu]
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365daysofmchart · 5 years
Reflecting on McHart: 3x08
The One Where Kurt Saves Diane, the title alone had me swooning about my favorite couple and my God, they did not disappoint! My reflection on McHart in 3x08 of The Good Fight can be found below the read more ‘cause my God, so long. Apologies for the delay!
1. “Sweetheart, have you seen my bag?” “Check the other closet.”
Sweetheart. Oh, my heart! And the other closet, implying that there is another closet, but also, after them showing us more of the layout of their home in this episode it actually makes less sense that they have a large walk-in closet in the vicinity of their bedroom. In fact, what we saw of the layout made no sense whatsoever! There’s a window in the foyer that indicates the end of the house on that side while their bedroom indicates the same on the other side, but then it’s just wall at the end of the hall and WHERE IS THE REST OF THEIR HOUSE??? Honestly though, they’ve got so much in that bedroom that I guess who needs a rest of the house? Also that’s just a generally odd location for a bedroom. Just saying.
...Look, I know I should be grateful that we’re getting Diane’s home/McHart home life at all, and I am. I promise, I am! ...But there’s so much thought that seems to go into the tiniest of details decor-wise, why can’t the same be done for something AS BASIC AS A LAYOUT AND A CLOSET FOR A WOMAN WHO HAS THE WARDROBE OF A QUEEN?!?! A CLOSET FOR A WOMAN/CHARACTER WHO IS KNOWN FOR HER FASHION?!?!!?!?! Sigh. Anyway. Yeah... I’m still not quite over the closet thing in case you haven’t noticed. But onto other things now...
2. “That reminds me, we’re invited to Mar a Lago for the weekend. ...That was a joke.” “Oh, God, you have to give me more of a signal when you’re joking or I’ll end up with a heart attack!”
Apparently Kurt still hasn’t learned that he can’t use the same expression for everything... and apparently Diane still believes that repeatedly swatting at him is effective punishment. Ah, so much has changed for the better since Landing, but I’m glad that this aspect of their relationship has not! Haha!
3. That whole goodbye! The kiss that lingers just a second longer than it has to, her sing-songed “I love you!” and his “Love you, too.” Oh, and... “All I know is they don’t deserve you.” Happy sigh.
4. Honestly just that whole. fucking. opening. scene. It was just SO DOMESTIC. The news, asking where something is, clothes slung on chairs, just that little bit of disarray of a typical morning and them weaving in and out of each other’s routines in the most natural way, them meeting and sharing a little moment before they part for the day with I love you’s. Oh, my McHart! And I know we’ve been blessed with that domesticity all season and I know I’ve mentioned it in every reflection I’ve done on them, but much like the closet situation, I’m STILL NOT OVER IT. I will NEVER be over domestic McHart!
5. Okay. Confession time. When I saw Christine wearing that cream/gold suit in interviews, there was a wee little part of me that felt hopeful that it could be a vow renewal outfit. (Not that I thought it was going to happen, but the image came and it was quite lovely and wouldn’t it have been nice???) It was not. But she looked beautiful just the same!
6. “Hello, handsome.”
FUCK. ME. UP. That is all.
7. “You told me I was bad at lying, and it’s true. But you’re bad at it too.”
Okay, but she’s not bad at lying. She’s actually really good at it. Like really good. ...She’s just bad at lying to him, and that’s actually like the sweetest thing??? ...Pretty sure Kurt is just bad at lying in general though, haha.
8. “We’re in this together now. So if you’re in danger, I need to know.”
That whole little speech of his... They truly are married, a family, one unit. One’s problems are the other’s. They are so fucking in this, and it’s taken so long but they’re here and so entirely committed and in love!
9. “Kurt, there are certain work things touching on politics that you can’t tell me, and there are certain things touching on politics that I can’t tell you. We have found a way to bifurcate our lives and make it work. So trust me when I say I can’t tell you.” I actually love that this was acknowledged--both by the writers for our benefit as well as by Diane in this conversation. Their contrasting politics have always been an aspect of their relationship but we’ve rarely seen the effect they’ve had on them (aside from the way they get them all hot and bothered) or how they manage them within their relationship. Politics are hard. Harder yet for two who are so passionate and even more so in this current political climate. And while they accept the other for who they are and their beliefs, they do know it’s a delicate dance and this is one of the ways that they work to care for their marriage. They protect themselves by keeping elements separate from their marriage, and yet... “I will overlook politics to help.”
...when it comes down to it, they are still on the same team and their partner’s needs and safety will always come first.
And that hug right there. ...It’s like a hug for my soul.
10. I just... I really don’t understand the purpose of these closets??? (Yes, I’m on about the damned closets again.) Diane has a small selection of clothes/shoes/bags in hers, Kurt has shoes, multiple umbrellas, a toolbox, and... a hamper maybe?, and who knows what else above, all rather random. Again, they must have a walk-in but these also don’t seem to be coat closets either, EVEN THOUGH they also don’t have a closet or any kind of hooks in the foyer (why???). IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. AND MY FAVE CHARACTER (who is also the main character!) DESERVES A HOME SET THAT MAKES SENSE!!! ...Alright, I’m done for real now.
11. I feel like there are home cameras that already send you notifications when they sense movement, so I think all of that electric work and the lasers were a little extra (not to mention getting the stickiness of duct tape on the woodwork... Diane may not be pleased), but I like the spirit, Kurt! LOL!
12. Awww... Kurt’s lil office! But I spent so much time pausing and analyzing each and every photo in there... and they’re all just like military-related stock photos? LOL! ...And then there’s his mug that has a flag on it and text that suspiciously ends in “... AGAIN” Can Diane go and visit him soon please and “accidentally” knock it off his desk? It can be during an act of seduction!
13. They haaaaaad to bring in a perky young blond, didn’t they. Really? Reeeally??? Perhaps the point was to show us that he hardly paid any attention to her, that there was no flirtation whatsoever... or perhaps it was in fact to stir up the memories of his past indiscretion. Either way, definitely could’ve done without. Thanks though, TGF!
14. Wait, does Diane have two home phones (given the one he called was a line dedicated to her, given the recorded message), and her cell phone??? I mean they must have a joint home phone... unless they just kept their numbers and have two lines?
15. Not gonna lie, kinda mad that NSA guy 1) didn’t know who Kurt was like right away and 2) wasn’t fanboying over over him/them. I mean he’s in on her every call and text but out of the loop on Kurt and Diane? I. Think. Not. (Also NSA guys fanboyed over Alicia so I think a part of me is like SO WHERE’S THE INTEREST IN DIANE?!?! ...Also, also throwback to “I think Will and Diane get it on.”)
16. That look on his face when he finds out. And while I kept faith in him, that face was striking and certainly speaks volumes regarding what is to come.
17. And Kurt-Fucking-McVeigh saves the day. Saves Diane.
18. So it’s all over and done with, Diane is in the clear... and all she wants is to go home and find solace in the arms of the man she loves.
19.  The way she pulls his arm around her as she settles herself beside him, nuzzling in, the two snuggled up there on the sofa at the end of the day. It’s all positively adorable and this is everything I’ve wanted in McHart!
20. The thing about the hacking is that is wasn’t just a politics thing with Kurt, it was a morality thing, too. It was wrong and we know how high his ethical and moral standards stand. And yet, he fixed it, and it wasn’t for glory or points (as he doesn’t even tell her!) or anything but pure love. And honestly, I was afraid that, even though he did in fact quietly fix it, he might still harbor resentment toward her for being involved with such a thing. But with the way he accepted her into his arms then going beyond the bare minimum nothing-is-amiss response by pressing a kiss to her forehead and rubbing her arm, it’s clear that he’s accepted it, accepted her for who she is, flaws and all, and is moving forward. As she has before. Honestly, the love these two have for one other!
And just a few other things...
Kurt is so clever!
I feel like Diane must own about as many umbrellas as she does fabulous coats.
I will never tire of seeing Kurt all spiffed up for his new job! ...Of course I’ll also never tire of seeing him in plaid and jeans, either. (Why do I have a feeling that Diane had a field day getting him outfitted for the position? Haha!)
“I took care of it.” “I’m glad.”
*Cough* Closets *cough*
This episode was so entirely lovely and had my heart positively swelling! And maybe the’ve been so nice to us this season simply to throw us off of the scent for the finale... but no matter the reason, I’m grateful to have had all of these beautiful domestic and loving scenes! Here’s to many more!
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themuffinbee · 5 years
Relationships: Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Scars, Touching, Caleb is touch-starved, He also has a crush on Jester, He does not know either of these things, Touch-Starved, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Widojest 
What if a certain inquisitive cleric and a certain scruffy wizard had taken watch together in that crystalline cave on the way to Xhorhas? And what if she wanted to get a better look at what he’s been hiding under those bandages?
A little missing scene that could have happened in episode 50.
A/N:  Many, many thanks to Jadesabre301 ( a.k.a. Jade_Sabre on Ao3) for beta-ing this fic. She’s an amazing beta AND a fantastic writer, go read her sweet, fluffy Widojest stuff!
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
A stream of droplets trickled down the side of the bubble, no doubt from one of the jagged crystals gleaming up above. On the other side of the magical hut, the Mighty Nein slumbered away under the cover of Caduceus’s stone shell, the air punctuated with an occasional snore from Beauregard.
Caleb scratched at his arms.
Try as he might, he just couldn’t help but dig under his bandages to get at an itch that wasn’t actually there. Their current surroundings were stunning, true, but the glittering shards covering every visible surface only served to stoke unpleasant memories. Some much more recent than others.
“Hey, Caaay-leb, whatcha thinking about?” his companion whispered to him in a singsong melody.
Five minutes and forty-six seconds. Jester had lasted longer in the silence than he had expected.
“Oh, nothing much. You?”
“Just trying figure out if there’s a way to hollow out a cake, like, a small one, and fill it with the jelly they put inside doughnuts,” she replied, plopping her head onto her hand and tapping her chin, “The problem is, it would glop all over the place when you cut into it, and maybe make the cake all soggy.”
He pondered this for a moment, more than happy to escape his own thoughts, “I don’t know much about baking, but what if you made it thicker with some kind of starch? Or gelatin? Would that work?”
Her eyes brightened. “Maybe! I don’t know too much about baking either, but it would be delicious, wouldn’t it?”
He nodded. “That it would.”
“Thank you!” She paused, brows beginning to furrow. “I was also trying to make sense of the last few days. Things have gotten pretty crazy.”
Caleb stiffened and made a vague noise of affirmation, gaze drifting off to the side. His mind flashed to all of the things he had said, and left unsaid, two days ago. A subtle sense of panic began buzzing along his nerves, years of practiced self-preservation taking hold in an instant.
Change the subject, you don’t want to open the door to this conversation.
He could ask about her mother, but that might make her sad…Maybe her art? Better yet, asking her about the Traveler might–
“You know, that’s actually why I wanted to keep watch with you tonight.” She scooted closer to him. “I have a question for you…”
Scheiße. Too slow.
Thinking back, he should have turned her down the moment she volunteered for second watch right after he did. She had been far too eager, raising her hand with such force that she practically jumped off the ground. Why hadn’t he suspected anything then?
“…And you don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to.” She waved her hands in front of her. “It’s totally fine if you don’t.”
He cleared his throat. “Jester, I don’t think I–”
“Oh, and I wanted to thank you,” she cut in.
“Thank me?” He frowned. He had done nothing worthy of special thanks.“Whatever for?”
“I wanted to thank you….” she plunked her words out one by one, like a child practicing an instrument “…For trusting us. I know that must have been pretty difficult.”
She beamed at him, and he felt something loosen and tighten in his chest all at the same time. That had been happening a lot as of late. Far too often, actually.
That needs to stop.
He swallowed and cast his eyes to the ground, “Ja.”
Why was she looking at him like that? With those violet eyes filled with sincerity and a smile so warm it could melt winter itself within half a second? He had revealed that he had been lying to the Nein for months, using them as a shield, a front, and she thanked him for it?
She would never look at him like that if she knew what he was, everything he had done. His general allusions of being trained to torture were the least of his sins in his past life.
She doesn’t have to know any more than she already does. It’s not too late, change the subject.
Gluing his eyes to a pebble by his foot like it was the most fascinating thing in the world, he asked, “So, what was your question?”
It was a rare thing for him to ignore his instincts. After all, his abundance of caution had kept him safe for years, kept him from getting caught, from getting killed. Tonight, however, he found himself rebelling against his better judgment. Whether it was out of curiosity or masochism, he had no idea. Maybe he was just tired of hiding, of peddling in secrets and lies, of fearing what she thought of him.
“Well, you see, I was wondering if it would be all right,” she leaned in and whispered, “if I could take a closer look at your arms.”
Caleb blinked. “You what?”
“Your arms,” she motioned to his threadbare bandages, “I’d like to look at them. I just wanted to check them out, healing being my thing and all.”
Well, that made perfect sense, now didn’t it? It wasn’t the worst thing she could ask of him, not by a long shot. He had expected the ever-inquisitive cleric to dig straight into the sizable holes he had left in his story. But still…
“I’d really rather not, they’re a bit of a…uh…a bad memory.”
“Oh.” Jester’s face fell a tad, then brightened once again. “That’s okay. Just let me know if you change your mind.”
He frowned. “Why do you want to look at them anyway? They’re far beyond healing, there’s nothing you could do.”
“Well…” she began rummaging around in her component pouches, “I figured, now that we may be coming up against some big bad magic guys, it might be a good idea to know if they have a little extra somethin’–somethin’ up their sleeve, and maybe how it works, you know?
“Aha! There you are!” she whispered in triumph as she pulled out a tiny striped lollipop, a miniature version of her confectionary Spiritual Weapon. She held it out to him. “You want one too?”
“No, but danke.”
“You sure? They’re reeeally good,” she half-sang in that cadence of hers. “I got a bunch of them in Nicodranas right before we left, so they’re still pretty fresh.”
He shook his head with a wan smile and a small chuff of air through his nose that might be construed as a chuckle.
This seemed to appease her. Jester nodded happily and popped the sweet in her mouth, speaking around the candy. “Could I ask you another question instead?”
He sighed, watching his fingers fiddle with the hem of his coat to keep them from tugging at his bandages. “You can ask, but you may not get an answer.”
This is a bad idea.
“Yeah, of course.” She nodded and thought for a second, “Do you think there are more people out there like you?”
Caleb looked up, “Do I think what now?”
“You know, others. People that ran away from the Assembly or the Academy?”
“I…I don’t know. I hadn’t ever considered it.”
He hadn’t. Not really, anyways. When he had first been thrown into the institution, he had near-feverish fantasies of Astrid or Eodwulf getting thrown in with him, of them being together once again and escaping far from the reaches of the Empire.
But it had never happened.
There had been no rescue party. His hope has been crushed into dust long before the end of those eleven hellacious years.
“Well,” Jester continued, “if there are others, maybe we could help them. That’s why I was wondering about your arms. If, like, they still had magic stuff in theirs and wanted to get it out. Who knows? Maybe even Yeza has some, since he was working for the Cerberus Assembly.”
“I see.” This conversation hadn’t gone the way he was expecting at all.
Then again, nothing ever seemed to go the way he expected if Jester was involved.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before the cleric fished her sketchbook and pencils out of her haversack.
“I’m going to make some drawings for the Traveler for a little while, is that cool?”
He nodded but said nothing, staring off into darkness as a flurry of thoughts whirled between his ears.
In his five years on the run, he hadn’t even dared to hope that there may be someone else like himself out there. The power of Trent Ikithon and the Assembly had grown to near omnipotence in his mind, their controlling influence in every realm of the Empire being an insurmountable barrier against other dissenters.
Hell, even someone like Pumat Sol was a member of the Assembly. The genial firbolg may have spoken well of the organization, but that brief flash of fear in Pumat’s eyes when he talked about Headmaster Oremid Haas spoke louder.
No, it was doubtful there was anyone else.
Caleb turned his attention back to Jester as she flipped through the pages of her sketchbook, catching glimpses of the Nein’s various exploits recorded in ink and graphite. Every once in a while, he would spot sketches of Kiri, Nila, Shakaste, and so many others. Though he may not entirely understand it, Caleb knew the cleric’s drawings were more than doodlings for her metaphysical best friend; they were prayers to her god. It was staggering, really, the number of portraits she had etched into those pages, the number of people she managed to care for all at once.
Consternation gave way to uncertainty, and perhaps the most minuscule bit of guilt, as he thought about what she had said, that the scars of his past could aid someone in the future. Granted, the chances of that were slim to none. Even still, he had told her not seventy-two hours ago that he believed in her, that he trusted her…What was the harm in testing that faith out a little?
You’ll ruin everything. Don’t taint your friendship more than you already have.
But she already knew what his arms looked like, didn’t she? There was nothing to hide. At least, not on this front.
“…All right,” he whispered, his voice almost inaudible to his own ears.
“Hm?” She looked up from her drawing. “What was that?”
“I said all right, you can look at my arms.”
Her face split into a smile, “Really?”
“Really really,” he responded, shrugging out of his coat and unwrapping the bandages at his elbows before he lost whatever speck of courage he had managed to gather.
Idiot. You’re as big a sucker as that candy she has in between her teeth.
Jester scrambled back over to him until they were sitting knee to knee, watching with an intensity and focus normally reserved for her sketches. With an absent-minded crunch, she bit into the lollipop and placed the stick back in its wrapper.
Fighting off a small wave of nausea, Caleb held his arm before her.
She gently took hold of it, “Now, just tell me if you change your mind and I’ll stop, okay?”
He nodded, then held his breath.
Jester closed her eyes and whispered something he couldn’t quite make out, a prayer on playfully reverent lips. Her eyes opened, and a quick flash of green light filled her irises before it burned away like verdant embers.
Smart girl, casting magical detection like that. Caleb knew she wouldn’t find anything; he hadn’t felt the sting of magic under his skin for years, but it was a good thought nonetheless.
He was mostly fine for the first few minutes, surprisingly so, as he watched her turn his arm this way and that. But as the process went on, he noticed the look of focus on Jester’s features sink into an expression of uncomfortable concern. Her lips pursed together as she took in the numerous faint scars spidering across his skin, the corners of her mouth dipping as her eyes and fingers met with each wound.
Soon, she asked to see his other arm, to which he obliged without protest. However, a sick feeling had begun to eat away at the insides his stomach, like he was watching her search through a pile of filth and rotted garbage.
Then it happened.
Memory and present merged into a single vision, as they so often did for him. This time there were no screams of anguish rending the air as ash and the smell of burning flesh gagged him from the inside out. No, this was much quieter, but just as sinister.
Instead of her fingers sliding over the faded remnants of his past sins, Caleb saw Jester inspecting a crystalline rainbow consuming his flesh one inch at a time. He nearly cried out and pushed her away – he couldn’t let them take hold of her too, encasing her fingers in a prismatic prison that would eat its way up her arms, her chest, mouth, eyes. Hollow laughter rang out from somewhere in the depths of the cave, a sound he wished he could forget.
It’s not real. He’s not here. Götter verdammt noch mal, es ist nicht real.
Willing his arm to keep from shaking, Caleb took a deep breath and hoped she didn’t notice how it shuddered in his lungs. He trained his gaze on his boots, knowing that closing his eyes would only make the vision worse. How long had it lasted? Ten seconds? Three? Less? It was hard to tell.
“Caleb, are you sure you’re okay?”
Damn. He looked up to find her staring at him, concern etched into every inch of her face.
“Caleb, we can stop. You don’t have to do this.” She looked back down at his arm. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not, it’s not you…It’s…It’s a bad memory, like I said.” His words were a halting mess, but even the simple act of speaking them helped ground him to reality.
A memory, yes, that’s right. Only a memory. She was safe, he was safe, there was nothing to fear. Only a series of faint scars on skin as white as bones.
“That doesn’t make much of a difference if I’m the one bringing back the memory, and it looks like it’s worse than just ‘bad.’ It’s okay, I’ll stop now.”
Her grip slackened on his arm, and a whole new kind of panic took him. He knew only one thing, and that was he did not want her to let go. If she let go, then he had failed her, broken his word, lied to her. Not too long ago, he wouldn’t have cared a wit if someone were disappointed in him. Why did he care now?
“Wait, hold on. You’re almost done, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but–”
“Go ahead and finish. It’s no good to leave the job half done.”
“Are you sure?”
Her fingers were barely touching him now, like birds perched on a branch, ready to fly off at any moment. She needed a sign that he was actually okay, not paltry words that could be guilty lies as easily as earnest truths. With a slow, deliberate motion, he relaxed into her hand until his arm was flush with her palm.
He held her gaze with his. “Yes.”
She looked at him for a moment or two, trying to find any sign of uncertainty. Then, one of the corners of her mouth rose into a half-smile. “You know, recently, you look different, Caleb.”
He frowned, more than a little confused by this assertion. “I look exactly the same as the day I met you.”
“No, not physically. Well, maybe a little, in a way.”
“Jester, you are not making very much sense.”
She cocked her head to the side. “You seem… lighter, less heavy. I don’t know…You’re different, but a good different.”
“If you say so.” He didn’t feel any lighter. If anything, he felt tired from carrying around too many secrets for too long, but maybe that was her point.
“I can see it. ” She gave him another appraising look and nodded. “Yup, definitely a good different.”
He shook his head, knowing he was more pleased than he should be at that nonsensical assessment, “You are a very silly tiefling.”
Her teeth flashed in the low light. “Good.”
Now more grounded in the present, Caleb felt his heartbeat slow in his chest, the wave of panic and nausea subsiding. As he watched her resume the study of his scars, he could see faint specks of light in her hair and on her skin, reflected from the glittering walls of the cave, mixing in with the myriad of freckles on her face. The tip of her tail curled and uncurled idly at her side, a behavior he found rather reminiscent of Frumpkin. Her face wore the same look she had while painting, with one pointed incisor peeking out as she bit down on a cerulean lip. It was as though every fiber of her being was directed only to what was in front of her, like nothing else mattered or even existed.
And then there were her hands, inkstained and delicate, but also strong and steady. Cool fingertips trailed against his skin, more soothing than any healing balm. Each gentle touch was a ripple of sensation, leaving tingling goosebumps in her wake while relaxing the muscles beneath. It was almost too much for him, and yet still somehow not enough.
It had been…what? At least sixteen years since he’d had real physical contact with anybody else? No sleeves, bandages, or gloves acting as a barrier? He had forgotten how nice it was to feel another person’s touch in the most basic of ways, especially when said person exerted such care with every movement.
“You know, you…” The words were out of his mouth before he realized he was speaking.
“Hm?” She looked up, eyes glowing amethyst in the dim light. “What did you say?”
That was a good question, what was he saying? He felt his voice wither away, somehow forgetting how vocal cords were supposed to work.
“You…ah…” He fumbled, unable to transform the half-thought, half-feeling into any kind of verbal sense. He was fluent in four languages, gods damn it, yet words escaped him. It didn’t help that she kept staring at him with those eyes, neither did the sudden realization that their faces were much closer together than he had thought. “Um…Du bist ein guter Kleriker.”
That was definitely not Common.
She wrinkled her nose with a grin. “What?”
“What I meant was…” He backtracked, trying to find the right term.
“Yes?” She wiggled her shoulders back and forth in a little expectant dance.
“Just that…You’re good at being a cleric, at healing.” That still wasn’t quite right. “ You have…I think they call it a nice bedside manner.”
“Well, of course!” She waggled her eyebrows with a wicked grin. “I grew up at the Lavish Chateau, after all, so I know a lot about bedside manners.”
An inexplicable heat rushed into his cheeks and his mind went as blank as unused parchment. He could hear the echo of her words from two days ago bounce around in his brain: “Are you secretly in love with me?”
No. Of course not. That would be…
Caleb coughed into his free hand. “I don’t think those are quite the same thing.”
“You never know, there are some preeetty crazy religions out there.” She gave him one of those mischievous little smiles, the kind that always made the corners of his mouth want to tug upwards as well, then her eyes softened. “And thanks, that means a lot.”
He nodded, hoping she couldn’t see the furious flush across his face.
“Now, Ha-err Widogast.” She settled back and raised a finger in the air. “I’d like to ask some post-examination questions. You’ve been really good about everything, so I’ll try to keep this quick, I promise.”
He sighed. “We really need to work on your Zemninan.”
“Is that a yes?” She pressed her hands together in playful supplication with imploring eyes, leaving his arm cradled in her lap. “Please?”
Gods, how was he supposed to say no to that face?
He blew out a long breath, somehow feeling amused despite himself. “I wouldn’t expect anything else. You would make as decent an Expositor as our monkish friend over there.”
She grinned. “I’d be pretty good at it, wouldn’t I? Too bad those Cobalt guys aren’t anywhere near as cool as the Traveler.”
“It is most certainly their loss.”
“So…That’s a yes?”
“Ja. Okay, good.” Her hand slid under own and up his arm, her fingers grazing a scar on his wrist. Another small shiver shot across his skin. “Do you know how many you have on each side? Scars, I mean.”
He cleared his throat. “Thirty-three on the left, thirty-five on the right.”
“Mhmm, that’s what I counted.” She nodded. “Do you have more anywhere else?”
“There are four more on each upper arm,” he answered, then added, “There’s also one on each calf.”
She cocked her head to the side. “Oh? Why just one on each?”
“Ah, well, they, uh, they made it harder to walk.” He hoped she’d be satisfied with that vague of an answer, he didn’t want her to know the more gory details.
She looked as though she might press him further, then paused. She thought for a moment before asking, “What kind of crystals were they?”
His vision from a few minutes before flashed to the front of his mind. “It was hard to tell…They came in an array of colors, but most of the ones I saw weren’t cut, or even polished.”
“Rubies? Emeralds?”
“Sure, rubies and emeralds seem likely.”
She paused for a second. “What about aquamarine, or maybe fire opal?
That was…oddly specific.
“Perhaps? I’m no geologist or jeweler. Like I said, the few I saw were all sorts of shapes and colors, and all in their rough forms. We were never told what they were, or what they were supposed to do. It might have skewed the experiment otherwise.”
“Okay,” she responded, but said no more.
After several seconds of silence, he looked up to find her staring at his upraised palm with her mouth scrunched up to one side, as if she were trying to remember something.
She blinked a few times. “Oh! Sorry, I was just…thinking.” She set her shoulders and flashed him a smile, but it was tighter than usual.
“What about?” It was a rare thing for the talkative tiefling to drop out of a conversation like that. “You went pretty far into your head for a moment there.”
“Well,” she began, “you remember how Orly told me about those magical tattoos?”
“Ja, you were pretty excited about those for a while.”
“And I still am, they’re really cool! But it just hit me…” she trailed off, one of her fingers absently tracing small, rather distracting circles on his forearm. “It just hit me that they’re basically the same thing as what you had, the only difference is that the crystals are ground down and inside the skin, instead of under it.”
“There are…definite similarities, yes.”
“Isn’t that kinda a weird coincidence?” Her finger stilled its movement, and he told himself he did not feel disappointed.
“I’m sure that the practice of tattooing with gem dust had been around long before I ever went to Rexentrum. The Assembly most likely took something perfectly harmless and…changed it to suit their purposes. It’s sort of what they do.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” She nodded, but still looked a tad uneasy. Which, in turn, made Caleb feel uneasy.
“Or,” he continued, leaning forward with a conspiratorial whisper, “are you worried that our trusted navigator might actually be a spy for the Empire?”
She snapped her fingers and pointed at him. “Yes, that’s it exactly! It’s a perfect cover!”
He raised his eyebrows. “We cracked the case?”
“We cracked the case!” She grinned up at him and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear before glancing back down at his arm. “So, um, where did they go?”
“The crystals?”
“Yeah, like, did you learn how to shoot them out like a superpowered porcupine, or did you absorb them and that’s why you’re so good at magic?”
“No, they, uh, they were removed.”
“Like, a surgery? And they were put in the same way?”
“Ja. They knocked us out with a potion, inserted or removed the crystals, then a cleric healed the cuts over afterward, just enough to close the wounds.” Then he hesitated before saying, “If we ever did meet anyone with something similar, it most would most likely require certain tools and training to extract the crystals.”
“Oh.” She deflated a little.
“Sorry to disappoint you.”
“No, no, it’s good to know.” She contemplated his arm for a few moments more. “There was something you said…about the crystals themselves.”
“How did you know what they looked like if you were asleep during the surgery and the cuts were healed up?”
“Ah…Ja, uh, the crystals were supposed to stay under the skin. But that’s the thing about experiments.” He rubbed the back of his head with his hand, tugging at his hair. “They don’t always go as planned, especially when you add magic to the mix.”
Her hands, the ones that had been so gentle and sure as they inspected his scars, stiffened around his wrist. “Supposed to stay under…?”
Realizing just what he had said, Caleb bit the inside of his cheek.
Her eyes widened and a slow, unsettled look crept across her face as she began to pick apart his statement. Though she may play the fool, Jester was far from stupid. There were only so many ways to interpret what he had said, and none of them were pleasant.
Scheiße, Scheiße, Scheiße.
Caleb could have kicked himself. Jester had such an abundance of natural charm, it was like she cast a Friends spell every time she spoke. He never should have forgotten that, never let his guard down so easily. He had always had a soft spot for the cleric, but when did he allow her to have so much power over him?
With an almost excruciating slowness, Jester ran her thumb over his palm. His breath stuck to the inside of his lungs.
She opened her mouth once, twice. Finally, she asked in a voice almost too soft to hear, “Did it hurt?”
Never had he thought a single question could make his insides ache like they did right now. Sadness rang through her voice and struck him straight to the core. “Oh, Jester.”
This was a mistake.
He cleared his throat, trying and failing to swallow back an emotion he did not care to name. “I think that’s all the questions that need to be answered tonight.”
She raised her eyes to meet his. “That’s a yes, isn’t it?”
Looking at her small form, shoulders drawn in and tail now tucked underneath her, Caleb wanted to lie. He never should have agreed to be truthful with these people, and especially not with her. Instinct begged him to go back to the way things had been, all protective lies and secrets to spare their feelings, as well as his.
It was too late for that now, though. He had tasted the briefest bit of honesty, and bitter though it was, it was also warm and reassuring. These stupid, crazy people had woken him from the half-life he had been living and sustained his tenuous existence with a kind of security he had long forgotten. They had come to embrace his dirty, intentionally unpleasant self and placed their trust in his singed hands.
If Jester, who always wore a clown’s mask for the sake of others, could reveal to him an honest sliver of her own pain and worry like she had that night in Darktow, then he could pay her the same respect now.
“Ja.” His whisper sounded more like a rusty hinge than a voice. “Ja, it hurt. It hurt like hell.”
Before she could formulate a response, he moved his hand down to wrap around hers and looked her dead in the eye, “But you know what? They don’t anymore. It’s in the past now, they’re healed. You don’t need to worry over them.”
A half-truth was better than none at all, he supposed. His arms were indeed as healed as they were ever going to be. As for his past…Well, he would cross that bridge when he got there.
Or burn it forever.
She nodded and smiled, and he hoped to whatever gods there might be that those weren’t unshed tears lining her eyes. “Sorry I asked so many questions, I know it sucked. I just – I worry about you, Caleb.”
“I know.” He squeezed her hand, only now realizing that he was still holding it. Then he heard himself say something he would definitely regret later. “I’ll tell you the rest someday.”
The next thing he knew, Jester had leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, seeming to not at all mind his mud-smeared coat. “Thank you.”
Caleb did not move to embrace her back, but felt a smile curl at his lips as he took in her warmth. “You’re welcome.”
A few moments passed before she gave him one last squeeze and leaned back, a happy smile in place and not a tear to be seen. “Okay, I really am going to make a few sketches now.”
He nodded and grabbed at one of the bandages he had shed onto the ground, now somehow rough and heavy in his hands.
As he began to wrap his arm up from palm to elbow, Caleb realized it was so much more difficult than it had been before, his own fingers seeming to protest by fumbling and bunching up the fabric. With every turn around his arm, Caleb found himself wishing he never had to put the confining wrappings back on again, or that he had never taken them off for her in the first place.
His scars now hidden away under neat, suffocating rows of weathered gauze, Caleb glanced over to where Jester sat curled up once again with her sketchbook, drawing away with joyous fervor.
A fading warmth lingered from her embrace, and he never wanted to forget the feeling of it. He committed to memory the way the air had felt on his secluded skin, the full movement of his wrist and fingers after being freed from their bindings, the goosebumps that had formed under her cool fingertips.
Maybe next time he removed his bandages, he would leave them off for good.
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little-birdseeker · 5 years
A True Birdseeker
((Do you want to know, what happened before? Well, there you go!))
Today was the day! Isabelle had planed it for over a week, a now everything was ready! She would show her sister that she was a real, a true Birdseeker after all! No red hair anymore! No magic! Just a normal Miqo’te who worked as a weaver! And to become that, she had everything prepared!
She had found some beautiful clothes, which she had used to make a gorgeous dress out of them. A lime green top with a dark green skirt, just like her sister! And it also looked like her favorite dress she had made in Ul’dah! She had some fond memories of the time in the city of the rich and wealthy, especially of Nalama, who still lived and worked there. She should certainly visit her soon, to find out where she worked now! In her letters, the lalafell had told her about the stern manager of shop she worked in. A lalafell like herself, who everyone in the shop was afraid of. If Isabelle wouldn’t have known it better, she would have guessed it could be Valli, but the couldn’t be, could it?
She had also managed to get a viol of hair dye, which she had already used on herself, when she took a shower. Now, her hair and her tail weren’t red anymore, but blond, like her sister. Except… there remained some red streaks in her hair, as if she couldn’t get rid of all the red there was. It was a bit strange, but… a little red couldn’t hurt, could it? Her sister would still accept her, right? Well, she had to try, at least!
The only thing she wasn’t sure about was the renunciation of her magic. She had been really proud of it, and loved to produce magic sparkles every now and then, and also… now, that she didn’t magically support her chest with her magic, it felt reeeally heavy, and her back ached a little. But it should be okay! She could exercise more, that suuurely would help!
Now, the last thing to do was to find her sister in Kugane. Isabelle walked out of the house, past the aetherythe, because that still counted as using magic. She wasn’t allowed to do that, so she had to use the normal way: the boat. It would take her a bit longer to reach the city, yes, but it was worth it! Worth it, to become a real birdseeker!
“Hm, who are- Oh, Isabelle, it’s you!”, Iana exclaimed when seeing her transformed sister. “You look… good”, Iana said, not sure what she was supposed to say to her sister. “I worked veeery hard the last days!”, Isabelle said proudly. “It was sooo hard to find the riiight hair dye, you know? I had to run to aaall of Kugane to find it! And it costed a fooortune! But now it looks sooo good, and it smells sooo nice! Do you want to smell it? Do you?” Full of excitement, she pushed her head forward, in the direction of Ianas nose.
“Isa, Isa, calm down!”, Iana sad quickly and grabbed her sisters shoulders, before Isabelles head rammed into her own. “Yeah, they smell delightful, i’m sure, yeah”, she nodded, even though she hadn’t smelled a glimpse of it. “But i see you also got a new dress. Where did you get something so well made?” A big smile appeared on Isabelles face, before she answered her question. “I made it by myseeelf!”, she said proudly and placed a hand of top or her chest.
“...What? You? You made this?” Iana was baffled. This little mess of a sister made something like that? At home, everything she touched had become a terrible failure, one after another. No way she could have learned to weave so quickly! “Oh, come on, Isa, you don’t have to lie to your sister. Or do you want to prevent your sister from having such nice clothes? You aren’t that mean, are you?”, she chuckled, but noticed fairly quick the pouting Isabelle in front of her. “I’m nooot lieing!!”, Isabelle shouted before crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I did that aaall alone, reeeally! If you don’t beliiieve me, i can make yooou a dress! Aaand you can watch me doing it! Hmpf!” With a last snort, Isabelle looked at her sister, full of determination. Maybe a bit angry, too, but… it was still Isabelle, after all, so she looked rather cute then angry.
But… this determination… was that really her little sister? Iana remembered, that she had always been energetic, but…  this Miqo’te was so full of determination, and it looked like she had done so much right, without failure. This was not like the sister she knew. But Isabelle couldn’t have changed so much since she had left home, could she? “Well, eh… another time maybe, okay? When i have enough time for that, i mean”, Iana responded, not quite sure about how she should feel about it.
“But eh, tell me, Isa,are you still using your magic?”, Iana asked, still a little bit jealous of her little sister about that topic. “Nope!”, Isabelle immediatly responded. “I abbandoned magic, so i could be a truuue Birdseeker! I even came here with the boat!”, she added, with a proud grinn on her face. Iana was surprised. Did her sister wanted to be accepted that badly? “Well, what a shame....”, Iana sighed while she let her finger draw some circles into the air, until a little flame poped up on her hand. “I thought we could compete against each other, you know? But, to be honest…  I think, only the eldest sibling of the Birdseekers is responsible enough to handle magic, don’t you think?”, she chuckled while watching the little flame on her hand, until she looked back at her little sister.
Isabelle was shocked to see that. Magic! Her sister could also use magic?! How? When did she learn it? And… and... “I… i thought, we… we Birdseeker caaan’t use magic!”, Isabelle stuttered, not sure what to feel about it. “How did you leeearn it?!” - “Oh, Isa, you know… i got the blessing of someone, and now… well, it feels great, doesn’t it?” A smirk showed on her face. “But like i said, i think only i am responsible enough to handle it. I wouldn’t hurt anyone, like… others do.”
While Isabelle was still at loss of words, Iana spotted the young man she had been waiting for. “Oh, Edward, i’m here!”, she waved at him. “Sorry, Isabelle, but i’m a busy woman, and need to go, okay? It was really nice to see you again, and i’m proud of your progress. And i might have been wrong about you. You might be a true Birdseeker after all - if you can show me how to make such a wonderful dress, you hear?” She gave her little sister headpatt, before turning to her new companion, who didn’t even look at Isabelle. “I will write you a message when i have some time, okay? Bye~”
Isabelle however was at loss of words. What exactly did happen right now? Everything went so fast and had been sooo strange! It felt so wrong, so incredibly wrong! Why could her sister use magic? Not like she wouldn’t allow it, of course not! But somehow, she couldn’t be happy about it, either, although she knew she should. And also… why did that strange man, Edward, didn’t look at her? Well, not like she wanted people to look, but… she knew that most of the men couldn’t resist to take a glimpse of her, even if it was only for her face. But he… straight up ignored her. He felt like a zombie! Did… did her sister charm him? Isabelle had read about some charming spells, although she didn’t know why people used them. You couldn’t get true love from them, no way! And it was mean, too! But her sister… she wouldn’t use a charm spell! ...would she?
But… after her sister had left, Isabelle realised another thing. Iana seemed to be a bit… different than the last time she met her. Her hair was shinier, her skin smoother, her lips fuller. She also seemed to be a bit bigger, as well as her boobs? Isabelle wasn’t sure, but it felt so wrong, so extremely wrong. With all that in mind, she was only able to say an abashed “Eh, bye, Iana…”, before her sister left. Heavily thinking about everything that happened, Isabelle wandered back to the pier, so she could get back home.
The door of the free companies house felt heavier than this morning, but maybe it was just her imagination. Maybe she was just a bit tired. Also, her back ached heavily. She would need to train waaay harder now, if she wanted to live on without magic.
“Oh, who is there?”, asked the motherly voice of Azura from the couch nearby fireplace, who had been reading there. She stood up to see the guest, until she saw the strange looking Miqo’te. She seemed so familiar, but she couldn’t help herself. “And you ar- Oh, Isa, it’s you!” Again, Azura took a more careful look at the little cat. Yes, those red streaks in her hair, this was Isabelles red, without a doubt. And those eyes, of course, why didn’t she notice them earlier? And, well… her chest spoke for itself.
“You, eh… you changed”, she commented the new look of Isabelle, not quite sure what to think about it. She appeared to be happy and everything, but something was… wrong. She smiled, yes, but… only with her mouth, while the rest of her just… didn’t, in contrast to her usual behaviour. “Mhm!”, Isabelle nodded proudly. “I also met with my siiis today! She was also veeery proud of me!” - “Oh, is that so? How nice”, Azura commented, still not sure about the behaviour of the young woman in front of her. Was she happy? Or in pain? She couldn’t tell, and it worried her.
“And… and she told me, that i am nearly a truuue Birdseeker now! And that’s wooonderfull! ...isn’t it?” The last words came a little late, and where so quiet, so soft, so full of doubt. She wasn’t even sure herself. Azura was certain now. As if this little one would abandon everything she loved just like that and could be happy without it! “Oh Isa”, she said with a warm smile. “You have always been a true Birdseeker. Our true Birdseeker. That’s what the stars on your cheek stand for, if i remember correctly. At least, that’s what you told me about them when i asked you about those stars a while ago, didn’t you? You don’t have to change yourself, just because you think you are not worthy, or because someone else told you so. We all love you the way you were, the way you are, even if some people keep complaining about this or that. We have all our own flaws, and thats okay. And, to be honest, i would miss the real Isa. The little red cat, who loves magic and keeps running around and everything.”
While speaking Azura noticed, who tears where building up in the cute face of the little cat, and as soon as she tried to dry them with her sleeves, Isabelle started to cry painfully, before her head bumped into Azuras chest, with her arms wrapped around the motherly woman. She cried and cried, while mumbling some words. “Ijustwantedhertobeproudjusttobeproudandnowshecanusemagictooandimnotallowedtoandimissitsososomuchandimissmyredhairandmybackhurtssomuchandeverythingfeelssowrongandidontknowwhattodooooo!”, she cried. So many words, in such a short amount of time. How could someone be so cruel to her own sister, Azura wondered. How could she break the little heart of this precious little girl?
“It’s okay, Isa, it’s okay. Everything is okay. Just cry, i am here.” With her hand, she stroked through the now blond hair of the little Miqo’te, again and again, until she had an idea. “What do you think, shall we go to the bathroom and get rid of this dye?” Isabelle just nodded, while sniveling a few times. “Okay, then come with me. I will take care of it, trust me.”
A few minutes later, both of them were sitting in the shower, trying to get rid of the dye. Isabelle had calmed down a bit, but still sniveled every now and then. It would take her a while, that was for sure, but… this was now more important than anything for Azura. “Well, Isa…”, Azura broke through the silent splashing of the shower. “That dress… you made it yourself didn’t you? Do you want to tell me how you did that? And later, we could go an see the children, okay?” Isabelle nodded, thankful for everything the elezen did for her, and started talking, without a break. But Azura didn’t mind. At least, Isabelle was getting better, and that was the most important thing now.
((If you want to know how the story continues, click here~))
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wewillwriteyou · 6 years
Friends Will Be Friends || Chapter 5
A few elements from the main plot: A very special group of friends: early days, drama, laughter, booze, success, rock stars life, girl power, friendship, love, sex, music, misunderstandings, some more drama, family. Pairings in the tags
Summary Chapter 5: Melissa’s point of view. Concert. A lot of awkwardness and misunderstandings (aka drama). It’ll make sense once you read it, I swear.
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings: little smut (kissing, touching), some fluff, tiny drama (the perfect recipe?)
A/N: Guys! I know I’ve said it already but things reeeally start to get interesting. Make sure you got the previous parts (you find the link into the description of this blog) and stay tuned for the next ones ‘cause the best is yet to come lovelies 💖😏 As usual, if you like what you read, comment, like, reblog and share this with others! For everyone who follows and supports this story, thank you guys (you know who you are)! You are real stars! ⭐💗
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Days went by and Mel started losing hope that John would call her.
She hated the fact that she was so disappointed: they hadn’t promised anything to each other, so he was not totally at fault. Still, she had hoped to hear from him. She also hated the fact that his face would pop out in her head in the most inappropriate situations.
On Wednesday during class, when she was writing down equations, a variable named J popped up and she couldn’t help but smile, and go back to the concert when he had held her tight and kissed her passionately. She missed almost half an hour of lesson forcing her brain not to think about him.
By the weekend she was frustrated and almost angry at him, for not calling and Mary and Chelsea noticed something was going on with her.
When Mary asked her about it, she considered the chance of talking to someone about what was going on inside of her, so that it wouldn’t all be in her head.
“It’s just… It’s about this jerk I made out with last week” she laughed a little, seeing the girls widening her eyes hearing her talk like that “don’t be so shocked, I’m not a prude, girls”
They chuckled “Well, I gave him my number and, you know, since I enjoyed myself, I hoped he had too but he hasn’t called, so… I guess he hasn’t, after all” she laughed, feeling herself flush in embarrassment.
Mary jumped right in “Oh honey, don’t say that! He probably is just a jerk. I wouldn’t worry about him… I would go out tonight and look for someone else to enjoy” she smirked and Mel giggled.
“Darling do not dare to doubt yourself” Chelsea added, smiling and rubbing her shoulder “Tonight my roommate is playing near the Imperial. We should go and dance our asses off. We need to forget about all the fucking boys that hunt our lives” she continued, laughing and putting her arm around Mel’s shoulder.
“I’m absolutely in! Three single girls, ready to conquer the world and leave a trail of broken hearts” Mary exclaimed lifting her fist in the air.
They all laughed and, after closing the shop, they arranged to meet at the bar later in the evening.
Mel was aware of the fact she wasn’t completely over the whole John story, but her friends’ enthusiasm was bloody contagious and she couldn’t help but feel excited.
She desperately needed to boost her self-esteem, so she decided to wear the floral dress that always put her in a good mood.
When she got out of her bedroom she found Roger packing up some things for the gig they had that night. When he glanced at her he immediately stopped,
“Wow sis, where are you going?” he said, a bit of disapprovement in his tone
Mel was weirdly pleased by his reaction “Out with the girls” she said.
“You have girl friends?” he joked acting surprised.
“Yeah, Rog, and they’re off limits okay? Not that I’d let you near one of them anyway…”
He chuckled “Don’t worry sis, there are loads of other fishes in the sea”
“You’re disgusting” she said, laughing a little.
“Sweet as always, Mel. You watch yourself tonight, okay?” he changed tone, mid-sentence, actually concerned for his little sister. He knew perfectly well how guys could be. Hell, he was one of those guys and he didn’t care about what other people thought of him, but the idea of her sister as a one-night-stand girl made his blood boil in his veins.
“Don’t worry, Rog, I can take care of myself, okay?” and she really meant it.
He left her a piece of paper with a number on it “It’s the number of the pub we’re playing in. If you have any problem, please just call me”
“Okay Rog, thanks. Have fun and don’t wait up” she winked at him before closing the door.
Roger had never seen her so enthusiastic about going out and had the strange sense something was off with his sister. He tried to shun the bad feeling and focus on the instruments he was packing.
“Relax mate, she’s a smart girl” Brian appeared behind his shoulders and Roger nodded distractedly, his mind was somewhere else. Brian knew him too well and immediately understood that he wasn’t only thinking about his sister in that moment. “It can’t be true. You’re still thinking about her?” Roger rolled his eyes and headed to the door. But Brian stopped him.
“You’re being ridiculous”
“Okay, then tell me you’re lying and I’ll stop”
“Fine. I’m still thinking about Chelsea, are you happy now?” Roger didn’t even give Brian the time to speak, pushed him aside and opened the door, going down the stairs. Brian smirked and followed him.  
Outside the pub, you could already feel the acre smell of alcohol spilled on the floor and the heat of the bodies dancing to the beat of the music.
The girls entered just when the first band finished their set and announced a few minutes break. The crowd was huge and the girls managed to squeeze and slide into the first row in the corner near the bass amplifier.
They chatted livelily, scanning the first rows, looking for familiar faces. Their attention was caught by a guy with black hair and an eccentric blouse decorated in gold and green, who came on stage to fix the microphone.  Mel thought he was unmistakable: that was Freddie. He recognized her and waved at her, causing a lot of people to turn their heads towards her.
“Oh my God Mel did he just wave at you?" Mary asked with dreamy eyes.
“Yes, that's Freddie. He's the lead singer in my brother's band-” she wasn't even finished when Mary said:
“That's freaking cool, why did you not tell us? We've been - well, I've been - wanting to meet him since I started uni. He's kind of a big deal in our course, you know? He has even published a small brand of clothes”
“I guess I didn't know. Hell, I didn't even know they would be playing here tonight” Mel chuckled at Mary's adoring look “I can introduce you later if you want” and the girl vividly nodded.
Mel turned chuckled again and turned to Chelsea, asking:
“Chel what's the name of your roommate's band?”
“I actually don't know… I heard they were looking for a new one, but I can't really remember what they used to call themselves before” “Did he mention Freddie? Cause if he did, he might be playing with my brother” Chelsea opened her mouth but was interrupted by Freddie, as he greeted the audience: “Good evening, darlings” he started “Freddie here, and this is Queen. We're here to entertain you this evening, if you'd like"
The crowd cheered.
“Alright!” he incited them “let’s hear a round of applause for the rest of Queen. At the electric guitar, we have Mr. Brian May” and he pointed at the tall guy approaching the guitar stand, who smiled politely and waved at the cheering crowd. He winked at Mel, surprised of seeing her there. But he didn’t notice Chelsea, that was trying to convince herself with her whole heart that that guy wasn’t the tall boy she had met in Roger’s apartment a week before.  
“At the drums, we have Mr. Roger Taylor"                        
Every single girl in the pub screamed at the mention of her brother’s name and Mel wooed along with them. Roger winked at her as soon as he caught her face: he hadn't expected her to be there, but he was glad she was, so that he could keep an eye on her.
As he thought that, he realized that the girl standing next to her, eyes widened and cheeks flushing, was the girl from the previous weekend; the one that had crashed into his life, stole one of his favorite shirts and left him with a thousand questions and a stupid smile on his face. His heart raced more than he expected, as a feeling of happiness started to grow in his chest.
Chel had an interrogative face as she tried to figure out why he had winked at Mel. Was he her brother? In that moment, surrounded by the chaos, she started to wonder what Mel’s surname was and her questions got lost in a side of her mind when she looked again at Roger.
When he smirked in her direction, she could feel her cheeks flush even more as she forced down a smile. She pinched herself because she couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t stop looking at Roger either but tried to calm herself down, to avoid recalling Mel’s attention.
“And on bass guitar, our new entry, please a round of applause for John Deacon”
John stumbled on stage and awkwardly smiled and waved at the public. His eyes searched the room for Chelsea and when he saw her in the front row, cheering for him, red cheeks and proud eyes, he smiled to her fondly.
In the exact same moment, his sight focused on the girl standing next to her: he felt his cheeks flush and he widely smiled at her.
Mel was incredulous: how could he just smile like that? And the thing she hated the most was the fact that she could not control the heat sprouting throughout her whole body. She wanted to hide what was going on in her mind trying to keep an expressionless face, but she was not sure she had succeeded. She also couldn’t stop her mind but think that John had to be Chelsea’s roommate, so Mel turned around to find her with the same confused look on her face.
Mary had noticed the looks the four of them exchanged and she put the pieces together: she couldn’t help but smile widely at how wonderful destiny had worked to arrange those incredible coincidences.
The guys started playing and the tension lifted off as the rhythm of Keep Yourself Alive pervaded the pub. Heads nodded along with music and feet kept time. The crowd was captured by their music and when they announced the end of their set, they all applauded and cheered the band.
Mel was extremely proud of them, she had never seen such a response to their concerts and she had been at most of them. They seemed to have enchanted the audience and though she still had mixed feelings towards John, she couldn’t be more amazed by his talent and how he completed perfectly the band.
The band packed their instruments and spread among the crowd. The first thing Mel did was walk up to Freddie, dragging Mary by the arm and introducing them. His eyes lit up as he shook her hand and gave it a gentle kiss. Mary was about to melt and had a smile going from ear to ear.
Mel knew that was a good match and excused herself to leave them some privacy.
As she turned on her heels she bumped into someone’s chest and when she looked up, some big grey eyes were staring at her.
“I was looking for you” John said to her ear, sending shivers down her back. Mel was still determined to keep him on edge and objectively analyze his intentions.
Seeing she was unwilling to answer, John added “I think we’re pretty lucky”
Mel furrowed her eyebrows and he explained “You said we might have not been lucky enough to find each other again. But here we are” he said with a smile “So, I guess we’re pretty lucky”
She wanted to punch that handsome smile off his face: we haven’t seen each other because you didn’t call me, jackass. That’s what she wanted to say, but what she heard herself say was “The universe loves to prove me wrong”
What the hell was that? she thought. She desperately wanted to be angry at him but she also desperately wanted to kiss him again, and the most irrational part of her conscience won.
She urgently crashed her lips onto his and John couldn’t help but smile against her lips. He had missed them so much, he thought he might have been dreaming. They pulled back to grasp some air; he looked into her eyes and whispered “You are truly beautiful tonight”.
She smiled and took his hand. They both became serious for a moment, and stared at each other, trying to understand what was going on inside the other’s mind. They slowly walked hand in hand towards the less crowded side of the bar, which led to the back of the building.
When they were sure to have some privacy, they grinned and started from where they had left off.
He pinned her back to the wall and deepened the kiss, his hands exploring her lower back and waist. When his hand went up under her dress and started to gently caress her bare skin, she moaned into the kiss. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and she could feel herself melt under his touch. She ran her fingers in his hair while he left sloppy kisses on her neck; Mel had to bite her bottom lip to keep from moaning again.
All the anger she had stored, had slipped away and all she could think about was how good his hands felt on her hot skin. She pulled him even closer to her, pushing her hips towards his and feeling the bulge growing in his pants.
He suffocated a moan when he felt her hand sliding between their bodies, reaching for his belt. He pulled away from her neck to look into her eyes: all he could see was desire and lust and he was sure as hell, that just that sight could have ended him.
He gathered all the strength he had, smiled at her and placed a hand on hers “Not here”
Mel was disappointed, to say the least, and when he noticed, John continued “I want you all for myself, Melissa.” He was looking her intensely and she could feel her legs melting in the ground “All for myself, but not here” he stated, looking languidly into her eyes.
If possible, she was even more excited than before, but she knew he was right: that was not the place where she wanted it to happen. She stole another, passionate kiss and then took his hand. They dove into the crowd one more time and slid onto the dance floor.
A slow song was playing, so they wrapped their arms around each other and kept on dancing like that for a while. They had pretty much cleared what they wanted from each other, so they had nothing more to do, if not abandon themselves to the music.
Mel gathered courage and asked with trembling voice “Are you gonna call me this time?”
John was perplexed by her question and then realized she had never gotten the message from Brian. He was too inebriated by the smell of her hair and the softness of her skin, to think about why Brian had not told her. He just answered, “I am, darling”.
And he tightened the hug just to make sure she knew he meant it. He would have kept calling and calling until he had heard her voice on the other side.
Mel didn’t know exactly why, but she felt sincerity in his tone and could not help but look forward to finding out whether he would keep his promise.
Chapters: ⤎ previous | next ⤏
A/N: Hi again! Hope you enjoyed this chapter 💗 we’re gonna tag the lovely people who read, liked and commented the previous chapters. If you want to be tagged in the next one, comment under this one or leave us a message. Our inboxes are always open for you beautiful people
Tag list: @littledarlingwellaway @its-a-metephor-brian @bohemiandelilah @onevisionliz @misshystericalqueen @loki-lover095 @deakysgurl@inthelapofthe39 @starsoflovingness-wq @minetticatinwonderland@cairdes20 @friendswillbefriendsblog @o-holynight @trash-record-collection @please-stop-me-now @theappleofmybri @marvelsbunch [if your name is crossed out, we couldn’t tag you 😢 please message us, and we’ll sort it out 😘]
Cheers, folks! ✌💖
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fortunatelylori · 6 years
JONSA: The infamous “undermine me” scene
About a week ago @jonsa101 posted a meta regarding the “undermine me” scene in season 7 (episode 1).
She discusses this particular exchange between Jon and Sansa:
Jon: You are my sister but I am king now.
Sansa: Will you start wearing a crown? (Sansa Snark is in the house, guys!)
Jon: When you question my decisions in front of the other lords and ladies, you undermine me.
 In the meta she identifies the “undermine me” line as a romantic trope that she’s seen play out in many different contexts. If you guys haven’t read the meta yet, please go and read it. @jonsa101 always has some very interesting interpretations and theories regarding the show and I really enjoy her meta work. 
 I was already planning on discussing this scene in detail as part of my upcoming series on all the Jonsa scenes but since she tagged me in the meta, I thought I’d discuss it now.
I have to say that after reading her post, I had a look at lists of romantic tropes as well as my favorite research source – youtube – in order to try and find similar examples of the “undermine me” line. I’m afraid I came out empty on this one.
 However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that whether or not you identify this particular line as a trope, the whole exchange between them ticks a lot of romantic tropes off the list as I’ll show below.
 This is one of the things that always bothers me about people calling Jonsa shippers delusional. Even if Jonsa never becomes canon, it’s very much a fact that the writers are playing with romantic expectations in all of their scenes. You can’t swing a stick in the direction of these two without one trope or another hitting you smack in the face. So at the very least, Jonsa shippers are responding to these visual and storytelling devices. Hardly a delusion.
 For the interests of this meta I will focus strictly on the tropes used in this particular scene, which considering that it’s only 3 minutes long, I was shocked to find out is more than 1. For reference, I’m working off the list of romantic tropes found here as well as use the explanation they give for each of them. When you have the time, check it out. It’s like an Easter Egg Hunt for Jonsas.
 Like an Old Married Couple: These two people are very close and tend to bicker with each other.
 This is where I would actually place the “undermine me” line. In fact this is where I would put this entire exchange:
Jon: You are my sister but I am king now.
Sansa: Will you start wearing a crown?
Jon: When you question my decisions in front of the other lords and ladies, you undermine me.
Sansa: I can’t question your decisions anymore?
Jon: Of course you can but …
Sansa: Joffery never let anyone question his authority. Do you think he was a good king?
 Ahem … guys, I reeeally don’t think you’re fighting over what you think you’re fighting over. Also can you air your dirty married laundry in private? You’re making everyone uncomfortable!
 Now, Like an Old Married Couple is usually served with a generous helping of the Belligerent Sexual Tension and/or Unresolved Sexual Tension tropes on the side. Which would explain the seemingly random insert of Joffery in this whole conversation (there’s more to it than that but more on that later). I mean doesn’t every girl compare her brother to her ex-boyfriend? Isn’t that a thing that people do all the time?
 The thing that is very interesting here is the way these two are operating. There’s nothing really sibling-like about this interaction. This is two partners having a fight.
 But this is where it gets interesting. Because this exchange is followed by another trope:
 Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: No matter how much they fight, they really do care about each other very much.
Jon: You think I’m Joffery?
Sansa: You’re as far from Joffery as anyone I’ve ever met.
Jon: Thank you!
 Throughout my series on the Jon/D*ny romance (X) (X) (X) (X) (X), I kept talking about how Jon and Dany never seem to reach a consensus or resolve anything in any of their fights. Every Jonsa scene comes in direct contrast to that. It isn’t the absence of fighting that makes a couple work, it’s them being able to resolve and move on from a fight that does. And this is where this trope comes in. No matter how hard Jon and Sansa have a go at each other, you are never left in any doubt that they care about one another.
 But there’s more …
 Dismissing a Compliment: A character doesn't believe something nice their Love Interest tells them.
Sansa: You’re good at this, you know.
Jon: At what?
Sansa: At ruling.
Jon: No …
Sansa: You are. (beat) You are.
 Why don’t you say it again, Sans? I don’t think he heard you the last two times …
 Sansa: They respect you. They really do …
 Ok, ok. Sheesh! Are we also going to talk about how cute his hair looks today and how dreamy his eyes are?
 This is followed by the hyper-analyzed “but” lines:
 Sansa: … but you have to … Why are you laughing?
Jon: What did father used to say? Everything before the word but is horseshit.
 This may or may not have plot implications later on but for the purposes of what we’re analyzing here, the point I’m trying to make is that Jon is dismissing every nice thing Sansa has said about him and focuses only on the word “but”. Because he’s Jon Snow … You can’t pin a compliment on this guy to save your life.
Also …
 Laugh of Love: The tendency to laugh when in the presence of your Love Interest.
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 (no idea who made this. sorry but thank you!)
As well as pretty much every other scene he has with her. Either Sansa is a proficient stand-up comedian or Jon is just really, really happy whenever he’s around her, even when he’s angry at her. Totally platonic, guys! Nothing to see here!
 Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: Ship Tease moment where one partner grabs the other partner's arm/sleeve.
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(gif credit to @baelerion)
Complete with Jon looking down to see Sansa touching him either because his senses are overloaded or because he can’t feel anything through the thick sleeve of the jacket Sansa most likely made for him. Also notice that this is described as a ship tease. We’re teased all right …
 Sigh of Love: Sighing dreamily when in the presence of or thinking about your Love Interest.
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And because Jon can’t let Sansa steal the spotlight on this one:
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(gif credit to @baelerion​)
This is not a competition but if it were, Jon would win. Sorry, Sans! His is longer and deeper. Still love you though!
 And lastly ….
 Like Parent, Like Spouse: A character's Love Interest is similar to one of their parents, be it in looks or personality.
 In every god damn episode they have together and also here:
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In conclusion, for those at home not keeping count, that’s 7 tropes used in a 3 minute scene. Is it any small wonder this might seem familiar to people? Either way you want to slice it, you have seen these visual and narrative cues in other stories. Tropes don’t become tropes because no one ever used them.
 Now I did title this meta “the infamous undermine me scene” for a reason. That’s because this scene, as almost all Jonsa scenes, has three layers that are all thrown at the audience simultaneously. Two of these layers are good, one of these layers is BAD. Let’s see if you guess which is which:
 What the characters are fighting about
 This is where the whole text vs. subtext analysis comes in. Ideally, any scene in any story you ever read or watch, should have both a surface level as well as subtext. Now and again you will get scenes, out of necessity, that are simply what they say on the tin but writers are actively dissuaded from doing this on the whole. It would be very boring and frankly poor storytelling if subtext was non-existent and people simply talked at each other, complete with an accurate, objective narrative on what they’re saying and why they’re saying it. To put it simply, it wouldn’t be a satisfying journey for the audience.
 So what is the surface level? Well, this is a direct follow-up to the preceding scene where Jon pardons Alice and Ned and Sansa argues against it. The argument got pretty heated between the two of them so now we’re given a scene where we can see the resolution of said argument.
 What you should keep in mind at this stage is how that argument ended:
Sansa: They died fighting for Ramsay. Give the castles to the families of the men who died fighting for you.
Jon: […] I will not punish a son for his father’s sins and I will not take a family home away from a family it has belonged to for centuries. That is my decision and my decision is final.
 Check-mate, as they say. Jon won that argument. He is the king and he made his decision. Case closed. On a purely surface level, that argument was finalized. We didn’t really need the “undermine me” scene unless we attempt to infer things that are no presented to us directly.
 Which brings us to …
 What the characters are really fighting about
Jon: You are my sister but I am king now.
Sansa: Will you start wearing a crown?
Jon: When you question my decisions in front of the other lords and ladies, you undermine me.
 The question here is why does Jon feel undermined? I think the answer is not because he doesn’t want Sansa questioning his decisions, as she seems to believe. Nor is it because he suspects some sort of nefarious ulterior motive (we’ll leave that for that pesky 3rd layer we’ll talk about shortly).
 We all know Jon values dialogue and collaboration. What we also know is that whatever Sansa says affects him very deeply. You can deduce this from their scenes but, for confirmation, we also have Kit saying that Sansa “twists” Jon. So we can assume that their argument hurts him in some way and even though he put his foot down during the meeting, he still feels the need to clarify the issue with her which is why they’re having the conversation.
 Now people have pointed out that, as one of his vassals, Sansa has every right to question him publicly. The problem is that’s not how Jon sees her. He very distinctly separates Sansa from the rest of his court. And since we already had the “we need to trust each other” scene at the end of season 6, I think it’s safe to assume that he sees the two of them as a unit that is supposed to be on the same page so the fact that Sansa speaks out against him in public, instead of privately, feels like a betrayal.
 There’s also his character and history to consider. Jon has never been the kind of person to take criticism very well, mostly because he’s felt unworthy and rejected all his life. And now he’s gone from the Bastard of Winterfell to King in the North in the span of a few months. That would leave just about anyone feeling uncertain of how much people truly trust their judgement.
 However, if there’s one thing you learn sooner or later, is that there are two sides to every story. That’s why it’s never a good idea to side with one party whenever couples fight.
 Because if we look at things from Sansa’s perspective, you can see how she might feel dismissed. The fact of the matter is Jon isn’t the world’s greatest communicator and failed to talk his decision over with Sansa before announcing it to the Council, which in turn makes Sansa feel sidelined, hence her aggressive snark and Joffrey digs. And we get an explanation of that here:
Sansa: He [Ned] was trying to protect us. He never wanted us to see how dirty the world really is but father couldn’t protect me and neither can you. So stop trying.
 Sansa is operating under a false assumption as well. Jon looks at their argument and feels undermined. Sansa looks at Jon avoiding her counsel and thinks that he does it because he sees her as his little sister that is in need of protection.
 Now Jon, bless his heart, does try to put Sansa in the little sister box at times but he fails at it miserably, partly because Sansa doesn’t let him and partly because what he needs from her is very far removed from what sisters usually provide.
 So there they are … two “siblings” stuck on a balcony having a lovers quarrel. Just another day at Winterfell.
 Which brings us to what I like to call …
 The “D&D screwing with us” layer
 Why do I say that the writers are screwing with us in this scene? Well, because of this:
Sansa: Joffery never let anyone question his authority. Do you think he was a good king?
 There is absolutely no reasonable explanation for why they felt the need to bring Joffery, one of the worst people this show has ever inflicted on us, in this conversation. Firstly, because there is no parallel to be drawn between Jon and Joffery in this situation. For one, if Joffrey was the king here, Alice and Ned’s heads would be decorating the walls. They would certainly not have been brought back into the fold which is what Jon has done for them. Secondly, since Jon is very much talking his head off to Sansa at the moment, it’s pretty obvious that he isn’t above explaining his reactions.
 What she says is, honestly, incredibly insulting which is why she backtracks out of it as quickly as the writers would allow:
Jon: Do you think I’m Joffrey?
Sansa: You’re as far from Joffrey as anyone I’ve ever met. (all the while looking extremely guilty)
 If the mention is here in order to clue us in on the fact that Sansa views Jon as something other than her brother, by comparing him to the only person she’s ever had romantic feelings for, there’s again no need for that. Seven romantic tropes in one 3-minute scene is more than enough to get that point across.
 So why do the writers have her say this? I would argue that this mention is in here in order to advance the “darkSansa” agenda, particularly since this is a scene where Jon says he feels undermined by her twice.
It doesn’t matter that Sansa backtracks on the Joffrey fiasco, it doesn’t matter that she tells him she doesn’t want to undermine him, while desperately sighing with loving eyes that she wants him to listen to her.  The “darkSansa” idea sticks.
 And that’s because the audience support is very much skewed  in  Jon’s favor. Being on tumblr, sometimes you forget that the Jonsa fam is very much the minority and that exclusive Sansa fans are the unicorns of this fandom (#love4unicorns). The vast majority of this audience will not look at Jon as an unreliable narrator, as every character in this show is, but as the ultimate authority on how this scene should be viewed.
 If he says he feels undermined, then it must be because he’s being undermined, which by extension means that Sansa will betray him. And her mentioning Joffery only helps to further antagonize the audience against her.
 Does that mean the Ds want us to hate Sansa for no particular reason? Not really. What they really, really want is to, yet again, beat the “Starkbowl” horse until it expires from exhaustion. And they’re willing to compromise emotional development and cut off the audience from essential POVs to achieve that.
 In season 6, when they first teased Starkbowl, they did it for emotional turmoil. They gave us that beautiful, heart breaking reunion scene only to immediately have Sansa start to be seemingly duplicitous. Because wouldn’t it be just so tragic that after Jon found new purpose in life through Sansa and she finally found safety and comfort with someone that actually cared for her, she would turn everything on its head and betray him?
 In season 7, they wanted to resurrect it because of the Littlefinger twist ending. This little “Joffrey” titbit and the “undermining” conversation helped plant the seeds for it so when Arya (another fan favorite) began accusing her of plotting against Jon, the audience would have this early scene to fall back on, despite the fact that Sansa continuously supports Jon’s policy while he’s away and constantly talks about him, to the point where she almost sounds like Sam talking about Gilly.
 What I’m trying to get at with this example is that the writers are not operating in good faith when telling this story. They will constantly throw things in to tease plot points that never come to pass. I don’t like this narrative choice at all, because it requires being cut off from certain characters POVs (Jon and Sansa are champions of this in season 7) which in turn puts distance between the audience and them, when the core of good storytelling to me is seeing characters wrestle with decisions and emotions not off-screen, but right before our eyes.
However, at the very least, what all of this should tell you, is that you should never simply relay on what the ‘explicit’ meaning of a scene is because there’s far more lurking beneath the surface. 
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch 4 Demo Translation
A demo of Yokai Watch 4 was playable at the Tokyo Game Show 20018. Level-5 has recently uploaded footage of this demo to their official youtube channel.
I made a translation of the demo’s dialouge, which you can find under the cut.
Please note that this will contain potential spoilers for the game, so proceed with caution!
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(The first screen with a lot of text just goes over how this is not a finished product and might have some issues still.)
Natsume: ふふふ 明日から いよいよ待ちに待った夏休み! Hehehe, starting tomorrow, it'll finally be summer vacation!
Natsume: まずは何しようっかな? なーか考えてるだけでも楽しい〜♪ What should I do first? Just thinking about it is fun〜♪
Natsume: ん? アキノリから…? 何の用だろ? Hm? From Akinori? What does he want?
Natsume: あ〜っ 忘れてた! 「怪奇案件」の調査っ!! Ahhh! I forgot about the "Strange Case" investigation!!
Dialouges as Natsume goes about town:
Objective: 外に出かけよう! Head outside!
Akinori: なあ ナツメ。 今日の調査だけどさ…。 Hey, Natsume. We're supposed to be investigating today...
Natsume: ゴメン! 今思い出したこと! で どこに集まるんだっけ…? Sorry! I just remembered! So, where are we meeting up...?
Akinori: えー 忘れちゃったのかよ〜。 おうぎ公園で集合だよ! Don't tell me you forgot. We're meeting at Ōgi Park!
Akinori: オレ ちょっと遅れていくから 先にトウマと合流してくれ! I'm gonna be a bit late, so go ahead and meet Touma without me!
Komasan: ふむぅ… アキノリの家とは また 違ったよさがあるのう。 Hmm... This place is different from Akinori's house.
Komasan: とくに このソファ… 昼寝をするときに 気持ちようさそうだわい。 This sofa in particular... It seems like taking a nap on it would be quite comfortable.
Objective: おうぎ公園に行こう! Go to Ōgi Park!
Touma: ナツメ 急いで来れる? 緊急事態が発生した! Could you come quick, Natsume? It's an emergency!
Touma: あまり時間がなさそうなんだ。 できるだけ早く来てくれ! I don't have much time. Please come as fast as you can!
Natsume: ちょっと! 一体なにが… …って もう切れてるし! Hang on! What the heck are you... ...Ugh, he hung up already!
(Note: I'm assuming they're on the phone here? If they're texting or somthing it'd be something like "he signed off already" or the like.)
Micchy: ナツメさん! 目的地の公園は ミニマップで ご確認を! Miss Natsume! You may confirm your destination on the mini-map!
Jibanyan: どうやら 調査どころじゃないみたいだな。 今度はいったい 何のさわぎニャン? Doesn't look like you're investigating. What's the deal this time, nyan?
Meeting with Touma:
Natsume: トウマ! 一体どうしたの!? 緊急事態って…!? Touma! What happened?! What's the emergency...?!
Touma: 僕といっしょに この子… マナミちゃんを守ってほしいんだ。 This girl with me is Manami... I'd like you to protect her.
Manami: 誰かが じぃ〜っと私のこと見てくるの。 お外で遊んでても お家にいてもずっと…。 Someone has been intensely glaring at me. Even when I'm playing outside by myself, when I'm at home, always...
Touma: マナミちゃんに 妖怪ウォッチが 強く反応した…。 My Yokai Watch showed a strong reaction around Manami...
Natsume: つまり 妖怪のしわざってワケね! うん! たしかに緊急事態かも…!! In other words, this is the work of a yokai! Yep! That's probably an emergency...!!
Touma: この気配…! やはり まだ近くにいるみたいだ。 This presence...! Looks like it's still close by after all.
Touma: ナツメ ここは君の妖魔レーダーで 妖怪の居場所を突き止めてくれ! Natsume, use your Yōma Radar here to figure out the yokai's position!
Natsume: わかった やってむる!! Alright, I'll try that!!
Natsume: みつけた…! あそこね!! I found it...! It's over there!!
Touma: よし あとは僕にまかせて! マナミちゃんのこと たのんだよ。 Alright, leave the rest to me! Please look after Manami.
Objective: 隠れている妖怪をさがそう! Look for the hidden yokai!
Touma: そこにいるのは 分かってるぞ! さあ 出てこい! I know you're there! Now show yourself!
Touma: なっ… こいつは人体模型か!! なぜマナミちゃんを…!? Wha... This guy is a human anatomy model?! Then why would he...?!
Jinta: きゃっ 丸見えになっちゃった! お お前… 許さないぞ!! Eek! You got me fully exposed! Y-you... I won't forgive you!!
Dialouges during the battle with Jinta and his cohorts:
(Note: When the battle starts, it says "Jinta and co. appeared!" The two selectable options are "Battle Start" and "Stopwatching". I do not know what the latter does, as the person playing never selects it.)
Whisper: さあ! 妖怪たちと いっしょに戦いましょう! Now! Fight together with the yokai!
Whisper: (X) で妖気拳を使えますよ! ガンガン攻撃でうぃっす! You can use a Yōki-ken with (X)! That one packs a punch, whis!
(Note: 妖気拳/Yōki-ken would translate to "Yōki Fist" or "Yōki Strike", with "Yōki" being something like yokai energy.)
Whisper: (ZR)で「わざ」発動! ��力攻撃ができますよ! With (ZR) you active your "Moves"! You can do powerful attacks!
Whisper: 「わざ」は(R)を押すたびに 切り替えができますよ! You can switch between your "Moves" by pressing (R)!
Whisper: 敵をよ〜く狙いたいときは (ZL)の「ねらう」です! When you reeeally want to aim for an enemy, go for "Aim" with (ZL)!
Whisper: (ZL)押しながら(A)で ターゲットピン発射です! When holding (ZL), you can fire a Target Pin with (A)!
Whisper: 味方の妖怪たちが 1体に 集中攻撃してくれますよ! Your yokai allies will focus their attacks on a single target!
Whisper: 「鬼の手」キター!! (X)攻撃がパワーアップです! That's the "Oni's Hand"!! Now the (X) Attack got more power!
~勝利~ ~Victory~
After the Battle:
Natsume: やったね トウマ! これで ひと安心だね!! You did it, Touma! This should take care of that for now!!
Touma: ああ みんなのおかげだよ。 とにかく 無事にすんでよかった。 Yeah, thanks to everyone's help. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't get hurt.
Natsume: あっ! 逃げちゃった!? Ah! He ran away?!
Manami: あの子は…! ねぇ ちょっと待ってー!! He's...! Hey, please wait!!
Natsume: マナミちゃんまで?! どこ行くのー!! Manami, too?! Where are you going?!
Touma: もしかして さっきの妖怪のこと 知っていたのか…? Could it be that she knows that yokai...?
Natsume: かもしれない… でも 今はとにかく マナミちゃんを追いかけないと! She might... But, right now we have to go after them!
Dialouges as Touma and co. go after Manami & Jinta:
Objective: さくら元町小学校に行こう! Go to Sakura Motomachi Elementary School!
Touma: さっきの妖怪が 向かったのは さくら元町小学校の方だな。 I think that yokai went towards Sakura Motomachi Elementary School.
Natsume: なんだか 嫌な予感がする… トウマ 急ごう! I got a bad feeling about it... Let's hurry, Touma!
Micchy: ミッチーセンサーによれば マナミさんも この道を通ったようだ。 My Micchy Sensor tells me that Miss Manami has gone along this way, too.
Micchy: …おっと ミッチーセンサーについてえは 質問は受け付けていないぞ! ...Whoops, I do not accept questions about my Micchy Sensor!
Natsume: あっ 見つけた! Ah- Found him!
Jibanyan: どうやら もう隠れる気はないようだニャン。 次は 本気で暴れやるぜ。 Looks like he's fed up with hiding, nyan. Nyow he's gonna rampage for real.
Touma: 待って ナツメ! なにかがおかしい…! Wait, Natsume! Something's wrong...!
Dialouges during the battle with Jingeki:
Boss Title: 人体模型の巨人 〜ジンゲキ〜 Human Anatomy Model Titan ~Jingeki~
Natsume: これ… シャドウサイド!? なんて大きさなの…!! Is that... his Shadowside?! Its so big...!!
Touma: ものすごい妖気だ… でも 今は戦うしかない! What an incredible yōki... But, I've got no choice but to fight him, now!
Jingeki: ウガ…? ナンカ 落ッコチタ…? UGAHH...? DID SOMETHING FALL OUT...?
Whisper: ムムッ!? 攻撃すると 内蔵がポロリするようです! Hmmh?! Seems that your attacks made his organs loose!
Natsume: 小腸いただき!! いけるよ この調子!! Got his small intestine!! Keep going like this!!
Whisper: 横隔膜がポロリでうぃす! なんともレアな内臓ですね! You loosened his diaphragm, whis! And what a rare organ that one is!
Whisper: 焼き肉で言う 「ハラミ」の 部位にございまっす!! It is the part we would call "skirt steak" if we were grilling meat!!
Natsume: うわー! 肺が落ちた!? 大きいね やっぱり…。 Uwahh! His lung fell out!? It really is huge...
Micchy: 肝臓が落ちてきたぞ!! これはイカンゾー… ってな! His liver fell out!! He's not gonna live that down... get it?!
Whisper: (ZR)で「わざ」発動! 強力攻撃ができますよ! With (ZR) you active your "Moves"! You can do powerful attacks!
Whisper: 「わざ」は(R)を押すたびに 切り替えができますよ! You can switch between your "Moves" by pressing (R)!
Whisper: トウマ君! やるました! 敵の弱点がモロ見えです! Touma! You have done it! The enemy's weak spot is completely visible!
Whisper: あの心臓 もしかして スイトールできちゃいます? That heart... Can you get it with the Absorbtion?
Jingeki: オレノ 心臓ガッ…!! オマエラ 絶対二 触ルナ! MY HEART...!! DON'T YOU TOUCH IT!
Jingeki: 心臓ダケハ 絶対ニ… 絶対ニ 攻撃スルナヨ!! AT LEAST... DON'T... DON'T YOU DARE ATTACK MY HEART!!
Whisper: で 出たあああっ!! 不動明王 出ましたああ! H- He's appeared!! Fudōmyōō has appeared!!
Whisper: もう一度(X)と(A)同時押しで 「雷鳴鉄槌斬り」発動です! If you press (X) and (A) at the same time once more, you will active "Raimei Tettsui Kiri"!
(Note: 雷鳴鉄槌斬り/Raimei Tettsui Kiri is Fudōmyōō's Soultimate.)
Whisper: タイミングよくボタンを 押すと テンションアップ! If you time your button presses well, the tension will go up!
Natsume: トウマ おつかれさま! これで一件落着だね!! Good job, Touma! Case closed, I'd say!!
Akinori: あれ 解決しちゃったの!? じゃあ オレの出番は〜? Huh? You solved it?! What about my turn...?
After the Battle:
Jinta: マ…ナミ…さん… ごめんなさい。 ボクのせいで 怖い思いをさせてしまって…。 Ma... nami... I'm sorry. You got scared because of me...
Manami: ううん 私のほうこそ… とても大事なこと 忘れちゃってたの。 No, it's my fault... I forgot about something really important.
Jinta: えっ…? Huh...?
Manami: あなたは 理科室にいた 人体模型くん… だよね? You're the human anatomy model from the science room... aren't you?
Manami: 放課後 ひとりで落ち込んでいた 私の話を だまってそばで聞いてくれた… When I was alone and sad after school, you would silently be beside me, and listen to me...
Manami: 私… 思い出したの。 I... remember.
Manami: とても大切な「ともだち」だって… You were a very important "friend"...
Jinta: ううう… マナミさん… ありがとう…。 *Sob*... Manami... Thank you...
Natsume: あれ? 妖怪ウォッチエルダが… Huh? The Yokai Watch Eruda...
Touma: 何かに反応している…!? Is it reacting to something...?!
Natsume: 君は… Wait...
Natsume: もしかして… Are you...?
After the Demo is over, we are shown a screen with the various incarnations of Jibanyan (and also Junior), with the words "Thank you for playing!" in both Japanese in English. Below that, it essentially says something like "Look forward to the actual version!"
But the video is not over, and at the very end we are shown what is called a "Rare Event". It plays out exactly like the previous ending cutscene, expect Fumika (Katie) steps out of the door instead of Keita (Nate).
That’s it for this demo, but I have also translated the game’s trailer here.
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ninallthatjazz · 6 years
Review TdV Vienna – 07.06.-10.06.18
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If you are wondering why I have been pretty absent from Tumblr last week – it’s because I was on my long awaited Vienna trip/Tanz der Vampire week. I originally had planned to see the show twice, on Thursday and Sunday. But somehow I got incredibly lucky and managed to get last-minute tickets with student discount for all the other shows during my stay, meaning I saw it 5 times (!!!) in 4 days.
And as promised I will review the show(s) for you, but since I had so little time in between, I couldn’t write up one for each performance right away. Also considering I already posted a general review of the Vienna show HERE, I will just review the roles/actors I haven’t mentioned/seen before, as well as sharing highlights from the individual shows that were particularly memorable.
I also have quite a few pictures, therefor I will put all this under a read more so you don’t have to scroll endlessly. Enjoy!
Cast lists:
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Drew Sarich – Graf von Krolock I know, I have written about Drew already. I promise to keep it short. But I couldn’t write this review without mentioning how abolutely incredible Drew was once again. His Krolock is the most layered character out there in my opinion, he manages to make you feel all kinds of emotions with his portrayal. He managed to make me tear up during ‘Unstillbare Gier’ in every. single. performance. 5 times in a row! And the first and last time I was even full on sobbing and had difficulty breathing for a few minutes after the song was over - it was insane. I pray to god he will return to this role some time in the future, I can’t imagine this being the end of Drewlock.
Abla Alaoui – Sarah Chagal Abla was an incredibly sweet Sarah. I really loved her voice, might actually prefer it to Dianas even. Acting wise they are both amazing, and while they make different choices, I couldn’t say one was better than the other. I really liked the way Abla played the transformation in the end – it started out with small jerking movements and grew more prominent up to the revealing of the fangs. It was a very nice touch and made that whole scene that much more interesting. I also really enjoyed her chemistry with both Daniel Eckert and Drew Sarich (more during the highlights 😉).
Daniel Eckert – Alfred Daniel was an incredible Alfred. He was really sweet and he has a great voice, he and Raphael Groß are definitely my favourite Alfreds. Because even if I still want the Graf to succeed, they both managed to make me care about Alfred a little more and made me actually like ‘Für Sarah’ :D He was also very funny next to the Professor, which not every Alfred manages to do.
Christopher Dederichs – Alfred Christopher is also a good Alfred, and I did enjoy his performance a lot; but his voice wasn’t quite on the same level as the other two in my opinion. He still delivered on most songs, but ‘Für Sarah’ wasn’t quite as captivating. This is also due to personal preference, but I never imagine Alfred with blond and curly hair, so that took some getting used to. But all in all a great performance that I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing again 😊
Dawn Bullock – Rebecca Chagal I love Dawn as Rebecca. She is hilarious and has great comedic timing, and her voice is perfectly balanced between rough and melodic. Maciej Salamon – Yoine Chagal He was also a great Chagal, especially the comedic moments were great with him, but I think Nicolas Tenerani is definitely the better singer and showed more diversity in his singing technique – Maciej always ‘growled’ his lines which made Chagal not as complex a character as he was during Nicolas’ performance. Marle Martens – Magda Marle is an incredibly strong singer, and I was blown away by the effortlessness with which she sang. I found a new appreciation of ‘Tot Zu Sein Ist Komisch’ thanks to her.
Highlights: There are quite a few things I discovered in these shows, some of them are planned/regular moments, some just happened in one show (I will name the specific show in brackets).
·       In one show, Chagal (Nicolas Tenerani that day) tries to nail the piece of wood to the door, but it wouldn’t stay on – so he just took it down and carried it back out again XD (June 8th)
·       During ‘Nie Gesehen’, Rebecca searches for Chagal in her sleep, and when she wakes up, she checks under the sheets first before searching the room for him XD
·       After singing ‘Gott Ist Tot’, Drew turns to look back at the moon and bares his fangs
·       I never noticed that Alfred and Magda are flirting quite a bit during ‘Wahrheit’ – Magda is dropping some vegetable to have him picking it up as an excuse to start a conversation, and Alfred is totally into it!
·       When Abronsius is ‘whispering’ to Alfred during Wahrheit, Rebecca wants to know what he’s saying reeeally badly and even tries to ask Magda and Chagal if they understand, only to be VERY annoyed when they don’t.
·       One time, Rebecca (Tanja Petrasek) wasn’t on stage on time after ‘Rote Stiefel’ – she wasn’t there when Chagal said ‘…er hat sie geholt, hat sie uns entführt’! She came on stage right after though and just started with her line, I don’t think people noticed. (June 9th, evening show)
·       When the professor and Alfred try to interrogate the villagers after Chagals death, the village idiot sits there picking his nose, and that’s why he doesn’t notice everyone else leaving XD
·       After biting Magda, Chagal is howling like a wolf and then he has the hiccups; hilarious!!!
·       Raphael had a hilarious way of singing ‘…das Schloss von diesem GRAFEN!’ (June 7th/9th)
·       When the vampires are amongst the audience in Finale I. Akt, there were quite a few screams from surprised/terrified audience members XD
·       When Drewlock seduces Alfred, he smells at the sponge, and for some reason his voice sounds really weird singing the next few words (‘…ich weiß, was du fühlst und denkst…’); it almost sounds as if he were high! (from Sarah’s scent?)
·       Drewlock reacting to Herbert and Alfred meeting – glorious! During the lines “dies ist mein Sohn Herbert…” he is grinning as if to say ‘oh you poor boy, you have no idea what’s coming for you’ and when Herbert sings “Endlich jemand, der mir die Langeweile nimmt!”, he is putting a hand over his heart as if to say ‘awww, my precious boy has found a toy’ XD
·       During the ‘intro’ at the beginning of act 2, there is a lonely bat flying towards the castle, vanishing through a window – that looks exactly like the one Graf stands in front of at the beginning of ToFi!
·       While he is walking down the stairs during ToFi, Drewlock is stroking his bottom lip with his thumb while he is observing Sarah!
·       Drewlock touching Sarah’s hair and then smelling his own hand during Totale Finsternis – that was another great detail that made his vampiric nature tangible
·       In one show, Filippo forgot the lines during the beginning of ‘Carpe Noctem’ – I had to giggle a bit, but I don’t think it was very noticeable for people that don’t know the song by heart :P (June 8th)
·       I noticed that the cover black vampire, Jordan Hinchliffe, was wearing an open black vest, while Arltan Andzhaev (main cast) is always shirtless. (June 8th/9th)
·       In one show, the white vampire (Jasper Caransa) almost kissed Sarah (June 9th, evening show)
·       After the nightmare bite, Arltan ‘shares’ some of Sarah’s blood with Herbert
·       The Professor sniffed at both oatmeal bowls and gives the one that smells awful to Alfred (I am guessing that’s the one Koukol spat into 😉)
·       In the crypt, Abronsius mimics breasts when he says ‘denk an Chagal’s Tochter’
·       Chagal kissed Magdas foot when she stopped him from joining her in the coffin during ‘Geil zu sein ist komisch’ (June 9th, evening show)
·       Herbert (Charles Kreische) had a small mishap once, his sleeve caught in his neckline. But Charles was great, stayed in character and ripped it free with a dramatic eyeroll :D
·       When Krolock comes down from the pulpit in Tanzsaal, one of the vampires falls to her knees and kisses his hand
·       Before the Sarahlock bite, Drewlock looks to Herbert as if to get reassurance. Only when Herbert slightly bows in response, he holds his hand out for her.
·       Drewlock gave ‘Sarabla’ a kiss on the cheek before biting her (you read correctly – A KISS!!) It was Ablas last show as Sarah playing with Drew, and it was a sweet little gesture that had her giggling for a moment <3 (June 8th)
·       When Sarah falls after the Graf lets go of her, all the vampires move towards her and only stop when Krolock hisses at them, as if to say ‘don’t you dare touch her, she’s mine!’
·       Herbert flirting with another (male) vampire during the Ballsaalszene, dancing almost the entire thing with him, winking and waving at him
·       When Graf and Sarah were towards the back of the stage, Drewlock had another taste of her by running his finger through the blood on her neck and sucking it off his finger… (not sure if this was a one time thing – noticed it on June 9th, matinee show)
·       Krolock also flirting with (female) vampires during that whole scene – one moment that stands out is when there are only a few of the vampires left (shortly before they discover the human’s reflections). He changes partners, and when met with one specific female vampire he kisses his index finger and wiggles it at her (flexing and extending, not moving it side to side like some diva) – she basically turns into a teenie with a crush (as do I), giggling and legs turning to jelly. I asked Drew about it, and she is indeed supposed to be one of the many conquests the Graf had before Sarah.
·       Towards the end of Tanzsaal, Drewlock starts picking his teeth, he apparently still has Sarah stuck in his fangs. When the humans ‘dance into’ Krolock, he demonstratively flicks a piece off his fingers XD
Last, but definitely not least, I have a bunch of photos from the stage door and all the treasures I collected etc.
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On the day of my last show I brought my own fangs and I had SO much fun posing for pictures with them – every single person I met at the stage door was super sweet and kind enough to play along 😊
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This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I will treasure these memories forever <3
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kvitfjes · 6 years
Tag game
I was tagged by @quarter0master (thank you!) ages ago, and I only just got around to doing this. Sorry!
Name: Lisa

Star sign: Aries, I think?
Height: 165 cm
Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up?
So… I don’t really have playlists. So instead I chose random songs from albums I’ve played on repeat lately, and tried to make the list pretty diverse.
1.            This song is about being attacked by monsters – Leathermouth
2.            Hand of God (outro) – Jon Bellion
3.            Here – Years and years
4.            Mamere – Eddy de Pretto
Have you ever had a poem or song written about you? No, I don’t think so.
When was the last time you played guitar? Probably a couple years ago. I got a guitar as a Christmas present four years ago, but I’ve used it very rarely.
Who is your celebrity crush? I think the better question is who isn’t my celebrity (and also real life) crush. I am not joking when I say I probably have about 40/50 celebrity crushes. What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? I reeeally hate the sound of a fork scraping against a plate. Some sounds I love are laughter, my cat’s meows and purring, my psychology teacher’s voice (for some reason) and the sound when you crack your knuckles.
Do you believe in ghosts? Not really? But hey, I can be persuaded.
How about aliens? 100%. I definitely believe there are other life forms out there. Many of them might not resemble us in the slightest, but I also do think that there might be creatures that are more humanoid out there.
Do you drive? I’m learning how to! Hopefully I’ll get my license sometime next year.
What was the last book you read? Call me by your name. I reread it after watching the film last weekend (it was only just now available on a streaming I subscribe to).

Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes! I also love the smell of smoke from extinguishing lit candles. 

What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I’ve been so lucky throughout my life that I actually don’t know! I’ve never fractured or seriously sprained anything *touches wood*. 
Do you have an obsession right now? Yes, right now my main one seems to be adopting fandoms from any and everyone I follow on tumblr.com. It happened with the Dragon Prince, James Bond, She-ra, and to certain degrees the Good Place, Daredevil and the DC Extended Universe (actually only Superbat hahaha). Oh! Another one is painting my nails! I’ve spent more than a decade never painting my nails, until about two months ago when I decided to start. Right now all my fingernails are painted black, but last week 5 were red and the other 5 were blue. I’ve also had a combination of pink and orange, and black and pastel & glittery purple.
 Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Sometimes. I usually forgive people easily and wholeheartedly, though I don’t forget what they’ve done. There have however been some instances where I just wasn’t (and still am not) able to shake it off. In a relationship? Yes? I’ve been dating a guy on-off for the past three years, and right now we’re ‘on’ again. We haven’t talked about whether or not we’re officially together, but I’d say we are considering neither of us is seeing someone else. I still don’t refer to him as my boyfriend though, I usually call him the ‘sort-of bf’.
Tagging @vaccastulta and @overly-enthusiastic-friend, if you guys want to do this?
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13x03 watching notes
The Saga Of Dean’s Fluctuating Grief Scruff
Berens has made me cry exponentially more in each of his episodes for a while. At this rate I will cry 6-9 times in this episode, so I really hope we break the streak.
I'm so pumped for this episode.
Hahaha me 10 seconds ago: fuk u berens don't make me cry
recap: how about we paste "goodbye Cas" over the shot of Dean kneeling by dead Cas?
I have returned with my stuffed toy umbreon "taako from eevee" and I have hugs
OH NO Jack recap, pasting Lucifer over him in awful flashes and trying to sell his dark side even though he is a squishy.
WELP they're going right there with the Sam drinking blood parallel with Dean saying when has anything ever gone right for us. Is Jack going to Fuck Up today? Or is that just emotional backstory?
Awww Missouri's BFF. I love her already.
I guess this guy is the wraith. I think I remember him from the promos.
Hey, here's the tarot cards. They're for the MotW
The wraith was in the mirror that's behind them but it didn't show his face all wraith-y. Pfft.
Uhoh, Dean's music is different... Brb need to get a Mittens on the line.
The only word I caught was wall and then we cut to no music and Jack marvelling at the brickwork.
Okay, Mittens told me the song and I looked it up and yeah it's the Rolling Stones and completely romantically neutral.
This is the bit we got:
Mama says yes, Papa says no, Make up you mind 'cause I gotta go. Gonna raise hell at the Union Hall, Drive myself right over the wall.
I almost think it was chosen just because Jack was pawing at the wall.
Jack being fascinated with the bricks in both 13x01 when Sam was ASKING him about the portals between universes, and now when he's just pawing at the bricks reeeally makes me feel like Jack has a fascination with the brick and mortar pattern, like these lines between the solid planes are somehow tickling at whatever deep down cosmic part of himself knows about the portals. If he's still figuring it out or something.
Oh no here's the awful promo that nearly made me cry last night.
I am so sad that Jack's been hiding in his room.
It is adorable how he looks at the data stick, like, getting it's important but totally baffled about HOW and what to DO with it. Sam's starting to take for granted that Jack is a bit more... well, together, than he actually is. The real question is does Sam know he was stabbing himself?  That's such a hard thing for Dean to tell Sam, and not betray empathy to Jack - unless he grumpily delivers the news and legs it :P
But yeah, anyway. Sam expecting Jack to be able to do things he can't, maybe starting to take Jack's fast learning for granted when it comes to how he's managed to adapt to burgers and reading and stuff. He's still a 4-5 day old person, and he's never done this before... Sam hands him the USB stick without even stopping to think at first that Jack might not be capable of using it...
*stares at Sam staring at Jack* I think he's feeling deeply sympathetic - I reblogged some meta about how they have a shared experience here but Jack's getting so much more than Sam ever did. Ironically, I was gonna make a parallel to Home, without stopping to think that Missouri is here but let's call it a real meta parallel then - Mary saying even 3 words to Sam in Home was the most Sam had ever seen of her in his entire life and the most words he could remember her saying to him, ever. Of course Mary and Kelly were/are paralleled as mothers, and Kelly to Jack will be a much more pure image because she never did anything dark or made any deals - he's born because she had no idea she was sleeping with Lucifer, so even though Mary was put in an AWFUL place she made the deal with enough accountability she is held responsible for it, and FEELS responsible for it. Since Jack's powers are already being textually paralleled to Sam and his demon blood I think this is an interesting thing to put a pin in.
She sounds and looks almost exactly the same. It's been THIRTEEN YEARS what the hell
She looked older in 1x09
maybe it's just the different colour schemes and lighting these days :P
Oh no and we're back to Kelly
Her words are so important in a kind of free will exposition way. She's so proud of him!!!
I know I sobbed about that in 12x23 a bit but just... the reminder, right now. In this episode where we have been teased that Cas is going to be around again (I miss him so much)... I think it's interesting because Kelly tells Jack that no one can tell him who he can be (which I think may be a problem long term that Sam is interested in moulding him so even TFW aren't a completely safe bet to hang out with for Jack to gain a sense of personhood - he'll have to fly the nest eventually) but then she reminds Jack that an angel is watching over him. Obviously she is a Good Person in the show's narrative, and angels in her perspective are good (because Cas was kind to her) and Cas specifically is AWESOME and this is the reminder that Cas is Jack's father now apparently and all... but it's also setting him aside in a way. I think perhaps Jack needs to come to terms with what Cas is that isn't exactly his FATHER per se but also isn't just the angel on his shoulder, in the exact same way Dean needs to realise Cas isn't his BROTHER per se but also not just the angel on his shoulder. It's that grey area. In Jack's case, it's because a reckoning with Lucifer and understanding the potential darkness in him, or his legacy as being Lucifer's son, can't be ignored. Cas can't be pasted on top of it for his deep down personal understanding, and Kelly mentions the father and Castiel as separate entities. The father doesn't define what Jack is... Cas has a more neutral position, a guiding one... But I think some wires may be crossed with Jack, too, that has given Cas absolute fatherhood in such a way that it's going to be GREAT for Jack to set his moral compass by such a well-meaning good character who seems to want the best for Jack, but it can't be his entire understanding of himself.
Sorry for just throwing a Destiel parallel into all that but it fascinates me that tbh Sam is like the only one who doesn't have a complicated relationship with Cas. I guess also Mary got to grips with him around 12x09, but then also didn't have a whole bunch of contact with him... On the other hand in my Christmas fic I haven't even got the remotest idea what it will be about yet but will feature all the current living characters in a fluffy Christmas scenario, I'm pretty much ready for Cas and Mary to be the chillest friends :P
LOL Sam and Dean talking about how long since they saw Missouri "what has it been a decade?" "MORE" Yeah you FUCKS she said to stay in touch. DON'T BE STRANGERS.
That is a cold sweat moment for Dean, like... fuck I haven't ever even sent her a CHRISTMAS CARD
Maybe he sees her name in John's journal sometimes and does send her one.
Awww and Sam was talking to Jody off-screen, which I love because that is my JAM
*badum tish*
Dean is alarmed that Sam handed off the case to her, because he wanted to leave the freaking house and get awaaay from Jack
He's not that concerned about Jody.
I mean, rationally, he knows Jody is the Toughest Cookie they've ever met. She went up against Leviathan WITH AN APPENDECTOMY
But in the immediate here and now? He is PISSED that Sam wants to keep them sequestered away in the Bunker with the one thing he can hardly bear to co-exist with in the same universe.
His stomping off is an End Of moment... Reminded of 9x06 because Berens, but also because in the start of that episode Dean takes the lead from Cas and legs it from researching with Sam and Kevin, and it's like a horrible reverse motivation. Cas is dead and he can't bear to be around that horror and guilt and confusion. He needs the distraction, so off he goes on a solo case, leaving Sam behind. His angry "you got me" when he skips out on research and Kevin thinks he has it all sussed out why Dean is leaving is again a reverse of Dean's self-professed anger at the situation when he knows that Jody will be FINE and of course she's part of their competent hunter network who can handle things probably a hell of a lot better than them, being an actual cop and all. But it makes one hell of an excuse to go. And Dean was in a pissy mood then as well but it was his own fuck up about Gadreel bothering him and his guilt about what he'd done to Cas. So external motivators help him leave. This time it's all internal motivators where he WANTS to leave. So he makes it all happen by getting irrationally angry at Sam.
I know it was most likely just There but hey we have a Turducken slammer poster in the background and corn syrup blah blah, and corn = Cain
Theeeemes, as Mittens says.
Missouri drops some heeeavy hints about not having family around any more.
She always did love that car. A reminder she's known them basically their entire lives, since The Fire, and she knew the car as both John and Dean's.
Also a handy way to make her a trusted ally and as Mittens says, the car is Dean's soul and Missouri has seen inside him.
He heard Missouri and Jody were in the same place and was like FUCK YOU SAM I AM GOING TO COLLECT MY HUGS
But seriously even if he's kinda putting it all on a bit because he's miserable, these people are genuinely cheering him up just to see and he's getting physical comfort from two parental figures to him.
(he's so weird about Jody being a mom figure)
LOL Missouri did the thing
The thing literally every single person said they wanted her to do
he should have hugged Jody first
Is it just me or did she hesitate on "loss" and then add the "es" after a moment of uncertainty? Please tell me one is not drowning out the other I will die.
Although of course, Missouri is a HUGE reminder of the Mary stuff because she comes connected to their home and Dean is having to re-re-confront that and OF COURSE he does it when he's lost Mary AGAIN. And pfft I spent yesterday writing about Jody re-losing her son in 5x15 and having the problem of fresh loss after getting someone back you didn't think you'd ever HAVE back.
I love that we're seeing Missouri's process. She's reaaally spelling out the exposition. But in this case I can trust that that's just because the actual method and knowing that it's a wraith and his MO is just a random detail to all the more important emotional stuff. That this is just some necessary building blocks to get to the good stuff and this is the fastest way to get us there.
Sam immediately starts getting into choppy water and I'm one line into the next scene. He's bringing up training Jack... Sam, we've spent the last 2 weeks talking about how it's not a great idea for you to try and harness him for your own reasons because it will make you look bad to him. Jack needs to trust you!
I'm worried he'll end up thinking that Sam giving him the connection with his mom was just a way to soften him up a bit more to Sam. Like yeah on the surface level it's lovely and shows Sam has been careful and paid attention and collected all the evidence from the house to check if anything will be important for Jack (not the 100s of diapers)... And then found this thing and immediately decided Jack should have it because it would mean so much to him. it's great that he cares so much he did this!!
But yeah putting the scenes back to back is a little uncomfortable because Sam does have motives, and like I said last time out, if Sam HADN'T just lost Mary through a rift Nougat unknowingly opened, he would 100% definitely treat Jack with the exact same care because he is a sweet guy.
But looks bad.
Sam is waving a pencil. He looks like a lecturer.
This is a different part of the Bunker or the library from an angle we never see and this is a new table with a different lamp and I am so horrified, as the Table Meta person, to have a bunch of new stuff to work out and write about :P
This is the Yoda Table for the time being
I suppose it's a new place for a fresh start and, like, virgin territory for meta meaning. Whether it's the store room or the library the important thing is it's DIFFERENT and it's a sort of secluded corner than right out in the middle of the war room or something. It's a sort of private nook kind of feeling. Sam is trying to make a comfortable environment for Jack.
Jack glances at Sam.
Thing is, Asmodeus got him to open a portal to hell by cajoling him, and Sam's asking him to get control of basic things like moving a pencil around. It SEEMS safe and like a good exercise to try and get to grips with his powers and learn finesse and control, and for Jack's sake too. But... Idk, still looks dodgy Sam. I mean I can absolutely and 100% see a surface level where this is adorable and great and Sam has a new friend/nephew, and for the time being I'm enjoying it as it is. But I have this worried feeling that Sam is not going to help Jack emotionally, even if this works in the short term, because Jack has room to be suspicious of what Sam wants, and even if Sam doesn't ask for a while, he has a motivation for Jack to learn to control his powers beyond JUST wanting to help him. I think their dynamic is great and fascinating, but I am worried that from Jack's perspective he won't get the nuance of Sam - Sam needs to open up to him for one thing about his own fuck ups and what Azazel - another yellow eyed demon - did to him.
And Jack glancing at Sam who is watching him so intently is the tension here - can Jack trust Sam when Sam may be just as interested in Jack as Asmodeus was? How can a 5 day old TELL?
James has a super nice house.
Also Missouri is "not supposed to call" but they used a recent calls screen on her phone instead of a contacts list, and James was on it, which means that she HAS been in contact with him recently, and therefore prop department messed it up. The CGI in this episode has made 2 errors already >.>
"it's coming for you and pa-" nooo
I wanna see her on screeeeeeeeeeeeen
She was a John parallel in 1x09 and allied with him and withholding epic amounts of plot info that only she knew what could have been everything up to and including end of season 2 reveal stuff. Her powers make her kind of a disaster friend tbh. Like, great at a party but if you don't believe your mother has visions and is, idk, hysterical or something, then OH BOY that makes for some family trauma. We'll see how this shakes out but right now James at least is successful and rich and has nooothing to do with his mother even though he may potentially be psychic and repressed about it himself, since the wraith will be coming for him and Patience, and we know SHE is.
I kinda don't wanna make a parallel where she's the bad parent and fucked up her son who has repressed his powers because oh boy he's got like a Dean Smith level apartment and this is a can of worms I can't be bothered to delve into when Patience might be on screen soon.
Dean "yes ma'am"'d Missouri because everything is awful, because he'd "yes sir" John and oh god. Ow.
Jody is watching like "what the hell sort of dynamic have I missed here?"
She has been taking notes on these boys for years and she still doesn't know anything about them. I was thinking the other day watching 5x15 that when she meets them they're in Fed get up and they bluster at her like they're the authorities when she first challenges them, until she calls Bobby and sees through it and calls their crap. But something something defensive retreat into surface level clam shell around Jody, re: she had no idea Dean went to Purgatory, was a demon, or that Mary had come back to life, just for STARTERS.
I wonder if Missouri commenting on the car was a tie back to John as well specifically in her alignment. This season is all about fathers and without an actual John for Dean to deal with, bringing Missouri back as a John figure... eep
Meanwhile Jack is still squinting at a pencil and calling himself useless, so I think Sam is about to climb on his back and make him run through a swamp while beating him with a stick
(dear god I hope every single one of you has watched Empire Strikes Back)
Jack's catchphrase is "I don't -" he just doesn't understand. He doesn't KNOW.
Asmodeus was "in his head"
Holy shit and then Sam suggests Jack try that and Jack snaps back at him because HOLY SHIT SAM CAN YOU HEAR HOW BAD THIS SOUNDS?
You really can't, because you think you are doing a good thing but USB STICK, SAM. USB STICK.
Asmodeus was a master manipulator who made Jack want to do a thing so badly and used all the right words to make him do exactly what he wanted. Sam is nice enough not to brainwash Jack like see the pencil, be the pencil dramatics... But asking Jack to remember one of his many traumatic experiences? Noooo don't do it.
This is a very bad plan, Sam.
Anyway also Jack confirms how Asmodeus manipulated him and shows his innocence and also his feelings on what happened - how horrible it was for him to go through it, and, well, he was 3 days old and he got tricked and he has no emotional touchstones to handle this sort of thing :(
And Sam is just being way too rigorous - we take a break, he gets some food, then he'll come back and we try again? Nooo Sam.
(btw I have to say I have been saying over and over that Berens writes my favourite Sam, and this is indeed Berens making Sam absolutely fascinating, although I have to repeat, as a totally flawed and messed up person. No one was ever there for Sam to guide him through what he could do. He didn't even know how he moved that wardrobe the one time he did telekinesis... He's completely lost and trying to handle this alone and with a lot to prove because Dean's snapped at him and stormed off, and he wants Mary back... He's being like Dean - angry and taking it out on Jack - but in Sam's chill, deep under the surface way, and of course like Dean can spare smiles and hugs for Jody and Missouri, he still can have a kind and well-meaning surface layer just like Dean can have a happy one. But bring on the frustration and he slips and says the wrong things and now he's acting like a strict teacher....)
Jack's face that was cast to be both perfectly scowly and perfectly cute is now being used to be very scary and scowly.
She was badass and defiant to the end but it's still sad and we knew it was coming because, well... I swear there was spoiler chatter that Patience and Missouri would meet, but I suppose it's more like Patience is going to find out about her grandma and have to learn about her that way...
I mean the whole point of Wayward Sisters so far has been Jody collecting orphaned girls and she has a living father and until this point Missouri, so she has to end up in a way where Jody is now the only guiding light she has
but bleeeeeeeh.
ANYWAY like passing the baton, we get the last scene of Missouri (making a stand) and move to Patience.
She's a neeeerd
I love her
She is good at volleyball because she's psychic
heee wonder woman comparison. Blah blah meta from when Dean owned being wonder woman.
Her athletic friend looks nerdy and she describes her as being a bookworm athlete because Patience looks cool and athletic (she's very tall or her friend is short...) so there's 2 false binaries here: the nerd and athlete one where you can only be one or another. Her friend with the massive glasses and fringe (bangs?) is nerd-coded. And Patience carrying around her files but secretly being good at sports is the direct opposite... I like this imagery, no prizes for guessing where else I apply it :P
All the lights are flickering... It would be hilarious if SHE was causing it, just because monsters don't do that...
I think she is having a vision.
OH it was a dream, cool. (We're really expanding what psychics can do all of a sudden, because we're about to send 2 of them off into Wayward Sisters. If Kaia and Patience can hang out in dreams, that would be AWESOME. I bet visiting Patience's dream landscape once she has her powers under control would be amazing, if 8x08 and Fred's inner mind is anything to go off of :P)
Also OH NO poor Missouri. She's used her death as an omen for Patience, like, basically just because her father won't talk to her. I mean talk about spite, she's right in the John Winchester model of family, like, well guess I'll just DIE then, and get Patience to deal with this for me :P
Getting back to those flashing lights, also, even though it was just a dream, I do think it was interesting because Jack blew all those lights. I think it's a sign of losing control as much as a display of power - if we go from 4x01 and Cas doing it, it was just because raw power on display. In 13x01 for Jack it's both that and loss of control. For Patience it's the sign of the supernatural creeping up on her but also she loses control of her dream environment and Missouri invades it to send her the warning...
James has something on his screen about crude oil. He's probably like a stocks and shares guy or something. This house is ridiculous. Patience is going to be the rich kid on the team, and probably adjusting to the gross gritty life of being a hunter :P
Ooh she did recognise Missouri - so the contact wasn't broken off THAT long ago.... I say remembering how I thought she hadn't changed at all since season 1 :P
James doesn't give anything away about her phoning like, yesterday. He looks baaad about it.
Don't lie to kids about their powers and heritage...
I say side-eyeing Sam for not getting into the exact thing with Lucifer I was blah-ing on about at the top of this episode. Which is probably not helping Jack understand and control his powers
Oh noooo Dean at a Gas n Sip
hearing about the murder on the TV OH NO
I got to ask why it's night at the fortune teller's and day where Dean is.
Singer directed this and I'm up to 3 boo boos of the wraith not being in the mirror, the phone breaking the story, and the wrong time of day in the footage on TV so I'm just gonna side eye and move on. Maybe he's having an off week when he made this or something because when he's not directing Eugenie's scripts he's normally competent.
Knock Knock hello James
Wait, Dean has got massively more scruffy between scenes.
Is this a continuity about them driving all night?
I am loving the look. Gimme more of the season 9 look Dean.
They are kinda treating James like he knows and cares about monsters, when really he's a stock guy with a fancy house. Wrong approach, but telling the absolute truth. Dean, again, not sugar coating it. Jody has to step in and help with comforting sounding words about the truth. She, also, doesn't even mention she's a cop and is acting very much as Dean's partner on the hunt rather than a cop.
Patieeence. At school with her friend, who is badgering her about hot boys. Patience relucantly says okay fine he's hot. *wonders exactly how gay she is* Probably not with a huuuge crush on her friend but we'll see :P No one can be that "ugh" about the entire concept.
Patiiiience. She's been ACTIVATED.
The fact she had a couple of pencils sticking out of something in her locker just makes me think that over on the other side of the story Sam is trying to activate Jack's powers via a pencil.
HAHAHAHA She's awesome!!!
And she snaps the gross wraith spike off with like 0% of the fuss Dean made.
I LOVE the shot of Dean rushing down the stairs to follow the wraith... I also love that Jody is now united with Patience, and she's gonna glom onto her and drag her into her spiiiiin offffffffff
After all the fuss I'm making that better get picked up or I'm rioting.
Dean nearly gets hit by a blue van - hey, monsters in blue vans? 8x18, that time when Dean was like "what, my feelings????" when Sam asked him how he was, and then there was that creepy Metatron sweater dude being a terrible stand-in father for Krissy in like the dark timeline version of what Wayward Sisters is promising to become.
Bah Dean shaved again... Get the continuity together!!
Ohh no Patience thinks Missouri doesn't caaare... She ditched her after her mom died? heeeey-o John parallels where he emotionally ditched them after Mary died. Only this leads to Patience growing up with no idea about her powers... Except she has been unnerved enough by her deja vu to sound like she's researched it on wikipedia and reassured herself that hey this happens to everyone...
Well if she's not queer she's certainly having one hell of a metaphor journey :P
HOLY SHIT SAM. He put Jack in that table because there's a SECRET CAMERA
you know what Sam has done? Once he knew the BMOL put cameras in the bunker, he's gone and found their wifi and he's got into it with undefined magic hacking powers they all have and he's using Ketch's surveillance for his own purposes now.
Look. You mean well. You're reading the sort of parenting book for psychic kids you never had yourself (love it) but this is creepy! You shouldn't be spying on Jack!!!!
Sam has boundary issues with his magic nephew, more news at 10
I know I know  he's just concerned and worried and wants to do the right thing but he's not got any frame of reference for how to emotionally nurture someone. It's a MIRACLE and testament to his nature that he's come out anything like as sweet as he did. But oh boy this is bad. You can't just come running in yelling because Jack moved out of sight because now Sam has betrayed that he was watching Jack or WHY WOULD HE COME RUNNING IN IN SUCH A PANIC?
Jack's starting to sound done with everything and I love my Nougat child who likes sitting in dark corners.
He's not sitting cross-legged this time, it's much more like how Sam found him in 12x23
I think Jack seeks out dark shadowy places to lurk
His voice has literally changed to be more gravelly
But Dean thinks he'll be evil and Sam has surveillance set up on him...
Oh dear god let this be the Berens Speech of the episode that makes me weep openly
He's got all his comparisons to live up to but he doesn't have his angel watching over him!!!
I said earlier that's a bad comparison for Jack to treat him as his father AND that phrase needs to be hauled out and torn to shreds, but I think some short term guardian angeling will probably be good for Jack and maybe even Cas depending on how he feels when he gets back... I almost trust this season to treat that relationship slowly and carefully since they're being so absolutely on the nose with character development stuff being spelled out.
Sam's doing the "listen" thing and sitting down... Can you get to Jack?
Oh gosh he apologised for pressuring Jack
I didn't think that would work
I should yell at the screen more
OH YEAH HERE IT IS "I know what it feels like -" THAT WAS PART 2 OF "SAY THE THING"
It makes me cry
"Dean, Cas - my family helped me through" NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE FUCK OFF BERENS
"you're not evil, Jack" THANKS SAM, THOUGH
Meanwhile: Jody and Dean awkwardly stand next to each other while Patience has a Family Moment.
Dean's connection to Missouri goes so far back that Patience has to mean something to him in the sense that omg this is Missouri's family... However she treated Dean (and kinda scared him i think :P) he has an investment in them because Missouri was there at a bloody awful time for him, and she was helpful and good to them (and he has no idea she was lying about John the whole time - tbh the fact that she can see stuff that happened in a scene pretty much just confirms to me that what we DIDN'T see was that the first time John met her he took her to the nursery and BAM she sees the scene from 2x21 that Azazel showed Sam of the demon blood and she's like... ah.)
(pls refer to my pre-wayward sisters watching notes for actual thoughts on that :P I got super rambly and i'm not going over it AGAIN)
OH NO James grew up having total faith in her powers and then she said what James wanted to hear and told him the better news either making a mistake or doing EXACTLY WHAT WE SAW HER DO in her introductory seconds... Temporary help to alleviate pain but in the end - well, that guy's wife was still banging the gardener whether he knew it or not and one way or another he might find out...)
UGH Missouri what did you do.
Remember when I said I hated the Dean Smith life he made for himself? I HATE IT SO MUCH
I went to vent at Mittens about this and she told me she has been comparing Patience to Kev and James to Linda and that's another extremely awful way to look at all this :D
"I didn't want that life for you" I think it's interesting that James managed to put it all behind him SO effectively, especially if he's somewhat psychic himself (I BET IT HELPS WITH TRADING SHARES, IF IT HELPS WITH VOLLEYBALL. JUST SAYING)... He's basically done what both John and Mary repeatedly said especially in the context of Sam and just letting him go to school and live a life. Patience has got that - so far - but lo and behold it all catches up.
Aaaand James chooses to run again.
Like, it sucks, but "use her as bait and kill the wraith" is generally the better tactic when it comes to just confronting your problems. And the horror genre is ALWAYS about confronting those inner problems. In this case the wraith going specifically after the psychics in the family is blatantly a metaphor for this catching up and James no longer being able to pretend this isn't what his family is all about. I would say it's targeted at his decisions and Patience's awakening - a vision is one thing, an attack BECAUSE she had it seals the deal and makes it impossible to ignore.
And if James runs again, he only puts the problem behind them, to try and live normally but... Patience has already been changed by this encounter and Missouri's awakening.
Awwwwwwww nooooooooo flashback.
She's so SMOL.
This is all the perfect sort of emotional manipulation to get me completely attached to her.
I'm trying not to meta too much between The Man Pain and Patience's story (she's the POV character of WS I think? I mean I desperately want her to be, as the new character to the dynamic aside from Kaia who's being introduced later as a part of Claire's story - and I think I saw one comment somewhere in the PR and completely latched onto it) but there is something about James saying that Missouri's influence is poison and Patience learning to be psychic is something he desperately wants to avoid, and the parallel story with Jack also discovering his powers. Patience thankfully only seems to have Sam-like visions and will probably have Missouri's skill set (i mean sheesh this might not be a memory but a vision but in this case it's almost impossible to tell apart for Patience except that maybe this is literally the clarity of what she's remembering on screen :P) - I think it works better in the present day, that the adults are all here to weigh in on what Patience can be.
I think Missouri appearing in flashes mirrors Kelly to Jack, since he's not getting anything from Cas at the moment, so she's the beacon of someone who truly believes in Patience, and there was a sort of powers birth transfer awakening thing in the way Missouri dies and Patience gets her first strong vision that she can't shake off as deja vu.
Dean said that Missouri reads objects so Patience is probably getting this vision off the brooch, tbh.
This hazy memory is probably actually circa like... season 2 or something, if Patience is supposed to be school aged NOW and the show is THIRTEEN YEARS OLD so if she's like... 5... that's season 1 or 2, if she's roughly supposed to be 18
I am not good at maths btw feel free to call this out
That kid REALLY looks like young Patience, in that creepy SPN casting directors way
OH GOSH the vision parallels not just to Kelly but Missouri will always look out for her, and that's very much like Angels Are Watching Over You
put it back.jpg
Is James going to use his own secrit powers he's been repressing the entire time and find her?
Bless this entire metaphor of repression being overcome and accessing the true parts of yourself.
Is this the same creepy set that Cas once stabbed a demon in that time when he was looking for something or other? I can't even remember if that was season 10 or 11 or what he was looking for, but a gif of him wandering around doing The Eyebrow is common enough on my dash I don't forget that it happened :P
Oh great he basically has super wraith powers because he drinks people with super powers.
Stupid creepy wraith
Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!
"first: gross" I love her.
You were just starting to be cool
Wait is she having a vision, because Jody should probably not be dead right now if she has a spin off to be playing around in:P
I bet Dean's about to killed too
owie, that was embarrassing for him
He's super off his game if he lets himself get killed THAT EASILY
This was super metaphoric on so many levels though - once I know what happens with James I should get back to that, but Jody symbolically being killed and she's moving on to another property with her flock of girls, and DEAN, getting symbolically super killed like stabby stabby stabby, make it look good for the next time they have to recap how often they all die on this show.. :P But yeah, even just showing him dying is fascinating, especially with the context of how he's feeling.
And oh no Mittens pointed out he's not just off his game but if he saw Jody being dead, that's all his worst fears, and ANOTHER dead friend on his hands, and he did specifically come here to protect her, in his words. :<
I love the 2nd version of this. The new fight coordinator guy is really showing off. I type in the instant Dean grabs the rope because improvised weapons are a thing now :P
I should probably dig up that meta about veils between worlds because even if Dean didn't die he just got shoved through like 100 hanging sheets and that is ridiculously symbolic.
Nice one, Dean.
LOL his face. "welp, killed that guy"
I feel like there was a Moment there. Like maybe he thought hunting would make him feel something but -
oh no
I feel attacked by the bad continuity but the fact that the bad continuity is because Dean's apparently due some grief scruff
"You handled that wraith! Guess you still got it!!"
*dean pauses* *stares into the nihilistic dark void consuming his soul*
"guess so"
I hate this
Snuggly hoodie is snuggly. I wanna hug her
"Thank you, for everything" that phraaase nooo
James thinks she should put her gift away and get back to normal... But she has a spin off to go to.
elizabethrobertajones WHAT THE FUCK HE'S SCRUFFY AGAIN I'm phoning the continuity guy how do I find his number Dean's scruff has been coming and going all episode :P
mittensmorgul wait where are you?
elizabethrobertajones Dean's broken pls help him this must be the scene they wanted the scruff for and he showed up on day 1 of filming clean shaven and they were like... Jensen... no
mittensmorgul HAHAHA
elizabethrobertajones Dean's gotta talk about how everything sucks and he wants to just go live on the beach in a house made of sticks and you need at least 5mm of scruff for that speech
mittensmorgul oh no...
Anyway Dean and James agree - Patience should go live in her house and they should exploit their skills only for shares and volleyball. Dean is utterly, utterly defeated and he hates the job and it's the worst and everyone you love will die and you just have to kill monsters all day and it's not even FUN...
please help him
"you don't have to listen to him" because guess who is NOT THE BOSS OF US ON THE WAYWARD SISTERS SHOW?
That's right, The Man Pain(TM)
Jody you absolute beacon of sunshine and love and accepting yourself. She can see Dean's broken and spoke out of turn to what Patience might need in his own grief (and I think that must parallel to Sam's treatment of Jack somewhat although thankfully they resolved it back to a functioning relationship already) so she offers her an alternative.
OH NO and she refers to Claire as a sort of daughter
And she's so sad she couldn't keep Claire safe against her nature to be a hunter.
And Jody OBLITERATES repression completely. Go be gay with the Wayward Sisters. :D
"You try to force it down to make someone else happy, you will only make yourself miserable"
I love you Berens.
And Jody recruits another avenger :D
*glares at my tables tag* Sam is sitting alone in the dark at the war room table, exactly like the end of 9x06. Sometimes being right about the sneaky imagery the show uses feels so pointless because, well, I'm right, but to what purpose does this serve? The tables tag will never bring me glory in battle :P
Mittens just warned me to squish Taako for the rest of this scene so I'm in hug mode.
"How's the kid, did he go darkside yet?" "nooope."
I mean I'm using Sam's line as a reaction gif forever but OW.
Is Sam gonna call Dean out on what he's been saying about Jack? I scared.
"He's messed up because of you"
... uuh. Again. I'm gonna stop asking Berens for the next line of dialogue because i feel like I'm in that gameshow where they are trying to finish a phrase and I'm just asking for all the right letters while thinking I know what the phrase is and I am scared about what that phrase is.
And Sam is playing with the rings on the table, which Lucifer once did, and Sam did a few times in season 12 when things were HAIRY.
He fidgets when he is upset with his family.
"You think you can USE this freak"
I stand by that Sam has a dodgy approach to Jack but fuck that entire concept that Dean just aired, we're getting into Open Warfare in the fandom between the Sam n Dean factions, I can tell. Like... the only question is is this going to be worse than Sam Hit A Dog or In The Same Situation I Wouldn't, or both on top of each other?
Dean is wearing a black henley and Jack is wearing a white one I HATE IT
"I didn't end bad" OH WE ARE GOING THERE
Sam's been going there since Dean said "freak" because i have recently rewatched enough of season 1-4 to screeech when Dean said it.
And here's the season 2 thing back again
Dean no
(I mean... healthy communication and the truth? But like... not doing it at top volume in front of the kid??)
Wakey wakey
Okay I had to go to dinner and I took my laptop down and made my mum extremely sad
I noticed a couple of other things on the next pass through, mostly sneaky dialogue repeats that I can't remember
but pass 2 through that last argument anyway because I was rushing it
Oh teardrops in the bead curtain at Dede's place, because grief. More passing through veils too.
The 9x06 parallel because Sam has a pencil for Jack, and it's a different room in the Bunker but weird shades of them keeping Crowley there, at least on the negative side of how they're treating Jack. Not a true parallel - different room and they're not asking him to write anything down, and Jack is doubling as Kevin.
Thinking of doubles - Patience framed as having 2 consciences about whether she becomes a wayward sister or not in Dean vs Jody - very much like Jack having dual father issues. Jody says "don't listen to him" for the negative example and wafts it away with love and she's gonna keep Patience :3
Also I thought of like 18 more reasons why I love Patience while I was watching
So, 3rd pass through this argument... WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF
Sam confronting Dean is again something where the episode establishes a mixed sort of approach but overall he has a GOOD approach to Jack and the best he's getting at the moment. Dean calling out Sam for using Jack THAT loudly and angrily instead of gently critiquing his methods and asking Sam if he'd care if Jack couldn't get Mary back - that's something Jack can't overhear right now but super needs to.
Of course, Dean is the Worst Parent but he hasn't signed up for that role. He still has an influence over Jack and is too super pissed off to see Jack - and Jack is behind a wall, which takes us to Berens and 12x22 and the wall between Dean and Mary. Dean can't see Jack for what he is and that means he's saying all the wrong things and not even able to reach out to parent him.
Jack basically wakes Cas up to get him back so he can have a non-yelling parent who will be uncomplicatedly good and the angel who watches over him.
(More on that dynamic once they interact a bit)
The fact Sam summons the spectre of John to tell Dean that he told him to put a bullet in Sam... Of course Dean can refute what John said and that Sam deserves to be saved which is lovely but you know. Awful argument. Not really the time for that sentiment :P Dean can see Sam - knows and trusts him like no one else in the universe; even Cas in some respects, because Cas is complicated and it's always so messy, that he keeps on giving Cas trust but Cas leaves or does stuff Dean doesn't approve of, and Sam is generally easier for him to deal with...
(Also the complicated feelings about Cas)
Sam goes and demolishes that this is about Mary. That Dean might be SAD about her and losing her but that he knows as well as Sam that she's gone because she went into that fight willingly, to protect them.
Cas, on the other hand, Dean absolutely can't see past. Dean's *entire* problem with Jack is because he lost Cas. Because he looks at Jack and sees dead Cas. Sam can explain how Mary chose to punch Lucifer right in the face (hehe) in some easy steps, but Dean then spells out his perception on what happened to Cas because of Jack.
I am so not over how the only time I've seen Dean this angry with Sam is in 9x22 and he yells right in his face and - GAH. I mean he's been angry with him before but it was a cold, sad or defeated anger, usually with tears involved. This is wide eyed, crazed, Mark of Cain Dean, who then walked around the corner and flipped back to a smooshy smile because Cas was there.
And this fight is taking place in almost the same space of turf as that argument, because heeey war room where the wars take place.
At this point, after "you might be able to forget about that, but I can't", I am pretty sure that Destiel has just gone horrifically canon in like the worst possible way, that Dean calls out the difference in their feelings about Cas.
It's literally putting on the table "is sam a dick or does dean just love cas in a special kind of way"
and dear god, Sam is not a dick.
Sam is amazing.
But not as much as Misha Collins who got a special card with his name on and "starring" above it, just for opening his eyes and sitting up.
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taekookbook · 7 years
BTS as Flirty Starbucks Guys - Jimin
Request by@belikelasagna: Annyeonggg Request: Them as flirty Starbucks guyss Hope you don’t mind me requesting reeeally often!! :))
Please remember I’m going to be posting 1 a day for the next 7 days (a member a day) and it’s going to be in the order in which the ideas came to me and I wrote them😋
They all vary in length but I’ll give a word count before each one💁
Guys, this is the second to last one, I can’t believe it!🙊🙌
I absolutely loved writing this one and I’ll give you one guess why😏… *cough* BIAS *cough* Seriously though, Jimin’s came to me so easily and I actually hand wrote his in one afternoon😅😍
Again, you guys amaze me! Getting me to over 800 followers in less than a week??!?!?!😭😘I honestly will never be able to thank you enough for all the love and support💖
Let me know what you think and, as always, feel free to make requests (HERE)
I will update my Masterlist soon and I promise another update for Heartbreak Girl is coming, but I was busy working on this😅
Member: Jimin
Length: 1154 words
“I feel accomplished.” You sigh.
“That’s great, how come?”
“I managed to say ‘hi’ this time without stuttering once.” You’re still smiling.
“I’m so proud of you, but also where is your drink and the piece of cake we were going to share?” Your cousin asked and you blush, looking anywhere but at her raised eyebrows, a knowing look plastered on her face.
“Um, I sort of forgot to order when he smiled at me.” You mumble and hear rather than see your cousin face palm.
“That’s the 3rd time since we’ve been coming here together. I’m going to starve at this rate whenever I’m with you.” She groans playfully and you sigh again, leaning your chin against your palm.
“I can’t help it.” You plead, pouting at her when she looks at you. “He literally does anything and I all but forget my name. Actually, I think I forgot it once when I was here with Y/B/F/N and she had to tell him for me.” You’re blushing again and your cousin simply smiles at you and shakes her head.
“What am I going to do with you?” She asks jokingly, laughing when you grin bashfully at her.
“Would you mind ordering please? I still kind of want that cake.”
“I feel like a proud dad.”
“Tae, 1) I’m older than you and 2) Why are you dripping water on your face?” Jimin questions (although he doesn’t even know why he bothers anymore because it’s Taehyung) before looking back towards the coffee grinder he was currently refilling.
“Because my dear Jiminie,” Taehyung hops onto the counter near him and Jimin sighs because Jin had just wiped that counter down and lord help Taehyung if he comes back out from his office (Manager privileges) from his break and sees, because as much as Taehyung can annoy him at times, he likes his best friend alive thanks.
“You made it through a whole 5 minutes and an awkwardly sweet hello, without going as red as Jungkookie still does when his girlfriend comes to see him after he’s finished a shift and gives him a kiss on the cheek.” Taehyung states simply and Jimin nudges his shoulder with his own. “Also the water is fake tears, for effect.” He does jazz hands next to his face and Jimin laughs lightly, shaking his head.
“Hey, don’t pick on the kid. I think it’s cute that Kookie still blushes and anyways, I’m more mature than him so I’d hope I can manage 5 minutes without going red.”
“Jimin, I love you dearly but the second time Y/N came in you literally hid in the back and made me take her order because, and I quote ‘I just need a minute, or 20 because she’s just, I can’t–’ then insert you groaning for a solid 3 minutes before Namjoon-hyung came and hauled your butt out because he broke another glass and Hobi-hyung had to bandage his hand again.” Taehyung now had his hand on Jimin’s shoulder in a comforting but also ‘don’t try deny it’ kind of way and Jimin sighs, running a hand through his hair like he usually does when he’s frustrated.
“Is it that bad and that obvious?” Jimin groans softly and it’s Taehyung’s turn to sigh.
“To everyone but Y/N apparently.”
Jimin groans again and leans his head against Taehyung’s shoulder while Taehyung pats his best friend on the back sympathetically.
“I think I can help you both out.”
This time it’s more of a whimper than a groan that Jimin lets out because any time that Taehyung has remotely suggested help to anyone, it’s ended up a little short of disaster and to be honest he’s really kind of scared.
It’s been maybe another 2 visits to Starbucks since your last brave (in your mind at least) Jimin encounter with your cousin and you have still not yet managed to get out more than your name, order and a small hello.
You were slowly feeling more confident, remembering to order even after Jimin smiled at you. So when you walk in on a late Wednesday afternoon after your last class like usual, you stop dead in your tracks at the sight in front of you.
The shop still had a few people in, slowly sipping on drinks and talking to their friends or loved ones, or sitting with their laptops or a book in front of them, but that’s not the sight that halted you.
What stops you is the sight of Jimin behind the collection side of the counter, a steaming mug – of what looks like tea – in front of him, next to a giant chocolate chip cookie resting on the plate beside it.
You look up from the items on the counter only to make eye contact with him causing your cheeks to flush and you to look away, attempting to compose yourself.
Slowly, you make your way over to the counter and look up to meet one of the other employee’s eyes – Taehyung, if his nametag is correct – who is standing behind the register.
About to open your mouth to greet him and place your order, you hear your name being called – by the voice of an angel – and meet the bright gaze and even brighter smile of Jimin, who is pointing to the order still in front of him (which happened to be your usual Wednesday order but it’s cool, you weren’t fixating on that or anything.)
“Um,” You feel your cheeks heating up even more and have to fight the urge to cover them with your hands. “Thank you.” You finish, opening your purse to take out your money to pay when you hear a voice in front of you, Taehyung, say no.
“No?” You question, your attention back on him as he shakes his head.
“It’s already been paid for.” He grins and you are stunned for a second at his adorable smile, before realising he’s pointing to Jimin.
Once again you turn your attention back to Jimin, and when he ducks his head at your shy smile – his cheeks turning rosy – you don’t feel nearly as embarrassed at the bright pink you figure your cheeks are from how hot your face feels.
“Thank you.” You repeat, this time to Jimin himself as you walk over to him as he runs a hand through his hair (you swear your heart skips a beat) before smiling sweetly, his eyes disappearing into crescents as your heart definitely skips a beat that time.
“You’re welcome Y/N.” His voice is soft and soothing, and when you reach forward to grab your mug and he reaches forward to pass it to you and your fingers brush against each other, you start to think that maybe all those romantic movies you’ve watched about feeling sparks when you touch and love at first sight, might not be a load of rubbish after all.
84 notes · View notes
AU Natear Meredy as their biological daughter Drabble
            Meredyloved her mother, she really did. After all, it was because of her oldaffiliations that Meredy was able to obtain that book on Maguilty Sense andstart studying it at her young age. Kaasan also treated her to ice-cream, andshowed some of her old memories through her Arc of Time. And she gave sage,level-headed advice on practically anything.
            ... ButMeredy was a die-hard daddy’s girl. C’mon, they had the same friggin’ pinkhair! Wasn’t that awesome?! What’smore, he was a free spirit. That meant whenever she was weighed down by all ofkaasan’s rules and her ‘you will study, and you will like it’ attitude, he wasthe one to give her a release. Like… slipping poison ivy into Uncle Gray’spants after he’s stripped down. Or… planting Kemo-Kemo plants all around Erzaand Jellal’s yard (mostly to make Jellal paranoid, but Auntie Erza loves thoseplants, so he won’t dare touch them). Tousan made her childhood fun, and hecontinued to make her smile and laugh into her teenage years. When Kaasan wouldn’tlet her keep a cute bunny rabbit that could leap twenty feet in the air andbreathe fire, tousan set up a rabbit hutch deep in the woods, where Meredywould visit it daily and feed and play with it. Of course, they had tofireproof the hutch… and make a bigger cage when they found out this thing wasgonna be huge when it grew up (it was as tall as her now, and looked every bitas cute as the day she’d found it). Put simply, kaasan would flip if she foundout she and tousan were still raising this rabbit. Also… Tousan helped her makefriends with Romeo and Asuka. And he comforted her when she was sad or feelingdown. While kaasan would help her when she was injured, tousan did the best jobof keeping her warm and making her feel loved and protected. Kaasan had thatsame effect, of course, but the physical warmth tousan exuded was enough tomake harsh winters a breeze, and, when needed, put meanies in their place(basically, tousan beat the adults that teased her extra hard in the Guildbrawls).
            Meredydearly loved her parents. They balanced each other out. And right now, she wasn’twith either of them.
            “Make thewater go ‘sploosh’ again!” Meredy whined. The old man she was sitting next tosighed breezily.
            “No. Iwould like to catch something this time, and disturbing the water scares awaythe fish.” He answered calmly, as he was used to such a request. Shouldn’t she,you know, have grown out of such childishness by now?
            … Oh wait. Shewas a teenager.
            A beat wentby. Then another. And yet another. Then…
            “Have youcaught anything yet?”
            “No.” Tothe man’s credit, he managed to keep any irritation out of his voice, eventhough they’d spent the last two hours like this. Then again, it shouldn’t bemuch of a surprise…
            “When areyou going to learn?! Fishing takes time!” Brandish huffed out on the other sideof August. Seriously, why couldn’t this girl take it easy? Jeez. “Stop buggingGrandpa!”
            Meredy rolledher eyes. Fishing was, like, the one thing she didn’t like about tousan. Kaasansaid her distaste for fishing came from her; it was just so… mind-numbingly dull.Like, 99% of the time, you’re just sitting there, waiting to get a bite. Onlywhen you get a bite do you have to focus, and reel those suckers in. At least,this has been Meredy’s experience; in her defense, she’s nagged tousan, AuntieJuvia, Cousin August, and Grandpa Gildarts into doing stuff to the water tomake things more exciting. And sometimes, Cousin Brandish would make the fishgrow reeeally big. None of that wasconducive to fishing, but it kept Meredy entertained, and Happy was thrilledwhen the fishies were ginormous.  
            … Andthrough all of that, Meredy didn’t find her family tree odd in the least.Kaasan explained tousan had apparently jumped through time 400 years, whiletousan’s brother lived those 400 years and had a child with Granny Mavis. Thatmade August her Cousin, and Meredy hasn’t stopped calling him that, much toBrandish’s bewilderment and August’s (slight) amusement. Sure, the fact theylived on separate continents meant they didn’t get to see each other much, butthey were still family. Meredy had been around seven or eight when the twocontinents were at war, so it was easy for her to just see them as family.After all, she’d been on different battlefields when Brandish and August wereattacking, so she had never seen them as frightening enemies. Tousan and kaasanwere a bit different, but they still entrusted her to August’s care when theywere visiting Alvarez on business. Reason being that he retired from being aSpriggan Shield after the war, to spend his days renewing his bond withBrandish.
            Meredy’seyes suddenly darted across the water as she spotted a fish passing by at arapid pace.
            “Ooh, there’sone! Quick, Randi, blow it up!” Meredy predictably demanded. Brandish couldfeel a tick mark developing on her forehead, as she didn’t like Meredy pickingup that nickname from Dimaria, but she obliged the pinkette, and the fishsplashed much of the river all over as it suddenly had a ridiculous growthspurt. It towered over all four of them, and Happy hungrily circled itoverhead.
            Augustsighed as he was out one more fishing spot. He could just as easily put thewater back, but the fish weren’t going to come around here anytime soon withthat disturbance. And as he saw the sun begin to dip over the horizon, hesupposed it was for the best. Using a Spell to cut the enlarged fish into smallerchunks, he had Brandish enlarge the cooking fire nearby, and Meredy let herparents know they’d be back soon. Maguilty Sense was more than just a combatSpell, after all – many Spells could be used constructively, with enoughcreativity.
            “Kaasan saysthat’s good; Granny wants to talk to you.” Meredy announced, carefree, after ashort while.
            “You shouldaddress Her Eminence with more respect,” August chided the girl as he watchedover the fish chunks getting cooked. Meredy just laughed and lay sprawled outon the grass, arms propped under her head.
            “But that’swhat Granny Irene wants me to call her~. We might not be related, but she kindathinks we coulda been at some point.” Meredy mused. And it was true enough;Irene had looked into her daughter’s relationship with the Dragon Slayer, andbeen fairly disappointed when that same daughter had kept it at friendship.Such a shame… But that didn’t mean Irene couldn’t act benevolent towards Natsuand his family.
            “At leasttry to be a little more respectful in your tone…” August replied wearily. It’dbeen a looong day.
            “Nopromises~.” It was Irene’s wishes against his, after all. Meredy could beformal when she wanted to, but that didn’t mean she liked that way ofaddressing people. Die-hard daddy’s girl, remember?
            “Would youput the forks down? It’s gonna be a while still, and you’re not gonna devourthe whole thing yourself.” Brandish grumbled at the blue tomcat who was fixatedon the large fish chunks, across from where Meredy was sprawled out haphazardly.
             “Challenge accepted!” Happy puffed out hischest, eliciting a groan from the green-head. It looked like it was going to beanother ‘contest’ between them… Not that it was much of one, when Brandishshrunk her competition when they were neck and neck.
            Meanwhile,Meredy continued to beam up at the rosy sky. A lot of people saw her family aseccentric, and scratched their heads at the size of her ‘extended family’ –which, to be fair, included the Fairy Tail Guild, Granny Irene, Cousin August,Cousin Brandish, and maybe a few others she wasn’t thinking of off the top ofher head – but she wouldn’t give this up for the world. It hurt to lose GrandpaMakarov and a few others over the years, but for the time being it seemed likeno one else was going anywhere, and no wars seemed to be on the horizon. Afterdinner, they’d fly back to the capital on Air Happy, and probably stay thenight before flying back in the morning via the same jumbo-sized cat. Lots ofpeople would find that fantastical and outlandish, but for Meredy, it was thetypical life of the Dragneel family.
            Every daywas an adventure~.
           Note: I know it didn't feature Natsu and Ultear - just talked about them - but I figured this was a good prompt to ponder about the 'extended family' that Meredy would have. Phwwwh. August being Meredy's Cousin cracks me up.... But it'd be true. XD Hope you enjoyed it a little.
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