#spring awakening london
likeimurloverr · 4 months
Guys wake up we got a clip of jack singing “and then there were none”
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abottlvr · 4 months
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Spring Awakening 15th Anniversary Concert - 2nd June 2024
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kiri666art · 4 months
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Stars left behind. (2024)
Digital illustration
characters I love 🤝🏻 Jack Wolfe
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rosetintedpages · 4 months
Oh jack wolfe is rehearsing two shows and I'm just supposed to go on with my day and not spend all my time focused on that?
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fulfillingbineeds · 5 months
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Iwan Rheon as Moritz Stiefel Spring Awakening - London West End 2009
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
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Another photo from Saturday 27 May 2023, with the theatre group Chickenshed, via Instagram
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ballisticiansfolly · 2 years
It was in the stars – Trying to pick up and understand things referenced in The English, pt. 2/2
"Without you, I'd have been killed right at the start."
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So, this is the second part of my writings about The English. Like the first one it's rather long, but unlike the somewhat scattered part one I'd say this one is more cohesive and easier to follow if the reader doesn't skip parts. I'm actually super excited to post this, because the topic of this post, a look into the religious beliefs of the Skiri, was what started this whole writing process two weeks ago. The more I looked into the topic, the more interesting it came. Most of the information for this post came from James Murie and Douglas Parks's book Ceremonies of the Pawnee, Part I: The Skiri.
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Neither Eli Whipp nor Ckirirahpiks were names Eli had had since birth. Generally a Pawnee man would change his name several times during his life. Names were usually changed and bestowed publicly as a part of certain ceremonies. (Murie, J. R. and Parks, D. R. (1981) Ceremonies of the Pawnee.) Eli had most likely gotten the name Wounded Wolf because of his actions in the Massacre Canyon battle of 1873, and he wasn't particularly fond of it. The reasons for that were cultural.
According to the Skiri religious teachings a wolf was the first creature to experience death: people killed it for its deceitfulness and untrustworthiness, and as a consequence people and animals were destined to grow old and die. Overall wolves were seen as crafty and having thieving traits. In contrast, a wife or a daughter of a chief was expected to act with humility, be generous, and have a strong sense of social responsibility (Parks, D. R. and Pratt, L. N. (2008) A Dictionary of Skiri Pawnee.).
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When it came to religion, the Skiri Pawnee were "the great star specialists."  Their belief system focused on visible objects on the night sky, whereas the South Bands largely counted upon animals for support and guidance.  The Skiri regarded stars east of the Milky Way as male gods, while the female powers reigned in the western sky. The creator of both heavens and heavenly gods was Tirawahat.
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Religion and concern for the supernatural permeated most of the life of a Pawnee. The Pawnee seasonal rituals were tied to the observation of the stars and planets. The star god powers were believed to control food supply and war, and the animal powers controlled health and disease. Bundles, both sacred and lesser ones, served as shrines and were linked to different deities and animals, from whom a bundle derived its powers. Their leather coverings could double as star maps.
The village and band bundles were sacred bundles whose keepers were village heads. But each sacred bundle also had its own priest, kurahus, who was responsible of the ritual and knowledge linked to this specific bundle. The oldest and most important sacred bundle is the Evening Star bundle, wrapped in yellow calf leather. The story goes that Morning Star gave Evening Star the Evening Star bundle, and she passed it to the Pawnee people. The keeper of the Evening Star bundle was the chief of the Skiri, and the priest of the Evening Star bundle was the grand high priest of the Skiri.
The Evening Star bundle was necessary for the Thunder or Renewal Ceremony, also known as the Spring Awakening ceremony. The modern proper names of the twin stars of Kûhat are Lesath and Shaula.
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In order to find the eastern and western halves of the night sky, you need to know your directions. I appreciated that The English had its viewers learn astronomy alongside Cornelia and there were actual constellations for us to see. It was great to learn to locate the North Star by following the line from the Big Dipper's ladle to the handle of the Little Dipper. As a side note, Evening Star's Pawnee name Cûpiriktâka directly translates to 'female white star.' When pronounced the consonant cluster 'kt' becomes the geminate 'tt' (Parks & Pratt, 2008). Morning Star Hûpirikucu means 'large star.'
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The wife of the keeper, or some female relative, cared for the bundle when it was not in use. A bundle was hung (from one of the rafter poles) at the west side of the lodge, and below it was an altar, wihâru. The altar symbolised the garden of the Evening Star in which there were hills of corn that were kept green all the time. When the corn in this field dies, it is time for the world to come to an end. Four heavenly powers - Thunder, Lightning, Wind, and Cloud - looked after the garden and were always ready to obey Evening Star. In addition to them, Evening Star had four protectors: Bear, Mountain Lion, Wolf, and Wildcat.
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According to the Skiri, Tirawahat made the heavens and then placed stars as gods there. The first one was Morning Star who was the god of war and had greater powers than any other god. The second god Tirawahat placed was Evening Star, the horticultural god, who was a beautiful woman and the mother of the first human being, a girl. The third and fourth were Big Black Meteoric Star, the god of knowledge, and Red Star who controlled the coming of the day.
The fifth ones created were the four powers mentioned earlier - Thunder, Lightning, Wind, and Cloud - and after them a group of divine chiefs watching over people. Placed seventh in the heavens were two beings in the north, Wind Ready To Give and Hiccough, who were ready to give when people were in need. Tirawahat placed Wolf Star eight in the heavens because he himself was a god for the wolf family and through the wolves would help the people.
North Star was the ninth placed in the sky and his job was to stand still. His father was South Star, the god of death, who rose now and then to see if his son was still at his post. South Star ruled over the land of the dead, the pathway to which is the Milky Way. Next Tirawahat created Black Star who was painted blue and controlled animals. Finally, Tirawahat placed Sun and Moon in the heavens. They gave the Skiri power through visions and dreams and were the parents of the first human male.
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Above in bold text (the light weight ones are clarifications I added afterwards for the purposes of this post) are the steps in the first song sung during the Thunder Ceremony, the ritual associated with the Evening Star bundle. The song recounts how the world was created after Tirawahat had made the heavens and how the first humans came into being. While reading it I was reminded of something:
"How come you came from the South?" "Well... Should've left from Liverpool and I get that now. But, um, Southampton was closest, so that's how I ended up in New Orleans. The thing was, I was in a bit of a hurry and my son had just died, so... so my mind was foggy. Not foggy. It was more, um... it was more... I don't really know what it was. Or is, really. But, um... but the man responsible is here, so here is where I must be..."
I was gobsmacked, and started checking and my suspicions were proved correct: the whole plot of The English is a recreation of the Skiri Pawnee creation myth!
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And no, despite Eli's somewhat misleading words he is not Morning Star of this story - that's David Melmont! The whole thing starts in Powder River '75 when the ambitions and amoral actions of David Melmont lead him to stumble through (in a very fucked up way and skipping a number of steps) the warpath rituals of the Skiri - all under the watchful eyes of the messenger of their supreme being. And as mentioned, wolves are deceitful creatures.
When a warrior leader sets out on a warpath he borrows his warrior's regalia from a bundle priest; Trafford's trip was co-financed by Cornelia's father at her behest. Then the man selects volunteers to go with him and rejects some, particularly those who can't stay awake; Corporal Jerome McClintock and Troopers Billy Myers and Timothy Flynn were at Sand Creek '64 as First Volunteers and volunteer for this massacre, too. War stories are told and pipes smoked, then the leader instructs one of the men to hunt for a buffalo skull on the prairie; McClintock and his cronies have gone AWOL under the pretext of hunting buffalo.
Next, the leader makes an offering of tobacco to gods (among others one called Father Hawk) and announces his intention to kill and scalp enemies and chooses his second-in-command; "So, what are you gonna do with him when you found him this, er, this Hawkey fella?" Finally, the warriors are supposed to attack a village with the intention of killing and scalping a few men. Four men are selected to do the scalping. After the attack the war party has to return riding horses in a single file. The men imitate wolves and the leader's head and face must be painted red.
After the warriors' return back to the village informal celebrations were held in the outskirts of the village. When the leader had visited his own lodge he returns the borrowed regalia to the priest he borrowed it from, recounts the tale, and smokes a pipe. The leading warrior (the one who took the first scalp) is supposed to cover the costs of the closing ceremony at the priest's lodge and he may ask for help from others for this. At the closing ceremony the priest opens the bundle in his care and replaces the sacred objects in it with new ones. After the priest has given his closing speech the scalp owner will start preparing a thank-you gift for this priest.
After the ceremony "the scalp owner was now under under obligation to lead a good life [...] for he was to make the New Fire for the people." As we well know, in Hugo Blick's version Melmont ends up raping Cornelia and stealing her money, thus becoming a manifestation of Morning Star, now preternaturally successful in all his endeavours. Morning Star was known to the Skiri as the father of the first human, a girl, who he begat by vanquishing Evening Star's four animal protectors and then "marrying" her. Morning Star was a god who provided fertility and success in war, but the prize he asked for his aid was sometimes a human sacrifice. He was painted red, had a soft downy head, and carried a war club.
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When asked Eli justified his return to Watts's hotel that he had wanted to retrieve his bag. Originally my reaction to that day's events had been like Eli's, something I was willing to overlook despite its overall weirdness. With the new perspective, I'd say that there had definitely been signs Eli had noticed subconsciously and to which he'd reacted.
Firstly, Eli (Wolf) had gotten attacked when he asked for water; clouds (a source of water) and wolves being linked to each other in the Skiri culture. When Wolf's death had seemed imminent, Cornelia had arrived from south (South Star ruled over the land of the dead) and stepped out of Sebold's stagecoach passing the dead bird (A bluebird carries prayers to the sky). Then despite the still air, wind had blown on her face. Wind was one of the powers obeying Evening Star, and Wind Ready To Give (or Send Forth) and Hiccough were heavenly beings from north who were ready to help those in need of aid.
Evening Star could perform wonders by speaking and waving her arms, and irrationally Cornelia's actions had led to Eli's release. When Eli returned having escaped death, he found her wearing a scarlet dress; the colour red also associated with wolves. Like Evening Star Cornelia even had her own Evening Star bundle, the locket. So Cornelia and Eli set off on horses whose colours matched the aforementioned star and its sacred bundle (white and yellow). The long winter was over, Evening Star had decided one hell of a Spring Awakening was in order.
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ipwarn · 1 year
Òk, because I am bored and waiting for my laundry to be done, I shall do my yearly post guessing who will be at Elsie. I should probably wait till we get actual information on the when and where (and if) but as I said I am bored. 
Betsy Wolfe (obviously I guessed her last year but this seems like a no-brainer) 
Josh Groban (again I’m going first with people I know Darren can just call up and invite) 
Ashley D Kelley (she’s awesome and she’s a fan of Starkid)
Justin Tranter (either him or some cast members from Rise of The Pink Ladies - gotta have that musical TV representation) 
One of the leads from New York New York? (not sure about this because I don’t really know much about either of them but still seems likely)
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mysticeyeliner · 2 years
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yououghtaknow · 2 years
making plans to see an absolute holy trinity of musicals next year (n2n, ghd, sa)
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likeimurloverr · 3 months
Still not over Jack Wolfe as Moritz Stiefel btw
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meraki-yao · 9 months
I'm here once more to talk about RWRB fan culture difference :D
Okay so the thing is people in China can't access Prime, so they watch a "pirated" version on Bilibili, the closest Chinese platform to YouTube
And on most Chinese video platforms, including Bilibili, there's this thing called "bullet comments", which are comments that float across the screen as the scene is playing, so the audience can comment in real-time (according to my sister: 'it's like a twitch chat but instead of staying in the chatbox as god intended everything flies across the screen like a flock of deranged geese')
And it can be problematic at times, especially when people start an argument with bullet comments, as it is with idol culture-related videos
But for RWRB, for the most part, the bullet comments are civil
Now the fun thing is that you can get genuinely wonderful comments like these:
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He was alone on an island, but then he came...
He swims toward the little prince, and since then the lonely island blossoms like spring, a neverending glorious summer.
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The freeing wind of Texas breezed past the Atlantic Ocean, awakening the dying rose of the London Castle
"Idealistic" is good, we need "idealistic" works to show people another possibility
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Statues tell the stories of a million lives, and they are an ordinary pair among them
But then you also have hilarities like these:
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The entire pink circle is literally just feral screaming, 啊="AHHHHHH"
Ha, I put on my earphones
I'm overwhelmed by the gays
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Poor security guard (Amy) Hahahahahaha
Alex: These Flowers are really flowery
Henry: OMG These books are so bookish
In moments of awkwardness, everyone will pretend they are really busy
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I'm on the streets...What do I do
Wait! Who's the top! (yeah top or bottom is a.. weirdly strict thing in Chinese LGBT culture)
Remember to pull the curtain!!!!
Fuck Me Am I allowed to watch this?
I really like a quote from Bilibili audience's: "AHH???"
So when I watch stuff on Bilibili, I have to watch it twice: once for the actual video, and once for the *chef's kiss bullet comments that are either poems that I copied down onto my notebook or things that make me laugh until I choke
I really want to share more of these comments, but there are like thousands of them and certain things can't be translated into English. Maybe I'll go through it scene by scene and pick out some fun ones that I can translate?
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kiri666art · 4 months
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(Made by me lol)
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rom-e-o · 4 months
Just for us. (Modern AU) (Constance and Ebenezer)
I'm feeling rested and wanted to bring another fluffy, slightly spicy, saccharine sweet story for these two cute-patooties. 💗 
This fic is 18+ and includes sexual, post-coital scenarios and descriptions (nothing is explicit, but better safe than sorry, haha).
Full fic is below the cut.
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The distant honking of a car horn was not the best way to awaken from an otherwise peaceful slumber, but it was Constance’s fault for falling asleep with the bedroom window ajar.
Hours before, she’d opened the window to enjoy the evening’s spring breeze. After all, she and her husband had just emerged from a fête held by the Lord Mayor himself. While it had been a beautiful event, it had felt like a crime to spend the golden midday inside. She had basked in the sun during the brief walk to the private car, and again when they returned to the flat and she entered the bedroom.
It was spring – a magical time of year where the skies stayed light blue even late into the evenings, and clouds rolled over from angelic white to a deep mauve. When the sun set at the perfect angle, the light dappled across the airy shapes in kisses and crescents as pink in color as strawberry cream.
The air wasn’t as sweet-smelling in London as it was in the upstate New York countryside – where honeysuckle grew unhindered, and the humidity thickened the nectar-tinted air into honey – but it was enough. She’d opened the shades and leaned into the light, still in her glittering gown and diamond choker.
Moments later, her husband had followed her. He slowly walked up behind her, giving her time to notice his presence before he reached out to hold her. Once his arms were about her svelte waist, he proceeded to place kisses upon her bare shoulder as they looked over the sunset.
He then hummed against her skin, the burr sending a ripple of gooseflesh across her tanned, freckled body.
“Gorgeous,” he had whispered, both in regarding to the view and the woman resting betwixt his arms. “Bloody gorgeous, you are.”
He nosed her neck, encouraging her to tilt her head back. She did so, and he inhaled a heavy lungful of her tangerine and vanilla perfume like it was pure oxygen. After doing so, he kissed the velvety skin, and Constance practically melted.
Moments later, his kisses upon her neck traversed a path from her sun-warmed shoulders. He noticed she had a bit of a sunburn on the protruding edges of her clavicle, right where the sun could caress the skin directly. He didn’t touch the skin as to not irritate it further, but made a mental note to apply some aloe there later.
After giving the flesh there bouts of proper worship, he moved to her lips. When their mouths met, it was his turn to whisper praise. His soulful voice created the most stunning moans when their mouths and bodies met, which she eagerly swallowed and returned with her own expressions of heady praise.
His hands remained wrapped around her waist, nestled around the narrowest part of her, even as she turned in his arms to help deepen their kiss.
After returning his enthusiasm and adoration tenfold with her hips and hands, he lifted her and carried her to the canopied, four-post bed behind them. It was a short journey, but that didn’t mean it didn’t require ceremony. For him, every moment with her called for cheers and celebration, as well as a flair of romanticism. If his former self could only see him now, he’d be disgusted … then secretly jealous.
With a twirl and a laugh, she landed on her back … and stayed in exactly that position through the rest of the evening.
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Then, later that night, the spell was broken by a car alarm.
Groggy from the interruption, Constance glanced up and over to the antique clock her fiancé kept on his bedside table. The hands reflected a somber reality in their crooked placement; it was five past three o’clock in the morning.
The alarm was distant, but persistent enough to be annoying.
Did she really need to shut the window? Perhaps she could ignore it.
… It was quite persistent, unfortunately. It wasn’t one of those steady alarm tones that eventually blended out with the other ambient noise, like the hum of cicadas. No. This alarm had a rhythmic, pulsing tone that made it impossible to get used to.
She’d get it in a moment, she decided. Just ten more seconds, she concluded. She was so warm and comfortable.
After hitting the metaphorical ‘snooze’ button for the decision at hand, she allowed her head to drift back down toward the bed. Her copper curls cascaded down her back and curled into her peripheral vision in the form of lightly tousled spirals.  
When she felt her cheek collide with cologne-scented flesh instead of bedsheets, she paused. With a hum, she lifted her head again and directed her gaze to the top of the bed.
She found herself laying atop her husband, her cheek pressed to his chest and her bosom weighty against his abdomen. Her arms had found purchase wrapped around his torso. His legs caged her on either side. His spent cock nudged the softness of her bare stomach. His hand, large and lightly calloused, rested upon her upper back, his long fingers splayed across the planed of her shoulder blades. The placement was equal parts tender and protective, as he held her tightly enough to keep her close, but not secure enough to keep her captive.
He stirred sleepily as he felt her move. Blinking awake, he slowly lifted his head and glanced around. Reality slowly coalesced around him in blurring flashes of lightly and shifting shapes of shadows.
Upon laying eyes on her, a grin caressed his cheekbones. Somehow, his jaw remained sharp, even when his brow and the wrinkles around his eyes softened during slumber.
“Well, well. Good morning.”
His grip tightened around her, and he let out a pleasant hum. “And what a lovely sight to awaken to, I’d say. I could get quite used to this.”
His voice was still groggy from sleep, and his adorable smile caused a matching one to bloom upon her own face. By reflex alone, she reached a hand up to caress his cheek. He tilted his head to burrow against her hand, his sideburn scrubbing her palm as he did so. She giggled, slightly ticklish and enjoying the sensation all the same, stroked his cheekbone with the tip of her thumb.
“Good morning,” she whispered back, “Albeit barely.”
His confusion was belated as he registered the darkness of the room. His icy gaze darted to the window, noting the blue-pink swirl of the pre-dawn sky. Then, and only then, did the sound of the alarm seem to register.
With the next strident blare, understanding touched his gaze. “Ah.”
“Ah.” Constance chuckled as she parroted him. Crawling up hand over hand, she aligned their bodies so they could be eye-to-eye.
He scooted over to make room for her on the large pillow he relined against.
“One of the cons of living in a city, I suppose,” he said, rolling over onto his side to better face her. “Noise. People. Cars. The tube.”
As soon as she laid her head down, she turned her nose toward the fabric and inhaled the scent of cologne, musk, and him. “Mmhmm.”
“Though, I suppose you’re used to it, living in New York before London.”
“A little bit,” she said, shrugging guiltily. “I’ll confess, the sound woke me up a few moments ago, but I’m finding it a tad hard to get out of bed.”
He laughed and placed a kiss atop her crown, between the part on her slightly waved bangs. “Understandable. I’m certainly in no hurry for you to go anywhere either.”
“Here, let me…”
As Constance rose from the bed, beautifully nude before the window, Ebenezer was quick to wrap and arm about her waist and pull her back. She giggled as she felt him tuck her back in so he could sit up and reach for his dressing gown, which had been discarded nearby.
“We’re quite high up,” she said, “Nobody would see, sweetheart.”
“I’m sure you’re right, but just in case.”
The woman wasn’t going to opt out of any reason to stay in bed. The comfortable position was made all the better by the pleasant view she had of his wide back, long legs and adorable bum as he pulled on his robe. Such a simple task still caused his back muscles to ripple pleasantly, even concealed beneath the shimmering brocade of silk. Her fingers tightened their grip on the sheets slightly as she recounted every moment his fingers had skimmed the planes of his back, sometimes to hug him close, and other times to hold on when he felt like the sturdiest rock in the universe.
Once the robe was fastened about his svelte waist, he stood and went to the window. Pulling it shut and latching it back into place, he then backtracked to the bed. While doing so, he undid the ties on the bedpost in the upper right corner of the bed, which was nestled right near the headboard.
The velvet bed curtain fell back with a swoosh, casting a long shadow across the bed. She felt the weight of her fiancée tip the mattress as he climbed back onto the mattress. While he had opted to leave his robe on, Constance still ushered him back under the covers to cuddle. He, of course, obliged happily.
Once they settled, her head resting over his chest and their legs in a tangle, he let out a content sigh.
Darkness shrouded them in intimate secrecy, and a soft silence hummed through the room.
Constance purred her appreciation. “Thank you. That’s so much better.”
He couldn’t help but agree. It was better, but not just because the sound of the alarm had ceased.
“You know, it’s a pity it’s so early,” he croaked, a yawn nearly cutting his sentence off early.
“I’d like to stay awake a little longer. Enjoy this.”
She tilted her head back so she could lay her chin on his chest and stare up at him. Her cornflower blue eyes coaxing further explanation from him.
“Not that I mind showing the world that I’m engaged to a human Aphrodite,” he started, his voice shifting to a pleasant burr, “But this ... moments like this are what I treasure most.”
Ebenezer was a man who had spent many decades of his life alone and in complete solace. He’d grown used to not having another soul to whisper platitudes to or confide secrets in. When amazing news crossed his desk, there was nobody to call to share it with. His brother, of course, but he had his own life.
Now, Constance was part of his life, just as she was part of his.
“It’s just us here,” he whispered. “It … calms me. I never thought I’d feel so comfortable being so close to another person, but now that you’re here, I-I … love being with you. I like sharing moments with only you and keeping little moments like this to ourselves. Like little secrets.”
The words softened her already tender heart further.
 “Perhaps that sounds childish.” The admission came after a beat of silence.
“No,” she said, and the comment was genuine. “I understand what you mean. At least, I think I do.”
With a nod, she continued, “It’s like we’re sharing little love notes. When we’re declaring our love publicly by getting married and wearing rings, and doing the grand photoshoot for the local newsmagazines –”
“Oh, blast, I forgot about that.”
“—but those little gestures are nice to keep private. Just for us.”
He paused to taste the words on his tongue. “Just for us. Yes. Like feeling you under these blankets.” Scars, stubble and all.
“Or knowing all your favorite foods and sweets by heart.” Cognac, oysters, and sturgeon caviar.
“Or knowing the places where you’re secretly sunburnt.” Shoulders, and right above your bum.
“You saw?”
“Of course.”
After momentary shock, she laughed musically. “You always do.”
“Always.” The words settled comfortably over his heart as she laid her head down again on his chest. “Hey.”
She glanced up again, only for him to bring their lips together in a surprising kiss. It was dark, so his lips grazed the corner of her mouth at first, which resulted in a soft giggle. They swiftly corrected, aligning their lips and sharing a lingering but chaste kiss.
When they parted, Ebenezer raised a hand to her chest.
There, squarely over her heart, he wrote, “I love you.”
Another secret love note.
Realizing they’d be working themselves into an early morning sweat if they kept kissing, they mutually relented and sank back onto the mattress. After the exhaustion of the evening prior, sleep returned to the pair quite easily.
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When the morning did come, Ebenezer stole out of bed at the first opportunity to head into the flat’s large kitchen. Once there, he filled a MacKenzie-Childs kettle (green with a purple and red floral pattern) and put it on heat. Then, he set their coffee pot to start brewing a fresh pot. He’d have his tea, and she’d have her drip coffee. Just like always. To him, it was routine poetry at this point.
After setting out their mugs, he reached for kitchen shears from the knife rack near the sink.
The walk to the flat’s balcony was short. The space was large, modern, and adorned with a modest smattering of plants that decorated it. Neither of them had the greenest thumb, but the smattering of practical offerings that grew in the heavily shaded space suited them just fine.
He walked to one plant in particular, and after a moment of examination, he clipped something off the end.
By the time Constance had awakened from the aroma of percolating coffee, Ebenezer returned to their bedchamber with another love note in hand.
On this occasion, it came in the form of an aloe leaf.
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Thank you for reading! I had a ton of fun here but I always do with these guys and their world, haha.
What are your favorite foods? Mine are poi, M&Ms, mangoes, and musubi (preferably fresh from the convenience store).
TAGS: @quill-pen, @crimson-phantom-designs, @thedivinelights
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
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Jonathan taught a class on ‘Spring Awakening’ with ‘Merrily We Roll Along’ director Maria Friedman in London on Saturday.
a very exciting surprise this afternoon… Jonathan Groff and Maria Friedman met the BTEC 2 class 💕
they performed snippets from their final project ‘Dark I Know Well’, which features songs from Spring Awakening. An emotional throwback for Jonathan and a wonderful moment for the cast! 🎵
tickets are live on our website for the show 👀
#springawakening #jonathangroff #WeAreChickenshed
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iandarling · 18 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Happy birthday @energievie !!
Thanks for the tag @michellemisfit stay stunning 🍏
When is yours? 11th of april 🐏
Where were you born? Norway
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? For the longest time I hated my name, I wished it was something softer and more feminine. I am coming round to it now, but I do kinda wish I had used another nickname online, but oh well
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I’m an aries and yes yes absolutely it fits
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? I’m sure there are others, but I remember waking up on my 10th birthday thinking I was finally a “grown up” because i was now in the double digits asdfhjkl
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? For my confirmation my mum and dad gifted me tickets to see Les Mis 🇫🇷 in West End London
How about one of the best you've given yourself? Not to get too sappy on here, but my life
What's your favourite cake flavour? chocolate chocolate and maybe even more chocolate
How about your favourite flowers? I love crocuses, seeing them flower in the early spring, all colourful and lovely in the dark months
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. Yes I have, but I prefer throwing birthday parties for my friends rather than myself. I did a lovely surprise party for my best friend earlier in May, we played old school Wii sports and ate salted caramel popcorn
What's the ultimate birthday song? Maybe the french one? I remember we had to sing it in french class every time it was someone’s birthday. The swedish one is also funny lol
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. Ooh Dodie Clark from the old youtube days (also my queer awakening 💞)
Tagging some peeps
@mickeygifs @iansfreckles @iansw0rld @callivich @mickeym4ndy @mandy4ever69420 @mickeysgaymom @iangallagherisadeadman @ianspaw
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