#// *thought of sharing these bc im proud of em
seiwas · 1 year
Hihi, he’s not actually pro PRO, since he’s still in his 3rd year of university. He plays in inter college n club tournaments, is a part of a local league. he has considered going actually pro after he’s done n im sure he can do it he’s just that good. He’s been offered scholarships for higher education due to his performance in these tournaments but he’s still yet to decide on that!
Ah n about how we started talking etc etc Oh my goodness I love this questionnnn so. I was definitely not in a mood for relationships after my ex but i saw him n was like oh he kinda cute but nvm. His smile was so pretty, he gets a dimple on his right cheek so ehhhh. I was near their table when one of his friends tapped on my shoulder n said something along the lines of “my buddy here thinks you’re- n then my to-be bf covered his mouth with his palm n they all started laughing??? I was all 😑🤨 Are u laughing AT ME or…?????? i thought they were a bunch of assholes making inappropriate comments n laughing like it’s the funniest thing in the world..cons of working at a night club is that u run into men like this all the fucking time
As they were all leaving, he came to me n apologised if he or his friends made me uncomfy n he just thought i was pretty n they weren’t insulting or making fun of me. I was all ???!!)??! okay??!!!??!! He said we could exchange insta n I wasn’t really that sure but said ok anyways.
He sent in a text apologising again the next day n he told me what he does where he studies etcetc. I did the same n he later told me he would love to take me out sometime but I explained to him that i had ended a not so good relationship just a couple of months ago so I didn’t want to be in the dating pool.
Glad he understood n didn’t push me further, we just continued to chat n never realised how close he had gotten. He invited me to one of his matches, from there we went to get Indian food (yum) n Ig that was it. He dropped me off to my apartment, I invited him n we talked about stuff….feelings…n :D yay !??!?
AAAHHH NONIE you're back 🥹 omg i'm so happy shdvsadb is it okay if i name you football anon? 🥹 but!! i need to clarify if its this football -> ⚽ or this -> 🏈 AHAHAHA (my brain went ⚽ but i'm not sure 😭😭😭)
oh my gosh doe nonie u must be so proud of him tho 😭 it's so cute how you gush abt him!! you're like his number 1 fan 🥺 crazy too that he's part of a local league!! (and all the scholarships too aaahh!!!) i am extending my support to him bc he seems like such a lovely guy, treating you right nonie 🥺 goodluck to him!! 🫶🏻
ANYWAY BACK TO SLEEPOVER TALK. MY goD the way u describe him nonie PLS 😭🥺💗 i am SQUEALING!! the dimple on the right cheek jsbfasj and how u notice his pretty smile!!! PLS!!! but i love how cautious you are nonie!! LIKE YEA. DONT LET EM MESS WITH YA YEAAAAA (it's so cute how he covered his friend's mouth tho 😭)
BUT IT'S SO CUTE HOW HE CAME TO YOU AFTER WTHEK!! he even apologised and clarified that they weren't laughing at you and he just thought u were pretty oMG ??!?!?!? did u buy it nonie or were u still skeptical... bhgsdj he seems so sweet texting u sorry again the next day + all his details 😭 AND!! how he was so understanding of your boundaries 🥺 i love that for you nonie 🥺 you deserve it!!! it's so cute how he was patient with you and continued to be your friend and got closer to you that way shdfbsadj how respectful!!! 🥺
AND AAAH that is such a cuTE getting together story 🥺 (i love indian food too sdbfj) i'm so happy you found each other nonie 🥺 am seriously grinning from ear to ear rN
let's have a sleepover!! 💗 send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
I am so so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is such a hard thing to deal with because they really are family. Me and my brother as well (he genuinely teared up when he called me on FaceTime after I sent him your reply) are sending you guys lots of love. I’m glad that Emmett had such a beautiful long life with you guys and got to experience so much love from you.
My brother is also saying thanks for the book recommendations, he actually already owned one of them that he got for his birthday, so he got excited that you guys had similar taste in books.
And just to let you know a little story that made the entire family and a bar laugh (apparently the story got shared on a stage by one of his girls but he refuses to tell if that’s true (it is)) My brother went on a check up (for his wrist bc his doctor wanted to see the test results they did and to see his wrist how his movement is) and he accidentally mixed up his wrist check up with his after surgery follow ups that he is supposed to have with a different doctor next week… and um.. well, you see, his scar from surgery is pretty huge.. and it goes diagonally across half of his chest/stomach and down his leg/thigh… so for his check up he usually was asked to take his pants off… i hope you see where this is going… the doctor told him to sit on that table/bed they have in their office and excused himself for a minute and then came back to my brother in his underwear sitting on that table and swinging his feet like a child (i wish you could see how he reenacted it on FaceTime obviously clothed!!) and the doctor walked in and went ‘ummmm….usually for a wrist check up you don’t have to get half naked but um…i guess’ and my brother just stared at him like that pikachu meme. He did also learn during this check up that the doctors here (where im at) wrote ‘the young gentleman has occupied his free time with a tv show while he is on a strict bed rest’ so this will haunt him forever, not that he minds it
Hello dear sweet anon. Thank you (and your brother) so much for your lovely thoughts about my beloved Em. Our pets are family that never talk back, never argue, never do anything wrong (well there was the time that Emmett opened a drawer and pulled all the socks out and the other time he shredded an entire roll of toilet paper), they are so easy to love and grieving them is so uncomplicated.
HE GOT UNDRESSED FOR A WRIST CHECK UP! Omg. The doctor probably realized (after the fact) that your brother was so used to getting undressed. I have a fear of getting too naked for doctors’ appointments so I wind up listing like every article of clothing before they leave - bra? socks? underpants?
The young gentleman has occupied his free time with a tv show while he is on strict bed rest. WOW. Let me tell you, mental health clinicians (not sure about medical doctors) develop ways of charting things so that other clinicians can understand but because the chart belongs to the patient, we don’t want to write anything damaging. “Had a hard time identifying a focus for the appointment” is really “didn’t know what the fuck she wanted from therapy” or “struggled with the concept of mindfulness” means “refused to even consider a benign suggestion.” And my favorite “took notes in session” which really means “this person is getting an A+ in therapy, something which is possible to achieve and normal to want.” The fact that the TV is mentioned is a big honking flag to any other doctor that your brother is obsessed. He should be proud. I bet no other patients have a note like that in their chart. This is different from “yeah, doc, I’m rewatching the office while I recover” - I promise you that doesn’t make it into the chart.
I’m so glad your brother and I have similar tastes in books. I would ask for suggestions but I am currently drowning in books I want to read. (But actually, if he has any suggestions, lmk)
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monmuses · 5 years
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// *Bit of a sketch dump of my muses :0
Photo 1 - revised sketches of Iris
Photo 2 - Harriet in a masquerade outfit (Raven)
Photo 3 - Heidi fearing for December because children pet her every day she goes outside
Photo 4 - First days of Jezebel as a poltergeist
Photos 5 & 6 - Harriet (Wooloo) and Elizabeth (Mightyena) as Pokemon
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astrxealis · 3 years
braineots over sandalphon jark bakr bakrn aowof w9f arf alqjqjdiwbwk
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its-deputy-caleb · 2 years
FC6 — Date HC’s
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screaming crying sobbing rn I HAVE MISSED WRITING SO MUCH :’) i’ve been so busy atm with assignments but i said fuck it i will procrastinate bc i need some soft FC6 content atm 
also this isn’t a request or one of my bigger projects—it’s just very self indulgent and i didn’t want to rush another work bc im stressed n tired from studying so it’s a very generic hc but pls enjoy it nonetheless <33
Dani Rojas
To say Dani missed spending time with you is an understatement. There’s only so many tanks, helicopters and checkpoints she can destroy before she’s wishing to be back in your presence.
That’s why she doesn’t hesitate to call you, asking you to join her on collecting and returning the Triada relics to their place in Oluwa Cave.
The two of you spend an eerie night in Fort Oro, reading old lore and figuring out puzzles as you search for the relics. Of course, once mirrors start smashing Dani is quick to (heroically) grab your hand and squeeze it tight.
“Coño, just what the fuck is going on in this place— you’re not letting go of my hand, right?”
Dani definitely has her fair share of scares and spooks but when she grapples down the well, landing beside you with a soft ‘omft’ she knows she’s in good hands.
As long as you’re with her, its the best date she could ask for, especially when you reach out and kiss her cheek. It’s there she hopes the darkness of the cave hides her flush because she’s absolutely smitten with you in that moment. 
Clara Garcia 
Clara rarely gets a chance to get off her island, and if she does it’s almost always with a job to do. She’s absolutely beaming at the thought of not only getting to leave without responsibilities but she gets to spend the entire day with her favourite person.
Of course, that excitement drops when she finds you holding horses (graciously borrowed from the Montero Farm) and your knowing smile. 
The absolute city girl that she is, Clara finds she has no idea how to ride or control the horse at all— but that only means she hitches a ride with you, her hands wrapped tightly around your waist and her chin perched on your shoulder.
“Now where is my favourite guerrilla taking me? Please tell me its somewhere relaxing… if such a place exists in Yara.”
You can’t help but feel proud at how happy Clara looks upon seeing the small picnic station around Lucero Lighthouse. With a careful dismount, you lead her over to the soft rug where you both share a bottle of rum and delicious snacks that you totally had to bribe Juan to smuggle in for the two of you.
On your way back, with Clara now sitting in front of you on the horse, you clumsily try to teach her how to steer. It doesn’t work very well but the two of you are laughing as you walk around in wobbly circles. 
That’s why you’re totally unprepared for the way Clara turns in your arms, cradling your face gently as she plants a soft kiss to your lips as she whispers thank you for an amazing day.
Juan Cortez
For all that Juan loves in being a guerrilla, he has his days where he wants nothing more than to storm off from his workbench and forget about the stress of the revolution.
That’s why he jumped at the opportunity to spend a date with you, after you offered to help reset his stumped out creativity. Sneaking around Esperanza’s La Divinidad Cathedral searching for criptograma chests is just the sort of fun he needed.
The added exhilaration of sneaking past FND made it a thousand times more interesting as you zip lined over buildings and ducked through alley ways.
“I bet you a new supremo that I can find em before you— hey! No head starts that’s cheating cariño!!”
You affectionately lend him a hand for the more challenging grapples, not as agile as he once was in his glory days (and he tries to climb buildings with flip flops) but you let his ego flare up again by letting him collect the ‘Rum’ and ‘La Guitarra’ charts before you.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that as he climbs up a ledge you can’t surprise him by leaning down from you place on the roof to kiss him gently.
Camila ‘Espada’ Montero 
It’s a well known fact that Camila takes on too much responsibly at camp, constantly working on training new recruits and planning to drive José into the ground. And you figured it’s finally time for her well deserved break.
The only way you could convince her to drop everything and come with you is by making it appear slightly ‘productive’ — so what better way than a hunting trip right?
The two of you made it all the way up to Aguas Lindas, searching for any unsuspecting mongeese or cougars when you stumbled upon the den of the Demoníaco.
“What you do say, should we get ourselves some infamous coyote pelts? I think a new hat would suit you.”
The two of you worked together, throwing all your fire power at the agile creatures until you finally got your prize. All the hard work was worth it when the two of you made it back to camp with triumphant looks on your faces.
Everyone was celebrating and giving you pats on your backs but none of that crossed your mind as Camila wrapped her arms around you and brought you into a bone crushing hug. Both of you held each other, breathing each other in as you littered sweet kisses to her shoulder and neck. 
Carlos Montero 
Carlos has built the Montero reputation on hard work and determination— the man priding himself on not taking time off from what mattered most to him.
That’s why he’s absolutely shocked you asked him on a fishing trip, but deep down under the stone, stubborn looks he was excited to relax and spend the day with you.
He’s got zero patience, grumbling as he fumbles with lures and fishing lines before he can even get it into the water and don’t get him started with waiting for the fish to actually bite.
“Are these pendejos de pescado sleeping? Next time I’ll stick with cocodrilos— how the hell did you catch one so fast?”
Carlos can’t believe his eyes when she sees you pull in catch after catch, convinced you’ve got fish hidden in your pockets somewhere. And he totally isn’t at all flustered when you share some of your tricks.
Around midday, the sun is glaring on your back and straining your eyes as it reflects off the crystal blue water. The two of you called it a day for fishing and are simply dangling your legs in the water in the boat.
Carlos takes his hat off at the sight of your discomfort and places it on your head. It’s too big for you, slipping over your eyes and as you lift it slowly you’re met with a gentle kiss and his nose bumping against yours.
Mercedes ‘Jonrón’ Martin
Jonrón has two passions. One— making Admiral Benítez’ life a living hell and two— spending time with you. If she’s not actively exploding tanks and stealing supplies from the FND, then she’s in your company (preferably partying or cuddling)
Being the total history nerd that she is, she jumps at the chance to spend the day with you exploring Yara and finding little pieces of history.
The two of you search through La Joya, jumping from abandoned Mills to Mckay’s pipelines as you stumble across all sorts of journalist notes, offical documents, ghost stories and even saucy diary pages.
“Oh! Oh! You’ve got to read this one! Look its from Lobo— ‘Lucky Mamá slapped me hard today. Hard. Chipped one of my fucking teeth.’ Hah Classic!”
Just being around Jonrón means her energy transfers over to you. You can’t help but smile and laugh along to all the stories she tells you and the way she reads different letters with all the dramatic flare she can muster.
Her head is resting in your lap, eyes trained to the pages she’s collected and flicking through all of them. It’s perfect for you to pull the papers down, revealing her face as you bend down to kiss her with a fond smile.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hey, lovely! For your sleepover. How about...
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”
Please feel free to ignore if you received this. 💖
Checking In
Summary// A hotel getaway with Bucky's favorite receptionist
Warnings// Lil angsty, some fluff, some smut, cursing, tiny mention of drinking, 18 plus only, minors dni
Note// I kinda love this request. I didn't use the quote, but its based off of the quote, this also got LONG and took sooo long.
My new masterlist and taglist will hopefully be done tomorrow night.
Im really hoping it doesn't flop bc I'm lowkey proud of it and also spent a lot of time on it
Moodboard by @commonintrest
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This was the slowest Bucky had went with someone in a very long time. Three dates in and he hadn't even had the chance to see you naked. It was driving him crazy to say the least.
Anyone else wouldn't have gotten a call back, but for you; it made him want it even more. So, he came up with an idea to take that extra step.
Walking into the hotel you worked at, he gave a nod to the security guard and flashed you a charming smile; his hair much shorter than when you saw him last. "Like the haircut." You said, turning in the chair to look at him. "Feels more... professional."
"Checking in again?" You asked, leaning your chin on the base of your palm, reaching your other hand to card your fingers through the short hair.
Bucky shook his head and leaned his forearms on the desktop. "No. We are checking in somewhere else. Tonight, when you're off."
His eyes trailed down to the top of your blouse, looking at the few buttons that where open. "Buck, I'm not staying in a hotel with you." You smiled, shaking your head. "Come on, I'll sleep on the couch if you're too uncomfortable." He smirked.
You thought it over for a moment before sighing and nodding your head. "Yeah, ok." You agreed, letting him pull you in for a brief kiss by the back of your neck. "Fantastic. I'll be here at five to get you."
"I'll have to go get cl-" Bucky shook his head at you. "Won't need 'em." He said, turning to walk out. "Bucky, don't you dare."
"See ya tonight, pretty girl."
As promised, five o'clock hit and Bucky was pulling in front of the doors in his sleek black car; quickly getting out.
His usual suit was traded in for a more casual button up tee and dark jeans, the prosthetic that matched the shape of his right arm perfectly on display.
He rounded the desk and picked up your bag. "You can't be back here." You teased, making him roll his eyes. "Come along, babydoll. We have plans." He said, hand between your shoulder blades to guide you with him.
Bucky's plan would surely get that extra step at least jumpstarted. The heated make out sessions in his car when he dropped you off were starting to get to him.
He refused to call anyone else to handle the tightening of his jeans, the wait made him yearn for you even more.
So, he patiently waited as you changed into the lavender sundress he'd sent for, listened and talked over dinner on the patio of the motel, and just basked in your enjoyable presence.
"Dance with me." You said, hand laying on his bicep. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "I don't dance, sugar."
You raised your eyebrows and cocked your head to the side, fingers tracing down the vein that ran the length of his arm and to his hand. "Well, you're going to, or you'll be sleeping in that room alone." You laced your fingers in his and he looked at you with an amused expression. "Oh, really now?"
"Mhm, c'mon. It's a slow one, so you won't embarass yourself." You teased, feeling his hands on your hips as soon as you turned your back to him. "I never said I couldn't dance. Just that I don't, babydoll." His gruff voice said in your ear, moving to stand in front of you once in the midst of the other couples enjoying their night.
"Couldn't say no to you if I tried anyways." He said softly as your hands rested on the back of his neck, his on the dip of your waist.
The Bucky who took you on dates was different than the Bucky who strolled in your lobby at least once every two weeks. He wasn't glowering when he looked at you; instead he had a smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle and your heart flutter.
He hadn't smiled so hard and so much in years. He was addicted. To your voice, fiery attitude, and gleaming smile; and he couldn't even imagine how much more he'd crave once he finally got a taste of you.
"Gonna let me sleep in the bed, pretty girl?" He cooed, hands roaming over the swell of your ass. "Of course, Mr Barnes." You grinned, pecking a kiss to his dimpled chin. "Could dance with you all night if you wanted me to." He said, squeezing gently. "I wouldn't complain."
His lips slotted over yours, your eyes fluttering shut at the softness of them.
He suddenly lifted his head, bottom lip brushing the tip of your nose as you opened your eyes again.
Bucky's cold demeanor he usually had while walking through the lobby of the hotel returned, smile fading into a deep scowl as he looked at something behind you.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, worry lacing your voice as you cupped his stubbled jaw in your hands, feeling the muscle of it flex. "Just stay close." He murmured, pulling you closer to his front.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, lips parting to say something, but the stern look in his eyes stopping you as they stayed glued on whatever was behind you.
"Barnes, didn't expect to see you here- like this." A voice that was slightly higher in pitch than Bucky's sounded from behind you.
Bucky tucked you into his side, hand on the small of your back as he stared at the shorter man. "Just enjoying my night. That a problem?"
You swallowed thickly and gripped onto the back of Bucky's shirt, crumbling the perfectly ironed fabric in your fist as your heart pounded. "Needa talk." The man said.
Bucky's eyes flicked to a group of men sitting at the corner of the patio before looking back to the man in from of him. "Go sit down. Order us some more drinks." Bucky said sternly. "Bucky-"
He finally looked down at you with an icy stare, making you shrink back slightly. "Now isn't the time to argue with me. Go sit down." The tone of his voice was one you hadn't heard before.
You nodded and turned to walk back to the table, picking at your nails as you took your seat again.
Looking to where Bucky was sat at the table with the group, you chewed your bottom lip. You knew what you were getting into when accepting that first date, you just didn't think it'd follow you everywhere.
He tried to stay patient, he was in rival territory and knew it was a terrible idea; but this was one of the nice hotels and he wanted the weekend spent right. Keeping his cool was the only way he was going to be able to do that.
He was barely even listening to half of what the men were saying, glancing over at your nervous posture as you picked the nails he had just paid to get manicured; even though you protested against taking his money.
Until one statement had his head snapping back towards one of them. "The girl seems... sweet. Make you happy?" It wasn't meant in a way a friend would ask when checking up on another friend. Bucky felt it burn through him like a threat.
"Yeah, well, she's got a mouth on her and I'm losing my patience. So, you men have a good night, you owe my girl an apology for ruining her night." He stood, teeth gritting together.
You noticed Bucky's tense stance and straightened in your seat as he got closer. "Rude bastards." Bucky grumbled, taking your hand in his and tugging for you to stand. "What did they want?"
Bucky thought about lying, but he promised you he wouldn't. "Talk business. Can't believe they'd interrupt me over stupid bullshit." He sneered, pulling you along with him back into the hotel. "Where are we going? They're going to bill you for those drinks." You huffed, picking up your pace to walk next to him. "Don't care."
By the time the two of you reached the door to your room, Bucky had you pressed against it; fumbling to swipe the key card as his lips attacked yours.
Your hands fisted into the front of his shirt to keep your balance as shoes were kicked off, Bucky backing you towards the bed with his large hands holding the sides of your face.
You fell back onto the bed when the backs of your knees met the edge of the mattress, taking him with you; Bucky's body parting your legs.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, sharing breaths as his hands gripped at your outer thighs and pawed their way under the skirt of your dress.
You pulled away from the kiss, breathless as he dipped his head to latch his lips on the underside of your jaw. "Bucky, wait-" You panted, pressing his shoulders lightly. "What?" He breathed, stopping all movements as he looked at you; eyes dark and lips kiss swollen. "I-"
"You're a virgin. We can wait, if so." He cut you off, face dropping slightly. "No, no. It's not that. I just haven't had sex in awhile." You said, gnawing at your tongue. "Want me to go slower?"
"I just don't want to take things too fast." You whispered, tracing the collar of his shirt with your fingertips.
Bucky took a deep inhale, warm hand moving to hold your chin. "Babygirl, listen. I'm not going to kick you out of my bed when we're done. You got me attached with this damn chase you gave me. Wanna take care of you. Okay?"
You nodded and pulled him back down to you, his tongue slipping between your lips as his fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt.
Gently pushing them away, you replaced his hands with yours to pop the buttons open as his tongue glided across every inch of your mouth he could reach.
You lifted your back off of the mattress for his hand to feel for the zipper of your dress, grazing your fingers down the tensing muscles of his chest and abdomen; stopping at the button of his jeans.
"Don't get shy now, take 'em off." Bucky mumbled against your lips, sliding the straps of your dress off of your shoulders.
The wetness between your legs grew as your tugged at his belt, whimpering into his mouth when he pressed his hips against you to show how hard he was.
Pulling away, Bucky sat up to tug your dress down your torso and legs; eyes drinking in the beautiful sight in front of him as he shoved his jeans off and palmed himself through his boxers.
"Take the shirt off." You panted, backing up the bed. A smirk grew on his face, metal thumb sliding back and forth in the waistband of his boxers as he looked at your glistening folds. "Ask nicely and I just might." He taunted. "Please."
You watched the way his muscles flexed with each movement, the shirt sliding off of his arms and to the floor; revealing the mess of scars Bucky hoped you'd ignore and a large tattoo on his ribcage.
Next were his boxer briefs, pooling at his feet as his cock twitched in the air; swollen tip red and leaking precum. "You're staring, babydoll." He said, voice low as he moved his body back over yours.
"Can't help it." You swallowed, the weight of his cock against your thigh as you felt the firmness of his back. His hand slipped between your bodies to guide himself to your heat, spreading your slick with his tip.
"So wet, barely even touched you yet." You whined at his words and gripped his shoulders. "Buck, please. Stop the teasing."
The smirk on his face grew before he brushed his lips against yours. "Hm, I don't know. Kept me waitin' so long, might just tease you a little more." He hummed. You bucked your hips against him, his tip barely pressing into you. "Fuck..." Bucky said in a low groan, a shudder passing through his body.
He made sure you felt every ridge and vein, pulling breathy sounds from you when he pushed deeper. Your walls so tight and warm around him, he already had to hold off his release.
"Look at me, sweet girl." He breathed, nipping at your bottom lip and rolling his hips into yours.
When you opened your eyes, the adoring look in Bucky's made your breath hitch. Hands wedging under your back as he sat up, holding you to him so you were sitting on his thick thighs.
"So beautiful." He groaned as his hands glided over the curve of your back to your ass, metal and flesh fingers digging into the skin.
Guiding your hips in a faster pace, he could feel you clenching around him, swallowing the blissed out sounds you made with a breath taking kiss as his grip on you tightened.
The soft ow that passed your lips made Bucky loosen his grip and move you in a slower pace. "Need me to slow down?" He panted, pulling away from you slightly.
You frantically shook your head, hands clinging to his shoulders; needing to feel his skin against yours. "No-no. Don't stop, please, keep going." You whined, bucking your hips along with him.
In a swift movement, your back was pressed back into the mattress. Your fingers laced with Bucky's as he pinned your hands at the sides of your head, his hips meeting yours in a faster, rougher pace that knocked the breath from your lungs and made your head spin; his cock sliding against every sweet spot, some that you didn't even know existed.
Salacious sounds from both of you echoed around the room, your eyes fluttering shut again and body arching into him so your front was flush to his as the coil snapped.
"There you go, baby. Feel so good, so worth the wait." Bucky moaned out, chasing his own release with shorter thrusts.
A whimper of his name falling from your sweet lips sent him over the edge, his hips flush to yours as he spilled into you with a guttural moan.
He slowly rocked his hips into yours, riding the blissful feeling for all that it was as he looked over your blissed out face.
It was the moment your eyes peaked out, staring back into his lust darkened ones that Bucky knew. You were the one thing he needed to protect. To hold close and never let go.
A tender kiss was placed on your lips, a satisfied hum leaving Bucky as he slipped from between your legs to lay beside you.
You slowly moved off of the bed to grab a shirt and go to clean up, legs feeling wobbly with each step to and from the bathroom.
Bucky sat on the edge of the bed when you walked back into the adjoined room, legs still a little jelly feeling as you made you way back to him.
He laughed, an actual belly laugh that made your heart swell as he pulled you between his parted thighs. "I have some... unexpected business to take care of in the morning."
You nodded lightly and sat your hands on his shoulders. "I want you to stay in this room and keep the door locked. When I come back, we'll do something." He promised, gently massaging your sides. "Something, huh?"
A squeak escaped your throat when you were pinned back underneath Bucky, his hips pressing into you. "Oh, don't you get me started. I'll keep you up all night."
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recordsystem · 2 years
I'm kinda bored and thought i could contribute to the uniquely plural tag! I am bad at describing people in my system but i can show the moodboards I've made for some of us! Ill prob add some more too :3 so here's part one i guess!
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These two are for me Luna, the host! They/them. I love fairy kei and jfashion in general and god damn am i traumatized. Pls show me anything little twin stars related i will immediately adore it. I legit wish i could live where the little twin stars and the care bears live; i wanan live in a rainbow sparkly cloud kingdom and float in dreams forever 💖
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These are zach's! He/her. He formed to sorta help process anger cause god knows i don't know how to do that emotion. He has. Influences of Steven universe but is not really quite a fictive per se. He has his own life and memories and stuff and is very much not a gem hehe. He's a grumpy tsundere but he's mellowed out alot since he got here and is mostly just very caring while being like "it's not like i like u or anything baka" djdkdkjd
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This is kidos! They/them. They are a fictive from kagerou project and are maybe one of the first 3 or so people who came to my system. They've been a protector from day one and help w our social anxiety/agoraphobia. My system has a predisposition towards stoics and tsunderes and so they're also one djdkdkjd. It's funny bc im the opposite, in super affectionate and emotional all the time lol. They are maybe one of the few people in my system next to hajime that is good at being productive without relying on others too much. They r v much mom friend and i love them.
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This is for lapis! He/him. He is kin with Steven universes lapis but i promise he was here first! Lol. He is our primary trauma alter and he does his best all the time and I'm so proud of him. I'm dating him and i love him v much!! He is soft sometimes but snarky other times and he's rly good at singing!! I'd kiss him on the goddamn lips hehe. He has a subsystem with his brothers, emerald jasper and diamond! They were plural before they were even in my system. They are a fictive from my first ever ocs. They have their partners in my fiancees system :>
That's all I got for now!! I'll make more and share em w u guys :>
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
she is very long so. enjoy😌
- Steve n Bucky going to the bodega down the street from their apartment. it’s open till like 4am and they go at all hours. sometimes they’ll go separately but they always go together when they go in between 12-4 am and no one who works there questions why
- they get a cat that they treat her like their child. it’s Alpine ofc😌 steve loves her so much but he knows it’s Bucky’s Cat and he’s fine with it
- you know how some siblings or partners or friends can communicate with their eyes and basically have telepathy? they totally have that and it annoys the shit out of every single person they meetjdksndks. someone will be talking to them and they will just make eye contact with each other bc it reminded them of an earlier convo they had or they both got annoyed by the other person or it reminds them of an inside joke or something and it just irritates EVERYONE. no one is able to intercept it and it’s just a thing that no matter what - even though they don’t mean to - you’ll feel a little left out when you’re with steveandbucky. it just comes with the gig. i like to imagine that depending on if it’s an au or not, its either really obvious or not. like in an au then yes it’s obvious they can have non verbal conversations, but if it’s not an au then it’s not entirely obvious bc they’re enhanced humans and they know how to hide their secret conversations. but everyone they talk to is essentially an enhanced human or has special abilities so it’s obvious to them and they catch them in the act LOL. if they’re interacting with regular people then it’s not very obvious though
- DATE NIGHT!!! yes they’re old yes they have date night. when they go out it’s usually to places in their neighborhood, but a lot of the time they like to stay in bc. they’re old men <3 steve is better at cooking and bucky is better at baking bc you can get creative with cooking and steve likes that more. he enjoys baking a lot too but he thinks bucky’s stuff tastes better. whenever they stay home though there’s ALWAYS a movie. always. they alternate choosing but there is always a movie to watch. bucky usually falls asleep nearing the end and steve plays with his hair😌 he rolls his eyes cause it happens every time but he actually likes when it happens bc he can braid strands of hair together
- pet names oh my god. so many pet names. every single one. mainly from bucky. steve uses them but maybe like two. he favors sweetie and buck and that’s it really. sometimes he uses hon. bucky though oh my god. every single pet name under the sun. so many variations of doll you wouldn’t believe - baby doll ofc, dolly, stevie doll. sweetheart. sweetness. blondie. pretty boy. hot stuff. stevie. baby. hon. honey. sunshine. angel. it’s just so many. and it’s like very sickening insane twisted etc but hot at the same time. most people are like jeez barnes do you ever shut up… but most of these people secretly think it’s a little hot theyre thinking damn where is that affection for me…. i need me a bucky barnes :| steve is the only smitten kitten outwardly even if he huffs and puffs sometimes but it’s obvious he enjoys it. like they are so annoyingjdkssn for real they aren’t a pda couple really but the petnames….. so many. so so so many it’s sickeningly sweet but bucky dgaf! steve is his sweetheart his dolly his baby his angel so he’s going to call him these things!
- steve knows his body is what is considered “perfect” but he still is insecure about it around most people and bucky knows this so when steve lounges at home in bucky’s boxer briefs and his own tee shirt or he kicks off his pants when he’s too hot at night in bed bucky is reminded of just how much steve loves him and feels comfortable around him which is something he always strives for - to make steve comfortable. not baby him because steve bitches at anyone that does that to him but to make him feel comfortable
- and on the subject of feeling comfortable i imagine that they always check in with one another but it’s very subconscious they hardly realize they do it. like steve will bitch at bucky to pick up his shoes from their doorway or to clean his hair from the shower drain but the next second he will ask him if his back still hurts from being kicked by sam and from where steve AND alpine scratched him (in very different ways)
- steve is the sweater husband and bucky is the sweatshirt husband. they trade off a lot but that’s just how their closets look
- steve takes a liking to crop tops 😌 but ONLY around the house bc again he’s really truly only comfortable around bucky. he wears em with boxer briefs or sweatpants but you can guarantee that the briefs and sweats usually just end up on the floor 9 out of 10 times
- hair ties everywhere. they can be found on the floor in the laundry in their bed in the couch on top of the fridge on their fire escape. they are literally everywhere. steve just picks them up and puts them in the bathroom but they always make their way back. he doesn’t say anything to bucky until he finds alpine chewing one and she ends up smacking herself in the face with the hairtie
- their fridge is always full with leftovers and food from sam or clint’s or whoever’s house or takeout. they always eat it all but they get and make a lot of food so the fridge is always full
- subconsciously bucky always has a hand on the back of steve’s neck. like it’s not ENTIRELY a possessive thing but he used to do it a lot when steve was small because it was easy and it was comfortable. for him and just for him and steve. it was like swinging an arm around steve’s shoulders or putting a hand on his shoulder. it was just natural and easy so he did it. a part of him back then prewar did it possessively too, but he always tampered that down bc steve wasn’t his. now he does it without shame
- steve really likes tofu and vegan meat, non dairy milk like almond and soy, and overall a lot of non dairy vegan foods, and a lot of fruits. he gets made fun of for a lot specifically about the vegan stuff but his reasoning is that there’s so much food accessible for people with allergies in the future that he wished existed a hundred years ago so he’s going to try it and stick with it if he likes it. people shut up after that
- he also tips a little more than he needs to everywhere he goes. everywhere. like it’s cool when steve rogers walks in to a restaurant bc he’s a superhero or whatever but its REALLY cool because he leaves a generous tip and that’s what really makes peoples day
- before they get legally married they are still very much married. like “i packed you lunch, meet me at the restaurant instead of me going to pick you up bc it’ll take longer, i got takeout let’s bitch together while we watch shitty reality tv, let’s bitch at EACH OTHER through the phone in public, let’s send each other ugly pictures of each other or funny texts while we’re right next to each other, i’m out with a group and you’re not there and i say multiple times ‘i miss steve/bucky’, let’s yell at each other from opposite ends of the apartment instead of getting up to see each other, steve i’m going to fuck you on the couch bc our room is too far, etc.” they are just very much married without the documents and legalities and it’s very obvious
okay all of these were ABSOLUTELY wonderful and im really going to restrain my urge to respond to each and every one but that might be futile
-okay YES they definitely go to that bodega at all hours, and usually it's for normal things when they go separately: milk, cereal, toilet paper. but when they go in the middle of the night, they almost always purchase some like odd assortment of candies and deli meat. also, they're always in their pajamas. like bucky's in plaid pj pants and a star wars sweatshirt, and steve is in like 5" shorts and a huge crewneck and they're both in slides and they definitely only speak russian to each other when they're in there after hours
-yes alpine! they also have a dog, that is more steve than bucky's!! his name is norman in my headcanon (and a couple of my fics) and he is best boy
-okay i need more of this in my general stucky life: steve and bucky being like,,, best friends as well as lovers and being so seamlessly close. like yeah, they definitely talk with their eyes, or just one glance, or half-sentences ("hey, did you ever get to--" "yup, on the way home. it was so--" "yeah, good. glad to hear") and they know exactly what the other is saying.
-yes to the date nights!!! and when they stay in to watch movies, they make Tons of popcorn. and they Have to make separate batches, because steve will Only eat his with like half a bottle of that powdered white cheddar on his
-YES we share the same fucking headcanon for petnames on god
Steve: love you, buck:)
Bucky: love you, pumpkin
-Steve definitely has body dysmorphia, probably even post serum (I have lots of thoughts on this, that might be a different post) and yeah, Bucky definitely knows its Big that he feels comfortable enough to be exposed around him (and he's even more honored that steve lets him be intimate with him, because that's really hard for steve, too)
-yeah! and easy check ins like "ur stomach still bothering you from last night?" "oh, no it was just a little bug turns out" or like "my head hurts:(" "i have meds in my bag. you want?" "yeah, just two" or like subtly checking on injuries, yeah
-yeah the sweater versus sweatshirt tracks tbh i picture steve in a lot of crewnecks so yeah
-STEVE IN CROP TOPS STEVE IN CROP TOPS and i raise you they're often ones he's cropped himself and he's also painted on! or bleach painted!! and theyre so cool and bucky never wants to make a big deal out of it, but he's so proud of steve for expressing himself like that
-ALPINE SMACKING HERSELF ALKFJALSDKFJA also steve always has a hairtie on HIS wrist in case bucky forgets one for himself
-they also always have Steve Staple Foods cuz i headcanon steve as a picky eater (adhd!steve + serum enhancements, it's down to a formula) so they have a lot of Kraft mac and cheese and easy heat up meals and lunch meats around for when he's having bad food days
-OMG and steve absolutely MELTS i raise you, too, bucky will especially hold the back of his neck when he needs to get steve to Chill Out. so like if he sees him stressing he'll put his hand on the back of his neck and squeeze and literally feel the tension drain from him or like if steve is having a panic attack, he'll hold the back of his neck while they breathe together
-yes and also any time that steve is Choosing food for himself and feeling motivated to eat it, it's a win, so people learn to back off there, too
-yes! he tips generously, but never awkwardly or offensively. he's also super kind and patient to food service workers!
-this last point is so perfect i cant. like yeah, back to steve and bucky just being,,,, the best of friends. ugly selfies galore, shoving their feet in each other's face, flicking each others ears. and yes, all the fucking gossiping. on the phone gossip, venting, fun gossip from around work. they talk about it all. and it's so great for them
thank you again for stopping by! your thoughts are impeccable!
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
As a fellow Kakashi lover, I’m curious if you feel that Kakashi is pretty misunderstood by a lot of fans? I’ve seen people say that he should’ve defected the village, and that he’s messed up for hiding his trauma. (Which he could’ve been more open about, yes, but I’m not sure that he even knew how to go about discussing it at the time) He could’ve easily left the village, but instead he wanted to change things and make society better by teaching teamwork, and to value everyone’s life by putting yourselves before the mission. He never lost hope for the future of shinobi and knew that it could be better. He definitely could’ve been more open about his past, but he’s always been more of a quiet and reserved kid (even before the trauma lol) Idk, I feel like a lot of people overlook his backstory when talking about him!
Istg every time i meet another person who shares this view i just wanna give em the biggest bear hug and im boutta go OFF
Remember back in their childhood when gai was being bullied by these men one time about his dad and kakashi dropped in and whacked them? He always had the conscience to stand up for what was wrong and be there for his comrades but sakumo's death was so traumatic for him, it forced him to change his own beliefs. He became a machine and he believed that carrying out missions as instructed was his only purpose in life, irrespective of what HE felt
because GOD YES he's so so misunderstood by fans half the time and I've seen so many people throw around the term bootlicker for him just cause he didn't throw away everything and leave the village and and join some criminal cult and like no?? The fact that he stayed only shows his strength of character if anything. He could've easily left if he wanted to, he would've made a very sexy villain too but he chose to be hopeful and he chose to remain good and that shows strength of character because it took him a fkn lot to stay in the right path and continue working for the village that took away his father from him.
And it had nothing to do with him being a bootlicker because kakashi is very much his own person and he has his own morals and ideals and he's not a stickler for rules until he believes in them. Yes he did become awfully rule-abiding after Sakumo's death for a while because he saw what listening to your heart instead of adhering to the rules did to his father. He saw the extent to which a previously respected shinobi was villified that he had to resort to taking his own life
And kakashi was angry at sakumo because he was only a small boy who had just lost his father. He couldn't help resent sakumo bc he kept thinking that if only sakumo had just stuck to the rules, he would've still been there with him. that if only he had just done what the village had asked him to, he wouldn't have lost the only family he had. Those were very valid thoughts for a child whose father had just committed suicide but kakashi did know in his heart that his dad was right and that's why he wanted to teach those very principles to the younger generations later on. That's why he told sakumo when they met in the limbo that he was proud of him. But back then when sakumo had just died, kakashi was a grieving child who was angry and dealing with so much pain inside him that he decided he'd never do what cost his father his life. Because he saw right in front of his eyes what happened if you broke the rules and so he did what his 5 year old mind thought he should. But even then, that was never who he was at heart. He never believed in mindlessly abiding by rules and that's what made him consider obito's words and ultimately go back to save rin. Obito's words did not change him, they only helped him see what was already in his heart.
But when obito said those words to him, it resonated with what he truly believed in inside his heart. So yeah, he's no bootlicker, he was just strong willed enough to not give in to the bad things that happened to him. He didn't make an impulse decision. He didn't want to abandon his village. It was his home and despite everything, he loved his home and he valued the people around him. He didn't want to just leave it all. He wanted to stay instead to make the village better, to pass on sakumo's values to the upcoming generations so that they became good shinobi AND humans. To teach his students the power of love and friendship so that they didn't grow up to become the kind of people that had denounced his father. Kakashi didn't want to take revenge for sakumo's death because his actions were never motivated by hatred, but he ensured that his father didn't die in vain.
Leaving would've been much easier for him too,he may have almost even thought of it on nights that were extremely painful, nights when he was completely engulfed with pain and anger at the horrible unfair world but he would've never done it bc that's not him. He CHOSE to listen to the part of his heart that still saw good. Betraying the village that was his home wasn't an option for him
So yeah the fact that he stayed only shows his strength of character. his determination, his judgement, his will to change the village for the better. He refused to pass students unless they knew the value of teamwork. He was the only one who failed team after team and sent them back to academy bc no matter what, he never would've let students who didn't value their comrades become shinobi. Would a bootlicker do that? He broke into root and freed tenzo; when everyone in the village ostracized naruto and iruka had almost made up his mind to ask hiruzen to assign him another student, KAKASHI was the one who told iruka to approach Naruto with love instead. He always had a mind of his own. When team 10 wanted to get their revenge after Asuma's death, kakashi himself offered to accompany them even tho tsunade wasn't initially very enthusiastic about the idea. Would a bootlicker do that? He sneaked naruto off to meet the 4th raikage bc he understood that it was important to Naruto. Would a bootlicker do that? He always did what he thought was right
He realised his mistakes and he changed for the better. He had to raise himself and yet he managed to stay on the right track and make not just a great shinobi but also a great person of himself. He didn't want to leave his home. that was his very identity, that was his world. He wanted to change it, not abandon it. I'm sorry that is not a bootlicker. Danzo had even tried to recruit him or smth once but he'd had the judgement and sense to turn him down
As for hiding his trauma idk what to say to that i mean you can't dictate how someone deals with trauma?? Sure, his ways weren't ideal but what can you expect? He was only a kid. He lost everyone that was important to him before he was even 15 and it's not like he received any help from anybody to heal and get better. The one time he tried to approach jiraiya, he turned kakashi away saying he was putting everyone off by being sad. Ig after that he just decided to stay quiet and keep it all inside himself. The village treated him as a human weapon and he started to see himself that way too because he really didn't care for his life anymore. He suffered from survivor's guilt and he wished he'd die, he hoped one of these missions would kill him. And he was this way for many years but what matters is that he did slowly let himself open up. It took him a long time but he did. He taught his genin team but he learnt from them too. They grew on him, he loved them and cared for them. Sure they were a handful but he they were his handful and he adored them. He could gather up the courage to finally let gai in too and even be verbal about how much he meant to him. It took a long way for him to get there and it was not easy but he got there and that's what matters
im sorry that was so long but i get v riled up when people shit on kakashi about these things like you're missing the point and essence of his character and i will throw hands goddamit
The fandom really does misunderstand and misinterpret kakashi v often and there are many instances where i don't agree w the majority so it's so beautiful to me when i see people who think the same way THANK YOU SM I COMPLETELY AGREE W YOU LY <3
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
babe listen so i remembered today how i used to catch frogs for girls i had crushes on at scout camp
even though i didn't really want to but i did it anyway bc i wanted to give them a little frog buddy
so anyway i'd catch you a frog if you wanted
or a beetle!! i'm good at catching beetles especially shiny ones
i don't like touching em but i would for u!! :)
i fucking love frogs. i would love every frog buddy you got for me.
but since you don't like touching them, id let you point them out to me when you find them and ill grab them for you so you dont have to touch my lil slimy frog gift. you find em i grab em. the perfect loving partnership <3
im so proud of you and your abilities to catch shiny beetles, and i am TOUCHED and BLUSHING at the sentiment but i am terrified of bugs. i like pictures of shiny beetles tho!
thats also so cute that you gave ur crushes frogs. I always brought extra fruit snacks to school because my parents bought the really good scooby doo ones and i thought my crushes would like me more if i shared them.
id buy you all the scooby doo fruit snacks in the world.
ur so adorable i love u sm babe.
I wanna live in a little mushroom house with you and all our froggies and beetle babies.
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Also I saw that you're into hp too, I'd like to request a hq x hp crossover please! Relationship hcs of kuroo, osamu and semi (separately) with a slytherin s/o? + bonus if there are suggestive hcs as well. I personally hc kuroo to be a fellow slytherin so I'd really appreciate it if you could assign slytherin for him! I'll leave osamu's and semi's houses to you ^^ thanks again!
ahhh this request made me so excited !! funnily enough I hc slytherin for all these babes🙈im one myself haha let's go🐍🐍🐍 this isn’t late shh
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warnings: suggestive situations/language, alcohol (firewhiskey?? & substances)
Kuroo, Osamu, & Semi with a Slytherin s/o HP! AU
Kuroo Tetsurou
he’s an example of a great slytherin leader
definitely a prefect/head boy, quidditch captain, and is in like 3 clubs. you bet he’s a favorite among professors too
he’s the stereotypical slytherin that’s good at potions, but it’s not bc he’s a slytherin it’s bc he’s an actual nerd (chemistry nerd? try potions nerd)  
and he’s just generally smart and good in his classes
and so are you :) a prefect too
in fact, you’re quite popular with all the houses and the professors. most people wouldn’t guess that your slytherin based on stereotypes
Kuroo, however, recognizes what you’re really doing: creating a network for yourself, and he respects it, but he will mess with you
you actually become friends with Kenma first, knowing he’s very intelligent, which is how he hears about you other than seeing you in passing in the common room and your shared classes
the first time he speaks to you is in potions class and brings up Kenma as a common point, and continues just charming his way through the conversation
he’s just too nice. but there’s little hints of provocation in there too
so you make things fun and flirt back, but play innocent hard to get 
the whole time before he actually asks you out is this back and forth witty banter and flirting that drives everyone crazy
which by the way, he keeps dropping hints that you’re going to have to ask first, but when you finally crack and start to he asks instead, making you flustered (which was his goal the whole time)
can i just say: power couple
y’all are just popular and no one knows why really?? you’re just hard to hate. it’s allll jealousy
you’re also the parents of the slytherins too. you keep em in line but also have no issue standing up to anyone
and trust me, no one wants to mess with you two. you have respect for more than one reason, and knowing a nasty hex or two is def one of them
that network i was talking about? comes in handy all the time
he’ll casually mention a specific kind of root he needs for a potion he wants to try in his extracurricular potion lessons (yes he’s that person) and you just go:
“oh Richard has a friend in ravenclaw who’s got a cousin working at a shop in Hogsmeade that gets those regularly. want me to ask?”
he’s good at getting away with his shenanigans. usually. you always catch him and never let him live it down
when he acts all cocky you know just what to say to knock him down a few pegs, or flirt up a storm that makes everyone around you gag at the sexual tension
“yes captain”
honestly, it feels like you’re the only ones who know the other completely, save for Kenma with Kuroo
he’s the type that will cast orchideous when he sees you by yourself and make flowers grow next to you before walking up and revealing himself aw <3
other students would rather hug the giant squid than get in a debate with you two, especially if you’re together. they’re feelings and egos will be permanently scarred
more pda than other slytherin x slytherin relationships. you’re not afraid to show that you belong to each other
it’ll be something like an arm around your shoulder or a kiss on the cheek as a greeting (it’s still subtle)
more than one occasion he’ll come up behind you while you’re working in the library and massage your shoulders while kissing your neck and whispering some suggestions into your ear
it looks very innocent from an outside perspective, but he makes it so hard to concentrate with his hot breath on your skin
and did i mention you’re both prefects? wow do you abuse your privilege sometimes
what’s more exciting than getting a little action in a dark secluded part of the castle by torchlight during your nightly rounds?
need i mention the bath? steamy.. Myrtle’s a blabbermouth too, so the other prefects know what’s up. but really, are they gonna stop you?
not always, of course. shared baths are some of the best times to have real talk and deep conversations
100% supportive of each other and will take over the world one day, we love to see it
Miya Osamu
the temptation to just make him from Durmstrang-
***i just know people will fight me for sorting him into Slytherin. it’s true that he fits in others but he’s flexible, so i stuck him here for now. i already admitted he was a hat stall calm down.
Osamu’s career as a Hogwarts student is made up of 2 things: quidditch and a secret snack and substance smuggling ring he started in his second year
the Miya twins have a reputation with quidditch just like with volleyball (Osamu is a chaser, Atsumu is a beater. great team)
(i imagine they’re pureblood too, not rlly important though. if you’re half/muggleborn, enjoy teaching his clueless ass about basic muggle society)
you’re another proud and competitive slytherin, who somehow has dirt on anyone and everyone
you’re on the quidditch team too, even better. that’s where you grow close to the twins at first, making you guys a power trio in your own right. quidditch dream team <3
not only do you spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other intimately as teammates (beyond the facades) and allowing his feelings to grow slowly yet surely, but Atsumu is also there to provoke and make Osamu subconsciously jealous when he gets feelings
you’re great at talking Atsumu in circles, which frustrates him and amuses Osamu
(more than once the twins have gotten into pseudo-duels and nearly burned the quidditch stands to the ground. lucky your common room is in a stone dungeon omfg)
you obv know about his snack business, initiating a bit of blackmail to get him to do favors for you, but all in good fun. eventually one of those favors is a date ;)
it’s a quiet relationship, not an in-your-face one, but no one can deny the chemistry,, it’s almost suffocating itself
he’d messed around a little, but they never lasted more than a week. so when he realized you’d hit the month mark he was (internally) “oh shit”
you go on Hogsmeade dates all the time <3 he actually laughs when you get a butterbeer foam mustache. it was an accident the first time, now you do it on purpose ;)
you become a business partner for his smuggling ring. your blackmail means you’ve got lots of people under your thumb and lots of favors available to call in. he also trusts your judgement
fangirls are always jealous, but merlin help them if they confront you. if they’re lucky you’ll roll your eyes and ignore them, but usually you’ll decimate them with words and leave them in the dust. you also know how to hex and get away with it (just blame someone else duh)
yeah rumors happen and it’s annoying, bc you really don’t need people staring at you all the time, but neither you or Osamu even address it
both of you are invited to Slughorn’s parties along with Atsumu, you’re that couple
you’re staring someone down and he comes from behind and snakes (ha) his arms around your waist, glaring at them over your shoulder. 11/10 terrifying
sitting in the courtyard talking to your friends, your head on his lap while he plays with your hair
sneaking into the kitchens together. once you tried some cooking charms and the next day everyone’s eggs were neon green at breakfast...oops?
holding hands while you walk through the hallways and the crowd parts around you
Atsumu is secretly bitter his brother has such a cool s/o and he has yet to have a serious relationship, so he’ll bother & tease the two of you a lot to cope smh
though you don’t show it in public and often give off a tough front instead, behind closed doors you’re actually very loving and committed to one another
favorite places for ~special~ time? quidditch locker room & your dorm
you find excuses to stay behind after practice together. your teammates used to think it was just a coincidence until they finally caught on (not that they’d tattle. if you get caught that’s your business)
imo Osamu would probably be willing to try involving charms in some way during sexy times. a spark on your skin, binding, whatever. most of them are one-offs but it’s the thought that counts ig
there’s an unspoken rule in the slytherin boys dorm to stick a drooble’s gum wrapper on the door of the dorm to tell the others to stay out, but Osamu doesn’t trust anyone so he prefers hanging out in your room. it’s quieter and your roommates know not to try anything <3
he smuggles in some firewhiskey and other stuffs for you two to enjoy by yourselves <3
Semi Eita
(debated with gryffindor for him, but ultimately decided nahh)
Semi is less of the sly and underhanded slytherin and more of the ambitious and self-assured kind
idk why, but i’m feeling a love-hate to friendly competition to friends to lovers ?? don’t ask ajsldkf
you’re a top student, mostly bc of your charm though. no one knows if your good grades are real (they are, but it doesn’t hurt being the teacher’s favorite)
though you hop around friend circles, you don’t have a solid group. sort of an outcast in that way
he knows you exist, but no one really expects much from you. aha, big mistake
every single time you sweep everyone in classes, one way or another, you come out on top (hey i won’t question your methods) and oh does it piss him off. you’ve hit a competitive nerve my friend,, little bit of envy too :/
he confronts you, but you evade, maybe with a little challenge or provocation
from then on it’s just little jabs at each other. he corrects your stirring technique. you return the favor in transfiguration with his wrist motion
you two are the definition of “are you flirting or starting a fight?”
he ends up partnering with you in potions, just to see your tricks up close i swear. he didn’t realize that meant he’d see different sides of you when you study. the way you mingle with everyone intrigues and fascinates him, and slowly curiosity takes the place of spite
he saw you prank a gryffindor into drinking babbling beverage, and it was the first time he saw a genuine smile from you (even if it was a little malicious) 
slowly your relationship shifts as you learn more about each other. you’re more than a suspected cheater and he’s more than a hotheaded jock
you two are the definition of “are you flirting or starting a fight?”
both of you are super super stubborn and too proud to admit feelings for each other sigh, cue slytherin bff tendou to the rescue. count on him for some elaborate scheme to finally get you two together. thank god
once you are together, you’re inseparable
you send each other messages on paper birds charmed to fly to the other, wherever they are. it’s gotten you in trouble a few times (Snape will read them out loud, just bc you’re slytherin doesn’t mean you’re spared embarrassment)
you are in charge of his outfits if you ever go on casual dates to Hogsmeade. sorry eita it’s not a debate <3
he’s super fcking protective, and has a bit of a jealous streak. scary when irritated, but no more than you are
most loyal freaking couple ever though
you’ll have heated debates with each other that from the outside look like you’re fighting but five minutes later you’re chilled out on the common room couch reading a book together, him reading over your shoulder as you sit between his legs
deep conversations late at night in the common room, watching the giant squid & cuddling by the fireplace
love talking about your dreams and aspirations, joking about taking over the world together <3
though it takes some convincing for him on your part, you’re great at sneaking out and not getting caught. you know the secret passages like the back of your hand thanks to being stuck in the dungeons, and like hell rules are going to keep you from enjoying what you want
Hogsmeade, down by the black lake/boathouse at night, and your favorite spot, the astronomy tower <3
you’ll go up there at night, casting sparks from your wand that decorate the air like hovering stars, and just enjoy the beauty of magic and each other
the first time you were almost caught, you ended up in a snug secret passage, and that was your first kiss
sometimes you’re almost caught and then it’s a nice flashback to that time
low on pda outside of holding hands, but get a little firewhiskey and you’re all over each other
late night study sessions in the library that often turn into makeout sessions when you’re finally alone what can i say, the possibility of getting caught is exciting
a big part of your relationship is impressing and inspiring each other every day. you understand each others’ passions and habits, and you’re constantly keeping each other in check while also pushing yourselves to be better (tbh top tier slytherin x slytherin dynamic)
a/n: anyone want a fic out of these?? omfg please send more harry potter or au in general
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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vampireloverz · 3 years
SOPHIE these were such great questions when u asked me so i'm sendin em RIGHT BACK ATCHA LOVE 💖 F & G for the ask game anddd i see you've already answered T so... how about I & K instead? 👀
thank you for sending me these sara!! 🤍
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
omg this one’s from demon enji:
Your cheeks feel like hot coals now, pinpricks of embarrassment burning your skin as you pull your hands away from his face. You don’t know what compels you to be honest about your thoughts, “Kissing.”
“Kissing?” he questions, “Kissing what?”
“Not what, fool, who.”
“Not I, surely,” he says flatly, but his eyes stay twinkling like you’re being funny.
“Surely,” you mutter as you try to turn away, but his finger on your cheek stops you.
i had so much fun writing this idk why hskxbjdjd i loved making reader like. snarky i guess? aaah i just really liked this moment, it was fun to write dialogue that doesn’t feel too modern i guess :o
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
so i write a really rough outline— story beats i wanna hit, specific actions or lines of dialogue— then i write completely out of order, whatever scene i feel like working on at the time, it’s a total mess hejxbdjnxnf but it works out in the end!
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
hmmm not that i can think of 🤔 maybe when writing i just write the smut i think is hottest to me, i don’t really worry if someone else will think it’s sexy hskxbdkdnd
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
well besides my dabi fic… i have like. the vaguest hint of a wisp of an idea of all might and a doomed love :( like him having to choose the world over you :( lots of crying and issues with self worth on both sides… happiest of endings tho bc im a fuckin wimp hskxbdjxndn not sure if i’ll ever write it :3c
fanfic ask game!!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a Winged Mutant
Warren Worthington III x reader
warnings: drinking mention
a/n: thank you lovely! 💖
prompt: @writerdream22: “Hi, I hope you're doing ok! Could I request an X-men headcanon with the reader being a winged mutant who's always left out by the other students (because she looks kind of scary to them) , but when Warren came to the school the two became very good friends (with some romantic and funny interactions between them)? Thank you very much in advance ✨❤️”
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you were sort of the school outcast
although all mutants were welcome in professor xavier’s school, not all were treated kindly
your mutation gave you wings
huge, heavy wings
wings that your classmates bullied you over, you often heard variations of “ugly” when they were described
“their wings are hideous! y/n got stuck with gross bat wings”
“bat? no, more like demon”
they may have been a bit more frightened by the sight of your wings than anything
it took some time to be able to brush off your comments
and understand that you weren’t going to make many friends
most people stared, but averted their gaze once they realized you were looking right back at them
your wings got in the way in classrooms, so you were always sitting in the back
“professor, may i use the restroom?”
“not now, y/n, you’ll disrupt my class”
even wanting to be some sort of help through the x-men’s fights
you swore that your power of flight would be beneficial to the team, but jean and scott told you that you’d be better off helping with clean up
“oh, of course. i have to stay here while they go off and fight the big bad guys. i see how it is, they dont need me, huh?”
“who are you talking to, y/n”
“not you, mind your business”
awaiting the x-men’s return while you sorted through the rubble of the school
there wasn’t much to find there
flying overhead to make sure everyone was safe (and there was no more agents on the property)
once the x-men were back, you noticed a few new faces
one really stood out, not his face, but his wings
they were...metal?
blades, actually
now those scared your classmates
he took notice of you early on, as well
“your wings are beautiful, deary”
when he heard your tone, he knew that you had been treated wrongly
“i’m warren, they call—called me angel. and you are?”
“y/n...they call me a walking nightmare”
“that’ll change”
you and warren ended up clicking, something the professor was very proud of
he already felt so guilty that you were all alone
warren and you got into all sorts of mischief
“bet i can fly higher”
“oh ho ho, i’d like to see you try!”
you and him snuck out and flew as high as you could go
he let you win, he liked how upbeat you got after a win
“y/n, you know you look amazing while you fly?”
“don’t start with me, worthington!”
“i’ve already started, why don’t we finish?”
sometimes you’d observe the blades that made his wings
“theyre so...interesting. are they heavy?”
“i’ve gotten used to ‘em. they used to look like the wings of an angel, thats where my old nickname was from”
“these one’s are so unique”
you guys each got bigger beds in your room bc your wings take up so much room
sometimes on off days you climb on top of warren and cuddle
he has a super thick and fuzzy blanket he drapes over his wings so you’re not laying on straight up metal
“that can change”
listening to music together, he really liked rock and roll (literally the song he was listening to in XMA was The Four Horsemen by Metallica and i YELLED when i heard it)
and headbanging
“dizzy yet?”
“not a bit, why dont you join me?”
“im good, thanks”
you and warren would sneak onto the roof at night and share a bottle of booze while looking at the stars
“can i have the bottle back?”
“no way, it’s mine now!”
“gimme a lil peck right here and i’ll think about it”
he kissed you on the cheek and you gave it back
“was that so hard?”
you kind of forgot about how everyone at the school treated you when you were with him
you subconsciously reached for his hand whenever you walked beside him
he was a bit confused when you started doing it, but now he loves it
and sometimes he grabs your hand first
everyone at the school thought you were dating
but you insisted you were just really good friends
“have a lovely day, y/n, i’ll see you later on today” *hand kiss*
you guys snuck out and flew around new york a few times
just for sightseeing purposes
charles had to lecture you two over itba few times
“you can’t go out like that, it’s too dangerous!”
everything just felt so much simpler with warren at your side
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i-need-air · 4 years
💗 aaa im like obsessed with your chemistry level ask game, could i get one too pls? for my bb boy izuku 🥺👉👈
in terms of physical appearance: i'm 5'5, v chubby, i use she/they pronouns, and i have v curly & fluffy dark brown hair that's dyed turquoise. i have light skin and middle eastern features (thick eyebrows, kinda big nose, etc). i have like no set clothing style, whether i'm gonna dress like a ghost hunter or like a disney princess is truly anyone's guess.
and for personality: my #1 interest is def. biology! i always thought if i were in the bnha universe i'd wanna research quirk genetics and development rather than go down the hero track. unless i'm in a rly bad depressive episode, i'm a really passionate and ambitious person, and i love the idea of using my love for science to help people! i care a lot abt social justice, and i esp wanna advocate for it in my field of study. other things im into: cartoons, true crime, horror and mystery novels/movies, and sometimes painting.
uhh alsO my love languages r quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation, in that order 🥰 i just got a lot of love to give so im usually rly friendly and affectionate unless im super shy that day. and last thing: i love cooking and baking (whether im good at it is a different issue lol), esp if i get to share what i make with friends! i usually rly love baking arab desserts bc they remind me of home and of my mama 🥺❤
Okay, let's give it a go!
× Baby finds you beautiful and I think he personally finds colorful hair adorable. You're expressing yourself and he's all about that.
× Is so proud of you and loves how passionate you are about biology! You guys would have so much to talk about and he will always listen to you talk about your investigations! I feel you'd somehow catch up with the true nature of his quirk sooner or later and he'd tell you straightforwardly.
× Izu would also be into most of your hobbies and passions so I just feel you'd never run out of things to talk about!
× Baby boy needs words of affirmation and he's one to return his love with acts of service and words of affirmation too! I think you have to accept he's gonna be away to be a hero so even if he loves quality time, it's limited but meaningful af.
× This dude does not know how to cook 💀 but wants to help and definitely loves to try your baked goods, specially knowing how much they mean to you. He's gonna eat em, love them and then ask questions about your childhood and anything related to stories ab the sweets 🥺 he likes to know
× You'd be a g r e a t couple!!!
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about this askgame,,, pal just answer what you feel like answering rn i wanna know all of em if im honest
hehehhe challenge accepted 
Asks for Fanfic writers 
drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:
1.      things that inspire you hmmm music, other writers, projecting my own need for relationship lol
2.      things that motivate you uhhh idk I think just wanting people to enjoy their time reading fanfic, because fanfic have
3.      name three favorite writers omg I have so many… chonideno, shippeh, newamsterdam
4.      name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why I know longer have recollection of published works, what are book XD umm I’ve always loved JRR Tolkien bc of his world building, theme of friendships, and kickass imagination and dedication to his work
5.      since how long do you write? August 30th 2019 lol my first fic
6.      how did writing change you? Makes me feel like I’m good at something
7.      early influences on your writing any kiribaku fanfic
8.      what time are you most productive? Probably the evenings/ nightimes
9.      do you set yourself deadlines? I want to… kinda did once but got too stressed when didn’t meet them
10.  how do you do your researches? Mmmm google! And flipping through bnha manga lol
11.  do you listen to music when writing? Either whatever song is setting the mood for a fic or anime lo-fi beats playlists on spotify
12.  favorite place to write cuddled up in 9+ blankets in my bed
13.  hardest character to write tetsutetsu…
14.  easiest character to write Bakugou mfking Katsuki… bc self-projection probably
15.  hardest verse to write the nightmare that baku has in ‘I fall away and you don’t let me go’
16.  easiest verse to write Kirishima naming Baku in “a heroes name”
17.  favorite AU to write haven’t written any other than in the canon world
18.  favorite pairing to write kiribaku
19.  favorite fandom to write my hero academia
20.  favorite character to write bakugou
21.  least favorite character to write uhh I don’t think I’ve run into this problem yet
22.  favorite story you’ve ever written “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”
23.  least favorite story you’ve ever written “I fall away and you don’t let me go”… idk why I can’t stand that fic, it’s my most popular fic too
24.  favorite scene you’ve ever written post-sports festival spar between kiri and baku from Fated Red…. But that fic also has future scenes I’ve written that are just incredible imao
25.  favorite line you’ve ever written Kirishima gives a laugh and reaches a nervous hand to the back of his neck, “I wanted you to have a good time. Seeing everyone pissed you off already… so I thought you’d rather just go for a walk!”
Bakugou deadpans, “You thought that going up 80 floors is the best alternative for cheering me up.”
“Well you said before you liked mountain climbing, so I figured this was close enough.” >>>>> make myself laugh lol
26.  story you’re most proud of Fated Red, but mostly the unpublished parts I’m trying to bridge the gap to get to lol
27.  best review you ever got all the reviews from sweetonmylove make me cry happy
28.  worst review you ever got I’ve been blessed with such good reviews so n/a
29.  favorite story/poem of another author Heartbeat Thunder by shippeh is 10/10 my favorite
30.  hardest part of writing writing lol
31.  easiest part of writing when the characters talk for you
32.  alternate title for (insert story title) hmmm n/a I like my titles
33.  alternate ending for (insert story title) “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”--- alt ending has a kiss lol but just didn’t fit in
34.  alternate pairing for (insert story title) n/a, I basically only do kiribaku lol
35.  single story or multi-part story? Single?
36.  one-shot or multi-chaptered story? One-shots for sure… multi chaps are so freaking hard
37.  canon or AU? canon
38.  do you reread your own stories? Omg yes… and wonder how tf I did that
39.  do you want to be published some day? Hmm maybe???
40.  which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series I would have loved to see “If I was Stuck on An Island, I Would Bring You” as part of the mha two heroes movies XDXD
41.  one song that captures (insert story title) I listened to Touch by Kehlani for almost all fics to keep it soft
42.  do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Plan but so much changes as I write
43.  would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here) I want to write a small sequel to “you’re not some useless idiot in my life, got it?”
44.  do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? All the time future scenes and I never know how to connect them to what I’ve already written
45.  share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet Kaminari mentions to Bakugou at band practice to “not hurt Kirishima” and he proceeds to be petty by pointedly aggressively caring for kiri… ends in confession
46.  share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet Ground Zero and Red Riot are an inseparable hero team since the beginning of second year at UA, where the provisional licenses extended to allowing student hero pairings on patrol. They have practiced defense and coordinated attacks, and a reassurance where they both know they are safe with the other around. Kirishima loves every minute with his boyfriend, as his partner both in love and as heroes.
It always amazes Kirishima when he’s surrounded by the flashes of Bakugou’s explosions as he moves around in his attacks. Kirishima sometimes tries to take down his villains as quickly as possible just to watch Ground Zero take down his target with his powerful explosions. They are beautiful and loud.
 But it starts slowly, the inevitable.
 Kirishima begins to come home from patrol with headaches and blaming them on fatigue and hunger. A low ringing sounds in his ears that sometimes continues even to the next day. Some days it’s hard to concentrate. And other days, Kirishima finds himself turning around in confusion with a question of “what?” before he realizes he’s missed what was said to him.
What didn’t he just hear? >>>>>> it’s a kiribaku hoh fic that I’m completely in love with and don’t wanna mess it up
 47.  how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? 5.. and only two are slow updates
48.  three spoilers for (insert story title) “Faded Red” – Kiri and baku gets OFA, the emotion trigger for deku when he gets kiri quirk is love…, it’s honestly self-indulgent kiribaku slice of life scenes with an undertone of them being fated together….
49.  writing advice I need some lol maybe to remind yourself that this is for you and don’t have to prove anything to others who may not like it
50.  open question to the writer question I want to answer maybe? Will I keep writing and finish fated red and fake it? Answer is yes, eventually, hopefully soon when I stop being blocked and life gets out of my way
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