#/ it's not great but it's a start and shall improve
cordeliaeli · 2 years
Know this is last minute, and I probably should have called or said something two hours ago but the lights have been flickering on and off for the last -- well, two hours, and the heat has officially kicked off in my place. I have Rosalyn cuddled up to me right now because the flickering lights are freaking her out a little bit, and it's giving me a dull headache. Would you mind if we crash at your place for the night? Seems like the storm is starting to really pick up and I don't think waiting it out any longer is going to help anything. @cagenewman
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irishmammonagenda · 8 months
MC's magic going wrong 😱😰
or right depending on ur outlook on life ig
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (extremely brief and only notioned towards), physical affection
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You hadn´t thought much of it at first when you got back to the human realm. Everything went back to normal. Or as normal as it could be.
Your mother and father sobbed when they saw you, stating how they though´t you were lying in a ditch somewhere in the stretching countryside. You´d lied, told them you were away on a residency based apprenticeship, that you were sorry for worrying them. Your siblings showed signs of worry you never thought they were able to feel for you. Thus you were being babied for a month or so.
That´s when it started.
At first, it was more corvids at the bird feeder in your garden than usual. Then it was stray cats. Then inexplicable black and white feathers dusting your clothing and hair.
Your mother smiled picking out the ivory feather from the confines of your unbrushed hair, "Oh! Your guardian angel´s been watching over you!" she says playfully, an old wives´ tale, nothing too serious.
You tense for a moment, before laughing with her. "Well I´ll take it as a good sign." Stupid old wives being the smartest people.
At first it was easy to brush off.
Then your father started getting lucky, he hadn't been one to gamble persay, putting a few coins in on a bet for the horse racing or the football was a regular occurrence, sometimes he won,sometimes he didn't. The difference of a few silvers, a share bag of sweets basically, made no real strain on your belts. But now, he was winning left right and center. Winning amounts that shouldnt be possible based on the amount he input.
Though, after you woke up to cats and corvids staring at you unblinkingly, in your room, with a few flies and insects on the walls, and your bedsheets covered in feathers and scales of all colours and sizes, enough was enough.
You were going to give those nerds a piece of your mind.
After shooing the animals out, (making sure to pet the cats), you picked up a lipstick, and channeled your pact magic before drawing a circle with various symbols on the floor,
You stilled, "Ah, shit. I dunno how to do this, i mean half of those symbols are angry faces and squiggles...." but ever the theatre nerd, you improved.
"I, MC, call upon the power of my pacts with the Avatars of Hell! and, using their power; a portal to the Devildom shall open for me!"
And a portal did open for you. Unfortunately, not to the best place. As you travelled through the time pocket you ended up stumbling once you made it to the other side, the stumble turnt into a tumble turnt into a fall. Unluckily for you, the thing you fell on was toned flesh and chuckling heartily, you were in Diavolo's lap.
"It's great of you to drop by MC!" He says, his massive hands pulling you further into his frame.
You cover your face with your hands, now noticing the various other nobles in the council room who are staring at their Prince, attempting to mask the fact their jaws are going to hit the floor.
Atleast the Brothers weren't there, but Barbatos' half polite smile half smirk and Diavolo whispering various playful musings of, "Did you miss me that much little human, we missed you too.", and "Summoning a portal illegally into the Demon Lord's castle and onto the Demon Princes lap...tututut." almost made the brothers seem like a mercy....
You couldn't tell if this was a win or a lose.
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liliewrites · 4 months
Hi, I love the way you write. You express the characters very well, I can really hear Arlecchino's voice in your sentences.
You can do one with Arlecchino x femreader? Where Arlcchino and reader are married and take care of the children together (would be great seeing reader being maternal with Lyney, Lynnett and Freminet) After reader arrived in their lives, parties and family moments were common. One day at a gymkhana held with all the children, a traitorous Fatui was ordered by an Arlecchino's enemy to kill Arlecchino while she was distracted, but Reader noticed and got in front of her, taking the hit. Reader almost dies and Arlecchino, Lyney, Lynnett and Freminet want revenge.
(Sorry for bad english)
HELLOOO ANONN:)) lmaoo sorry i was brainrotting a lot about this ask and i didn't know how to write it and end it because it's such a good idea and has a lot of potential.. anyw here u go and eat uppp!!:) also forgive me if i understood the word "gymkhana" wrong.. i just searched up the definition on google since i am not familiar with the word hihi..
-warning/s ; a bit of violence at a certain part:) besides that, none!:)
(men dni utc please!)
it was a fun, festive day for the children at the house of the hearth.
arlecchino and you had decided to host a fun little event for the kids, as both of you agreed that it'd be beneficial to the children not just for improving their skills, but for their enjoyment as well.
as of the moment, you and arlecchino were sitting on the side, lyney and freminet were currently tasked with helping and assisting the younger children, while lynette had mostly insisted on staying with you and arlecchino while helping out with organizing the event. you and your wife didn't mind much as you knew she was more introverted and a couple more helping hands would help a lot.
"mother, i believe that we should start the flag race soon.. shall we get the horses and the players ready?" lynette asked, looking down at the clipboard in her hands. you couldn't help but smile, lynette has grown into such a fine, young dependable lady. you pat lynette's head, giving her ears a little rub as praise. "yes, my dear. i would appreciate it too if you assisted them with getting on as well, see to it that none of them get injured." you told her, and she nods at you, her tail slightly wagging as she walks away. you couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that your praise didn't go unnoticed by your daughter.
"mother! mother! look, look!"
"don't i look cool, mother?"
"mother! this is so fun!"
left and right, children were all calling for your attention, and your heart was bursting in joy as you got up from your chair to approach them. you could see the smiles on their little faces and you knew they were enjoying themselves. one child ran up to you, holding freminet's hand and a drawing in another. she brought it up and showed you, smiling widely. "mother, ah- look! big brother fremi drew me an octopus!" she boasted, making freminet look to the side shyly. you couldn't help but feel proud of freminet, whom was usually alone and reserved, was now trying his best to get along and help out with the younger children. "my, what a lovely drawing, hm? mother is very glad that both of you are having fun." you smile, the turning your head to look at lyney as they both walked away. he was currently busy entertaining the audience (who were also kids) with his little magic tricks as they waited for the flag race. little eyes looked at their older brother with admiration, watching him unfold each trick with excitement.
and of course, as all this happened in the background, your wife was currently sitting from where you had currently sat with her on the side. arms crossed as she leaned on her chair, eyes watching over you and the children intently, yet the intimidating look had gone away from her face. instead, a soft look could be seen from her eyes, and she was sitting in a rather relaxed manner as she smiled at the sight of you with the children. her heart swelled joyously, seeing you interact lovingly with them, your laughter along with theirs ringing pleasantly in her ears as she made sure to capture each pretty smile you had on your face.
funny, as her comrades and enemies alike told her that "your wife is your weakness, knave. you've gone soft." if it were the old her, the old her that were full of hatred, of revenge-- devoid of the compassion and acceptance that you've taught her, it would've been an insult but right now? it was a fact, she knows it herself. you were her weakness, but you were not her drawback nor her flaw, but the weakness to the lost, angry soul that she was without you. you were the guiding hand that gave her a reason to continue watching over the house of the hearth, a proper one, unlike a certain motherly figure she came to know.
amidst the festivities, lyney had told everyone to calm down as the flag race was about to start. a big smile on your face as you stood there, instead of going back to sit with arlecchino, as the kids wanted to be with you.
everyone had got into position, the kids were safely mounted on the horses. the audience was cheering, and lyney was holding party popper to use as a signal cue. all of you were filled with thrill and excitement, as lyney counted off to start the race.
"alright, on your marks, hold tight!"
"get ready, set, and-"
before he could even pull on the string and say go, another loud bang was heard- and it was not from the party popper that lyney was holding.
much to everyone's horror, you were clutching your sides. you felt like you were slowly falling the floor, eyesight getting hazy, you were losing your senses quickly- everything was becoming blurry.
the whole event was silent before high pitched, loud screams calling your name could be heard as they ran towards you. the older trained kids, however, were sure to hold them back to give you space.
arlecchino, the moment she saw you get shot, wasted no time in rushing towards you to catch you. ".. d-darling, darling. are you okay? i got you, beloved.. i.." her eyes widened in shock, but her face froze in horror as she held you. warm, thick and sticky liquid pouring onto her and her clothes, but she didn't care.
"d.. darling, you-"
she was blinded with rage. all she saw was red and black, you just got shot, the perpetrator shouldn't have gone far. "children, find who did this. now!"
the older kids had gone and scattered, lyney and freminet leading them as lynette ushered the youngers ones to evacuate. as they dispersed, arlecchino held your body with gentleness and care, you weakly held onto her. ".. b-beloved, don't.. don't get the kids into this.." you pleaded, but arlecchino shook her head. you were in a critical situation, and yet, you still thought of the kids?
"my love, they are trained for this. have faith in our children, now, hold on. i will take you inside."
arlecchino gently lifted you up, holding you closely to her chest as she possibly can without hurting you. "don't pass out on me, beloved." she gently coaxed you as she brought you inside, trying to keep you awake.
as she finally got you in the clinic, the kids whom were trained in medical aid had prepared to take care of you while they waited for a real doctor to come. she gently laid you down on the bed, sitting next to you and she held your hand. every time the children made contact with your wound, you couldn't help but groan and moan- this was all being done with anesthesia after all. the sight of you crying in pain made arlecchino's chest tight with anger and fear. it was the first time the children saw their father become eerily quiet with such an expression on her face.
"father! we've caught the culprit!"
lyney came running in the clinic, panting. arlecchino leaned in to kiss your forehead, you were dangling on the edge of consciousness and it made her feel bad to leave you, but she had to- lest her wrath consume her whole and that would not be good for all of you. "beloved, the children will take care of you while we wait for a doctor. i'll be back soon, i promise." she whispered, before joining with lyney. "lyney, is the man tied?" she asked, and lyney nodded. "yes father, shall we turn him in to the-"
"no, never mind that. i will take care of him on my own."
she dismissed lyney with her hand, making the boy silently nod at her father's command to not hand the criminal over to the authorities. however, he couldn't shrug off the creepy feeling coming from his father. arlecchino had a blank expression on her face, he couldn't decipher her feelings at all. he paid no mind to this, not wanting to be the outlet of whatever his father was feeling.
as soon as they walked into the room where the culprit was held captive, the room was filled with a chilling atmosphere. all of the kids within the room could feel it. the perpetrator however, his face was full with fear as he looked at the harbinger. he started talking, but his words were muffled as his mouth was tied and covered.
"children, i am proud of you all for catching this man. we've given your mother justice, but for now. you are all dismissed. tell lynette to come over."
at your words, the children silently obey and leave the room. now it was just the man and arlecchino. for the whole time, arlecchino had held herself back from showing any kind of murderous intent, as she knew you wouldn't appreciate having it shown to the kids.
but now? the look on her face was indescribable, her hand was trembling in pure wrath. she leaned down, grabbing the man by his collar and throwing him against the wall. "i will ask you questions, and for every wrong answer, i will cut off one finger. think wisely." she threatened the man, grabbing a chair and pulling it in front of him. "however, seeing as you've decided to hurt my wife in the first place, i can see that you lack a brain."
the man was silenced, and she carefully studied his features. he was a fatui, much to her annoyance. "a traitor, i see. now tell me, who was it that ordered you to do this?" he asked, tugging on the cloth on his mouth.
"p-please, my lord- it wasn't my intention to-"
the man was cut off by his own agonizing scream of pain, with arlecchino stepping on his leg, piercing his flesh with the tip of his heels. "let this serve as a warning, you buffoon. if you do not give me an answer, i will cut your finger off next."
"i-it was one of the rich men you offended last time, my lord! s-sir van duyn!"
arlecchino clicked her tongue, tsk, it was one of those greedy capitalists again. how childish they are, just because of a few true but harsh words, and they act pathetically like this? sending in someone to hurt the knave's wife as they spend a fun day for the children?
arlecchino walked out the door and lynette was already there. "clean up the mess, do not let anyone else know of this." she ordered and lynette silently nodded.
oh, now they've done it. with a snap of arlecchino's fingers, the man's curdling screams had echoed within the room, his flesh slowly being consumed with her flames and soon, the one behind all this would suffer a much more painful death.
it was already nightfall when you had woken with you in full grasp of your senses. you looked around you, the children sleeping, and you immediately felt bad. they must've been so tired to fall asleep this early.
"beloved, are you awake?"
you were startled, but you looked towards the door. your wife, she was there. there was blood on her. you immediately sat up, but she immediately brought a finger to her lips, a silent cue to be careful not to wake the kids up. she walked towards you and sat by your side.
"oh celestia, my beloved.."
you gasped, hand touching her cheek. blood was splattered against her pale skin, but you were able to deduce that it wasn't hers, seeing as there were no visible wounds on her body. arlecchino however, had leaned into your palm, her hand on top of yours as she closed her eyes. "careful, my love. i do not wish to dirty your hands.." she reminded you, but the blood was dry. your chest was spilling with worry and fear. "what happened, arlecchino? are you okay? are the kids okay? i-" she took your hand off her cheek, kissing your knuckle.
"i'm glad that you are back to your senses, beloved, but yes i am fine. the kids on the other hand, i told you to have faith in them remember? they are fine and unharmed." she assures you as she crawls into bed with you, gently pushing you down and collapsing onto your chest as she wraps her arms around you. "now please, i wish to hold what i've almost lost in my arms." she wishes with a pleading tone, so you decided not to press on further. knowing that it's been hard for arlecchino to see you like this, you sigh, moving your hand to run through her hair again. she closes her eyes, now was she only truly able to calm down, feeling your warmth invading her senses. "if it means being able to keep holding you like this.. i'll do anything- anything, my love, just to protect the warmth that you give.."
a little bonus hihi ;
you sighed, deciding to let this go for now. however, at bedtime, you refused to let arlecchino sleep next to you (for awhile) as you were upset that she had made the kids do something as dangerous as running after the culprit.. but the next morning, arlecchino smiled, seeing as you were sleeping soundly on her chest.
currently, you were having morning coffee with arlecchino while the kids were still asleep. you were skimming through the newspaper, and you couldn't help but gasp in shocking as you read a certain news. "oh, darling? do you remember sir cecil van duyn?" you asked. arlecchino hummed, placing her cup down. "yes, one of our investors? what is it, dear?" she asked, looking at you curiously. "he was found dead! i may have not seen him often, but what a shame.." you sighed, oblivious to the fact that it was your wife's doing. arlecchino looked away, bringing the cup to her lips again. "yes, indeed darling, what a shame.."
she would not tell you this but for you, if it meant keeping you well and alive-- yes, she'd kill for you any day. she could paint her whole arm with the blood of those that dare to even lay a finger on you and she'd wear it proudly, to instill the image of it in their minds, so that her enemies know that it could be their blood next splattering on her if they decide to do the same dumb mistake the others already have.
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floatyflowers · 1 year
Dark! Platonic Alexander the Great x illegitimate! Daughter reader?
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He had you when he was really young, barely fifteen years old.
Even though many men back then had children younger than his age.
Alexander didn't give you up, in fact, he insisted that you stay by his side, not caring for the criticism lashed towards him.
Not only that, but also tried to convince his father to legalizes you.
But his father refused to do so.
However, when King Philip II gets assassinated, and your father becomes king at twenty-one, the first thing he does is claim you as his true-born child.
For the Macedonian Greek king, you were not just a child related to him by blood...
You are the daughter he spends long nights telling about his glorious fights and hunts.
Unlike his father who belittles his achievements, you always seem excited to listen to him.
Also, you have the same interests as him, you love to always learn and improve even as a young child.
Alexander decided to bring you with him on his conquests, even though his mother, Olympias objected to the idea, stating that war is no place for a girl.
But your father insisted that you shall come with him because you are his daughter.
Of course, he kept you protected away from the battle field.
One time, Cleitus, one of the generals, flirted with you during the celebration of one of your father's victories.
Alexander got word of that and killed his friend with his own hands in drunken fury.
As years pass by, your health becomes more frail, and you start to pass out during long journeys.
Alexander appointed the highest physicians to cure you, but they failed to even find out what is making you so weak in the first place.
On your deathbed, you keep mumbling your father's name while Alexander keeps holding your hand, pleading for his gods to save you.
"Don't leave your father alone, (Y/n), don't be so cruel" the conqueror choked out the words, with tears falling down his face
But unfortunately, you passed away at the age of seventeen, leaving your father heartbroken and feeling great guilt.
Alexander also died a few months later from typhoid fever.
His last request was that they move your body to his tomb, so he can find you again in the afterlife.
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noneorother · 5 months
The art director & the Good Omens book cover tier list of doom, part 1
part 1 l part 2
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This is going to have to be a multi-part series because there are *checks notes* 64 different covers that I've found so far.
I am your resident Art Director/Good Omens enthusiast, and welcome to my completely meta-free book cover tier list. Listen, making a book cover is HARD. I should know. But while we salute these artists for their hard work and time, I think we can all admit that once in a while, the vision is just not on. And on very rare occasions, publishers seemed to have managed to commission the cover art directly from hell... 1. The original UK cover
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Ahh, the standard by which all shall be judged. We're starting off with a nice & easy cover, with adorable woodcuts of Aziraphale and Crowley flanking a custom Good Omens font! While I have to take a few points off for the terrible kerning of the word "GoOD", the blockprint vibes and general bitchiness of Aziraphale's teeny weeny wittle face, along with the sick colour palette puts the orignial in my good graces. Tier: Great
2. The duelling US covers
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Progress! Hail to the designer who figured out trying to make "GoOD" and "OMeNs" fit the same width was a fool's errand, and even managed to IMPROVE on the original handmade title by adding a little halo and devil's tale to the design. Aziraphale and Crowley are facing each other, while also managing to serve absolute cunt. Aziraphale is wearing EIGHTIES SNEAKERS. Crowley's little snake boots have HEELS. They've managed to keep the woodcut vibes and colour simplicity, while balancing out the full title of the book. Both authors get to trade off on who's name comes first! Dare I say, this is a work of genius. I could dock some points for Crowley's sad bat wings growing out of his right clavicle, but who am I to question greatness.
Tier: Blessed by God Herself
3. The Halo Master Chief(?) cover
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How the mighty have fallen... As a Canadian child, I was subjected to maybe the most horrifying ad in existence by the War Amps warning children about machine safety. This cover is the paper embodiment of that ad. I am confused by the purple haze. I am frightened by the seeming ethereal flatness of Adam and Dog. I am strangely aroused by Aziraphale's eyebrows, and intensely saddened by the terrible outline/drop shadow they had to inflict on the type to fit "Pratchett" in that god awful space. Tier: WTF
4. Germany, Ein Gutes Omen covers
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This cover inexplicably exists in two colour ways: red and teal. I put the audiobook cover here so you could experience the full illustration, and also how fucked up it is that they cropped the book version to include three horse-people of the apocalypse, but cut off DEATH on the regular cover. Points must be given for drawing a pretty slick Bentley, but I think we have to take even more points away for turning Crowley into a Ray Charles/Mike Wazowski hybrid. The ducks are nice. Tier: Not so Good (Omens)
5. Germany, Ein Gutes Omen covers continued
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I don't know if the German designer of this cover *knew* that they were using western yeehaw cowboy woodblock letters when they made this cover, but judging by how they spaced the rest of the text at the bottom, THEY DID NOT CARE. And that seems to be a running theme for this one. We get kind of a duality thing going on with the black and pink background, but it just seems like somebody whispered the general themes of Good Omens into a jar, and threw it down a well, and this poor chap came along and picked it up. The baffling choice to align every piece of text on the cover *except* Neil Gaiman's name which is right aligned and rotated 90 degrees (not even real vertical type) will haunt my dreams, I think.
Tier: Bad
6. US, UK The Traffic Jam cover
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For the love of Good Omens, WHY. I can think of so many more interesting symbols to put on the cover of this book than the ODEGRA SIGIL TRAFFIC JAM. Props for keeping the good colours and type, but like, I think this cover was secretly designed by @amtrak-official, or someone who just really, really likes public works. Tier: Does the Job
7. France, De bons présages cover
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Leave it to France to make sure people know that Aziraphale and Crowley fuck severely. While I can't condone leaving out half the title of the book (and thinking a red carpenter's square counts as decoration), I can begrudgingly acknowledge that Ron Pearlman and Benedict Cumberbatch's love child is excellent Crowley casting. I think I give this a solid dark academia/10. Tier: Good (Omens)
8. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Just imagine with me, if you will, the absolutely hilarious reality that this cover posits: Good Omens is exactly the same in every respect, but Crowley drives a pink 1950s convertible. Why do all of the colours on this cover look like they've been pre-digested? Why are the font choices and placement so bafflingly bad. My face is the demon's face holding that car. I feel his pain.
Tier: WTF
9. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Minus points for not managing to write the full title of the book once again. I don't know what it is with the French. They seem pretty set on Good Omens being demonic. While I do appreciate a good Bosch-style demon party, the dude in the middle confounds me. All-caps Museo Sans that isn't even *centred* in the frame is just so lazy. I am le tired. Tier: Bad
10. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Uhh. The font. The font is okay.... I think? Yeah. The font and kerning are. Okay. OHHH GOD I LOOKED DOWN BELOW THE TEXT WHYYYY. Tier: WTF
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END of round one. I need a nap.
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srbachchan · 2 months
DAY 6005
Jalsa, Mumbai July 27, 2024/July 28 Sat/Sun 2:37 am
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.. the body moves .. not quite as before .. but moves .. movements are an integral part of our living .. we are brought here in this Universe to move .. move out move above move about and around , but move ..
I sought the pt's of movement for us likes and are given the directions that pertain to the fact of how movement is the crucible of necessity ..
"For an 82-year-old male, maintaining movement is crucial for overall health and well-being. Gentle activities like walking, swimming, or tai chi can help enhance mobility, strength, and balance. Stretching exercises improve flexibility, reducing the risk of injury. Light resistance training can preserve muscle mass and bone density. It's essential to include regular breaks and avoid overexertion. Social activities like dancing or group exercises provide both physical and mental benefits. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen is important to ensure safety and to tailor the activities to the individual's health status and physical capabilities."
.. and so I move ..
but enough of the 'i' .. it's time to bring in the 'they' .. 'they' are the necessity of the movement living .. for the simple reason that what 'they' induce you with , becomes the movement legacy .. 'they' may never feel so , but the fact is just that .. MOVE ..
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blessed are we that are the face of public appearance .. and the 'they' comes in with immense intensity to justify our beliefs and aforementioned detail ..
when 'they' burst we explode .. when 'they' explode we hold on to their tails and travel where 'they' do or go .. 'they' go to destinations known to them but 'they' carry our destinations as well .. without them we have no destination .. our final peak is theirs .. and that is how we be ..
In a few hours from now .. well .. quite a few hours from now at the GOJ .. there shall be meets and greets and shares and givings and reciprocation .. that is life , reciprocation .. get one give two ..
and the interpretation be theirs as well .. we learn from them .. 'they' are the spirit that educates .. 'they' teach professionally .. we follow in the lead given ..
the mention of the 95% and 98% is ever adorned with great appreciation .. but 'they' teach us that there are those that achieve from the 50% to the 60% also..
are their achievements any less ..
they deserve the lead as well , to swell the encouragement to keep the growth ..
and growth is movement ..
SO ..
MY LOVE CARE and my affection for them that strain .. strain to move forward .. a step or two may be and NOT a gallop .. but a step all the same ..
'take the strain .... HEAVE ' !!!!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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meixstar · 4 months
❥ Synopsis You want to get stronger? Nanami might just be the best person to help you with that.
❥ Pairing Nanami Kento x fem!reader
❥ Content explicit content! 18+, Minors DNI, foul language, working out afab!reader, teacher!reader, dom!Nanami, unprotected sex, Nanami is kinda mean, creampie, implied mutual pining, masturbation (m! receiving), vaginal sex, clitoral play, slight breeding kink, slight hate fucking at first, pet names (pretty girl, darling) dirty talk, fingering, oral (f! receiving), Nanami loves eating possay, doggy style, missionary, aftercare, Nanami being a gentleman, kissing/making out, praise, degredation if you squint, ripping clothes, teasing, porn with plot
❥ Word Count 3.4k
❥ A/N HELP THIS IS MY FIRST SMUT I'M SORRY IF IT SUCKS I'M REALLY EMBARRASSED RN BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE IT Anway I have no idea about working out and how to write it?? so I hope this was okay and doesn't suck too bad c: Thank you for your request!
PS i'm sorry if the requests are taking too long :( i'm not really used to writing this much lolol but i plan on doing them all, and I'm really excited about SatoSugu fluff that someone requested :D
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Sweating It Out
"Faster. If you want to land a critical hit on your opponent, you have to charge at them like you mean it." Nanami's voice echoes through the courtyard of the school.
"Search for their weak point," He tightens the tie around his neck as he steps closer to her body on the ground. "You need to work on your form and condition." a quiet sigh leaves his lips as he helps her up from the floor in one swift motion.
You brush the dirt off your sports clothes and look up at him with a slight pout. "Easy for you to say," the back of your hand wipes across your cheek to get rid of the remaining grime. "I don't even know how I got this job in the first place." a soft chuckle escapes you.
A hint of amusement flickers across his stoic face. "Modesty becomes you. You're better than you think." his eyes scan your face for a moment. "We've still got a lot of work to do if you want to improve those reflexes of yours. If you're comfortable with it, I would help you do some simple work out back at my apartment." he gestures towards the parking lot, where his car is waiting.
"And by work, I mean actual physical exercise, not just tossing around excuses." Nanami remarks smugly, making your lips part in surprise. "Wha- I'm not 'tossing around excuses', thank you very much." The audacity of this stupid, attractive man. You let out a playful huff and fix your hair. "Although I do find it rather surprising that you would invite me to your place."
Nanami chuckles, the low sound and smooth "Formalities aside, I'm willing to make an exception for you. After all, someone needs to whip you into shape." his gaze lingers on hers, a subtle spark of attraction evident beneath the surface. "Shall we?" without waiting for an answer he starts walking towards his car.
"Hey, I would say I'm in pretty good shape.. physically wise." you remark teasingly with a soft chuckle as you follow him towards his car.
You get greeted with the sight of a raised, skeptical eyebrow from him. "Is that so? Then perhaps we'll focus on refining your technique instead. You can't rely solely on brute force. Strategy and finesse are just as crucial." he opens the passenger door for her, his movements fluid and courteous. "Besides, I have a few.. exercises in mind that might put your physical prowess to the test." Nanami's tone remains formal, but a hint of suggestiveness creeps into his words.
"Great, can't wait.." you groan in exhaustion, not noticing his suggestive hint. Your head rests against the window of his car while you wait for the arrival to his apartment. Trees, pedestrians and other cars move by in a blur as you look out the clean window.
His eyes glance at her briefly, a fleeting glimpse of amusement crossing his features before focusing back on the road ahead. "I suppose you should conserve your energy then. We'll be getting started shortly." Nanami's voice remains steady, betraying no emotion, but his grip on the steering wheel tightens ever so slightly as he accelerates onto the highway.
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He emerges from the driver's side, his suit jacket fluttering open to reveal his crisp blue shirt underneath. "Please, come in." his hand gestures towards the entrance as he leads the way inside to his apartment. "We will start with some stretching exercises. I have a few routines that will help improve flexibility and balance." his tone remains professional, but his gaze lingers on her for a fraction of a second longer than necessary.
"In that?" you point towards his clothes. "Scratch that actually, I'm the only one doing this, aren't I?" a sigh escapes you. You put down your bag on the floor and stretch your arms above your head.
Nanami pauses, one hand resting on the doorknob as he turns to regard you. "Ah, good point. Don't worry, I will change into something more suitable and join you." his gaze travels down her form, lingering on her curves before snapping back up to meet her gaze. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back." With a brief nod, he disapears into the bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room.
So here you were, alone in the apartment of your colleague who you have been crushing on for a year now. Totally fine, right?
You slap both palms of your hands against your cheeks and shake your head. Trying to distract yourself, you walk around his living room, taking in the minimal decorations. Your head turns towards his bedroom door as he re-emerges from the room, now clad in some sweatpants and a tight fitted shirt, showcasing his toned physique.
"Now then, shall we begin with some light cardio to loosen up your muscles?" his tone remains formal, yet a hint of anticipation underlies his words as he approaches her, his eyes locked on hers. "Alright, but don't be too hard on me - again." you chuckle and wait for his instructions.
"I assure you, I will push you to your limits but not beyond. Now, let's start with some jumping jacks. Twenty reps, please." he stands with his arms crossed, watching her every move with an air of authority, my gaze scrutinizing her form.
"Ah.. seriously? Isn't that like some high school stuff though?" you sigh and get into position as you start doing jumping jacks. His expression remains stern, unyielding to your protests. "High school or not, it's essential to build a solid foundation. You'd be surprised how many experienced practitioners neglect the basics. Focus on your form, and don't slacken your pace," he takes a step closer, his eyes narrowing slightly as he monitors your performance. "Focus on my form? With jumping jacks? Okay then.."
Nanami observes her movements, his sructiny unwavering. "Not bad. However, I detect a slight imbalance in your landing. Remember to distribute your weight evenly between both legs. And keep your core engaged." his voice remains firm, yet measured, as he provides constructive feedback. "Yeah, yeah.." you answer and keep your lips pressed into a thin line.
"I suggest you adopt a more receptive attitude. This isn't a trivial matter. Proper form is crucial to avoiding injuries and optimizing performance. Try again, and this time, heed my corrections."
"Why do I feel like a student all over again?" you sigh in slight annoyance and stop your jumping jacks. "Fine, fine."
He gives you a curt nod, acknowledging your efforts. "Better. Much better. Your posture has improved, and your footwork is more precise. Not, let's move on to the next exercise. We'll focus on building your strength now." he gestures towards the adjacent room, where various pieces of equipment are set up. "Please proceed to the pull-up bar. I'll demonstrate the proper technique."
You glance around the room, taking in various fitness gadgets in surprise. "Wow, Nanami.. didn't expect you to be that type of man. You know, the type who is so obsessed with working out." you let out a playful hum.
"This is not about personal indulgences. A well-equipped training area is essential for optimal results." he leads the way to the pull-up bar, his movements efficient and purposeful. "Now, pay attention. The key to a successful pull-up lies in engaging your latissimus dorsi muscles," Nanami begins to demonstrate the correct form, his words punctuated by precise motions.
"My what now?" you mumble to yourself in utter confusion. Your gaze drifts towards his working form, hungry eyes lingering on the veins popping out on his forearms every time he pulls himself up. Just then he halts mid-pull-up, his eyes locking onto yours with a faint glint of amusement flickering within. "Latissimus dorsi. The largest muscle in your back. Focus, please."
He releases the bar, dropping back down on the ground with ease. With a scoff you cross your arms over your chest, "Whatever, let me give it a go, Mr. Know It All." you joke lightly and grab onto the pull-up bar before lifting yourself up slowly. Nanami stand back, observing your form with a discerning eye. "You're managing to engage your lats somewhat, However, your grip could be wider, and your body straighter. Allow me to assist."
Nanami approaches her, his big hands closing around her waist as he adjusts her position, his fingers splayed wide. "Feel the stretch in your back, and maintain control throughout the movement." his voice stays calm, but the intimate proximity of your bodies sends a spark of pleasure shooting through his body. At the same time you bite down on the inside of your cheek as his strong hands grab you.
You feel grateful that your back is turned towards him, this way he can't see your cheeks turning a soft pink. "Aren't you straightforward?" you chuckle.
Ignoring your words, Nanami's grip on your waist tightens ever so slightly, his fingers pressing into your skin ever so slightly. "Focus on your form. One more rep, please."
"Yes, Sir." an innocent hum leaves you as you begin to pull your body back up the pull-up bar, letting out soft breaths now and then.
His fingers seem to linger on her skin for a moment before releasing her. "Proceed to the mat. We will work on some grappling techniques." With a soft thud, you let yourself go from the gadget. "Grappling? So you can kick my ass again? Just what I want," she sighs and takes her place on the mat.
"Grappling is an essential aspect. You can't always count on your cursed technique. It requires strategy, agility, and control. Let us focus on some basic escapes and submissions." he assumes a neutral stance opposite her. "Let's begin with a simple wrist lock escape. Observe closely, and replicate my movements precisely." he extends his arm, offering her his wrist.
"Bla bla." you abruptly grab his wrist and twist it to push him down onto the mat with a controlled thud "Easy," a satisfied smile forms on your face. "Good initiative, but poor execution. You relied on brute force rather than technique." he pulls himself out of your grasp and rises to his feet, brushing off imaginary dirt from his clothes. "Again."
"This sucks.." you sigh and run a hand down your face in frustration. "Can't we do something fun instead? Like, fuck I don't know, chess. Would be way more fun than this." you grimace before grabbing his wrist once more to push him down and lower your body to sit on his back to hold him down.
Nanami remains composed, unfazed by her antics, as he lies beneath her, his wrists still clasped in her grasp. "You can have fun some other time." his tone maintains its formal quality, despite the unusual position they find themselves in. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe we've digressed sufficiently. Let's refocus on the task at hand. Release my wrist." he issues the command calmly.
You glance down at the side of his face with a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Hm.. no." You feel his body tense beneath you, his muscles coiling in anticipation. "I see. It appears you're blurring the lines between playful banter and actual combat. I suggest you clarify your intentions."
"You could just roll over and pin me down with ease, Nanami.. Why haven't you done it yet if you are oh so irritated about my antics?" you tease him softly and lean your head closer towards his ear.
In just a moment his body is springing into action as he swiftly flips them over, pinning her beneath him. "Satisfied? Now, shall we resume the lesson, or would you prefer to continue exploring.. other avenues?"
You feel your body growing hot under his intense gaze, "Other avenues? Please, do tell." you wrap one leg around his waist to pull him closer, feeling his growing hardness press against your inner thigh making him grit his teeth ever so slightly.
"Hm, it seems you require a demonstration of the consequences of testing boundaries." he leans closer, his lips inches from yours. This is no longer a lesson for combat, but a display of discipline."
"Aren't you tough? All bark and no bit-" your taunts gets silenced as he claims your mouth in a firm kiss. Out of instinct, your press your chest further into his, deepening the kiss in the process. A soft moan of desperation leaves your mouth that gets swallowed by his own.
Nanami's tongue probes the depths of her mouth, his long fingers maintaining a firm grip on her waist and wrists. He breaks away from the kiss, his breathing heavy. "Now, shall we proceed to the next stage of this.. lesson?" he rocks his hips into hers, eliciting a quiet gasp from her. "Cut the teacher crap, Nanami." she breathes out hotly against his wet lips. "As you wish, but you will receive exactly what you're asking for." With that, he sweeps her up in his arms, carrying her towards the bedroom.
He deposits her on the bed, his tall form towering over her as he looks down at her flushed and desperate expression. "Undress. Now." his tone brooks no argument, as he begins to shed his own clothes with deliberate slowness.
Her eyes wander over his now exposed body, lingering on his cock that leaks with pre-cum already. Out of reflex, she runs her tongue over her kiss-bruised lips, making him flex his fists for a moment. "Mh.. I don't wanna," she bites back a smirk.
"Very well. If you insist on playing games, I will play too." With a swift motion, he reaches out and rips the shirt open, baring her torso to his hungry gaze. "What the fuck! I loved that shirt, aw." she pouts up at him with furrowed brows before glancing back at the now broken fabric on the floor.
Nanami raises an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I'll buy you a new one, and also.. no bra? Naughty girl. Must have slipped my sight." he remarks, his gaze roving over her bared skin, eyes lingering on her perky nipples exposed to the cool air in the room. "Now, will you take off the rest of your clothes? Or should I do it for yo-"
"No, I'll do it myself this time." you scoff lightly and stand up to pull your leggings down, seeing Nanami's eyes following your every move. "Fuck.." you hear him mutter to himself - and god, was it hot to see him loose his composure. "Turn around and bend over, let me see all of you, pretty girl." A pleased hum escapes your lips as you do just that. You bend down over his bed, the soft sheets brushing against your skin, and the smell of him filling your nostrils.
"Mmh.. you know exactly how to tease me, don't you?" Nanami reaches out, his hand reaching out to run over the contour of her ass, the touch feather-light, while his other hand reaches down to stroke himself slowly. "Look at you," he whispers, his breath caressing the skin just above the waistband of her panties. "I can already see how wet you are. Is that because of me? Hm, pretty girl?"
You only manage to get out a weak nod accompanied by a soft whimper as he lets out a throaty chuckle. His fingers hook into the waistband and slowly peels her panties down, revealing her soaking pussy to his eyes. He settles onto his knees on the floor behind her. "Been craving your pussy so often, gosh.." he moans softly as he keeps his gaze fixated on your entrance while fisting his own arousal.
With a glance behind you, you see the scene unfold with hooded eyes. Just that alone makes your pussy clench around nothing. "Nanami.. don't tease me, please."
"I won't.. fuck, I won't." he breathes against your wetness, making you shiver before his tongue slides into the slick folds of your pussy. "Mmh, pussy tastes even better than I imagined." You stuff your face into his sheets as you feel his hot tongue run through your folds. "Oh god- hah,"
His hand leaves his cock, solely focusing on her pleasure as he holds her hips in place. "You like that? You like my tongue inside you, licking your sweet little cunt?" his voice muffled against her flesh, as he works her into a frenzy while his own hips desperately buck against his bed to relieve some tension. "Ohh, fuck.. Your tongue feels so fucking good!" she sobs into the fabric of the bed.
"Come for me, pretty girl. Come all over my face." he let's out a soft groan as he redoubles his efforts, desperate to drive her towards orgasm as he slowly enters two fingers inside her pulsing cunt.
She desperately pushes back against him, needing more. "Hah.. Nanami, please- fuck me already." His eyes flash in excitement, ceasing his oral assault as he stands back up to his full height. His angry red tip glistens with pre-cum, his hands running along her cheeks. "Turn around for me. I want to see your pretty face when you come."
And you do just that, laying down on your back as you glance up at him. He gently grabs your ankles and pulls you towards him as he lines his hard cock up at your entrance, poised to thrust deep. You impatiently wiggle your hips, wanting him to finally take you. You've been waiting for a whole year, after all. So if he doesn't start fucking you right this inst-
"Hah!" You throw your head back with a high-pitched moan as he slowly thrusts forward, his cock sinking deep into your pussy, filling you to the brim as he groans in satisfaction. "Fuck.. so hot." he mutters, hips drawing back before plunging forward once more, setting a slow yet deep pace. "Is this what you wanted? That I fuck you?" he grunts, his strokes growing more frenzied, his cock throbbing inside you.
The only thing that you can do is grip the sheets beside you and hide your flushed, pathetic face in them, frantically trying to hide your arousal.
His chest presses against hers as he leans forward, his arm wrapping around her waist to hold her in place. "Don't hide from me, Darling. Look at me." he demands, voice rough with exertion as he continues pounding into her. "Watch me as I make you come," his other hand snakes around to grasp her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze as he himself drives towards climax.
Her eyes are unfocused as she gazes up at him, her mouth falling open as he fucks into her deep. "Oh f-fuck.. ngh, your cock feels so good!" she bites down on her bottom lip, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks with every thrust.
"You're going to take every last drop of my cum. You're going to milk me dry and beg for more, aren't you?" he coos into her ear. "I'm going to fill you so full of cum you will be dripping with it for hours.." his hand let's go of your chin, reaching down to rub your swollen clit in slow circles with the pad of his thumb. "I can feel you clenching.. are you close? Want you to come all over my cock, can you do that for me?"
Without even giving it a thought, your toes curl and your back arches up into him as your orgasm washes over you with a loud whine. Nanami hisses when your pussy tightens up. His cock surges deep one final time before erupting in a torrent of cum, flooding your hole with his seed.
He collapses forward, his chest heaving with exhaustion as he wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close.
You both lay there for a few minutes, catching your breaths. You feel him slowly pull out of you, making you both let out a soft gasp. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" his thumb runs over your cheeks, his gaze never leaving yours. "I hope I wasn't too rough-"
You interrupt him with a kiss, this one far more gentle than the others. "I'm fine, it was perfect. But.. you can make it up to me with dinner?" you glance away nervously, scared of rejection after what just happened.
What if he only saw this as a one time thing? You did rile him up quite a bit, maybe that was just him being a man. But is Nanami really that kind of man? Perhaps he doesn't even like you and this was hate sex? Plus, you both are colleagues. That would be really unprofessio-
"Of course, is there a specific place you would like to eat at?"
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♡ fanart from @ilameys on twitter ♡
♡ divider by @benkeibear ♡
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Secret Admirer - S.Snape
Summary - Snape had been receiving notes, poems and gifts all year. They were just sitting on his desk waiting for him, he could only speculate who had been putting these things on his desk, until one day, he catches this secret admirer red handed.
Pairings : Severus Snape x Professor!Fem!Reader
Warnings : Female Reader, use of Y/N, not proofread
This is based on this request by @acupnoodle Thank you for the request!
Author's Note : I had a bit of a hard time writing this so please let me know if there was any mistakes or if there was a bit that didn't make sense. I can only become a better writer if I get feedback on how I can improve!!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged
Severus was always curious about who had been leaving little notes and gifts on his desk. Now, he wasn’t complaining, his admirer had brightened his day every single time something was left on his desk. Even the students had taken notice that whenever there was a note or a little wrapped gift on his desk, he’d become happier, chipper even. 
He had no idea who this admirer was and he so desperately wanted to know, he thought he recognized the handwriting but convinced himself that he was delusional. Even one of the students had recognized the handwriting, saying it was Professor Y/L/N’s handwriting. He hoped that it was actually her but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“Professor Snape?” He heard Hermione’s voice from behind him as he was getting himself ready for the lesson.
“Yes, Miss Granger?” He acknowledged the girl, still facing the blackboard.
“Who do you think is leaving you those gifts?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Not even a guess.”
“No. Let’s start the lesson shall we?”
That seemed to be his routine, until one day one of the house elves had delivered a wrapped box with a poem attached in the middle of one of his lessons. He eagerly took the box from the elf, thanking them before sitting at his desk, gently pulling the note off. 
I admire watching how passionate you get when you talk about something you like. I admire everything you do, you’re a great man, a great professor and a great person. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.
Your Admirer
The students watched as a smile spread across the man’s face, color gracing his pale cheeks as his eyes scanned the paper over and over again.
“Are you blushing, professor?” Theodore Nott teased. Severus ignored the teasing as he opened the box carefully. Inside of the box was a signed book from his favorite potioneer, the color on his cheeks darkened even more as he handled the book with care. “Snape is blushing!” Theo pointed out to the class. The girls all giggled at the professor and the boys all let out teasing “oohs”. He quickly shut them up and continued the lesson.
The next day, he had decided out of the blue to go to his classroom early. He heard shuffling around in his room which put him on high alert, he peeked into the room only to find a woman placing something on his desk. When he looked closer, he noticed that it was Y/N Y/L/N, the professor he so desperately hoped was his admirer.
He didn’t understand why she chose him, he was cold and mean, he was unfriendly and sour, so why him? He stood by the door and waited until she turned around. She let out a shriek of fright at seeing the man she was leaving a gift right by the door. “Severus! You scared me!” She gulped. She hadn’t expected him to come to his classroom so early, her heart pounding in her chest.
“You’re my admirer. I should have known that was your handwriting! I second-guessed myself,” He admitted, “I was hoping to catch you one day, ask you on a date but I was too nervous.”
“No need to be nervous Sev. I’d love to go on a date with you!”
The two professors smiled at each other, walking towards one another. “I hoped it was you,” He smiled at her.
“Oh really? And why is that Professor?” She teased as she grabbed his hands.
“Keep it up, darling,” He taunted, a smirk overtaking his smile.
“Keep up what? I’m not doing anything,” She said innocently. He leaned down closer to her, giving her the space to decide if she wanted to lean in or lean back. She, too, leaned in, connecting their lips into a shy and gentle kiss. 
They pulled away for a moment before leaning back, kissing each other with more certainty, more passion. Severus letting go of her hands only to move them to her waist, pulling her body flush to his, her arms wrapping around his neck, hands fiddling with his jet black hair.
The sudden cheers and applause had caused them to jump apart, Y/N accidentally biting his lip in surprise causing it to bleed. “Oh Merlin! I’m sorry! Are you okay?” She rushed out, inspecting his lip. Severus couldn’t help but chuckle, wiping away the blood with his cloak sleeve.
“I’m fine, darling. I promise. You’re going to be late for your class, I’ll see you tonight,” He assured her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before sending her on her way to her classroom. 
The students taking their seats were still cheering and chatting about what they saw as they sat. “Snape is gonna get laid!” Theodore called out causing laughter to spread throughout the class.
“That is not appropriate Mr. Nott. I will be taking 5 points from Slytherin for that comment,” Severus told the boy, taking his own seat at his desk as he settled himself for the lesson. A permanent smile graced his face as he taught his classes throughout the day. Word spreading quickly that the Potions master and the most beloved professor were going on a date later that day. Bets pertaining to when the pair were getting married started even though they hadn’t even had their first date.
The students may not have enjoyed Severus Snape as a professor but they knew that Professor Y/L/N was the best partner for him. They wished nothing but the best for the pair.
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victoria-writes · 7 months
Elvish For Dummies
Pairing: Legolas x Reader (gender neutral)
Summary: Set after the events of LoTR. You live with Legolas in Mirkwood and he teaches you Elvish. Pure fluff.
Word Count: 1039
Notes: Established relationship, reader is human, tried to make the sindarin elvish as accurate as possible so apologies for any mistakes, I’m multilingual so I based this off of my own experience with learning languages 
Read it on AO3 here
Despite the fellowship having disbanded, each day with Legolas seemed like another adventure. During your perilous journey together, the two of you had grown closer than either of you thought possible. The mere thought of being apart from you pulled at his heartstrings. He could not bear the thought of being separated from his new love. After the one ring was destroyed, the elf invited you to come with him to Mirkwood. Hastily, you agreed, for you too could not wait to start a new life with the elven prince. 
Since reaching Mirkwood, many seasons have passed and you two grow closer by the day. Under his guidance, your archery skills and ability to speak Elvish have improved. He took it upon himself to privately tutor you in the tongue of his people. Legolas still giggles when you fumble certain words on your tongue, but is quick to apologize, never wanting to discourage you. He says you have made remarkable progress and that you possess great linguistic potential. Whether that is true or he is exaggerating with sugar coated words, you cannot tell but it feels good to hear his encouragement either way. 
Most of your days together included walks through the woods and riding horseback, but today was a gloomy rainy day. A day that, Legolas decided, would be a wonderful excuse to help you get back to your studies. It’s not that you did not enjoy Elvish. Oh no! You quite liked hearing him whisper loving words to you as he held your gaze. 
“Meleth nîn, Im tur feel cín emel dring dan sab - My love, I can feel your heartbeat against mine”, he would say as he held you in his arms, his breath dancing upon your skin with each syllable. 
Saying you enjoyed that would be the understatement of the century. Everything in Sindarin sounded like poetry. Even the most mundane sentences were said with purpose and flowered language. Unfortunately for you, that also meant the most basic phrases you had to learn weren’t your typical ones. Instead of “I went to the store”, you had to say “I depart to look for food - Im gwann- na thír an aes”. It seems that most Elvish children learn how to say things like “I can feel it in the earth - Im tur- feel ha in i coe” before they learn “please” and “thank you”. No wonder they all sound prophetic when they speak common. Creepy oracle sounding sentence structure as your first language combined with being thousands of years old will do that. 
“Meleth nîn, you’re drifting off. Shall we return to our lesson or is a break needed?”, Legolas' words break you out of your trance. You look up from your desk, covered in notes, to see him towering above you, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. 
“Apologies, I was merely pondering the linguistic differences between Sindarin and Quenya Elvish”, you quickly come up with the excuse to hide the fact that you were simply not paying attention. 
“Is that so?”, 
“Yes, yes, the distinction between Elvish languages is very interesting to me”.
“This is the third time this lesson you’ve been distracted by those differences”.
“Ah, well…”, you trail off, caught red-handed. 
“Y/N, I will not force you to learn Sindarin if you do not wish it”.
“No, no, no, I want to learn. I promise. It’s all just new to me and takes a moment to sink in. Please, repeat what you said. I’m paying attention”.
Legolas smiles but does not repeat himself. Instead, he moves on to an exercise he is sure will get your attention. 
“We shall review what I have taught you thus far.” 
“ Very good, Y/N. Now how would you say ‘the stars shine white’?”
“ I elena mír thilivern” 
“The grass is green?”
“I thár na- calen”        
“Very good pronunciation. You have done well. I believe it is time to learn some new vocabulary”.
You take out a new sheet of paper from your stack, ready to write. 
“You need not write for this portion. Repeat after me.” 
“Okay”. You put your quill down. 
“Meleth nîn.”
“Meleth nîn. I know what that means already. You say it all the time”.
“And what does it mean?”
“My love”, your lips turn upward in a shy smile.  
“Very good. Let us move on then”, he smiles brightly, as if pleasantly surprised despite knowingly fully well that you knew its meaning. 
“I’m ready. Hit me.” 
He suddenly sits down next to you and takes your hands into his own.
“Im mel cin”  
“Im mel cin”  
“Do you know its meaning?”   
“No, should I? I’m sorry.”, your eyes widen as you try to recall whether he had said it before in a previous lesson. 
Legolas throws his head back with laughter. This may be the hardest you’ve ever seen him laugh before… and it’s at you. Great. 
“Apologies. Apologies.”, he manages to get out between giggles, “The look on your face was priceless.” Your face sours at this and Legolas manages to resist a second burst of laughter from it. He thinks you equal parts hilarious and adorable. 
“You would not have known this phrase as I have never spoken it to you before. I do think it is high time for you to learn it”.
“Okay, so what does it mean?”, you scrunch your eyebrows together, ego still a little hurt from being laughed at. 
His grip on your hands tighten but his touch stays gentle as ever. He has always been gentle with you. His gaze holds the same softness. No, even deeper.  The blue of his eyes seem more vibrant and invite you in to look deeper within him. His eyes tell of a love that can never be truly explained in any language. Legolas has always had a staring problem when it comes to you, but this is something different entirely. Your cheeks redden at his seriousness.
“I love you”.
Your eyes widen once more and before you can react, he kisses you. Deeply. Passionately. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” he repeats again and again into your lips. 
Maybe learning a new language isn’t so bad, if you have the right teacher.
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raainberry · 8 months
What’s Yours Is Mine (?)
« silly series - 9 »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - just a classic case of girlfriend stealing clothes
wordcount - 834
A/N - thank you very much anon it means a lot bc me personally i think there’s definitely room for improvement, but ask and you shall receive! a small draft i picked up, enjoy!
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The way Sana ran to get to your apartment had nothing to do with you.
Well, she was excited to see you, that was a given, but she was less thrilled about the rain that suddenly started falling on her way to your apartment.
When she stepped in, you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at the sight of her. That unsurprisingly earned you a glare which you quickly turned into a smile when you told her to go and grab whatever from your closet after a warm shower.
You know, just until her clothes dried out.
She took you up on that offer and came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, proudly wearing your own clothes as if they were hers.
You were busy, posted up on the kitchen island and focused on some work matter that required you looking at your laptop for way longer than anyone would like. You’d much rather be looking at your girlfriend instead, who looked absurdly cute in that one hoodie she knew you loved and haven’t let go of since your early college years.
A tired smile made its way to your lips when you allowed your eyes to take a break from the screen, granting them the soothing sight that was Sana.
“A sight for sore eyes” suddenly made all the sense in the world to you.
“What are you wearing?” You chuckled, your gaze never leaving her as she made her way over to you.
You didn’t expect to see her in that clothing item, and you wondered how it didn’t happen earlier. It was so endearing, how the sleeves were slightly too long for her arms, and how cozy she looked.
“Something comfortable.” She said, glancing at her sleeves. “Do you like it?”
“I do.” You wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer and she took it as an invite to sit on your lap. “I think I have the same one.”
She giggled at your bad joke, a proof of her love.
“You have great taste.” She booped your nose and your features scrunched up, causing your glasses to slide up with them.
You looked too adorable not to kiss at that moment, so she did just that, wrapping her arms around your neck to pull you in for a kiss or two. Her lips felt just as amazing as the last time she saw you, maybe a little sweeter.
“Are you gonna be done anytime soon?” She gestured to your laptop and you frowned, sighing.
“No. Someone messed up at work, I have to review and fix a whole program.” You pouted at her knowing you won’t be able to have her in your arms like that for a while still.
“Why are you sad, that means you’re good at your job.” She tried to cheer you up and managed to turn your lips turn into a smile again.
“I guess. But it means we won’t be able to cuddle any time soon.” You explained.
Sana shrugged, “I can just stay on your lap while you do your work.”
“I’d love that but I don’t think my legs would.” You said without much thought before the sound of your words reached your ears. Sana’s gasp complimented your widened eyes and a nervous laugh pushed itself past your lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!”
You tightened your arms around her, hugging her closer to make amends in hopes she’d find you cute enough. “I love you.” You said, looking up at her, before stealing a kiss from her cheek.
“And?” She asked, deciding not to let go of your honest mistake without teasing you at least a little bit.
“I’ll make dinner.” You proposed, but she didn’t budge.
“You were going to do that anyway.”
“I’ll let you play with my hair while I work.” You tried again, a hopeful smile on your lips.
“What so I’ll just stand for two hours?” She scoffed. “You’re so bad at bargaining.”
“Fine, then what do you want?” You sighed, only wanting her to quit the teasing.
“I keep the hoodie.” She grinned, but it wasn’t innocent.
“Sana, it’s my favorite…” You whined.
“It’s mine too.” She whined back and you chuckled despite yourself, sighing before giving it a thought.
“Am I ever going to get it back?” You asked, although you already knew how that usually goes.
Her smile, the happiness she displayed made it hard to say that same word back to her. Honestly you wouldn’t mind seeing her wear it from now on, but only a few times. It was still your favorite hoodie.
“Can we at least share custody?” You tried to compromise and this time she was the one humming as she thought about it.
“Maybe. But I take it first.” She said a second later.
“Fine.” You gave in, taking the hand she was offering in yours and shaking it in order to close the deal.
”Pleasure doing business with you, baby.” She giggled, bringing your hand to her lips.
The soft peck she laid on top of it made the butterflies dance in your stomach, coating your cheeks in a similar shade to the one on your hoodie.
You’d never see that hoodie again by the way. At least not on yourself.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
What is coming for you soon?
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Expect a new job offer if you're unsatisfied with your current job.
If you have been feeling down lately expect to have a blasting time by yourself.
I'm seeing a new relationship. For some it is going to be a soulmate relationship .
If you like gothic things , I'm seeing that you're going to buy the things you have been searching for.
Someone you have been thinking about is going to come to you. This person may have disappointed you in the past.
I'm seeing the completion of a difficult cycle. Your health is going to improve in the next 30 days.
I'm also seeing an ending here but don't worry this is going to be for the best of you.
You may get invited to a wedding and let me tell you, you're going to have a grand time there.
People who have done you dirty are going to get their karma and they may come to you with an apology. It's up to you if you want to forgive them or not.
You're going to receive an unexpected present from someone. This present may be something you have always wanted.
Please help
Pile 2
Do you know you have been watched pile 2? A lot of people have their eyes one you.
You're going to shine in your work setting and people will start to recognize for who you ate.
If you have participated in a competition or something expect positive response. Either you'll top or people will recognize you even if you don't win.
A lot of people will come to you , they would want to be your friend but be careful not all of them will have good motives.
All your hard work is going to pay off in the next month and all your manifestations are going to come true.
You may feel burdened by all the responsibilities on your shoulder but don't worry everything is going to work out.
A new person is entering your life and they will bring you stability.
If your family has been going through financial issues, I'm seeing that your father's job/business is going to pay him more.
You may change places/home/schools and this change is going to be very sudden.
Exactly 10 days from when you read his pac, some good news will come to you.
Please help
Pile 3
You may get to meet your old friends. They are going to reach out to you soon.
I'm also seeing an end of a relationship/friendship that was toxic for you.
You're a magnet to good things right now my pile 3. Ask and you shall receive.
I'm also seeing an exciting event for you . Some of you may get invited to a certain event and you'll cherish the memories of this event forever.
I'm seeing that some of you may have been working on a project for a couple of months now, I'm am getting that you will achieve great success in it.
Someone may try to send you the evil eyes or is sending you right now. You are being told to protect yourself and your people.
One of your friends/someone in your circle is talking about you behind your back. This person is distrustful.
I'm getting that some of you may need to change your furniture or you might renovate your house/room.
Try to eat more vegetables and fruits because if don't get proper nutrition you may get sick in the upcoming days.
You may travel somewhere in the summer. This vacation will bring you balance and relax your mind.
Please help
Pile 4
If you have applied for a scholarship, you're going to receive the email soon and results will be in your favor.
You're being told to trust your intuition or gut feeling in regards to new people entering your life.
You will be guided by your guardian angels, no need to be so stressed out.
Someone might criticize your work, don't be mad at them try to understand why they are criticising you.
I'm seeing a huge physical glow up for you. People are going to be stunned by your beauty.
You might get a vision about the future. Don't ignore this message, it can help you in challenging times.
The efforts you're putting in your work is not enough for it to achieve the success you want it to. Increase your efforts a little.
Some people might try to bring you down because of their own insecurity, don't lower your standards because of them.
Don't sign any documents without reading through it first. Even if itst from someone you trust wholeheartedly.
If someone has betrayed you once, they'll betray you again when they get the chance to. DON'T EVER TRUST THEM AGAIN.
Wear more green to attract abundance. And take care of your feet.
Please help
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shunin-gumis · 3 months
Netaro Initial SSR Story
Netaro's Soulmate Search, Group Date Edition (Part 2)
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Momiji: It's finally the day of the group date!
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Netaro: Oooh...! This place is crawling with unfamiliar humans. I am feeling quite stimulated!
Momiji: Netaro-kun is all hyped up too.
Momiji: We spent a lot of time practicing his conversational skills, and eventually he'd improved quite a bit!
Momiji: At least, I think.
~~~~~~(flashback start)
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Akuta: Ohohohohoho, top o' the mornin' to ya Kotaro-san! I hope the weather is crazy good today too!
Netaro: Ohohohoho, indeed! The weather has been so pleasant lately that it has been quite easy to leave the laundry out to dry, yes!
~~~~~~(flashback end)
Momiji: ... I'm sure that counts as small talk, right? Yeah. Let's just put it that way.
Momiji: Oh, people have already split up and are sitting down at the tables that have been set up for the occasion...
Momiji: All that's left is to go for it...! Do your best, Netaro-kun!
The gyaru sitting nearby: Hey hey~ Where'd you come from? I was born and raised right here in HAMA~
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Netaro: I have arrived from a planet far beyond~ All for the sake of meeting you.
The gyaru sitting nearby: For reals? That's crazy~
The cheery guy sitting across: I gotta know, where'd you get those threads? The color is sick as hell dude.
Netaro: Right? Isn't it just so?
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Momiji: Oh? Looks like it's going well? Maybe I don't have to worry after all...
Kind-looking man: Um, it's my first time attending a group date. It's kinda nerve-wracking huh?
Momiji: R-Right? It's my first time too. I accompanied a friend here today...
Momiji: This is feels kinda refreshing. It's a different kind of experience from when I deal with tourists.
Momiji: I see... this is one way to enjoy a group date I guess!
Cheery guy Yamada: Thanks Netaro-kun, I'll call ya later~
Netaro: I shall wait eagerly, Yamada. For we are best pals now.
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Netaro: Fufu, how was that, Doudou! Were you watching me? Did you see? I managed to hold a proper "conversation"!
Momiji: -Ah! I remember that store! How nostalgic~
Kind-looking man: I didn't think I'd get to meet someone who knew that place. I barely get the chance to talk about it...
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Netaro: ...Hmph.
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Netaro: Doudou.
Momiji: W-what's wrong!? Weren't you just having a conversation over there...?
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Netaro: I... feel upset for some reason. I need you to look at me more.
Netaro: I managed to display the fruits of our training after all. Should you not be praising me by now?
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Netaro: Go on, pat me. Praise me more~
Kind-looking man: Um...?
Momiji: This is bad, he looks confused...!
Netaro: Oh I see, you did not get to witness the results with your own eyes.
Netaro: Then I shall converse with you now! Doudou, what are your hobbies? Tell me, tell me~
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Choice 1: But that would be missing the point.
Momiji: But that's not the point of this exercise, Netaro-kun. Netaro: Hm? Momiji: Netaro-kun, I want you to be able to find your Beatrice. That's why we came to this group date, so you could meet all kinds of people. Momiji: Right now, you should be talking to other people, not me, right? We'll talk more when we get back home. Netaro: ... Netaro: I see. Understood. Netaro: You. I apologize for intruding on your conversation suddenly. Kind-looking man: Oh, no, it's alright. Are the two of you friends...? Netaro: Indeed. You may call me Netaro Yowa. I am the 18th Ward Mayor of HAMA Tours!
Choice 2: My hobby is... traveling.
Momiji: My hobby... Well, I do love traveling. Momiji: Now that it's come to this, I should throw a topic to Netaro-kun. I'm sure he knows how to go with the flow now... Kind-looking man: Travel, huh. That's great, I really enjoy it too. Netaro: In that case, you should participate in one of our tours at "HAMA Tours". You will get a taste of hospitality that you have never experienced before.
Kind-looking man: Wait, you work at HAMA Tours!? Please do tell me more, I've been wanting to join a tour there since before!
Netaro: Ooh~ Why of course! I'll tell you all there is to know about it from A to Z!
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Netaro: Fu~fufun~ La~lala~
Momiji: We weren't able find your Beatrice yet, but you got to make a lot of new friends in the end huh.
Netaro: Indeed! However, this is only the first round of "Beatrice Selection". There will be many many more rounds to come~
Netaro: I shall count on you for the next one too, Doudou.
Momiji: Wait, next time too!?
Momiji: Well, I guess I did have fun. And I'd be too worried to leave him alone...
Momiji: In a way, maybe this could lead to some advertising for HAMA Tours...
Momiji: All right, I'll do my best to find out how you can get to meet a lot more people.
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Netaro: You promise, yes? If it ends up being a lie, I'll reconfigure you so that I can launch you through the stratosphere in the flesh, understood?
Momiji: Alright alright, I get it. Let's get some dinner and go home!
Momiji: What do we get today... We talked a lot, so I'm feeling extra hungry.
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Netaro: ..........
Netaro: Indeed, I'm feeling quite peckish.
Netaro: You smile over the smallest things. Get surprised easily. Your reactions are always refreshing, and full of life.
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Netaro: Kind eyes. A kind voice. Such things are present in this world in abundance, and yet that is precisely why it is so precious.
Netaro: Ha~.........
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Netaro: I truly am feeling hungry.
Part 1
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bloodyinkandquill · 20 days
Subspace x astronomer Reader who is equally morally questionable
i spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out how to word that title, hell it might still be subject to change so we shall see lmao, and wow third subspace request the people really like subspace, it did change i honestly almost went with ‘reader who matches his freak’ i literally had to consult my friend on it
- You guys practice your evil laughs with each other, before I said anything else I had to say that, you two will just stand there and cackle at each other for minutes on end giving each other pointers on how to improve it, make sure to have water nearby because laughing maniacally with each other does a number on your throat, especially with his being affected by rot just like a good portion of his body
- Before you Subspace had never had any interest in space, the stars, the moon, whatever, none of it seemed interesting to him, however after meeting you he started to take time to appreciate the sky, the hundreds of stars he could see from the cold Blackrock nights, the moon’s cycle, all of it was suddenly a lot more interesting to him, but he preferred not to research any of it, instead preferring to hear you speak on it, how passionate you were about the stars and their movements
- Though the listening to you go on and on was not just him, you would listen to him go into great detail about his experiments, they were far from ethical but neither of you cared, honestly it was exhilarating sometimes, on rare occasion you’d join him in his lab and watch the different reactions to toxic substances, it was mesmerizing
- He would also join you in your lab as you used your giant telescope and charted the movements of stars and how it might affect the Inphinity, he wouldn’t be as hands on but he liked hearing you ramble about all of the stars in the sky and your theories, he’d also peer review any papers you do on astronomy, you were both Blackrock scientists after all
- You two plan future experiments Subspace can conduct, you enable each other, but it doesn’t matter, as long as Blackrock gets their research they condone all actions he does to get the necessary research and scientific improvements, after the invention of the Biografts they became far more lenient, he invented them a robotic army, of course they don’t mind if he kills a few demons here and there
- Due to your profession and love for beyond the sky he gives you a pet name or two based on space, his cosmo or his moon, in turn you gave him the nickname you’re sun, together you shine brighter, it would be more poetic if the shining wasn’t scientific murder, but oh well you gotta break a couple eggs anyways
sorry these were shorter i had to write them between working on a russian assignment lmao, i hope they’re good again tried to be character accurate!
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octuscle · 10 months
Hi! I got a crush on my coach, Alex. I really wanna have a surprise for him. Can Cronivac make us grow together at locker rooms after a good workout?
Today is a good opportunity. The other lads have all disappeared already…. You're alone in the locker room when Coach Alex walks in the door. "So, Michael? Are you happy with today's training?" "Coach, there's always room for improvement. But I'll do my best!" "Good boy." Damn, can't you do better than a bit of small talk? Then I'll have to intervene.
Alex stands in front of the mirror and does a double bicep pose. "What do you say, Muchael? Not bad for an old man, is it?" You grin and say that he's hardly older than you. He laughs. "Brother, I could be your father!" "Well, you don't have much more beard growth than me, Aled." You follow Aled's example and post in front of the mirror. You can literally see your biceps growing. Aled reaches under your arms and corrects your pose. "Brother, more body tension. People can't see your hot body like that." He presses on your stomach. "And tighten your six-pack more, Muchaed!" "Coach, shall we go back to the training area? I could do with a few tips." Almed scratches his beard. "Don't call me coach, bro! And now let's get those muscles burning!"
Fuck, when did Coach get inked like that? Your family would kill you if you came up with that idea… But it looks cool on him… You look in the mirror. You two could be related. At least you look like you have the same hairdresser. The dark hair radically short. And a bushy, godly full beard. Ahmed asks you to show your thighs. You pull up your trouser legs.
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"Damn Muchamed! You're an beast!" Is Ahmed getting a hard-on? That wouldn't be bad, your cut cock is already half hard. A wet spot forms in his pants. He gets down on his knees and massages your huge thighs. Your hard-on is almost painful. But Ahmad has mercy. "Fuck, Muhammed, is everything so huge with you?" You laugh. "Then start sucking the balls, brother. They're a bit smaller than what you'll have to swallow."
I'd say you've grown together, brother!
Great pic found @malesbros
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colddelusionsheep · 11 months
And we are back with the second part! Not going to lie, I started working on a DND campaign right after this. So writing progress is slow. Still writing at ungodly hours of the night tho, and as always, no one under 18.
1st Part
The start
As the other tribute said good by to his family. You could see how they cried for him. How they weeped for the fact that he would not be returning.
The other tribute was a boy that you had seem around the district. Flint Overhill. You never had any interaction with him, but each time you saw him you could tell he didn't like you.
He had dark black hair that was just above his shoulders. His eyes were such a dark blue that they almost looked black in the right light. If you remember correctly, last reaping the girl he was sweet on got picked.
She was a nice girl, quiet and kept to herself. She died as soon as the games started, didn't even stand a chance. Just like you.
The peacekeepers led his family out, and you could hear them weeping even after the door was closed and locked. Flint finally looked at you. The disgust in his eyes was plain to see.
"Looks like your luck has finally ran out. How does it feel to get what you deserve?" His words hit deep. They hit a place you thought had long sense gone cold.
"It wasn't my fault you know. My name was in there same as hers."
"Don't you dare speak of her." You could tell he was holding back. "With how many times you have put your name in, it should of been you."
"I-" before you could even respond. A patronizing voice spoke up.
"Oh my tributes, I certainly do have my hands full, don't I? Let's try not to kill each other just yet. You want to save that for the games!" Nodding his head, you could see all the pins that were in place to hold his wig on. "It makes a great show, oh yes indeed, but what's the point in a show with no cameras."
Both you and Flint were speechless. The complete disregard he had was unlike anything either of you had seen.
"Now, my name is Marius. I will be taking care of you two for the next couple of days. I hope I don't have trouble in the future with you two." As he spoke, he gave you and Flint a small wink. Then he started to usher the two of you into the train.
Before you know it, it felt like you stepped into a whole new world. Finery unlike anything you could've ever thought of existed was right here in front of your eyes.
"For the few days you are with us, you two shall be treated like royalty. Only the finest of things shall be able to touch my tributes' skin." As he went on, you mind stated to wonder along with your eyes.
You could see Flint role his eyes at Marius. Finding whatever you had just tuned out to be incredibly boring. You ran your hands along the wooded walls. It's smoothness brought back a far away memory to you.
It was blurry, but you could see the fine wood above you. Along with a man's voice....a voice that sounded so familiar. Before you could get lost into it more.
You felt a pinch on your arm. Snapping your head up. You could see the unapproving face of Marius. "Now, we will have to work on those manners. They are absolutely deplorable. No matter, we shall tackle that problem in the morning. You two get some rest. You will meet your mentor in the morning as well. So those manners better be improved."
At the last sentence, he gave you an especially harsh glare.
Flint brushed past you, giving your shoulder a mean jab as he did it.
You silently followed where they were showing you two your rooms. Stepping into your quarters. You were in awe of the luxury that was in it. Sitting on the bed felt like you would sleeping in the arms of an angel. Even the smell was wonderous. It was a mix of vanilla and rose.
But, before you could fully enjoy all the things around you. You suddenly remembered at what cost this is all for. Tears start to fall down in violent choked sobs.
You didn't want them to know, you didn't want them to know just how hopeless you are. How you were doomed to die in that arena just like they all wanted.
Yet, as you sat the crying your soul out. You were unaware of the camera watching your every move.
"I want those mutts done by tomorrow."
"Yes, Sir."
As her lower confirmed. She went back watching the live feed. She has to give you credit, you were a pretty cryer. At least in her eyes.
This year was going to be a fun one.
There we go! I hope y'all like it. Also, small little note, I do not do taglists. They can get pretty chaotic and I write on my phone so they can get really annoying to do.
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owlight · 1 year
Omg I just saw you saying your requests are open and I am just💕😭
Could I please have some headcanons about how Lucci would react if his girlfriend/crush had hair more beautiful than his?
Thanks for your patience and have a nice day <3
Thank you for requesting 🫶🥰I did a little one shot too beside the hc,,man have great hair,,,also ur so sweet,,this ask made my day 🥹
Tags: hair envy, Rob lucci a warning himself,bad humour, Character can be read as gn
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Headcanons of Rob lucci Begin jealous of his s/o pretty hair
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Rob Lucci had always prided himself on his impeccable appearance. His jet-black hair was always perfectly styled, emphasizing his sharp features and icy blue eyes. He exuded an air of confidence wherever he went, and his aura demanded attention. However, a peculiar incident occurred one sunny afternoon when Rob Lucci found himself strolling hand in hand with his lover, (Y/N). They were taking a leisurely walk through a picturesque park, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun on their skin. As a gust of wind ruffled through the trees,Your hair strands shimmered in the sunlight, creating an ethereal glow around you in his eyes, Rob Lucci's eyes widened in amazement as he observed the sight before him ,He never noticed before how ..pretty is your hair is, so radiant,and so strikingly beautiful. The realization suddenly made him feel self-conscious. In that moment, a pang of envy crept into his heart ,he couldn't help but compare his own hair to your own hair. He began to question his once unshakable confidence. Was his hair truly as impressive as he had always believed? Doubts started to consume him, and he fell into an unusual silence, his thoughts turning inward ,he decided he shall try to outshine you,he needed his hair to be as perfect as he is,his perfection should never lack in any aspect,as he always thought himself to have a perfect physics,yet now he realized,he perhaps should have noticed he needed to care for his hair more- "Is something bothering you, Lucci?" You asked, your voice filled with genuine care and affection for him, obvious to the fact that lucci now have a sudden envy of your hair,Rob Lucci hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath , deciding to just compliment you ,to hide the fact he grew a sudden envy of your hair"Your hair is... breathtaking today my dear" (Y/n) eyes widened with surprise,your cheeks darken with bit of Embarrassment,not used to have lucci praise her outside in public" thank you, I appreciate it, I had a lovely morning with trying something new" Lucci eyebrow raise up" a hair product? What kind?" He asks and you chuckle " Coconut oil !" You chirp and you continue walking, lucci follow you,He take a mental note to try that later that night...
At first, Lucc find it difficult to believe that someone could possess hair more beautiful than his own, as He prides himself on his appearance and considers himself almost unmatched in terms of physical perfection. He might initially brush off the idea, thinking it impossible because he is perfect in every way possible (prideful much)
But you are literally so pretty already,you never had a bad hair day and He know because he had Hattori watch you once a whole week,your hair stay as pretty and perfect as it always is,he find himself in a trance of admiration and envy
At some point,Lucci comes to terms with the reality of his girlfriend having more beautiful hair, he would likely observe it in quiet admiration. He might not openly express his thoughts or emotions, but he would secretly marvel at the sheer beauty and elegance of you hair and while trying to figure out your secret (your secret is not murdering people)
Lucci's competitive nature would likely kick in soon enough, and he would view his partner's hair as a challenge to his own perfection. He might start researching hair care techniques, seeking ways to improve his own locks to match or surpass hers. Lucci would not settle for anything less than being the best, even when it comes to hair.
Despite his efforts, Lucci might find it difficult to match the natural beauty of his your hair,at this point his envy of your pretty hair is at it's highest
Lucci will not vocalize his thoughts even if he was held at gunpoint ,he would occasionally drop subtle compliments about your hair,He would choose his words carefully, making sure to maintain his stoic demeanor while conveying his appreciation for your beauty. These compliments would be rare but sincere, serving as rare glimpses into his softer side
Lucci might start experimenting with different hair care products and techniques, driven by a desire to match or surpass your beauty
He went so far to have a secret hair care night with khalifa and made her swear on her life to not tell a soul about it ,they spent basically gossiping while trying to do a hair care routine that khalifa though would help him
At some Lucci would come to accept that his partner's hair is naturally more beautiful than his own just because perhaps you have amazing genes and the lack of murder can give your hair good karma unlike his owm
This probably slightly bruise his ego, but he recognize and appreciate your unique beauty. He would understand that there are aspects of you that surpass his own perfection, and he would learn to embrace and celebrate that rather than feel threatened by it because after all ,you HIS girlfriend so you're basically adding to his perfection (this is how he is coping with this)
Overall, Lucci's reaction would be a mixture of competitiveness, silent admiration, and grudging acceptance because he loves you but he is envious that he can't be perfect in this aspect
He might ask you to spare with him so he can kick your ass and feel superior again,DO not accept it ,let him learn how to be a loser for once (maybe twice if it's after water 7 LMAO)
And perhaps that's how he had his glow up as a Cipher Pol 0 Agent
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