#+ only one other girl took that course so we'll be the only ones presenting for the prof and his assistant
mirillel · 8 months
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Miscellaneous leftover ramen stir fry
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orcelito · 2 years
I'm building up a rapport with the newest trans coworker. He's been here for a month or two now and he's pretty cool. Definitely in his sadboy era (judging by the music he listens to, which is SO me at age 20 ish. So like mood). Quiet, but with a wry sense of humor that's been coming out more lately.
I am very definitely out as Not Straight & he has seen this pretty clearly. Also since I'm in management I saw his birth certificate as part of paperwork stuff, so like. He's never upfront told me, but I know he's trans. I've never breathed a word of it to anyone, even to him tbh, so I hope he reads that as a good indicator that I'm Chill
I was complaining yesterday about how heavy the ginger juice was and he was just like "..Gender juice?" As in he misheard me and was genuinely confused what I was talking about. And I was just like. "Oh yeah. Gender Juice. Ya kno." Idk just one of those stupid things that purely cis ppl wouldn't joke about. So I rly hope he's getting not cis vibes from me. Bc I am not out as nonbinary at work bc Oof but like. We r Brothers, him and I. Maybe someday I can mention it. Idk
#speculation nation#like i can imagine him being nervous at me asking to see his birth certificate#it's part of identity verification and whatever. kinda stupid but Legality stuff. it's a business.#him handing me this paper that says Female. and me glancing at it like. Noted. but not saying it. and just passing it back.#if we were alone maybe i wouldve asked but we were out in the store lobby with other ppl around. of course i wasnt gonna say anything.#a few days later tho on his first shift. i kinda Subtly asked him?? but not outright#his name is kinda gender neutral in its full form. but for his training sheet i asked 'so do you want me to write it as [nickname] or...?'#the nickname being a shortened masculine form of the name. which i heard co assistant manager use but i wanted to make sure#and in that question was kinda the like. Very subtle. 'i know it said female on ur thing but say ur male & thats what we'll respect here'#i honestly feel rly glad for this guy that hes got me (y'all know) and now manager in training is also bi#it's honestly a really gay store lmfao. i really love it.#the owner isnt so great at respecting trans ppl. not in a purposeful disrespect way. he just does not get it.#messes up on pronouns like. All The Time if he knows someone is trans. he's never said anything transphobic. hes just kinda clueless#but he hasnt messed up on this guy's pronouns at all bc we havent told him ❤#literally irrelevant. we've dealt with the paperwork and took care of it all. so as far as i know only me and her know about it#to the point where during the xmas party he was the only guy in attendance and smth about dicks came up#and one of the girls joked about how he looked a lil nervous in the like. 'oh no dont threaten my dick' kind of way#i cannot give proper context bc i honestly do not remember it. but it wasnt meanspirited or anything#it was in the way of her acknowledging him as a guy in that cisnormative way of assuming The Guy that is present#will of course be the one with the dick#and i didnt say anything about it then either. but i do hope it was a nice gender affirmation moment for him#that she so thoroughly thinks of him as a guy that she assumes he'd have everything that most guys do. if that makes sense.#she's a nice person so im sure if she did know he was trans she'd be chill with it. but ultimately she doesnt need to know.#i probably wouldve picked up signs of him being trans myself. but also. i am trans.#so i know the subtle kind of signs that cis ppl dont necessarily know.#so i clocked it. and i confirmed it with the birth certificate. but i have not told Anyone#i do wanna talk about it with him. someday#today we ended up talking about covid at one point & i mentioned how i got it at the start of june.#and i lamented it being the start of pride month & how homophobic it was#and he was just like. full understanding. idk i love the solidarity. gotta talk to him more about this sometime.
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goldenwilliamson · 9 months
hard launch | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: merry christmas!!! enjoy some christmassy awfc fluff x
summary: reader and leah film their parts in the arsenal christmas gifting video. reader receives a gift that shows everyone who's girlfriend she is.
word count: 1.3k
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The Arsenal media team had set up a Christmas tree lined with presents for all the girls to open for a video. You obliged happily, excited about having a present to open before Christmas. Leah however had to be convinced.
"It's bad luck! You can't have us opening gifts before Christmas!" She said, her voice firm.
"Ease up Lee, it's just a little present from the club," you said, rubbing the space between her shoulder blades while silently laughing at your girlfriends commitment to tradition.
"My Mum can't find out about this, she'll have a fit," Leah says, eyeing the tree scornfully.
"Well she might see this video when it goes up," Frimmy says from behind the camera.
You move out of the shot now and watch through the screen of the camera as Leah steps into frame and speaks directly to the lens, "Do I look as awkward as I feel? Because I'm sorry Mum, I don't normally do this before Christmas day, I'm being forced to."
Shaking your head, you and many of the other girls watch on in anticipation as Leah unwraps her gift, and when she pulls out the electric keyboard you all exchange knowing glances. It's no secret that learning piano has been Leah's latest mission, and you more than anyone have been along for the journey. Most evenings now your night was soundtracked by Leah sitting at the piano stool, reading her sheet music and practicing.
When she was preparing for her performance with the BBC orchestra you must have heard her play that Shania Twain song about 200 times before you had to cut her off.
"You've got it Leah, I promise," you had stressed to her.
"I'm just so nervous, I need to know I can do it perfectly!" She demanded, starting to play it again.
"Nope. No. I'm sorry, but I'm cutting you off. It's time for bed," you had said. Even though you were always supportive of her endeavours, you knew she was only stressing herself out with the drive for perfection.
"Baby, please just let me practice it one more time, then bed," she pleaded like a little kid asking for five more minutes of play time.
"Fine. Once more. But I am telling you it's been perfect 98% of the times you've played," you said.
She just waved you away and played it once more all the way through, perfectly of course, and then finally conceded to your request. When you finally crawled into bed together that night you turned towards Leah, murmuring into the darkness.
"I'm starting to get worried that I'll have Shania Twain stuck in my head forever."
Leah giggled but reassured you, "I won't be playing it forever. And trust me, I'm sick of it too."
Now today she was sitting down, playing the little electric keyboard and trying to get everyone to guess what she was playing. You knew straight away it was Adele, because she had played it for you just last night, but it took everyone else a little longer to catch on.
Leah, pleased with her present moved along to allow for the next girls to go through. You stepped in, ready to unwrap your presents with Steph and Kyra, but before you got to pull off the paper one of the Arsenal media people pulled you out.
"We'll get you to open yours on your own, Y/N," they told you. You weren't really sure why, but you trusted their vision and waited for your turn.
When you were finally standing in front of the camera after Steph and Kyra, you felt your present through the wrapping and you could tell that it was a piece of clothing. As you pulled it out, you unfolded it to reveal a t-shirt. And you instantly realised why they'd got you to open it on your own. It seemed to be a fan made t-shirt that had pictures of Leah all over the front as well as LEAH WILLIAMSON printed in large pink block letters running down the side.
You bent over laughing, not even sure if you should show it off to the camera. While you and Leah were officially together, it hadn't really been confirmed publicly. The media team knew that and obviously got you on your own so they could easily leave your clip out of the video.
"Really?" You looked up at the small crew, holding the shirt up next to your face.
Leah, watching on began to laugh now, seeing what you'd been given.
"Best present of the day guys!" She exclaimed.
"So ridiculous," you said as all the girls behind the camera laughed.
"Hard launch," Kyra said, teasing you both.
"Shut up," you smiled, "This won't be going on the Instagram," you said assertively, pointing directly down the barrel of the camera.
"Why don't you put in on, Y/N," Leah suggests.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" You narrow your eyes at your girlfriend, knowing how much of a kick she would get out of seeing you wearing the top, looking like a fan.
"Go on," Steph urges you.
Begrudgingly, you pull your training shirt up over your head, receiving playful wolf whistles from the girls before you pull your new t-shirt down over your body. When it was on you held your arms out, showing it off.
"How do I look?" You said, giving a little spin as the girls clapped for you.
Leah walked over towards you and held onto your waist, admiring herself on your shirt.
"I bet this inflates your ego," you say, seeing the cheeky sparkle in her eyes.
Leah didn't even say anything in response, she just moved to stand next to you, threw her arm around your shoulder in a very platonic manner and posed towards the camera.
"I love meeting fans," she said, smiling at her own joke.
"Ha ha," you said sardonically, rolling your eyes and nudging her away from you.
"We should get a photo of this though," Leah said, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it off to Steph who snapped a picture of you both. When you looked back at it Leah wore a very cocky smirk and looked as if you were posing for a photo with your favourite footballer.
Katie stood over your shoulder to peer at the photo, "Oh that's got to go in a photo dump girls."
"I don't think so," you said quickly, leaving it there. Though you did wear the top around for the rest of the day, finding it surprisingly comfortable, until you tucked it away into your bag before heading home.
You had honestly forgotten about it until Christmas Day when you were scrolling on Instagram in bed after the long day of festivities and you saw Leah had tagged you in a photo. She was right next to you sitting on her phone with a smirk on her face.
"What have you posted?" You asked, clicking onto it and swiping through the various Christmas photos until you saw your own bashful face reflected in the photo that Steph had taken of you in the shirt. The caption read, Best time of year (love my fans @Y/N.Y/L/N) x.
Katie McCabe had already liked the post and tagged you in a comment, President of the Leah Williamson fan club aren't ya? @Y/N.Y/L/N.
"Leah!" You said sharply, looking at your girlfriend in disbelief.
"What? It's a great photo," she said.
"You're fuelling the fire," you said, referencing the ongoing speculation online about your relationship.
"So what? I don't care if people know we're together, do you?" Leah said simply.
You realised that you also didn't care, in fact you would be proud for people to know, so you shook your head.
"Of course I don't," you said, reassuring her that you were okay with this.
"Good, then stop being grumpy about the photo," she said, leaning over to give you a kiss.
"It's such a bad photo! I genuinely look like a teenage fan girl," you laughed.
"That's what makes it so great," Leah says, giggling at her ability to annoy you.
You shake your head and pick up your phone again, feeling confident in your relationship with Leah, no longer caring if people know or they don't. This leads you to respond to Katie's comment with two simple words that are enough to send all the fans spiralling over the small confirmation: Hard launch?
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Omg of course you can do something with the idea if you want! I don't mind at all and the fact you liked the idea so much makes me so happy💕
And I'm also fine with being called girl in like a gender neutral way yk like the same way people say guys to refer to everyone sometimes, so no worries with that either!
A Failure of Words- Haldir x GN!Reader
Warnings: brief implication of past trauma, GOOFY ELF CONTENT 😌🤙🏻
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“What are you going to do, then, shoot it down?”
And you had laughed at that. Was it really so funny? Complaining about a cloud and his brother suggests firing an arrow at it? Haldir scoffed. Surely your giggling was only to respond politely to their inane humor.
You had been excelling in your target practice of late, your skills with a bow increasing thanks to Haldir as much as his brothers, while Rúmil and Orophin were more to thank for your progress in Elvish. Necessity, of course, as he was the only one with any skills in Common, something you had initially bonded over. Yet somehow your simple bond with his brothers seemed...different. Had Haldir himself ever made you laugh so? Had he ever tried?
"Come, now," Orophin addressed you by name, "hit three more targets and we'll show you that old painting of our beloved Haldir!"
Grinning, you took up your weapon again, stretching some exertion from your muscles before you followed the others' motions toward the next dangling piece of chipped wood. Rolling his eyes, Haldir followed.
Rúmil struggled several times to pick up the roll he'd dropped, and upon final success at lifting it he thrashed about as if the thing was fighting back. Again you laughed, a hand falling to the table you sat at.
"My father used to do that too- it's as if you knew! I had no idea you two were so funny. I suppose Haldir is the serious one," you teased, gaze shifting to the eldest brother.
All this time he'd thought of them as the ridiculous ones more than himself an outlier. They had not been promoted, neither had bothered to learn the common tongue, both preferred an aimless life in the trees to the ambitions of the world, protection of what they held dear. Not that they couldn't fight, but... Was Haldir himself the outcast? Heart sinking, he gazed around the table, taking in how easily conversation flowed between you and his brothers. Like the breeze. Haldir was the one who had accepted you when you first came to Lothlórien as a refugee, fought for an outsider to stay despite his usual prejudices. The torture you'd had to endure at the hands of your captors made him sick to even imagine, and fortuitously Galadriel had agreed.
He was the only one who truly knew your secrets, and so he had desired to be the first to truly make you smile again; now, it seemed, his brothers had robbed him of that, forced him back into his station as "the serious one". Worst of all, perhaps not the one who would hold your heart.
Instant it was not, but the elf had found himself falling for you more and more during his time as your guide. Watching your wonder as you were led higher and higher into the sun-soaked trees, chuckling at your confusion when you pronounced and repeated new Elvish words. Seeing you bloom like a sunflower finding its roots once more. Always had he struggled with displays of affection, and perhaps that had cost him more than time. Or else this was another challenge for the captain, a new type of battle to undertake: correcting the many times his words failed him in the face of your fair spirit.
"You might be surprised," he finally spoke, interrupting his own whirlwind of thoughts again to meet your eyes, "you are aware, after all, of how much I taught them."
Rúmil and Orophin's heads both tilted, gazing at their eldest brother with new interest. Newly widening smiles. Knowing ones. An unfortunate side effect he would deal with later. For the time being, there were more pressing matters to deal with.
"Of course I am," you replied, taking a sip from your goblet of water, "Tracking, archery... And surely they would not know so much of your history were it not for you."
"And about the beasts of the land, of course." A breeze blew through his hair as he inhaled, next line at the ready. "After all, my name is Hal-deer."
Groaning, Orophin and Rúmil both simultaneously dropped their heads into their hands, shaking them with great disapproval. Lacking fluency though they may have been, they knew enough to recognize such a play on words, and it was clear they did not like it. Too bad- it wasn't for them.
You? Bursting into laughter, you clapped your hands lightly, head thrown back in amusement that had Haldir grinning widely for the first time in likely far too long.
Still shaking their heads, both younger brothers excused themselves, Orophin practically shoving Rúmil away from the table as they scrambled off to refill their drinkware.
"Never have I heard you make a joke, Haldir! Why now? And why one so-" Words failed you, too, inquiry wholly aborted by a fresh bout of laughter. Well did it convey the rest of your question, however.
Suppressing a wince, Haldir willed his smile to return. Wait, perhaps it looked forced. Was he overthinking this? His brothers would probably say yes.
His brothers. "My brothers...they make you happy in a way I seemingly never can. Perhaps I envied them." His voice emerged as little more than a whisper, eyelids fluttering half-shut as if they could conceal him from your vision.
Your brows furrowed at this. Head giving a faint tilt of confusion, you leaned forward, forced his grey eyes to meet your gaze. "I...I confess I do see your brothers differently," you told him, your own voice shy, "I always wished to think of them like my own brothers."
Heart lightening, Haldir replied, perhaps a bit too readily, "You can."
"No," you shook your head, paused, "well..."
It was your turn to drop your gaze, your posture straightening as you gave a supplying incline of the head, clearly hoping Haldir followed.
He did. Did he? Jaw dropping slightly, he reached out a tentative hand, saw that you did not flinch. Lifting up your gaze gently by your chin, Haldir spoke again.
"That you may wish as well, for though my words have failed me again and again it is the very same in my heart. It vexed me not being the one to make you smile, to win you over, when your name had been so inscribed upon my heart. But if you'll have the serious one, he shall have you."
Your answer came in the form of a kiss that had his heart soaring, one a bit too quick for Haldir's liking, but he quite literally had all the time in the world if he wished. He could wait. For once, his words had not failed him.
"Again and again, my Hal-dear," you replied with a devilish grin.
The golden-haired elf let his own face fall into his hand at that one. "I'll not be forgetting that one anytime soon, will I?"
As fate would have it, Rúmil and Orophin designated that moment to return, whooping as they set their goblets back down, clearly having spied upon him through some curtain or another as they often had in their youth.
"Not in the slightest," they answered for you, voices perfectly synchronized.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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horse-girl-anthy · 3 months
years ago when I was scoping out Yurikuma before watching it, I came across an article which claimed that the show uses the word "friends" to refer to Lulu/Ginko/Kureha as a way to nod at homophobia. even though the show is so gay, it still implies that the relationships between the girls are platonic. but when I watched it myself, my impression was quite different.
all Ikuhara works are about friendship (well, Penguindrum is slanted towards family, but the same concepts apply). friendship doesn't exclude the possibility of sexual or romantic attraction, of course, but I would argue it is actually the key theme, even more important than sexuality.
to understand this, it's necessary to think of friendship in existential terms. friendship is not a lesser form of romance, not something to be taken for granted. to quote from The Politics of Experience, "Before we can ask such an optimistic question as 'What is a personal relationship?', we have to ask if a personal relationship is possible, or, are persons possible in our present situation?"
if we cannot count on even the existence of individuated human beings, then friendship becomes a momumental thing, as it is predicated not only on the tenuous proposition of selfhood, but also on the even more remote chance that selves can cross the void of being to touch one another.
Ikuhara believes that friendship exists in the world, that it is possible to achieve. he is truly one of those idealists who thinks that life is not worth living without love and connection. but that doesn't mean he thinks it's easy. friendship is only ever won in his stories at the end, and at great cost. it took 39 episodes for Utena and Anthy to meet, and they lost each other soon after. but had they never met, what would their relationship be worth?
I've long thought about how Ikuhara works employ cliche: for instance, lines like "I believe that I'm never alone" or "we'll be together forever." these sentiments become cliche in the first place because they touch a chord with people, echoing their deepest longings. but Ikuhara makes them work by earning them, portraying the process necessary to reach a place where they apply. friendship is so precious because, once achieved, it is immutable: it transforms the self and renders suffering irrelevant.
Ikuhara has said that he created RGU to give hope to kids struggling with the question of suicide. the show never addresses the topic directly, instead couching it in metaphorical terms: the coffin, the chick, the end of the world. RGU, and all Ikuhara works, serve as a concrete demonstration that it is possible to be a human being, and to create a lasting connection with other human beings. if that's not worth living for, then I don't know what is.
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digital-roots · 8 days
The Svensson Family
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Apologize for the wait but it's here!!! Sven and Earrings won the poll, so I get to show y'all these awful bastards now!!!
The Svensson family is a notoriously infamous criminal syndicate in Sweden. They're very wealthy and very powerful, being around for many generations. The family prides themselves on having a large control of illegal wares, underground economies and various other shady businesses.
This is gonna be the first part where I introduce each and every one of them. I'll explain more about them and Sven and Earrings relationships toward them later.
Bios for each family member under the cut
(also pleaseee please reblog i spent a lot of time on it and it mean a lot if you read :3)
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Sven Svensson Sr.
The head of the family, he is one of the most feared crime bosses in the country. He's an extremely stoic individual who never shows any sort of emotion. The one exception is when he gets angry, and even then it takes a lot to get him to shout.
That doesn't mean he's not a violent man, however, quite the opposite. While usually leaving his goons to do the acts for him, he is not hesitant to pummel the people that cross him into a bloody pulp. He often even does so around other people, to make an example of what happens to those that fail their tasks or try to usurp him.
His wife Margareta (maiden name Fahlén) is a lot more warmer than him, at least on the surface. She comes from a similar criminal but high profile background and married Sven Sr for power. She's very gentle and soft-spoken. With how nicer she is than the rest of the family, you'd be mistaken into thinking that she's actually a good person. She is not.
She's a natural in social situations and is great in manipulation. She's a very confident in her skills and is used to getting what she wants out of people. That's how she managed to become powerful in the first place. That's how she married into the Svensson family. That's how she had her own children become as great as they are.
The two of them had four kids together: Earrings, Sven, Auguste, and Emelie. For now we'll skip the first two.
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Auguste Sven Svensson is the third child of the Sven Sr and Margareta and the one that looks most like their mother. He inherited his father's stoicism and his mother's people skills. He used to actually be a very shy child, often hiding at the back of his older siblings. But as time went on his parents started to take notice at how much more,,,,adept he was than his other siblings. Sven Sr could see the potential in him that his second son never had. He needed to make sure this boy would become as great as he was.
His parents molded him into becoming the perfect heir to the Svensson name. Any weaknesses or outside interests were beaten out of him. Auguste is resigned to the role that he plays and sees it as they ways things are meant to be. Even if he never wanted it in the first place, he convinces himself that he just needs to be what everyone wants him to be.
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Emelie Svensson
Is the youngest member of the family and is certainly the brattiest. With her siblings getting all of their parent's attention (whether in a good or bad way), that left little care for the girl who just didn't seem to stand out. Of course, it made little ol' Emelie really upset that no one in her family paid attention to her and she took out her anger onto others. Servants, stray animals, even her own siblings weren't exempt from her wrath. Her parents only enabled this behavior, finally giving her some sort of praise from them.
Presently she's about as haughty and cruel as ever, soaking up all the privileges she has as a young woman hailing from a wealthy crime family. Despite her love of bloodshed, she gets very distraught if any blood gets onto her and her million dollar worth dresses.
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Ines Svensson is the sister of Sven Sr and is somehow even more colder and stoic than him. She is very sharp, calculating, and Highly formal. She treats her family more like people that work for her. There is no one who she shows any hint of warmth towards.
...Save for maybe her husband, Stellan Cronholm. A loud and brutish man, he is the ringleader of a large animal smuggling ring that mostly deals with rare, sought out species. He has a personal preference for (endangered and highly expensive) snakes, his favorites being pythons. He loves them more than his own kids (which he holds no affection for).
Whenever he finds anyone (working for him or not) that he suspects is trying to expose it, he sends them to his personal snake pit. It is exactly what it sounds like.
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Ines and Stellan had twins together, Maja and Magnus.
The two were raised mainly by their mother-sorry, boss. The two are both highly efficient and ruthless mercenaries. They were also discouraged from showing any 'softness' to each other as siblings. These sort of stuff had it so the two didn't really mingle with their cousins until they were older.
Both of them were very much affected by their training but Maja was the only one that showed it. Magnus learns to get over it quicker and so does his sister.
Maja is honestly pretty civil when not doing any mercenary work. She doesnt like being around anyone just herself. She likes origami and keeps some in her room.
Magnus learned to get over it by learning to enjoy hurting people, kinda like Emelie. So when hes not going around being a human weapon, hes pulling 'harmless' pranks on others. His all time favorite prank victim is Maja due to always getting a rise out of her. Sometimes even breaking into her room and destroying her stuff. She often tries killing him for this but always fails to do so.
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Finally, we come back to these two. Perle (now known by her toppat nickname 'Earrings') and Sven Jr.
Perle was the oldest one and was the former golden child of Sven Sr's kids, at least until Auguste grew up. Constantly being praised immenseness for her ingenuity, wit, and social skills helped her bloom into the person who she is today. Although, the extremely suffocating pressure she had as the former chosen successor of her family's line of work caused her to stray away when she got older.
She's a very resourceful person with a knack for inventing. Her favorite one she's created are her beloved stun earrings.
In contrast to his darling sister, Sven was the black sheep of the family. He was a....fine enough boy, but he could never reach the insanely high expectations placed upon him. He was constantly belittled and bullied by his own family for being weak willed and generally failing at the things they order him to do.
One too many incidents later, he was exiled from his family by his own father. He joined the Toppat Clan as a way to repent. To finally prove his worth and be seen as the man his family (and himself) always wanted him to be. So far that has not happened.
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xanticore · 2 months
Can you do a Lars ulrich fic where the reader is part of it can you do a dominant submissive relationship kinks where Lars is dominant and the girl or whoever is a submissive also the as well smut??
Back in 1984 in the hotel room???
I hope you enjoy anon! I don't like going straight into smut so yeah..it's a bit slow in the beginning but it gets juicy. promise.
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Genre: Smut
Setting: Summer of 1984 ,, New York
Warnings: Slight usage of the daddy kink (Lars gets so surprised by it) P in V, oral f receiving, pet names, and sailor mouth from Lars.
Summary: The band had finished their recording for ride the lighting. They all agreed to celebrate by hanging out at a club- getting drunk and hopefully be able to take a girl back to a hotel. Lately Lars hasn't had great experiences with the recent groupies he was with. None of them really fit his sex appeal. That all had changed when he saw a girl smoking alone.
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"You gotta be fucking with me!" I blurted out before putting the phone back on the hook. A fan that goes by 'Lola' told me I'm an asshole. Maybe she's right. Only because I couldn't take how fucking horrible she was in bed. It really wasn't that great. I felt utter boredom with that chick.
"Was that Lola?" Kirk said in a teasing tone. I just huffed and rolled my eyes. "Of course it was. apparently I wasn't making her feel good, well tough world we live in because I didn't nut myself. Now we both can't have our way." I heard the other members let out a chuckle and it only made me more ticked.
For some reason, I could never find the fun girls like the others. They always had exciting fucking stories to tell about their night. Me, sometimes I either sleep alone or try to have fun with a girl that I bring back. Nobody was into anything I was. They just laid there and took it.
Im fucking 21! and I start my sex life completely shit. It's like I'm having sex with someone's grandma. Like Gross. I want some action. More interaction at least with a girl. I just wanna have fun till I can't anymore.
"Well, We did decide to hit up a club in downtown Manhattan. Maybe you'll find your girl there~" Cliff said giving me a wink. I forgot that quick we were in New York fucking city. "Oh yeah, New Yorker girls are totally hot too. Maybe you'll find that babe you're looking for." James added on.
I was now stoked for tonight. As the youngest in the band, I wanna try and have a good time and able to tell them stories. Stories that they can possibly relate to.
After being out all day, I took a quick nap in my room so I could have some energy for the rest of the night. I wanted to at least look presentable-but then got a reality check. Its a club filled with late teenagers and early twenty year olds. I just threw on a random band shirt with some black ripped jeans and some Nikes. I sprayed some cologne observing myself in the mirror.
"Come on Lars...you got this. Totally got this. We're gonna have fun and enjoy ourselves."
I talked with myself to give me some self confidence. I was full of it. Overly optimistic. I headed down to the hotel lobby where I was the last one to arrive. We had a personal driver that drove us to the top club strip of manhattan. The city lights of the ads and neon advertisements filled the night sky. It had my eyes 'glimmering' as Kirk would say.
We decided to walk along the strip instead, thanking our driver. "We'll take a cab back~" I said reassuring the driver. I saw him nod and left the van. The night life was now and all the adults were out in their club outfits walking along the sidewalk. It really had my heart racing in anticipation on how I'll end my night. Will it be good? or bad. Find out in the next episode of Lars' questionable sex life.
"Jeez, theres so many clubs. Should we just go to a typical twenty-one plus?" Kirk asked looking carefully at the signes that were out. It was different prices of alcoholic drinks during happy hour if you joind this club or that club. "No- Lets go to The Phantom." I said pointing at the bright purple neon sign. The club had a line literally wrapped around the corner of waiting club goers to get inside.
"Uhh. do you know that the Phantom is for...big shots?" Cliff asked as if he was confused.
"Uhh?? yeah. Thats why I said we should go there. Come on, I think we're big enough of a shot to party with the top class people." I said borderline excitedly, but still kept my cool.
"Ok but, we didn't even dress the part?" Kirk and James added in unison. I just sighed.
"Who gives a shit? Like come on it's a club. its gonna be dark. No one is gonna care about what we wear. Now get your asses over there."
Surprise surprise, there were people who recognized us. We did have shows in New York but it was nothing too extravagant. We were escorted to the front, showed our IDs and were in like a blink of an eye. "I guess you're right larsy~"
I just smirked at Cliff's comment. The music was pumping through its speakers and the flashing club lights were going in random directions. Everyone, dancing; and Kirk was the first one to get dragged out onto the dance floor with a girl. Cliff and James also had a pair come up to them, making me alone.
I just chuckled awkwardly looking around for somewhere to sit. All the seats at the bar was taken so that was out the picture. I didn't really care for sitting right now but I did want a drink in hand as I danced. I ordered myself a bottle of beer, taking it with me to the dance floor. Everyone had their partners but I didn't mind dancing alone having the occasional girls come and go.
Eight songs had passed already and my beer was halfway gone. I wasn't drunk but I desperately need another one to keep me occupied when i'm alone. I pushed my way through the sweaty crowd and back to the same bar. I gestured the bartender for another bottle and gave them a five dollar bill. I scanned the room to see my band mates with girls they found. I was a bit jealous to say the least.
James had two girls on him.
Cliff sharing a smoke with some biker chick.
Kirk was full on making out with someone at a vip table.
Me...at a bar on my second beer bottle with no action. It was time to mingle. I looked around for girls but every girl I saw just reminded me of fucking Lola. All the girls were just copy paste. Just when I was about to give up an leave, I see a girl alone at one of the vip tables. She was alone smoking a cigarette and drinking her drink.
Her hair was jet black and I couldn't tell what she was wearing from where I was standing. She looked hot from a far- could she be hot upclose?
I walked up towards her table- casually passing by Kirk who was still kissing mind you. I sat my beer bottle on the table causing a reaction out of her. "May I sit here?"
I asked politely..oh and by the way- she was totally my type of girl. She gave a gesture and I got in sitting across from her. "You know VIP only right?" Fuck, her voice was deep. "Yeah. What you don't think im an important person?"
"You're from Metallica aren't you?"
"I am sweetheart."
I saw her smile when I answered. She looked so shy and I couldn't really make out what she wanted. I kinda dig it. It was something new from a girl that I just met. "Well~ are you a fan- oop...speak of the devil hmm?" I asked her and just in the nick of time, one of our songs started playing.
"I'm a huge fan actually.." She confesses; tapping the cigarette ashes in the ash tray. Just by looking at her and her body language, I could tell she wasn't a groupie. She wasn't quick to ask anything about my wealth or even anything sexual. She was a genuine fan.
She made many first moves, by that I mean questions. Given her shy and quiet nature, she asked very interesting questions about the music and what's it like being famous. I never took the time to even think to myself about these things. With every questioned asked; I answered with full potential.
Being in the vip section of the club, waiters would come and go with drinks. She would get something fruity while I only had my beer. Luckily for this spot, I didn't have to pay.
"Excuse me sweetheart, I forgot to ask you your name."
"it's (name)"
"(name)? such a pretty name you got there baby. Care to join me on the dance floor?"
I gave her a wink before getting up from the booth. I walked towards her side pulling my hand out waiting for her to grab it. Her hands are so soft and pretty. Her nails were painted in a baby blue and a mood ring on her ring finger. When stood up I was almost towered. I was able to look her up and down and oh my god, she was so beautiful. From her height, her mannerisms, her features of her face-she seemed too unreal.
I manned up and guided her towards the glowing floor. It was a different song now. When Doves Cry by Prince was playing and I could clearly see little miss was a fan of him as well. All she needed was a couple more sips of her drink and baby was good to go. I watched as she mouthed the lyrics turning her back against me. I grabbed her hips helping her keep the rhythm.
I drunk a little bit more of my beer and carelessly threw it somewhere off the floor. Both of my hands touching her. She turned back around and her face was a soft color tint. We were both slightly drunk but still was able to recognize what was going on in our surroundings. I couldn't help but lay a kiss on those pretty plump lips.
It was a real pleasure feeling her kiss back. It was expected. I let her pull away and letting her continue dancing. She was teasing me and damn it I wanted her...
So i got her
The taxi ride back to my hotel felt like it was going on for hours. I opened the door to my room, I had her back against the door. I picked her up letting her legs wrapped around my waist. Our kiss was sloppy and desperate, no order was necessary.
We struggled to get our clothes off once we made it to the bedroom. I laid her down gently before taking my shirt off and letting her take off any piece of clothing she desired. She didn't have a bra on so her chest was immediately exposed to the cold air.
My lips around her hardened nipples as my other free went along to squeeze and grope her. She hummed and I enjoyed the reaction out of her but sadly it wasn't enough to my standards. I went up to her neck licking and biting the sensitive area that didn't take me long to figure out. My hands went down to her legs opening them, helping her slide her lace panties down.
I pulled away to see her now raw, naked body. She was fucking beautiful. She even had some tattoos, and a belly peircing. Fuck. My next move was to eat her alive. I saw her exposed pussy and couldn't help but smirk how wet she was. "You're glistening babydoll" I said slowly lowering myself down. My eyes locked with hers and she was shy at the fact of how I explained how needy she was. It was so fucking cute.
I let my tongue gently rub against her clit and the moans she made was what I was looking for. I continued confidently eating her out, making sure I tasted every drop of her wetness.
Hearing her whine and her fingers getting tangled in my hair was sending me into a frenzy. My jeans getting too fucking tight to handle but I was too busy to even care. All my focuse was on her and her only. Her moans were loud and desperate. Just how I like it.
Her back arches as she pushed my head further into her and of course-i didn't mind that at all. I tongued and finger fucked her hole, letting my other fingers slowly rub against her wet folds. She tasted like sweet sugar; something I never experienced before. I could tell she was close by her breathing patterns. I stopped causing her to groan in annoyance. "I wanna have some fun too~" I cooed lifting my head up to caress her cheek.
I took off my jeans and right when I was lining up to her hole, I had no condom. Fuck, I forgot to buy some earlier. I took a deep sigh smiling at her. "You don't mind me going raw do you babydoll?"
"I don't mind~"
I grinned and slowly pushed inside her. We both let out a sigh of relief feeling each other in intimacy. "Feels good baby?"
I asked. She hummed and that was my go to-to start thrusting. I found a rhythm but didn't necessarily followed it as my pace became desperate when I started to get used to feeling her. She was a moaning mess and her whimpers only made it better. I couldn't help but go a little harder on her.
"Daddy...it feels so good-"
My heart literally did at least two somersaults. I wasn't expecting her to pull that kink card on me and fuck I liked it alot. A little too much. "Oh yeah??" I smirked. I leaned down to kiss her on her neck, biting every possible place that I haven't touched yet. I moved my hand down to rub her clit in circles wanting her to be extra stimulated.
"FUCK..Don't stop please..." She cried out. I just chuckled.
"I had no plans to darlin." I responded, reassuring her. I pulled back and had my hand around her neck choking her. She was the first girl to even let me do this. Her eyes were turning red as it was starting to water. She looked so helpless..so submissive...it turned me on so fucking much. I was nearly close.
"Im gonna...cum...."
"Me too darlin...cum for me..cum for daddy yeah?" I continued to pound into her, the room filled with the sounds of our moans and skin on skin contact. "Fuck.." I quickly pull out and start to stroke myself. I released all of my cum on her stomach just in time. I fell down right beside her as we both tried to relax after coming down from our high.
I turn over to her and saw she was already asleep. It was a perfect opportunity to clean her up and let her rest through the night with me.
The next day
I was woken up by an empty spot in the bed. I frowned but it was flipped when I saw her note on the night stand.
Thank you for last night, I had fun. Sorry I couldn't stay until you woke up though, I had to meet back up with some friends. But here's my number if you still wanna keep contact *** **** - (Name) xoxo
I couldn't believe it, she gave me her number. My heart was honestly beating against my chest hard already.
It was time to head back home and of course, the last person to arrive. The others looked pretty bummed. "Good morning everyone...why the long faces?" I asked in concern. They just sighed. "I didn't get no action, nor sleep because all I heard was you and that girl" Kirk said as he had his arms crossed.
Lars couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment at the last part, but at the same time-couldn't help but laugh. "Seems like I'm the only one that got action huh? oh boy do I have a story to tell~"
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a/n : Im still getting the hang of writing smut so please be kind!!!
dividers: cr to owners
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello could u do a sub lesso where r catches her masterbatung moaning their name x
*Authors note~ some smut after some fluff and angst to balance things out*
Trigger Warnings~ lesso masturbating sub Leo dom r oral dildo praise and degradation kink mistress kink lemme know if I missed any
Prompt~see ask^^^^
It wasn't uncommon for you to seek out the red headed dean, after all she was your boss and long time secret crush for as long as you'd worked for her. You often found excuses to visit her office in the beginning which is how your friendship started. Now it wasn't uncommon for you to do this, in fact it became routine that both you and Leonora held dear to your hearts yet would never admit it out loud to anyone.
You checked her office which was uncharacteristically empty, so that is how you found yourself stood outside her personal chambers. You'd been here a few times over the years and you took great pride in being the only one who was allowed to stay there. Obviously you knew of Leonora's visits to her room with others but neither lasted more than one night and were promptly escorted from her room before they could even look around it. You however knew every inch of her room in great detail.
What wasn't normal was to hear whimpering coming from her room, immediately you thought she could be sick, after all it would explain the absence from her office and her work. But those fears were squashed by a desperate plea of your name. Shock ran through your veins, you were earlier in your arrival today but you most definitely didn't expect this. Not that you minded of course. You made quick yet silent work of slipping into her bedroom where you were greeted with a sight more heavenly than heaven itself. The red head was sprawled out all over bed as she thrusted a very girthy looking faux cock into her soaked folds pleading for you and more. You'd be a terrible guest to deny such a beautiful woman of her wishes.
"Well we'll well, if it isn't Leo winning for her mistress to make it all better" you taunted and her eyes snapped towards you in a lustful haze. Shock was present for a few seconds but the beautiful woman on the bed made no move to even cover herself. Instead she decided to bat her lashes at you and plead, "please mistress fuck me." That was all the invitation you needed to join her on the bed.
"So needy Leo, take the toy out" you demanded and she complied with a whine of protest, "ah ah ah, be a good girl or I won't help you sweetheart and we both know how much your submissive brain would rather I did." You couldn't help but tease the normally dominant dean. She just looked so delicious all spread and ready for the taking. "Good girl Leo, such a good girl for me" you praised watching her hips buck up in response. "Oh does my good girl have a praise kink hmm?"
It turned out she did indeed have a praise kink. Of course you had to test the theory, and how submissive she truly was. The waiting seemed to be frustrating your lover so you crawled over her body. "I don't want to hear a single noise from you, you're that needy you decide to fuck yourself imagining me yet I would've had no idea how much of a whore you truly are" you murmured before pressing kissed down her body and to reach her beautiful mounds. Her dusty pink nipple being sucked between your lips as your tongue tortured the hard bud.
She couldn't stop the whine tumbling from her lips and you knew that yet you decided to get creative here and establish a boundary. Stripping your bottom half you took off your soaked underwear, making a make shift gag and shoving it in her mouth, "I warned you Leo" was all you offered in explanation before kissing your way down to her strong thighs. Kissing nipping and biting at the silky smooth skin there.
The muffled cry as your mouth found her warmth had you clenching your thighs together in hopes of finding relief. "Mistress fuck" she murmured around the gag as her hands came to tug at your hair hoping to encourage you. Her taste was so unique and so Leonora that you could already feel yourself becoming an addict. You could feel Leonora getting closer to the edge by the way her thighs tightened around your head, that's why you pulled your mouth away from her dripping sex. "Poor baby, did you need something darling?" You teased licking the excess cum from your lips, "fuck baby you taste like magic."
"No no no no nooo" her whines muffled by your underwear as a stray tear fell from her eye. Twice now she's had her orgasm ruined and she would be lying if she said that anything other than you was on her mind. Needing you. Wanting you. Just everything you. "Such a needy whore, hmm let's see shall we let you have that small sorry excuse for a dick? Is that all this slutty hole can managed? Must leave my baby so unsatisfied huh?" You knew you were mocking her here but truly you couldn't help it. She was just so easy to rile up. This new found power over her pleasing you to no end.
You picked up what was actually a rather impressive faux dick and teased her leaking hole with it. You knew she was wet enough the toy would slip right into her cunt so that's what you did. Her eye's immediately rolling back her head as her muffled cry filled the room. You weren't being easy on her, after all she had to learn any orgasm she would get should be from you and only you. Not some toy. So you edged her again before taking the orgasm away once more. What you weren't expecting was for arms and legs to flail against the bed in response. "Poor baby" was all you offered.
This time you took the underwear from her mouth and kissed her passionately, you planned to let her cum this time but only around your fingers. "Be good for me Leo and I promise you'll be rewarded darling" you murmured before kissing her cheek and easily slipping a finger into her gaping hole. It wasn't long before she was begging for more and more so you gave her what she asked for. Soon enough four of your slender fingers were buried to a hilt in her fluttering walls. "Gods Leo your greedy cunt could take my whole fist. Do you want it baby? Say you want it please. Mistress wants you to feel so good" you purred causing the red head to stutter out pleas. She was desperate you knew that, but the way she felt tightly squeezing your whole fist gave it a new meaning.
When the red headed dean came boy did she ever. Squirting around your fist as she drenched the sheets below. Crying out your name in an immense amount of pleasure, something so powerful she'd never experienced before. You eagerly brought your mouth down to lick her clean. But she whined in overstimulation so you immediately withdrew and whispered words of reassurance before magicking a washcloth which was warm and damp to clean her up. "Leo? Are you okay darling" you murmured brushing her firey locks from her sweat soaked forehead.
"Mmm okay just need minute" she whispered seemingly stuck in her submissive headspace, her eyes seeming showing how far away her mind was from reality. That was how you found yourself tucked being the red head holding her and whispering sweet nothings into her ear in a hope of easing her out gently, what you didn't expect was for her to fall asleep in your arms, little breaths tickling your arm.
Word count~ 1338
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miniseokminnies · 1 year
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I Do - Lee Seokmin
Pairing - Lee Seokmin x Reader (gender not explicitly mentioned but reader wears a dress)
Genre - Childhood friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, non-idol au
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings - Cheating, seokmin and reader are slightly toxic, cussing, implied sex, using “pussy” as a playful insult, one scene with a needle, i think that’s it
Synopsis - When you get a wedding invitation from an old friend you start to realize a lot about yourself.
I Do - Lee Seokmin
"Wasn't that supposed to be you?" you looked up at your roommate as she was sliding something over your daily crossword.
Glancing down you took in exactly what it was.
Save The Date 1.3.2024
The Marriage of
Lee Seokmin and Jeon Yoona
There he was, your childhood best friend smiling up at you with his arms around a girl you didn't recognize.
"Men are trash" you said through a mouth full of ice cream, "besides you, of course"
"Nah, men are trash," Seokmin agreed taking the spoon from you and getting himself a bite. The two of you were sitting cross legged on your bed with a tub of ice cream between you, a spoon being shared.
"We're going in different directions," you mocked, "we're literally going to uni like three hours from each other!" tears itched at the corners of your eyes, thinking about the breakup that was still fresh. Your boyfriend, ex boyfriend, had broken up with you right after graduation. "Do you want to order pizza" Seokmin piped up, pulling you out of your thoughts, "or get married?" your eyes quickly met his, looking panicked, before he smiled brightly, turning his eyes into half moons.
"Lee Seokmin, what on earth are you talking about" you practically shrieked.
"Oh my GOD, y/n" he laughed, "not right now, just like, you know" he vaguely gestured in the air, "if neither of us are married by the time we're old, like 30, we'll Just marry each other"
Here in the present, you were 26, and single, with a roommate. Yuqi was great, but she was younger and fresh out of college, and a bit of a meddler if you were being honest.
"What? No?" you tore your eyes away from the page, "we made a stupid deal when we were 18, not legally binding at all" you laughed, trying to rid yourself of the odd feeling in your stomach that made itself at home as soon as you saw the way Seokmin was smiling in the photo.
"Mhmm..." Yuqi hummed, swiping the save the date from you and hanging it on the refrigerator with a magnet. Whether she knew it or not. she used the magnet Seokmin brought you from his university on your first summer back home.
"Yes mom, I have my dress" you insisted, sticking your phone between your ear and your shoulder to get into your car, "yes! I'm on my way I swear!" Allowing yourself to slump in your seat for a few seconds after saying your goodbyes you sigh. It was Seokmin's wedding weekend. You had gotten some time off work so you can travel home to stay with your parents for the festivities. Driving into your small hometown was a sensation you were familiar with but this time felt different.
New year, new school. You had never been the "new kid" before, but considering you were only going into second grade, you hadn't had many opportunities. You had never ridden a bus to get to school before, so you stood at the bus stop fiddling nervously with the braids your mom had put in your hair this morning. Next, you busied yourself with the buttons of your shirt, still trying to get used to the new uniform.
"No! Tigers are the best!" you heard someone shout out, bringing your eyes up you could see the forms of two boys, probably about your age approaching you.
Attempting to keep yourself from staring, you again turned your attention to the button on your sleeve.
"Hey!" the tiger boy called out as they approached, "What do you think is the best animal? I think tigers are the best, but he" he jabs a finger in the direction of the other boy, "thinks it's-"
"Soonyoung, I never argued, you just decided I did" the other boy told tiger boy, who you knew now was named Soonyoung, "I'm Seokmin!" he added, smiling at you.
Smoothing the front of your dress you looked at yourself in the floor length mirror.
Tonight was a celebration at a restaurant set up by Seokmin's parents and you were nervous. You felt like you were seventeen again, anxious for your senior prom. The prom you attended with your ex boyfriend, Soonyoung, and Seokmin. It's been so long since you got ready for anything in this bedroom. The walls were just the same as they were that day you shared a tub of ice cream, a pizza, and a promise with Lee Seokmin.
The paint was light blue and it peaked out between the posters of your favorite bands and the photos of yourself from years ago smiling with your friends. A photo strip from the old photo booth in the mall was taped to the mirror. The middle section being a photo of you smiling as big as you've ever seen yourself smile, Soonyoung kissing your left cheek, Seokmin doing the same on your right.
The fallout with Seokmin was never intentional. It happened gradually. The two of you didn't go to the same university and you promised to stay in touch, and see each other on every break from school. For the first few years, you did. Then, career building, new friends, and new priorities started coming up. At some point that you can't remember you stopped coming home all together, and you can only assume he stopped too.
Here you were, however, staring at yourself in the mirror in your childhood bedroom, home for the wedding of a man you haven't spoken to in years. You absentmindedly wondered why you were even invited. Did he request it? Or was his mom insisting that your whole family attend?
You waited for the couple's big entrance by your mother's side. She was talking with another family friend, something about how you grew up so fast. You tuned out the conversation and busied yourself with a loose string on your dress. The sounds of cheers pulled you out of your anxious habit, you saw Soonyoung cheering loudly first, then a gorgeous girl, who you recognized from the save the date card from those months ago, laughing with Soonyoung. Your eyes traveled up from her arm, to her slender hand where it rested on a toned bicep. Tearing your eyes away from where her hand connected to his arm, you finally faced what you were anxious about. His eyes were locked on you. Seokmin's smile was faltering for what was, to your knowledge, the first time ever.
As the couple greeted their guests, receiving congratulations and well wishes for the upcoming wedding, you stared. Seokmin found it hard to focus when he knew you were there and staring. When they moved closer you realized what was off, it wasn't the muscle your friend had gained or the height he undoubtedly earned after you stopped seeing each other. It was the detail that meant nothing to everyone, but everything to you.
"Shut up Seokmin, don't be a pussy!" you hissed with a needle between your teeth, "we have to do this now or we'll get caught!" Seokmin looked up at you from his seat on the floor of the bathroom of your middle school. The ice cube he was pressing to the lobe of his ear was melting and running down his hand. However, the puppy eyes he was giving you right now didn't seem to care about the sleeves of his uniform getting wet. Footsteps moving toward the two of you made you both freeze.
"Cmon Seokmin, are you doing it or not?" Soonyoung pressed in a hushed tone, making your best friend and yourself relax, already having forgotten that you sent Soonyoung to be a lookout. Looking between the two boys, your two best friends, you removed the needle from between your teeth which made the boy on the floor in front of you look at you with panicked eyes.
"On the count of three, Minnie" you said firmly, already moving the needle toward his earlobe.
The cool March air bloomed in your lungs as you pushed your way through the door. You needed air, distance, anything. After several minutes of pacing in front of the building you sunk down onto a bench. The door to your left opened and shut and you heard footsteps approach and stop in front of you.
"You still mess with your clothes when you're nervous" a voice you knew was Seokmin's pointed out.
"You don't wear your earrings anymore" you fired back without looking up. Seokmin sighed and sat next to you.
"Really, y/n?" you felt his eyes on you "we haven't spoken in years and your biggest concern is that I don't wear my earrings?"
Your eyes snapped to his.
"Yeah actually, I worked so hard to pierce those ears and take care of them!" you felt a tear escape your eye which made you laugh, "I'm sorry..I don't know why I'm so.. you gestured to your eyes. Seokmin wrapped his arm around your shoulders without taking a second to think, and squeezed.
"You did work hard, thanks for keeping me in line all those years" he smiled, but you knew it didn't reach his eyes. "Yoona's parents are weird about piercings so.." he trailed off. Right, his fiancée. You shrugged his arm off of your shoulders.
"Congratulations," you started, returning a smile, this one was his to notice not reaching your eyes, "we should go back in. right?" you wiped any threat of tears away with the back of your hand.
"You're not up for this," he pointed out standing up, "I'm gonna go tell them I'm walking you home, I'll be right back"
"You have a car, and I'm fine" you began to protest.
"Yeah.." he started with his hand on the door handle already, "but we have things to catch up on, and for old time's sake you should let me walk you home" he smiled enough to turn his eyes into half moons and disabeared inside.
"Soonyoung is so full of shit" you announced into the summer night in front of you, "there's no way right?" you laughed, turning to Seokmin who was walking beside you, closest to the street.
"I dunno," he shrugged tugging on one of his black hoop earrings, "girls were always after him in high school, it's possible"
"Oh come ON, Minnie," you scoffed, "girls were after you too, I find it hard to believe Soonyoung had sex in the first year of college and you didn't" you both rounded the corner to your house.
"How do you know I didn't" he stopped walking, eyebrows raised. You turned toward where you had left him behind,
"Because you wouldn't have just let Soonyoung brag like that it you had gotten some" Seokmin broke into a smile before you had even finished your explanation, "Keep walking my Knight in Shining Armor, can't protect me from the small town crazies from back there" you laughed as he jogged to catch up with you.
Sticking the keys in your front door you piped up, "Parents aren't home, you can spend the night if you want," you opened the door, they wouldn't care if you did anyway" you laughed and looked back at Seokmin who was clearly distracted. "Earth to Lee Seokmin"
"Hm?" he jumped, "Sorry, just thinking" he smiled and followed you inside.
“About us having sex?" you smiled.
"I-uh" the tips of his ears were growing red.
"You're so predictable," you moved closer to him reaching out and holding his ear between your forefinger and your thumb, "it makes sense, people make too big of a deal out of losing your virginity, we should just fuck so that we know what we're doing for our future partners." Seokmin's blush was now working its way across his cheeks, "God Seokmin, don't be such a pussy, just kiss me if we're going to do this!"
"Thanks for walking me home... you offered, "you should get back now" the doorknob to your parent's house was cool under your hand. You knew you were nervous so that meant your palms were sweaty. If Seokmin were to take your hand he would know too. The thought of him taking your hand reminded you of the strange feeling in your stomach. "I mean you can come in, but I don't think the whole party of people, or Yoona, would be thrilled about you being gone for so long" you said opening the door. You moved inside and without saying a word Seokmin followed you. "Okay, you're coming in, can you say something, or anything because you of all people being quiet is freaking me out."
"Do you guys have any ice cream?"
Seokmin asked, "you used to read me so well" he added.
Somehow, you and Seokmin have ended up cross legged on your bed, a tub of ice cream between you, a spoon being shared.
The two of you were talking like time hadn't passed at all. Eventually, Seokmin volunteered to take the tub back down to the freezer. Being alone for those few minutes had you deep in your thoughts. As you heard his footsteps return to your bedroom you were struck by the realization that you didn't want him to go back to that party, to Yoona.
"Minnie?" you said quietly, barely above a whisper. You had Seokmin's full attention after hearing his childhood nickname, a nickname reserved for you. Girlfriends past, even Yoona had tried using it and he always shut it down without explanation. That was yours. "Don't be such a pussy, just kiss me" you whispered. He stood there staring at you for just a moment too long, and you started to realize what you had said and who you had said it to. However, just as quickly as those doubts set in, Seokmin was closing the distance between you.
"And here i thought you couldn't read me anymore," he whispered planting his hands firmly on your cheeks before kissing you hungrily.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't shared numerous kisses with Seokmin before now. Some platonic, like the one from the photo booth, some on various hookups with one another. This one was different. He was desperate and hungry.
"No one knows you like I do" you breath between kisses, "no one will love you like I do, Minnie, you know that"
"I know, I know" his hands moved from your cheeks, he planted one firmly in your hair, the other found its resting place on your hip,
"God, y/n, it's you, it's always been you, I invited you to prove to myself that I'm over you, I never thought you'd come.." he gave your hair a small tug, you forced a whimper to die in your throat. Seokmin took a moment to look around your room, with its posters, its blue walls, the pictures of you, Soonyoung, and himself. The same room you shared a tub of ice cream, a pizza, a promise, and your virginity with Seokmin.
The room now that held a secret and a decision for Lee Seokmin.
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ladymarlin · 9 months
Here’s an idea for a fic!!! I’ve also talked abt it with @not-eli. For like a Christmas special for alheather, Heather could announce that she’s pregnant. Just an idea.
Ok so, it took me a few days and I'm kinda iffy on my writing 😅
But I think the general concept of this is really cute (if anyone wants to rewrite it or anything) And I also had another idea with Heather's family but this just kept coming to me. Also I did all my writing very late at night and I did NOT revise and edit or reread 🤣
Merry Christmas 😁
Heather knew this feeling. Sure it's been a few years, but it was a feeling she could never forget. It did cause her nine months of (mostly) misery, after all.
The pregnancy test only confirmed it. Part of her was excited. She and Alejandro were having another child! But at the same time, she and Alejandro were having another child. She loves her daughter, but she hated being pregnant. What's to like about it? The exhaustion? The cravings? The hormones making every emotion feel ridiculously heavy?
She took a deep breath and shook it off. She needed to tell her fiance. That's important. She needed to tell him. And she had a strong feeling he'd be more than happy. He's so good with their daughter, Heather can't help but smile at the two interacting. And of course the "We should have another one" something Heather would usually reply to with "We'll see what happens."
Yeah, he'll love this.
Maybe she should surprise him. Christmas was only two days away, anyways. It was the perfect opportunity. A perfect gift to her love.
So Heather got a small box. The plan was to put the positive pregnancy test in it, but she ended up standing there for a bit wondering if that was weird and unsanitary. Should she put it in a case or something? What if he grabs it by the wrong end? That's gross.
After some research, she decided to put the stick in the box with some tissue paper. It should be enough. People on the internet were doing way too much, and Heather was not about to do all that.
She wrapped the small rectangular box just as nicely as the other gifts, and slipped it under the tree.
Now it was time to wait.
She spent the two days trying not to raise his suspicions. It wasn't too hard. She really only needed to try and not seem too tired. It was... A little difficult, but she managed. Somehow.
Christmas morning, the couple were woken up earlier than they'd like.
Their daughter entered the room practically squealing with excitement. It's Christmas! Lucky for Heather, the four year old was always quick to go to her father. The girl shook her father, as if he wasn't already woken up by her struggling to open the door, and then the door bursting open, letting in all the light from the living room.
"I'm up, I'm up..." He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"It's... Presents?" She asked, pointing the general direction their Christmas tree is in.
"How about we sleep a little longer, mi hijita?"
She shook her head with a smile.
He turned to his fiancee and shook her a bit, "Heather..."
She fought back a groan and sat up after a minute or so, her eyes puffy and tired.
"I'll meet you in the living room, mi amor." He kissed her on the cheek before being dragged away by their daughter.
Heather dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom, making herself decent enough for the early morning.
She walked out to the two sitting on the floor by the tree.
"-see, look, 'to, Marisol'" he read with a smile, showing the young girl one of her presents.
Heather sat on the ottoman, watching the two. Alejandro glanced over and was given a gesture towards the presents, letting him know they're free to open their gifts.
Alejandro handed Marisol the gift he was holding and gave her a nod. Of course, she started digging in, as any four year old would.
Alejandro got to work on opening his own presents, Heather getting oddly nervous as he got closer to the small rectangular box.
She didn't understand why. There was no reason. This could only go well... But she was nervous.
Then he picked it up.
Heather could practically hear her heart racing, keeping her eyes on him.
"Something wrong?"
He pulls her out of her head for a second, "just open the gift."
He looks at her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity, unwrapping, opening, and removing the tissue paper.
It takes him a minute to process what he's looking at, but then his face brightens completely.
All is well.
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howlingday · 6 days
Charitable Donations
Blake: And so, with the expansion of diversified commerce, the increased tax revenue will pay for the project and make it self-sustaining in about 10 years.
Weiss: ...I'm sorry, what's all this about again?
Blake: The- The last part about the-
Weiss: The whole thing.
Weiss: Well, okay, look; you had me in the first ten minutes, but then the martinis kicked in and you lost me.
Blake: Weiss-
Weiss: I've sobered up by now, but I'm completely lost, and I'm not happy about it.
Weiss: I mean I'm not happy about the sobriety. Were you drinking, too? Drinks are free! You can have one!
Blake: But... What about the White Fang?!
Weiss: Oh, they do NOT drink for free!
Weiss: None of them get free drinks!
Blake: I'm talking about the charity foundation!
Weiss: Okay, I see... Let's start again from the top, but summarize everything you said into about two minutes because I need to be at the airport.
Weiss: And I'm not going to make tee-time at Shade. So less crying, more talking.
Blake: OKAY! You remember Menagerie? When the White Fang first broke up and the New Fang took its place, one member was a girl name Trifa, and she started her own fashion line. I was worried her business would fail because there isn't much access to cotton, or wool, or anything you'd use to make a dress! Y'know, other than spider silk, but let's not think about that. So Trifa, this girl, her business explodes! And it grows and it grows and it keeps growing until it takes over everything!
Weiss: Alright, girl doing it for herself~!
Blake: Soon enough, she's the only company in Menagerie...
Weiss: Mm~! Girlbossing it up~!
Blake: She's got a corporate monopoly, vertically integrated up and down...
Weiss: Sounds like it all worked out for her~.
Blake: She has her own private military.
Weiss: So do I! Uniforms are so hot~. Designed these ones myself. Does she need uniforms? Is that what's going on? Oh, she has GOT to see our Schnee Queen Line.
Blake: Anything she wants, the government gives it to her. In other words, essentially, she IS the government.
Weiss: Good! More girls in business should be in government. Or, well, women, or whatever. We'll sell her some uniforms, send me the paperwork, have my people call her people and get a deal going~!
Blake: Weiss, it's a communist government.
Blake: Yeah.
Weiss: Dear Brothers and Dust! No! She's spending her own corporate money for building roads, and hospitals, and housing, and everything?!
Blake: Well... No.
Weiss: Oh! Oh, Blake, honey, you can't just throw that word around like that.
Blake: Okay, so maybe it's more like a banana republic, I guess. Anyway, the problem is... they don't have any of what you said. They don't have any roads, or healthcare, or housing, or, well, anything.
Weiss: Ah! BUT they do have capitalism~! So someone is going to fill that market gap.
Blake: Y-Yeah, and I'd like your company's charity to fill that market gap.
Weiss: Oh... Well, we'll build some toll roads, set up some private clinics...
Blake: Actually, I was thinking maybe you'd do it as a charity?
Weiss: ...No.
Weiss: Well, of course! Duh! Leadership like mine doesn't come cheap~!
Blake: And I've noticed it doesn't go into any charities...
Weiss: It does so! Recently, we've made a BIG donation to Ruby's "Arms for Snakes" program.
Blake: It goes to stupid charities.
Weiss: ...It donates to your New Fang.
Blake: ...S-Since you brought that up, some of our directors have had a few comments about the recent Schnee Company policies.
Weiss: Why? What's wrong with them? It went through a brilliant think tank!
Blake: it went through Thinking4U...
Weiss: Well, if it's such a problem, then how about I stop providing donations for you~?
Blake: ...
Blake: Y'know what? Let's not worry about all of that right now! Can I get you on board to build roads in Menagerie?
Weiss: No.
Blake: Ah... Okay, well, that was it.
Weiss: Great. I love it when we can get to the point! Now, can I get YOU on board for drinks next Saturday?
Blake: ...Weiss, I gave up drinking.
Weiss: Order it a virgin then! Whatever! I'll see you then, darling~! Love you~! Kisses~! Mwah~! (Leaves)
Blake: ...
Blake: (Sighs)
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trashmouththeorist · 9 months
the kissing booth is abusive and terrible; an angry rant
Okay. So basically, Noah is first introduced to us as this character like three times the size of Elle, and this character that his brother (Elle's best friend, Lee) thinks should not date Elle, raising a red flag. Lee wants what's best for Elle. And it's clear that Noah isn't that. But if we put that aside and we fast-forward to school, Tuppen sexually assaults her because she is wearing a skirt that is deemed too short in the eyes of the school. Then Lee tries and fails to protect her, and Noah goes psycho, beating Tuppen to a pulp. And of course, like always, the victim gets detention, so when Noah and Elle are waiting outside, he victim blames her, by saying, "Wearing a skirt like that is asking for it." I already didn't like Noah, but now I hate him. Telling somebody who was sexually assaulted that it was their fault because they were 'asking for it' by wearing clothes they were? That's a new level of low, and we're only about twenty minutes in! If that. Anyway, Elle goes on a date with Tuppen, and Noah is jealous. He stands her up (predictable) then explains that Noah has been meddling in her social life, and is the reason she has no prior dating experience, so she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is: the only people she's engaged in an even slightly romantic act with is a sexual assaulter and abusive, toxic man. But if we put all that aside, Elle is angry. So she calls Noah, and these are the words exchanged during the call:
Elle: You do realize that you're not my dad, right?
Noah: Look, you still got a lot to learn, kiddo.
Elle: Kiddo? Oh, my God. Oh, if you were here, I would beat you with my shoe.
Noah: Tuppen is a player.
Elle: So are you
Noah: And that's why I know he's wrong for you. You're gonna thank me one day.
Elle: Okay. Well, today is not that day. It is not your job to monitor my dating life. Do you understand me? The days of you controlling my life are over!
Noah: We'll see about that.
So Noah, creepy as he is, insists on continuing to manipulate and meddle with her life. He is trying to control her life. At that point, even he is warning her. Tuppen was a sexual assaulter, aka a piece of scum. And Noah? He compares himself to Tuppen. That should say something. Numerous red flags are up, but Elle is closing her eyes. Although that's not on her. She's the victim here, in this situation. I may not like Elle, but this stuff should not be happening. Anyway, let's put all that aside, yeah, and move on.
Elle and Lee suggest their idea for the fundraiser, a Kissing Booth (shocker) and of course, they need all the 'hot guys.' Convenient, because Love Interest Number 1 is a 'hot guy' when he's a toxic, abusive douchebag. Okay. I actually don't understand this point - are girls the main aim for this booth? (majority of people are straight in this world, but of course we have the gay tokens for diversity who have zero affect on the plot in the second movie) Because they aren't preoccupied with hot girls. Also, why are the girls presented as the objects to be kissed? No boys there? Doesn't matter, I guess. It's just an abusive relationship, in a plot that barely took two seconds to think out where like every character is an asshole. But I'm not judging that. After school, Noah tries to get Elle to come home with him on his motorbike. Of course, Elle refuses, yet he persists when she says no, because of course, Noah's reputation as a player. And I'm not surprised, you go Elle. He drops every girl. But, I mean, Elle is 'not like other girls.' Elle runs home, and she asks people to do the booth. Surprise, surprise, they say no to kinda selling themselves...and not getting anything from it except maybe herpes.  
Okay. So, after that party I don't feel like talking about, because you know they used the same scene for every high school romcom, and the OMG's, aka the rip off mean girls, invite her over to get her intoxicated, and Elle is totally drunk. Elle asks Noah for the booth, girls he's making out with is mad, Elle gets rejected. There are a few partying scenes, and then Elle strips her clothes off leaving her underwear and dances. Lee, for some reason just watches her (see what I meant about assholes) and then Noah with all his chivalry takes her up into her room, dresses her in his clothes and then she wakes up presumably thinking they slept together, which of course, they didn't - but I wouldn't be surprised with Noah taking advantage of her intoxicated state and r*ping her, because when you're drunk, you can never consent. But the fact she suspected he might have r*ped her means she knows some degree of his toxicity, yet she is somehow still blind to it. Anyways, they had an 'accidental groping' session, and Elle is out and about again. Anyway, Elle lies about Noah liking one of the OMG's so they'll do the booth, and now she's got to convince Noah to do it, because the OMG'S (which he most definitely does not like) are waiting for him at the booth, and he's the main attraction for whoever's at the booth. Noah tries to order Elle around again, and she asks him about the booth again. (Clearly, neither of them can take a hint) and he refuses. 
It's time for the booth now. I'm going to skip out on the beginning, but the OMG's push Elle out onto the stage and Noah comes up and kisses her, and thats something else I don't like: no matter who it was, if it was her boyfriend of a year of someone in her Physics Class, it was clearly not consensual. But the kiss happened, and since it was Noah, Elle enjoyed it, but Noah let her down, telling her it was 'just a kiss' manipulating her feelings, and now she's in this great dilemma, because Lee had been warning her all along with that friendship rule he insisted on. But let's skip a few minutes, after she tells Lee repeating what Noah said, where we're at the bit where Noah confesses his love with the classic fanfiction response, (I mean, this is WattPad, so...) 'You aren't like other girls, you didn't "fall at my feet" I love you you're so sweet!' Etc, etc.  
So, to show his love for her, he takes her to a hookup spot where he takes all of his conquests. Perfect. That fanfiction thing is probably something he tells every girl, because Elle is clearly like the rest of the girls he's engaged in activities with.
Beach party. Warren tries to get a drunk Elle to skinny dip, and Noah jumps in, after an insult, punches Warren in the face and Elle runs off. When Elle is walking home, Noah screams and yells at her to "Just get in the car, Elle. Just get in the car, Elle. GET IN THE CAR, ELLE!" And with much violence, he punches his car in anger and frustration and toxicity and abuse (more controlling, great) Elle is scared (because it was clear that directed to her, Noah was yelling at her and he wanted to hit her) and she gets in. They go to the Hollywood sign (which they cannot go to, because I'm pretty sure you need to pay to go, like, as a tourist, but they filmed it in Africa so I'm sure they know jack shit about how the US works) and etc etc. 
They start a relationship made up of sex and hiding. Sex and hiding includes a lot of these things, and not what a relationship should contain. What I don't like is that they think it's this huge secret that needs to be kept, it's not like they'll be discriminated against. 
Lee is their only worry.
When Elle gets hurt and Noah is there, Lee immediately assumes he hit her. Why? Because he's lived with his brother...his whole life. He knows Noah like she back of his hand. He knows Noah is abusive. So when Elle's hurt, the only logical thing is to assume Noah did it. And what does that tell us if Noah's own brother assumes he abused her? And Noah's only response to being accused of violence is to...get violent. (Thank you, Cynical Reviews! You should watch him on YouTube. He's great. Especially his review of The Kissing Booth.) 
After this, Lee finds out about their relationship, blah blah blah who cares. Except for the fact Lee is still angry: at Noah, not because Elle lied, but because he is sure how this is going to go, because he's experienced it from the sidelines - random girls he's barely known getting abused and having their hearts broken. And he doesn't want the next casualty to be Elle. Of course, like, no one supports them, because they know what happens every time Noah brings a girl home - or something of the sort.
Elle tells Lee to support them, she gets back with Noah and Noah...leaves.
A set up for a sequel which whenever I have time, will be analysed, because it is seriously abusive and toxic. None of these things were done out of 'love.' Love is a word used too carelessly in film. This, at the closest, is lust. And it is unhealthy, controlling, toxic and abusive.
So there's my argument!
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Glory of love(Eleazar Denali)
Chapter 7: first date blues
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When I got home I immediately raced up to my room to get ready, the ruckus woke up Duke and he quickly leped from his dog bed and followed me up to my room.
“y/n?” Bella said walking in confused. “What are you doing?” she asked as I opened my closet.
“got a date tonight” I smiled. Bella raised an eyebrow empressed. “really? With who?”
“Eleazar Denali” I said matter of factly. Bella's eyes widened. “my spanish teacher?”
I nodded. Bella hummed and shook her head. “well, have fun... I'm going to La push with some friends”
“okay, have fun” I said continuing to pace around my room trying to get ready.
I rummaged threw around my clothes and couldn't find anything that I thought suited for tonight. I sighed getting so frustrated I didn't relize a couple of drawers flew out on their own. Thinking the dresser was just old I closed them and continued getting ready.
Forgetting about clothes for a breaf second I hopped in the shower and washed my whole body twice. Before my hair could dry I quickly put in different hair products so the curls in my hair didn't get frizzy. As I styled my hair I dialed Leah's number and put on speaker phone.
“Leah I'm freaking out! I have a date tonight and I have nothing to wear! I know it's not your thing but I don't know what eles to do” I said putting part of my hair up.
“where are you going?” she asked. You could hear things shuffling around in the background as she spoke.
“movie date” I responded.
“we'll be right over, hang tight girl” Leah said and hung up.
About twenty minutes later I had all my makeup and hair done just in time for the door bell to ring. I wrapped the towel around my body tighter as I jogged down the stairs and opened the door.
“you bellowed?” Leah said leaning on the door frame with a smile. Seth was behind her holding two of Leah's dresses.
I shook my head nervous. “you guys are my heros” I said pulling them into the house. “he's gonna be here any minute” Leah followed me to my room while Seth set down on the stairs with Duke so I could change.
“try this one” Leah said holding up a white summer dress with little blue flowers it was beautiful but not too fancy, it was perfectly.
“there's no way this is part of your wardrobe” I joked as I put the dress on. Leah helped flatten it out and moved it so it hugged my curves perfectly.
“it was a Christmas present from my grandma, I only wore it once... I hate the damn thing, but it looks amazing on you” she smiled.
As I walked to my long mirror to fix my hair the doorbell rang again. I walked down the stairs as Seth opened the door reveling Eleazar holding a bouquet of Red roses. He wore black slacks and the white dress shirt he wore fited his body in the best way possible.
“Te ves hermosa(you look beautiful)” he said soeachles. I blushed as he gave me the roses.
“thank you” I looked up into his gold orbs. “you look very Handsome”
He nervously looked and put his hands in his pockets. I smiled at his sudden shyness and let him in the house. “I need to put these in some water, come in”
He followed me and came face to face with the Clearwater's. “this my best friend. Leah and her brother Seth”
“nice to meet you” Seth smiled and shook his hand. “pleasure to meet you” Eleazar said smiling at the kid.
Leah tired to put up an over protective best friend facade, but other than that she introduced herself with a smile. The three made small talk as I put the roses in a vace. I came out of the kitchen and smiled at the three.
“ready?” I asked he nodded and followed me out the door.
“have fun you guys!” Seth called out from the front door as Eleazar opened his car door and helped me in.
By the time we made it to movie theater the moon was high in the sky. After we parked Eleazar opened the passenger car door and offered his hand. I took and he effortlessly lifted me up.
“what a gentleman” I smiled.
“of course” he smiled as he placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked into the theater. He gave the tickets to worker and we went to the designated screening room. No one eles was in the room, it was just us.
We sat towrds the middle in the dark room. As we got comfortable the movie started playing the classic Psycho them. I looked over at him studying how the screen lit up is gold orbs. He looked over at me and I quickly turned before I get cought staring.
After about ten minutes into the movie I was close to freezing. My body made an unexpected shiver, making Eleazar look over. “are you cold?” he whispered.
“just a little” I whispered back. On que Eleazar shedded his suit jacket and wrapped it around me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I slipped my arms through the massive holes. The Jacket was long on me and sleeves covered my hands in it's warm embrace.
“thank you” I said scooting closer to him. He looked over and smiled softly as he rested his arm on the arm rest next to mine. I looked down wanting so bad to feel bold. He was comfortable enough to give me his jacket so why couldn't I hold his hand.
My hand sliped out of the confines of his jacket making it jumble up at my wrist. His eyes were locked on the movie so inched my hand closer to his. I stoped once I felt his ice cold knuckles brush up against mine. I stoped once I saw him shift. I looked back at the screen and I felt his fingers lace together with mine.
I smiled up at him, not caring how much I was blushing. He looked down and smiled softly at me. As our eyes locked He leaned down. I stared at his lips the closer he got. When our noses brushed together I started to internally freak out. Was this really happening? I can't kiss a man on the first date.
I reluctantly turened my head to the screen. It was the shower scene. “this is the best part” I whispered. He gulped keeping our hands tangled together.
I felt bad for doing that to him. He didn't look hurt and respect my choice. Missing how close he was I leaned into his side and rested my head on his shoulder. Smiled feeling his arm wrap around me and his nose brush up against my head. I was burning up at how close we had gotten. Everything about him called out to me. I had to stop myself pulling him to my height for a searing kiss.
After the movie we walked under the moon light in the park that wasn't too far from home. I glanced down at our intertwined fingers as we walked. His jacket still hugged my body making our hands disappear and reappear as we moved. My heart was beating so fast and I knew if I looked up in to his golden orbs it'll probably explode.
“So, your a Hitchcock fan?” he asked as strolled towrds swing set. “I love his work” I said setting down on one of the swings.
Eleazar walked in between the empty swing and mine and set down. “but, I don't want to talk about the movie” I chuckled.
“what do you want to talk about?” he asked wrapping his hands around the swing handles. I smiled and glanced over at him. “you” I said simply.
He raised an eyebrow suprised. “¿A mí?(me?)” he smiled and looked down. “What do we to know Querida(darling)”
I blushed at the name. He chuckled as he swnag the swing to left so we were closer. I shrugged meeting his gold eyes. “I don't know, tell me anything about yourself”
“I'm from Spain” he said swinging forward. “you told me that yesterday” I chuckled swinging too.
“okay how about this Amar(love)” he started. “I have five niceses and three nephews”
“what's your family like?” I asked softly. “me and my brother-in-law are thick as thieves... Carlisle is truly my best friend. Then you got my neices Tayna, Kate, and Irina. I adopted them after their mother passed away.”
“I'm sorry” I said softly. Eleazar shrugged. “she wasn't close to the family” he said, planting his feet on the ground so the swing stoped moving.
“Irina is the oldest, her and Rosalie are really close. Then you got Jasper, Emmett, and Tayna are three peas in a pod, they play pranks all the time... Alice is the peace of keeper. Then you got Edward, he's the youngest and really likes to get under Rosalie's skin” he chuckled. “they're all spoiled”
“sound like a hand full” I chuckled. Eleazar smiled and crossed his arms as he leaned on the frame of the swing set. “they have their good days and their bad days”
“what about yours?” he asked catching me off guard. I cleared my throat. “umm... I'm not really close to my family besides my dad. Bella and I are close as two sisters could be dispute us not agreeing with everything” I chuckled. “I had a grandpa I was really close to... We called him papa, but he's not around anymore”
“I'm sorry” he said softly. I shrugged. “It was a long time ago” I looked up at him. “I think he would have liked you... He would teas you a bit, but that's how he showed he cared”
Eleazar cleared his throat then took a deep breath. “I devorced my wife about six years ago” my heart skipped a beat as he grabed the hand thst was once on the swing handle.
“what happened?” I asked softly. He shuffled his feet in the dirt than looked up at me. “I was aprt of this... Group if you will, I quit the job when we first got married for her. As the years went on I thought things were going good, but she started to talk to someone I used to work with... I didn't realize we were drifting apart till one day I found them in bed together” he said kicking a rock, hard.
“I would never do that to you” I spoke truthfully. I stood up and walked towrds him.
“but this...” I said taking his hand. “What I'm feeling for you is so intimidating and I'm scared to screw it up”
“it is rather intimidating” he said taking my other hand. “but... Let's try us, if you'll have me” he whispered pulling my hand to his lips and kissing the back of my hand.
“okay” I smiled.
I don't know how it led up to it, but I wasn't complaining either. There was no one eles around so we we're just slowly dancing to the music that was playing on his phone. He played Elvis presley's can't help falling and put in the pocked of his suit jacket.
I chuckled as he twirled me then brought me back to his chest. I looked into his eyes and smiled. “I don't want this night to end” I whispered.
“I know the feeling” he smiled as he rested his forehead on mine.
Thunder started to rumble and like a light switch it started to pour on us. We laughed and we just continued to dance. Pretty soon we were both soaked and I started shiver.
He twirled me then pulled me to his ice cold chest. I big shiver left my body as we made contact. Eleazar looked us and lead me to a near by gazbo. “come on your drinched”
Once we got shelter from the ran we started to laugh hysterically. I ran my fingers through my curls making water droplets fall on the wood of the floor. I walked to railing and watched the rain fall. Eleazar joined me shortly after, but he wasn't looking at the rain.
“why are you looking at me like that?” I asked with a chuckle. Without missing a beat, he made the space between us smaller with a smile on his face.
“because your beautiful” he stated with nothing but to truth in his eyes. I blushed and looked away. His hands moved to my chine and turned my head so our eyes met again.
“truly beautiful.... Your all I see miss. Swan” he whispered. He stared into my eye. His gaze was so intense and full of love I wanted to break the 'no kiss on the first date' rule.
“can I kiss you?” he said just above a whisper. I quickly nodded not trusting my words.
I looked at his lips as he moved closer to me. His hand cupping my cheek pulling me in.
My fingers found the collar of his white shirt and curled around them, using it to pull him in for a passionate kiss. Eleazar moaned as one of his hands were quick to find their home at my waist. The kiss consumed every Cell of my body. I felt Pleasure I never felt before as his toung slipped in meeting mine.
I let out a slight moan as my hands traveled to curls at neap of his neck. My fingers played with them softly making a soft groan rumble from his chest. I pecked his lips one last time before pulling away. He rested his forehead on mine as I cought my breath.
“why didn't we do that sooner” I chuckled. He smiled and placed a delicate kiss on my nose. “it was amazing... Worth the wait” he whispered.
We giggled softly as his large hand came up and cupped my chin. “I'd love to kiss you again” he said.
“what's stopping you?” I said. He leaned down and pressed his lips back to mine. He let out a content sigh as our lips moved gracefully together. I could kiss him forever and when he kissed me I believed in our Forever.
I sighed in dispontment as his car stoped infront of my house, concluding our date. “thank you for tonight” I smiled as our fingers laced together.
“I should be the one thanking you miss. Swan, it was the most fun I had in a long time” Eleazar said. I leaned in towrds his side of the car and placed my lips on his.
“let me walk you to the house” he said. Eleazar got out of the car and opend my door. He followed me to my door and I let out a depressed sigh, I wasn't ready to part ways.
“good night Eleazar” I said softly.
He leaned down and pecked my lips “Buenas noches(goodnight)”
As he pulled away I could tell something weighed heavily on his shoulders. I looked at him concerned but he smiled and kissed my forehead. “see you at school love”
“bye” I whispered. He walked down the steps then stopped, as I was about walk in the house he spoke up. “y/n there's something I need to tell you”
I turned around preparing myself for whatever he had to say. “and I understand if you never want to talk to me again when I tell you what I'm about to say... And it's crazy”
I gave him a worried look. “just tell me... Everything will be fine”
His gold eyes hit the pavement as his hands felll to his pockets. He took a deep breath and our ours locked. “me and my family are vampires” he said plainly.
I think I should be more suprised, but then after he admitted it everything started to make since. He looked down afraid of my reaction. I took a deep breath as he continued to explain. “we don't hurt people... We feed on animal blood and we want to live amongst the humans... I'm sorry Querida(darling) I just couldn't start off our relationship with a lie”
I should have probably ran for the hills, but I didn't every fiber of my soul told me I could trust him. I walked down the steps and stood on the last one he was standing in front of. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. “I don't care... I still want to be with you”
“Bueno, eso es un alivio Amor(well, that's a relief Love)” he said into my hair. He pulled away from me and smiled. “get some sleep” he said.
“goodnight” I said squeezing his hand before he left to his car.
Once I got in the house let out a content sigh as I leaned on the door to close it.
“so, how was it?” Seth said making me jump. I looked over and Seth and dad where both in the living room wide awake, aside from Leah who was fast a sleep on the couch.
I placed my hand hand on my chest getting over the jump scare they caused me. “oh my god, you guys are still up”
“yeah but we want to hear everything about the date” Seth said.
“just for the record not everyone wants to hear everything” my dad said getting nervous.
I was about to say something but Seth cut me off. “it's pretty late, did he take you anywhere else? Was there good night kiss?”
“that for an example is something I don't want to hear” Dad said cringing. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
“I'm going to bed and I think you guys should too” I said walking up the stairs. “good night guys”
“she seems happy” I hear Seth say from upstairs.
“I can hear you guys” I sighed before closing my door. For the first time in forever I feel asleep with a smile on my face.
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Christmas with Keith Howell. Sweet End
Gentle Keith
Keith's gift was a dress.
Inside was a mint green dress with many small pink flowers scattered at the hem of the skirt. There was also a necklace with gemstones arranged in the shape of a flower.
This flower was so similar to the one she liked when they did the invitations.
Keith noticed that.
This is the dress she's going to wear to the party.
Keith: I picked it out myself, I thought it was the perfect dress for you.
MC: I love anything Keith chooses. You seem to know me better than I do.
Keith: There are many more things I don't know, but I think I've seen enough for you to think so.
Both of them blushed after his words.
It's Christmas time.
The guests are pleased with the reception. Keith wants to introduce some of the nobles to MC.
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Keith: She is my sweetheart.
A nobleman praises Keith for his wonderful reception.
Keith: Thank you. But it's not just my strength, it's all thanks to everyone's hard work.
Also, the nobleman praises the card invitation.
Keith admits that the girl made it.
Nobleman: Really? Of course, it's a beauty that only women can create.
Keith happily picked up on his beloved's eulogy.
Keith: Oh, it's lovely, but it's also elegant and gorgeous, and you can feel the personality.
Keith: And there's a kind of Christmas feeling to it... It took me by surprise.
(Keith, you give too much praise...)
The prince looked proudly at MC.
Nobleman: You are happy, Prince Keith.
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Keith: Oh, I'm happy.
Cautiously, he shook the heroine's hand. She responded in kind.
Keith's room.
After party.
Keith: Ms. MC, thank you for your hard work. Wasn't it hard for you to stand and talk the whole time? Aren't you tired?
The girl is all right, she wants to give her present.
His golden eyes shine brighter than a child's.
She gave him a bouquet of dried flowers. She chose only those plants that mean "love" in the language of flowers and tied them with an olive-colored ribbon.
At first Keith was frozen, but then he embraced and swirled the girl around. He's happy.
MC:.... Isn't it hard?
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Keith: Not at all, I'd rather work all day holding you like this in my arms.
MC: Don't do that. My heart can't take it.
Keith: Too bad. Then we'll have to come up with something different.
(I'll ... pretend I didn't hear that.)
Keith: May I ask why you chose dried flowers as a gift?
MC: Yes. The other Keith said I would be the best gift.
Gentle Keith agrees with his alter ego.
Both the prince and MC blush.
The girl wanted to convey her feelings and have it last as long as possible.
MC: When I can't see you, I want Keith to look at this withered flower and remember that I belong to him...
After these words, Keith hugged her even tighter.
Keith: It's the first time I've had this much fun at Christmas.
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Keith: I'm so happy that I feel like crying... Can I just stay like this for a little longer?
Keith: Miss MC, I love you. I love you so much... Thank you.
MC: Keith, me too...
Keith: I'll put these flowers in my room and remember you while you're gone.
Keith: But now... I desire you.
Keith: Let me love you more?
Hearing his passionate voice, she agreed.
MC: Besides, I want to make you happy tonight. Keith is the kind of person who makes someone happier than himself. That's why I want to make Keith, who makes so many people happy, delighted.
Keith: I want to make you happy too. I want to love you a lot. Okay?
Laying her down on the sheets, he kisses her deeper. Sharing her warmth with him, she is happy.
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what-gs-watching · 1 year
"One fabulous kiss and we're good. I have a plan."
So far this week I've cleaned out all of the cabinets in my kitchen and our master bathroom, did some sadness shopping, attempted to clean out my car, and packed up my stupid fucking laptop. So. I guess it's time to get back to Good Omens (even though I've been playing Supernatural in the background just to have something...we'll get into that entire situation eventually).
Right, episode 3. Wherein we get more adorable interactions, a yellow Bentley, an absolutely clueless angel, more meddling, and laudanum. I love this one, if only for laudanum!Crowley. And the look on Crowley's face during the awning of a new age...but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
At the shop, Aziraphale is listening to the Buddy Holly record when he gets a knock at the door, opening it to a person appearing to be a police officer, but dressed completely in white. The 'police officer' tells him that because they are a police officer, they can monitor him without raising suspicion and Az is already on the uptake it appears, so when they ask if they can come in because it's loud outside and they can't hear anything, he lets them in. 
The entire scene with this 'police officer' is hilarious, Az offers a cup of tea and says that a human police officer would definitely accept it. Crowley shows up with a box of his plants that he's pulled from the Bentley asking why Aziraphale can't go by train, "you LOVE trains" he says, and then he just exclaims "who's THIS now" but he quickly figures it out as well. The two of them are so sweet about it, even if they're highly amused. Crowley sits on the arm of Aziraphale's chair (again, swoon, it's so natural) and the laugh he emits is so sweet, and they both just make little moon faces at the angel that's shown up before excusing themselves to another room. 
Aziraphale thinks this angel is going to figure out quickly that the lie he told about their extremely powerful miracle is untrue, and Crowley says they just need to get Nina and Maggie to have "one fabulous kiss" and they're done. 
The angel bursts in to interrupt them of course and Crowley asks if they're interested in humans being in love, especially Nina and Maggie over the road. The whole point of this interaction is that Crowley says that you can only tell if they're in love by waiting a few days because humans are weird and that's how it works (ya know, to buy them some time), and then he announces "don't hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions about love" and y'all. Aziraphale's reaction. Like, baby girl, you are thirsty. You legit looked him up and down and stuck out your lip and you did not look away. I see you.
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Anyway, Aziraphale takes the Bentley and he heads off to Edinburgh to investigate his Clue, leaving poor Crowley behind. 
We're then flashed-back to an entry in Az's diary from 1827, wherein he and Crowley were in Edinburgh doing this and that. Crowley took Az to a statue he's found of Gabriel in a graveyard. They stumble upon a young girl trying to steal a fresh body from a grave, and Crowley puts on a hilarious Scottish accent, and offers to help her in her endeavor. Aziraphale is shocked by this of course, and he wants to stop her so he trails behind them whining about how wicked her actions are. 
They find out that she's doing it because she's living on the street with another woman, but Az still isn't moved. He says that people have opportunities to prove how good they are by resisting the temptation to do wicked things, and poor people have even more opportunities to do so. Crowley of course knows this is ridiculous, but black-and-white Aziraphale just says it's "ineffable". 
Back in the present, Az is bonding with the Bentley, talking to it about how they've come to an understanding. He's very proud of himself until Crowley comes blaring through the speakers to tell him he can feel when he drives the Bentley under the speed limit. He tells him to speed up, so he tries, but Az says it seems the car doesn't want to, and he grabs himself a little treat from the dash. Crowley is incensed, asking "was that a travel sweet?" This man knows what's going on, he can feel Az has done something to the car. And he has of course, the Bentley is now a beautiful shade of yellow (it's his favorite color because of, possibly, a certain demon's eyes?) but Crowley isn't having it. He says it must be changed back and Az whines "but it's pretty" so Crowley resorts to threatening to sell some books if he doesn't, these two know how to push each other's buttons clearly. 
Meanwhile in 1827, Aziraphale and Crowley follow the grave robber Elsbeth to her destination and clueless little Az is determined to ruin her mission. They're introduced to MISTER (he's a surgeon, not a doctor) Dalrymple and when they're let inside Az does a little miracle to ruin the corpse and he's so proud of himself. Elsbeth runs off because she can't get paid but Az wants to stop both supply and demand so Crowley stops time to convince the surgeon to let them stay and talk about his work. (The surgeon has started calling the angel and the demon 'doctor' which I love, so many Who easter eggs.)
However, it doesn't go to Aziraphale's plan - he learns that Dalrymple is just trying to save lives, he needs corpses to do so, he needs them to teach and to learn. He shows them a tumor he pulled from a 7 year old boy and Az is devastated to learn the boy died, he clutches the specimen to his chest, and things are shades of grey baby boy, not the perfect black and white you cling to. So he changes his mind and decides Elsbeth's actions are holy after all, and offers to help. Because now it's somehow good. 
Coming back to present-day Edinburgh, Az rolls up to the pub with the haunted jukebox and he's wearing a cute little getup, he's so pleased with himself. Boy is cosplaying at being a reporter and he thinks it's a fun little jaunt. He learns from the owner that Gabriel definitely had been there about a year ago, and that he was with someone else. He's giddy. I really feel the need to point out that Aziraphale is still under the impression that he's investigating a cute little mystery and there isn't really anything on the line at all. Which is honestly insanity. 
In the 1800's Crowley and Az go back and gather up Elsbeth's friend Wee Morag and off they go back to the graveyard, but things go wrong. A grave gun gets tripped and Wee Morag is shot, and they try to get the girl to safety in a nearby tomb, but she dies. And Elsbeth decides to just sell her body to get the money she desperately needs, that's what she'd want. 
She goes back and delivers the body, and gets less money than she'd expect, and she's angry. So she sees some laudanum on the counter and she nicks it, and then goes off to buy some wine to toast her friend. Crowley and Az show up back at the tomb to join her, and things start to go off the rails. 
They both see the laudanum of course, and as she's explaining that she's going to drink the wine and then the laudanum so she can join her friend in the afterlife, Crowley grabs it and downs it. She's horrified, says he's going to die and Crowley exclaims "constitution of an ox" (oh really? An ox? Didn't we just see Aziraphale devour an ox......)
I can't decide what my favorite part of laudanum!Crowley is. He starts rambling about no more dying, "No dying! no more dying! it's just....wrong!" He sings the Scottish national anthem(?). He makes goat noises (all the Job references), he unexpectedly shrinks. I love him yelling "I'm small aren't I?" and the faces and the growling and the dance he does to return himself to a normal size, but just kidding, not a normal size, he bursts through the ceiling of the tomb. 
He tells Elsbeth "you've sinned very bigly!" (and I'm totally going to use that) he says "Trying to kill yourself...I mean....it's NOT ON!" He asks the angel how much money he's got - 90 guineas. He tells Elsbeth she can atone by taking the money, buying a farm, and being good, properly good ("gi'er the money, angel!") And so, she promises she will and runs off. 
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Afterward Crowley yells "Laudanum, oooh wee! Last time I do that!" and he stumbles around and he's afraid he's lost Aziraphale who snakes an arm around his waist and tells him he did a really good thing. Which he denies, of course. He was off his head on laudanum, not responsible for his actions. But Aziraphale is worried that hell must have noticed, and Crowley says if they had he'd already be....and then he's sucked down, and away. In his diary, Az says he doesn't see Crowley for a long time after that. 
(And if we think about the timeline, we know that in the 1860's Crowley appears again, and he's now asking for holy water. What happened to that poor baby?)
Meanwhile, Aziraphale calls the bookshop after he finds himself staring at Gabriel's Edinburgh statue to catch Crowley up, who answers the phone by saying "Fell's bookshop - we probably don't have what you want, and we wouldn't sell it to you if we did" because he's very good at protecting his angel's interests. More swooning. Az is excited because Gabriel was with someone, but they're not really listening to each other as usual and Crowley hangs up because he sees an opportunity to enact his Nina/Maggie plan. 
Which doesn't work, of course. He gets the rain going, he gets them under the awning, and they are having a heart to heart. Crowley's smile watching the two of them is so pure, he's convinced this is all it's going to take but shit does not work like that, he and Aziraphale are so dense, and instead of vavooming, the awning breaks and the girls get drenched. 
And then Shax shows up. Crowley goes outside to find out what she wants and she insists that Beelzebub knows that Aziraphale is hiding Gabriel in the bookshop. He insists that he isn't, and we learn that Shax can't cross the bookshop's threshold and Crowley tries to keep his cool, but Shax says that hell is going to declare war - not on him, mind, but on Aziraphale. 
Ya boy is once again in panic mode, he flys at Gabriel and starts threatening him over harm coming to Aziraphale but then he deflates just as quickly, saying "It doesn't matter. It's too late for that now, isn't it? It's always too late."
Y'all. Crowley knows they're living in an extremely dangerous situation and Aziraphale is just off dressing up and having fun and enjoying himself. I understand wanting to protect Az however possible, I do, but he's just making it worse. They're both just making it worse...
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koorinokujira · 5 months
Okay okay hear me OUT WITH THIS ONE sooo what if reader has like some chronic illness the can't be cured and they know their time isn't much long soo they broke up with their girl/boyfriend well if it's marriage then let's say they had a divorced saying lies that they don't love them anymore but it's just a way from them to not let them get hurt, since it's better if it's the reader's who's getting sad since they'll soon die anyways rather than seeing their lover be sad about their death, BUUUT before they die they gave an anonymous present for them. what's ur thoughts and who do you think will suit this scenario the most?
The floodgates of angst have opened, and the main victim seems to be my inbox. All jokes aside, though, this seems fun, so I'll try my best! As for who fits the scenario, it can be basically anyone in my opinion. But there are certain characters I haven't really written about much (if at all), so I think I'll give them a spotlight! So in this one, we'll have Kenshin, Yukimura and Motochika take the stage! Of course, I haven't written about Oichi either, but the poor girl has been tortured enough, I'll put her in something more wholesome if I get the chance. Enjoy your angst!
𓉸 Lies and Sickness - SB Imagines 𓉸
You were dying. It took you a very long time to accept, but the way you grew weaker and yet were unable to rest because of the strange aching in your body... it pointed to something being wrong. Every healer you visited was unable to help you, so eventually you just accepted your fate. But what you couldn't accept was your beloved seeing you waste away and die. Tired, hurt, and absolutely not in the right state of mind, you broke off your relationship and left, but not before leaving a gift for him as your last farewell...
𓉸 Kenshin 𓉸
Kenshin squints his eyes but doesn't falter, his legs firmly pressing into the sides of his steed to make it go faster. The weather assaults his face and hands with waves of cold rain, and the howling wind cuts into his skin. But he doesn't care. He is on a mission now... and nothing will stop the warlord from completing it.
Everything used to be good between you two. He was an attentive partner that always made time for you despite often having to go into battle. When he fought, he fought even more ferociously than he did before he met you. All because he knew he needed to come back to you. And you returned his affections in kind. No moment was dull around you, even if you both just sat in silence.
And then it was gone. You've been acting strange for a good while... and then you suddenly came up to him in tears. Saying that this is not working out anymore, how you wish to leave, and how he should just forget you, because it will be better that way. He kept up his stoic facade well back then... but it hurt. Especially since you weren't able to explain what was wrong. Did he hurt you? Was something else in the relationship unsatisfactory? But you only said the most basic information, before leaving the room, and his castle as well soon after.
And he let you.
A bit of time passed, and on the servants brought him a small box one day. Found while cleaning one of the spare bedrooms, she tells him. When Kenshin opened it, he found a small sake cup. His favorite one broke around two months back and he complained about the lack of its presence a few times. This one was nothing like the one he used to own... but still very beautiful. Well made, clearly colored with expensive paints. But there was no indication of where it was from, who made it or who bought it.
That's right, you both enjoyed surprising each other with small gifts. Neither of you said anything out loud, but you paid attention to what the other wants and needs, before your days were brightened by something that the other gave you or did for you based on what you found out. It was a wholesome game you played with each other, constantly trying to one-up the other. And you left him a sake cup... when you were leaving too, clearly. You never went into the guest rooms as you didn't need to, so you probably went into one before leaving.
You still cared. And something was very wrong.
With that realization, one thing led to another. Kenshin sent out some of his men to look for you and figure out what's going on. Eventually, they found you, staying at your aunt's place. She was your only living relative. And from what Kenshin was told, you weren't looking too well.
And that brings us to now, where Kenshin is battling the elements to get to you. The lights of the village are coming ever closer with each sound of a hoof hitting the ground. Closer, and closer...
He's finally arrived. He ignores the few village commonfolk that are rushing home and staring at him as if he was some sort of apparition. He got clear instructions on where he should go, so he ties his horse to the nearest fencepost and rushes off to find you. It's a small, inconspicuous house near the center of the village. He doesn't bother knocking, though he does slip off his shoes quickly, before barging into the home.
He's met with a startled scream of your aunt... and the sight of you lying down, wrapped up in a thin blanket. You look weak, tired... in pain. Kenshin does all he can to cover up the emotions bursting in his chest, and kneels down beside you.
"I know not why you decided to run off like that... but please. Let me share this burden with you," he gently takes your left hand in both of his, and you can't help but let out a sob. Oh, how foolish you were to think you could deceive him. How foolish you were to run away. How foolish you were to think that a cup will replace your presence.
He'd rather starve and drink muddy river water with his hands if it meant spending more time with you, however fleeting it may be.
𓉸 Yukimura 𓉸
Yukimura doesn't understand.
One moment, you were laughing about something dumb together after yet another succesful battle, and the next you tell him that your relationship has to end and you're leaving. And the next... Sasuke delivers him the message that you had perished.
They weren't moments, really. These event stretched out for a long time. But now, at the end of it all, it all feels like seconds to him. The day you met, your first kiss, every battle you survived together... the long nights spent talking about everything and nothing. Even the way you teased him about still being just a cub, compared to the mighty tiger that Lord Shingen represented. Oh, how he misses that cheeky smile you had in those moments.
He hates that he didn't realize it in time. How tired you looked and why his beloved lord bid you stay in the castle instead of fight. That whenever he noticed something wrong, he let himself be brushed off so easily. How far does his foolishness reach? Of course you weren't okay.
And he's bitter about the gift too. The one you left him. A new pair of spears that fit in his hands as if he was born with them. This whole time, he thought they were from someone else- someone who wanted to cheer him up after you took your leave so suddenly. Sasuke would do something like that. Even his Lord would if he was concerned enough. Maybe even one of his other comrades.
But of course they were from you. You always admired how he wielded them, and oh, such a show off he was sometimes. But only for you.
Now, Yukimura holds them once more, staring at your headstone. He didn't even get to say goodbye, and that probably hurts the most. He would have been there. So why didn't you tell him?
Yukimura doesn't understand. But he knows that in some twisted way, you meant well. And so he will wield the weapons you left for him, and when he dies, you will have nothing to tease him about anymore.
He'll keep living as long as he can, and make you proud.
𓉸 Motochika 𓉸
You wake up feeling oddly... warm. You think that maybe you died already. Well, afterlife seems quite comfortable, you think to yourself. Until a jolt of pain forces your eyes open, that is. Not only are you still alive, still ill... you are face to face with Motochika. The one you tried to run from, to spare him from seeing you waste away. The one you wanted to grow old with, once.
The warmth comes from his arms, which are gripping you tightly, but not so much that it hurts.
"You're awake..." he gasps, before he grits his teeth, forcing his tears to stay in his eyes. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"
You have no answer for him, only managing to weakly look away. His breathing gets heavier, and you can feel his warm, half-bare chest rising and falling i nrapid succession.
"First you tell me this isn't working out anymore... then I suddenly find a nice gift in my cabin... and then the others tell me they found you half-dead in a boat that you stole from me," he continues, his voice filled with frustration. "Did you really think I'm so dumb I wouldn't realize who it's from? And were you really so stupid to think that a damn gift can replace you?! And that my love for you would just stop when you left?!"
His voice gets progressively louder, as it does when he's dealing with feelings that are too much for him. He never hid how he felt, unlike you. A roughly made, yet beautiful open book you could read over and over again. And right now, its words are those of sadness, guilt, regret... and undying love and devotion.
Please don't leave me like this, say his eyes, never again.
"You're such an idiot sometimes," he growls, before his voice softens once more. "But you're my idiot. And I was stupid too, for not noticing how badly you've been feeling. So stupid..."
Motochika holds your trembling body closer to him and runs his finger through your hair, the gesture meant to calm you both.
"Look... I'll admit, finding out you're really sick was hard. But I can handle it. I love you too much to just let you go. You're the greatest treasure I've ever found in my life... and I didn't even need a map this time," he huffs softly. "You're a part of my crew, the most important one... and the other guys missed you too. I might not be able to heal you but..."
The pirate pauses, his expression the most sincerely caring you've seen on him.
"Well, we are on a ship, right? I'll take you anywhere you want. We'll have one last adventure, even if I have to carry you. If you want to try anything you haven't yet, you can be damn sure we're going to do just that," he starts to look a lot more like his usual self. "I want you to sail away into the beyond with a grin on your face. And nothing will stop me from trying to achieve that."
Tears stain your cheeks by the time he finishes talking. You're weak, and in pain... but you won't be alone.
Maybe the real treasure in your life was the pirate you found along the way.
Well well well, look who finally deigned to post! Deepest apologies for not posting any imagines for a looong time. Those of you who have seen my update post know that school is kind of a nightmare for me right now (lots of work and big exams coming up), which is why I also closed off my requests for now.
But I finally managed to finish this request in my backlog, woohoo! And fret not, my dear readers, the next one will be more sweet than angsty! I will try to work on it as fast as I can, but no promises :D
Hope you enjoyed, and like always...
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Have a spectacular day!
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