#&&.this was going to have a small set I made that mimicked the comic but Blender got stuck on material mode in that specific file ri p
storybounded · 5 months
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I have ✨limits✨ before the model folds in on itself as if it was on m.ortuary assistant, BUT your girl is t r y i n g to learn LOL.
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callsignfate · 10 months
Risk is my middle name
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Day Nine of Writemas/Birthday posts!
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
If you want to see more posts like this go here Reader wears glasses/contacts
TW: None? Let me know if I've missed any!
"Damn it!" You hissed as your last pair of contacts had dried out. You looked at them in disbelief before moving to find your glasses. Usually, the world was an uncomfortable blur; your terrible eyesight made people standing even two feet away appear blurry and their faces unreadable.
Valeria, who had perfect eyesight, watched you walk around, moving your hands over the objects on your nightstand and dresser, pulling them mere inches away from your face before putting them back down. An amused smile played on her lips, your mind so focused on finding your glasses that you had forgotten Valeria was still in the room, lounging in bed.
"What are you looking for?" she questioned with an amused tone. A small, startled scream escaped your lips before you turned and squinted your eyes to try to see Valeria clearly.
"What in God's name—have you been in here the whole time?" you questioned immediately as Valeria's laugh echoed into the room. "Yep, just enjoying the show," Valeria replied, her laughter continuing. "You're like a detective investigating a crime scene without your glasses. Or trying to decode some ancient script. It's cute."
You scowled, the effort of squinting making the expression comical. "This is not cute. This is a serious situation. I can't see anything."
Valeria sat up, her laughter subsiding but a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, maybe you should've taken better care of your last pair of contacts. What's your plan now, Sherlock?"
You huffed, knowing you looked ridiculous. "I guess I'll have to go to the optometrist and get a new set. But right now, I need you to guide me. Help me find my glasses, Val, Please." you hummed out before you made your way back to the bed.
"You broke your last pair when you fell, remember?" Valeria added.
"Oh, right," you muttered, mentally facepalming. "Well, that complicates things. I might need a walking stick instead of glasses."
"Okay, blind detective, what's the plan now?" Valeria asked, settling in next to you.
"I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get new contacts," you replied, a hint of frustration in your voice.
Valeria patted your back reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. In the meantime, you can enjoy the world of artistic blur. Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent for abstract art."
You chuckled, appreciating Valeria's lighthearted approach to the situation. "Maybe I'll start a new movement: Impressionistic Living."
Valeria grinned. "I can't wait to see your masterpiece." "You might be witnessing the birth of a genius," you huffed dramatically, gesturing toward the blurry surroundings.
Valeria pointed her blurry arm at random objects from the room. "Describe this masterpiece to me. What do you see?"
You squinted in the general direction of her hand. "It's a... uh, blob of colors.. Definitely represents the complexities of life."
Valeria burst into laughter. "I think you're onto something. Abstract art enthusiasts would pay a fortune for that description."
"I can't even see your expression's Val, you're a blurry blob, a hot blurry blob, but a blob." You sighed now even more annoyed with yourself.
Valeria playfully pouted. "Well, as long as I'm a hot blurry blob, I guess that's acceptable."
You sighed again, dramatically. "Imagine all the details I'm missing right now. Your fabulous hair, your radiant smile, and, most importantly, your evil plotting expression."
Valeria chuckled. "Ah, the evil plotting expression is a fan favorite. Too bad you're missing out."
You mimicked a gasp. "Maybe this is all part of your grand plan. Sabotaging my vision for world domination."
"Lean closer so I can." You pouted as you tried to release you eyes from squinting, the headache from the squinting, that wasn't helping, already forming.
Valeria leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Yes, my grand plan is to make you utterly dependent on me. Step one: sabotage your vision. Step two: rule the world together. It's foolproof, really."
You groaned, "I knew falling for you was a risky move."
Valeria chuckled, her breath warm on your face. "Risk is my middle name." "I knew it." You playfully mumbled before she leaned in and left a gentle kiss on your lips.
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
If you want to see more posts like this go here
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rojacatmisa · 1 month
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Chapter 9 ➺ A place for words
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique! Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze Chapter 8 ➺ Confusion and directions TW: explicit sexual content +18 8,5K words
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Misa came to the set laughing hard at the girl following her. The high pitched peals of her laugh rang and resonated in the small room, making my insides swarm happily, but was quickly joined by another deeper voice. 
Léa Koffi, thirty years old, was a tall and sturdy girl with voluminous light brown curly hair, big heavy lashed green eyes and plump lips that were now stretch in a rather charming smile. 
The two goalkeepers, dressed up in their Real Madrid kits, set foot on the background, Misa doubled over with laughter, her beautiful features distorted by her uncontrollable giggling. Léa waved comically her gloves in a theatrical gesture causing Misa to cower on herself as a new burst of laughter took her. 
I couldn’t help but broke a smile at their communicative cheerfulness, forgetting my job a moment and peering at them to try to get what was so funny in Léa’s mimics. 
“Salut Nicky! I made a joke Misa has liked very much but I don’t know how to turn her off now.” Léa explained.
“Hey Léa, dunno how to shut her down either, I never have.“ I giggled and the French goalie did another strange gesture with her gloves that multiplied Misa’s chuckles. 
“Sssstoop! …stoop, por favor!” The Spanish goalie stammered between two peals of laughter. I was still smiling when I felt a pang of annoyance pocking at the sight of my girlfriend dying of laughter so much she didn’t acknowledged my presence. 
I patiently waited for Misa to calm down, the goalie still chuckling while looking at Léa with tears of laughter in her eyes, my irritation growing with the more time she spent without having even greeted me. 
At last, Misa went silent, retook her breath and turned toward me. “Perdon, I’m ready!“ she rubbed tears from her eyes and waited for pose instructions. 
I swallowed her lack of politeness in silence, still vaguely amused by their childish entrance and preferring to focus on getting the photoshoot done quickly “Ok Goalies, as you saw, or did not still you were laughing so much, background is just a gradient of blue and gold, so you have to really impersonate the poses. You are goalkeepers, you are strong, you are walls, and you are Madridistas so you do it with class and heart. You face me both, ready to block a ball, gloves nicely outstretched. Feel it, show it, ok?”
The two girls nodded and took place. I corrected a few details to have them posing perfectly identically. The shot was good but the lights wasn’t so, and I took a moment to adjust them. 
“I’m sure you dive like this” I heard Léa say to Misa meanwhile I was orienting the spotlights better. Léa mimicked a very sloppy jump and stupidly shook her gloves. Misa giggled again and replied “I’ll show you the Misa’s style! Wait until we practice!“
“Can’t wait to see a dolphin play football!” Léa spat back and they both burst of laugher. There was something in the situation that was getting me really upset now. 
“Please, let’s focus, we don’t have all day!” I shouted, more roughly than I was intending and the goalies stopped, still wearing their smiles but a bit shamefully. 
They took the next pose, Misa on her knees and Léa bending behind her so I could zoom to have just their heads on top of another. The two goalies were smiling wide, and being, I must admit, a really attractive duo. That thought irritated me more without really knowing why. 
Maybe it was their incessant chatting between the takes, or the way Misa was fighting hard not to laugh at every words of Léa but I was relieved when the French goalkeeper went in the back room to change for her individual portrait. 
Now on our own, I peered at the Spanish brunette remaining in the room, bitting my lips. Angela was staying at my place until the departure of the goalie for her international break, and as happy as I was being with my best friend, I missed time alone with Misa very much. Right now, I was having a hard time to stay physically away from her, longing for the tiniest touch between us.
I needed contact with my girlfriend so badly and I dared to approach her in the short laps of private time, taking her hand and resting my head in the crook of her neck to breath in her smell. Misa tensed but swiftly planted a kiss on my forehead before pulling away. “Footballers are really quick to change“ she whispered as she stepped back, living me frustrated I hadn’t managed to kiss her back.
The back door opened and a really classy Léa entered the studio, wearing an almost back navy blue suit with a pure white shirt, the jacket suit’s collar embroidered with a gold Real Madrid emblem. “Not bad, what do you think?“ she grinned, stunning and obviously aware of it. 
Misa and I both acquiesced when she settled on the stool at the center of the set. 
“We’ll do a few serious official shots and more relaxed ones after Misa’s ok?” I told the French women while catching a glimpse of Misa disappearing in the changing room.
“Ok Nicky!” her green eyes stared at me. “For how long have you been working for the Real ?” 
I took a shot of her profil “It’s been eight months now, time passes so fast…” Three months had flowed since our first night in Paris but I felt Misa and I had considered being really together for only a week, our night at Sofie’s party had somehow sealed our mutual attachment. 
“Cool, your job looks great although not physical enough for me… oh waouuuu!” Léa’s long exclamation announced the return of the Spanish goalie, her brows going up and her mouth freezing in a gag. 
A strangled moan escaped from my throat when I discovered Misa in her Real Madrid suit. She was just sexy as hell, navy blue and bright white both enhancing her complexion, her muscular neck disappearing under the shirt’s unbuttoned collar, showing the letter “M” tattooed at its base. Her thick severe brows and smiling lips made me suddenly dream that her large hands, emerging from the jacket sleeves, would push me against the wall and have their way in my pants. My dirty thoughts accompanied her chic and formal silhouette as she walked to the set and I silently thanked we were not alone or I would never had the strength to stop myself from rushing at her. 
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“Err… T…turn to the left, I will start with a... a 3/4 pose.” I was appalled to hear myself stutter, and even more when I felt my cheeks grow hot as an amused expression enlightened Misa’s face. 
“Now, face the camera, look straight at it” 
“I don’t know if I could stand Misa staring at me and looking like that!” The French women dropped. Léa was watching Misa from aside, the girl not even hiding her still opened mouth as she clearly fed on the sight of my girlfriend obediently posing. “You have such a charisma! In French, we would call you “belle gosse”. That means ”pretty child” basically.” Léa said to the Spanish brunette who chuckled with embarrassment. I was surprised at how easily she flirted in front of me, but I bitterly remembered she couldn’t know who I was to Misa. 
Jealousy came back in my life like this, crashing over me during a photoshoot, filling my body with anger and possessiveness in a heartbeat. Léa took back Misa’s place in front of the camera, her pretty smile another provocation, her winking toward Misa a silent insult. My face closed, transforming into a mask as I continued to take pictures, both of them having fun, resuming their chatting between the takes, while I was brooding. 
At the end of the session, my heart had sunk at the bottom of my stomach. It was true I had been annoyed or frustrated with keeping my relationship with Misa secret, but I had never felt angry or mad like I was being now. I was fuming I couldn’t shut Léa’s mouth, reduced to silently watch them getting along and act like the professional photographer that I was. 
Working at the Real, I could only be that, I would never be Misa’s girlfriend. 
Sadness field me up and swallowed me entirely as the two women talked together like I wasn’t there, Léa advising “If you put athletic tape that way it will work better, I’ll show you !“ and Misa shrugging doubtfully “I’m ok with my athletic tape, you know…”
I began to gather the lights and uninstalled the set, arms heavy and movements slow, the Spanish goalkeeper finally braking their conversation to walk toward me. “Need some help?” she asked as a shy smile flickered on her lips. Her cute face and soft look smothered me a little and I wished to buried myself in her arms, forget everything but her. As I couldn’t do that, I nodded moodily and let her fold the tripod. Léa joined us at putting away the materials and the three of us finished tidying everything up in no time. 
“Thanks for your help, we’re done.” I freed them, eager to be out of here as well.
“OK, bye Nicky!" Léa acknowledged. "Come on Misa, let’s change.” 
A new surge of possessiveness fogged my brain as I pictured Léa and Misa undressing together all by themselves in the small changing room behind the back door. I pursed my lips, disgusted by my own imagination, and swallowing the bitter taste of jealousy again. 
“See you, Nicky”, my girlfriend softy said but I couldn’t look at her and pretend to search for something in my camera bag. I heard the door shut and my heart with it. 
Loneliness and fear knotted my guts. I sat on the floor, arms around my knees, in the middle of the photography material bags, and let my face fall onto my arms. 
I couldn’t let our secret relationship last forever. It was already affecting both of us. But I couldn’t quit my job at the Real. I loved it and it was far too soon to tell if it would really work with Misa. I hadn’t the self confidence to convinced myself Misa would stay with me if she found somebody she could be with for real. Somebody like Léa…
My phone vibrated in my pocket, interrupting my dark thoughts, my heart leaping when I read Misa’s text. 
“Hola I want to see you more before international break! Can I come in your office 😌 ? I understand if you think it’s too risky 🫡“
A smile stretched wide on my lips, my dark thoughts put aside by the prospect of being just with her, even if it was only for a moment, my eyes prickling while I wrote back to her and rushed out of the room. 
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The freshly taken photos of the goalkeepers were quickly displaying on the computer as they uploaded. I was staring vaguely at them, thrilled to see my girlfriend coming, yet a bit mad, when she entered my office still wearing her suit and I couldn’t help but grin interrogatively at her. 
“I didn’t changed since you seemed to like that suit so much” she answered my silent question with her own irresistible mischievous smile. A particularly gorgeous shot of the footballer appeared on the screen, making her point.
I glared at them both, real and digital Misas, and jumped on my feet to reach the door under the curious stare of the goalkeeper. My hand dipped in my pocket to retrieved the office’s keys to turned it inside the keyhole, the light chuckle of the goalie music to my ears when I locked the room from inside.
The few steps separating us closed, I did not wait another second before kissing her, forcing my tongue between her lips and finding my way inside her mouth. Her taste relieved me as she moved her tongue with mine, her arms pulling me close to her at last. Our nose collided as we oriented our faces to kiss better, our making out lasting without really fulfilling my need of her. I pushed more, searching for something else, something that was probably not in her mouth, my longing for her growing with my irritability and I went to bit softy her upper lips. Hearing her sigh aroused me. I moved to her neck, wanting to hear more of it and I nipped her again, feeling my teeth sink in her skin. 
“Ay! Nicky! You’ve planned to eat me for real or what ?” Misa’s hand fell on her neck as she winced. 
I froze in guilt of having hurt her “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bit you like that! Are you bleeding?” She put her hand away, revealing only a red mark but no wound. “Huf, it’s not! I’m so sorry Misa! I got carried away… I… I guess I was still mad at you for being that hot it messed with Léa’s head earlier.”
Misa stopped massaging her neck, amazed “What? Nicky you’re not jealous of Léa, are you? And you bit me for it?”
The mention of the evidence brought back my anger, mixing with guilt to change in bitterness “Didn’t you see the way she was looking at you?! Or what she dared say!… Arrr…she’s having a crush on you I tell you that! Plus you seemed to find her so damned funny! And I could say nothing…” 
“Nicky!” Misa’s soft laugh fed my wrath, but when she held my hands, boring her brown eyes in mine, I felt it starting to melt away. 
She spoke calmly, “It’s not like that. We, footballers are not modest, we spend far too much time sharing what you would consider intimate moments all together. We’re used to compliment each other on our body, training or behavior, to make fun of each other… Valé, Léa said things but it’s not bound to mean she has a crush on me.”
I pouted in response, unconvinced. The room was quiet with the computer finishing to upload the photos and putting itself on stand by mode. The goalie’s face came so close I could feel her breath. Red spots sprinkled her cheekbones, her lips corners twitching as they murmured “Even if it was the case… it’s you I want.” 
“Oh Misa…” I fell onto her mouth, hugging her like my life was depending on it. “I want you too!” I love you so much, why can’t I just tell you? 
I got lost in our kiss again. Feeling Misa’s lips moving on mine was all that mattered, my heartbeat fastening at the precious thought of her wanting me, needing me. I craved to feel more of her desire right now, her sexy suit boosting my longing for her and my hands slipped under her jacket to free her shoulders. “Nicky! Not now, not here! Are you crazy ?” Misa shot me an alarmed look but finished to take off her jacket and we connected our lips one more time.
“I want you now, please!” I panted between kisses.“Please!”
Misa shuddered at my begging. Her fingers played a moment with the hem of my T-shirt and I stepped back, taking her with me until my back hit the farthest wall of the office. I doubled my efforts “Misa please, just… touch me, tócame! ” my breathing becoming pleading sighs.
The goalkeeper was clearly battling against herself, unable to decided if she should take the risk of us hooking up at our working place. Her furrowed brows and tensed features were turning me on like hell and I worked at unbuttoning her shirt, grinning in victory when I sensed her grasp my top and pull it over my head. 
Her mouth was unable to resist the urge of kissing my exposed breast. “Fuck me, please!” I gloated, keeping my voice low. That seemed to make Misa give away her last reluctance, delicately sucking and nipping the skin there. 
She pulled back, blushing hard. “You want me to fuck you in your own office, Cariño?” she breathed, her timid voice showing she was excited as fuck to overstep the limits and being begged for it.
Misa shyly willing to play our little game set my body on fire, I guided her hand down to my pants and she thrusted it inside over my underwear. 
Her fingers pressed unbearably lightly through the fabric. I whined, bucking to increase the pressure of her touching but the brunette’s hand deliberately stayed out of reach. “Qué passa? Lost your tongue?” She asked before finding my mouth and kissing me like a goddess, my complaints dying on her lips. “No, it’s still there. Say it, is that you really want ?”
I moaned again, surprised to discover Misa really enjoying herself at edging me, thrilled to be excited so much by her ordering me around. 
I yelped, ready to do anything she’d want to feel more of her fingers. 
“Please Misa! Fuck me in my office!” 
Misa’s hand left my jeans only to come back under my panties a second later. Her dominative behavior had me wetting like crazy. I groaned as her fingers spread my intimacy, her other hand found mine and pined it to the wall, her mouth back against my lips to muffled my cries again. 
My eyes shut as her fingertip found my clit and began to flick it slowly. She whined too, pushing me harder against the wall while I was going far away from my office, lost between her tongue in my mouth and her fingers gathering all the pleasure they could from my body. Completely overwhelmed, I barely felt Misa’s hand leaving mine to grasp the nap of my neck as she changed her flickering pace to fast and rough at once. I was so drenched her wobbling against my core made lapping sounds. I let a loud moan erupted against her mouth, shocked as enjoyment took over me so quickly.
My face fell on her shoulder as I came, breathing out my orgasm through her long hair, the delightful feel stretching my lips in awe. “Already? I heard the goalie whisper as soon as it faded. She lift my face as I guilty nodded but I noticed something had shifted inside the goalie, her eyes were hungry like I’d never seen. 
“Oh no no…” she murmured, leaving my pants and grasping my face in her hands, the one slick with my own wetness coated my cheek and spread the smell of sex around us. It was her turn to take my lip between her teeth, pulling softy before letting it go. “After the scene you made, I think I want to fuck you more.” she said, her breathing deep and her eyes hooded. 
The strangled whimper I let out was cut off by her heaving me in her arms, grasping my bottom, and I hold to her broad shoulders as she walked me toward the desk. The brunette pushed away the papers and stuff covering the surface in a swift move and dropped me on it. My legs ensnared her waist, keeping the girl as close as I could as she unzipped my jeans. “Take off your pants, in fact take everything off” she commanded, her Spanish accent heavier with her sighs as she gathered her hair in a bun. 
I obeyed so willingly, undressing completely and sitting back on the cold surface. As I looked up at the gorgeous goalkeeper already bending over me, her completely unbuttoned shirt coming out of her suit pants revealed her bra and shaped abs. My gaze rose back to her face, her feature looked harder with her hair tied up. “You drive me so crazy!” I confessed. Her soft and luscious lips parted to let out jerky breaths, and she was back at touching me in a heartbeat. 
My oversensitive core sent ripples of electricity through by body. I let my hands travel on her shoulders, arching more to deepen the sensations. My palms lost themselves along the contracted muscles of her back as she pushed her way inside. My head fell backward, lost in the wonders of pleasure as I relished on each of her thrusts in me. 
My fingers descended on her waist and slipped under her suit pants. Feeling her bare plump ass under my hands, I realized she was wearing a thong and waste no time before grasping her cheeks, pulling the goalkeeper waist against me and feeling her fingers sinking further. 
“This is so good… you feel so good! I can’t!” I half moaned half whispered and reluctantly left her ass to lie down on the desk as pleasure became too intense for me to stay standing. Droplet of sweat pearled on her temples. Misa was blushing heavily as she watched my naked body spread on the desk, her fingers curling and stroking my walls a moment. I gasped when all I wanted to do was to shout obscenely how good she felt. But then she grabbed my thigh, and started to fuck me for real, faster and deeper. 
Bliss. Everything was quiet around us apart from the muffled sounds of our rasping breaths and the wet noises of her fingers pumping in and out. Misa’s face had that concentrated look again, the one she had on our first night when she had made love to me. I felt going wetter, if that was even possible. Her lips opened again and she closed her eyes while she continued to fuck me at a fast and steady pace. Bliss. Misa! Unbearable bliss. The sight of her beautiful face went blurry as tears of pleasure filled my eyes.
I hold on two or three more seconds, focusing on how fucking good it felt to be fucked by Misa Rodriguez. 
Her name tumbled from my lips several times, coming again much stronger than I expected. I felt the tears escaping the corner of my eyes, my body and mind trying to take in the unbearably good feel. Her fingers left me and her hand dropped my thigh, but I couldn’t move, feeling properly knocked out by one of the greatest orgasm of my life. 
“Nicky, you ok ?” Misa's voice asked. 
“Hell yeah” I managed to say, floating, blissed out. I blinked and more tears ran down my temples. 
Hovering, I rose up slowly to discover the goalie sat in the armchair and cleaning her hand with a tissue, her cheekbones still a bright shade of red. She looked all shy and sexy again like she didn’t dare to fully realize what had just happened here. My juices had dripped abundantly on the desk making the scene worthy of a bad porn movie ending. Standing up, I felt more wetness running down my thighs, I crossed eyes with the goalie who returning my shocked look with an embarrassed grin before handing me a tissue.
I wiped myself, put my cloth back on and went to sit on her lap, nesting my more than satisfied body against her torso. My head fell on her shoulder and Misa slowly stroked my hair as I sensed myself drowsing with the endorphins. 
“You remembered when I didn’t give you the gold medal back in Paris?” I asked, the grinning goalie nodded and I declared “I think you’ve just won it”.
“Por fin!” she smiled shyly “That was something for myself as well, thought I was going to come too…” 
That awoke me at once, my smiling eyes founding hers “You did?”
“It’s not everyday your secrete girlfriend pleads you to fuck her in the middle of her office, which is a few meters from my own working grounds, and even less far from her boss office who could fire her for less than that, all of that making her so wet…” Misa longly exhaled as she finished to speak.
“You saying it like that is a lot, it could make me want to beg again.” I bit my lips, gazing hungrily at hers. “I could beg to kiss you somewhere else right now, would you like that? I suggested, my murmur so low it was barely audible. 
Misa’s blushing reappeared in the instant. “Si, por favor…" she heaved a sigh, a pleading look flickered in her eyes before she closed them quickly, ashamed of being so needy.
Her confession made me kiss her tenderly. “The begging was mine to make, my sweet Misa.” I said fondly, sending her chuckling and turning frankly crimson.
I heaved myself to my feet, leaving my girlfriend’s arms not without harm, but more than ready to go eat her out. I crouched between the brunette’s leg, unbuttoned and unzipped her chic pants, and slowly took it off. The goalkeeper’s smooth stomach rose up and down jerkily as I pulled her drench thong down her legs, gasping and turned on again myself. Misa sunk in the desk chair, her hips sled at its edge, and I put one of her leg above my shoulder as I leaned my face between her tights. I heard the brunette’s rapping sights when my fingers spread her lips. Her hands fell on my hair as I bend over to take a first run. 
The goalkeeper let out soft pleased moans. My tongue circled her clit and her hips wiggled to have me right on spot. “Please” she sighed as I continued to tease her, her pelvis rising again. I took pity on her, my mouth finding and sucking her core and I heard her strangled groans die with the sound of footsteps approaching in the corridor, knocks against the door resounding shortly. 
We froze like statues. My lips and nose were already soaked with her wetness, her fingers still buried in my hair as we exchanged a panicked glance. Not making any noises, we turned our heads to see the doorknob bending down but the locked door remaining shut.
Something clicked in my mind, I rose up, my gaze searching the room in dismay. “Our phones! Where’s my phone?!” I muttered in panic. Misa stood up as lightly as she could, put her underwear and pants back on and began to look for it but it was nowhere to be found! Where was the damned thing ?! I’d lost it in the tumult of our frolics. It could be anywhere, on a stool, a self, or had dropped from the desk… 
That was it. Ana was going to call me, would hear my phone ring in my locked office, as I would not pick up she would call Misa or Léa, hear the goalie's phone in the same locked room, see the lights on from under the door and figure something was going on. She would find it suspicious, use her spare key to enter and understand the evidence at once. 
Misa grabbed my arm, putting my fortunately not so loud vibrating phone in my hand, the screen displaying Ana’s name as I foresaw. I immediately turned it off, told the brunette to do the same and we remained speechless and shaking as we waited a moment for the footstep to die away in the corridor. 
“That was so close!” I panted, heart pounding “I’d completely forgotten I got to see her after the shooting!” 
Misa glanced at the drying obscene stain on my desk, then at my shiny lips, her dimples pocking on her cheeks and about to burst of laughter, “Madre mia, imagine she had entered! I hope you’re going to shower before seeing her…” 
Her words freed her laugh and I joined her, in need to relax after having imagining myself packing this very evening. Ana surely wasn’t pleased by my disappearance. Moreover, I really need to take some time to clean myself. I would have to come up with some good made up excuses for being late and unreachable.
“Misa… I’m so sorry, I really need to go to Ana as soon as possible…” I apologized, serious again. 
She shifted uncomfortably, wincing. “I know.” she exhaled deeply and jumped on place, frustrated as hell. “Two hours of gym session and I’ll should be fine!”
My feet took me to her agitated figure. “I feel really bad living you like this! I was dying to… well nothing.” I stammered as she shot me an accusatory look and shuddered. 
I wrapped my arms around her neck, closing my eyes, a pang of sadness poking at the thought of being away from her for two entire weeks “Have a good time with your teammates at international camp Sweetie, I’m going to miss you.”
“Thanks, I’ll miss you too Cari” Misa’s nose grazed my cheek before we exchanged a last long and tender kiss. 
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On the evening, I met Angela at a bar terrace, taking a seat with an heavy sight and quickly ordering a drink to the waiter passing by. 
“Hey, what a day!” I said to my friend. 
Angie took a sip of her cocktail with a worried look. “Oh ! what happened? Hope everything is ok?”
“Well, to start, shooting was awful. I think Léa, the second goalkeeper, found Misa well to her taste. Then, Misa joined me in my office, I was a bit mad at her but she said sweet things and……. we ended up hooking up.” I confessed, Angie smiling and winking in return. “But I forgot I had a meeting with my boss at the same time. Girl, she knocked at the door while we... I let you imagine the state we were in! Thanks god I locked the door! Anyway, after that I rushed to her office, put together some random technical issues during the photoshoot for excuse and she bought it.” I shortly paused, amused by my friend’s shocked face “My boss offered me to become photo director !” I dropped, grinning wide. 
“Woaw! Well done Nicky, cheers to that!”
We lifted our glasses. “Yeah this is great ! She said I should start on September. I’ll direct the filming and photo team and work with set designers. She liked my ability to create a global vision of Real Madrid’s visual communication and want me to develop it. Honestly, I’m in heaven even if it means much more work. Pay will be better too!” I said with excitation though I lost my smile quickly and Angela went straight to the point. 
“But you don’t know what to do about Misa…?”
“Yeah…” I sighed “I can’t leave my job. But I don’t want Misa to be unhappy.”
“Do you think she’s feeling that bad?”
“I don’t know. I won’t lie to you, It’s hard for me as well. Everyday, I feel like a child trying not to get caught. I just wish we could hang around like everybody else. We’re not doing anything wrong, this is so unfair! I don’t know what to do Angie…” 
Angela put her hand on my arm from across the table. “You know, that is exactly what I feared when you told me about your feelings. Hooking up is a thing but falling in love with her… I feared it would made you sad not be allowed to be with her, and it’s happening… But Misa seems a patient person and so are you Nicky. Don’t worry, just wait and enjoy your time with her. You’ll see in a few months what to do.” Angela patted me and giggled lightly “You are already all jealous and protective, the girl had you falling deep! What did Misa say about Léa ?” 
“She said it was probably nothing… and that she wanted… me” I melted at the thought. 
“That’s very cute! I think you can relax, Misa’s feeling good with you but I also think you should talk to her openly, be honest about what you want. She did her part by saying that, now it’s up to you. You have more to loose than she does so she probably needs to be reassured you really want to be with her.” 
Why did all my closest friends had to advise me to talk with the goalkeeper? Unsure of myself, I’d always been bad at doing the taking. But my friend had made a point, Misa was in much more uncertainty than I was, her very presence in my life in contradiction with my professional future at the Real. 
My heart tightened at the idea of Misa silently waiting for me to express my feelings in vain, dreading weeks after weeks I would finally chose my job over her… “You’re right Angie. I’ll make it up to her.” 
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During the next days, Angela went back home and I felt a bit lost at being all alone again. The days seemed so longs without Misa at the ciudad. Being in the Australian national team, Hayley wasn’t there either. Though I was relieved I had less work I quickly became bored without my besties to spend the time so I had the idea to contact Sofie’s friends Carmen and Swen. 
As promised, Swen took us on a tour of the fancy galleries in the center of Madrid and we ended up in one of Carmen’s cutest address: a hidden vegetalized rooftop bar not far from Lavapies. Cocktails were delicious and they even played a few songs I knew Misa liked. I imagined a romantic evening here with the goalie at her return. Close to my home, the bar would be the perfect place to tell her my feelings. My mind raced on its own at planning the day. First, we would meet somewhere in town and I would tell her I was going to take her to a surprise location. Misa would be excited all the way down here, she would fall for the place when she would enter, and I would confess falling in love with her while sharing a Piña Colada or a strawberry Mojito. My insides swarmed at the thought. Once I had checked with Misa she’d be free on her return, I spend the next working day neglecting my work to plan our reunion with care. 
The footballer and I texted every day. During the evenings, we told each other about our respective daily events and often ended by sharing a sweet word or two. We couldn’t call for the goalkeeper was not having her own room and I started acting cheesy, watching for long minutes our selfies together before sleeping. The more time I passed away from her the more I longed to see her and have back our endless chatting stretching in the night as we cuddled.
At least I could see her on TV when I watched the two matches the Seleccion played. Misa was benched as she foresaw but the Spanish team won both games, lifting her spirit. I loved when she told me details from the matches I couldn’t see, or about a really pushing training session she handled well, or when she sent photos of her doing nonsense with her close friends Jenni, Alexia and Laia. Her texts overflowing with passion made me so needy I started to count the days.
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Two weeks later, it was under a bright and hot sun that I came to wait for the goalie, literally itching to find her again at the Parque del Retiro. July in Madrid was no joke, I was sweating hard in my tank top and short, the strap of my camera digging into my bare shoulder when I walked in the wide alleys, freshening under the shade of the trees. I turned to a smaller shadowy path, stopping to whip the sweat from my forehead and gulp some water before sending to Misa my precise position. 
Standing in my fresher spot, I spent the forward minute peering impatiently at the ends of the alley. My heart was drumming in my chest, the prospect of being reunited with my goalie so close. Tired of us being locked up in our apartments, I had taken the risk to meet outside, in a park, on purpose, a symbol to show Misa that I really wished we could be a regular couple. She had accepted without question, clearly pleased by my initiative to be out our homes together at last.
As soon as it appeared, I recognized the tall and sturdy silhouette from afar, her walk unmistakable. She stepped into a patch of sun, her smile wide as she waved to me and she did a small hop before starting to run toward me. My glance stayed locked on her smiling face coming closer and closer until we flung in each other’s arms. 
Her smell filled my lungs as we hugged tight, the feel of our bodies pressed together the best in the world. Her breathing mixed with the sound of the wind blowing gently in the foliage. When we pulled back, looking into each other’s eyes, we kept smiling fondly, in no need to speak. Misa’s gaze went down to my mouth, hesitant when I wasn’t, unable to resist crashing my lips against the goalkeeper’s. It was the third time I dared to kiss Misa in a public place. My heart danced. My brain slowed down, living the moment with Misa covering my mouth with little kisses like she couldn’t get enough of it. 
The goalie buried her face back in my hair. “You’re smelling like my shampoo” was the first thing she said.
“Buenos dias Maria Isabel” I laughed at her missing to say hi again. 
Misa rolled her eyes and pompously bowed in front of me “Good afternoon Lady Nicky” she said, failing to take a chic English accent, rolling the « r » of afternoon a very Spanish way. However even as a joke, I couldn’t help but feeling satisfied by Misa Rodriguez bowing to me.
“You may rise Gentlewoman!” I responded as she looked up to me playfully. “And I may have bought your shampoo while you were away…” I added, ashamed. 
Misa seemed touched, her mouth did the pout I loved “You missed me so much?”
“Maybe” I reddened, embarrassed to admit being so cheesy. “Come on, we have a photography course waiting!” I said to make diversion and I led my giggling Misa to a more flourishing part of the park. 
I spotted a nice lawn where a few birds were pecking at the remains of a cake. 
“This is perfect. We’ll go quietly to not scare them away.” I took out my camera, and put the leash around the brunette’s head. “I’ve already done the presets, speed is medium because there is plenty of lights, though it’s getting cloudy…” I glanced at the sky, blue barely visible behind the sheer of white clouds. 
“Maybe heat will drop.” Misa said hopefully, frowning as she looked up at the dazzling white sky. Shortly, she glanced back to the camera in my hands. “So, do I need to change the presets?”
“If there is less light, you have to …?” I tested her photography knowledge. 
“Diminish speed, no, increase speed… !” She said glancing at me unsurely. 
Misa was focusing for once, making my heart melt. “Yes, increase speed, because if shutter speed is too slow, your photo is going to be …?
“Blurry?” her brows half frowned half rose as she watched me expectantly to know if she was right. 
“Well done Maria Isabel!” 
“Yes!” Misa jigged proudly. She wanted to kiss me but changed her mind because of people sauntering around. “I’ll try to take a photo of the pigeon there.” she advanced and crouched with caution. I watched her putting the camera in front of her face, concentrating as she turned the lens to zoom in. The pigeon was still searching the grass for a few crumbles when a crow landed smoothly, making the other birds fly away, the sounds of the shutter resonating restlessly. 
Misa came back to me, watching the camera screen eagerly. “Mira Nicky! look!“
I glanced at a nice shot of the flying crow, its wings spread up and its beak opened. She scrolled back, showing me the other photos. 
“Well done Misa, this is good! Exposure is a bit strong, you should diminish diaphragm opening, but good job on the focus, the crow’s sharp!”
“Gracias Nicky!” she smiled wide, gratitude in her eyes mixing with something mischievous. “I’d like more color. Can you correct the presets for me Cari?”
Her ducky demanding expression had me accepting at once and I took back the camera, focusing a moment on the screen to do the changes. “Ok, I think you’ll like it better now…” I went to give the camera back to Misa but the goalkeeper had disappeared. 
“Misa?” I called, glancing all around me to see where she had gotten to. “Misa it’s not funny! Where are you, what’s going on ?” 
I walked to the grass. More people were spending time on the nearby lawns, making it harder to find the missing goalie. I called her again, confused and wondering what other madness had gotten her. 
“¡Bu!” The goalie sprang at me from behind a large tree, making me nearly die of fear and herself of laughter. 
“Fucking shit! Mis!” I shout at her, grasping my camera, the goalie laughing out loud.  
Still chuckling, Misa tried to take me in her arms but I shoved her away, ashamed of having been pranked that easily. The young women attempted one more time and succeeded at ensnaring me with her arms. I struggled to break free, wrestling against her firm grip, trying to make her fall but her strong feet stay firmly on the ground. 
After having fought a moment, I decided she deserved a low blow as well, I put my camera back in its bag “No more photo for you”. Then I started to tickle her along her ribs. I gloated at my girlfriend surprised scream, instantly backing away. I took the opportunity to slam hard into her, the effect of surprise allowing me to unbalanced her and we both landed on the grass, giggling. 
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I glanced around me, checking if it was safe for us to be that close, I thought it was okey and pulled Misa toward me. The goalkeeper let me took her in my arms, laying her back against me as my mouth found and peck her cheek. After pulling out her phone, Misa took a selfie of us cuddling, exhaled deeply and closed her eyelids. A strong blow of the wind made her hair dance around her head and I moved the strands of hair from across her face when raindrops began to fall. 
“Oh no! Mierda!” The goalie exclaimed. 
We jumped back to our feet “Fuck! Who know, maybe it’ll stop soon?” 
But more rain began to fall and Misa took my arm. “Come on, I know a place where we can shelter in waiting.“
Drops were pouring hard now, and we ran along with the hurrying people thought the alleys of the park. At a time, Misa led us to a narrow desert path, the dense vegetation there couldn’t shield us from the pounding rain. 
“Esta alli!” she shouted as we reached a crossroad, her hand was still grasping mine firmly, dragging me along with her to a really tiny empty kiosk. We rushed at it, jumping inside the small but protected space at the end of the path. 
We were drenched to the bones, shivering in our short and light cloth in spite of the still relative heat. In the hope of warming me, Misa began to rub my arms but she only spread the water onto my skin and stopped. She turned over to watch the rain fall. 
“Madre mia! We chose the only raining day in Madrid to go to a park!“
“It’s really bad luck!” I responded, feeling a bit down, all my romantic plans reduced to nothing if the rain would not ceased. I watched Misa’s silhouette detaching against the rainy horizon and my mood brightened. Nothing could go wrong as long as I was with her.
Feeling playful again, I slowly approached the brunette from behind, and squeezed her waist with a scream to scare the hell out of her. 
“Ahhh! No Nicky!” Misa fled from my ready to tickle outstretch hands and I pursued her inside the minuscule kiosk, tears of laughter in my eyes at her panicked air. ”Noooo! Déjame!”
“You seem cold! I just want to warm you!” I joked as I ran after her. I didn’t know Misa was so ticklish and it was really fun to finally have a way to be physically threatening to her. 
Eventually, she climbed onto the low wall circling us, arms in front to protect herself from my assaults. “Nicky! Cari! No! Porfi!” she begged, laughing hard. 
“Okey! I think you’re warm enough! I’ll stop.” I laughed. “You can climb down I won’t tickle you”.
Misa looked at me doubtfully, arms still stretched out. 
I laid out my hands to show my good faith and to help her go down “Sweetie, I promise you I won’t”
A new strong blow of the wind swept us, making the goalie shiver and she trusted my offered hands to help her down, yet on her guard when she landed in front of me. 
The rain was still falling hard. With the direction of the wind, it had soaked half the kiosk where we were not. It was a veritable storm now. There was no way we were going to be able to go to the rooftop bar I had in mind, enjoying a cocktail under the setting sun… 
Misa’s hands were still in mine, soft and relaxed now that she’d get I wasn’t going to foul her. My fingers gently brushed hers. My glance came back to her face framed by her long wet and wavy hair, her smirk brightening the moody weather. I took in her soft look, her eyelashes and brows where a few drops had clung, the ones pounding on the roof a noteless smoothing music. I felt aligned with everything right now. 
It wasn’t going to happen as I planned but I didn’t care. A few things had not happened as I planned since I came to Madrid and I wasn’t complaining about them. Therefore, I was contemplating the beautiful person in front of me, the one that unexpectedly came to my life, when my lips parted to speak the words.
“I love you.” 
My heart clang to her brown eyes opening wide, her brows going up with a smile of surprise. 
She shut her eyes and I felt the grip of her hands tighten as she exhaled. The goalie led her face closer and opened her eyes again, the gold ring on her nose glinted as she cocked her head to the side, the corners of her mouth twitching when she said “I love you too”. 
My heart skipped a beat, or two or three, her big dark eyes losing themselves in mine, shiner than usual.
“Te quiero!” She repeated in her own tongue and her hand fell on the nap of my neck, pulling me into the softest kiss we had shared yet. My eyes prickled as I attached myself to her lips, savoring the taste of her mouth, the smell of her breath, of her sweet and floral perfume melting in the musky scent of the rain. The feel of her body striving to hold me closer made me feel so desperately in love with her it took me a moment to realize I was tugging hard at her wet T-shirt like I was afraid Misa and her love for me would vanish if I ever let her go. 
The goalie’s lips left mine to kissed me on the forehead as she hugged me gently. I melted in her cute embraced, overwhelmed. 
“I want to be with you Misa” I said my hands still locked on her back. “For real”.
Our body parted to stare at each other, I felt cold without the warmth of her front pressed against me. The goalie’s grin had reappeared but only to fade away shortly. “Mi tambien Cari, but I don’t want you to quite your job for me. It makes you so happy…”
“I’m happy with you” I replied at once but I was feeling we needed to talk more now were where at it. “Look, I’m not saying I’ll quite the Real tomorrow but I won’t loose you for a stupid working contract.”
Misa’s nose twitched again. “Yeah I know.” Then, she went to sit on the low wall behind her, her head falling down. “Nicky, I need to tell you something… Because of clubs rivalry, I had been kind of forced to hide my previous relationships. And when you arrived at the Ciudad and we started hanging together I thought, Increíble! I may have found somebody I can openly be with! Then, you told me about the close… it was like I was bound to go all over again.” My girlfriend lifted her head, guilt in her eyes. “I’m sorry I’d been weird, it’s just hard for me sometimes.” 
I crouched in front of her to take her in my arms. “Misa, baby, I’m so sorry…” It broke my heart to be the reason of her deception even when I wasn’t responsible. "I can’t quite right now, you have to give me time.” The goalkeeper bit her lips and sighted again, worry flashing on her pretty face.
“I’m not in a rush and I get you.” she answered before rising up to peer at the pouring water. The paths all around us had become muddy. Misa turned back to me, her face sad when she spoke “But what happens next? Do you really know what it takes to be with a professional athlete? If you’re not working for the club, our schedule won’t be aligned anymore. Meaning I will be away almost once a week, all my weekends taken by matches, several weeks out of town for international breaks and competitions, plus the regular working and training obligations you already know…” The young woman took my hands back in hers and asked “Do you think you could be happy in a relationship like that?”
The rain pounding on the roof was easing as Misa’s chest rose up and down, laying the future of our story together in her question. A perplex expression drawn her features as she saw me smiled mildly.
I replied without a doubt “You’re worthing it. I can’t promise you it’s gonna work but I’ll be more than happy to try.”  The goalie smiled back and I placed another kiss on her lips. “Te quiero Misa, nothing will compete against that”.
After hearing my words, Misa went back at hugging me tight. Her breathing fastened and her slightly shaking warm and soft voice announced “Rain or not, I’m dying to go home now…”
Dripping from the roof, the rain was back at its full force and wrapped the kiosk in a veil of water. We glanced at the sunken alleys of the park, shivering again. Hand in hand, we jumped thought the curtains of heavy drops, leaving the shelter where we just laid out our hearts for the first time.
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littlemissaddict · 1 year
Had this in my drafts since the Paris con? idk it's been a while so I figured it was time to share it 😅....
RPF so if it's not your thing please keep scrolling.
The sigh of relief left her lips as soon as she stepped through the door of the fancy hotel in the centre of Paris that she and Joe were staying at for the week while he was appearing at the comic con there. She could still hear the shouts and cries of the fans waiting for him to arrive, albeit they were now muffled by the glass door behind her but at least she was away from their prying eyes even though they had no idea who she was considering she and Joe had kept their relationship private especially since he'd shot into the public eye after playing Eddie Munson.
"Not a fan of crowds dear" a female voice came from a little way away from her and after a quick glance around she saw the kind face of an older lady watching her. The fact that she spotted her meant that she stood in the doorway far longer than any normal person and she shook her head as she made her way further into the lobby. “Must be hard especially with your boyfriend’s job” she commented, unaware of the panic that the unassuming words set off in her.
“Oh uh” she stuttered as she stumbled over her words, not wanting to correct this lady who clearly had very good perception skill but not also wanting to confirm her words in case it accidentally got around to the fans. She gave the lobby a quick glance and found it empty before she settled on the truth, “It can be but it’s easier that they don’t know about us” she admits, shyness creeping up on her as she spoke hers and Joe’s secret out loud.
“Don’t worry my lips are sealed” she smiled, her hands mimicking pulling a zip along them as if to prove a point. She doesn’t know why but it immediately puts her at ease and as she moves to ask the lady, Maria according to her name badge, it seems she could already tell what she was about to ask and answers her with a kind smile. “It’s in the eyes, you can see the love he holds for you in them everytime he looks at you and again when you look at him” then she shrugs as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it is but she doesn’t have long to ponder Maria’s words as she’s instead startled by the feeling of two arms wrapping around her from behind, though she soon relaxes against the familiar feeling of being in Joe’s arms.
“Hello love” he smiles in greeting even though she can’t see it but she can feel it when he presses a kiss to her cheek despite still being in full view of the doors and the waiting fans outside. He then turns his attention to Maria, making small talk and being his usual charming self before the both bid her goodbye as they turn towards the elevator. “Lovely lady” he comments as the elevator door closes behind them.
She nods in response, “Very perceptive too” she adds as Joe gives her a confused look, his head tilted to the right as a frown appears between his eyebrows, “well either that or we are just not as subtle as we think we are” she hums, her hand sliding up his chest until it meets the collar of his shirt where she rubs her thumb over the material as she looks up at him.
“Yeah that fits” he chuckles, the smile on his face is one of the ones that always seems to light up whatever room he’s in and as cliché as it sounds she knows exactly why his fans love him as much as they do, except with one little difference, she gets to know exactly what it feels to be loved by him as well. The thought has butterflies swarming in her tummy but then again that could just be because he’s right at that moment cupping her cheek in one of his hands and pulling her face close so that he can kiss her. It’s soft and sweet and stops the moment the elevator door dings signalling that they have reached their floor, she’s almost reluctant to let him go until she’s reminded of the fact that once the door to their room is closed they no longer have to hide their affections for each other and then she’s bounding away, pulling him along so that they reach their room quicker and she can shower him with affection.
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ashiemochi · 1 year
anubussy - xi (i)
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✠ Anubussy ↳ sorry, i don't want your touch ↳↳ it's not that i don't want you
➶ pairing: OC x Leon S(exy) Kennedy. ➶ genre: fluff, more angst, gore, longer smut/suggestive themes ➶ word count: no
NOTE: ✠ = time skip ✠✠ = switching povs/characters
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Running down the corridors with Chris was crap because he was pulling a Speedy Gonzales on her with his long ass legs. 
Running down the corridors without Chris was even shittier because she seriously had no clue where to go. Nonetheless, Chris knew how to leave a mark behind. 
Like the dead bodies of Arias’ associates. 
She could take the rifles they had but as deep as her hands were in blood and murder, looting a body wasn’t on her list – unless it was for information on how to get rid of the chip. 
So Ah peeked around the corner, focusing her hearing on the distant heavy thuds as if some giant was walking. Ugh, she did not want to encounter that tyrant or George right now. Her eyes located two dead bodies right outside a room, the thumping of footsteps and gunshots came from inside. 
That must be important – Chris’ must be inside. 
Moving quickly towards the room, she stopped at the entrance just as she saw Chris fly across the room and hit the wall with an audible groan. 
Then a big figure made its presence known – oh god, it’s Bane’s dad!
He essentially looked like the Hulk from those comics Leon said he owned – just not green, and actually horrifying to look at. She much preferred when he was far with a minigun at hand because then his face wouldn’t be the last thing to see before she’d be crushed to death.
Every muscle in him was enormous with metal appendages over his spinal cord. He also had giant steel bracelets screwed into each wrist, the metal trailing down to his knuckles and fingers, acting like brass knuckles. Tubes protruded from his chest, attaching themselves to his shoulder, similar to the ones on his upper chest as if they were collar bones.
His metal faceplate covered his actual figure like a mask – she could only imagine how he really looked under it. 
She didn’t want to imagine it actually, fuck that.
Remembering the A-Virus was flammable, she hurriedly took out the incendiary grenade from her belt – sadly, the only one she stole borrowed. Whatever the big guy was, he didn’t seem to have noticed her yet, his entire focus set on the BSAA operator.
Then a metal clanked by his foot, stopping him from proceeding. He stepped back to look down. It was a red grenade. He snapped his sunken eyes to the girl by the door, seeing a pin hanging from her finger with an oh shit look on her face.
For only a split second, he most likely mimicked it before he was set ablaze.
He bellowed into the air, the fire covering him completely. He barely thrashed before he fell to the ground, seemingly dead – and still on fire.
Chris squinted at the flames and looked over at the panting girl, “Who gave you the bomb?”
“I… Did.” So Ah answered coyly, stepping inside the room and eyeing the giant warily, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” He huffed out, pulling himself up to his feet, “Shouldn’t you be with Leon?”
So Ah gave him a silent look and then heard soft laboured breathing. Rebecca was on the bed, chained to it. 
“Oh my god, Rebecca.” She skipped around the body to her and Chris joined her. 
She was in a wedding dress, oddly enough, and her skin was as pale as snow with her prominent veins coloured in deep blue. 
“You okay?” He asked her, a hand on her shoulder. 
Rebecca whispered hoarsely, ever so relieved to finally see familiar faces, “Chris… So Ah…”
Chris seemed a bit lost, looking down at his watch only to see less than ten minutes left before she’d be too long gone. He turned to face the doctor in the corner and approached him with rage in his eyes.
“No, no, no.” The doctor stammered, “Wait, wait–”
Chris pressed his boot against his chest, pinning him to the ground with a gun in hand, “Where’s the vaccine?”
“Nice dress,” So Ah gave Rebecca a small smile, not paying attention to the interrogation happening behind her.
Rebecca barely smiled back, wheezing, “Thanks.”
So Ah looked up and to the side – stars appeared in her eyes. Right there on the wall, is a map. She jogged up to it, basically running over it with her eyes like a scanner. 
“Chris! Look!” So Ah beamed, catching his attention and she pointed at the wall, “A map! That means the vaccine must be…” She trailed away when he stepped up behind her, locating the green A icon in one of the rooms, “Here!”
“Okay, we get Rebecca safe at the Osprey, then I’ll get the vaccine.” Chris planned out, rushing to unlock the chains. 
“You got it, captain.”
The night breeze was the first thing to greet them and So Ah blinked at the distant smoke clouding the city. It must be the aftermath of Nadia and DC handling the tankers. Chris had Rebecca hanging onto him, his arm around her back with his hand on her shoulder. 
So Ah had her gun out, scanning the wide roof from her spot as they went to move but gunshots stopped them. Rebecca shrieked, a bullet grazing her leg, and Chris stumbled away to hide behind the wall. 
“You just had to try to save her.” Arias’ voice came from the other side of the roof, “You’re so predictable, Chris. That’s your weakness.”
So Ah skipped back, eyes shocked at the unexpected attack as Chris lowered Rebecca to the ground. The Han girl went down in front of Rebecca, worried as she let her eyes check on the wound. 
“It’s just a graze, but it’s best to cover it.” So Ah informed, reaching for her knife but it dawned on her.
In an instant, her mind went back to Leon – was he still okay?
Chris noted her expression before lowering his voice, “Notify the Osprey to come around – I’ll take care of him.”
“Okay,” She nodded and he went to stand behind the wall, shooting at Arias before his gun clicked. With a curse, he switched to his handgun and went off once Arias stopped shooting.
So Ah gave Rebecca a sympathetic look, helping her lean against the closed elevator doors. She pressed her two fingers into her earpiece, pinging her location.
“DC, Nadia, are you there?” She asked, keeping her eyes on Rebecca’s wound.
“Right with you,” DC’s voice came through.
She flinched at the repetitive gunshots from the other side of the roof, almost stammering, “I – Chris needs you to get here as soon as possible.”
“Roger that – coming your way right now.”
“Okay, thank you.” She breathed out and shifted her attention to a quietly breathing Rebecca. 
She set her hand on her shoulder, “Rebecca, you’re going to be okay, just hang on a little longer.”
Rebecca looked at her through half-lidded eyes, “So Ah… Is Chris…”
So Ah frowned deeply, peeking from behind the wall to see Chris and Arias were in a strange-looking fight with a single gun. They kept yanking it from one another like a kid’s toy. 
“He’s okay.” She told her. 
“So Ah…” Rebecca wheezed out, paling eyes widening at the virus spreading in her, “You have to kill me.”
A sense of familiarity washed over her, exactly like it did when Helena Harper was severely injured and would tell her it was no use saving her. She hated seeing people close to her get hurt – and while she wasn’t as close and was still alive, she was still her friend. 
Tears stung her eyes at her lost eldest sibling, she just met Rebecca and all she was offered was kindness. Rebecca was just a science geek – in Nadia’s words – and she did not deserve any of this. Not one bit. 
“I’ve got you, I promise.” So Ah declared with determination heavy in her tone, “I’m not letting anyone innocent die – not while I’m here.”
She gripped her hand, giving her a stubborn look, “I’m not gonna fail you either, okay?”
Rebecca nodded tiredly, reaching up for her arm to let the Han girl help her stand. She swung her arm over her shoulder and held it there, then wrapped her arm around the back of her waist.  
They started walking just as Chris ran up to them and So Ah looked at him.
“Where’s Arias?” She asked, not finding the body anywhere. 
Chris gestured to the broken glass terrace, “Taken care of.”
“I notified DC and Nadia – they’re on their way.” So Ah informed, keeping Rebecca leaning against her, “We need to get the vaccine. I remember where it is, I can go get it. You stay with her.”
“Look who’s placing orders now,” Chris commented lightly, glancing at Rebecca and then back at So Ah, “Okay, let's get her someplace safe first.”
“What about that room over there?” She suggested, nodding at what seemed like a dinner or a meeting room. 
Chris looked over at it, “Yeah, c’mon.”
He helped with carrying Rebecca to the other side of the roof, earning a small raspy from her. 
“God, both of you… Stubborn.”
So Ah giggled a bit when Chris chuckled, “Yeah, well, we want you around.”
A distant roar echoed faintly, causing her to stop. She looked over at the glass terrace, brows furrowing in concentration. Chris snapped his eyes to her, confused as to why she stopped. 
“What is it?” He asked and she returned her eyes to him.
“Did you not hear that?”
“Hear what?”
As if triggered, heavy footsteps shook the floor beneath them. Whatever it was, it was climbing the walls. It proved so when a large clawed hand gripped the cemented hedge, followed by another. Her heart dropped to her stomach at the sight – why must they always be horrendous to look at?
“That.” So Ah whispered just as the head popped up.
A smirk was on his flesh face as he bellowed, “Redfield!”
Chris released an exhausted sigh, obviously scared but really; a boss fight?
Mutated Arias climbed over the little hedge and stood in front of them, towering over them with ease. He was definitely bigger than Bane’s dad – oh, and the other guy’s face was on his chest. Disgusting guts-looking wires going through his wide open mouth and eye. 
The rest of his body was covered in something black along with bits of flesh here and right to remind you like hey, these are the muscle! 
Both arms and hands were black with sharpsharp claws. What caught her eye other than the disfigured face of his bodyguard was the pounding red glowing heart in his right chest.
Great, just what they needed.
Arias swung his large hand at them and they parried it by going down, earning a gasp from So Ah and a whimpered pain from Rebecca. 
“So Ah, get her away!” Chris ordered, standing up protectively in front of the two girls. 
So Ah instantly complied, hanging onto Rebecca to get her further from the fight. She had her lean against the glass wall and looked over her shoulder, seeing Arias had swiped Chris into his grip, tightening it by the second and earning muffled groans from him.
She knew she had to leave and find the vaccine. That was their plan – the plan she came up with. Yet, she hesitated to go, knowing Chris needed the help. 
But Rebecca had a limited time.
Chris let out a strained grunt, causing her mind to begin panicking. She could only stare in horror before she jumped onto her feet, bringing out her Matilda. 
“Let him go!” She yelled, shooting Arias in his arms in an attempt to get him to drop Chris – Arias wasn’t affected at all.
“Ah, Miss Han,” Arias grinned at her, “With everything he’s done to you, I’m doing you a favour.”
So Ah took in a shuddered breath, glancing over at Chris, “He had no hand in any of this – but you… You used my blood. You want me, not him.”
“What a generous offer, So Ah,” Arias cackled, his dagger-like teeth showing, “But I’m afraid I’m going to pick him over you. It’s not personal.”
He’s insane, She thought to herself, he’s gone absolutely fucking mad.
So Ah and Arias looked towards the direction of the elevator sound.
What now? 
Rabid zombie dogs learning how to use the elevator?
A rumble of a motorbike caused her heart to skip a beat. It grew louder and rounded the corner, revealing Leon was more than okay – and on the goddamn bike. 
He took out his gun to shoot Arias but the crazed mutant moved Chris to the front, blocking Leon from taking the shot. 
So Ah could only watch incredulously as Leon tilted the Ducati to the side low enough to let it slide and knock Arias over, jumping off of it in the process.
A third question mark joined up on the top of her head.
How in the hell did he fit that bike in – ugh, whatever. I’ll never get the answers I need.
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creative-type · 2 years
Whumptober 7: Back from the Dead
Brook woke in mist and darkness.
With a gasp, he jerked up from the piano he’d died at, slamming his hands against the keys in a discordant sound that mimicked his present confusion. For too long his soul had floated around the expanse of the Florian Triangle without a ray of sunshine to mark the passing of the days or stars to guide his journey.
Slowly he regathered his senses. Here was the flapping of the masts in the breeze. There was the smell of salt and rot.
And rot?
Brook stood from the piano bench, somehow tripped over his own feet, and sat down heavily again. His soul had spent too long (how long?) free from the limitations of the body, he didn’t quite remember how everything was supposed to fit together. It took conscious effort to breathe; he couldn’t figure out how to blink. Slowly, Brook flexed his fingers, setting his fingers on top of the black and white keys, the octave around middle C stained a rusty brown from when he’d died.
He plunked a few notes without really thinking, distraught by how out of tune the piano had gotten in the short time since his death. Of course, the crewmate who was best at tuning his beloved baby grand was also dead, and without a Devil Fruit to bring him back always would be and why were there bones where his hands should be?
Staring down at his hands, Brook screamed.
He screamed and he stood and he ran, tripping over the bench or a dead crewmate or his own feet and falling face-first with a rattle of bones (oh god oh god no no nonono). The mists of the Florian Triangle made it difficult to navigate his own ship. Brook was surrounded on all sides by bodies. Putrid, rotted, bodies, most with their clothes hanging limply from skeletal frames and all cradling their instruments like grave goods.
This couldn’t be right, surely he hadn’t been gone that long. Curling in on himself, Brook heaved out a sob. He would have puked, but there was nothing left in his stomach. Slowly it was dawning on him that he might not have a stomach.
Timid, terrified, Brook lifted his head and brought his hands in front of his eyes. His fingers had been reduced to small, white bones, attached to longer, thin bones in his hands, which were attached to smaller, cubical bones where his wrists should have been. Too many bones. Seemingly an infinite amount of bones. All the flesh was stripped away, the muscle and tendon and ligaments were gone.
Brook had stopped screaming. He’d stopped breathing, and didn’t even notice. He started to count to see how long he could go without air and made it to one thousand before numbers stopped having any meaning.
Brook lay curled up on the deck of his ship surrounded by a ring of the dead until in some distant world the sun rose, making the mists lighten to a pearly gray. He felt no hunger, he knew no thirst
(oh god what happened what am i oh god no)
There was no hot or cold. He felt no urgency for any of the ordinary bodily functions. Brook would have laid there paralyzed forever had the sun not risen and showed him the full brunt of his dead comrades. They’d arranged themselves like an orchestra, strings and reeds and brass each together in their own sections.
Somehow he made himself stand and with lurching, stumbling steps (like a zombie in those comic strips that had scared him as a child) he managed to find himself below deck to the sleeping quarters, where he knew there was a full-length mirror.
What he saw proved what he already knew to be true, and for the first of many times, Brook felt his soul rend in two.
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boytouya · 3 years
can i get dilf himbo reader and dabi (and the kids 😐) trying to name a new pet but they all end up agreeing on something stupid because it made them all laugh
a/n: cas (dude who sent this) named the cat not me (if i did it’d probably be something like butt burglar 2.0). also adopt don’t shop!!
Warning: mentions of past animal abuse/neglect (not from any characters or reader), parenting
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“He looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Dabi says, holding a cat by its armpits and leveling his face to it. They’re staring eye to eye, sky blue slits narrowing as they gaze into icy cerean irises. There’s a tug at your arms, looking down you see your kids with confused faces. Right. They don’t know what that is.
“No he doesn’t, he’s adorable!” You say, patting the seething cat on the head. It’s strangled noises turn into gentle purrs as you scratch beneath its ear. Your children swoon, jumping to pat the cat in any way that they can. The cat is all black, some of the fur is thinner than the rest, and there are patches shaved away from past surgeries. Apparently it was mistreated in it’s last home and taken to the adoption center you and your family were currently located near. The poor thing was shaking, but it allowed you to gently stroke its fur.
“I wanna see, Daddy!” Your son makes a motion of clenched and unclenched fists, grabby hands, and pulls on the hem of your shirt. Your daughter, who was on your left side, is now talking to Dabi about something very passionately. He looks lazily interested, nodding along and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He must be nervous from being out in the open, but he had a good over his head to conceal his identity.
“Be careful, little man. He’s a little scared, be gentle with him like the nice lady said.” You watch as your son nods in acknowledgement and runs his hand down the cat’s face. Maybe having a cat would be a good change for your family. You considered getting a dog, but with work and handling twins all day- not to mention a boyfriend who was on the government watchlist- it’d be too overwhelming. You knew Dabi had a thing for Dobermans though…
“He looks kinda like D.” Your son tears you away from your train of thought. After getting to know Dabi your kids started calling him D. It warmed your heart, and the first time they told you they wanted Dabi to be their father you nearly cried. You weren’t sure when to ask Dabi, if he was even ready for that type of commitment, but it was nice to know your children loved him too. They were everything to you. You squint your eyes and look down at the cat. He did kind of look like Dabi, even down to the blue eyes. He had the same expression too, looking almost..human.
“D’you think we should name him Dabi Jr?” Your son makes a sour face.
Dabi makes his way over to you with your daughter's hand in his, his unoccupied scarred hand reaching down to caress the now sleeping cat. Seeing them right next to each other is like looking at a set of identical twins, and you almost want to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Your kids turn to face Dabi, both squinting their eyes and shifting their gaze from him to the sleeping cat. Laughter erupts from your mouth, further burrowing Dabi into a hole of his own confusion. It’s comically cute, the way he looks at you with a blank face as you laugh and your children stare at him.
“You don’t see it?! You and ‘Quasimodo’ over there,” You make air quotes in front of him and your twins mimicking the movement as you speak. “Look exactly the same.”
“You callin’ me ugly?” Dabi sucks his teeth. “Guess me and...whatever the fuck you just said are leaving without you.”
“Dabi!” You groan and pull your children into your side, covering their ears and shaking your head. He looks mildly impressed with himself, flagging down the employee you had met earlier and telling her he was looking to adopt his lookalike. The double take she did between the villain and the cat was almost comical, and if you weren’t worried she’d recognize him you’d be laughing till you saw stars.
The kids glued to your side whine, calling out Dabi’s nickname as he gives them a cheeky grin and presses his decorated finger to his lips.
“Shhh.” He says.
Looking for someone to back them up, they turn to you and wiggle around, whining into your hip and complaining about how much they wanted the cat. Your gaze was stuck on them, having to contain your laughter so they wouldn’t whine even more and disrupt customers, but when you look up you see Dabi sliding a small stack of papers toward you. Adoption papers.
It reminds you of the time you had to fight for custody of your children, your ex-spouse put in a bad word about you to the police, but it had truly been them who was unfit to be a parent. Maybe to Dabi it wasn’t very significant. Maybe to Dabi it was just a piece of paper. But it’d have both your names on it.
“You look like you went to Heaven and came back.” Dabi snorts. It’s raspy and deep, just like his voice. If you could, you’d listen to it forever, bottle it up and hold it close.
“We should name him Macaroni.” You say instead. Completely at random, you weren’t even thinking of names because, quite frankly, you could’ve kept the one the adoption center had already given him.
“Macaroni?” Dabi quirks an eyebrow, drawing his lips down and nodding with a shrug after thinking about it.
“Last name Cheese-[Last Name]!” Your daughter shouts, pulling away from you and running to an isle of pet toys. Her brother runs after her.
“What’s your last name, Dabi?” In other circumstances it would be a red flag not to know his last name, but whenever you asked he changed the subject. You didn’t want to push him. Maybe you were going too fast.
“Yours would sound better on me.” He answers instead, spinning the ring he’s holding in his hand against the table.
You miss his suggestion, signing your name on the dotted line and looking up at him from your tilted position against the table. Of course it flew over your head. He’s trying to marry a completely clueless man.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I wanna have more than just a cat with you.” Dabi says, rolling the ring over to you. It’s way too expensive-looking to be within Dabi’s price range. The diamond isn’t big at all, it’s small and simple, with a black band and mini studs around the perimeter of the ring. It screams Dabi.
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kalee60 · 4 years
Kalee. Kal. Hi. Hello.
So I recently got a Tiktok because all the kids these days are doing it and my sister keeps sending me videos 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 I know.
There’s apparently this challenge.
It’s a kiss your best friend challenge.
And all I can think is:
Steve and Bucky.
It could be canon verse. It could be an au.
But like imagine. If you haven’t seen the videos it’s super cute but also cringy because like what if it doesn’t go over well, it would be awkwardddd! They basically just film themselves hangout with their best friend and then try to kiss them and see if they’ve secretly been pining too.
Claire - my gorgeous pocket rocket from the Big Apple 🍎
This ask (that you sent eons ago) could not just be answered with a simple - 'omg, yes - I know right - it's the perfect Stucky scenario - someone should write it'... Because well - I guess somehow it turned out that I could write a little something...
I hope you enjoy this, because without your cheerleading, your throwing of pom poms and generally screaming at me in comments and on here - well writing wouldn't be half as much fun.
So for you Claire - enjoy this little story of two boys, a kiss in the making and a TikTok account 😘
Nerves rode Bucky as he placed his phone down into the perfect position; camera at the ready, not pressing record yet - but waiting for the signal. Steve was doing the exact same with his phone, only from a slightly different angle, setting it up for their parkour trick - something they were going to post to TikTok later. But although Steve was under the impression he was about to perform a flip off Bucky’s shoulders to grab hold of a tree branch then scale the fifteen foot wall beside it - Bucky had other ideas.
He’d seen a new TikTok challenge that week, it was plastered all over the platform and filled his suggested videos, and since the first time he’d watched one, then devoured another fifty straight away, he’d secretly wanted to do it. Wanted to throw all caution to the wind and seize the moment.
Today was that day.
Bucky Barnes was going to kiss Stevie Rogers right on the lips. His best friend since middle school, the boy, now man that he’d secretly loved for over a decade - and although Bucky could have thought of a million different ways to show Steve how he felt - he’d just never had the courage. At least if the video bombed, he could still put it up as a laugh and hopefully Steve would see the joke and it wouldn’t ruin their friendship - hopefully.
So Bucky waited for Steve to finish fiddling with his phone and camera positioning, which was taking him longer than usual to set up, trying to not let the butterflies in his gut take over.
Steve finally looked up, face flushed red like he’d already performed the stunt and Bucky was struck dumb, staring at how beautiful Steve was in the afternoon sunlight. He became lost in the way the shadows from the trees created patterns across Steve’s tightly toned body, the slight wind whispering to Bucky to take his chance, to not mess it up. And Steve stood before him like a golden god, nervously splaying his fingers, cracking his knuckles while staring back at Bucky with an unreadable expression on his face. Was he worried about their trick?
“You okay, Pal?” Bucky asked, his voice faltering with the knowledge he was about to change everything - or nothing.
Steve nodded, eyes wide and bright, darting over Bucky’s face, and Bucky took a moment to bask at being in Steve’s full attention.
“Yep,” Steve popped the ‘p’ and ran a hand through his hair, blonde strands sticking up comically, but Bucky didn’t laugh, he’d never seen someone as breathtaking as Steve did in that moment. 
Steve was Bucky’s true north, a steady and unrelenting force at his side - but it went both ways. They’d been through family deaths, relationship fallouts, fights and everything in between, but the one thing that was always unbroken - was they were in it together. No matter what life threw at them, Steve and Bucky were as solid as rock. Unshakable.
And Bucky was probably about to screw it all up.
They closed in on each other, coming to a standstill until only a foot separated them; Steve’s huge blue eyes darted quickly between Bucky’s; there was something different about the look, intense, and Bucky wondered if his own nerves were obvious and Steve was suddenly unsure about the acrobatic feat they were attempting.
“You still want to do this? Haven’t changed your mind?” Bucky asked to make sure, and was surprised when Steve licked his lips and shook his head emphatically.
“No, I’m sure - more sure than I’ve ever been about anything.”
Bucky smiled, Steve being dramatic about their parkour tricks was not unusual, but the way Steve’s cheek twitched and how his foot tapped on the ground was not normal behaviour. And Bucky couldn’t help but start to worry that his idea to surprise-kiss Steve wasn’t the greatest one, wasn’t something he should be trying, as it seemed Steve was janky - wound up.
“Alright, Stevie. If you’re sure.”
Resolve filled Steve’s features as they both turned on their cameras, and once set up, Steve took an almost hesitant step forward.
Bucky held his breath.
It was the moment of truth. 
They’d practised the trick so many times, had to start toe to toe for it to work, Steve pushing off Bucky to sprint to the wall, running vertically up the side of it, to twist around and jump off Bucky’s shoulders and flip onto the tree branch, shoving off it then using his momentum to run up the rest of the wall. Finally gripping the lip and climbing over it. 
They’d gone over it at least thirty times.
No injuries as of yet.
But this time, just as Steve pressed forward, Bucky yanked him in - at the exact same time as Steve flew forward, completely catching Bucky off guard as he was heading in the wrong direction than expected, he was moving towards Bucky instead of pushing away - and their heads slammed together with a loud thud.
And instead of taking the defeat of the moment graciously, Bucky was in too deep, had waited too long, had it all planned out - and so as Steve rubbed his forehead looking as mortified at what had transpired as Bucky, Bucky once again leant forward. Only to find Steve pitching towards him too, and for the second time in less than three seconds their skulls cracked against the other.
“- holy shit, Barnes. Are you going to let me kiss you or not?”
“- Steve you fucking menace, I’m trying to kiss you!”
The silence was deafening as their words mingled together and wide ocean blue eyes met stormy silt infused grey-blue ones in shock.
“- what did you…?”
“- did you just...?”
Once again talking at the same time, they both trailed off, and the words started to sink into Bucky’s fried brain. Steve was trying to kiss him. Him.
Slack jawed, he could only stare at Steve whose expression mimicked his own, clearly having come to the same realisation about Bucky. He managed to swallow the obscenely thick lump in his throat and with a small tremor in his hand, reached up to place it on Steve’s forehead where a red mark was forming - rubbing the spot gently with his thumb. Steve’s eyes softened and his shoulders relaxed.
With the last tendrils of fear slipping away, Bucky trailed his fingers down the side of Steve’s face before reaching behind his head, gripping the base of Steve’s neck. Then stopped.
Steve’s breathing laboured, coming in sharp and Bucky tightened his grip, loving the way Steve’s eyes fluttered half shut before they opened again, trying not to lose contact with Bucky’s.
Steve was stunning, so responsive and Bucky licked his lips, loving how Steve’s attention snagged on his mouth immediately.
“Can I?” Bucky husked, and Steve nodded jerkily when Bucky’s fingers played with the silky strands of Steve’s hair as he leant in.
The first meeting of their lips lacked the pain of slammed heads and teeth - but it was perfect in every way. Steve’s lips were plush, soft and pliant under Buckys as Bucky took control of the kiss, pressing forward into Steve’s heat. Bucky’s other hand came up to cup Steve’s face tenderly, unable to express how it felt to be kissing his lifelong friend after so many years of yearning for it, Bucky almost at the point where he thought it could never happen. The fact Steve kissed him back - enthusiastically, made his heart thump louder and harder until it was all he could hear in his mind.
After a moment, Bucky pulled away, resting his forehead on Steve’s, mindful of the tender place they’d cracked heads minutes earlier, and couldn’t stop the rasped laugh that escaped.
“You laughing at the way I kiss, Barnes?” Steve sassed with a smile in his voice.
Bucky chuckled, “no, not at all.” He paused a second to gather his thoughts, “I just can’t believe I set this up to kiss you on camera for TikTok, so damn nervous the whole time you’d freak out and punch me - and you were doing the exact same thing.”
Steve grinned and pulled away enough so that he could stare into Bucky’s eyes, the emotion shining from his beautifully clear expression stole the breath from Bucky’s lungs.
“How long?” Steve asked with a whisper. And Bucky wanted to lie, to tell him it wasn’t long, that he’d only just realised if only to stop himself looking too much like a sap.
He didn’t lie.
“The day you punched Deon Franklin when he asked me for a tongue kiss while calling me those terrible names.”
Steve’s stunned look spoke volumes, “Bucky. We were sixteen.”
“And…?” Bucky winced at Steve’s incredulous tone.
Suddenly Steve laughed hysterically, and Bucky started to back up, but before he got too far, Steve grabbed his biceps stopping him in his tracks. “Oh no you dont. You do know why I punched him right?”
“Because he was a dick?”
“Well apart from that.” Steve said wryly and took a deep breath, letting Bucky go. “It’s because he upset you. And I was desperate for your attention - wanted that kiss he so crudely demanded as a joke.”
“What…” Bucky stammered out, “You wanted me back then too?”
Steve smiled indulgently at him. “You didn’t think I stuck around just for your personality did you?”
Bucky roared with laughter, elated at the turn of events and grabbed Steve, slamming their mouths together, and soon the kiss morphed from chaste and exploratory to something meaner, something heavier. Pushing Steve up against the tree, the small noise from Steve’s throat as the bark dug into his skin set something feral off in Bucky and he kissed deeper, shoving his tongue further until both of them struggled for air.
A loud beeping infiltrated Bucky’s hearing and he reluctantly pulled away, adoring the slack jawed and glazed look in Steve’s eyes way too much. Wanting Steve to look up at him with that exact same expression but with a lot less clothing and a lot more privacy in place.
“Want to do the trick still?” Bucky questioned as he walked over and grabbed his phone to stop the alert that he was running out of video. When Steve didn’t answer he looked back over his shoulder and almost dropped his phone.
Steve was leaning limp against the tree, clearly half hard and staring after Bucky like he’d just gifted him the world. When in actual fact, it was Steve who’d done that for him.
Bucky stalked back over, gripping Steve’s chin, kissing him soundly one more time, and Steve immediately went pliant under his touch, oh boy, they were going to have so much fun.
“How about instead, we go back to mine and see what other tricks we can come up with?”
Steve’s breathing came in faster and harder and a broken ‘yes’ worked its way out of his throat, Bucky catching the word in his mouth as he kissed Steve again.
Bucky smirked as he pulled away, helping Steve stand upright.
“But, only on the condition that we tape it.” Steve said in a voice deep and rich, and Bucky was suddenly on the back foot when Steve smiled deliciously at him, eyes full of dirty promises.
Dry mouthed and vibrating from anticipation, Bucky followed Steve to his car, walking in a slight daze at what had transpired in only twenty minutes.
And all Bucky was certain of, was that although his TikTok kiss hadn’t gone to plan - everything else would fall into place.
Just the way it was meant to.
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rightsockjin · 4 years
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Summary: Jungkook is the best friend anyone could ask for. He’d been there for you through thick and thin, and right now, you were looking extra thick and his patience was thinning...
Genre: SMUT! A good amount of angst...
Warnings: Mutual mastrabation, porn, big dick JK. Best friend pining. Pillow riding. Butts. Blow job. Spit. Finger licking? Is that a warning? 
Word count: 4,906
Author’s note: this has nothing to do with his boots...
It's been years. Literal years. Years in which Jungkook had questioned what the nature of your relationship was. Never did he truly have the confidence or the strength to so much as toe the line between what you already had and something more.
You were laying down on his bed, your socked feet pushed up against the lowest section of the attic ceiling . Your toes were pointed and your heels tapped softly on the wall, your legs flush against it. Your butt was pushed up against the pillows on his bed. The comforter was slightly pulled from the edges. He’d be upset. Really, he would be upset since he had this weird OCD about the neatness of his bed but his mind was blank.
He leaned back against his gaming chair right across from it and in front of his desk. His laptop  was firmly closed. His heart rate must have been 100 beats per minute. His hands were sweaty and a little slick from the lotion.
It was safe to say that he hadn’t expected you that day. Given, you come over whenever you feel like, he had hoped-no prayed, that he would have a solid hour or so to himself. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to see you, it was just that seeing you was the cause of the issue that he was trying to resolve.
He’d been taking you to the gym with him lately and he was really starting to see results. Especially in your thighs and your butt. Now, he had always thought you were attractive which was what had led him to question his feelings for you in the first place, but now he was getting hard ons far too often when you were around and he was running out of excuses to get away and rub one out.
It seemed that the pillow under your butt was getting uncomfortable because you started to shimmy it to the side. Finally, you pulled it out from under you and set it longways on your body. Without seeming to think much of the action, you wrapped your legs and arms around it and cuddled into the fabric that he’d freshly washed.
Your butt stuck out behind you, in perfect view of Jungkook whose erection was straining painfully against his jeans. His mind wandered back to what he had been watching before you had so rudely barged into his room. A film, of sorts, with two equally consenting adults but their faces were blurred. The woman had a fantastic ass so as he stared at yours, it wasn’t hard to put your face where her’s should have been.
He spread his legs farther to try to give the thing between his legs room to breathe but his jeans only strained over the rock hard rod. He needed to get you out of his room. He needed some relief.
“Hey,” he said, his voice cracking almost comically. He cleared his throat quickly, hoping you missed the sound but when your head snapped to look at him he knew you wouldn’t let it go.
“HeY,” you mimicked, rolling over to face him and onto your knees, your legs straddling his pillow as you sat back on your heels. The light from the attic window outlined you from behind, like a spotlight shining from almost directly behind as the sun began to set. He couldn’t help but scan your body in a position a little too sexual to be accidental. His eyes stopped on your torso. The white shirt that had been perfectly fine only seconds before now seemed extremely see through. In mock slow motion, you reached up and pushed your hair from one shoulder to the other. The shirt rode up slightly revealing what looked like thin black ribbons of fabric that wrapped around your ribs.
Jungkook’s dick pulsed where it was squished. He balled his hands into fists on the arms of his chair and forced himself not to react, though arousal thrummed through his body like a wildfire.
“Why are you such a bitch,” he groaned, channeling his arousal into annoyance as he’d recently taken to doing. It had the added plus side of making you so angry sometimes that you’d just leave him alone until he apologized which went hand in hand with when he’d finished himself off in the comfort of his own room.
“Geez, I’ve been here for five minutes and already you’re being rude.”
Jungkook groaned and rolled his eyes at you plastering a patronizing look on his face.
“Maybe it's because you came in and fucked up my sheets,” he said, waving his tattooed hand around you. You looked down, a small frown on your face as you saw the little tornado of blanket you had disturbed.
“It’s not that bad…”
Damn you. Damn you and your stupid cuteness. You shifted in your position, holding onto the pillow and spreading your legs wider in an attempt to smooth it out slightly. You probably didn’t mean it. Jungkook told this to himself over and over as you moved. From his perspective, it looked a little like you were humping the pillow. With your lip between your teeth and your brow furrowed in concentration, it wasn’t hard to imagine that you were instead pleasuring yourself before him.
Subconsciously, one of his hands slithered closer to his bulge. It was when he felt it on his thigh near his center that he froze and sat on both his hands instead. He could feel his underwear becoming wet with precum, a small wet spot appearing on his jeans.
“Just-just stop, Y/n! I’ll fix it later. I’m going to have to fucking do my laundry again…” he muttered more to himself than to you but you had clearly heard it, letting out a little hmph.
“Damn. You’ve been such a huge dick lately. I don’t know what your problem is but if you’re going to be exuding this much small dick energy, I don’t wanna be around you anymore.”
Jungkook glared at you. Your arms were now crossed over your bosom, pushing them closer together. A little bit of cleavage visible over the neck of your shirt. How could someone be equal parts infuriating and attractive?
“Well no one’s asking you to stay here! I didn’t even invite you over,” he said turning his chair around with his bare feet so he was looking at his shut laptop.
“When have I ever had to ask to see you?” You asked.
He had severely miscalculated his turn. He bumped his knee hard against one of the legs of the desk. His laptop bounced threateningly close to the edge but stopped just short of falling.
“I don’t know? Maybe you should start! You’re fucking rude sometimes!”
Jungkook didn’t dare look back. His heart had stopped suddenly. It was like he was seeing himself from another vantage point and that him was yelling at the present him to shut the fuck up.
There was a silence from your end as well. Like you couldn’t quite believe what he’d said to you. Sure, you guys cursed back and forward at each other before but it was never serious. It was always in good fun, but this time it seemed a little close to home.
“Fine,” you said suddenly, his bed creaked as you made your way off of it, “I’ll leave. I just fucking missed you since we hadn’t spent time together lately… guess you outgrew me too.”
Jungkook’s heart sank to his stomach. What had he just done? A light sweat broke out on his forehead.
Say something idiot!
“What do you mean ‘too’?”
You were by his bedroom door now. He could see you out of the corner of his eyes but he couldn’t force himself to look at you.
“You’ve changed JK…you used to love to sing, and your friends. You used to have a closet full of white shirts and hated being called oppa. You used to love banana milk and your Timbs… you used to love me…but I guess,” you sighed, your shoulders slumping and what looked like tears started to run down your cheeks, “like the rest of those things… you outgrew me as well.”
Your thin hand reached out to grasp the door knob but Jungkook chose then to act. He jolted off his chair not caring what he hit on the way, he was next to you in two steps.
“Wait Y/N-” but he was cut off by metallic thud and a loud drawn out female moan. All the blood in his body drained. His hand stayed perpetually frozen in the air between him and yourself. The tears on your cheeks ran freely but the shock on your face contradicted that emotion.
Neither of you moved. Another, rather loud moan filled the attic room. It bounced off the poster covered walls and seemed to bounce off the walls of his skull as well. Had he really been watching his ahem…films that loudly? How had you not heard it before you walked in?
“Fuck,” the video yelled and it was like someone had pressed play on both of you. Jungkook’s eyes widened and he rushed back to pick up the fallen computer. You hissed awkwardly looking at the wall to avoid eye contact.
Jungkook shut the computer faster than he thought was humanly possible. The sound cut off just as the woman was getting rammed from behind and her moans were cut coming out short and breathy.
It was when he had set the computer carelessly back on his desk that it hit him hard. You had just witnessed that. Where did you go from there?
He chuckled, because he didn’t know what else to do and the tension in the small room was starting to choke him and honestly that wasn’t one of his kinks so he needed to put an end to it.
“I interrupted you…didn’t I?” Your voice was soft and devoid of emotion. Jungkook chanced a glance at you, his hair covering his eyes slightly. If he pretended it was no big deal then maybe you would take the hint and make it no big deal as well.
“Oh,” you said, ”Oh! Shit! I’m sorry! No wonder you were so pissy! I would be too if you came over in the middle of-” you clapped your hands over your mouth, your eyes wide and your cheeks red.
That was not a picture that Jungkook had even considered. But suddenly, it was all he could see. You, completely naked in your slightly messy room, your toes curling and uncurling as your fingers pumped in and out of your warm entrance. Your hair, cascaded on your pretty shoulders as your other hand pinched at your nipple. That enticing lip of yours between your teeth and little breathy moans coming out of your lips just like the ones he’d just heard.
His dick twitched again. He was unsuccessful this time in keeping his groan in his throat. It hung in the air between you like an invitation that he regretted sending instantly but he couldn’t take back. You turned slowly to face him.
“Did-did you just-”
“N-no! I didn’t! I-”
“You totally just-”
“What?” You asked forcefully, taking a step towards him.
“Please stop… this is humiliating enough without you pointing out that I-”
“Moaned at the thought of me masturbating?”
You’d said it. Somehow, he knew there was no going back. You had ventured past the metaphorical line together, maybe not in the way he’d wanted but here was the chance he’d been looking for. He either pushed you away indefinitely, or took the chance to see if you could do something more with the foundation you had built together.
“Okay fine, so it turned me on a little. So what? I’m a guy! Do you forget or something?”
You blinked at him, biting your lip and furrowing your eyebrows. A shock of arousal burst through him at the sight.
“Can you please stop doing that? You’re making it really hard to keep my hormones under control,” he begged looking up at the ceiling. The light in the room had significantly dimmed. It was making it difficult for him to see you properly.
“What if I want it to be hard,” you whispered so softly he wasn’t even sure if he had heard you correctly.
“What if you- if you…wait what?” He needed to hear you say it again. He needed to be sure he didn’t hear you incorrectly.
“What if,” you took a deep breath, “what if I want to make it hard for you to keep your hormones at bay?”
Jungkook.exe has stopped working. Error #6969. Recalibrating.
His mouth hung open. The gears in his brain had ground to a stop. There was no way he had heard what he thought he’d heard.
You looked at him expectantly. Hope in your wide eyes. Jungkook swallowed loudly, clicking his mouth shut.
Drooling isn’t attractive.
He scrambled around for some words to say back to you. Anything to say to you that expressed what he was feeling. Maybe a ‘hell yeah’ or a simple ‘okay’. But he couldn’t make his mouth move. His penis pressed against his jeans painfully.
Nope. Not the optimal thing to say. Not even a little close to what he wanted to say. You were right. He was exuding small dick energy and you were projecting the complete opposite.
“You know what? Never mind… let’s just pretend that I didn’t say that and I’ll leave you alone to sort yourself out,” you mumbled under your breath reaching for the door knob again, but this time Jungkook was much quicker and there was no laptop to distract him. He clasped his hand over your wrist before you could turn the knob.
You snapped your head to look at him, the blush still prominent on your cheeks as you looked up at him. There was fear and embarrassment in your pretty eyes. Jungkook didn’t know what he was going to do but he knew he couldn’t let this opportunity slip through his fingers.
“Wait! Uh… what if I told you that it’s been hard?”
It was your turn to look confused. You raised an inquisitive eyebrow relaxing your body slightly.
“What’s been hard?”
With an embarrassed hiss Jungkook said, “It’s been hard… my um…you know?”
You searched his face as if you could read his emotions and thoughts on it like a book. After a couple of seconds of tense silence, the muscles in your face relaxed and your confidence seemed to rise.
“Oh…really?” Jungkook nodded without hesitation. The fact that you hadn’t run screaming spurred him on, hoping that if he was honest he could maybe get somewhere with you, even if it was short term.
“Do you…would you want some help? With that?”
Your eyes were focused on his own but it felt like you could see right through him. The sun had fully set and the only light was coming from the stars and the moon outside the attic window. He was grateful, really. It did a good job of hiding his major dorkiness.
“You…you want to help?”
You hummed, a sound so low and even that It sent shivers down his spine. Just the thought of seeing you naked was enough to have him twitching like crazy.
“Yeah… Why watch porn on a screen when you could watch IRL right?”
Jungkook.exe has stopped working again. Error #6970. Rebooting system in progress. Were you really offering-
“I mean… you could do it as well! We could both… and you can tell me what to do if that’s what you’re into? Or we could just watch each other -hmph-” Jungkook slammed an open palm against the wall effectively pinning you between his toned body and it.
His breath was warm against your cheek. His chest was barely grazing your own. A jolt of fear and arousal hit you hard as you looked up at your best friend of many years. If someone had told you days ago that you would be propositioning Jungkook the way you were now, you would have laughed in their face. But that was then and this was now, and now you knew much more information than you did then.
“It’s the least you can do,” he whispered against your ear, “you did ruin my sheets. Give me a good reason to have to wash them.”
You looked back and forward between his eyes, searching for any hesitance. When you found none and he put his hand down, gently caressing your cheek with his knuckles, you realized that this was actually happening in real time and not in one of your many daydreams.
Jungkook nuzzled his lips on the shell of your ear before he sucked the lobe into his mouth. He nibbled lightly, pressing his lower body against yours. You could feel his erection against the lower part of your stomach. You gasped. It felt big. Really big and unbelievably hard.
His big hand found your waist easily. He held you against the wall and gingerly ground his hips into you. He let out a shaky exhale against your neck. One hand traveled up your torso. He could feel the thin ribbons he had seen earlier under his fingertips. He traced them softly. Inevitably, they lead him to your clothed chest. It didn’t take long for him to realize that you weren’t exactly wearing a proper bra as your nipples were already poking out of the thin fabric of both your shirt and bralette.
Jungkook ran a thumb over the sensitive bud. It was feather light but it ignited the fire that had been steadily burning over the last couple of minutes. You gasped softly as he did it once more and nibbled at your pulse point. His breath was hitting your neck, his hips still rotating sensually on your lower belly.
When you didn’t touch him back, Jungkook panicked. Had he gone too far? He stopped his hand at your chest and pulled away from your neck. A bit of worry was evident on his face.
“Is…is this okay?”
You nodded quickly, not wanting him to stop. He smiled brightly, clear excitement in his expression, then pulled away from you entirely. You tried to hold back your disappointment as you watched him back away.
“Hey we’re not done yet,” he assured, his teeth on display, “I’m just taking you up on your offer.” He shrugged as he lowered himself back on his desk chair. His legs were spread wide, his feet firmly planted. He was slouched against the back of it with an expectant look. Slowly, he unzipped his pants and slid them part of the way down.
Even in this darkness, you could see the enormous bulge in his underpants. Your mouth salivated, something primal awakening at the sight. You wanted to touch him. You wanted to eat him alive, but you didn’t move, still a little confused as to what you were supposed to do.
Jungkook palmed himself over the fabric. His face screwed up into a slightly pained expression. Like even this much stimulation was too much.
You swallowed thickly as you watched his head loll to the side. He was sexier than in your dreams. Sexier than you could have even imagined.
“Well?” he asked, looking at you through lidded eyes, “Get comfortable on my bed babe.”
As if you were in a trance, you walked over back to the bed and sat on the edge trying to think of what to do to entice him. You had pictured this moment so many times, but in every single one, he was on top of you or touching you in some way. You had never thought about him wanting to watch you touch yourself.
In a spurt of confidence, you pulled off your shirt revealing the infamous, barely there, black bralette. You rolled your shoulders back and pushed your chest out so he could better admire it and you weren’t disappointed. Jungkook’s mouth fell open at the sight. A quiet fuck escaped his lips and his hand tightened around his bulge.
“You like?” you asked cheekily with a wink.
“Duh,” he answered rolling his eyes, “Take off the sweat pants.”
You raised your eyebrows at him but did as he asked. Still, this was your best friend, you couldn’t help but be a bit bratty.
“Damn you’re so bossy. I’m doing you a favor JK.”
Jungkook laughed at that, pushing his pants fully off of him as he watched you strip yours.
“Annoying as always. Why did I think you would change that in the bedroom?”
“You love it,” you argued, spreading your legs wide, finally free of your pants. The black, silk underwear you were wearing on full display. You set your hands on your knees to keep your legs spread. The light of the stars seemed to catch every curve and edge of your partially exposed body. You smirked as you looked at your best friend. He was manspreading, his chest rising and falling quickly, like he’d just finished working out.
“I can’t argue with that…” he said blinking rapidly as if you would disappear after he closed his eyes, “Take off your bra.”
“Hell no. I’m more naked than you are, take off your shirt Jeon,” you argued, snapping the edge of your underwear to your skin as a punctuation.
“Hey! You said I could tell you what to do,” he groaned already reaching for the edge of his shirt.
“I changed my mind. If you’re not going to be fair then I’m calling the shots.”
“Whatever,” he groaned, his abs out in the open, but he didn’t stop there. In one fluid motion, he yanked off his underwear. His dick sprung up against his stomach, long and thick. Even in the blue tinted darkness, you could see how angry the tip looked.
“Happy now?” He asked wrapping his hand around his penis and giving it a solid tug that made him screw up his face again, “your turn.”
You said nothing, instead, you pulled down one of the black cups of your bra so your boob hung out in the open for him to see. Then, with not nearly as much grace as him, you tugged your underwear off and sat back farther on the bed.
“Damn,” Jungkook whispered, “you’re so…” he paused looking kind of embarrassed, “beautiful.”
You blushed, not at all expecting him to give you such a genuine compliment based on what you were doing right then, but you took it nonetheless and smiled.
“Hey,” he said before you could thank him, “do you think you could, uh… ride my pillow?”
You blinked at him, then looked at the pillow behind you that you had been cuddling earlier. Jungkook was anal about his pillows being clean so this request really took you by surprise.
“Yeah… please?”
“Okay,” you agreed but you only moved the pillow closer to you and hiked a leg up on his mattress. Your lips were spread enticingly and you curved a finger so he could come closer. Jungkook did as you asked, his hand wrapped firmly around his member and stroking it. He stopped a couple of inches short of his bed, his eyes fixated on your core.
With one finger, you traced from your opening up to your clit. The coldness of your own hand sent a shiver up your spine. You whimpered, doing it again but with two fingers, collecting your arousal. Jungkook watched, enraptured by what was between your legs. The scent of you making him twitch uncomfortably.
“Wanna taste?” you asked him holding your fingers out in front of his lips. His eyes widened and he nodded leaning in quickly and taking your fingers in his mouth. His tongue worked to collect all of your juices. It felt heavenly. You could already imagine what it would be like to have his mouth between your legs, but that was a venture for another time.
When he had finished, you pulled your fingers back and onto your core. With his saliva coating your digits, it wasn’t hard to slip them into your heat. Your walls fluttered around them as you pumped in time to his hand around his shaft.
You let little mewls escape past your lips as Jungkook moaned at the sight. With your other hand, you began to rub at your clit. A shock of pure pleasure nestled in your stomach. You drew tight little circles around it. Your legs twitched with impatience.
“Ngh… Jungkook,” you moaned letting your eyes roll to the back of your head. Jungkook’s hand sped up on his erection. The sound of his fist on it turned you on a little.
“Fuck, Y/N… can I ask you a favor?”
You stopped your fingers on your core and looked up at him. He looked down at his sex then back at you awkwardly gesturing at it.
“Could you…maybe get it a little wet?”
“Yeah,” you said enthusiastically, pulling your fingers from your entrance and changing your position. You pushed the pillow between your legs and spread your lips apart so the fabric was nuzzled right against your sensitive bits. Then, slowly you pressed your wet fingers to his lips again and whispered, “suck.”
“Yes ma’am,” Jungkook half joked but the thrill it sent through you was nothing to laugh at. He took your hand in his own and put your fingers back in his mouth. You leaned down over his member and began to fervently lick around it, using your other hand to stroke your spit into his skin. He tasted vaguely of baby powder and lotion which you assumed was what he was using to masturbate before.
You gave his tip a couple of good generous licks before you sucked at his slits. His precum was salty against your tongue and he casually bucked his hips up into you but you held him down. His lips on your hand stuttered and fell open.
You pulled your fingers from his lips and you used both hands to hold him down as you greedily sucked. Loud, prolonged moans came frequently from Jungkook. Maybe it was because he was so worked up but you could already feel his dick twitching like crazy. Slowly, you began to build your own pleasure with the pillow between your legs, rubbing your soaking slits on it back and forward. The pleasure made you moan around him which made him groan and choke on the sound.
Suddenly, you felt his hand on your back, traveling lower until it was on your ass. He squeezed it slightly, jiggling it and pushing you forward on the pillow. You pushed back against him sending another shock of pleasure directly to your clit. His other hand found its way to your chest. His finger tweaking your sensitive, exposed nipple and rubbing circles on the areola.
You took a bit more of his erection in your mouth, spit dribbled down yours lips and onto him. You did your best to slurp it up, lewd noises floated around you both. Jungkook’s melodic moans filling the room like music.
You found yourself close to the edge faster than you anticipated. Jungkook continued to aid you in your pleasure, bucking his hips slightly as you sucked him off with care. You ran your fingers over his toned abs, abs that you had wanted to lick since the day you saw them and the thought alone pushed you so close it was painful.
“Fuck Y/N… I love you…” That did it. Your walls clenched around nothing, blood pumped into your clit at an alarming speed, your mouth fell open, wide around his cock and it fell straight into the back of your throat setting off your gag reflex. You moaned erotically against him. The pleasure filled your every nerve as Jungkook gasped and twitched then stilled.
Ropes of hot cum hit your tongue, some making it into your throat, some spilling onto his pelvis as he orgasmed. You both came down from your high, nearly together. With his dick still in your mouth, you slurped at the remaining cum around him.
He hissed and tried to push your head off of him but you didn’t stop until you had licked it all up. When you pulled away and sat up so you could see him, his words sunk in. Jungkook loved you? As more than just a friend?
It seemed that it had just dawned on Jungkook what he had let slip as well. His cheeks darkened in the faint light of the moon and he couldn’t look at you. There you both sat, almost entirely naked, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his pillow soiled with your orgasmic juices and the words hung out like an invitation that he’d regretted sending but couldn’t take back.
“I love you too,” you whispered.
Fireworks erupted all over Jungkook’s chest, his lips pulled up into his bunny like smile, his toned chest rose and fell with the quick pace of his heart. The explosion was so powerful that fireworks didn’t even seem like the right word for what he was feeling as he lunged forward and sandwiched your lips between his.
No, not fireworks. It was something more like Dynamite.
Read the rest here!
Part 2
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
Hello, Jen! Can I ask you to write some fluff content with Flame Hashira and his family , please? Any theme you want, just include his children, please!
Initially, I was supposed to write another child OC of mine, but figured that that would have been too self-indulgent (since KJ is someone who was solely made out of my dedication to Kyō— and really long jam sessions with Biz. 😂) But this piece was inspired by one of those more recent jam sessions.
We’ll have all the kids featured in a fic after I see the movie, bby. I’m just getting some more inspiration, since writing multiple characters isn’t one of my strong suits. 🍉I hope you like this one tho.
Kyōjurō x F!S/O (with Ran): My Girl (Wholesome Fluff, SFW Scenario)
“Are you sure that you’ll be alright with Ran? Will Oyakata-sama be alright with you taking her to the meeting?” (Y/n) asked, voice soft but filled with concern, as she packed up a small jug of water in case hers and Kyōjurō’s seven-month-old daughter— Ran— got thirsty along the way.
At his wife’s fussing, the Flame Hashira chuckled, before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close— then pressing his lips to her temple. “We’ll be alright, and Oyakata-sama was alright with me taking her along today. In fact, he said that Kiriya-sama and the other children were looking forward to meeting her.”
The young woman was still a little apprehensive, especially since she wasn’t going to be able to stay behind them at all times and help Kyōjurō out; but she knew that she just had to put her faith in her husband.
If it wasn’t for the fact that she had to go to her parents’ estate to visit her sick father, then she wouldn’t have even considered letting Ran out of her sight.
Senjurō was an option to be Ran’s babysitter as well, but the other four children were already under his care. Adding in a baby would just make his hands too full, and she couldn’t impose on him anymore than she already had.
So, (Y/n) found herself sighing as she capped the water gourd up and put it in a small pouch— which she then tied to her husband’s belt.
“I just fed her, so she should be fine until dinner time. Please don’t feed her any unhealthy snacks, Kyō,” She pleaded softly, with a slight quirk of her eyebrow to get her point across; which the Hashira only grinned at, before swooping in to press a lingering kiss to his wife’s lips.
“I promise I won’t. Tell father-in-law to get better soon, we still have a shogi rematch due,” Kyōjurō uttered playfully, before trailing his lips up to (Y/n)’s forehead for a more heartfelt gesture. “Ran-chan and I will be home before you know it.”
“You better be.”
“We love you,” The blond whispered with a grin, which had his wife blushing as he began walking backwards to get out of the house; all while simultaneously putting his index finger within his daughter’s tiny hand and lifting it up from where it laid outside the sling she was on.
“See you later, mama.” He added in a high-pitched voice, clearly mimicking what he thought Ran would have sounded like.
It didn’t suit him at all, which had (Y/n) bursting out into a fit of giggles as she lifted a hand up and blew her husband and their child a kiss.
As soon as Kyōjurō had exited the gates of the estate, he cast a subtle glance at the house over his shoulder— just to make sure that his wife wasn’t watching— before grinning down at his daughter. “You want to do the zoomies, Ran-chan?”
Clearly, the little girl didn’t understand what her father was saying, but she gave him a wide grin as she waved her hands around— melting Kyōjurō’s heart even more, since her left one was still gripping his index finger.
And without any preamble, he took off into a full sprint to get enough speed to jump onto a roof; taking joy in hearing his daughter’s giggles as she was jostled around in her carrier.
If only his wife knew that they were jumping from roof to roof to get to the Demon Slayer headquarters, then she would have never allowed Kyōjurō to take her along.
The meeting had gone by without a hitch; Ran didn’t even make a fuss when she got bored. Instead, she had taken to sucking on her father’s index finger to entertain herself.
So, most of the meeting had been filled with nothing but Oyakata-sama’s gentle tone, as well as the sound of Ran sucking on Kyōjurō’s finger. It was comical— to say the least— but the cuteness outweighed most of the other Hashira’s urges to laugh at the adorable sight.
However, the meeting had gone on for longer than usual, and Ran had begun to make a fuss while she and her father were on their way home.
“Are you hungry, Ran-chan?” The Flame Hashira cooed at his daughter, trying to hush her as he saw her tears welling up in her eyes. “Mama’s not here, so we’ll just have to get a snack. Papa’s getting a little hungry as well…”
And he was considering going into one of the restaurants that lined the street they were on, until the cart for roasted sweet potatoes caught his eye. It was a godsend, in a sea of temptation— because he was sure that his wife would have been upset if he ruined their appetite, when she most likely would have made something nice for their meal.
It was a no-brainer at all. He immediately bought a piece for him and Ran to share, and had even asked the vendor if he had any extra water so he could wash his hands before feeding his daughter; to which the elderly man had indulged him.
That was how he found himself sitting on a bench near a park, with his sword set down beside him— and a few people looking at him weirdly. He overheard some of them wondering what a modern ‘samurai’ was doing walking around at night with a baby, but he only ignored those voices and focused solely on Ran.
Her eyes didn’t even leave the sweet potato as he held it up and broke it in half; before setting his half down on the bench, and pinching off a tiny piece of the soft and golden sweet potato. “You want this Ran-chan? It’s still hot, so let papa blow on it.”
With that, he pinched the piece of sweet potato between his thumb and index finger— to crush it up a little bit for her— before blowing on it.
A chuckle fell from his lips when he looked back at his daughter and saw just how sparkly her eyes had gotten— with a little bit of drool trickling from the corner of her mouth— as she stared at the sweet potato between Kyōjurō’s fingers.
“You really are my daughter, sugarplum.” The Hashira whispered, his grin tapering off into an affectionately sappy smile, as he finally fed the small piece to Ran— who gobbled it up eagerly, albeit messily. “Yeah, really my cute little baby girl. Don’t grow up too fast, okay?”
And, as if Ran had understood his request, she let out a little gurgle of noise, followed by words that had Kyōjurō’s heart melting even more.
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chuuulip · 4 years
Another Earth
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Pairing: August Walker (werewolf) x Female Reader (red ridding hood)
Warning: 18+, PWP, Oral (M and F receiving), Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasm, Slightly ABO Universe, Rough Sex
Words: 7434
Summary: After a failed attempt to sign up for the Halloween haunted house to meet your Superman, the last minute ticket turned your night upside down as you were stuck in another earth.
A/N: Unbeta! Any grammar mistake will be on me. Divider by me 😆 This is for @jtargaryen18​ Halloween challenge, and I’m pretty late! Sorry for that life has been busy xD I still have another one in progress (the Andy barber one) and hopefully can post it soon! Thanks to @navybrat817​ and @venusdemonroe​ for giving me the idea for this story and help me discuss what a werewolf August Walker would do in this lol. Actually I wanted to mention a lot....of things but I guess it would be too much for a one shot lil but anyway Happy reading!!!
This year's Halloween event was mental. Several big haunted houses are hosted by celebrities. To name a few, there's an Avengers Tower haunted house, The Hall of Justice League, The X-Mansion, and even Walking Dead one. 
 You knew it wasn't easy. All of them have a huge fandom. The ticket was sold out immediately when it was open for sale, like 3 months before Halloween, and you were terribly upset. You were whining for a month straight to your boyfriend. Or more like your sugar daddy. He was patient and wealthy, but he knew he can't satisfy you enough, so he usually did everything he could for you. But that time, you just have none of it. The relationship, if you could ever say that, fell out immediately because you were unreasonable.
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 You really wanted to go to The Hall of Justice League and maybe meet Clark Kent. The obsession started because he always visited your dream and mostly engaged in the steamiest dream ever. It's been your wildest dream, really, to have that body blanketed yours, in a really not innocent way.
 Just one day before Halloween, you finally secured one ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house. Of course, the first thing you did was scream. You had been on their waiting list since the ticket sold out, but you really lost hope since last week. But now, you celebrate it with a bit of a jump and constant scream.
 "What the fuck?" Your only housemate barged into your bedroom. Face annoyed.
 You stopped your silly jumps and looked at your housemate. With a broad smile, you hug your housemate and shake her body, "I got it! I got the ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house! Can you believe that?"
 The redhead hugged you, and both of you jumped in a circle. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe it! Congrats!!! I really hope you will meet your Kryptonite." she gave you her suggestive smirk.
 "I mean...a girl can only hope. But this is a charity event. I don't think he will be available. What if it's all a decoy and I only meet his wax figure?" you pouted at your friend.  
 "Well, at least you have the opportunity to see it yourself. But remember, behave, young lady, don't let him if he's there, I mean, witness your brattiness."
 "Aye...aye Captain!" you giggled but immediately gave your housemate a military saluted.
 That night you dreamed of those big blue eyes and his firm, fantastic arms on yours.
 Dress in your red riding hood costume, you patiently sat in the backseat of the Uber car. Well, maybe a little bit impatient, since it's already 11pm. 
 Everything just went down the hill since morning. You can't seem to find your Poison Ivy costume. Not to mention that you were late for work that morning. Your boss was a bitch since she seems annoyed at you every time the male employee or investor became too friendly with you. 
 Who can blame you? You were just good at acting all cute to them, and it's not your fault that they mostly thought you were a cute little employee. 
 You check your wrist. The expensive rose gold watch from your ex sugar daddy elegantly pointed at 11.30 pm. You sighed, "do you know how long I will arrive at my destination? It will close soon."
 "Hopefully, in 10 minutes. Dunno why it's jam-packed." Said the Uber driver.
 You huffed in exasperation, but there's nothing you can do. You arrived very last minute, like 15 minutes before the haunted house closed. Wearing black stiletto boots, you carefully made a small run into the stairs. The booth was stationed to the far left of the building. 
 "Good night, little red riding hood; you are lucky because we are almost closed. Can I see your ticket, please?" A man dressed as Edwar Scissorhands greeted you at the far left of the building. 
 You fished out your smartphone from your small basket bag and showed him your barcode. He scanned it and looked at the monitor in front of him. "Hmm, here for a kryptonite, aren't you." He eyed you up and down and smirked at you. "I hope you have a spooky night, little girl." 
 You smile at him and sashay your way to the entrance. Apparently, they makeover a warehouse into a vast real-life Justice League Hall. Like in the comic. A white half-circle exterior completed with two giant pillars at each side imitated the picture you only seen in comic books. It looks so magnificent. 
 You entered the door after you scanned your barcode at the scanner next to it. The whooshing noises startle you a bit, but you were too excited and step in immediately. 
 The inside was bright with a black marble flooring that shone bright; you even can see your reflection. There's a different section of the silvery door like in most sci-fi, alien invasion movies. So futuristic, so clinical. 
 You darted your eyes and found where you needed to go. A small rectangle monitor with a very digital clock font in it showed you 'Krypton' words. Without hesitation, you did a little run and waited in front of it. The small rectangle monitored turned to green, and it shone. It startled you, but you let out a sigh of relief when it just scanned your body from your head to toe. 
 "So much for a haunted house." You muttered. 
 When the door opened, you stepped in. It was a glass elevator. You circled your eyes and found everything was dark. When the elevator ran, bringing you down several floors, the surrounding changed. 
 Once, the darkness engulfed you like you were being shipped to the deep ocean, but it changed dramatically. Your eyes darted in awe as you drank on the scenery. The scenery of what you would call the imitation of Planet Krypton. So beautiful yet so harsh. 
 When the elevator stopped, the ding noise pulled you to the present. With excitement, you grabbed your smartphone and took several pictures of the scenery. It was just so surreal that a haunted house would make something like this. But you remember how expensive the ticket was.
 "This three grant haunted house better give me a chance to fuck a real-life Clark Kent." you cackled. 
 There's a weird tower with a green light on top of it. You assumed some futuristic objects were supposed to be 'kryptonite' as it floated sparsely in most parts of the supposed Krypton. A bit further, you could see a white crystal-like triangle building. Oddly enough, it reminded you of the Louvre Pyramid. This one just full of crystal-like pillars crisscrossed it. 
 Didn't want to waste your time, you decided what path you should choose. It wasn't easy. Your stiletto pierced to the weird substrate like mud but also crystal-like as if it's ice. Carefully, you mind your footing while again stayed alert. There's this odd feeling of being watched. But you reminded yourself that you were in a haunted house, so it's understandable.
 You let out a loud scream when suddenly a mummy appeared behind one of the floated crystals. "Holy shit, I didn't see that coming." you try to slow down your breath as you clutched the white ruffle shirt under your red corset.
 When you feel that you can walk again, you try to do it faster. Several times it looks like the Krypton had shifted in its light as if the sun rose and shone, but the next five minutes, it set. Made the scenery look like it was illuminated by the crystal alone, like a lamp.
 When many ghost-like mannequins showed up, it got scarier and scarier, and you immediately lowered your hood to shield you from some view. Your eyes perked up when you finally saw the path to the Fortress of Solitude. It was more like an icy bridge with a dark pond surrounding it. 
 As your right foot stepped onto the bridge, a loud noise of a clock surprised you. It struck once and counted until it stopped at the twelfth. It was so loud it's voice echoed. You can even feel it under the sole of your boots. 
 Stunned for a moment, your mind suddenly set on alert mode when the water from both ponds on each side of the bridge rippled. A dinosaur-like head appeared from both ponds. It has a single protruding horn. It opened its mouth and let out a loud growl. A blast of wind came out of it like a thunderstorm. It has sharp teeth like sharks that you assumed could quickly rip your body apart if it sank on yours. 
 "Holy shit. This is— this is a joke, right? It's not real?" Body trembled in fear; you ran your life out to the Fortress of Solitude. The monsters crawled up out of the water. Its slithered movement mimicked a snake, but it didn't have any problem crawling up without things to latch on. 
 You screamed as both of the monsters chased you. Run as fast as your legs allow you. This haunted house event might be too much for you. When you can see an oval object that looks like it can be a big mirror or a huge door, your gloved palms immediately bang on it. "Open the door!" You screamed. When the door finally opened, the two snake-like monsters that chased you suddenly disappeared.
 "Oh— oh my god. Oh my god…," you chanted as you let yourself drop down on the floor. 
 "I see you finally make it." 
 Your face turned to the left. In front of you, stood up tall and proud, Clark Kent with his superman costume. He's just so big. If you compared your tiny body to him, you definitely, nothing.
 You replied to Superman's bright smile with a scowl. Slowly you got up from the floor and cleaned your skirt. "Isn't that just too much? What if I fell to the pond? I can't swim, you know?"  
 He seems surprised, "apologized my lady. It was something the organizer will handle. I don't think they mean any harm."
 "Yeah...yeah… right." you walked closer to the hero and already fished out your mobile phone. "So… what did I need to do now I meet you, Superman?"
 "Hmm… most attendants ask for pictures. Some of them spent time just talking with me. Since you are the last one, you can take as many pictures as you like and of course. If you have any questions about my protection for the earth, I will gladly answer it." The tone in his voice was more soft than authoritative. 
 Think of not sabotaging your Halloween any longer; you tried to forgive the silliness of the whole new level of scary from this haunted house. It's hard not to show off your brattiness in this kind of situation. Still, you reminded yourself that he was someone you weren't familiar with—practically a stranger.
 Gave him a sweet smile, you took several pictures with him. At one time, you tried to bat your eyelashes at him and asked for a picture where you sat on his lap. You spent a solid 15 minutes talking to the handsome alien. Your fingers touched his biceps here and there. You knew that he knew what you were implying, but he didn't refuse you either. At least not blatantly.
 "I apologized, my dear, but I think it's already time." Superman gently put you back on your feet. You gave him an upset face, but you knew it's time to go home. You bid the handsome man goodbye and sneaked a kiss on his cheeks. There's a twinge of pink on his cheeks, and you jump triumphantly at that reaction. Of course, behind his back.
 Following the word of 'exit' behind the piles of the crystal-like shape props, you opened the door. The scenery in front of you caught you off guard. The harshed white tundra scenery was replaced by now dark, almost jungly like one. Unconsciously you stepped back and turned your body to come back to the exit door. How shocked you were when it vanished. Disappear without a trace.
 As far as your eyes could see, it's only darkness and mist. Only the full moon aided your visions. The exhalation of your breath came out like a plume of white steam. It's definitely colder here than the fake Krypton one. The cold air seeped into your skin quickly as if you were actually in the deep of a forest. 
 With a loud sigh, you walk straight. You tumbled and fell down on your knees as your boots got caught with something: either roots or a massive branch. 
 Tired and frightened, you screamed loudly. You weren't sure if this was the continuation of the haunted house or not, but what you want right now just to be back in your apartment and soaked in a warm, relaxing bath. 
 "Get me out of here!" you yelled again. There's a lot of sounds as if a lot of people stepping on branches. A screeching sound of an owl surprised you, but you tried to follow its direction with your ears. 
 There's no way you will wait here and do nothing. Oh...my phone! You fished out your smartphone, but it showed no signal. "Shit!." you muttered. 
 The sounds from a far away crept closed, and you knew it. "You can do it! There's nothing more frightening than that monster snake." tried to encourage yourself; you stood up and slowly navigated. You followed the noises that now closer, like an animalistic growl. It was so intense you can feel all the goosebumps rise up your skin. 
 You weren't sure how long you have been walking, but you stopped suddenly when there's not only a pair but like 7 pairs of reddish eyes glowed in the dark. 
 "Come here, little lamb. Don't follow that voice." a vaguely familiar voice distracted you from stepping forward. 
 "Who the fuck are you, and why you get in my way just now." your voice came out hoarse. There's a twinge of fear in it, and you knew it. You felt like backed down wasn't the best option you had right now.
 "I said, come here, or else I can't even save you when they get you." 
 You stilled as if you didn't hear him talking to you. "Wasn't this still one of the tricks from the haunted house? To let the people scramble in fear?" 
 "Are you out of your mind? Come here right now, or I left you to death. They will either rip you apart or play your body like a ragdoll before one of them eats you." 
 You screamed in horror as one pair of red eyes slowly came out. It's huge. Almost four feet of canine shook its fur. 
 You were hyperventilating right now. Body rooted to the ground as you were surrendered. Welcoming your fate. 
 You heard a curse from behind your back. Maybe the stranger gave up and left you alone to be eaten by the wolves. 
 The scrunched sound of leaves crushed was loud. Suddenly you felt strong arms hauled you upside down. 
 Your eyes faced the skin of someone's back. You craned your neck a little bit to get a better view of the wolf. Screamed escaped your lips when you saw not only one but all of them, in a pack, chased both of you. 
 "Stay still." The stranger yelled. 
 Did the best thing to not get thrown out by his weird, fast speed, you secured your thumbs in his belt loops. He ran, escaped the pack inside the deep of what looked like a pine forest. 
 You weren't sure how long you ran with him, but you felt that he's finally slowed down. 
 When the thud thud sound reached your ears, you opened your eyes and saw that the stranger walked up a stair.  
 You felt nauseated when he suddenly put you to sit on something that was apparently a countertop. The rushes of blood that circulated through your body made you regain your sense of surroundings. 
 "Where am I?" you didn't mean to add an ungrateful tone in your sentence, but it was too late.
 The stranger eyed you like you were some sort of ungrateful bitch, which maybe you are. "At my cabin," he said flatly.
 You haven't had time to look at him in the forest, but now, under the actual lighting inside his house, what you saw might instantly make you drooled, which you already did right now. Stand up in front of you, a shirtless beefy tall man that's definitely more than six feet tall. He has short dark brown hair with a somewhat thick mustache that's complemented by a stubble. The front strands of his hair were loose and slightly curled. Looks likely due to all the running.  
 The sudden chill of air made you shiver, and he didn't miss your reaction. He left you for a minute and came back with a rug. The sudden heat from it, when he draped the fabric on your shoulder made you let out a gasp of satisfaction. 
 But the next thing you know, he ripped your stocking. You were shocked, eyeing him in horror. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You threw whatever things that's on your reach. The loud sound of glass hit the wall, and the strong grip on your wrist instantly made your stop.
 "Be still!" His azure irises left no room for confrontation. When you felt a sting on your knees, that's when you realized that he just pressed some gauze on it. Likely soaked with alcohol first. There's quite a prominent stain of blood on your legs, and it almost made you nauseated. 
 "If you stop acting like a brat, you'll heal faster." He looked at you with that cocky smile of confidence. "Understood?" 
 You just nodded at him. He continued to clean the blood and inspect the wounds. The position where you were sitting right now made it easier to study him carefully. 
 Although you felt the temperature decreased significantly, the beefy stranger in front of you appeared very sweaty. 
 Immediately your gaze ran down to his neck and continued its way to his chest and his abs. The unmistakable bulge under his pants made you squirm unconsciously. You were in a haze of fear and lust; you definitely insane. 
 "Wha— what's your name, sir?" 
 His strong gazed felt as if his eyes alone can subdue you. Maybe he has these laser eyes like Cyclops, your inner thought buzzed with speculation.
 "August. My name is August Walker. What's your name, little lamb?" 
 How dare this man call you a little lamb? You cleared your throat and told him your name and where you were from.
 "New York? It's pretty far from here." He patched you up nicely. The water-resistant gauze looked really neat pressed on your knees and some on your shin. You were impressed.
 When your eyes returned to August, you gave him a smile that you hoped looked like a smile of gratitude. Not the kind of smile you always presented to any potential partner in bed, sultry, and flirtatious.  
 "I— I haven't said anything but— thanks. Thank you for saving my life." Your left fingers instinctively pat his right arms. The feeling of his skin startled you. It's warm; in fact, it felt like he had a very high fever.
 "Are— are you alright? Your temperature feels off." 
 "Don't mind me. Just take care of yourself." 
 You knew there's something off with him, but you weren't sure if you had a clear mind to think right now. Not with the wolf pack outside and his words on New York being far away from here. Where the fuck am I? 
 "I… I have a—,"
 "I suggest you stay here if you don't want to meet them."
 "But I…,"
 "You can use the bedroom there," his hand pointed to the door on the far end. "Feel free to use anything you want. Just don't come to the basement. I will meet you after a couple of days, and we figured things out." 
 His authoritative voice and dominant persona immediately made you want to counter his suggestion. The funny thing was, looked like he sensed it.
 He approached you, face just inches away from you. Your eyes immediately glanced away from the delicious plane of his sweaty chest. His fingers drew your chin up, so both of your eyes were at the same level. "Do what I said, understand?. Thrust me; you don't want to know the consequences if you violate my suggestion."
 Suggestion, my ass! Your inner mind ready to throw insults at him, but you quickly held it back. In the end, you nodded at him obediently.
 That night you were restless. But in a weird sense, you felt comfortable staying in that cabin. The first night after August left you to your own devices, you had been pretty careful. Not touched a lot of things except food and items that help you with your long bath. 
 His cabin was quite spacious. The interior was a mix of something slicked and modern with an equal touch of classic. Tried to look homey. Not to mention his bathroom, it's super luxurious and made you feel at home instantly. Reminded you of your ex (sugar daddy's) bathroom. 
 Since you couldn't find another bedroom in that cabin and you don't feel like sleeping on the couch, you slept in his bed instead. After all, he said you can use the bedroom there. Still wearing your red riding hood costume, you slipped under the soft comforter. 
 After that, you woke up feeling a bit groggy. Aimlessly wandered around the kitchen, you weren't sure what to do first. Tried collecting your bearing, you tried to make a coffee. Or any equivalent things of it. Everything felt different; you just knew it. When the only thing you could find was several jars that you assumed were granules of tea, you brew it. You sat on the sofa that faced up a lake. The wall was made of glass, making everything well seen. 
 You walked closer and gazed at the vast pine forest in front of you. The trees were tall and big, so majestic. Somewhat it's different from the pine trees you usually see. The lake in front of you looked like it had two different colors, fusion together with weird looking fishes and plants that should grow on the land instead of water. Where the fuck am I? 
 The next day, you woke up feeling a little bit refreshed. You changed your slutty costume into one of the clothes you found in his closet. It was so soft and comfy. You knew when things were from high-quality material.  
 You continued your days by drinking your tea, ate whatever breakfast you can munch, and read a book that has these unusual fonts. You were sure it wasn't in the alphabet, but one day you absentmindedly swipe your fingers on some of the pages, and the font changed. Hell, it even translated into English in an instant. You were definitely impressed. 
 One thing you are sure of was, this place was strange. Wherever you were right now, it didn't look like it's on earth. Or the earth that you knew. Why were you so calm? Because you already freak out. After you freak out, you also wondered, did the haunted house event organizer realized that they were the culprit behind what the fuck happened to you right now? Did your housemate recognize that you weren't home for days? Or maybe she thought you fuck the Superman or perhaps found another sugar daddy? It was so absurd yet so real.
 The last two nights, you were struck in awe as your eyes were spoiled by two moons. Two fuckin moons. It was always quiet at night, but you heard all the howls that you suspected likely from the pack of those giant wolves.   
 It was pretty late, almost midnight. You finally found your small bag hindered under the sofa that evening. Now…, now you had some time to check it. The first thing you checked was if there's a signal. Definitely no signal at all. 
 You curled up on August bed while swiping the pictures on your phone. When you scrolled your pictures with Superman, you realized why August seems familiar. It was none other than August having quite the same face, the same build, even somewhat similar voices with Superman. 
 "Fuck...maybe I should ask August if he would like to be my Daddy while I'm here." Imagining him spoiled you with gifts and other physical attention made you chuckled at yourself. 
 Your fingers instinctively crawled under the gray long sleeve shirt you borrowed from his closet (again). Your brain projected an image as if it was August's hands that ran on your upper thigh. Find its way quickly to your wet core. Two fingers slipped under the black lace panty. The panty that you need to wash daily due to no other replacement available. Left you a couple hours with only his buttoned-up shirt without anything underneath. 
 The sound of a loud howl startled you. It was as if it circled you in close range. Moved as fast as you can, you snatched the oversize robe on you. Your eyes tried to creep behind the curtain in the bedroom. 
 You knew the owner of this cabin stated that you can't go to the basement. You wouldn't be so lucky if that giant wolf found you first and broke in. Although you haven't been really out of the cabin, you tried to inspect a little bit and found it odd that this cabin was apparently a treehouse-style cabin. How come there's a basement in the house.
 You exit the bedroom and go to the kitchen when you last saw August a couple nights ago. Next to the slick wooden cabinet was a particular thing that looked like a door. The surface of your palms works like a stethoscope, felt as if something with pressure from your hands. You tried not to get disturbed by the nonstop howl outside. When you hear something as if the door was shifted, you immediately step back. 
 "Oh my, finally…," you slipped inside the small door when it opened automatically. It was a small narrow corridor-like, and it was dark. Walk inside carefully, you follow the path that leads you to another door. The metal door let out a weird creaked as you pushed it open. 
 "Didn't I tell you not to come down here?" 
 Shocked was evident in your face when you heard his rather gruff tone. You step over, closer to where he sat, that looks more likely an even bigger size of the bed than the one he had upstairs.    
"Don't —,"
 He warned you, but you being you, could never obey orders. Although challenging, your eyes finally adapt to the only natural light from the glass wall. That said, you were totally confused as you can see the lake parallel to your eyes. 
 "What the… wait, how there's even a basement down here? Last time I checked, the cabin is a treehouse?"
 "It's camouflage. No one can't see it or enter from outside."
 "Holy… why there's a three moon?" you switched your gaze from the moon to August. Curiosity got the better of you when you saw his irises were now pale blue. You can still see the outer form that is August, but something was off. 
 A gasp escaped your lips as August rose up from the bed. The powerful moon shone his feature. He was taller, bulkier, and dangerous as he stalked towards you slowly. Your heart thumped erratically as you were cornered. Back supported by the glass wall as now you can see August in his other form. 
 "Holy shit. Wha—what are you?"
 "Told you not to go here, and you just can't listen, little lamb." his smirk turned maniacal as he looked at the fear on your face. His white fangs, longer than usual. His fingers also look unusual, claw-like. 
 "Are you— are you a werewolf?" 
 "Well...you can say that. I'm half human half wolf if you are curious." 
 "So why— why did you save me?"
 The tip of his nose inched closer to yours. You held your breath when his warm skin touched you. It moved to your left cheek and stopped near your ear. "I'm curious," he whispered.
 "I haven't really met a pure human in the same age range. So I have followed you since I saw you step out of that door. I follow you until you meet the other wolf pack, and I decide to help you instead of fulfilling my need." 
 "What need?" you asked him, dumbfounded.
 "This," he pulled away from you, his claw-like finger pointed out below his hip. Focusing on the long and hard appendage that was unmistakably, his cock.
 "Oh—I- I'm sorry?" you gave him your best apologetic face. Eyes seemed eager to stare longer, but you gazed away quickly. Wait, why did you apologize to him? You cleared your throat, "I— I actually not sure what I should do to help?" tilted your head to the right, you looked him in the eyes, almost challenged him.
 Despite almost getting eaten by wolves, August's menacing presence didn't really scare you. Maybe the fact that he was still human and less scary made it easy for you. Not to mention he's hot too, with all his glory. 
 His somewhat evil chuckled sent shivers down your spine. "If you really wanted to help, I think you know what to do, don't you?"
 "W-wait—is—does this mean we 'mate'?" you gave him a somewhat weird expression. "And—and you bite me, give me marks that I'm yours? And knot me, and I will have a litter of puppies, and I become your omega—,"
 His pale blue eyes stared at you as if you grew two heads. It softened immediately as he smiled. Broad one showed you a set of white teeth with extra long fangs. 
 "Oh, my little lamb...what have you read?"
 "Err— Omega verse? Fanfic?"
 He blinked. Gave you a quizzical expression.
 "It's— it's erotica. Where mostly the character you know—," you darted your eyes away from August. "—mate, err have sex. Mostly was written very explicitly."
 "Go on." He said.
 "They are wolves, scenting, imprinting. An alpha mates with omega, and it's been told in a variety of plots possible. Sometimes two alphas fight too." You were breathless. You didn't realize you explained it to him in a quick, incoherent way. 
 You staggered backward as he came closer, forgetting that you already cornered. His long fingers reached out to the white robe you put on you. Although his fingers had claws that looked alarming to you, his hand still skillfully unfastened the robe.
 "That's a bit of an exaggeration, I think. Pack and hierarchies usually form just for a mating season; they hunt together for food and shelter in the winter. We might be scenting people, I guess. After all, we have a very sensitive sense of smell. But no, we don't bite our mate." He took off the robe from your body, left you only with his grey buttoned-up shirt.
 "Well...I love that you are wearing my shirt as if you are mine already."
 You purse your lips at him. "Why aren't you in a pack? Isn't it a mating season?" 
 "I mostly can control myself during the full moon. That's the advantage of being half-human. I don't need to transform myself into a wolf and be in a pack. But I am an alpha if that's what you are curious about."
 "Can-can you turn back to your human form? Not like—you know, you aren't in your human form, bu—," your words were cut off by his thumb on your lips. 
 "You talk too much, aren't you, little lamb…," August leaned down and touched his lips to yours. Your first reaction was to freeze since you were afraid of his fangs. But his surprisingly soft lips coaxed you relentlessly, making you surrender as you closed your eyes. Opening your mouth, his tongue sneaked past your lips easily. His fangs poke at your lower lips, but it didn't hurt.
 The non so innocent kiss became more desperate. Your once shied tongue now dances together with August. Your once clasped palms that were situated on top of your chest now scraped at his shoulder. 
 Your eyes fluttered open as August nipped down from your jaw to your neck. Forgotten, you even close your eyes in the first place. His claw-like fingers unbuttoned his shirt on yours without difficulty, left you only in your black lace panty. 
 The feeling of temperature as if dropped significantly made you glued your body to August. Smooth skin of your chest pressed to his hot hairy one, seeking warmth. One hand secured behind your back while the other palm on your ass. Massage the globe there. 
 "Ohh…" you gasped as you felt his finger on your clothed core. 
 "Hmm… wet already, I see." he let the pad of his finger move up to your clit, while the movement of the claw added sensation to your already. Seeing your reaction, he repeated it a couple times. Made you a mess with only one of his fingers.  
 Arched your body a little bit, you were thrilled to see his expression. Traveled your hands down from his hairy chest; your eyes still focused on his face, while your palms found their way to his hard cock. 
 "Oh, so big…," slowly at first, you ran your hands at the tip of his cock. Even without looking at it, you knew it's definitely bigger than any cock you've ever seen. 
 Eyes widened as your hand slid down to the base. The other weighed his balls. "Holy…," your eyes looked down, stared in awe at his cock. 
 "Careful little lamb, you drooled on it."
 "Who's not?" You eyed him in disbelief.
 August let out a weird laugh, "I expect you to worship it, then." He looked at you with a bemused expression as you quickly worked on his length. Stroked it up and down repeatedly. 
 You go down on your knees, eyes crossed as you focused on his slit that oozed pre-cum. Unconsciously, you stuck out your tongue and brushed it on his slit. Wrapped your right hand at the base of his cock, your gaze rose up to meet his. Left handheld on his upper thigh for support as your lips covered the heat of his cock. You bobbed your head calculatedly as you accommodate him halfway. 
 "Such a good little lamb for your wolf, aren't you." August's right hand was at the back of your head as he nudged you none too gently. Made you choke at his cock, and pulled it out from your mouth. You gazed at the mix of your saliva and his precum in awe. But it didn't last long as August pulled you to your feet and picked you up. 
 He climbed up on the bed with you and laid on his back. He situated your hips and pulled it closer, so your opening was hovering on top of his face. On all four, for him. August was rewarded with a yelped and a moan as his tongue licked your clothed core. 
 The sound of fabric being ripped made you turn your head to the right. "That's my only pa— ohhh," your protest died right away as his tongue lapped your opening. The feel of his claws as he spread your ass cheeks added wonder to your pussy. 
 Trying to keep yourself busy, you swallowed the head of his cock for a starter. His cock was too big for you; your mouth can only allow half of it. Diligently, you tried to move your tongue while you suck on his cock, hands slid up and down. Feeling all the veins that encircled his length made you shuddered.
 August bucked his hips as you put one of your hands to massaging his balls. The action made you gagged as his cock entered further than before. But it didn't take a long time for you to stop due to his sudden attack on your pussy. 
 His tongue was not lapped at you anymore; it rammed inside your wet core like a starved man. You squealed as the end of his fangs scrapped at your now wet pussy. The pressure on your clit as the pad of his fingers made a circular motion left you breathless. It drove you to your high faster than you ever experienced. A surprised scream left off your lips as his tongue scraped your most sensitive part. Your body quivered as your inner walls spasm, hands held on his cock as you ride your high. 
 "Ohh— my god, ohh—my god—," you can still feel the kitten licked as August feasted on it. 
 "Ahh—that' s—that's good." You let your head rested on his left thigh. 
 "Now, for the main course." August's gruff tone pulled you back from your hazy state. His hard cock was evident on your right hand. 
 You felt your body shifted position, and now you were on your back. August spread your legs wide and shifted his position. The feeling of his heavy cock on top of your pussy made you nervous but also excited. Unconsciously you nibbled your forefingers while eyes traveled down to his long and hard cock. It made an up and down motion on your opening. You can feel your wet pussy clenched in frustration, ready to be filled. 
 "August please…," still nibbled at your fingers, you gaze at the wolf on top of you, one elbow supporting your upper body. He's so big, literally and figuratively. If you can't come back to your world, so be it. You didn't mind staying and being his plaything as long as he wanted you. 
 "Please, what my little lamb?" You pouted at that. You definitely weren't a little lamb. If anything, you should be the succubus. 
 "Please put that in me—," you writhed underneath him. 
 "Please put what?" His big body tower over you. His pupils dilated and only left a small ring of pale blue irises. His clawed fingers move up and down your thigh.
 "Ple—please, ohhhh, put that cock inside me! Fuck me, my wolf— nhhh—," your plead was answered when August suddenly pushed the head of his cock on your opening. 
 The back of your head fell to rest on the thick pillow as the intrusion of August's cock sent a surprising jolt on your body. You knew he's big. But when his cock finally spread your lips open and entered you, the overwhelming sensation was something you still didn't expect. 
 "Ohh— so big—," your pussy clenched immediately when August tried to push deeper but also slowly. The noticeable ridge of his vein scraped at your inner wall deliciously. With closed eyes, you gripped the edge of the pillow as you mumbled about how full you feel right now. 
 "Work your clit for me. Yes...make that tight pussy cream on my cock."
 "Oh—like this?" Your fore and middle fingers slowly pulled the hood and made a circular motion as August asked. 
 "Yes… Just like that…."
 It didn't take you long enough to feel the fast buildup on your lower belly. Something that never happened before. "Ohh—yes—I'm going to cum, my—ahhh," you work your clit faster as August cock made a shallow fuck inside you. 
 "Yes, cum on my cock, my little lamb. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for your wolf." His wolf tone deliciously affected your body. His growl sent an extra twitch on your clit. And you lose it when he thrust all the way inside your wet pussy. 
 You scream in ecstasy as your pussy quivered uncontrollably on his hard cock. You feel so full. The feeling of his cock all the way inside you made your brain feel as if it was submerged. Forgotten that you ever closed your eyes, you were rewarded by a sly smirk on August werewolf's face. His eyes were now all dark. His hair loosened, made the curls of it fall to his forehead. 
 "I see you enjoying yourself, my little lamb." His claws caressed your thigh gently.
 "Nnn—of course, I ahhh—I am." A little movement from August made you aware that his cock still inside you. Hard as a rock. 
 August lifted up both your knees and secured it with his hands. You lifted your upper body with your elbows as he retrieved his cock from your wet core. You gasped when you witnessed August pulled it out, inches by inches. Left only the head inside you.
 You moaned when he pushed again. Stretched you like no one else ever had. He did it slowly, knew that you still adapt to his girth. But the feeling when the tip of his cock scraped your most sensitive part every time he thrust inside you, you were tripped to your high even faster than before. 
 The moan of pleasure became incoherent as August sped up his pace. Repeated syllables of ahhh and ohhh accompanied your plead for him to fuck you like you were a female wolf. Released his pent up frustration to mate. 
 Both of you fuck like an animal who just needs to reproduce. Lust clouded the atmosphere in the room. Moaned and growled were sung like a prayer under the moonlight that shone its way to the basement. 
 His balls slapped against your ass every time he plugged in inside you. Sweats trickled down your body, and it looked even animalistic in August. His werewolf form was so majestic that you just wholly let him own you. 
 His feracious fucking looked like almost to its limit. The buzzed on your lower belly was ready to explode, but you held it.
"Fuck!" He growled.
 "Uhh—uhh—uhh—cum in me. Yes—cum in me, my wolf— filled me up with your thick hot cum!" You pleaded like a bitch in heat. 
 August slammed his cock deep inside you as he screamed and let out a long howl. The feel of his warm cum inside you triggered your orgasm. You wail as your inner walls contracted and squeezed his cock. Spurt and spurt of his cum filled your womb to the brim. Something that you never allowed any of your partners to do in the past. 
 You didn't realize that you lock both your ankles behind August ass. But also you sensed something changed. August was draped on top of your body, head sneaked at the crook of your neck. Still, in a haze caused by the release of oxytocin in your bloodstream, you missed the way August kissed turned into something more. He bit you. 
 The still clouded brain of yours pop-up an image of you becoming August omega. His only mate. Bear a litter of pups for him and live happily ever after in his house, in his world. Your pussy unconsciously clenched at his cock that was still inside you. You never really said this to anyone, but you imagine you live in another world since the first time you ever read a story about omega verse. 
 You mewled when the biting stopped. Maybe August bit you just for fun. When he craned his head up to look at you, something was different. His eyes turned back to his azure color. His fangs now short, back to its regular human teeth, and his body wasn't as hairy as he's before. He's practically not in his werewolf form anymore. 
 "You changed? Why?"
 He looked at you with his quizzical expression. "You wanted me to return to my werewolf form?" 
 You glanced away from him and kind of embarrassed to declare that his werewolf form was way hotter than his human form. Not that his human form wasn't hot either. Damn, you definitely bang him every time you can, but his werewolf form just made you curl your toes in an instant. 
 You cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes, "I like it very much."
 "Well...the full moon is still in the sky for quite some time. Are you ready for the next round, my little lamb?"
 "Yes, my wolf." You purred seductively at him and witnessed in delight his transformation before your eyes.
Comment, like and reblog are highly desirable! Spread the filthiness lol 💋
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anari3l · 4 years
A Fine Night
words: 762 /// pairing: arthur morgan x reader /// anon asked for: 59: height difference 60: sitting in their lap 21: listening to someone’s heartbeat with arthur /// summary: you help the gang rob the grand korrigan. “A Fine Night for Debauchery” finds you posing as Arthur’s fake wife /// notes: i’m like five minutes away from restarting yet another play through of this game, so be on the look out for more arthur love. 
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You stood stock still as you watched Arthur step onto the river boat. He had dressed up for the occasion, his hair slicked back, and a brand new suit donned his broad shoulders. He looked like he was the oil baron Trelawny was conning him off as. If not a little rough around the edges. 
You hadn’t originally agreed to this con. Dutch thought it’d be good, and Trelawney promised it would go right. He just needed you and Arthur to play your parts perfectly - his of a new to money oil baron, and you, a charming wife on his arm. 
Granted the wife thing had thrown both you and Arthur for a bit of a loop. 
Twenty years of pulling card cons with Hosea was going to pay off one way or another. No one ever thought a beautiful young woman could cheat her way through a game of poker. It gave you an advantage. 
Stepping up to Arthur you smiled, twining your arm through his. “Now, dear,” you tutted, holding your head up high, shoulders back as you walked at his side. “Mister Strauss tells me everything will be set for you?”
“Josiah, too,” Arthur grumbled, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “You think this Blythe fella will fall for this?” 
“Of course,” you nodded. “I won’t be at the table with you, unfortunately,” you sighed, smiling genially to a porter as you stepped into the casino. “But do have fun.”
An hour later you had excused yourself from a blackjack table, pocketing the pile of chips as you headed off to the table where Arthur sat. The group of men he had started playing with hadn’t dwindled, leaving no room at the table as the men played.  
“Ah, there you are dear,” you smiled, placing a hand on Arthur’s shoulder and bending low as you slid a bill fold into his jacket pocket. “I do hope you’ve not squandered all your money, you promised me a romantic dinner when you were finished.”
“Of course I did,” Arthur smirked. “Mister Desmond Blythe, my wife, Misses Callahan.” The others sitting around the table all rose slightly as you were introduced before taking their seats once more. 
“A pleasure,” Blythe said with a small smirk, rising a bit to greet you before sitting back down and turning to the deck of cards he was shuffling. 
“Why don’t you join us, hm?” Arthur smirked, pulling you down to sit on his knee, hand wrapping around your waist. “My good luck charm, if you will.”
You chuckled, mostly from nerves as he settled you on his knee. The others around the table joked and conversed, seemingly ignoring you and Arthur. 
As the seats emptied, you excused yourself from Arthur’s lap, leaning down to whisper in his ear. “Strauss says ‘all in’.”
Arthur smiled as you walked off, weaving through the tables and back towards the bar where Trelawny was waiting. 
You had run for cover as shots rang out on the boat, huddling with some other patrons as the shoot out ensued. As you trudged along the docks of Saint Denis later that night, hair having fallen from its pins, you cursed Dutch’s Boys. 
A shoot out? On the riverboat you were robbing? 
Trelawny said this would be an easy job. You had no idea whether Arthur, Javier, Josiah, or Strauss had even made it out safely. 
“You said it would go swimmingly,” Arthur’s voice echoed across the darkened docks, mimicking Trelawny’s drawl. 
“Oh thank God!” you sighed, shoulders relaxing as you stepped up to Arthur and Trelawny. 
“It looks as if our little dove has flown out unscathed,” Josiah smiled, sweeping a hand in your direction. “All’s well that ends well, right, Mister Morgan?”
Arthur threw his arm out dismissively as Josiah walked off, replacing the top hat on his head as he did. As he turned back to you, you threw your arms around his middle, sighing in relief. Ear pressed against his chest, his heartbeat picked up as you hugged him, curling into him as tight as you could. 
“You’re an idiot, Arthur,” you smirked into his chest. “What the hell happened?”
Arthur sighed, relaxing as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. His height difference made it a bit comical in your mind, how he bent over your frame, hugging you back with as much force as you. “We’re fine. But we gotta go,” he said, pressing his lips to the top of your head. 
“Right,” you nodded, stepping back and brushing stray hair out of your face. “Right.”
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emcon-imagines · 3 years
tell us of the night
for @locke-writes​​ writing challenge
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characters: Finn x reader  prompts: “You could have just told me” & “How long has it been since you’ve slept?” words: 1310 summary: neither you or Finn can sleep, both of you haunted by your pasts. you both finally open up in a late-night conversation, and realize how much you have in common. aka me still being salty that Finn did not get the LOVE HE DESERVES in the movies (or in fandom, really, but that’s another story) and my attempt to fill the void in my heart
The sounds of footsteps in the hallway of the Falcon made you jump from your seat in the lounge, turning to see who was up so late. You got up and made your way to the cockpit, seeing that Finn had taken a seat in one of the pilot’s seats and was doing another check of the navigation systems, as well as the radar.
“You all right?” you asked, standing in the doorway, crossing your arms as you looked down at your feet.
“Yeah, of course,” Finn said, turning in the chair when he heard you enter. “I was just... I don’t know... checking things.”
“Couldn’t sleep?”
“Not at all.”
“Come on,” you said nodding back towards the lounge. “I was just heating up some water if you want tea.” The cockpit chair creaked as he got up, and Finn followed you. “Tarine tea okay?” you asked as you rifled through the small tin of teas you found shoved in the back of a cabinet in the galley.
“What else is there?” Finn asked, sitting down by the Dejarik table, leaning his head on the back of the seat.
“Here’s a packet of Deychin tea,” you said, holding it up to show him. “That all right?”
“Better than Tarine,” Finn said with a tired smiled.
“Not a fan?”
“It was all they had in the First Order.”
Right. You nodded, quiet for a moment as you poured the hot water into two chipped mugs and dropped the tea bags in. Tarine tea had been such a commodity on your planet as a teen, and you realized it was right around the time the First Order arrived that it had become so popular. Of course. Who else would have been importing the tea? None of the locals drank it.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” you asked softly, setting the steaming mug down on the table. “Sorry. I mean, I just hear you up a lot.”
“What about you?” Finn asked. “You’re up, too.”
“Someone has to keep watch,” you said, taking a quick sip from your tea, realizing it was still too hot and placing it back down. “Burnt my tongue,” you explained, and Finn chuckled.
“Ah-ha, see, impatient. Rey was right.”
“If this is about Corellia...”
“This is about Corellia.”
“There were too many people,” you said, repeating the excuse from earlier that week. “I hate crowds.”
“You just didn’t like having to move cargo by hand.”
“Not true.”
“I was there!”
You shook your head, taking another quick sip of the tea, this time careful not to burn your tongue. “Are you going to try and get some sleep before we get back? We still have a few hours.”
“I don’t know,” Finn said, and the smile disappeared from his face as he stared into his mug. “Probably not.” He took a long, slow drink of his tea and looked around the small lounge, holding the mug between both his hands.
“Do you still have...”
“Some weeks are better than others, you know?” Finn said. “I’ll be fine for a while and then... they’ll just be a week of them. Every night.”
“Is this a bad week?”
“I’m always up,” you offered. “If you ever just want company, or someone to just share late night dinner with, anything, I’m here.” You paused, nearly swallowing back the confession in the back of your throat. “I know what it’s like.”
“I’ve been watching a lot of Kade Genti. When I can’t sleep, I mean,” Finn said. “Catching up on all the episodes I missed as a kid.”
“No way!” you exclaimed. “Kade Genti, Master of Section Nine?! I used to watch that all the time and no one seems to remember it!”
“My friend used to sneak us the comics,” Finn remembered. “Not regulation, but they were great. I memorized all the comics since I couldn’t keep them for long and I wanted to remember the stories.” He mimicked reading a book. “I used to stare at the pictures to try and save them, remember them. Bet I could still redraw some of those from memory.” He said with pride, like a secret he had been dying to tell, some accomplishment that had gone unnoticed.
“I’m holding you to that,” you said. “Next time we stop, let’s see.”
“Oh, I’ll show you.” He took another long, slow sip of his tea. “So, why are you always up? And don’t say to keep watch, because any of us could do that but you always volunteer.”
You shrugged. “I just like being up late,” you lied. “It’s quiet.” Finn raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing you, but not saying anything at first. “I don’t like being asleep,” you confessed, not waiting for him to call you out, knowing it was coming. “Okay? With everything that happened... I’m always afraid I’m gonna shut my eyes and--” You threw your hands up in an attempt to explain. “--not be here, anymore. That they will have found me while I was sleeping, or something would have happened while I was out.”
“You have us, you know,” Finn said. “We wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He thought for a moment. “You saw someone on Corellia, didn’t you? That’s why you wanted to leave so quickly. You kept looking behind us while we walked, I thought you were being paranoid, but...”
The both of you were far too perceptive for your own good, some invisible connection stringing your thoughts together into one. You shook your head, wishing you could deny his theory, but knowing he was right. “She’s back,” you said, quietly. “The bounty hunter. I saw her.”
“Are you sure it was her?” Finn asked, leaning forward in his seat, his eyes widening. “Is that why you’ve been off all week? You could have just told us. Y/n, we could have--”
“I didn’t want you guys to worry,” you interrupted. “With everything going on...”
“If she’s back, then that means...”
“They know I’m alive,” you said. “I know what it means.” You lowered your voice, also leaning in across the table. “Look, I don’t want to freak the others out. So, please don’t tell them. Let’s just finish the mission and get back to base.”
Finn stared at you for a long time, and with a drawn-out exhale, leaned back in the seat again. “I know what you mean about being afraid you’ll wake up back there. Except I’m afraid I’ll wake up here, but with the programming they put into my head. I know it’s still there. I still make my bunk in the mornings the way they had us, if I’m not thinking. And if that’s there, then what else is?”
“The kid who read smuggled copies of Kade Genti?” you offered. “The one who defected on his first mission? They failed, Finn. You’re resistance scum, now, just like the rest of us.”
He nodded to himself, sitting back up to finish his tea, even if he wasn’t quite convinced yet, even if the words had yet to sink in. “You can sleep, if you want. I’ll take watch.”
“I told you, I can’t.”
“Sleep in the cockpit then. I’ll be in there. That way, you’re not alone and I can wake you if anything happens.”
“Are you sure?”
You would drag your blankets and pillows into the cockpit minutes later, while Finn kept his promise and kept watch over the ship, checking the scanners and waiting up for messages from the Resistance. The next night, you would do the same for him, tea still included, and episodes of Kade Genti optional until one of you fell asleep. For how long after the war would you keep it up, you didn’t know. Maybe for years. But you didn’t mind. It was comfortable. Someone was always on watch.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
in harmony.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: i’ve cast the choirs (because i think i’m hilarious) and have a playlist to listen to as you read, if you want the ~full experience~. i’ve done my best to time it out with the music so it flows properly, depending on how fast you read. the beginning moves a little faster than the music, so i would recommend starting the playlist at the beginning of the fic. this one has been living in my head rent free for way too long and i’m so stoked to share it with you.
straight no chaser as the nsa mc6 a cappella as the atf pentatonix as the fbi
words: 4035 warnings: mild swearing, internal monologuing, and pining!hotch ft. supportive!jj, tw: a capella themes setlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7GQkhBUhUfdJI4m0vZbqbJ?si=46TMCTj9SkCRoHlnAxHfkg
masterlist | requests closed!
The Official Unofficial Los Angeles Inter-Agency Choral Competition was in its final stages of preparation, and you were at the center of it. CIA did the judging, as usual, and each agency had a team, a setlist, and a competitive streak a mile long. 
Because the bragging rights awarded by the CIA were so coveted, the agents involved in the choral groups got a half day off of work, waived by the Assistant Directors themselves. 
Thus, the NSA, ATF, and FBI choral teams were goofing around in the federal building auditorium with the abandon of a bunch of high schoolers. Sound check was always criminally fun, and most of it was spent giving each other a hard time and arranging music on the fly. 
The engineers were still working and would still need a few minutes to themselves before you all got onstage and ran your sets. 
“Hey, Bureau.” 
You turned, finding Ben behind you in his black button-up and tie. “Hey, dumbass.” 
Ben was the arranger for the NSA team and your closest friend in Los Angeles. You got along famously, and you joked that the friendship between you was the only reason there was interagency cooperation in your jurisdiction at all. 
He was looking particularly sharp this afternoon, as the NSA team prided themselves on their polished performance aesthetic. 
“Ready for tonight?” He asked. 
You laughed. “God, am I ever. I’ve been working CT down in the bunker for weeks.” 
“Oh, dude that’s brutal. When was the last time you saw daylight?”
You blew air through your lips. “Ah, fuck, I dunno, like a week?”
Ben laughed and slung an arm around your shoulders. “This is a helluva way to get back into civilization with the rest of us.” 
You scoffed. “It’s bold to imply anyone at the NSA is a part of any society.” 
“C’mon. Trash talking doesn’t start until we’ve rehearsed at least once.” He jostled you, and you let out another peal of laughter. 
“Try me, hot shot.” 
Meanwhile, upstairs, the BAU was finishing up their goodbyes and case reports for the Los Angeles field office. There was a spree killer wreaking havoc in the Mid-City neighborhood, and the BAU was of enormous help in apprehending the suspect. 
You’d been in the aforementioned CT bunker for at least a week and had no idea your (greatly missed) former unit was on your side of the country, let alone in the same building.  
“Oh!” Agent Fitzgerald said, suddenly. The BAU looked up all at once, and it was almost comical. “I completely forgot. There’s an event tonight that’s always really fun. If you all aren’t in any rush to get back to Quantico, we’d love for you to stay. If you’re eager to get back, they’re in the auditorium right now for a dress rehearsal and it shouldn’t take more than a half hour.” 
JJ’s head tilted. “What’s going on?”
“The Official Unofficial Los Angeles Inter-Agency Choral Competition.” Fitzgerald grinned. “It’s really fun, surprisingly good, and never not hilarious.” 
Emily laughed. “You’re kidding.” 
“Not even a little.” 
Ben and his team were in the middle of their set, and you were bopping along with some of the ATF guys in the corner. 
You couldn’t deny the talent on the NSA team. They were clean-cut, crisp, and well-arranged (thanks to Ben), but you couldn’t help but think they were a little too polished. 
Ben had the lock on comedic mashups, and had a great on-stage persona - one of the very few NSA agents with a sense of humor. He sang directly to you, much of the time, in rehearsal because he knew it made you laugh. His sense of humor was infused through all the arrangements, and the lyrics alone were enough to have you on the floor.
Their movie medley opener was your favorite, full of silly references and even a sing-along section. You knew all the words simply because you’d sat with Ben as he spent three days arranging and adjusting it a couple of months ago. Obviously, you offered absolutely no help because all you wanted was to watch him crash and burn. 
Maybe some sabotage could come in handy next time…
They rounded out their set with a clean-cut cover of Smash Mouth’s All Star. Ben was always in it for the laugh, and you loved it. Both teams in the house were laughing as the NSA made increasingly bigger spectacles of themselves. 
It was easier to forget how much you missed your family in Virginia when you were with the other teams - rehearsing and bonding and spending time together. There was no unit in Los Angeles like the BAU insofar as the bond between team members, but this event always mimicked it better than anything else. 
Without Ben, you’d barely have anyone at all. He happened to be assigned to you as a liaison between agencies on one of your first cases, and you got on like a house on fire. His friends became your friends, and you found your footing in your new home. They showed you the best beaches (Manhattan and Malibu), the best sushi (Enya), and perhaps most importantly - the best route and attack strategy for navigating the hell that was LAX. 
You avoided calling your old unit as much as possible, as you were sure it would keep you from fully settling down. If half of your head was in Virginia, you’d always hate Los Angeles. That said, Aaron was still the first number on your speed dial, and your thumb spent a fair amount of time hovering over it before inevitably shoving it back in your pocket. You’d done it just today, walking from your office to the auditorium. 
You left the ATF to their ridiculous devices, and joined your team in the house. 
“Doin’ alright? I heard it was a rough week for y’all down in CT.” Michael, a Texas native and an insane talent, could have been an excellent profiler if he wasn’t so great at ferreting out tax fraud. You both spoke in hushed tones, as to not disrupt the rehearsal. 
You nodded, patting him on the arm. “I’m alright.” 
“Missin’ home?” 
You nodded again. “Just a bit. It’s weird coming out into the world after being in the bunker - it’s almost like I don't remember where I am, and I almost expect to be somewhere else.”
He didn’t say anything, but leaned against you. It was a small gesture, but a meaningful one.
When NSA was finished, with their levels set and lights programmed, it was ATF’s turn to get up on stage and flutter around until they were adjusted. 
Michael said something ridiculous, and it made you laugh out loud. You slapped a hand over your mouth, hearing it resonate through the house as one of the floor mics picked it up.  
At the back of the auditorium, only minutes prior, Agent Fitzgerald had slipped in with the BAU. They all stood along the back wall, and you only would have seen them if you knew where to look. The auditorium was massive, and the only lights up were the lights onstage - distinguishable features were nearly impossible to determine from the distance. 
Aaron’s breath caught for a moment. A microphone picked up someone’s laugh near the stage, and it sounded startlingly like yours.  
Must be mistaken. There’s no way. 
As ATF started up, Ben grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to your feet. He turned you under his arm and led - dancing you around on the floor at the front of the stage. You laughed your way into his arms, and fell into a relaxed Lindy Hop. You took turns leading, throwing him under your arm just as many times as you ducked under his. 
Aaron’s thoughts wandered, the laugh he heard triggering something in him. He missed you greatly, but that was no secret. You two had started seeing each other, unbeknownst to the team, a little more than three months before your transfer. 
The team were too polite to tell you, but they knew something was going on from the get-go. Hotch was happier, and you were more effusive in all situations. You balanced each other well, and could bounce ideas and fight and communicate like nobody else in the unit. It was an asset more than anything, but when the transfer assignment came through, there was no negotiating. 
For all involved, you decided it was best to end things - or at least pause them - while you were stationed at the LA field office. It would be too hard, and you’d hate to hate him by the time you got back to Virginia for one reason or another. So, you were alone at the LA field office, while he stayed right were he was. 
Wait. The LA field office. 
He was jarred from his thoughts by JJ, who smiled and asked, “What’s their deal?” Her eyes were trained on the dancing couple on the house floor, out in front of the apron of the stage. 
“Oh those two are the only reason the FBI and NSA play nicely in the sandbox together. They’re two peas in a pod. They work counter-terrorism for their respective agencies, and have a knack for solving inter-departmental disputes.” 
“Are they together?” JJ’s question was light, but Hotch knew there were ulterior motives. Maybe she’d heard your laugh too, and refused to doubt. 
She was good at that - not doubting. Hotch, on the other hand, sucked at the whole faith thing. He found his skepticism was only getting worse with age, and he (in that very moment) decided to have a little more hope. 
“Oh, no, not at all. Ben doesn’t swing that way, and my understanding is that Agent L/N left someone back on the east coast and hasn’t been seeing anyone out here.” It was clear Agent Fitzgerald, a new import to the LA field office herself, had no idea you worked with the BAU prior to your transfer. 
Maybe you hadn’t talked about them at all. 
That thought sent a little unpleasant spike through Hotch’s chest. 
Hope. Hope. 
Maybe Fitzgerald just missed something, or didn’t know you too well. 
Hotch could feel Emily’s eyes on him, but continued watching the ATF runthrough. It was your laugh he heard. Ben threw you around with ease, and you both cut clean, sharp lines silhouetted against the stage lights. 
Then, of course, it was Emily’s turn to ask questions. “So how did this...tradition start?”
Fitzgerald shrugged. “It’s my understanding that it’s been happening for years, brought on by some ridiculous bet between ATF and FBI. Never ones to be outdone, the NSA inserted themselves, the CIA wanted a piece of action, and the rest is history.”
“Only in California,” said Dave with a laugh. 
As the songs changed, Aaron watched you tap out of the dance, sitting down heavily in one of the house seats and taking a few huge sips of water. Ben grabbed his water bottle from the floor and came to the row behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
Though he was just told Ben would not ever be into you in that way, Hotch couldn’t help the prickle of jealousy that snuck up his belly. JJ, beside him, stepped close to him and hooked her hand around his forearm, her thumb brushing circles against his suit jacket. 
“I’m alright,” he whispered. 
She squeezed once. “I know.” It sounded like she knew more than that, but Hotch let it go. While sometimes irritating, it was nice to have people around him that knew him so well. 
JJ continued to cling to his sleeve as the ATF transitioned to the FBI. 
It nearly startled him out of his skin to hear your voice echo through the house on a hand-held microphone. You stood on the edge of the stage, squinting at the booth at the back of the house. “Can we run full tech? We have AV that needs to be sequenced correctly.” 
A click, then a disembodied voice. “We’re ready for full AV.”
You shot a two fingered salute. “Thanks, team. Let’s bring up the seal for now and go from there.” 
The FBI seal and motto floated into focus on the fabric behind them, and Aaron felt himself almost lean forward in anticipation. He chanced a look down the line, and the rest of his team was smiling, waiting, watching. Just like he was. 
JJ bumped his shoulder.  
The stage was rather dark, but he could see all five of you lined up almost against the fabric. The song started quickly, with strong base and an uptempo beat. 
Your team ran to the front of the stage one by one, following the phrases of the music - fun and high energy. 
“I didn’t know…” Emily whispered to Derek, at a loss. He shrugged, still totally floored. You’d never joined them in their horrible karaoke spectacles, claiming the sanctity of your dignity, but Hotch realized now it was just to spare their feelings. 
You were incredible. Your eyes shone in the light, your smile flashing behind your microphone. It was obvious you were having a helluva time, and were close to your teammates. You played off each other easily, keeping pace without conducting, feeling the music and harmony in every cell of your body. Hotch saw your work ethic even in this - collaborative, but still taking charge. 
It was clear your team looked to you for tone and energy, and you delivered. With a start, Aaron realized he’d never heard this song before. He leaned forward and asked, “Are some of these originals?”
Fitzgerald nodded. “The FBI team has a few strong writers on it this year, so they were able to pull together a medley, an original, and the closer in about three weeks.” 
Hotch raised his eyebrows. “Wow. That’s impressive.” 
She laughed lightly. “You’re tellin’ me. I was in here one day when they were workshopping after hours and was blown away.” 
When you were finished with your first piece, you looked back to check the cyc - satisfied to find Home, arranged by Y/N L/N in gold, in the FBI font. 
“I’m gonna practice my little spiel here or I won’t get it tonight. I’ll count you off at the end, go on three, yeah?” 
Click. “Copy. Go for it,” came the disembodied voice once more. 
“When we were deciding which medley we wanted to use, we figured out there was nothing in our library that really spoke to us at that moment where we were. So, we wrote a new one. This one is called Home, and includes a bunch of songs that not only include the word ‘home,’ but ones that mean something to us or someone we love. 
“Home, to us, is where our families are. We all chose a series of pictures that represent home for us, the people we love. I hope you enjoy listening to this medley as much as we enjoyed writing it.” You flashed a winning smile before raising your hand, waiting a moment, and then dropping it, immediately starting to sing. 
The rest of your team fell in right away, stepping up to the mics and sinking into the arrangement. A figure jogged up the steps toward Hotch, and he latently realized it could only be Ben, his agile stride giving him away. 
He settled right beside Hotch, leaning against the wall. Needless to say, Aaron was confused. That is, until - 
“You’re Hotchner, aren’t you?”
Aaron kept his gaze trained on the stage. “Who’s asking?”
“Ben Collins, NSA. I would be a really shitty friend if I couldn’t recognize someone I’d seen in a framed photo on Y/N’s desk like 20 times.” 
With that, he gave Hotch a mock-salute and trotted back down the stairs. 
JJ furrowed her brow. “What was that about?”
“I have no idea,” Hotch admitted. “He knew me, though, from photos.” 
He felt, rather than saw, JJ’s smile as she bumped him with her shoulder. “Focus - You’re missing it.” 
He huffed a laugh, and tuned back in. 
Home was an undeniably fun medley, and the photos were heartwarming and strategically chosen to hide all faces except the agents’ on stage. Aaron smiled when he heard a line from one of his favorite songs. 
Our house Is a very very very fine house...
Just a brush, but it felt like your touch, your smile, reaching him. You took the next section with renewed energy, never falling into stillness as you drove the music forward. 
JJ clutched at Hotch’s sleeve, and he lifted his gaze from you to the cyc. On it, there were photos of Dave’s backyard, mixed in with what he only assumed were the pictures from your teammates’ homes and families. They were piling on top of each other, as if someone was throwing them into a pile, one by one. 
A photo of JJ, Emily, and Penelope flashed by, their backs to the camera. 
There was one of you, Jack’s face hidden in your neck as you smiled fondly at the person just to the left of the camera. Aaron recognized that image, but from a different angle. You’d been smiling at him, just next to Emily. 
Emily’s eyes strayed to Hotch. There was a look on his face she’d never seen before. She almost looked away, feeling like she was intruding on an intimate moment. Instead, she lightly smacked Derek’s shoulder, and he looked over too. 
“The separation has been hard on them both,” he said, his voice low. “Look.” He tipped his chin toward you. 
Your posture didn’t look any different to anyone who knew better, but Emily could see the slight sag in your shoulders, hear the small catch in your breath. The music affected you more than you’d care to admit. 
A photo came into view on the screen - one where you stared out the jet window with your chin in your hand, Hotch’s face pressed into your torso as he slept with his head in your lap. Your fingers were tangled in his thick dark hair, twirling absent-minded curls into the locks behind his ear. JJ smiled. She’d taken that one. It was soon covered with another, then another, then another. 
Agent Fitzgerald bid the team a quiet farewell and slipped out to take a phone call. Hotch barely noticed. She’d been on her phone most of the time, and had missed the photos. She was blissfully unaware of your connection to the team, and for that Hotch was grateful. It almost felt wrong to disrupt the little world you’d built here. 
They were almost done, preparing for the closer. 
Maybe he was biased, but Hotch felt your team was the strongest. 
NSA had the polish and that classic choral look and looked like they were having just the right amount of fun, but there was still that competitive edge that took some of the luster out of the performance. 
ATF were the most traditional of the group, all of their music recognizable, tightly arranged, and reminiscent of barbershop quartets. While entertaining, it was clear you and Ben stole the show with your dancing, the music taking a ready backseat to your antics. 
Your team had fun. There was no bite in it. You weren’t there to win, but rather just there for the sheer fun of it. Your music was yours, it meant something, and was more creatively arranged than the rest of them by a long shot. 
Aaron felt a rush of pride as he watched you shine. While he couldn’t articulate it, he could sense the same thing Derek noticed. There was something pulling at you - the same thing pulling at his shoulders and the corners of his mouth whenever he had fun without you. 
“Alright,” you said, just a little out of breath. You took the mic off the stand. “We have one last number, and we all sing it together.” You held the mic out to your left, and Ben took it from you. 
“This is our favorite, because it’s a really good excuse to think of the people we love.” 
Some agent (whose name always escaped you) from the ATF took the mic next. “Thanks for coming out tonight to watch our ridiculous annual competition, for bragging rights and honorary ownership of the City of Los Angeles.” 
Ben took the mic from him and passed it back to you. 
“I hope we all have someone in our life that we love so much it's difficult to articulate. I know I do.” 
JJ inhaled sharply as Hotch let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. You missed him. He could feel it. He wasn’t alone. 
You replaced the mic, and stepped back. With the FBI in the center, ATF to the right, and NSA to the left, you began. 
There’s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of a rolling wave Can be turned away
It was a beautiful picture, all of you standing together as one united front. The sound was incredible - filling the space with sound that spun right into the chests of everyone listening. You stepped up with Ben and an ATF agent, standing close to the mic. 
Ben reached for your hand, knowing this one was hard for you. You’d probably never get a chance to have Hotch in the same room, feeling what you felt, singing this song. It was silly - a Disney song. But it always cracked you wide open. It was only ever for him. 
You took Ben’s hand and gripped it tight. It wasn’t performance, so you could really do whatever you wanted as long as sound and projections were able to do their work. 
The breakdown of the song was your favorite, and you threw your hands in the air, releasing Ben - the final lighting cue of the show. It was designed to bridge the gap between the players and the audience, bringing everyone together.
The house lights came on about halfway, and the BAU was visible from the stage, as they’d all crept forward during the set. Hotch could only imagine what that lighting effect would do when the house was full of agents and their families later tonight. A true communion, with the music and the people. 
Your eyes scanned the house, rehearsing your engagement pathway through the audience. A small cluster of people caught your attention, and Ben squeezed your hand. You looked over at him, still singing, and he gave a tiny toss of his head back to the group. 
Looking more carefully now, you saw your team. More specifically, you saw Aaron. 
He was watching you with a fond smile, and you knew he saw you clock his presence. JJ was on his arm, likely anchoring in him place and comforting him in only the way she could. 
Against your will, a broad smile pulled at your face, a shot of adrenaline pushing you into the finale. Your eyes were locked on his, the music only a footnote to two simple words running on loop in your head. 
He’s here he’s here he’s here he’s here.
The world for once In perfect harmony With all its living things. 
You hit the final chord and let it hang in the air for a moment. It felt like forever - the BAU burst into applause, Derek and Emily whistling and shouting - while you and Hotch just stared at each other across the house.
The connection was only broken when Ben yanked you back to rehearse bows, which took all of thirty seconds. You squinted at your friend when you stood straight again. He had a smug little smile on his face. 
“You knew,” you accused with absolutely no heat. 
Ben shrugged. “I investigated.” He shot you a wink as he said, “It’s what I do.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved past him, nearly leaping down the steps into the house. You ran up the aisle, and Hotch was there to catch you, holding you close. 
“You’re here.” 
He kissed the side of your head. “Of course I’m here. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts  @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @saintd0lce @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @vintagecaptainspidey @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @newtslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @lilsiswinchester @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @emmice9 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @mrshotchnerrossimulder21 @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss @songbird400 @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @a-dorky-book-keeper @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses 
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
The Magic of Sleep Deprivation and Tea (Fives x reader)
Warnings: Allusions to sex and a role-playing kink, swearing, brothers being annoying. 
Notes: It’s loving Fives hours
Words: 2.2k
You were in the mess hall when he walked in, hurriedly eating your meal so you could sooner go to sleep. After spending approximately 40 hours attending to critical condition patients you were eager to return to your room for some much needed shut-eye. In an effort to keep yourself from falling asleep in your food, you were keeping yourself occupied by tuning your ears into the chatter of the clones all around you. The animated discussions that permeated the mess hall were enough distraction from the unending beeping of heart monitors, the clatter of medical equipment being hastily moved around, the barking of the doctors as they ordered things from the nurses, and, most haunting of all, the pained groans of the men wounded in combat who were still clinging to life. 
You shook your head to bring you out of the sudden darkness that clouded your already foggy head. A peal of laughter sounded from a table close to the door and you snapped your head up to examine the intermingling 501st and 205th soldiers. You allowed a small smile to sneak across your face at the happiness the men were displaying. One of them, Codex you think, clad in his freshly painted teal armor caught your stare and sent you an enthusiastic wave. You returned it with a quiet laugh and toned down two-finger salute. It was then that the door slid open and the already noisy mess hall was deafened by the thunderous roar of laughter coming from the entering cloned men. It was a group of oh-so familiar 501st soldiers and the sight of them had the weariness from the excruciating work-life balance  you had melting away. 
Jesse was the one to spot you and he paused mid-joke to elbow Kix who was closest to him. The man bearing the republic gear on his head pointed to you which caused you to sit up a little straighter to wave the group down. They started heading towards you. As they drew closer, you were able to identify who was who; Jesse and Kix, of course, Rex, Echo, and Fives. Each one was still in their armor and they all looked better than the last time you’d seen them. Except for Fives. Although to be fair the last time you’d seen him had been 5 hours ago when he snuck into the med bay to quietly inform you that he and the rest of the 501st (those that hadn’t been sent to you on gurneys) had returned to Coruscant. 
“Hey, Doc!” Jesse yelled as he plopped down in front of you. You cringed at his loud volume by found a small laugh tittering from you all the same. Kix, with an eye roll that would make Commander Wolffe proud, settled next Jesse tiredly-it appeared as though he’d had a rough go out there and was in a state similar to your own. Rex took his seat on Jesse’s other side and Echo and Fives came round to sit on the same bench as you. Fives may or may not have ‘accidentally’ brushed his hand down your arm as he settled on your right. 
“Hey, boys.” You greeted with a smile. “How goes it?” You received a myriad responses ranging from a tired shrug from Rex, a so-so from Kix, an ‘alright’ from Echo, and a ‘good�� from Jesse. But the most dynamic response came from none other than the arc trooper on your right. 
“Better now that you’re here.” Fives simpered exaggeratedly, propping his elbow on the table so he could drop his chin atop his fist. A puff of air slipped from your nose as you rolled your eyes. 
“Gods, you’re a ham.” You bit back. With a dazzling grin, Fives embraced the challenge you’d accidentally presented him with. 
“Only for you, doc.” Fives slid closer to crowd into your personal space. 
You moved back enough to keep eye contact with him and raised an eyebrow. “I bet you say that to all the doctors.”
“Only the pretty ones.” The arc countered with a wide (and rather goofy) smile. 
“C’mon, Fives, leave Doctor L/n alone.” Echo’s condemnation of his brother’s dogged attempts at wooing you broke the moment and returned you to the mess hall. “I’m sure she’s got enough on her plate without your flirting to add to it.” 
“C’mon, Echo,” Fives mimicked his twin’s tone expertly, “I’m sure Y/n doesn’t mind. Right?” The arc turned to you with a comical wiggle of his eyebrows that had you trying to hide your smile behind your near-empty mug of tea. With a shrug, you downed the flavored water while Echo continued to rebuke his brother-much to the amusement of Jesse and Kix and the irritation of Rex. Fives didn’t listen to a word of it. 
“So, how have things been with you, Y/n?” Jesse eventually asked, having gotten bored with Echo’s lecturing. You took a second to finish chewing the bite of food you’d just put in your mouth which afforded you some time to think about your response. 
“Good,” you began when your mouth was clear of food, “well as good as you can be working back to back shifts.” A dry chuckle slipped from you that was mimicked by Kix who understood what you meant all too well. “If you guys could do me a favor and stop getting injured, that’d be great.” 
“We’ll stop getting injured when the clankers stop shooting at us, cyar’ika.” Jesse quipped immediately. You chuckled lowly before noticing the way Fives’s hand had clenched into a fist while it was still on top of the table. Thinking quickly, you dropped your own hand under the table to gently place it on top of his thigh-a silent reassurance that Jesse had meant nothing by the term of endearment Fives so often used for you and that his usage of it had no effect on you. Fives’s hand relaxed and you allowed your lips to quirk up in the briefest of grins. You didn’t remove your hand though and instead opted to go about eating without the usage of your right hand. With a low mutter of ‘that’ll be the day’ you downed the last of your tea as the other four men dove into their own conversation-something about Commander Cody punching a droid in the face, you weren’t really invested. You were far too focused on Fives whose hand had dropped over your own. His head was tilted downwards so he could watch as his finger dragged imaginary lines over the back of your hand. But the clink of your empty mug on the table caused his head to lift once more. 
“Here, I’ll get you some more tea.” Fives whispered and snatched your mug up before you could protest. You sent a soft thank you after his retreating figure and he spun around to send you a wink that immediately caused your cheeks to warm. 
The other guys said nothing regarding the interactions between you and Fives as they had all been distracted by the prospect of food as Jesse had gotten to his feet. As the trooper wandered off to complete his task, you dove into conversation with Kix, Echo, and Rex who were eager to tell you about their latest successes. You’d gotten so invested in the discussion that Fives returning to the table caused you to jump which elicited several laughs from the cloned men. You dismissed them with an eye roll and focused on the arc trooper. “Here you go, doc.” He chirped, gesturing to the mug in his hand with his head. “Just the way you like it-black tea steeped for three minutes with a splash of milk and a tablespoon of sugar.” As he explained your preferred preparations for tea, Fives leaned around you to set the mug on the table which brought his head close enough to your own for your cheeks to almost touch. 
You smiled softly, touched by his attention to detail and for just a moment you forgot about his brothers who were seated at the table as well. “You’re too sweet, Fives.” You sighed and took his chin in your left hand to turn his face towards you. His warm eyes that reminded you of pools of liquid bronze met yours and you felt yourself swooning again-although maybe it was an effect of the sleep deprivation. “What did I do to deserve you?” You didn’t catch yourself in time and, before you knew it, your lips were on his. It was a soft kiss-just barely longer than a peck but the effect it had was undeniable. Fives froze completely as you tore yourself away, hands coming up to cover your mouth as you stared back at the startled arc trooper. 
“Holy shit.” Kix breathed out in shock but it did little to distract the rest of the table from what they’d just witnessed. 
“Uhhhh…” You began, willing your mind to conjure up something. Nothing, nada, zilch. Your own mind had abandoned you. “Errr-I…”
A loud metallic slam on the edge of the table saved you (or damned you depending on how you look at it) and made everyone flinch. Jesse stood at the head of the table, a finger jabbed at both of you, a triumphant smirk on his face, and the metal tray he’d been using to carry his brothers’ food precariously balanced on the edge of the table. “I kriffing knew it!” He looked away from your horror struck face and turned to your equally startled boyfriend. “Fives, you lucky bastard.” Jesse’s complete acceptance of the shocking revelation was what finally kickstarted not just you but his brothers as well. 
“Congrats, you two.” Echo chirped as soon as he got a hold of his tongue. It was a little shaky but you were grateful that he refrained from condemning your relationship for being against regulations. Although, you might as well not have heard it considering you had already retreated into your own mind in an attempt to escape the situation. 
“Yeah!” Kix was next to accept it. “Although, I never thought Fives would be the one to finally get in your pants, Y/n.” And he was the first to begin the unavoidable teasing. 
You groaned pathetically and dropped your head onto the table with a loud thunk. The exaggerated reaction from you only served to spur the brothers on. “It was the goatee, wasn’t it?” Jesse queried in a mock sympathetic voice; like an older sibling that had just learned about their younger sibling’s crush, he was determined to tease the hell out of them. “You struck me as the facial hair type.” 
“Stop.” You whined, bringing your arms up over your head. 
“Maybe she’s got a thing for ARC’s?” Rex joined in and there went any hope that you and Fives would escape with any dignity. You whined again and thumped your forehead on the table. A chuckle slipped from Fives as he slowly regained his functions. The arc trooper reached over to rub his hand on your shoulder blade and you carefully peaked out under your arm. Fives’s face was steadily darkening and he had a small, bashful smile on his face that encouraged you to come out of the impromptu shell you’d constructed. 
“Or maybe Fives’s got a thing for doctors?” Jesse snorted and both of your faces fell at the blunt reminder that you were still with company. An awkward moment of silence passed until your boyfriend nervously cleared his throat and the table burst into laughter at the nonverbal confirmation. “Oh, kriff, does she keep the labcoat on?” Echo made an indignant squeak of warning on behalf of you and his twin  but Jesse stared his brother down unabashedly and you finally crossed into mortified territory. 
“And the stethoscope too?” Rex chimed in again, relying on his vague knowledge of the lab wear he’d seen you in. 
“She got a checklist of your kinks, vod?” Kix snickered. Fives chuckled at that one, apparently amused at the idea that hit a little too close to home. There was certainly a list, it just wasn’t a checklist. 
“No,” Fives tried to gain control of the situation as he tossed an arm around your shoulders, “None of that.” You sighed in relief, thankful that he was trying to keep the teasing to a minimum for once. “Although, I’ve certainly got some more ideas now.” 
“Fives!” You exploded away from him, crashing into Echo, with a shrill cry that launched Jesse and Kix into hysterics and pulled a chuckle from Rex. Your face was so warm that it felt like you’d decided to stick it in a furnace as embarrassment coursed through your system. Echo wasn’t much help as he was currently the only thing preventing you from bolting out of the mess. 
While this may not have been the way you planned to inform his brothers of your relationship, you couldn’t deny the relief at their acceptance of it. And if you had to put up with their teasing at least that would serve as proof that they’d already accepted you into their family with open arms. And you supposed that deep down-way past the mortification you still felt as you and Fives slipped away from his brothers followed by cat calls, whoops, and hollers-you were grateful for the chance to provide Fives’s vode with hope for their own futures. 
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vivithefolle · 4 years
What is your opinion on the parallels between Ron and Neville, especially considering that they both suffer from drastically low self-esteem? People often draw similarities between their arcs, but it seems to me that as the book series went on, Neville gained confidence while Ron lost confidence. Am I missing something?
I think you pretty much summed it up.
You could say that Neville’s self-esteem was inversely proportional to Ron’s.
When Ron comes at Hogwarts, he’s feeling a bit defeated already, but his successes in the first book (where he kinda carries the team) and the second (where he gets a Special Award For Services To The School along with Harry) serve to build up his confidence, culminating with him getting his own wand in the third. Meanwhile poor Neville, while he stands up to Grabbe and Coyle and later to his own friends, is still seen bumbling around and being generally a laughing stock.
After the third book it’s kind of a turning point. Ron doubts Harry openly, makes a fool of himself due to Fleur’s Veela glamour and is pretty much getting slapped in the face by the narration. Neville however doesn’t get humiliated as much, and even gets to go to the Yule Ball without being publically humiliated.
In OOTP the chasm deepens. Ron is bullied horribly... and no one does a thing. Neville, meanwhile, gets McGonagall telling him he’s a great wizard and a promise of her standing up to his grandmother. OOTP ends with Neville having gotten his own wand, and Ron’s triumph over his bullies is eclipsed by his defeat at the DOM.
HBP pretty much spits on every character, even uses Luna Lovegood to convince us to feel sorry for Hermione who has assaulted her friend, and Neville is pretty much the only one to come out unscathed, because he was relegated to the background. He makes a comic relief appearance at Slughorn’s party and that’s all; he’s then here and present when it comes to fighting the Death Eaters during the battle of the Astronomy Tower. Ron is also there, but people seem to forget that Hermione and Luna did not participate much in that fight...
And DH... well, no possibility to see Neville bumbling at Hogwarts in DH now that we aren’t at Hogwarts, is there? But we are given first-seats to see Ron be moody and angry and a general ass... which anyone would be in the situation he’s in (as in, having your family/little sister liable to be executed at any moment by a corrupt government, being anaemic, and being led on a wild goose chase by an asshole who doesn’t seem to care at all about the fact that YOUR FAMILY MAY DIE THE LONGER THIS DRAGS ON), but somehow JKR insists that it’s Ron and only Ron being an asshole, case in point:
This was their first encounter with the fact that a full stomach meant good spirits; an empty one, bickering and gloom. Harry was least surprised by this, because he had suffered periods of near starvation at the Dursleys’. Hermione bore up reasonably well on those nights when they managed to scavenge nothing but berries or stale biscuits, her temper perhaps a little shorter than usual and her silences rather dour. Ron, however, had always been used to three delicious meals a day, courtesy of his mother or of the Hogwarts house-elves, and hunger made him both unreasonable and irascible. Whenever lack of food coincided with Ron’s turn to wear the Horcrux, he became downright unpleasant. - Deathly Hallows
So we have
Ron, however, had always been used to three delicious meals a day, courtesy of his mother or of the Hogwarts house-elves 
... but, um, Hermione too is used to three delicious meals a day, courtesy of her parents and the Hogwarts house-elves -
Hermione bore up reasonably well [...], her temper perhaps a little shorter than usual and her silences rather dour
Nevermind, Perfect Goddess Sue is perfect.
At the end of DH, we still remember that Ron behaved badly in the Horcrux Hunt because blah blah symbolism blah blah poor wee Harry blah blah catholicism parallels with St Peter denying knowing Jesus blah blah blah.
While Neville’s appearance as the fearless, epic Hogwarts leader is still a shock, but also a satisfying moment, especially when he gets his epic speech to tell Voldemort to go fuck himself.
... which leads many to forget that Ron did it before Neville (not that Neville’s speech wasn’t an epic, well-deserved moment of pure badassery).
"You see?" said Voldemort, and Harry felt him striding backward and forward right beside the place where he lay. "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!" "He beat you!" yelled Ron, and the charm broke, and the defenders of Hogwarts were shouting and screaming again until a second, more powerful bang extinguished their voices once more. - Deathly Hallows
But people will mostly recall Neville’s speech. Because it lasts longer than Ron’s simple “he beat you” and Voldemort actually reacts to it, actually holds a conversation with Neville, while Ron’s scream is... mostly ignored. Even his breaking of Voldemort’s Silencing Charm doesn’t impact much, because another, stronger Charm is immediately put in place moments after.
The way Neville and Ron kill their respective Horcruxes is very different, too... Neville does it in an epic moment of badassery, set on fire and everything, and takes the sword from the Hat itself, mimicking Harry’s actions in Chamber of Secrets. It’s a pure, unadulterated moment of epicness, and nothing can taint its sheer badassery (especially if, like the rest of us intellectuals, you ignore everything JKR has tried to establish as canon after DH). Ron, however, kills his affiliated Horcrux as an act of... eugh... redemption over leaving Harry’s side (even though it was clearly the smartest thing to do since the dumbass didn’t even manage to destroy the Horcrux while Ron was gone, so here’s your proof that Harry and Hermione absolutely do need Ron because they’re incompetent nincompoops). Ron killing the Horcrux can’t be called triumphant or a victory, no matter what idiots blabbering about symbolically destroying his inferiority complex try to say - because yeah, symbolism is nice and all, but it’s not because Ron gets a symbolic victory that he’s miraculously cured of it, but hey who cares Ron can’t possibly have a mental illness cuz he’s not Harry haha!!
... Excuse me. I’m still bitter over... things.
Ron’s defeat of the Horcrux isn’t a triumph like Neville decapitating Nagini is. He’s humiliated in front of his best friend, whose opinion he bases most of his self-esteem upon. His dirty laundry is aired for Harry to see. And finally, when he destroys the Horcrux, he is left crying in the snow with Mr Emotionally Stunted for company.
How. The fuck. Do you call that. A victory.
Ron’s killing of the Horcrux is bittersweet. It’s only Harry and Ron, isolated in a small clearing, in the snow. Ron doesn’t get the sword from the Sorting Hat itself, which may make some people think it hasn’t been won properly, even though Ron displayed bravery (jumping into a frozen pond in the middle of winter) and chivalry (rescuing Harry) to obtain it, and Ron pretty much spends the whole time being terrified (of the thing that psychologically tortured him but hey, since when do we care about Ron’s feelings) then apologizing to Harry for leaving (and Harry accepting those apologies when HE TOO OWED RON SOME FUCKING APOLOGIES BUT NAH HARRY POTTER IS TOO SPECIAL FOR THAT).
While Neville’s killing of Nagini is nothing but badass, badass, and re-badass, with loads of people to witness it. It’s epic. Neville obtains Gryffindor’s sword “”“properly”““, by taking it from the Sorting Hat. And naturally, there’s nothing about Neville “redeeming himself for his betrayal of Our Lord And Saviour Harry Potter” to taint that success.
Yeah... at the end of it all, Ron is... not fine. Him “symbolically destroying his inferiority complex” is just fucking that, a symbol. But it doesn’t mean he’s miraculously cured his insecurities and all. It doesn’t mean he’s stopped being horribly fucking depressed. It doesn’t mean he’s not traumatized. But I forgot only Harry’s traumas matter (and Hermione’s, to a lesser extent... what am I saying, Hermione doesn’t get trauma, trauma is for losers, like Harry).
Neville is slowly but steadily built up in the background through the series (huh, kinda like Ginny... wonder why more people won’t point that out). His failures are so commonplace, and usually more in the realms of “accidental fuck-up” than “feeling offended and fucking up because of it”, that it’s hard to be angry at him. Meanwhile Ron’s failures feel more personal, because he’s so important to Harry and Harry takes Ron’s disagreements with him as personal attacks like the idiot fuck he is.
So, while Neville gradually gets stronger in the background, Rowling brings Ron down a little more in every book, because as the books go on she can’t bear to have Harry and Hermione fuck up, so Ron has to do all the fucking up so she can pretend the other two are perfect instead.
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