nectar-cellar · 5 months ago
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i put my alpha cc back in my game 😭
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simmer-emsie · 2 years ago
Not So Berry Challenge 3
Couldn’t get enough of the original Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? Already played through Not So Berry Challenge 2? Wishing you could play a challenge with content from 2021 onward? If you’ve been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2023), look no further!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 3, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (…y’all know why).
Thank you to @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ for the inspiration (and the rules!).
Basic rules:
Each heir must represent the colour of the generation (like hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly-coloured skin isn’t necessary.
The colours of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Cheats can be used, but not excessively.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on Normal.
Generation One: Soil
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Well, you’re on your own now and you haven’t got much to your name except a plot of land and a couple of chickens. That’s alright though; animals tend to understand you better than Sims, anyway. Living off the land is difficult work but you’re determined to cultivate a respectable farm with livestock, fruit trees, and even some oversized produce!
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Socially Awkward, Music Lover
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: None
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
Start on an empty lot in Henford-on-Bagley with 500 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Max the cross-stitch and gardening skills.
Play using the Living Off the Land lot challenge.
Befriend Patchy the Straw Man.
Complete 5 requests for your neighbours.
Generation Two: Sprout
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Your best buddy growing up was a farm animal, and now you want to give back to the creatures that meant so much to you. As a veterinarian, you meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends. You spend your free time volunteering and training the animals you bring home with you.
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Outgoing
Aspiration: Slumber Party Animal (Child), Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration.
Max the veterinarian and pet training skills.
Befriend one of your parent’s farm animals as a Child.
Adopt at least one cat and one dog.
Volunteer on weekends.
Generation 3: Blossom
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So, your parent was really into animals. And maybe that was a little bit too internalized in you… because now you can’t stop thinking about embracing your primal side and becoming a Werewolf. You still need to pay the bills though, so you work as a Green Technician to protect your territory’s ecosystem. On the weekends, you and your pack go bowling.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Insider, Loyal
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate, Emissary of the Collective OR Wildfang Renegade
Career: Civil Designer, Green Technician branch
Complete 2 Werewolf aspirations.
Max the bowling and logic skills.
Become a Werewolf.
Find and marry your Fated Mate.
Go bowling every weekend.
Generation Four: Mist
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Uhh… you okay? You were kind of raised by… literal Werewolves. The experience was kind of traumatic, and now you’re trying to live a normal life. You eat grilled cheese as a coping mechanism and as a teen, you start a side hustle so you can move out on your own ASAP. You go to university and get a completely normal job in the city. You struggle to trust someone enough to fall in love, especially after the whole… “Fated Mates” thing your parents had going on. You just really, really want something normal.
Traits: Overachiever, Paranoid, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen), Grilled Cheese
Career: Any side hustle or part-time job (Teen), Education
Complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration.
Max the cooking, baking, and flower arranging skills.
If your Sim is given the option to graduate early, take it.
Get a degree.
After university, move to the city (San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, or San Sequoia) and get a bonsai tree.
Marry someone with a secret (for example, is an Alien or a Criminal).
Generation Five: Lava
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Things were kind of weird growing up, and now you’re healing from your childhood. If therapy was a thing, you’d so be there. But since it’s not, you dedicate yourself to journaling, wellness, and less socially-acceptable coping mechanisms. 
Traits: Erratic, High Maintenance, Party Animal
Aspiration: Drama Llama (Teen), Villainous Valentine (Adult), Inner Peace (Elder) 
Career: Culinary, Mixologist branch
Complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration.
Max the mixology, wellness, and writing skills.
Have a negative relationship with your parents.
Have an affair with a celebrity.
Have a child with a married Sim.
Write a tell-all memoir book as an elder.
Generation Six: Ash
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You had a fractured family life growing up, but one thing your parents told you about was your ancestor who started a magnificent farm. You want to start anew, just like they did. But, well, you’re kind of a city kid… so you only grow avocados. Also, you’re totally in-tune with the paranormal and commune with ghosts for work.
Traits: Bookworm, Childish, Unflirty
Aspiration: Playtime Captain (Child), Soulmate
Career: Freelancer, Paranormal Investigator branch
Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
Max the medium and gardening skills.
Live in an apartment and grow avocados on the balcony.
Marry a Sim that you’ve brought back from the dead.
Generation Seven: River
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If there were an award for weirdest upbringing, you’d probably get it. Seriously… one of your parents came back from the dead to have you! The fun doesn’t stop there though. You’re determined to keep having cool experiences and write about them for your whole life.
Traits: Bro, Good, Jealous
Aspiration: Mind and Body (Child), StrangerVille Mystery
Career: Drama Club (Child/Teen), Writer
Complete the StrangerVille aspiration.
Max the writing and fitness skills.
Have a child with someone from StrangerVille.
Take your child on vacation at least once every life stage (infant, toddler, child, teen).
Chapter Eight: Ocean
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As the heir to a wealthy writer, you’re used to having things handed to you, like jobs and vacations. Now that you’re old enough to make a name for yourself, you want to build your Trendi empire as a Simfluencer. You pick Sulani as the perfect place to make your mark; beautiful weather and beachfront property mean all your followers will be so jealous of you. You love the water more than anyone you know, until one day you see someone a little too far out to sea to be natural… 
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Mean
Aspiration: Admired Icon (Teen), Party Animal
Career: Trendi (Teen), Simfluencer
Complete the Party Animal aspiration.
Max the entrepreneur and media production skills.
Live in Sulani and become a mermaid.
Sell an outfit on Trendi for 9,999 Simoleons.
Get 1,000,000 followers.
Generation 9: Sand
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Your parent always encouraged you to do great things with your life… as long as what you want is to be an Interior Decorator. Your real passion is music and you practice whenever you can. You’ve always wanted to rebel against your parent, but never had it in you to actually do it.
Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Neat
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Interior Decorator (Adult), Entertainment, Musician branch (Elder)
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration.
Max the violin and guitar skills.
Have a Strict family dynamic with your parent (you may cheat for this).
Get a Fine Arts degree at university.
If your Sim experiences a midlife crisis, you must complete it.
Generation 10: Flame
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As a little kid, your biggest goal in life was to one day become the best parent ever. Your own parent was sad a lot and you acted out because of it, but you want your own kid to have a happier home. You want to provide everything for your children with your own two hands. You like building on the woodworking bench and brewing herbalism concoctions.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Maker
Aspiration: Live Fast (Teen), Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Culinary, Chef branch
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration.
Max the cooking, handiness, and herbalism skills.
Have at least three children, one of whom is adopted.
Go on family vacations to Granite Falls as much as possible.
Good luck and have fun!
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slightlyartist · 11 days ago
Ik you’re still in the process of making lore but I have have Steve - Fidds questions!
1. What is Pyramid Steve getting out of making these deals? Is he helping Bill with his Weirdmageddon stuff? Is he stealing things from his Victims other than what’s given (like slowly taking all their money and savings/their life force/whatever he uses for currency) to pay his alimony? Or is he just doing this because he likes doing HUMAN THINGS as a HUMAN MAN and it’s FUN and a BUSINESS and TOTALLY DIFFERENT from sitting around on his laptop playing the sims all day so he doesn’t need to deal with his OWN issues (like his divorce)?
2. Is he helpful with little things *at first* to make sure his ‘customers’ trust him to deal with more and more stuff? Like at first he comes to Fidds when it’s been a month since he last did laundry because he was too scared to go down to the laundry room and Steve tells him he has a Magic Product to Help with Anxiety! Then Fidds feels all floaty and calm and out of it. Next thing Fidds knows, his laundry is clean, folded and, put away, AND he even washed and redid his bedsheets! And he took a shower and is wearing fresh clothes! Wow! He just barely remembers any of it, like trying to remember a dream, but who cares! The Product is Working! Yay! And it’s a very easy slope from that to Fidds thinking “I’ve been ghosting Emma-May (who’s upset with me) for a week now and my hands shake thinking about it, I need to use Product and call her to work things out! OH NO Apparently I sounded like a weird British man trying to do a southern accent the whole conversation and now she thinks I’m taking drugs! And is MORE upset with me! I need to call her and fix things! Which I can only do with the help of Product! My life is crumbling around me.”
3. Please work the plastic bag of DvDs Steve carries around and pet centipede into this au. This isn’t a question this is a request. And the fact he eats copper wires! Does he make the humans he controls also eat Copper Wires? Does he make the humans buy or steal copper wires for him so he can eat them?
4. Uh. What do you imagine being hypnotized feels like to Fidds (the first few times before he starts going brain dead)? I’m guessing it’s not just blacking out if victims get addicted to the *feeling* of being hypnotized as well as getting addicted to the ability to step out of their life for a bit.
5. Does Fidds already being pretty into the ‘beginnings of permanent brain damage’ stage of memory gun use have any affect on Steve’s ability to hypnotize/control Fidds? Since he’s basically controlling Fidds from his laptop, the main hardware he’s running his program on being janked up could have some effect on how well Stiddlepord ‘runs’.
6. What do the ‘side effects’ of Product start to look/feel like in the victims? Like we know what the memory gun’s side effects look like in action because of that supercut of Fidds decent. And can partial brain function eventually be recovered like with the memory gun? Or is Pyramid Steve eventually just puppeting a corpse until it starts to decompose?
7. Uhhhhh. Can I write fanfiction. Of this au.
Anyway this ask is way too long, I know, but if I write fanfiction on this I want it to be lore accurate and not just my own thing, and it’s such a cool au!!! I crave more!! More of the unstable divorced man ‘possessing’ the other unstable divorced man!! Amazing!!
HELLO HELLO! Thank you for being so interested in this silly AU!! Okay I'm going to sit down and properly think about all of this!
Fun fact! If Ford refers Bill as My Muse, Fidds refers Steve as My Elixir ;)
What is Pyramid Steve getting out of making these deals?
As opposed to Bill and his love for physical pain, Steve craves mental and emotional misery. Like a parasite feeding off the psychological pain they are experiencing, that's why his aim is to ruin their lives even more, kicking his customers when they are already down.
Bill and Steve are not allies. In fact Bill HATES Steve's guts. They are aware of each other, Fidds is not aware that Ford has Bill, Ford is not aware that Fidds has Steve, but they both know something is off about the other.
Hypnotized Fiddlesteve would change the maths of the Portal blueprints that Possessed Billford spent hours making the day before, hilarity ensues ❤️
2. Is he helpful at first?
You put it perfectly into words! If the Memory Gun was a metaphor for Alcohol, Steve is straight up a metaphor for Drugs. Sure, it can work at first, makes you feel productive, fills you with energy, eases your worries and is a distraction. But how long does that take before things start getting out of hand? First week, Steve helps you with EVERYTHING. He finishes all of Fidds' tasks in less than a day, Ford praises Fidds' efficiency, Fidds is literally on cloud nine! He needs to call that weird guy again. He needs to keep this going. But then as time goes on, things get a bit weird, the maths aren't adding up, things are tense between Ford and him and he doesn't know why, uh oh, he needs help! He needs His Elixir. He will make everything right. (Spoiler: things start to go downhill from there)
3. Does he make the humans he controls also eat Copper Wires?
A picture is worth a thousand words ;)
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4. What do you imagine being hypnotized feels like to Fidds (the first few times before he starts going brain dead)?
I think he does black out sometimes when Steve takes over without any warning, but when Fidds willingly reaches out to Steve I'm guessing it feels like when Mable ate that expired candy. Just pure vibes!
5. Does Fidds already being pretty into the ‘beginnings of permanent brain damage’ stage of memory gun use have any affect on Steve’s ability to hypnotize/control Fidds?
It just made everything easier! You see, Steve's perfect customers are those who are "weak-minded". Hypnosis wouldn't work on those who are strong-willed. It would just wear off after some brief time, or they would just turn down Steve's offerings. That's why Fidds is so easy to manipulate. In fact, Steve's hypnosis will end up causing even more brain damage to the victim in the long run. Fidds' brain will begin to atrophy and his nervous system will start to collapse.
6. What do the ‘side effects’ of Product start to look/feel like in the victims?
While not under hypnosis, the victim can experience: Brain Atrophy, photosensitivity, seizures, increased paranoia, hallucinations, weight loss, isolation (Steve would push away everyone), drowsiness, random twitches, memory issues, inability to perform everyday tasks and decisions... I'm currently designing Old Man Fiddlesteve and it's making me so unbelievably sad by just staring at him...
Can partial brain function eventually be recovered like with the memory gun? Or is Pyramid Steve eventually just puppeting a corpse until it starts to decompose?
Both! There are two ways to stop Hypnosis: the victim's mind becomes somehow "strong" enough to get rid of hypnosis, or Steve could just let that victim free because it reached a point in life in which everything is already so messed up that it hit rock bottom, becoming brain-dead and not useful.
If you get rid of hypnosis in the early stage, it's easier to regain control of your life. If, like Fidds, you've been under hypnosis for decades, it would take A REALLY INTENSE treatment to regain AT MOST 45% of the original brain potential. Since it was a coping mechanism stronger and more aggressive than the Memory Gun, your brain will suffer so many side effects and the atrophy can only heal until a certain point. Fidds can't catch a break in any AU I fear...
7. Can I write fanfiction. Of this au.
YESS i'd love to read it!! My "lore-accurate" tip is to just follow the canon, but with Fidds hiding Steve from Ford the same way he hid the memory gun from him. (The memory gun is still part of this AU tee-hee). Just four divas having intense beef with each other. Fiddlesteve was the perfect excuse to come up with more Fiddauthor toxic angst :>
As you can see I will try to share some of his lore by using Computer entries (and Journal entries to show Ford's POV) but you can just take creative liberties since everything is a huge WIP, or you can DM me your thoughts! <3
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frootjice · 9 months ago
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FROOT SAVE FILE! 🪁 (under construction)
IT'S FINALLY MY START TO THE FILE PEOPLE !! i've been wanting to do this for a while now but i never actually had the dedication to start it up until recently and i'm happy with said progress so far which is just willow creek! this is just the start so they're just builds right now but there are some furnished and semi-furnished homes for sims that i'm working on for the save but you can obviously do whatever you want with it!
Some basic knowledge about the file, it uses ALL PACKS besides STAR WARS, CASTLE KIT, AND CLOTHING KITS! there's about 20 residential lot's total and 8 community lots, it includes all CC (shoutout to the CC creator's !🩵) (VERY HEAVILY CC'D), and it REQUIRES the TOOL MOD, MCCC MOD, BETTER BUILD BUY, BILLS MOD, GRASS REPLACEMENT MOD (OPTIONAL).
2 elderly homes
a library
a community lot
a recreation center
a restaurant
2 parks
2 generic lot's! (they just serve as filler but they have the cigarette vending machine's if you have basemental ! )
small overview⤵
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And if you need instructions on downloading the save file there's this video ⤵
the downloads (save file: left and downloads: right) (VERY HEAVY MODS FOLDER! IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO DOWNLOAD SO BE WARY)⤵
📂 + 📂
Here's to the creator's that are apart of the save 🍀! ⤵
@awingedllama, @tau1tvec, @harrie-cc, @pierisim, @zx-ta, @sforzcc, @softerhaze, and if i missed you and you happen to see any of your stuff in there lmk and with that being said if you have any questions or problems just message me, enjoy!
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simder-talia-blog · 10 months ago
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Info here
The hard part about these type of things is knowing I will forget people. Just know that if I reblog your posts I appreciate you so much and what you do!
For anyone new to the world of CC, I highly recommend these creators, and remember that if you find a creator who has made some things you like, go browse the rest of their catalog! Chances are there is lots more that you're going to love.
@herecirmsims - Makes wonderful, amazing pose packs and has a fun story going as well!
@ellemant - Gorgeous, gorgeous screenshots. Ellemant has also made some of my favorite, and oldest CC that I have in my game!
@eslanes - A longtime favorite account. You have got to check out the amazing Sims version album covers that eslanes has made as renders!
@xsavannahx987 - Awesome CC!
@rebouks - Amazing poses and storytelling! Also builds & sims dumps
@creamlattedream - So much fun MM clothing for your sims, & lots for male sims!
@beansbuilds - Beautiful, detailed builds that I fell in love with from her very first post
@bill-l-s4cc - Very useful CC items!
@xldkx - Incredibly cute & useful deco sims and more!
@the-dew-of-the-sea - makes some of my favorite CC that I have in my game!
@saruin - Superb and creative creations!
@anachrosims - Beautiful, gorgeous historical CC and in game shots that take your breath away!
@elfydrell - Loads of WoW CC!
@yooniesim - A creator of incredible CAS details for your sims, and lots of them!
@hamsterbellbelle - If you're looking for cyberpunk aesthetic, you must browse this creator's catalog!
@serawis - Another lovely CC creator (I especially love the skin overlays!)
@cinamun - Storytelling & gorgeous shots! (I added cinamun after I posted, I have a terrible headache this morning as I was finishing this post, I am sorry for accidentally leaving you out!)
@surely-sims - So much fun & unique CC, if you haven't yet, you must go look!
@simkoos - Again, so much fun & cute CC!
@aira-cc - More MM / kawaii CC that I absolutely love
@lilis-palace - Gorgeous MM historical CC
@twentiethcenturysims - Gorgeous MM historical CC, and even some witch hats for your cats!
@gothoffspring - More lovely CC (and tie dye!)
@simmillercc - More adorable CC
@nolan-sims - another one of my longtime favorites!
@simverses - Tons of wonderful Medieval CC!
@coatisims - All the groceries!
@bodegababysims - MOAR groceries!
@aroundthesims - Another longtime favorite! Sooo many useful and unique items, some of which inspired by her personal life and things she loves, which I love.
@insimniacreations - Tons of functional IRL food!
@moderncrafter - Lots of really nice vehicle CC (check poly for older computers)
@marsosims - More wonderful MM CC, I especially love their hairs
@peacemaker-ic - Can't make a favorites collection without mentioning Peacemaker! Maxis Match CC of all kinds!
I also want to say how much I appreciate anyone on here that has ever made me burst out laughing with something funny that they've posted (screenshots from your game, glitches, a meme you made relating to tumblr website nonsense, commentary on this or that, etc) You're all so funny 💗😆😭
Happy Holidays, everyone! Take care, pls stay healthy & safe, and thank you so much for the past year of simming fun!
EDIT! @crazy-lazy-elder-sims & @helloavocadooo I am so sorry I also forgot to tag you in this. I've had a bad headache for days due to very crazy barometric pressure where I live and I just am not thinking properly. I love that I get to be part of this community with you!
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faeriemarie · 1 year ago
introducing my lifa app!!
so if you don't know what the lifa app is... here is my extremely confusing explanation. if you can't understand it, i don't blame you
the basics of my app:
The app is for pc, phone, ipad, and other electronic devices (or on paper in drs without smartphones)
It will automatically appear and it can not be deleted. I know everything there is to know about Lifa and I control the app with absolute ease.
If someone were to go on a device where the Lifa app is on, they wouldn’t be able to see it or tap on it at all. Only I can see it or use it and it is 100% real and 100% effective
The lifa app doesn’t take up ANY storage
Lifa knows exactly what I mean because it is connected to my subconscious mind. It knows what I mean exactly, and all intrusive thoughts are ignored
The lifa app doesn’t need wifi
I can do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING with Lifa, no restrictions, and nobody ever suspects that I’m using it
Nothing I search or watch on my lifa app is traceable by anyone but me (not even cell or wifi companies)
There are ZERO CONSEQUENCES to using Lifa and what decisions I make. Nothing goes wrong, everything happens how I expect it to, excluding the intrusive thoughts which are always ignored
No one is ever suspicious of the things I manifest and it’s like I’ve always had them (clothes, food, talents, etc. has always been there)
okay now for the features!!
lifa closet
Any item of clothing I choose from the catalog, script, or import a picture of will be sent to my closet, suitcase, or wherever I want
reality shifting
I can set a time and pick a reality to shift to. I will then shift during that exact time
reality check
I can check which reality I am in with the click of a button
I can script and write anything. Inserted images are HD, and PNG images remain transparent. I can insert infinite images and change the font’s color and style itself (same features as notes/notion/google docs but neater)
desired scenario
I can specifically script to describe my desired scenario. I can set the time and date to when the scenario happens. The scenario is exactly like how I want and even 1 trillion times better
I can insert a picture or describe what I want to manifest. I can also manifest people by typing their name and Lifa will automatically recognize who they are. I can set the time and date to when you want that thing to manifest, and it will happen 100%.
skill increaser
Choose any skill I desire to have (I can also insert it by typing “cooking”). I can choose to master any skill and it will show up immediately. I can search any skill and increase on a scale of 1-100% mastery
motherlode (sims reference lol)
I can deliver/spawn money of any currency in my chosen form. (gift cards, bank acc, cash, etc.) I can choose from coins to bills. There is no limit amount of money or times to deliver it. I can deliver it how much and how many times I want. The money is 100% legal and valid, and passes all money detectors. The money has valid and legal coding, as if it had been made in factories. It still remains perfectly legal. I can choose to spawn the money in my purse, bottom of backpack, pockets, amazon, wallet, etc. The money spawns in 5 seconds. I can deliver/spawn as much money as I desire, there is no limit (even 50 million is 100% possible). There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa credit card
The Lifa credit card has an infinite amount of money and can never go in debt. There is an infinite amount of money in all international currencies. The card is universal and 100% valid and legal. It can be used in any ATM and online store/game (could be recognized as any official credit card like eg. visa or ae). The money has no money or usage limit, and it can be used for anything, anytime. In ATM machines it appears that the card only has 1000€/$, but in the Lifa app it will be ∞ €/$. If the card gets lost, it will automatically disappear. The same happens if the card breaks, and Lifa will spawn a new card with the same exact info.  It will come inside a little gift box (that matches the app’s color scheme I desire) wherever I want. The card’s number and code (and other infos) are up to me or the universe but it's always 100% valid. The card lasts forever. There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa bank account
The bank account feature is connected to the credit card feature. It’s almost like a normal bank acc. I can see all mytransactions. The amount of money never changes because it stays 100% infinite. I can change my money’s currency. I can also take money out of the card in my desired currency. I can customize the card’s design and I can spawn more cards. I can easily create more bank accounts too, they will all have infinite money. There is 0% risk of money inflation
lifa paypal/venmo/cashapp/etc.
It is 100% legal anywhere. It is exactly like the real paypal, but my Lifa bank account/card is registered. I can use it in all purchases that require paypal. I can login on the real paypal website with the Lifa paypal acc. When I first use the app I get to create a Lifa paypal account. The balance shows 1000€ / $ / £ but the money amount is infinite. There is 0% risk of money inflation
food delivery
If I insert a picture of a food item or search the catalog, Lifa will recognize. When I confirm, it will be sent to my ideal location. (i can pick the location). The food will be 100% fresh and new
boredom cure
Instantly provides me with inspiration to do something that is productive and beneficial to my overall well-being
I can design a person’s hair, body, face, etc., script their personality and choose their traits. It is set up like scripting and has different templates I can use. I can change skin tone, skin type, undertone, hair color, hair texture, eye color, etc. I can insert any pictures and they’ll be exactly how I want. When I insert a script of the person’s personality and behaviour, Lifa will recognize it. I can also script traits and the person’s backstory. I have to fill in each’s birth info (name, age, birthday, sign, blood type, etc) to my desire.  I can also choose the relationship between the people when I’m done creating them. Then I confirm and once I shift to my dr it will all be exactly like how I wanted and even 1 trillion times better. If I’m feeling lazy, I can select to let the universe fill in the gaps, and the universe will fill them like I wanted and even better
lifa messenger
I can text with anyone in the universe that I want. It feels completely real and all conversations are remembered. It’s like having online bestie because the people I text always get along with me, always respond, and actually care about me. We can also call and video chat. I am not actually communicating with someone from my reality and instead with the universe since everyone is part of the universe. It works exactly how I want it to
natal chart
I can select which life/reality’s natal chart I want to see. Lifa offers a personalized detailed description of my chart and personality. The chart is 100% accurate. I can also select to look at anyone’s natal chart. Lifa will show a list of everyone I know. It is divided in 5 categories (friends, family, acquaintances, classmates/coworkers, celebrities). The natal chart can also show compatibility
grade changer
Automatically makes me have good grades and changed all my past grades to A. My wrong test answers morph into correct test answers
I can ask anything and get the complete and 100% right answer. The questions can vary from asking where my lost tennis shoes are to what’s the answer to number 4 on my math homework. There is no limit to what can be asked and the answer given is always exactly what I need
feature adder
I can visualize and script more features and add them to Lifa with the feature adder. Lifa will add these features in 1 second and they will be 100% effective. Lifa also knows exactly what I mean, even if I script something wrong, so there are no surprises
A streaming site where I can watch shows that only exist in my dr (most of the time used for fame drs so i can see all the great acting projects i have been a part of). I can also watch my drs like tv shows.
A video site set up like YouTube where I can watch anything from my dr. Things like fan edits, compilations of dr moments, my dr tiktoks, youtube videos made by my dr self and more. I can also watch memories/anything that happens from either a 3rd person point of view or 1st person
lifa socials
My lifa app has social media accounts from all my different realities that i can flip through, post from, dm with people from those realities, and go live (i can post anything i want on these social media sites and i’m immune to anything bad happening like leaking nudes, screenshots, hacking, or any other cybercrimes/bad things). My wr self even has their own account
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everythingwrongwithizumi · 5 months ago
Awkwardly Awarding
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pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
warning: 18+, porn with plot, smut, dead relative, unprotected sex, oral(f), praise kink?, fingering, hickeys, teasing, pet names (nothing crazy!), squirting, overstimulation, Gojo being Gojo?, lmk if there’s anymore u see!
w/c: 5.8k
a/n: HELPPP😭 No one asked but heres an idea that came to me while I was playing the Sims TT First time writing smut lmk what u thinkkk ;) Also Tumblr being weird so hopefully this posts!
The death of my father wasn’t one I was not expecting. I mean sure, he was a nice dad, but he was never really there when I needed him. Instead of sitting around and complaining about him like I usually did I kept quiet this entire week. I was alone now and in an entirely new area with entirely new people. Arriving at the apartments was a bit overwhelming, to say the least.
The intense amount of traffic, high buildings, and busy streets were definitely sensory overload, but it didn’t matter because the view was absolutely phenomenal. Before Dad bit the bullet he did leave me a huge sum of money which allowed me to purchase my second ever apartment.
My last apartments did not compare to these newer ones, plus they were centered more in the city which meant I was now paying twice my old rent for this new apartment, but that’s what a trust fund is for, right? I didn’t have a lot to move, but it was still enough to fill up a small rented truck from the movers.
The hard part was now done! Was what I thought once all the boxes were moved into the apartment however, the organizing was actually going to cause me to jump off of this building through my beautiful window.
I went through the first few boxes with ease that was until I ran into my childhood things— yes I keep them in a separate box. Quietly I pulled stuffed animal after stuffed animal. Those didn’t hurt as much as the stuffed animal made in memory of my first late dog.
I couldn’t stop the tears from coming as I gripped the dog… Dick… oh how I missed that dog. His name wasn’t Dick that was the stuffed animals name, after the late Moby— who was my actual dog.
After a night of crying I had drag myself out of my makeshift bed made out of pillows and blankets because I was dumb enough not to buy an air mattress. This was the same job I had been working at previously.
Once I got home it was like feeling of dread washed over me. So, instead of cleaning and unpacking I found my self ordering Pizza. I’m not going to lie, I did pick up a few things but after I put up my landscape themed calendar I realized I forgot one big important thing.
A desk…
I rushed to grab my phone and open the Amazon app and after doing so typing up “desk” in the search engine. And after a minute of scrolling and biting my thumb nail I found the perfect one!
It had white drawers down the right side and a beautiful oak that would go well with the frame of the bed I had yet to put together. I sighed at the price, I guess left overs will have to do for dinner. It wasn’t that I was poor buuuut I spend a lot on the deposit for this place and I still had bills to pay and set up.
A couple of minutes later, still in my work clothes, I heard the doorbell ring. My tummy ached for the steamy and hot pepperoni pizza… there was a $5 deal…
I got up and walked to the front door. Out of habit, I looked through the peephole only to feel my mouth water at the sight…and smell. I opened the door wide open with a wide smile. After u paid for the pizza then sat down to eat said pizza, I packed it up and put it in the fridge this place came with.
“It came with all of the utilities,” my best friend I met at work asked. I sat the phone down on my makeshift bed before stripping to get into something more comfortable for bed, “Yes! And everything works—well I haven’t had to wash anything yet but we’ll see.”
I could hear my friend agree through the phone with a hum, “I suppose that’s why it’s so expensive.” I chuckled at her reasoning “Oh yeah, I’m definitely getting my pennies worth.” We talked a little while longer and she offered to come help since she knew someone in the area or in the same apartment but I told her it was fine.
Heading into work with a sore back was not ideal especially if you are standing all day which is not what I was doing exactly. The drive home was lengthier which meant I was more tired than usual. I almost had to pull over to take a quick nap, but I was on the highway so it wouldn’t even have worked out for me.
Once I made it home I was eager to shed off the clothing of running around delivering papers and sitting at a desk doing hand exercises so my hands wouldn’t cramp for how many emails I have to write.
Now left in my lazy but simple lacey lingerie I walked to the kitchen and pulled out a pizza and heated it up. My ears perked up at a notification going off from my phone on the counter. I grabbed it and was shown a picture of the box that contained my desk in it sitting beside my door.
I glanced at the time at the top left corner of my phone… 3:46 am… no one would be up at this time, right? I looked down at my body and waited for a couple of minutes to ensure the delivery guy was gone. I took a peak out the window and watched as his giant van of Amazon shit rode away.
I walked to the front door and opened it, the cool air of the hallway making the buds of my nipples perk up. I shivered and looked down at the box, it was quite big, but no match for me!
I tried to pull it from the side failing miserably so I opted to push it into my doorframe. I checked around the hall quickly, not spotting anyone I got behind the box and bent down to push the box forward. The grunts coming from my mouth covered the sound of a door opening right behind me.
I pushed my legs back and finally pushed the box fully in through the door of my apartment. I stood up straight and sighed placing a hand on my head because being lightheaded was enough for me. Still, I clearly wasn’t aware of the wide eyes of my neighbor right behind me who had been staring at my ass.
I turned to close the door and found myself face to face with my neighbor who stood in his own doorframe. My eyes widened and my ears started burning from embarrassment as I looked down to see what I was wearing.
I slammed the door shut and slumped against the door, my hands covering my face. If I wasn’t so caught up in the way I was dressed or feeling I would’ve noticed how handsome and hot my neighbor was.
Letting out a squeal of embarrassment I got up and just left the box in the entrance and went to grab my pizza that I had left in my microwave that was also provided.
Wanting to ignore whatever happened, I decided to turn in for the night and put my dish in the sink and padded my way to my bedroom with the bed still not made. Groaning out of frustration I took my place in the mess of the blankets and stuffed animals with a pillow or two.
There was no way that happened, right? I’ve seen naked women all the time, but only as they present themselves. It’s been a minute since I’d seen someone naked not trying to impress anyone—or was she?
Taking a second to stop and bend over I looked at the watch on my hand,
4:20 am
Damn. I looked up and that’s when I felt it. The tightness in my joggers. This was going to be a long and uncomfortable run when all I could think about were her long and pretty legs. She looked like she smelt like lavender vanilla.
I groaned and began running once more around the city, the buildings never ending and the chatter and laughter never ceased. One girl— drunk no doubt—made eye contact with me. She was blonde, thin, and her tits we’re practically hanging out and when she turned and looked back at me my eyes shifted to her ass.
It was big, unnaturally so which made my mind travel back to her… when she bent over, the way her laced panties rode up the valley of her ass. The soft outline of her pussy, wonder what it would taste like?
I had to come to a stop and fix my problem before it looked like I visibly pissed myself. “Hey,” I turn at the nasally voice behind me. I saw the way she looked at me up and down and letting my pride take over I smirked and glanced over her body for a second time.
She wasn’t with her friends this time which meant she sought me out in purpose. “Hey there,” she giggled at the dip in my voice, right on track. She offered for me to go back to her place just a block away, walking up to me and placing her hands on my biceps.
The walk there was mostly her talking about her friends and how much she hated them because she “knew” they were jealous of her. I didn’t really care and let her yap on, the hardness of my dick lessening as she spoke more and more.
As soon as we made it in her lips were on my neck and her hands were sliding under my shirt. Taking it off I forced her on her knees which made her grin up at me as she pulled the sweats I was wearing down.
Placing my hand on her head my mind went back to her… the way her h/c spread across her shoulders and the way her butt jiggled when she pushed the box through that door. The more I thought about her the closer I felt to cuming.
“Ughh how long is this going to take,” I nearly pulled the hair out of my head in frustration. I was in the bathroom of my office and was currently trying to avoid the meeting. “You know no matter how hard you tug you won’t pull the boredom out of your head,” I turned to see my best friend smirking.
“Shoko, I feel like I’m going to die. I’m so under stimulated,” I practically whine and she just laughed and walked next to me. “Let’s go back, besides we get off in an hour and a half so this meeting shouldn’t last long,” her words naught some comfort to me as I sighed.
I pulled her in for a hug to which she returned, “What would I do without you,” I mumbled into her suit jacket backing her chuckle. “Let’s go out for drinks tonight, we both have the day off tomorrow in a long time,” she held me back from my shoulders.
Now that sounded amazing but I only sighed and felt myself visibly deflate, “I can’t, I still have a couple of things to unpack—“
“So come out when you’re done—“ Shoko interrupted making me frown even more, “I have to build a desk, Shoko.” Her face winced at that. The last time we both tried to build one it fell apart after we placed my computer in it, breaking to computer and the desk.
“How does tomorrow sound,” she spoke through her teeth cringing at the thought of building. I laugh at her suggestion and nodded. We both went back to the meeting and sat there for nearly two. More. Hours.
I know I needed the over time, but this was ridiculous. After another 30 minutes I looked at the clock to find it was 8:05pm. Then we were dismissed, the room filling with grumbles and mumbles of distain.
Once again, the ride home was long but out of sheer anger and annoyance I found myself eager to get home and build that damn desk so I can have fun tomorrow. Making in the building and to the elevator I sensed someone was standing beside me.
I glanced and nearly gasped at the sight of my handsome neighbor. The elevator dinged and we both made our way inside. The silence was deafening and the awkwardness was heavy. I shut my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see his face but was pulled out of my thoughts by his deep and soothing voice.
“I’m Satoru Gojo, haven’t had the pleasure of formally meeting you,” I opened an eye to look down and see he held his hand out. Then I looked up at his face and instinctively gripped his hand when the elevator shook.
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you too…formally,” I wanted to shrink into a hole and die. His chuckle made my belly flutter and my chest tighten. The elevator dinged causing the both of us to let go of each others hand and get off.
We both walked side my side with each other, still in awkward silence. Stopping at our doors we stood there for a good minute not saying anything. I heard his mouth open as he was about to speak before I beat him to it, “Come inside?”
He nearly fell to his knees when he heard it.
“S-sorry,” his voice waived causing me to shake my head in embarrassment, “It’s okay if not, I understand it’s been a long day. I just wanted to welcome you into my new home as a friendly neighbor.” Was I stupid? Inviting a stranger— a man! Into my home.
I could practice at my dead dad screaming at the top of his lungs about me being stupid. “Sure,” his response caught me off guard. He was stuttering and mumbling just a second ago, now he’s running a hand through his hair and smirking?
I roll my eyes and we both walk into my home. I notice his eyes go to the box containing my desk on the floor as I try hard to ignore it. “It’s… not much and I’m still waiting to get a couple more pieces of furniture, but with my budget it’s gonna have to wait,” I gesture to the mostly blank living room and dinning area.
Really, the only places completely done were the bathrooms and the kitchen. I needed to set up my office and my bedroom. “It’s nice… cozy” he says looking around making me fake a laugh “haha,” this in turn causes him to laugh, a sound I never want to forget.
I walk to the fridge and open it, “I apologize, I don’t have much as far as food so I’ve just been eating takeout. Need to go grocery shopping by the end of this week,” I hear him hum in acknowledgment, “No it’s fine, I ate beforehand.”
A moment of awkward silence washes over us before he breaks it, “your desk.” What an odd thing to say. I look up at him in confusion. He’s standing on one side of the island while I stand on the other. I watch as he glances to the box in the entrance, “you still haven’t built you desk?”
I sigh in embarrassment, “N-no I haven’t really had the time.” I raise my hand to nervously scratch the back of my neck. The next words that come out of his mouth make my eyes light up, “I can build it for you. If you want?”
“Yes!” I answered a bit too quickly making his eyebrow raise. “I’m sorry I just—I’m no good at building and I asked my friend but she’s also not good at building,” he nods in understatement before he walks over to the box. “Where do you want it,” he asks picking up the box with ease making my jaw drop.
He walks over with the box in his hands, the veins in his hands and arms popping out making me gulp. “Sweetheart I’m gonna need you to use your words,” I look up at the words usually used for endearment. A faint blush rises to me cheeks as I point to an area in the living room.
“O-over there is—is uh fine,” I tell him and I hear the box run against his hair which meant he nodded in acknowledgement. Once he set it down he pulled out a pocket knife making me jump and he stabbed box open.
Who the hell carries a knife with them in the cit— that was a stupid thing to question. My eyes fall to his arms as he tolls his sleeves up, the oversized dress shirt accentuating the veins on his arms. Instinctively, my thighs clutch together as I watch from the kitchen island.
He grunts as he pulls out the large wooden plank causing me to bite my lip and he sets it up against the wall. Now all the pieces were out along the empty floor. He claps his hand together, “thank you for the build,” he speaks to no one.
Is he serious? Did he just turn a common eating phrase into a building phrase. Odd guy, I like him. I want him… “what do you think,” I was caught off guard once more by his panting and out of breath sentence.
Gulping I look to see that he’s done with the drawers, “I-it looks really good Gojo.” His smile grows wider, “call me Satoru!” I chuckle at his expression. Demon. How can someone so sexy speak so cutely.
Shifting my weight to my other leg I freeze at the sensation. I was wet… and it felt uncomfortable except for the fact that it was caused by Gojo. I took another glance and noticed his stance. He had one knee in the ground and the other balanced him out, foot placed firmly on the ground.
He didn’t look hard but boy, can eyes be deceiving. “Alright,” he spoke in a song making me giggle at him. He was sure adorable when he wanted to be. Was he done already? I can’t believe I was so in my head I didn’t even her him hammering or drilling the screws.
“I just need to place this on top and secure it then I’m all done,” he grinned at me and put his hand on the wood plank still being held up by the wall. Now that I had the chance, I glanced at his body full over. His hair was slightly disheveled and there were light traces of sweat coming down his forehead and neck.
Feeling embarrassed I let out gasp and walk to the cabinet with the cups and pull one out before placing it under the ice dispenser and changing it to dispense filtered water. Unaware of Gojo watching me and my form with an unfamiliar gaze.
Then I make my way over to him and notice the desk was now finished. “I couldn’t thank you enough, but here’s some water,” I tell him with a worried voice and shove the glass into his hands. His fingers grazed my as he walked closer to me.
I felt my breath hitch as I look up at the man who was now towering over me, “There might be a way—but ah~ I don’t wanna sound so sleezy,” I watch as he backs up slightly and his hand lightly shakes the back of his neck.
“N-no, not at all! Anything,” the tone in my voice unintentionally drops at the last word. His eyes narrow and then I feel his hands being placed on my hips. The water had been discarded and placed in the desk. At least it didn’t crumble under the pressure of water.
He brings one hand up and places it under my chin pulling me closer to his face as he leans down. “Let me taste you,” my thighs rub together at the raspyness of his voice. Noticing his eyes were now on my lips I let my gaze fall to his.
No way a man this beautiful with such beautiful lips had one of the most filthiest—in a good way— sentence come out of his mouth. I couldn’t take it, it felt like all night I was being teased so I gave in.
I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into me, his lips puckered and pressed against mine. The kiss was heavy and needy. Just then, I felt the eagerness and desperation in the actions of his tongue. I let my mouth open slightly as his tongue slid inside.
His hands gripped my waist and turned me so my ass was pressed against the desk he had just built. He stops the kissing momentarily to speak, “let’s see how good this desk really is,” his voice sounded nearly like a purr.
I let out a soft hum in agreement as his hands slid down to the underside of my thighs, giving them a squeeze to signal to jump back onto the desk. As soon as I was on it he waisted no time placing his lustful lips all over my neck causing small moans to escape my mouth.
His hand made its way down to where I desperately needed him the most. Feeling me twitch beneath him, I could feel the smirk against my skin. That didn’t stop him from sucking my neck like a sex crazed teenager.
“Can I take this off of you baby,” he mumbled against the skin of my neck, the vibrations causing another moan to slip from my mouth. “Yes, please Gojo,” he didn’t like this. He ripped down the work pants I had on and the panties I was wearing as well.
“How many times will I have to keep saying it, say my name,” he almost sounded like a little kid having to give up their rights to their favorite toy. His hands were back on me as he pulled me closer to the edge of the desk rather harshly.
His hand also made its way back to my now unclothed center causing me to gasp. His eyes widened as he pulled back entirely and looked down then back up at me. The look on his face was one I’ll never forget.
He looked so genuinely happy and the way his eyes were wide with excitement made my heart and my pussy swell. He looked at me with pure adoration, something I rarely have done to me especially by men.
“Shit, is this all for me,” he beamed in excitement and when I nodded he fell to his knees at the sight in front of him. “It’s so pretty…” I felt the familiar heat rise in my cheeks, was I really embarrassed by his words?
My body tensed as he took two of his fingers and slid them down my labia, his way of teasing. I glanced down at him and he looked like he’d never seen pussy before making me slightly nervous. Then I felt it, the warm almost hot, thick, and wet muscle making contact with me.
He took his tongue and slid it from the base of my vagina all the way to the hood of my clit. I didn’t miss the way his tongue disappeared in between my folds and pussy lips. The sight making me more wet.
He looked up at me and I could see the clear but faintly white discoloration on his tongue before swallowing it in front of me, “oh you taste heavenly, just like I thought.” His hands were now hooked around my thighs as his tongue once again made contact with my pussy.
This time he licked around where I needed him the most causing me to squirm, “Satoru~,” he hummed at my whining, “Use your words sweetheart.” I couldn’t do this anymore, “Satoru eat me out already,” I begged causing him to chuckle lightly.
He wasted no time licking a stripe up all the way to my clit before wrapping his puffy lips around it. My hand flew straight to his beautiful head full of white hair. This only encouraged him to suck on my clit before releasing and placing a kiss on it before moving by down to lap at my entrance.
“S-Satoru,” I moaned out forcing my head back in pleasure. The hum of contempt send vibrations through my pussy causing my thighs to tighten around his head. He pushed forward and used his hands to spread my legs apart.
I looked down and the sight nearly made me cum on my own, Satoru's blue eyes were staring right up at me and instead of his wide ones, I was met with half lidded and dazed blue eyes. The tip of his nose was glistening under the living room light and his hair was moving as his head was shaking side to side with his tongue landing on my clit each time.
I forced my other hand onto his head in attempt to push him into me further. He showed no interest in backing away as he continued to suck and lap at my clit and folds. The ludicrous sounds echoed through the mostly empty apartment and the tightening in my belly pulled me back down to Satoru, “T-Toru..hng…I’m gonna cum—please, p-please let me cum.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” The vibrations from his sweet voice sent me over the edge as the grip on his hair only tightened and I attempted to push his head away so I wouldn’t be overstimulated, he however had other plans.
He retreated his lips from my throbbing clit with a pop and looked up at me as he inserted a finger through my hole. I gasped and looked down at him and he grinned at the sight of the flushed look on my face. “Toru,” I whined which only made him shush me, “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna make you feel real good again, okay?”
I could only nod as I felt another finger join inside me. He smirked and began pushing them in and out at a steady pace making me gasp, “D-don’t stop, Toru,” he hummed in response and I felt the familiar warm lips wrap around my clit once more as the pace of his fingers sped up and began curling upwards inside of me.
I tried to mask the lewd moans coming out of my lips by placing my hands over my mouth. Another pop was heard and his lips were off of my and now frowning, “Don’t do that. Let the neighbors know how good I make you feel, scream if you have to,” he muttered the last part with a smirk before diving back in to lap at my pussy.
His words encouraged me to place the hand that was once over my mouth and into his head once again. Soon, I felt the feeling coming back again only this time, it nearly burned and caused my body to twitch against him. “T-Toru wait—there’s something—ah!”
I threw my head back as he pulled away slightly with an open mouth while his fingers continued to fuck me. The moans I let out sounded almost like screams of pleasure. Coming down from that high I looked down feeling my body and my legs trembling at Satoru.
His face was now covered in my juices and his hair was slightly damp. I blushed in embarrassment as his eyes looked up at me, sparkling. “I think I just came in my pants,” he admitted causing my eyes to widen as I spread my legs to look down.
Sure enough there was a stain in them, but it didn’t look like he was soft or getting softer. “If you’re alright with it, I don’t have a condom and I’d like to fuck the shit out of you,” my mouth gapped at his forwardness. After a couple of second of him smiling at me I spoke up, “Y-yes, I’m not on birth control and I’m clean so…”
His smile only grew, “I’m clean too!” Before I knew it, he was helping me take off my shirt and pulling his pants down along with his underwear. His eyes immediately flew to my chest and he lean forward to kiss the skin on my neck, littered with bruises now showing.
My eyes widened at his length. I had been with men, sure, but him? His dick was hard which caused it to stand up in the air with a slight curve upwards. It was lengthy just like he was—if I had to guess, 8 inches? He also had girth to him, it wasn’t huge but it was definitely big enough to hurt.
I felt his dick rub against my thigh as his lips trailed down to my chest. He reached an arm around to unclip the bra and pull it away. I could feel him twitch in excitement again as he watched my breasts fall free, the buds hardening at the coolness of the room.
I then felt his familiar wet and hard tongue drag around my nipple causing me to let out a soft moan and his eyes shot up to me. He smirked and used his other hand to pinch and roll the bud while his lips wrapped around the other causing my back to arch into him and his touch.
“T-Toru,” a hand flew to his head and ran from the nape of his neck to the top of his head and I felt him twitch against me again. “Hmm~” he moaned against me. “Please… please fuck me,” his eyes stayed on me and he lightly nibbled on my bud, then I felt him twitch against me again with his eyes closed.
Releasing my nipple with a pop he brought his hands to hook around my legs, spreading them apart as he bent his slightly to angle himself. The height of the desk was perfect for this exact reason.
I felt his warm tip trace up and down my slit causing me to whine, “Don’t tease Toru~ please…” he only grinned and lean forward to catch my lips in a kiss.
Then I felt it, he slowly entered inside of my causing my body to shift in slight discomfort. He groaned and wrapped an arm around my waist to pull me closer. Once he was in fully, bottoming me out, did he release the kiss.
“I knew you’d be mine the second I laid eyes on your pretty body,” the words would sound disgusting and rude if they weren’t coming from the most beautiful man known to man. That and his intentions. I bit my lip and earned him to move with my legs wrapped around him pushing him against me even closer.
He chuckled softly and lean forward to place one hand at the edge of the desk while his other held me up. I glanced down at the veins on his arms before pulling his face in for a kiss. He pulled out till his tip was almost out until he pushed back in causing me to moan against his lips.
After getting comfortable and him doing that a few times I whined, “Toru, faster,” he shook his head with a lopsided grin, “You’re such a baby.” I had no time to react to his words as he began to pick up the pace of his hips, snapping forward causing light screeches to come from the desk.
I moaned his name as I wrapped my arms around his neck the feeling of his cock throbbing in my pussy sending shivers through my body. He grunted and moaned in my face wrapping the hand that was holding me now placing it around the bottom of my chin. “Such a pretty pussy, you like that huh? I do~”
The sound of skin slapping echoed through the apartment as well as Satoru’s teases and praises. The grip under my chin releases and now he’s upright, pushing my legs back to fold and places them on his shoulders, not easing up on his thrusts.
The angle causes him to hit that spot causing the familiar feeling to bubble in my chest, “You gonna cum on my cock pretty girl?” He grinned and placed a hand on my pussy before rubbing side to side. I felt my back arch and my moans turned into squeals, “that’s right pretty girl, cum on my cock. You can do it, fuck…” he threw his head back increasing his pace in both his hips and fingers.
After a few seconds of thrashing around I feel myself tightening around him and releasing. His hips began stuttering but his hand didn’t stop and soon I felt the same other feeling flow through my body and the sounds of spurting fills the air, joining the symphony of lewd noises.
“Fuck!” I hear a shout from Satoru and he pulls out of my overstimulated pussy. I look down and watch as ropes of thick, hit, white cum shoots onto my pussy, belly, and the bottom of my chest. I take a moment to watch his body, he’s shuttering and shaking in pleasure. His eyes are glued onto my core as he releases.
After a minute of both of us panting and giggling, Satoru steals a kiss before hooking his arms around my legs pulling me into bridal style, walking me into my bedroom. “Where’s your bed,” he asks looking down at me. Shyly, I point to the big box on the other side of the room that had a 2d model of what the bed should look like.
He chuckled and shook his head before walking to the bathroom and placing me in the tub. The aftercare was amazing and dare I say hot. He had taken a bath with me and offered to have me sleepover at his place to which I was too tired to disagree.
So after we clean up and I give him a pair of oversized sweats that were a little too big on me, we made our way across the hall to his apartment. It looked exactly like mine in terms of the layout but the decoration was minimalist with hints of maximalist, in the bedroom was no different. I guess that’s how he knew my layout…
We both got into his king sized( obviously) bed and I felt his arms wrap around me to pull me close to him. “Satoru,” I call him name softly and he replies with a tired hum. “You thought about fucking me,” I question, bringing up a previous sentence he said. This made him burst out in a tired laughter causing my to pull back slightly and look up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what you took away from all that?”
“I forgot about it…”
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sonqgmi-sims · 9 months ago
SIMS 2: My Essential Mods/CC
Hi everyone! I figured since I have been playing Sims 2 a lot lately, I'd provide my current essentials! Will update as I try more things, but this is valid as of February 1, 2024! ��
Links for everything are under the cut! Found throughout MTS, Tumblr and other Sims Youtubers!
If any links don't work please let me know so I can try to find replacements!
View my video here!
AFTER INSTALLING SIMS 2 (Windows 10) Sim Shadow Fix: Fixes that weird shadow box glitch! Increase Resolution Fix: Have to go into the data files and alter some things to make it compatible for Windows 10!
NEIGHBORHOOD MODS Seasons Icons In Color: Colors the Season Icons in gameplay and in neighborhood view! Easy To Decorate Camera Mod: See more of the neighborhood map that you couldn't see before! CAS MODS Widescreen CAS Fix: Fixes the UI so your sim isn't covered! There's options for every resolution! (I use 1920x1080) More CAS Columns: Adds more Columns in CAS! Just like in TS4! Evie's Equal Genetics: Equal chance for offspring to receive dominant and recessive genes! 5 Custom Genetics Haircolors: Custom recolors for the Maxis hairs! Chocolate (Brown+Black), Sandy (Brown+Blonde), Icy (White Blonde), Auburn (Brown+Red) and Caramel (Brown+Red+Blonde)!
BUILD & BUY MODS Sim Blender: The holy grail of Sims 2 Mods. Can do anything with this! ACR: Sims autonomously Woohoo, Try for Baby, Get into Relationships, etc! Great for drama & storytelling! OFB Shelf Recolors: Beautiful wood recolors for the OFB Shelves! (The OG's were kinda ugly lmfao) Stay Things Shrub: Choose which items stay after a sim moves out! Monique's Hacked Computer: Pay bills, Order clothing, etc! Object Rotator: Rotate objects on an angle! Small, Large and End Tables! Lifetime Want Chooser: Pick your sims LTW!
LIFESPAN MODS 1 Day = 1 Year (Sims): As the title says! More realistic as I consider 1 sim day a year! 1 Day = 1 Year (Pets): Same as the Sim version, but for pets!
UNIVERSITY MODS Uni After Birthday Party: Teens can throw a birthday party and before blowing out candles, the game asks if you'd like to go to college first! Semester Changes: College is now 8 days instead of 24! Faster Uni Education: 24-48 Hour semesters! There Can Only Be One Professor: 2 per major seemed much, so I like this one! Generates less NPC's for me :D Doctors Need Degrees: Depending on your sims education/grades, they can either be stuck at career level 1 or 10!
GAMEPLAY MODS No 20K Handouts: As it says :) Now my sims aren't wealthy! Extended Family Treated As Family: Always hated it when second cousins could marry. This prevents it :) Community Time Project: Time spent on community lot matches with time at the home! Memory Manipulator: Hide/adjust Sims memories without using SimPE Break Up Via Phone: End a relationship over the phone! (Going Steady, Marriage, Engagement) 50 New Lifetime Wants: Adds new LTW's to the game! OFB Adopt Teen&Townie: Adopt Babies-Teens!
PREGNANCY MODS Shorter Pet Pregnancy: Pets give birth within 1 sim day! The default seemed way too long, so this is a must :) PregRel NL+: Can't find original post so I can't remember what it does, but I found a secondary version below! PregRel Compatibility Patch: Negative reactions to baby bumps if your significant other suspects cheating! Alternate Pregnancy Controller Lite: Possibility of your sims getting a miscarriage (Only had it happen once so far!) Triplets & Quads: Allows up to 4 babies to be born at once!
DEATH MODS Death By Childbirth: Morbid, but I like this for storytelling! Select Your Cemetery: When your sim lives alone and dies, a prompt shows up to move the tombstone to any lot! Now you don't have to cram the younger generations in your home ♥
MISC MODS/HACKS Last Name Copier: Edit/Change a Sims last name without using SimPE! Baby Pet Creator: Create a puppy/kitten with stray genetics! CJ Smart EP Checker: Does nothing, but it is required if you use any of Cyjon's mods! TS1 Prank Calls: Get the same funny and scary prank calls from Sims 1!
BONUS & EXTRAS The Christian Collection: On a MTS forum post, (look for Liv Lukas's post) but ChristianLov's mods are no longer able to be found separately. This is also linked where I put the Baby Pet Creator! Sims 2 Store Content: I only use the extra cars in my game, but there's loads of new stuff!
TOOLS SimPE: Edit ages, relationships, memories, family trees, etc! Sims2Pack Clean Installer: Used to install new lots and sims into your game! Mootilda's Hood Checker: Check any custom neighborhoods for corruption! Bat Box (FFS Lot Debugger): Similar to the Sim Blender. Here's the Vase version!
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nervosims · 6 months ago
hello! i'm sorry if you were asked this befora, but would you ever consider making a list of the mods you use? i was watching one of your youtube videos and saw a mod i'd like to add to my game, but unfortunatelly idk the name of it. i used to have it but got rid of it in a recent purge. thank you
hihi! this is the first time i've been asked so you're in luck. if you want a super specific mod that wasn't listed here, let me know. but here's a general list of my mods. they're subject to change, but I'm happy with them rn.
auto save game
buildbuy enabler
community time project
gussy up
allow puppy, kitten, and toddler riders
object freedom
kill visiting playables
doctors need degrees
height mod
nice lifespan mod
no friends needed for careers
no townie apartment neighbours
smart beds
quiet pregnancy
most of pick n mix's mods
most of simnopke's mods
most of lamare's mods
vacation jewellery in cas
hospital mod
bigger bills
autonomous crafting stations
pet food uses box
crank calls
auto payment mod
new parties
temperature mod
trans potions
immersive rain
laundry mod
simlogical schools mod
trait mod
lot cleaner
tile clearer
sim blender
sell skills to the grim reaper
visitor controller
no plumbobs
a world lit by fire
no gridlines
custom post-effect
pregnancy and family
child support
baby toddler mod
baby clothes rack
alt pregnancy controller
adopt teens
after school activities (+prom)
triplets and quads
aromantic mod
episims' turn on replacements
romantic standards
just be friends
same sex marriage
fairy mod
slow aging controller
no more leafy hair
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AITA for using my moms money to buy games?
The title sounds bad, but I'm not sure how else to word it. This is also going to be a weird one as, in advance, I know the other party isn't an asshole, however I think it's a similar situation im tone and I really need some feedback on this.
I'm 22 and live with my mom and cat. I've lived with her my whole life, and continue to due to disability. My mom has 2 jobs that she mainly works on weekends, and I'm unemployed. Ever since covid it's been incredibly difficult for me to find work because it is still very much a thing despite what people want to believe, and I can't be in contact with random people physically due to immune issues and the chance of getting sick. Online jobs are apparently very hard to find (my mom has tried) and many ask for a payment beforehand. I do however get social security income that pays most of our bills/utilities, and we're also on foodstamps for groceries.
My family has never been well off. I wouldn't call us dirt poor, we've never had to go hungry, and I always had toys to play with/clothes as a kid. But my mom has had to manage funds well and we've never had a lot of money for leisure or frivolous purchases. My mom will buy herself things like some new clothes, a phone charger, roku set, etc smaller things like that when she gets her paycheck but extra expenses such as furniture have to be planned out probably weeks/months ahead of time. We also moved recently and ever since then our budget has been more difficult, the down payment really screwed with my moms expenses.
Because of our situation, I never really had games growing up. I remember we had maybe 3 big family consoles during me and my sisters whole childhood (with like 3-6 games on them each, most of which were guitar hero which my mom and sister loved to play), and I would get a new handheld for myself every few years. I never got to play the new exciting games people were always talking about, and my gaming experience has really been limited to like. Animal crossing, the sims, and cooking mama.
I played a bunch of roms as a kid so that helped, but I was always kinda sad and felt left out that I never got to experience gaming the way other people did. I really wanted to try the "classics" people talked about but didn't have any way to. People (especially as I got into my 20s and started following streamers + nintendo direct for example) would always talk about the New Thing coming out and playing it the day it dropped, all the excitement and community people had around that, but if I really wanted that kind of game, I'd have to wait a few years before getting it and trying it out, and by then no one was playing it anymore anyways.
As time went on things got a little better. Especially because of my moms new jobs, both of which she genuinely loves doing, though it's still work, we have been a bit better off. It's only been recently we started struggling more again.
Recently I've been kind of asking for things from my mom. Mostly it's steam games. I found I've gotten much more into gaming as a hobby as I've gotten older, and I have a long wishlist of games that I really want to get into, but of course have no money to myself. I should also clarify that NONE of these are those big triple A $60 titles, as I still can't ever justify paying something so expensive for one game. So sometimes lately I've been asking my mom "hey, can I get this/these games?" And use her money/card to purchase them. I don't do it constantly, or even super often, but I feel like it's becoming more often and it makes me feel really guilty.
I have done this before, around high school I started asking my mom for certain things I wanted around the house, and usually she had no problem buying them for me. This also wasn't large stuff, nothing ever over $30 and usually only up to $20. But when I'd find something I *really* wanted, especially if it was a time limited thing like merch drops from a favorite content creator, often yarn for my knitting or art supplies I wanted to try, I would ask her.
I've pretty much always felt guilty about this. I would ask for something despite my better judgement, and for the most part my mom would say yes, and that it was okay, whereas I was the one apologizing and asking if it was "really alright". She has told me she has no issues buying things for me as long as I ask her. She says the social security I get is "technichally my money", and that she wants me to be able to use it. (Obviously we don't use the actual ssi to buy random shit, but her giving me spending money is the next best thing).
Every time I've asked my mom for something like this, I've told myself that it would be the last time, that I would get my own job and own money and not mooch on my mom anymore, but both with the stress of chronic illness and depression I never seem to get around to it. I try to do dishes and keep my room clean, take care of the cat etc as ways I can help without working, but for some reason the money really weighs on me. I know that it's really my fault, I haven't even been looking for jobs and I could always take art commissions again, but somehow a mental block always stops me.
I feel like I have a bit of an impulsivity problem when it comes to spending. The money I got from my one summer job and commissions would never last long, and honestly I couldn't even tell you what I spent it on for the weeks I had it. I have issues taking money from people, but when I realized that I may not have had the stuff I wanted as a kid simply because I never asked for/communicated that I wanted it, it made me more bold to actually ask my mom for things.
I never pester my mother about this. I'll ask once and if she says no I'll be dissapointed but won't continue. Sometimes she says that we don't have the money for it then, or that I'll have to wait until xyz thing is paid for, which is always fine. I also have *never* bought anything with her money without asking first. I get pretty much all the steam games I buy on sale (usually that's what prompts me to ask about them, actually) as personally I can't justify getting games for their asking price for the experience I'm going to get.
I feel bad as I feel like I'm wasting our money, mooching off my mom and not putting in the work to have spending money myself. I also worry that sometimes when she says it's fine, it's untrue and she's really just trying to make me feel better. I also sometimes don't play the games as soon as I get them, I have a sizeable backlog of games I have gotten but haven't "got around" to playing as I was excited to get them at a low price at the time, but then haven't felt like I'm in the right mood. This also makes me feel worse because I feel like I'm not being appreciative enough of her buying for me.
So am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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milkemie · 2 months ago
milkemieee hiiiiiii.
I love your content it inspired me to try and love my sims (though I'm incredibly impatient and want to hurry along the storylines). Though I read on one of your answers that you dont like to see your characters as characters in a storyline. so I wanted to ask you, how do you play your sims without getting impatient and without a storyline?
I took one of your advices and started them as teens and they are currently in the phase where they like each other and do cute things together but they aren't officially dating. I'm just excited to get the stage with you shin, mayumi and Maya but that's simyears away. Also how do you maintain friendships with your sims without playing them (are they also a part of your 'storyline") I KEEP SAYING STORYLINE but I was just wondering on advice to play without the need to play God.
Also little extra question I have, what's your opinion on the new game INZOI that's threatening to take over sims? Do you think you'd ever shift to INZOI?
Love your content keep creatinggg
that's right i don't see my sims as characters in a storyline (as in like characters in a tv show for example) because then i feel like i will have to control their lives & personalities too much it actually didn't take that long for me to make shin & maya date, it only took about 2 weeks of playing before i let them start dating (they were just so into eachother and had already started living together, they wanted to kiss so bad lmao)
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now this will depend on if you have expansion & game packs, but i make shin & maya do a lot of activities that i sometimes don't film, like taking the kids to parks & waterparks, going on hikes, going skiing, going to all 3 mt. komorebi festivals, going to restaurants & cafés, making them buy groceries in henford on bagley, making mayumi's pediatrician check her health at home or at the hospital, making hina sleep over at her friends' houses, it's also by doing more and more activities that you learn more about your sims and what they like & dislike
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shin & maya don't have many friends but they sometimes hang out with them or invite them over, if your sims are sociable you can try and make them meet new people or make them create or join clubs, shin & maya recently befriended a grandma that lives a few blocks away from them for example, she sometimes comes over to chat and play with mayumi & they sometimes visit her and give her gifts (mayumi loves her cats!) i also think it's great to have your sims enroll in university, i had both shin & maya work hard at university, maya was pregnant so i had to make sure she was okay and i had shin work multiple jobs on the side to pay the bills, now that they have jobs i make them level up their skills especially the ones needed to get promoted at work & make more money to keep improving their quality of life
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i don't plan on shifting my focus to inzoi content, the game is still new so it lacks a lot of features that i would want (toddlers, pets, more interesting careers etc) but i'm open to trying it when it launches depending on how they plan on making money, i still don't know if the game will be free and have expansion packs like the sims or if it'll be something else entirely i did experiment with the character creation demo, and i really liked the ability to choose any color for your zoi’s clothes, i wish the sims had that instead of limiting us to preset swatches
overall i just think it's great that the sims finally has some real competition, they've had a monopoly for so long that they could sometimes release low quality packs that don't add much to the game, now that they have competitors they’ll be forced to create better packs which is great for us!
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girlsweat · 1 year ago
Staying on my Couch
When you ask if I know anybody who needs a roommate, I offer to let you crash at my place for a few days. You tell me you don't need help moving, showing up at my door with two bags and whatever's in your pockets. I offer to take the couch, but you already feel bad about the situation. The first week consists of you trying to stay out of my way. It breaks my heart. I assume you're just getting comfortable and try to leave you be.
Your mood doesn't improve. The job hunt isn't going well, and you're hoping I don't ask for help with the bills. Finally I catch you, making you sit up so I can join you on the couch. You swear up and down that it's not me; I've been nothing but kind to you. But I feel like I could do better. I tell you to take a short break from applying to recharge.
The next few days I try more to make you feel at home. Insisting you eat with me rather than reheating my cooking, learning more about your life before you got here, and watching shows together on the couch. You aren't happy, but you're starting to be happier. Seeing those rare half-hearted smiles, noticing you tense up less when I'm around. It makes me happier than I thought possible. When you ask to see my bedroom I have to contain my excitement. I had been keeping it clean for days now, much longer than I did in the past. I sheepishly watch as your eyes dart around the room. You leave after a minute or two, content to not comment on any of my clothes or the posters on the wall.
Your phone not working catches you off-guard. You guess mom finally decided to stop paying for you. I don't want to pry, instead offering to add you onto my phone plan. You tell me you're very grateful, even if your contacts didn't get saved somehow. I never tell you I swapped the SIM card while you were asleep. Betraying the trust you have in me hurts. But I was so happy to see how soundly you slept now.
The nicer I am to you, the more comfortable you get around me. And the bolder I get. Your wallet's been empty for days now. The money went back to you, of course. Until one of those jobs calls you back, it's not like you need your ID for anything. I find some nice looking clothes I came across on clearance. They fit surprisingly well, even if some of them aren't your style. Once, we both fell asleep on the couch. I tried to apologize, but you laughed it off. It was the first time I heard that laugh.
On the day you ask again to see my bedroom, you hear me talking to somebody at the door. There's something familiar about the other woman's voice. I'm very sorry ma'am, but I don't know who you're talking about. She's gone by the time you show up behind me to ask. It was a missing persons case. Things like that scare me. I gently grab your hand. This is it. This is your chance to help me worry less. Your opportunity to make me happy, just like I made you happy.
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ckret2 · 4 months ago
(Gonna be completely honest: I haven't caught up on asks and all that, so if I say something that's already been said and/or disproven, I am very sorry)
Ok so the hoodie feels like a decoy. In the fic, the hood was pulled up, and in the art, it was down, showing us that there was no head poking out of the neckhole (nice touch with the eye staring at us and Ford btw). The shape of the body doesn't look contorted enough for the head to be inside the hoodie nor dipped below the shoulders (which would still show off the hair, which is also not shown). So this leads me to think that he stuffed the hoodie, or all of his clothes, with something and hid somewhere in that loft.
There are two problems with this theory: one, that Ford was standing very close to it for long enough to notice something off (though it could be argued that, since it was all in shadow, it was just too dark to tell); two, that right before the blast, there was a yell (which could arguably have been Ford); and three-because-I-can't-count, the real hitch, which is that the laser went through the roof and sky, rather than the floor. The only argument against the third one that I can possibly think of is that Ford went beneath the loft and shot upwards at the spot where Bill/the stuffed clothes dummy was to avoid looking at him, and I just forgot about the hole in the loft floor.
Either way, Bill obviously left through the roof hole
Bill and/or his alleged decoy is behind the boxes, you can't see the head for the same reason you can't see the legs. You're correct that the head isn't visible, but that's because the area above the neck hole is concealed, not empty.
Literally the only reason I left the hood down in the artwork is because I wanted the eye staring accusatorially out at the audience lmao.
The "shrill, whistling shriek" is my attempt to describe the noise the Quantum Destabilizer makes at the instant the trigger's pulled while making it sound marginally cool. If you've got a cooler description that makes it clear it's not a person shrieking, i'm all ears, willing to edit
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From the loft you can hit both Bill-or-his-decoy and the roof by kneeling and firing horizontally from around hip level. You can shoot "skyward" by kneeling and firing horizontally with a very slight upward tilt so that the beam still hits the body but gradually rises as it exits the shack.
Maybe a better description of the loft area is needed to make clear where the roof IS in order for the beam to shoot through it. I spent weeks on end repeatedly rewatching the show to painstakingly recreate the shack in the sims 4 and now I take it for granted that surely everybody can clearly visualize every single detail of the shack
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moonlynn · 2 months ago
⸺ Defaults and mods that I use in TS2
☆ Defaults (skins and eyes):
Yumedust’s Eye Love + Defaults
Whysim’s Miscellaneous Skin 37 Ligther (default)
Katu’s Gathdra Skin for aliens (default)
Gryning’s Duet Skin (default) OLD
Digi’s Melyse Eyes (default) OLD
Nabila’s Sound of Madness Eyes OLD
☆ Mods for adjusting the game to my screen resolution:
Chris Hatch’s CAS UI resolution 
Chris Hatch’s Change Appearence resolution 
Chris Hatch’s Buy Plan Outfits 
SixAM’s Improved Family Tree UI
☆ Gameplay mods and Fixes (I cannot play without them):
— CyJon’s Mods
No Wolves
Customers Leaves After Paying
— Lazy Duchess’ Mods
Bright CAS Fix 
Call Anyone 
Maxis Clouds appearing in lots
— Lord Darcy’s Mods
Pie Menu Text Strings Fix 
Maxis Modular Stairs Passage Fix 
Jukebox Animation Fix
Ramen Fix 
— Lowedeus’ Mods
Rainy Cloud Textures *DOWNLOAD ONLY ONE
Clouds and stars for the neighborhood *place the cube in the center of the map 
FX Cube default replacement *useful for sky boxes
— Midge the Tree’s Mods
Baby Last Name Chooser 
Diary Textures + Epi’s Defaults for diaries 
Playable Cops 
Graduation Party Clothing Mod
— Pescado’s Mods
If your latest EP is not Apartment Life or you do not have Ultimate Collection, then you should enter this site and search for the folder named with your latest EP and then search for the folder named “hacks/” to find those mods:
Antiredundancy - eliminates spawning of unnecessary redundant NPCs, should only spawn one per type
AutoYak - adds three news features to your sims phone: “Call friends”, “Call enemies” and “Call family.”
Community Lot Skilling - controlled sims, NPCs, and townies may gain skills and enthusiasm while visiting community lots, including non-college community lots
“Graduation Party” Memory Fix - Graduation parties now correctly display Graduation Party memories instead of just regular “Party” memories
No Bathroom Dishes - dishes will not be washed in the bathroom.
No Dormie Spawns
No Secret Society Respawn
No Stray Respawn
No Townie Regen
— SimNopke’s Mod
SkyFix - fixes the bug of Seasons where the sun, the moon, stars and meteors do not appear in lots
— Mods from Mod The Sims and others
Amura’s Custom Bills (I use the “bills750” and DO NOT use it while playing in University, or you probably won’t be able to pay bills without cheats)
Marrhis’ Marriage Last Name Chooser 
Kestrellyn’s Extended Family 
Joninmobile’s Airline Painting Fix 
xSparrow’s Default Neighborhood Snow 
Numenor’s Slot Enable Package 
Nysha’s No Townie Apartment Neighbours 
MogHughson’s Watch TV From All Chairs 
DiLight’s Propose “Be Roommate” to anyone 
Veetie’s CAS Memory Quality Mod 
Squinge’s Don’t Walk Away While Cooking 
Monique’s Hacked Computer
TwoJeffs’s Age Transition “Teens keep love” 
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fablesrose · 6 months ago
Ch 18 - The Maltese Falcon Job
Series Rewrite Masterlist 
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Ford!Reader
Description: The season finale! The team has to back track a little bit, but continue to take down the mayor and his partner to get justice for Bonanno.
Words: 6194
No one spoke as Eliot sped away from the waterfront. I couldn’t even allow myself to ponder on how my leg was pressed against his and I tried not to slide into his seat when he made a sharp turn. He finally pulled over under a bridge in the middle of the city, far enough away for us to get our bearings. 
“The mayor’s a federal witness? Federal?” Eliot demanded in disbelief.
“Every badge in a hundred miles is looking for us,” Tara said.
“Guys,” Hardison said as he looked through his phone, “They are ripping through Nate and Tara’s cover stories. All their financials are blown. So look, until I know what they know? No credit cards, no debit cards, no ATMs, nothing that can be traced back to us, okay? Cash in hand, only.”
“It just gets better and better,” Parker said sarcastically.
“So what can we do?” I asked. 
“Okay, the mayor’s not innocent,” Nate pointed out. “He cut a deal with the feds because he’s guilty and he’s got somebody working on the outside.”
“At the warehouse he admitted he has an accomplice,” Tara added. 
“Alright, do we scatter or stay?” Eliot asked Nate. 
“No, if we scatter we give the mayor and his partner time to cover their tracks to get away with murder, literally,” he replied.
“Well we can’t get anything done out here in the street, we need a hiding place,” Parker said. 
“Guys look, when I contacted the FBI team lead I put a worm in the operating system from the SIM card on her phone-”
“Hardison,” Eliot interrupted, “geek spiral.”
“We can listen to what they say,” Hardison summarized. 
He played a clip from his phone, the team lead saying that they weren’t taking the mayor to a safe house. Interpol wanted him somewhere off the FBI system, so they were taking him to the Governor Hotel.
“Okay, that’s it. That’s where we’re gonna hole up,” Nate said. 
“The Governor Hotel?” I asked, a bit skeptical, but I thought I could see his logic. 
“Yeah,” Nate said. 
“The hotel crawling with FBI?” Tara clarified incredulously.
“FBI and Interpol,” Eliot added. 
“It’s the one place in Boston they won’t be looking for us,” Nate said. “Come on, we just gotta get there first.”
We did manage to arrive at the hotel before all of the feds showed up. We sent Tara, Eliot, and Parker into the hotel to sneak into a room. When we finally followed, Tara opened the door wrapped in a towel, clothes in hand. 
“Did I, uh, miss something?” Nate asked, voicing my own thoughts. 
“She was naked,” Parker said matter of factly.
Hardison didn’t acknowledge that, simply getting on his computer to address the room situation. “In-room check out. This means that I have access to the hotel’s billing computers. It’s a big old backdoor into every hotel room in America.” He then went on and made it so we had an additional week and a half on the reservation for the room. It was all under the name of the previous guest who apparently, watched a lot of adult content while in the room. 
“Hardison, I need background on all the mayor’s business partners and all his little shell companies,” Nate said, taking a sip of some alcohol that was left in the room.
“You want background checks on this? A TV?” Hardison asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll have Super Mario and Dig Dug get right on that.”
“Guns – anything to do with guns,” Nate then walked out of the room. 
Eliot started to follow, “Alright, I’m gonna go get some keys made. I’m going to the gym. Make sure I can charge stuff on the room.”
Parker headed down to the lobby to snag someone else’s keycard for Eliot’s ruse of going to the gym and the key to his room not working anymore. It seemed to work and he got the keycard reformatted for our room when Nate told Hardison, Tara, and I to stay in the hotel room and for Eliot and Parker to meet him outside. 
“Why?” Hardison asked. 
“Sterling,” Nate answered gravely.
“Uh oh,” I said. 
Once the others met outside, Nate asked Hardison to go over what he had found on the mayor’s business partners. 
“Alright guys, this is Tony Kadjic,” Hardison began. “He started out as a smuggler in Albania. He left a lot of competitors in shallow graves. He’s been indicted for murder eight times in four different countries with zero convictions.”
“His shipping company looks semi legit,” Tara said. “It has ties to countries in the ‘stans’ and Central America. He’s got a big batch of government contracts including for US security forces.”
“Why do we care about him?” Nate asked. 
“Cuz he’s big on the surplus weapons market,” I answered. 
Eliot puffed an amused scoff, “That’s just a polite way of saying arms dealer.”
“His specialty is buying cheap guns from third world countries and reselling them,” Tara said. 
“Okay, well, uh, this tracks,” Nate said. “So the mayor grifts the 9/11 money that’s meant to improve security at the ports. That along with crooked cops makes the Bellbridge ports a perfect place for Tony Kadjic to run his guns in and out of the country.”
“Interpol must be chasing down the gun running,” Parker concluded. 
“Don’t worry about Sterling,” Nate assured. 
“Did you just say don’t worry about Sterling?” Eliot asked. 
“Yeah, don’t worry about Sterling,” Nate repeated. “What? You don’t think I can beat Sterling?”
“I think in the last six months I’ve heard you talk about beating the Triads, beating the Russians, alright?” Eliot reminded him. “Maggie’s boyfriend? Huh, how’d that work out? We all said that meet was a bad idea. But now you’ve got a taste of taking down this mayor, and you can’t resist.”
“You wanna walk away? Walk away,” Nate said. 
“I’m not walking away, that’s not my job. My job is to get your back, and Nate?” Eliot said seriously, “I’m gonna do it, all the way down. But I need you to do your job.”
“And what’s that?”
“Be Nathan Ford!” Parker cut in. “Be the person we came back for.”
There were two beats of silence where Nate took in what they were saying before he spoke again, “Listen, guys, I’m trying to figure out why a group of very rich, very powerful men are trying to take out a good, decent, cop. Now are you going to stick with me on this? Is that enough?”
Eliot gave a quiet, “yeah.”
Hardison looked at Tara and then me. 
“I’m still here, aren’t I?” I pointed out. 
“Us too,” Hardison said for himself and Tara. 
“Good,” Nate said. “Tony Kadjic is the one who pulled the trigger, I wanna know exactly what he’s up to and who he is.”
“And how do you propose we do that?” Hardison asked with a smile. 
“Let’s go steal a mayor.”
The plan was pretty simple, by some standards. I dressed up as a hotel maid, the costume a little too on the nose in my opinion. With the mayor consistently ordering as many mini bottles of alcohol he could get his hands on, it was easy to give him one that was drugged, knocking him out quickly. The guards at the door wouldn’t let me in the room, but I handed them off to the mayor himself when he opened the door. I used a master key from the maid cart I had grabbed to enter the room next to the mayor’s. One that happened to have a conjoining door. 
Unfortunately Sterling was coming back sooner than anticipated, so it was Nate’s job to stall him, without being seen. With the sound of Nate’s heavy breathing and the routine sound of the elevator dinging, it didn’t take long to figure out what he decided to do. I don’t think it was pleasant for either of them. 
Parker, Hardison, and Tara dropped down to the room I stepped into from the roof using Parker’s equipment. Parker quickly moved to pick the door into the mayor’s room. Once we walked in to find the Mayor passed out on his bed, we took pictures of the room in all of its mess to replicate it. We were able to situate him into the lower compartment of my maid cart so that I smuggled him out the door, right under the nose of the agents at the door. The cart was significantly heavier and harder to push, but the guards didn’t seem suspicious of it. 
Eliot played the red herring by rolling the largest trunk we could find, one that could possibly hold a whole person in it, by Sterling, placing it in a taxi to make him believe we had moved the mayor off the premises. 
And that’s how we kidnapped the mayor. Now to get information out of him. 
The first step was to convince him we meant business and that there was no one there to protect him. When the mayor was panicking about the FBI agents that were supposed to be at the door, Eliot and I’s small role came in. 
“You ready for this?” Eliot asked me.
I rolled my head side to side to loosen my neck and adjusted the maid outfit I was still wearing, “yup, just play dead. And you try not to drop me.”
“I’d never drop you sweetheart,” Eliot said with a smile and a wink. He then squatted down, allowing me to lean over his shoulder. He wrapped one arm around my legs and the other grabbed my wrist, pulling it to his other side to keep me on his shoulder. 
I went limp as he stood and slightly kicked the hotel room door open, effectively shutting up the mayor. 
“Did you have to?” Nate asked. “She saw our faces,” Eliot said. 
“Okay,” Nate relented easily. “Put her in the tub with the others.”
Eliot put me down gently in the bathroom to which I gave him a thumbs up to refrain from speaking and alerting the mayor I was, in fact, alive. 
Nate was now playing a more serious and powerful role for the mayor. He was the boss, and not too happy with being turned over to the feds. What might make up for it and not get the mayor killed would be a cut in and meeting with Tony Kadjic. Every answer that Nate didn’t like, Hardison played a goon that would go to strangle the mayor with a coarse rope. 
When we got all the information we needed from him, Eliot went out and knocked him out again, this time with his fist. 
Tara and Parker then came in announcing that the FBI had cleared the building and I exited the bathroom to join the others. 
“So we kidnapped a mayor,” Tara said, “I hope you realize that even if we pull this off, we’re gonna leave the city with nothing but the clothes on our backs.”
I thought it over and determined that I was okay with that. I could buy almost everything I needed and anything I thought I couldn’t live without for sentimental reasons I was sure I could get Cora to hold onto for me. Anything else I could figure out. 
“Yeah, okay, uh, Kadjic has a shipment at the docks,” Nate moved on quickly, “Hardison, stash the mayor somewhere else and uh, see what you can dig up.”
“If I can access the security cameras at the port, maybe with facial recognition I can find Kadjic,” Hardison said. 
Nate sighed, “Yeah. Eliot, Parker, Tara, y/n, do a physical sweep of the docks.” He then nodded and walked straight out of the hotel room. 
“Where you going?” Eliot asked him before he shut the door. Eliot looked at Tara and I, “Where’s he going?”
I looked at where he exited, I couldn’t help but shake my head. I didn’t know, but I hoped it wasn’t where I thought. Or somewhere stupid in general. 
Tara stepped out for a moment before we went to the docks as directed. Once we got there we split up into pairs, Eliot and Parker, and Tara and I. We each had a list of ships that were anchored there and went to work to try and find the ship with Tony Kadjic’s weapons. We looked at each other for a moment before heading in opposite directions. This was gonna be a job, that’s for sure. 
Tara and I took the strategy of checking two ships at a time, one for each of us, not straying very far from each other so we could check in after each one. We had gotten through about ten when Tara suggested we check each one together and just move through each ship quicker. It didn’t take much longer before she stopped me completely.
She obviously took out her ear bud and placed it in her pocket. 
I hesitantly followed her lead and removed my own, “yes?”
“So, we need to talk,” Tara said.
“About you and Eliot.”
I was brushing my thumb over the edge of the stack of pages I was holding onto, but at her words, everything stopped, “What? What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
I could feel the heat rushing to my head, surely causing my face to turn red. I immediately broke my eye contact with her and looked down at the list of ships. I found the next one on the list and tried to walk past her, “There’s nothing to talk about.”
She caught my arm and placed me in front of her again, “Nope, not doing that. I need you to be honest or else this is probably gonna blow up in the future.”
I sighed, “Isn’t lying like your whole thing?”
“Not relevant right now, and plus I’m always honest about my feelings and what I think when I’m not grifting,” she replied. 
“Look, like I said, there isn’t anything to talk about. Nothing is going on, probably nothing will ever happen-”
“You like him though. You have feelings for him beyond ‘coworker and friend’ before you give me that crap.”
I simply stared over her shoulder into the distance, I couldn’t decide if I was trying or not to say something in response. 
“I can see the way you look at him and act around him. It’s different than the rest of the team.”
“Is it that obvious?”
“No, I’m just good at reading people. I doubt anyone else has noticed.”
I finally looked at her again, “Look, Tara, I have been trying not to acknowledge it or make it a reality for a while now. Eliot and I met on a con, when I wasn’t in on it. We flirted, I thought we hit it off, but it didn’t go anywhere. Probably because Nate told him off for it, even if I’m a big girl and can make my own decisions. Still, Eliot still has some respect or duty to Nate, so… whatever.” I sighed before continuing, “Despite that, you’ve seen Eliot. He flirts with any pretty girl that crosses his vision for more than ten seconds. I didn’t miss the look he had when it was mentioned that you were naked, Tara.”
Tara gave a little shrug, but allowed me to continue. 
“That first con didn’t mean anything, I said that in Ukraine to Maggie, it’s true for you too. So no matter my feelings, it needs to stay platonic, because I know that’s all it will end up being. I don’t really belong in this world, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I may want to. I’m sure it will end eventually. All of it.” I took a deep breath to keep myself from falling over an emotional ledge, “So I’m not allowing or acknowledging my feelings to become anything more. I will enjoy the time I have with the team. With Eliot. Even if nothing comes of it. I have to keep telling myself that, so maybe I’ll believe it.”
I stopped talking, not wanting to say more. Not wanting to fall over the edge. Tara gave me a moment before speaking. 
“That’s a good start, but in order for this to not blow up eventually, you need to acknowledge it so you can do something about it. Whether that be to jump his bones or get over it,” she finally said with a look on her face that told me this was not negotiable. 
“Fine,” I said, clenching my hands to release some of the pressure building inside of me, “Yes, I like Eliot. I like him more than a friend. I wish something would happen between us. He’s handsome, and strong, and so protective. And he's talented in more ways than I anticipated.”  My rambling trailed off as I realized, “He’s… He’s everything…” A rush of feelings was churning inside of me at the admission. I wasn’t sure if I could handle much more. “I don’t know how I’m gonna face him anymore. His touch already lingers on my skin and I can’t get him out of my head when he sneaks in.”
“That was a little bit more than I was wanting,” Tara said, “But it was good.”
“You asked for it,” I batted back, “Now I feel like shit.”
She laughed, “Now that you’ve released those feelings, you’ll feel better, promise.”
“Why are you treating me like a high schooler who has their first real crush?”
“Because you are kind of acting like one.”
“Go to hell Tara,” I said with only moderate conviction. I jumped around and shook my limbs trying to release the emotional energy and tension that had built in my body. “Okay, this job isn’t over. My feelings don’t matter, let’s go.”
Tara stopped me before I started walking again.
“What?” I snapped, “I did what you wanted, can we leave it alone?”
“Your feelings do matter, y/n. Just so you know.” She then walked in the direction of the ships and started searching again, not waiting for a response for me. 
“I hate this,” I said to myself. I slipped my earbud back into my ear and looked at the list. “Next ship.”
After what seemed like forever, we met back up with Eliot and Parker. You would think that this meant we were close to the end, but no. We still had over a hundred ships at port that we hadn’t searched. 
“This is hopeless,” Tara said as we fell into step with Parker. 
“And it smells,” Parker added. 
“Yess,” Tara and I said in sync. 
“Like old clown shoes,” Tara described. 
“Briney despair,” Parker added. 
“Rusty defeat,” I countered.
“Maybe Hardison…” Eliot began but trailed off. Before stopping us with a ‘hey.’
“He’s Italian,” Eliot said, digging into his jacket pocket and pulling out the page from Bonanno’s notebook. “Bonanno’s Italian.” Eliot after looking at the words ‘Maltese Falcon,’ he walked off towards a ship. 
“So now he’s walking off?” Tara asked in disbelief. 
“It rubs off on people,” I said before following Eliot. 
“Yup,” Parker agreed. 
“Sparky, slow down,” Tara called after him. 
When we finally caught up and looked at the ship’s name, there it was. ‘Il Falcone Maltese,’ the Maltese Falcon in what I assumed was Italian. 
“Well that was easy,” I joked. The others gave me a glare so I backtracked, “I’m kidding, you cracked the code Sherlock.” I leaned to nudge Eliot with my shoulder, trying not to overthink any interaction I had with him after my talk with Tara. Everything seemed to be becoming real after the talk, something I feared would happen. I tried to feel resentment or anger at her for forcing my hand, but I had to admit, I felt a bit more free. And the feelings I felt were fuller somehow.
“Hey guys,” Hardison said through comms, “Head over to Nate’s apartment. He says he has a plan.”
“Is it safe?” I asked, already heading back to the car. 
“He said it is,” Hardison replied.  
“Okay, let’s hear it,” I said once we got back to the apartment. The ride back was quiet and tense, but if Nate said he had a plan…
He outlined the plan for us that mostly consisted of Nate posing to strike a business deal with Kadjic and ultimately pinning him with the weapons and the shooting. 
“Is it possible?” Nate asked solemnly once he relayed what he wanted done to complete the plan. 
“I’ll need Eliot,” Hardison answered, “and to buy some new supplies, and maybe five hours. Plus I need to hack into the cargo ship and system at the docks.”
“What about the money?” Nate asked. 
“It’s on short notice, but…”
“Use my accounts.”
“That’ll clean you out,” Hardison pointed out. Something didn’t seem right here. 
“Use them,” Nate insisted. “And what about you guys, on your end?” He was referring to Tara and Parker breaking into the FBI Boston field office to deal with evidence.
“I don’t think we can make it in through the main entrance,” Parker answered. “So I think we need to go up and make it down from the roof.”
“But you can do it.”
“Sure, it’s not our part of the scam that’s impossible,” Tara said. 
“No, it’s everything else,” Parker added. 
“Yeah, definitely that, but our part, no,” Tara emphasized. 
“Alright, well, I’m gonna set up the meet with Kadjic,” Nate said, not addressing the ‘impossible’ parts of the scam. 
“No, no,” Eliot tried to stop him, “I said I know where the weapons are. I don’t know if Kadjic’s gonna be there.”
“Well, we’re gonna have to lure Kadjic to the weapons,” Nate said as a solution as if it were easy. “Our whole plan depends on our ability to confirm Kadjic and the weapons being in the same place at the same time.”
Before we knew it, it was go time. Hardison and I moved the mayor into a storage container on the docks, while he was knocked out of course so he wouldn’t know where he was. The container had plastic hanging around with electric lamps to give a very ominous look. To top it off, Hardison was in his mob suit, and I had dressed in an all black, long sleeve and pant ensemble myself to match. 
“Everybody ready?” Nate asked as we were finishing setting up Hardison’s laptop and Nate and Eliot approached the dock. 
“Yeah, but remember, once you’re on that ship, all that metal’s gonna mess with reception,” Hardison answered. “Won’t be able to reach you once you’re below decks.”
Tara and Parker indicated they were ready over comms as well. 
We listened in as Nate and Eliot boarded the ship and made their presence known when Eliot beat up some guards. Nate mediated with the armed guards by asking for a meeting with Kadjic, a bag of cash in hand. It seemed to work as nobody got shot or was injured, but I wasn’t hopeful about the situation when Eliot mentioned he was counting how many guys with guns there were. Apparently there were a lot. 
In the storage container, I sat away from Culpepper to have less chance of him recognizing me from my stint as a dead maid, and monitored the computer. Hardison adopted a thick Irish accent to threaten the mayor, asking him to act scared when calling Kadjic. Hardison had a drill with a scary looking bit on it for good measure. The mayor agreed quite readily to comply. 
He called and begged Kadjic to do whatever we wanted, citing what we supposedly did to his FBI handlers before Hardison revved the drill again and cut the line with Culpepper’s scream. It sounded very convincing to me, especially since the mayor was still screaming behind me. 
Nate used the call to his advantage, building up a more threatening reputation and the now open opportunity to be Kadjic’s business partner. Kadjic was at least interested in the proposition, enough that he led them around the ship it sounded like, and eventually below deck. 
Meanwhile, Parker and Tara were able to gain access to the field office, their database, and physical evidence. I watched as Hardison took his computer back to transfer the digital evidence in the FBI’s database, deleting the original files. Once that was completed and he relayed to Tara what case file to destroy the physical evidence in, he put his system back to work on facial recognition around the dock. After a while, the computer alerted us, saying that it had a match. 
Hardison and I looked to see what the match was and a security photo of the docks popped up on the screen. What we weren’t expecting was for Tara to be in the shot with Kadjic. The shot was taken early this morning. The two of us shared a look. 
“That can’t be good,” I said.
Hardison shook his head as he put his finger in his ear, trying to get a hold of Parker. When he couldn’t, he dashed out between the plastic and out of the unit to try and get a better signal. I followed, leaving the mayor tied up in the unit. Once we were outside Hardison was able to talk to Parker. Hardison relayed what we found to her and took a sigh of relief that it seemed she was okay. Once she had all the information, she could handle herself. 
What really startled me was the ship nearby starting its engine. The ship was Il Falcone Maltese, the ship where Nate, Eliot, and Kadjic were. The ship that wasn’t supposed to be going anywhere, especially with them on it. 
I immediately started running to the ship. 
“Where are you going?” Hardison yelled after me. 
“To do something that’s probably stupid!” I called back. There was a large pipe wrench on a bench that I picked up along the way. “But I’m pretty sure we should stop that ship!”
I heard Hardison follow me as we scampered up to the ship’s deck and dropped down to the lower levels, finally finding the engine room. I looked at Hardison who had grabbed a large tool of his own along the way. 
“Let’s get to work.”
We started pulling and twisting knobs left and right, hacking away at electronics and pipes with our heavy tools until everything was flashing red lights or leaking something. We heard the engine start to sputter and shut down. 
Hardison and I shared a smug smile and a fist bump, “Nice work.” That was until there were some noises coming from around the corner. We walked around to see Eliot start to climb some stairs to one of the upper levels. There was blood on his face and it looked like he was looking to spill someone else’s. 
“Hey,” Hardison called to stop him from running off, “took you long enough.”
“What?” Eliot asked, walking towards us instead. An armed guard jumped around a corner next to Eliot and it took less than two seconds and three hits to have him on the ground and out of commission. “One,” Eliot said to himself once the guard was down. 
“What?” Hardison asked. 
“Wha- where’s Nate?” Eliot changed the subject. 
“I don’t know, man. All this metal is messing with the signal,” Hardison replied. 
The sound of heeled shoes came from a neighboring corridor and caught our attention as a familiar looking woman walked by. I dashed around to get a better look with the boys following after me. We stopped when we were behind her. 
“Sophie?” We asked all at once. 
She looked over her shoulder at us and echoed Hardison, “took you long enough. Come on,” she then walked off in the direction she was previously heading, expecting us to follow. 
We shared a quick look of confusion before following. While we navigated the ship Sophie relayed how Tara told her everything and how she met with Kadjic to get Sophie a meeting in order to be here. That explained the security photo from this morning and why she was here.  Eventually we found a room that had a single armed guard. Eliot quickly knocked him out, busting open the door in the process and finding Nate sitting there handcuffed. 
“Zero,” Eliot said before grabbing the handcuff key and freeing Nate. 
Hardison, Eliot, and I left the area and waited for Sophie and Nate to have a short conversation. In all the previous commotion, I now had a good look at Eliot. He had his hair in a half updo, keeping it out of his face. Blood had begun to dry on his temple and from his nose. My heart skipped a beat in a way I couldn’t deny anymore that I cared for him. More than I should. I gently pulled a corner of my sleeve up and approached him to clean him up a bit. I raised my hand steadily, making my intentions obvious when Eliot grabbed my wrist gently. 
“Don’t get your shirt dirty for me, it’s fine,” he said softly. 
“It’s black, it’ll be fine. Please?” I whispered, my eyes tracing where a bead of sweat dropped to his brow. He finally released me and affirmed with a nod. 
I started at his temple, brushing away the newer blood to luckily see that it had stopped bleeding with the exception of a small bead, just enough to form a scab. The rest had dried to his skin despite the sweat, but I was able to get it off with a few gentle scratches of my nail. I moved on to the area under his nose where a single track of blood had trailed to his lip. This brushed away a bit more easily. It hadn’t occurred to me until that moment of time with my thumb brushing over his top lip to remove his own blood how much I wanted to kiss him. The skin of my fingers brushing his face so intimately became too much and I stepped away when I was sure the blood was gone. 
He whispered, “Thank you, sweetheart.”
I didn’t have time to reply before Sophie and Nate finally caught up to us. They led the way outside where we saw the mayor, still in his hotel bathrobe, enter the bridge of the ship, coincidentally, where Kadjic was as well, trying to get the ship underway. Hardison and Eliot went to lock them in one side and Nate and Sophie went to lock the other, trapping them there with no escape. I went around the corner to wave down Parker and Tara who were on their way. 
The four of them came up behind me once Kadjic and Culpepper were trapped just as Parker and Tara climbed the stairs where I was. 
Parker almost immediately hugged Sophie. 
“Oh,” Sophie said at the gesture, “Parker, touching.”
“Kinda, yeah,” Parker replied a bit bashfully. 
There were sirens in the distance, coming to arrest Kadjic and Culpepper with any luck. 
“Listen, I hate to cut goodbyes short,” Tara said at the sound, “but they're playing my song.”
“Keep out of trouble,” Eliot said. 
“Or if you wanna get in trouble again,” Hardison said with a smirk. 
Tara smiled at the implication. 
“Is this why…?” I asked, wondering about the earlier conversation we had. 
She shrugged, “Maybe.” She then looked at Sophie, “So we’re…”
“Oh, we’re even,” Sophie responded. “Absolutely.”
Tara nodded and with a pat on Nate’s arm, started to dash around the back side of the ship. 
“Hey,” Nate stopped her, “Are you gonna be alright on your own?”
Tara smiled, “What do you think?” She then continued on her path. 
We then looked at each other, wondering what to do. 
“There’s not that many ways out of here,” Eliot said after an assessing look around. 
“Eliot, when I arrange a rescue, I do it properly,” Sophie said with a smug expression. 
We all looked above as a helicopter touched down on the docks next to the ship. 
“Indeed you do,” I said following after Eliot and Parker down towards the getaway vehicle. 
Just when we were going to climb off the deck of the ship, Sterling popped out of nowhere, clapping his hands and a “Bravo!”
FBI agents then surrounded us, stopping us in our tracks. Of course it wasn’t a clean getaway. 
“So,” Sterling said, approaching us. “Where is Tony Kadjic?”
“He’s locked in the bridge,” Nate replied from behind us, but moved in front of us to talk directly to Sterling. “And the guns are stored in boxes in the hold.”
“I see you kept your end of the deal, Nate,” Sterling said.
“What?” I asked softly, looking at Nate, trying to figure out what was going on.
Nate didn’t respond, he just walked slowly to the side and handcuffed himself to the rail. “Yeah Sterling, we have a deal.”
“Nate, what are you doing?” Hardison asked this time, but still, Nate didn’t answer. 
“Quit messing around,” Sterling said. “In thirty seconds there will be another dozen guns on the deck.”
I looked around, the team was edging closer to the rail, Nate, and ultimately freedom in the helicopter. Eliot was specifically keeping his eyes on the armed FBI agents. I was unsure what to do. I kept close to the team, but it almost felt like my feet were glued to the deck. 
“Do you have any idea what’s going on right now, Sterling?” Nate asked. “There’s a fire in the FBI evidence room,” he said, referring to the tampering Tara and Parker did earlier, planting an ignition system to destroy evidence. “And Hardison wiped the servers of all the evidence.”
“Where are you going with this?” Sterling asked. 
“I destroyed all the evidence the FBI had on Culpepper and Kadjic. You have no photos, no tapes, you don’t have anything. You don’t have a case on anybody, unless you arrest me, and only me,” Nate explained. My eyes were glued on him, explaining his case to Sterling, and us, all unaware of what he was planning. “I agree to turn state’s evidence. And I testify to what Kadjic told me, how he put the hit on Bonanno. Hell, I’ll even give you Bonanno’s evidence against the gun running!”
“Nate,” Eliot said steadily, “I can take these guys.”
“It’s just ten more yards to the chopper, man,” Hardison said. 
“Listen, guys,” Nate said, “I got you into this mess, this is the only way to get you out.” He turned to Sterling, “And I can feel you thinking Sterling, and don’t, don’t bother! And if you touch one of them, the deal is off. Nevins loses two years of work, and your first case with Interpol.”
“So, you’re my case, or I have no case,” Sterling summarized. 
There was a slight upturn to Sterling’s lips that finally dropped, “Fine, we’ll call it a draw then.”
Nevins, the FBI agent in charge, protested, “No, we do not take this deal!”
Sterling forcibly lowered her gun, “Take one more step, and I’ll shoot you myself.”
The agents and Sterling backed off, leaving us somewhat alone. 
“Come here,” Nate said to us, “You guys are the most honorable people I’ve ever met in my life. You’ve become my family,” he looked at me, “Our only family.I won’t forget that.” There was a pause before he said to Eliot, “Now get them on the chopper. Now!”
Eliot took a moment to nudge Parker and Hardison towards the stairs to get off the ship. I wouldn’t move, raising my hand at Eliot to give me a moment. He allowed it, standing a bit off to the side. 
“I’m sorry, Birdie,” Nate said, his face sorrowful, but determined. 
“I know,” I said, surprising myself with how calm I was, at least on the outside. “But I’m still angry.”
“At me?”
“I don’t know yet,” I said. I paused before taking the two steps forward it took to close the gap between us, “But I know I would regret it if I didn’t hug you right now.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, knowing this was a different kind of goodbye. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and onto his coat before I released him. I took a step back, but couldn’t find it in myself to keep going. 
I think Nate could see that, “Goodbye Birdie.” 
I just nodded. 
Nate looked over my shoulder to Eliot, “Get her out of here, please.”
I felt one of Eliot’s arms wrap around my waist, the other on my arm to guide me away. He whispered a “come on, sweetheart,” as we walked down the stairs, leaving Nate and Sophie on the deck of the ship. We passed Sterling on the way, and Eliot told him coolly to watch his back, a stark contrast to the way he gently led me towards the helicopter. He helped me to my seat and waited to help Sophie in as well before we took off. 
To freedom I suppose.
A/n: Hey guys! So glad you were able to stick it out until now. I'm going to be taking a little bit of hiatus between seasons 2 and 3. I have finals these next two weeks and want to plan out this next season a bit more, hopefully getting a few episodes written before I start posting again. Thank you so much for reading so far, can't wait for next season, where stuff might start moving!! Reblogs and comments are welcome and encouraged!
Tags: @instantdinosaurtidalwave @kniselle @technikerin23 @kiwikitty13 @plasticbottleholder @mushycore 
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sistertosleep · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
waterparks (the band) (old )sims cc pack
hi! i'm really new to the sims games, but i really wanted to share my parx sims and cc recolors i made. some of them are a little wonky together but i just started this game like last month and i just wanted some feedback and tips from the community if i just let what i have so far into the wild.
links to parx cc + meshes under the cut. i included their facial features + sliders too but not the other clothing cc i use for them bc. i forget lol (i did include some other creators' parx merch tho!) idk how to export tray files so if you want the sims themselves, you can find them in the game's gallery by searching my account @/blackroseseason or the waterparks tag (make sure to check the box on the left for showing custom content when you do!)
tip me on ko-fi if you wanna see more parx related cc from me :)
my waterparks clothing recolors + meshes required:
otto crop tops = belaloallure_kerry top
awsten sweaters + otto cardigans = jon sweater + felix cardigan via axa paris cc collection from @aharris00britney
geoff triforce shirt = aelitachan triforce shirt (male)
awsten + geoff tank tops = bill sims minimalsim - loose fit sports tank top
awsten + geoff longsleeves = vhsync aesthetic oversized sweater
band cc
parx merch: via gretaquinnz on tsr and lightningzbolt on sfs
awsten knight: eyelashes | heterochromia | hair color | lips
otto wood: hair | piercing | face sculptor | skintone
geoff wigington: hair | lower eyelids | teeth | skintone | lips | other face details | nose
sliders (important for accuracy!)
height | eyebrows | chin | mouth | lips | face slider pack | butt and hips | eye and head size
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