#& then make alfred the gandalf one but
ladytauria · 11 months
for the ask game <33 jaytim in lotr au maybe?
Tim is an elf—fairly young, as elves go. (Think Legolas, I suppose.) Jason is human. I think? I want Jason to be the ring-bearer. I know as far as LOTR canon goes a human would have been a p terrible choice but, we’re just going to ignore that :) Jason is unusually resistant to the ring’s power, but not like… completely so.
Jason is initially reluctant to take the journey but volunteers because it’s the right thing to do. He’s a voracious reader, he’s studied the histories and listened to the old stories. He knows exactly how terrible things will get if the Dark Lord (it’s gotta be Joker, right? altho maybe Ra’s is more fitting? or someone else completely?) isn’t stopped. Tim is a more eager volunteer because he does Not want to be stuck in his home forest anymore. He was quite sheltered, I think, though he definitely snuck out a lot. (&! maybe! met Steph? who definitely tags along as well.)
Jason & Tim don’t get along very well initially. I don’t think they hate each other or anything but Tim definitely says something insensitive about a human carrying the ring, especially after the last one. Jason fires back, & it just… sets the tone going forward.
However! When the Fellowship (Bruce, Dick, Babs, Steph, Cass, Jason, Tim, maybe Damian and/or Duke) splits up, Tim & Jason are the ones who end up venturing to Mordor together, and are forced to rely on each other in order to survive. Traveling solo also forces them to get to know each other, which they had maybe done a bit of?
The ring’s influence does eventually end up getting to Jason despite his best efforts, but, ultimately the ring is destroyed without fully corrupting him. When all is said and domed he’s self-deprecating about it—maybe telling Tim he was “right all along” not to trust him to carry it. Tim disagrees, though, and commends him for resisting as long as he did and commends him for his heart. They end up sailing away together to live in the immortal lands of the elves, eventually <3
Bonus: I don’t think things work like… 1:1 with the original characters. But—Bruce is the one to notice a need for the fellowship in the first place & brings them all together. He’s also the initial leader, until Moria, where he “dies.” Dick takes over after that, and maybe has a legacy as a king. Babs ensures Jason & Tim are able to escape, but instead of losing her life, she loses her ability to walk after a well-placed arrow hits her. Cass & Steph have an initial rivalry or dislike of each other but then begin to care for one another.
[ au ask game ]
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Yes to that comic version of Bruce! 👏 (what did you think of the bale batman and battinson?) Jensen is a bloody good actor but I just can't process him as the bat I look at him and my brain just says 💗soft💗 I liked the bale batman- although I can't see him as batdad but I can somehow see battinson trying to parent lol Jon Bernthal would make a killer batman for sure. I find it soo hard to fancast and I always end up changing my mind
Who is your Alfred? I love Michael Caine Alfred and I quite liked the Alfred from the Gotham TV series
I can't unsee Brenton Thwaites as Nightwing like in my mind the way Hugh Jackman shall forever be Wolverine and Ian McKellen is forever Gandalf, Brenton Thwaites is now my forever Nightwing. I really really want a Nightwing movie so bad. Have you seen the YouTube Nightwing series?
I've never heard of Tanner Buchanan before, but yo the green eyes sealed the deal there 💚 I find Jason the hardest to cast tbh
Griffin Gluck!! Have you seen locke and key? that's the only thing I've seen him in, Felix Mallard was in it too, I can sometimes envision Felix as Jason sometimes not, I've not seen a fancast before that has made me be like yes that is 100% Jason, I liked the hbo titans version of Jason but only as the hbo titans Jason if that even makes sense, little dude did so good in that role 👏 but anyways sorry for the Jason tangent lol !Griffin Gluck Tim Drake hell yeah! This is partly crack partly not but mostly crack but I can somewhat see Rebal D as Tim Drake the energy in his YouTube videos is at times very Tim to me
I wish dc would even just make a short mini movie, like 15 mins long, about Bruce trying to be a responsible father and damian just being damian 🤣
I know the ages for this arent right but oh well lol, I think I'd fancast Chance Perdomo as Duke, Emma Stone as Steph and Violet Orlandi as Cass, for the life of me I can't come up with anyone for Babara? (I love Violet as Cass, she's not even an actress but she could sooo do it)
Thanks for giving your fancast!! And 10 000% yes to the Wayne Family Adventures it's so perfect, I need to start reading that again. But yeah if you have anymore casting ideas for the batfam or villians etc I'd looovee to hear!
Hi anon!!! This is an AMAZING ask!!! Thank you so incredibly much for taking the time to send it! 🥰
This answer is going to be a bit lengthy so I'm going to put it under the break. And I am planning on doing another post of fancasting like this one for the extended Batfam members so I might not address all your points here, but they will be coming very soon! 😘
First of all, I am a big fan of both Bale and Pattinson's portrayals. I have a hard time picking a favorite because their approaches to the character are so different and yet both valid. I am VERY interested to see what they do with Battinson moving forward since this first movie is still early in his time wearing the cowl where he is still figuring out what Batman should be. And I would LOVE to see him get a Robin in the sequel (preferably sticking with Dick like the canon) but we shall see!
I'm not sure if you've seen The Boys, but Jensen's portrayal of Soldier Boy is all the proof to me that he could nail portraying Batman. And his range in Supernatural (from being a gruff and heartless hunter one minute to breaking down in a softer, protective emotional side the next) solidifies for me that he could switch between Batman to Batdad when needed. And he's charming as hell so Bruce wouldn't be a problem 😂
I'll have my new fancast of Alfred on my next post, but from previous ones, Michael Caine is always my Alfred. I think Andy Serkis is a great version of Alfred for Battinson and is what that Bruce needs (and his performance is great as always) and I enjoyed Sean Pertwee in Gotham (once again, a great interpretation for what *that* Bruce needed). However, Michael Caine was my first live-action Alfred and he was SO PERFECT, I don't think he will ever be topped as my favorite.
To be fair, I think Brenton Thwaites had the look for Dick and I think he could have been a good choice if the show was different, but for me, I can't get over how much Titans tone and interpretation of the characters/stories rubbed me the wrong way. None of the characters felt accurate to me based on their comic counterparts and the studio just tried to be too edgy and dark. The perfect example is the "Fuck Batman" moment. It was all over the trailers and just seemed like something they wanted to push to be like "this ain't your parent's Robin" but they pushed things so far it didn't even feel grounded in the characters I love. (don't even get me started on the Red Hood plot line).
I have seen the Nightwing youtube series and they do a really good job with it! My hope for this new direction of the DC movies and the fact The Brave and the Bold will focus on Bruce and Damian's relationship is that it means they'll include Nightwing and maybe mention Tim now working with the Titans (you don't want to include too many characters in the first movie which is the problem a lot of superhero movies have made lately). And I also want a mention of Jason but not have him returned as Red Hood yet which would be its own movie later.
Speaking of Jason.... While Dick is my first Robin and will always have a very special place in my heart because of that, Jason is my favorite. I just love how complex and rich his character development and story is. I also find casting him really difficult because of that. However, I do think Tanner Buchanan has a good potential. I've seen him in a few smaller roles, but I know he is a main character in Cobra Kai so he does have experience with fighting he could bring to the role (I haven't seen the show but I did watch clips on youtube). And as you pointed out, those green eyes are a big plus!
I think Curran Walters does a good job in Titans for what the show wants of him, but once again, it's just not my Jason and I rage quit season 3 😂 (though I watched clips of key Red Hood moments from later in the season)
Tim is always the hardest member of the main Batfam for me to write or cast just because he is the one I have the least knowledge or experience with outside of fanfics. However, I still really like him as a character and think he has a lot of potential in a movie or show. And I haven't seen Locke and Key (though it is on my list because I LOVE Aaron Ashmore)
I am excited with the prospect of having Bruce and Damian together in The Brave and the Bold, but I am also very nervous about how they will characterize them. All the Batman projects since Batman Begins have skewed very dark and I don't think that works well if you bring in the whole Batfam (if they just want to add Dick with Battinson, I think that could work but not expanding it to the whole gang). But James Gunn's comments about making the new Superman movie more about kindness feels like it will be a brighter, lighter version (more like the Christopher Reeve movies than the Henry Cavill ones) which I feel is more accurate to most comics, so I am cautiously optimistic for the Batfam in these movies. However, the canon and fanon versions of the Batfam don't always match (neither does the canon version between comic writers), but I am still hopeful for the more loving version we want, and is portrayed fairly well in the DC Animated movies.
As for Duke, Cass, Steph, and Barbara, I'm going to include them in my next post so you will have to wait a little to get my thoughts on them as well as a few others😉
Though because you brought up ages I will mention that all of my castings are based on if I were making a movie or show today. There are a lot of different people I would have loved to have in these roles in the past that are unfortunately just too old at this point.
And just another shout-out to Wayne Family Adventures because it is everything I ever wanted from a Batfam comic/story!!! Plus, the art is so perfect! Yes, the comic is a lot of fan service, but it is really funny while also being deep and emotional at times. It never loses the heart of the characters and you can tell there is so much love in the project and for these characters. If we could get a show or even a web series of this version of the Batfam, it would be a dream come true!
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shy-blue-blossom · 1 year
The Unseen Princess
Chapter Three: Secrets come to Light
Chapter 2
Normal PoV
As Laketown was getting burnt down to the ground Tauriel was getting the girls out of Laketown while Kili and the others were making their way to the mountain. As they were trying to get out of Laketown and Bain remembered that his father had hidden the black arrow in a boot next to a statute, but they didn't know where y/n had gone. Bard and Bain had finally taken the dragon Smaug down. When everyone was on the shores the girls were looking for them. As they were looking for them, Alfred was making trouble with one of the ladies.
"Alfred I wouldn't do that if I was you." Bard's voice told him as he grabbed his arm that was about to strike the lady.
Tilda and Sigrid couldn't wait to go to him and give him a hug. The Laketown people then began to argue, what they didn't see was the elf that was upon a gorgeous, pure white horse.
"What going on here?" Her question made everyone stop what they were doing to see her now standing next to her horse.
"Y/N!!!" Tilda shouted as she ran to her and hugged her.
Y/n hugged her back as she looked up to see Sigrid smiling at her, and she got a smile in return.
"Bard you might want to get everyone to shelter before dark." She told him and that's what he did, he took them all to Dale.
When they got to Dale they all found places to sleep while Alfred took night watch. When Bard asked if anything happen, he said nothing could get past me, yet an army of elves did. They had brought supplies for the. Bard had talked to the Mirkwood king, Thranduil. Bard had tried talking to Thorin, but he did not listen. So Thranduil thinks it's wise to attack during the day, first thing. While they were talking they didn't notice y/n was standing there watching them. As she was about to say something a man with a pointy hat and a stick was standing by the entrance of the tent.
"What is going on here?" The old man asked them.
"GANDALF!!" Y/n happily called out his name as she ran up to him and hugged him and while doing so her hood to the cloak she was wearing fell off her head, Thranduil couldn't believe his eyes.
"You can't be from them." Thranduil let out a whisper not believing his eyes.
Y/n froze along with Gandalf but she soon let go of Gandalf and turned to look at Thranduil. When he saw her crown his eyes widened in surprise. Before he could say anything a hobbit appeared by the tents entrance.
"Bilbo you're alright," Y/n said with a sigh of relief as she ran up to him and bent down to his height.
He looked at her strangely not knowing who it was but he soon realised. He then gave the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard who knew what to do with it and hopefully not go to war, but they didn't know what the orcs were up to. As they were talking they didn't notice y/n disappear from the tent. Soon the night was over and they were going to confront Thrion again to see if he is willing to trade or will they go to war. Thrion chose war with the help of his cousin Daín.
The time came when they talked to Thrion but he would not listen and soon his cousin Dain of the Iron Hills came to help fight in the war, but as they were about to fight, Orcs began to come and attacked. As everyone was fighting no one noticed the extra elves that were there helping to keep Dale safe. As Thrion, his nephews and Dwalin were on top of Ravenhill fighting Azog and Bolg, but they didn't realise that y/n was helping them as the war ended they still didn't notice her.
When the war was over Myriil came and got her and took her back home. When they got there she was taken to the healers to get a checkup since she had fainted in his arms. While the healers were looking after the unconscious Princess Myriil went to tell the king and prince that she has returned. Once they knew she was home they raced to the healers to see her sleeping on the bed. They sat by her bed waiting for her to wake up and when the healers talked to the king, they told him she fainted from using too many spells and energy. They didn't leave her bedside unless it was for food or an emergency to do with the realm. There was a knock at the door when they were talking about the realm.
"Come in." The king Acluce called out as he stood up with Eltaor next to him.
In came Myrill with another elf that had brown shoulder length hair, and with him was another elf with blonde hair.
"How can I help you?" Acluce asked them.
"We were wondering if you know an elf with middle thigh length h/c hair and e/c because we would like to thank her." The blonde hair elf asked him.
"And what do you want to thank my daughter for?" He asked them again.
Before anyone could answer the was a moan of pain from behind Acluce and Eltaor. They turned around to see y/n up but holding her head as she was in pain. Both Acluce and Eltaor went up to her and asked what hurts and all she could do was hold her head as she wined. The brown-haired elf moved to her and healed her and she fell forward into her hanar arms with an exhausted sigh as she looked at the elf that helped her.
"Thank you...for helping me." She tanked him slightly exhausted before sitting up straight with help from her hanar.
"It is my honour to have helped you, princess. I am Elrond, Lord of Rivendell." He introduced himself as he bowed to her. "And this is Thranduil king of the woodland realm." He introduced him to them as he bowed his head to her as well.
They then left the room with her father to talk. Her hanar stayed and helped her to stand back on her feet to get the strength back into her legs. It's been a while since then and y/n has been visiting Bilbo and his nephew Frodo and it was soon to be Bilbo's 111th birthday which she can't go to since her home has been found by the Orcs again. She has sent a letter to Bilbo explaining her reasons for not being there. There is also the reason with the dark is getting closer to her home and that is not good.
When she heard the flute she gave Gandalf be played she began to make her way to Rivendell and while she was making her way, Frodo had been stabbed by a morgue blade and was being healed by Lord Elrond. As Boromir was talking about the ring and was about to grab it and before Gandalf could say anything another voice spoke and was speaking a forbidden spell from her people.
"Do not touch something you don't know the power of." The person said as she walked in and looked like she was about to fall over, but before she could Elrond and Aragorn were next to her and holding her up.
"You made her utter forbidden words, do you know how that will make her feel," Gandalf spoke as he stood looking at Boromir.
"I'm sorry but I do not know who she is," Boromir said as he pointed to y/n who is now sitting down in the seat Aragorn was sitting in.
"This is y/n Cormyth, princess of the Ornarta Casmasto realm, the realm of the sun and moonlight elves." Elrond introduced her to everyone and she had finally pulled her clock off revealing her crown.
Once everyone saw her crown it went dead silent. Soon everyone was throwing questions around but not about the ring but about her.
"If you want to know why I am here then you need to find out what you are going to do about that ring if not there will no more be a realm of the sun and moonlight elves. I would like it if we could talk about what all the races are going to do about the ring. Isn't that right Frodo?" She asked and explained as she smiled at them, then to Frodo.
They then talked about the ring as if they completely forgot about it for a while. As the others were arguing with each other, y/n was watching Frodo to see what he was going to do. He soon did volatile to be the ring bearer and Gandalf was to be his guild since he did not know the way. Aragorn gave him his sword to help, Legolas came forward and gave him his bow, Gimli with his axe and Boromir also gave him his help.
"I see you are almost complete." Y/n spoke up.
But before anyone could say anything three little hobbits stood next to Frodo. Elrond looked at her and she stood up and stood in front of Frodo, then kneed to his height with a smile on her face.
"Just like your Uncle Bilbo who helped to reclaim the lonely mountain and I stayed by his side, you have my people's trust, but most of all you have my power as the sun and moonlight elves princess," Y/n said as she never took the smile off her face.
Frodo couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his face and he jumped into her arms. He kept whispering thank you's into her ear as she hugged him back. Y/n pulled back and kissed his forehead before starting to her full height and turning to Elrond.
"Now the fellowship of the ring is complete," Elrond told them. "Now get ready for your journey ahead because it's going to be long and hard with your new friends." He finished as he looked at all of them, as y/n had stood next to Aragorn and Gandalf.
Chapter 4.
The Unseen Princess
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captain039 · 3 years
In the company of wolves
Last chapter <-
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The dwarves sat by the fire, drying their clothes while you sat by the window. Kili was getting paler by the second, something wasn’t right. 
You walked over to the dwarf and knelt in front of him. He was shaking, eyes closed not aware you were there till you touched his leg. He hissed and flinched before he saw you. 
“I’m fine,” he said snatching his leg from you. 
“Kili you are not fine,” you said calmly trying to get it in his head. 
“I’m fine” you glared at the dwarf huffing in annoyance as you stood. 
“You’re an idiot,” you said walking away. 
“Where are the weapons you promised lad?” Dwalin spoke. 
“Wait here” Bard muttered disappearing down the stairs. 
You were annoyed, angry at the dumb witted dwarf who was in pain, that arrow was laced with something, the poison flooded his body by now no doubt. 
“Are you alright?” You glanced to the young woman, Sigrid her name was. 
“Don’t join the company of dwarves” you said glancing to Kili worried. 
“Father said he was your one,” Sigrid said and you shook your head. 
“No, only said that so he didn’t ask questions” you whispered to the girl as Bard came back. 
“Why are you here then?” She asked quietly. 
“Forced somewhat, Gandalf is like my father figure, supposed to watch over me however he has gone off somewhere” you sighed. 
“You seem like you need someone to talk to, get things off your chest, do you want to come upstairs?” She smiled kindly and you smiled back. 
“I won’t burden you,” you said and she shook her head. 
“I love with my father you won’t burden me” she whispered and chuckled making you smile as she grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. 
“Simple merchants wouldn’t be sneaking around this town,” she said sitting down on the bed. She was a kind girl, you weren’t sure how old she was, maybe 17 or 18. You didn’t want to release the company’s secret, this was their mission and yours now to uphold. 
“No they wouldn’t” you muttered. 
“And a certain pair of eyes wouldn’t be following you so much if you were the one to the young dwarf” you flushed furiously at her boldness. 
“What’s his name?” She grinned, you supposed she couldn’t do this with her little sister, perhaps she didn’t have friends here either, this town seemed thick and on edge. 
“Y/n” you jumped when Thorin called you. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Come on” he cocked his head making you frown. 
“What’s going on?” You asked following the dwarf down the stairs. 
“We’re leaving” he stated bluntly and you frowned. 
“You can’t leave!” Bain said blocking the door. 
“Lad you will move or be trampled,” Dwalin said. Bain couldn’t argue against the dwarf warrior he moved and the dwarfs scurried out one by one. 
“Kili?!” You questioned with a hiss as he went too, with you following. 
“I’m sorry” you muttered as you passed Bain. 
The dwarves snuck around apparently going somewhere. They stopped at a building, a blacksmith, they scouted around before creating steps with themselves to the window. One by one they climbed in, Thorin the last one in as he looked to you. 
“No!” You whispered and he gave you a stern look. 
“I’m not climbing on them,” you said quietly. 
“I will hide here,” you said final and went and hid. 
You waited outside with nerves before you heard clattering. Your heart dropped and soon bells rang and guards came rushing out. 
You were escorted to the master of this town, you glared at the ground, before sighing. 
“What is the meaning of this?!” A man burst out, thinning hair and beard, struggling to keep his clothes on straight as he rushed into them. 
“Thieves Milord” you looked to the voice seeing Alfred. You quickly looked away the man was not nice to look at. 
“Thieves!” The lord said. 
“What on earth are dwarves doing thieving in my town!” The lord bellowed. 
“I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror” Thorin stepped forward. 
“I’ve come to take back my homeland” he added as everyone when quiet. 
“If you would help us, please, I will promise to make this town what it once was, the waters will run with gold once again!” The dwarf moved to the stairs looking back to the people. The lord's face said he agreed, nothing but greed and wealth on his mind. 
“I welcome you then! Thorin son of Thrain!” The crowd cheered as someone pushed past you. 
“Wait!” You looked seeing Bard. 
“He will awaken the dragon! Slaughter all of us! He cannot promise anything!” Bard said making Thorin frown. 
“Do you not remember what happened? What happened to our people when that beast came down?!” Bard turned to the people and they nodded in agreement. 
“If I remember correctly Bard, it was your ancestors that failed to bring down the beast,” Alfred said and you frowned. 
“Miss after miss” Alfred taunted. 
“Think of the gold! This town will be glorious again!” The lord bellowed and everyone cheered. Bard looked to the ground in defeat annoyance and worry clear on his face as he went home. 
“Come! Let us feast!” 
Next chapter ->
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fandomficsnstuff · 2 years
Unexpected Company - 13
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(Warnings: Angst, blood, fighting, some creative skyrim insults)
For the words in bold, if you want to know 100% what they mean, here’s the website I use, some of the words may have more than one meaning so I suggest picking one that fits best with the entire sentence: https://www.thuum.org/translator.php
Notes: This is platonic only! It is a prequel to A Chance Encounter but can be read alone.
“Oi! You-”
“Shut up, Alfred” Ruth mumbled with annoyance as she pushed past Alfred, hurrying down the steps to the old wizard. “Gandalf!! What happened to you? By Talos you look horrible” she fussed around Gandalf, the old man placing his hand on her shoulder “I’m fine, my dear-”
“You’ve gotten a new staff?”
“Where’s Tho-”
“In the mountain. Smaug’s dead… I collected his soul last night- Gandalf wait!” Ruth hurried after the wizard, managing to stop him, a frown on her brows as she looked at Gandalf with pure worry “something’s wrong with him, Gandalf, he’s gone mad, as though he’d glimpsed the Evergloam… he’s dangerous, he-... nearly threw me off a walkway and into the depths… I-I don’t care about that but he’s far gone, Gandalf” Ruth stated as she hurried after him. “Who’s in charge, Ruth?” Gandalf finally asked, the small woman sighing before looking around, catching Bard’s eye and waving him over. “It’s Bard, he took the people to Dale, he’s in charge of them… I’m going to the mountain, Gandalf…”
“I know what you’re going to say, but-”
“Ruth!.... There is a storm coming, a war unlike many others… they will need you, they all will” Gandalf warned in a quiet voice so Bard couldn’t hear them, Ruth gulping as her eyes grew a bit wider with concern. “How bad?... How many of my daedra and aedra would I have to pray to?” it was a question with another meaning that Gandalf already knew of, he knew Ruth didn’t pray directly before anything, she’d name her Aedra in the face of something far stronger than she had expected, far more powerful than her. It was a question about how much she should prepare.
“... All of them” Gandalf muttered darkly, Ruth swallowing thickly before nodding “I won’t enter the mountain, but I have to be there for Bilbo” she stated softly and with Gandalf’s nod, she was turning around, whistling briefly and saddling up on Shadowmere once the horse arrived after being summoned, riding towards the mountain, riding to a small overlook where she got off, getting comfortable on a rock and sending Shadowmere away until it would be night, so the black horse would blend in.
It was night when Ruth saw a single light, no more than a candle, be lit atop the gate, her eyes wide and she saddled up on Shadowmere, riding as fast and as silently as she could, practically jumping off of the horse right where the broken bridge was. “Bilbo?” her voice was a strained whisper, waiting with worry until she saw his curly hair poke out over the top of the wall, Ruth letting out a brief sigh “wait there” she ordered before jumping from stone to stone, climbing up the broken rocks and jumping over them, crouching down next to Bilbo. “You came” Bilbo whispered, Ruth almost scoffing but instead she just sighed, gently shaking her head at him with a smirk “of course I came, I told you I would” she whispered before peeking over the side as Dwalin and Balin walked by, watching them leave before looking around, seeing the rope laying next to them, taking it and tying it to a metal ring, hurrying as much as she could without making too much sound. Ruth sprung behind the pillar as she heard a voice, silently pulling up her hood and mask, almost becoming one with the silence as she listened intently, already recognizing the voice as Bofur.
“You should be inside, out of the wind.”
“No I uh-... I needed some fresh air, the place still stinks of dragon” Ruth rolled her eyes at Bilbo’s words, her entire head nearly rolling along with her eyes but she stayed put in the shadows. “The elves have been moving their archers into positions… the battle will be over my tomorrow’s eve” Ruth frowned at Bofur’s words, fighting against the urge to peek her head out from behind the pillar to look at him, they stood no chance at winning unless they had something major up their sleeve… perhaps they still thought that Ruth would side with them no matter what? The thought tearing at Ruth’s heart, her eyes closing briefly as she let her head resting against the cold stone pillar, her eyes opening to stare up at the stone ceiling above her. “Though I doubt we will live to see it” Bofur’s words made Ruth’s eyes snap open, her head lifting off the pillar and she felt her heart stop for just a brief moment at the thought of them dead…
“No, these are dark days..”
“Dark days indeed… no one could blame a soul for wishing themselves elsewhere… Must be near midnight, Bombur’s got the next watch… it’ll take a bit to wake him, though with Ruth I guess you’ll have no trouble avoiding that” Ruth’s eyes snapped open at this, she slowly and silently moved out from hiding, pulling her mask down while her hood stayed up, her sad eyes on Bofur as he stopped when Bilbo called his name. “I will see you in the morning” Bilbo promised, Bofur giving him a sad smile “goodbye, Bilbo… goodbye, Ruth-”
“It’s not goodbye, Bofur… I promise you that, it’s not goodbye and it’s not farewell” Ruth stated with a wavering voice, the kind dwarf giving her a soft smile before walking down the stairs. Ruth swallowed the lump in her throat and walked over to the rope, making sure it wouldn’t slip before throwing it out over the edge “you’ll be back before dawn, I swear it… if that’s what you want” Ruth stated softly, turning to Bilbo who gave a brief nod, Ruth nodding in turn, pulling up her mask and making sure Bilbo made it down safely before climbing down herself, giving a brief whistle, Shadowmere galloping over and Ruth helped Bilbo, although he was rather reluctant, up on the horse before saddling up herself, turning Shadowmere and galloping off towards Dale in haste. Ruth stopped just outside of Dale, saddling off, helping Bilbo down but then she just stood there, Bilbo frowning at her with confusion “what are you doing?”
“Waiting for when you’re done, I’m joining you in the mountain…” Ruth muttered quietly, Bilbo hesitating before he nodded and hurried into the city of Dale, Ruth waiting, looking over her shoulder at the mountain.
The last thing any of the dwarves expected, Bofur especially, was to see Ruth sitting on a stone by the barred gateway into the mountain, sitting inside of it as she was sharpening the dwarven sword she had found and kept as her own, her red hair pulled back in new braids that revealed all of her face, dirt washed from her face and her armor repaired where any damage had been. She looked up at them, an unsure look on her face but she sighed and stood up, placing the sword down on the stone she had been sitting on before turning to face the dwarves, and hobbit, once more. “I told you all that I was not as stupid as to turn away the people who have a care for me… I’m here, Thorin, my blade and bow are yours as long as you don’t command me to do anything like killing innocent people or attacking those who haven’t attacked you, I’m done with that life… I’m done with death and the killing of innocent people. I’ll kill if I have to, to defend you and my new friends, but not if those lives aren’t in danger” Ruth stated harshly, Thorin glaring at her with distaste but Balin ignored his new king, walking over and hugging Ruth who eagerly hugged him back, the other dwarves joining, either hugging her or patting her on her shoulder, Bilbo walking up to her with a small smile, Ruth smiling down at him.
Ruth flinched ever so slightly as Thorin fired an arrow at the feet of the great elk that the elven king was riding, causing both him and Bard to halt and Ruth glanced at Thorin before forcing herself to look down, keeping her mouth closed to silence a snarky remark that waited on her tongue. “I will put the next one between your eyes” Thorin’s words made her roll her eyes, the other dwarves cheering as Ruth just leaned against the stone wall, arms crossed over her chest as she just waited for this to play out until Bard showed him the Arkenstone. As the elven army drew back their arrows, almost all of the dwarves dodged, all except Thorin and Ruth, Ruth watching him with concern, her eyebrows knitted together with worry as she watched for his reaction. She continued to watch him as the Arkenstone was revealed, her eyes finding Bilbo’s through the others as they began to riot, calling the elven king and Bard thieves, Thorin’s expression growing darker as he muttered out his belief that this was a mere trick, an illusion, a lie, Ruth sighing softly and she looked down, shaking her head with disappointment until Bilbo stepped forward. “It’s no trick… the stone is real” Bilbo stepped forward, his eyes moving to Ruth for a brief second, seeing her give him a subtle nod, making him look back at Thorin. “I gave it to them” Bilbo admitted calmly, his eyes once again moving to Ruth as Thorin slowly turned to look at him, Ruth giving yet another subtle nod, making Bilbo look down briefly. Ruth knew how much it hurt, he may have trouble coming to terms with it or admitting it out loud, but it was obvious that he loved Thorin, much more deeply than a simple friend, it was obvious, and what was also obvious was the return of that love, Thorin’s eyes holding tears as he looked at Bilbo, “you?”
“I took it as my 14th share” Bilbo admitted, Ruth glancing at Filí, his eyes meeting hers and it was as though he realized that she knew. She knew and she helped him and she showed no regret. Ruth forced herself to look away from Filí and back at Bilbo, her hand clutching the hilt of her dwarven sword, prepared for the outburst the sick king would without a doubt make. “You would steal from me?”
“Steal? No. No, I may be a burglar, but I like to think that I’m an honest one… I’m willing to let it stand against my claim-”
“Against your ‘claim’?... ‘Your claim’.. you have no claim over me, you miserable rat!” As Thorin stepped closer to Bilbo with anger, Ruth was quick to jump forward, walking in front of him to stand by Bilbo’s side, giving Thorin a sad look as she looked at him, how far he had fallen from the honorable king under the mountain. “I was going to give it to you… many times I wanted to but-....”
“But what, thief?”
“You’ve changed, Thorin” Ruth piped up, her jaw clenched as she stared at him through the small silence “the Thorin I met in Rivendell would never have gone back on his word, and he would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin, or his love” Ruth stated harshly, Thorin scoffing at her “do not speak to me… of ‘loyalty’!... Throw them both from the rampart!” Thorin’s order went unheard, the king looking around, trying to shove Filí towards Ruth but he refused, Thorin looking around with desperation before grabbing Ruth by her hair and pulling her towards the edge “then I will do it myself! Curse you! Cutthroat!” Thorin yelled as he nearly shoved her over the edge, holding on to her by her hair in a tight grip as Bilbo and the others tried to make him let go, Thorin ending up with Bilbo in the other hand, trying to shove him off as well as Ruth was practically hanging over the edge, Thorin’s grip on her hair being one of the few things that kept her from falling down onto the stone below. “IF YOU DO NOT LIKE MY BURGLAR AND DRAGON-SLAYER THEN PLEASE, don’t damage them. Return them to me” Gandalf’s voice echoed almost as Ruth’s would at times, her green eyes moving to Gandalf in desperation as she hung over the edge, Thorin’s grip on her hair loosening a little and her own hand was slipping on the rock she was clinging to. “You’re not making a very figure as King under the Mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain?” Gandalf’s words made Thorin let go of Bilbo, the only bad thing about it was that he let go of Ruth as well, a small yelp escaping Ruth’s lips until someone grabbed her by her wrist, Ruth looking up to see Filí holding onto her, pulling her up and over the wall as soon as she was able to hold onto the stone without slipping or falling. As she was back on steady ground, on her knees, she clutched her scalp in pain, Filí kneeling down by her side, helping her up and hurrying her towards the rope that Bilbo was already crawling down with. Filí briefly put his hand on her head but when he felt something wet, he retracted his hand, eyes wide as he saw a few drops of blood on his glove, his heart racing as he watched her crawl down after Bilbo, jumping over the rocks and boulders and broken stone until her feet was on the steady ground, both Gandalf and Bilbo hurriedly checking her scalp, Gandalf’s fingers stained with a little bit of blood and it was obvious that he was fuming and boiling with anger at the revelation.
Ruth watched as Thorin paced atop his wall, going back and forth and for a brief second it was as though he’d finally cave in and accept to ‘buy’ back the Arkenstone, until that raven landed in front of him, his announcement of war making Ruth shake her head. “You cannot have war, Thorin!” Ruth shouted, though the sounds of marching feet made her turn, seeing an army come over the hill and Ruth sighed, gently shaking her head even more, following after Gandalf and Bilbo as the elven army turned to face the new army in front of them, Ruth getting out her bow, ready to fire it if need be, listening with a grim expression as Gandalf stated that Thorin was the more agreeable compared to his cousin, who just so happens to be leading a great army from a tactical advantage point with the sun at their back to blind those below, who just so happens to include everyone else. Before Ruth could march with the elven army, Gandalf grabbed her elbow, pulling her back, just to her anger “no, no I will not risk the life of someone like you, my dear Ruth-”
“‘Someone like me’ was born to kill countless dragons, I think I can handle a few short men with even shorter tempers” Ruth growled, Gandalf shaking his head, holding onto her as she yet again tried to join the army. “I told you a great war was coming, Ruth, you will need every one of your aedra and daedra-”
“I cannot let anything happen to that elk!” Ruth spat with worry, Gandalf frowning, making Ruth sigh “it’s Hircine, Gandalf! I am sure of it…”
“You must stay here, if not for yourself, then for Bilbo and I” Gandalf pleaded, Ruth glancing at the great elk before groaning, Gandalf letting go of her as he knew she’d stay, although she was rather reluctant, her eyes locked onto the army as large goats barged through the front lines. “What in Oblivion is-” Ruth stopped herself, Gandalf and Bilbo both frowning at her as she cringed, the corners of her nose turning up in disgust. “What? What is it?” Gandalf’s voice was filled with worry and as soon as Ruth got over the disgusting smell, the same worry was covering her own features as she looked at Gandalf “orcs, wargs… I-I can’t even- there’s something else, Gandalf, I don’t know what it is b-but it’s-... it’s s-something with dirt and I-...” Ruth stammered, unable to figure out how big the army was depending on the scent she smelled.
As the earth began to shake, Ruth’s eyes grew even wider, locking onto where the rumbling came from and when the giant worm spouted out of the ground, she nearly fainted, her eyes so wide that Bilbo was sure they’d fall out of her head at any time, face so pale it was as though she had been drained of all her blood and had been dead for weeks. “Akatosh, Mara, Stendarr, Zenithar, Dibella, Arkay, Julianos, Talos, Kynareth… Nocturnal guide me and shadow hide me. Sithis aid me, Nightmother watch over me…” at the last word, before Gandalf or Bilbo could stop her, Ruth ran forward, standing in the line with the elves as the troll like things came running towards them, her arrow nocked, drawn and let loose in sync with the other elves, even the elven king was somewhat shocked, the fire his son had described was finally revealed in her eyes, her arrows never missing their mark but the second she saw that Dale was slowly being attacked, her sync broke and she broke away from the front line of the elven archers, the elven king catching her whistling and soon after a dark steed appeared, as black as tar, eyes as red as blood as it came galloping towards the small woman who was unfazed by it’s crazed movements, the way it frantically threw it’s head around like it had gone mad, it’s teeth unnaturally sharp and the elven king almost thought it’d trample the small woman but instead she just held out one hand, a single hand, and when the horse ran past her, he realized that she had gripped onto the horse and thrown herself over it. The elven king’s eyes continued to grow wider when he saw that the horse was already halfway to Dale, faster than any creature he had ever come across.
Ruth rode past Bilbo and Gandalf, reaching Bard and even riding past him, even though he rode as fast and hard as he could without killing his horse, the man from Lake-Town staring with wide eyes at her as she practically flew past him. As Ruth reached far into the city she jumped off of Shadowmere, her dwarven sword out as well as her last dragonbone dagger, both of the weapons moving in sync as she moved towards a voice she recognized, cutting down an orc before it could reach Bain, the boy’s eyes wide open in shock as he looked up at Ruth. “Where are your sisters?!”
“I-I can’t find them-”
“Get the elderly and children to safety but do NOT risk your life! I will find them” Ruth shouted over the chaos, cutting down another orc as she ran in the other direction, continuing to cut down orc after orc as she hurried towards the screams of Sigrid and Tilda. Ruth cut the throat of an orc that was running after them, pushing it away and dodging the attack of the other orc, spinning around behind it and cutting the back of it’s neck before pushing it to the ground, sinking her sword into the orc’s back while it was laying down, Ruth panting from the running and fighting but the second she heard more footsteps she pulled her sword out of the dead orc and almost decapitating Bain but she stopped at just the right second, quickly lowering her sword, placing a hand on Bain’s shoulder as she pushed him towards his sisters “NEVER sneak up on someone while they are fighting, not all react quick enough to stop themselves” she warned harshly before hurrying the three children away. “Where’s Da?!”
“He’s on his way, I saw him, he’s on his way, Tilda-”
“Did you see him??”
“Yes, he’s fine, he’s a great swordsman and an even better archer” Ruth comforted Tilda as she hurried the children through the streets, cutting down every orc that got in the way, until the three children stopped, Ruth almost running past them if she hadn’t noticed. “What are you-”
“Da!! Da, we’re here!!” Sigrid called out and Ruth looked up finding Bard fighting in the old market, Ruth almost smiled until she heard the heavy steps coming behind them, Ruth turning and placing the three children behind her, the sword held out towards the troll as she backed up with the children, the golden flecks in her eyes roaring to life as she glared at the creature, faintly hearing Bard yell out for his children to get down, Ruth’s eyes shining bright blue, the sound of the cart coming closer and closer and finally, just before she dodged, three words left her lips.
“Fus Ro Dah” the troll flew back just before Bard’s cart could hit it, the creature hitting the pillar behind it, hitting it’s head as Bard flew towards it with his sword, piercing the creature’s heart and Ruth smirked as she stood back up, seeing Bard look at her with wide and shocked eyes, Ruth blushing slightly “I uh… may have a little bit of magic in me… just a small bit, though!” Ruth assured them, Bard still staring at Ruth as he slowly approached his children “you call that ‘a little bit’?!”
“Well, I mean-... I could have used fire” Ruth murmured, Bard letting out a brief breath of both shock and relief with an awestruck smile, Ruth grinning before ushering his children towards him “I have to get back…” Ruth’s eyes trailed to Tilda, tears forming in her eyes as she looked back at Bard. “Don’t make my mistake… make sure they’re safe before thinking of anything else… no parent should have to bury their children” Ruth stated softly, Bard giving a brief nod of understanding before ushering his children to safety, Ruth nodding to herself, wiping away a few stray tears before whistling, Shadowmere galloping towards her and the second she was saddled up, she rode towards the mountain, Shadowmere trampling any orcs that he came across, Ruth cutting the throat of the rest.
Ruth let out a yell as she jumped from Shadowmere, pinning down an orc and piercing it’s throat with her sword, quickly pulling it out and swinging it at another orc that tried to attack Dain from behind, the dwarf turning around with shock, staring at the red haired woman, her fiery eyes gleaming with gold and he just stared at her, as though transfixed. “Where is Thorin?? Has he come out yet?”
“Son of a mudcrab and whisp mother!! Skeever faced bastard!” Ruth growled before attacking another orc viciously, beating it to death with her sword instead of cutting the orc, Dain watching in shock as black blood splattered across her face as she was seething with anger. “That horse-faced, arrogant, slimy slaughterfish! Daar Mey Lost Nid Zin!” the ground shook with Ruth’s words, Dain staring at her with an open mouth and wide eyes. “What’re ye?”
“A pissed off woman” Ruth growled before cutting down another orc, letting out a brief whistle and saddling up on the demonic horse when it came, Ruth riding towards the mountain with anger, Dain falling back and it wasn’t long until the last remainder of the dwarves were by the mountain, forming a much thinner line than before, trying to remain alive and Ruth was seething with anger, saddling off of her horse and sending the demonic horse off, turning to look at Dain, who was already looking at her, looking away when he realized he had been staring. Ruth looked back towards the army in front of her, advancing. “Akatosh, Mara, Kynarath, Arkay, Dibella, Stendarr, Zenitharr, Julianos… Talos…” Ruth whispered before getting out her bow, nocking an arrow, drawing the string back in preparation.
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Can I ask about your opinion on the Hobbit movies? Maybe what you liked or vehemently didn’t?
Sure! So, over all my opinion is...they’re skippable :/
Which is really sad because I think they had great casting choices, the production value was really high and it could have been such a good movie if they’d just kept to the og plan of doing two and not tried to stretch and pad it into three for the monies.
I really really enjoyed the first one, I thought it was a ton of fun and the scene in the pine trees where Thorin strides down that burning branch and then Bilbo comes to Thorin’s aid later still is just /so good/. 
After that, well...yeah. I actually really liked Tauriel as a character, and Kili as a character, but their romance did nothing for me. It just felt shoved in, and the whole weird “are they a thing is this a love triangle” thing with Legolas and Tauriel was just...so out of place for a Lotr movie. I also really disliked how they made Legolas so cold and distant. Like, I think they were trying to imply a character arc but he was just---he had no motivation to really change? and didn’t change? and so it made no sense and he was just not fun to watch. Like, if they’d made him likable at all maybe I wouldn’t have minded them shoving him in /everywhere/ (but I probably still would have).
I also just didn’t really care for the characterization of Thranduil. He was just too David Bowie Goblin King Knock-off for me. I want to make clear that I thought Lee Pace did a great job with what he was given he’s a stellar actor. Like I said all the cast was great, /loved/ Luke Evans as Bard, also liked him having kids, I thought that was a nice touch. Not sure why they decided to make everyone in Laketown so miserabale though. Probably cuz they have to put up with Alfred. 
Um, other then that the pacing of the last two films was just wonky. Things were too long or too short and the cut off point made no sense sometimes. There were.../so many chase sequences/...so many.
Loved Bilbo and Thorins scenes together, loved most of Thorin’s scenes actually (besides those bonkers dragon sickness delusion scenes that was just weird).
OH! I haaaaatteeedd the weird lovey.../thing/ they had going on between Galadriel and Gandalf just...why? who thought of that? why did they think of that? Also, Galadriel is /married/. And I-I’m just weird and felt bad for Celeborn I guess.
I liked seeing younger happier Elrond, that was nice. Though I’ll forever be salty we didn’t get to see him being cute with little baby Aragorn. Like, can you imagine how perfect a little scene with Bilbo and twelve year old Estel would have been?? I CAN. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT. I KNOW THERE WERE LEGAL REASONS PROBABLY BUT THEY MANAGED TO SHOE IN GOSH DARN LEGOLAS /EVERYWHERE/ THEY COULD HAVE MANAGED AN UNNAMED ARAGORN CAMEO IF THEY WANTED TO.
Anyway, my overall consensus was flawed films with some nice parts, not worth the time it takes to watch them all just for those parts though, I’lll just read the fanfictions thanks.
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To Be Written
Since I’m slowly completing stories in my rotation, I thought I would let all my new followers see what will start filling in those spots. Once this list is empty, I will open my requests again.
There is zero order as to which one will be started first.
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The Hidden Realm - LoTR/Hobbit Fandom
Rhyannon (OFC) x Lord Elrond: King Thranduil has been engaged in a centuries-old feud with the fae realm, Tir Na Nog. The problem is, none of the other elves believe this realm exists. Until Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel visit for a MidSummer festival and run into the Fae Queen herself, Rhyannon. Who happens to be crashing the festival in a bid to declare open war on the elves. Can a peaceful solution be found?
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Prodigy Child - MCU/Marvel
Tony Stark x GN!Reader: Reader is a teacher at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Their powers help protect others when new mutants arrive. Nothing throws them off, they’ve seen it all. Until Tony Stark arrives with his daughter, Morgan. The single father needs help navigating the new phase in their life. Can they help?
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Kings & Queens - The Hobbit
Thranduil x Ladien (Ladi) OFC, Thorin x Ladien: Ladien is a half-Elf that became a wanderer when she is unable to fit in her home at the Grey Havens. She’s resting at Rivendell when the Company shows up. Thorin is mistrustful of Elves because of what happened years ago at Erebor, but Gandalf insists on having Laddi join. Just as Thorin begins to warm up to the Peredhil, they are taken captive in Mirkwood. Thranduil here’s that an Elf is traveling with the Dwarves and demands to meet her. And when they do, he is taken aback as she looks almost identical to the wife he lost.
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The Queen’s Guard -  Game of Thrones
Jorah Mormont x Myria Storm (OFC): Myria is a bastard from Storm’s End that has fled for a better life. She lives as a sellsword until the Queen of Thorns, Olenna Tyrell, takes her in to be her personal guard. She travels with Olenna first to Dorne where they find out the Dragon Queen, Daenerys, is returning to Westeros. Myria is sent by Olenna to make Dragonstone welcoming for the future queen, where she eventually meets Dany’s right-hand man, Jorah Mormont.
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Peredhel - LoTR
Erestor x Sam (OFC): Sam is a modern world woman that finds herself in Middle Earth with no way home. So she makes the best of her situation and becomes a cook for Rohan before traveling around Middle Earth for a few years to learn more about the food. She returns to Rohan days before a farewell party is being held for Lord Elrond before he parts for Valinor, where she meets Erestor. Who has been debating his own fate.
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Battle of the Billionaires - DCEU/MCU/Marvel
Mya (OFC) x Tony Stark, Mya x Bruce Wayne: Mya is an elemental mutant that is over 1,500 years old. She occasionally helps both the X-Men and the Avengers when needed. Her long-time friend and ex, Alfred, contacts her saying Bruce Wayne is forming a team and needs her help. Her other ex and friend, Diana is already on the team and really believes Mya will be a great asset. But things get complicated when Mya wants to involve the Avengers and Bruce and Tony clash heads.
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Just a Moment of Time - MCU 
Everett Ross x Black!Fem!Reader: Short story requested by @maddiestudentwritergaines. An epilogue to Agent or Princess, in which Everett and Reader take a vacation to Wakanda.
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oc-mother · 3 years
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And here is my “OC” Lord Forbidden. 
There is a reason why i put “” around the OC. Well, he is a very complex character/story that i wrote/am writing around the character Milo from Alfred the Hedgehog. (The show is on Qubo).
So basically, after a day of getting bullied from the neighborhood bullies, led by Cynthia, Milo finds a mask somewhere deep in the forest. 
This mask is styled an oni mask, (I did not base it this on Japanese Culture, but I liked the visual Japanese aesthetic of the oni mask.), originally made to be worn by people who wanted to do something bad to someone else, but just didn't have the will to go through with it, (or someone in the war didn't want to fight the other side to the point that they would kill someone), however, when Milo puts it on, due to curiosity, it doesn't exactly do the same, due to Milo’s... innocentness. (Kind of like when Bilbo put on the one ring, described by Gandalf).
But it also gives the mask itself sentience. (Its voice is female when normal, male when angry)
Overall, what happens is very similar to the transition from Ron in the Kim Possible episode known as Bad Boy, when Ron and Drakken get their Good and evilness swapped. 
However, instead of turning into the kind of supervillain that builds complex machines, (not that Lord Forbidden doesn't do that at all, he’s just not known for it), he is the kind of villain that mirrors Cynthia’s bad habits. Except on a more serious, evil villain scale, not really worrying about if anyone gets hurt. 
Cynthia is a child who doesn't know what she’s doing, and would more than likely stop if someone were to get seriously injured by her bullying, however, Lord Forbidden knows exactly what he is doing, and wants revenge on her for how he was treated as Milo. (Or just to get back at her, like a little “game”, but which would knowingly, on his side, will go wrong). However, this is kind of like mind control, as if he was entirely sane and normal Milo, he wouldn't do many of the things that he does in the story.
He is as much as an emotional child underneath everything though, he just doesn't like showing it out in public, or to his victims. (Or, like he might let it slip if he knows that the person he is interacting with is going to die soon, so they don't tell others about his emotional weakness).
He also mirrors Cynthia in the way that he is excruciatingly pompous, except he actually has stuff to show for it. A big mansion, money, “guests”. The guests may or may not be living mannequins designed to look like guests. 
The reason why he looks like an adult, while the rest of the cast still look like kids? Or the one adult still looks like a young adult? 
The mask’s magic slowly, but surely, (over a few weeks, to months time) transformed him into the same age as the individual who made the mask in the first place. (When that person made it. He probably is ancient by that point, if he was still alive somehow) He doesn't need to keep the mask on to keep the magic going, only if HE breaks it, accidentally or on purpose, does the mask lose its semi control on him. 
(Yes, it isn't entirely mind control, it is warping his will, and exaggerating his memories, to the point that he is semi in control of what he is doing... complicated, i know).
Why does he look like a human? I couldn't design him otherwise, also it would make him more a mysterious specie oddity to those in Gnarly Woods and that universe in general. (Although he still retains his tail. It was a necessity. And it is excruciatingly soft. Kind of like one of Wigglytuff’s pokedex entries to be honest).
Anyway, on the topic of this picture in general, i am planning to do an animatic some time in the future, if everything goes according to plan, for Lord Forbidden and Cynthia to sing the song “The Mind Electric”. 
Although it doesn't directly link with the lyrics, when it comes to their character, or ORDER that the lyrics play, the deeper and “weirder” voice seems pompous enough and brought Lord Forbidden to mind. 
If anyone cannot read what any of the lyrics say, it is as follows: Here in my Kingdom I am your lord, I order you to cower and pray
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idjitlili · 4 years
Thorin x Modern!reader
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Summary: imagine being annoying and singing the bilbo baggins ballad to wind up Thorin.
Word count:2125
You had been travelling with company for many months now, since you dropped from the sky onto a troll. It hurt like a smashing your back into the taps of a fancy bath. Then you were almost eaten by that troll, until Gandalf had saved you and the small dudes by smashing a rock in half.
Gandalf had allowed you to join the Journey despite Thorins total dislike of the idea.This face scrunched up in anger as he began to talk “I will not be responsible for her safety nor Bilbos.” You giggles at Bilbos name you knew exactly where you were and what you were going to do on the journey. Thorin turned to you and glared, you just stuck your hands up on surrender.
“Very well ,Thorin but you will not cause harm to my burglar or this women.” Gandalf spoke to the dwarves king.
Over the course of these months Thorin ignores you as much as he could even after bilbo saved him, he still avoided you at all costs. You thought he thought you were annoying. Kili and fili would annoy their uncle to get attention from him so that was exactly what you were going to do.
Now you all were escaping Thranduils kingdom in barrels down a river,thanks to Bilbo. The water soaked your shirt with y/m/r(movie reference) upon it, and denim shorts. Since the elves had stripped you from everything else, despite the dwarves anger. Not going to lie this barrel ride thing was very fun. From what you gathered so far Thorin wasn’t the type of person for jolly songs, and you knew of a song that was just that. You had previously had your arms in the arm , like on a rollercoaster, so you began shouting lyrics while doing so.
“In the Middle of the Earth, in the land of Shire
Lives a brave little hobbit whom we all admire
With his long, wooden pipe
Fuzzy, wooly toes
He lives in a hobbit-hole and everybody knows him”
Bilbo looks at you confused, aswell as legolas , he wonders what the fuck she doing she’s gonna get stabbed. Kili has already been shot and you all had already passed through the gate. You were trying to annoy Thorin yes but to lighten the mood distract kili from his pain.
“Bilbo (Bilbo!), Bilbo Baggins
He's only three feet tall
Bilbo (Bilbo!), Bilbo Baggins
The bravest little hobbit of 'em all!”
You aren’t really singing you just shouting the lyrics, Thorin keeps glancing at you with glares you smirk at him, you are sure that kili is going to join in singing soon enough.
“Now, hobbits are peace-loving folks, you know
They're never in a hurry and they take things slow
They don't like to travel away from home
They just like to eat and be left alone!”
“But one day Bilbo was asked to go
On a big adventure to the caves below
To help some dwarves get back their gold
That was stolen by a dragon in the days of old.”
You duck in the barrel as arrow flew passed you.
“Well he fought with the goblins!
He battled a troll!
He riddled with Gollum!
A magic THING He stole!
He was chased by wolves!
Lost in the forest!
Escaped in a barrel from the elf-king's halls!” You purposely changed ring to thing , so no one knew his secret you just smiled at Bilbo who had his mouth wide open, knowing you knew he had found a ring.
“Bilbo (Bilbo!), Bilbo Baggins
The bravest little hobbit of 'em all!” Kili and fili joined in at the second Bilbo, Bofur laughed the three of you, Bilbo smiled.
“Now he's back in his hole in the land of Shire
That brave little hobbit whom we all admire
Just a-sittin' on a treasure of silver and gold
A-puffin' on his pipe in his hobbit-hole!”
By the time you had finished you all had outrun or out swam , you all got the barrels drenched in water, clothes sagging from it.
“Y/n , is that a song from where you are from?” Bilbo had questioned you looking up at you , standing on the bank of the shore , you nodded at the hobbit. Before anyone could say anything else , Thorin marched over to you , grabbing you by the shoulder to turn you to him.
“What WERE you doing?” He screamed at you with anger. Damn this felt like the perfect line , he just spoon fed you more motive.
“ what arrr you doing?!” You frowned at Thorin , who clenched his fists harder.
“No,I SAID what were you doing?”
“What’re you doing?” You smirked , as Thorin scoffed at you about to shout at you, but then Bilbo clenched on your hand pulling you away. You looked back at Thorin who was still scowling at you, you gave him that smiling face Nicolas cage does.
That didn’t continue much longer , as Bard arrived, “damn bro he looks better in person.” You whispered Bilbo who just just nudged you’re leg to be quiet.
“When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs
Every morning to help me get large
And now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen eggs
So I'm roughly the size of a barge.” You spoke quietly down into the water recalling beauty and the beast. You had a huge crush on Gaston, but stupid Thorin bad made you achieve a bigger on on him.
“I’m so sorry miss y/n, but bomburs the only one the same size as a barge.” Bofur smirked to you , you giggled “it’s just a song from my home, sir.” You looked towards the dwarf with the hat.
“You will have to sing it for us miss y/n, your Songs are most enjoyable.” He smiled at you placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I can’t sing, hence why shouted the last song.” This made bofur laugh, but didn’t say anything , but bard told the dwarves to get in the barrels to hide. “Mister Bard , I have too long of a torso to hide in them.” Bard looked at your appearance , frowning you looked very different to anyone you had met. He wraps his coat around your shoulders.
“We shall act if we are courting as you need to wear my coat to hide your strange clothing.” He smiles lightly at you.
“Yes sir.” You did an army salute, he chucked at your weird gesture. Thorin didn’t like this idea or the way you looked at Bard.
Bard had been stopped from going into lake town from that greasy skank Alfred, eventually Bard had convinced him but that wasn’t going to stop him eyeing you up.
You glared at him , grabbing onto Bards arm, who realised what was happening wrapped his arm around you pulling you into his side. Alfrid was soon to look away embarrassed, he was clearly afraid of bard. Soon you passed and was able to let go of bard and soon the dwarves were out of the barrels. While bard and you headed to his house with his son , Bain. “Thank you bard for helping us.” You had told bard he sent you a smile.
You entered the house house to be greeted by his two daughters ,sigrid and Tilda. Their mouths gap in shock, at you wearing their fathers coat. You pull it off , putting on the peg. “Isn’t see a little young father?” Sigrid has questioned her father, you were only two years older than her.
“Uh.. I am not courting your father.” You replied with a blush on your cheeks from embarrassment. “Why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet da?” Sigrid had questioned, after the embarrassing in counter. “Will they bring us luck?” Tilda spoke up in excitement. Bilbo walked into the room wet and cold, as bards daughters gave you and the other blankets. You wrapped it around your cold form, “how was your trip Bilbo?” You smirked.
He sent you a glare “oh lovely , you know I had a nice swim.” You giggled.Thorin glared at you , from the fire place.
Yo u had told Thorin it was a trap , saving fili and kilis life, now Thorin fought Azog on the ice. Once Azog was distracted Thorin has threw that brick like weapon to Azog causing him to caught it. Thorin stood off the ice , making Azog fall but before he fell in the water you had popped out plunging the sword into Azog a back into his heart.
Your sword had became stuck, you pull at it with all your might, but you can’t get it free. Before you know it you are in the freezing water, trying keep ahold on the ice.
“Y/n?!” Thorin screamed running , towards you, but you cannot hold on to the cold ice any longer. “T-tho” before you can finish his name you lose grasp on the ice, plunging into the icy water. Your whole body is covered as your fingers lose sight of dryness , before the water takes over.
For moments that felt like hours you were surrounded, in death, before someone had grabbed onto your hand pulling you out of the water with ease. Yet you still only saw darkness until the you began coughing up water to breath. You lay on the cold ice spitting up the water on your side. “Y/n?” Someone’s voices echoed, through your blocked ears. You couldn’t see clear everything was blurry, you couldn’t make out details.
Large hands pull you into their bodies , wrapping fur around you soaking body. Bloody hell you were still wearing shorts and a t-shirt. “Yes?” You had whispered before closing your eyes, the person had stood up carrying you bridal style , becoming sonic running.
The next time you woke up you were in a bed , covered with furs and a very warm body laying at your side. The body is strong and muscular his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. The furs tickle your bare arms. You eyes shot open like a fridge by a hungry obese man. (That guy egg dude from sonic) You look to your side to see Thorin in deep slumber , his face surprisingly peaceful, as great contrast to his brooding face. “DAMN BRO did I finally get laid?” You shout loudly causing Thorin to jolt.
He sits up in the bed, you were in the covers yet he lay onto of them, without his shoes just a tunic and pants. “Y/n,you are awake.” He spoke groggly,removing his arm from you quickly when noticing it’s position. “I’m so sorry y/n” damn he never apologised except to Bilbo. “It’s okay I didn’t mind.” You smiled slyly at him.
“Thank you.” He had spoke sincerely, you sat up in the bed, joints cracking, looking around the room, this wasn’t your room Thorin had given you... it was his room.
“For what?” You questioned , you did nothing but almost dying. “For saving my family y/n . For that I also must apologise for treating you so poorly. I hope you can forgive me.” Thorin was also sitting up next to you clutching your now warm hand holding it gently.
“It’s all good Thorin. Not going to lie to you, I did annoy you to get a reaction out of you.” You smirk at the dwarves king. He chuckled at him “yes I was fully aware, kili and fili do the same thing.”
“That’s where I got the idea.” You giggledz
“Of course you did.” You sigh , In satisfaction you had never had a proper conversation with Thorin.
“God dude you didn’t even speak to me , and when you did you were angry. Yet still a dwarf , you captured my heart.” You spoke lowly , not really thinking about your words.
“I did?” You gasp , Thorin looks at you in shock, you eyes burn in embarrassment, you nod slowly and nervously. Before you know it , Thorin had grasped your cheeks pressing his lips to yours briefly before pulling away.
“As you have captured mine. God I saw those looks you gave that barge man.” He strokes his thumb on your cheek softly.
“What can I say he is a very handsome man.” You giggle at your own words.
Before you know it the door is open and Bilbo is skipping in “Oh my you have changed Thorin.” You both snap you’re heads to Bilbo.
“You did nawtttt God damnit Dildo Gaggins,”
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hatant · 4 years
9, 12, 21, 61 and 62 please 😇
Heeeeey 😊😊😊
9. favourite smell in the summer?
Oooh...I’m a sucker for freshly cut grass. And...I’m not sure if it’s a smell so much but you know when you’re near a body of water on a hot day? That. When you’ve got that fresh cool air and there’s just...a scent to it. Oh and a bonfire in the evening.
12. name of your favourite playlist?
I don’t actually make my own playlists, I just nick other people’s 😂 there are two that I have on Spotify (which admittedly I don’t use all that much) and they are ‘Songs that Never Fail to Make White People Beyond Turnt’ and Passenger’s ‘Songs for the Drunk And Broken Hearted’ (which is currently soothing my ears).
21. obsession from childhood?
Gargoyles! I was hooked on the series when I was a kid, and I had the first couple episodes on video which I watched oh...too many times. And I’ve been really tempted to go through it all again now it’s available on Disney+!
61. favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Ooh! Several come to mind...but one that’s stuck around for yeaaars is from Legends of the Fall (if you’ve never seen it I highly recommend it, it’s great!) and it’s when Alfred (played by the mighty Aidan Quinn) is talking to his long-estranged brother Tristan (played by a young Brad Pitt) at a funeral and comes out with “I followed all of the rules, man's and God's. And you, you followed none of them. And they all loved you more.”
Tied very closely with (because I do love me some Lord of the Rings) Gandalf’s thoughts on death “End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.”
62. seven characters you relate to?
I have no idea 😂 kind of feel a bit like Rapunzel right now, forlornly gazing out the window whilst trapped inside and letting down my hair to entice a lovely lady. I guess in some way there are other characters we all relate to, but I’m just drawing a blank right now.
Thaaank you 😊😊😊
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Thorin’s One and the Black Arrow
The company had picked you up on their journey to the mountain at Gandalf’s insistence. Now you were tumbling down a waterfall in a barrel and suddenly you hear the elves’ horn sounding some kind of warning.
“No!” You hear Thorin shout as an elvin gate that is closing across the river comes into view. All your barrels crash into the gate and each other. You are in one next to Kili and suddenly an elf falls into the river behind you with an orc arrow in his back. “ORCS!” You shout. Fighting and bodies start falling all around you.
You see Kili look up and turn to get out of his barrel and you immediately know what he wants to do. You are already facing the shore and beat him out of the barrel.
“No! Y/n!” He shouts but you ignore him. You fight your way up to the lever. And just as you reach out for it an orc arrow hits you in the front of your left shoulder.
“NO!” You hear the dwarves call out! You fall forward onto the huge lever and it moves down to open the gate. You slide off of it and hit your head on the wall in the fall, knocking you unconscious. You fall and the dwarves catch you before your body hits the barrels.
Ori pulls you into his barrel and keeps you safe throughout your journey down the river. Once you all reach calmer water, the dwarves pull you out of the barrel and lay you down on the rocky shore. Thorin is very concerned as he thinks you are his One, but hasn’t told you yet.
Thorin and his nephews are kneeling around you and Thorin calls for Oin. He comes over and tells Thorin to break off the arrow’s shaft a hand’s width up from the skin.
“Do not pull it out. We’ll need to keep it there until we can get her someplace where I can safely remove it and clean the wound properly.”
Thorin carefully breaks off the shaft of the arrow and pulls you up into a sitting position, cradling you so Oin can bandage your wounds. He is struggling to hold back tears fearing you may die and he never got to tell you he loved you.
Suddenly a man appears and sees you laying limply in Thorin’s arms.
“What have you done to her!” He accuses as he points his strung arrow at Thorin. Dwalin moves to protect you both and the man shoots the log Dwalin was holding on to.
Balin steps in and cautiously approaches the man. “She was struck by an orc’s arrow during their attack on us. We used these barrels to try to flee from them.” He explains. “Can you help us? Please? Would you take us to Laketown so we can get her wounds properly tended to?”
The man and Balin talk and the man eventually agrees to smuggle you all into the town. You all arrive at his dock and Thorin hands your unconscious body to Dwalin, who carries you through the town to Bard’s house. He distracts the men watching his house while the Dwarves sneak in through the back door.
Tilda & Sigrid, his daughters greet everyone and When they see you, they show Dwalin over to their bed and tell him to lay you down there. He does so and looks at you worriedly.
Thorin comes over and looks at you. “Her face is getting pale.” Thorin observes. “Oin, tend to y/n’s wounds.” He barks out as he turns and goes to talk to Balin across the room.
He watches as Oin, Sigrid and Bard tend to your arrow wound first. They tear your shirt away and Oin makes a disinfecting wash out of hot water and herbs. He cleans around the wound and holds you down with Sigrid’s, Kili’s and Fili’s help as he nods to Bard telling him to pull the arrow straight up and out. Bard counts to three out loud then pulls it out. You wake briefly at the pain but then fall back into unconsciousness.
Bard takes over Oin’s place holding you down while Oin pours more of the disinfectant into the wound causing you to momentarily wake and cry out from the pain. Again you struggle against the hands holding you down then go unconscious. He binds the wound as best he can and they leave you to rest.
A few hours later Thorin goes to check on you when he sees Oin walk over to you and get a concerned look on his face. You have become deathly pale and dark circles have formed around your eyes. The wound is festering black gunk. You have a fever and start thrashing.
Bard sees you thrashing and the two dwarves trying to hold you and keep you from banging into things. “Bard, do you have anything to bring down the fever?” Oin asks.
Bard lists off a few things, but they are weak fever reducers. “Do you have any Kingsfoil?” He asks.
“Not in here, why? It’s a weed! We feed it to the pigs!” He tells them. Bofur gets up and goes to search for some. “Oin tells him it’s a medicine and may help bring down the fever better and reduce the infection and pain.” Bard’s eyes get huge.
In the meantime Bard tells Tilda to make up the feverfew which Oin administers to you once it’s ready.
Bard steps out to see if he can see Bofur and decides to go check with the healers to see if they have any kingsfoil. He pokes his head in and tells them where he is going and that they need to stay put. They nod and he leaves.
Thorin, Balin and Dwalin talk about heading out as soon as possible and Dwalin asks, “What about weapons?” Balin tells them Bard agreed to give them some. Bain comes over and hears them talking.
“I don’t know how Da will get you weapons. All the decent ones are under lock and key in the armory!” He tells them.
Dwalin looks at Thorin and he nods. “Boy, tell us how to get there!” Thorin orders. Bain looks at him surprised. “How will you get in??? It’s all locked up and heavily guarded!” He says.
“Don’t worry about that lad, just tell us how to get there!” Dwalin says. Bain tells them and Thorin orders everyone to follow him except Oin.
“Uncle, I’m staying with y/n and Oin.” Kili tells him. Thorin turns and is about to argue it. “Uncle, had she not beat me out of the barrels, it would’ve been ME taking that arrow! I owe her my life!” Kili tells him. Thorin’s eyes get wide, then he nods. “We’ll be back for you when we get the weapons.” He tells him.
When Fili sees that his brother isn’t coming with, he tells Thorin he is staying too. Thorin growls, and they argue, but when Fili tells him Oin will need them to hold you down if you start thrashing again, then Thorin agrees to let both nephews stay.
He takes the rest of the dwarves and goes to the armory.
After a while Sigrid goes to stand outside the front door to see if she can see her father anywhere. Suddenly an orc drops down from the roof and lands in front of her. She screams and runs inside. The dwarves look up when they hear her scream and immediately grab anything they can use as weapons.
Suddenly orcs are dropping in to the house from the roof and smashing in through the walls. The dwarves do their best to fight them off and protect you and Bard’s children.
Suddenly Legolas and Tauriel appear and help the dwarves kill the orcs. Legolas looks around, not seeing Thorin and the majority of the company he leaves to continue hunting them down.
Tauriel turns to go, and Kili begs her to help you. “Tauriel, PLEASE, help y/n. She took an arrow for me and now we are losing her! She is my uncle’s One and our future Queen!” He says guessing at your relationship with his Uncle.
She starts to leave but you begin to moan and thrash about. She turns when she hears you and suddenly Bofur appears, running up the step with kingsfoil in his hand. Tauriel turns startled, and sees it is him and what he is holding. “Athelas!” She exclaims and yanks it out of his hand.
She goes to Tilda and tells her to fetch a bowl and hot water. Then she tells the Durin brothers to put you on the table. Sigrid and Bofur clear off the table and you are placed on it.
Oin removes the bandages as you struggle against Kili and a Fili as they try to keep you laying down. Tilda brings the hot water in a bowl and Tauriel begins to shred the kingsfoil and drops it into the water as she chants.
Bain moves to help hold down your legs and Sigrid joins to help. Oin moves over to watch Tauriel and holds his trumpet to his ear so he can hear what she is chanting.
She looks at your face and then at the wound. “She was hit by a black arrow!” She tells them. Then she scoops out some of the kingsfoil from the hot water and shoves it into the wound. You cry out and struggle, but the dwarves hold you down. They are surprised at your strength as you are so much leaner than they are. They really have to work to keep you down.
Tauriel places her hands over the wound and begins to chant again. Her hands begin to glow and you slowly stop struggling. Eventually you calm and sleep. The Durin boys step back and watch as Tauriel and Oin bandage you once again.
Bard’s children begin to pick up and clean up the house as best as they can. The dwarves help haul out the orc bodies and pile the weapons they find before dragging the bodies out to the lake. They get most of the place cleaned up by the time Bard returns.
He was just about to ask what happened and ask where the rest of the dwarves went when he hears the guards’ alarm and runs to see what is going on. He sees the guards parading the group of dwarves to the Master’s house. He follows to see what will happen.
Thorin convinces the master to help him and with Bilbo’s help he gets the master to agree after promising to share Erebor’s wealth and help rebuild Laketown into its former glory. Bard argues against this and reminds everyone of the warning held within the prophecy, but everyone ignores him after Alfred reveals and reminds everyone that it was Bards ancestor who failed to kill Smaug.
The master has a celebration and insists Thorin’s company stays in his home for the night. Thorin sends a message to those of his company still at Bards house, telling them to stay there with you until you have healed, then Oin is to lead you to Erebor once you are fit to travel.
They grumble but follow his orders. They help Bard patch up his home as best they can and apologize for all the trouble they have caused him. He sighs and thanks them for protecting his children from the Orcs and for the apology.
By late that night you finally awaken and are able to think clearer. Tauriel continues to treat you with the Kingsfoil from Bofur and the little bit that Bard had found. By morning you are able to sit up and talk with Tilda and Sigrid as they prepare breakfast.
Kili and Fili entertain Bain that day and teach him how to fight with a sword using the weapons from the Orc attack. While Bard and Oin watch amused. Tilda and Sigrid and Tauriel decide to find you a dress to wear and play with your hair making you chuckle.
You humor them and wear the dress and let them play with your hair. Allowing them to do all different kinds of pretty updo’s and braids. Tauriel teaching the girls how to to the elvish hair styles and them teaching her human ones. Much to the pleasurable amusement and surprise of the dwarves until early evening. Then you change back into your traveling clothes. Bard gives you one of his shirts so it’s easier for Oin to bandage your now healing wound.
Suddenly you all hear a rumble from the mountain. That spreads like an earthquake across the lake, rattling everything in its path. “Da, what was that?” Tilda asks clutching her doll.
“That was a dragon being unhappily woken from his sleep.” Bard says quietly. Fili quickly gets up and tells Bard to gather what he can and leave with his family. “And where will we run to? There is nowhere to go!” Bard exclaims.
“Anywhere is better than here, Bard!” Fili replies extremely worried. “Go see if Thranduril will give you shelter or see if anything in Dale is salvageable! But you MUST get out of here or you’ll burn!” He begs Bard.
“Nothing can kill the dragon, quickly, flee while you can!” Bard walks over to the window, opens it and looks at the wind lance that Thorin and Balin has seen earlier and discussed the tales about it with Bain.
Bard turns from the window and looks at his frightened children. Then he walks over to the table, leans on it for a minute formulating a plan, then looks up and reaches up into the rafter above his head. He pulls down the last remaining black arrow that was salvaged from the ruin of Dale.
They all look at it in awe and then the dwarves look at him and ask, “What are you going to do with that?!?” He walks over to Fili and tells him to take the children and flee while he tries to distract the dragon. They all look at him like he has lost his mind and his kids run to him, hugging him and beg him to come with them. He shushes them and tells them to be brave and be good. He looks up at Tauriel and she nods and begins to urge them to hurry and gather their things.
Bard kisses them goodbye and hurried out the door, Bain follows him and begs him to let him help. Bard goes to tell him to go back when the city guards spot him. He hands Bain the black arrow and tells him to keep it safe until he can come get it and shoot it from the wind lance. Bain nods and they split up.
Bain hides the arrow in a boat by the statue of the master of Laketown then hurried back to join his siblings. He gets back and they head down to the boat and Tauriel guides them down the waterways towards the gates of the city. Suddenly the dragon flies over the city and it buildings begin to erupt into flames as his mouth spews fire on the city. They pause each time he makes a pass.
Suddenly the Master’s boat rams theirs and nearly dumps them into the lake, but they manage to right the boat with you in it. You look up in time to see Bard freed from a jail cell after he lassos the master to his boat and the boat pulls the jail cell’s bars out of the wall.
Bain looks up and sees his father making his way to the armory and watches as he enters the armory through a window and a few moments later he kicks his way out of the roof of the armory armed with a longbow and arrows.
Bain grabs hold of a loading dock hook hanging above him as they pass it in the boat. He pulls himself out of the boat before you can grab him. He races off to get the black arrow to his father...
@fizzyxcustard @thorinthehottotty @dabisburntnut
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madame-est-morte · 4 years
Quarantine Movie Asks
I was tagged by @classicfilmgemss. Thank you so much! :)
Favourite movie
This question is always a tough one because there’s not one single movie I love above all the others. I imagine it’s like asking a parent which child is their favorite; there are different relationships, but the love is always there.
With the philosophical discussion out of the way, as of today I pick Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019). The impact is has had on me as a viewer and aspiring filmmaker deserves a full essay.
Movie that makes you remember your childhood
Anything by Disney, especially Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Lilo and Stitch, Monsters, Inc... Outside the animation genre, E.T. The Extraterrestrial and Titanic (the James Cameron version). Those are two of the first movies I remember watching and I cried my eyes out. 
Favourite Tom Hanks movie:
I don’t like Tom Hanks. Sue me.
Favourite Disney movie:
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Movie that makes you cry:
The Fox and the Hound (1981). Now that was traumatic. So much so that I haven’t watched it since I was a kid.
Favourite 80s movie:
Dead Poets Society (1989)
Favourite comedy:
Nothing Sacred (1937)
Favourite sports movie:
I,Tonya (2017)
Favourite courtroom movie:
In the Name of the Father (1993)
Favourite horror movie:
It (2017)
Most overrated movie:
Anything by Alfred Hitchock. Yes, the man excelled in the technical department (the cinematography in Rear Window reminds me of a painting), and he definitely was a master of suspense, but the characters and plots in his movies leave much to be desired. Watching a Hitchcock movie I always feel the characters are there just to serve the plot, and as a writer and viewer I always care more about character. I want to know them so I can care about them, and most of the time I don’t. I’d even go as far as saying that Hitchcock’s work doesn’t have a soul.
Favourite gangster movie
Another genre I should to watch more movies of. I usually avoid it because more often than not they are violent fantasies with little to tell. 
Favourite war movie:
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
Movie you can watch over and over again:
Dogfight (1991). River Phoenix was a gift to this world. 
Movie with the best soundtrack:
Titanic (1997). Hauntingly beautiful.
Favourite Christmas movie:
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Movie you’re embarrassed that you love:
I regret nothing.
Favourite sequel:
Before Sunset (2004)
Favourite period drama:
Again, Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
Favourite DC movie:
Birds of Prey (2020)
Favourite movie quote:
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” - Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).
I tag everyone else who wants to do this!
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eternaldarkness55 · 5 years
A Battle for Love
(Storyinfo)(Ariel falls hard for Bilbo so Ursala turns her into a human but he is heading for Erobor and she has to get through Mirkwood and Lake Town before she gets to Erobor. Along the way she'll meet new friends and gain new family. But with Smaug attacking Lake Town and the battle raging in Erobor will her love for Bilbo meet the same fate as Kili and her new best friend Tauriel?)
My name is Ariel I'm a twenty year old mermaid princess of Atlantica which is located in the lake of Lake Town. I'm the only child of King Triton, abused child for that matter my father beats me. This morning when I came up to the surface to watch the people of Lake Town which I love to do every morning. I dreamed of being human forever. I spotted fourteen men arriving on a boat. They were dwarfs but one I spotted was not a dwarf it was a Hobbit. A very hot one and I fell madly in love so that's why I'm here right now in a cave talking with the good witch Ursala who gives merpeople the power to turn from mer to human whenever they please with no payment.
   Ursala: My dear girl you will have the human life you want, be away from your horrible father, and I will help you get the man of your dreams. But this is how this is going to work the place you'll appear is not far from where the Hobbit is but I'm afraid you won't be able to see him till later and you'll see him. When you do see him his name is Bilbo. Now are you reading child?
   Ariel: Yes please
   There was a bright blue flash then all of sudden Ariel was human, wearing a knee length, sleeveless, white dress with red and blue butterfly's on it with white sandals and was standing in Mirkwood forest. As she turned around she saw a blond elf walking towards her.
   Thranduil: Excuse miss are you alright? Do you have a home?
   Ariel: No I don't have a home, my father beats me that's not a home.
   Thranduil: Well that's all going to change, come live with me and my people. Be my daughter and part of my army Mirkwood will be your home and I would never harm you.(extended his hand)
   She trusted Ursala that this was meant to happen in order to have her true love so she took his hand and went with him. She became Ariel Greenleaf daughter of Thranduil, sister of Legoles, best friend to Tauriel, and one of the best fighters in Thranduil's army. In time Ariel told Legoles, Thranduil, and Tauriel where she comes from and why she there. They all still accepted her but Thranduil dismissed her love for Bilbo and told her “You’re not just a princess from birth you're a princess because you're my daughter. And being my daughter you belong in Mirkwood and nowhere else and as the king's daughter you will not pledge yourself to that Shire rat". Legoles agreed with his father but being in love with Kili Tauriel understood Ariel and the two ran away to not only help in the fight but to find their loves.
   Lake Town Bard's house
   Tauriel and Ariel were about to leave when they saw Bofur coming up the stairs.
   Tauriel: Athelas(Whispered taking the plant)
   Bofur: What are you going to do?
   Tauriel: I'm going to save him(Whispered)
   Not long after she healed Kili everyone heard a noise Smaug was coming. Everyone quickly ran out and ran over to the boat.
    Bane: What about our dad?
    Ariel: If you stay here your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?
    They all got in and the Fili and Bofur rowed as Smaug burned the town. They saw someone in a tower shooting arrows.
    Tilda and Sigrid: Dad(Cried)
    Ariel: Wait(Bane ran out of the boat)
    Tauriel: Leave him(Grabbed her arm)
    After what seemed like forever a dead Smaug fell to the water.
    Ariel: He did it, he killed him
    That morning Ariel and Tauriel helped the people of Lake Town as Sigrid and Tilda called desperately for their dad. Alfred saw Ariel handing out blankets.
    Alfred: Give me one of those I'll catch my death in this cold
    Ariel: Oh find your own 
    Alfred: Give me that blanket(Pulled at one)
    Ariel: I'll be dead before I answer to the likes of you(Pulled the blanket away)
    Alfred: That can be arranged(Seized her arm hard and was about to slap her) 
    Bard: Don't you dare touch her(Seized Alfred's arm)
    Bane tripped Alfred making him fall
    Tilda: Dad(Cried)
    Bard: Come here(Held out his arms)
    The girls ran into his arms
    A man: It was Bard he killed the dragon I saw it with my own eyes.
    Ariel: Bard where do we go for shelter?
    Bard: Were going to Erobor
    Bofur: Come on you two we got to get to Thorin(Said to Kili and Tauriel)
 Kili: Give us a sec, please come with me Tauriel(Grabbed her hands)
 Tauriel: I'll meet you there I promise but I promised Ariel I'd help her so I have to travel to Erober with her.
    Kili: At least take this(Took out the stone)
    Tauriel: It was a promise from your mother keep it
    They were about to kiss but then stopped
    Tauriel: My lord Legoles(Said in Elvish)
    Legoles: Leave dwarf
    He did
    An elf: Lord Legoles Lady Ariel you are to return to your father at once.
    Legoles: Come Ariel and Tauriel
    The elf: Not Tauriel she has been banished(Said in Elvish)
    Legoles was so furious that he decided to not only give in helping with the fight but help Ariel and Bilbo be together. Even help Tauriel and Kili be together cause he knew now she loved him not Legoles and that he had to get over it and that he couldn't force her.
    Ariel: I'm not going anywhere(Said fiercely)
    Legoles: You don't have to I'm going with both of you
    The 3 left later all of the Lake Town people arrived in Erobor.
    Bard: Get some fires going, Alfred take the night watch
    Fires were built and wounded were healed.
    The morning
    A man: The children are starving we don't have enough food
    Bard: Do what you can, any news from the night watch Alfred?
    Alfred: Quiet as a mouse sir nothing gets pass me
    They walked outside and saw an army of elves
    Bard: Except for an army of elves
    The elves let Bard through and let the people take all the food and drink from the carts.
    Bard: You saved us I don't know how to thank you(Said to Thranduil)
    Thranduil: I'm not here for you I'm here to reclaim something that is mine. A gem in the mountain that I to desire, a gem of pure and beautiful starlight.(Talking about Ariel)
    Bard rode on a horse over to the mountain
    Bard: Hail Thorin, will you please speak with me?
    Thorin nodded and went downstairs they looked at each other through a hole in the door.
    Thorin: I'm listening
    Bard: On behalf of the people of Lake Town I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so they might we build their lives. My people offered you help and all you bring upon them is ruin and death. A bargain was struck!
    Thorin: A bargain? What choose do we have but to barter our birth right for blankets and food? Tell me Bard the dragon slayer why should I honor such terms?
    Bard: Because you gave us your word, does that mean nothing?
    Thorin: Be gone(Yelled)
     Bard hit the wall furiously and left both Lake Town and the dwarfs got ready for war. Then Bard, Thranduil, and all the elves marched over to the mountain.
    Bard: Thanks for the Arkenstone, you may have it back but first you must honor your word.(Took out the Arkenstone then put it away)
    Thorin: The Arkenstone is in this mountain it's a trick(Yelled)
    Bilbo: It's no trick it's real I gave it to them, I was going to give it to you many times but-
    Thorin: But what you miserable rat?
    Bilbo: You've changed Thorin the dwarf I met in Bag End would have never gone back on his word. Or doubt the loyalty of his kin.
    Thorin: Do not speak to me of loyalty, toss him over!
    Thorin: Did you not hear me?!(Seized Fili then let go)
    Thorin: I'll do it myself curse you(Seized Bilbo)
    Gandalf: Return my burglar to me(Came walking)
    Bofur grabbed Bilbo as Thorin let him go
    Bofur: Go
    Bilbo climbed down by a rope
    Bard: Are we resolved? The Arkenstone for what was promised, give us your answer, will you have peace or war? 
    Thorin: I will have war 
    Dain Ironfoot and his army arrived but so did Azog and his army. The war began.
    In Erobor
    Legoles: Gandalf(Arrived on a horse with Ariel and Tauriel 
    Gandalf: Legoles Greenleaf(Legoles and the girls walked over to him)
    Legoles: There's a second army coming  Gundabad orcs there almost upon us
    Gandalf: They'll be going to the North
    Bilbo: The North, where is the North?
    Gandalf: Ravenhill
    Bilbo: Ravenhill, Thorin is up there, and Fili and Kili their all up there
    A elf horn went off
    Gandalf: My lord dispatch this force to Ravenhill the dwarfs are about to be over run. Thorin must be warned(Walked over to him followed by Bilbo and Ariel)
    Thranduil: By all means warn him I have shed enough elf blood for this cursed land.
    Bilbo: I'll go
    Gandalf: Don't be ridiculous you’ll never make it
    Bilbo: Why not?
    Gandalf: Because they will see you coming and kill you
    Bilbo: No they won't they won't see me
    Gandalf: It's out of the question
    Bilbo: I wasn't asking for permission Gandalf
    Ariel: Wait I'll go with you
    Thranduil: No you will not we are going back to Mirkwood. Help me find your brother now that's an order.
    Ariel: Watch me!
    Bilbo and Ariel left
    Ravenhill(After Bilbo and Ariel found Thorin and after Fili's death)
    Orcs started coming towards them but Dwalin came running and fought them off. Ariel helped him as Bilbo threw rocks at the Orcs Dwalin and Ariel succeed in killing all the Orcs that went at them but not before one knocked out Bilbo. Ariel slipped a note in Bilbo's pocket and then sat down next to Bilbo watching over him with her sword ready to defend him and waiting for him to wake up. Dwalin left Ariel saw eagles starting to arrive Bilbo groaned as he woke up he looked over and saw Ariel sitting next to him then looked at what Ariel was staring at.
    Bilbo: The eagles are coming(Whispered)
    Ariel heard him
    Ariel: You’re awake, are you okay?
    Bilbo: I think so, who are you? You followed me to warn Thorin and you watched over me and wouldn't leave my side when I got knocked out, why?(Sat up)
    Ariel: I slipped that letter in your pocket in case I died while defending you while you were knocked out but I guess you don't need it. I'm a mermaid princess and I saw you and your friend's on Bard's boat arriving in Lake Town. The minute I saw you I fell hard for you so I asked a good lake witch to give me the ability to turn into a human. Thranduil adopted me but he turned out to be a horrible father once I told him the reason I was on land. Not worse than my real farther though my real father beats me.
    Bilbo was mind blown by the time she was done.
    Bilbo: Well now that you found me like you wanted what's your plan now?
    Ariel grabbed his face and kissed him he could not figure out what this gorgeous, hot, tough, and brave princess saw him. But he didn't care he'll take it she stopped.
    Ariel: I'm Ariel
    Bilbo: Bilbo Baggins
    Ariel: I know, the lake witch told me
    They stood up and saw Thorin below who soon collapsed to the ground. They gasped and made their way down and ran over to a coughing bleeding Thorin.
    Thorin: Bilbo(Gasped)
    Ariel: Don't move don't move lie still
    Thorin: Bilbo forgive me I was to blind to see, you’re the best friend I ever had I love you. I'm so sorry, farewell master Baggins go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees watch them grow.
    Bilbo: No no no no no Thorin(Cried desperately as he took Thorin's hand)
    Thorin died Bilbo cried hard in Ariel's arms making her cry too.
    Where Tauriel is holding Kili's dead body
    Thranduil walked over to her
    Tauriel: Their going to bury him(Whispered)
    Thranduil: Yes
    Tauriel: Why does love hurt so much?(Crying)
    Tranduil: Because it's real
     Thranduil apologized to Ariel and let her go she went home with Bilbo and they were married and had a son named Frodo. The letter she wrote him was framed in his and Ariel's room. To Ariel the Shire was more beautiful than any lake or royal kingdom and the people were kind and welcoming.
    The Shire years later(Bilbo's 101 birthday)(Ariel didn't  make it that long she died at 90)
    There was a knock on the door
    Bilbo: No more birthday wishes(Yelled)
    Gandalf: Not even from old friends
    Bilbo knew that voice he smiled as he walked over to the door and opened it.
    Bilbo: Gandalf(Said happily)
    Gandalf: Bilbo Baggins(Smiled)
    Bilbo: Gandalf(They hugged)
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anniemar · 7 years
Vikings 5x06
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The Adventures of Bjorn Ironside: Okay. I want to know what the fucking point was to Bjorn Ironside and Halfdan Sidepart gallivanting in the mediterranean, riding camels, being terrible body guards, sleeping with concubines, one of which definitely surprised Halfdan … ATE A DUDE. No. No seriously. THEY ATE A DUDE. And then went through all that shit about Kassia, WHAT WAS HER POINT AGAIN? DID SHE HAVE ONE? Was she just “Mysterious-Woman-Who-Makes-No-Sense-Thrown-Into-the-Show-Vikings-#32″ … and then just when the Mediterranean Bros were about to lose their heads A SANDSTORM MAGICALLY APPEARS and they’re like WHELP LET’S GET OUTTA HERE IT’S BEEN REAL Y’ALL. I swear I thought i was supposed to be watching a Monty Python sketch or something and not Vikings when they were running away on those damn camels. I could almost hear the “derp derp derpity do” in the background. Vikings on camels, y’all! Never expect the Spanish inquisition, but ALWAYS expect a random sand storm to save your ass at just the right second. And somehow know where the fuck they are going. Vikings in the desert. With their sidekick Sinric who happens to understand every language ever uttered. I bet if they sailed to the Americas, Sinric would somehow know how to speak to all of the native tribes. 
WTF am I watching? I AM SO CONFUSED. 
Usually with a lot of “prestige dramas” (is that even what this is?) I can be somewhat confident that things will probably come together in the end. I have no such faith in this show. 
Somewhere in Norway: And let’s not get me started on Astrid, as others have already eloquently tackled this subject, except to say that it was the absolute shittiest of writing. The shittiest. Shittier than any of the shittiest fanfic of your worst fucking nightmares. It was also lazy as fuck. HOW MANY SHOWS have we been made to watch where a woman seemingly cheats on their husband/person she loves and is then “punished” with rape. HOW MANY SHOWS. Jeez yo, I never thought Hirst was a particularly great writer but I never thought he was just that classless. To resort to something so tacky as to take on that disgusting trope. 
Usually when he pulls something vulgar for shock value I can at least say … well, I have not seen that outside of a damn soap opera! It made no sense, but at least I didn’t see it coming! 
For instance, Bjorn Ironside fucks his mother’s lover against a wall? During a human sacrifice? 
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I mean … I wasn’t a fan, it made no sense to me, but I didn’t see that coming … so, WELL DONE. 
That’s how low the bar is set here, folks. 
For awhile now I’ve kinda thought that Hirst was a bit of a shitty writer who has somehow been blessed to work with a few directors/producers/art directors/actors that have been able to take the piles of crappy dialogue and somehow turn it all into something watchable, entertaining, and at times seriously captivating. Travis Fimmel. the entire cast of Elizabeth, JRM, and now AHA. 
But fuck, that only goes so far for so long. 
#teamlagertha: Margrethe, gurl, your tongue’s about to get cut out and I’m not gonna feel sorry for you. Also, my new girl Aud somehow became my favorite character in the history of this show in less than 2 minutes, for showing such insight, for knowing a greater purpose, for fuck, even HAVING a purpose … aaaaaaand she’ll probably be dead by next episode. 
#teamivar: GODDAMN IT if I wasn’t determined to hate this entire episode but Ivar had to be all “I am jealous of you, I want to be like you, I want to be whole … HERE’S MY VULNERABILITY ON A SILVER PLATTER HEAHMUND.” Ugh. That sound you heard was my heart shattering into a million pieces. A few pieces for Ivar, even a few for Heahmund, and the other hundreds of thousands of pieces was because their dynamic is gonna make me keep tuning into this fucking show. 
I mean, I ended this episode yelling at the TV “DAMN HEAHMUND BE CRAZY AS IVAR … FUCK DAMMIT I’M TUNING IN NEXT WEEK.” 
Also, does Heahmund have a valyrian steel sword? I mean … Damascus steel. Yep. Yep, Heahmund and his magical sword. I wonder if it will shatter Lagertha’s sword of the king when they do battle. Hence, shattering Ragnar’s legacy and their whole world. Cementing the Seer’s prophecy both literally and figuratively. 
If that happens I’mma be pissed the hell off. 
Spanglo-Saxons: Alfred sets off on a vision quest. Seriously, if you’re a man on this show, you’re guaranteed at least one vision quest. The ladies? Nope, no vision quests for the ladies. They don’t need to find themselves, they’re already patient and calculating by nature, because childbirth (THANK YOU AUD). 
Meanwhile in Floki-land: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Seriously if those Vikings leave Floki on Ass-guard and then suddenly end up at the RAGNARSSON BOWL, only to swoop in to save the day at the last minute I’m gonna be pissed. I’m gonna be like YOU CAN’T PULL A GANDALF AND ROHIRRUM at the end of Two Towers, or THE NIGHTS OF THE VALE EX MACHINA at the end of the battle of the bastards. JUST NO. NOOPPPPPE 
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luwucas04 · 3 years
About 4000 (I am so sorry) Words Concerning Films that Helped Define My Existence
Ah, movies. So much in one package. Story, music, visuals, what’s not to love? Today I shall be elaborating on the most noteworthy films in the thrilling ever-changing saga that continues to be my life. Screenplay alongside a screenplay, if you will (please take this statement as modestly as you can).
The first ever thing in my entire life that I remember being an avid and enthusiastic fan about was the original Star Wars saga, written and directed by George Lucas, spanning May 1977 (A New Hope) – May 2005 (Revenge of the Sith).
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As mentioned in the podcast and as you may be able to tell from said podcast, I can’t really pinpoint an exact point in my life where I was introduced to it as it was kinda integrated into my upbringing from the get-go—and due to this it’s a very near and dear franchise to me. And oh boy fun fact my first ever childhood crush was Luke Skywalker (I vividly recall my uncle asking why I had his page bookmarked haha). I remember it was something that I would always watch with my dad and or grandpa, and then when I couldn’t find the VCR set that we had for it, I officially commenced my illicit streaming career (not really though, I didn’t get very far. Only crappy 20-minute clips on YouTube). Star Wars for me was the first thing that I actively sought out stuff for or showed genuine interest in pursuing if that makes sense. Like, you’d watch whatever movies or shows were thrown at you and you never thought much of them. Ohoho not Star Wars, though, that one lasted years. My cousin and I would always bring our little action figures to play with whenever we visited—or we’d find long-ish sticks in the backyard and have lightsaber fights, I got the video games, posters, Lego sets of ships (X-wing and Y-wing to be exact), an entire encyclopedia that I still own to this day (I just checked and there’s a date written inside, April 9th 2010 (which is my 7th birthday)), and of course inspiration for my own art and such. I remember I made this magazine that was essentially just me redrawing pages from the guidebook I had. I still have it, too! Sitting at the bottom of a drawer right now. Also, later on for some reason I absolutely loved drawing Ashoka Tano. Over and over again man. I drew her taking up my cousin’s entire driveway in chalk once.
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Not only are the Star Wars films a nostalgic and comforting series, but it held onto its marvel throughout the. Wow well over 10 whole years, I’m getting old. Additionally, because at the time we didn’t have as much access to the things we can achieve with modern technology, I was basically all on my own with it. I fueled my own fascination. And shockingly, not a lot of people in my elementary school (up until maybe grade 6-7) showed much interest in it either. So it was pretty much just me myself and I, and occasionally my cousin whenever he visited, and I think that made it all the more special to me. Also, at the time I think it was geared way more toward kids. There weren’t series like The Mandalorian or active internet communities that were obsessed with the series as far as I was aware, so there wasn’t the same quantity of content nor overall enthusiasm around it. Nonetheless, it was and still is a very personal series due to how engrained it is into basically every aspect of my childhood. I’ll try not to be too repetitive with what I said in the podcast, but ultimately the clear nature of the franchise (attractive character designs, colours, setting in general (it’s an action-packed space adventure what’s not to love)) is what really made me latch onto it, and it kickstarted my interest in the very essence of media and understanding the film medium and what it has to offer. I remember asking how they got Jar Jar to exist on screen and he told me they made him out of CGI, and I interpreted that as they somehow made a real-life computer model out of him and that they were actually interacting with like a physical, solid hologram. Anyway, revisiting the franchise and diving into more of its intricacies now (like the production diaries) is like an absolute goldmine. There are so many aspects of it that 100% contributed to and nurtured my goals, passions, and ultimately who I am as a person. Here is some of my very recent art for good measure:
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Up next up we got Lord of the Rings (dir. Peter Jackson, December 2001 – December 2003) or I guess a better way to put it would be those plus The Hobbit (December 2012 – December 2014) trilogy. I think it was earlier than the Marvel phase (which follows this section) because like Star Wars I can’t really remember my first viewing of it, but I definitely watched it all. It might’ve been around grade 3 so 2011-ish? Quick anecdote, one time I had a sleepover I was really excited for, and as we all know when you’re excited for something as a kid and it’s later on in the day, time doesn’t actually pass at all, and so my genius ass decided to flip on The Fellowship of the Ring and boom it was 5 pm and time to leave. Also my grandparents from my mom’s side of the family (they’re German so we call them oma and opa) were visiting once and my opa (grandpa equivalent) wanted to watch something so I was like “omg Lord of the Rings is perfect there are so many characters he can feel empowered by (Gandalf and Saruman because they’re old)”. Phenomenal logic—now thinking back it was probably much too violent for his tastes but yknow.
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I love Lord of the Rings so much because it’s the true embodiment of an ideal fantasy story; there’s such pure character dynamics and personalities and Tolkien created such an incredibly solid world in which these stories take place. Man knew his stuff, and in turn provided a charming and utterly wonderful scape for young minds to roam free within. I was going to talk about this if I did my other culminating idea regarding masculinity within the media, but I have the perfect opportunity to do so here: something so great about said world is how sincere and genuine a lot of the male characters are (yknow minus people like Denethor and Alfred). Namely the fellowship, they all openly care for and are affectionate towards one another, something we rarely see between men both in modern media and in real life. Aragorn is a perfect example of someone owning and being comfortable in his masculinity. He is kind to and uplifts others, and communicates openly with them. He isn’t afraid of being intimate and vulnerable towards them, either. We see this in Boromir’s death scene. Aragorn doesn’t patronize him for trying to take the Ring, he consoles Boromir in his last moments and they treat each other with the utmost tenderness and respect—not callously or stiffly. Right after decapitating an orc, Aragorn is still able to run to his side, hold him, and kiss him on the forehead following his passing. Aragorn also isn’t afraid to share fame or glory, in fact he never seeks it out in the first place despite his lineage. It was at the battle of Helm’s Deep that he embraced that destine to be king, not out of lust for power, but because these people needed guidance and leadership and he could provide it for them. He elevates others in an incredibly positive and empowering way, especially Frodo and Éowyn, and is content with the fact that the story is not about him. Even at his own coronation, he directs every single person’s attention to the literal earth-saving feat that the hobbits have achieved in light of his own massive accomplishment. He is such a great role model to have been able to look up and aspire to be like, and I wish there were more characters and people like him.
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I was a fan of those original films at an earlier point in my life, but the thing that brought that interest back a little stronger was undoubtedly the release of the Hobbit prequels. Like the Star Wars prequels, everyone can say what they want but they are very gorgeous to me. I skipped out on seeing Frozen with my class to go see The Desolation of Smaug with my dad and that was SUCH a good decision. Although, I’m rewatching them all now and Battle of the Five Armies kinda sucks at the beginning. They kill Smaug in like the first five minutes and like it wasn’t bad but it was very anticlimactic. I also don’t like how they shoved Legolas in there, his personality is really jaded and he’s kind of a big prick in those films. But it’s fine I love Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage and the rest of the dwarves the most. They were obviously the most significant and I like them a lot, and there are three movies as opposed to the one book so there’s even more content!
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WHEW sorry about that anyway The Hobbit really was the revival/rekindling of that past love for Tolkien’s world. I also had a good close friend who was also along for the ride as well—being able to be into these things alongside someone is always fun and I’m grateful she was there and shared my same energy. She had the Lego game for that one, very similar free-roam concept as my Marvel one (coming up next), so we had lots of fun with that too. To reiterate, I am rewatching these movies again now as an older person with like an actual conscience, and my takeaway from them is vastly different on more of like… a philosophical level, I suppose. I appreciate the process of things more and the backstory behind Tolkien’s lore and the timeless characters and deeper meanings that he’s conceived. But that wouldn’t be very chronological of me to go into it here so moving on.
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Proceeding next, around grade four at the most (so just after it came out), I watched The Avengers (dir. Joss Whedon, 2012). Not only did this single-handedly make my art convictions explode (in a good way), it also instigated my love for soundtracks (and also the entire Marvel universe but we’ll obviously be covering that very soon).
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The Avengers was like an epiphany for me. Literally ground-breaking and earth-shattering. Changed my entire 10-year-old life. It was all that I ever wanted and more, and since it was around 2012-13 that I became aware of its existence, the internet community was blossoming with possibilities and content. That same friend liked it as well! My Avengers/Marvel phase definitely rivals my Star Wars phase; I think I watched The Avengers first, and then my dad was like “yeah ok you need to watch everything else now” and so henceforth Captain America and Iron Man and Thor. Those were very good times, and I actually remember experiencing all of them for the first time ever. The Christmas of 2013 was absolutely wild. I only got Marvel related gifts which was incredible at the time. My first ever ‘art of’ book was for the Avengers film, too! I also got an arc reactor shirt that actually lit up and I thought that was the absolute coolest thing ever, and then I remember I cut my tongue on this candy I was eating and my mouth bled profusely for a while. However the most iconic gift of all was my copy of Lego Marvel Superheroes for the PS3. I finished it in about 2 days, and it’s the only Lego game that I’ve gotten 100% completed progress on. I love that game dearly and still play it sometimes. The thing that I love specifically about it was the ability to free-roam the entirety of New York City as any character you wanted, me and that friend would do that exclusively for hours on end and make up our own stories with all the characters. Here is Galactus perusing the streets
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Speaking of characters, this was the first thing that really got me making up and drawing a shit ton (apologies for lack of a better phrase) of original characters. I’d make superhero characters for me and my friend (ok I guess I should give her a name huh), Mackenzie, and even for random people in my class cause we needed to fill in some blanks in the stories we’d make. I’d create comics, write little stories, make variation after variation of these people we came up with, and of course like normal children me and Mackenzie would go to the park near my old house and pretend we were said characters. Man it was so fun. Then we’d do all those personality quizzes to find out which member you were most like. Mackenzie and I would do these quizzes on none other than our state-of-the-art BlackBerry playbooks. For me it was usually either Iron Man or Thor, and Mackenzie had this weird curse where she’d only ever get Loki as a result for anything at all which was very hilarious to me. Circling back to soundtracks, The Avengers OST was one of my first full album purchases. The main theme was my favourite track out of all of them for obvious reasons, but I still paid respects to all of them and listened to it often. Since I bought it with my dad’s Apple ID, it’d show up on the communal iPad that we used for music in the kitchen and I have full recollection of my grandpa playing it on blast in the morning to wake us up one time. I was aggravated at first but then when I realized what it was I was like ah yes of course. After the Avengers soundtrack, I got the Wolverine (2013) OST and that was fun but I didn’t like all the tracks in the same way, but THEN I got the Days of Future Past soundtrack. THAT is a good soundtrack AND a phenomenal film.
Anyway, after that I was a Marvel connoisseur for a little while. Like Star Wars I got an entire character encyclopedia, a bunch of comics, posters, you name it. My parents and sister also enjoyed dabbling in stuff too; we’d watch the animated series together on Netflix and eventually ended up seeing all the new movies together when they came out in theatres (except not my mom though cause she gets motion sickness from action films). Marvel was a staple in the adolescence stage of my life before I was introduced to anime (then it was all downhill from there (I am kidding anime was a part of my life that I look back at with great fondness)). It was reason for so much of what I explored with my art and my own imagination, and was one of my first experiences in what it was like to be a part of a fandom-esque community. There were also memes ripe for the picking when it came to Marvel; as one can assume I had no access to memes in kindergarten to grade 1 in the late 2000s. It was such a lovely and warm point in my life, something that established what kind of passion I really poured into something when I really liked it. And akin to Star Wars, there’s just so much to like about it. There’s so much to offer, an array of colourful characters and storylines—and of course, creative liberty when it came to superpowers and that whole narrative. The sky was literally the limit. Here is some of my ancient 2014 portraiture that I dug up for the sake of this assignment
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Ok heads up we are now veering AWAY from childhood content and touching on a film that played a more personal part, namely during a very pivotal point, in my life. I picked up The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky, 1999) at a bookstore and read it at the speed of light; I was crying in my room on my bed by the time I finished it. I love how we see Charlie’s character change over the course of the novel, not only through what he describes or how he perceives things but his style of writing in general. Anyway, I wanted to read the novel first before I watched the movie (dir. Stephen Chbosky 2012), and I was pleasantly surprised by how accurate the movie is to the book (well duh the author directed it). I read/watched this right before I started high school, so I was kind of (but not really considering the built-up childhood trauma he has yikes) in the same position as the protagonist, Charlie, as he was starting out (minus a lot of the major aspects of his character and what he went/goes through (like drugs)). A lot of the things that he learns were really important takeaways for me before heading into that new chapter of life like he did.
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Contrary to the title of the (I know it started out as a novel but I’m just gonna say film) film, you need to put yourself out there and advocate for yourself in life. It’s great to be a trustworthy individual whom everyone is vaguely aware of and likes, but you need to approach things with reason and make yourself known somehow. At the time, both before and during grade 9, and even still sometimes in the present (though I do it more deliberately now), I found myself just standing on the sidelines as life happened before me and I let it sweep me away without having any feet planted on the ground. It was like I wasn’t in control of it, and in turn I might’ve struggled in some areas more than I should have. I didn’t own anything, like I wasn’t totally present. Similar to Charlie, I was a person who’d always be there for others, someone people could talk to and confide in, and ultimately someone people truly enjoyed having around—which is pretty great. But I didn’t fully know my position or what I ultimately wanted in any of those situations. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for my entire freshman experience and I absolutely wouldn’t have wanted it any other way considering all personal circumstances, but with that foreknowledge of the importance of making a name for yourself, especially in high school, I think I was able to branch out with ease a bit more than I would have without it. I at least was aware of what was going on in that sense. That movie is really special to me because it ended up being a pseudo-mirror of my own experiences. Charlie’s English teacher, Bill, embraced his writing abilities and urged him to participate more, share his own thoughts, and express more of his personality by giving him books for extra reading. My first ever semester of Laurier did the exact same for me as Bill did for Charlie. It fostered my interests and intellectual abilities, and you guys constantly urged me and everyone else to go above and beyond what we were used to because you knew we could do it (even though I feel like I could’ve done a lot better on some things as my marks in grade 9 are a bit lower than I’d like them to be, but hey it was a time of adjustment and I did my best and that’s what matters). As a direct result of Laurier, I’m really lucky to have been surrounded by an amazing group of passionate students, a handful of which became my closest friends throughout high school, and that my very first teachers of the day were people who uplifted me and genuinely cared not only about furthering my academic work, but about my growth as a person.
Whew let’s wade out of the sap and get into some more energetic stuff!!! To tie off this recollection of my life through film the most recent and notable movie that impacted my life was, the one and only, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (dir. Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, Rodney Rothman, 2018). Similar to The Desolation of Smaug and Frozen, I went with my dad to the cinema but parted ways with him to watch this movie by my lonesome (he went to the Aquaman theatre instead smh). Again, phenomenal choice. I talked about this in my grade 11 blog, but Spider-Verse is an absolute masterpiece in every way shape and form.
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At the point I watched it, I knew what I wanted to generally do with my life (be part of the art industry) and the visuals of this movie alone were enough to make me want to elope with it and never see or talk to anyone ever again. It is such a gorgeous film. The way they strayed from the yucky 3D conventions norm—and there is literally no way they could’ve done the majority of what they did in that movie effectively if they did it live action. Or, they could definitely try and make an attempt, but it’d look like garbage. For example, a lot of the action scenes in general and also when they become abstracted like with the particle collider. 40-60 fps would not do that sense of movement justice at all. Too smooth. Not enough grit and personality.
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Anyway, they also pioneered new animation techniques in mixing 2D and 3D, and explored a newer superhero trope where the main character’s own mundane life struggles are equally as important as him trying to sort things out with these new powers. It’s more of a battle between what Miles wants with his own personal life—new school, the friends he won’t be able to see because of said new school, owning his own abilities and adjusting to change. Then on top of that he’s met with all these alternate-dimension people that he has to work and be on par with. Aside from the art, I thought the overall message was every special: Miles learns through trial and tribulations, unsureness—and most importantly, failure. Confidence and optimism, in regard to what he thinks he can and can’t do, is vital. Amidst everything he is faced with, he starts out as just another kid who wants to be just another kid. But we all have something special inside us that we must choose to embrace if we want to truly flourish. We see him come to terms with the fact that he really is capable of greatness if he sets his mind to it—and that’s the main message: anyone can wear the mask. And can we talk about that soundtrack??? Not only the instrumentals, but the actual songs were great too! “Sunflower” and “What’s Up Danger”? Lovely and fitting. And back to the OST, the Prowler’s theme??? Shivers.
There is such a unique and beautiful vibe to this movie, and it’s inspired me in more ways than one. Aside from that nice motivational stuff, it also has recently played a tremendous part in developing my own art. All of the artists who worked on the film are people I immediately tried to find on social media so I could see more of their work. I purchased the art book, and even bought a 2D sequence illustration course provided by one of the art directors, Patrick O’Keefe. That course also came with the (digital) brushes he uses, and I’ve used them in pretty much every single one of my pieces since downloading them. This movie really showed me the possibilities of what could be achieved in the art industry, and it made me want to be a part of it so much more than I was before. I want to be involved in revolutionary visual achievements, and I want to develop characters and stories and worlds that are as interesting and loveable as the ones in Spider-Verse. (my stuff featured below)
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So there you have it folks, 5 (five) of the most significant movies in my life relayed in a whopping just over 4000 words. I hope this has been enlightening for all you readers out there, perhaps you now have a better understanding of how I came to be personality/interest-wise, and I hope you can catch a glimpse of that same importance these pieces of media have in regard to me and my values.
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Original Female Characters
These are all the Original Characters I have made for past, current, and coming soon stories.
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Story: Timeless Warrior (Fandom: Lord of The Rings)
Name: Phoenix Garcia (formerly Phoenix Nowak)
Alias: Khaleesi, Dragon Rider
Age: 40 (shortly after the story begins she turns this age)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White. Mexican on her mother’s side, Polish on her father’s. Born and raised in Arizona, USA.
Hair: Dark brown before the war; silver due to stress of the war
Eyes: Blue-grey
Height: 5′5″
Species: human
Any Markings: A few tattoos: Valar Morghulis on the inside of her right wrist, Valar Dohaeris on the inside of her left wrist, the three-moon symbol for her pagan religion on her left shoulder, a skull with a chef’s hat and crossbones of a chef knife and whisk on the right shoulder, a red rose with one black pedal on the inside of her left bicep (a tribute to Rosa). Crisscross scars over her left eye from when she tried to save her wife’s life.
Powers: No known supernatural ones. Controls a mechanical dragon.
Relationship status: Widowed. Wife died saving her life
Spouse: Rosa Garcia. High school sweethearts. Built Meraxes to help win the war. Sacrificed herself to save Phoenix’s life.
Love Interest: Lord Elrond of Rivendell
Bio: Phoenix was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ as the oldest of two kids. Her mother was abusive and her father stayed married to keep the kids safe. Phoenix met Rosa in high school and the two became instant friends, starting a relationship their senior year. Rosa went off to get her degree and a job at NASA while Phoenix went to culinary school and opened a restaurant in Downtown Phoenix. The pair got married once it became legal in their country. They then sold the restaurant so the couple could move to Houston for Rosa’s job. Phoenix began teaching cooking classes that went virtual once a pandemic hit their country. Not even a year later, a war broke out and they found themselves leading a small group of survivors. With Rosa’s intelligence and connections, she got a group together to turn an old plane into a mechanical dragon. Unfortunately, Rosa was killed two years before the war ended and Phoenix blamed herself.
After the war, Phoenix accidentally flies through a portal into Middle Earth where more problems require her help.
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Story: Let Nature Take Her Course (Fandom: Marvel/MCU)
Name: Juna, Last name Everhart created during the advent of last names.
Alias: Mother Nature, Mother of Mutants
Age: 20,000 years, give or take a century
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Unknown
Hair: Black when undercover, green naturally
Eyes: Brown undercover, gold normally
Height: 5′4″
Species: First Man, First Mutant, External/Omega Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Control of elements, weather, gravity, animals, use of lightning for teleportation, resistance to extreme heat and cold, faint connection to humans.
Relationship status: None. Finds it pointless as she never dies.
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Everett Ross, much to her annoyance.
Bio: Juna was one of the first species of humans to grace the earth. Born with a connection to the planet and humans, when they evolved, so did she so she would be able to blend in. She is responsible for the catastrophic events from the ice age ending to Pompeii, all in an effort to maintain the balance of earth and nature. She is not fond of humans and grows more and more annoyed with them as the years go by and the planet becomes more trashed. She’s not a villain, she just wants to save her home.
She doesn’t remember her parents, her family if she had one, or really anything of her past after the first one thousand years.
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Story: Mirror (Fandom: Marvel/MCU)
Name: Sonya, No Last Name
Alias: Mirror
Age: 50, though the project to begin her cloning was in the 1940s
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: None - clone of Steve Rogers
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6′2″
Species: Human clone
Any Markings: None
Powers: Super strength, speed, healing that comes with the super-soldier project.
Relationship status: Casually dating Bucky Barnes
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Bio: Created as a clone of Steve Rogers by Hydra, leading to the sharing of physical features. Trained by the best team Hydra has, she is very deadly.
Feared by Hydra, she was locked away until they felt they could have more control over her. But then she discovered her origins and snaps, breaking free and going on a rampage to destroy any and all Hydra facilities before focusing on her last target: Steve Rogers.
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Story: The Hidden Realm (Upcoming. Fandom: Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit)
Name: Rhyannon
Alias: Queen of Tir Na Nog, Fae Queen
Age: 34,000 years old (Born at the end of Years of the Lamps)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Fae, Home: Tir Na Nog
Hair: Midnight Blue
Eyes: Midnight Blue
Height: 7′
Species: Fae
Any Markings: Has wings she keeps hidden until she uses her powers.
Powers: Spells, magic, flight, super strength, communication with animals, control the elements.
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Lord Elrond
Bio: Rhyannon is the Queen of the Fae and one of the first of her kind. Tir Na Nog is her kingdom and was one of the first realms established in Middle Earth. Contrary to what the Elves know, the Fae were actually the first beings of Arda. This realm borders both Mirkwood and Dol Guldur, causing tension between all three realms.
Thranduil has been engaged in a petty battle with Rhyannon since his father passed (who started the battle). The problem is, the realm is hidden so no other Elves believe it exists. Until Rhyannon decides to crash the Midsummer Festival in Mirkwood.
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Story: The Queen’s Guard (Upcoming. Fandom: Game of Thrones)
Name: Myria Storm
Alias: Storm Breaker
Age: 30
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Bastard child of Storm’s End
Hair: Ebony
Eyes: Black
Height: 5′6″
Species: Human
Any Markings: A tattoo of a black rose, to show her loyalty to Olenna Tyrell.
Powers: None
Relationship status: None
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Jorah Mormont
Bio: Myria Storm is a bastard child of Storm’s End. When she hears of the killing of Robert Baratheon’s bastard children and what they look like, she suspects she is one and flees her home. Myria had learned to fight from her older brother and soon becomes a sellsword. By the time she reaches High Garden, her reputation precedes her and Olenna requests an audience with the young woman. She is offered a job as Olenna’s personal guard.
When Varys brings word of Daenerys Targaryen’s return, Olenna sends Myria to have Dragonstone prepared for the future queen. And when all parties officially meet, Myria is noticed by the Dragon Queen’s right-hand man, Jorah Mormont.
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Story: Kings & Queens (Upcoming. Fandom: The Hobbit)
Name: Ladien Peredhel
Alias: Ladi
Age: 3,041
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Half-Elf, Noldor, The Grey Havens
Hair: Red
Eyes: Dark Grey
Height: 6′6″
Species: Half-Elf, Half-Human
Any Markings: Tattoos on the top half of her body. Flames that wrap around her shoulders like a shawl
Powers: None
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Thorin & Thranduil (Love Triangle)
Bio: Laddi was born in the Grey Havens to an Elf mother who sailed West shortly after Laddi reached maturity. Her father was a human who died of an illness. Because she is a Peredhel, she never felt she truly fit in with the other Elves in the Havens and left to travel Middle Earth.
She is resting in Rivendell when Thorin’s company arrives. Gandalf persuades her to join the cause in re-taking Erebor. Thorin begins to warm to her as they make their difficult journey north. When they get caught in Mirkwood, Legolas reports to his father, Thranduil, that there is an Elleth amongst the Dwarves. Confused and intrigued, he commands she be brought before him. And is shocked to see someone almost identical to the wife he lost long ago.
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Story: Battle of the Billionaires (TBW, maybe. Fandoms: Marvel/DC)
Name: Mya, No Last Name
Alias: Elemental
Age: 1,500 years old
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Mexican & Mexico
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5′6″
Species: Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Can control the four main elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water (hence her name), super strength & speed, super healing.
Relationship status: Currently single. Briefly dated Diana Prince back on Themyscira and Alfred back in the 1970s
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne & Tony Stark are making their bids known.
Bio: Born a mutant with the ability to heal from any wound and control the elements, Mya goes around helping humanity when she can. She mostly lends a hand to the X-Men or the Avengers when asked, until two friends of hers, Alfred Pennyworth & Diana Prince, ask for her help against Dark Side. Bruce Wayne takes an interest in her, but to his dismay, she is close friends with Tony Stark.
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Story: If You Could Live Forever (Series. Fandom: MCU)
Name: Rose Fauna
Alias: Mother Nature
Age: Over 450 years (exact age unknown)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White/Germany
Hair: Silver (Changes colors when powers are used)
Eyes: Grey (Changes colors when powers are used)
Height: 5'5"
Species: Mutant
Any Markings: An old scar on the front of her body from when she was tortured as a child.
Powers: Controls the elements, controls animals, minimum flight ability, control of weather, uses the earth to heal, immortal.
Relationship status: On and off relationships with both Wolverine and Everett Ross, eventually married Everett
Spouse: Everett Ross
Love Interest: Wolverine & Everett Ross
Bio: Born during the time of the witch trials in Europe, Rose was proclaimed a witch when her mutant powers manifested. She was tortured and barely escaped with her life thanks to Loki and Thor. The Earth healed her and it was then she was given the gift of immortality. Ever since the trials, she has tried to stay hidden to stay safe.
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Story: Against the Odds (Fandom: MCU/Olympus Has Fallen Crossover)
Name: Charlie Jones
Alias: Turbo
Age: 35
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White, United States
Hair: Silver normally, Blue when using her powers
Eyes: Grey normally, Blue when using her powers
Height: 5'2"
Species: Mutant, Omega Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy, ability to make force fields, Omega Level Mutant
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Mike Banning
Bio: Charolette (Charlie) is the youngest in her family. Her sister, Margaret, marries Ben Asher who eventually becomes the President of the United States. A family tragedy forces Charlie to go into hiding and for Margaret to lie and say she’s an only child to help Ben’s election. The return of Apocalypse brings everyone back together.
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Story: Peredhel (Upcoming. Fandom: LoTR)
Name: Samantha Johnson
Alias: Sam
Age: 30
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White/Biracial/United States
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'7"
Species: Human
Any Markings: None
Powers: None
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Erestor Peredhel
Bio: Sam was a full-time chef and a part-time bartender when she accidentally finds herself in Middle Earth. Gandalf determines there is no way to send her home and so the Rohan take her in since it was their lands she appeared. After serving King Theoden for a few years, she travels all over Middle Earth learning different cooking techniques and even works at the Prancing Pony for a couple of years, where she meets and befriends Strider. Sam returns to Edoras just as a farewell party is being held for Elrond and Galadriel, where she meets Erestor.
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