#$400 a month
thebibliosphere · 4 months
I’ve talked about this with some friends, but the whole Spotify/audiobook drama legitimately makes me want to cry.
If you are unaware, earlier in the month, Spotify, who now owns FindawayVoices -- an audiobook distributor and one of the only major rivals to Audible on the creator end -- announced that their ToS would be updating.
The ToS updates were horrendous and basically allowed Spotify to make royalty-free translations of our works, as well as create derivatives, and basically just fuck us all over and feed all of our hard work into AI.
The backlash was so swift that less than 12 hours later, Spotify sent out a panicked “Sorry our wording wasn’t clear!” email with a promised update. Less than 24 hours later they issued a statement walking back the changes to the ToS, and have since been pulling a “we never said that, you misread our unclear verbiage” when in reality the verbiage was very clear (Not Spotify trying to pull a “gaslight gatekeep girl boss ✌️”), they just didn't expect to get dragged out into the metaphorical court of social media and get publicly annihilated with authors withdrawing their work from the platform and customers canceling their subscriptions left right and center.
Anyway, the walk back was acceptable enough for me to not feel the need to remove my work entirely from FindAway -- which is good because I would have lost access to the global audiobook market if I had, not to mention global library access. Which, again, is good. A significant chunk of my audiobook earnings comes from Libby, and I’d honestly be lost without that $20 every month. (we get paid quarterly but it breaks out to about $20 a month.)
What the walk back was not good enough for, was for me to trust them to keep streaming Hunger Pangs on their Spotify streaming service. Because quite frankly, I don't trust them not to pull some more ToS bullshit, and this is the part making me want to cry.
Why? Because I’m going through my royalty reports, and for the single month of December 2023 alone, Hunger Pangs was streamed so often it earned $400.
In one month.
That's more than I earn from Audible in a year.
That's more than I earn from kobo, b&n, libby, libro.fm and several author distributors combined in a year.
I’m going to scream.
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chubbychiquita · 6 months
i am almost 40 lbs up since the beginning of september 😩
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zu-is-here · 27 days
Next part of rock band! Kross! Kross!
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<– • –>
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saint-ambrosef · 1 month
"interest rates" this, "interest rates" that. you know what is also a major cost prohibition in homebuying for people? high property taxes.
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e-turn · 10 months
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That moment from Chapter 7 of IMBI
Oh it has my heart in its claws
hey @dandylovesturtles sorry it's me again
Do I express how much I love IMBI enough? Anyway, I love it with my whole heart.
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deoidesign · 2 months
Just some thoughts about recent WEBTOON discourse from an originals creator. I recognize my inherent bias in this situation.
But please recognize that saying "fuck you" to a company means supporting the workers, not making them out to be unfortunate suckers... "would have/could have/should have's" don't get people out of situations.
"I never would have signed with them" is an incredibly tone-deaf thing to say. "this is why you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket" is true, but it doesn't help people who are contractually obligated into exclusivity.
Most of us are making merch, running patreons, trying to get book deals, etc... and most of us aren't able to stop working and still pay our bills. we're trying. we'd all love to, but we can't.
If you really want things to be better, maybe try not putting down the people who are in the bad situation? it ends up feeling like people using our pain and mistreatment as an outlet to advertise themselves...
Our company is getting worse and worse by the year and we're risking a lot to talk about it! Please listen! The only power we have is complaining about things, and it's risky every time!
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bamsara · 11 months
Also why did July become of the most busiest, hottest and most expensive month of my life
I need August to become boring as shit. No more shit happening to me, no more emergencies, no weddings, no birthdays, no health scares, no more heatwave, no more social obligations, no nothing I just want to stay home, make stickers for my life blood aka patreons and write fanfiction in an air-conditioned space PLEASE
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mirakurutaimu · 7 months
all landlords die
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
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every year i think "there's no way I can draw as much as I did last year" and then then I make myself look like an idiot. ending 2023 with a genuinely disgusting number of arts this year:
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anyway call me a tree bc i'm abt to get real sappy: thank you all so much for a genuinely INSANE year in terms of how much i drew, how much i improved, and how much LOVELY support i've gotten!!!!!!! like my followercount more than quadrupled from the start of the year and i just can't believe?? there's this many of u?? that like my art???????? dead on the floor i love you all SO much!!!! thank u!!!!!!!!
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eddieintheocean · 2 months
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isbergillustration · 1 month
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1.5 min wip to reiterate how deeply open for commissions I am, how very much all my originals are for sale, etc
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ventique18 · 10 months
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Book 7 Chapter 5
Jamil and Ace Birthday
Master Chef (Leona and Epel)
Glorious Masquerade Rerun (SSR Rollo NEW)
This month is pretty packed and SHOCKING. SSR ROLLO? Well I'm actually not surprised that he'll get a card sooner or later because they hired Kamiya Hiroshi for him, but it's kinda disappointing that there's no GloMas part 2? Since we'll be having a completely new Halloween event based on Pinocchio. I hope his card isn't a FURNITURE CARD like Vil? 😭
When GloMas inevitably comes to EN, I hope they don't run Rollo yet wtf. That'll be 4 SSRs in like, 1 month because Twst EN is insane. I'd try to pull for him if he comes next year, but if it's this year it's gonna be an auto skip since Diaso is my priority. 🥲
On a side note, this probably means the featured non-NRC side characters in the Pinocchio event will have cards at some point! Does this mean... Does this mean there's a glimmer of hope for Crewel SSR??? 🛐 Or even Crowley SSR???
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churbo · 11 months
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i was paid 30 cents to draw this
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eatyourmaker · 4 days
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where did you all COME FROM
ARE YOU LOST? /silly
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rammingthestein · 9 months
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Minni Landers on Paul's instagram 💓 photos by Jens Koch (more than likely) 💕
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knowlesian · 9 months
we really do not talk enough in the states about the psychological toll of having a chronic illness that makes just existing prohibitively expensive and how it starts to feel like you’re being punished simply for being alive
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