#exactly 2 months later yay! >:D
zu-is-here · 30 days
Next part of rock band! Kross! Kross!
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<– • –>
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danandphilplay · 3 hours
i know dnp said creative content and video essays might be more for their solo channels but i wanted to add them into the dapg discussion in case theres people who would want to see that as joint content instead
here is what they said so poll answers are exactly that but ill be honest im not 100% sure the meaning of some of them (the mystery thing? do they mean like watcher/buzzfeed unsolved or am i missing something? or more literal like No format its mystery random content?)
also feel free to expand your answer if something doesnt quite fit. ive done variations of this same poll multiple times but dnp opened an actual discussion for this with the vid so yay lets go again
transcript below:
d: here’s the thing, this little dan and phil gaming experiment, here we are six months later
p: yes
d: where is this going? because we’ve been making these casual gaming videos like sat in front of the table playing cards or some shit
p: some gaming some not
d: and like that’s gone well
p: yeah
d: but now it’s like, ok, people want us to come back to do something, what is,,,
p: what is it
d: what is this content, what do people want
p: yeah
d: they want full on series mystery hunting, like a format where we’re doing some kind of show, lifestyle, cooking, real life, domestic
p: maybe they just want this, mukbang channel
d: i’m not, i’m not doing a food channel i can’t
p: get a dog and vlog the dog
d: they want us to go full parasocial
p: dog vlog
d: domestic
d: i mean phil, we said this was gonna be authentic, this new era, how open is the door gonna be?
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realfinemood · 9 months
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Template by arcandoria / Icons bundle from gaylockpick
Finally finished the game recently after almost 200 hours playing my angry little barbarian fighter and have so many thoughts to put down before I start the next in my long list of planned Tavs. Because this game has eaten my brain. I'm probably also going to make a post on her different companions relationships later. Brecca has lived in my brain 6+ years from D&D so on the off chance anyone else is interested, have a lot of babbling about this AU version of her!
(Spoilers including the end of the game!)
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Backstory: Brecca grew up in her mother's tavern in a halfling village, where most people were happy and carefree and the biggest worries were that you weren't up to date on the latest gossip. As a kid with anger issues and not the greatest social skills, Brecca very much didn't fit in with that. The only talent she had to speak of was fighting, whether just for the hell of it or to protect her only real friend in the village, a budding con artist (who the tiefling kids all remind her of).
When a man came into the village one day with promises to make that skill useful, she left with him, ending up in a barbarian tribe of sorts, where she was taught to fight beyond scrapping and bar fights. She didn't ask many questions about who exactly they were fighting, enjoying finally having something she was good at doing. It wasn't until a raid where the target was her own village that she realized who exactly she'd joined up with, and went into a frenzied rage, killing her party and any of the others she could find.
In d&d she ran after that and spent a few months isolating herself, doing odd jobs occasionally but mostly just developing a massive guilt complex. In bg3, the very first place she ventured into resulted in being abducted and tadpoled. Yay distraction!
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Personality: Brecca is trying to figure out how to be a Good Person in the aftermath of stumbling into being a not so great one. In theory, that would be trying to help everyone and keep her rage in check. In reality, it's a lot of attempting the most peaceful solution and then murdering a lot when that inevitably falls through. She's not the smartest and definitely not the best at talking or reading people, made worse by the fact that she knows she's not and therefore doesn't trust her own judgement.
Protecting her friends, protecting children, and murdering the fuck out of anyone enslaving people are the things she's definitely figured out as North on her moral compass. The rest are more a moral "rough notes copied off the people she values."
(It's also why she spends the entirety of act 3 pissed as fuck and determined as hell to help Lae'zel free Orpheus. Does anything she's done matter if the reason she can do it is that someone is chained up and having their power used to protect her?)
She spends a good two acts trying to be a hero like Wyll. In the end she settles for trying to do her best, protecting the people she loves, and letting other people be the self sacrificing hero.
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Fighting: Brecca is surrounded by tall people and it's very inconvenient that they can get places faster. She has solved this problem in three ways. 1) Fling self, 2) fling weapon, and finally 3) fling weapon and teleport self with whatever the weapon hits. Bonus points if the weapon is twice her size. Rather appropriately, by the time they fought Cazador she had enough combined movement to get across the whole platform and free Astarion in one turn. And then everything else in the scene also went super great don't worry about it.
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Party: Brecca has absolutely no fucking clue how she got appointed leader. Her skill set beyond "get angry and hit things" is occasionally threaten people into submission. Half the time she finds the end of quests before realizing there's a beginning. Two of her three favorite people are the murder hobos and her knowledge of magic and gods is non-existent. Wyll is right there guys. Please make better choices.
Astarion is the permanent party member and was even before she caught feelings.
In act 1, the party shuffled around more, with Gale taking a field trip to the creche and Karlach taking out a goblin camp. But the main group was definitely Astarion, Wyll, and Lae'zel. In act 2, the party was almost exclusively Astarion, Wyll, and Shadowheart. In act 3, Lae'zel reclaimed her spot and Wyll took turns with Shadowheart. If it wasn't clear, even with the multiclassing happening, the party theme is a lot of "Hit things really hard a whole lot before they have a chance to fight back. Also magic I guess, that's what scrolls are for right?"
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Ending: Brecca made good on her promise to Lae'zel and freed Orpheus, somehow to the surprise of the Emperor despite being very clear about her plan to do so and how much she did not trust the Emperor and hated what he was doing. However, she absolutely did not spend all that time fighting to not become a mindflayer only to voluntarily become one at the last moment and resigned herself to Lae'zel hating her for letting Orpheus play martyr instead. Lae'zel didn't seem to blame her in the end - while Brecca and Astarion got Orpheus to the brain, Lae'zel took care of killing the Emperor for her (while Shadowheart kept everything else from killing her in the meantime).
Post-adventure, Brecca plans on helping Astarion with their 7000 new spawn children in the Underdark, while trying to find a way to let him walk in the sun again. (That, and shoving Dammon at her new gnome friends so that they can put the pieces they already have together to make Karlach a new heart.) Eventually she might actually make her way back home to her mom and best friend, who, true to voice line, will absolutely never believe any of this.
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lautoc · 4 months
Bokhyuzaneht/Bokhyuzan language
Hello = Mordah; answer = Drohme
NO = kendahp, kenta
a b ch d e g h I j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z
past, no word
future keh
present en
passive, u
must, should, have to, beh
would, la
TA. word transformer
1 ura
2 ki
3 chat
4 vah
5 teh
6 hip
7 nahwa
8 kach
9 bus
10 man
100 tagze
about = kata
after = ahk
air, gaz, breeze = los
all, both = ha
almost = eyk
already = veyk
although, though, even though = tok
amount, quantity = upo
ancient, old = to
anger, fury, wrath = nahwa
architeture = abrakaz-sodnah
arrest, capture = pahket
article = kata
athlete = habrikh
bank, fund, charity = ev
bathroom, toilet = keta
be = op
be like, similar, seem = uza
before = gu
benefit, profit = och
bentu = bean
berry = liyduk
beverage, drink = luhach
big, great, very large = ahs
bill, check, review = vrahk
bitch, be troubled, pain enjoyer, masoquist = prey
biz = bee
blade, sword, razor = tiz
blind = kendahmto
block(square) = nehw
bottom, butt, behind = wah
boy = kehnve
brain = luv
breakfast = arhi
breeze = los
bring = ahda
brown, mud, skin, tree = lam
brush, rub = wama
bulb(plant root) = kech
business, money, income, rent, salary increase = zas
button(cloth) = chem
call = di
candy, sweet = mup
care, care about, take care, listen, hear = ukalda
carpet, clean slipper = same
cat, kitty = vuk
catch, arrest = tak
cause, make happen, induce, motivate, convince = wahm
chase, run after, pursuit = ibez
chair = net
circus = khamig
city, metropolis = yel
clothes, clothing, garment = kaht
come, go, pass, continue, become, get, enter, happen, way, path = el
cloak, camouflage = lamehta
clown = mehtak
comfort, calm, peace, quiet = ehkes
cook = khah
copy, mimick, imitate, repllicate, fold, clone = khol
cough, sneeze = khaza
count = bik
cream, milk = tahldaz
crystal = ovahzi
cultural = kakin
culture = kak
danger, risk, hazard = hahm
destroy, explode = nahwarun
die = das
dirt, earth = rehk
disappear, be gone, extinguish = zikhel
dog = datam
doubt = yai
drag, tow, fix = mo
dream, fantasy = dukhyabe
drink = kweh; kut + el
drug, medicine = wu [wo]
earring = ve gahk
easy = zo
eat = arhip
economic, economy = pezhun
employer, orange, fruit = zesk
enjoy = wehm
everyone = hato
exactly = kahdriehs
face, confront, meet = gon
fall = wel
far away, long (distance) = kig
fat, big = yah
father = Daske
feeling = lehehz
fence, barrier = ema
flight = zehs
florist = chivehk
force, attack group, army = lahz
fold, crumple = tehw
for, in order to = ot
forgive = amindte
friend = otad
fu**, damn = khap
gas = los
get, obtain = beh
grandmother = ebyenah
gray = kuno
greed(y) = itig
green, grass, earth, brown, skin, mud, blue = lam
guilty = wenah
guy = sukh
hammer, axe = tuldak
hear, listen = wik
help, save = ebyenah
here = opta
history = ho
horn = yem
hundred = tagze
imagine, assume = licho
instrument, appliance, device, gadget, equipment = glap
intervention, invasion, invade, break in, = yoh
judge = erzikh
justice = zahyda
just = ura
kill = ulda
lack, spill, spit = waz
language = eht
last = kach
last, final = yi [ye]
later = chagahm
law, rule = kwih
learn, know = rahn
least = ga
leave = drel
lesson, lecture, school = tyak
level, rank, position = dek
lie, liar = vuch
like, admire = gew
line, column, pilaster, pillar, wall = lehz
lip = kut
lipstick = tehlmis kut
list, catalog, column, report, new, registration = wuhz
local = wuh
logical, logic = kin
loss, death, life end, entropy, procrastinate = mukrahez
lounge, couch, sofa = hug
love, admire = dach
many, a lot = zeh
map = kehl
market, store = prama
marry, red, apple, blood, rose floor, tongue, heart = hehbi
math = alme
meeting = chuaz
menu = ahda
metro = lep-zama
miserable, nothing, nobody, trash, selfish = chasnah
month = kihe
naked = new
name, title = mehdrut
national, public, free = lohdon
north, in front of = nom
notebook (paper) = kilev
notice, realize = chahmi
observator, stalker, open = tami
offer, give = bahu
old, late = bah
an/other = cha-
overwhelm = umig-elda
owner, creator = metikh
parent(s) = chak
park = wachehngem
party = nikh
per, for each = inek
perfection, dreams = ovah
period, time = gem
person = to
pick, grab, choose, send, bring = lavok
pin, keep = neb
plan = ak
politician = sehmikh
pool, lake = takh
possessive pronouns = tesbehdom
powerful = tuzig
press, squeeze, clutch = hahv
probably, maybe = melohs
prostitute, voluntary = kay
public, free = mahlbahm
purple, wound = lamehbi
question = yitehz
rate = gahwiz
ray = soduv
ready = ihl
relate, correlate, refer = moghaba
remember = pahz
rest, nap, try = hozver
roast, insult, curse = khez
room = we
ruler = ankwih
scissor = ran
screw = chasno
see, look at = ami
several, many, a lot = gi
shelter = yimet
sister = dahpte
sit = zis
skilled, smart = khumig
smell = oplos
space, empty = yezis
speak, say, tell, sound = ita
speed = yoz
spirit = ahkrahezi
staff, co-administrator, co- = net
star, celebrity, famous = pruz
state, government = lahp
stem, root = gehkhas
stop, stall, halt = zah
strange, wierd, peculiar, unsettling = korplis
stubborn = ahvo
student, learner = sah
study = vahl
subject = tesdom
suggest, hint, remind, remember, indicate, imply = deh
surface = lamehs
table, bench = ladte
teach, instruct, educate, coach = gwuv
think, consider, guess, analyze, ponder, examine, scrutinize = indte
threat = hikin
tide = yul
time, age = gahm
today = gahma
to them = kahn
to you = bahp
top, lid, cover = pehw
torch = khehz
treatment = ahkahez
trunk (tree), steam = kanti
turn on, be excited = nan
turtle = yoz
twist, distort = nulde
under, below, down = wo
unsurance = heruk
up, above = zes
upper class = ubro
valley, mountain = zikh
vegetable, leaf = nehp
village = pinzeh
visitor, comer = elto
vocabulary, knowledge, wisdom = tesk
want, need = un
water = zi
waterfall = wozikh
watch = gahm bikta
what, how, why = Teh?!
weather, time = tikh
whistle = wikson
whose, whom = kuk
wind, breeze, wave = run
winter = zag
wonder, amaze = khak
year, age = se
yellow, sunflower, summer, sun = maleh
Ah... Essez kag nahel
I love you ; Se geh dach. Sedacheg
The name of the strongest group in Bokhyuzan is Order of the Dawn
Aryel Bokhyuzan lahz hamal mehdrut..
Seraphin...you will soon face what this world has buried for millennia beneath its excuses and cities
Seravin.. hag se wolameh, kachamindta e yel ghadlam merganeltolah teh kigahm vah kehgon
Ehmehtak khamig geh na-indte
ara kendahbeh zis nan zewladte tyakel
glapendah teh vah na-ita, endahelta
ura undrahto geh, vah indte, itagha
tegi-evehlda uza hara gehel
geh hehbita zi khazata, kendrahn
geh ara-un, zikhta, zis hehbidta
kwih khya-ahtahlda kag zewladte uza
hagam na-otami, nazihkrahni, zewladte nata
nazihkrahni, narahn kwahm, rak ehkhyewzdek
Harunto.. zis teh?
Adahezto Snezhinaya geh.. ite ke vah lavok teh el!
Lehehbi geh ita, kahdriehs kehel...
Ahudach Inazuma.. Vatuwi driehs kehel....
Dezah, se kwihta !!
E vah! Lambehkagto, hase.
Hagam ohtuzig vah
Yo Dlamahdta merganel zis! Tehchi gahma?
U chit wahel
En tehl ta ghadlamahdta khyahdal, muhto rahn
Teh dlam merganel, hentahuka
U khyamiteh! Ahk, mukrahezot u kehahdagha
here we start, a history about a young boy who got powers..
Hey, I told you, don't speak in our first language
I'm sorry
opta chit elahm, tuz behlda kata kehnve..
Hak, bahp ita, gehp eht ural kendahita!
Ahlantis mukta, ahopkhak nahel e ghalame yohtoze nahda damindta!
Esotad, gonta lamehta, eslam tah wit behrun.
Wahu kach mehdrut o drel, otak ho runihl.
gwahm urak, gahmak ami; opta geh tami
kendehs opel, gahmel, ghama gontikh
Excuse me, where's the bathroom?
Ke khyita, keta geh el teh?
beghak ke vah dach
ahk yahgahm sezi
Potehrotayah e hehbetikh...
Geh itagha, zeh do Ghordi Klohnay
Gahmukrahel - Segdachehz
When your species reach its purpose, you'll see what end tastes like
Gahmet ra yi gahm ahebita gonelda, mukrahez dem kehamiogha
Time flows like a river and return to the distant depth
Uza zilam gahm zehsehlda e kig yahozehs uralda
The hardest language of this world took 45 years to be completed
ghazela yicheht, vateh sez uwahalmehs gambehlda
ghakorplis... opta vah merganahdana?
hen eyk geh ulda zi Aywa behw itahlda
veyk ita! Opta yo kendahel
Queen doesn't need a chair to sit, only horses
Net Ovahtesk kenbehzisot, ura kigeltoh
I'll say we have time to escape
chit zukigel kehita
Gahmet vah wel, ura yigahm el
gahmet chit wagon!
Ot es begik ita
gahm izah
gahmet lam nehp el
teh ghaeht vah rahn?
geh vahl
Even watch ants is better
zehlambehto geh iyami
What's your name?
Amehdrut teh?
Imagine, you go to another world and they don't speak your language. What'd you do?
Dlicho, chadlam vah el e kach eht kendahita
gehp eht yo kendahita indte
I think they don't speak our language
I had a good dream
a dukhyabeh
chadlam Enti Isula udi behlda
- Hayoz!
- Chasnah! Lambehkagtozi
- Ahkrahezi, ke dwik! kagot hen Dlavok
- Teh? Kenta gahma
- Esovahkti... Pagh zikhel
- Amindte, esovahkti.
- Gehplahz Unebit lahp na-umig-elda, ahma azages chit hazikhelun!
- ura Unebit geh mergantuldak, umigehbe uza, uladtekhez ta khindte nahg
- Svahk, gahme gehplahz we geh khyeklevita-
- Unebe! Gahma Entesla bah nakwah.. zis geh tehldaz!
E gahmet tehldaz, kaht e Entesla erzimukagh!
- Teh pagh?
- Svahk, vah ghak?
- Alsiyeh.. urale yimet chit behpto
- Urahn.. zis geh endakhyo-
- Teh ghadlam mak?! melo-. Svahk, agon mergantehel?
- Tehk?! ghabehta Unebe! ? Damingo Alsiyeh.. kelehs zetyak vah kanderu
- Hey, Lambehkagto! Pa hadrahn. Teh..gehpet yo kendrahn.. zis Mukhta chit-
- Alsiyeh, gahmet ghadlam chit rahn, zetyak vah kanderu...
Khadtera! Ta vah nahwarun
yahrun anan. Ahlantis chit behdi
kendahbeh gahm
hato, yimeto deh. hato, yimeto deh
ghel es Ovahtesk
Es Kida, del!
Es Kida, ura dega. Gahm chit kendabeh
Ehkes e kentahami! Es Kida
Ahlantis: uzam brugaht
The dialogue above shows a civilization that sank to the depths of the ocean after an explosion caused by a crystal test
yel ehkes witahlda zes, yohw otakhahs wohziel ahk walvahzi hozve nahwarun uwahmehlda
Mordah, Vahtes
Eltozih geh merganahda
kwih vah rahn, es Kida. Yel eltoz kenbehami
Daske! Ta ghatom lamebyenahlda driehs
Ta yo ebyennah, chit kendahun
Zi Daske ...
Dezah, rehs chit itaya chagahm melohs
kaht ut geh kendtachehlda
optahs wit elda?
lamehs drel indte.
Zi optach wit elda?
hen chit behulda?
Ech mehdrut teh, korpis? Opta dem el teh?
Ahelita korpya geh indte itagha
Ahehbi ghakdahl... 1,000 wahse, hayu vah behulda kahdriehs!
1,000 wahse, arkwihma nan. E unu arikweh yel umuke gehpto kendabehamot.
Utekh yo.
Yo hakendrahn!
Haghak chit.
Umuke natyakta
Un ta yo khyami, gehpwahm Ovahtesk khazata
Un ghiruntoze gehpwahm derahn khyedwuz, kurah gehpahkahm chit imet
Chit mergarahn teh yu beh gwuvot
Chit namuk
Chit uwalse
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0 notes
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Time passing fast and glad 2 stressful case settled. Glad that my calculation are right. Feeling productive today cos I started on my project after discussing w my colleague ytd.
Ulcer grew really big and from 1 become 3 ulcers. I had stop my TCM meds for a week. My body really get heaty easily. MIL cooked prawns for dinner and I ate 6 although not supposed to cos seafood can cause inflammation easily. But I didn't like roasted pork so left 2 dish to eat.
Hubby was nice to ask me have light dinner before heading his hse for dinner and eat lesser later, since I'm too hungry by the time we have dinner (8.30pm). But I would end up eating junk food, snack. So unhealthy and definitely overeat. If I endure, I'm eating too late and I cannot eat so much already. And still trying to get use to MIL de dishes. I don't find myself picky until eating at MIL place hahaha~ why got ginger, why fried and fatty food, why got onions. Tahan~ once a wk only!!
Pass the book to hubby and get him to read finished before my bday. Okay right? It's 7 month to finish a 200+ pages book, don't need do the exercise in d book leh. Hope he can finish reading by Aug, cos drag too long also no motivation. Haiz, he will say he busy ot, play tsum, go exercise, need rest 😏 See how
Weee~ meet hubby to eat mookata at woodlands cos he can't make it to d kway chap place I want to try, which closed at 8pm. Hubby curious I would go to such ulu place for meal. Cheap mah~
Spam 青草油on my ulcer today since I WFH. I need to recover by Sat. Cos I wanna eat unhealthy food on Sun when I go JB w my friends! Dad went JB today and I tot I had to go tabao during lunch. But mummy cooked! Yay~ idk why mum cook de, is just so delicious and what I'll eat. Can't tell what is it exactly though. 🤔
So excited, tmr is Friday liao. Also xiao scared cos working out after work. I hope colleague don't push me so jialat, if not ill go JB w muscle ache, then I cannot massage liao.
0 notes
lilxberry · 3 years
Baring Gifts - Sweet Pea
Your Sweet Pea brings you a little something to settle your pregnancy cravings.
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Warnings: Alludes to underage sex. Teen pregnancy. Super sweet and fluffy. All cute tings. (A.N: I neither condone nor shun teen pregnancy. As long as you know what y’all doing when it comes to banging, my doods)
Words: 963 (short and sweet)
Pairings: Sweet Pea x Reader (x female reader) (x pregnant reader)
The trailer door swinging open harshly made you jump from your laid-back position on the couch, one hand over your now rapidly beating heart and the other placed protectively over your massive baby bump.
Sweet Pea emerges through the doorway into the barely lit living space that you share and your facial features automatically harden into a glare as you try to calm your breathing. “What the shit, Sweets?!”
He sheepishly chuckles as he looks and closes the door a lot more softly than he had opened it. “Sorry, princess.”
You roll your eyes as you try to fight back the smile that tries to break out on to your face. “I hate you.”
He gasps in feigned shock, placing his hand over his chest dramatically, mock pain. “That’s just harsh. After I bought you a load of food and everything, babe.”
You giggled before sitting up properly, with a little struggle, and looking towards the bag in his hand. You grinned up at the giant that is your boyfriend and patted the space beside you on the couch. “So, you come baring gifts. Please, sit.”
Sweet Pea let out a boisterous laugh as he toed off his boots and slip his serpent jacket off of his broad shoulders. He made his way over to you and like routine, handed you the leather skin which you instantaneously covered your front with, clutching it close to your body, allowing you to breath in his scent.
“God, I can’t wait until I can wear my jacket again.” He chuckled deeply once again as he sat next to you, already lifting your legs to place your feet into his lap.
“Only another 2 months, princess.” He grinned at you which you happily returned.
Truth is, although both of you are still in high school, he couldn’t be happier about having this baby with you. The fact that you had practically been together since you were both 12 helped immensely and living together for near enough 2 years. Sweet Pea has his public façade of tough, grumpy serpent that takes no shit, but with you, he’s always been anything but. Man turns soft when with you and when the pregnancy was first discovered, he all but melted for you and the thought of your child.
Although you’re both still young, he believed, still strongly does, that you can both do this. Every insecurity, every insult at school thrown at you, every snide comment from some Northsider in the store, he’s stood by you and helped you through it and you couldn’t be more thankful. You couldn’t think of anyone better to raise your child and spend the rest of your life with.
You knew he was the one, just as he knew you were the one for him. The ring hidden inside your shared bedroom what he plans to propose to you with is proof enough.
“Yay. 2 more months of pain and being fat. Woohoo.” Your monotonous voice dripped with sarcasm causing Sweets to shake his head and chuckle.
“Keep talking like that and I won’t show you what I got.”
The way you perked up like a meerkat was comical, head peaking out further from its hiding spot behind the leather jacket that’s draped across your front, bump still visibly. “What’d you get me?”
“Hands out, eyes closed.” You groaned but still did as your told, squeezing your eyes shut tight whilst you wrestle your arms out from beneath the jacket to hold out in front of you. He smiled at you in adoration before rustling through the plastic bag, looking for your main surprise. You couldn’t help but giggle and bite your bottom lip as you waited impatiently.
Moments later, an object was placed into your hands, adding a little weight. You lowered and raised your hands a few times, trying your best to guess what could possibly be placed into the palm of your hands. “Open.”
You slowly reopened your eyes and gazed down at your dainty hands to find a large package of double stuff oreos’. The sight made you cackle as you looked back up towards your boyfriend who wore a wide, childish grin. “God, I love you.”
“Oh, that’s not all, baby.” And with that, he whipped out a freshly bought 2 litre carton of chocolate milk. “I know it’s not exactly a Pop’s milkshake, but it will do until Saturday, right?”
You threw the jacket off of your body and moved as quickly as you could to embrace him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. You hastily brought his face down towards your own and planted a sweet but sloppy kiss upon his lips.
Sweet Pea chuckled before connecting your lips once more in a loving kiss. As one of his hands places themselves at you hip, the other made its way down to lay atop your swollen tummy, rubbing his thumb across the area that’s covered in one of his old t-shirts that’s now stretched out. “I love you, so much. Both of you.”
The corner of your eyes crinkled as you beamed up towards him, your heart swelling with love, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading throughout your chest. “And we love you, too. Now, go get some salted chips from the kitchen while I get something up on Netflix to watch. I wanna cuddle.”
He threw his head back, roaring in laughter before standing and placing a kiss on your forehead. You smiled as you got comfy on the couch once more, one hand place on top of your belly, watching Sweet Peas’ back as he heads into the kitchen.
You sighed happily, feeling content with your small family, all healthy and every member loved immensely. You knew, everything is as perfect as it should be.
A second upload within 24 hours?!
I’m pretty much on track with all my college work apart from a little painting and writing which isn’t gonna take long so I’m gonna be able to write just that bit more for the next week and a half
Anyway, I hope you enjoy
I love imagining a super sweet Sweets in a super committed relationship
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and are greatly appreciated :D
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haruhi1087 · 4 years
UA Dorms
Ok, first and foremost a huge thank you to my discord ppl for helping me figure this all out and find screenshots because I swear Hori was drunk when he made these dorms and I eventually just gave up, but we did figure a lot out!
So here y’all go. I use this dorm layout for Zero-verse, but not for Last Black because I hadn’t figured it all out by that point.
The Common Area:
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The Zero-Verse Room Assignments:
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Below the line is my huge rant explaining the dorm layout and why Horikoshi had to be drunk when he made it. Seriously, it’s months later now and I’m still bitter about how long this took to figure out. I hope this post helps all other fic writers and spares y’all the pain we went through.
So let’s start with what we can learn from the outside of the dorms.
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Ok, so first off after the third floor the building splits at the front! That’s why when they’d doing their tour they have to go all the way back downstairs after that point and then come back up. Also important are the two doorways! The dorm is split by gender and the two doorways reflect that. However! The boys and girls do not have to enter separate doors and there is no wall downstairs that separates that area by gender. I’ll get to how we know that in a second. First! Here’s the actual dorm layout:
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Alright, here’s where that ‘no common area at the front of the building’ becomes important. First off, there are definitely walls here separating the rooms by gender. The fact that there is no middle area on the 4th and 5th floors tells us that Kouda, Jiro, Mineta, Momo, Souji, and Uraraka have to be the ones by the elevators. The elevators have to be able to go up to the fourth and fifth floor, but the front part of the building doesn’t have a common area where the elevators would go. We also have seen the front left and front right and there’s nowhere for an elevator to be. Also yes, those would be split by gender too, and there would be two of them in the back of the building. 
Proof #1 that Hori was Drunk: Mineta’s room. Alright, Mineta *should* be by the elevators because he’s in the back. His room during the dorm tour *is* at the end of a hallway, but that hallway has a blank wall (see below). In addition, the girls very clearly walk away from his room to go to the other end of the hallway in order to go to the elevators, which we can even see. So either this layout is wrong, or the dorm tour is wrong. I chose the dorm tour and think Hori switched it for the “comedic” effect of the girls running from Mineta, which would be harder to do if his room was right next to the elevator.
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Alright! Now for the left side, which is the area of the common room that we know the most about.
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Alright, presuming that the translator for the manga has the plurals here correct, then the dorms have 1 dining area for everyone, but 2 laundry rooms and 2 baths, presumably split by gender.
In the front left, we have a large sitting area with two couches, four chairs, and one table. Then further back we have the dining area and kitchen, along with two small doorways in the back. I’ll get to those in a second with a closer pic, but for now let’s focus on the sitting area and turn to another pic:
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Ok! So where is this in the common area? If you compare the columns, that tells us that those are the same windows as the ones on the left side. The wall/window next to shoji looks a little different than the one in the earlier pic, but honestly that could easily be hori being understandably lazy in a panel with a lot of busy details. That means that this gathering occurs right in front of the dorm’s front doors. Which means that there are no gender separating walls at the front of the common area. In other words, it doesn’t matter which front door the boys and girls use.
Also! We’ve seen most of the front area, and these scenes would take up a huge amount of space. If anyone was holding out for the elevators being up here to make sense of Mineta’s floating room, there’s just not enough space here for elevators.
Now in the Xmas pic we have four couches and two tables, and who knows how many chairs, honestly. It also looks like they’ve gotten a table or two from the dining area to put food on. What’s notable here is that this is double the seating arrangement we had in that left corner. The left corner itself now looks empty except for a christmas tree. The easiest solution for the doubled furniture is that there is a lounge at the front right side that exactly mirrors the lounge on the front left side. They’ve moved all the furniture to the center for a big Christmas party. Yay!
Alright! One mystery solved and we know *something* about the right side of the common area despite the fact that we’ve never seen it in canon. Now for the close up on the other half of the left side:
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Alright so we have three tables with four chairs each, letting twelve students eat there at a time. The kitchen is small—there’s no island or anything like that, just the one big counter and shelves. EDIT: @raunchyredriot​ pointed out that we get a better overall pic of the kitchen and tables above in the pic of the full left side, which means this is zoomed in on the island in the upper left and the second row of tables. So the kitchen at least has a sink area, fridge, island, and some cabinets, and the dining area has six tables in three rows, seating 24 students.
Now for the puzzling part—the back doorways and that sound effect at the top. The sound effect is for running on stairs, and we see Deku sprint out a second later. Now Deku would come from the *right* side of the dorms since he’s a guy, not the left, which is what side we have here. That means there is no wall separating guys from girls at the back of the dorms, even though the baths are there. In a western society and with Mineta in the group, that seems like a terrible idea, but it’s honestly fairly common practice in Japan for doorways to be right next to each other like this. That half curtain is also very normal for bath doorways, so that tells us the baths are there, despite the fact that the elevator screenshots from about make it look like the elevators should be moved further inward. *aka Proof that Hori was Drunk #2.*
Now where are the stairs that Deku is running down? My best guess is that they’re at the back of the garden. There’s no room for them anywhere else in the back of the building, so it’s a process of elimination thing.
Which still leaves the elevators and laundry rooms. Now since there are two of those, it doesn’t make sense to put them on the right side, but maybe the translator got it wrong and there is only one laundry room and it’s on the right side. I think it could just as easily be that the laundry rooms are small with stacked washer and dryers on the left side of that small doorway we see on the back left. At the back of that little room would then be the elevators leading up to all the dorm rooms.
Now, things we know about the right side: seating area at the front. Elevators, baths, and laundry in the back (or laundry only on the right and parallel to the dining area). Or maybe two laundry areas and they’re both on the right side, and it just ignores the parallelism of the rest of the building. We also know that the right has no parallel dining area.
What could be there? Maybe a door to the garden. We know the area in the middle of the building is one and someone would have to have access to it to tend the plants, but we see plenty of pictures of the left wall and there’s no door there or at the front. If the stairs are at the back of the garden, there’s either a door at the base of the stairwell or there’s a door on the right side.
Other than that, who knows? Maybe hori will show us one day, but I’m not holding my breath. He doesn’t seem to want to think about the dorm layout too much. For my layout, I put a small gym there because it’s a heroics program and that makes sense to me.
If anyone has other ideas, feel free to reblog and add on to this or to reply and share! And fic writers, feel free to steal my layout :D :D I’m making this post to hopefully spare others the pain of decoding Hori’s mess.
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hunflowers · 4 years
Hate Me or Love Me
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Word Count: 7.6k
Requested? Yes, and you can too, here :)
A/N: YAY the long awaited arrival of part 2 of Femme Fatale is here :D Thank you all so much for being so patient with me, I appreciate you all so much. The smut itself is 2k so enjoy ya filthy animals. And when you’re done, maybe throw a comment my way! *nose boops*
Everything was different.
In hindsight, this was expected. There was no way everything could simply stay the same and they knew that. They expected things to change, and honestly, they expected it for the worst. But, it was a good different. Everything was good, new, fresh, different.
Three months ago, when Harry visited Y/N at her office, nothing had been the same since. That much was clear when she straddled his lap and kissed him feverishly, losing themselves in a heated make out session, mindlessly dry humping one another until their lips went numb and their bodies felt overheated. She would’ve liked to have her way with him right then and there, but unlike Harry, Y/N liked to keep things in her office professional – besides this, which was a one time thing.
Once they separated themselves – well, once Y/N was able to remove herself from his lap because apparently he was a teenage boy that had no control over his sexual drive – they got to talking. And seriously talking at that because they knew they wouldn’t be able to go about their days anymore normally. They had to situate a common ground, a way they could run their businesses separate but cohesively without any bumps or forks in the road.
For a century, their city had been divided. Now, it was blending back together as a whole. Rough patches were inevitable. That’s why over the course of the last three months, Harry and Y/N dedicated their time to working on the city and its people and their livelihoods, hardly focusing on them as a pair and what this all meant as a step forward in their relationship.
But now, as everything was going smoothly just like they had hoped, they were left with nothing to worry about and were left with no choice but to sit down again and talk about their relationship.
They didn’t see themselves as dating. Dating would be the proper term but the two of them were hardly proper and the word just didn’t seem to fit who they were. Y/N didn’t think calling Harry her boyfriend sounded right and maybe it’s because she’s never really had one so the word was completely foreign to her or maybe it’s because she never expected Harry to hold the title, but boyfriend wasn’t exactly how she imagined him.
They were exclusive, that much was certain. About a month ago they were at a meeting and this guy had come up to Y/N and was all polite and sweet and had the courage to ask her to go out for a drink, but Harry stepped in, not liking the fact that someone had the audacity to come up to her, especially now, as he had these mushy-gushy feelings about her. If he would’ve done this months ago there would’ve been no problem. But, now that Harry got a taste of what liking Y/N felt like, he didn’t want to stop and he wasn’t going to let some random lad swoop in and take his girl.
Something of similar style happened in Y/N’s case too. Two weeks ago, after a long night of bullshit this and bullshit that, they went to their favorite bar. Y/N goes to the bathroom for one minute and when she comes back, she’s greeted not by one, not by two, but three women crowding around Harry. He didn’t look uncomfortable per se, because they were attractive women, but Y/N could just tell he wasn’t enjoying their presence. And this bubble in her gut –she deemed it to be jealousy, swelled the moment she saw one of them put their hand on his shoulder. If Y/N didn’t have any decency, she wouldn’t hesitate to hurt each and every single one of them, but Y/N’s a nice girl, so she went over to them very calm and with the most southern belle smile she could muster and made it very clear they were not welcome to talk her Harry.
Needless to say, they were shaking in their heels.
But, they weren’t dating.
They were simply exclusive.
They figured that this night was as a good as any to sit down and hash things out since business was a little slow on both ends, but it seems nothing can ever really go smoothly for them.
At around six, Harry knocked one the door to Y/N’s home, bottle of wine in hand, a kiss to the forehead delivered, and the smell of heavenly dinner wafting up through his nose. The sun was just setting over the horizon, a warm glow radiating through the large windows on the far wall that reeled in the romantic and dreamy atmosphere around them.
Never had Y/N imagined herself to be romantic, wanting to enjoy a candlelit dinner with some wine and with her guy, but she was surprising herself more and more these days, all of her attitudes shifting and changing the more she found herself around Harry. Same goes for him. He would rather be caught dead then settle down with someone, but alas, his morals were taking a hundred-eighty degree turn these days.
And maybe romanticism went a bit more down the sexual path the more they indulged into that bottle of wine. Leaving the remainder of their dinner to sit until Y/N cleans it up later, they moved themselves over to her couch – because that seemed to be their brand – and engaged themselves in another heated make out session. Except this time they moved past the teenage humping stage as Y/N gently shoved her hand into his pants and past his briefs, nails scraping over the patch of hair that trailed to his growing erection, her fingers maneuvering to pull him out and into the open. He hissed at the cool air conditioning encasing his throbbing cock, mouth falling open and Y/N leaned down to press a moist kiss to his tip.
And he knew, he knew he was about to get the best head of his life and she knew was going to give the best head of her life, but then the phone rang. They ignored it at first, letting it ring on as she sank her mouth down and around him, her warm, velvety mouth sucking him in like he was a lollipop. Her tongue flattened against his shaft as her throat constricted the moment he pushed further down her throat, a guttural moan escaping Harry’s lips at the mesmerizing feeling.
Then the phone rang again.
This time it was both of theirs.
Y/N removed herself with a huff, and Harry whined in discomfort, but they both reached for their phones on the table and answered hastily to whoever disrupted them. They both specifically remember telling everyone not to bother them for the rest of the day, yet it seems no one knows how to comprehend simple words.
“Y/N I could not care any less if you were in the middle of having sex, you need to get to Central now,” Flo snipped on the other line, although from what Y/N could tell, it seemed like her best friend sounded nervous. And that concerned Y/N a lot.
Then Flo hung up without another word, which sent Y/N into a scramble of pulling herself together and putting some shoes on. Harry looked beyond confused at her while also trying to focus on whatever the person he was talking to was saying and then not another moment passed by before his dick was shoved back into his pants and he was running out the door with Y/N.
“This had to happen the moment I hit the back of your throat,” he scoffed as they waited for the elevator to reach them from whatever floor it started on.
Y/N turned her head to Harry slowly, looking at him with a straight face, and blinked her eyes before smacking him on the chest. “Not the time!”
From what Harry could gather from Will, who was basically the night-shift manager in his office, it seemed there had been a bit of riot down in Central City because God forbid anything go easy. It was no secret people were upset with the merge of the city, because all their lives they’ve grown to hate the other side, and it was understandable because change needs time. But it was fucking tiring having to deal with ignorant people stuck in their ways.
The drive never felt so long, especially with the few traffic heading into Central. It was normally a twenty-five minute drive from Y/N’s house, but this night it seemed everybody and their mother wanted to take a leisurely drive.
Harry and Y/N tried thinking of whatever this could be about, but for the past week there had been absolutely nothing for them to worry about, so this whatever this was really coming out of left field. And it pissed the both of them off to no extent that they had very little to go off of for whatever it was they were walking into.
Y/N tried to text and call Flo numerous times but in the timespan from the phone call to now, she hasn’t responded once. And Flo was always on her phone.
“What the fuck?!” Y/N screamed when her phone went straight to voicemail for the fifth time. It was ringing minutes ago and now there was nothing. Her heart rate had picked up immensely at the thought of something happening to her best friend, and all she could think about is how she would absolutely ruin whoever hurt her. They’re practically signing a deal with the Devil the moment they touch someone Y/N cares for.
They had a general idea of where to drive to because most of Central was occupied by old and abandoned warehouses that mainly housed business meetings and transactions every now and then. Besides that there was the one strip of bars and restaurants right in the middle of Central. Best bet was whatever was happening, was happening in that strip over some pathetic drunken fight. Although that wouldn’t make sense if it was some drunk fight, because Flo would never sound so shaky over drunk people.
Then they saw it.
In the street along the strip, a group of people surrounding others, guns in their hands to keep them on their knees, beneath them as if they were gods. And among the people kneeling was one who was lying on their side, and Y/N could recognize that blonde pixie cut from anywhere.
And then she was seeing red.
Everyone turned to the headlights of the car that was beaming at them, their guns immediately raised and ready to start shooting. Harry and Y/N exited the car with hands raised, knowing not to come off as a threat and risk their lives or the lives of anyone else. Even though it was tempting to go at them because it had been awhile since Y/N got her hands dirty, it was best she kept her cool.
When all of their eyes adjusted to see who was walking towards them, some of them took a breath of relief dropping the aim of their guns before remembering what they were doing in the first place before aiming it back at the group on the floor. Y/N’s eyes quickly scanned over who she was dealing with, not instantly recognizing anybody nor feeling intimidated by any of them. Quickly turning her eyes to Harry, she saw that his jaw was set in a tight clench as his eyebrows furrowed in anger, giving her the feeling she knew who these people were.
When they walked close enough, one spoke up, demanding them to stop where they were, and the way he slurred his words, it didn’t take an idiot to figure out he was plastered beyond comprehension. “Look who decided t’finally show up,” he snarled.
“Pat, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Harry growled, dropping his hands down to his sides as his hands balled into fists.
“Could be asking ya the same thing, mate. Last time I checked, we swore on our lives to be the enemy to her yet here you are showing up in the same fucking car. You get one taste of pussy and you suddenly become one,” this Pat guy laughed, swinging his gun around as if it were some toy.
Y/N couldn’t visually recognize Pat, but from the times her and Harry talked about business and who worked with them, she can recall the name Pat being thrown around and from what she could gather, Pat was pretty fucking important on Harry’s side. Guess it didn’t matter anymore because if Y/N knew Harry at all, he had a zero tolerance rate for anyone who goes against his word, and by tomorrow morning, this guy was going to be erased as if he never existed.
And if they weren’t in such a compromising situation right now, the idea of Harry holding such power would turn her on immensely.
Well, it is turning her on immensely she just can’t exactly act out on those feelings at the moment.
Before Harry could get another word in, Y/N stepped closer, gaining everyone to avert their attention to her, a few clicks of their guns to ensure that they were ready to be fired at any given moment. It didn’t phase her though, she was used to that sound more so than she’d like to admit. “You have five seconds to explain why you ruined my night before I ruin yours.”
Then someone that wasn’t Pat stepped closer to her, the nozzle of their pistol now pressed firmly into her temple, keeping her head forward. In her peripheral she could see the pale skin of the guy stretch upward into an open mouthed smirk, and it was then she could smell the overbearing stench of whiskey that masked him.
God, did he fucking bathe in it?
“As your boss, Pat, I’m telling you to save whatever dignity you have left and put down the guns–”
“And as your enemy, Pat, I’m telling you to put down the guns before you make any more regretful decisions.”
“And what the fuck are you gonna do abou’ it?” He laughed, genuinely laughed knees buckling a little as the alcohol consumed his inability to stop laughing. Practically everyone cocked their heads to the side to wonder what was actually so funny, eyes looking around to see if anyone else was laughing.
Nobody was.
Then, all in just a matter of seconds, Y/N stomped on the person’s foot beside her, heel of her boot digging into the toes of his, a high-pitched yelp of shock leaving his lips as she used her arm to knock the gun out of his hand before catching it in her own and smashing the butt of it into his nose, immediately a waterfall of blood gushing down his face and onto his clothes and onto the cement below them. He kneeled over in pain, a scream of anguish sounding in the air as she brought her knee up and into his forehead which knocked him backyard, his body collapsing to the ground in a heap of blood and cries.
That shut Pat up.
His hazy eyes widened in fear and nobody else knew what to do as they swayed from intoxication and cowered in fright. At this point, everyone that was once kneeling on the ground had managed to scurry themselves behind the two demanding forces, because that’s just how dumb these guys were. It made Y/N wonder how the fuck Flo was unconscious–
Right, Flo was unconscious.
Tracing her hand over the sleek black metal of the pistol, Y/N pulled back the slide, aiming the gun right between Pat’s puny little eyes, finger resting very close to the trigger. “Your five seconds are up.”
“Wait!” He pleas, eyes wide with desperation, voice laced with worry as the cool metal pressed against his forehead. “He told me to do it!” He shouted, hand pointing at Harry with a furious nod of his head.
Y/N’s eyes snapped to Harry who looked as confused as ever, but the way his hands rested on his hips and the way his lips were rolled into his mouth, there was some truth, or maybe all of it was true. “What’s he talking about?”
Harry sighed, looking down to his shoes in defeat which made Y/N all the more angrier. Harry pinched his eyes shut, then brought his line of vision to his girl. His girl that he couldn’t imagine wanting to hurt anymore. Yet the past always wanted to come back to bite him in the ass.
“I’m telling the truth, you gotta believe me! It was all his idea I swear it!” Pat panicked beside Y/N, hands clasping together in a pleading motion, and when she looked to him, she could see the faint moisture buildup in his eyes.
There was a lot happening all at once, yet it also felt like nothing was going on at all. There was the claim Harry set this up yet in the thirty seconds it's been floating around in the air, there’s been no jump to deny it or explain it. And Y/N was feeling a whole lot of everything, and she would appreciate it if something could be explained so she could focus all of her energy on one emotion. And at this rate, anger seemed to nestle itself nice and snug inside her veins.
She’s seen Harry change over the course of the past three months. Honestly, she has, and she knows that deep in her heart he wouldn’t put their blossoming relationship at risk anymore; But something was also telling her this was exactly something he would do. He would use her just to get what he wants, and that’s all of the power. The power to be the sole King of the city.
And that broke her just a little bit.
Harry hasn’t made a move to say anything again, and that didn’t settle well with Y/N. Turning back to Pat, she kicked the shin of his left leg, knocking him down to the floor, keeping the gun against his skin, looking down at him with her nicest smile, hissing out, “Tell me the truth. All of it.”
He gulped, eyes bouncing between the two mafia leaders, before he kept his twitching gaze on Y/N. “He w-wanted to start a war. It’s been his plan for months – to end what his grandfather started and… take you down. Starting with her,” his head gesturing to the girl that still lay unconscious atop the cement.
Then the stressed look left Pat’s eyes, and his original smirk settled back on his greasy skin. “Did you think he actually liked you? Cared for you? … You said it yourself, you’re the enemy.”
“Y/N…” she heard him step closer, his fancy shoes scuffing across the ground. Y/N cringed at the idea of him being closer, so without really thinking about it, Y/N bashed the butt of the gun into Pat’s head, knocking him out, now having it aimed at the guy who’s managed to hold her heart in his hands and then crush it.
She shouldn’t be surprised and she will listen to what he has to say, but this didn’t change the fact that he wanted a war. There was always the tension that a war was bound to happen just to keep everyone on their toes, but Y/N never had the intention to actually start one unless necessary. She figured he thought the same because war meant a lot of unnecessary deaths were bound to happen and a lot of clean up and resituating the city that no one had time for.
Guess she was wrong.
“I would say I’m shocked… I’m not,” Y/N shrugged, looking at the gun in her hand before dropping it to the floor. Even if he wanted to hurt her, she couldn’t do that to him. Not now, not after everything they’ve worked for.
“I said it a year ago when I was drunk off my mind in a brief conversation! I wasn’t going to act on it, c’mon you know this, you know me,” he scoffed, hands never leaving the comfort of his hips. He stood as if he were her father scolding her for something ridiculous, and maybe she was overreacting a little over everything, but she didn’t take shit from her father and she wasn’t going to take shit from him.
“Regardless, your people hurt mine and that goes against the biggest rule of conduct. Fix your shit and get your own ride home,” she rolled her eyes, stepping over the body of the first guy who was still cradling his broken nose in his hands.
Y/N made her way to Flo, gently touching her to see if she would wake within the next few moments. From the way her lip was busted, the small bruise forming under her eye, and the blood drying in her hair, Y/N could tell she didn’t go down easy and she needed to get her out of here as quickly as possible to make sure she didn’t suffer from any long term damage. When she noticed her friend stir a little, eyes squinting open as she moaned in pain, hand flying up to caress her aching head, Y/N went to help her up, helping her walk to her car parked down the road.
Y/N didn’t know how to feel. She really didn’t. She couldn’t be mad at Harry for saying something when he was drunk, because God knows the amount of things she’s said when she her blood was replaced with vodka, so it would be wrong to be a hypocrite. But she can’t trust that one time a year ago was the only time he discussed it. If it were something that was mentioned once on a whim, there would be no way Pat and his men would do something like this without some sort of order. None of it made sense and the more Y/N tried to think about it, the worse her headache got.
But the one bit she couldn’t stop her mind from reeling over and over again, like it was a broken record. Did you think he actually liked you? Cared for you? … You said it yourself, you’re the enemy.
Y/N never, ever got herself into relationships. She didn’t want one, wish for one, crave for one because with her lifestyle, it’d be difficult to keep up with. It wasn’t in her cards and for all of her life she was fine with that. But now that she got that taste of one, taste of something that resembled something of a relationship, she didn’t want to give it up. But did he like her? Or was it all some sort of show just so he could rip the rug right out from under her feet?
This was exactly why she didn’t do relationships. Because now she was getting too much into her own head and didn’t know what to believe anymore. And she would be damned if out of everybody on this fucking planet it would be him to break her heart.
When Harry saw her car speed away, he knew he fucked up. He felt something pang in his chest, in his heart when he saw her cold eyes for the last time. When she said she wasn’t shocked, her eyes looked bewildered yet defeated all at once and for Harry to know he was the cause hurt him. He was used to her being angry at him, it was practically how they lived their lives, but over the past three months, every time their eyes locked, he saw something else hidden behind them, flashing across them, dancing over them, like admiration and adoration. He would give anything to get that look back instead of the icy glare.
Picking up the gun that she dropped, a fit of rage washed over him as he realized he now had to deal with this group of idiots before him. They all looked as if they were going to shit their pants, and rightfully so because they knew what happened when anyone crossed him.
They get a bullet in their skull.
Maybe everything wasn’t so different after all.
❊ ❊
Moments passed by.
Seconds passed by.
Minutes passed by.
Not a word was said.
They sat in gruelling quietude, neither of them jumping to break the tension.
It had been a month since they saw each other. That was mainly due to the fact they both had over inflated egos and didn’t want to be the first to cave. She was mad at him and felt it was necessary for him to want to contact her first because he was the one who had some serious explaining to do. And he did try to talk to her. He called her at least ten times a day for the first week, which she declined all of them. So, then he was angry and gave up and didn’t want to beat his already bruised narcissism. Then, when he didn’t call her again, she got even more angry that he didn’t want to try harder for her. So they ignored each other for three weeks after that. And when the silence became too overwhelming, Y/N decided to give him a call back, so it would seem she was taking the higher road and was the better person.
Then he ignored her.
It was all a competition, and it always would be between the two. Even when they didn’t really mean to make things so complicated, there was that underlying rivalry creeping back into their lives. Maybe it would never go away, and that’s okay because being rivalrous was their chivalry, and that’s what drew them together as partners both business and pleasure.
Eventually, they put their differences aside - or rather their similarities, and they finally discussed a time and place for when they should meet and actually talk about things. And they decided on a public restaurant to make sure they wouldn’t cause too much of a scene. Not that that’s ever really stopped them before but it was worth a try.
But, again, it was a battle of who would open their mouth first. This never ending cycle was kind of sickening, but it was also a little funny. They were laughing on the inside, but on the outside they could kill someone with their dirty looks. The poor waiter that had come over recognized who they were instantly and was already nervous from the get-go, but when he saw how miserable and angry they both looked, he was near shitting his pants. When he saw Harry send him a grimace at his presence when he approached the table, he wanted to cry. And if Y/N wanted to lose and break the silence first, she would’ve scolded Harry for being so rude to someone just doing his job.
But she wanted to win, so she kept her trap shut.
Of course, though, they both tied when they spoke the first time, at the same time. If being mad at one another wasn’t angering enough, but to both speak at the exact moment so neither could have the title of being winner or loser was near infuriating.
“I’m not mad y’know-”
“Look, I’m sorry-”
At her words, Harry looked a little perplexed, head tilted in confusion at her confession, a million thoughts now running through his head. If she wasn’t mad, what was with the silent treatment? What was with the icy look before she left him that shot right through his heart? He knows he deserved it so how could she not be angry? If the roles were reversed, Harry would expect a decent apology and to be honest, he’d probably, but he’d never forget.
Maybe that’s why he liked her so much. She amazed him in so many ways because no matter how similar they were, they did also have their differences. One of them being that Y/N would inevitably always be the nicer one out of the two. She had the reputation of being the nice boss. People preferred living on her side of the city a lot more than they did his, so even though it used to be illegal to move to the other side, people always found a way to emigrate. And right now, that much was clear that she’s a better person than him by a landslide. Harry would always admire that about her and could only wish that he matched her.
Taking a sip of his wine, he licked his lips in thought, gesturing for her to continue with her previous statement. Ladies first, after all. And even though she felt it was really his job to do a lot of the talking now, she was going to let it slide. “I did a lot of thinking this… break. I was mad at first, I’ll admit. Thinking after everything we’ve worked through for you to go behind my back and want to hurt me, well, hurt me and I hated that I let myself get to the point where you were able to hurt me. I was mad that I didn’t see it coming yet at the same time I did see it coming and didn’t do anything to prevent it. I was mad that my best friend got hurt because of you and it took everything in me not to put you in the same state she was in.
But, I realized that what I was feeling wasn’t anger, but… pain. What Pat said about you not actually liking me didn’t settle well with me at all and I got a little too into my head, thinking he was probably right and I’m the biggest fucking fool there is. Then I did more thinking and realized he’s fucking wrong. You’re not the same disgusting person I’ve known all my life after these past months, and I know you like me. You like me so much and I know that because I like you so much. So, long story short, I’m not mad. But, Flo is, so you better fucking apolgize to her,” Y/N concluded, reaching for her dry martini, finishing off the remaining droplets of it, observing Harry as he sat very stunned from her rambling session.
That was a lot more to take in than he anticipated.
At least she wasn’t angry. But he still had some apologizing to do and wouldn’t stop until she knew how sorry he was. She was right, he did like her a lot and he needed to fix this to the best of his abilities, because he wants her in his life liking or loving him rather hating him. What a sap he’s become.
“I will, I promise. I never intended for that to happen and I know with our past it doesn’t seem too far off, but I could never do something like that now. I was drunk when I first mentioned it, but I’ll admit the idea of a war had been brought up on a few more occasions past that. But when we first agreed to merge together, I made it very clear to my team that any previous ideas were to be thrown out because this was the new plan, and the plan I intend on sticking to. I don’t know why Pat did what he did, and it pisses me off to no end that he did it.” Taking a breath, Harry took a moment to gather his next thoughts, leaning forward on the table between them, green eyes never leaving hers.
“I know you said you don’t believe what he said, but I’m telling you myself, just to clarify your thoughts, that it wasn’t true. You’re not my enemy… anymore and I want you in my life. What we have is good and I don’t want to risk losing it. So even if you’re not mad, will you please forgive me?”
Y/N has to refrain from smiling brightly, biting her lip to conceal her laughter. The way he still wanted to apologize even if she declared he didn’t really need to, and the way his mouth formed itself into a small pout as he awaited her forgiveness was too cute to not want to smile at. She wanted to pinch his cheeks like a mother to her child and coo at him with all of the love in the world. Not hating him felt so nice and like such a relief that she couldn’t even comprehend how they lasted that long in the first place. Over the months she got to know him a lot better than she used to, and he’s one of the biggest dorks she’d ever meet, so not liking him simply didn’t feel like an option anymore.
Nodding her head softly, Y/N leaned across the table to capture his lips in a soft and quick kiss, ensuring that they’re back on good terms. Harry couldn’t hide the smile that flashed across his skin.
“Now that that’s settled, you’re paying,” she motioned at the checkbook that was just placed between them. He rolled her eyes at her before picking it up to read the total and reaching into his pocket to pull out his money.
They both stood up, pushing in their chairs and exited the restaurant practically different people from who walked in. They didn’t hold hands walking to their cars because that was just a little out of their comfort zones, but they did walk in step, arms brushing against one another as they kept stealing fast glances at one another through their sunglasses.
Stopping in front of her car, they stood chest to chest, goofy smiles planted on their faces that hardly seemed like they were leaving. Then of course Harry had to ruin the cute moment. “Now that that’s over, do ya think you can finish that heavenly blowie? M’practically itching to feel the back of your throat again.”
“Shouldn’t you be the one trying to please me?” She quipped, digging into your purse to get out your keys.
“You’re right, I’m also itching to feel you on my tongue. Sixty-nine?”
Somehow, that’s exactly where they ended up. On her king-sized bed, Harry’s cock down her throat again, her nose brushing against the taut skin of his balls, her dripping cunt resting over his face as he devoured her like she were his last meal.
Crazy how a day could change so quickly.
She gagged as his hips involuntarily thrusted upward into her velvet warm mouth, tears springing to her eyes causing her to rest her hand on his thighs and give herself a moment to breathe. He ushered a quick mewl of an apology, aching to get her back on him, his release impending. He knew she was sensitive and he tried his hardest not to rock his hips harder and more frequently, but when she was moaning around him, sending vibrations up his spine because his tongue delved into her pulsating core, he found it very difficult.
Dabbing at her eyes with her fingers, she took her hair and wrapped it around her fist to keep it out of her as she pushed herself as far down as she could on him. Harry let out a moan similar to that of a pornstar as she bobbed her head faster, his tip constantly pushing against her soft throat, which shook Y/N and had her thighs clenching around his head fiercely when she felt the familiar coil in her stomach begin to churn.
Harry removed one of his hands from the soft skin of her ass, admiring the nail and handprints he’d left in his wake before he took his thumb and focused rubbing fast circles on her clit while his tongue continued to lap up her juices and plunge into her sopping wet entrance. At the attention of her bud, Y/N was a mess, her work on Harry becoming a lot sloppier, saliva trailing down the sides of her mouth and onto her chin, dripping to his balls and onto the sheets below him. Harry could feel her spit travel from her mouth and onto him, and the vision of her mouth stuffed completely of his cock had him twitching in her mouth and he wanted nothing more than to cum in her mouth and for her to come in his.
Removing himself for a moment so he could speak, he placed kisses along her pussy and thighs, words coming out after the smack of his lips to skin. “M’close baby… gonna cum in deep in your mouth – fuck, I know you’re close too… c’mon, princess, cum for me. Want you to soak my face, have your honey, shit – dripping down my chin.”
He always had a way with words.
Holding his balls in her hand and softly tugging on them and massaging them, without using actual words she was also encouraging him to cum down her throat, wanting to swallow every drop he had to offer. She wasn’t going to put all this work in for nothing.
And because these two were so insync these days and never letting the other come out as superior, they both managed to reach their climaxes at the same time. Ropes of his release flew down Y/N’s throat, and wave after wave of pleasure seeped onto Harry’s face, and both wouldn’t want it any other way.
Removing Harry from her mouth and moving her body off his, they both took a moment to breathe, never being so grateful to get a taste of fresh air. But before they relaxed too much, they busied themselves into a good old fashion make out session, enjoying the taste of themselves on each other’s tongue. Y/N separated their mouths to lick up the remnants of her on his chin, this having Harry’s cock practically shoot right back up.
Harry sat up against the headboard of her bed, situating themselves so Y/N was sat in his lap, her slit slowly guiding up and down against his shaft, quickening his recovery period.
“You’re not too exhausted, hm? Need you to fuck me good, H,” she murmured against the skin of his neck, biting on the flesh, planning to make it very evident that no one else had the privilege of touching him again.
He had the same thought process, except he didn’t care about other people, rather wanting to leave marks on her skin so she would remember who put them there and who would be the only one to put them there. Her poor ass was bright red as he kept grabbing and slapping at the battered skin, but he didn’t care. If she couldn’t sit, oh well.
He gripped her hips, forcing her downward to grind against his growing erection, giving her her answer. He would never forgive himself if he didn’t feel his prick nestle into her tight walls after this month of separation. Her pretty pussy is all he can think about these days and if he could keep himself inside of it forever, he would. So, yeah, he’s gonna fuck her good, with a hint of love making because he wants her to know that he’s hers for as long as she’ll have him.
“I’m nowhere near finished,” he replied, bending his head down, latching his mouth around her pert nipple, tugging on it with his teeth as his other hand reached for her other and pulled on it between his fingertips.
He took his time on her tits, paying equal attention to each nipple, swirling his tongue around them, lightly sucking and pinching, all of which was making her moan quietly into the otherwise silent atmosphere.
She kept the slow grind of her clit on his mound going, knocking her head back as she was in euphoria as he continued his assault on every inch of her body. She wrapped her fingers into his curly hair, tugging on the roots like he likes, his moans reverberating on her chest, hitting against her heart that pounded against its cage.
Removing himself with a pop, he smiled up at her with a boyish grin, reaching both hands up to squeeze her tits, pushing them together, imagining himself fucking them now, her chest slippery with spit and precum as he slid between her slowly, enjoying every second of it.
But he’d save that for another time.
“Gonna ride me, love? Can you do that f’me?”
She didn’t exactly want to, because even though she asked him if he was tired, she was a bit exhausted herself. She would certainly try to ride him, bounce on his dick with all of the power she has in her, but she couldn’t count on having energy forever. And something told her he wanted her doing all of the work all the way through.
Y/N wasn’t a pansy though, so she nodded her head and lifted herself onto her knees, feeling him bob up and his head hit against her moisture. Reaching down and taking ahold of his member, she tortuously moved him between her folds before sinking down on him, inch by inch, savoring the moment of connection.
They groaned in unison, electric pleasure shooting up both of their spines as he stretched and filled her to the brink. It took her a moment to fully adjust to his size before she rolled her hips forward, her spongy walls sucking him in.
Harry wrapped his hand in her hair, pulling her head back so her throat was on full display, peppering hot kisses along the skin. “Feel so good, baby. Your cunt was made for me. Tha’s it, fucking bounce on me, get that ass moving.”
She whimpered at his words, mouth falling open as her eyes rolled back the moment she felt him hit that spongy spot inside of her over and over again. Harry couldn’t resist resting his thumb on her tongue, and she couldn’t resist closing around it, sucking on it like a baby. Her tongue circled around it, gently biting on it that had him slapping her ass in response. Y/N cried at the impact, which also had her sinking down on him a lot quicker.
“Faster, Y/N. Act like you’re mad at me… ruin me, c'mon know you got it in ya,” he growled, taking his hand away from her face and gripping her hips again, thrusting up into her harshly to egg her on. He bent his knees which lulled her body closer to his, the angle pushing him a little deeper inside her walls.
Sweat coated their bodies as she worked herself to a faster pace, her hands resting on the headboard behind him. Her clit rubbed against his tuft of hair, sending her into a frenzy as her orgasm approached a lot quicker than before. She would be done for soon but she needed to make sure he wasn’t so far behind, and when she clenched down on him, hearing his whine of delight let her know it wouldn’t be long until he was coming undone.
“Harry… oh my God Harry.”
“We’re almost there, keep going. Harder, Y/N, you can do it.”
“Har–” She cut herself off the moment his hand wrapped her throat, lightly squeezing and causing her to now have to work for her air.
She crossed the finish line. She couldn’t help it as her orgasm suddenly shocked through her body, her thighs clenching and twitching around his, her hands holding onto his shoulders with a tight grip. She rode it out, crying at the sensitivity of her clit as she continued to sink onto him, waiting for him to follow.
Because she came, she felt this sudden wave of extreme fatigue, hardly finding the energy to keep herself upright at the moment and Harry noticed this. So, he pushed her body backwards so her back hit the soft material of her comforter, and now he put the effort in and pounded into her at a furious pace. His hand didn’t leave her throat and because he was a cocky son of a bitch, he attached his thumb to her hypersensitive bundle of nerves, coaxing a third orgasm out of her.
Y/N was crying at the sensation, her legs trembling as she released again, his cock completely coated in her wetness, the sound of their connecting genitalia heightening at the increased moisture between them. Admiring how much of a mess she looked beneath him, her hair a scattered mess, throat and chest littered in love bites, thighs and ass bright red and bruising like a peach, he decided why not add to the collection.
Pulling out of her, much to his dismay, he pumped himself a few times in his hand before he let out his second round all over her thighs, pussy, stomach and chest.
He was satisfied to say the least.
Both of their chests were heaving, their breathing patterns working oppositely, she breathing in and he breathing out. Harry laid himself down beside her, eyes drooping closed in utter contentment, a smile dashing across his face as he and his girl lay completely worn out.
“I need… to get cleaned… but too… tired*,” Y/N murmured in a pant, not finding the energy to wipe off his cum that littered her entire body.
“I quite like the way you look,” he started, flipping to his side and caressing her soft cheek under his palm.
“All fucked out, and all because of me.”
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itscinnafox · 3 years
STORY NOTES [akafuri] : By The Next Sunrise
Because I had sooooo much fun doing this with a friend (@miss-cactus) :] (also being the first collab' work that's posted) and had a lot of messy notes and drafts, it's just so precious to me not to ramble about it >w< also plenty of fun times in just 2 and half months despite life biting my ass at the same time, totally my stress relief lol. Also, this story really isn't just some cheesy stuff for the sake of romance. It's genuine love (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Read the story here in AO3 Summary: On the way to his brother’s house, the spring showers had begun again. With an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world. Furihata smiled. He would find out. Perhaps by one of the next sunrises.
.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚. Rambles undercut ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ .☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.☆゚.
FIRSTLY, @miss-cactus has all my gratitude ♡(ŐωŐ人) without her; AkaFuri will be stranded in France LOL! Seriously, I'll just dump them in some random village in France and just maybe not even finish this story at all even. The time she took to find me a place, translate, edits and also judging me for my description of the place LOL yep... total life saver. With her help it really motivated and inspired me a lot! She's the oil to my car............. you get the idea :] .
BONUS, she's also a translator and translated many amazing works, basically a deity, breathing life back into them. Also, she has original works too :D check 'em out, it's cute! It's in French, but they're easily translated, she's that good! (๑>◡<๑) her AO3
WEIRD FACT, I also had a short break up with my boyfriend of 7 years while writing this. LOL. I was so upset but I got motivated by the similarities, that when he asked for us back I was like 'But-but the similarities though!' but I love him....bleeegh. So I said yes, and we're better than before. YAY!
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๑ Story Base ๑ The idea popped when I was listening to 'The sun after washed by spring rain' by Wang Lee Hom on a rainy day on my day off, and florist Akashi just looks so beautiful lol and the rest just came up.... and I really wanted this vibe for AkaFuri something incredibly soft and warm~ just cozy >w< huehue~
This story sets in Spring, spring here, spring there~ Spring is the breath of new life, basically Furi's story lol.
I was also aiming for this story to be short and a bit poetic...... LOL then 11k words later I just gave up and was like: well, if AkaFuri wanna romance then who are we to say no? (Akashi will shave my hair in my sleep lol)
๑ Playlist ๑ Play on Youtube The playlist is by order according to each part within the story. I really love to ramble about this since music is my inspiration for a lot of things and the vibe of the whole premise, section of their development and perspectives.
☆ 11 : 11 by Taeyeon Introducing Furihata's little sob lol and Furi's perspective. After Furihata breaks up with his girlfriend (who again, have no significant in his life what so ever), he goes through the phase on moving forward. It really isn't him moving forward with his feelings for her though, it's just him moving forward from the familiarity of being with her in his life. With her gone, he finally reconnects with who he is, like in this passage : "However, somehow with just a fling of his bag onto the island top threw him years back. He has not always been this tidy and clean." Furihata had basically lived his life to accommodate to those around him. (I wanna stress that Furi wasn't forced into a relationship or was it abusive. It was just a relationship with someone whom Furi had no infatuation for. It just so happens she wanted to date him after the wintercup, and Furi is just like 'yea ok?' but really he didn't exactly thought it through.)
So this is where Furihata moves on from the familiarity. He cries because they dated lol, but really he's just confuse.
☆ The Sun After Washed By Spring Rain by Wang Lee Hom Exactly one year after Furi's break-up. The source of this story idea lol. Also, Furi's perspective. The title and the song is literally what it meant; the sun after the spring rain which brings in new beginnings. I present you, this passage of the story: "Instead, with an open palm, he let it collect the cold showers and let it flow out from the cups of his palm. They were chilly despite the warming sun, he looked up at the sky, and wondered what the rain would be like in other parts of the world."
☆ Reunite by Jordie Power I present you, when Akashi appeared and Furihata's crush on Akashi just awakened and go haywire LOL! In this AU, Furihata has genuine feelings for Akashi. They were long time friends, and there were even a few emphasis of their friendship through high school but because Furihata has a girlfriend and Akashi respected that (although most times, in my brain, is just Akashi crying to Kuroko LOL!)
☆ Passage by Miyano Mamoru Furihata and Akashi's similarities. The song is basically about finding yourself as you age, the experiences you go through as you age (i'm 27 and i'm still confuse lol) Even though this story focuses on Furihata a lot and little less on Akashi except for little hints here and there, Akashi was just as lost as Furihata.
Random thought (as I type this), my boyfriend had told me this before "Even though we don't need each other, and do well on our own. We have friends but it's so different. Is just something different to have someone you love around, so to an extend, I really do need you and to share everything with you, it really makes me happy." it really is something different to have someone by your side especially when you found someone. (p/s: you definitely don't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. you complete yourself okay? :3) Furi and Akashi have been in-love since high-school, they have accomplished a lot on their own but in a passage, they both felt lost and felt like something was 'empty' that was because they were still in-love, and they met each other and truly want to spend their life together and share everything.
☆ Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru Mmmmmm~ the juice. This is Akashi's perspective when he wants to romance Furihata (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞ and of course, sneakily confesses to him. OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS LITERALLY THE PART THAT I'VE BEEN DYING FOR! and wrote it sooooo many times. I wanted it steamy and a little desperate after their long pent-up-frustration unprofessed love, without making it 'explicit' kind of way. So I hope I captured it right lolol.
☆ Make Me Love You by Taeyeon Furihata's feelings towards Akashi. I was pondering on a song that would fit Furihata's pull towards Akashi and how Akashi makes him feel every time. No other songs seems to feel like then I was randomly humming to this song while I was working and this is perfect! Also, a wonderful vibe.
I think it has been emphasised a lot on how Furihata reacts to Akashi, how he blushes like crazy, how he also subconsciously wants Akashi to make him fall in love with him. Because deep down, as again, Furihata genuinely loves Akashi but he was never daring enough to do it and since Akashi had never showed any indication, so Akashi had to confess in order for Furihata to be brave enough to smack their lips together to confess too.
☆ Je Fais De Toi Mon Essentiel by Emmanuel Moire Infinitely bless @miss-cactus (and her naughty brother lol) for this! This is song is seriously sooooo beautiful ;w; I don't care if reader's don't listen to the playlist, but OH MY GOD! If nobody had listened to this, is seriously missing out. (just as a song in general is beautiful) and the lyrics are just akjsfhakjsfhaf AKASHI'S WORDS! In Akashi's perspective and the song that Akashi sang to when they were in the car, and Cactus chose the perfect line for it ;w;
This song basically concludes everything!!! From their feelings for each other since high-school and all the way until the day they die! It's basically everything I wanted this story to be about, just their pure love for one another and to share their happiness together ;w;
Also, I want to point out in regards of Furihata's decision on staying in France. It's really not just a spontaneous and reckless decision lol. As stated and shown in the story, Furihata is somewhat a successful person with a career, but Furihata has other passion and interest which he seemed to enjoy doing which is photography and Akashi notices this. Even though with a career, at a time some will have a change of heart. So if Furi wants to stay in France with Akashi, he has thought it through enough, and can afford to even live by even without Akashi's money lolol. ๑ Premises ๑ Cactus, without her, AkaFuri will be hobos. I . AM . NOT . KIDDING ! She just whip out the map of France and pin point me to everything! I didn't ask for that but her soul is made from angel clay and she showed me this beautiful town, and I am floored! I didn't feel that much motivation and inspiration before o(≧∇≦o)
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So why not Paris? XD 1, I didn't want Paris, I wanted a natural, country/cottage vibe and not the city. 2, proven by Cactus, "actual paris : if you want a cup of coffee you have to give up your wife and your 2 children bc it's way too expensive" (XD actually there's more but those parts are only between us lol) 3, I want to pull Akashi from his usual portrayal of rich and luxurious life style. I mean.... he's still rich, just not lavish in that lifestyle. In here, Akashi's basically bare as a canvas, and painting it on his own. 4, I google mapped Paris.... and if anything, Akashi and Furihata will probably get run over by traffic LOLOL! 5, we hate the crowds lolol and we'd do anything to drown the citizens for AkaFuri to be alone. I'm not even gonna be discreet about this xD.
☆ Mornac-Sur-Seudre This main village, is the most beautiful town picked by Cactus. It's not so 'in the face' although not so splashed in a lot of colours (except for the oyster huts), it is a very vibrant village. We totally fell in love with it. It's quiet, and not a lot of villagers, so it's perfect for AkaFuri to have their stroll hand in hand (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) They're also very famous for their oysters LOL! So yeah..... Akashi fed Furi oysters.... because....it's yummy.... LOL! Video reference here. There's another beautiful video but I can't find it no more. ;; Other references; here, here and here.
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☆ Seagull Train Furihata loves train (and so do I) and since the train exists here! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I really love writing this part! I fell in love with the department Cactus picked and everything was so perfect and beautiful. Pictures and videos of it was just so breath taking ;w; and it's a steam train! I've never ride one before, but I have been into exhibits in the train museum. The smell is amazing lol. It's like sniffing my humidifier......but bigger.
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This is the train I had saw mostly from it. the 030 T 3 from 1891. It's still operational so choo-choo!!! they go!
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Video reference ; here Train reference; here, here Other references; here, here, here and here.
☆ Saintes & Royan These two towns are what's closest to Mornac. I didn't have much on Royan because Saintes had a beautiful charm, so this is where they would have their wonderful date <3 and talk a little bit about their feelings.
Cactus correcting me on the description on the city as I just woke up from my sleep, is seriously a way to wake up in the morning at 5am XD LOLOL!!
There's a few churches too, and has an interesting history from the Roman empire :D really intriguing.
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The bridge where they have their little confession in high-school (◡‿◡✿)
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This video here, absolutely pretty!
☆ Akashi's Floristry; Fleurs d’acacia Cactus picked out the most beautiful name! "So either L’acacia (just the tree) or Fleurs d’acacia (acacia flowers)" The Acacia because it rhymes with Akashi's name : Aca - as in 'Aka' in Akashi. Ci - as in sea...because they're near the ocean. A - as in....... h(a)m because Cactus said so... and I can't even disagree because it's where Furi getting some of those..... meat....because Akashi's ham.....like his meat.......y'know..... We're very dignified ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
The design of Akashi's 3 story shop/studio/apartment..... I really don't have any reference, it's all in the head LOLOL! Akashi basically lives in simplicity, his shop all on the ground floor, and the second floor is his art studio where paints and do whatever he wants. Finally the third floor is where he stays, it was wasn't very detailed but it's very spacious and cozy >w<!
☆ The Drive-in theatre Bruuuuuh......the confession is the thing! Akashi sneaking in his opportunity to confess. What more is there need to be said? AkaFuri : mlemlemlemlemlemlemlemlem~
Ohh~ Akashi's pretty Bentley of course.
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☆ The Landes The finale of their romance ❀.(*´◡`*)❀. I think we all know what a Volkswagen van looks like LOL! And they had the funky in the van and Akashi took Jean's advice with the bamboo charcoal.
Cactus showed this pretty place and I'm just ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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Of course I'd really like to say it again. Furihata's decision to stay with Akashi was really not for the sake of a 'happy ending' or so. They've had deep feelings for each other since high-school and bonded closely, but Akashi didn't show any indication of romantic interest out of respect for Furihata's relationship, and Furihata knowing nothing about Akashi's mutual feelings just kept his feelings to himself. As told by the story, Furihata has a career and stable income. But even though his life is dandy in Tokyo with his job, that doesn't mean it's something he wants to keep pursuing or maintain, as we age, we search for something else to add into our experience. Not to say that we're forever unsatisfied, it's just how life is. We accomplish something, and we move on to another thing, and then another and another. It's really something beautiful about it, and life's just us exploring :] In Akashi and Furihata's case, is that they've already have what they wanted, a life of their own, choosing their own path and what they don't have was each other and now that they've bonded and opened up themselves, they can finally pursue another beautiful life together (>*^▽^*<)
๑ Book, Night on the Galactic Railway by Kenji Miyaza ๑ This is a real book. Also, my favourite! There is an anime as well, but if anyone wants the PDF feel free to drop me a DM and I'll give it to ya'.
In here, the story of the galactic railway impacted their lives a little bit differently. With Akashi the loss of his mother and Furihata to live the last adventure before death.
It is shown they have extreme love for this book, and it really is a beautiful book and there's just endless things to talk about, as it is place in an infinite travel of the train through the galaxy, meeting new people, seeing new things, the mysteries of stories and making meaningful relationship despite never being able to see them again.
The sentiment of Giovanni and Campanella is also similar to Akashi and Furihata. Before anything else, they want to have their adventure together before eventually parting their ways (and i really mean, until death do them apart.)
๑ Other Juices ๑ There some nitty stuff that aren't just there for show xD Well, kind of but there's some sentiments and stuff so...
☆ The Sunflower Maybe because I'm bias to sunflowers LOL! But Furihata is pretty with yellow! Sunflowers with darker brown florets are absolutely beautiful. The pendent I had in mind was literally the one I had when I was a kid (but I donno it's gone now lol). I googled other sunflower pendent but it's ugleh...
It associates with the theme of this story which is 'Sunrise' as in new beginnings, Furihata's fresh start to pursuing the person he actually loves.
Sunflowers also grow towards the sun. They radiate pure joy and positivity. They also symbolise unwavering faith and unconditional love; which is AkaFuri's undying love here despite the years.
Sunflowers are also given to show their deepest to the person, so Akashi gift him a sunflower :3 also because Furi looks pretty in yellow, fight me.
In chinese myth, sunflower are best for business... So with Furi around, Akashi's business will bloom LOLOL!
Funfact: In greek myth, a nymph named Clytie fell deeply in love Apollo, god of the sun. Although Clytie was beautiful by nymph standards, Apollo did not reciprocate her feelings, or acknowledge it. (except Akashi appreciates Furi's love okay?) After days of hopeless devotion, the nymph then transformed herself into a sunflower and constantly turned towards the sun so she could always be with the one she loved (Furihata's chasing sunrises because Akashi is there ok?).
☆ The Happy Street Cats :D This is actually a real book I have, a gift by my teacher before I leave S.Korea. The passage idiom is extracted by this page as well.
The front cover of the book is also yellow.
Yellow : Sunrise + Sunflower.
There's so much yellow in this story LOL!
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☆ The Movie Cactus : Idol movie Me : *internal screaming* I swear we are always soooooooo close to making this whole thing crack XD
This scene is a real brain wreck lololol. (Still contemplating if it was romantic enough)
☆ Akashi's Florist number I extracted that number from an oyster restaurant LOLOL! Thankfully Cactus changed it.... we were planning on a crack bonus in which, Furihata orders oysters before calling Akashi.
It didn't happen. But if it did.
Furihata will order some oysters. And not regret it.
*Akashi judging*
☆ French Dialogues + Akashi teaching Furihata French Bless Cactus, she's my happiness now. I have no idea how many weird noises were coming out from our mouths just to understand how the French consonant 'R' sounds like to put it into words LOL! XD Without her, it'd be a disaster.
We were looking at other romantic phrases and found the perfect one ;w;
“Je suis ton bonheur.” means "I am your happiness" (oh god, google translate voice just keeps playing in my head LOLOL! help) Which, what else can be said? LOL Akashi's happy ok? Since this story is from Furihata's perspective, I really wanted to put him into the spot of being a foreigner (he speaks english and mandarin lolol just clueless in French, because Akashi is supposed to guide him). So while Cactus work her magic, being the Akashi to my Furihata. I tried to emphasis a lot on the characters expression etc, at least to indicate of what was going on....tbh even I forgot what they were saying. *just as clueless as Furi and Cactus cackling somewhere.
Everything in here is just Cactus being amazing ;w; and pure patience LOLOL!
๑ Side Characters ๑
☆Shérine ............ We butchered the original female side. Her name was Camille.... but I was sooo tempted to name it after *coouugh* :] because it's pretty. Also her hair was blond with hazel-green eyes.... yea we buried her.
Shérine wins now... Shérine is life.
Shérine will be in their wedding.
☆Jean Kirstein (of AOT) It's JEAN! ...........someone gotta tease Akashi with no filter.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ FINAL NOTES
The last section when Furihata wakes up and makes his decision, believe it or not, I was in the bus. While typing to Cactus, I was literally shaking in the bus and my eyes stung because of dust and I was in tears. I was between crying and laughing. Finished it at home ;w; Cactus was such a darling through it all.
I really had fun writing this with Cactus ;w; she's the best!!!!!!! And hopefully we'll make some crack stuff because we're hooligans like that XD.
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Poker Face. Works Every Time. || Before the Truth || Chapter 1
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
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|| 3rd Person Point of View ||
The camera zooms in on a seemingly asleep Lily King. She lays in a hospital-like bed, heart monitor and IV's hooked up to her. The camera eventually pauses on her face, where she gasps herself awake and her eyes open, purple lightning shining in her eyes. But, she doesn't stay awake... her eyes flutter shut again, but her heart monitor says she's flatlining.
But she isn't flatlining at all.
Her heart is just too fast for the heart monitor to read.
|| Lily's Point of View ||
My eyes slowly flutter away and my eyes adjust to the bright light around me. I slowly try and sit up, hearing a loud beeping noise next to me. I look over and see that I'm hooked up to a heart monitor. Oh... that makes sense... I reach down and remove the heart monitor thingy and slide out of bed. A song is playing in the room. "Poker Face" I think. I can probably find a nurse to tell me what the hell happened, right?
But as I walk out of the room I was in, it becomes very clear I am not in a hospital at all. Especially, the sign that tells me I'm at Star Labs. The place that tried to change the world with it's particular accelator... But it failed. I remember that. I found that out right before I was... I was...
I was struck by lightning.
Holy shit, I was struck by lightning. I was struck by lightning and I lived. But I do have one question.
Why the hell am I at Star Labs?
I walk over and turn off the song, my head aching for probably many reasons. My arm was in pain, so I look down and see that I was attached to an IV. Meaning, I just ripped my IV out walking around. Shit.
You know what, whatever, I'm too lazy and confused to deal with that right now. Let's just figure out why I'm here first.
"Hello?" I call out into the halls, starting to walk further away from the room I was in. I was past a room with a bunch of computers, a cell with the name Grodd on it, and a few entrances to the particle accelerator.
"Hello?" I call out again, hearing a mechanical noise from down the hall. I quickly turn around and see Harrison Wells coming towards me... in a wheel chair...
"Lily... it's good to see that your awake." The Harrison Wells says to me. I take a deep breath, processing everything.
"D-Dr. Harrison Wells... w-what am I—" he lets out a chuckle.
"What are you doing at Star Labs? Well, I understand you might not realize why exactly you're here. That's why as soon as we found out you were awake, I came and found you. You were struck by lightning. And you were in a coma for about 10 months." I take a deep breath and begin to proccess. I've lost 10 months of my life. I've been in a coma.
Star Labs decided to take care of me?
"Now, I know you have questions." He says, moving forward towards me. "And me and my team will be happy to answer them. Just come with me, so Caitlyn can check your vitals, blood pressure-- well, you're in medical training. You must know the rest." He gives me a sickly sweet smile, before using the control on his chair to turn around and stars to ride away. I stand there, speechless for a minute.
"You coming?" He yells once he got to the end of the hallway, and I snapped out of my trance thing and quickly followed him. We walked into what looked like the manage control/main place of the building, computers and science equipment everywhere and anywhere. Dr. Wells leads me into a room, where a pretty lady with brunette hair smiled at me.
"Nice to finally meet you, Lily. I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow."
"Best doctor in the business." Dr. Wells tells me, smiling at the both of us. "I'll leave you two to it. Make sure Lily's all good to go. I'll notify her mother." Dr. Well's then rides out of the room, leaving me and Dr. Snow alone.
"If you could please sit down." Dr. Snow says, grabbing a chair for me. I smile at her, sitting down and looking around. This looks more like a lab then a doctor's office...
Dr. Snow does all the basic tests. Checking my blood pressure, my heart beat, etc. She did a few test I had never heard about before, but I just brushed them off as being normal for coma patients.
"So... what exactly happened here after the accelator failed?" I ask Dr. Snow as shes checking my eyes with the Ophthalmoscope.
"Well, a few people died... People that were in the accelator, or around..." She paused for a minute, pausing everything, before shaking it off and continuing. "Anyway, Star Labs isn't what it used to be. Just three of us now. Well, four if you count-"
"Caitlyn?!" Someone says, rushing into the room with another dude.
"Oh! Yay! She's up!" Dude #2 says, rushing over and looking me over. I stare at him confused as he runs back to check all the tests Caitlyn has done.
"Um... who's this?" Dude #1 asks us, giving me a small wave. I just smile back.
"This is Lily King. She was put into a coma, exactly like you were." Dr. Snow says, as they all share a look.
"Does that mean everything is the same with-"
"We don't know." Dr. Snow says quickly, walking over with Dude #2 to check all my tests.
"Um... Hi I guess... I'm Lily." I lift up my hand.
"Barry Allen." He replies, shaking my hand.
"Cisco Ramon!" Dude #2, now known as Cisco says, coming back over and shaking my hand that was just free of Barry's. "And let me just say what an honor it is to see you awake. You know, after you were in a coma and all--" I just laugh awkwardly.
"Lily, we need to go to another room to test for a gene if that's okay with you." Dr. Snow asks me, and I just nod.
"What gene are you looking for?" I ask her, slowly standing up.
"A meta-human gene!" Cisco says from one of the computers.
"Either I'm behind in Med school, which is possible as I was in a coma, or-"
"Or it is a new gene found the night of the partical accelator explosion..." Dr. Snow says, giving me a smile.
"And what does this gene do?"
"It gives people super powers." Cisco says bluntly, making my choke on air.
"H-He's kidding-" Barry says quickly.
"No... he's not... There is a gene which allows people to do things, giving them "super powers"." Dr. Snow explains, doing air quotes around "super powers".
"Wow... you go into a coma for 10 months and everything changes..." I say, laughing a little. No one laughs. This is my worst nightmare. I'll go home now.
We just sit there, just staring at each other/sometimes Dr. Snow and Cisco checking my test as they finish. Then, a few minutes of awkwardness, we hear footsteps and machine coming our way. I stand up just as they come into view, Dr. Wells coming in with...
"Clarke!"I say, running up and hugging her. She quickly wraps her arms around me and kisses my head, mumbling into my ear about how she was so worred for me and such.
"Thank you so much... for helping my daughter." Clarke says, going and hugging Dr. Snow, Barry, and Cisco, and then back to Dr. Wells. Well, she doesn't hug Dr. Wells, she shakes her hand.
"Of course, Ms. King. It was our pleasure." Dr. Wells smiles at Clarke.
"It doesn't matter. You saved my daughter when the doctors didn't know what was happening to her. I will forever be greatful because of that." Clarke assures him.
"Taking care of her was truly a pleasure, Ms. King. Lily is..." He looks over at me, a look I can't decipher in his eyes. "...important. She was born to do great things." Dr. Wells finishes, smiling at me.
"Damn right she was..." Clarke says, coming back over side hugging me.
"Oh, um... when can I go home?" I ask, looking to Dr. Snow for answers on this.
"Um... well... I guess you can go home now, and just come back later for your test results..." Dr. Snow tells me, giving me a small smile. I smile back, and then we say our goodbyes and me and Clarke go home.
"I ordered in your favorite, because I didn't exactly have enough time to make it myself, but that's okay because you always liked Big Belly Burgers better anway! So, drum roll please..." Clarke says, taking my burger out of the bag. I just laugh and finish putting out our two plates.
"I would never turn this down..." I agree with her, laughing as she places our burgers on our plates.
"I'll be right back with the water, okay baby..." Clarke says, as I smile and nod at her, her walking into the other 'room' to the kitchen, as I sit down at my chair. A few minutes later she comes back with two waters, but she trips and the waters go flying.
Or, they should have gone flying.
Instead, everything seemed to stop. Or, you know, move in slow-mo. The water slowly floats out of the glasses, Clarke seems to be frozen... I slowly bring my hand up to my face. I'm not... I'm not frozen.
I look back at Clarke who is standing there, taking deep breaths, with the glasses broken on the ground.
"Damn... Sorry, Sweetie." Clarke says, grabbing paper towels and quickly starting to wipe it up. I just stand there for a few minutes, staring, before I snap out of it and start to quickly help her, cutting myself on the glass.
"Are you okay?" Clarke says, quickly checking my hand.
"Yeah... yeah... I'm fine." I grab another paper towel for my own hand, wrapping it tightly over the cut, before I start to help her again. We clean up the floor and I go and run the cut under water, trying to clean it out so it doesn't get infected.
I look up to pump some soap into my hand, and when I look back down, the cut is gone.
"What the frack..." I whisper as I hold my hand up to my face. Am I hallucinating because of the coma? Is that a possibility? I mean, I am supposed to be in med school—
"So, you ready for bed?" Clarke says, walking back in and snapping me out of my thoughts. I laugh a little, throwing the papel tower I used on my cut away.
"I think I've slept enough for a lifetime..."
"Well... then how does a movie sound? You can pick."
"No, you need to get some sleep."
"I'm sorry, I thought I was supposed to be the parent..." Clarke says, causing me to make a face at her.
"We look out for each other, remember?" I say, passing her the thing of edible cookie dough. She quickly digs into it, stuffing her face with both of our favorite food.
"Yeah, but I'm still the parent... Anyway, I'll take the couch tonight, you get the bed."
"What no-"
"Not buts. You just got out of a coma, you get to sleep in the bed. Okay sweetheart?" Clarke says, putting her foot down. I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch next to her.
"Yes ma'am." I joke, Clarke immedately giving me the mom look.
"That makes me feel old and you damn know it."
I just smile at her, try to look as innocent as possible.
I wake up in Clarke's bed, stretching quickly before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day, feeling super energetic today. So energetic, that before Clarke even wakes up, I go for a jog around Clarke's neighborho-- Around 5 blocks.
How the hell was I able to jog 5 miles? I couldn't walk to the kitchen before my coma... I come back in to a very confused Clarke.
"Where did you go?"
"I- I went for a walk..."
"You walk? Since when?"
"I don't know, just felt like I should."
"Man, you must really be sick after the coma... we should take you back to Star Labs to get you checked. You might be the Streak" Clarke jokes, standing up and putting a hand on my forehead. I laugh, shaking her hand off. "But, seriously kid, you should go back to Star Labs and get checked up."
"Before that, who's the Streak? Because it sounds like someone who runs around naked-"
"No, no. He's the city's new superhero." Clarke says laughing. "Not the point, Lily, you need to go to Star Labs-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll go after I stop at Jitter's."
"Love you, Clarke!" I say, rushing out of the door. I love Clarke, but we don't need her to be worried about me. I put in my head phones and walk towards Jitters, humming as I go.
I run in, get my coffee and just as I start on my path to Star Labs, I run into, the one, the only-
"Lily! Hey..." Barry says, standing in front of me awkwardly.
"Hi. Nice to see you again..."
"Yeah, yeah! You two!" He says quickly, before quickly rushing by me. "Sorry! I have to be somewhere! Like yesterday!" He says, quickly running by me. Okay... um... Star Labs. Yeah. Let's go there.
I walk into the... what was it called? Did they even tell me it's name yesterday? You know what, it doesn't matter. All I know is that I see Dr. Snow and Dr. Wells sitting by computers with someone talking over a radio thing.
"I'm not sure how that helps me guys!" I hear Barry saying, his voice bombing throughout Star Labs.
"You can't fight him, Barry. Just keep him coming at you, that should zap his strength." Dr. Snow tells Barry through an intercom thing.
"Gas is the least stable form of matter. This meta-human will not be able to stay in his mist form for long. His particles will need to reform." Dr. Wells says, not giving me anymore information as to what is happening. Do I let myself be known or...?
Yeah, nope, I want to listen in more.
"Barry. Barry."
"We win." Barry tells Dr. Wells.
"We win what?" I say, gaining everyone in the room's attention.
"Lily--" Dr. Snow says, quickly standing up and looking at me with wide eyes.
"That is my name. Um... would someone mind explain what the hell just happened? And why the hell Barry was fighting someone that could turn into gas?"
"Well, Ms. King, Barry Allen is the fastest man alive."
"Dr. Wells-" Dr. Snow tries to stop him, but he just brushes her off as his wheelchair comes closer to me.
"And we believe you may be the fastest woman alive."
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meichenxi · 4 years
For the ask game! 9, 12, and 22?
Yay more askies :D this is going to be likewise long! 
9) What does a week in your language learning routine look like?
- I’m not particularly disciplined in the way that I study, though I do tend to study most days. I’m very good at making plans but less at following them consistently, so this is a more realistic depiction of what I do! 
- Because I’m currently studying with HSK Online and they have two classes a week which cover about 3 chapters, I have a lot of vocabulary and grammar that I need to cover in the app before attending those classes, so most of my studies at the moment are focused on getting that done. So: 
Vocabulary and grammar:
(I do this all most days, depending on what exactly I need to do for the next lesson, but I try to do Quizlet every day)
1) I go through the vocabulary and grammar lessons, and write down the vocab and any example sentences.
2) When I input this into Quizlet, I use Baidu Translate to look at example sentences to get a better feel for how the word is used. I also write a couple of sentences / say a couple of sentences with each word. Baidu Translate is a fantastic tool, much better for Chinese than Google Translate, and it has an example sentences section where you can get the pinyin if you hover over the characters. 
3) After I feel I vaguely know the words for that day, I will go back and actively study them on Quizlet. For any words I forget I’ll write more sentences, or look at more examples. If there are any grammar points, I look them up on Chinese grammar wiki. 
Input and reading
(I don’t do these at any specific time, but luckily I quite enjoy this section so am very happy to Consume Media)
1) Try to read something every day. It doesn’t matter exactly what this is - often it’s Bilibili comments! I also like to skim through my graded reader and try to practice scan-reading.
2) I do dedicated HSK-style reading practice a few times a week as well. Again, I use the HSK Online app for this. It’s terrifying but necessary. This one I do have to motivate myself to do. 
3) I watch a lot of Chinese shows. Some with English subs, some with Chinese subs. My favourites include The Untamed (obviously), Nirvana in Fire (will always need the subs for this rip), Tian Guan Ci Fu (a donghua on Bilibili) and Street Dance of China. I probably watch a good 5-10 hours of TV a week. 
4) I learn other things through Chinese. So I watch lectures or courses on Bilibili or do workout videos. I especially like watching videos teaching beginners Cantonese and Japanese, two languages I am interested in learning, as well as Literary Chinese.
5) I listen to podcasts in Chinese when I’m walking around. My favourites include 聊聊东西, 听故事学中文 and 面包吐司. They are all in Chinese, but all specifically designed for foreigners, though the first and last are not learning podcasts, just podcasts of fairly accessible content where people chat about things like smoking, health, dating and so on. The second one is a podcast where stories are read in Chinese, and then explained sentence-by-sentence in Chinese, so it’s more ‘learning’. 
12 - What tips would you give to people that want to study the language/s you’re studying?
1) It’s an uphill slog, but you’re at the hardest place right now. So if you feel discouraged, if you feel overwhelmed, nobody else got it after one month either! It will take time, but is there anything worthwhile that doesn’t?  
2) Invest in good pronunciation training right from the beginning. If you can’t take classes, watch videos (YoYo Chinese, Outlier Chinese, Mandarin Blueprint etc have good tone series). Practice tone pairs. Tone pairs are your saviours. Practice repeating what the speaker actually says, not what you think they say. Learn a little bit about phonetics. 
3) Listen to Chinese right from the get go, as much as you can. Listening is many people’s weakest area, especially if they are learning it in a non-Chinese speaking environment. Play podcasts all the time. Differentiate between ‘learning’ podcasts (which will mostly be in English at the beginning), and podcasts that just train your ear to the sounds of Chinese. Have Chinese podcasts on all the time, regardless of whether you understand them or not. 
4) Invest in a structured course. I don’t necessarily mean classes with a teacher, though if you can I would recommend italki (feel free to contact me to see which teachers I’d recommend). But consider something like Chinese Zero to Hero, where they have videos explaining HSK1 through to HSK6. It’s about 100 dollars, but even if you have to save up for a few months to get that, I’d recommend it. Why? Because Chinese is overwhelming and there’s so much to learn. Having someone to tell you what you need to learn next is an absolute god-send. Plus, they know more than you what beginners need to tackle. They also have beginner-appropriate audio, which is absolutely crucial to learning to speak. I really would recommend this course. 
5) Learn properly about how characters work from the get go. Learn about phonetic and semantic components. Learn what types of characters there are, learn the most common components, and learn to hand-write them too. 
6) Record yourself speaking as much as you can. Play it back. How does it sound? Record it again. 
7) Practice reading from the moment you have around 150 characters. There are excellent physical graded readers as well as apps like The Chairman’s Bao and Du Chinese. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE IT OUT. It takes time for you to get used to reading in a second language, especially one with unfamiliar characters. 
8) Decide whether you’re going for traditional or simplified, and stick with it. Do not learn both unless you have a very good reason. If you think you might go to Hong Kong or Taiwan, have family there, want to read literary Chinese, or even understand ‘deeper’ how certain characters have developed, you can learn traditional, but if you’re less than 100% sure, go with simplified. It’s easier for beginners, and if you have a good level of simplified Chinese, traditional isn’t that hard to pick up later down the line - some common characters are completely different, but many are different in very predictable ways. If you are not absolutely sure you are going to need traditional, I’d recommend simplified. 
9) Really, really consider your motivation. Why are you learning? Do you just think it would be cool? It is cool, but that’s not enough of a reason to embark on any language, much less one with extra difficulties like Chinese. In an ideal situation, you’d be intrinsically motivated all the time: but that’s not always going to happen. Do you have Chinese family you’d like to communicate with better? Do you want to travel to a Chinese speaking country? Do you want to read Chinese poetry? Do you just really love Xiao Zhan?? If you’re doing it ‘for your career’, please bear in mind that you won’t get any points for learning half a language. If you’re not willing to engage with the culture and the people, you’re just not going to be successful long term. 
10) Find things you like watching / listening to / reading in Chinese as soon as you can. Bored? Unmotivated? Stick a favourite episode of your favourite drama on. It still technically counts as immersion, and when your language skills are better, you’ll be able to use that as your textbook!! Try and find something that will make you want to read or listen in Chinese, and then it won’t feel like a chore. It’ll also become a motivation, because inevitably the more you explore the Chinese language internet, the more you’ll find things you can’t interact with in translation and need your language skills for. 
22 - How has learning about the culture of the country impacted your language learning?
Hmm, this is a really interesting question!! I'll have to answer in a few ways.
1) I'm interested in a lot of things about Chinese culture, which fuelled my interest for learning Chinese, and also let me learn in a more fun way. I’m a huge tea nerd, I enjoy listening to Chinese traditional music though I know very little about it, and I enjoy calligraphy. I think that some hanfu is just objectively the most gorgeous clothing on the planet and I enjoy Chinese water-and-mountain style landscape art. I also love the karst landscapes of some parts of southern China (OH MY GOD LIMESTONE MY FAVOURITE ROCK) and I’ve had a faded picture of Zhangjiajie on my wall since I was about nine. This is very different from my experience with German: I love the German language, and I have a lot of great friends from German-speaking countries, but I’m not intrinsically interested in the culture the same way I am Chinese-speaking countries. Because there’s so much I want to learn, it gives me a) huge motivation for continuing studying, b) makes it a more holistic, rounded experience, and c) provides me with wonderful study materials. At the intermediate level, I can avoid textbooks if I really want to and just learn about tea. Isn't that just the dream. Also, realistically, if I want to be able to read poetry in literary Chinese, my modern Chinese has to be a lot better. So I’m very motivated because of this. 
2) My interest in martial arts! I originally started learning Chinese because I had gotten interested in Chinese culture via wuxia and martial arts. My dad is a huge martial arts nerd. By that I don’t mean someone who sits on his sofa all day with a nunchuck collection and Bruce Lee pictures, I mean he gets up at 6 every day and trains for about 2-3 hours. He can run a 5:30 minute mile aged 56. I have so much respect for this man, seriously. He used to practice karate, taekwondo and Muay Thai, but after he got sick he started with taiji. He’s practiced taiji and qigong now every day for about twenty years. So I was brought up on a diet of Hong Kong and mainland Chinese martial arts cinema - my dad would regularly show me clips of films because I couldn’t watch the whole ones until I was older, and get into trouble when my mum came back! We spent hours learning forms together and doing push-hands in the kitchen. Even now when we go home our form of affection is trying to kick each other without being kicked back lmao. I discovered the Jin Yong books in English about 15 and was just entranced by the names of the movements, by the action, the galloping across the plains, the sweeping scenery. I have inherited this interest, and am also a huge martial arts nerd and so a large motivation for me learning Chinese is that a) I love the genre of wuxia and want to know more about it, and b) I’d like to spend a few years training at an academy in Wudang and want to be able to understand as much as possible and for that, I obviously need the language to a high level!!! I started jiu jitsu when I was 8, started a southern style of Kung Fu when I was fifteen, studied for a few months in China in an academy, and it’s been my dream to go back since.
3) Different cultural attitudes, the outside park culture, and how people talk to each other. I’m from the UK, alright - we don’t do things in public and we certainly don’t approach strangers!! So when I was in China this was one of the weirdest things to get used to, next to just the sheer amount of people (I grew up in a village of 2000). But though it was tiring at times, I liked it so much. It was so refreshing to have people ask me questions because they were curious, and start talking to me. One of the reasons that I think my accidental immersion-only approach to learning Chinese the first time I was in China worked was because I just couldn’t stay away from the parks. People practicing taiji, playing badminton, chilling with kids, doing calisthenics: isn’t that just so so cool??? And naturally if I was in the parks, people would chat to me. This patience and friendliness (because my Chinese truly was awful) combined with many people’s lack of ability / confidence in English meant that I was able to improve in a way which would have been impossible in, say, Germany or Finland. Can you imagine?? Once an old guy came up to me, peered over my shoulder at my (English) book, then announced loudly, ‘I can’t read it.’ I was like - can you read English?? He shook his head, and then pointed to a small boy: ‘This is my grandson. He’s learning English.’ That kind of interaction repeated daily, as well as being in a second-tier city where I had to speak Chinese, did so much for my language skills. It also made me very motivated to improve. Also, training and exercise is just a great way to meet people: no matter your language skills, if you are dedicated people are going to respect that, and if you’re both there every day, you’re going to get chatting eventually. 
Phew, that got long again (what a surprise). But thank you very much for your questions!! :D 
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Teemo, the Swift Scout build (League of Legends)
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So funny story: Teemo was originally going to be a Death Cleric and I had this massive joke about how “Illaoi was a Cleric with no Cleric levels and Lux should’ve been a Cleric but wasn’t and then the Devil himself ends up being a Cleric” but midway through writing this build I realized that another class made a lot more sense and I had to scrap like half my work.
Even on Tumblr Teemo annoys me.
Swiftly - Teemo is literally called “the Swift Scout.” You’ll never guess what subclass we’re going to pick.
That's gotta sting - We’re going to need to fight dirty with poisons and blinds to overpower our foes.
Got a little surprise for 'em - Your enemies should never feel safe walking into your territory, knowing that a trap could be there just waiting for them.
One may think that to be a small Swift Scout one would want to be a halfling, but there are plenty of small races in 5e to choose from. This may come as a surprise but I’m actually going to suggest playing a Deep Gnome. Your Intelligence increases by 2 and you have Gnome Cunning for advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
As a Deep Gnome your Dexterity increases by 1. You have Superior Darkvision of 120 feet, and advantage on Stealth checks to hide in rocky terrain thanks to Stone Camouflage. I mean, it’s not a bush but you could probably stealth in the jungle.
15; DEXTERITY - You don’t get the title of “The Swift Scout” by being slow on your feet. (Excluding the fact that you have 25 movement speed.)
14; INTELLIGENCE - Knowledge of guerilla warfare would be more intelligence-based.
13; WISDOM - Teemo is a survivalist, having to spend months in the jungle with nothing but mushrooms to keep him company.
12; CONSTITUTION - Even if Teemo is squishy in-game it’s still nice to have a bit of extra bulk.
10; STRENGTH - Teemo needs to be able to carry all his equipment, which is where Strength comes in.
8; CHARISMA - FUCKING TEEMOOOOOOOOOOOO. (Memes aside feel free to make your Strength lower I’m mostly just dumping Charisma for the meme.)
As a Survivalist the Outlander background is pretty good to take. You get proficiency in Athletics, but I’m actually going to suggest swapping your Survival proficiency with Medicine for reasons that are going to be clear later. Why Medicine? I think Teemo would remember to bring some health pots. Regardless you also get proficiency in a musical instrument of your choice (Spirit Blossom Teemo has a Flute so take that) and a language of your choice. (Which of course has to be Infernal kekw. But really pick whatever you think will be useful.)
As an Outlander your Wanderer feature will help you remember the layout of the map you’ve been on for 10 years, and you can find food and water for yourself and 5 other people due to your adept survival skills. Captain Teemo on duty!
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Starting off as a Rogue for the extra proficiencies. Take Acrobatics to swiftly run away, Stealth to... well, stealth, Deception to trick foes into walking onto your mushrooms, and Perception to gain vision with your traps. You also get Expertise in two skills: Acrobatics and Stealth will make you the master of hit-and-run.
Speaking of hit-and-run Rogues get Sneak Attack, allowing them to do an extra d6 of damage if they attack with Advantage, or if an ally is within 5 feet of the target they’re attacking. The attack has to be with a ranged weapon which is a good segway to talk about Teemo’s weapon. Blowguns do exist in 5e but they’re trash, so unless your DM is willing to give you a seriously strong blowgun I’d personally suggest just using a Light Crossbow... for now.
But if you meet any other Bandle Scouts out in the wild you can communicate with them using Thieves’ Cant, a secret code only taught to scouts and other Rogues.
Hey it’s everyone’s favorite ability: Cunning Action! As a Bonus Action you can now Move Quick to Dash or Disengage, or use your passive to Hide. Of course Hiding with Expertise in Stealth and then popping out to shoot a poisoned “dart” (crossbow bolt) at an enemy is a good way to get a sneak attack off.
Third level Rogues can choose their Roguish Archetype, and hey isn’t it funny that Rogues have a subclass called “Scout?” Scout Rogues are Skirmishers, allowing them to move up to half their movement speed away from an enemy if they end their turn within 5 feet of you as a reaction.
And remember how I told you to drop Survival proficiency? Scout Rogues gain free Expertise in both Survival and Nature thanks to the Survivalist skill! Now would be a good time to point out that D&D Beyond will let you change the proficiency in your background if you get it past level 1. Also your Sneak Attack increases to 2d6.
4th level is our first Ability Score Improvement: for some Guerrilla Warfare take the Skulker feat to hide more easily in bushes, not reveal yourself when you attack, and see better while hiding in the brush.
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Hey look everyone it’s my favorite class, because Teemo perpetually frustrates me! If you can’t tell this was going to be Cleric levels and I’m writing this immediately after scrapping like half my build so... a little annoyed. Yay.
Anyways Wizards at level one get Spellcasting: you get a Spellbook where you can write down 3 cantrips and four 1st level spells. Your cantrips are always ready but you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Wizard level plus your Intelligence modifier. Seeing as your INT mod is 3 that means you can prepare all the spells I list! (At least for level 1)
For a ranged source of poison damage take Infestation to both poison and confuse your foes to make it harder for them to approach you.
For a melee source of poison damage take Poison Spray for a lot of damage! What do you mean Poison damage is commonly resisted? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
To strategize with your team Message will let you keep quiet while preparing to ambush!
Snare is a trap spell that will let set up a trap. Not a mushroom trap, but a snare trap.
If you want to use your traps for information however Alarm will let you ward an area so you know if someone passes through it. Or you can make the alarm loud so everyone knows!
For some poisoned darts Ray of Sickness lets you do... exactly that. Shoot posioned darts to poison your foes.
Finally to Move Quick take Longstrider, which increases your movement speed by 10.
You also get access to Arcane Recovery, allowing you to recover Spell Slots on a Short Rest equal to half your Wizard level rounded up (with some finer details please read the description of the ability that I’m too lazy to describe.) Teemo has a lot of supplies to survive in the wilderness, so it’s not surprising he packed more darts.
Second level Wizards can choose their Arcane Tradition and I’m actually going to suggest a bit of a wild card here: go for the Bladesinging subclass. Yes it’s meant for Elves only but I have never met a single DM who enforced that rule.
Regardless as a Bladesinger you have Training in War and Song for Performance proficiency, Light Armor proficiency (which you already have), and proficiency in one type of one-handed melee weapon. (Scimitars are the only Finesse weapon you don’t have proficiency in as a Rogue so that’s basically your only option.)
But the main feature of the Bladesinger is of course their Bladesong. You can activate your Bladesong as a bonus action for 1 minute. During Bladesong your AC increases equal to your Intelligence modifier, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you have advantage on Acrobatics checks, and you get a bonus to Concentration checks equal to your Intelligence modifier.
“But Teemo doesn’t use a sword!” I hear you say. Well Bladesong ends if you use two hands to make an attack but you know what doesn’t take two hands to shoot? Well for one Blowguns, but since Blowguns in 5e suck: Hand crossbows! Get a Hand Crossbow to supplement a blowgun, and boom you’re still a ranged character! Yeah much to my surprise Bladesinger doesn’t have any restriction on using ranged weapons: you just can’t use two hands to make an attack. Regardless you have two uses of Bladesong per short or long rest.
You can also add two more first level spells to your spellbook like Detect Magic and Identify to help you know what you find in the wild.
Third level Wizards can learn second level spells like Blindness / Deafness for a blinding dart, and Invisibility for more Guerrilla Warfare.
4th level Wizards get another Ability Score Improvement but you know what we don’t have enough of? Feats! Take the Crossbow Expert feat to ignore the loading property on crossbows, ignore melee range disadvantage with crossbows, and attack with a hand crossbow with your bonus action after making the attack action. Stinger attack speed’s gotta sting!
Additionally you can learn another two spells at this level along with a new cantrip! For your leveled spells grab Misty Step for Flash and Enlarge / Reduce, because size doesn’t mean everything. For your cantrip Mending will help you keep your scout equipment in check.
At level 5 you can learn 3rd level spells. You know what we haven’t gotten yet? Mushrooms. For a very expensive trap Glyph of Warding will let you put down a near-invisible glyph in an area for a mere 200 gold and 1 hour of set-up time. You decide what triggers the glyph, be it something complicated or something simple like an enemy walking near it.
When the spell activates you can choose one of two effects: the simple solution is just to make it explode for 5d8 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. Alternatively you could store a spell of third level or lower into it, and have it target whoever activates the glyph or the area around them. I’d highly suggest reading Glyph of Warding over in full before using the spell. It’s a powerful spell but it’s costly and requires a lot of set up time.
But you know what’s a simple spell? Fireball. Weaponize your shrooms for a big explosion of damage.
6th level Bladesingers get an Extra Attack! Yup: that’s it! Because you’re a fake Fighter. But yeah this is primarily why we took Crossbow Expert, so you can still attack twice with a crossbow.
Well, you can also add another two spells to your spellbook. To move incredibly Swiftly take Haste. Other than that you can truly grab whatever spell you want as there isn’t much else that’s truly “in character” for such a simple character as Teemo. My out-of-character suggestion is to take Mirror Image from second level for a great boost to survivability. The only thing more annoying than one Teemo is three Teemos.
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Back to our swift scouting ways 5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge, letting them use their reaction to reduce the damage of an attack by half. Your Sneak Attack damage also increases to 3d6.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: Perception will let you make good use of your wards, and Deception will let you make good use of your mushrooms.
Isn’t Teemo really annoying and hard to kill? Well with Evasion he’ll be even harder to kill since he’ll take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw and only half damage if he fails. And your Sneak Attack increases to 4d6 too?!
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and you know: I don’t think we have enough Feats. Fade Away is a Gnome-specific feat that will let you get use out of your passive by turning invisible when you get hit as a reaction. You remain invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or force someone to make a saving throw. You can use this reaction once per short or long rest and it uses the same reaction as Uncanny Dodge, so use it wisely!
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
At 9th level your Scout training gives you Superior Mobility for 10 extra feet of movement speed. "Hut, two, three, four!" Your Sneak Attack damage also increases to 5d6.
10th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement to help compensate for all the feats. Increase your Dexterity and Wisdom by 1 for even Ability Scores.
11th level Rogues get Reliable Talent so any roll with a skill you’re proficient in can’t be below a 10. If you roll a 9 or lower it counts as a 10. Whenever I get this ability I like to do a tally of all the skills you have and what the lowest potential roll is, so...
26 in Acrobatics (with Advantage if in Bladesong)
26 in Stealth (with Advantage to hide in rocky areas)
25 in Nature
24 in Perception or Survival
22 in Deception
18 in Medicine
16 in Athletics
15 in Performance
And to top it off your Sneak Attack damage increases to 6d6.
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12th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and as much as I want to take more Feats (believe me I do) let’s finally cap off that Dexterity score for the deadliest darts.
If you aren’t playing with Standard Array and want some more Feats here’s a few I could suggest:
Poisoner (Yeah duh)
Svirfneblin Magic (More blinds, among other things)
Alert (To always be ready for a fight)
Observant (A half feat to spot any incoming danger)
Tough (Just because you aren’t a tank doesn’t mean that Grasp of the Undying is a bad rune)
With 13 levels in Scout you are an Ambush Master. You have advantage on initiative checks, and in addition the first creature you hit during the first round of a combat becomes easier to hit. Attack rolls against that target have advantage until the start of your next turn, because it’s pretty hard to defend yourself when blinded. "Smell that? That's fear." Your Sneak Attack also increases to 7d6.
Your final level is the 14th level of Rogue for a 10 foot Blindsense, allowing you to sense any hidden or invisible creature near you. Clearly they only have camouflage.
Turns out I got a proficiency in killing - Up to three attacks per turn with a +11 to hit means it’s more than likely you’ll hit your 7d6 Sneak Attack. Not to mention the strength of Wizard spells, notably Fireball.
Wars are won with men, not machines - Rogues are skill monkies and it turns out you’re quite the asset outside of combat. Expertise in 6 skills, notably the ones to keep alive in the wilderness. And of course the ability to cast Ritual spells like Detect Magic and Identitfy.
Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code - So Teemo’s pretty annoying right? Well I didn’t realize he’d be so damn elusive! +11 to Dexterity saves with Evasion, 35 feet of movement, Advantage on all mental saves, insanely good stealth skills, reactions to get away from danger... And this isn’t even mentioning the benefits from being a Wizard! Bladesong lets you increase your AC by 3 (up to 20 if you’re wearing Studded Leather!) and increase your movement speed to 45... Oh and you can just turn invisible! As well as blind the enemy and speed yourself up.
Size is a liability - A few feats too many means not enough ability scores, yet somehow we don’t have enough feats for things like Poisoner. Perhaps reserve this build for when you can use Point Buy. Or at least ditch Skulker because you really don’t need it when you can, ya know... turn invisible?
You'd be surprised how quick fur ignites - Of course the lack of Ability Scores means that your Wizard DC isn’t fantastic. Granted most of your spells are utility but a lot of them require saves, and a lot more of them are rather weak. Poison damage is one of the worst damage types in the game and both your cantrips are poison, not to mention Ray of Sickness. Feel free to grab other spells as you see fit.
Lots to do before I punch out - Teemo is squishy in League and Wizard levels don’t help in D&D. Even with the +1 to CON you’ll likely have a little over 100 health by level 20, which easily puts you in Power Word Kill range. You’re elusive yes but a bit of bad luck and you’ll be six feet under.
But you’re not meant to be the strongest: you’re meant to be annoying. Hit-and-run, hide in the shadows, and whittle the enemy down before you win the war of attrition. You’re in it for the long-con, and not just the end game. You’re engaging in psychological warfare: tearing at your opponent’s mental state until nothing remains. You are a master of anger and temptation. You are a demon; a devil... Or you might just be a hamster with a blow gun.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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itsyabtsbitch · 5 years
Hyung Line! Reaction to you being their Soulmate
Note: The Maknae Line Reaction is already up on my page!
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Requests are open!
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Kim Seokjin
You had a timer on your wrist and at the young age of 12 those numbers seemed to go on forever
Even when you became older it still felt like you would only meet him when you're 56
While you didn't like it, other people were jealous of you knowing when exactly you would see your s/o
,,You don't get it. I wish I could have the whole surprise moment..."
It was also kind of sad going out and knowing that nothing would happen while all of your friends were excited of it maybe 'finally being the day'
Over the years you started to pay less and less attention to the numbers counting down
If you were also good at math you could have realised that one faithful morning you were hours away from meeting your soulmate
But of course you didn't
After not finding any milk and or cereal, you knew you had to go grocery shopping
You were grumpy af, because you didn't get to eat any breakfast
Oh well
Just as you were rounding another aisle, you crashed against something or rather someone hard
You were ready to feel the impact of your fall, but it never came
Mr.worldwidehandsome reacted with precise skills and caught you
His eyes met yours and for a few seconds the world seemed to stand still...-until both of you realised how akward the position you were in was
,,Thank you for uhm...saving me. I will try to pay attention the next time." You hung your head in shame. The blinking of zeroes brought you out of your embarassment though.
,,Yes you really should...but I'm glad that both of us didn't pay attention today" the handsome man showed you his wrist, that displayed the same number of zeroes on his skin.
,,I'm Kim Seokjin."
Kim Namjoon
The first time you noticed your soulmate connection was when you woke up with blonde/brown/black hair (whatever you don't have now)
It was shocking but you honestly didn't mind, because it didn't look bad
You were also happy to know that your soulmate existed
But that happiness ceased very quickly when you realised that the chance of actually finding that person was pretty low
Like, there are a ton of people with that hair color?!
Well anyway
One fateful day your stupid boss just fired you without a chance to explain yourself...Like, you didn't mean to set the kitchen on fire, okay?
You obviously had to go and find a new job after that
Lucky for you, it only took you 30 min of searching through the internet, to find a open spot as a make up artist at a company called Bighit
Not thinking too much about it you sent your application and one day later you had an interview
It went really good
They called you 2 hours later and told you that you got the job
Of course you did your personal happy-dance that looked more like a bird trying to fly for the first time than an actual dance whoops
At least your neighbours didn't see you
Yeah uhmmm
One week later you had your first day at work
You were nevous as fuck and everyone could see it
But they understood what you were going through so it was fine
Your new chef introduced you to Kim Namjoon, a very attractive idol that you would take care of...make up wise ofc.
Thinking about being close to him made you even more nervous and when it was time to do his make up you were shaking
Namjoon didn't even blink an eye at that. He was completely calm and just told you to breath in and out slowly
On the inside he was freaking out about how beautiful you were though
About two months later you and Namjoon were a great team and even the other members started shipping you (*cue Joonie being a blushing mess*)
Since Bighit was pretty chill about their employees having special hair colours or tatoos, you decided that you needed a change
The fact that your soulmate also shared that connection with you may have affected your choice just a liiiittle bit
You were also tired of being single so you picked a colour that would be easy to recognize and let's just say...Namjoon was not too excited about waking up with purple hair...
But at least you both instantly knew that you were soulmates, sooo yay?
+ his grumpy additude disappeared the second he saw the smile on your face. Even the teasing of his best friends couldn't tear his new mood down.
Jung Hoseok
You were a fan of BTS for about 4 months
But somehow you managed to read almost every single fanfic about Hoseok in that time
Your favorite is the one where you have that special moment during a concert
Like: your eyes met, the lights dimmed..the crowd around you got silent and all that other shit
Just basic soulmate stuff that you would never ever experience...
Hah. Joke's on you.
Okay time skip for another two months
BTS announced a Tour in your city and of course you were freaking out
Thank god you tried to save some money for a vacation...that could wait anyway.
After aggressivly typing and scrolling on your computer you actually managed to get a ticket
You may have screamed a little bit too loud but whatever, right?
The only sad thing was that you would have to go alone
Brushing that thought away, you started to think about what you would wear and need
When the day of the concert came you were r e a d y.
So ready that your dumbass somehow made it through the line and got a place in the front row
Congrats to you
You didn't realise how close you were to the stage until the boys actually stood there
Like holy shit wow omg what
The first 30 min were a mixture of happiness, crying and (let's be honest) a little bit sexual frustration
Fucking Jung Hoseok and his black clothes. Ugh.
When 'so what' came on though...Hobi stopped right infront of your corner
Obviously everyone started screaming and calling his name
But you were too lost in the moment to actually react
Maybe that's why he noticed you...
Wait what?
The crowd around you seemed to fade, the music was barely recognizable and his eyes held a unspoken story in them that you would like to explore...
At least that's what you tell everyone when they ask you about the moment you met your soulmate
But deep inside you know that no words in the world could ever describe the way you felt when his eyes met yours...because it was almost magical (at least that's what Hoseok always said)
Well anyway
After getting out of whatever trance you were stuck in, Hobi talked to the security guards
They managed to get you out of the crowd (where at least 30 girls were watching you with a jealous death stare) and get you backstage
That's where you met your sunshine loving boyfriend for the first time
Min Yoongi
You were a music producer masking your identity under the name 'saltea' (lmao you know I had to)
At first your music barely got any recognition
20 views were the maximum for you and even though it may seem like a small number to some people, you were so proud
,,Mom! It just got 23 views! That's almost a whole class!"
Big uwu energy
You obviously continued to follow your dream, even when some of your 'friends' told you that nobody would really care about your music
Well screw them because your new music video got 50 views hah!
It went on like that for another 3 years until you were 21 years old
You somehow got the offer to collab with Selena Gomez after a particular song you posted
That was when your career did a whole 360 and went 📈
People started to follow you, like your music and ask to work together (Guys I'm so sorry but tumblr says I reached a limit??!?🤡 so you'll have to deal with pics now UGHHHH WTF SEND HELP :(
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 6: “I was so tired that pressed the “save as draft” instead of the “post” button last night hahahah”
Ugghh... I hate being an adult and having to do adult stuff for all week... (they lifted the quarantine for some days last week I had to buy food and supplies for the next round of confinement). Also Pokemon Go Fest was cool! Got 4 shinies and some regionals and the Shadow bird trio (2 out of 3 are 90+iv without purification!!). Also my brother would have died long time ago if it weren’t for the fact that I’m currently with him doing everything in this apartment. ===============    But now I’m finally back to play!! yaaaaayy!!! TIME FOR REVEEEEENGEEEE!
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Yeess finally killed this plant!! I really don’t know what I did wrong the first time, I did exactly the same and it died really quick. (Caterpillars make pig noises hehehe) ===============  
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Dryad is literally doing an OwO face here and I don’t know what to think about it.
Finally got the 8 spirit! Took me long this time... Ok, time to go to Oblivisle and get every single bad guy after us, yay!
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Altena’s ship looks so cool! But reminds me of... something...!!!!! PROTOSS!!! THAT A PROTOSS SHIP!!!
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This looks even funnier in 3d hehehehe
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I love Nevarl ship and its remaked ballons!!
YES! Its Flammie time!! Lets go to find her!
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nice view in this place :D love it
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The Winged Defender of Sass (If I recall correctly in the fan translation is called “father of the winged ones” or something similar.. maybe that was the name of the Heroes of Mana game... Aaanyway, I like the new title of “Defender” is cool!)
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Cute Flammie is soooo cute! I have always loved her and will love her forever.
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Honestly, the past week has been just so hard... I don’t have the energy as I did before the 6 month of quarantine with all this “normal” activity... but I really love this part, need to keep playing.
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I see no difference! (will make this a separated post later)
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HELLO THERE MANA GODDESS, almost forgot that she appeared here.
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Hi  ̶̷̼̠͚̘̦ͫ̉̒ͨ̌D̰̟ͥ̌ͤ̀ͪͨ̓̈́͟u̡͙͓̅͊̈ͤ̏̐ͭ͒̈́̕r̗ͮͩ̈́ͬ͊͒͑a̴͚̝̘̳̫̗ͦ͛̉nͯ̑ͨ̈̈́ͪ̿̌͏̬̦̮͢’̾̿̋ͤ̚͘҉̘̖̮̮͢s̫̥͚͈͈͑̓͗̂ ̵̛̪̹̱̼͎̲̻͒ͥͮ͑̔̎̾͒́ḟ̛̝̟͇̝̟̟̮͆̊͑̍ͬ͗̃́ǎ̸͚̙ͪ͂ͯ̀̍̔̋ṱ̷͖̦͓̮͉͙͗̐͋̒̓̊̈́h̸͋ͭ̓ͮ͐̂ͧ̄͏̹͔̦̺e̸̤̻̪̝͚ͫ͐̿͆̓̋̊r̟̮͉̰̯̿͒̉̆̈́̽͝ Bye ͔̭̦ͫͣͧ̄̌̏͝͠D̘̼͚̜̩̖̠̠̅̚͡u̮͔͉͓̝ͭ̎̀r̝͎͕̪͙̻̿̋͒͂ͤ̓ͩ͘a̱̯̬͉̜͎̤̎̒̌̂ͬn̛͚̭̩͇̜̼͔̻͊̅͛̒́’̷͙̭̫͕͕̮̺͒̃̾͡s̷̺͙͎̉͝ ̧̟̺̽̏̇f̢̦͔̪̗̳̭̒̄̍ͦ͂͡ā̧͓̬̲̱͖̯ͣ͢t̬̫̫̍̽͛͋h̶̎̀͏̫̻̦̳ĕ̷̌̇͒̋̌̓͆͒҉̥̲̠͕͇͙̯͘r̸̷̰̯̹͙̘͔̒́̓ͮ̑͊̑ͩ͘ͅ ̹͓ͧ̅   forever this time.
Mmm.... Charlotte? Are you not going to comment something about seeing Heath right here? No? nothing? Ok moving on, to Ferolia!!!
=============== Will rush this castle because I’m getting really sleepy but again, I love this part.
...I’m not totally ashamed to admit that got lost trying to get a treasure... I’m really tired hahhaha. ===============
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Riesz: Oh my... What happened here? Kevin:  *smiles* I did when discovered the king made me kill Karl! Riesz: How...? Kevin: Ran thought it, wall break down, I kept running. Charlotte: NICE A SHOTCUT!! LETS GET BACK FAERIE, DECCHI! =============== (Now Charlotte recognized Heath, about time gurl!)
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Wow... That was low Kevin, you broke Gauser heart, I’m sure :(
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And then he proceeded to exit the scene... To play with a pup!!
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Sword of Mana confirms it: Kevin is a beautiful cinnamon Roll, too good for this world, too pure. The game want me to go back the entire castle but I KNOW I NEED TO GO BEHIND THE THRONE ROOM!! (Gauser is literally playing with Karl!! omg!! but it is obvious that he likes dogs, he has 2 big cerberus as pets!! is a family thing?)
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The plot thickens.
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The  A+ parenting of the entire game (Literally, all the rest are the worst parents ever or dead... or both!) Gauser really loves his son, no matter what he says :D This is why I love this part, Gauser and Kevin ends this part so happy Now finally to my favorite part, defeat the Benevodons!! but... not today I’m just too tired and don’t know which one to pick first =============== Next session: “Dolan is nearest but I want to fly to destroy the Light one first bc I just hate that one eye flying tumour”
3 notes · View notes
underwaterwoods · 5 years
so i saw the star war
spoilers ahoy
i guess this is just gonna be random bullet points
* i actually feel pretty chill about it. yay for being spoiled. also like.... if you ignore the ridiculous stuff there’s actually a lot to have fun with in this one. i don’t know how i’ll feel about it once i’ve processed it more. i just know i had fun while watching it, which i know isn’t true for everybody. i totally understand the negativity - it all makes sense to me. i’m just glad i sort of.... FORCED myself to have enough distance to just go in like ‘i’M PrepArED fOr wHAtEveR’
*i did like all the jumping around between locations in the first half and how ben would show up everywhere rey was. what a ‘you’re everywhere i go’ pairing. /chef’s kiss/. also having the different locations gives a sense of spaciousness (even if it’s all happening over a short period of time) which i missed in tlj.
*one of the things that gave me the most joy as the hux thing ??? X’’’D it was EXACTLY like that ‘the farce awakens’ ep where hux LITERALLY JOINS THE RESISTANCE cuz he can’t stand kylo. like what kind of fanfic...... how do the hux fans out there feel? (i really love the hux fans they’re a great bunch XD). shame that he was gone right after though.
* i actually enjoyed the trio dynamic? like i get the desire to move away from ‘trio mentality’ but the rey/poe tension with finn as mediator was fun. and finn and poe as joint generals? adorable. shame that the whole finn/poe thing got a bit clouded by.... stormpilot baiting and rose erasure and all the things... Also i’m not anti any character - i like zorii - but.... let poe stay a gay icon? i guess he can still be a queer icon it’s all good i’m down for whatever.
*speaking of finn.... loved seeing more of his humour back. didn’t love that there was no unpacking of how he feels taking out stormtroopers. but loved the found family of jannah and the other ex-stormtroopers. i feel like that gave SOME resolution/depth to finn’s origins. and finn being a non force user but seemingly super attuned to the force and its ways? i can roll with that.
*more speaking of finn... i wonder what they were doing with the ‘thing he wants to tell rey that he never gets to tell rey’. seems like an obvious ‘i love you’ thing. but at the same time we got reylo (/basks in that for a second/). it feels to me like throwing a bone to the finnrey people? like they didn’t get it in this movie but it could be a thing in the future? regaurdless, i did like how finn and rey were very connected and back to that loving friendship they had in tfa. we never quite got the ‘you have a force bond with the supreme leader?!!’ conversation but we got.... SOME conversation.
* speaking of the supreme leader... kinda love that we got renperor AND ben solo TM. i prefer to view ben more holistically (he is both ‘ben’ and ‘kylo’) but i get that making them two distinct identities was a helpful shortcut of sorts. he could ‘kill’ kylo and switch to being ben in a single scene. i always prefer Soft Boi Ben but if we were gonna get Bad Boy Kylo i’m glad they established it right out the gate. it was like ok, this is what to expect; this is where we’re at with this character. 
*ben with his costume change at the end....... omg. gave me BIG smuggler!Ben vibes. urgh, give me all the AUs. ben deserves more.
*the amount of swagger when he was fighting the KOR
*idk i feel like i’m not even touching on the big stuff. this was just a ‘get all my side thoughts out of my system’ post.
*adam’s smile after the kiss though......... ...  /the most beautiful thing in this world/
*truly iconic that people were right about the strategic, covert introduction of force healing via baby yoda like one month before tros.
*oh yeah it was wILD that so much of the imagery from the trailers/tv spots etc was in like the first five mintues of the movie ??? i totally assumed the ‘i have been every voice you’ve ever heard inside your head’ moment would be climactic rather than right up front
*oh yeah the vader mask.... that didn’t really mean anything in the end then did it?
* re: ben’s death. maybe it’s because i was braced for it but in some ways it’s the best way he could have gone. he was definitely happy and reunited with the light - both through love of rey and of his family. hIGHKey could have done with ben’s force ghost also appearing at the end? the only good thing about not seeing it is.... LF deciding to retcon his death ? ??XD obs they’re not gonna but if you want a crackpot silver lining there it is.
*what exactly does rey’s future look like, may i ask?
* oh yeah, Passing The Saber Through The Force. maybe my favourite moment. the force bond as a bare concept is so romantic to me i would watch a whole trilogy just exploring the magic system of that - it’s limitations and possibilities. 
* i do like that jj developed the visual style of the bond. we got to see them occupying the same space, the way each of them would be seeing the other (’can you see my surroundings, i can’t see yours, just you’)
*i miss that rian johnson sound editing on the bond though..... god, the iNTIMACY of the tlj bond scenes....
*’i DID want to take your hand’
*also just the word choice of ‘take your hand’/ ‘i offered you my hand’. it’s extremely marriage.
*there was also a moment in the hanger when ben was like ‘we’re one’ basically? he was saying it in the context of rey’s lineage but still...............the validation. one soul. 
*palps was like ‘you live and die together’ which made me REALLY think of skytalkers podcast. obviously assumed they would both have to LIVE together but.... /deep sigh/
*blah this could go on forever i’ll add more later
edit #1:
* OH YEAH! reverse anidala was such a thing! why did it have to be SO reverse anidala though? X’D instead of taking her life, he gives her his own. (i know it’s not clear anakin totally killed padme etc etc but ya feel me)
* ok i hate that ben died obvs obvs but, taking that for what it is, it was very romeo and juliet. i kinda love just the imagery of it. like... the physical blocking/choreography of adam getting daisy into his arms, holding her, then he falls and it’s her holding him. the way she catches his neck. really reminded me of the smoothness of the bridal carry. and rey’s flexed foot in that moment of shock. love the body language. back to that kind of ‘’staccato’’ rey of tfa days.
edit #2:
*lololol @ LF trying to establish how ‘bad’ kylo is by having him kill a bunch of people in the beginning. it was just.... Hot.
edit #3:
* rose deserves better. obviously. she looked so good though. i like that she had some moments with connix too. 
* ben called han ‘dad’......
*ben standing there, overlooking the waves, with his leG EXTENDED BEFORE HIM. wanderer above a sea of fog. wanderer above a sea of foggg.
* rey having compassion for the snake thing. we been knew. kinda nice to have it in there. obviously good set up for ~later force healing shenanigans~
* OH YEAH OH YEAH. i kept thinking about atla. i know people have been making comparisons to it from the start and i’ve been DEEPLY INTO those comparisons. but it was truly a blessing for me to remember.... there is a version of this out there that you love and that is Good Content TM. legit i can just go watch atla again to heal from this. omg yeah cuz REY HEALING HIS WOUND ALSO HEALED HIS SCAR. very crystal cave.......... nah but nah but - the ‘you are every jedi’ was EXTREMELY avatar-esk..... like, engage avatar state. i don’t like how it ended up being the same old conflict between jedi and sith - ‘good’ and ‘bad’ - OBVIOUSLY THE POINT IS TO INTEGRATE THE CONFLICTING PARTS OF SELF; THE SHADOW SIDE; TO TRANSCEND OLD DICHOTOMIES - but i did love hearing all the voices from past jedi. that’s some good ‘the ancestors are with you’ shit.
edit #4:
* i think the first thing we hear rey say is ‘be with me’? ngl i was like ‘pls be invoking the force bond’ X’D i am a clown. that was a beautiful shot though. and love that a version of the bond kicked in like two seconds after that. 
edit #5:
*there’s that bit where reylo are fighting on the death star ruins and he’s winning and rey kinda falls to her knees panting and lowkey defeated and, not to be a shallow bitch but..... it was Hot.
*obvs i wanted rey to be truly no one. but casting jodie comer as rey’s mum ? ????? urgh, pefection, i love it.
*palps was so random i stg..... his plan was.... convoluted to say the least. 
*also who was under all those hoods?
*the KOR just kinda... being around again was hilarious. no explaination required. the boys are back in town. ben facing them without a mask and essentially wearing his pjs? loved it. 
edit #6:
*seriously though ben’s redemption outfit.............. /heart eyes emoji into the sunset/.......... you can see his collar bone.............. /cares about the important things/.................
edit #7:
*one thing i loved about the reylo was how Space Wizards TM they both were in this movie. it so highlights their connection by making it clear that they are each other’s only peer. i thought it would be a thing of ‘why is the supreme leader constantly interacting with/going after this girl?’ but it’s not because it’s so clear that they are the only two people on each others’ level. no one would dare question the fact that they’re constantly circling each other in a lustful murderous rage.
10 notes · View notes
nikatyler · 5 years
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*gasp* a replies post! A long replies post! A long replies post where I overshare again! *o* Yeah I kinda missed doing these. I’m now at home, but won’t be for much longer. First, I’m going to meet some of my new classmates on Friday and I’ll spend the whole weekend with them! We’re going somewhere...well I don’t even know where that is, just that it’s in nature and I’ve never been there before! Thank gods we’re meeting at the main station in Prague, or else I wouldn’t get there myself. Then on Moday, I have to go to my uni, and then once more on Wednesday I think? And on Wednesday, I’ll have to wake up at 4 am. my LiFe Is SoOoOOOoO HaRd oH mY gOd. No, I’ll be fine.
And a month from now, I’ll be moving to my dorm. That’s some crazy stuff. I can’t believe it’s happening. Last week, my dad actually took me to Prague and we went to see where it is. The location reminds me a lot of my home, but I won’t tell you what exactly that is because no one needs to know that. Anyway, school starts in October. I’m actually looking forward to studying, but the “living alone in a big city with people I’ve never seen before” part is scary. D: I’ll give you updates.
Anyway, today was a weird day. First, I sat alone by the lake when these two guys came and talked to me (I didn’t mind that actually, they were kinda nice), then when I got up and said I had to go home, one of them complimented my legs...which would’ve been really nice but then he basically implied he’d go to bed with me...and like literally five minutes ago he said he had a girlfriend...basically men are scary. Then later, mum and I went grocery shopping and I saw my middle school crush with his girlfriend...and decided that his girlfriend is cute, way cuter than him actually...bisexual culture I guess, crushing on your middle school crush’s girlfriend lmao. Then we went to pay for our groceries and the cashier...was my childhood friend who also happened to be my first crush and also my last crush and these days I’m wondering if I’m really crushing on him or if I’m just holding onto him because I don’t know any better. Long story but if you ever feel like I have a thing for childhood friends to lovers trope, maybe blame him.
Wow. Oversharing much? Let’s get to those replies then, before I tell you what colour my underwear is or something.
Also!! Stream Lover. You won’t regret it.
volcanopasta replied to your photoset “@ ea guess what we still don’t have in ts4”
I miss spooning
I feel like that’s one of those little things half of the community misses. ;-;
simlishprincess replied to your photoset “MAGNOLIA???”
she’s morphing
She’s broken like this really often and it scares me :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Vanessa: “So do you forgive me?” Gwyneth: “Of course I do. I must...”
Lol, a bpr founder telling thez plan no more children, they are so funny
These sims have no clue what I have in store
And just you wait for gen 2
Just you wait
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “There it is. Wonder what she could use the computer for…;) (no, I...”
Well I can`t say this is surprisingXD
Yeah...do most people go for purple? At least most bpr people I follow/followed went for this colour :D I also wanted to do this thing where the founder chooses the pink person, but the heir is purple. Idk why, I just wanted it to be like that haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Uhh oh hi again. You guys are seeing this right after the last post,...”
Jeez, Vanessa looks like that liquid Terminaor from Terninator 2.Funnily enough he was posing as a police officerXD
Lol I have no idea what you’re talking about because I’m bad at watching iconic movies (read as: I haven’t watched any of the movies that people think everyone has watched :’D) but I’ll believe you lmao
dandylion240  replied to your photoset “I really can’t justify this, can I? Listen, I have to stay true to my...”
Sometimes the aliens won't let you go even if you want to.
Oh you’re right
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “She traded her policeman hat for a fishnet top. Fashion, you know.”
me as a policeman
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “You know how I said I couldn’t justify this? Well…Alexa play Oops I...”
Yeah, make Roxanne that purple sibling/s
Careful what you wish for 👀
dandylion240 replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
Awe I'm glad you didn't delete without telling anyone. You would have been missed. But you're not the only one who thinks about doing that though.
I love seeing you on my dash ❤️
1o8percent replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
I’m glad that sharing your worries was able to help you. Simblr can be overwhelming and well life in general can be too. It’s nice to have someone to let it out to. I’m glad you’re still around!
Thank you guys so much. This happens to me from time to time, but it’s never been this bad.
desira-sims replied to your post “Random thoughts and ideas: NSB, BC and my hair (again)”
I’m slowly working through the sentence starters too. I didn’t realize quite how difficult some of them would be. Lol
Same! I might incorporate one of them into my yellow gen because it would fit there perfectly. God I’m really going to milk this one awful awful event for angst huh. That will be frowned upon. As for the other...I have an idea for it but it doesn’t fit the og Raleb timeline at all (it was for them) and I want it to be canon...like I kinda just don’t want to call it an AU, but I guess I’ll have to.
aiseinei replied to your photoset “Eden: “Ughhh oh my god my life is soooo hard!”
I would be too if I was stuck staring pink in the mirror for the rest of my life �� no very cute!
Oof same haha. One of the reasons why I was hesitant about starting BPR was the pink :D
And then I went and made my founder marry a pink sim and have four pink children with her, because that makes sense. I love making myself suffer, yay!
Thank you, btw!
medleymisty replied to your post “I'm not saying I want to re-read my entire NSB but...I kinda do. Will...”
*hugs* We're our own worst critics. I used to cringe at my old stuff too, but really it was decent. I might have learned more since then, but it was still good. I'm glad you can see the good in yours. :)
I’m definitely not as hard at my younger self anymore. I went and read some of my stories written when I was 13-14, and I tried to look at it that way. They weren’t perfect, but maybe they were good for a child of that age. I mean, I always got good grades on my writing homework, and my teachers have always liked how I worked with words, so...yeah, it’s not perfect, but I’m not going to have perfectly fleshed out characters and storylines when I have barely even understood that the world isn’t just black and white, good and evil. There are shades inbetween.
That got deep again but I have a lot of feelings about this and I’m sorry to my younger writer self for how I’ve treated her. Keep going, kid.
xiapxls replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Whenever I come across a new blog I'm interested in I always read everything before I hit follow
whysimstho replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
It was how I found your blog actually!
yamekamerainbows27 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have! ✋✋
elisabettasims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I feel like I read over 90% of it?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me. Was in love with Ross since he was born in game. He was such a lil cutie!!
desira-sims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Came across a Ross and Caleb post and went back to the beginning to read it all.
1o8percent replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have ��
Wooow there’s a lot of you. And you stuck with me through the bad and the worse, through all the dumb ideas I got...thank you. Seriously, thank you. There’s more in store, I promise.
You’ll want to punch me in the face eventually, I’m just saying.
Speaking of punching someone in the face, yesterday I was waiting for my hair to dry and I thought hmm, let’s go read gen 2 of my NSB. And...I knew Ross was an idiot when he was young, but I forgot he was that bad. I’m glad none of us accepted it and we only collectively forgave him when he got his crap together. Yay. Also yay we didn’t cancel him because cancel culture is disgusting, people can learn from their mistakes.
I’m going off topic again. That happens when I’m in a good mood.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
It's true, there is never enough.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
There is never enough
Glad we’re on the same page haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “��”
Yes, tumblr finally stopped bullying me and send my ask!
Yay tumblr, it got its crap together for once!
No, jokes aside, if you ever send me an ask and I don’t respond, feel free to send it again. I think I got better at answering my asks fast, so you can definitely tell by that. Also, if I answer everyone else’s and not yours...that’s also a sign because I hardly ever keep asks private (unless I’ve been asked to do so, then I’ll always respect your wish!)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “I have to catch a bus in like ten minutes but here’s what I’ve been...”
This hairstyle suits Ross!
It kinda really does?? It was also the closest I could get to his ts4 one haha.
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Contestant number seven has arrived! Talia: “Is everything alright?...”
god yeah as an experienced bc player i feel that, introductions take SO long and get SO annoying
I had an “ok I’m never doing this again” moment with literally every contestant because 1) it was taking forever and 2) making ten different and yet still entertaining dialogues was hard
And I write a lot so you’d say that would be easy for me, but nope :’D
doka-chan replied to your post “I don't know how many of you are interested in my book...”
Book recommendations are always a plus. Thank you ! :)
I like them too! Not only because, well, I get a book recommendation, but also because I’m always curious about what people read haha.
vintageplumbobs replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Not all of us have time for breakfast! I can’t be looking at that in the staff kitchen! People will riot! ����
Oh that’s right, forgive me tumblr, I have sinned
desira-sims replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
That is the sweetest thing ever. ������
dandylion240 replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
I love it ❤️
Thank you guys ;-; ♥ I loved writing this so much. It gave me that nice warm feeling inside, you know what I mean? They make me so happy! ;-;
wcif a vampire best friend that would eventually end up marrying me?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Every single post of Emerson bc was flagged and they weren’t nsfw either mostly
Yeah, this is so weird...I know people say it happens when the picture has a lot of “skintone” coloured pixels...but that’s not always the case with my flagged posts??
Also (I’ll never shut up about this)...why is there a female-presenting nipples rule when it clearly can’t ever tell female and male nipples apart? I’m just saying. And yes I get it, for AI it sure has to be difficult to tell such things apart but in my opinion that’s exactly why they should get rid of it and only incorporate it when it can tell it apart. Actually, hold on, nope. The nipple rule is stupid no matter what gender the nipple is.
And I’ve just used the word nipple more times than ever before in my nineteen-something years long life.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Some more pictures of Aretha ♥”
She's so pretty
Thank you! ♥ I’m happy with how she turned out.
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “I did not forget about those townie makeovers! @epicvictoria suggested...”
That style really suits her. But then...maybe I’m biased...
I think it suits her way better than her original outfits too, but same, I might be biased...vintage/retro aesthetic is my jam.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Looking good!
omiscanking replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Haha thank you! I hope it’s a good kind of screaming :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your post “Thoughts?”
screenshots are cool and all but i say if you wanna rely more on text then go for it! especially if you've figured out that taking all those screenshots is an obstacle for you - do what works best for you, you know?
doka-chan replied to your post “Thoughts?”
For me a story is up to its writer. I don't mind only one picture with a huge text, or the contrary a lot of picture with little to no text. As long as we got attached to the characters, it's not important, as long as it's progressing and understandable.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I don’t mind reading a lot of text. Pics are always second to the story to me.
desira-sims replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I sort of think there should be a balance. No, not everything needs to be shown as a ss, but it should be more than one photo for a wall of text.
Thank you for your feedback! I think it would be no more than one Word page of text. Which is a lot still but I think that’s the maximum I’d go for. And I mean, I’d show all the important moments. It’s just, I guess I don’t need ten different pictures of the same conversation when these people are just standing next to each other. And it doesn’t need to be split into ten different posts either.
I’ll figure it out, don’t worry.
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
TS4 looks good on her! ��
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
I love her!!
Thank you guys! I really like how she turned out too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I'm thinking of starting something like "random facts about..." tags...”
I do love when people talk about their characters and stories! It makes OCs more real and all the small details are just adorable!
Me too. I want to know all the details. Tell me how you came up with this or that. Tell me what inspired you to do this. Tell me which song you associate with them. Tell me little things like what shower gel they’re using. I JUST LOVE OCS OKAY
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Nicky: “This is a tragedy. Can I burn my picture before anyone sees...”
me whenever i finish a drawing
big relatable mood
create-a-sim replied to your post “list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for...”
I love good lyrics as well ;)
I’ve recently found a lot of appreciation for lyrics that seem simple, but then you get into them or read some behind the scenes facts and realize they’re not as simple as they might seem. Then I feel like the person who wrote it is a genius.
ineptbubbles replied to your photoset “Could I ever get bored of her? Nope.  Could I ever get bored of making...”
Omgosh I love that shirt!!
Me toooo and I need one irl ;-; But I mean, I’ve told my sister so many times this week, maybe when my birthday comes around in December, she’ll remember and she’ll tell my parents I want it? :D I mean I could just ask them for that myself but I just know I’d be embarrassed for some reason.
mlpsimmer replied to your photoset “Roxanne: “Dad, what are you doing here?! You told me you were supposed...”
Your sims are gorgeous!
Thank you so muuuuch! ♥
desira-sims replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
These two. �� My heart. I just love them.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
I love this thank you ❤️
Same. They borrowed my heart, said they’d give it back and then ran away with it and I never saw it again. smh guys, stealing isn’t nice
And no, thank YOU for making me write this ♥
mlpsimmer replied to your post “Tumblr……..your protect-kids-from-seeing-nipples algorithm still isn’t...”
It happened to one of my drafts, which was never published. They were fully dressed, too! It's a little annoying.
Yeah, I just talked about this above in a reply to an older comment. It’s...ugh tumblr, what is u doing
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