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mudwerks · 1 month ago
(via Circle Guitar at Distillery 2 - Episode 2 - Medley)
this looks like fun...
but not $12,000 worth of fun
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nando161mando · 9 months ago
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$12,000 in cancer pills
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montereybayaquarium · 10 months ago
Word of the Bay: Migration
🐋 Come along as we embark on a whale of a migration tale with the majestic gray whale.  Join us at our best and biggest exhibit, the Monterey Bay, with Naturalist Madi in this first episode of Word of the Bay. 
🩵 Special thanks to Monterey Bay Whale Watch and Japan Underwater Films for some of the footage used in this video. 
🌊 Check out the full video on YouTube!
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fyllophobia · 3 months ago
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animatedjen · 7 months ago
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“You don’t have to do this alone, Cal Kestis.”
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artbyblastweave · 8 months ago
Was thinking recently that MAWS commits admirably to actually putting Lois and Jimmy on equal footing with the guy who has actual superpowers; they're equal participants in the adventures rather than supporting cast members who flit in and out depending on the episode, as they were in Superman: the Animated Series. The flip side of that dynamic is that this is a setting that doesn't really have superheroes besides Superman himself, even if it's poised to eventually, so there isn't really a concrete in-universe category of "superhero" for Lois and Jimmy to fall outside of- to an in-universe observer who has to account for all the variables, Lois and Jimmy would amount to basically the same type of thing as Clark. In the process of juicing up the supporting cast to the extent that they can keep pace with the hero as equal contributors, you sort of shed light on the fact that there's always been a pretty thin line and somewhat arbitrary line within the logic of these universes between "Badass normal who puts on a costume" and "badass unpowered cast member who doesn't adopt a explicit costumed identity." And that line dissolves faster than the wicked witch at a water park if a superhero starts taking characters in the latter category along on every single adventure.
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jalboyhenthusiast · 2 months ago
i’ve been going back through old photos and found these of louis from his london show last year. not the best but thought i’d share if anyone’s interested 🤍
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year ago
I've been writing my dissertation like that gif of the cat frantically slamming a keyboard (you know the one) but it's got me thinking about professor Bucky and how he might incentivise you to get your work done for his class 😏
"You're not getting an extension. Don't even think about e-mailing me for one." The hardest part of dating your lecturer isn't actually the sneaking around; it's that he's a hell of a lot tougher on you than the rest of the class.
"But Bucky I-" You begin but he cuts you off and you know by the look on his face that there's no point pressing it.
"No. You're more than capable and you've got plenty of time to get it done. You don't need an extension, you need to apply yourself."
God, he's annoying. You know you can do it, you never said you couldn't. You just don't want to. There's a massive difference.
He pulls his copy of the required reading out of his bag, setting it on the desk beside your laptop and it takes everything in you not to bury your head in your hands.
"There. I've helped you enough." He nods towards the textbook but when you don't move, he flicks through the pages with a sigh, leaving it open at the chapter you know you should start with.
You sit there for another few seconds in a foul mood, mentally preparing yourself to sit here for the next few hours.
"How about I help you? I get the impression you need an incentive." He knows you too well, there's nothing more motivating than a little treat. "You have 12,000 words to write. For every 1,000 you write this week, I'll give you an orgasm."
Maybe you should complain about his assignments more often.
"Deal." Hell, if you'd known this was coming, you'd have started ages ago.
"Good girl." He laughs, amused at the rate at which your fingers begin to dance over the keyboard.
Getting started isn't too hard. You type out a quick plan of your chapters, dropping in the sources you know you'll need before starting your introduction and with your focus on your work, you hardly notice Bucky sinking to his knees under the desk.
You feel his warm, open mouthed kisses trailing up your thighs under your skirt and his soft groans drag your attention away from the laptop.
"Don't stop working." He insists, licking your sex through your cotton underwear, letting you enjoy the delicious friction on your cunt. "You're almost at the first thousand and it reads well so far." You feel his hot breath against the now wet cotton while one of your hands falls to tug his hair.
"If you stop typing, I stop licking." He threatens, pulling your panties to the side, gliding his tongue against your skin and groaning at the taste of your arousal.
You have just over 200 words until you reach your first thousand and it should be so easy but it becomes even harder when he sinks two fingers into you and you're able to hear how wet you are already.
His lips engulf your clit, sucking gently while flicking his tongue in vertical strokes in time with his fingers curling inside you. "Such a smart girl. I'm so proud of you." He hums before giving you a few broad strokes with a flat tongue.
He knows what his praise does to you and with your thighs clamped around his head, you fly your way through a few hundred more words. He chuckles when you proudly announce you reached a thousand but you don't stop typing at the same frantic pace.
"Sweetheart, if you want to get all 12,000 done this evening, I'll sit here as long as it takes." He smiles against your skin before giving you everything he knows you need. His tongue flicks quickly over your clit and his fingertips rub against the soft, spongy spot inside you and in no time you're gushing against his face, gripping his hair and riding your high out on his waiting tongue.
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babykittenteach · 1 year ago
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And Ghibli for the style challenge, though I opted to focus less on the character design part and more on trying to make a dreamy landscape.
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suckitphaneuf · 6 months ago
VfV characters + tweets/text posts
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commandertartarsmoocher · 5 months ago
Tartar, what would u do if one of your sanitized smooched you
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Tartar seems to have a strong aversion towards any sort of affection...
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grntaire · 30 days ago
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ryan ross and dallon weekes unionized. they really fucking did it kids
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socialbunny · 3 months ago
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me and the guy my ex and i used to talk shit about because he smelled like shit and that same ex i ghosted because of he's crazyyyy 😛
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they're so cute idc
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ranticore · 2 months ago
i can't remember if i ever actually posted my definitive list of characters' fursonas because i also wanted to present it with art in their preferred furry trend art style but the thought of drawing so many of them was doing my head in
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oacest · 3 months ago
Are mid-gig scuffles between Liam and yourself common? (Defiant) Yeah, sort of. He just starts to ask me questions during the gig. Like in Sheffield, the floor was split into two by this barrier, all these people squashed towards the front, and a big gap, and then all these people behind the barrier at the back. So in the middle of a song, he's going, How come there's a big empty space there? It's like, What the fuck are asking me for? I'm in the middle of this song in front of 12,000 people, you dick. Why don't you just get on with it? You should be doing your gig, you fucker.
Q - July 1995
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atlabeth · 3 months ago
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i think ive created the reader character i relate most to
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