25 posts
This is my main blog! I draw sometimes.Here's the blog for Stellar Remnants! -
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stellarstudios999 · 10 days ago
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My profile picture evolution! slowly getting better!
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stellarstudios999 · 16 days ago
I feel so stressed out. Stellar Remnant's is now at 591 kudos and I'm only 25 chapters in. And I'm not stressed out in a bad way, but more in an excited way. Like the Discord Server is growing, I almost have all the character art references down (only Dream and Ink left) and I'm about ready to start outlining the next 25 chapters and get to posting again. But there are some things that I'm really impatient for. Like small character details that I'm really proud of that I can't talk about because that would spoil something major. I know keeping it to myself is the best thing I can do for the effect of it and all, but I REALLY want to talk about it! Having so many people already being just as hyped about his story as I am, is amazing! Can't wait to take down For the Forgotten Ones and claim the throne for the most epic, non-shipping, plot packed, UTMV story on Ao3. ... I'm only partly joking. Much love to FtFo's but there needs to be more stories like it, and if no one else is gonna commit to such a thing then I will do it myself! If this rant interested you, you can read Stellar Remnants here -
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stellarstudios999 · 21 days ago
Why is this so pretty?!??! It's so pretty!!! it's like a warm sunrise of somber acceptance! The hints of purple mixed into the gold and yellows! The soft expressions! Not only that, but to make the figure seem like he's glowing on PAPER?! Beautiful!
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Dream sketchbook doodles <3
Mental health is really low atm, and I thought drawing Dream in my sketchbook would help. It did somewhat
This was drawn with Highlighters, Pens, and Crayons
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stellarstudios999 · 21 days ago
When I figure out how to draw legs and convey character weight it's over for all of you.
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stellarstudios999 · 24 days ago
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Welp, this might be my first time participating in a chain/trend thing. Uh am I meant to @ someone or do I just saying anyone...? Uhh anyone! ...I'm still kinda new to tumblr
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Picrew chain! Make yourself with this picrew and the most recent meme on your phone
Tags: @dracosleftarsecheek @yourlocalbadgerscales @forensic-b1tch-aiden @names-confuse-me @agathokakolog1cal @yourlocalxiaosimp and open tags! <33 have fun
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stellarstudios999 · 26 days ago
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The picture on the left is an 8-month-old drawing of a side view, I avoided drawing side views for a while after this lol The picture on the right is something I drew last night. art is a long, complicated, irritating journey. Never let yourself be discouraged by "bad" art. There is no such thing. Stay determined! Struggled with this for an hour btw lol
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stellarstudios999 · 1 month ago
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Still trying to figure out how the heck this happened. Number one in SANS. On WATTPAD. Like HOW. This was like...15 minutes of writing, I just wanted to rewrite my first fanfiction... Anyway this is cool! lol
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stellarstudios999 · 1 month ago
I am currently witnessing the slow death of my computer and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is watch as it gets slower and things glitch and it struggled to uphold the burdens of its use the same way it did when it was young. I can just hope its final breath is a peaceful one...
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stellarstudios999 · 1 month ago
Just submitted my senior quote as "Despite everything, it's still you." I have never had such a rise of joy in my chest from such a simple thing. Undertale has meant do much to me for the past few years and everything I have gone through; I wouldn't have my quote be anything else.
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stellarstudios999 · 1 month ago
Stellar Studios Master Post
GREETINGS!!! Call me Stellar!
So, you stumbled upon me, that's cool! I hope you find my work...stellar... *distant rimshot*
I am currently 18 years old
Pronouns are She/Her
I have a cat named "Azriel" - Named after the Angel of Death "Azrael" And the monster prince from Undertale "Asriel" - I combined the spellings.
I want to write stories and make digital web comics for Undertale/UTMV. I'm an animator, writer, lyricist, singer, voice actor, and self-proclaimed Undertale lore expert.
My favorite color is purple.
My favorite animal is a wolf.
Art commissions!!! - I'm open to taking them, DM me on discord if you are interested!
Where else can you find me?
Discord - charadreemurr99999 YouTube - StellarStudios - YouTube
Ao3 - StellarTales999 | Archive of Our Own
Wattpad - StellarTales999 - Wattpad
My other blogs!
Stellar Remnants AU Tumblr
Stellarverse multiverse Tumblr
Undertale Purple Tumblr
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stellarstudios999 · 2 months ago
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This comment is everything. You mean to tell me that I'm not only getting more readers by the day, but I'm bringing more people to discover EPIC the musical???
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stellarstudios999 · 2 months ago
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I have never made a serious attempt at vent art. Putting feelings and memories into a visual like this was...hard. I cried a few times at random while drawing this. I have suffered with Unacceptable Thoughts - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (UT - OCD) for a long time and though I am better off now than before, it's still a lot to deal with. Since this is my main blog, I am trying to post more about myself, so I felt this fit that... This part of OCD is rarely talking about a feel so if someone who can relate or feel less alone through this art/post, then that would be great? idk. I have never really been this open online before and I'm still fairly new to Tumblr.
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stellarstudios999 · 2 months ago
Fellow diamonds, where you at? lol I need to post on my main blog more so I can talk about myself and not my works XD Hi!!!
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stellarstudios999 · 2 months ago
Just reblog my side blogs, don't mind me.
Undertale Purple!
Hello! I'm Stellar. I'm the creator and writer of @stellarremnantsau and my main blog is @stellarstudios999 Undertale Purple is a side project of mine that I have already put a lot of thought into. Obviously is still in a rough stage as I don't have much written down or drawn, but I will get to that. I don't consider Undertale Purple apart of Stellar Verse, so it gets a blog of its own. More coming soon!
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stellarstudios999 · 2 months ago
Just gonna reblog these to spread the word.
Stellar Verse Official!
Hello! I'm Stellar, Creator and writer of @stellarremnantsau and my official blog is @stellarstudios999 Stellar Remnant's takes place in a full-on multiverse of my making, and I have a lot more characters and stories that I want to talk about in the future, so this blog is just going to be here for when I need it. (Note that a lot of my characters CAN exist in other multiverses, but this is their origins.) More coming soon!
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stellarstudios999 · 3 months ago
Why do I keep getting the Palestinian go fund me messages? They all read like AI generated stuff, with the same emojis and there are SO MANY OF THEM. I know that there is like a 5% chance that one of them COULD be legit or something (based on some sources I looked into)...BUT COME ON. Who in their right mind would go to a UNDERTALE MULTIVERSE FANFICTION TUMBLR to ask for donations??? And then I look into some of my followers and see some of them posting the go fund me asks and I feel really off by them. UGH, idk, it seems really strange to me, and they are getting super annoying, like 95% of these are JUST scams.
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stellarstudios999 · 3 months ago
EPIC inspiration
As a growing artist, Epic the musical meant so much to me in so many ways. Storytelling's, music, voice acting, art, animation, ALL stuff I work in, and every time a new saga came out, I was hit with so much inspiration for every one of my passions. I had so many chances to discover new artist, singers, animators, people I follow regularly now, even for stuff not Epic related. Epic the musical is an absolute masterpiece and that's because you can *feel* the passion behind it, and passion inspires passion. Even though the final saga is released, I know I will continue to follow the project for a long time still, and I know I will continue to meet new amazingly talented, passionate people, and in turn, I will grow as an artist myself. Thank you, Jorge. For everything.
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