sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #32 Beyond the Grid
Welcome back tired adventurers! For this week’s review we are taking a look at issue #32 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Now. I’d like to know why no one told be how cool the Power Rangers were right now!? I grew up on this show, wanting to be a Ranger for as long as I remember. Heck, I still want to be a ranger! But this issue seriously has me jazzed! It’s kind of exactly what you want when you see your childhood heroes as an adult...heckin’ rad.
Today’s creative team consists of writer - Marguerite Bennett, Illustrator - Simone Di Meo, and colorist - Walter Baiamonte.
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Review and spoilers under the cut~ So.. as they say in Angel Grove. RANGERS! IT’S MORPHIN TIME!
Story & Visuals Goodness gracious. 
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Flipping through this book was something magical for me. I love the splash pages and the colors and the character designs, and the effects, and the environments! When I tell you this is one of the coolest looking books I’ve seen recently, I’m not fudging to you. Tall grey buildings of some city in big town, USA has been replaced by other worldly crystal sponges and far away places. It echos the nostalgia from my childhood, but still captures the attention of adult me. Flippy action shots and one line quips do this set of Rangers just right.
This particular issue comes a little after a big event in the Ranger Universe called Shattered Grid. It set up a Grid-Universe wide reboot (that isn’t actually a reboot) to introduce the new story line. In typical MMPR fashion, lots of cosmic time-jumping happened and it’s pretty difficult to explain in a short review, but it makes getting into the title fairly easy. A few trades and one cataclysmic event later you are at issue 32!
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Just in this one book there are “Oh Shit!” moments to make my inner child’s toes curl. First of all, my boy Andros, is present, so that makes it even better. Second of all, yes. Give me all those Ranger suits with tiny practical upgrades and battle damage, yet still identifiable in thumbnail format. I’m not sure if I’ve made it clear or not, but I love Power Rangers.
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The narrative even keeps on pace with what old school fans would remember from episode formats. The small fry intro, morphing, small scuffles in and out of suits, and the ominous bad guy reveal at the end of the book. All matured up so you have that familiarity, but without the gimmicky monster of the week feel.
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It’s hard to talk about this book without taking time to appreciate the artist and colorist’s great creative chemistry. I’m a sucker for a sketchy-action oriented movement style that doesn’t break up the strong color values or muddy significant scenes. I know I talked about this in my Batman #51 review, choosing a strong color pallet to counter the heavy usage of line weights. Tied in with an easy to follow, dynamic panel layout and experimental environments and effects you get unique illustrations like the one below.
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Don’t worry, you’re eyes aren’t messing with you. That off-registration is a very well placed, intentional character aspect. Someone existing in this made-up multiverse, depowering from a ranger morph. Right on. Just really cool things are happening with this team, writer included, and I am 100% here for it.
But let’s get to the ratings because I can go on about the Rangers for decades. It’s a fine line between a good read and oh my god, someone shut this girl up. So let’s crack down on the first part.
Ratings: Overall 9.9/10 - I’m so wanting to give this book a 10/10. I’m reinvigorated for a beloved childhood ranger story, and I’m in love with the art. I’m going to be selfish and say that I would have killed for a well executed morphin scene though. I know the pacing just wasn’t there for it, and I always loved the quick change cuts to help show desperation, but I just need that one magi-girl transformation scene and I need it bad. But real talk, a truly solid read for any ranger fan of any generation. Butts 1/10 - When I made this category, I was really in the mindset of doing more Super reviews, oh how wrong I was. Unfortunately though, butts are a rare commodity out beyond the Grid. Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 10/10 - I’m committed. Done deal. Sign me the fuck up. I’m currently backlogging and reading the trades and will consume this like fire does dry brush on a hot day under a curious kid’s magnifier glass. #Rangers5Ever.
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Shuri #1
Shuri #1 hit shelves this week with a stunning cover by Sam Spratt! Oh, and hello, welcome back, glad you could all be here for this week’s comic review of Shuri #1! 
The creative team this week consists of writer - Nnedi Okorafor, artist -Leonardo Romero, colorist -Jordie Bellaire, and letterer Joe Sabino. 
A little while ago in Marvel’s universe, Shuri had previously taken the mantel of Black Panther. While defending her home from invaders of Thanos’ Black Order, Shuri lost her life. With the guidance of her ancestors, she returned to the land of the living. This story takes place after all of this, and makes for a great jumping on point for new readers. Especially, if you are a fan of the Black Panther movie, you get the same intelligent playfulness from the beloved princess, and I recommend giving the issue a read~!
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Shuri is the Disney Princess that we need. I hope you support the creators and the character and protect this princess! As always, reviews and spoilers below, and remember kids, Wakanda Forever.
Story and Visuals  I was very excited about this book when Stephen put out the poster earlier in the week. An independent title focused around Shuri, the incredibly intelligent, funny, energetic, rebel second child of Wakanda. Yes. Also, have I mentioned I love this cover?! Because I do!
The first page you get a quick, digestible summary of what has happened to Shuri in the past. The series is not necessarily inline with the cinematic universe, but you can see the familiarity in the character. In the issue, T’Challa and hinted love interest, Manifold are participating in Wakanda’s first space launch through a wormhole. It is revealed that the ship has gone missing, losing communication. Now without T’Challa, the burden of leadership has seemed to fall upon Shuri’s shoulders.
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 I believe it is a great build up to a decision that can go many ways. Shuri had taken on the mantel before, but at the cost of her life. Wakanda is no longer “ruled” by a king, but it is explained that Black Panther is the spirit of the nation, and without it’s spirit, Wakanda may suffer.
The visuals of the book are stunning. Keeping right in line with the afro-futurism that defines Wakanda. The merging of it’s advance technology and it’s appreciation for tradition allows for some imaginative panels. 
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Not to mention solidifying Shuri as a prominent gear-head in the Marvel universe, that may pave the way for Cinematic Shuri to claim a new spot in the Avengers U and RDJ takes a step back.
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One of the other great things from this issue is the presence of women throughout the imagery and the depiction of different styles and ages. The women meet at the end of the book in council to make an important decision for Wakanda. They represent different ages, job class, education, and more, but they meet together and talk all as equals. It’s a strong statement for what the rest of the series is sure to bring.
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I really hope this title does well and that it sets up some interesting canon to be incorporated into the movies. I’d love to see more of Shuri and what she can do, but in the meantime, let’s roll into the ratings.
Ratings: Overall 8.5/10 - Again, a great jumping on point! The entire issue is a lead in for Shuri to do something great. The pacing is on point for a long story to unfold over time and I’m here for the ride! Butts 1/10 - Not a big change for butts in this issue, but that’s okay, for now... Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 10/10 - I’m very excited for the Shuri Black Panther design! I’m also interested to see what type of obstacles they put in front of a tech wiz who has ancient spirits in her head guiding her.
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Umbrella Academy #1 Hotel Oblivion
Coming right back to you with a review of the Umbrella Academy #1 Hotel Oblivion! This is one of Stephen’s favorite series, he had been urging me to read it since June (if not since the first time we met 5 years ago), before the new series came out. And boy howdy, did I! I read both volumes in a night and was itching to get my hands on the new book immediately~
The creative team for this one includes writer - Gerard Way, artist - Gabriel Ba, and letters and colors by Nate Piekos and Nick Filardi, respectively. Ssalefish Comics also had an exclusive cover illustrated by  Francesco Francavilla.
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Before we jump under to the review, I do recommend reading the first two volumes, this is a continuation of the original story and you WILL be lost. I even recommend re-reading the series if it’s been a while. Now then, let’s boogie.
Story and Visuals If I could sum up the entire series with one image, it would be this one.
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The story as a whole is completely mind boggling to me. At no point while reading did I think “what am I reading?” but at the end of the series I had to stop and think about what it was I just read. The narrative is solid, despite the constant timeline jumping, which is something most books can only dream of achieving. A unique story with characters not quite like anything I’ve seen before... But, today we are reviewing issue #1 of Hotel Oblivion, so let me refocus here.
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We have a few character’s story lines that we are following here, again, I’m quite amazed that they don’t all become instantly muddled. Each portion of the story has a clear overtone and utilizes unique character design to separate the “bits” cleanly. The art is fantastic, utilizing those hard black edges and color palette to keep the images from becoming muddied. The dark shadows help set a mood that ties all the pieces together into a cohesive work no matter where in the story you jump to.
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If you have been wanting to read a sci-fy-fantasy-drama-action comic, then good news! This is it! The thing that I enjoy the most about this book is that it introduces the most obscure, ridiculous thing as completely normal. It’s believable because this universe believes in itself wholeheartedly. You can dream up the wildest thing and nestle it right into the belly of the beast without said beast spitting it back up. Want a murdering ten year old? You got it! Monkey men get you excited? Done deal! Teleporting elevators that open into alternate dimensions, one of which is a burning desert where you built a hotel to hold criminals as you see fit without trial sound fun to you?! No problem, Umbrella Academy has you covered! 
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It’s hard to pick images without giving toooooo much away. But trust me when I say, you don’t want to miss out on this book! Right when you think you have an idea of what is going to happen, it zags on you. Speaking of zags, let’s zig and get to the ratings.
Ratings: Overall 9/10 - A solid read. There are always a few questions that I have, but it’s more my wanting to delve into backstory than anything else... Butts 1/10 - Uhhhhhhhhh, yea, sure... Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 10/10 - Now I’ve just gotta know, I became invested and I’m reading it the whole way through for sure!
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Rolled & Told #1
We are playing catch up this week! It’s been an exciting few days here at the Ssalefish shop in Greensboro, NC! Between Baltimore Comicon, NYCC, and preparing for in-store events such as Halloween Comicfest (a nationwide event on October 27th at participating comic shops) I have fallen behind on writing up the reviews that I know you all love to read and look forward to as the highlight of your week! So, as a special treat for you, I’m catching up week by week right here right now, starting with Rolled & Told #1 from Lion Forge!
Rolled & Told is a great new Dungeons & Dragons companion piece that helps new players and DMs craft stories together! It’s also an easy way to jump into a one-shot adventure if you aren’t looking for heavy, month long campaigns~ The creative team includes a whole slew of creatives:
Steenz, Kat Vendettie, E.I. Thomas, Naomi Franquiz, Brandon Reese, Tristan Tarwater, Justin Peniston, Max Bare, Jemma Salume, Meaghan Carter, Jade Feng Lee, Ben Sears, Nicole Goux, Annie Monette, Robin Allen, and Myisha Haynes.
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Let’s jump into the adventure! Spoilers & Review under the cut~
Before we begin, let me tell you, Rolled & Told is not your typical comic book. There is not a set plot being followed with full page sequential illustrations, it is an aid to gamers looking to get into the world of Table Top gaming by using comics and illustrations!
Story and Visuals  Issue 1 includes two main adventures, Hoist the Jolly Gobbler! and Pull Your Weight. The adventure lays out an over arching timeline, enemies, saves, and realistic stats for low level adventurers. It gives just enough information to guide new DMs along a story line, while still keeping it open enough for players to decide how to approach each challenge. It’s silly and fun, but still teaches you important game mechanics. 
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The book hosts a lot of great illustrators and writers, each bringing a unique element to the book, including maps and prop design. This is something a lot of starting DMs have trouble with, and can sometime get muddles trying to keep everything in their head, well, now they don’t have to! It’s all laid out for you!! I can’t emphasis enough how much work went into planning this series to allow anyone to understand and play right away, Even explaining loot and magical items.
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It’s hard to get a solid visual representation of this book, because it is text heavy due to adventure writing, and text doesn’t make very interesting photos. But trust me when I tell you it’s worth the $7.99, especially if you are serious about running a quality campaign for you and your friends!
Ratings: Overall 9.8/10 - This is the highest rating I’ve given so far! And the only reason I’m not giving it a 10/10 is because I feel like I need to save that for something very special... and because, yes, you do have to do a lot of reading (but it’s a lot easier than the DM Guide textbook!!). Butts 0/10 - In this particular issue, you don’t get any butts. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t include them in your next campaign!! Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 10/10 - This is one of the 3 series I am currently subscribed to~
Now. Get out there and go tell some stories!! And then come into the shop and recap them for me because I need to know every detail about your campaign! Also, we have the D&D Players Manual and GM Guide in stock, along with the Starter Kit and Pathfinder Rule book. And dice. We always have dice!
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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A signed cover of the gorgeous Adam Hughes Wonder Woman #139 has come into our collection! It can be yours today~ I know you wanna....
Wonder Woman #139
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Return of Wolverine #1
We return to the comic shelves this week with a much anticipated title, Return of Wolverine! Now that there is a chance for X-Men (and others coughfantasticfourcough) to join up with the Marvel cinematic universe, it looks like Marvel is putting some extra effort into relaunching beloved comic characters. Wolverine returns after about 4 years since Death of Wolverine in 2014. The creative team includes writer Charles Soule, pencils and ink by Steve McNiven and Jay Leisten, colors by Laura Martin.
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As always, a spoilers and review below the cut~ Let’s get to it Bub. Bub. Bub. Bub...
Story and Visuals  My first thought reading this book was that this is a GREAT spot for new readers to jump on. They way it is set up, we are going to get a brief history of Wolverine as he rediscovers himself and gains back some memories. Oh yea, he forgot who he was. But that’s pretty typical with these relaunch books. 
The book opens with chaos. A lab, strewn with bodies and blood...all with large slashes across their bodies, how curious. A badly injured doctor gives Wolverine his first idea of who he is. He has to save them, save the whole world.Desperate he pleads for Wolverine to end his life, the whole event cut short by a large explosion.
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 Some fighting, some minor memory flashes, and we are riding down the mountain on a convenient motorbike with a machine gun. Laid out by return fire, Wolverine comes to after some more memory diving where he meets Persephone for the first time. Having heard she is to blame for the chaos, and now she is claiming that she is responsible for bringing him back to life, there are clearly some unclear intentions here.
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The second half of the issue, a doctor, Ana is helping him. Stitching up a would that for some reason won’t close and begging for help to find her son. Her character is what makes this book accessible to new readers. She is used as the device to remind Wolverine who he is and what he stands for. Her first story is about why he wears his suit. Now honestly, I don’t know if it’s ever been discussed why he is yellow and blue, or if it was just a pretty picture in the 70s, but it creates a great characterization to set him up as the hero that she needs, and the one the readers want.
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There is a lot happening and I’m sure devoted fans of the series caught a lot more easter eggs than I ever could, but I’m genuinely surprised at the accessibility of this comics. Especially after reading Fantastic Four.... But that’s okay, if they were all home runs, I would be broke from buying comics. Let’s do ratings my broke amigos! Ratings: Overall 8/10 - I’m very happy with the opening provided for new readers! I was surprisingly invested in the book dispute not having a lot of interest in Wolverine as a character.  Butts 1/10 - A slight hint of Butt, but no actual hairy butts. Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 8/10 - This is a mini-series, so I will probably read the whole mini. Now if I continue what ever series comes after that, that’s another question.
As always, thanks for reading you guys! I appreciate the support and the kinds feedback I’ve received~  Let me know what your favorite comics are and what you think of the new stuff on the shelf. See you next time!
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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“Know that the mask destroys one identity while creating another! Know that the mask recreates the wearer! Know that through the sublimation of personality, inhibitions die -- and deeper drives, more primitive instincts, are brought to the surface!“ - Black Mask (DC Wiki, Batman 386)
Batman #386 - First Appearance of Black Mask
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Anthony Bourdain’s Hungry Ghosts
Welcome back weekly comic fanatics! This week we are taking on a whole trade! Anthony Bourdain’s Hungry Ghosts has just released in a beautifully creepy hardback that is on the shelves today! This book comes to us as a collection of short stories. Anthony Bourdain meant a lot of great things to a lot of different people, he has always inspired my love of travel, food, and culture, and I’m glad that this trade will be able to make it into the hands of other fans who loved what he loved.
Warning. These stories are intended for mature readers and depict gore and a lot of body horror. I will try to tag it accordingly. The creative team behind this project includes Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose as writers, and the artistic talents of Sebastian Cabrol, Sal Cipriano, Vanesa Sel Rey, Francesco Francavilla, Irene Koh, Leonardo Manco, Alberto Ponticellie, Paul Pope, Mateus Santolouco, and Jose Villarrubia.
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"If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. Walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food. It's a plus for everybody." -Anothony Bourdain
Spoilers & Review under the cut. Cheers!
Story and Visuals  The writing is what one might expect from someone like Bourdain. There is no flowery descriptions and it reads blunt and matter of factually. The story telling is mostly done through the art. Each issue is a different horror artist and a different story. Portrayed as a challenge, each narrator is an international chef who spins a tale of horror and suspense. For this particular review I’m going to focus on Boil in the Belly.
This short story is a grossly disturbing piece of body horror. A young chef’s body is over taken by a strange unknown creature demanding food! Unable to rid her son of the creature, the mother takes to feeding it. But as much as she feeds it, it only demands more.
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The family’s desperation turns to a doctor. A very strange doctor... Someone who is familiar with the case! Just when I didn’t think it could get any worse, it does... He diagnoses the young chef as falling victim to a “Hungry Ghost” and proceeds to expel it from the host’s body.
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My friends. I am not one for horror...or gore... or body stuff... but I have to admit this is a great book. Despite the tightening in my chest and the gurgling fluids in my stomach, the illustrations of this book make it a solid read. And just in time fore Halloween gift giving!
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So you die hard horror fans and fans of the late, great Anthony Bourdain, this one is for you. I’m honestly not sure the size of overlap on that venn diagram, but still, this is a book that will make your toes curl. How delightful!
Ratings: Overall 9/10 - I’m utterly squeamish. For me personally, the writing is a bit blunt and paced awkwardly, but the art more than makes up for some solid story telling. Gutts 10/10 - Hold onto your insides kiddos! Butts 1/10 - I probably had my eyes closed.  Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 1/10 - Nothing personal ghosts, but I’m not about that blood stuff. And also, this is a trade...so it’s kind of finished. 
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Sandman Universe - The Dreaming: New Series
Friends! I’m a day late... I started reading the new Sandman Dreaming series, but I was a bit overwhelmed despite reading the one-shot that came out a few weeks ago. So. I read the 1st Sandman trade last night.Usually, I go into these new books with an open mind and no previous knowledge of what I’m signing up for. But I felt that I needed to do a little bit of background work on this particular story. That being said, Sandman Universe - the Dreaming is our book of the week with the creative team consisting of writer Simon Spurrier, artist Bilquis Evely, and colorist Mat Lopes. This book is rated M for those mature readers in your life. ‘Here’s lookin’ at you babes.
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More under the cut my curious little blueberries~ Hop to it!
Story and Visuals The first read through I did, I read it as a shallow narrative. And if you do that, well it doesn’t make a lot of sense. The verbiage is poetic in nature and obscure in its descriptions. Lucien, the librarian, is acting as narrator along with the visual story telling through the first half of the issue.
The prominent character in this narrative is Dora. I love Dora, she is rebellious and crass, but also shows fragility and puts her insecurities on display. No one knows who or what Dora is, not even herself, and so she acts out against the “order” of things. The book is constantly hinting at more, but hasn’t revealed much else outside of the Dreaming world is crumbling. The pacing is strong and the page turning reveals are masterful.
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I’m a big big fan of the visuals. There is a LOT of content to portray panel to panel, but it does a great job of depicting the complexity of the shot without over exerting your eye-holes. 
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The movements of characters are flawless and their differentiated silhouettes are complimented with minute changes in pose, such as how one carries themselves, do their shoulders slump? Are they relaxed or taught with tension?! I personally love the lounging of Balam after a good...uhhh...tussle. (Sex, it was sex.) 
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Do I think they made this book accessible to those who haven’t read it before? Uhh, they might have tried... Do I think it’s easy to pick up having never ready anything Sandman before? No. Should you still read this issue? Yes! Of course! First of all, I wouldn’t be so great working for a comic shop and me telling you not to come pick up a book, but in all seriousness, I still enjoyed reading it. I went back a did a little digging just for my own sanity, but on a surface level this book is still an interesting read. You do however have to read the Sandman Universe that came out before this that introduced all the new series if you haven’t picked up Sandman before.
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So, action items to take away from today’s meeting. Read Sandman Universe, pay me $25 dollars. Can everyone do those two things?! Good. Let’s do the ratings.
Ratings: Overall 7/10 - I’m a big fan of this art and color. I’ll admit, scanning through the book is a little hard to do, so you have to devote a quiet minute to this one. And even then, it could be a little confusing... Page Turners 8/10 - Great page reveals! Adds to the overall pacing of the story and allows the reader a sense of “discovery” that I think gets lost in a lot of titles. Butts 4/10 - Not a crazy amount of butt, but a good chunk of hunk for ya. Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 9/10 - This is one of the books that I have been looking forward to since I learned about it. I’m invested in Dora now, but there are a few other titles in the Sandman Universe that have piqued my interest!
Thanks for making it this far everyone! As a reward I’m going to remind you of our Ssalefish comics exclusive variant cover for the Umbrella Academy releasing in October! Read the previous update for more information.
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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We’ve come across new Star Wars ”Movie Realization” Stormtrooper figures from a collection trade in! Now we are sharing them with you! View our listings below and claim a brand new, unopened Trooper of your own~ (Stock Photos - we have not opened the figures)
Taikoyaku Stormtrooper (Top Photo)
Teppo Ashigaru Stormtrooper (Bottom Photos)
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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“Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe. But this…does put a smile on my face.” #marvellegends #infinitywar #infinitygauntlet back in stock, as well as #thanos #13 first printing featuring the first appearance of Cosmic #ghostrider ! (at Ssalefish Comics Greensboro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnURExYnUAx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lwnkdwzyycxq
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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I'm writing today, a day earlier than usual, because I just can't wait to make this announcement any longer (and because I'm going to be sequestered in the warehouse for the next two days getting things ready for Greensboro Comicon [tickets on sale now here at the shop]): We'll be getting our very own exclusive variant cover to Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #1 in October!
Illustrated by the always prolific Francesco Francavilla and limited to 1,500 copies worldwide, the interior madness will be presented by the original series team, written by My Chemical Romance frontman and DC's Young Animal editor-in-chief Gerard Way and illustrated by multiple-Eisner-award-winner Gabriel Ba. As with our Batman #50 variant, the first copy purchased in-store will be cover price, with each additional copy available for just $10. It's also the perfect book to get signed by G at NC Comicon: Bull City in November!
This is truly another dream come truth for me. Umbrella Academy is hands down a desert island, top 5 series of all time (alongside Scott Pilgrim, DC New Frontier, All-Star Superman, and Casanova for those keeping track at home). I've even quintuple-dipped on Apocalypse Suite in deluxe hardcover, paperback, single issues, mini hardcover, and digital, and this is just another example of how lucky I am to be a business owner, that, with the consultation of my partners, of course, I can see where we're at and the road ahead and make a completely self-dulgent decision to do something that will spread my personal enjoyment of something across the world!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, September 5th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Adventures of the Super Sons #2
Ant-Man & the Wasp #5 - final issue!
Aphrodite IX Ares One-Shot
Asgardians of the Galaxy #1
Astonishing X-Men #15 - Akcho Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Avengers #7 - Tradd Moore Cosmic Ghost Rider and Ventrue Spider-man Video Game variants available!
Batman #54
Batman/ Catwoman Wedding Album Deluxe HC - reprinting the proposal in Batman #24, the wedding dress reveal in Batman #44, and the "wedding" in Batman #50, plus every version of every variant cover, including our Joshua Middleton exclusive, all for just $17.99!
Batman Detective Comics TP vol. 7
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #23
Black Science #38
Border Town #1 - the first ongoing series from the revitalized Vertigo Comics!
Boruto TP vol. 4
Bully Wars #1 - new from Image Comics, Deadpool & I Hate Fairyland's Skottie Young, and Sabretooth Swordsman's Aaron Conley, with Young, Scott Brown, and CBLDF censored & uncensored variants available for cover price!
Call of Duty Zombies 2 #1
Captain America #3 - Jack Kirby remastered and Patrick Zircher Cosmic Ghost Rider variants available!
Catalyst Prime Noble #11
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3
Cover #1 - the Daredevil team of Brian Michael Bendis & David Mack reunite for the story of a female comic creator that become a spy!
Crystal Fighters TP - written & illustrated by the always vibrant Jen Bartel!
Curse of Brimstone #6
Dark Ark #10
DC Nation #4
Dead Hand #6
Deadpool #4 - Todd Nauck Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Death of the Inhumans #3
Deathstroke #35
Dr. Stone TP vol. 1
Dreaming #1 - the first of the ongoing series in the Sandman Universe, featuring Lucien, Matthew, Cain, Abel, Merv Pumpkinhead, and the rest of the kingdom!
Elric White Wolf #1
Fear Agent Final Edition TP vol. 3
Fix TP vol. 3
Ghostbusters Crossing Over #6
Giant Days #42
Green Arrow #44
Green Lanterns #54
Haikyu TP vol. 27
Harley Quinn #49
Hellboy Omnibus TP vol. 4
Immortal Hulk #5 - Rahzzah Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Injustice #33
James Bond Origin #1
Justice League #7
Kaijumax Season 4 #2
Last Siege #4
Leviathan #2
Long Con #2
Monstress TP vol. 3
New Lieutenants of Metal #3
Nightmare Before Christmas TP
Nightwing #48
Old Man Logan Annual #1
Optimus Prime #23
Paper Girls #24
Pestilence Story of Satan #4
Predator Hunters II #2
Project Superpowers #2
Quicksilver No Surrender #5 - final issue!
Raid #2
Relay #3
Riverdale TP vol. 3
Rocko's Modern Life #8
Shadow Roads #3
Silver Surfer Annual #1
Snotgirl #11
Spawn #289
Spider-man/ Deadpool #38
Star Wars #52
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2
Thanos Legacy #1 - Donny Cates returns to the character that broke him at Marvel, filling in the story between his run on the Mad Titan's ongoing series and where he ended up in Infinity Wars Prime! Dave Johnson Cosmic Ghost Rider, Ron Lim, George Perez, Esad Ribic, and Stonehouse variants available!
TMNT Ultimate Collection TP vol. 3
TMNT Urban Legends #5
Tomo Chan is a Girl TP vol. 1
Transformers Lost Light #23
Transformers Unicron #4
True Believers Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev #1 - reprinting Daredevil vol. 2 #26 for $1!
True Believers Daredevil by Lee & Everett #1 - reprinting Daredevil #1 for $1!
True Believers Daredevil by Smith & Quesada #1 - reprinting Daredevil vol. 2 #1 for $1
Unexpected #4
United Statues of Murder Inc. #1
Unnatural #3 - Matteo Scalera and CBLDF censored & uncensored variants available for cover price!
Vampironica #3
Venom First Host #2
Vigilant One-Shot
Walking Dead #183
Walking Dead TP vol. 30
War Bears #1
Weapon X #23
Wolverine Old Man Logan TP vol. 8
WWE Nxt Takeover Blueprint #1
X-Men Gold #35
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Rick and Morty vs Dungeons & Dragons #1: New Series
Happy new comic book day ya’ big ole lovable nerds~! I was thinking on this “new comic” day, and if you are dedicated enough and want to come visit, every day could be new comic book day! Imagine the possibilities! New comics EVERYDAY. Someone should get on that...
This week’s pick is the new mashup of Rick and Morty vs Dungeons & Dragons. As some of you probably know, Dan Harmon, one of the creators of the Rick and Morty show, has his own D&D actual play called HarmonQuest that is part animation, part live action, along side his other work with Wizards of the Coast. So it doesn’t come as a big surprise that this eventual team up would happen, especially with the huge resurgence of D&D’s popularity in pop culture, but it is exciting to see it in comic format!
This week’s creative team consists of writers Patrick Rothfuss & Jim Zub, artist Troy Little, and colorist Leonardo Ito.
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Let’s get into the review! Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
Story and Visuals Hmmm... Where should we start? I’ve definitely seen some episodes of Rick and Morty and I’ve read a few comic issues here and there, but I’m not typically one for the over the top grossy-gross that often comes along with the visuals. It’s a personal preference and I can appreciate the style and and characterizations without throwing the book across the room.
NOW. We can have fun~ The issue starts in with Morty having a very real, very relatable realization that EVERYONE is talking, playing, watching, listening to Dungeons & Dragons. I personally have experienced this and gone through it! And look at me now, I’ve muscled my way in and set up a D&D display at the shop here in Greensboro! (So come buy books and dice and tell me about your campaigns!) There are a lot of references that readers will hone in on immediately with mentions of various shows and podcasts and lots of dice.
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Morty goes through it all, the stress of finding the right place to start learning, creating a character, playing with experienced players that offer no guidance, having your new character die, and then trying to quit only to be sucked back in again. It occurred to me half way through the issue just how absolutely wordy it is. I started to wonder how comprehensive it was to people who don’t know a lot about the game, or who actually are just starting out, so I asked. Me: As a player new to the game were you able to easily understand what all was happening? Stephen: Yea. Me: Do you think someone who doesn’t play or listen to podcasts would understand it? Stephen: No. And there you have it folks! Usually I really dislike comics that are dependent on dialog to move a story along, but I have to laugh at this one because it’s kind of another D&D reference. Every session is long and wordy because that’s the only medium you get to tell the story. But I can definitely see how someone not familiar with the game would get frustrated.
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They play, they fight, they die, And right when Morty is ready to give up Rick of course takes things a step up and plugs the two of them into a realistic D&D game simulator where they go questing and Morty experiences his own critical failure where he guts Rick in the heat of battle. But honestly, the most unrealistic thing to me is that he could find not one, but two, YES TWO, player groups who’s schedules aligned and had an opening in their campaign that he could just slide into, in the same afternoon that he bought his first handbook! Wild.
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From a Rick and Morty fan perspective, this book is made for you. Action, stupidity mixed with carelessness, and lots of burping. From a D&D fan perspective, it kind of makes getting into the game a bit intimidating.
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But there are a lot of tools that make it easy and invite new players to ease there way in. One such tool is the new series from Lion Forge called Rolled & Told.  Rolled & Told is a new monthly that includes a comic, trips/tricks/articles for new GMs, 2 ready-to-play adventures, and full maps and illustrations! It’s $7.99, but I think well worth the price if you are just starting out. I will do a review of the 1st issue when it comes out in October, but Issue #0 is on the shelf now (released in July)! FOR FREE! Ask you local comic shop to subscribe and get your copy on that good, good New Comic Wednesday!
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C’mon Morty, we gotta do the numbers. The NUMBERS, Morty! Ratings: Overall 5/10 - I’m keeping to neutral territory here. I’m excited to see more and more people get into D&D and community story telling, but I’m just not crazy about this story yet. Butts 0/10 - Thank goodness for censor bars. But also, I don’t think I would want any butts in this adventure... Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 3/10 - Yea I’m good guys. Again, I’m excited for the idea! But it looks like the adventure is going to take a turn away from game play and into mindless monster hacking. But I encourage anyone interested in the series to pick it up!! 
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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(DVD Box Art by Bill Sienkiewicz.) I've been on a Venture Bros. deep dive. The only thing I can trace it back to is thinking about heading up to New York Comic Con in October, where five years ago I saw the best panel I've ever attended, Let's All Smoking, hosted by show creator Jackson Publick and his main man Doc Hammer. Whatever it was, I've been rewatching the whole series from the beginning (if you don't like that episode, you don't like one of my all-time Top 5 moments of TV), reading all of the behind the scenes junk on every episode in the Go Team Venture art book from Dark Horse, and completing my 8" Biff Bang Pow figure collection.
The two things that have struck me the most are 1) how many comic people were involved (Power of Shazam's Mike Manley, The Tick's Ben Edlund, Black Canary's Annie Wu, the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz), yet no comics were ever created for it even though Jackson Publick originally planned to do the series as a comic and 2) I wish we had done more of an Astrobase Go aesthetic with the store's decor and our personalities.
Also, I'll be at Geeksboro Battle Pub's Totally Free Craft Fair on Saturday, August 25th from 11 AM - 3:30 PM testing out our wares for Greensboro Comicon, so come by if you'd like first crack at a deal on comics or toys and grab a plate of the best tater tots in town!
The following titles are scheduled for release on Wednesday, August 29th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Amazing Spider-man Venom Epic Collection TP
Baby Sitters Club TP vol. 6
Batgirl #26 - variant cover by Joshua Middleton, in a completely different style than we've seen from him lately!
Batgirl Annual #2
Batman A Lot of Li'l Gotham TP - collecting the entire 12-issue all-ages series from inker Derek Fridolfs and acclaimed artist Dustin Nguyen!
Beyonders #1
Blackwood #4 - final issue!
Bone Parish #2
Brothers Dracul #5
Captain America Promised Land TP
Catwoman Tweety & Sylvester Special #1
Cyberforce #5
Daredevil Annual #1
Deadpool Assassin #6 - final issue!
Edge of Spider-Geddon #2 - revisiting Gerard Way's Sp//dr from the original Spider-Verse!
Euthanauts #2
Exiles #7
Extermination #2
Fantastic Four #1 - reprinting the landmark first issue of the World's Greatest Comic Magazine exactly as it originally appeared, including the ads!
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #255 - celebrating 100 issues in it's modern, revived run at IDW!
Harbinger Wars 2 #4 - final issue!
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica HC
Harley Quinn & Gossamer Special #1
Hillbilly Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond #1
House Amok #1
Hunt for Wolverine Dead Ends #1
I Hate Fairyland TP vol. 4
Isola #5
Jim Henson Fraggle Rock #4
Joker & Daffy Duck Special #1
Judas TP
Judge Dredd Under Siege #4 - final issue!
La Muerta Retribution #1
Lady Mechanika Dame Sans Merci #2
Lex Luthor & Porky Pig Special #1
Marvel Two-in-One #9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid #1 - featuring a holofoil cover appropriate for the conclusion of the biggest MMPR event of all time!
Modern Fantasy #3
Moon Knight #198
Ms. Marvel #33
My Little Pony Ponyville Mysteries #4
New Gods by Jack Kirby TP
New Mutants Dead Souls #6 - final issue!
New World #2
Nightwing Annual #1
Penny Dreadful #11
Previews #360
Red Hood & the Outlaws Annual #2
Red Sonja #20
Rick & Morty #41
Rick & Morty & Dungeons & Dragons #1
Runaways #12
Scarlet #1
Silencer Annual #1
Star Wars Adventures #13
Star Wars Lando Double or Nothing #4
Star Wars Last Jedi Adaptation TP
Star Wars Poe Dameron Annual #2
Starcraft Scavangers #2
Superior Spider-man Complete TP vol. 2
Swashbucklers Saga Continues #5
Tank Girl All Stars #3
TMNT Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #5 - final issue!
Transformers Bumblebee Movie Prequel #3
Venom First Host #1
Walk Through Hell #4
Wayward #28
Wed of Ve-Nam #1
X-23 #3
X-Files Case Files Hoot Goes There #2 - final issue!
X-Men Blue #34
X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #2 - final issue!
X-O Manowar #18
0 notes
sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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Who remembers the movie Book of Life?! I sure do!! And we’ve just listed these vaulted Funko Pop editions on our eBay store!
La Muerte Sold
Manolo (Remembered) Sold
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
West Coast Avengers #1 - New Series
Welcome back to New Comic Wednesdays! The celebration of new issues being released at your local comic book stores~ Bringing together friends and fans of all ages and celebrating in their discovery of new series! Encouraging the learning of new and old titles and characters without degrading them for not having any prior knowledge! My favorite day! Take a big whiff because that, friends, that is the smell of ink and paper bringing peace to all of humankind!! 
This week we are taking a look at the new West Coast Avengers #1. This week’s book is brought to you by Writer - Kelly Thompson, Artist - Stefano Caselli, Colorist - Triona Farrell, and Letterer - Joe Caramagna. This is a bright, fun, easy read that is showing some promise as the hero team for the new kids on the comic circuit. Real talk. Getting around all the rainbows and kind words, this is a series made up of characters that did not have success in their solo titles. That sucks, majorly. I can’t stress enough to younger readers, if you enjoy a creator’s content, be loud about it, support them with dollars, buy merchandise! Don’t let the strangers on the internet influence you with negative criticism, unless it’s me, then let me influence you completely. Follow me blindly, child. Be my minion!
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Are you following me yet?? If I turn around and you aren’t there I’ll probably cry or something... so yea. Review and spoilers under the cut.
Story and Visuals I really like the narrative storytelling in this issue. It seamlessly glides through flashbacks and present time without confusing the reader. If you have watched tv in the past 10 years, the format will be comfortable to you. Oh yea, and it’s a reality tv show... Wait! Before you just turn and scoff at the ungodly pile of burning garbage that reality tv is, give this a second look. I can’t make promises about if this tv show thing is going to be good or not, but it does give you an automatic doorway into the wholly relatable lives of a bunch of strangers living together.
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Now if you have been keeping notes, you know I love the Found Family trope, and this is right in line with that. I’m burning with hopefulness. I loved the 2005 Young Avengers title, the 2013 series... eh. Kate Bishop has been a key character for the team in both runs, and once again sets out to make a new team of Heroes to protect her new home on the West Coast, following in her mentors footsteps, who first created the West Coast Avengers in 1984.
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Let’s talk art! I do like the art a lot in this book. As stated before, it’s presented in an easy to read format without weird confusing layouts. Panel pacing is strong and the hard cuts are reminiscent of television editing. There is great energy in the expressions and actions. It’s like every California stereotype rolled into one 20-something pages of stapled paper. The color pallet is also strong, you have a lot of beachy/skate vibes and a consistent mood throughout. My one critique is don’t be afraid of those dark shadows on pretty boy Fuse’s face. There is some great dramatic lighting, but I feel like Fuse constantly get’s left out of it,,, Shade that dark skin honey! Hit’em with those reds and golds! 
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Oh yea. And a nut job shows up at the end and I hate it, haha. Let’s jump into ratings.
Ratings: Overall 7/10 - I enjoyed the first issue. I think it has some good energy and lots of potential. Also, how old are they suppose to be? Butts 4/10 - You can see a few scattered butts. Chances of Picking Up the Next Issue: 10/10 Let’s read more young teen adventures!!
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Superior Spider-Man: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Along side new comics I’ve been catching up on key events in the big wide world of comics. So if you are like me and don’t like waiting a month to read the new issue, I’ve got some trade reviews coming your way! This week is focusing on Superior Spider-Man Vol 1! 
This collection consists of issues: Amazing Spider-Man 698-700 Spider Dreams Date Night Superior Spider-Man 1-16 It’s a pretty thick paperback, and I’m not really the biggest Spider-Fan, but I think it’s well worth the effort! To give a bit of context, this series follows after Doctor Octopus, Otto Octavius, viciously attacks Peter’s mind using an octobot. You see, Octavius is dying in a high security prison trapped in an iron lung, unable to move. His last ditch effort is to use his mental connection with his robots to match brain frequencies with Peter in order to transfer their minds. Spoiler Alert. He succeeds. The Superior Spider-Man is none other than Otto Octavius, now inhabiting the body of the man he left to die in his place.
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As always, spoilers and reviews under the cut! See you space cowboys...
Story & Visuals As I’ve stated before, I’ve never been a huge fan of Spider-Man, so my knowledge comes mostly from the cartoons as a kid. BUT. I have always thought those cartoon villains were some of the best! Kraven, Morbius, Lizard/Dr Connors... those guys always stuck out to me as great characters because they were multidimensional. They lived by some sort of code, constantly reflecting on their actions and redirecting their goals. At the time, Doc Oct was none of that. He was a joke, someone who’s ego drove him mad and who never failed to be a failure. This book changed my view on him as a character. Do I still think he is a dingus-bat creep-a-zoid with greasy hair and a sleaze face? Absolutely.
Let’s start with visuals. Being a collection, the artists change quite a bit, but it’s not distracting and is consistent enough that when you are absorbed into the book, you hardly notice the shift.I wasn’t so sure how I felt about the art style when I began reading as everything was so dramatic with hard, harsh shadows and the regular use of black as the color margins between panels. But then, I realized how well it fit with the narration. Parker’s mind has been taken over, he is losing control of his life, and Otto Octavius is the drudged up slime pit that is doing it. It makes sense! Otto is an edgelord drama kween!
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The writing gives Octavius brief moments of brilliance, these flashpoints where he is happy, where he is doing something good for someone, and then at just the moment where you want to congratulate Otto for his deeds he takes it a step further. As the reader I can’t do anything to rectify the situation and I can just feel this disgusting sinking feeling in my gut because I know what happens next, and it’s not good. At some point Octavius, as Spider-Man, creates an army od Spider-Bots to keep watch over the city and allows him time for personal affairs, such as visiting Aunt May during a physical therapy session. Except it goes big-brother level and soon he has infested the city with a crawling swarm of spy cams... Gross.
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My favorite issue in the collection is Joking Hazard, which I believe is issue 6 of Superior Spider-Man. There are a lot of quick, short bits of personal development that fit perfectly into the pacing of the issue, but I’m going to focus on Jester and Screwball. These two are essentially internet pranksters who get their entertainment from humiliating prominent public figures (they hit Jameson with a pie in the face and depants him in the first 3 pages). Octavius, a man of pride, can not handle the humiliation. It breaks him. This is the most aggressive, most fearsome depiction of Spider-Man in the whole book. He loses his humanity, and you can see the instant that it happens. It’s a great lead in to the next half of the collection because you know it’s over. It’s all down hill from here and we are just along for the ride.
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Thanks for reading! Let’s wrap this up before we get too tangled in the webssssss, haha get it?
Ratings: Overall 9.5/10 - As much as I hated watching Peter’s life fall apart, I have to admit that it was an interesting read and a good narrative. Butts 2/10 - I guess old Otto is a pretty conservative guy and doesn’t often point his butt towards the camera... The cheek shots you do get are WEAK! Creep Factor 154315431/10 - Bruh. Chances of Picking Up the Next Volume: I’m gonna do it. I’m really going to read another Spider-Man book...  
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