songsofdiversar · 5 years
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Another protagonist of my upcoming comic, Cat Scratch. Bold, brash and quite loud, Scratch is a DJ who likes nothing more than a crowded, rowdy room to go crazy with. She's an excellent song writer - but she has a horrid singing voice.
This doesn't really stop her from singing, though. Especially when she wants to tease someone.
You may have seen her before on this blog, so you can be acquainted with her already. She’s much more in depth and had a wee bit of an adjustment :)
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
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Meet Twintails! One of the five protagonists of my upcoming series, Songs of Diversár. Twintails is a short, fiesty little tech head who enjoys gaming. Competitively. She's very aggressive about it, too.
You can find the watermarkless and high-rex version of this on my Patreon!
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
Don’t panic! It’s still me! I’m still CookieMod! Well... sort of.
The changes I mentioned here are in motion. Everything I’ve made so far is temporary, and I will change it up as I go. Please bare with me as I start things. Mental illness makes everything so sluggish and impossible to jump over, it’s mental. (hehe, pun)
Oh well! I’m trying my best. Stay tuned for more stuff.
While I’m at it, why don’t I reintroduce myself!
My IRL name is Robyn, but I go by Synzaphine/Syn most of the time. You may address me as Syn/Synny, Mod Syn/Synny. SynnyMod, Synnybuns, and Synnamon Roll are also valid! You can find my text posts under Synny Mod, SynnyMod, text, and text post hashtags :>
My pronouns are she/her and they/them, though I wont mind if you use he/him, either. I’m 31 years old, and currently live in [REDACTED], with my fiancé/soon to be husband.
Songs of Diversár is a story I’ve been actively developing since high school/when I was around 14-15 years old and it started with merging my first OC’s universe with a newer universe and it kept snowballing. I was too nervous(and still am) with sharing what I’ve made save for my closest friends, but now it’s time for it to be out there. Maybe you’ll enjoy your time in it, as much as I enjoyed making it.
And now, a fair warning.
Songs of Diversár is NOT made to be a story for a younger audience. It will touch into heavy subjects - sometimes not blatantly, but rather hinting at - such as mental health, violence, war, and the outcome of all mental and physical abuse. Don’t worry, though - they will not be graphic. It won’t have a clear image. It will be, however, visible between the lines. Please, please stay safe.
If you have any inquiries regarding anything, concerns, feel free to send me an ask.
Oh! Before I leave - if anyone out here is good with adding sections to the tumblr header with this theme - give me a nudge. I need to add a Characters section :)
Thank you, and have a nice day/night!
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
So I decided to renovate the place to accomodate and fit in the upcoming series - however, as I said, it will not be linked to the MLP universe. Here’s what’ll be happening/what you can expect/see!~
The blog’s name will change.
The blog’s style, icon, banner - aesthetic will change.
The older posts WILL remain as archives for me and anybody else who’s interested.
Ask box WILL remain, and answers WILL be given once the series is up and running, so people will still be able to ask stuff if they so wished.
Character Cards will be posted, getting whoever is interested acquainted with the protagonists/main characters.
That’s what I’m thinking so far. Anyone will be able to view the updates, but Patrons will have in-depth look into the work, story, and inspire as to where the story may lead. Patrons will also have early access and high-res versions of everything I post. (higher tiers are granted wallpapers, nsfw versions, coloring pages, etc. of certain pieces.)
That’s about it! If you have any feedback or ideas as to what I should do/can do to make this a better experience, let me know!
CookieMod is listening~
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
It's great to see you again! Can't wait to see what stories and art you've got cooking.
You won’t feel left out, Sandy being part of the action almost all the time! But we’re definitely not going to be in Equestaroth anymore, that’s for sure~
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
Is this dead?
Tumblr was dead, and I was dead. But I’m slowly getting back into it. Stay tuned.
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
So it’s no surprise that I absolutely abandoned tumblr. But! I haven’t abandoned the stories I made here, nor Cookie.
If you were ever interested in my art, my stories, the characters I’ve made and much more - you know where to find me.
WILL I KEEP THIS BLOG ALIVE - probably, as it has history I don’t want to get rid of.
WILL I EVER UPDATE ANYTHING HERE - not sure, we’ll see. If I do, it’ll be converted to this edition of the story - which has very little to do with MLP: FiM aside from having equine characters/ponies in it.
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Not sure who follows me here from the pony blog I had once - @askfortunatecookie - but Cookie isn’t dead. Technically. Not entirely. She just morphed into one of the five protagonists I have for my original story webcomic/comicbook, which is headed to air in 2020. I’m working on it. Have a promo for it! You can support me via Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/synwerks Or give me some ko-fi - that also works <3 https://ko-fi.com/synwerks
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
nightvanguard said: Lovely! What do you use for shadows ? :o
Thanks! Copic markers - white’s shadow has been done with V22 - Ash lavender. :3
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
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Sad Bun art from inktober. vent art.
Enjoy the bun, please.
<this is an intermission.>
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
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Since it’s pony, it should sit here too.
Drawtober prompt, Toxic Fairy Dust, ft. my OC, Tempestes.
Done with prismacolor, ink pens, copics and white pen!
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
that-other-you said: ngl, read that for a moment as “porn/furry fandom” and just accepted it without question. I’ve been on tumblr too long. Nice to hear from you though!
It feels weird to be back after such a long hiatus @.@
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
*taps a hoof onto the mic* is this thing on?
Oh! yes, yes it is.
I’m still unwell, but I guess I’ll recover soon/eventually. After I can manage to clear my plate, I would like to be more active in the pon/furry fandom as it’s one I care for, amidst others such as Warcraft/Overwatch and so on.
Should I continue the storyline I started? I don’t exactly recall what I had planned for it, to tell you the truth - but I’m sure I can make something up as I go as I usually tend to.
But really, I’m open to ideas. 
And as for a life update; I’ll be fine.
Thank you!
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
Hey guys. Syn here. In the recent news of my childhood hero passing away, Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, I decided to take some time off and mourn. While they may or may not have been in your personal favourites, he meant a great deal to me and my younger self. I owe them, and him, a great deal.
I will eventually make a tribute piece, after my mourning phase is over. Art will commence once I can shake off the weight of this loss.
Thank you.
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
*taps mic*
Is this thing on?
I live. I’m so, so sorry for my endless silence and huge gaps. I’ve just been.. yeah, finals, school work and now interning to actually graduate next year(hopefully) has left me.. well, unavailable. So I’m really sorry for my silence.
I’m back and I’m going to try and update casually, BUT. Yeah, a huge “BUT”.
Sadly my financial status is going desperately bad. My PC died twice and had to be repaired and the processor + motherboard was changed. My mother is going into surgery this Friday - which is also my birthday. The internship doesn’t really pay well enough to maintain me let alone help my family.
So my status is, ultimately, declining. Rapidly.
My mood and spirits are mostly stable so that’s a bonus, and it gives me motivation to work.
Where am I going with all this? 
After finding a parter in crime I can trust, I’ll be putting up a Patreon, take two. The first one was absolute garbage, lol. It’ll be a while before I do, but it’ll come eventually. 
The stages will offer early access to “pages” - yes, I’ll do comic book-ish pages, and before Patreon I’ll make sample pages so everyone will know what they’re paying for -, characters showing up in said pages, characters being directly involved in updates, coloring pages of the month’s theme, wallpapers and access to my projects that are either my own creation, Warcraft based, MLP based, or Furry based. There’ll be fanart, OCs, and participating in voting for themes. Highrank Patreons will get their characters hand drawn and mailed to them.
So on, so forth.
This leads the updates to be monthly, but more detailed. The early access tier to all artwork and uncensored NSFW will be available to lowest tier of Patreons. Something like $1.
There’ll be samples of /everything/ I mentioned above, so you’ll know what you’re paying for.
For now, though, I’ll try to update in bits and bobs.
I’m very open to suggestions about anything, feedback, critiques, etc. so please don’t be shy about it!
Thank you for your Patience,
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
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You were enjoying a sunny day. Or maybe it was a rainy day. Perhaps there was a snowstorm. Maybe it wasn't daytime at all. Whatever the case is, a bright light flashed before your eyes and the world suddenly got dark afterwards. The only thing you could remember was a set of red eyes staring at you, intently. A cold glow emitted from them, you remember. Your bones hurt as you gain consciousness, slowly. You feel a pressure that makes it hard for you to push your weight up from the cold floor. Your eyes manage to open up, and focus. The room you're in is vast. There are others, you can tell. There are silhouettes, at least. Whether if they're alive or not, you can't exactly tell. The room is very dark, with only a faint glow of white before you. The floor you're on is very cold. Maybe some sort of metal. Then you see.. it. A four legged, pony looking creature. As your eyes adjust, you can see more details. The being had two, large wings folded onto it's sides. It wasn't facing you, no. It seemed to be distracted by the floating, pale illuminations of screens. Faint silhouettes of cables emerged from the back of the screens. You could make out crimson glowing cables that stuck out from under the mane and tail of the being before you, much like the screens' cables. The tail flicked. It heard your gasp. It turned it's head to reveal a glowing, triangular, 2D shard for a horn floating over it's forehead, and a set of glowing red eyes. The underneath of its hooves had the same ruby red glow, that felt ominous. <I had no choice.> It - she, the voice sounded feminine - spoke, though her mouth didn't move. You felt the words filling your mind as she crept closer to you with slow, steady steps. She reflected no emotions in her voice. <They hid her heart in the mortal plains where I - we - cannot reach. I am already of exile, I cannot risk being traced and terminated.> Now she was up close to your muzzle, merely inches away, her red glowing eyes had mechanical pieces. Now that she was this close, it was easy to tell that she was a robot of sorts. The iris in the middle shrunk and enlarged as she inspected you, like a camera's shutter. <They shattered her heart and hid the pieces. I will send you there. You have to find the shattered fragments. If She does not awaken, Arcadia is doomed. The universe is doomed.> A loud, thunderous explosion knocked the dark place, shook it, then vibrated the metal floors. Her head jolted towards the source of the impact. The sound was deafening, but the screeching noise that seemed to be an alarm was even worse. Her eyes turned to you, shutter-pupils shrunk into a small dot over the red glowing eyes. <You must hurry. Or else they will find you.> She zipped back to the screens and hooved at the screens lightning fast, and an oval portal tore in mid air, looking at you and all those with you hungrily. <Go. GO.>
This is for an off-site RP I’m hosting, but suffice to say it is a character from my previous story arc called L.A.B. 
She can still be reached via asks in the blog, although not present otherwise. In this story arc, instead of Users being hacked away to talk to Zero, L.A.B. summons them from their homelands for a quick plea.
I’m pretty proud of how this turned out. Took me 45 mins, give or take. 
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
I hope you feel better hun~!!
((Thank you very much. I am feeling much better. :) ))
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songsofdiversar · 7 years
((If you were wondering why the updates are always erratic, especially nowadays with our country’s referendum results, this is why. As I’m almost always having hella anxiety attacks which is making me swirl back into a relapse.
I’m trying my best to avoid that from happening, but here’s a little information for my friends here, and some insight to people who don’t suffer from it. In case you have a family member or friend who has anxiety.))
Anxiety attacks aren’t always hyperventilating and rocking back and forth
Anxiety attacks can take different forms, such as:
Unpredictable bouts of rage or irritability
Nit-pickiness (obsessive behavior, which may be a part of OCD), and even a hypersensitivity to disarray, chaos, or any sort of change
Fast-talking, stuttering, stumbling over words
Not talking at all
Sitting rigid, staring into space, almost seeming “zoned out”
Understanding the way our or other’s anxiety works can help to decrease the stigma and help to calm a person faster and get them out of that state. These are just a few, but it gives an idea of the range in which attacks can come.
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