#cat scratch revised
kiarastromboli · 10 months
Teach me (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
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Part.2 Part.3
Warning: Virgin reader, Smut content, don’t like it = don’t read it :)
Summary: Chris shows up in the middle of the night in your room, asking for answers to the exam you both are supposed to take in the following days, and things take an unexpected turn.
We are on a summer Tuesday evening, the air warm and heavy, the sound of cicadas outside, and the gentle breeze causing tree branches to brush against my window sill, absolute calm. The house was silent; it was already 11:25 PM, the only reason I wasn't asleep? I was busy revising for the upcoming major exam. Honestly, I didn't need to; I had the knowledge and even more, but I'm a perfectionist. Why settle for the minimum when you can achieve much more?
Anyway, I allowed myself to study a bit more tonight since I have no classes tomorrow. I had some music playing in the background, loud enough for me to hear but not too loud to distract me. Tonight, nothing could distract me!
*knock knock knock*
I jumped in surprise when I heard faint noises coming from the window at the other end of my room. I thought I was impossible to distract, but apparently, I was wrong.
I walked slowly towards the window; it was probably my cat scratching to come in. Well, I wasn't sure; what else could it be?
I pulled the curtain covering my window to open it and came face to face with Chris Sturniolo.
WAIT, WHAT? What is that rascal Chris doing at my window? Oh my god, if my parents hear him, I'm done for.
Let me give you a brief recap to better understand the situation and the reason for my current anxiety.
My name is Y/n, and honestly, there's not much to say about me. I'm a quiet girl, the complete opposite of what one would consider "cool" and "popular." I'm disciplined, polite, courteous, studious, discreet – in short, the perfect little girl who will have a good diploma, an excellent job in an excellent city, and an excellent family. I do what is expected of me without questioning, and I never, I repeat, NEVER go against the rules.
Chris, on the other hand, is Chris. If I were a boy, I would be absolutely the opposite of that guy. He plays on the high school lacrosse team with his brother. He's a real jerk – sorry, I don't want to sound vulgar, but he's a real jerk. He spends his time skipping classes to do who knows what with who knows who. He thinks he's "cool" and "popular" because all the girls run after him, but the truth is, he's just a good-looking guy with a devilish behavior. Back in elementary school, I had a crush on him; when he found out, he mocked me, and he never stopped, even now in high school. So, yes, he's an immature jerk.
What could Chris possibly be doing at my window in the middle of the night when my parents are at home? My father has always been strict about no boys in my room, and certainly not in the middle of the night?
"Are you going to let me in?" he said, looking up at me.
"Absolutely not! How do you know where I live? You can't stay here; you have to leave now!" I shouted in a panic, looking around to make sure no one saw him here.
"Let me in, and I'll answer all your little questions," he said with a smirk.
"Oh my god," I whispered to myself, bringing my hand to my forehead. "No, Chris, you don't understand; my parents are here. If they know there's a boy at my window—"
"Okay, if you don't let me in, I'll knock on the front door, pretending to be your boyfriend. It's up to you," he said, cutting me off before moving away from my window.
"NO! Okay, fine, come in," I sighed. "Damn, damn, damn," I muttered to myself as I moved away from the window to lock the door to my room.
"Your room is cool," he said, dropping onto my bed as if it were his own. "What's his name?" he added, picking up a stuffed animal lying on my bed.
"Get your filthy body off my clean bed, please," I snapped, grabbing my stuffed animal from his hands with a brisk motion.
"Relax; I just wanted to chat," he said, rolling his eyes before getting up to move towards me. "Nice pajamas," he said with a smirk, scanning my body with his eyes.
I blushed uncontrollably; I was wearing really short shorts and an equally short tank top. What? It's fine; I know what you're thinking. I'll stop you right there; it's summer, it's super hot, and I didn't anticipate Mr. Troublemaker's surprise visit.
"What do you want?" I asked timidly, stuttering and crossing my arms to hide my stomach. I hated having my body exposed in front of others; it made me feel vulnerable.
"I need your help for the exam coming up next week," he said, moving towards my desk. "And before you refuse to help me, I have an offer you can't refuse!" he said, turning to me, leaning against my desk this time.
"And did you have to come and ask for my help in the middle of the night, Chris, seriously?" I replied, annoyed.
"I stole the test papers from the teachers' lounge. If you help me, you can memorize all the answers by heart," he said, crossing his arms with a smug smile.
I laughed when he presented his "impossible to refuse" offer. What an idiot. "If you think that I, Y/n, will help you cheat on the most important exam of the year, you're way dumber than I thought."
"Oh yeah? You seemed pretty bothered by the bad grade you got in gym yesterday," he said, advancing towards me. "You know, I know the coach really well, well enough to be able to change your grade."
Damn, it was the only grade below average I had all year. It's true that it would be convenient to make it disappear. What? No, Y/n, you're crazy; this is Chris we're talking about, he's a manipulator, and you're falling into his trap. Oh my god, stop; I need to get him out of here.
"Why do you want me to help you? Find the answers yourself," I replied, giving him a dark look.
"Because I don't feel like it, and you love this kind of thing," he said, rolling his eyes. "Y/n, it's beneficial for both of us. Look, you ensure you get 100% on the exam, in addition to seeing your gym grade increase, and it will save me from repeating this year."
"Get out of my room, Chris; I'm not going to help you cheat. It's bad," I said, crossing my arms.
"Bad? Who do you think you are? Come on, we don't care; it's just an exam!" he said, laughing.
"You don't care, but I do," I said, pointing to the window he came in through.
He smiled arrogantly before licking his lips, looking at me. "You're more tenacious than I thought," he said, plunging his eyes into mine. "I like that."
I won't lie; his words made me a little nervous at the moment. Okay, I said he was a big jerk,
not that he was ugly!
"Oh, are you blushing because of me? Does what I say affect you?" he said, slowly approaching me.
"G-Get out of my room," I said weakly, stepping back.
"Why? You don't want me to leave your room, Y/n. Don't lie to me; I know you like me," he said confidently, continuing to advance towards me until my back hit the door of my room.
I swallowed hard as I felt my throat tighten due to the proximity between us. "You're insane. I would have to be crazy to like a guy like you," I said timidly, avoiding his gaze.
"I'm sure I can drive you crazy," he said, grabbing my chin to force me to look him in the eyes.
A wave of heat engulfed me; I slightly opened my mouth to get more air. My heartbeat accelerated; I must be all red now.
"Listen," he said, getting even closer to me. "If you help me with this exam," he said, placing his hand in the small of my back, "in addition to the things I've already offered you," he said, slowly lowering his hand to my hip, "I can also show you a few things you might like," he said softly, plunging his eyes into mine.
I cleared my throat. "What are you talking about?" I said all timid.
"Oh, come on, Y/n, you know exactly what I'm talking about; you're dying for it. Look at yourself," he said with an arrogant smile. "And if you want to know, I'm dying for it too," he whispered in my ear, making my knees weak.
"Stop lying, you don't give a damn about me. You're acting like an asshole with me; you only want the answers to this exam," I said, stuttering and trying not to be swayed by his sweet words.
"Y/n, I know where you live because I follow you after school every day to make sure nothing happens to you on the way," he said, moving his face a few centimeters away from mine. "I spend my time teasing you in the hope of getting closer to you," he added, running his hand over my cheek. "If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't have even noticed the bad grades you're getting in PE," he said, rolling his eyes.
If these were lies, then he's a very good liar. Oh my god, my mother always warned me about bad boys like Chris, but I felt like fainting when his hand tightened a little more around my hip. "Chris—"
"You know what, screw this exam; I'll study it on my own. Let me kiss you, and I promise to leave your room and never bother you about this exam again," he said, almost sounding desperate. Wait, is he serious? Chris has a crush on me? I must be dreaming; it can't be possible.
"Chris, if this is a joke, it's really not funny," I said uncertainly, furrowing my brow when he moved his face closer to mine.
"I'm dead serious," he said, fixing his gaze on my lips.
My eyes were switching between his and his lips; I didn't know what to do. I was bewildered by the situation until Chris placed his soft lips on mine. My eyes instinctively closed to better savor the moment. I was kissing the most handsome guy in high school in my room, just like in the movies. His hand slid under my shorts to grab my buttock, making me sigh in surprise during our kiss. He seized the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, dancing with mine. He started smiling against my lips when he heard a pathetic moan die in our kiss as he began to knead my buttocks.
"Chris," I said, separating our lips and pushing him by his chest.
"What?" he said with a confused look as I moved away from him.
"We're not going to do this," I told him, shaking my head. "My parents are here; you can't just barge into my room in the middle of the night and coerce me with sex to get the answers to this damn exam," I said, offended.
"Y/n, I don't care about the exam. I did all this to get closer to you!" he said, taking a step towards me.
I stepped back when he tried to grab my hand to hold it in his. "Okay, prove it," I said, crossing my arms. "You said you would leave me alone about this exam and leave my room if I let you kiss me," I added, heading to the window to open it again.
He opened his mouth to speak before changing his mind, shaking his head.
"Show me you're not a liar," I said, pointing to the window.
He sighed before moving towards the window. "I'm not a liar, Y/n," he said, furrowing his brow before starting to pass his legs through the window.
There, I was finally rid of him. I should feel relieved, right? So why does something deep inside me break seeing him leave?
Without thinking, before he had time to pass through my window entirely, I grabbed him by his T-shirt to kiss him again. I couldn't let him go like that. I don't know what was happening to me, but everything was screaming at me to throw myself on his lips and never leave them.
He straightened up before closing the window with one hand. His other hand came to caress my cheek.
I had absolutely no idea what I was doing; we headed towards my desk without paying attention. He grabbed the back of my thighs to make me sit on my desk just behind me. His lips left mine to move towards my neck, his arms tightened around my waist, and my thighs surrounded his.
"Do you still want me to leave your room now?" he said arrogantly.
"Shut up," I said, feeling my breath quicken when he started sucking on the skin of my neck between his lips. "Chris, you can't leave marks," I said, a little panicked.
"Why not? You're mine," he said authoritatively, raising his face in front of mine and grabbing my throat in his hand.
"First, I'm not yours, Chris, and second, my father will kill me if he sees hickies on my neck," I said, chuckling timidly at his reaction.
Without a word, he began kissing my neck again before slowly moving towards my chest, making me anxious. "What are you doing?" I asked, stuttering.
"I'm leaving my mark where I'm sure no one else will see it," he whispered before grabbing the fabric of my tank top to slightly uncover my breast and place his lips on it.
"Chris—" I said, jumping when he started sucking a hickey on that sensitive area.
I could feel shivers running through my entire body; my back arched, and my thighs instinctively tightened around his waist while a few silent moans escaped my lips.
"Are you always this sensitive, or am I the one making you feel this way?" he said, raising his head towards me with a big smile.
I started blushing uncontrollably when he said that; I didn't even have a response to his question. I had never done anything like this with a boy before.
"Did you lose your tongue?" he asked, tilting his head to the side before coming to fix a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I-I don't know," I said in an almost inaudible voice. "Is it wrong?" I asked, embarrassed.
"No, not at all," he said, frowning. "What do you mean by 'I don't know'?" he asked, confused.
"I—" I didn't know what to answer. A silence settled at that moment; he looked me in the eyes before realizing.
"You've never done anything with a boy?" he asked, surprised.
I simply shook my head from side to side, too embarrassed to say anything.
His arrogant smile covered his lips a few seconds later. "Do you want me to teach you?"
My eyes widened when I heard that. I hesitated for a moment before nodding timidly.
"Use words, princess," he said, stroking my waist to encourage me to speak.
"I want you to teach me how to do it," I said, feeling a wave of confidence in myself.
He smiled before kissing me again; this time our kiss was slow and gentle, as if to reassure me. His hands played with the hem of my tank top. "Can I take this off?" he asked calmly.
"Take yours off first," I asked directly. I didn't want to be the only one exposed for some reason. My statement made him chuckle, and he separated from my lips to remove his t-shirt.
I took a moment to observe him. Unconsciously, I started biting my lips, and Chris smiled at my reaction. "It's your turn now," he said, moving towards me again.
Once again, I hesitated for a moment, looking into his eyes. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, you know," he said without breaking eye contact.
His words were enough to make me feel comfortable. I took my tank top off over my head without overthinking it. "But I want to," I said before covering my chest, feeling a wave of embarrassment engulf me.
Chris immediately grabbed my arms. "You don't need to hide from me, Y/n," I let him remove my arms from the way, and he directed his eyes to my chest, licking his lips. "You're beautiful," he said before pressing his lips against mine once again.
I felt more and more at ease with him. My hands, which were previously at the back of his neck, started to travel along his chest down to his waist, where he hastily seized my wrist. "Slow down, princess."
"What? Did I do it wrong? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" I asked, panicking. He chuckled at my reaction.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong," he said, smiling. "We have all the time in the world, don't rush yourself," he whispered before kissing my neck again.
My hand found its place in his hair, and he gradually directed his kisses towards my chest, prompting me to throw my head back at the new sensation of his lips around my nipples.
One of his hands slipped between my thighs, making me jump and tilt my head forward at the proximity of his hand to my sensitive area.
He began to gently caress my pussy through my clothes, causing a silent moan to escape my lips.
I could feel my head starting to spin due to all this sudden stimulation; I couldn't help but squirm in all directions. "Can I take off your shorts?" he asked, looking up at me.
"Y-yes," I replied timidly before he slowly removed my shorts and resumed kissing me, this time moving down to my stomach, making me breathe harder.
He stopped kissing me when he reached the level of my white panties to examine them closely. "You're so wet that I can see the trace on your panties," he said with a smirk.
Embarrassment washed over me. "I'm sorry," I said softly, trying to close my thighs, but he grabbed them to force me to keep them open.
"Don't be," he said, bringing his head closer to my thighs. "I like it," he said, planting a kiss on my clothed pussy, making me shiver. "You're so sensitive; I bet I could make you come in less than 5 minutes with my tongue," he said, running his fingers between the fabric of my panties and my skin.
"Do you want me to do it?" he asked, looking up at me with a sly smile. I timidly nodded. "Say it," he said in a firm tone.
"What?" I asked, a bit embarrassed.
"If you want me to do it, you'll have to ask me, Y/n," he said arrogantly.
"Chris," I said in a frustrated moan; I could see his smile widening, amused by the situation. He returned to plant another kiss on my still-clothed pussy. "I-I want you to make me come with your tongue," I said, almost inaudibly moaning.
"Anything you want, princess," he said satisfied before removing my panties. I lifted my hips to help him, and he placed a few kisses around my sensitive area before putting my legs over his shoulders and diving his head between my legs.
The upper part of my body leaned forward slightly at the sensation of his lips around my clit. Instinctively, my hand pressed into his long, wavy hair, and I couldn't control the soft moans that escaped me. "Y/n, quiet down; your parents will hear you," he said, chuckling against me before getting back to work.
His tongue applied pressure to my clit, driving me wild. One of his hands reached for my breasts to play with them, mainly to prevent me from squirming all over my desk, which kept creaking. He moved his tongue in circular motions, gradually increasing the speed. After a few seconds, I felt something new in my lower abdomen, as if it were knotting due to the pressure. My thighs started to tighten slightly around his face without me realizing it. When I lowered my eyes to look at him, I could see his beautiful blue eyes already fixed on me, admiring me as if I were his last meal.
My eyebrows furrowed when all this stimulation started to take over. "Chris," I struggled to say in a weak voice; it felt like I was about to faint. "Oh my—fucking god," I said, throwing my head back and covering my mouth with my hand.
Chris didn't stop; on the contrary, he accelerated his movements, and his grip on my breasts became much firmer. He started moaning between my legs, and the vibrations of his moans against my clit were enough to push me over the edge. My legs began to tremble. "Fuck—Chris," I said before reaching orgasm on his face.
He slowed down the movement of his tongue before completely stopping to let me ride out my orgasm. "I told you," he said, straightening up and using the back of his hand to wipe his mouth, "less than 5 minutes."
I chuckled at his remark, "You never stop boasting, huh?" I said with a smile, and his hands came around my cheeks before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Never," he said, smiling before I reconnected our lips, making him smile at my hungry kiss. "What do you want?" he asked, separating our lips.
"I want to pleasure you too," I replied, playing with his necklace. He licked his lips, looking into my eyes.
"Is that what you want?" he asked, pressing his pelvis against mine to make me feel his erection through his pants, and I nodded.
"Yes, that's what I want," I said with an innocent look.
He immediately reconnected our lips without waiting a second longer, then grabbed the back of my thighs to carry me to my bed.
He gently placed me at the edge of the bed before leaning forward to kiss me again. "If you want us to stop, let me know," I brought my hands to his belt to remove it while he looked at me with desire.
I lowered his pants and stared at his erect member. Suddenly, panic resurfaced. "You don't have to do this," he said, bringing his hand to my cheek.
I looked up to meet his reassuring gaze. "I don't know how to do it," I said timidly, "but I want to." I added, placing my hand on his thigh.
"Do what feels right, I'll guide you," he said, never taking his eyes off me, as I slid down his boxers to his ankles.
The apprehension and stress were still there, but it was too late; after all, I was already committed. I really wanted it; I was just terribly afraid of messing up. I stopped overthinking and took his member in my hand, giving him a look to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. He nodded to indicate I should continue. I began hesitant strokes with my hand, eliciting a moan from his mouth.
His hand came to caress the top of my head, and I threw him a last uncertain glance before taking him into my mouth. He flinched and took a step back when I started, and I immediately looked up at him in panic. "Sorry," I apologized embarrassedly.
"No, don't be. It's okay; you just need to avoid letting your teeth touch it. It's not very pleasant," he explained in a reassuring voice before coming back towards me.
I nodded, and this time, I made sure my teeth didn't touch him. His hand returned to my hair. "Yeah, like that," he moaned, making my pussy clench at the tone of his voice. I continued my movements with closed eyes. "You can use your hand for what you can't fit in your mouth," he said weakly, and I did as he instructed. I could feel how much he was holding back from thrusting into my mouth to avoid rushing me, and the muffled sounds from his mouth sent an electric shock to my pussy.
"Fuck, you need to stop," he said, throwing his head back. I pulled away and looked up at him, confused.
"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, feeling lost.
"No, baby, you did a great job. It's just that I was about to come," he said, caressing my cheek and catching his breath.
"Oh," I said, chuckling. "Maybe you can come inside me?" I said without thinking, excited by the moment; I wanted more.
"Y/n," he said, diving his eyes into mine before I got up, grabbed the back of his neck, and kissed him again. "Is this really what you want?" he asked before reconnecting our lips.
"Please," I said pathetically, guided by my desires and excitement at that moment. My hands tangled in his hair, and his hands firmly gripped my hips.
"I don't have a condom, princess," he emphasized, smiling against my lips.
"I have..." I said timidly before heading to my bedside table to take out a new box of condoms.
A sly smile appeared, and I could already feel his remarks coming. So, before he had a chance to say anything, I cut him off, "I'm a virgin, not irresponsible, Chris," I said, rolling my eyes when I stood in front of him.
"I didn't say anything," he said, chuckling, before pushing me onto the bed and positioning himself above me to kiss me again. "Are you sure this is really what you want, Y/n?" he asked, directing his lips to my neck. "I don't want you to feel forced into anything. What we've done already is more than enough for now," he added.
"Jeez, Chris, stop talking," I said, chuckling, before grabbing his head between my hands to kiss him even more passionately than before.
"Are you that impatient?" he said, chuckling. "I need to stretch you a bit first, okay?" he said, directing his fingers towards my entrance. I simply nodded, and he pushed the first finger inside, prompting me to raise my head at the sensation. "Is it okay?"
"Yes, you can add another finger," I said, feeling my breath quicken. He inserted a second finger and began to move them in and out to stretch me.
"I wish your parents weren't here so I could hear you better, Y/n. You make beautiful sounds," he said, burying his head in my neck and curling his fingers inside me to stretch me further.
"Chris," I said, moaning and pulling slightly on his hair, "I need more."
"Do you think you're ready?" he asked, looking into my eyes. He had never looked at me like that before; his gaze was tender and caring.
"Yes," I replied, nodding. He grabbed a condom and opened it with his mouth. I could feel the pressure building, but I wasn't going to back down. I was going to do it; I was ready to do it.
He put on the condom and positioned himself at my entrance. "Tell me if you want me to stop, and I'll do it immediately," he said, and I nodded. "It might hurt a bit at the beginning if it's too much for you—"
"Chris, just do it," I said, cutting him off when I felt the stress overwhelm me.
He began to push slowly inside me, scrutinizing any sign of discomfort on my face. My eyebrows furrowed at the burning sensation when he started penetrating me. "Fuck," I said, glancing down to see what was happening between my legs before letting my head fall back on the pillow. He stopped halfway to make sure it wasn't too much for me. "Don't stop," I said, breathing quickly, and he resumed his advance until he touched the depth, prompting me to bury my head in his neck to muffle a moan.
"Are you okay?" he asked without moving from where he was.
"Yes, you can move," I said before he began to make slow thrusts. At first, it burned a little; it was uncomfortable, but with each subsequent movement, the pain transformed into pleasure.
"Oh my god, you're so tight, Y/n, fuckkk," he said, moaning against my lips. His thrusts gradually accelerated, and my hand gripped his bicep.
"It-feels good," I admitted, moaning softly and clenching my jaw.
"I've dreamt of this for so long; it's even better than in my dreams," he said, gripping onto my hips.
"You dreamed of this?" I asked him, confused, not knowing if he was being honest with what he was saying.
"Mhm," he simply hummed before lowering his free hand between our bodies to massage my clit. "You're mine now," he said in my ear, and my grip around his bicep tightened with the stimulation he was providing at that moment. His hip movements accelerated again, knotting my lower abdomen for the second time tonight. "Say it," he added in an authoritative tone.
"I'm yours, Chris," I said with the little strength I had left. My mind didn't know where to focus at that moment.
"Yes, and this pussy is mine too, Y/n," he said, moaning in my ear, driving me crazy. "I want you to cum again for me, princess," he said, accelerating his thrusts, yet still gentle and delicate.
My eyes rolled back, and my legs tightened around him. "Let go, princess," he said breathlessly. "Cum all over me." With his words, I threw my head back and started clenching around him. "Fuck, I can feel you clenching around me, baby," he said, burying his head in my neck, and I started to climax. I grabbed his hand, placing it over my mouth to muffle any noise, and shortly after, he climaxed too.
"Oh my god," I said before he let all his weight fall on me, moaning one last time.
"I never want to move from here," he said, smiling against my neck.
"You'll have to before my parents wake up," I said, chuckling. "It's already a miracle they didn't hear us," I said, running my hand through his hair.
He sat up and withdrew from me before tossing the condom into my trash bin. I sat up, covering myself with my blanket. "Will this happen again?" I asked him timidly, looking at him as he put on his boxers.
"Of course, it will, princess," he said, smiling, before sitting next to me and rubbing my thigh. "Can I stay a little longer?" he asked, locking his eyes with mine, and I nodded.
He settled next to me, pulling me close and gently running his hand over my curves. "Send me the exam tomorrow; I don't have class. I'll give you the answers," I told him, looking up at him.
"I thought this was bad, and good girls like you don't do these kinds of things," he said, chuckling and furrowing his brows.
"Good girls like me aren't supposed to sleep with bad boys like you," I replied, straddling him to be on top, and he sat up to kiss me.
"I told you I'd drive you crazy," he said, smiling against my lips.
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elliespectacular · 8 months
Do you still have that Jellicle name generator saved anywhere? Some friends and I used it for our OCs and it was an absolute blast!
The name I got was Callio the convivial cat, which is short for Calliope, who I played in Xanadu. She has a whole costume and everything now!
Even if you don't have it anymore, tysm for making it ;-;
Xanadu mention! Also I do still have it saved! This one is revised a little and I might make more changes later, but here it is in text form:
Jellicle Name Generator
This will give you a name that is relatively in-line with the naming conventions seen in Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and later adapted into the musical Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber - and unlike those shitty "last name and your birth month" name generators, this one won't doxx you in the process.
Before we begin, a bit of terminology we'll be using: - Portmanteau: Turning multiple words into one word linked by a sound or letter. Compelling Television = Compellevision. Punk Squid = Squnk - Smoosh: Combine words by simply removing the space and (optionally) changing the word positions. Country Jester = countryjester - Prefix: Goes before the name, like Mr. or Captain - Suffix: Goes after the name, like Jr. or The Great - Cat-like term: Something associated with cats. Meow, Whisker, Bell, Claw, Scratch, etc.
FIRST: Roll a D20 to determine your base name
An uncommon person’s first name
First syllable of a common last name + a unit of measurement. Portmanteau 'em.
Short, dangerous noun + a non-dangerous profession. Smoosh 'em.
Two Latin words. Portmanteau 'em.
A simple present-tense verb + sophisticated person's first name. Smoosh 'em.
Cat-like term + sophisticated person's first name. Smoosh 'em.
Combine two short nouns, then add "-er" "-ie" or "-est" to the end.
Think of an actor you like. Shorten their first name to its shortest nickname.
A medical term spelled incorrectly.
A food you liked as a kid + a pretentious word. Smoosh 'em.
A figure of legend/myth. Remove one syllable and any spaces.
An older person's first name that isn't common today.
Last name of a historical figure + a silly word. Portmanteau 'em.
A kids' name with 2 or more syllables + that name again without the first syllable + an onomatopoeia. Portmanteau 'em if you can.
A silly word + the first name of a former coworker. Portmanteau 'em.
A kind of public event + a cat-like term. Smoosh 'em.
Something from ancient history. Shorten what you came up with into a single word.
Something you do when you're nervous. Take that verb and add "-er" to the end to make it a noun.
Silly word + hostile-sounding verb. Portmanteau 'em.
Two silly words with 2+ syllables each. Smoosh 'em.
SECOND: Roll another D20 for flavor
Before you roll, consider how your name sounds without any additional flavor. If it's fine on its own, feel free to leave it as-is. Otherwise, roll on!
Suffix - An upsettingly average last name
Suffix - Think of a hobby. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - A short adjective
Suffix - Think of an adjective. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - Choose Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mx. or something similar
Suffix - Think of a color. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - Any one-syllable word. Repeat the word a second time, adding or replacing the first consonant with that of your base name.
Suffix - Think of any non-proper noun. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Suffix - it's the word Cat
Suffix - it's the word Kitty
Suffix - it's the word Kitten
Prefix - Choose "Sir" "Madam" "Captain" or something similar
Prefix - Choose "Lord" "Lady" "Noble" or something similar
Prefix - His/Her/Their Majesty (or any pronoun you prefer)
Prefix - His/Her/Their Grace (or any pronoun you prefer)
Prefix - Mc
Prefix - Van
Prefix - Von
Prefix - De
Suffix - Any cat-like term
And you're done!*
*This is as much a creative exercise as it is a "generator" so feel free to mess with the formula and/or let your result inspire something more original. Add multiple layers of flavor if you want. The rules are not rigid. I recommend generating a few names and picking your favorite!
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getoraid · 6 months
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suguru watched silently as you focused on your laptop—typing on the keyboard without breaking your gaze through the screen, and suguru almost winced because he knew that your fingers were going numb from how long you were revising your groupmates' papers.
he knew you were tired, and how badly you wanted to finish this damn thesis, how badly you wanted to eat, take a shower, do your skincare, and sleep for the whole day. but the world has always been unfair—and suguru badly wanted to close your laptop and pamper you already.
and as your boyfriend, of course he wanted his baby to eat on time and take care of you. that's what he promised to your parents and to himself since he courted you.
he waited for a few minutes before walking in your shared room, holding a wooden tray with your favourite food. suguru grinned when he saw your fingers stopped from typing, and turned around to see him standing behind you with food that caused you to forget a moment from what you were doing earlier.
suguru pulled a chair and placed it beside you, settling down the plate on the desktop table and the smell of curry reached your nostrils that made your stomach growled. you huffed a breath when the man beside you chuckled.
"later, i have to finish this first." you pouted when suguru didn't listen and took a spoonful of rice with curry before lifting it up, and as much as how badly you wanted to eat, you have to finish the revisions so you can finally get a rest. that was your goal right now—but unfortunately, your boyfriend was making it hard for you to reach that.
suguru glared at you softly when you pursed your lips and moved your head to the other side, "baby, you have to eat." and he said it so softly that you felt your heart beating faster.
but you stood your ground, not wanting to have any distractions. "this is needed in two weeks, and you know there is no one else who would do this other than me."
"you still have two weeks, baby. you have time to work on that."
you shook your head, "i have other things to do aside from this, i still have to do my report, essays, papers-" your words trailed off when you felt lightheaded and winced as you massaged your temple.
suguru clicked his tongue, out of all the things he hated, seeing you getting stressed and struggling was the first thing on his list and he didn't want any refusals coming from you at this point.
without saying a word, he closed your laptop and before you could protest, he gently shoved the spoonful of rice in your mouth. you glared at suguru who had an irritating satisfaction plastered on his face as he watched you munch the delicious rice mixed with curry in your mouth.
you couldn't get really mad at him since the food was really good and made you forget your problems for a second, that's how good your boyfriend was with cooking.
"i know you want to finish all your activities as soon as possible, but please, don't forget to eat and take breaks. it's not a sin, you know." you almost rolled your eyes at the last sentence but you still felt your heart getting warm as you noticed the worry and sadness in his eyes.
silence absorbed the room aside from the sound of the aircon, your cat purring on your shared bed as he slept peacefully, and the soft pitter patter of the rain outside your apartment.
suguru silently took a spoonful of rice and hoisted up; you opened your mouth as suguru fed it to you and munched it without a word. you looked away when you saw an amusement in his eyes.
"i'm sorry," you muttered after you swallowed your food, still looking from outside as the raindrops softly knocked the window. "didn't mean to make you worry."
"it's fine, baby." he held your hand and slowly pulled you into a warm hug, you instinctively wrapped your arms around his waist and hid your face on his neck. his familiar, manly scent brought comfort to you as his fingers combed your hair, while the other gently scratched your back. "are you doing fine? is my baby already tired?"
two questions. those two questions made you think back about how you were doing up recently, and you realized that you weren't having enough rest for the past week. you didn't realize that you were stressed and tired from your groupmates and professors who kept piling up your work.
except suguru, he has always been there silently. he always knew how you were doing, and you just realized that he never forgets to bring you food and always reminded you to take breaks every once in a while.
you nuzzled your face to his neck when your eyes sting from those thoughts, unable to control your emotions anymore and you cry in silence to your boyfriend's embrace. suguru held you tighter, rubbing your back as he pressed kisses to your face where he could reach.
"it's okay to cry, hm? i'm always here, baby."
you stay in that position for awhile before whining, moving away from his neck to wipe the tears on your cheeks, "i shouldn't be crying, this is your fault."
suguru pressed a soft kiss on your lips and smiled, "well, you needed it, and it's not bad."
you pouted, "then give me more kisses to help me feel better."
he laughed in amusement, and his lovesick eyes flickered to yours, "needy, aren't we?"
you wrapped your arms around his nape before pulling him closer, "well, yes. considering how busy i was recently, you didn't give me kisses more than you usually do. you have to pay your debts."
"yes, ma'am." he chuckled against your lips before pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly, and you sighed in contentment when you felt his soft lips against you. one week without giving your boyfriend attention that much was really a toll on the both of you.
you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, mind going blank except suguru's lips at this moment. his hands moving down to your waist, tracing his warm fingertips on your skin under your top.
the tension between you was getting heavier and before the both of you couldn't control yourselves, suguru broke the kiss—chuckling when you whined, trying to pull him closer again.
he shook his head, "baby, no. you have to freshen up, you still haven't finished your food." he pointed at the warm plate, "finish it while i prepare your bath, i'll do your skincare after as well."
"just one last, i promise. one last kiss and i'll do whatever you want." suguru arched an eyebrow before laughing.
"will you?" he hummed, moving himself closer to you to peck your cheek and you nodded. you raised your pinky finger to him, a sign that you were really sincere, in a heartbeat.
suguru chuckled at your antics before raising his pinky finger as well, "god, i love you."
"i know, i love you too," he grinned before giving you the kiss you've always wanted, the kiss that always made your stomach turn—that it never failed to give you butterflies, and the kiss that always made you breathless.
after a whole minute, suguru was the first to break off the kiss again. his chest swelled with pride as he saw how red your face and lips were, how you gasped for air, and how you clutched on his back.
"satisfied?" he muttered and smiled when you nodded subconsciously. he pressed another kiss on the corner of your lips before standing up, "great, now finish your plate as you promised. i'll be at the bathroom when you need something."
you hummed as you took the plate closer to you, still feeling your hands kinda numb and felt yourself a little breathless from the kiss. he's really intense, you thought. but that was one of the things you loved about suguru.
you shook your head as you felt your face getting warm again, you took a large air before exhaling slowly to calm yourself before taking a spoonful of rice from your plate. day by day, you always found yourself falling for suguru harder and harder.
and it was a good thing because suguru falls for you harder and harder everyday as well.
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bookishgalaxies · 3 months
Hellooooo I saw that ur requests are opened so I tried to make my head work and think about something interesting
What about Wanderer x Reader (I know you don't like writing a male reader, but still I'd like to request it <3 if u don't feel comfortable doing it you can just go by gn reader) But the reader has a scarameow plush and he always hug his plush when he wants attention. LIKE he doesn't hug Wanderer to not bother him or something (bros so insecure ew (jk)
WELL AGAIN if you don't want to write a male reader you can go by gn <3 tysm if u write that request. Have a good day/night!!
(I actually tried to think about something to request cause I can't take trying to read smt with him and this app having mostly smut fics with him <//3 LIKE WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SMUT FICS...)
Hug Me Instead, Idiot
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summary: you just want some cuddles but are too scared to ask, so you hug your plushie instead. Not realizing that Wanderer had caught on to this habit of your’s.
type: oneshot, not proofread
character: wanderer x gn!reader
warnings: reader being insecure, wanderer being wanderer (affectionately ofc)
a/n: thank you bunches for this request! I’m sorry I couldn’t do a make reader for you. I just always feel more comfortable writing for a gender neutral reader. That said, always let me know if there are any pronoun slips or mistakes. I really enjoyed this request even though I’m not much of a Wanderer fan myself.
The day had been long and seemed to have taken a lot out of you. You enjoyed your job and found great pleasure in what you did but right now you were exhausted. Halfway between sitting and lying on the comfy sofa.
You heard the sound of pencil scratching on paper as Wanderer made revisions to one of his colleague’s essays. He sat in a chair across the room next to a lamp emitting warm light and a small table.
You admired his features, even if they were scrunched up in annoyance at what he was reading. His indigo eyes may have possessed a sharp glare but they were mesmerizing all the same. The way his lip quirked up slightly in a devious smirk as he marked on the essay. Indicating he was obviously looking forward to badgering the scholar about the error later. His navy hair fell over his forehead and right now looked like it would be quite soft to the touch.
You two had been together for a while now much to both of your liking. Sure Wanderer could be a bit….rough around the edges sometimes, but he cared. You could see it in his actions even if he wasn’t a fan of always saying that he cared for you.
Admittedly, you hugged your cat plush closer. The stuffed animal gifted to you by Wanderer after he saw you admiring it in a shop window. You had told him that you weee admiring it because reminded you of him. Of course he was quick to scoff, telling you that your idea of similarity was ridiculous.
He regretted to inform you about the warm feeling that had spread throughout him when you mentioned thinking of him.
You didn’t notice how tightly you were holding the plush. Hugging it as if it were a real thing. You could tell you were getting tired and right now in particular wanted to cuddle with someone. That someone being Wanderer.
He was busy though, engrossed in editing the essays. You didn’t want to bother him over something so silly. He would probably find the request bothersome or annoying and you were already too scared of being perceived that way.
Fidgeting with the plush cat’s ears you started to spiral a bit. Thinking of all the times you had asked for a hug or a kiss and cringing at yourself for doing so. Honestly, you didn’t know why Wanderer stayed with you this long.
Looking out of the window next to the couch, you hear a voice from behind you.
“Move over.” Wanderer said, now standing by the sofa with a hardcover book and his now smaller stack of essays.
“Don’t you want to stay in the chair where there’s more light?”
“If I did I’d still be over there.” He replied, motioning again for you to scoot over.
He sat beside you, continuing to write vigilantly on the papers. It only took a few minutes before his sharp glare drifted over to you and he said.
“You’re lucky I’m not an idiot.” He’d say, setting the book and papers aside as he pulled you into a warm embrace.
You were stunned for a moment at how he knew that was exactly what you had wanted from him. Yes he was intelligent but….
“How did you-“
“I’m not an idiot.”
He’d look at you with pretty indigo eyes, his expression stoic as always.
“You could always just ask me.”
You knew he was right.
“I didn’t want to bother you.”
He’d scoff and roll his eyes.
“The scholars at the Akademiya bother me, not you. “
You’d smile warmly at him knowing that this was as sappy as he was going to get. It felt nice breathing in his clean and airy scent as you slowly drifted off into sleep. Finally able to let your brain drift into unconsciousness.
thank you so much for reading !!
stay hydrated and have a nice day/night !!
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kykyonthemoon · 26 days
Hello! Could I please request a Zayne x reader where Zayne helps the reader study for her med school exams?? Thank you <3
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Dear valyvinny,
I didn't get the chance to finish this request during the summer, so here it is now, for back-to-school season. I hope you enjoy this little piece <3
I'm not sure if you had an exam by the time you sent me this request? But if you did, I hope it was well.
Thank you so much for entrust this idea in my hands. Take care~
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── .✦ Zayne x MC (F.Reader)
── .✦ Tags: childhood friends, fluff, sweet, short fic, late night study session
── .✦ Word count: over 800w
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic - closed for the time being.
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The silver moon hovered in the pure sky. The crickets had stopped chirping, and the cats were casually wandering on the roof. The entire neighborhood was in a peaceful sleep. Only the light from the half-closed window in your room remained brilliant.
You covered your mouth and yawned deeply. Documents, paper, and pencils were scattered about your desk, along with sweets and pastry wrappers. You were in your jammies, absolutely comfortable, with your hair a little unkempt. You should have fallen asleep a long time ago. But you sat there, with a remarkably strict "teacher" by your side.
Doctor Zayne was checking the assignment you had just completed. You wonder why it was so late, but he still seemed attentive. He was always neat, from the clothes he had not even changed out of when he showed up at your house right after work, to the very concentrated, serious expression on his face. As expected of a brilliant young doctor. A moment later, he returned the paper with a bunch of red circles on it.
"Do it again." Zayne spoke, and you sighed heavily. But you did not dare tell him to go home because he was there for you. There was just one month till your long-awaited medical school admission exam. You must work harder than your best.
Ever since you met Zayne as children, you had admired his family. His father and mother were also renowned doctors. Zayne eventually enrolled in medical school and became a doctor at a very young age. You must admit that your decision to pursue medicine was primarily due to his efforts. Zayne and his family inspired you, and you wanted to one day stand by them.
So, starting in the tenth grade, you focused on studying medicine-related subjects. Fortunately, Zayne agreed to become your tutor. He studied with you for hours after school. There was just one month remaining until you could reap the fruits of your efforts. But the closer the exam date got, the more nervous you became and the longer the hours Zayne stayed at your house.
Doctor Zayne arrived at your house as soon as he finished his duties that day. After a light supper prepared by Grandma, he and you spent hours reviewing. You would occasionally stop for treats. Sweets kept you awake. Even though Zayne warned you that you would get cavities, he enjoyed these sweets too and shared them with you.
It was past midnight and you were quite sleepy. But Zayne would not let you rest until you finished solving all these exercises. You reflected about it and were unable to figure out what went wrong. Obviously, you followed his directions. You scratched your head for a moment before realizing where the problem was.
“Doctor Zayne! It's not because I was careless that I made a mistake here. It's because your handwriting is so hard to read!” 
Zayne's eyes widened as he looked at your notebook where he had written the solution to the assignment on it. He seemed offended. 
“Are you making excuses for your mistakes again?”
“No! Clearly this word..." You pushed the notebook close to his face. “Here! I'm not sure what these words are anymore… Are those helminths?”
Zayne grabbed your wrist to pull the notebook out. His brow furrowed when he looked at you. 
“Will they teach me how to read a doctor's handwriting in medical school?”
Zayne lightly tapped your forehead. 
"You should focus on your studying and yet, you keep thinking nonsense." Zayne said. He then took the notebook and crossed out the notes with a pen. After that, he meticulously wrote down each new word. “Is this easier to read now?”
“Sure.” Zayne returned the notebook to you, which you gladly accepted. “While I study hard, shouldn't Doctor Zayne also brush up on his handwriting?”
“You should worry about yourself first.” 
Despite his apparent displeasure at having his handwriting ridiculed, Zayne meticulously rewrote each line of previous notes for you. While working on your assignment, you secretly looked at him and smiled to yourself.
Doctor Zayne was so concentrated on what he was doing that he failed to notice his little student had fallen asleep on the desk. He gently shook your shoulders awake. But you brushed his hand away while dreaming.
“Helminths… Go away…”
Zayne grinned slightly. Perhaps all you needed was a good night's sleep to refuel your spirit. You had been studying really hard, not only in the last few days, but for many years. He believed you to pass the exam for the school you sought and become his colleague.
Gently, Zayne lifted you into his arms. He put you on the bed and helped you cover yourself with the blanket. You turned slightly but did not wake up completely. He remained on the side of the bed, watching you for a little longer. His fingers softly pulled away the strand of hair that was obscuring your face.
You once made a bet that if you could get into medical school, Zayne would date you. Even though he did not answer you at that time, he had been waiting for your great news. Before leaving, Zayne leaned down, gently kissed your forehead and whispered:
“Sleep well. I'm still waiting for the day you win the bet."
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kenjo-arts · 11 months
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I am opening comissions!
Hello everyone, I’m re-opening commissions because I recently moved into my first apartment and my cat got immediately sick so money has gotten a bit tight. So if you’ve ever been interested in having me draw something for you, now is the time! :D 
more info and commission examples under the cut!
If you’re interested you can contact me through DMs to commission me or ask further questions! sending asks for questions is good too! 
Thank you for being interested in my commissions! Before sending your commission request please look at my guidelines and know that by commissioning me you agree to them:
Terms of service
Commissioner can re-upload the image with credits.
The art is for personal use and cannot be used commercially, claimed as your own work, fed into an AI learning software, or turned into an NFT. 
I reserve the right to post the commission on social media (you can ask to be tagged or remain anonymous) or use the finished art in my portfolio.
The estimated completion time is roughly 1-4 weeks. 
Commissions are first come first serve. If you need a commission done quickly or by a certain deadline, let me know and I’ll let you know if I can get it done in time.
Large revisions that add a lot of time to the commission work will up the price. (redoing finished sketch from scratch, changing up large details in the rendering stage)
Price can be upped depending on the complexity of the drawing. 
The commission will be sent to you via Email
I have a right to refuse any commission.
Done by PayPal. 
Payment before I start working. I will send you an invoice before I start working
I don’t allow full refunds because PayPal takes a cut of what I’m paid. 
The item is a digital image
What I do/don’t:
I do
Original characters
Light gore
I don’t
Real people
Heavy gore
Detailed backgrounds
Things that will make the process easier:
Good references of details. 
Reference pictures if you have any
Stickman drawings of your idea/or pose. 
Descriptions of what you envision. 
If you have any specific way I've drawn before you like the look of, let me know, though I cannot promise to be able to replicate the look 1 for 1
General process:
Once I’ve accepted your commission and am ready to start drawing is when I’ll request the payment. once I have the payment I’ll start drawing. 
I’ll send the sketches for revisions, and for the flat colours+ updates if it is a longer process.
Once these things are to your liking I’ll finish the commission and send it to you. You can request a couple of changes to the finished art within 24 hours of my completing it.
Prices: (is in US dollars)
Sketch flat colours : 
Full body: 35 $
Half body: 30 $
Headshot: 20 $
Lineart colours : 
Full body: 50 $
Half body: 40 $
Headshot: 35 $
Rendered :
Fullbody: 120 $
Half body: 100 $
Headshot: 80 $
Extra character : +70%
Comic flat colours : 
Per pannel (2 characters): 20$
Extra character (per pannel the extra characters is in, not overall): 40%
Comic commissions will have a simple background like in the examples
commission examples (one is cropped due to the commissioner's wishes to remain anonymous)
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ravenstargames · 7 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #9 | 02.29.24
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What is this?! Two devlogs in one month?! More likely than you think! This February has been very productive for me and the team, so let's dive right into it!
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Ooooh boy, Raquel keeps knocking it out of the park! She managed to get done every expression for every LI, and I coded them all! Now we have our wonderful characters ready for their debut. We have been using the wonderful Image Tools for Ren'py made by the talented and hard-working Feniks, whose tutorials and resources save a lot of dev's lives every day! This tool has made everything a bit easier for newbies like me, hehe.
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Here's a taste of our edgelord's expressions! 💜 They're kind of a cutie when they put some effort into it!
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We also had our second valentine's day celebration art piece thanks to Kayden! Sadly with the reworked version of the demo, you won't meet Vycar yet, so we thought we could ask for his forgiveness by giving him a beautiful bouquet and reminding him how much of a sweetheart he is! 💜
Also, Raeya got a hair update!
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So, we weren't completely satisfied with the way we portrayed Raeya's hair, so this has been a rework we were sure we wanted to make. At first we were just going to render it again, but we ended up working on it from scratch to better represent what we envisioned for her. We hope you like it as much as we do! ; v ;💜
As always, we are open to any critique or advice; we are white people who have the luck to be able to ask POC friends for their advice as we work, but the more the merrier! Don't hesitate to send us your opinion to our ask box or even our email, [email protected]!
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When it comes to the background department, we have been making great progress thanks to Airyn, who is honestly leaving us with our mouths hanging open every time! Thanks to her, another background has been finished and another one is in the making, leaving only two backgrounds to be revised and approved!
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I personally can't stop looking at this WIP! She understood perfectly what we wanted to portray just by looking at an old WIP we had, and this is what we have so far—and it's already amazing!
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Allie has been OBLITERATING the script. As of today, I think we have almost gone through everything that needed to be corrected and discussing, and lord if the script doesn't look a 100% better after we put it in Allie's hands. The way she writes, the way she understands everything I want to say even when sometimes I don't even know myself—what a talented, inspiring and amazing writer they are. I know I may sound annoying at this point singing her praises endlessly, but if the script is in the state where it is now, it's thanks to her!
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My programming adventure of the month has been a success, if I say so myself! I've coded the characters with aaaaall their layers, their expressions, the blinking animations, made some videos, and started coding the script. Step by step as they say; I've coded 18 pages, and there's, uh...142 more to go. Haha! *sobs*
BUT WE ARE GETTING THERE! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I can finally click 'new game' and read the script and see the stuff going on! YAY!
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Some extras of the month—we are preparing a Casting Call to choose the voice acting talent that will hopefully give voice to our characters. The demo won't be fully voiced (it's impossible with the funds we have, which are...zero), but if we are lucky we'll use some of our personal savings to pay for at least a few lines for each character so you can get an idea of how they'll sound if we get funded! Raquel is preparing an art piece for the announcement, and I'm getting the document ready and asking fellow VA friends for advice :3.
Also, we have a new member here at Ravenstar Games! Some weeks ago Astro and I formally adopted our first kitty, 8 month old Riki, fulfilling one of our dreams. We got him from a feline association that works with volunteers and fosters cats who have been abandoned, cats they find on the street, and so on. Riki has been living with me since January, and he's a happy, long big boy who loves playing, cuddles, and sitting on my desk while I try to work!
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Say hi to the Ravenstar family, Riki! 💜
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A productive month full of accomplished milestones, excitement and new challenges! The team has worked so hard, and I've done my part too! We still don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but we have done a lot of stuff we were sure we wouldn't finish yet, and look at that! We are doing so well!
As you can probably tell, my batteries are starting to run low, so I'm going to leave this devlog here. Thank you all like always for cheering us on, for being here in this journey with us, and for all the love you send our way. Let's hope March is as amazing as February has been, for us and for all of you! 💜
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nmn-yty · 5 months
— ๋࣭ ⭑࿐ spring basking 。o♡⋆˚。⋆.
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pairing: park sungho x reader
summary: taking care of your needy kitty sungho
tags: 「SFW! fluff! | hybrid!sungho | park sungho literally the definition of a cat | cute cat cuddles | reader has no gender!」
word count: 0.8k
a/n: more fluff!!! might just write abt all the members at this point (im the best onedoor ever). this is rlly short bc it was just an idea that came into my mind quickly and i didn't want to make it too long. also ive been writing some smut ideas but im not sure if i will release them bc smut is a little controversial from what ive seen around. anyways i hope you enjoy! also i hope writing abt hybrids isn't weird><
+ stylized lowercase, missing punctuation (not done on purpose), and minimal revisions
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he always ran up to the windowsill to bask in the sun when the light shined in. typical for a cat, he's been doing it a lot as the spring season approached. you always had the windows propped open slightly to let some fresh air in. the breeze would ruffle sungho's long brown fur while he dozed off to the birds chirping in the distance.
you walk downstairs to find him there by the window. today was extra sunny so the rays shined down on him vibrantly. his fur was almost a bright orange from the light.
"lazy kitty." you sat on the empty space next to him. his small cat body was moving up and down at a slow pace, he always seems to sleep in the sun.
you reached out to pet his back. his body twitched slightly but he was still fast asleep. you kept petting him and you could start to hear small purrs coming from him, he was waking up. one tiny movement from his head and he realized you were finally beside him. he stands up quickly and jumps into your lap.
you flinched in fear, in a second he turned into his hybrid form, his cat ears spawned out from his hair to twitch and touch your stomach. his head now rests in your lap while he has one leg perched up on the sill and one hanging off. his tail sways slowly, the tip curling from time to time.
"i told you not to do that!" you lightly scolded him. he couldn't help but transform in your presence. it's always better for the both of you to talk this way. you also got to feel like the cat when he transforms, as he engulfs your body whenever you two hug. you found it quite interesting that there was a little power imbalance in your relationship. whenever sungho is in his cat form, he can't fully express how he feels. he's limited to being a cute cozy cat, but any reciprocation at any form makes the both of you happy.
"sorry," he chuckled between syllables. he couldn't help but stare up at your face. he was begging to get more pets from you. he balled up his fists and moved them next to his cheeks, imitating paws. while in his hybrid form he loves to make you flustered at any moment. he wiggles his ear more closely to your stomach. his eyes are glowing, his pupils dilated. youve been down this road before, and you already knew not to resist. you pet his head gently, swiping his bangs to get a full view of his face. you start to play with his cat ears, scratching behind them making sungho start to purr again.
he shuts his eyes and flashes his contagious smile, "i really love spring when im with you."
you couldn't help but lean down and give him a quick kiss on his forehead. his tail started to sway happily. you loved when sungho could tell you how he's feeling. he sometimes hid away while being in his cat form. moments like these where you can make him happy were the ones you looked forward to the most.
"so you dont love me during the other seasons?" you felt a bit offended. spring can be a bit harsh at times, but each season has its pros and cons.
"no i do!" he sounded panicked at first, "i just love when i can feel the sun against my fur again, and when you sneak up on me while im sleeping."
"i love it too, i know spring is finally here when i catch you being lazy by our window."
that word made him narrow his eyes.
"youre mean," he said in a sulky tone. he got up from your lap and jumped off the sill, turning back into a cat in a flash. he quickly ran through the house up the stairs.
"hey, slow down! im sorry! come back i was just kidding!" chasing after a cat that was asleep just a few seconds ago seemed like it would be easy. sungho just loves to show off and take the upper hand.
you reached the top of the stairs trying to figure out which room he couldve gone into. your first thought was to check your room, and he didn't do a good job at avoiding you because he was in plain sight, laying on his back on your bed.
"meow!" he was waiting for you to give him attention all of a sudden.
"look who's the mean one now, hiding away in your cat form," you say while rubbing his belly. he shuts his eyes and purrs start to rise out of him again. you just have to wait for him to want to transform again, to know his true thoughts.
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© nmn-yty ★
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therobotmonster · 2 months
Sculpt as Play Feature
While the last several weeks have been very bad for my pain levels and general state, I've lucked out in that the hand pain has been minimal and my brain has decided sculpting is its preferred stim for the moment. So lets hit some previews of stuff I've got in the pipe.
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Turtles of Grayskull Mekanek is... baffling. I mean, what's the reference? Is it some kind of snapping turtle armor? But part of being a toy customizer-enabler is fixing mis-steps by the official companies.
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So I'm making bits to turn Mek-a-Nek into a mutant giraffe like I mis-predicted here, because c'mon!
This sculpt is in-process. I already have a neural-expression version sculpted, so this is the playmates-style variant. One thing I love about playmates' TMNT work (esp in the old days) is the classic assymetrical face sculpt, because especially on characters with long muzzles, it can get you three expressions in one head sculpt depending on how you look at the toy.
I'm going to add the tongue, possibly lolling out the left side of the muzzle, and a lot of other mods I'm sure. The current plan is to offer a pack with several variant heads (basic giraffe, wearing Mek-A-Nek helmet & goggles, and Halfcourt, with neck-extensions and a basketball hoop collar-piece for Halfcourt builds.
Minor variants are pretty easy to implement in 3d sculpts, so if I have a good idea for one I tend to include it as a bonus.
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The Mutant Cringer/Panthor set, for instance, is going to have a bunch of variant options. Here we've got (Cringer/Panthor/TigerMan), BattleCat, TigerClaw/Old Hob (flip left to right), Ninja Cringer (a be-hatted Scratch is likely to follow) and I might do a Dupli-cat/Manx. Of course, since these are basic cat/tiger heads, once colored the options are endless.
On to the Big Stuff:
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The Modular Sky-Sled/Doom Buggy Pack is entering final testing.
The Sky Sled was the most commonly used vehicle of the original series, being basic transport for both sides. As such, it makes sense to me that they would be heavily customized and adapted for individual users. Since 3d printing requires assembling the toy anyway, why not make that part of the fun, and provide options?
The pack includes 1 chassis design, 2 each of side guns, hood gun, control yoke, side panels, thruster assemblies, and removable engines. The initial pack also comes with six gargoyles, and at least 3 control panels.
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This modular system is going to spawn a lot of vehicles and creatures, with cross-compatibility wherever it works for the release. The control panels, for instance, work with the newly revised (and currently in testing) Verminus Rex:
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Who now no longer requires flex filament and has working mandibles that move in unison and numerous sculpt improvements.
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Sprin-Tor (very early in development) takes full advantage of the modular system. Sprin-Tor assembles around a wild-west variant sky-skiff, and you can use the base Skysled chassis (and most of the other parts) with the Sprin-Tor parts to make your own variation, and as other vehicles in the series come out, the options expand with each.
He's even got a jingle.
You like this stuff or my general vibe?
My Cults 3d Store, my Patreon, wishlist of stuff I'll make add-ons for, my paypal.me.
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whenreadingiscool · 1 year
Stardew Valley Sims 4 Generations Challenge
Original challenge by @chellplays, some revisions by @lybeuh
This is a twelve-generation challenge for all of the marriage candidates from concernedape’s Stardew Valley. This challenge is completely base game compatible with optional challenges for dlc. (Updated to at least High School Years EP)
Usual rules apply, meaning no cheats that give you an unfair advantage. Your sims do not have to look or be named after the characters in each generation. Do whatever you like!
Generation 1: Abigail
    You were raised with humble upbringings. Your dad ran a general store, while your mom was best at complaining about your “alternative lifestyle.” You left home looking to start a life free of rules and parents, and with 20 000 simoleons in your pocket, you settled down in a new city.
Traits: music lover, loves outdoors, geek (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: cat lover; snowy escape dlc: adventurous).
Aspiration: the curator.
Career: entertainer (musician branch) or tech guru (esport gamer branch).
Have one “quirky” trait, appearance-wise (e.g., Unnatural hair color).
Obtain at least five points in the videogame skill.
max out the rock-climbing skill.
reach at least level 5 in any musical instrument.
Complete the frog collection.
Snowy Escape dlc: climb the top of the mountain in Mt. Komorebi
Have two best friends and marry one of them.
Befriend a ghost. Alternatively, with the vampires dlc, befriend a vampire.
Cats & dogs dlc: own a cat named David Jr., my first pet stuff dlc: have a rat, hamster, etc. named David.
Have at least two children.
Generation 2: Emily 
    You’re just working at the bar to make ends meet… but your real passion is tailoring. You make your clothes from scratch.
Traits: cheerful, music lover, good (alternatively, get together dlc: dance machine; city living dlc: vegetarian).
Aspiration: freelance botanist.
Career: culinary (mixologist branch) or barista.
Must live in the same house as your sibling.
Make a best friend with a sim who lives in another city/world.
Nifty Knitting dlc: max out the knitting skill.
Nifty Knitting dlc: complete the knitted clothes collection.
Grow your own garden. You like your meals organic.
Decorate your house with clothing racks. You love fashion.
Complete the elements or crystal collection.
Develop max affinity with another sim in both the green and pink bars, have two or more children with them, then “ask just to be friends.” 
Never marry.
Generation 3: Sam
    You are an outgoing, friendly sim who is brimming with youthful energy. You play guitar and drums and want to start a band as soon as you have enough songs together. However, you do have a habit of starting ambitious projects and not finishing them.
Traits: music lover, outgoing, ambitious.
Aspiration: musical genius.
Career: entertainer (musician branch).
Must not be the youngest child. Live with your younger sibling(s) until they are old enough to move out and have a good relationship with them.
Have a strained relationship with your father (if not applicable, with any one parent).
Have a job as a part-time retail employee as a teen.
Max out the guitar skill.
Obtain at least five points in the videogame skill.
Reach the job of the entertainer career.
Become best friends with two other entertainers.
Be married twice and have one child with each spouse.
Generation 4: Sebastian
    You are a rebellious loner who lives in your parents’ basement. You tend to get deeply absorbed in computer games, comic books, and sci-fi novels, and will sometimes spend great lengths of time pursuing these hobbies alone in your room. You can be a bit unfriendly to people you don’t know.
Traits: loner, geek, bookworm (alternatively, high school years dlc: socially awkward).
Aspiration: computer whiz.
Career: tech guru (either branch) or freelance programmer.
Have a negative relationship with your half-sibling and stepparent.
Live in the basement of your parents’ house.
Reach at least level 5 of the videogaming skill.
Reach at least level 5 of the piano skill.
Reach at least level 5 of your career before marriage.
Reach the top of your career.
Only have one child, with whom you have a strained relationship.
Eventually let your relationship with your spouse deteriorate and subsequently get a divorce. 
Generation 5: Penny
    You live with your mom in a little trailer. While your mom is out carousing at the bar, you quietly tend to your chores in the dim, stuffy room you are forced to call home. You are shy and modest, without any grand ambitions for life other than settling in and starting a family. You like to cook (although your skills are questionable) and read books from the local library.
Traits: family-oriented, bookworm, neat.
Aspiration: big happy family (alternatively, parenthood dlc: super parent).
Career: none.
Live with your mother (if not applicable, any one parent), with whom you have a negative relationship.
Both you and your parent may not have jobs.
You must cook for your parent and clean the house every day.
Live in a trailer-esque house. You are by no means wealthy.
Reach at least level 5 of the cooking skill.
Marry the first person you fall in love with.
Your spouse is the only one who may bring in any income, while you are a stay-at-home parent. Earning money from writing, etc. is optional.
Own a luxury pool at some point in your life.
Generation 6: Harvey
    You’re a little old for a bachelor, but you have a kind heart and a respected position in the community. You live in a small apartment but spend most of your time working. There’s a sense of sadness about you.
Traits: genius, foodie, good (alternative, get together dlc: dance machine).
Aspiration: successful lineage.
Career: astronaut (space ranger track) or get to work dlc: doctor.
Never date throughout your teens or young adulthood. Focus on your career instead. Get married only as an adult.
Reach the top level of your career.
Own a coffee machine. Drink coffee as much as possible.
Go jogging at least three times a week.
Set up a reading garden in your backyard.
City living dlc: live in an apartment.
Seasons dlc: be a scout.
Have at least two children. Having spent most of your life single, you want to have a comfortably sized family asap. 
Generation 7: Haley
    Being wealthy and popular throughout high school has made you a little conceited and self-centered. You tend to judge people for superficial reasons. But is it too late for you to discover a deeper meaning to life? Is there a fun, open-minded young person hidden within that shell?
Traits: materialistic, snob, outgoing (alternatively, high school years dlc: self-absorbed).
Aspiration: fabulously wealthy (alternatively, city living dlc: city native).
Career: none until after you’re married.
Become enemies with your sibling(s) as a teenager.
Max out the photography skill.
You may only get a career after you are married, and you must follow the same career path as your spouse. They opened your mind and inspired you to have interests beyond shopping.
Earn at least three points in charisma, so you may donate to online charities after you are married.
Bake a cake for every birthday that comes around.
Grow a flower garden.
Become friends with your sibling(s) again after you are married.
High School Years dlc: be a cheerleader as a teen.
Generation 8: Elliot
   You live alone in a cabin. You are a writer who dreams of one day writing a magnificent novel. You are a sentimental “romantic” with a tendency to go off onto flowery, poetic tangents. When you can afford it, you enjoy a strong beverage at the bar.
Traits: romantic, bookworm, loner.
Aspiration: bestselling author.
Career: writer (author branch).
Live in a cabin-esque house.
Reach the top level of your career.
Max the writing skill.
Reach at least level 5 in the piano skill.
Reach at least level 5 of the cooking skill.
Own a small garden.
Specialize in romance books and poetry. Later, you may also specialize in sci fi or mystery novels.
Write love emails to your love interest at least once a week.
Go to a bar at least once a week.
Generation 9: Leah
    You love to spend time outside, foraging for a wild meal or simply enjoying the gifts of the season. You’re a talented artist with a large portfolio of work… yet you’re too nervous to display it to the public.
Traits: art lover, loves outdoors, foodie.
Aspiration: painter extraordinaire.
Career: none (painter later on).
Reach maximum painting skill, and paint at least 5 masterpieces.
Date only one person in your young adulthood and have a child with them, but never marry. Your partner is unsupportive of your artistic lifestyle and encourages you to “get a real job.” Whether you choose to get a traditional career, that is not as a painter, is up to you.
Eventually marry the love of your life as an adult: someone who is supportive of your art. If you did choose a career, quit, and take up a career as a painter.
Have at least one child with your new spouse.
Harvest wild fruits, vegetables, etc. On weekends.
Grow an excellent apple tree.
City living dlc: attend a flea market and sell your art.
Generation 10: Maru
    You acquired a passion for creating gadgets at a young age. When you aren’t in your room, fiddling with tools and machinery, you sometime do odd jobs at the local hospital.
Traits: ambitious, outgoing, geek.
Aspiration: nerd brain.
Career: astronaut (space ranger branch), or get to work dlc: doctor or scientist, or discover university dlc: engineer (either branch).
Have a negative relationship with your half-sibling.
Reach the top level of your career.
Max out the handiness skill.
Max out the logic skill.
Upgrade at least five objects.
Own a rocket ship.
Your sim’s partner must be friends with your father (if not applicable, with either parent) before you can become engaged.
Eventually, your relationship with your spouse becomes strained and you break up. You die as soon as your eldest child is a young adult.
Get to work dlc: get abducted by aliens.
Generation 11: Alex 
     You love sports. You are quite arrogant and brag to everyone that you are going to be a professional athlete. Is your cockiness just a facade to mask your crushing self-doubt? Are you using your sports dream to fill the void left by the disappearance of your parents? 
Traits: bro, active, mean, self-assured, (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: dog lover), (alternatively, high school years dlc: self-absorbed. 
Aspiration: bodybuilder.
Career: athlete (professional athlete branch).
Become enemies with your father but have had a very close relationship with your mother. 
Begin dating in your teens and go on at least three dates with three different people.
High School Years dlc: join the football team as a teen.
Max out the athletic skill.
Reach the top level of your career.
Do not marry until you are in the later stages of young adulthood. You’re marrying your soulmate, someone who stuck with you despite your arrogance.
Have at least two children with your spouse.
Cats & dogs dlc: own a dog named dusty.
Generation 12: Shane
     You are often rude, unhappy, and suffer from depression and alcohol dependence. However, your attitude starts to change towards your spouse. After work you frequently spend your evenings at the bar. If you could reset your life maybe you’d start a chicken farm. Only free-range eggs of course.
Traits: lazy, gloomy, mean. 
Aspiration: master mixologist, (alternatively, cats & dogs dlc: friend of the animals).
Career: retail worker until after marriage.
Live with your aunt or uncle until you’re married, have a good relationship with said aunt or uncle.
Have a career as a retail worker as a teen.
Go to the bar after work every day.
Get pizza delivered at least once a week.
Only get married as an adult. 
After marriage, quit your job and choose a different career path. You’ve been encouraged by your spouse to give up alcohol.
After marriage, start a garden. 
Have a maximum of two children.
Cats & dogs dlc: adopt a cat and a dog, train the dog in all possible tricks.
Cats & dogs dlc: max out the pet training skill.
Cottage Living dlc: buy a chicken coop, raise chickens, and name one of them Charlie.
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myriadeyed · 8 months
A revision to one of my last posts
List of things I wanted to do after top surgery pre-op: Go swimming in just swim trunks. The euphoria rush of going to Target to buy swim trunks in May. Horrify my transphobic family. Go to work wearing nothing under my shirt. Go about my day wearing nothing under my shirt. Wear a loose tank top. Wear a tight shirt. Not overheat so easily in the summer. Stop fearing for my safety in scenarios where not being visibly trans is crucial. Lay in bed flat on my stomach. Go through TSA. Finally be comfortable in my skin. Get a tattoo. Go to a concert. Lay on the grass on my back with my shirt off. Date without that creeping ever-present sense of gruesome discomfort. Be able to apply my T gel earlier in the day without secluding myself in the bathroom for 45 minutes. Go completely stealth. Go through life with more joy and relief than I was ever capable of before. Work out more.
List of things I want to do after top surgery post-op: Sleep on my side. Scratch my chest. Take a shower. Stand up straight. Take a bowl out of the cabinet. Make my bed. Pick up my cat. Cook a meal.
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theimpossiblescheme · 21 days
Hello i have heard abt ur own fanmade non rep of cats and tbh I LOVE IT LIKE THE SETS AND NUMBERS and also i was wondering on how would you tackle growltiger in the number like what elements are you gonna put?
Not gonna lie to you... I wouldn't. I don't think you can salvage "Growltiger's Last Stand" as it exists right now--it's a racist, orientalist mess that slows the show to a crawl. And I've seen productions try to fix it, but there are way too many issues baked into the song itself. I've seen productions entirely cut the entrance of the Siamese fleet... while including the lines about Growltiger being especially prejudiced against Persian and Siamese cats. I've seen productions make Growltiger and Griddlebone more of a happy couple on equal footing... while engaging in some rather gross Madame Butterfly-esque imagery for Griddlebone and keeping the rest of the Siamese cats as a faceless hoard. I've seen productions change the Siamese fleet to a different group entirely... while keeping the song's original, generalized "Asian" underscore during those parts. At this point, you would have to write a wholly original song that has nothing to do with any of T.S. Eliot's existing work (and I'm only half-joking when I say I'd be okay with that--the less of that man's horrible xenophobia breaches containment, the better).
The route I would take is the same one the Broadway revival and subsequent tours took--give "The Pekes and the Pollicles" (with the revised lyrics, natch) to Gus so he can play the Rumpus Cat and relive his glory days that way. I would, however, cut Gus's personal involvement in the number down to just the introduction and, of course, his appearance as the Rumpus Cat. The rest of the song traditionally belongs to Munkustrap, so I'd want to see more of him in harried stage manager mode, trying to make everyone behave themselves for Gus's sake. There would still be the customary forgetting of lines, messing up blocking, and Tugger causing extra trouble, but in the end it all pulls together as a tribute to Gus.
I know there are a lot of people in the fandom who still latch onto the Growltiger number, but I truly don't believe there's a way to make it not offensive beyond just completely writing a new song about pirate cats. There comes a point during revisions and different directorial choices that you have to realize you're at war with the text itself and you need to divest from that text entirely. And since the show itself has come up with a perfectly serviceable alternative, I think we should embrace it. It's a lot less work changing a few words than rewriting a song from scratch, after all.
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foodandfolklore · 10 months
The Little Red Hen
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I had an random memory pop into my head of my mom reading the Little Red Hen to a group of children. It's weird cause I'm not sure how old I am in this memory. My mom did a lot of volunteer work with our schools and helped out in field trips. I feel very young in this memory since the children around me are so young and I am so enthralled in the story. But the longer I think on it, the more I think this is when I was in my teens or early 20s working with her at a not for profit daycare.
So, with this brain worm going on, I figured I'd share the story of the little red hen. Story was first written in a US Children's Magazine by Mary Mapes Dodge in 1874. It was a short story, meant to communicate the idea that hard work will pay off. A full illustrated book version was published in 1918 by Florence White Williams. Since I wasn't able to find any copies of the story from the Magazine, I'll instead share Williams's version.
A few things about this story stood out to me, where if you look at the time it makes a lot of sense. Most modern versions of this story don't have the Little Red Hen have any chicks to look after, but in this version she does. And the mother hen struggles with the balance of looking after her chicks and making her bread. Even pointing how how the chicks feel neglected.
But the Mother Hen is not shamed by the author for it in the story. This story came out right after a massive war. Millions of people had died. Husbands and fathers were not all returning and Mothers were left to figure out how to be the new breadwinner. I think the author felt a great amount of empathy for these families, and had the opinion that communities should work together to help.
There have been lots of revisions and story tweaks over time, based on what the time period and culture expects from workers. For example, there was a version made in the 70s where the Hen was forced to share her bread with the lazy animals who did not help to make it. Soon, she lost the incentive to work and poverty hit the farm. It was written with an anti communism mindset.
Wheat Bread have good grounding properties, as well Kinship, Abundance and Prosperity. The breaking and sharing of bread is an action that invokes Peace and Friendship.
The Little Red Hen
A Little Red Hen lived in a barnyard. She spent almost all of her time walking about the barnyard in her picketty-pecketty fashion, scratching everywhere for worms.
She dearly loved fat, delicious worms and felt they were absolutely necessary to the health of her children. As often as she found a worm she would call “Chuck-chuck-chuck!” to her chickies.
When they were gathered about her, she would distribute choice morsels of her tid-bit. A busy little body was she!
A cat usually napped lazily in the barn door, not even bothering herself to scare the rat who ran here and there as he pleased.
And as for the pig who lived in the sty—he did not care what happened so long as he could eat and grow fat.
One day the Little Red Hen found a Seed. It was a Wheat Seed, but the Little Red Hen was so accustomed to bugs and worms that she supposed this to be some new and perhaps very delicious kind of meat. She bit it gently and found that it resembled a worm in no way whatsoever as to taste although because it was long and slender, a Little Red Hen might easily be fooled by its appearance.
Carrying it about, she made many inquiries as to what it might be. She found it was a Wheat Seed and that, if planted, it would grow up and when ripe it could be made into flour and then into bread.
When she discovered that, she knew it ought to be planted. She was so busy hunting food for herself and her family that, naturally, she thought she ought not to take time to plant it.
So she thought of the Pig—upon whom time must hang heavily and of the Cat who had nothing to do, and of the great fat Rat with his idle hours, and she called loudly:
“Who will plant the Seed?”
But the Pig said, “Not I,” and the Cat said, “Not I,” and the Rat said, “Not I.”
“Well, then,” said the Little Red Hen, “I will.” And she did.
Then she went on with her daily duties through the long summer days, scratching for worms and feeding her chicks, while the Pig grew fat, and the Cat grew fat, and the Rat grew fat, and the Wheat grew tall and ready for harvest.
So one day the Little Red Hen chanced to notice how large the Wheat was and that the grain was ripe, so she ran about calling briskly: “Who will cut the Wheat?” The Pig said, “Not I,” the Cat said, “Not I,” and the Rat said, “Not I.” “Well, then,” said the Little Red Hen, “I will.” And she did.
She got the sickle from among the farmer's tools in the barn and proceeded to cut off all of the big plant of Wheat.
On the ground lay the nicely cut Wheat, ready to be gathered and threshed, but the newest and yellowest and downiest of Mrs. Hen's chicks set up a “peep-peep-peeping” in their most vigorous fashion, proclaiming to the world at large, but most particularly to their mother, that she was neglecting them.
Poor Little Red Hen! She felt quite bewildered and hardly knew where to turn.
Her attention was sorely divided between her duty to her children and her duty to the Wheat, for which she felt responsible.
So, again, in a very hopeful tone, she called out, “Who will thresh the Wheat?”
But the Pig, with a grunt, said, “Not I,” and the Cat, with a meow, said, “Not I,” and the Rat, with a squeak, said, “Not I.”
So the Little Red Hen, looking, it must be admitted, rather discouraged, said, “Well, I will, then.”
And she did.
Of course, she had to feed her babies first, though, and when she had gotten them all to sleep for their afternoon nap, she went out and threshed the Wheat. Then she called out: “Who will carry the Wheat to the mill to be ground?”
Turning their backs with snippy glee, that Pig said, “Not I,” and that Cat said, “Not I,” and that Rat said, “Not I.”
So the good Little Red Hen could do nothing but say, “I will then.” And she did.
Carrying the sack of Wheat, she trudged off to the distant mill. There she ordered the Wheat ground into beautiful white flour. When the miller brought her the flour she walked slowly back all the way to her own barnyard in her own picketty-pecketty fashion.
She even managed, in spite of her load, to catch a nice juicy worm now and then and had one left for the babies when she reached them. Those cunning little fluff-balls were so glad to see their mother. For the first time, they really appreciated her.
After this really strenuous day Mrs. Hen retired to her slumbers earlier than usual—indeed, before the colors came into the sky to herald the setting of the sun, her usual bedtime hour.
She would have liked to sleep late in the morning, but her chicks, joining in the morning chorus of the hen yard, drove away all hopes of such a luxury.
Even as she sleepily half opened one eye, the thought came to her that to-day that Wheat must, somehow, be made into bread.
She was not in the habit of making bread, although, of course, anyone can make it if he or she follows the recipe with care, and she knew perfectly well that she could do it if necessary.
So after her children were fed and made sweet and fresh for the day, she hunted up the Pig, the Cat and the Rat.
Still confident that they would surely help her some day she sang out, “Who will make the bread?”
Alas for the Little Red Hen! Once more her hopes were dashed! For the Pig said, “Not I,” the Cat said, “Not I,” and the Rat said, “Not I.”
So the Little Red Hen said once more, “I will then,” and she did.
Feeling that she might have known all the time that she would have to do it all herself, she went and put on a fresh apron and spotless cook's cap. First of all she set the dough, as was proper. When it was time she brought out the moulding board and the baking tins, moulded the bread, divided it into loaves, and put them into the oven to bake. All the while the Cat sat lazily by, giggling and chuckling.
And close at hand the vain Rat powdered his nose and admired himself in a mirror. In the distance could be heard the long-drawn snores of the dozing Pig.
At last the great moment arrived. A delicious odor was wafted upon the autumn breeze. Everywhere the barnyard citizens sniffed the air with delight.
The Red Hen ambled in her picketty-pecketty way toward the source of all this excitement.
Although she appeared to be perfectly calm, in reality she could only with difficulty restrain an impulse to dance and sing, for had she not done all the work on this wonderful bread?
Small wonder that she was the most excited person in the barnyard!
She did not know whether the bread would be fit to eat, but—joy of joys!—when the lovely brown loaves came out of the oven, they were done to perfection.
Then, probably because she had acquired the habit, the Red Hen called:
“Who will eat the Bread?”
All the animals in the barnyard were watching hungrily and smacking their lips in anticipation, and
the Pig said, “I will,” the Cat said, “I will,” the Rat said, “I will.”
But the Little Red Hen said, “No, you won't. I will.”
And she did.
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kings-evil · 2 years
Opening up 4 3D commissions
Sort of emergency? I really gotta get cat food and vittles. Emphasis on cat food lol. Running low on bikkies.
These will be vertex painted, unmapped and decimated. If you dont know what those words mean, dont worry about it, it will not effect the quality or aesthetic of the sculpt. Cost: $50. Unless you get two, then I’ll drop it to $90 for both. Will do: Anthro Fantasy human elves Will not do: Robots/mechy types Anything that isnt a humanoid bust (do not ask me to make a gun or armor etc for you) Copywritten characters/characters in the style of distinct franchises (dont ask me to do Bakugo or Akira Toriyama style) NOTE: You must come in clutch with a lot of references. Unless you already have had art made of your character, that is. Direct 1:1 reference is king. ONE revision is allowed for free, any further will require a $10 fee.If you want to hand me the reigns to design your character from description that will be an additional $25 (because I have to sketch them and shift to a more complex workflow, etcetera.)
 All of my busts are sculpted in zbrush starting with a sphere meaning I’m not working on top of base meshes or past completed work. I do these all from “scratch”, so to speak.
You will receive: High quality renders An angle reference sheet A turntable video The 3d file (in FBX and OBJ format)
And, if you’d like a 16 bit style render sized to use as an avatar/icon.
Payment via paypal invoice only! DM me or contact [email protected]
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sikyurame · 1 year
🌧️ or 🤒 with gypad for the drabble game please?
Lucky day for you Ned, wrote this at midnight and I have not revised it lol
Sorry not sorry
“Achoo!” Launchpad sneezed as he huddled further into the blanket, “Sheesh, who’da thought it would start pouring cats and dogs out there…”
Gyro snorted as he pulled out another blanket from the storage closet, “I told you to bring your guys’ raincoats before going outside.”
“…You did?”
“Yes Launch, I did.”
“Oh, oops.”
Gyro gave an amused snort before he made his way toward Zepplin, who shivered in his seat. Once he was next to him, Gyro opened the second blanket and quickly wrapped it around his son.
“There,” Gyro said to himself as he managed to cover Zepp underneath the cloth, “Now it won’t be as cold.”
“Thanks Dad. I’m still f-freezing though,” Zepp said as he tried to bury himself deeper into the cocoon.
Gyro frowned, “Sorry sport, I’ll see if I can make some soup to warm up your body.”
Zepp’s face lit up at the mention of soup, “Ooh! The one with the noodles please!”
“Alright, alright. I’ll make that one then,” Gyro chuckled as he scratched his son’s head feathers.
At that second, both of them heard another loud sneeze and then a thud on the floor. Turning around, Gyro found Launchpad face first on the living room carpet.
“…You okay Launch?”
“Peachy keen,” came the duck’s muffled reply, “Uh…mind making that soup for two instead of one, Gy?”
Gyro snorted as he walked over to help his husband get back up on the couch.
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dyrewrites · 9 months
Pale Blood (revised) - monsters but not-yet-boyfriends dealing with feelings
Ron caught Delmas midway up the bloodbank’s stairs.
With stiff lips and  low eyes, he shoved an unbroken bag of blood—and a muffin from a cupboard in the breakroom he’d have to apologize to Odea about later—into his hands.  And though it was not something he had ever done unprompted before, he hugged him. Tight and quick Ron hugged him, but Delmas caught him before he could retreat and returned it tighter, refusing to let go until he tapped his back.
With a sad smile, Ron patted him on the chest, still silent and turned back to the hall that would take him into the lab—and the cat that yowled for its seat—walking at a slower pace than he’d arrived.
Delmas watched, until he could no longer see his shadow darkening the happy bats along the walls, before he continued up the rest of the stairs.
In reception, the last drops of rain through the mist it brought stopped him. Staring through the flickering lights, out into the wet gloom, Delmas wondered of the embrace and the silence—two things Ron was not known for. But the young voice that spoke through his netlink, that spoke Den’s worry with warbling cheer, rose in memory to drown all else.
Ron’s fine, he told the confused prickling on his skin, he’s always fine, and he has that—that…He couldn’t recall the name of the witch downstairs—the one he’d spent most of his day beside—and, when he tried again, her face wisped as well.
But she didn’t matter.
Den mattered.
He was in danger and Delmas had promised to come running if he called and so he drained every drop of blood from the gifted bag, set the empty on the counter and turned to face the misty evening—with half a muffin in his face.
Stepping through the sliding glass doors, as he had countless times before, he left Ron to languish in the backrooms—as he had…countless times before.
Delmas splashed through puddles and cracked sidewalk screens, rushing as fast as his blood and feet would allow—unheard beyond the crackle of his footfalls. Yet, as eager as he was to meet Den again, to hold him safe and whole in his arms, worry whispered, Will it be him?
Wolves varied in how well they controlled their beasts and Delmas knew of those who remained themselves, who kept a vice grip, but those were not the ones that filled his mind. What filled him then, jittering too rough beneath his skin, were the wolves he’d taken home too close to halfnight. The ones that insisted they were stronger, that they could keep its rage—its lust—growling but compliant. He shivered, stuttering in his mad dash through the slums, well aware it was not the chill creeping through his coat but the memories raking his nerves.
And, rushing under a bridge, he fought for breath as that fear threatened to steal it away. As the street he sped along jolted up into a mountain of asphalt and neon, bordered by towering walls of glass and metal, they begged with bright flashes for his attention.
While he begged his fears to settle, it’ll be Den, he assured them, it’ll be him…it will. But the mantra did nothing to soothe the dread gnawing in his belly as he drew ever closer to his apartment, his home, and the beast he invited to it.
Directions flashed, scrolling in projected light in front of Den’s eye, but he didn’t need them. Outside the miasma of the underground, even the smog-choked air was a welcome scent, spiced with recent rains. It was a known scent, comfortable, familiar, but not what he sought.
Huffing the smog and rain from his snout, he searched for another, a warm earthy scent that sparked with the magic of the Wylds.
He won’t want what you’ve become, his beast growled, scratching at the cage he’d made for it; walled in with the disgust and shame of his mother’s lustful howl.
But Den knew better. I am what he wants, he told his beast as surely as he told himself, no matter the form I take.
That certainty he chased, keeping himself hidden in dark alleys and on the rickety bridges of fire escapes. He hid not for fear of exposing his beast, but because the shift took his clothes and, while the populace was perfectly comfortable with shifted wolves wandering the streets in the gloom of halfnight, they were less accustomed to them doing so naked.
Minara screamed laughter with each terrified leap into the shadows as footsteps sounded on the screens or the LEDs of the streetlamps flashed with oncoming traffic. Although delight in her brother’s shocked and frightened gasps tugged mercilessly, she had other interests begging harder for her attention. The voice on the netlink, so worried and sweet, had been a male voice. One her brother named by the lyric of a love song—a common misconception to all who failed to catch the lyrics at the end of it—and the potential embarrassment was too delicious not to poke at.
“Is he cute?” She asked, squeaking as they leapt from fire escape to fire escape.
Den didn’t answer, his beast was laughing and he could hear nothing else.
“Mori?” Minara tried again, tugging harder on her brother’s ears, “is your boyfriend cute? He sounded cute.”
You think I meant your flesh and fur? Den’s beast asked with a wave of burning shame, No, you are no monster haunting the shadows. You are nothing to fear, just a wretched little thing. Look how you hide, how you squirm on these weak grates. Afraid of being seen, of being known, and you think he can want that? You think he waits for a wet sack of tears?
Shuddering against the laughter swelling in his mind, a laughter both his and not, Den fought for purchase in the scrape of his claws on metal siding. Continuing, higher up the building, shimmying around open windows and hung décor he found another set of stairs and grating to climb—another distraction to hold.
“Tell me about Mister Morning Fire,” Minara whined, yanking fur.
But the beast was not done with Den. Its laughter drowned all else, raking against his skull like so many claws, and he bled with a bite to his lip. Clinging to the pain of it, he held it through greater laughter as he leapt to another building, another grate.
“Do you love him?” Minara asked, in that simple, honest way that only children could.
Den heard her then. Her question stabbed through the growling laughter of his beast, through its insistence of his weakness and frailty. Singing to him, warming him, bubbling in his gut in a way no fears ever could and he froze. On a grate of rusted metal, beside the frightened flaps of nesting birds, Den considered his sister’s question.
And then he answered, as simply as she’d asked, “I do.”
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