#songs of diversár
songsofdiversar · 5 years
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Another protagonist of my upcoming comic, Cat Scratch. Bold, brash and quite loud, Scratch is a DJ who likes nothing more than a crowded, rowdy room to go crazy with. She's an excellent song writer - but she has a horrid singing voice.
This doesn't really stop her from singing, though. Especially when she wants to tease someone.
You may have seen her before on this blog, so you can be acquainted with her already. She’s much more in depth and had a wee bit of an adjustment :)
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songsofdiversar · 5 years
Don’t panic! It’s still me! I’m still CookieMod! Well... sort of.
The changes I mentioned here are in motion. Everything I’ve made so far is temporary, and I will change it up as I go. Please bare with me as I start things. Mental illness makes everything so sluggish and impossible to jump over, it’s mental. (hehe, pun)
Oh well! I’m trying my best. Stay tuned for more stuff.
While I’m at it, why don’t I reintroduce myself!
My IRL name is Robyn, but I go by Synzaphine/Syn most of the time. You may address me as Syn/Synny, Mod Syn/Synny. SynnyMod, Synnybuns, and Synnamon Roll are also valid! You can find my text posts under Synny Mod, SynnyMod, text, and text post hashtags :>
My pronouns are she/her and they/them, though I wont mind if you use he/him, either. I’m 31 years old, and currently live in [REDACTED], with my fiancé/soon to be husband.
Songs of Diversár is a story I’ve been actively developing since high school/when I was around 14-15 years old and it started with merging my first OC’s universe with a newer universe and it kept snowballing. I was too nervous(and still am) with sharing what I’ve made save for my closest friends, but now it’s time for it to be out there. Maybe you’ll enjoy your time in it, as much as I enjoyed making it.
And now, a fair warning.
Songs of Diversár is NOT made to be a story for a younger audience. It will touch into heavy subjects - sometimes not blatantly, but rather hinting at - such as mental health, violence, war, and the outcome of all mental and physical abuse. Don’t worry, though - they will not be graphic. It won’t have a clear image. It will be, however, visible between the lines. Please, please stay safe.
If you have any inquiries regarding anything, concerns, feel free to send me an ask.
Oh! Before I leave - if anyone out here is good with adding sections to the tumblr header with this theme - give me a nudge. I need to add a Characters section :)
Thank you, and have a nice day/night!
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